blob: 55160ce8853bedf79f7e675814e9bc8e639f3e80 [file] [log] [blame]
import email.Parser
import time
import re
import sys
import getopt
youngest = 0
oldest = 0
projects = {}
integrationMatch = re.compile ( r"200[0-9]/[0-9]+/[0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+" )
version = re.compile ( r"[0-9]+\.[0-9]+[.0-9]*")
cws_branch = re.compile ( r"CWS ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)" )
cws_tag = re.compile ( r"Tag:[ ]+([_a-zA-Z0-9]+)" )
bugMatch = re.compile ( "[#]?[i]?[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]+[#]?" )
projectMatch = re.compile ( "http://([-a-zA-Z0-9]+)\" )
#oldLineChangeMatch = re.compile ( r"^ [1-9]+\.[0-9.]+[ ]*\+([0-9]+) -([0-9]+) " )
lineChangeMatch = re.compile ( "\+([0-9]+) -([0-9]+)" )
mergedBranch = re.compile ( "CWS ([a-zA-Z0-9]+)" )
developers = []
noOfCommits = 0
moOfNewFiles = 0
noOfLinesAdded = 0
noOfLinesRemoved = 0
verbose = False
week = None
suppressFilesOn = {}
summarizeIntegration = False
names = {
"ab":"Andreas Bregas",
"abi":"Andreas Bille",
"as":"Andreas Schluens",
"af":"Andre Fischer",
"ama":"Andreas Martens",
"armin":"Armin Theissen",
"aw":"Armin Weiss",
"bc":"Behrend Cornelius",
"bm":"Bjoern Mielke",
"cdt":"Claus Dieter Thoele",
"cd": "Carsten Driesner",
"cj":"Christian Jansen",
"cl":"Christian Lippka",
"cn":"Christoph Neumann?",
"cmc":"Caolán McNamara",
"cp":"Christof Pintaske",
"dfoster":"Duncan Foster",
"dbo":"Daniel Boelzle",
"dv": "Dirk Voelzke",
"dr":"Daniel Rentz",
"dvo":"Daniel Vogelheim",
"dsherwin":"Darragh Sherwin",
"er":"Eike Rathke",
"fa":"Dan Williams",
"fme":"Frank Meies",
"ft":"Falko Tesch",
"fs":"Frank Schoenheit",
"gh":"Gregor Hartmann",
"gt":"Gunnar Timm?",
"hbrinkm":"Henning Brinkmann",
"hdu":"Herbert Duerr",
"hjs":"Hans-Joachim Lankenau",
"haggai":"Chris Halls",
"hr":"Jens-Heiner Rechtien",
"hro":"Hennes Rohling",
"is":"Ingo Schmidt",
"khendricks":"Kevin B. Hendricks",
"idi":"Ivo Hinkelmann",
"ihi":"Ivo Hinkelmann",
"iha":"Ingrid Halama",
"jl":"Joachim Lingner",
"jb":"Joerg Barfurth",
"jbu":"Joerg Budischewski",
"jmarmion":"John Marmion",
"jsc":"Juergen Schmidt",
"kso":"Kai Sommerfeld",
"ka":"Kai Ahrens",
"khong":"Karl Hong",
"kr":"Kay Ramme",
"kz":"Kurt Zenker",
"lla":"Lars Langhans",
"lo":"Lars Oppermann",
"louis":"Louis Suarez-Potts",
"mav":"Mikhail Voitenko",
"mba":"Mathias Bauer",
"mh":"Martin Hollmichel",
"mhu":"Matthias Huetsch",
"mi":"Michael Hoennig",
"mib":"Michael Brauer",
"mindyliu":"Mindy Liu",
"mmi":"Michael Mi",
"mt":"Malte Timmermann",
"mmaher":"Martin Maher",
"mmeeks":"Michael Meeks",
"mmp":"Matthias Mueller-Prove",
"mrauch":"Michael Rauch",
"msc":"Marc Schwanz?",
"nn":"Niklas Nebel",
"npower":"Noel Power",
"obo":"Oliver Bolte",
"obr":"Oliver Braun",
"od":"Oliver Düsterhoff",
"oj":"Ocke Janssen",
"os":"Oliver Specht",
"pb":"Peter Burow",
"pjanik":"Pavel Janík",
"pl":"Philipp Lohmann",
"richard":"Richard Holt",
"rholt":"Richard Holt",
"rpiterman":"Ron Piterman",
"rt":"Rüdiger Timm",
"sab":"Sascha Ballach",
"sj":"Sven Jacobi",
"svesik":"Sander Vesik",
"st":"Stefan Taxhet",
"sb":"Stephan Bergmann",
"ssa":"Stephan Schaefer",
"ssmith":"Sarah Smith",
"stx12":"Stefan Taxhet",
"sw":"Stephan Wunderlich",
"tbe":"Thomas Behrens",
"thb":"Thorsten Behrens",
"toconnor":"Tomas O'Connor",
"tra":"Tino Rachui",
"tv":"Tom Verbeek",
"tl":"Thomas Lange",
"va":"Volker Ahrend",
"vg":"Vladimir Glazounov",
"vq":"Volker Quetschke",
"waratah":"Ken Foskey",
"yl146652":"Wind Li"
projectNames = {
"api": "API",
"framework": "Application Framework",
"tools": "Build Tools and Environment",
"dba": "Database Access",
"external": "External",
"graphics": "Graphic Applications",
"gsl": "Graphic System Layer",
"installation": "Installation",
#"i18n": "Internationalization",
"l10n": "Localization",
