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<p><i>Last updated 2002-08-01<br>
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These faq have been compiled over the span of OpenOffice's lifetime.
Most of the information is now out of date.
See <a href="">the OpenOffice FAQ page</a> on our official wiki
for up-to-date information.
If you find instances that need updating, let us know by sending a note to <a href=""></a>.
<a name="top"></a> <a name="overview"></a>
<h3><img src="/branding/images/start_blue_bar.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;
Overview: Questions&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="/branding/images/end_blue_bar.gif">
<li> <a href="#1">What is</a>
<li> <a href="#2">What does do?</a>
<li> <a href="#3">What are the objectives of the project?</a>
<li> <a href="#4">What benefits does provide?</a>
<li> <a href="#5">Who will benefit from</a>
<li> <a href="#6">What components are included in</a>
<li> <a href="#7">As a Linux developer, what does this mean to me?</a>
<li> <a href="#8">Where do I find more information about this project?</a> </li>
<li><a href="#9">If I build the code for, can I call it StarOffice?</a>
<li><a href="#10">Can I take code from and modify StarOffice?</a> </li>
<li><a href="#11">May I add/bundle the Sun Java Runtime Environment to/with a
(commercial) distribution of </a></li>
<h3><img src="/branding/images/start_blue_bar.gif">&nbsp;&nbsp;
Overview: Answers&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="/branding/images/end_blue_bar.gif">
<li value="1"><b>What is<a name="1"></a></b>
<p> is the open source project through which Sun Microsystems
has released the technology for the popular StarOffice[tm] Productivity
Suite. All of the source code is available under the GNU Lesser
General Public License (LGPL).
Sun is participating as a member of the
community. is being hosted by <a href="">CollabNet</a>.</p>
<a href="#top">Back to top</a></p>
<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="2"><b> What does do?</b> <a name="2"></a>
<p> The project provides the necessary facilities to make this
open source technology available to the developer community. This includes
the publicly accessible source code, project information Web site (/),
and discussion forums. </p>
<a href="#top">Back to top</a></p>
<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="3"><b>What are the objectives of the project?<a name="3"></a></b>
<p> The objectives of are:
<li>Providing open access to the source code,
<li>Establishing open productivity XML-based file formats and language-independent
component APIs, and
<li>Enabling innovation which will build the next generation of open network
productivity services.</li>
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<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="4"><b>What benefits does provide?<a name="4"></a></b>
<p> The benefits of include:
<li>A common source base for open source office apps
<li>A world-wide community of developers
<li>Enhanced compatibility and interoperability resulting from open, language-independent
APIs, open XML-based file formats, and a common reference implementation
<li>Open access to code and modifications
<li>Limitless porting and localization
<li>Free binaries
<li>Flexible development scenarios including open source or open language-independent
<li>Direct developer participation in the evolution of the code base
<li>The ability for developers can take the technology in new and innovative
directions and into new markets</li>
<a href="#top">Back to top</a></p>
<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="5"><b>Who will benefit from<a name="5"></a></b>
<p> represents open sources, open language-independent APIs,
open XML-based file formats, and open access. In the short run, these benefits
affect source code developers, especially those in the open source community.
In the long run, will also provide value for API and macro
developers and of course, the end-user community, which will enjoy the benefit
of new innovation and applications.</p>
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<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="6"><b>What components are included in</b> <a name="6"></a>
<p> components include word processing, spreadsheets, presentations,
drawings, data charting, formula editing, a database, and file conversion facilities
(including those for Microsoft Office formats). See our <a href="../dev_docs/features/2.0/index.html">Features</a> page for more information.</p>
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<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="7"><b>As a Linux developer, what does this mean to me?<a name="7"></a></b>
<p> There is now a full-featured, open source office productivity application
suite available for your use.</p>
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<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="8"><b>Where do I find more information about this project?<a name="8" id="8"></a></b>
<p> The project is hosted at <a href="/">/</a>.
Here you will find a community with relevant information and interesting
discussions. Here you will also find details of how you can become involved
in this project. </p>
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<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="9"><b>If I build the code for, can I call it StarOffice?</b>
<a name="9" id="9"></a>
<p> No. You can not call what you build, or any modifications thereof, StarOffice.
You can call it anything else, however, that is not already trademarked. So, if you are working at Bobco
Software and you wanted to call what you have built &quot;BobOffice,&quot;
that would be ok, presuming that Bobco is not already taken by another &quot;Bob.&quot; </p>
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<hr align=left size="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="10"><b>Can I take code from and modify StarOffice? </b> <a name="10" id="10"></a>
<p> No. StarOffice is Sun's commercial product and is not licensed under
the GPL license family. StarOffice 5.2 is built on a code base
that predated the code. To modify StarOffice in any way
with the code from would be out of bounds.</p>
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<hr ALIGN=left SIZE="1" NOSHADE>
<li value="11"><b>May I add/bundle the Sun Java Runtime Environment to/with a
(commercial) distribution of </b> <a name="11" id="11"></a>
<p> Yes.</p>
<p> 2.0 uses Java technology to increase its functionality: Java technology is used for wizards and for the database component; its use here does not affect the licensing of either or the Java software.</p>
<p>The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) may be freely (at no charge) downloaded from <a href=""></a> and can be freely (at no charge) distributed with via CD or other media as provided in the JRE license (among other things, Sun shall deem the software to provide significant Java technology based value add to the JRE as required by the JRE license, and note that the JRE needs to be bundled unmodified with the software - including the license contained in the installer).</p>
<p>For more information on Java's licensing, please visit <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Information on's license can be found at <a href="//license.html">//license.html</a>.</p>
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