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<p>Die relevanten Whitepapers im Original:</p>
<li><a href=""> Roadmap and other codelines</a>, Martin Hollmichel, Sun Microsystems
<br />&nbsp;</li>
<li>"The Project", Sun Microsystems<br />
<i>Foundations of Office Productivity in a Networked Age</i><br />
<a href="//white_papers/OOo_project/OOo_project.html">HTML
</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="//white_papers/OOo_project/OOo_project.pdf">PDF
</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="//white_papers/OOo_project/">Postscript</a>
<br />&nbsp;</li>
<li>Community Survey Report, Sun Microsystems<br />
<a href="//about_us/surveyreport.pdf">PDF</a>
<br />&nbsp;</li>
<li>" Technical Overview", Sun Microsystems<br />
<a href="//white_papers/tech_overview/tech_overview.pdf">PDF</a>
&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="//white_papers/tech_overview/tech_overview.sdw">SDW</a>
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