blob: 995b70613579d97ac6646295a38711bd67f4f2ad [file] [log] [blame]
( Root (span 1 21)
( Nucleus (span 1 5) (rel2par span)
( Nucleus (span 1 3) (rel2par Joint)
( Satellite (leaf 1) (rel2par Attribution) (text _!I explained_!) )
( Nucleus (span 2 3) (rel2par span)
( Nucleus (leaf 2) (rel2par span) (text _!that_!) )
( Satellite (leaf 3) (rel2par Attribution) (text _!I made a deposit ,_!) )
( Nucleus (span 4 5) (rel2par Joint)
( Nucleus (leaf 4) (rel2par span) (text _!and then wrote a check ,_!) )
( Satellite (leaf 5) (rel2par Elaboration) (text _!which bounced due to a bank error ._!) )
( Satellite (span 6 21) (rel2par Summary)
( Nucleus (span 6 8) (rel2par span)
( Satellite (leaf 6) (rel2par Attribution) (text _!A customer service representative confirmed_!) )
( Nucleus (span 7 8) (rel2par span)
( Nucleus (leaf 7) (rel2par span) (text _!that it usually takes a day_!) )
( Satellite (leaf 8) (rel2par Enablement) (text _!to process the deposit ._!) )
( Satellite (span 9 21) (rel2par Elaboration)
( Nucleus (span 9 16) (rel2par span)
( Nucleus (span 9 13) (rel2par span)
( Nucleus (span 9 10) (rel2par span)
( Satellite (leaf 9) (rel2par Attribution) (text _!I reminded_!) )
( Nucleus (leaf 10) (rel2par span) (text _!that I was unfairly charged an overdraft fee a month ago in a similar situation ._!) )
( Satellite (span 11 13) (rel2par Elaboration)
( Satellite (leaf 11) (rel2par Attribution) (text _!They explained_!) )
( Nucleus (span 12 13) (rel2par span)
( Nucleus (leaf 12) (rel2par span) (text _!that the overdraft fee was due to insufficient funds_!) )
( Satellite (leaf 13) (rel2par Comparison) (text _!as disclosed in my account information ._!) )
( Satellite (span 14 16) (rel2par Elaboration)
( Nucleus (leaf 14) (rel2par span) (text _!I disagreed with their fee_!) )
( Satellite (span 15 16) (rel2par Explanation)
( Nucleus (leaf 15) (rel2par Joint) (text _!because I made a deposit well in advance_!) )
( Nucleus (leaf 16) (rel2par Joint) (text _!and wanted this fee back ._!) )
( Satellite (span 17 21) (rel2par Topic-Comment)
( Nucleus (span 17 19) (rel2par Joint)
( Nucleus (leaf 17) (rel2par span) (text _!They denied responsibility_!) )
( Satellite (span 18 19) (rel2par Elaboration)
( Satellite (leaf 18) (rel2par Attribution) (text _!saying_!) )
( Nucleus (leaf 19) (rel2par span) (text _!that nothing can be done at this point ._!) )
( Nucleus (span 20 21) (rel2par Joint)
( Satellite (leaf 20) (rel2par Attribution) (text _!They also confirmed_!) )
( Nucleus (leaf 21) (rel2par span) (text _!that I needed to look into the account rules closer ._!) )