#"marketing": "Marketing",
"porting": "Porting",
#"qa": "Quality Assurance",
"sc": "Spreadsheet",
"ucb": "Universal Content Broker",
"udk": "UNO Development Kit / Component Technology",
"ui": "User Interface",
"util": "Utilities",
#"website": "Website",
"sw": "Word Processing",
"xml": "XML File Formats",
class CVSLog:
def __init__( self, log ):
self.msg = parser.parsestr ( log )
payload = self.msg.get_payload()
if isinstance(payload,list):
print >>sys.stderr, "found no payload, will try to use the log"# for:", log
print >>sys.stderr, payload
lines = log
for i in range(len(lines)):
if lines[i].startswith(" User"):
self.lines = lines[:i]
print >>sys.stderr, "lines set to",self.lines
self.lines = payload.split("\n")
#print "no of lines=", len(self.lines)
self.currLine = 0
self.comment = ""
self.URLs = []
self.files =""
self.tag = ""
self.change = None
self.mergedBranch = None
def currentLine( self ):
return self.lines [ self.currLine ]
def nextLine( self ):
line = self.lines [ self.currLine ]
self.currLine += 1
return line
def finished( self ):
#print self.currLine, len(self.lines)
#print self.lines[self.currLine]
if len(self.lines) == self.currLine+1 or self.lines[self.currLine].find("To unsubscribe") == 0:
#print "finished"
return True
return False
def extractAndRemoveTags(self, line):
tag = line.find ( "Tag:" )
if tag != -1 :
#tag = re.sub(".*Tag:[ ]*", "", line.strip() ).split()[0]
tagAndFile = re.sub(".*Tag:[ ]*", "", line.strip() )
#print tagAndFile
if tagAndFile == "":
line = self.nextLine()
tagAndFile = line.strip()
tagL = tagAndFile.split()
#print tagL
tag = tagL[0]
#print tag
if self.tag and self.tag != tag:
print >>sys.stderr, "OhOh: can there really be different tags in a checkin?"
self.tag = tag
return line
def processAffectedFiles(self, line):
def processAffectedTagsAndFiles(self, line):
lines = []
while not self.finished():
# line = self.extractAndRemoveTags( line )
lines.append ( line .strip() + " " )
line = self.nextLine()
if line.find ( "Log:" ) != -1 :
tagsAndFiles = "".join(lines)
match = ( tagsAndFiles )
if match :
while match:
self.tag =
#print >>sys.stderr, "tag:", self.tag, "\nlines:", tagsAndFiles
tagsAndFiles = tagsAndFiles.replace ( "Tag: " +self.tag, "")
#print >>sys.stderr, "after:", tagsAndFiles
match = ( tagsAndFiles )
# else:
# #print >>sys.stderr, "no tag:", tagsAndFiles
# pass
if tagsAndFiles.find("Added:") != -1 :
self.change = "added"
tagsAndFiles = re.sub ("Added:","", tagsAndFiles)
if tagsAndFiles.find("Removed:") != -1 :
self.change = "removed"
self.files = re.sub ("Removed:","", tagsAndFiles).strip()
self.comment = tagsAndFiles
if tagsAndFiles.find("Modified:") != -1 :
self.change = "modified"
tagsAndFiles = re.sub ("Modified:","", tagsAndFiles)
if tagsAndFiles.find("New directory") != -1 :
self.change = "added"
tagsAndFiles = re.sub ("- New directory","", tagsAndFiles)
# self.file = line.split(" - New")[0].strip()
self.files = tagsAndFiles.strip()
#print >>sys.stderr, "new directory added:", self.files,"\n", tagsAndFiles
if tagsAndFiles.find("New") != -1 :
self.change = "added"
#tagsAndFiles = re.sub ( " Tag:[ ]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+","/", tagsAndFiles).strip()
#self.files = tagsAndFiles
#print >>sys.stderr, "tags and files:", tagsAndFiles
# while not self.finished():
# line = self.extractAndRemoveTags( line )
# self.processAffectedFiles ( line )
# line = self.nextLine()
# if line.find ( "Log:" ) != -1 :
# return line
return line
def processUser(self, line):
self.user = line.split ( "User: " )[1].strip()
def processLogMessage(self, line):
integration = False
comments = []
comments.append ( "<span class='comment'>" )
while not self.finished():
#remove version nos as in RESYNC: (1.7-1.8); FILE MERGED
