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<?xml version="1.0"?>
$RCSfile: Calc.DatabaseContent.snip,v $
last change: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Author: tomsontom $ $Date: 2006/07/14 09:36:42 $
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<snippet language="ooRexx" application="Calc">
<author id="" initial="true" email="">Michael Hinz</author>
<question heading="DatabaseContent">How can i import data from a database
<p>first you have to register the database in OOo. This is done by clicking: New &gt;&gt; Database &gt;&gt; add existing database</p>
<listing>/* get the desktop (an Xdesktop object) */
oDesktop = UNO.createDesktop()
xComponentLoader = oDesktop~{%see}~{%see} --get componentLoader interface
/* open a blank calc file */
url = &quot;private:factory/scalc&quot;
xCalcComponent = xComponentLoader~loadComponentFromURL(url, &quot;_blank&quot;, 0, .UNO~noProps)
/* get first sheet in spreadsheet */
xDocument = xCalcComponent~{%see}
xSheet = xDocument~getSheets~{%see}~getByIndex(0)~{%see}
/*set values for importing into an array*/
importDesc = bsf.createArray(.UNO~propertyValue, 3)
importDesc[1] = .UNO~propertyValue~new
importDesc[1]~Name = &quot;DatabaseName&quot;
importDesc[1]~Value = &quot;rexx&quot;
importDesc[2] = .UNO~propertyValue~new
importDesc[2]~Name = &quot;SourceType&quot;
importDesc[2]~Value = bsf.getConstant(&quot;{%see}&quot;,&quot;TABLE&quot;)
importDesc[3] = .UNO~propertyValue~new
importDesc[3]~Name = &quot;SourceObject&quot;
importDesc[3]~Value = CD
xImport = xSheet~getCellRangeByName(&quot;A1:A1&quot;)
myImport = xImport~{%see} -- call interface XImportable
myImport~doImport(importDesc) -- import data
::requires UNO.CLS -- get UNO support
<version number="2.0.x" status="tested"/>
<operating-system name="Win32"/>