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<h1>Welcomely with the collecting main competition of
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Collecting main competition
<a href=";*checkout*%2fde%2fwww%2fmarketing%2fAttic%2fv_wettbewerb.html#Top">^</a></h2>
<p> The success of the free Office Suite is without brakes at the latest since publication of
the version 2.0 in the last autumn. While the program is
constantly developed further, in particular still all the little
things are missing "approximately around the Programmsuite", which
facilitate the work clearly for also normal users, like collecting
mains, diagram and Clipart Galleries, finished macros and much more
besides for the version 2.0.
<p> For this reason the German-language project proclaims now
a collecting main competition, which represents the prelude to a
series of further planned competitions. lives as
open SOURCE Community of the interest and commitment of its users and
project members. Each user of is called to
provide own collecting mains and send these in. These will
become then the public made available and also a component of the
Community distribution PrOOo box.</p><h3>From current cause we point out again that entries <u>absolutely</u> with the explanation by
E-Mail to be submitted to have and <u></u> the
LGPL note in the file characteristics to carry <u>at the same time
</u>have. Otherwise the respective entry cannot <u></u>be considered !</h3><br>
<a name="teil"></a>
<h2> Conditions of participation
<a href=";*checkout*%2fde%2fwww%2fmarketing%2fAttic%2fv_wettbewerb.html#Top">^</a></h2>
<p> Everyone can participate and submit as many as
desired collecting mains.
<p> According to the character of the project
the collecting mains must stand under the GNU LGPL (see further below)
and of a-enrich to have been provided.
<p> All collecting mains must be present in the open document
format (* ot *), the file format of 2.0.
<p> The collecting mains should have an appropriate generally
accepted utilizable value and not be "banal". The submitted
collecting main should be appropriate therefore also for other users
and really make than "collecting main" sense. (an empty Writer
file with inserted, current date right above is surely no "meaningful"
collecting main, a Calc Verwaltungsvorlage for stamp collecting tanks
surely already.)
<p> To be submitted the collecting mains know immediately,
closing date are 3 March 2006. The collecting mains should be
sent as Mailanhang to
<a href=""></a>the address <a href=""></a>.
<p> Attach or filled out into writing, down standing down,
copy please additionally the explanation.
<a name="AP"></a>
<h2> Partner
<a href=";*checkout*%2fde%2fwww%2fmarketing%2fAttic%2fv_wettbewerb.html#Top">^</a></h2>
<p> Screen lady and Ansprechpartnerin of the
collecting main competition are Jacqueline Rahemipour, CO-Lead of the
German-language project. Further the partners marketing (Florian
Effenberger and Thomas Krumbein) for further questions are available.
<a name="preise"></a>
<h2> Praise
<a href=";*checkout*%2fde%2fwww%2fmarketing%2fAttic%2fv_wettbewerb.html#Top">^</a></h2>
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<p> When main sponsor for the competition could
<a href=";">the Galileo publishing house</a> in Bonn is
won, in which outstanding books appeared to From
all entries a jury will select the best collecting main of specialists
(project members, book authors). This is distinguished with the
complete library to from the Galileo publishing house
(value scarcely 200, - EUR).
<p> In addition under all a transmitters ten further, valuable
book prices from the Galileo program are drawn by lots - each
Einsender has so the same chance to receive a book independently of
the evaluation of the collecting main. (book values between 25,
- and 60, - EUR, a first is not possible.)
<p> Only condition: eingereichte/n the Vorlage/n must
correspond to the conditions of participation. The jury reserves
itself to reject obviously "banal" collecting mains.
<p> Drawing of the book prices by lots and the publication of
the winners find public to the 11.03.2006 on Saturday, on the CeBIT in
Hanover instead of (conditions of, resound to 4,
conditions G40). All winners are informed and receive its book
by post office, can it naturally also directly locally in receipt
take. The course of law is impossible.
<a name="lizenz"></a>
<h2> Licenses
<a href=";*checkout*%2fde%2fwww%2fmarketing%2fAttic%2fv_wettbewerb.html#Top">^</a></h2>
<p> In order to be able to make the collecting mains
in the sense of a open SOURCE Community also different users freely
accessible, the following procedure worked satisfactorily:
<p> In order to make a spreading possible of the collecting
mains, these must be placed under an open SOURCE license.
Without such a license everyone, which would like to use the
collecting main, would have to catch up itself the appropriate rights
to use with the author. The license used in OOo is the LGPL, the
license text is observable
<a href=";"></a>under <a href=";"></a>.
<p> All collecting mains this competition must be placed
therefore by the Author (creator, author) under the GNU LGPL license,
otherwise these are not accepted. Naturally the author must have
the exclusive rights at the collecting main, so that he can place
these at all under the LGPL license. With submission of the
collecting main it confirms this. In order to document this,
each participant must add the following text passage its collecting
mains - either in the document information (file - characteristics -
description - &gt; field "comment" or directly in the collecting main (is
usually the not practicable way):
<hr noshade="noshade" size="1">
<p> The author of this collecting main is [ first name ] [
name ], E-Mail: [ E-Mail address ]
<p> Copyright 2006. All rights reserve.
<p> This collecting main is free software, stands under the
GNU LGPL license and may according to this be used and spread.
The license text is to find under
<a href=";"></a>. A German translation under
<a href=";"></a>.
<p> The collecting main distributed in hope that it brings use
for the user, but WITHOUT EACH WARRANTY. Neither warranty claims
of any kind nor the warranty any characteristics exist. Please
you read the license text of the GNU LGPL for detailierte information.
<hr noshade="noshade" size="1">
<p> Additionally each participant must along-send the
following explanation in its E-Mail:
<hr noshade="noshade" size="1">
<td bgcolor="#c0c0c0">
<div style="padding: 5mm;">
<pre>Name: &lt; first name &gt;, &lt; surname &gt; living address
(ask no p.o. box!): Road, NR: &lt; road &gt; &lt; house number &gt;
postal code, place: &lt; postal code &gt; &lt; place &gt; date of birth:
&lt; TT.MM.JJJJ &gt; I confirm hereby that I am exclusive author of
the submitted collecting mains, these from own ideas and materials
provided and that no rights third on it to rest. All submitted
collecting mains stand for this wording under the GNU LGPL license and
can be used accordingly. Furthermore I confirm that I am
entitled to place the collecting main under this license. Place,
date name</pre>
<hr noshade="noshade" size="1">
<p> With questions to the licenses or to their
integration into the collecting main turns you to <a href=";*checkout*%2fde%2fwww%2fmarketing%2fAttic%2fv_wettbewerb.html#Top">the partners
<a href=";*checkout*%2fde%2fwww%2fmarketing%2fAttic%2fv_wettbewerb.html#Top"></a>above.
<p> So, and now - much fun!
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