if integration or line.find ( "INTEGRATION" ) != -1 :
match = ( line )
shorttag = ""
if match :
if not ( in merged_branches):
merged_branches .append ( )
shorttag =
if self.change == "removed":
comments.append ( "removed " + self.comment )
self.change = 'integrated'
comments.append ( "<a name='merged_%s'></a>" % ( shorttag, ) )
if not shorttag in integrated_branches:
integrated_branches.append ( shorttag )
integration = True
#print "before regex", line
line = line.replace( "INTEGRATION:", " ")
line = integrationMatch.sub("",line)
line = version.sub ( "", line )
line = line.replace ( "();", "" )
line = line.replace ( "(); FILE MERGED", " by " )
line = line.replace ( "FILE MERGED", "" )
line = line.replace ( "FILE ADDED", "" )
line = line.replace ( "RESYNC:;", "" )
if summarizeIntegration :
match = mergedBranch.match ( line )
if match:
self.mergedBranch =
line = line.replace ( "CWS", "" )
#print "integration file changes:", line
line = re.sub("RESYNC: (.*);","RESYNC:;", line )
line = re.sub("<","&lt;", line )
line = re.sub(">","&gt;", line )
comments.append ( line.replace("Log:", "" ) + " " )
line = self.nextLine()
if line.find ( "Revision Changes Path" ) != -1 :
#print >>sys.stderr, "FILE? ", line
if line.find ( "File " ) != -1 :
#print >>sys.stderr, "FILE? ", line
if integration and not self.mergedBranch:
print >> sys.stderr, "Some problem with getting the CWS tag"
sys.exit ( -1 )
comments.append ( "</span>" )
self.comment = "".join ( comments )
#print >> sys.stderr, "comments are", self.comments
#print >> sys.stderr, "comments came from", comments
return line
def addChangeURLs(self, line):
while not self.finished():
if line.find( "http://") != -1 and line.find( "?") != -1:
self.URLs .append ( line.strip() )
line = self.nextLine()
if line.find ( "Index:" ) != -1 \
or line.find ( "To unsubscribe" ) != -1:
return line
def process ( self ):
while not self.finished():
line = self.nextLine()
#line = re.sub("&","&amp;", line )
#print line
if line.find ( "User:") != -1 :
self.processUser ( line )
elif line.find("Added:") != -1 or line.find("Removed:") != -1 or \
line.find("Modified:") != -1 or line.find("New directory") != -1:
line = self.processAffectedTagsAndFiles(line)
if not self.finished() and line.find ( "Log:" ) != -1 :
line = self.processLogMessage ( line )
match = lineChangeMatch.match ( line )
if match:
global noOfCommits
global noOfLinesAdded
global noOfLinesRemoved
noOfCommits += 1
noOfLinesAdded += int ( )
noOfLinesRemoved += int ( )
if not self.finished() and ( line.find ( "diff?r1" ) != -1 or \
line.find("?rev=") != -1 ):
line = self.addChangeURLs ( line )
def printLog(self):
print >>sys.stderr, "changed by :[", self.user, "]"
print >>sys.stderr, "changed tag:", self.tag
if self.change == None:
print >>sys.stderr, "probelm with this payload :", self.lines
print >>sys.stderr, "type :[", self.change, "]"
print >>sys.stderr, "comment :", self.comment
print >>sys.stderr, "URLs :", self.URLs
print >>sys.stderr, "file :", self.files
print >>sys.stderr, ""
class CVSLog2:
def __init__( self, log ):
self.msg = parser.parsestr ( log )
payload = self.msg.get_payload()
if isinstance(payload,list):
print >>sys.stderr, "found no payload, will try to use the log"# for:", log
print >>sys.stderr, payload
lines = log
for i in range(len(lines)):
if lines[i].startswith(" User"):
self.lines = lines[:i]
print >>sys.stderr, "lines set to",self.lines
self.lines = payload.split("\n")
if verbose:
print >>sys.stderr, self.lines
#print "no of lines=", len(self.lines)
self.currLine = 0
self.comment = ""
self.URLs = []
self.files =""
self.tag = ""
self.change = None
self.mergedBranch = None
def currentLine( self ):
return self.lines [ self.currLine ]
def nextLine( self ):
line = self.lines [ self.currLine ]
