OPENNLP-661 The OpenNLP machine learning code was integrated into the openlp-tools project. The opennlp-ml project should be removed from the sandbox.
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/opennlp-ml/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b59373..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/pom.xml b/opennlp-ml/pom.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index df88c96..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/pom.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-   distributed with this work for additional information
-   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-   specific language governing permissions and limitations
-   under the License.    
-<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
-	<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
-	<parent>
-		<groupId>org.apache</groupId>
-		<artifactId>apache</artifactId>
-		<version>9</version>
-		<relativePath />
-	</parent>
-	<groupId>org.apache.opennlp</groupId>
-	<artifactId>ml</artifactId>
-	<version>4.0.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT</version>
-	<packaging>jar</packaging>
-	<name>Apache OpenNLP Machine Learning Toolkit</name>
-	<prerequisites>
-		<maven>3.0</maven>
-	</prerequisites>
-	<dependencies>
-		<dependency>
-			<groupId>junit</groupId>
-			<artifactId>junit</artifactId>
-			<version>4.8.1</version>
-			<scope>test</scope>
-		</dependency>
-	</dependencies>
-	<build>
-		<plugins>
-			<plugin>
-				<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
-				<artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
-				<configuration>
-					<source>1.7</source>
-					<target>1.7</target>
-          			<compilerArgument>-Xlint</compilerArgument>
-				</configuration>
-			</plugin>
-		</plugins>
-	</build>
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/ b/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/
deleted file mode 100644
index 55319ae..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */   
-import opennlp.maxent.BasicEventStream;
-import opennlp.maxent.GIS;
-import opennlp.maxent.PlainTextByLineDataStream;
-import opennlp.maxent.RealBasicEventStream;
-import opennlp.model.AbstractModel;
-import opennlp.model.EventStream;
-import opennlp.model.OnePassDataIndexer;
-import opennlp.model.OnePassRealValueDataIndexer;
-import opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronTrainer;
- * Main class which calls the GIS procedure after building the EventStream
- * from the data.
- */
-public class CreateModel {
-    // some parameters if you want to play around with the smoothing option
-    // for model training.  This can improve model accuracy, though training
-    // will potentially take longer and use more memory.  Model size will also
-    // be larger.  Initial testing indicates improvements for models built on
-    // small data sets and few outcomes, but performance degradation for those
-    // with large data sets and lots of outcomes.
-    public static boolean USE_SMOOTHING = false;
-    public static double SMOOTHING_OBSERVATION = 0.1;
-    private static void usage() {
-      System.err.println("java CreateModel [-real] dataFile");
-      System.exit(1);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Main method. Call as follows:
-     * <p>
-     * java CreateModel dataFile
-     */
-    public static void main (String[] args) {
-      int ai = 0;
-      boolean real = false;
-      String type = "maxent";
-      if(args.length == 0) {
-        usage();
-      }
-      while (args[ai].startsWith("-")) {
-        if (args[ai].equals("-real")) {
-          real = true;
-        }
-        else if (args[ai].equals("-perceptron")) {
-          type = "perceptron";
-        }
-        else {
-          System.err.println("Unknown option: "+args[ai]);
-          usage();
-        }
-        ai++;
-      }
-      String dataFileName = args[ai];
-      String modelFileName =
-        dataFileName.substring(0,dataFileName.lastIndexOf('.'))
-        + "Model.txt";
-      try {
-        FileReader datafr = new FileReader(new File(dataFileName));
-        EventStream es;
-        if (!real) { 
-          es = new BasicEventStream(new PlainTextByLineDataStream(datafr));
-        }
-        else {
-          es = new RealBasicEventStream(new PlainTextByLineDataStream(datafr));
-        }
-        AbstractModel model;
-        if (type.equals("maxent")) {
-          if (!real) {
-            model = GIS.trainModel(es,USE_SMOOTHING);
-          }
-          else {
-            model = GIS.trainModel(100, new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(es,0), USE_SMOOTHING);
-          }
-        }
-        else if (type.equals("perceptron")){ 
-          System.err.println("Perceptron training");
-          model = new PerceptronTrainer().trainModel(10, new OnePassDataIndexer(es,0),0);
-        }
-        else {
-          System.err.println("Unknown model type: "+type);
-          model = null;
-        }
-        File outputFile = new File(modelFileName);
-        GISModelWriter writer =  new SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter(model, outputFile);
-        writer.persist();
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        System.out.print("Unable to create model due to exception: ");
-        System.out.println(e);
-        e.printStackTrace();
-      }
-    }
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/ b/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/
deleted file mode 100644
index 952c93b..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */     
-import opennlp.maxent.BasicContextGenerator;
-import opennlp.maxent.ContextGenerator;
-import opennlp.maxent.DataStream;
-import opennlp.maxent.PlainTextByLineDataStream;
-import opennlp.model.GenericModelReader;
-import opennlp.model.MaxentModel;
-import opennlp.model.RealValueFileEventStream;
- * Test the model on some input.
- */
-public class Predict {
-    MaxentModel _model;
-    ContextGenerator _cg = new BasicContextGenerator();
-    public Predict (MaxentModel m) {
-	_model = m;
-    }
-    private void eval (String predicates) {
-      eval(predicates,false);
-    }
-    private void eval (String predicates, boolean real) {
-      String[] contexts = predicates.split(" ");
-      double[] ocs;
-      if (!real) {
-        ocs = _model.eval(contexts);
-      }
-      else {
-        float[] values = RealValueFileEventStream.parseContexts(contexts);
-        ocs = _model.eval(contexts,values);
-      }
-      System.out.println("For context: " + predicates+ "\n" + _model.getAllOutcomes(ocs) + "\n");
-    }
-    private static void usage() {
-    }
-    /**
-     * Main method. Call as follows:
-     * <p>
-     * java Predict dataFile (modelFile)
-     */
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-	String dataFileName, modelFileName;
-    boolean real = false;
-    String type = "maxent";
-    int ai = 0;
-	if (args.length > 0) {
-      while (args[ai].startsWith("-")) {
-        if (args[ai].equals("-real")) {
-          real = true;
-        }
-        else if (args[ai].equals("-perceptron")) {
-          type = "perceptron";
-        }
-        else {
-          usage();
-        }
-        ai++;
-      }      
-      dataFileName = args[ai++];
-      if (args.length > ai) { 
-        modelFileName = args[ai++];
-      }
-      else {
-          modelFileName = dataFileName.substring(0,dataFileName.lastIndexOf('.')) + "Model.txt";
-      }
-	}
-	else {
-	    dataFileName = "";
-	    modelFileName = "weatherModel.txt";
-	}
-	Predict predictor = null;
-	try {
-      MaxentModel m = new GenericModelReader(new File(modelFileName)).getModel();
-	  predictor = new Predict(m);
-	} catch (Exception e) {
-	    e.printStackTrace();
-	    System.exit(0);
-	}
-	if (dataFileName.equals("")) {
-	    predictor.eval("Rainy Happy Humid");
-	    predictor.eval("Rainy");
-	    predictor.eval("Blarmey");
-	}
-	else {
-	    try {
-		DataStream ds =
-		    new PlainTextByLineDataStream(
-			new FileReader(new File(dataFileName)));
-		while (ds.hasNext()) {
-		    String s = (String)ds.nextToken();
-		    predictor.eval(s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(' ')),real);
-		}
-		return;
-	    }
-	    catch (Exception e) {
-	      System.out.println("Unable to read from specified file: "+modelFileName);
-	      System.out.println();
-	      e.printStackTrace();
-	    }
-	}
-    }
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/README b/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 90484f3..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-This is a simple example of a use of maximum entropy and the OpenNLP
-Maxent toolkit.  (It was designed to work with Maxent v2.5.0.)  There
-are two example data sets provided, one for whether a game should be
-played indoors or outdoors and another for whether Arsenal or
-Manchester United (two English football clubs) will win when they play
-each other, based on a few potentially salient features for either
-The java classes should be helpful getting up and running with your
-own maxent implementation, though the context generator is about as
-simple as it gets.  For more complex examples, look at the classes in
-the packages, available at
-To play with this sample application, do the following:
-Be sure that maxent-2.5.0.jar and trove.jar (found in the lib directory)
-are in your classpath.
-Compile the java files: 
-> javac *.java
-Note: the following will avoid the need to setup you classpath in your
-environment (be sure to fix the maxent jar for the correct version
-> javac -classpath .:../../lib/trove.jar:../../output/maxent-2.5.0.jar *.java
-Now, build the models:
-> java CreateModel gameLocation.dat
-> java CreateModel football.dat
-This will produce the two models "gameLocationModel.txt" and
-"footballModel.txt" in this directory. Again, to fix classpath issues
-on the command line, do the following instead:
-> java -cp .:../../lib/trove.jar:../../output/classes CreateModel football.dat
-You can then test the models on the data itself to see what sort of
-results they get on the data they were trained on:
-> java Predict gameLocation.dat
-> java Predict football.dat
-or, with command line classpath:
-> java -cp .:../../lib/trove.jar:../../output/classes Predict gameLocation.test
-You'll get output such as the following:
-For context: Cloudy Happy Humid
-Outdoor[0.9255]  Indoor[0.0745]
-For context: Rainy Dry
-Outdoor[0.0133]  Indoor[0.9867]
-For the first, the model has assigned a normalized probability of 77%
-to the Outdoor outcome, so given the context "Cloudy,Happy,Humid" it
-would choose to have the game outdoors.  For the second, the model
-appears to be almost entirely sure that the game should be indoors.
-The Arsenal vs. Manchester United decision is a bit more interesting
-because there are three possible outcomes: Arsenal wins, ManU wins, or
-they tie.  Here is some example output:
-For context: home=arsenal Beckham=true Henry=false
-arsenal[0.3201]  man_united[0.6343]  tie[0.0456]
-For context: home=man_united Beckham=true Henry=true
-arsenal[0.1499]  man_united[0.2060]  tie[0.6441]
-In the first case, ManU looks like the clear winner, but in the second
-it looks like it will be a tie, though ManU looks to have more of a
-chance at winning it than Arsenal.
-(For those who don't know, Beckham, Scholes, and Neville are/were ManU
-players and Ferguson is the coach, while Henry, Kanu, and Parlour are
-Arsenal players with Wengler as their coach.  By "Beckham=false" I
-mean that Beckham won't play this game.)
-Also, try this on the test files:
-> java Predict gameLocation.test
-> java Predict football.test
-Go ahead and modify the data to experiment with how the results can
-vary depending on the input to training.  There isn't much data, so
-its not a full-fledged example of maxent, but it should still give the
-general idea.  Also, add more contexts in the test files to see what
-the model will produce with different features active.
-In all the previous examples, the features we're binary values, meaning
-that the feature was either on or off.  You can also use features which
-have real values (like 0.07).  The features are formatted with the value
-specified after an equals sign such as the "pdiff" and "ptwins" features
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.25 tie
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6666 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.3333 win
-Features which don't contains are not in this format are considered to 
-have a value of 1.  Note feature values MUST BE POSITIVE.  Using real-valued 
-features has some additional overhead so you'll need to let the model know
-that it should look for these features.  For these examples, you can use
-the "-real" option.
-> java CreateModel -real realTeam.dat
-You can then test the models on the test data:
-> java Predict -real realTeam.test
-You see output like:
-For context: home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5
-lose[0.3279]  win[0.4311]  tie[0.2410]
-For context: home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5
-lose[0.3414]  win[0.4301]  tie[0.2284]
-For context: away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5
-lose[0.5590]  win[0.1864]  tie[0.2546]
-For context: away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6
-lose[0.5578]  win[0.1866]  tie[0.2556]
-You can see that the values of the features as well as their presence or 
-absence (such as the home or away features) impact the probabilities assigned 
-to each outcome.
-The use of the "-real" option to indicate real-valued data.  In general you'll
-need to use the classes: RealBasicEventStream, RealValueFileEventStream, OnePassRealValueDataIndexer, and TwoPassRealValueDataIndexer.
-For all models, though the features appear in almost the same
-orderings in the data files, this is not important. You can list them
-in whatever order you like.
-If you have any suggestions, interesting modifications, or data sets
-for other examples to add to this sample maxent application, please
-post them to the maxent open discussion forum:
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/football.dat b/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/football.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index b976925..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/football.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-home=man_united Beckham=false Scholes=true Neville=true Henry=true Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=tense arsenal_lost_previous man_united_won_previous arsenal
-home=man_united Beckham=true Scholes=false Neville=true Henry=false Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=tense Wengler=confident arsenal_won_previous man_united_lost_previous man_united
-home=man_united Beckham=false Scholes=true Neville=true Henry=true Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=tense Wengler=tense arsenal_lost_previous man_united_won_previous tie
-home=man_united Beckham=true Scholes=true Neville=false Henry=true Kanu=false Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=confident arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous tie
-home=man_united Beckham=false Scholes=true Neville=true Henry=true Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=tense arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous arsenal
-home=man_united Beckham=false Scholes=true Neville=true Henry=false Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=confident arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous man_united
-home=man_united Beckham=true Scholes=true Neville=false Henry=true Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=tense arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous man_united
-home=arsenal Beckham=false Scholes=true Neville=true Henry=true Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=tense arsenal_lost_previous man_united_won_previous arsenal
-home=arsenal Beckham=true Scholes=false Neville=true Henry=false Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=tense Wengler=confident arsenal_won_previous man_united_lost_previous arsenal
-home=arsenal Beckham=false Scholes=true Neville=true Henry=true Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=tense Wengler=tense arsenal_lost_previous man_united_won_previous tie
-home=arsenal Beckham=true Scholes=true Neville=false Henry=true Kanu=false Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=confident arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous man_united
-home=arsenal Beckham=false Scholes=true Neville=true Henry=true Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=tense arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous arsenal
-home=arsenal Beckham=false Scholes=true Neville=true Henry=false Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=confident arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous man_united
-home=arsenal Beckham=true Scholes=true Neville=false Henry=true Kanu=true Parlour=false Ferguson=confident Wengler=tense arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous arsenal
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/football.test b/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/football.test
deleted file mode 100644
index faba51b..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/football.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-home=arsenal ?
-home=man_united arsenal_won_previous man_united_won_previous Wengler=tense ?
-home=man_united Beckham=true Henry=true ?
-home=arsenal Beckham=false Henry=true ?
-home=arsenal Beckham=true Henry=false ?
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/gameLocation.dat b/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/gameLocation.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index 559d4a6..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/gameLocation.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Sunny Happy Outdoor

-Sunny Happy Dry Outdoor

-Sunny Happy Humid Outdoor

-Sunny Sad Dry Outdoor

-Sunny Sad Humid Outdoor

-Cloudy Happy Humid Outdoor

-Cloudy Happy Humid Outdoor

-Cloudy Sad Humid Outdoor

-Cloudy Sad Humid Outdoor

-Rainy Happy Humid Indoor

-Rainy Happy Dry Indoor

-Rainy Sad Dry Indoor

-Rainy Sad Humid Indoor

-Cloudy Sad Humid Indoor

-Cloudy Sad Humid Indoor

diff --git a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/gameLocation.test b/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/gameLocation.test
deleted file mode 100644
index 040f04e..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/gameLocation.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Cloudy Sad ?

-Sunny ?

-Rainy Happy Humid ?

-Happy Dry ?

-Rainy ?

-Rainy Dry ?

-Sunny Sad Dry ?

-Cloudy Happy Humid ?

-Cloudy Humid ?

