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<chapter id="tools.morfologik-addon">
<title>Morfologik Addon</title>
<ulink url=""><citetitle>Morfologik</citetitle></ulink>
provides tools for finite state automata (FSA) construction and dictionary-based morphological dictionaries.
The Morfologik Addon implements OpenNLP interfaces and extensions to allow the use of FSA Morfologik dictionary tools.
<section id="tools.morfologik-addon.api">
<title>Morfologik Integration</title>
To allow for an easy integration with OpenNLP, the following implementations are provided:
<itemizedlist mark='opencircle'>
The <code>MorfologikPOSTaggerFactory</code> extends <code>POSTaggerFactory</code>, which helps creating a POSTagger model with an embedded FSA TagDictionary.
The <code>MorfologikTagDictionary</code> implements a FSA based <code>TagDictionary</code>, allowing for much smaller files than the default XML based with improved memory consumption.
The <code>MorfologikLemmatizer</code> implements a FSA based <code>Lemmatizer</code> dictionaries.
The first two implementations can be used directly from command line, as in the example bellow. Having a FSA Morfologik dictionary (see next section how to build one), you can train a POS Tagger
model with an embedded FSA dictionary.
The example trains a POSTagger with a CONLL corpus named <code>portuguese_bosque_train.conll</code> and a FSA dictionary named
<code>pt-morfologik.dict</code>. It will output a model named <code>pos-pt_fsadic.model</code>.
$ bin/opennlp POSTaggerTrainer -type perceptron -lang pt -model pos-pt_fsadic.model -data portuguese_bosque_train.conll \
-encoding UTF-8 -factory opennlp.morfologik.tagdict.MorfologikPOSTaggerFactory -dict pt-morfologik.dict]]>
Another example follows. It shows how to use the <code>MorfologikLemmatizer</code>. You will need a lemma dictionary and info file, in this example, we will use a very small Portuguese dictionary.
Its syntax is <code>lemma,lexeme,postag</code>.
File <code>lemmaDictionary.txt:</code>
Mandatory metadata file, which must have the same name but .info extension <code></code>
# Column (lemma, inflected, tag) separator. This must be a single byte in the target encoding.
# The charset in which the input is encoded. UTF-8 is strongly recommended.
# The type of lemma-inflected form encoding compression that precedes automaton
# construction. Allowed values: [suffix, infix, prefix, none].
# Details are in Daciuk's paper and in the code.
# Leave at 'prefix' if not sure.
The following code creates a binary FSA Morfologik dictionary, loads it in MorfologikLemmatizer and uses it to
find the lemma the word "casa" noun and verb.
<programlisting language="java">
// Part 1: compile a FSA lemma dictionary
// we need the tabular dictionary. It is mandatory to have info
// file with same name, but .info extension
Path textLemmaDictionary = Paths.get("dictionaryWithLemma.txt");
// this will build a binary dictionary located in compiledLemmaDictionary
Path compiledLemmaDictionary = new MorfologikDictionayBuilder()
// Part 2: load a MorfologikLemmatizer and use it
MorfologikLemmatizer lemmatizer = new MorfologikLemmatizer(compiledLemmaDictionary);
String[] toks = {"casa", "casa"};
String[] tags = {"NOUN", "V"};
String[] lemmas = lemmatizer.lemmatize(toks, tags);
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(lemmas)); // outputs [casa, casar]
<section id="tools.morfologik-addon.cmdline">
<title>Morfologik CLI Tools</title>
The Morfologik addon provides a command line tool. <code>XMLDictionaryToTable</code> makes easy to convert from an OpenNLP XML based dictionary
to a tabular format. <code>MorfologikDictionaryBuilder</code> can take a tabular dictionary and output a binary Morfologik FSA dictionary.
$ sh bin/morfologik-addon
OpenNLP Morfologik Addon. Usage: opennlp-morfologik-addon TOOL
where TOOL is one of:
MorfologikDictionaryBuilder builds a binary POS Dictionary using Morfologik
XMLDictionaryToTable reads an OpenNLP XML tag dictionary and outputs it in a tabular file
All tools print help when invoked with help parameter
Example: opennlp-morfologik-addon POSDictionaryBuilder help