self.currLine += 1
return line
def finished( self ):
if len(self.lines) == self.currLine+1 or self.lines[self.currLine].find("To unsubscribe") == 0:
if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "finished"
return True
return False
def processTag(self, line):
self.tag = re.sub(".*Tag:[ ]*", "", line.strip() )
def processTypeOfChange ( self, line ):
if line.startswith ( "Modified" ):
self.change = "modified"
elif line.startswith ( "Removed" ):
self.change = "removed"
elif line.startswith ( "Added" ):
self.change = "added"
def processUser(self, line):
self.user = line.split ( "User: " )[1].strip()
def processLogMessage(self, line):
integration = False
line = self.nextLine()
comments = []
comments.append ( "<span class='comment'>" )
while not self.finished():
#remove version nos as in RESYNC: (1.7-1.8); FILE MERGED
if integration or line.find ( "INTEGRATION" ) != -1 :
match = ( line )
shorttag = ""
if match :
if not ( in merged_branches):
merged_branches .append ( )
shorttag =
if self.change == "removed":
comments.append ( "removed " + self.comment )
self.change = 'integrated'
comments.append ( "<a name='merged_%s'></a>" % ( shorttag, ) )
if not shorttag in integrated_branches:
integrated_branches.append ( shorttag )
integration = True
#print "before regex", line
line = line.replace( "INTEGRATION:", " ")
line = integrationMatch.sub("",line)
line = version.sub ( "", line )
line = line.replace ( "();", "" )
line = line.replace ( "(); FILE MERGED", " by " )
line = line.replace ( "FILE MERGED", "" )
line = line.replace ( "FILE ADDED", "" )
line = line.replace ( "RESYNC:;", "" )
if summarizeIntegration :
#print >>sys.stderr, "summarizing: [%s]" % ( line, )
match = ( line )
if match:
self.mergedBranch =
#print >>sys.stderr, "no match", line
line = line.replace ( "CWS", "" )
#print "integration file changes:", line
if self.change == "added" and line.startswith( " Directory" ):
line = re.sub ( "added to the repository", "", line )
line = re.sub ( "/cvs/", "", line )
elif self.change == "added" and line.startswith( " --> Using" ):
line = re.sub ( "--> Using per-directory sticky", " using ", line )
line = re.sub("RESYNC: (.*);","RESYNC:;", line )
line = re.sub("<","&lt;", line )
line = re.sub(">","&gt;", line )
comments.append ( line )
line = self.nextLine()
if line.startswith ( "File Changes:" ) :
#print >>sys.stderr, "FILE? ", line
comments.append ( "</span>" )
self.comment = "".join ( comments )
if integration and summarizeIntegration and not self.mergedBranch:
print >> sys.stderr, "Some problem with getting the CWS tag:", comments
#sys.exit ( -1 )
#print >> sys.stderr, "comments are", self.comments
#print >> sys.stderr, "comments came from", comments
return line
def processChangedFiles(self, line):
addDir = None
while not self.finished():
if line.startswith ( "Url: "):
url = line.replace( "Url: ", "" )
self.URLs.append ( url )
#print >> sys.stderr, "DELTA? ", line
if line.startswith ( "Delta lines:"):
#print >> sys.stderr, "DELTA:", line
match = ( line )
if match:
#print >> sys.stderr, "---DELTA!", line
global noOfCommits
global noOfLinesAdded
global noOfLinesRemoved
noOfCommits += 1
noOfLinesAdded += int ( )
noOfLinesRemoved += int ( )
#print >> sys.stderr, "noOfCommits = ", noOfCommits
#print >> sys.stderr, "noOfLinesAdded = ", noOfLinesAdded
if line.startswith ( "Directory:" ):
addDir = line.replace ( "Directory: ", "" )
if line.startswith ( "File [removed]" ):
self.files += line.replace ( "File [removed]:", "" )
if self.change == "added" and line.startswith ( "Directory [added]:" ):
self.files = addDir
if self.change == "removed" and line.startswith ( "Directory [removed]:" ):
self.files = addDir
line = self.nextLine()
def process ( self ):
while not self.finished():
line = self.nextLine()