diff --git a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/realTeam.dat b/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/realTeam.dat
deleted file mode 100644
index 93e15b7..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/realTeam.dat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5 lose
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5 win
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 win
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6666 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.3333 win
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.6666 win
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.3333 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.75 win
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.25 tie
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5 tie
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.25 tie
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6 tie
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.25 tie
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.25 lose
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.25 lose
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.6 win
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4 lose
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6666 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.4 lose
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 tie
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.7142 win
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5 win
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5714 win
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.625 win
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.4285 lose
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5714 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5555 lose
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5 lose
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5555 lose
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 tie
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6 win
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5555 win
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.6 tie
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5454 win
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5 win
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.6 win
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4444 lose
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.4545 tie
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5454 tie
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 lose
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5384 tie
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.4545 lose
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5454 lose
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5454 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5384 lose
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5833 win
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 lose
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5714 lose
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5384 win
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5384 lose
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5384 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6 tie
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5 tie
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5714 win
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6 lose
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5333 win
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4666 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.625 lose
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5333 tie
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5 lose
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4375 win
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6470 win
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5333 lose
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5294 tie
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4117 lose
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6111 tie
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5625 lose
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5294 lose
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4444 lose
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6111 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5882 tie
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5555 win
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4736 tie
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6315 win
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5882 tie
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5263 lose
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4736 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5882 tie
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.55 tie
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.45 win
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6190 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5882 tie
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.55 lose
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4285 lose
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6363 lose
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5882 lose
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5714 lose
-away pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.4545 lose
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3fa245b..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/samples/sports/realTeam.test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5 ?
-home pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.5 ?
-away pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.5 ?
-away pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.6 ?
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.5 ?
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.3333 ?
-away pdiff=1.0625 ptwins=0.6666 ?
-home pdiff=0.8125 ptwins=0.6666 ?
-home pdiff=0.9375 ptwins=0.3333 ?
-home pdiff=0.6875 ptwins=0.5 ?
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/AllEnglishAffixes.txt b/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/AllEnglishAffixes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 00bd2b8..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/AllEnglishAffixes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
--'s -able -acea -aceae -aceous -ad -ade -aemia -age -agogue -al -ales
--algia -amine -an -ana -ance -ancy -and -androus -andry -ane -ant -ar
--arch -archy -ard -arian -arium -art -ary -ase -asis -aster -ate -atic
--ation -ative -ator -atory -bashing -biosis -blast -bodied -branch
--cade -carp -carpic -carpous -cele -cene -centric -cephalic -cephalus
--chore -chrome -chroous -cide -clase -cle -cline -colous -cracy -crat
--cule -cy -cyst -cyte -decker -derm -diene -dom -drome -dromous -ean
--ectomy -ed -ee -eer -eme -emia -en -ence -enchyma -ency -ene -ent
--eous -er -ery -es -escent -ese -esque -ess -est -et -eth -ette -ey
--facient -favoured -featured -fer -ferous -fic -fid -florous -fold
--footed -form -free -fuge -ful -fy -gaited -gamy -gen -gene -genesis
--genic -genous -geny -gerous -gnathous -gnosis -gon -gonium -gony
--grade -gram -graph -grapher -graphy -gynous -haemia -haired -handed
--hearted -hedron -hemia -hood -i -i- -ia -ial -ian -iana -iasis
--iatrics -iatry -ible -ic -ical -ician -ics -id -idae -ide -ie -ier
--ify -ile -in -inae -ine -ing -ion -ious -ise -ish -ism -ist -istic
--ite -itis -itol -ity -ium -ive -ize -ji -kin -lalia -lashed -latry
--lepsy -less -let -like -ling -lipped -lite -lith -lithic -lived -log
--logue -logy -ly -lysis -lyte -lytic -mancy -mania -mantic -mas
--masted -ment -mer -mere -merous -meter -metry -mo -morph -most
--motored -mycete -n't -nasty -naut -ness -nik -nomy -o -o- -ock -ode
--odont -oid -oidea -ol -ole -oma -ome -on -one -onym -opia -opsis -or
--ory -ose -osis -otic -our -ous -parous -path -pathy -ped -pede
--person -petal -phage -phagy -phane -phany -phasia -phile -philia
--philous -phobe -phobia -phone -phony -phore -phoresis -phyll
--phyllous -phyte -plasia -plasm -plast -plastic -plasty -plegia -ploid
--pod -podium -podous -poiesis -pounder -prone -proof -pterous -rhoea
--rigged -rrhagia -rrhoea -ry -s -s' -saur -scape -scope -scopy -sect
--sepalous -shaped -ship -sided -some -sophy -sperm -sphere -sporous
--st -stat -ster -stichous -stome -stomous -stomy -stress -tactic
--taxis -taxy -termer -th -thermy -thymia -tion -to-be -tome -tomy
--trix -tron -trope -trophy -tropic -tropism -tropous -tude -ty -type
--ule -ulent -ure -uret -urgy -uria -ville -visaged -vorous -ward
--wards -ways -wise -witted -y -yl -yne -zoa -zoon
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@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Generate contexts for maxent decisions, assuming that the input
- * given to the getContext() method is a String containing contextual
- * predicates separated by spaces. 
- * e.g:
- * <p>
- * cp_1 cp_2 ... cp_n
- * </p>
- */
-public class BasicContextGenerator implements ContextGenerator {
-  private String separator = " ";
-  public BasicContextGenerator () {}
-  public BasicContextGenerator (String sep) {
-    separator = sep;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Builds up the list of contextual predicates given a String.
-   */
-  public String[] getContext(Object o) {
-    String s = (String) o;
-    return (String[]) s.split(separator);
-  }
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index 4e76b62..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A object which can deliver a stream of training events assuming
- * that each event is represented as a separated list containing
- * all the contextual predicates, with the last item being the
- * outcome. The default separator is the space " ".
- * e.g.: 
- *
- * <p> cp_1 cp_2 ... cp_n outcome
- * <p> cp_1,cp_2,...,cp_n,outcome
- */
-public class BasicEventStream extends AbstractEventStream {
-  ContextGenerator cg;
-  DataStream ds;
-  Event next;
-  private String separator = " ";
-   public BasicEventStream (DataStream ds, String sep) {
-    separator = sep;
-    cg = new BasicContextGenerator(separator);
-    this.ds = ds;
-    if (this.ds.hasNext())
-      next = createEvent((String)this.ds.nextToken());
-  }
- public BasicEventStream (DataStream ds) {
-    this(ds, " ");
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the next Event object held in this EventStream.  Each call to nextEvent advances the EventStream.
-   *
-   * @return the Event object which is next in this EventStream
-   */
-  public Event next () {
-    while (next == null && this.ds.hasNext())
-      next = createEvent((String)this.ds.nextToken());
-    Event current = next;
-    if (this.ds.hasNext()) {
-      next = createEvent((String)this.ds.nextToken());
-    }
-    else {
-      next = null;
-    }
-    return current;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Test whether there are any Events remaining in this EventStream.
-   *
-   * @return true if this EventStream has more Events
-   */
-  public boolean hasNext () {
-    while (next == null && ds.hasNext())
-      next = createEvent((String)ds.nextToken());
-    return next != null;
-  }
-  private Event createEvent(String obs) {
-    int lastSpace = obs.lastIndexOf(separator);
-    if (lastSpace == -1) 
-      return null;
-    else
-      return new Event(obs.substring(lastSpace+1),
-          cg.getContext(obs.substring(0, lastSpace)));
-  }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A program to convert from java binary doubles to ascii
- */
-public class BinToAscii {
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
-        new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(args[1]))));
-    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(
-        new FileInputStream(args[0])));
-    double d;
-    try {
-      while (true)
-        out.println(in.readDouble());
-    } catch (Exception E) {
-    }
-    out.close();
-    in.close();
-  }
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index 434d781..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Generate contexts for maxent decisions.
- */
-public interface ContextGenerator {
-  /**
-   * Builds up the list of contextual predicates given an Object.
-   */
-  public String[] getContext(Object o);
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index 448ff91..0000000
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@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A simple class which is essentially an Integer which is mutable via
- * incrementation. 
- */
-public class Counter {
-  private int counter = 1;
-  public void increment() {
-    counter++;
-  }
-  public int intValue() {
-    return counter;
-  }
-  public boolean passesCutoff(int c) {
-    return counter >= c;
-  }
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@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A interface for objects which can deliver a stream of training data to be
- * supplied to an EventStream. It is not necessary to use a DataStream in a
- * Maxent application, but it can be used to support a wider variety of formats
- * in which your training data can be held.
- */
-public interface DataStream {
-  /**
-   * Returns the next slice of data held in this DataStream.
-   * 
-   * @return the Object representing the data which is next in this DataStream
-   */
-  public Object nextToken();
-  /**
-   * Test whether there are any Events remaining in this EventStream.
-   * 
-   * @return true if this DataStream has more data tokens
-   */
-  public boolean hasNext();
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@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
-import java.util.Set;
- * A class which stores a mapping from ModelDomain objects to MaxentModels.
- * This permits an application to replace an old model for a domain with a
- * newly trained one in a thread-safe manner.  By calling the getModel()
- * method, the application can create new instances of classes which use the
- * relevant models.
- */
-public class DomainToModelMap {
-  // the underlying object which stores the mapping
-  private Map<ModelDomain, MaxentModel> map = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<ModelDomain, MaxentModel>());
-  /**
-   * Sets the model for the given domain.
-   * 
-   * @param domain
-   *          The ModelDomain object which keys to the model.
-   * @param model
-   *          The MaxentModel trained for the domain.
-   */
-  public void setModelForDomain(ModelDomain domain, MaxentModel model) {
-    map.put(domain, model);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Get the model mapped to by the given ModelDomain key.
-   * 
-   * @param domain
-   *          The ModelDomain object which keys to the desired model.
-   * @return The MaxentModel corresponding to the given domain.
-   */
-  public MaxentModel getModel(ModelDomain domain) {
-    if (map.containsKey(domain)) {
-      return map.get(domain);
-    } else {
-      throw new NoSuchElementException("No model has been created for "
-          + "domain: " + domain);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Removes the mapping for this ModelDomain key from this map if present.
-   * 
-   * @param domain
-   *          The ModelDomain key whose mapping is to be removed from the map.
-   */
-  public void removeDomain(ModelDomain domain) {
-    map.remove(domain);
-  }
-  /**
-   * A set view of the ModelDomain keys contained in this map.
-   * 
-   * @return a set view of the ModelDomain keys contained in this map
-   */
-  public Set keySet() {
-    return map.keySet();
-  }
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@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class DoubleStringPair implements Comparable<DoubleStringPair> {
-    final public String stringValue;
-    final public double doubleValue;
-    public DoubleStringPair (double d, String s) {
-      doubleValue = d;
-      stringValue = s;
-    }
-    public int compareTo(DoubleStringPair p) {
-      return,p.doubleValue);
-    }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Interface for components which use maximum entropy models and can evaluate
- * the performace of the models using the TrainEval class.
- */
-public interface Evalable {
-  /**
-   * The outcome that should be considered a negative result. This is used for
-   * computing recall. In the case of binary decisions, this would be the false
-   * one.
-   * 
-   * @return the events that this EventCollector has gathered
-   */
-  public String getNegativeOutcome();
-  /**
-   * Returns the EventCollector that is used to collect all relevant information
-   * from the data file. This is used for to test the predictions of the model.
-   * Note that if some of your features are the oucomes of previous events, this
-   * method will give you results assuming 100% performance on the previous
-   * events. If you don't like this, use the localEval method.
-   * 
-   * @param r
-   *          A reader containing the data for the event collector
-   * @return an EventCollector
-   */
-  public EventCollector getEventCollector(Reader r);
-  /**
-   * If the -l option is selected for evaluation, this method will be called
-   * rather than TrainEval's evaluation method. This is good if your features
-   * includes the outcomes of previous events.
-   * 
-   * @param model
-   *          the maxent model to evaluate
-   * @param r
-   *          Reader containing the data to process
-   * @param e
-   *          The original Evalable. Probably not relevant.
-   * @param verbose
-   *          a request to print more specific processing information
-   */
-  public void localEval(MaxentModel model, Reader r, Evalable e, boolean verbose);
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A Factory class which uses instances of GISTrainer to create and train
- * GISModels.
- */
-public class GIS {
-  /**
-   * Set this to false if you don't want messages about the progress of model
-   * training displayed. Alternately, you can use the overloaded version of
-   * trainModel() to conditionally enable progress messages.
-   */
-  public static boolean PRINT_MESSAGES = true;
-  /**
-   * If we are using smoothing, this is used as the "number" of times we want
-   * the trainer to imagine that it saw a feature that it actually didn't see.
-   * Defaulted to 0.1.
-   */
-  public static double SMOOTHING_OBSERVATION = 0.1;
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm, assuming 100 iterations and no
-   * cutoff.
-   * 
-   * @param eventStream
-   *          The EventStream holding the data on which this model will be
-   *          trained.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(EventStream eventStream) throws IOException {
-    return trainModel(eventStream, 100, 0, false, PRINT_MESSAGES);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm, assuming 100 iterations and no
-   * cutoff.
-   * 
-   * @param eventStream
-   *          The EventStream holding the data on which this model will be
-   *          trained.
-   * @param smoothing
-   *          Defines whether the created trainer will use smoothing while
-   *          training the model.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(EventStream eventStream, boolean smoothing)
-      throws IOException {
-    return trainModel(eventStream, 100, 0, smoothing, PRINT_MESSAGES);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   * 
-   * @param eventStream
-   *          The EventStream holding the data on which this model will be
-   *          trained.
-   * @param iterations
-   *          The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param cutoff
-   *          The number of times a feature must be seen in order to be relevant
-   *          for training.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(EventStream eventStream, int iterations,
-      int cutoff) throws IOException {
-    return trainModel(eventStream, iterations, cutoff, false, PRINT_MESSAGES);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   * 
-   * @param eventStream
-   *          The EventStream holding the data on which this model will be
-   *          trained.
-   * @param iterations
-   *          The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param cutoff
-   *          The number of times a feature must be seen in order to be relevant
-   *          for training.
-   * @param smoothing
-   *          Defines whether the created trainer will use smoothing while
-   *          training the model.
-   * @param printMessagesWhileTraining
-   *          Determines whether training status messages are written to STDOUT.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(EventStream eventStream, int iterations,
-      int cutoff, boolean smoothing, boolean printMessagesWhileTraining)
-      throws IOException {
-    GISTrainer trainer = new GISTrainer(printMessagesWhileTraining);
-    trainer.setSmoothing(smoothing);
-    trainer.setSmoothingObservation(SMOOTHING_OBSERVATION);
-    return trainer.trainModel(eventStream, iterations, cutoff);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   * 
-   * @param eventStream
-   *          The EventStream holding the data on which this model will be
-   *          trained.
-   * @param iterations
-   *          The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param cutoff
-   *          The number of times a feature must be seen in order to be relevant
-   *          for training.
-   * @param sigma
-   *          The standard deviation for the gaussian smoother.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(EventStream eventStream, int iterations,
-      int cutoff, double sigma) throws IOException {
-    GISTrainer trainer = new GISTrainer(PRINT_MESSAGES);
-    if (sigma > 0)
-      trainer.setGaussianSigma(sigma);
-    return trainer.trainModel(eventStream, iterations, cutoff);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   * 
-   * @param iterations
-   *          The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param indexer
-   *          The object which will be used for event compilation.
-   * @param smoothing
-   *          Defines whether the created trainer will use smoothing while
-   *          training the model.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer indexer,
-      boolean smoothing) {
-    return trainModel(iterations, indexer, true, smoothing, null, 0);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   * 
-   * @param iterations
-   *          The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param indexer
-   *          The object which will be used for event compilation.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer indexer) {
-    return trainModel(iterations, indexer, true, false, null, 0);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm with the specified number of
-   * iterations, data indexer, and prior.
-   * 
-   * @param iterations
-   *          The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param indexer
-   *          The object which will be used for event compilation.
-   * @param modelPrior
-   *          The prior distribution for the model.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer indexer,
-      Prior modelPrior, int cutoff) {
-    return trainModel(iterations, indexer, true, false, modelPrior, cutoff);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   * 
-   * @param iterations
-   *          The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param indexer
