blob: 3749adc9f064d54e3adcc1b850dd7f878e483c3b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package opennlp.dl.namefinder;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import ai.onnxruntime.OrtException;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import opennlp.dl.AbstactDLTest;
public class NameFinderDLEval extends AbstactDLTest {
public void tokenNameFinder1Test() throws Exception {
// This test was written using the dslim/bert-base-NER model.
// You will need to update the ids2Labels and assertions if you use a different model.
final File model = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/model.onnx");
final File vocab = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/vocab.txt");
final String[] tokens = new String[]
{"George", "Washington", "was", "president", "of", "the", "United", "States", "."};
final NameFinderDL nameFinderDL = new NameFinderDL(model, vocab, getIds2Labels());
final Span[] spans = nameFinderDL.find(tokens);
for (Span span : spans) {
Assert.assertEquals(1, spans.length);
Assert.assertEquals(0, spans[0].getStart());
Assert.assertEquals(17, spans[0].getEnd());
Assert.assertEquals(8.251646041870117, spans[0].getProb(), 0.0);
Assert.assertEquals("George Washington", spans[0].getCoveredText(String.join(" ", tokens)));
public void tokenNameFinder2Test() throws Exception {
// This test was written using the dslim/bert-base-NER model.
// You will need to update the ids2Labels and assertions if you use a different model.
final File model = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/model.onnx");
final File vocab = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/vocab.txt");
final String[] tokens = new String[]{"His", "name", "was", "George", "Washington"};
final NameFinderDL nameFinderDL = new NameFinderDL(model, vocab, getIds2Labels());
final Span[] spans = nameFinderDL.find(tokens);
for (Span span : spans) {
Assert.assertEquals(1, spans.length);
Assert.assertEquals(13, spans[0].getStart());
Assert.assertEquals(30, spans[0].getEnd());
public void tokenNameFinder3Test() throws Exception {
// This test was written using the dslim/bert-base-NER model.
// You will need to update the ids2Labels and assertions if you use a different model.
final File model = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/model.onnx");
final File vocab = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/vocab.txt");
final String[] tokens = new String[]{"His", "name", "was", "George"};
final NameFinderDL nameFinderDL = new NameFinderDL(model, vocab, getIds2Labels());
final Span[] spans = nameFinderDL.find(tokens);
for (Span span : spans) {
Assert.assertEquals(1, spans.length);
Assert.assertEquals(13, spans[0].getStart());
Assert.assertEquals(19, spans[0].getEnd());
public void tokenNameFinderNoInputTest() throws Exception {
// This test was written using the dslim/bert-base-NER model.
// You will need to update the ids2Labels and assertions if you use a different model.
final File model = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/model.onnx");
final File vocab = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/vocab.txt");
final String[] tokens = new String[]{};
final NameFinderDL nameFinderDL = new NameFinderDL(model, vocab, getIds2Labels());
final Span[] spans = nameFinderDL.find(tokens);
Assert.assertEquals(0, spans.length);
public void tokenNameFinderNoEntitiesTest() throws Exception {
// This test was written using the dslim/bert-base-NER model.
// You will need to update the ids2Labels and assertions if you use a different model.
final File model = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/model.onnx");
final File vocab = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/vocab.txt");
final String[] tokens = new String[]{"I", "went", "to", "the", "park"};
final NameFinderDL nameFinderDL = new NameFinderDL(model, vocab, getIds2Labels());
final Span[] spans = nameFinderDL.find(tokens);
Assert.assertEquals(0, spans.length);
public void tokenNameFinderMultipleEntitiesTest() throws Exception {
// This test was written using the dslim/bert-base-NER model.
// You will need to update the ids2Labels and assertions if you use a different model.
final File model = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/model.onnx");
final File vocab = new File(getOpennlpDataDir(), "onnx/namefinder/vocab.txt");
final String[] tokens = new String[]{"George", "Washington", "and", "Abraham", "Lincoln",
"were", "presidents"};
final NameFinderDL nameFinderDL = new NameFinderDL(model, vocab, getIds2Labels());
final Span[] spans = nameFinderDL.find(tokens);
for (Span span : spans) {
Assert.assertEquals(2, spans.length);
Assert.assertEquals(0, spans[0].getStart());
Assert.assertEquals(17, spans[0].getEnd());
Assert.assertEquals(22, spans[1].getStart());
Assert.assertEquals(37, spans[1].getEnd());
@Test(expected = OrtException.class)
public void invalidModel() throws Exception {
// This test was written using the dslim/bert-base-NER model.
// You will need to update the ids2Labels and assertions if you use a different model.
final File model = new File("invalid.onnx");
final File vocab = new File("vocab.txt");
new NameFinderDL(model, vocab, getIds2Labels());
private Map<Integer, String> getIds2Labels() {
final Map<Integer, String> ids2Labels = new HashMap<>();
ids2Labels.put(0, "O");
ids2Labels.put(1, "B-MISC");
ids2Labels.put(2, "I-MISC");
ids2Labels.put(3, "B-PER");
ids2Labels.put(4, "I-PER");
ids2Labels.put(5, "B-ORG");
ids2Labels.put(6, "I-ORG");
ids2Labels.put(7, "B-LOC");
ids2Labels.put(8, "I-LOC");
return ids2Labels;