#line = re.sub("&","&amp;", line )
#print line
if line.find ( "Tag:") != -1 :
self.processTag ( line )
elif line.find ( "User:") != -1 :
self.processUser ( line )
elif line.find("Added:") != -1 or line.find("Removed:") != -1 or \
line.find("Modified:") != -1 or line.find("New directory") != -1:
elif line.find ( "Log:" ) != -1:
line = self.processLogMessage ( line )
if not self.finished() and line.find ( "File Changes:" ) != -1 :
line = self.processChangedFiles ( line )
def printLog(self):
print >>sys.stderr, "changed by :[", self.user, "]"
print >>sys.stderr, "changed tag:", self.tag
if self.change == None:
print >>sys.stderr, "probelm with this payload :", self.lines
print >>sys.stderr, "type :[", self.change, "]"
print >>sys.stderr, "comment :", self.comment
print >>sys.stderr, "URLs :", self.URLs
print >>sys.stderr, "file :", self.files
print >>sys.stderr, ""
def processMessage ( message ):
headers = parser.parsestr ( message, True )
if verbose: print >>sys.stderr, "************\nsubject =", headers[ "Subject" ]
#### if headers["Subject"] and headers[ "Subject" ].find ( "CVS update" ) != -1 :
#if ( message.find ( "Subject: CVS update" ) != -1 ) or \
if headers["Subject"] and headers[ "Subject" ].find ( "CVS update" ) != -1:
#convert from format : 21 Oct 2003 08:24:30 -0000
#to the tuple : (2003, 10, 21, 8, 53, 54, 1, 294, 0)
msgTime = time.strptime ( headers[ "Date" ], "%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0000" )
global oldest
global youngest
realMsgTime = time.mktime(msgTime)
if realMsgTime < oldest or oldest == 0:
oldest = realMsgTime
if realMsgTime > youngest or youngest == 0:
youngest = realMsgTime
dayOfYear = 300 ### time.strftime ( "%j", msgTime )
#print "checking this date", msgTime, ": ", sinceDay, "=? ", int(dayOfYear)
if 1: #int(dayOfYear) >= sinceDay:
#print "process this \n", message
log = CVSLog2 ( message )
if verbose:
createAll = False
if not logs .has_key ( log.tag ):
logs [ log.tag ] = {}
createAll = True
if summarizeIntegration and log.change=="integrated":
log.comment = "<a name='merged_%s'></a><span class='comment'>%s</span>" % \
( log.mergedBranch, log.mergedBranch )
log.comment += "[ <a href='%s#%s'>description</a>]" % (
"", \
log.mergedBranch, )
if not log.user in developers:
developers.append ( log.user )
if createAll or not logs [ log.tag ].has_key( log.user ):
logs [ log.tag ][log.user] = {}
createAll = True
if createAll or not logs [ log.tag ][log.user].has_key( log.change ):
logs [ log.tag ][log.user][log.change] = {}
createAll = True
if createAll or not logs [ log.tag ][log.user][log.change].has_key( log.comment ):
logs [ log.tag ][log.user][log.change][log.comment] = []
if len(log.URLs) :
#print >>sys.stderr, "files:", log.URLs
logs [ log.tag ] [ log.user ] [ log.change ] [ log.comment ] += log.URLs
if log.change=="integrated" or ( log.change=="modified" and \
( log.comment.find(u"RESYNC:; FILE MERGED") != -1 ) ):
for url in log.URLs:
match = ( url )
if not projects.has_key ( ):
projects[] = []
if log.tag in projects[] : pass
projects[].append ( log.tag )
if log.change != "removed" and len(log.files) == 0:
print >>sys.stderr, "no files and no URLs!!"
print >>sys.stderr, "message=", message
logs [ log.tag ] [ log.user ] [ log.change ] [ log.comment ].append( log.files )
def replaceWithIZLink( match):
iz = #match.string [ match.start():match.end()]
shortIz = iz
shortIz = shortIz.replace( "i", "")
shortIz = shortIz.replace( "#", "")
shortIz = shortIz.replace( "#", "")
sIz = int(shortIz)
if sIz == 2000 or sIz == 2002 or sIz == 2003 or sIz == 2004 or sIz >= 100000:
return iz
#return "<a href='" + \
# shortIz + "'> " + iz + "</a>"
return "<a href=''> %s</a>" \
% ( shortIz, iz )
def getFullName ( abbrev ):
name = abbrev.upper() + "?"