-   *          The object which will be used for event compilation.
-   * @param printMessagesWhileTraining
-   *          Determines whether training status messages are written to STDOUT.
-   * @param smoothing
-   *          Defines whether the created trainer will use smoothing while
-   *          training the model.
-   * @param modelPrior
-   *          The prior distribution for the model.
-   * @param cutoff
-   *          The number of times a predicate must occur to be used in a model.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer indexer,
-      boolean printMessagesWhileTraining, boolean smoothing, Prior modelPrior,
-      int cutoff) {
-    return trainModel(iterations, indexer, printMessagesWhileTraining,
-        smoothing, modelPrior, cutoff, 1);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   * 
-   * @param iterations
-   *          The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param indexer
-   *          The object which will be used for event compilation.
-   * @param printMessagesWhileTraining
-   *          Determines whether training status messages are written to STDOUT.
-   * @param smoothing
-   *          Defines whether the created trainer will use smoothing while
-   *          training the model.
-   * @param modelPrior
-   *          The prior distribution for the model.
-   * @param cutoff
-   *          The number of times a predicate must occur to be used in a model.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved to
-   *         disk using an object.
-   */
-  public static GISModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer indexer,
-      boolean printMessagesWhileTraining, boolean smoothing, Prior modelPrior,
-      int cutoff, int threads) {
-    GISTrainer trainer = new GISTrainer(printMessagesWhileTraining);
-    trainer.setSmoothing(smoothing);
-    trainer.setSmoothingObservation(SMOOTHING_OBSERVATION);
-    if (modelPrior == null) {
-      modelPrior = new UniformPrior();
-    }
-    return trainer.trainModel(iterations, indexer, modelPrior, cutoff, threads);
-  }
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/GISFormat b/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/GISFormat
deleted file mode 100644
index 5131f45..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/GISFormat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-Format for the GIS maxent info (.mei) files.
-GIS (model type identifier)
-1. # of parameters (int)
-2. the correction constant (int)
-3. the correction constant parameter (double)
-4. # of outcomes (int)
-   * list of outcome names (String)
-5. # of different types of outcome patterns (int)
-   * list of (int int[])
-    [# of predicates for which outcome pattern is true] [outcome pattern]
-6. # of predicates (int)
-   * list of predicate names (String)
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index 2bad4e0..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.text.DecimalFormat;
- * A maximum entropy model which has been trained using the Generalized
- * Iterative Scaling procedure (implemented in
- */
-public final class GISModel extends AbstractModel {
-  /**
-   * Creates a new model with the specified parameters, outcome names, and
-   * predicate/feature labels.
-   * 
-   * @param params
-   *          The parameters of the model.
-   * @param predLabels
-   *          The names of the predicates used in this model.
-   * @param outcomeNames
-   *          The names of the outcomes this model predicts.
-   * @param correctionConstant
-   *          The maximum number of active features which occur in an event.
-   * @param correctionParam
-   *          The parameter associated with the correction feature.
-   */
-  public GISModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames,
-      int correctionConstant, double correctionParam) {
-    this(params, predLabels, outcomeNames, correctionConstant, correctionParam,
-        new UniformPrior());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates a new model with the specified parameters, outcome names, and
-   * predicate/feature labels.
-   * 
-   * @param params
-   *          The parameters of the model.
-   * @param predLabels
-   *          The names of the predicates used in this model.
-   * @param outcomeNames
-   *          The names of the outcomes this model predicts.
-   * @param correctionConstant
-   *          The maximum number of active features which occur in an event.
-   * @param correctionParam
-   *          The parameter associated with the correction feature.
-   * @param prior
-   *          The prior to be used with this model.
-   */
-  public GISModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames,
-      int correctionConstant, double correctionParam, Prior prior) {
-    super(params, predLabels, outcomeNames, correctionConstant, correctionParam);
-    this.prior = prior;
-    prior.setLabels(outcomeNames, predLabels);
-    modelType = ModelType.Maxent;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Use this model to evaluate a context and return an array of the likelihood
-   * of each outcome given that context.
-   * 
-   * @param context
-   *          The names of the predicates which have been observed at the
-   *          present decision point.
-   * @return The normalized probabilities for the outcomes given the context.
-   *         The indexes of the double[] are the outcome ids, and the actual
-   *         string representation of the outcomes can be obtained from the
-   *         method getOutcome(int i).
-   */
-  public final double[] eval(String[] context) {
-    return (eval(context, new double[evalParams.getNumOutcomes()]));
-  }
-  public final double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values) {
-    return (eval(context, values, new double[evalParams.getNumOutcomes()]));
-  }
-  public final double[] eval(String[] context, double[] outsums) {
-    return eval(context, null, outsums);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Use this model to evaluate a context and return an array of the likelihood
-   * of each outcome given that context.
-   * 
-   * @param context
-   *          The names of the predicates which have been observed at the
-   *          present decision point.
-   * @param outsums
-   *          This is where the distribution is stored.
-   * @return The normalized probabilities for the outcomes given the context.
-   *         The indexes of the double[] are the outcome ids, and the actual
-   *         string representation of the outcomes can be obtained from the
-   *         method getOutcome(int i).
-   */
-  public final double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values, double[] outsums) {
-    int[] scontexts = new int[context.length];
-    for (int i = 0; i < context.length; i++) {
-      Integer ci = pmap.get(context[i]);
-      scontexts[i] = ci == null ? -1 : ci;
-    }
-    prior.logPrior(outsums, scontexts, values);
-    return GISModel.eval(scontexts, values, outsums, evalParams);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Use this model to evaluate a context and return an array of the likelihood
-   * of each outcome given the specified context and the specified parameters.
-   * 
-   * @param context
-   *          The integer values of the predicates which have been observed at
-   *          the present decision point.
-   * @param prior
-   *          The prior distribution for the specified context.
-   * @param model
-   *          The set of parametes used in this computation.
-   * @return The normalized probabilities for the outcomes given the context.
-   *         The indexes of the double[] are the outcome ids, and the actual
-   *         string representation of the outcomes can be obtained from the
-   *         method getOutcome(int i).
-   */
-  public static double[] eval(int[] context, double[] prior,
-      EvalParameters model) {
-    return eval(context, null, prior, model);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Use this model to evaluate a context and return an array of the likelihood
-   * of each outcome given the specified context and the specified parameters.
-   * 
-   * @param context
-   *          The integer values of the predicates which have been observed at
-   *          the present decision point.
-   * @param values
-   *          The values for each of the parameters.
-   * @param prior
-   *          The prior distribution for the specified context.
-   * @param model
-   *          The set of parametes used in this computation.
-   * @return The normalized probabilities for the outcomes given the context.
-   *         The indexes of the double[] are the outcome ids, and the actual
-   *         string representation of the outcomes can be obtained from the
-   *         method getOutcome(int i).
-   */
-  public static double[] eval(int[] context, float[] values, double[] prior,
-      EvalParameters model) {
-    Context[] params = model.getParams();
-    int numfeats[] = new int[model.getNumOutcomes()];
-    int[] activeOutcomes;
-    double[] activeParameters;
-    double value = 1;
-    for (int ci = 0; ci < context.length; ci++) {
-      if (context[ci] >= 0) {
-        Context predParams = params[context[ci]];
-        activeOutcomes = predParams.getOutcomes();
-        activeParameters = predParams.getParameters();
-        if (values != null) {
-          value = values[ci];
-        }
-        for (int ai = 0; ai < activeOutcomes.length; ai++) {
-          int oid = activeOutcomes[ai];
-          numfeats[oid]++;
-          prior[oid] += activeParameters[ai] * value;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    double normal = 0.0;
-    for (int oid = 0; oid < model.getNumOutcomes(); oid++) {
-      if (model.getCorrectionParam() != 0) {
-        prior[oid] = Math
-            .exp(prior[oid]
-                * model.getConstantInverse()
-                + ((1.0 - ((double) numfeats[oid] / model
-                    .getCorrectionConstant())) * model.getCorrectionParam()));
-      } else {
-        prior[oid] = Math.exp(prior[oid] * model.getConstantInverse());
-      }
-      normal += prior[oid];
-    }
-    for (int oid = 0; oid < model.getNumOutcomes(); oid++) {
-      prior[oid] /= normal;
-    }
-    return prior;
-  }
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws {
-    if (args.length == 0) {
-      System.err.println("Usage: GISModel modelname < contexts");
-      System.exit(1);
-    }
-    AbstractModel m = new
-        new File(args[0])).getModel();
-    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
-    DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat(".###");
-    for (String line = in.readLine(); line != null; line = in.readLine()) {
-      String[] context = line.split(" ");
-      double[] dist = m.eval(context);
-      for (int oi = 0; oi < dist.length; oi++) {
-        System.out.print("[" + m.getOutcome(oi) + " " + df.format(dist[oi])
-            + "] ");
-      }
-      System.out.println();
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/ b/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a46a04..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
-import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
-import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
-import java.util.concurrent.Future;
- * An implementation of Generalized Iterative Scaling.  The reference paper
- * for this implementation was Adwait Ratnaparkhi's tech report at the
- * University of Pennsylvania's Institute for Research in Cognitive Science,
- * and is available at <a href =""><code></code></a>. 
- *
- * The slack parameter used in the above implementation has been removed by default
- * from the computation and a method for updating with Gaussian smoothing has been
- * added per Investigating GIS and Smoothing for Maximum Entropy Taggers, Clark and Curran (2002).  
- * <a href=""><code></code></a>
- * The slack parameter can be used by setting <code>useSlackParameter</code> to true.
- * Gaussian smoothing can be used by setting <code>useGaussianSmoothing</code> to true. 
- * 
- * A prior can be used to train models which converge to the distribution which minimizes the
- * relative entropy between the distribution specified by the empirical constraints of the training
- * data and the specified prior.  By default, the uniform distribution is used as the prior.
- */
-class GISTrainer {
-  /**
-   * Specifies whether unseen context/outcome pairs should be estimated as occur very infrequently.
-   */
-  private boolean useSimpleSmoothing = false;
-  /** 
-   * Specified whether parameter updates should prefer a distribution of parameters which
-   * is gaussian.
-   */
-  private boolean useGaussianSmoothing = false;
-  private double sigma = 2.0;
-  // If we are using smoothing, this is used as the "number" of
-  // times we want the trainer to imagine that it saw a feature that it
-  // actually didn't see.  Defaulted to 0.1.
-  private double _smoothingObservation = 0.1;
-  private final boolean printMessages;
-  /** 
-   * Number of unique events which occured in the event set. 
-   */
-  private int numUniqueEvents;
-  /** 
-   * Number of predicates. 
-   */
-  private int numPreds;
-  /** 
-   * Number of outcomes. 
-   */
-  private int numOutcomes;
-  /** 
-   * Records the array of predicates seen in each event.
-   */
-  private int[][] contexts;
-  /** 
-   * The value associated with each context. If null then context values are assumes to be 1.
-   */
-  private float[][] values;
-  /** 
-   * List of outcomes for each event i, in context[i].
-   */
-  private int[] outcomeList;
-  /** 
-   * Records the num of times an event has been seen for each event i, in context[i].
-   */
-  private int[] numTimesEventsSeen;
-  /** 
-   * The number of times a predicate occured in the training data.
-   */
-  private int[] predicateCounts;
-  private int cutoff;
-  /**
-   * Stores the String names of the outcomes. The GIS only tracks outcomes as
-   * ints, and so this array is needed to save the model to disk and thereby
-   * allow users to know what the outcome was in human understandable terms.
-   */
-  private String[] outcomeLabels;
-  /**
-   * Stores the String names of the predicates. The GIS only tracks predicates
-   * as ints, and so this array is needed to save the model to disk and thereby
-   * allow users to know what the outcome was in human understandable terms.
-   */
-  private String[] predLabels;
-  /**
-   * Stores the observed expected values of the features based on training data.
-   */
-  private MutableContext[] observedExpects;
-  /**
-   * Stores the estimated parameter value of each predicate during iteration
-   */
-  private MutableContext[] params;
-  /** 
-   * Stores the expected values of the features based on the current models 
-   */
-  private MutableContext[][] modelExpects;
-  /**
-   * This is the prior distribution that the model uses for training.
-   */
-  private Prior prior;
-  private static final double LLThreshold = 0.0001;
-  /**
-   * Initial probability for all outcomes.
-   */
-  private EvalParameters evalParams;
-  /**
-   * Creates a new <code>GISTrainer</code> instance which does not print
-   * progress messages about training to STDOUT.
-   * 
-   */
-  GISTrainer() {
-    printMessages = false;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates a new <code>GISTrainer</code> instance.
-   *
-   * @param printMessages sends progress messages about training to
-   *                      STDOUT when true; trains silently otherwise.
-   */
-  GISTrainer(boolean printMessages) {
-    this.printMessages = printMessages;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets whether this trainer will use smoothing while training the model.
-   * This can improve model accuracy, though training will potentially take
-   * longer and use more memory.  Model size will also be larger.
-   *
-   * @param smooth true if smoothing is desired, false if not
-   */
-  public void setSmoothing(boolean smooth) {
-    useSimpleSmoothing = smooth;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets whether this trainer will use smoothing while training the model.
-   * This can improve model accuracy, though training will potentially take
-   * longer and use more memory.  Model size will also be larger.
-   *
-   * @param timesSeen the "number" of times we want the trainer to imagine
-   *                  it saw a feature that it actually didn't see
-   */
-  public void setSmoothingObservation(double timesSeen) {
-    _smoothingObservation = timesSeen;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets whether this trainer will use smoothing while training the model.
-   * This can improve model accuracy, though training will potentially take
-   * longer and use more memory.  Model size will also be larger.
-   *
-   */
-  public void setGaussianSigma(double sigmaValue) {
-    useGaussianSmoothing = true;
-    sigma = sigmaValue;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Trains a GIS model on the event in the specified event stream, using the specified number
-   * of iterations and the specified count cutoff.
-   * @param eventStream A stream of all events.
-   * @param iterations The number of iterations to use for GIS.
-   * @param cutoff The number of times a feature must occur to be included.
-   * @return A GIS model trained with specified 
-   */
-  public GISModel trainModel(EventStream eventStream, int iterations, int cutoff) throws IOException {
-    return trainModel(iterations, new OnePassDataIndexer(eventStream,cutoff),cutoff);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   *
-   * @param iterations  The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param di The data indexer used to compress events in memory.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved
-   *         to disk using an object.
-   */
-  public GISModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer di, int cutoff) {
-    return trainModel(iterations,di,new UniformPrior(),cutoff,1);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
-   *
-   * @param iterations  The number of GIS iterations to perform.
-   * @param di The data indexer used to compress events in memory.
-   * @param modelPrior The prior distribution used to train this model.
-   * @return The newly trained model, which can be used immediately or saved
-   *         to disk using an object.
-   */
-  public GISModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer di, Prior modelPrior, int cutoff, int threads) {
-    if (threads <= 0)
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("threads must be at leat one or greater!");
-    modelExpects = new MutableContext[threads][];
-    /************** Incorporate all of the needed info ******************/
-    display("Incorporating indexed data for training...  \n");
-    contexts = di.getContexts();
-    values = di.getValues();
-    this.cutoff = cutoff;
-    predicateCounts = di.getPredCounts();
-    numTimesEventsSeen = di.getNumTimesEventsSeen();
-    numUniqueEvents = contexts.length;
-    this.prior = modelPrior;
-    //printTable(contexts);
-    // determine the correction constant and its inverse
-    double correctionConstant = 0;
-    for (int ci = 0; ci < contexts.length; ci++) {
-      if (values == null || values[ci] == null) {
-        if (contexts[ci].length > correctionConstant) {
-          correctionConstant = contexts[ci].length;
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        float cl = values[ci][0];
-        for (int vi=1;vi<values[ci].length;vi++) {
-          cl+=values[ci][vi];
-        }
-        if (cl > correctionConstant) {
-          correctionConstant = cl;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    display("done.\n");
-    outcomeLabels = di.getOutcomeLabels();
-    outcomeList = di.getOutcomeList();
-    numOutcomes = outcomeLabels.length;
-    predLabels = di.getPredLabels();
-    prior.setLabels(outcomeLabels,predLabels);
-    numPreds = predLabels.length;
-    display("\tNumber of Event Tokens: " + numUniqueEvents + "\n");
-    display("\t    Number of Outcomes: " + numOutcomes + "\n");
-    display("\t  Number of Predicates: " + numPreds + "\n");
-    // set up feature arrays
-    float[][] predCount = new float[numPreds][numOutcomes];
-    for (int ti = 0; ti < numUniqueEvents; ti++) {
-      for (int j = 0; j < contexts[ti].length; j++) {
-        if (values != null && values[ti] != null) {
-          predCount[contexts[ti][j]][outcomeList[ti]] += numTimesEventsSeen[ti]*values[ti][j];
-        }
-        else {          
-          predCount[contexts[ti][j]][outcomeList[ti]] += numTimesEventsSeen[ti];
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    //printTable(predCount);
-    di = null; // don't need it anymore
-    // A fake "observation" to cover features which are not detected in
-    // the data.  The default is to assume that we observed "1/10th" of a
-    // feature during training.
-    final double smoothingObservation = _smoothingObservation;
-    // Get the observed expectations of the features. Strictly speaking,
-    // we should divide the counts by the number of Tokens, but because of
-    // the way the model's expectations are approximated in the
-    // implementation, this is cancelled out when we compute the next
-    // iteration of a parameter, making the extra divisions wasteful.
-    params = new MutableContext[numPreds];
-    for (int i = 0; i< modelExpects.length; i++)
-      modelExpects[i] = new MutableContext[numPreds];
-    observedExpects = new MutableContext[numPreds];
-    // The model does need the correction constant and the correction feature. The correction constant
-    // is only needed during training, and the correction feature is not necessary.
-    // For compatibility reasons the model contains form now on a correction constant of 1, 
-    // and a correction param 0.
-    evalParams = new EvalParameters(params,0,1,numOutcomes);
-    int[] activeOutcomes = new int[numOutcomes];
-    int[] outcomePattern;
-    int[] allOutcomesPattern= new int[numOutcomes];
-    for (int oi = 0; oi < numOutcomes; oi++) {
-      allOutcomesPattern[oi] = oi;
-    }
-    int numActiveOutcomes = 0;
-    for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
-      numActiveOutcomes = 0;
-      if (useSimpleSmoothing) {
-        numActiveOutcomes = numOutcomes;
-        outcomePattern = allOutcomesPattern;
-      }
-      else { //determine active outcomes
-        for (int oi = 0; oi < numOutcomes; oi++) {
-          if (predCount[pi][oi] > 0 && predicateCounts[pi] >= cutoff) {
-            activeOutcomes[numActiveOutcomes] = oi;
-            numActiveOutcomes++;
-          }
-        }
-        if (numActiveOutcomes == numOutcomes) {
-          outcomePattern = allOutcomesPattern;
-        }
-        else {
-          outcomePattern = new int[numActiveOutcomes];
-          for (int aoi=0;aoi<numActiveOutcomes;aoi++) {
-            outcomePattern[aoi] = activeOutcomes[aoi];
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      params[pi] = new MutableContext(outcomePattern,new double[numActiveOutcomes]);
-      for (int i = 0; i< modelExpects.length; i++)
-        modelExpects[i][pi] = new MutableContext(outcomePattern,new double[numActiveOutcomes]);
-      observedExpects[pi] = new MutableContext(outcomePattern,new double[numActiveOutcomes]);
-      for (int aoi=0;aoi<numActiveOutcomes;aoi++) {
-        int oi = outcomePattern[aoi];
-        params[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0);
-        for (MutableContext[] modelExpect : modelExpects) {
-          modelExpect[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0);
-        }
-        if (predCount[pi][oi] > 0) {
