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<meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<h2 align="center">&nbsp;</h2>
<h2 align="center">&nbsp;</h2>
<h2 align="center"><B>How to Protect a Sheet or a Cell</B></h2>
<P align="center">&nbsp;</P>
<h5 align=CENTER><i>provided by</i></h5>
<h5 align=CENTER><i>the Documentation Project</i></h5>
<P align="center">&nbsp;</P>
<B>Table of Contents</B></h3>
<LI><a href="#1">Protection of a Sheet</a>
<LI><A HREF="#2">Protection of a cell </A>
<LI><A HREF="#3">Credits</A>
<h3><A NAME="1"></A><B>1. Protection of a Sheet</B></h3>
<P>To write-protect all of the cells of a sheet, you have to do the following:</P>
<LI>Select <b>Tools-Protect Document</b> from the Menu Bar,
<LI>if you choose <B>Sheet...</B>, only your current sheet will be protected from
<LI>If you choose <B>Document...</B>, your whole document (workbook) will be protected.
<P>You are not obliged to enter a password, you can simply click on the <B>OK</B>
button to close the dialog window without typing anything. However, if you choose
a password, it will be requested every time you wish to modify the cells
or the sheet.</P>
<P>To eliminate the protection, choose <b>Tools-Protect Document</b> again and
deselect the <b>Sheet...</b> or <b>Document...</b> option, eventually typing
the password you have set, when requested.</P>
<h3><A NAME="2"></A><B>2. Protection of a cell or of a cells group inside a document</B></h3>
<LI>Select a range or all the cells of your sheet, with <B>CTRL+A</B> or by clicking
the gray rectangle between the rows and columns headings,
<LI>In the <B>Format</B> menu, select <B>Cell</B> and from the dialog window
that will appear, switch to the<B> Cell Protection </B>tab<B>,</B>
<LI>Deselect the check box called <b>Protected</b> (the cells are protected
by default),
<LI>Then select the cells you wish to protect,
<LI>From the Menu bar choose <b>Tools</b>-<B>Protection-Sheet...</B>,
<LI>By choosing <B>Format -Cell</B> and by checking the <B>Protected</B> check
box again, it will protect the selected cells.
<h3><A NAME="3"></A><B>3. Credits</B></h3>
<p><b>Author</b>: Sophie Gautier</p>
<p><b>Translation</b>: Gianluca Turconi</p>
<p><b>Thanks to</b>: Richard Holt, proofreader and OOo contributor</p>
<p><b>Integration by</b>: Gianluca Turconi</p>
<p><b>Last modified</b>: 24 February, 2002</p>
<p><b>Contacts</b>: <span style="font-weight: medium"> Documentation
Project </span><a href=""><span></span></a></p>