if not ( abbrev in names ) :
print >> sys.stderr, "Could not find full name for", abbrev
name = names [ abbrev ].encode("latin-1")
print >>sys.stderr, "did you forget to put a \"u\" infront of the full name for :",abbrev,"?"
return name
def getProjectName ( proj ):
name = proj
if not ( proj in projectNames ) :
print >> sys.stderr, "Could not find project name for", proj
name = projectNames [ proj ]
projectNames [ proj ] = None
return name
def processBranchChanges( grouping, tag, branchChanges ):
for user, changes2 in branchChanges.items():
if tag == "": tag = "HEAD"
merged = ""
css_tag = "branch"
if grouping:
for mbranch in merged_branches:
if len(tag) and tag.find ( mbranch ) != -1:
merged = " [ <a href='#merged_%s'>and it was merged</a> ]" \
% ( mbranch, )
css_tag = "mergedbranch"
print "\n<a name='%s'></a><a name='%s_%s'></a><div class=\"%s\">%s was changed by %s(%s)%s</div>" % \
( tag, tag, user, css_tag, tag, getFullName(user), user, merged )
mergedBranches = {} # "merged_branch": ( file1, file2 , etc )
for change, changes3 in changes2.items():
# if change == "integrated" and summarizeIntegration :
# # build summary of files on branches here
# for comment, elements in changes3.items():
# pass
# else:
for comment, elements in changes3.items():
comment = bugMatch.sub( replaceWithIZLink, comment )
# print >>sys.stderr, "comment is ", comment
print "<div class='%s'>%s : %s" % ( change, change, comment )
print "<div class=\"file-list\">"
if len (elements) :
fileNo = 0
for i in elements:
fileNo += 1
if i.find ( "http:" ) == -1:
cleanest = i.strip().replace ( " ", "/" )
clean = re.sub("http://.*/browse/","", i )
cleaner = re.sub("\.diff\?.*","", clean )
cleanest = re.sub("\?.*","", cleaner )
if verbose:
print >>sys.stderr, "stripped:", cleanest
#dirE = re.sub("/[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*","",cleanest)
file = re.sub(".*/","",cleanest)
dirE = cleanest [ :-len(file)]
if verbose:
print >>sys.stderr, "branch=",tag, "dir=", dirE, " and file=", file
if not files.has_key( dirE ): files [ dirE ] = []
if i.find ( "http:" ) == -1:
files [ dirE ].append ( file )
if suppressFilesOn .has_key( tag ) and suppressFilesOn [ tag ].has_key(user) \
and file.find ( suppressFilesOn [ tag ][user] ) != -1 :
files [ dirE ].append ( "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % ( i, fileNo ))
files [ dirE ].append ( "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % ( i, file ))
if change=="removed" or ( change=="modified" and \
( comment.find(u"RESYNC:; FILE MERGED") != -1 ) ):
#print >>sys.stderr, change, files
print " files from:"
for d,fs in files.items():
if len(fs) == 1:
print "%s%s" % ( d, fs[0] )
print "%s:" %( d, )
for f in fs:
print "%s," %( f, )
for d,fs in files.items():
if len(fs) == 1:
print "\t\t%s%s" % ( d, fs[0] )
print "\t\t", d, " : ",
for i in range(len(fs)-1):
print "%s," % ( fs[i],),
print "%s ;" % ( fs[len(fs) -1],)
#print "<br>"
print "\t\t",
for i in elements:
clean = re.sub("http://.*/browse/","", i )
cleaner = re.sub("\.diff\?.*","", clean )
cleanest = re.sub("\?.*","", cleaner )
#dirE = re.sub("/[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*","",cleanest)
#file = re.sub(".*/","",cleanest)
if len ( cleaner ) == 0:
cleanest = re.sub("\?rev=.*","", clean )
print "<a href='%s'> %s</a>" % (i, cleanest)
if len(elements) > 1: ", ",
#print "<br>"
print "</div>"
print "</div>"
print "<p>"
def printIndexOfBranches ( startsWith ):
cws = []
for tag, changes in logs.items() :
if tag.startswith ( startsWith ):
cws.append ( tag )
grouping = "x"
for tag in cws:
if not tag.startswith ( grouping ):
grouping = tag [ :tag.rfind("_") ]
print "</td></tr><tr><td class='group'>",grouping, "</td><td>"
shorttag = tag.replace ( grouping, "" )[1:]
if shorttag in merged_branches:
css_tag = "mergedbranch"
css_tag = "branch"
print "<a class='index_%s' href='#%s'>%s</a> " % ( css_tag, tag, shorttag )
return cws
def printIndexOfIntegratedBranches ():