-            observedExpects[pi].setParameter(aoi, predCount[pi][oi]);
-        }
-        else if (useSimpleSmoothing) { 
-          observedExpects[pi].setParameter(aoi,smoothingObservation);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    predCount = null; // don't need it anymore
-    display("...done.\n");
-    /***************** Find the parameters ************************/
-    if (threads == 1)
-      display("Computing model parameters ...\n");
-    else
-      display("Computing model parameters in " + threads +" threads...\n");
-    findParameters(iterations, correctionConstant);
-    /*************** Create and return the model ******************/
-    // To be compatible with old models the correction constant is always 1
-    return new GISModel(params, predLabels, outcomeLabels, 1, evalParams.getCorrectionParam());
-  }
-  /* Estimate and return the model parameters. */
-  private void findParameters(int iterations, double correctionConstant) {
-    double prevLL = 0.0;
-    double currLL = 0.0;
-    display("Performing " + iterations + " iterations.\n");
-    for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) {
-      if (i < 10)
-        display("  " + i + ":  ");
-      else if (i < 100)
-        display(" " + i + ":  ");
-      else
-        display(i + ":  ");
-      currLL = nextIteration(correctionConstant);
-      if (i > 1) {
-        if (prevLL > currLL) {
-          System.err.println("Model Diverging: loglikelihood decreased");
-          break;
-        }
-        if (currLL - prevLL < LLThreshold) {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      prevLL = currLL;
-    }
-    // kill a bunch of these big objects now that we don't need them
-    observedExpects = null;
-    modelExpects = null;
-    numTimesEventsSeen = null;
-    contexts = null;
-  }
-  //modeled on implementation in  Zhang Le's maxent kit
-  private double gaussianUpdate(int predicate, int oid, int n, double correctionConstant) {
-    double param = params[predicate].getParameters()[oid];
-    double x0 = 0.0;
-    double modelValue = modelExpects[0][predicate].getParameters()[oid];
-    double observedValue = observedExpects[predicate].getParameters()[oid];
-    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
-      double tmp = modelValue * Math.exp(correctionConstant * x0);
-      double f = tmp + (param + x0) / sigma - observedValue;
-      double fp = tmp * correctionConstant + 1 / sigma;
-      if (fp == 0) {
-        break;
-      }
-      double x = x0 - f / fp;
-      if (Math.abs(x - x0) < 0.000001) {
-        x0 = x;
-        break;
-      }
-      x0 = x;
-    }
-    return x0;
-  }
-  private class ModelExpactationComputeTask implements Callable<ModelExpactationComputeTask> {
-    private final int startIndex;
-    private final int length; 
-    private double loglikelihood = 0;
-    private int numEvents = 0;
-    private int numCorrect = 0;
-    final private int threadIndex;
-    // startIndex to compute, number of events to compute
-    ModelExpactationComputeTask(int threadIndex, int startIndex, int length) {
-      this.startIndex = startIndex;
-      this.length = length;
-      this.threadIndex = threadIndex;
-    }
-    public ModelExpactationComputeTask call() {
-      final double[] modelDistribution = new double[numOutcomes];
-      for (int ei = startIndex; ei < startIndex + length; ei++) {
-        // TODO: check interruption status here, if interrupted set a poisoned flag and return
-        if (values != null) {
-          prior.logPrior(modelDistribution, contexts[ei], values[ei]); 
-          GISModel.eval(contexts[ei], values[ei], modelDistribution, evalParams);
-        }
-        else {
-          prior.logPrior(modelDistribution,contexts[ei]);
-          GISModel.eval(contexts[ei], modelDistribution, evalParams);
-        }
-        for (int j = 0; j < contexts[ei].length; j++) {
-          int pi = contexts[ei][j];
-          if (predicateCounts[pi] >= cutoff) {
-            int[] activeOutcomes = modelExpects[threadIndex][pi].getOutcomes();
-            for (int aoi=0;aoi<activeOutcomes.length;aoi++) {
-              int oi = activeOutcomes[aoi];
-              // numTimesEventsSeen must also be thread safe
-              if (values != null && values[ei] != null) {
-                modelExpects[threadIndex][pi].updateParameter(aoi,modelDistribution[oi] * values[ei][j] * numTimesEventsSeen[ei]);
-              }
-              else {
-                modelExpects[threadIndex][pi].updateParameter(aoi,modelDistribution[oi] * numTimesEventsSeen[ei]);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        loglikelihood += Math.log(modelDistribution[outcomeList[ei]]) * numTimesEventsSeen[ei];
-        numEvents += numTimesEventsSeen[ei];
-        if (printMessages) {
-          int max = 0;
-          for (int oi = 1; oi < numOutcomes; oi++) {
-            if (modelDistribution[oi] > modelDistribution[max]) {
-              max = oi;
-            }
-          }
-          if (max == outcomeList[ei]) {
-            numCorrect += numTimesEventsSeen[ei];
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return this;
-    }
-    synchronized int getNumEvents() {
-      return numEvents;
-    }
-    synchronized int getNumCorrect() {
-      return numCorrect;
-    }
-    synchronized double getLoglikelihood() {
-      return loglikelihood;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Compute one iteration of GIS and retutn log-likelihood.*/
-  private double nextIteration(double correctionConstant) {
-    // compute contribution of p(a|b_i) for each feature and the new
-    // correction parameter
-    double loglikelihood = 0.0;
-    int numEvents = 0;
-    int numCorrect = 0;
-    int numberOfThreads = modelExpects.length;
-    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads);
-    int taskSize = numUniqueEvents / numberOfThreads;
-    int leftOver = numUniqueEvents % numberOfThreads;
-    List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();
-    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfThreads; i++) {
-      if (i != numberOfThreads - 1)
-        futures.add(executor.submit(new ModelExpactationComputeTask(i, i*taskSize, taskSize)));
-      else 
-        futures.add(executor.submit(new ModelExpactationComputeTask(i, i*taskSize, taskSize + leftOver)));
-    }
-    for (Future<?> future : futures) {
-      ModelExpactationComputeTask finishedTask = null;
-      try {
-        finishedTask = (ModelExpactationComputeTask) future.get();
-      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-        // TODO: We got interrupted, but that is currently not really supported!
-        // For now we just print the exception and fail hard. We hopefully soon
-        // handle this case properly!
-        e.printStackTrace();
-        throw new IllegalStateException("Interruption is not supported!", e);
-      } catch (ExecutionException e) {
-        // Only runtime exception can be thrown during training, if one was thrown
-        // it should be re-thrown. That could for example be a NullPointerException
-        // which is caused through a bug in our implementation.
-        throw new RuntimeException(e.getCause());
-      }
-      // When they are done, retrieve the results ...
-      numEvents += finishedTask.getNumEvents();
-      numCorrect += finishedTask.getNumCorrect();
-      loglikelihood += finishedTask.getLoglikelihood();
-    }
-    executor.shutdown();
-    display(".");
-    // merge the results of the two computations
-    for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
-      int[] activeOutcomes = params[pi].getOutcomes();
-      for (int aoi=0;aoi<activeOutcomes.length;aoi++) {
-        for (int i = 1; i < modelExpects.length; i++) {
-          modelExpects[0][pi].updateParameter(aoi, modelExpects[i][pi].getParameters()[aoi]);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    display(".");
-    // compute the new parameter values
-    for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
-      double[] observed = observedExpects[pi].getParameters();
-      double[] model = modelExpects[0][pi].getParameters();
-      int[] activeOutcomes = params[pi].getOutcomes();
-      for (int aoi=0;aoi<activeOutcomes.length;aoi++) {
-        if (useGaussianSmoothing) {
-          params[pi].updateParameter(aoi,gaussianUpdate(pi,aoi,numEvents,correctionConstant));
-        }
-        else {
-          if (model[aoi] == 0) {
-            System.err.println("Model expects == 0 for "+predLabels[pi]+" "+outcomeLabels[aoi]);
-          }
-          //params[pi].updateParameter(aoi,(Math.log(observed[aoi]) - Math.log(model[aoi])));
-          params[pi].updateParameter(aoi,((Math.log(observed[aoi]) - Math.log(model[aoi]))/correctionConstant));
-        }
-        for (MutableContext[] modelExpect : modelExpects) {
-          modelExpect[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0); // re-initialize to 0.0's
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    display(". loglikelihood=" + loglikelihood + "\t" + ((double) numCorrect / numEvents) + "\n");
-    return loglikelihood;
-  }
-  private void display(String s) {
-    if (printMessages)
-      System.out.print(s);
-  }
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index 504bef1..0000000
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A pool of read-only, unsigned Integer objects within a fixed,
- * non-sparse range.  Use this class for operations in which a large
- * number of Integer wrapper objects will be created.
- */
-public class IntegerPool {
-    private Integer[] _table;
-  /**
-   * Creates an IntegerPool with 0..size Integer objects.
-   * 
-   * @param size
-   *          the size of the pool.
-   */
-  public IntegerPool(int size) {
-    _table = new Integer[size];
-    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
-      _table[i] = i;
-    } // end of for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the shared Integer wrapper for <tt>value</tt> if it is inside the
-   * range managed by this pool. if <tt>value</tt> is outside the range, a new
-   * Integer instance is returned.
-   * 
-   * @param value
-   *          an <code>int</code> value
-   * @return an <code>Integer</code> value
-   */
-  public Integer get(int value) {
-    if (value < _table.length && value >= 0) {
-      return _table[value];
-    } else {
-      return value;
-    }
-  }
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index 71947a8..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Main file for opennlp.maxent.  Right now just tells the user that
- * the executable jar doesn't actually execute anything but the
- * message telling the user that the jar doesn't execute anything
- * but...
-public class Main {
-    public static void main (String[] args) {
-	System.out.println(
-       "\n********************************************************************\n"
-     + "The \"executable\" jar of OpenNLP Maxent does not currently execute\n"
-     + "anything except this message.  It exists only so that there is a jar\n"
-     + "of the package which contains all of the other jar dependencies\n"
-     + "needed by Maxent so that users can download it and be able to use\n"
-     + "it to build maxent applications without hunting down the other jars.\n"
-     + "********************************************************************\n"
-        );
-    }
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@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.text.DecimalFormat;
- * Test the model on some input.
- */
-public class ModelApplier {
-  MaxentModel _model;
-  ContextGenerator _cg = new BasicContextGenerator(",");
-  int counter = 1;
-  // The format for printing percentages
-  public static final DecimalFormat ROUNDED_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
-  public ModelApplier(MaxentModel m) {
-    _model = m;
-  }
-  private void eval(Event event) {
-    eval(event, false);
-  }
-  private void eval(Event event, boolean real) {
-    String outcome = event.getOutcome(); // Is ignored
-    String[] context = event.getContext();
-    double[] ocs;
-    if (!real) {
-      ocs = _model.eval(context);
-    } else {
-      float[] values = RealValueFileEventStream.parseContexts(context);
-      ocs = _model.eval(context, values);
-    }
-    int numOutcomes = ocs.length;
-    DoubleStringPair[] result = new DoubleStringPair[numOutcomes];
-    for (int i=0; i<numOutcomes; i++)
-      result[i] = new DoubleStringPair(ocs[i], _model.getOutcome(i));
-    java.util.Arrays.sort(result);
-    // Print the most likely outcome first, down to the least likely.
-    for (int i=numOutcomes-1; i>=0; i--)
-      System.out.print(result[i].stringValue + " " + result[i].doubleValue + " ");
-    System.out.println();
-  }
-  private static void usage() {
-    System.err.println("java ModelApplier [-real] modelFile dataFile");
-    System.exit(1);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Main method. Call as follows:
-   * <p>
-   * java ModelApplier modelFile dataFile
-   */
-  public static void main(String[] args) {
-    String dataFileName, modelFileName;
-    boolean real = false;
-    String type = "maxent";
-    int ai = 0;
-    if (args.length == 0) {
-      usage();
-    }
-    if (args.length > 0) {
-      while (args[ai].startsWith("-")) {
-        if (args[ai].equals("-real")) {
-          real = true;
-        } else if (args[ai].equals("-perceptron")) {
-          type = "perceptron";
-        } else {
-          usage();
-        }
-        ai++;
-      }
-      modelFileName = args[ai++];
-      dataFileName = args[ai++];
-      ModelApplier predictor = null;
-      try {
-        MaxentModel m = new GenericModelReader(new File(modelFileName)).getModel();
-        predictor = new ModelApplier(m);
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        e.printStackTrace();
-        System.exit(0);
-      }
-      try {
-        EventStream es = new BasicEventStream(new PlainTextByLineDataStream(
-            new FileReader(new File(dataFileName))), ",");
-        while (es.hasNext())
-          predictor.eval(, real);
-        return;
-      } catch (Exception e) {
-        System.out.println("Unable to read from specified file: "
-            + modelFileName);
-        System.out.println();
-        e.printStackTrace();
-      }
-    }
-  }
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index aefaa25..0000000
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@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A simple interface that represents a domain to which a particular maxent
- * model is primarily applicable. For instance, one might have a
- * part-of-speech tagger trained on financial text and another based on
- * children's stories.  This interface is used by the DomainToModelMap class
- * to allow an application to grab the models relevant for the different
- * domains.
- */
-public interface ModelDomain {
-  /**
-   * Get the name of this domain.
-   * 
-   * @return The name of this domain.
-   */
-  public String getName();
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@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A object which can be used to ensure that a Maxent application can swap the
- * model currently in use with a new one in a thread-safe manner without
- * stopping the servicing of requests. Use this if your maxent application is
- * a heavy-weight one or you have only one particular MaxentModel to use with
- * your application. If your application class is lightweight and you will be
- * creating multiple instances of it with different underlying models, consider
- * using a DomainToModelMap object to ensure thread-safe model swapping.
- *
- * <p>For example, in your application, create a ModelReplacementManager as
- * follows:
- *
- *     <pre>
- *     private final ModelReplacementManager replacementManager =
- *	  new ModelReplacementManager(
- *	      new ModelSetter() {
- *		  public void setModel(MaxentModel m) {
- *		      model = m;
- *		  }
- *	      }
- *	  );
- *     </pre>
- *
- * where "model" would be the actual variable name of the model used by your
- * application which you wish to be able to swap (you might have other models
- * which need their own ModelReplacementManager).
- *
- * <p>You'll also need a method to swap the model which calls the manager's
- * replaceModel(MaxentModel m) method, e.g.,
- *
- *     <pre>
- *     public void replaceModel (MaxentModel newmod) {
- *	  replacementManager.replaceModel(newmod);
- *    }
- *     </pre>
- * 
- * Then, in the code that uses the model, you need to inform the
- * ModelReplacementManager when a thread is beginning to use the model and when
- * it no longer needs to be sure that the same model is being used.  For
- * example, it is quite common to evaluate a particular context, get back a
- * double[] which has the normalized probabilities of each of the outcomes given
- * that context, and then request the name of a particular outcome.  The model
- * cannot be swapped during that time since the mapping from outcome labels to
- * unique will (probably) be different between the different models.  So, do as
- * follows:
- *
- *     <pre>
- *	  replacementManager.startUsingModel();
- *	    // some code which evaluates the context, e.g.,
- *	    double[] probs = model.eval(someContext);
- *	    // some code which returns a particular outcome
- *	    if (model.getBestOutcome(probs).equals("T") ...
- *	  replacementManager.finishUsingModel();
- *     </pre>
- *
- * The manager will then make sure that all requests which are currently being
- * serviced are completed before the new model is swapped in.  New requests
- * which are made while the models are being swapped are forced to wait for the
- * swap to finish.  These requests will then be serviced by the new model.
- */
-public class ModelReplacementManager {
-  private ModelSetter setter;
-  private int users = 0;
-  private boolean replacementCanProceed = true;
-  private Thread replacementThread = null;
-  public ModelReplacementManager(ModelSetter ms) {
-    setter = ms;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Inform the manager that a thread is using the model. If a replacement is
-   * underway, the thread is forced to join the replacement thread and thus wait
-   * until it is finished to begin using the model.
-   */
-  public void startUsingModel() {
-    if (replacementThread != null) {
-      try {
-        replacementThread.join();
-      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-      }
-    }
-    replacementCanProceed = false;
-    users++;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Inform the manager that a thread is done using the model, and thus is not
-   * dependending on it being unchanged.
-   */
-  public void finishUsingModel() {
-    users--;
-    if (users <= 0)
-      replacementCanProceed = true;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Replace the old model with a new one, forcing the replacement to wait until
-   * all threads using the old model have finished using it.
-   * 
-   * @param model
-   *          The new model which is being swapped in.
-   */
-  public synchronized void replaceModel(MaxentModel model) {
-    replacementThread = Thread.currentThread();
-    while (!replacementCanProceed)
-      Thread.yield();
-    setter.setModel(model);
-    replacementThread = null;
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A object to facilitate the resetting of a MaxentModel variable to a
- * new value (model).  In general this will be used anonymously, for example, as
- * follows: 
- * <p>
- *     <pre>
- *     private final ModelReplacementManager replacementManager =
- *	  new ModelReplacementManager(
- *	      new ModelSetter() {
- *		  public void setModel(MaxentModel m) {
- *		      model = m;
- *		  }
- *	      }
- *	  );
- *     </pre>
- * <p>
- * where "model" would be the actual variable name of the model used by your
- * application which you wish to be able to swap (you might have other models
- * which need their own ModelSetters).
- *
- * <p>
- * Basically, this is just a clean way of giving a ModelReplacementManager
- * access to a private variable holding the model.  Nothing complex here.
- */
-public interface ModelSetter {
-  /**
-   * Assign a new MaxentModel value to a MaxentModel variable.
-   * 
-   * @param m
-   *          The new model.
-   */
-  public void setModel(MaxentModel m);
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Main class which calls the GIS procedure after building the EventStream from
- * the data.
- */
-public class ModelTrainer {
-  // some parameters if you want to play around with the smoothing option
-  // for model training. This can improve model accuracy, though training
-  // will potentially take longer and use more memory. Model size will also
-  // be larger. Initial testing indicates improvements for models built on
-  // small data sets and few outcomes, but performance degradation for those
-  // with large data sets and lots of outcomes.
-  public static boolean USE_SMOOTHING = false;
-  public static double SMOOTHING_OBSERVATION = 0.1;
-  private static void usage() {
-    System.err.println("java ModelTrainer [-real] dataFile modelFile");
-    System.exit(1);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Main method. Call as follows:
-   * <p>
-   * java ModelTrainer dataFile modelFile
-   */
-  public static void main(String[] args) {
-    int ai = 0;
-    boolean real = false;
-    String type = "maxent";
-    int maxit = 100;
-    int cutoff = 1;
-    double sigma = 1.0;
-    if (args.length == 0) {
-      usage();
-    }
-    while (args[ai].startsWith("-")) {
-      if (args[ai].equals("-real")) {
-        real = true;
-      } else if (args[ai].equals("-perceptron")) {
-        type = "perceptron";
-      } else if (args[ai].equals("-maxit")) {
-        maxit = Integer.parseInt(args[++ai]);
-      } else if (args[ai].equals("-cutoff")) {
-        cutoff = Integer.parseInt(args[++ai]);
-      } else if (args[ai].equals("-sigma")) {
-        sigma = Double.parseDouble(args[++ai]);
-      } else {
-        System.err.println("Unknown option: " + args[ai]);
-        usage();
-      }
-      ai++;
-    }
-    String dataFileName = args[ai++];
-    String modelFileName = args[ai];
-    try {
-      FileReader datafr = new FileReader(new File(dataFileName));
-      EventStream es;
-      if (!real) {
-        es = new BasicEventStream(new PlainTextByLineDataStream(datafr), ",");
-      } else {
-        es = new RealBasicEventStream(new PlainTextByLineDataStream(datafr));
-      }
-      File outputFile = new File(modelFileName);
-      AbstractModelWriter writer;
-      AbstractModel model;
-      if (type.equals("maxent")) {
-        if (!real) {
-          model = GIS.trainModel(es, maxit, cutoff, sigma);
-        } else {
-          model = GIS.trainModel(maxit, 
-				 new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(es, cutoff),              
-        }
-	writer = new SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter(model, outputFile);
-      } else if (type.equals("perceptron")) {
-        //System.err.println("Perceptron training");
-        model = new PerceptronTrainer().trainModel(maxit, new OnePassDataIndexer(es, cutoff), cutoff);
-	writer = new SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter(model, outputFile);
-      } else {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unknown model type: " + type);
-      }
-      writer.persist();
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      System.out.print("Unable to create model due to exception: ");
-      System.out.println(e);
-      e.printStackTrace();
-    }
-  }
