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<div class="first campaign" style="height: 210px; float: right; overflow: auto;">
<h2>Recente Blog-posts</h2>
<p style="text-align:right">
<a href="" target="_blank">Alle posts</a>
<em>6 Oct 2021:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11</a>
<br />
<em>4 May 2021:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10</a>
<br />
<em>7 February 2021:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9</a>
<br />
<em>6 January 2021:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
New release for Apple's macOS 11 (Big Sur) - Also with fixes for Linux and Windows</a>
<br />
<em>10 November 2020:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8</a>
<br />
<em>29 October 2020:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
300 Million Downloads of Apache OpenOffice</a>
<br />
<em>15 October 2020:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
The Apache Software Foundation Celebrates 20 Years of OpenOffice®</a>
<br />
<em>17 May 2020:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Apache OpenOffice needs your help</a>
<br />
<em>22 October 2019:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
1.6 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7</a>
<br />
<em>21 September 2019:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7</a>
<br />
<em>18 November 2018:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6</a>
<br />
<em>31 January 2018:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Over 3.2 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5</a>
<br />
<em>30 December 2017:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5</a>
<br />
<em>19 October 2017:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4</a>
<br />
<em>28 November 2016:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Over 200 million downloads of Apache OpenOffice</a>
<br />
<em>12 October 2016:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3</a>
<br />
<em>28 October 2015:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Announcing Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</a>
<br />
<em>27 September 2015:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Coming soon... Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2</a>
<br />
<em>13 May 2015:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Authoring e-Books in Apache OpenOffice</a>
<br />
<em>13 April 2015:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Collaboration is in our DNA</a>
<br />
<em>31 December 2014:</em>
<br />
<a href="">
Apache OpenOffice in 2014: a year in review</a>
<br />
<div id="all_news" style="height: 345px; float: left; overflow: auto;">
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Recent nieuws</h2>
<p style="text-align:right">
<a href="/news/index.html" target="_blank">Archived News</a>
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11 released</h2>
<em>6 Oct 2021:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11">official release of version 4.1.11</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10 released</h2>
<em>4 May 2021:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10">official release of version 4.1.10</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9 released</h2>
<em>7 February 2021:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9">official release of version 4.1.9</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.9">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8 released</h2>
<em>10 November 2020:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8">official release of version 4.1.8</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.8">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7 released</h2>
<em>21 September 2019:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7">official release of version 4.1.7</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.7">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6 released</h2>
<em>18 November 2018:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6">official release of version 4.1.6</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5 released</h2>
<em>30 December 2017:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5">official release of version 4.1.5</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.5">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4 released</h2>
<em>19 October 2017:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4">official release of version 4.1.4</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.4">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 released</h2>
<em>12 October 2016:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3">official release of version 4.1.3</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2 released</h2>
<em>28 October 2015:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2">official release of version 4.1.2</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2">Release Notes</a> you can read about all bugfixes,
improvements and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Udine moves to OpenOffice, will save 360,000 Euro</h2>
<em>16 September 2014:</em>
The City of Udine, in Italy, announced a process that will lead to the installation
of OpenOffice on 900 municipal desktops, saving the city 360,000 Euro.
ZDNet's Raffaele Mastrolonardo has the
<a href="">details</a>.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1 released</h2>
<em>21 August 2014:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1">official release of version 4.1.1</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new features,
functions and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0 released</h2>
<em>29 April 2014:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project announces the
<a href=""
title="Official blog post about Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0">official release of version 4.1.0</a>.
In the <a href=""
title="Release Notes for Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0">Release Notes</a> you can read about all new features,
functions and languages. <a href=""
title="Download Apache OpenOffice 4.1.0">Don't miss to download</a> the new release and find out yourself.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>100 miljoen downloads</h2>
<em>17 April 2014:</em>
The Apache OpenOffice project is proud to tell you that our software was
<a href=""
title="Apache OpenOffice was downloaded 100 million times">downloaded over 100 million times</a>. Join us in
celebrating this big achievement!
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Italian region adopts OpenOffice, saves 2 Million Euro</h2>
<em>10 October 2013:</em>
The Italian administrative region of Emilia-Romagna announced plans to move to OpenOffice,
<a href="">
saving 2 million euro</a>.
<div class="campaign">
<h2>Vrijwilligers, geen amateurs</h2>
<em>8 January 2013:</em>
Apache OpenOffice is developed 100% by volunteers. Apache does not pay for developers, for translators, for QA,
for marketing, for UI, for support, etc. Of course, we're happy to accept
<a href="">donations to the Apache Software Foundation</a>, to
keep our servers runnings and for similar overhead expenses. But our products are developed entirely by
<p>Some users are initially worried by this statement:<br /><strong>How can software for free, developed by
volunteers, be any good?<br /></strong><a href="/why/why_volunteers.html">Read on for an answer...</a>
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