if len(integrated_branches):
for tag in integrated_branches:
print "<a class='index_mergedbranch' href='#merged_%s'>%s</a> " % ( tag, tag )
print "&nbsp;none "
def printBranchList():
print "<a name='branch_index'></a><H2>Branches with changes this week</H2>"
print "<small><center>( from ", oldestMsg, "<br>to", youngestMsg, ")</center></small><br>"
print "<table class='branch_index' cellspacing='0'>"
print "<colgroup><col class='branch_group'/><col class='branch_names'/></colgroup><tr>"
print "<th>Group</th><th>Branch"
ws = printIndexOfBranches ( "cws_" )
mws = printIndexOfBranches ( "mws_" )
ws.extend ( mws )
print "</td></tr><tr><td class='group'> merged branches </td><td>"
printIndexOfIntegratedBranches ()
print "</td></tr><tr><td class='group'> misc </td><td>"
for tag, changes in logs.items() :
if not tag in ws:
print "<a href='#%s'>%s</a> " % ( tag, tag )
# print "<a href='#HEAD' style='word-spacing: 1em;'>HEAD and other branches</a> "
print "&nbsp;<a href='#HEAD'>HEAD and other branches</a> "
print "</td></tr></table>"
def printProjectBranch( tag, shorttag ):
if shorttag in merged_branches:
css_tag = "mergedbranch"
css_tag = "branch"
print "<a class='index_%s' href='#%s'>%s</a> " % ( css_tag, tag, shorttag )
def printProjectList():
print "<a name='project_index'></a><H2>Projects which were changed</H2>"
print "<small>(excluding integration and resyncing)</small><br>"
print "<table class='project_index' cellspacing='0'>"
print "<colgroup><col class='project'/><col class='branch_group'/><col class='branch_names'/></colgroup>"
print "<tr><th class='project_col'>Project<br>(linked to the project page)</th>"
print "<th>Branch Group</th><th class='branch_col'>Branch<br>"
print "(linked to the branch changes below)</th></tr>"
childWS = re.compile ( r"cws_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)" )
masterWS = re.compile ( r"mws_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)" )
projkeys = projects.keys()
for proj in projkeys:
miscTags = []
mwsTags = []
cwsTags = {}
for tag in projects[ proj ]:
if len(tag) == 0: tag = "HEAD"
match = ( tag )
if match :
if not cwsTags . has_key ( ) :
cwsTags [ ] = []
cwsTags [ ].append ( (, tag ) )
match = ( tag )
if match :
mwsTags.append( (, tag ) )
miscTags.append ( tag )
branch_groups = (len ( mwsTags ) != 0 ) + len ( cwsTags ) + ( len( miscTags )!=0 )
print "<tr><td rowspan='%i'><a class='project' href=''>%s (aka %s)</a></td>" \
% ( branch_groups, proj, getProjectName(proj), proj )
firstbranchOfProject = True
if len(cwsTags) > 0:
for group in cwsTags.keys():
if not firstbranchOfProject :
print "<tr>"
firstbranchOfProject = False
print "<td>",group,"</td>"
tags = cwsTags [ group ]
print "<td>"
for tag in tags:
printProjectBranch ( tag[1], tag[0] )
print "</td></tr>"
if len(mwsTags) > 0:
if not firstbranchOfProject :
print "<tr>"
firstbranchOfProject = False
print "<td>master</td><td>"
for shortTag,tag in mwsTags:
printProjectBranch ( tag, shortTag )
print "</td></tr>"
if len(miscTags) > 0:
if not firstbranchOfProject :
print "<tr>"
firstbranchOfProject = False
print "<td>misc<td>"
for tag in miscTags:
printProjectBranch ( tag, tag )
print "</td></tr>"
print "</table>"
def usage():
print >>sys.stderr, sys.argv[0], " usage:"
print >>sys.stderr, sys.argv[0], "[-h] [-v] [-z] [-s suppress-condition>] -c <CVS log file> -w weekNo -i intro "
print >>sys.stderr, "where :"
print >>sys.stderr, "\t -h or --help : prints this message"
print >>sys.stderr, "\t -v or --verbose : prints more verbose messages"
print >>sys.stderr, "\t -z or --summarizeintegration : summarizes the integration messages"
print >>sys.stderr, "\t -c or --cvslog= : takes an argument which contains the cvs log to digest"
print >>sys.stderr, "\t -w or --week= : takes an argument which is the week number in question (1-53) "
print >>sys.stderr, "\t -o or --output= : output file name"
print >>sys.stderr, "\t -i or --intro= : takes an argument which contains the hand written introduction " + \