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@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * This DataStream implementation will take care of reading a plain text file
- * and returning the Strings between each new line character, which is what
- * many Maxent applications need in order to create EventStreams.
- */
-public class PlainTextByLineDataStream implements DataStream {
-  BufferedReader dataReader;
-  String next;
-  public PlainTextByLineDataStream(Reader dataSource) {
-    dataReader = new BufferedReader(dataSource);
-    try {
-      next = dataReader.readLine();
-    } catch (IOException e) {
-      e.printStackTrace();
-    }
-  }
-  public Object nextToken() {
-    String current = next;
-    try {
-      next = dataReader.readLine();
-    } catch (Exception e) {
-      e.printStackTrace();
-    }
-    return current;
-  }
-  public boolean hasNext() {
-    return next != null;
-  }
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class RealBasicEventStream extends  AbstractEventStream {
-  ContextGenerator cg = new BasicContextGenerator();
-  DataStream ds;
-  Event next;
-  public RealBasicEventStream(DataStream ds) {
-    this.ds = ds;
-    if (this.ds.hasNext())
-      next = createEvent((String)this.ds.nextToken());
-  }
-  public Event next() {
-    while (next == null && this.ds.hasNext())
-      next = createEvent((String)this.ds.nextToken());
-    Event current = next;
-    if (this.ds.hasNext()) {
-      next = createEvent((String)this.ds.nextToken());
-    }
-    else {
-      next = null;
-    }
-    return current;
-  }
-  public boolean hasNext() {
-    while (next == null && ds.hasNext())
-      next = createEvent((String)ds.nextToken());
-    return next != null;
-  }
-  private Event createEvent(String obs) {
-    int lastSpace = obs.lastIndexOf(' ');
-    if (lastSpace == -1) 
-      return null;
-    else {
-      String[] contexts = obs.substring(0,lastSpace).split("\\s+");
-      float[] values = RealValueFileEventStream.parseContexts(contexts);
-      return new Event(obs.substring(lastSpace+1),contexts,values);
-    }
-  }
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws {
-    EventStream es = new RealBasicEventStream(new PlainTextByLineDataStream(new[0])));
-    while (es.hasNext()) {
-      System.out.println(;
-    }
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Trains or evaluates maxent components which have implemented the Evalable
- * interface.
- */
-public class TrainEval {
-    public static void eval(MaxentModel model, Reader r, Evalable e) {
-	eval(model, r, e, false);
-    }
-    public static void eval(MaxentModel model, Reader r,
-			    Evalable e, boolean verbose) {
-	float totPos=0, truePos=0, falsePos=0;
-	Event[] events = (e.getEventCollector(r)).getEvents(true);
-	//MaxentModel model = e.getModel(dir, name);
-	String negOutcome = e.getNegativeOutcome();
-    for (Event event : events) {
-      String guess = model.getBestOutcome(model.eval(event.getContext()));
-      String ans = event.getOutcome();
-      if (verbose)
-        System.out.println(ans + " " + guess);
-      if (!ans.equals(negOutcome))
-        totPos++;
-      if (!guess.equals(negOutcome) && !guess.equals(ans))
-        falsePos++;
-      else if (ans.equals(guess))
-        truePos++;
-    }
-	System.out.println("Precision: " + truePos/(truePos+falsePos));
-	System.out.println("Recall:    " + truePos/totPos);
-    }
-    public static MaxentModel train(EventStream events, int cutoff) throws IOException {
-	return GIS.trainModel(events, 100, cutoff);
-    }
-    public static void run(String[] args, Evalable e) throws IOException {
-    // TOM: Was commented out to remove dependency on gnu getopt.    	
-//	String dir = "./";
-//	String stem = "maxent";
-//	int cutoff = 0; // default to no cutoff
-//	boolean train = false;
-//	boolean verbose = false;
-//	boolean local = false;
-//	gnu.getopt.Getopt g =
-//	    new gnu.getopt.Getopt("maxent", args, "d:s:c:tvl");
-//	int c;
-//	while ((c = g.getopt()) != -1) {
-//	    switch(c) {
-//	    case 'd':
-//		dir = g.getOptarg()+"/";
-//		break;
-//	    case 's':
-//		stem = g.getOptarg();
-//		break;
-//	    case 'c':
-//		cutoff = Integer.parseInt(g.getOptarg());
-//		break;
-//	    case 't':
-//		train = true;
-//		break;
-//	    case 'l':
-//		local = true;
-//		break;
-//	    case 'v':
-//		verbose = true;
-//		break;
-//	    }
-//	}
-//	int lastIndex = g.getOptind();
-//	if (lastIndex >= args.length) {
-//	    System.out.println("This is a usage message from opennlp.maxent.TrainEval. You have called the training procedure for a maxent application with the incorrect arguments.  These are the options:");
-//	    System.out.println("\nOptions for defining the model location and name:");
-//	    System.out.println(" -d <directoryName>");
-//	    System.out.println("\tThe directory in which to store the model.");
-//	    System.out.println(" -s <modelName>");
-//	    System.out.println("\tThe name of the model, e.g. EnglishPOS.bin.gz or NameFinder.txt.");
-//	    System.out.println("\nOptions for training:");
-//	    System.out.println(" -c <cutoff>");
-//	    System.out.println("\tAn integer cutoff level to reduce infrequent contextual predicates.");
-//	    System.out.println(" -t\tTrain a model. If absent, the given model will be loaded and evaluated.");
-//	    System.out.println("\nOptions for evaluation:");
-//	    System.out.println(" -l\t the evaluation method of class that uses the model. If absent, TrainEval's eval method is used.");
-//	    System.out.println(" -v\t verbose.");
-//	    System.out.println("\nThe final argument is the data file to be loaded and used for either training or evaluation.");
-//	    System.out.println("\nAs an example for training:\n java opennlp.grok.preprocess.postag.POSTaggerME -t -d ./ -s EnglishPOS.bin.gz -c 7");
-//	    System.exit(0);
-//	}
-//	FileReader datafr = new FileReader(args[lastIndex]);
-//	if (train) {
-//	    MaxentModel m =
-//		train(new EventCollectorAsStream(e.getEventCollector(datafr)),
-//		      cutoff);
-//	    new SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter((AbstractModel)m,
-//					      new File(dir+stem)).persist();
-//	}
-//	else {
-//	    MaxentModel model =
-//		new SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader(new File(dir+stem)).getModel();
-//	    if (local) {
-//		e.localEval(model, datafr, e, verbose);
-//	    } else {
-//		eval(model, datafr, e, verbose);
-//	    }
-//	}
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A program to convert from java binary doubles to ascii.  With the new
- * conversion utililities provided in Maxent 1.2 this probably won't be
- * necessary, but it doesn't do any harm to keep it around for now.
- */
-public class BinToAscii {
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
-        new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(args[1]))));
-    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(
-        new FileInputStream(args[0])));
-    double d;
-    try {
-      while (true)
-        out.println(in.readDouble());
-    } catch (Exception E) {
-    }
-    out.close();
-    in.close();
-  }
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@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A reader for GIS models stored in binary format.
- */
-public class BinaryGISModelReader extends GISModelReader {
-  /**
-   * Constructor which directly instantiates the DataInputStream containing the
-   * model contents.
-   * 
-   * @param dis
-   *          The DataInputStream containing the model information.
-   */
-  public BinaryGISModelReader(DataInputStream dis) {
-    super(new BinaryFileDataReader(dis));
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Model writer that saves models in binary format.
- */
-public class BinaryGISModelWriter extends GISModelWriter {
-    DataOutputStream output;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and prepares itself to write
-   * the model to that file. Detects whether the file is gzipped or not based on
-   * whether the suffix contains ".gz".
-   * 
-   * @param model
-   *          The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param f
-   *          The File in which the model is to be persisted.
-   */
-  public BinaryGISModelWriter(AbstractModel model, File f) throws IOException {
-    super(model);
-    if (f.getName().endsWith(".gz")) {
-      output = new DataOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(
-          new FileOutputStream(f)));
-    } else {
-      output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a DataOutputStream and prepares
-   * itself to write the model to that stream.
-   * 
-   * @param model
-   *          The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param dos
-   *          The stream which will be used to persist the model.
-   */
-  public BinaryGISModelWriter(AbstractModel model, DataOutputStream dos) {
-    super(model);
-    output = dos;
-  }
-  public void writeUTF(String s) throws {
-    output.writeUTF(s);
-  }
-  public void writeInt(int i) throws {
-    output.writeInt(i);
-  }
-  public void writeDouble(double d) throws {
-    output.writeDouble(d);
-  }
-  public void close() throws {
-    output.flush();
-    output.close();
-  }
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@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Abstract parent class for readers of GISModels.
- */
-public class GISModelReader extends AbstractModelReader {
-  public GISModelReader(File file) throws IOException {
-    super(file);
-  }
-  public GISModelReader(DataReader dataReader) {
-    super(dataReader);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Retrieve a model from disk. It assumes that models are saved in the
-   * following sequence:
-   * 
-   * <br>
-   * GIS (model type identifier) <br>
-   * 1. # of parameters (int) <br>
-   * 2. the correction constant (int) <br>
-   * 3. the correction constant parameter (double) <br>
-   * 4. # of outcomes (int) <br>
-   * * list of outcome names (String) <br>
-   * 5. # of different types of outcome patterns (int) <br>
-   * * list of (int int[]) <br>
-   * [# of predicates for which outcome pattern is true] [outcome pattern] <br>
-   * 6. # of predicates (int) <br>
-   * * list of predicate names (String)
-   * 
-   * <p>
-   * If you are creating a reader for a format which won't work with this
-   * (perhaps a database or xml file), override this method and ignore the other
-   * methods provided in this abstract class.
-   * 
-   * @return The GISModel stored in the format and location specified to this
-   *         GISModelReader (usually via its the constructor).
-   */  
-  public AbstractModel constructModel() throws IOException {
-    int correctionConstant = getCorrectionConstant();
-    double correctionParam = getCorrectionParameter();
-    String[] outcomeLabels = getOutcomes();
-    int[][] outcomePatterns = getOutcomePatterns();
-    String[] predLabels = getPredicates();
-    Context[] params = getParameters(outcomePatterns);
-    return new GISModel(params, predLabels, outcomeLabels, correctionConstant,
-        correctionParam);
-  }
-  public void checkModelType() throws {
-    String modelType = readUTF();
-    if (!modelType.equals("GIS"))
-      System.out.println("Error: attempting to load a " + modelType
-          + " model as a GIS model." + " You should expect problems.");
-  }
-  protected int getCorrectionConstant() throws {
-    return readInt();
-  }
-  protected double getCorrectionParameter() throws {
-    return readDouble();
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * Abstract parent class for GISModel writers.  It provides the persist method
- * which takes care of the structure of a stored document, and requires an
- * extending class to define precisely how the data should be stored.
- */
-public abstract class GISModelWriter extends AbstractModelWriter {
-  protected Context[] PARAMS;
-  protected String[] OUTCOME_LABELS;
-  protected int CORRECTION_CONSTANT;
-  protected double CORRECTION_PARAM;
-  protected String[] PRED_LABELS;
-  public GISModelWriter(AbstractModel model) {
-    Object[] data = model.getDataStructures();
-    PARAMS = (Context[]) data[0];
-    IndexHashTable<String> pmap = (IndexHashTable<String>) data[1];
-    OUTCOME_LABELS = (String[]) data[2];
-    CORRECTION_CONSTANT = (Integer) data[3];
-    CORRECTION_PARAM = (Double) data[4];
-    PRED_LABELS = new String[pmap.size()];
-    pmap.toArray(PRED_LABELS);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Writes the model to disk, using the <code>writeX()</code> methods provided
-   * by extending classes.
-   * 
-   * <p>
-   * If you wish to create a GISModelWriter which uses a different structure, it
-   * will be necessary to override the persist method in addition to
-   * implementing the <code>writeX()</code> methods.
-   */
-  public void persist() throws IOException {
-    // the type of model (GIS)
-    writeUTF("GIS");
-    // the value of the correction constant
-    // the value of the correction constant
-    writeDouble(CORRECTION_PARAM);
-    // the mapping from outcomes to their integer indexes
-    writeInt(OUTCOME_LABELS.length);
-    for (int i = 0; i < OUTCOME_LABELS.length; i++)
-      writeUTF(OUTCOME_LABELS[i]);
-    // the mapping from predicates to the outcomes they contributed to.
-    // The sorting is done so that we actually can write this out more
-    // compactly than as the entire list.
-    ComparablePredicate[] sorted = sortValues();
-    List<List<ComparablePredicate>> compressed = compressOutcomes(sorted);
-    writeInt(compressed.size());
-    for (int i = 0; i < compressed.size(); i++) {
-      List a = compressed.get(i);
-      writeUTF(a.size() + a.get(0).toString());
-    }
-    // the mapping from predicate names to their integer indexes
-    writeInt(PARAMS.length);
-    for (int i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++)
-      writeUTF(sorted[i].name);
-    // write out the parameters
-    for (int i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++)
-      for (int j = 0; j < sorted[i].params.length; j++)
-        writeDouble(sorted[i].params[j]);
-    close();
-  }
-  protected ComparablePredicate[] sortValues() {
-    ComparablePredicate[] sortPreds = new ComparablePredicate[PARAMS.length];
-    int numParams = 0;
-    for (int pid = 0; pid < PARAMS.length; pid++) {
-      int[] predkeys = PARAMS[pid].getOutcomes();
-      // Arrays.sort(predkeys);
-      int numActive = predkeys.length;
-      int[] activeOutcomes = predkeys;
-      double[] activeParams = PARAMS[pid].getParameters();
-      numParams += numActive;
-      /*
-       * double[] activeParams = new double[numActive];
-       * 
-       * int id = 0; for (int i=0; i < predkeys.length; i++) { int oid =
-       * predkeys[i]; activeOutcomes[id] = oid; activeParams[id] =
-       * PARAMS[pid].getParams(oid); id++; }
-       */
-      sortPreds[pid] = new ComparablePredicate(PRED_LABELS[pid],
-          activeOutcomes, activeParams);
-    }
-    Arrays.sort(sortPreds);
-    return sortPreds;
-  }
-  protected List<List<ComparablePredicate>> compressOutcomes(ComparablePredicate[] sorted) {
-    ComparablePredicate cp = sorted[0];
-    List<List<ComparablePredicate>> outcomePatterns = new ArrayList<List<ComparablePredicate>>();
-    List<ComparablePredicate> newGroup = new ArrayList<ComparablePredicate>();
-    for (int i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) {
-      if (cp.compareTo(sorted[i]) == 0) {
-        newGroup.add(sorted[i]);
-      } else {
-        cp = sorted[i];
-        outcomePatterns.add(newGroup);
-        newGroup = new ArrayList<ComparablePredicate>();
-        newGroup.add(sorted[i]);
-      }
-    }
-    outcomePatterns.add(newGroup);
-    return outcomePatterns;
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class ObjectGISModelReader extends GISModelReader {
-  protected ObjectInputStream input;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which directly instantiates the ObjectInputStream containing
-   * the model contents.
-   * 
-   * @param ois The DataInputStream containing the model information.
-   */
-  public ObjectGISModelReader(ObjectInputStream ois) {
-    super(new ObjectDataReader(ois));
-  }
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@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class ObjectGISModelWriter extends GISModelWriter {
-  protected ObjectOutputStream output;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a ObjectOutputStream and prepares
-   * itself to write the model to that stream.
-   *
-   * @param model The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param dos The stream which will be used to persist the model.
-   */
-  public ObjectGISModelWriter(AbstractModel model, ObjectOutputStream dos) {
-    super(model);
-    output = dos;
-  }
-  public void writeUTF(String s) throws IOException {
-    output.writeUTF(s);
-  }
-  public void writeInt(int i) throws IOException {
-    output.writeInt(i);
-  }
-  public void writeDouble(double d) throws IOException {
-    output.writeDouble(d);
-  }
-  public void close() throws IOException {
-    output.flush();
-    output.close();
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A reader for GIS models stored in the format used in v1.0 of Maxent. It
- * extends the PlainTextGISModelReader to read in the info and then overrides
- * the getParameters method so that it can appropriately read the binary file
- * which stores the parameters.
- */
-public class OldFormatGISModelReader extends PlainTextGISModelReader {
-    DataInputStream paramsInput;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes the name of the model without any suffixes, such as
-   * ".mei.gz" or ".mep.gz".
-   */
-  public OldFormatGISModelReader(String modelname) throws IOException {
-    super(new File(modelname + ".mei.gz"));
-    paramsInput = new DataInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(
-        modelname + ".mep.gz")));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Reads the parameters from a file and populates an array of context objects.
-   * 
-   * @param outcomePatterns
-   *          The outcomes patterns for the model. The first index refers to
-   *          which outcome pattern (a set of outcomes that occurs with a
-   *          context) is being specified. The second index specifies the number
-   *          of contexts which use this pattern at index 0, and the index of
-   *          each outcomes which make up this pattern in indicies 1-n.
-   * @return An array of context objects.
-   * @throws
-   *           when the model file does not match the outcome patterns or can
-   *           not be read.
-   */
-  protected Context[] getParameters(int[][] outcomePatterns)
-      throws {
-    Context[] params = new Context[NUM_PREDS];
-    int pid = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < outcomePatterns.length; i++) {
-      // construct outcome pattern
-      int[] outcomePattern = new int[outcomePatterns[i].length - 1];
-      for (int k = 1; k < outcomePatterns[i].length; k++) {
-        outcomePattern[k - 1] = outcomePatterns[i][k];
-      }
-      // populate parameters for each context which uses this outcome pattern.
-      for (int j = 0; j < outcomePatterns[i][0]; j++) {
-        double[] contextParameters = new double[outcomePatterns[i].length - 1];
-        for (int k = 1; k < outcomePatterns[i].length; k++) {
-          contextParameters[k - 1] = readDouble();
-        }
-        params[pid] = new Context(outcomePattern, contextParameters);
-        pid++;
-      }
-    }
-    return params;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Convert a model created with Maxent 1.0 to a format used with Maxent 1.2.
-   * 
-   * <p>
-   * Usage: java model_name_prefix
-   * (new_model_name)");
-   * 
-   * <p>
-   * If the new_model_name is left unspecified, the new model will be saved in
-   * gzipped, binary format as "<model_name_prefix>.bin.gz".
-   */
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-    if (args.length < 1) {
-      System.out
-          .println("Usage: java model_name_prefix (new_model_name)");
-      System.exit(0);
-    }
-    int nameIndex = 0;
-    String infilePrefix = args[nameIndex];
-    String outfile;
-    if (args.length > nameIndex)
-      outfile = args[nameIndex + 1];
-    else
-      outfile = infilePrefix + ".bin.gz";
-    AbstractModelReader reader = new OldFormatGISModelReader(infilePrefix);
-    new SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter(reader.getModel(), new File(outfile))
-        .persist();
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A reader for GIS models stored in plain text format.
- */
-public class PlainTextGISModelReader extends GISModelReader {
-  /**
-   * Constructor which directly instantiates the BufferedReader containing the
-   * model contents.
-   * 
-   * @param br
-   *          The BufferedReader containing the model information.
-   */
-  public PlainTextGISModelReader(BufferedReader br) {
-    super(new PlainTextFileDataReader(br));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a File and creates a reader for it. Detects whether
-   * the file is gzipped or not based on whether the suffix contains ".gz".
-   * 
-   * @param f
-   *          The File in which the model is stored.
-   */
-  public PlainTextGISModelReader(File f) throws IOException {
-    super(f);
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Model writer that saves models in plain text format.
- */
-public class PlainTextGISModelWriter extends GISModelWriter {
-  BufferedWriter output;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and prepares itself to
-   * write the model to that file. Detects whether the file is gzipped or not
-   * based on whether the suffix contains ".gz".
-   *
-   * @param model The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param f The File in which the model is to be persisted.
-   */
-  public PlainTextGISModelWriter (AbstractModel model, File f)
-  throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
-    super(model);
-    if (f.getName().endsWith(".gz")) {
-      output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
-          new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f))));
-    }
-    else {
-      output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f));
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a BufferedWriter and prepares
-   * itself to write the model to that writer.
-   *
-   * @param model The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param bw The BufferedWriter which will be used to persist the model.
-   */
-  public PlainTextGISModelWriter (AbstractModel model, BufferedWriter bw) {
-    super(model);
-    output = bw;
-  }
-  public void writeUTF (String s) throws {
-    output.write(s);
-    output.newLine();
-  }
-  public void writeInt (int i) throws {
-    output.write(Integer.toString(i));
-    output.newLine();
-  }
-  public void writeDouble (double d) throws {
-    output.write(Double.toString(d));
-    output.newLine();
-  }
-  public void close () throws {
-    output.flush();
-    output.close();
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * This class works exactly like the SuffisSensitiveGISModelReader except that it 
- * attempts to pool all context strings.  This is useful when loading models which
- * share many context strings.
- *
- */
-public class PooledGISModelReader extends SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader {
-  /**
-   * A reader for GIS models which inspects the filename and invokes the
-   * appropriate GISModelReader depending on the filename's suffixes.
-   *
-   * <p>The following assumption are made about suffixes:
-   *    <li>.gz  --> the file is gzipped (must be the last suffix)
