blob: f4b5470a16b097d826201cd764aef9857681910b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package opennlp.summarization.textrank;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import opennlp.summarization.*;
import opennlp.summarization.preprocess.IDFWordWeight;
import opennlp.summarization.preprocess.StopWords;
import opennlp.summarization.preprocess.WordWeight;
* Implements the TextRank algorithm by Mihalcea et al.
* <p>
* This basically applies the page rank algorithm to a graph where each sentence is a node
* and a connection between sentences indicates that a word is shared between them.
* It returns a ranking of sentences where the highest rank means most important etc.
* Currently, only stemming is done to the words; a more sophisticated way might use a
* resource like Wordnet to match synonyms etc.
public class TextRank {
private final StopWords sw;
private String article;
private Hashtable<Integer, List<Integer>> links;
private List<String> sentences = new ArrayList<>();
private List<String> processedSent = new ArrayList<>();
private final WordWeight wordWt;
private static final int NO_OF_IT = 100;
private final double maxErr = 0.1;
private DocProcessor docProc;
private final double title_wt = 0;
// private Hashtable<Integer, String[]> wordsInSent;
private static final double DF = 0.15;
private static final boolean HIGHER_TITLE_WEIGHT = true;
private static final double TITLE_WRD_WT = 2d;
public TextRank(DocProcessor dp) {
sw = new StopWords();
setLinks(new Hashtable<>());
processedSent = new ArrayList<>();
docProc = dp;
String resources = "./resources";
wordWt = IDFWordWeight.getInstance(resources + "/idf.csv");
public TextRank(StopWords sw, WordWeight wordWts) {
this.sw = sw;
this.wordWt = wordWts;
// Returns similarity of two sentences. Wrd wts contains tf-idf of the
// words..
public double getWeightedSimilarity(String sent1, String sent2,
Hashtable<String, Double> wrdWts) {
String[] words1 = sent1.trim().split("\\s+");
String[] words2 = sent2.trim().split("\\s+");
double wordsInCommon = 0;
Hashtable<String, Boolean> dups = new Hashtable<>();
for (String s : words1) {
String currWrd1 = s.trim();
// skip over duplicate words of sentence
if (dups.get(currWrd1) == null) {
dups.put(currWrd1, true);
for (String value : words2) {
if (!sw.isStopWord(currWrd1) && !currWrd1.isEmpty()
&& s.equals(value)) {
Double wt;
wt = wrdWts.get(currWrd1);
if (wt != null)
wordsInCommon += wt;
return (wordsInCommon) / (words1.length + words2.length);
// Gets the current score from the list of scores passed ...
public double getScoreFrom(List<Score> scores, int id) {
for (Score s : scores) {
if (s.getSentId() == id)
return s.getScore();
return 1;
// This method runs the page rank algorithm for the sentences.
// TR(Vi) = (1-d) + d * sigma over neighbors Vj( wij/sigma over k neighbor
// of j(wjk) * PR(Vj) )
public List<Score> getTextRankScore(List<Score> rawScores,
List<String> sentences, Hashtable<String, Double> wrdWts) {
List<Score> currWtScores = new ArrayList<>();
// Start with equal weights for all sentences
for (int i = 0; i < rawScores.size(); i++) {
Score ns = new Score();
ns.setScore((1 - title_wt) / (rawScores.size()));// this.getSimilarity();
// currWtScores.get(0).score = this.title_wt;
// Page rank..
for (int i = 0; i < NO_OF_IT; i++) {
double totErr = 0;
List<Score> newWtScores = new ArrayList<>();
// Update the scores for the current iteration..
