blob: b5e2d2278d2641ca0a508d8657f7a5eb8c2f2dfb [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<snippet language="OOBasic" application="Calc">
<author id="swubuntu" initial="true" email="">Stefan Weigel</author>
<question heading="Improve sorting capabilities">
<p>This macro provides an improved sorting function for the user.</p>
<p>It enables to sort using as many sort criteria as desired. (Calc normally allows max. 3 criteria.)</p>
<p>The sort criteria to be used is determined by the currently active cell. (Calc normally uses the first column.)</p>
<p>The macro recognizes if there are column headers (Calc normally does not recognize column header when using the sort icons from the toolbar)</p>
<p>The macro overcomes issue #7277 and issue #20491. For background info and long description see For German text see</p>
<listing>REM ***** BASIC *****
option explicit
sub SWsortUp()
SWSort true
end sub
sub SWsortDown()
SWSort false
end sub
sub SWsort(blnUpDown)
Dim oSheet &apos; affected Calc-Sheet
Dim oList as Object &apos; area to sort
Dim intListStartColumn &apos;
Dim intListEndColumn &apos;
Dim lngListStartRow &apos;
Dim lngListEndRow &apos;
Dim intListCountColumnn &apos;
Dim lngListCountRown &apos;
Dim intCriteriaColumn as Integer &apos; number of column which defines the sort
Dim blnShowHeader &apos; should the list contain headers
Dim i as Integer &apos; helper var used as counter
Dim oRange as Object &apos; helper var for cell-range
Dim aSortFields(1) as New {@see}
Dim aSortDesc(1) as New {@see}
&apos;affected Calc-Sheet
oSheet = ThisComponent.CurrentController.ActiveSheet
&apos; Area selected by the user
oList = thisComponent.CurrentSelection
&apos; check that only one are is selected
if oList.supportsService(&quot;{@see}&quot;) then
msgbox &quot;It's not allowed to sort more than one cell-range!&quot;,,&quot;&#169; Ingenieurb&#252;ro Weigel&quot;
exit sub
end if
&apos;Find the column with the active cell
oRange = thisComponent.createInstance(&quot;{@see}&quot;)
intCriteriaColumn = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getCellAddress.Column
&apos;Mark the listarea if exactly one cell is selected
&apos;(magic: use exact same algorythm used by calc when it sorts)
&apos;rows and columns of sort area
intListStartColumn = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getRangeAddress.StartColumn
intListEndColumn = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getRangeAddress.EndColumn
intListCountColumnn = intListEndColumn - intListStartColumn
lngListStartRow = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getRangeAddress.StartRow
lngListEndRow = ThisComponent.CurrentSelection.getRangeAddress.EndRow
lngListCountRown = lngListEndRow - lngListStartRow + 1
&apos;number of the of sort-column inside the sort area
intCriteriaColumn = intCriteriaColumn - intListStartColumn
if lngListCountRown = 1 then exit sub
blnShowHeader = false
&apos;The first row is interpreted as headline if the datatypes of the cells in the first and second row differ
for i=intListStartColumn to intListEndColumn
if oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListStartRow).FormulaResultType &lt;&gt; oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListStartRow+1).FormulaResultType and _
oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListStartRow).FormulaResultType &lt;&gt; 0 and _
oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListStartRow+1).FormulaResultType &lt;&gt; 0 then
blnShowHeader = true
exit for
end if
next i
if blnShowHeader = false then
&apos;The first row is also interpreted as headline
&apos;if the datatypes of the cells in first and second row are equal but there are different formats used
for i=intListStartColumn to intListEndColumn
if oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListStartRow).CellStyle &lt;&gt; oSheet.getCellByPosition(i,lngListStartRow+1).CellStyle then
blnShowHeader = true
exit for
end if
next i
end if
&apos;Insert a helper column
&apos;number the elements in the helper column
for i=lngListStartRow to lngListEndRow
next i
&apos;at Andreas Saeger's ( suggestion at the number is faster this way
&apos;but it is lost through the property &quot;stable sort alogrythm&quot;!
&apos;dim dA(), rA()
&apos;with oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(intListEndColumn+1,lngListStartRow,intListEndColumn+1,lngListEndRow)
&apos; dA() = .getDataArray()
&apos; for i = lBound(dA()) to uBound(dA())
&apos; rA() = dA(i)
&apos; rA(0) = i
&apos; next
&apos; .setDataArray(dA())
&apos;End With
oList =oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(intListStartColumn,lngListStartRow,intListEndColumn+1,lngListEndRow)
aSortFields(0).Field = intCriteriaColumn &apos;Column in which the user has marked the selected cell
aSortFields(0).IsAscending = blnUpDown
aSortFields(0).IsCaseSensitive = false
aSortFields(1).Field = intListEndColumn+1 &apos;Helper column if the current order
aSortFields(1).IsAscending = true
aSortFields(1).IsCaseSensitive = false
aSortDesc(0).Name = &quot;SortFields&quot;
aSortDesc(0).Value = aSortFields()
aSortDesc(1).Name = &quot;ContainsHeader&quot;
aSortDesc(1).Value = blnShowHeader
&apos;Remove helper column
oList =oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(intListStartColumn,lngListStartRow,intListEndColumn,lngListEndRow)
end sub
sub SelectCurrentRange
dim oDisp as object
dim oDoc as object
dim Array()
oDoc = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
oDisp = createUnoService(&quot;{@see}&quot;)
oDisp.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:SortAscending&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, Array())
oDisp.executeDispatch(ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame,&quot;.uno:Undo&quot;, &quot;&quot;,0, Array())
End Sub
<version number="2.1.0" status="tested"/>
<version number="2.0.x" status="tested"/>
<operating-system name="All"/>
<change author-id="tomsontom" date="2007-02-08">Translated to english</change>
<change author-id="swubuntu" date="2007-01-25">Bug Fix</change>
<change author-id="swubuntu" date="2006-10-22">Minor code improvements</change>