-   *    <li>.txt --> the file is plain text
-   *    <li>.bin --> the file is binary
-   * @param f
-   * @throws IOException
-   */
-  public PooledGISModelReader(File f) throws IOException {
-    super(f);
-  }
-  public String readUTF() throws IOException {
-    return super.readUTF().intern();
-  }
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@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A reader for GIS models which inspects the filename and invokes the
- * appropriate GISModelReader depending on the filename's suffixes.
- *
- * <p>The following assumption are made about suffixes:
- *    <li>.gz  --> the file is gzipped (must be the last suffix)
- *    <li>.txt --> the file is plain text
- *    <li>.bin --> the file is binary
- */
-public class SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader extends GISModelReader {
-  protected GISModelReader suffixAppropriateReader;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a File and invokes the GISModelReader appropriate
-   * for the suffix.
-   * 
-   * @param f
-   *          The File in which the model is stored.
-   */
-  public SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader(File f) throws IOException {
-    super(f);
-  }
-  // activate this if adding another type of reader which can't read model
-  // information in the way that the default getModel() method in
-  // GISModelReader does.
-  //public GISModel getModel () throws {
-  //    return suffixAppropriateReader.getModel();
-  //}
-  /**
-   * To convert between different formats of the new style.
-   * 
-   * <p>
-   * java old_model_name
-   * new_model_name
-   * 
-   * <p>
-   * For example, to convert a model called "model.bin.gz" (which is thus saved
-   * in gzipped binary format) to one in (unzipped) text format:
-   * 
-   * <p>
-   * java model.bin.gz model.txt
-   * 
-   * <p>
-   * This particular example would of course be useful when you generally want
-   * to create models which take up less space (.bin.gz), but want to be able to
-   * inspect a few of them as plain text files.
-   */
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-    AbstractModel m = new SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader(new File(args[0]))
-        .getModel();
-    new SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter(m, new File(args[1])).persist();
-  }
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@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A writer for GIS models which inspects the filename and invokes the
- * appropriate GISModelWriter depending on the filename's suffixes.
- *
- * <p>The following assumption are made about suffixes:
- *    <li>.gz  --> the file is gzipped (must be the last suffix)
- *    <li>.txt --> the file is plain text
- *    <li>.bin --> the file is binary
- */
-public class SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter extends GISModelWriter {
-  private final GISModelWriter suffixAppropriateWriter;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and invokes the
-   * GISModelWriter appropriate for the suffix.
-   *
-   * @param model The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param f The File in which the model is to be stored.
-   */
-  public SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter (AbstractModel model, File f)
-  throws IOException {
-    super (model);
-    OutputStream output;
-    String filename = f.getName();
-    // handle the zipped/not zipped distinction
-    if (filename.endsWith(".gz")) {
-      output = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
-      filename = filename.substring(0,filename.length()-3);
-    }
-    else {
-      output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
-    }
-    // handle the different formats
-    if (filename.endsWith(".bin")) {
-      suffixAppropriateWriter =
-        new BinaryGISModelWriter(model,
-            new DataOutputStream(output));
-    }
-    else { // default is ".txt"
-      suffixAppropriateWriter =
-        new PlainTextGISModelWriter(model,
-            new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output)));
-    }    
-  }
-  public void writeUTF (String s) throws {
-    suffixAppropriateWriter.writeUTF(s);
-  }
-  public void writeInt (int i) throws {
-    suffixAppropriateWriter.writeInt(i);
-  }
-  public void writeDouble (double d) throws {
-    suffixAppropriateWriter.writeDouble(d);
-  }
-  public void close () throws {
-    suffixAppropriateWriter.close();
-  }
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/io/package.html b/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/io/package.html
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-   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-   distributed with this work for additional information
-   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-   specific language governing permissions and limitations
-   under the License.    
-<body bgcolor="white">
-Provides the I/O functionality of the maxent package including reading
-and writting models in several formats.
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/package.html b/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/package.html
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-   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-   or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-   distributed with this work for additional information
-   regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-   to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-   "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-   with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-   software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-   KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-   specific language governing permissions and limitations
-   under the License.    
-<body bgcolor="white">
-Provides main functionality of the maxent package including data structures and
-algorithms for parameter estimation.
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
- * Abstract class for collecting event and context counts used in training. 
- *
- */
-public abstract class AbstractDataIndexer implements DataIndexer {
-  private int numEvents;
-  /** The integer contexts associated with each unique event. */ 
-  protected int[][] contexts;
-  /** The integer outcome associated with each unique event. */ 
-  protected int[] outcomeList;
-  /** The number of times an event occured in the training data. */
-  protected int[] numTimesEventsSeen;
-  /** The predicate/context names. */
-  protected String[] predLabels;
-  /** The names of the outcomes. */
-  protected String[] outcomeLabels;
-  /** The number of times each predicate occured. */
-  protected int[] predCounts;
-  public int[][] getContexts() {
-    return contexts;
-  }
-  public int[] getNumTimesEventsSeen() {
-    return numTimesEventsSeen;
-  }
-  public int[] getOutcomeList() {
-    return outcomeList;
-  }
-  public String[] getPredLabels() {
-    return predLabels;
-  }
-  public String[] getOutcomeLabels() {
-    return outcomeLabels;
-  }
-  public int[] getPredCounts() {
-    return predCounts;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sorts and uniques the array of comparable events and return the number of unique events.
-   * This method will alter the eventsToCompare array -- it does an in place
-   * sort, followed by an in place edit to remove duplicates.
-   *
-   * @param eventsToCompare a <code>ComparableEvent[]</code> value
-   * @return The number of unique events in the specified list.
-   * @since maxent 1.2.6
-   */
-  protected int sortAndMerge(List<ComparableEvent> eventsToCompare, boolean sort) {
-    int numUniqueEvents = 1;
-    numEvents = eventsToCompare.size();
-    if (sort) {
-      Collections.sort(eventsToCompare);
-      if (numEvents <= 1) {
-        return numUniqueEvents; // nothing to do; edge case (see assertion)
-      }
-      ComparableEvent ce = eventsToCompare.get(0);
-      for (int i = 1; i < numEvents; i++) {
-        ComparableEvent ce2 = eventsToCompare.get(i);
-        if (ce.compareTo(ce2) == 0) { 
-          ce.seen++; // increment the seen count
-          eventsToCompare.set(i, null); // kill the duplicate
-        }
-        else {
-          ce = ce2; // a new champion emerges...
-          numUniqueEvents++; // increment the # of unique events
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    else {
-      numUniqueEvents = eventsToCompare.size();
-    }
-    if (sort) System.out.println("done. Reduced " + numEvents + " events to " + numUniqueEvents + ".");
-    contexts = new int[numUniqueEvents][];
-    outcomeList = new int[numUniqueEvents];
-    numTimesEventsSeen = new int[numUniqueEvents];
-    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < numEvents; i++) {
-      ComparableEvent evt = eventsToCompare.get(i);
-      if (null == evt) {
-        continue; // this was a dupe, skip over it.
-      }
-      numTimesEventsSeen[j] = evt.seen;
-      outcomeList[j] = evt.outcome;
-      contexts[j] = evt.predIndexes;
-      ++j;
-    }
-    return numUniqueEvents;
-  }
-  public int getNumEvents() {
-    return numEvents;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Updates the set of predicated and counter with the specified event contexts and cutoff. 
-   * @param ec The contexts/features which occur in a event.
-   * @param predicateSet The set of predicates which will be used for model building.
-   * @param counter The predicate counters.
-   * @param cutoff The cutoff which determines whether a predicate is included.
-   */
-   protected static void update(String[] ec, Set<String> predicateSet, Map<String,Integer> counter, int cutoff) {
-     for (String s : ec) {
-       Integer i = counter.get(s);
-       if (i == null) {
-         counter.put(s, 1);
-       }
-       else {
-         counter.put(s, i + 1);
-       }
-       if (!predicateSet.contains(s) && counter.get(s) >= cutoff) {
-         predicateSet.add(s);
-       }
-     }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Utility method for creating a String[] array from a map whose
-   * keys are labels (Strings) to be stored in the array and whose
-   * values are the indices (Integers) at which the corresponding
-   * labels should be inserted.
-   *
-   * @param labelToIndexMap a <code>TObjectIntHashMap</code> value
-   * @return a <code>String[]</code> value
-   * @since maxent 1.2.6
-   */
-  protected static String[] toIndexedStringArray(Map<String,Integer> labelToIndexMap) {
-    final String[] array = new String[labelToIndexMap.size()];
-    for (String label : labelToIndexMap.keySet()) {
-      array[labelToIndexMap.get(label)] = label;
-    }
-    return array;
-  }
-  public float[][] getValues() {
-    return null;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public abstract class AbstractEventStream implements  EventStream {
-  public AbstractEventStream() {
-    super();
-  }
-  public void remove() {
-    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.text.DecimalFormat;
-public abstract class AbstractModel implements MaxentModel {
-  /** Mapping between predicates/contexts and an integer representing them. */
-  protected IndexHashTable<String> pmap;
-  /** The names of the outcomes. */
-  protected String[] outcomeNames;
-  /** Parameters for the model. */
-  protected EvalParameters evalParams;
-  /** Prior distribution for this model. */
-  protected Prior prior;
-  public enum ModelType {Maxent,Perceptron};
-  /** The type of the model. */
-  protected ModelType modelType;
-  public AbstractModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, IndexHashTable<String> pmap, String[] outcomeNames) {
-    this.pmap = pmap;
-    this.outcomeNames =  outcomeNames;
-    this.evalParams = new EvalParameters(params,outcomeNames.length);
-  }
-  public AbstractModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames) {
-    init(predLabels,outcomeNames);
-    this.evalParams = new EvalParameters(params,outcomeNames.length);
-  }
-  public AbstractModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames, int correctionConstant,double correctionParam) {
-    init(predLabels,outcomeNames);
-    this.evalParams = new EvalParameters(params,correctionParam,correctionConstant,outcomeNames.length);
-  }
-  private void init(String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames){
-    this.pmap = new IndexHashTable<String>(predLabels, 0.7d);
-    this.outcomeNames =  outcomeNames;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return the name of the outcome corresponding to the highest likelihood
-   * in the parameter ocs.
-   *
-   * @param ocs A double[] as returned by the eval(String[] context)
-   *            method.
-   * @return    The name of the most likely outcome.
-   */
-  public final String getBestOutcome(double[] ocs) {
-      int best = 0;
-      for (int i = 1; i<ocs.length; i++)
-          if (ocs[i] > ocs[best]) best = i;
-      return outcomeNames[best];
-  }
-  public ModelType getModelType(){
-    return modelType;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return a string matching all the outcome names with all the
-   * probabilities produced by the <code>eval(String[] context)</code>
-   * method.
-   *
-   * @param ocs A <code>double[]</code> as returned by the
-   *            <code>eval(String[] context)</code>
-   *            method.
-   * @return    String containing outcome names paired with the normalized
-   *            probability (contained in the <code>double[] ocs</code>)
-   *            for each one.
-   */
-  public final String getAllOutcomes(double[] ocs) {
-      if (ocs.length != outcomeNames.length) {
-          return "The double array sent as a parameter to GISModel.getAllOutcomes() must not have been produced by this model.";
-      }
-      else {
-        DecimalFormat df =  new DecimalFormat("0.0000");
-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ocs.length * 2);
-        sb.append(outcomeNames[0]).append("[").append(df.format(ocs[0])).append("]");
-        for (int i = 1; i<ocs.length; i++) {
-          sb.append("  ").append(outcomeNames[i]).append("[").append(df.format(ocs[i])).append("]");
-        }
-        return sb.toString();
-      }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return the name of an outcome corresponding to an int id.
-   *
-   * @param i An outcome id.
-   * @return  The name of the outcome associated with that id.
-   */
-  public final String getOutcome(int i) {
-      return outcomeNames[i];
-  }
-  /**
-   * Gets the index associated with the String name of the given outcome.
-   *
-   * @param outcome the String name of the outcome for which the
-   *          index is desired
-   * @return the index if the given outcome label exists for this
-   * model, -1 if it does not.
-   **/
-  public int getIndex(String outcome) {
-      for (int i=0; i<outcomeNames.length; i++) {
-          if (outcomeNames[i].equals(outcome))
-              return i;
-      }
-      return -1;
-  }
-  public int getNumOutcomes() {
-    return(evalParams.getNumOutcomes());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Provides the fundamental data structures which encode the maxent model
-   * information.  This method will usually only be needed by
-   * GISModelWriters.  The following values are held in the Object array
-   * which is returned by this method:
-   *
-   * <li>index 0: opennlp.maxent.Context[] containing the model
-   *            parameters  
-   * <li>index 1: java.util.Map containing the mapping of model predicates
-   *            to unique integers
-   * <li>index 2: java.lang.String[] containing the names of the outcomes,
-   *            stored in the index of the array which represents their
-   * 	          unique ids in the model.
-   * <li>index 3: java.lang.Integer containing the value of the models
-   *            correction constant
-   * <li>index 4: java.lang.Double containing the value of the models
-   *            correction parameter
-   *
-   * @return An Object[] with the values as described above.
-   */
-  public final Object[] getDataStructures() {
-      Object[] data = new Object[5];
-      data[0] = evalParams.getParams();
-      data[1] = pmap;
-      data[2] = outcomeNames;
-      data[3] = (int) evalParams.getCorrectionConstant();
-      data[4] = evalParams.getCorrectionParam();
-      return data;
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-public abstract class AbstractModelReader {
-  /**
-   * The number of predicates contained in the model.
-   */
-  protected int NUM_PREDS;
-  protected DataReader dataReader;
-  public AbstractModelReader(File f) throws IOException { 
-    String filename = f.getName();
-    InputStream input;
-    // handle the zipped/not zipped distinction
-    if (filename.endsWith(".gz")) {
-      input = new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
-      filename = filename.substring(0,filename.length()-3);
-    }
-    else {
-      input = new FileInputStream(f);
-    }
-    // handle the different formats
-    if (filename.endsWith(".bin")) {
-      this.dataReader = new BinaryFileDataReader(input);
-    }
-    else {  // filename ends with ".txt"
-      this.dataReader = new PlainTextFileDataReader(input);
-    }
-  }
-  public AbstractModelReader(DataReader dataReader) {
-    super();
-    this.dataReader = dataReader;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Implement as needed for the format the model is stored in.
-   */
-  public int readInt() throws {
-    return dataReader.readInt();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Implement as needed for the format the model is stored in.
-   */
-  public double readDouble() throws {
-    return dataReader.readDouble();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Implement as needed for the format the model is stored in.
-   */
-  public String readUTF() throws {
-    return dataReader.readUTF();
-  }
-  public AbstractModel getModel() throws IOException {
-    checkModelType();
-    return constructModel();
-  }
-  public abstract void checkModelType() throws;
-  public abstract AbstractModel constructModel() throws;
-  protected String[] getOutcomes() throws {
-      int numOutcomes = readInt();
-      String[] outcomeLabels = new String[numOutcomes];
-      for (int i=0; i<numOutcomes; i++) outcomeLabels[i] = readUTF();
-      return outcomeLabels;
-  }
-  protected int[][] getOutcomePatterns() throws {
-      int numOCTypes = readInt();
-      int[][] outcomePatterns = new int[numOCTypes][];
-      for (int i=0; i<numOCTypes; i++) {
-          StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(readUTF(), " ");
-          int[] infoInts = new int[tok.countTokens()];
-          for (int j = 0; tok.hasMoreTokens(); j++) {
-              infoInts[j] = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken());
-          }
-          outcomePatterns[i] = infoInts;
-      }
-      return outcomePatterns;
-  }
-  protected String[] getPredicates() throws {
-      NUM_PREDS = readInt();
-      String[] predLabels = new String[NUM_PREDS];
-      for (int i=0; i<NUM_PREDS; i++)
-          predLabels[i] = readUTF();
-      return predLabels;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Reads the parameters from a file and populates an array of context objects.
-   * @param outcomePatterns The outcomes patterns for the model.  The first index refers to which 
-   * outcome pattern (a set of outcomes that occurs with a context) is being specified.  The
-   * second index specifies the number of contexts which use this pattern at index 0, and the
-   * index of each outcomes which make up this pattern in indicies 1-n.  
-   * @return An array of context objects.
-   * @throws when the model file does not match the outcome patterns or can not be read.
-   */
-  protected Context[] getParameters(int[][] outcomePatterns) throws {
-    Context[] params = new Context[NUM_PREDS];
-    int pid=0;
-    for (int i=0; i<outcomePatterns.length; i++) {
-      //construct outcome pattern
-      int[] outcomePattern = new int[outcomePatterns[i].length-1];
-      for (int k=1; k<outcomePatterns[i].length; k++) {
-        outcomePattern[k-1] = outcomePatterns[i][k];
-      }
-      //System.err.println("outcomePattern "+i+" of "+outcomePatterns.length+" with "+outcomePatterns[i].length+" outcomes ");
-      //populate parameters for each context which uses this outcome pattern. 
-      for (int j=0; j<outcomePatterns[i][0]; j++) {
-        double[] contextParameters = new double[outcomePatterns[i].length-1];
-        for (int k=1; k<outcomePatterns[i].length; k++) {
-          contextParameters[k-1] = readDouble();
-        }
-        params[pid] = new Context(outcomePattern,contextParameters);
-        pid++;
-      }
-    }
-    return params;
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public abstract class AbstractModelWriter {
-  public AbstractModelWriter() {
-    super();
-  }
-  public abstract void writeUTF(String s) throws;
-  public abstract void writeInt(int i) throws;
-  public abstract void writeDouble(double d) throws;
-  public abstract void close() throws;
-  public abstract void persist() throws;
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class BinaryFileDataReader implements DataReader {
-  private DataInputStream input;
-  public BinaryFileDataReader(File f) throws IOException {
-    if (f.getName().endsWith(".gz")) {
-      input = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(
-          new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)))));
-    }
-    else {
-      input = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)));
-    }
-  }
-  public BinaryFileDataReader(InputStream in) {
-    input = new DataInputStream(in);
-  }
-  public BinaryFileDataReader(DataInputStream in) {
-    input = in;
-  }
-  public double readDouble() throws IOException {
-    return input.readDouble();
-  }
-  public int readInt() throws IOException {
-    return input.readInt();
-  }
-  public String readUTF() throws IOException {
-    return input.readUTF();
-  }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Arrays;
- * A maxent event representation which we can use to sort based on the
- * predicates indexes contained in the events.
- */
-public class ComparableEvent implements Comparable<ComparableEvent> {
-  public int outcome;
-  public int[] predIndexes;
-  public int seen = 1; // the number of times this event
-                       // has been seen.
-  public float[] values;
-  public ComparableEvent(int oc, int[] pids, float[] values) {
-    outcome = oc;
-    if (values == null) {
-      Arrays.sort(pids);
-    } else {
-      sort(pids, values);
-    }
-    this.values = values; // needs to be sorted like pids
-    predIndexes = pids;
-  }
-  public ComparableEvent(int oc, int[] pids) {
-    this(oc, pids, null);
-  }
-  public int compareTo(ComparableEvent ce) {
-    if (outcome < ce.outcome)
-      return -1;
-    else if (outcome > ce.outcome)
-      return 1;
-    int smallerLength = (predIndexes.length > ce.predIndexes.length ? ce.predIndexes.length
-        : predIndexes.length);
-    for (int i = 0; i < smallerLength; i++) {
-      if (predIndexes[i] < ce.predIndexes[i])
-        return -1;
-      else if (predIndexes[i] > ce.predIndexes[i])
-        return 1;
-      if (values != null && ce.values != null) {
-        if (values[i] < ce.values[i])
-          return -1;
-        else if (values[i] > ce.values[i])
-          return 1;
-      } else if (values != null) {
-        if (values[i] < 1)
-          return -1;
-        else if (values[i] > 1)
-          return 1;
-      } else if (ce.values != null) {
-        if (1 < ce.values[i])
