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<TITLE>The creation and retrieving of auto increment values</TITLE>
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<H1 CLASS="western" ALIGN=CENTER>The creation and retrieving of auto
increment values</H1>
<P>Version History</P>
<COL WIDTH=128*>
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<TH WIDTH=50%>
<TH WIDTH=50%>
<TD WIDTH=50%>
<P>Draft---July 18, 2002</P>
<TD WIDTH=50%>
<P>Ocke Janssen</P>
<TD WIDTH=50%>
<P>GUI string review---July 25, 2002</P>
<TD WIDTH=50%>
<P>Elizabeth Matthis</P>
<TD WIDTH=50%>
<P>GUI change---July 26, 2002</P>
<TD WIDTH=50%>
<P>Ocke Janssen</P>
<TD WIDTH=50%>
<P>Final--- July 26, 2002fill in date
<TD WIDTH=50%>
<P>Ocke Janssen</P>
<H1 CLASS="western"><BR><BR>
<H2 CLASS="western">Problem description</H2>
<P>At the moment it is not possible to create auto increment columns
and to retrieve the value of an auto increment column when a new row
was inserted.
<H4 CLASS="western">Creation of auto increment columns</H4>
<P>Due to the fact that there exists no standard way on defining auto
increment columns when creating a new table, a general approach is
not possible. For example: MySQL identifies an auto increment
definition of a column with the key word &ldquo;auto_increment&rdquo;,
the MS SQL Server on the other side uses the keyword &ldquo;increment(1,1)&rdquo;
to identify the auto increment column.
<H4 CLASS="western">Retrieving of auto increment column's values</H4>
<P>The retrieving of an auto increment column's value, when inserting
a new row, is already defined in the JDBC API 3.0. There the
statement supports an additional method which returns a result set to
access the new inserted auto increment column's value. This result
set also supports meta data. To check if the statement supports this
mechanism, the database meta data is extended by new support method
which simply returns true or false.</P>
<H2 CLASS="western">Solution</H2>
<P>To allow a general approach of defining/retrieving auto increment
columns/values, the user must have the possibility to define a
statement which should be appended at the column definition when
creating a table or should be called when fetching the new value of
the auto increment column.</P>
<H4 CLASS="western">Creation of auto increment columns</H4>
<P>When creating tables for any kind of database, the current
handling at the moment is that we use a general SDBCX layer for all
database drivers which do not support the layer by their self. In
other words the user has to take no action when the database driver
supports already the SDBCX layer. For the case that the driver
doesn't support the SDBCX layer and the user creates a new table, the
generated SQL statement may look like this:</P>
<P>CREATE TABLE &ldquo;table1&rdquo; (&ldquo;id&rdquo; INTEGER)</P>
<P>The &ldquo;CREATE TABLE&rdquo; statement doesn't support any auto
increment features, so that it isn't possible to create such columns.
For MySQL this statement for an auto increment column looks like
<P>CREATE TABLE &ldquo;table1&rdquo; (&ldquo;id&rdquo; INTEGER
<P>Like this examples shows the user must have the opportunity to add
the missing part of the statement to the &ldquo;CREATE TABLE&rdquo;
statement. This can be done in two different ways which mustn't
exclude each other.</P>
<LI><P>The data source stores in their info property an additional
string which should be appended to the column part when creating an
auto increment column. To allow the user to insert this string the
data source administration dialog could be extended by a simple text
field and may be an additional checkbox which enables this text
<LI><P>The table design offers an additional field on the column
properties area when an auto increment type was selected. This field
can be used by the user to define a string which should be appended
to the &ldquo;CREATE TABLE&rdquo; statement.
<LI><P>The points 1. and 2. are both used and under point 2, the
string which the user inserted under point 1 will be displayed in
the extra field.</P>
<P>The 3<SUP>rd</SUP> approach would be the one which allows the user
the most flexibility to get a predefined string which he could change
if necessary. The best place to store the value for the data source
would be the data source administration dialog. To be more precise
this would be implemented for the JDBC and the ODBC drivers (they
don't support the SDBCX layer). All other drivers support the SDBCX
<H4 CLASS="western">Retrieving of auto increment column's values</H4>
<P>As mentioned in the problem description JDBC 3.0 already defines
methods to accomplish the task but it is not possible just to forward
this to the used drivers. Many drivers as also APIs like ODBC don't
support this feature. To fit near all databases, a method has to be
implemented that allows to fetch the new inserted auto increment
value. Many databases support a special SQL statement which allows to
fetch this value. Mostly these statements are database specific and
not SQL conform. So a similar approach as for the creation of auto
increment columns should be chosen. The data source should also store
a SQL string which allows to fetch the auto increment values. This
string will then be executed by the statement when asked for the auto
increment values after inserting a new row. To be compatible as
possible to any kind of database the SQL string, stored in the data
source, must fulfill some additional specifications to be valid for
different tables. In other words, the SQL string must contain some
keywords like $column1 or $table1 which will be replaced with the
auto increment column name or with the used table. A general string
could already be inserted into the data source dialog which is not
the best solution but works for a lot of drivers:</P>
<P>&ldquo;select count($column1)+1 from $table1&rdquo;</P>
<P>If the supporting of this feature should be disabled the string
could be cleared by the user or an additional checkbox must be
inserted into to the dialog to enable or disable this feature. When
this feature is enabled the database meta data object implemented by
the driver will return false when asking the general support method
for the feature &ldquo;AutoRetrievingEnabled&rdquo; otherwise true.
When true was returned the statement object implemented by the driver
allows the creation of a result set to fetch the auto increment
<H2 CLASS="western" STYLE="page-break-before: always">Data source
administration dialog</H2>
<P><IMG SRC="AutoIncrementValues_html_m243b4459.gif" NAME="Graphic1" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=643 HEIGHT=391 BORDER=0><BR CLEAR=LEFT><BR><BR>
<TH WIDTH=33%>
<TH WIDTH=33%>
<TH WIDTH=33%>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>~Retrieve generated values</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>Generierte Werte ~ber&uuml;cksichtigen</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>Checkbox to enable this feature</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>~Auto-increment statement</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>FixedText which contains the statement which should be
appended after each column definition</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>~Query of generated values</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>Abfrage der generierten ~Werte</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>FixedText which contains the statement which will be called
after an &ldquo;INSERT&rdquo; statement</P>
<H3 CLASS="western">Table design</H3>
<P><IMG SRC="AutoIncrementValues_html_2f28066b.gif" NAME="Graphic2" ALIGN=LEFT WIDTH=642 HEIGHT=372 BORDER=0><BR CLEAR=LEFT><BR><BR>
<TH WIDTH=33%>
<TH WIDTH=33%>
<TH WIDTH=33%>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>Auto-increment statement</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>FixedText which contains the same value as the 2<SUP>nd</SUP>
FixedText in data source administration dialog</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>Enter an SQL statement for the auto-increment field.\n\nThis
statement will be directly transferred to the database when the
table is created.</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>Geben Sie hier einen SQL Ausdruck f&uuml;r das
Auto-Increment-Feld an.\n\nDieser Ausdruck wird beim Erzeugen der
Tabelle direkt an die Datenbank &uuml;bertragen.</P>
<TD WIDTH=33%>
<P>HelpText for this field which appears in the left side control</P>