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<title>2.0 m176 Snapshot - Release Notes</title>
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Snapshot - Release
These notes contains
changes between 680_m175 and&nbsp; 680_m176.<br>
This release will install as OOo-Dev2.0.<br>
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m176.<br>
new ?</h2>
<table bgcolor="#ffffff" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<thead><tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<th>Feature title
Spec. title
Spec. abstract
Dev. owner
Spec. link
queries in queries
Queries in Queries
Database queries are an essential feature of any database management
system to provide the user with the possibility to customize the view
to her data. A database query assembles, filters, and sorts information
spread over multiple tables of the relational database.
<a href=""></a>
Mouse pointer automaticly hides on idle during slideshow
<td><a href="">
<font color="red"></font>
<font color="red"></font>
<a href=""></a>
New spreadsheet function "INFO"
INFO Spreadsheet Function
<td>The spreadsheet function INFO can be used to get information
the current working environment. The function will be added to increase
compatibility with competitive spreadsheet products.
<a href=""></a>
Calc HTML numbers import
HTML Numbers Import to Calc
<td>A new option in the HTML Compatibility pane allows the proper
import of numbers from HTML pages that are not formatted according the
English locale conventions.
<a href=""></a>
Unambiguous Calc UNO command names
Various Calc UNO command names have been ambiguous in the past.
Example: Open Tools-&gt;Customize-&gt;Keyboard. Select "Format" in the
lower left listbox "Category". Look for the entries "Hide" in the
listbox "Function" to the right. There are 3 entries, for hiding rows,
columns, and sheets, all called "Hide".
All names Calc specific commands have been reviewed. Following a list
of all changed names. Due to the limitation of the feature announcement
text to ~4000 characters, the announcement is split into several parts.
Changed strings, part 1:
en: ~Start... -&gt; ~Start DataPilot...
de: ~Aufrufen... -&gt; Datenpilot au~frufen...
en: ~Refresh -&gt; ~Refresh DataPilot
de: A~ktualisieren -&gt; Datenpilot a~ktualisieren
en: ~Delete -&gt; ~Delete DataPilot
de: ~L&ouml;schen -&gt; Datenpilot ~l&ouml;schen
en: ~Define -&gt; ~Define Print Area
de: ~Festlegen -&gt; Druckbereich ~festlegen
en: ~Remove -&gt; ~Remove Print Area
de: ~Entfernen -&gt; Druckbereich ~entfernen
en: ~Edit... -&gt; ~Edit Print Area...
de: ~Bearbeiten... -&gt; Druckbereich ~bearbeiten...
en: ~Add -&gt; ~Add Print Area
de: ~Hinzuf&uuml;gen -&gt; Druckbereich ~hinzuf&uuml;gen
en: ~Labels... -&gt; Define ~Labels...
de: ~Beschriftungen... -&gt; ~Beschriftungen festlegen...
en: ~Define... -&gt; ~Define Name...
de: ~Festlegen... -&gt; Namen ~festlegen...
en: ~Insert... -&gt; ~Insert Name...
de: ~Einf&uuml;gen... -&gt; Namen ~einf&uuml;gen...
en: ~Create... -&gt; ~Create Names...
de: &Uuml;ber~nehmen... -&gt; Namen &uuml;ber~nehmen...
en: ~Split -&gt; ~Split Window
de: ~Teilen -&gt; Fenster ~teilen
en: ~Freeze -&gt; ~Freeze Window
de: ~Fixieren -&gt; Fenster ~fixieren
en: A~utoRefresh -&gt; A~utoRefresh Traces
de: Au~tomatisch aktualisieren -&gt; Spuren au~tomatisch aktualisieren
en: ~Select... -&gt; ~Select Sheets...
de: ~Ausw&auml;hlen... -&gt; Tabellen ~ausw&auml;hlen...
en: ~Down -&gt; Fill ~Down
de: ~Unten -&gt; Nach ~unten f&uuml;llen
en: ~Right -&gt; Fill ~Right
de: ~Rechts -&gt; Nach ~rechts f&uuml;llen
en: ~Up -&gt; Fill ~Up
de: ~Oben -&gt; Nach ~oben f&uuml;llen
en: ~Left -&gt; Fill ~Left
de: ~Links -&gt; Nach ~links f&uuml;llen
en: ~Sheet... -&gt; Fill ~Sheets...
de: ~Tabelle... -&gt; ~Tabellen f&uuml;llen...
en: S~eries... -&gt; Fill S~eries...
de: Rei~he... -&gt; Rei~he f&Atilde;&frac14;llen...
en: ~Record -&gt; ~Record Changes
de: ~Aufzeichnen -&gt; &Auml;nderungen ~aufzeichnen
en: Sho~w... -&gt; Sho~w Changes...
de: An~zeigen... -&gt; &Auml;nderungen an~zeigen...
en: ~Accept or Reject... -&gt; ~Accept or Reject Changes...
de: Akzeptieren oder ~verwerfen... -&gt; &Auml;nderungen akzeptieren
oder ~verwerfen...
en: ~Normal -&gt; ~Normal View
de: ~Normal -&gt; ~Normalansicht
en: ~Row Break -&gt; Insert ~Row Break
de: ~Zeilenumbruch -&gt; ~Zeilenumbruch einf&uuml;gen
en: ~Column Break -&gt; Insert ~Column Break
de: ~Spaltenumbruch -&gt; ~Spaltenumbruch einf&uuml;gen
en: ~Row Break -&gt; Remove ~Row Break
de: Z~eilenumbruch -&gt; Z~eilenumbruch entfernen
en: ~Column Break -&gt; Remove ~Column Break
de: S~paltenumbruch -&gt; S~paltenumbruch entfernen
<font color="red"><br>
Unambiguous Calc UNO command names Part 2
Various Calc UNO command names have been ambiguous in the past.