-          return -1;
-        else if (1 > ce.values[i])
-          return 1;
-      }
-    }
-    if (predIndexes.length < ce.predIndexes.length)
-      return -1;
-    else if (predIndexes.length > ce.predIndexes.length)
-      return 1;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  public String toString() {
-    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder().append(outcome).append(":");
-    for (int i = 0; i < predIndexes.length; i++) {
-      s.append(" ").append(predIndexes[i]);
-      if (values != null) {
-        s.append("=").append(values[i]);
-      }
-    }
-    return s.toString();
-  }
-  private void sort(int[] pids, float[] values) {
-    for (int mi = 0; mi < pids.length; mi++) {
-      int min = mi;
-      for (int pi = mi + 1; pi < pids.length; pi++) {
-        if (pids[min] > pids[pi]) {
-          min = pi;
-        }
-      }
-      int pid = pids[mi];
-      pids[mi] = pids[min];
-      pids[min] = pid;
-      float val = values[mi];
-      values[mi] = values[min];
-      values[min] = val;
-    }
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A maxent predicate representation which we can use to sort based on the
- * outcomes. This allows us to make the mapping of features to their parameters
- * much more compact.
- */
-public class ComparablePredicate implements Comparable<ComparablePredicate> {
-  public String name;
-  public int[] outcomes;
-  public double[] params;
-  public ComparablePredicate(String n, int[] ocs, double[] ps) {
-    name = n;
-    outcomes = ocs;
-    params = ps;
-  }
-  public int compareTo(ComparablePredicate cp) {
-    int smallerLength = (outcomes.length > cp.outcomes.length?
-        cp.outcomes.length : outcomes.length);
-    for (int i=0; i<smallerLength; i++) {
-      if (outcomes[i] < cp.outcomes[i]) return -1;
-      else if (outcomes[i] > cp.outcomes[i]) return 1;
-    }
-    if (outcomes.length < cp.outcomes.length) return -1;
-    else if (outcomes.length > cp.outcomes.length) return 1;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  public String toString() {
-    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
-    for (int outcome : outcomes) {
-      s.append(" ").append(outcome);
-    }
-    return s.toString();
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Class which associates a real valued parameter or expected value with a particular contextual
- * predicate or feature.  This is used to store maxent model parameters as well as model and empirical
- * expected values.
- */
-public class Context {
-  /** The real valued parameters or expected values for this context. */
-  protected double[] parameters;
-  /** The outcomes which occur with this context. */
-  protected int[] outcomes;
-  /**
-   * Creates a new parameters object with the specified parameters associated with the specified
-   * outcome pattern.
-   * @param outcomePattern Array of outcomes for which parameters exists for this context.
-   * @param parameters Parameters for the outcomes specified.
-   */
-  public Context(int[] outcomePattern, double[] parameters) {
-    this.outcomes = outcomePattern;
-    this.parameters = parameters;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the outcomes for which parameters exists for this context.
-   * @return Array of outcomes for which parameters exists for this context.
-   */
-  public int[] getOutcomes() {
-    return outcomes;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the parameters or expected values for the outcomes which occur with this context.
-   * @return Array of parameters for the outcomes of this context.
-   */
-  public double[] getParameters() {
-    return parameters;
-  }
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@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-/** Object which compresses events in memory and performs feature selection.
- */
-public interface DataIndexer {
-  /**
-   * Returns the array of predicates seen in each event. 
-   * @return a 2-D array whose first dimension is the event index and array this refers to contains
-   * the contexts for that event. 
-   */
-  public int[][] getContexts();
-  /**
-   * Returns an array indicating the number of times a particular event was seen.
-   * @return an array indexed by the event index indicating the number of times a particular event was seen.
-   */
-  public int[] getNumTimesEventsSeen();
-  /**
-   * Returns an array indicating the outcome index for each event.
-   * @return an array indicating the outcome index for each event.
-   */
-  public int[] getOutcomeList();
-  /**
-   * Returns an array of predicate/context names.
-   * @return an array of predicate/context names indexed by context index.  These indices are the
-   * value of the array returned by <code>getContexts</code>.
-   */
-  public String[] getPredLabels();
-  /**
-   * Returns an array of the count of each predicate in the events.
-   * @return an array of the count of each predicate in the events.
-   */
-  public int[] getPredCounts();
-  /**
-    * Returns an array of outcome names.
-    * @return an array of outcome names indexed by outcome index.
-    */
-  public String[] getOutcomeLabels(); 
-  /**
-   * Returns the values associated with each event context or null if integer values are to be used. 
-   * @return the values associated with each event context.
-   */
-  public float[][] getValues();
-  /**
-   * Returns the number of total events indexed.
-   * @return The number of total events indexed.
-   */
-  public int getNumEvents();
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public interface DataReader {
-  public double readDouble() throws IOException;
-  public int readInt() throws IOException;
-  public String readUTF() throws IOException;
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.List;
-public class DynamicEvalParameters {
-  /** Mapping between outcomes and paramater values for each context. 
-   * The integer representation of the context can be found using <code>pmap</code>.*/
-  private List<? extends Context> params;
-  /** The number of outcomes being predicted. */
-  private final int numOutcomes;
-  /**
-   * Creates a set of paramters which can be evaulated with the eval method.
-   * @param params The parameters of the model.
-   * @param numOutcomes The number of outcomes.
-   */
-  public DynamicEvalParameters(List<? extends Context> params, int numOutcomes) {
-    this.params = params;
-    this.numOutcomes = numOutcomes;
-  }
-  public Context[] getParams() {
-    return params.toArray(new Context[params.size()]);
-  }
-  public int getNumOutcomes() {
-    return numOutcomes;
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- /**
- * This class encapsulates the varibales used in producing probabilities from a model 
- * and facilitaes passing these variables to the eval method.
- */
-public class EvalParameters {
- /** Mapping between outcomes and paramater values for each context. 
-   * The integer representation of the context can be found using <code>pmap</code>.*/
-  private Context[] params;
-  /** The number of outcomes being predicted. */
-  private final int numOutcomes;
-  /** The maximum number of feattures fired in an event. Usually refered to a C.
-   * This is used to normalize the number of features which occur in an event. */
-  private double correctionConstant;
-  /**  Stores inverse of the correction constant, 1/C. */
-  private final double constantInverse;
-  /** The correction parameter of the model. */
-  private double correctionParam;
-  /**
-   * Creates a set of paramters which can be evaulated with the eval method.
-   * @param params The parameters of the model.
-   * @param correctionParam The correction paramter.
-   * @param correctionConstant The correction constant.
-   * @param numOutcomes The number of outcomes.
-   */
-  public EvalParameters(Context[] params, double correctionParam, double correctionConstant, int numOutcomes) {
-    this.params = params;
-    this.correctionParam = correctionParam;
-    this.numOutcomes = numOutcomes;
-    this.correctionConstant = correctionConstant;
-    this.constantInverse = 1.0 / correctionConstant;
-  }
-  public EvalParameters(Context[] params, int numOutcomes) {
-    this(params,0,0,numOutcomes);
-  }
-  /* (non-Javadoc)
-   * @see opennlp.model.EvalParameters#getParams()
-   */
-  public Context[] getParams() {
-    return params;
-  }
-  /* (non-Javadoc)
-   * @see opennlp.model.EvalParameters#getNumOutcomes()
-   */
-  public int getNumOutcomes() {
-    return numOutcomes;
-  }
-  public double getCorrectionConstant() {
-    return correctionConstant;
-  }
-  public double getConstantInverse() {
-    return constantInverse;
-  }
-  public double getCorrectionParam() {
-    return correctionParam;
-  }
-  public void setCorrectionParam(double correctionParam) {
-    this.correctionParam = correctionParam;
-  }
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@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * The context of a decision point during training.  This includes
- * contextual predicates and an outcome.
- */
-public class Event {
-    private String outcome;
-    private String[] context;
-    private float[] values;
-    public Event(String outcome, String[] context) {
-      this(outcome,context,null);
-    }
-    public Event(String outcome, String[] context, float[] values) {
-      this.outcome = outcome;
-      this.context = context;
-      this.values = values;
-    }
-    public String getOutcome() { 
-      return outcome; 
-    }
-    public String[] getContext() { 
-      return context; 
-    }
-    public float[] getValues() {
-      return values;
-    }
-    public String toString() {
-      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-      sb.append(outcome).append(" [");
-      if (context.length > 0) {
-        sb.append(context[0]);
-        if (values != null) {
-          sb.append("=").append(values[0]);
-        }
-      }
-      for (int ci=1;ci<context.length;ci++) {
-        sb.append(" ").append(context[ci]);
-        if (values != null) {
-          sb.append("=").append(values[ci]);
-        }
-      }
-      sb.append("]");
-      return sb.toString();
-    }
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index 14162db..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * An interface for objects which read events during training.
- */
-public interface EventCollector {
-  /**
-   * Return the events which this EventCollector has gathered. It must get its
-   * data from a constructor.
-   * 
-   * @return the events that this EventCollector has gathered
-   */
-  public Event[] getEvents();
-  /**
-   * Return the events which this EventCollector has gathered based on whether
-   * we wish to train a model or evaluate one based on those events.
-   * 
-   * @param evalMode
-   *          true if we are evaluating based on the events, false if we are
-   *          training.
-   * @return the events that this EventCollector has gathered
-   */
-  public Event[] getEvents(boolean evalMode);
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A wrapper to turn EventCollectors created for Maxent 1.0 into EventStreams
- * for Maxent 1.2.  For efficiency, it would be best to convert your
- * EventCollector into a EventStream directly, but this will allow your
- * application to work with Maxent 1.2 with very little recoding.
- */
-public final class EventCollectorAsStream extends AbstractEventStream {
-  final Event[] events;
-  final int numEvents;
-  int index = 0;
-  public EventCollectorAsStream(EventCollector ec) {
-    events = ec.getEvents(false);
-    numEvents = events.length;
-  }
-  public Event next() {
-    return events[index++];
-  }
-  public boolean hasNext() {
-    return (index < numEvents);
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A object which can deliver a stream of training events for the GIS procedure
- * (or others such as IIS if and when they are implemented). EventStreams don't
- * need to use opennlp.maxent.DataStreams, but doing so would provide greater
- * flexibility for producing events from data stored in different formats.
- */
-public interface EventStream {
-  /**
-   * Returns the next Event object held in this EventStream.
-   * 
-   * @return the Event object which is next in this EventStream
-   */
-  public Event next() throws IOException;
-  /**
-   * Test whether there are any Events remaining in this EventStream.
-   * 
-   * @return true if this EventStream has more Events
-   */
-  public boolean hasNext() throws IOException;
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
- * Class for using a file of events as an event stream.  The format of the file is one event perline with
- * each line consisting of outcome followed by contexts (space delimited).
- */
-public class FileEventStream extends  AbstractEventStream {
-  BufferedReader reader;
-  String line;
-  /**
-   * Creates a new file event stream from the specified file name.
-   * @param fileName the name fo the file containing the events.
-   * @throws IOException When the specified file can not be read.
-   */
-  public FileEventStream(String fileName, String encoding) throws IOException {
-    if (encoding == null) {
-      reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName));
-    }
-    else {
-      reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileName),encoding));
-    }
-  }
-  public FileEventStream(String fileName) throws IOException {
-    this(fileName,null);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates a new file event stream from the specified file.
-   * @param file the file containing the events.
-   * @throws IOException When the specified file can not be read.
-   */
-  public FileEventStream(File file) throws IOException {
-    reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file),"UTF8"));
-  }
-  public boolean hasNext() {
-    try {
-      return (null != (line = reader.readLine()));
-    }
-    catch (IOException e) {
-      System.err.println(e);
-      return (false);
-    }
-  }
-  public Event next() {
-    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line);
-    String outcome = st.nextToken();
-    int count = st.countTokens();
-    String[] context = new String[count];
-    for (int ci = 0; ci < count; ci++) {
-      context[ci] = st.nextToken();
-    }
-    return (new Event(outcome, context));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Generates a string representing the specified event.
-   * @param event The event for which a string representation is needed.
-   * @return A string representing the specified event.
-   */
-  public static String toLine(Event event) {
-    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
-    sb.append(event.getOutcome());
-    String[] context = event.getContext();
-    for (int ci=0,cl=context.length;ci<cl;ci++) {
-      sb.append(" ").append(context[ci]);
-    }
-    sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
-    return sb.toString();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Trains and writes a model based on the events in the specified event file.
-   * the name of the model created is based on the event file name.
-   * @param args eventfile [iterations cuttoff]
-   * @throws IOException when the eventfile can not be read or the model file can not be written.
-   */
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-    if (args.length == 0) {
-      System.err.println("Usage: FileEventStream eventfile [iterations cutoff]");
-      System.exit(1);
-    }
-    int ai=0;
-    String eventFile = args[ai++];
-    EventStream es = new FileEventStream(eventFile);
-    int iterations = 100;
-    int cutoff = 5;
-    if (ai < args.length) {
-      iterations = Integer.parseInt(args[ai++]);
-      cutoff = Integer.parseInt(args[ai++]);
-    }
-    AbstractModel model = GIS.trainModel(es,iterations,cutoff);
-    new SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter(model, new File(eventFile+".bin.gz")).persist();
-  }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class GenericModelReader extends AbstractModelReader {
-  private AbstractModelReader delegateModelReader;
-  public GenericModelReader (File f) throws IOException {
-    super(f);
-  }
-  public GenericModelReader(DataReader dataReader) {
-    super(dataReader);
-  }
-  public void checkModelType() throws IOException {
-    String modelType = readUTF();
-    if (modelType.equals("Perceptron")) {
-      delegateModelReader = new PerceptronModelReader(this.dataReader);
-    }
-    else if (modelType.equals("GIS")) {
-      delegateModelReader = new GISModelReader(this.dataReader);
-    }
-    else {
-      throw new IOException("Unknown model format: "+modelType);
-    }
-  }
-  public AbstractModel constructModel() throws IOException {
-    return delegateModelReader.constructModel();
-  }
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-    AbstractModel m =  new GenericModelReader(new File(args[0])).getModel();
-    new GenericModelWriter( m, new File(args[1])).persist();
-  }
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@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class GenericModelWriter extends AbstractModelWriter {
-  private AbstractModelWriter delegateWriter;
-  public GenericModelWriter(AbstractModel model, File file) throws IOException {
-    String filename = file.getName();
-    OutputStream os;
-    // handle the zipped/not zipped distinction
-    if (filename.endsWith(".gz")) {
-      os = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
-      filename = filename.substring(0,filename.length()-3);
-    }
-    else {
-      os = new FileOutputStream(file);
-    }
-    // handle the different formats
-    if (filename.endsWith(".bin")) {
-      init(model,new DataOutputStream(os));
-    }
-    else {  // filename ends with ".txt"
-      init(model,new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os)));
-    }
-  }
-  public GenericModelWriter(AbstractModel model, DataOutputStream dos) {
-    init(model,dos);
-  }
-  private void init(AbstractModel model, DataOutputStream dos) {
-    if (model.getModelType() == ModelType.Perceptron) {
-      delegateWriter = new BinaryPerceptronModelWriter(model,dos);
-    }
-    else if (model.getModelType() == ModelType.Maxent) {
-      delegateWriter = new BinaryGISModelWriter(model,dos);
-    }
-  }
-  private void init(AbstractModel model, BufferedWriter bw) {
-    if (model.getModelType() == ModelType.Perceptron) {
-      delegateWriter = new PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter(model,bw);
-    }
-    else if (model.getModelType() == ModelType.Maxent) {
-      delegateWriter = new PlainTextGISModelWriter(model,bw);
-    }
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void close() throws IOException {
-    delegateWriter.close();
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void persist() throws IOException {
-    delegateWriter.persist();
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void writeDouble(double d) throws IOException {
-    delegateWriter.writeDouble(d);
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void writeInt(int i) throws IOException {
-    delegateWriter.writeInt(i);
-  }
-  @Override
-  public void writeUTF(String s) throws IOException {
-    delegateWriter.writeUTF(s);
-  }
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@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreemnets.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-public class HashSumEventStream implements EventStream {
-  private final EventStream eventStream;
-  private MessageDigest digest;
-  public HashSumEventStream(EventStream eventStream) {
-    this.eventStream = eventStream;
-    try {
-      digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
-    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
-      // should never happen, does all java runtimes have md5 ?!
-     throw new IllegalStateException(e);
-    }
-  }
-  public boolean hasNext() throws IOException {
-    return eventStream.hasNext();
-  }
-  public Event next() throws IOException {
-    Event event =;
-    try {
-      digest.update(event.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
-    }
-    catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
-      throw new IllegalStateException("UTF-8 encoding is not available!");
-    }
-    return event;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Calculates the hash sum of the stream. The method must be
-   * called after the stream is completely consumed.
-   * 
-   * @return the hash sum
-   * @throws IllegalStateException if the stream is not consumed completely,
-   * completely means that hasNext() returns false
-   */
-  public BigInteger calculateHashSum() {
-//    if (hasNext())
-//      throw new IllegalStateException("stream must be consumed completely!");
-    return new BigInteger(1, digest.digest());
-  }
-  public void remove() {
-  }
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@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * The {@link IndexHashTable} is a hash table which maps entries
- * of an array to their index in the array. All entries in the array must
- * be unique otherwise a well-defined mapping is not possible.
- * <p>
- * The entry objects must implement {@link Object#equals(Object)} and
- * {@link Object#hashCode()} otherwise the behavior of this class is
- * undefined.
- * <p>
- * The implementation uses a hash table with open addressing and linear probing.
- * <p>
- * The table is thread safe and can concurrently accessed by multiple threads,
- * thread safety is achieved through immutability. Though its not strictly immutable
- * which means, that the table must still be safely published to other threads.
- */
-public class IndexHashTable<T> {
-  private final Object keys[];
-  private final int values[];
-  private final int size;
-  /**
-   * Initializes the current instance. The specified array is copied into the
-   * table and later changes to the array do not affect this table in any way.
-   * 
-   * @param mapping
-   *          the values to be indexed, all values must be unique otherwise a
-   *          well-defined mapping of an entry to an index is not possible
-   * @param loadfactor
-   *          the load factor, usually 0.7
-   * 
-   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
-   *           if the entries are not unique
-   */
-  public IndexHashTable(T mapping[], double loadfactor) {
-    if (loadfactor <= 0 || loadfactor > 1)
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadfactor must be larger than 0 "
-          + "and equal to or smaller than 1!");
-    int arraySize = (int) (mapping.length / loadfactor) + 1;
-    keys = new Object[arraySize];
-    values = new int[arraySize];
-    size = mapping.length;
-    for (int i = 0; i < mapping.length; i++) {
-      int startIndex = indexForHash(mapping[i].hashCode(), keys.length);
-      int index = searchKey(startIndex, null, true);
-      if (index == -1)
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-            "Array must contain only unique keys!");
-      keys[index] = mapping[i];
-      values[index] = i;
-    }
-  }
-  private static int indexForHash(int h, int length) {
-    return (h & 0x7fffffff) % length;
-  }
-  private int searchKey(int startIndex, Object key, boolean insert) {
-    for (int index = startIndex; true; index = (index + 1) % keys.length) {
-      // The keys array contains at least one null element, which guarantees
-      // termination of the loop
-      if (keys[index] == null) {
-        if (insert)
-          return index;
-        else
-          return -1;
-      }
-      if (keys[index].equals(key)) {
-        if (!insert)
-          return index;
-        else
