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<h3>I need a symbol that <I>Math</I> does not provide. What can I do?</h3>
<P STYLE="font-style: normal">If you have a font containing the
symbol you can define a userdefined symbol.</P>
<P STYLE="font-style: normal">Follow these steps:</P>
<LI>Open the Symbols dialog (<B>Tools-Catalog...</B>).
<LI>Click <b>'Edit'</b>.
<LI>Type a name for the new symbol in the combobox <B>'Symbol'</B>.
<LI>Type a new name or select
an existing name in the combobox <B>'Symbol set</B>. This is the
symbol set you want your symbol to appear in.
<LI>Select the font in the listbox <B>'Font'</B>, for example the
OpenSysbol font.
<LI>Select the formatting (normal, bold, bold-italic or italic)
in the listbox <B>'Typeface'</B>.
<LI>Click on the symbol in the table.
<LI>Click <b>'Add'</b> to add your symbol.
<P>You can now use your symbol like any other symbol by selecting it
in the Symbols dialog or entering<KBD> %thenameofthesymbol </KBD>directly.</P>
<p>StarMath Truetype font set can be found on the web via one of the search engines. Prevenance is unknown but it is useful.</p>
<P>If you don't have the symbol try looking in the StarMath font
first; it contains about 25 additional symbols.</P>
<P>Another source of symbols is the so-called AMS fonts of the
American Mathematical society.</P>
<P>You can download these in Postscript type 1 format from
<A HREF=""></A>.</P>
<P>If you use Microsoft Windows you might prefer to download the
unofficial BaKoMa Truetype versions from
<A HREF=""></A>.</P>
<P>Refer to the documentation distributed with the fonts for
conditions of use.</P>
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