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<h3>How do I change the color of a subformula?</h3>
<P>You can use the color command as follows:</P>
<LI><KBD>color red ABC </KBD>typesets <FONT COLOR="#ff0000">ABC</FONT>.
<P>There are eight different colors to choose from:</P>
<LI><KBD>white</KBD>, <KBD>black</KBD>, <KBD>cyan</KBD>, <KBD>magenta</KBD>,
<KBD>red</KBD>, <KBD>blue</KBD>, <KBD>green</KBD>, <KBD>yellow</KBD>.
<P>You can apply a color to an entire subformula if you group it with
{ } or other brackets. Example:</P>
<LI>Enter<KBD> A B color green {C D} E </KBD>to typeset AB<FONT COLOR="#00ff00">CD</FONT>E.
<P>When several colors are applied, the innermost takes precedence as
shown in this example:</P>
<LI>Enter<KBD> color blue {A B color yellow C D} </KBD>to get
<FONT COLOR="#0000ff">AB<FONT COLOR="#ffff00">C</FONT>D</FONT>.
<P>You cannot select the background color; a <I>Math</I> formula is
always transparent. This means that it inherits the background color
from the document (for example a writer document) it is contained in.</P>
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