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<h2>Spotlight: On Developers and Technology</h2>
<h4>Spotlight 19: On Viewers and Porting</h4>
<p>This week we focus first on the Porting project. Work on the Irix and FreeBSD
ports of moved significantly forward, and Nick Blievers was able
to <a href="">announce</a>
that the team was &quot;getting close to building 641C out of the box!&quot;
Around the same time, Tim Tretyak <a href="">posted
a message</a> that the FreeBSD build of 641C was done. And Vicky
Chan <a href="">announced</a>
that the build on Tru64 was complete. This news was greeted with
delight by several community members; read <a href="">why</a>.
There is more. The Mac OS X effort is <a href="">gaining
momentum</a>--but more on that later.</p>
<p>In the discuss list, the most popular thread concerned the issue of an
viewer that would further extend the functionality already present in the suite.
<a href="//servlets/ReadMsg?msgId=217224&listName=discuss">Martin
Bretschneide </a>initiated the <a href="//servlets/BrowseList?listName=discuss&by=thread&from=5377">discussion</a>,
and the community <a href="//servlets/BrowseList?listName=discuss&by=thread&from=5377">
ran with it</a>, with end-users and developers debating the merits of the idea.</p>
<p>Finally, Marketing Project co-lead Josh Berkus today presented before the community
the new <a href="//about_us/numbering_proposal.html">numbering
proposal</a>. This proposal is important. Please review the proposal and send
in your votes to this list by February 8. </p>
<p>Remember, if you want the work your are doing featured here, please send me
a note. Send it to <a href=""></a>.</p>
<p><a href="spotlightindex.html">Spotlight Index</a></p>
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