for (Score rs : rawScores) {
int sentId = rs.getSentId();
Score ns = new Score();
List<Integer> neighbors = getLinks().get(sentId);
double sum = 0;
if (neighbors != null) {
for (Integer j : neighbors) {
// sum += getCurrentScore(rawScores,
// sentId)/(getCurrentScore(rawScores, neigh)) *
// getCurrentScore(currWtScores, neigh);
double wij = this.getWeightedSimilarity(sentences
.get(sentId), sentences.get(j), wrdWts);
double sigmawjk = getScoreFrom(rawScores, j);
double txtRnkj = getScoreFrom(currWtScores, j);
sum += wij / sigmawjk * txtRnkj;
ns.setScore((1d - DF) + sum * DF);// * rs.score
totErr += ns.getScore() - getScoreFrom(rawScores, sentId);
currWtScores = newWtScores;
if (i > 2 && totErr / rawScores.size() < maxErr)
for (Score s : currWtScores) {
s.setScore(s.getScore() * getScoreFrom(rawScores, s.getSentId()));
return currWtScores;
// Raw score is sigma wtsimilarity of neighbors.
// Used in the denominator of the Text rank formula.
public List<Score> getNeighborsSigmaWtSim(List<String> sentences,
Hashtable<String, List<Integer>> iidx, Hashtable<String, Double> wts) {
List<Score> allScores = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < sentences.size(); i++) {
String nextSent = sentences.get(i);
String[] words = nextSent.trim().split("\\s+");
Score s = new Score();
for (String word : words) {
String currWrd = docProc.getStemmer().stem(word).toString(); //stemmer.toString();
List<Integer> otherSents = iidx.get(currWrd);
if (otherSents == null)
List<Integer> processed = new ArrayList<>();
for (int idx : otherSents) {
if (idx != i && !processed.contains(idx)) {
double currS = getWeightedSimilarity(sentences.get(i),
sentences.get(idx), wts);
s.setScore(s.getScore() + currS);
if (currS > 0) {
addLink(i, idx);
return allScores;
public List<Score> getWeightedScores(List<Score> rawScores,
List<String> sentences, Hashtable<String, Double> wordWts) {
List<Score> weightedScores = this.getTextRankScore(rawScores,
sentences, wordWts);
return weightedScores;
private Hashtable<String, Double> toWordWtHashtable(WordWeight wwt,
Hashtable<String, List<Integer>> iidx) {
Hashtable<String, Double> wrdWt = new Hashtable<>();
Enumeration<String> keys = iidx.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = keys.nextElement();
wrdWt.put(key, wwt.getWordWeight(key));
return wrdWt;
public List<Score> getRankedSentences(String doc, List<String> sentences,
Hashtable<String, List<Integer>> iidx, List<String> processedSent) {
this.sentences = sentences;
this.processedSent = processedSent;
Hashtable<String, Double> wrdWts = toWordWtHashtable(this.wordWt, iidx);// new
// Hashtable<String,
// Double>();
if (HIGHER_TITLE_WEIGHT && getSentences().size()>0) {
String sent = getSentences().get(0);
String[] wrds = sent.trim().split("\\s+");
for (String wrd : wrds)
wrdWts.put(wrd, TITLE_WRD_WT);
List<Score> rawScores = getNeighborsSigmaWtSim(getSentences(), iidx, wrdWts);
return getWeightedScores(rawScores, getSentences(), wrdWts);
// Set a link between two sentences..
private void addLink(int i, int idx) {
List<Integer> endNodes = getLinks().get(i);
if (endNodes == null)
endNodes = new ArrayList<>();
getLinks().put(i, endNodes);
public void setSentences(List<String> sentences) {
this.sentences = sentences;
public List<String> getSentences() {
return sentences;
public void setArticle(String article) {
this.article = article;
public String getArticle() {
return article;
private void setLinks(Hashtable<Integer, List<Integer>> links) {
this.links = links;
public Hashtable<Integer, List<Integer>> getLinks() {
return links;
* public double getScore(String sent1, String sent2, boolean toPrint) {
* String[] words1 = sent1.split("\\s+"); String[] words2 = sent2.split("\\s+");
* double wordsInCommon = 0; for(int i=0;i< words1.length;i++) { for(int
* j=0;j<words2.length;j++) { if(!sw.isStopWord(words1[i]) &&
* !words1[i].trim().isEmpty() && words1[i].equals(words2[j])) { wordsInCommon+=
* wordWt.getWordWeight(words1[i]); } } } return ((double)wordsInCommon) /
* (Math.log(1+words1.length) + Math.log(1+words2.length)); }