blob: 83cfa64f36d48a93e2ed63c5034c4624cd64e2e9 [file] [log] [blame]
<h1> 2.1.0 Software Development Kit (SDK)</h1>
<p><a href="http:///">download</a></p>
<p>The SDK is an add-on for the office suite. It provides the necessary tools and documentation for programming the APIs and creating own extensions (UNO components) for</p>
<h2>What's new in 2.1.0 SDK?</h2>
We have introduced 13 new UNO IDL types. Please see <a href="#newapis">"Overview of new API's"</a> for a roughly overview of new API's.<br>
<li> 2 new examples</i><br>
With this version of the SDK we provide two new examples showing some of the latest new features. One is an example showing how to use the simple license feature for extensions, see &lt;sdk&gt;/examples/DevelopersGuide/components/SimpleLicense. The second one is a new C++ example for complex toolbars, see &lt;sdk&gt;/examples/cpp/comlpextoolbarcontrols. Both examples are worth to try it out!
<h2><a name="newapis"><h2>Overview of new or removed API's</h2>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>exception : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>constants : <a href=""></a>
<li>constants : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>
<li>interface : <a href=""></a>