Example: Open Tools-&gt;Customize-&gt;Keyboard. Select "Format" in the
lower left listbox "Category". Look for the entries "Hide" in the
listbox "Function" to the right. There are 3 entries, for hiding rows,
columns, and sheets, all called "Hide".
All names Calc specific commands have been reviewed. Following a list
of all changed names. Due to the limitation of the feature announcement
text to ~4000 characters, the announcement is split into several parts.
Changed strings, part 2:
en: ~Cells... -&gt; Insert ~Cells...
de: ~Zellen... -&gt; ~Zellen einf&uuml;gen...
en: ~Sheet... -&gt; Insert ~Sheet...
de: ~Tabelle... -&gt; ~Tabelle einf&uuml;gen...
en: Shee~t From File... -&gt; Insert Shee~t From File...
de: Ta~belle aus Datei... -&gt; Ta~belle aus Datei einf&uuml;gen...
en: ~Cells... -&gt; Format ~Cells...
de: ~Zellen... -&gt; ~Zellen formatieren...
en: ~Height... -&gt; Row ~Height...
de: ~H&ouml;he... -&gt; Zeilen~h&ouml;he...
en: ~Optimal Height... -&gt; ~Optimal Row Height...
de: ~Optimale H&ouml;he... -&gt; ~Optimale Zeilenh&ouml;he...
en: H~ide -&gt; H~ide Rows
de: ~Ausblenden -&gt; Zeilen ~ausblenden
en: ~Show -&gt; ~Show Rows
de: ~Einblenden -&gt; Zeilen ~einblenden
en: ~Width... -&gt; Column ~Width...
de: ~Breite... -&gt; Spalten~breite...
en: ~Optimal Width... -&gt; ~Optimal Column Width...
de: ~Optimale Breite... -&gt; ~Optimale Spaltenbreite...
en: ~Hide -&gt; ~Hide Columns
de: ~Ausblenden -&gt; Spalten ~ausblenden
en: ~Show -&gt; ~Show Columns
de: ~Einblenden -&gt; Spalten ~einblenden
en: ~Hide -&gt; ~Hide Sheets
de: ~Ausblenden -&gt; Tabellen ~ausblenden
en: ~Show... -&gt; ~Show Sheets...
de: ~Einblenden... -&gt; ~Show Sheets...
en: ~Page... -&gt; Format ~Page...
de: Se~ite... -&gt; Se~itenformat...
en: ~Sheet... -&gt; Protect ~Sheet...
de: ~Tabelle... -&gt; ~Tabelle sch&uuml;tzen...
en: ~Rename... -&gt; ~Rename Sheet...
de: ~Umbenennen... -&gt; Tabelle ~umbenennen...
en: ~Document... -&gt; Protect ~Document...
de: ~Dokument... -&gt; ~Dokument sch&uuml;tzen...
en: ~Define Range... -&gt; ~Define Data Range...
de: Bereich fest~legen... -&gt; Datenbereich fest~legen...
en: Select ~Range... -&gt; Select Data ~Range...
de: Bereich aus~w&auml;hlen... -&gt; Datenbereich aus~w&auml;hlen...
en: ~Move/Copy... -&gt; ~Move/Copy Sheet...
de: ~Verschieben/Kopieren... -&gt; Tabelle ~verschieben/kopieren...
en: Lin~ks... -&gt; Edit Lin~ks...
de: ~Verkn&uuml;pfungen... -&gt; ~Verkn&uuml;pfungen bearbeiten...
en: R~ight-To-Left -&gt; Sheet R~ight-To-Left
de: ~Rechts-nach-links -&gt; Tabelle ~rechts-nach-links
en: To P~age -&gt; Anchor: To P~age
de: An der Seite -&gt; Verankerung: An der Seite
en: To ~Cell -&gt; Anchor: To ~Cell
de: An der Zelle -&gt; Verankerung: An der Zelle
de: Standard Textattribute setzen -&gt; Standardtextattribute setzen
de: Szenarium ausw&auml;hlen -&gt; Szenario ausw&auml;hlen
de: Diagramm Neu zeichnen -&gt; Diagramm neu zeichnen
<font color="red"><br>
List of integrated child workspaces:<br>
<tr class="TableRow2">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>Fixes along the lines of Bitmap::AcquireReadAccess/Bitmap::GetBitCount, which changed range of returned values.</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>Calc fixes for PP4</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow2">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>Optimize word count performance</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>PP3 fixes for Calc</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow2">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>Build environment issues</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow2">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>Calc's HTML number import option implementation,<br><br></pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>Fixes in Writer</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow2">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>2.0.4 Fixes for Impress/Draw</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow2">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>2.0.4 tasks</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<p>implement "queries in queries" in OOo Base</p>
<p>incompatible modules, caused by changes in offapi,
connectivity, scp2:
(only listed those not already added to the CWS)
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow2">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>Fixes in pdf export</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>
<tr class="TableRow1">
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1"><a
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">
<pre>make rpm packages buildable on Linux PowerPC when building<br> using Debian or Ubuntu distribution</pre>
<td class="SmallText1"><font class="SmallText1">m176</font></td>