"to the digest e.g. the Issuezilla statistics"
print >>sys.stderr, "\t -s or --suppressFilesOn= : takes an argument which lists what files to suppress"
print >>sys.stderr, "\t\t\t e.g. -s \"{'cws_srx645_alphaart':{'mmeeks':'.bmp'},}\" causes the files" + \
"on the branch cws_srx645_alphaart modified by mmeeks which contain the string .bmp to be numbered only"
opts,args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hvzw:i:c:s:o:",
intro = None
cvslogName = None
outputFilename = None
now = time.time()
nowTime = time.gmtime(now)
since = time.strftime ( "%j", nowTime )
sinceDay = int(since) - 300
cvsYear = time.strftime( "cvs%Y_", time.gmtime(now) )
for o,a in opts:
if verbose:
print >>sys.stderr, o, "=", a
if o in ( "-v", "--verbose" ):
print >>sys.stderr, "turning on verbose"
verbose = True
if o in ( "-h", "--help" ):
sys.exit ( 0 )
if o in ( "-w", "--week" ):
week = a
if not cvslogName : cvslogName = "cvs" + a + ".log"
if not intro: intro = "intro" + a + ".html"
if not outputFilename: outputFilename = cvsYear + a + ".html"
if o in ( "-i", "--intro" ):
intro = a
if o in ( "-o", "--output" ):
outputFilename= a
if o in ( "-c", "--cvslog" ):
cvslogName = a
if o in ( "-z", "--summarizeintegration" ):
summarizeIntegration = True
if o in ( "-s", "--suppress" ):
suppressFilesOn = eval ( a )
sys.stdout = open("out.txt", "w")
if not cvslogName or not week or not intro :
missing = "unknown"
if not cvslogName :
missing = "cvslog"
if not week :
missing = "week"
if not intro :
missing = "intro"
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR:missing input parameter", missing, "!"
if outputFilename:
sys.stdout = open( outputFilename, "w")
parser = email.Parser.Parser()
maybeNewMessageNext = False
message = ""
#print "processing", sys.argv[1]
i = 0
message = []
while 1:
line= cvslog.readline()
if i > 1000 and not verbose:
i = 0
sys.stderr.write( "." )
if verbose ==2 :
print line,
if not line:
if maybeNewMessageNext and ( line.startswith("From" ) or line.startswith("Path:" ) ):
if verbose:
print "process this message"
processMessage ( "".join ( message ) )
message = []
if line == "\n":
maybeNewMessageNext = True
maybeNewMessageNext = False
message.append ( line )
i += 1
sys.stderr.write( "\n" )
if len(message):
processMessage ( "".join ( message ) )
#print "printing formatted log"
print '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">'
print '<html><head>'
print ' <meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">'
#print ' <META name="generator" content="HTML Tidy for Linux/x86 (vers 1st November 2003), see">'
print ' <style type="text/css">@import url("cvs.css"); </style>'
print ' <TITLE>Development digest : Week', week, '</TITLE>'
print '</head>'
print '<body><div class="digest"><div class="leadin">'
if len(sys.argv) >2 and sys.argv[2]:
print open ( intro ).read()
print "<p><a name='cvs_stats'></a><H2>CVS statistics</h2>"
print noOfCommits, "commits by", len(developers), "developers resulted in"
print noOfLinesAdded, "lines added, and", noOfLinesRemoved, "lines removed.<p>"
oldestMsg = time.strftime( "%H:%M %A %B %d %Y UTC (week %W)", time.gmtime(oldest) )
forWeek = time.strftime( "%W", time.gmtime(oldest) )
youngestMsg = time.strftime( "%H:%M %A %B %d %Y UTC (week %W)", time.gmtime(youngest) )
print "</div><p>"
print "<a name='details'></a><H2>Detailed changes on each branch</H2>"
for tag, changes in logs.items() :
if tag.startswith ( "cws_" ):
processBranchChanges( "cws_", tag, changes )
for tag, changes in logs.items() :
if tag.startswith ( "mws_" ):
processBranchChanges( "mws_", tag, changes )
print "<a name='HEAD'></a>"
for tag, changes in logs.items() :
if changes:
processBranchChanges( None, tag, changes )
print "</div></div></body></html>"
for proj,fullName in projectNames.items():
if fullName:
print >>sys.stderr, "Warning: suspiciously no updates for project %s (aka %s)" % ( fullName, proj )