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$RCSfile: Calc.Erase_create_range_name.snip,v $
last change: $Revision: 1.2 $ $Author: tomsontom $ $Date: 2005/07/18 12:48:55 $
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<snippet language="OOBasic" application="Calc">
<keyword>named range</keyword>
<keyword>delete/create named range</keyword>
<keyword>last used row</keyword>
<keyword>cell containing last balance</keyword>
<keyword>erase named range</keyword>
<keyword>create named range</keyword>
<author id="ennio_sr" initial="true" email="">Ennio-Sr</author>
<author id="" initial="false" email="">Andrew Douglas Pitonyak</author>
<author id="" initial="false" email="">Marc Santhoff</author>
<author id="" initial="false" email="">Sasa Kelesevic</author>
<question heading="erase-create_range_name">Reassign named range to a cell in last used row
<p>How to determine last row used and set a named range for a cell in that row</p>
<p>GregChi &lt;;; asked a similar question on </p>
<p>and received workarounds more than a direct answer. I had a similar problem and after</p>
<p>reading Andrew Pitonyak&apos;s &quot;Useful Macro Information for OOo&quot; and asking a few questions</p>
<p>on, wrote a macro which does the job. It considers col. F as the one </p>
<p>containing a formula to determine current account balance (i.e. previous balance , plus credit,</p>
<p>minus debit). Col. headings (A to F) are: Date, Value_date, Description, Debit, Credit, Balance).</p>
<p>Once you have copy pasted the code in your Calc file, you can well assign the macro</p>
<p>(_0_create_last_bal) to the Event/Opening of document so that it is run when the file</p>
<p> is opened. A second macro (create_last_bal) mentioned in the dialog box, does the same</p>
<p>as it just calls the previous one.</p>
<listing>sub _0_create_last_bal
&apos; ----------------------------
&apos; On error exit
On Error goto Label
&apos; define variables
Dim oDoc As Object &apos; The spreadsheet we are working on
Dim oSheet As Object &apos; The sheet (usually first one)
Dim oCell As Object &apos; The particular cell we select
Dim oRange &apos; The created range
Dim oRanges &apos; All named ranges
Dim sName$ &apos; Name of the named range to create
msg$ = &quot;I&apos; m ready to accept new records: for each new one copy formula &quot; +_
&quot;in last balance cell (or run macro &apos;create_new_rec&apos;).&quot;
oRanges = ThisComponent.NamedRanges
&apos; Here we verify whether there is already a range with that name and,
&apos; in the affirmative, erase it so that the new one can be created:
If oRanges.hasByName(sName$) Then
End If
&apos; We go to the last cell on the desired column
odoc = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService(&quot;{@see}&quot;)
Dim args1(0) as new {@see}
&apos; We save the file to make sure what is displayed is read correctly
&apos; SEEMS NOT NECESSARY dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:Save&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, array())
args1(0).Name = &quot;ToPoint&quot;
args1(0).Value = &quot;$F$6&quot;
dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:GoToCell&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, args1())
dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:GoDownToEndOfData&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, args1())
&apos; and check whether its value is zero
ocell=ThisComponent.CurrentSelection &apos; gets value of new current cell
vlc = oCell.getValue() &apos; get value of selected cell (last cell)
if vlc = 0 then
dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:Cut&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, args1())
dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:GoUp&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, args1())
&apos; we determine the row number of the selected cell:
&apos; numbering starts from 0, so we need add 1:
r$ = oCell.CellAddress.row+1
xcl$ = &quot;Sheet1.$F$&quot;+r$ &apos; ref to col F may be changed
&apos; This is a special case, so we need add 2
r$ = oCell.CellAddress.row+2
xcl$ = &quot;Sheet1.$F$&quot;+r$ &apos; ref to col F may be changed
End if
&apos; we set our named range name:
Dim oCellAddress As new {@see}
oCellAddress.Sheet = 0 &apos; The first sheet
&apos; We arrange for copying the formula from last used row to the next one
dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:Copy&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, Args1())
Dim args2(1) as new {@see}
args2(0).Name = &quot;By&quot;
args2(0).Value = 1
args2(1).Name = &quot;Sel&quot;
args2(1).Value = false
dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:GoDown&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, args2())
dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:Paste&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, Args2())
dispatcher.executeDispatch(oDoc, &quot;.uno:GoToStartOfRow&quot;, &quot;&quot;, 0, args2())
Print msg$
Exit sub
print &quot;Error!&quot;
Exit Sub
End Sub
Rem ###################################################################
Sub create_new_rec
&apos; we call the previous macro:
sub _0_create_last_bal
End Sub
&apos; #####################################################################
<version number="1.1.4" status="tested"/>
<version number="1.9.82 beta" status="tested"/>
<operating-system name="Linux"/>
<change author-id="ennio_sr" date="2005-06-24">Version 2.0
I discovered some flaws in the initial version (on some circumstances &quot;last_bal&quot; was created on the last but one row). So it was necessary to re-write the code. The file structure is very simple (as said above). You can put this formula in cell F6: