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= Making a release
:jbake-type: page
:jbake-tags: maven
:jbake-status: published
## One time setup
- Make sure you have your PGP key entered into
Your KEYS will then be present in:
- Check if you have your PGP keys password
- Add your PGP key to the KEYS file
Examples of adding your key to this file:
pgp -kxa <your name> and append it to this file.
(pgpk -ll <your name> && pgpk -xa <your name>) >> this file.
(gpg --list-sigs <your name>
&& gpg --armor --export <your name>) >> this file.
- In a local temp folder, svn checkout the OpenNLP artifacts and update the KEYS file
svn co
svn commit -m"Added Key for <name>" KEYS
- Create a maven `settings.xml` to publish to ``
## Step-by-Step
The following documents the steps which are necessary to make a
release of Apache OpenNLP.
- Release discussion and release planning on the mailing list
- Elect a release manager
- Prepare Jira for the release
- Crate an empty test plan for the release
- Make a release candidate
- Test the candidate according to the test plan and iterate until tests pass
- Call the release vote on opennlp-dev and on general incubator
## Releasing
The release candidate can be released after a successful release vote on
the opennlp-dev and incubator general list.
* Release the staging repository. This will make the artifacts available in the Maven Central repository
To do this go to the[repository server], log in, go to the staging area and release the staging repository linked to this release
* Upload artifacts to the distribution server by following the steps below. All release artifacts need to be copied to `/www/` on ``
** In a local temp folder, svn co
** cd opennlp; mkdir opennlp-{xyz}; cd opennlp-{xyz}
** wget -e robots=off no-check-certificate -np -r{xyz}/
** mv{xyz}/* .
** rm -rf
** rm index.html
* On opennlp-site GitHub repository
** Update the properties `{opennlp.version}` and `{}` in ``
** Add the following lines at the beginning of `docs/`
### Apache OpenNLP ${previous.release} documentation
* link:/docs/${previous.release}/manual/opennlp.html[Apache OpenNLP Manual]
* link:/docs/${previous.release}/apidocs/opennlp-tools/index.html[Apache OpenNLP Tools Javadoc]
* link:/docs/${previous.release}/apidocs/opennlp-uima/index.html[Apache OpenNLP UIMA Javadoc]
* link:/docs/${previous.release}/apidocs/opennlp-brat-annotator/index.html[Apache OpenNLP BRAT Annotator Javadoc]
* link:/docs/${previous.release}/apidocs/opennlp-morfologik-addon/index.html[Apache OpenNLP Morfologik Addon Javadoc]
** Add the following to main/pom.xml
** Add a news item in `news/release-{xyz}.ad` by copying the content from OpenNLP project `opennlp-distr/src/README`
* Rebuild opennlp-site and redeploy the site (if Automatic Buildbot doesn't kick in)
* Test and review the website. Test that all download links are working. Test that the documentation is updated and can be viewed
* Send out announcements to,,
* Close out the present release in Jira
It is suggested to use the wiki to plan all tasks for the release
and to distribute them among the team.