-          return -1;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the index for the specified key.
-   * 
-   * @param key
-   * @return the index or -1 if there is no entry to the keys
-   */
-  public int get(T key) {
-    int startIndex = indexForHash(key.hashCode(), keys.length);
-    int index = searchKey(startIndex, key, false);
-    if (index != -1) {
-      return values[index];
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Retrieves the size.
-   * 
-   * @return the number of elements in this map.
-   */
-  public int size() {
-    return size;
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public T[] toArray(T array[]) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
-      if (keys[i] != null)
-        array[values[i]] = (T) keys[i];
-    }
-    return array;
-  }
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.List;
-public class ListEventStream implements EventStream {
-  List<Event> events;
-  int currentIndex = 0;
-  int numEvents;
-  public ListEventStream (List<Event> events) {
- = events;
-    numEvents = events.size();
-  }
-  public Event next () {
-    return events.get(currentIndex++);
-  }
-  public boolean hasNext () {
-    return currentIndex < numEvents;
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Interface for maximum entropy models.
- **/
-public interface MaxentModel {
-  /**
-   * Evaluates a context.
-   *
-   * @param context A list of String names of the contextual predicates
-   *                which are to be evaluated together.
-   * @return an array of the probabilities for each of the different
-   *         outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
-   *
-   **/
-  public double[] eval(String[] context);
-  /**
-     * Evaluates a context.
-     *
-     * @param context A list of String names of the contextual predicates
-     *                which are to be evaluated together.
-     * @param probs An array which is populated with the probabilities for each of the different
-     *         outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
-     * @return an array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1. 
-     **/
-  public double[] eval(String[] context, double probs[]);
-  /**
-   * Evaluates a contexts with the specified context values.
-   * @param context A list of String names of the contextual predicates
-     *                which are to be evaluated together.
-   * @param values The values associated with each context.
-   * @return an array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
-   */
-  public double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values);
-  /**
-   * Simple function to return the outcome associated with the index
-   * containing the highest probability in the double[].
-   *
-   * @param outcomes A <code>double[]</code> as returned by the
-   *            <code>eval(String[] context)</code>
-   *            method.
-   * @return the String name of the best outcome
-   **/
-  public String getBestOutcome(double[] outcomes);
-  /**
-   * Return a string matching all the outcome names with all the
-   * probabilities produced by the <code>eval(String[]
-   * context)</code> method.
-   *
-   * @param outcomes A <code>double[]</code> as returned by the
-   *            <code>eval(String[] context)</code>
-   *            method.
-   * @return    String containing outcome names paired with the normalized
-   *            probability (contained in the <code>double[] ocs</code>)
-   *            for each one.
-   **/
-  public String getAllOutcomes(double[] outcomes);
-  /**
-   * Gets the String name of the outcome associated with the index
-   * i.
-   *
-   * @param i the index for which the name of the associated outcome is
-   *          desired.
-   * @return the String name of the outcome
-   **/
-  public String getOutcome(int i);
-  /**
-   * Gets the index associated with the String name of the given
-   * outcome.
-   *
-   * @param outcome the String name of the outcome for which the
-   *          index is desired
-   * @return the index if the given outcome label exists for this
-   * model, -1 if it does not.
-   **/
-  public int getIndex(String outcome);
-  /**
-   * Returns the data structures relevant to storing the model.
-   **/
-  public Object[] getDataStructures();
-  /** Returns the number of outcomes for this model.
-   *  @return The number of outcomes.
-   **/
-  public int getNumOutcomes();
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index 4d57e10..0000000
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@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Arrays;
- * Class used to store parameters or expected values associated with this context which
- * can be updated or assigned. 
- */
-public class MutableContext extends Context {
-  /**
-   * Creates a new parameters object with the specified parameters associated with the specified
-   * outcome pattern.
-   * 
-   * @param outcomePattern Array of outcomes for which parameters exists for this context.
-   * @param parameters Parameters for the outcomes specified.
-   */
-  public MutableContext(int[] outcomePattern, double[] parameters) {
-    super(outcomePattern, parameters);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Assigns the parameter or expected value at the specified outcomeIndex the specified value. 
-   * 
-   * @param outcomeIndex The index of the parameter or expected value to be updated. 
-   * @param value The value to be assigned.
-   */
-  public void setParameter(int outcomeIndex, double value) {
-    parameters[outcomeIndex]=value;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Updated the parameter or expected value at the specified outcomeIndex by adding the specified value to its current value.
-   * 
-   * @param outcomeIndex The index of the parameter or expected value to be updated.
-   * @param value The value to be added.
-   */
-  public void updateParameter(int outcomeIndex, double value) {
-    parameters[outcomeIndex]+=value;
-  }
-  public boolean contains(int outcome) {
-    return(Arrays.binarySearch(outcomes,outcome) >= 0);
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class ObjectDataReader implements DataReader {
-  protected ObjectInputStream ois;
-  public ObjectDataReader(ObjectInputStream ois) {
-    this.ois = ois;
-  }
-  public double readDouble() throws IOException {
-    return ois.readDouble();
-  }
-  public int readInt() throws IOException {
-    return ois.readInt();
-  }
-  public String readUTF() throws IOException {
-    return ois.readUTF();
-  }
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index 0536b76..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
- * An indexer for maxent model data which handles cutoffs for uncommon
- * contextual predicates and provides a unique integer index for each of the
- * predicates.
- */
-public class OnePassDataIndexer extends AbstractDataIndexer {
-  /**
-   * One argument constructor for DataIndexer which calls the two argument
-   * constructor assuming no cutoff.
-   * 
-   * @param eventStream
-   *          An Event[] which contains the a list of all the Events seen in the
-   *          training data.
-   */
-  public OnePassDataIndexer(EventStream eventStream) throws IOException {
-    this(eventStream, 0);
-  }
-  public OnePassDataIndexer(EventStream eventStream, int cutoff)
-      throws IOException {
-    this(eventStream, cutoff, true);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Two argument constructor for DataIndexer.
-   * 
-   * @param eventStream
-   *          An Event[] which contains the a list of all the Events seen in the
-   *          training data.
-   * @param cutoff
-   *          The minimum number of times a predicate must have been observed in
-   *          order to be included in the model.
-   */
-  public OnePassDataIndexer(EventStream eventStream, int cutoff, boolean sort)
-      throws IOException {
-    Map<String, Integer> predicateIndex = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
-    LinkedList<Event> events;
-    List<ComparableEvent> eventsToCompare;
-    System.out.println("Indexing events using cutoff of " + cutoff + "\n");
-    System.out.print("\tComputing event counts...  ");
-    events = computeEventCounts(eventStream, predicateIndex, cutoff);
-    System.out.println("done. " + events.size() + " events");
-    System.out.print("\tIndexing...  ");
-    eventsToCompare = index(events, predicateIndex);
-    // done with event list
-    events = null;
-    // done with predicates
-    predicateIndex = null;
-    System.out.println("done.");
-    System.out.print("Sorting and merging events... ");
-    sortAndMerge(eventsToCompare, sort);
-    System.out.println("Done indexing.");
-  }
-  /**
-   * Reads events from <tt>eventStream</tt> into a linked list. The predicates
-   * associated with each event are counted and any which occur at least
-   * <tt>cutoff</tt> times are added to the <tt>predicatesInOut</tt> map along
-   * with a unique integer index.
-   * 
-   * @param eventStream
-   *          an <code>EventStream</code> value
-   * @param predicatesInOut
-   *          a <code>TObjectIntHashMap</code> value
-   * @param cutoff
-   *          an <code>int</code> value
-   * @return a <code>TLinkedList</code> value
-   */
-  private LinkedList<Event> computeEventCounts(EventStream eventStream,
-      Map<String, Integer> predicatesInOut, int cutoff) throws IOException {
-    Set<String> predicateSet = new HashSet<String>();
-    Map<String, Integer> counter = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
-    LinkedList<Event> events = new LinkedList<Event>();
-    while (eventStream.hasNext()) {
-      Event ev =;
-      events.addLast(ev);
-      update(ev.getContext(), predicateSet, counter, cutoff);
-    }
-    predCounts = new int[predicateSet.size()];
-    int index = 0;
-    for (Iterator<String> pi = predicateSet.iterator(); pi.hasNext(); index++) {
-      String predicate =;
-      predCounts[index] = counter.get(predicate);
-      predicatesInOut.put(predicate, index);
-    }
-    return events;
-  }
-  protected List<ComparableEvent> index(LinkedList<Event> events,
-      Map<String, Integer> predicateIndex) {
-    Map<String, Integer> omap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
-    int numEvents = events.size();
-    int outcomeCount = 0;
-    List<ComparableEvent> eventsToCompare = new ArrayList<ComparableEvent>(numEvents);
-    List<Integer> indexedContext = new ArrayList<Integer>();
-    for (int eventIndex = 0; eventIndex < numEvents; eventIndex++) {
-      Event ev = events.removeFirst();
-      String[] econtext = ev.getContext();
-      ComparableEvent ce;
-      int ocID;
-      String oc = ev.getOutcome();
-      if (omap.containsKey(oc)) {
-        ocID = omap.get(oc);
-      } else {
-        ocID = outcomeCount++;
-        omap.put(oc, ocID);
-      }
-      for (String pred : econtext) {
-        if (predicateIndex.containsKey(pred)) {
-          indexedContext.add(predicateIndex.get(pred));
-        }
-      }
-      // drop events with no active features
-      if (indexedContext.size() > 0) {
-        int[] cons = new int[indexedContext.size()];
-        for (int ci = 0; ci < cons.length; ci++) {
-          cons[ci] = indexedContext.get(ci);
-        }
-        ce = new ComparableEvent(ocID, cons);
-        eventsToCompare.add(ce);
-      } else {
-        System.err.println("Dropped event " + ev.getOutcome() + ":"
-            + Arrays.asList(ev.getContext()));
-      }
-      // recycle the TIntArrayList
-      indexedContext.clear();
-    }
-    outcomeLabels = toIndexedStringArray(omap);
-    predLabels = toIndexedStringArray(predicateIndex);
-    return eventsToCompare;
-  }
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index 13098cb..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
- * An indexer for maxent model data which handles cutoffs for uncommon
- * contextual predicates and provides a unique integer index for each of the
- * predicates and maintains event values.  
- */
-public class OnePassRealValueDataIndexer extends OnePassDataIndexer {
-  float[][] values;
-  public OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(EventStream eventStream, int cutoff, boolean sort) throws IOException {
-    super(eventStream,cutoff,sort);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Two argument constructor for DataIndexer.
-   * @param eventStream An Event[] which contains the a list of all the Events
-   *               seen in the training data.
-   * @param cutoff The minimum number of times a predicate must have been
-   *               observed in order to be included in the model.
-   */
-  public OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(EventStream eventStream, int cutoff) throws IOException {
-    super(eventStream,cutoff);
-  }
-  public float[][] getValues() {
-    return values;
-  }
-  protected int sortAndMerge(List<ComparableEvent> eventsToCompare,boolean sort) {
-    int numUniqueEvents = super.sortAndMerge(eventsToCompare,sort);
-    values = new float[numUniqueEvents][];
-    int numEvents = eventsToCompare.size();
-    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < numEvents; i++) {
-      ComparableEvent evt = (ComparableEvent) eventsToCompare.get(i);
-      if (null == evt) {
-        continue; // this was a dupe, skip over it.
-      }
-      values[j++] = evt.values;
-    }
-    return numUniqueEvents;
-  }
-  protected List index(LinkedList<Event> events, Map<String,Integer> predicateIndex) {
-    Map<String,Integer> omap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
-    int numEvents = events.size();
-    int outcomeCount = 0;
-    List<ComparableEvent> eventsToCompare = new ArrayList<ComparableEvent>(numEvents);
-    List<Integer> indexedContext = new ArrayList<Integer>();
-    for (int eventIndex=0; eventIndex<numEvents; eventIndex++) {
-      Event ev = events.removeFirst();
-      String[] econtext = ev.getContext();
-      ComparableEvent ce;
-      int ocID;
-      String oc = ev.getOutcome();
-      if (omap.containsKey(oc)) {
-        ocID = omap.get(oc);
-      } else {
-        ocID = outcomeCount++;
-        omap.put(oc, ocID);
-      }
-      for (String pred : econtext) {
-        if (predicateIndex.containsKey(pred)) {
-          indexedContext.add(predicateIndex.get(pred));
-        }
-      }
-      //drop events with no active features
-      if (indexedContext.size() > 0) {
-        int[] cons = new int[indexedContext.size()];
-        for (int ci=0;ci<cons.length;ci++) {
-          cons[ci] = indexedContext.get(ci);
-        }
-        ce = new ComparableEvent(ocID, cons, ev.getValues());
-        eventsToCompare.add(ce);
-      }
-      else {
-        System.err.println("Dropped event "+ev.getOutcome()+":"+Arrays.asList(ev.getContext()));
-      }
-//    recycle the TIntArrayList
-      indexedContext.clear();
-    }
-    outcomeLabels = toIndexedStringArray(omap);
-    predLabels = toIndexedStringArray(predicateIndex);
-    return eventsToCompare;
-  }
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index cc51295..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class PlainTextFileDataReader implements DataReader {
-  private BufferedReader input;
-  public PlainTextFileDataReader(File f) throws IOException {
-    if (f.getName().endsWith(".gz")) {
-      input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f))))));
-    }
-    else {
-      input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(f))));
-    }
-  }
-  public PlainTextFileDataReader(InputStream in) {
-    input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
-  }
-  public PlainTextFileDataReader(BufferedReader in) {
-    input = in;
-  }
-  public double readDouble() throws IOException {
-    return Double.parseDouble(input.readLine());
-  }
-  public int readInt() throws IOException {
-    return Integer.parseInt(input.readLine());
-  }
-  public String readUTF() throws IOException {
-    return input.readLine();
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * This interface allows one to implement a prior distribution for use in
- * maximum entropy model training.  
- */
-public interface Prior {
-  /**
-   * Populates the specified array with the the log of the distribution for the specified context.  
-   * The returned array will be overwritten and needs to be re-initialized with every call to this method.  
-   * @param dist An array to be populated with the log of the prior distribution.
-   * @param context The indices of the contextual predicates for an event.
-   */
-  public void logPrior(double[] dist, int[] context);
-  /**
-   * Populates the specified array with the the log of the distribution for the specified context.  
-   * The returned array will be overwritten and needs to be re-initialized with every call to this method.  
-   * @param dist An array to be populated with the log of the prior distribution.
-   * @param context The indices of the contextual predicates for an event.
-   * @param values The values associated with the context. 
-   */
-  public void logPrior(double[] dist, int[] context, float[] values);
-  /**
-   * Method to specify the label for the outcomes and contexts.  This is used to map 
-   * integer outcomes and contexts to their string values.  This method is called prior
-   * to any call to #logPrior.
-   * @param outcomeLabels An array of each outcome label.
-   * @param contextLabels An array of each context label.
-   */
-  public void setLabels(String[] outcomeLabels, String[] contextLabels);
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@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class RealValueFileEventStream extends FileEventStream {
-  public RealValueFileEventStream(String fileName) throws IOException {
-    super(fileName);
-  }
-  public RealValueFileEventStream(File file) throws IOException {
-    super(file);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Parses the specified contexts and re-populates context array with features and returns the values
-   * for these features.
-   * If all values are unspecified, then null is returned.
-   * @param contexts The contexts with real values specified.
-   * @return The value for each context or null if all values are unspecified.
-   */
-  public static float[] parseContexts(String[] contexts) {
-    boolean hasRealValue = false;
-    float[] values = new float[contexts.length]; 
-    for (int ci = 0; ci < contexts.length; ci++) {
-      int ei = contexts[ci].lastIndexOf("=");
-      if (ei > 0 && ei+1 < contexts[ci].length()) {
-        boolean gotReal = true;
-        try {
-          values[ci] = Float.parseFloat(contexts[ci].substring(ei+1));
-        }
-        catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-          gotReal = false;
-          System.err.println("Unable to determine value in context:"+contexts[ci]);
-          values[ci] = 1;
-        }
-        if (gotReal) {
-          if (values[ci] < 0) {
-            throw new RuntimeException("Negitive values are not allowed: "+contexts[ci]);
-          }
-          contexts[ci] = contexts[ci].substring(0,ei);
-          hasRealValue = true;
-        }
-      }
-      else {
-        values[ci] = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    if (!hasRealValue) {
-      values = null;
-    }
-    return values;
-  }
-  public Event next() {
-    int si = line.indexOf(' ');
-    String outcome = line.substring(0,si);
-    String[] contexts = line.substring(si+1).split(" ");
-    float[] values = parseContexts(contexts);
-    return (new Event(outcome, contexts, values));
-  }  
-  /**
-   * Trains and writes a model based on the events in the specified event file.
-   * the name of the model created is based on the event file name.
-   * @param args eventfile [iterations cuttoff]
-   * @throws IOException when the eventfile can not be read or the model file can not be written.
-   */
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
-    if (args.length == 0) {
-      System.err.println("Usage: RealValueFileEventStream eventfile [iterations cutoff]");
-      System.exit(1);
-    }
-    int ai=0;
-    String eventFile = args[ai++];
-    EventStream es = new RealValueFileEventStream(eventFile);
-    int iterations = 100;
-    int cutoff = 5;
-    if (ai < args.length) {
-      iterations = Integer.parseInt(args[ai++]);
-      cutoff = Integer.parseInt(args[ai++]);
-    }
-    AbstractModel model = GIS.trainModel(iterations,new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(es,cutoff));
-    new SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter(model, new File(eventFile+".bin.gz")).persist();
-  }
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@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Class which models a sequence. 
- * @param <T> The type of the object which is the source of this sequence.
- */
-public class Sequence<T> {
-  private Event[] events;
-  private T source;
-  /**
-   * Creates a new sequence made up of the specified events and derived from the
-   * specified source.
-   * 
-   * @param events
-   *          The events of the sequence.
-   * @param source
-   *          The source object for this sequence.
-   */
-  public Sequence(Event[] events, T source) {
- = events;
-    this.source = source;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the events which make up this sequence.
-   * 
-   * @return the events which make up this sequence.
-   */
-  public Event[] getEvents() {
-    return events;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns an object from which this sequence can be derived. This object is
-   * used when the events for this sequence need to be re-derived such as in a
-   * call to SequenceStream.updateContext.
-   * 
-   * @return an object from which this sequence can be derived.
-   */
-  public T getSource() {
-    return source;
-  }
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index 3a1c6bf..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- *  Interface for streams of sequences used to train sequence models. 
- */
-public interface SequenceStream extends Iterable<Sequence> {	
-  /**
-   * Creates a new event array based on the outcomes predicted by the specified parameters 
-   * for the specified sequence.
-   * @param sequence The sequence to be evaluated.
-   * @return event array
-   */
-  public Event[] updateContext(Sequence sequence, AbstractModel model);
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index d024818..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/main/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/model/
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@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.Iterator;
- * Class which turns a sequence stream into an event stream. 
- *
- */
-public class SequenceStreamEventStream implements EventStream {
-  private Iterator<Sequence> sequenceIterator;
-  int eventIndex = -1;
-  Event[] events;
-  public SequenceStreamEventStream(SequenceStream sequenceStream) {
-    this.sequenceIterator = sequenceStream.iterator();
-  }
-  public boolean hasNext() {
-    if (events != null && eventIndex < events.length) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    else {
-      if (sequenceIterator.hasNext()) {
-        Sequence s =;
-        eventIndex = 0;
-        events = s.getEvents();
-        return true;
-      }
-      else {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  public Event next() {
-    return events[eventIndex++];
-  }
-  public void remove() {
-    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
-  }
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@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class TrainUtil {
-  public static final String ALGORITHM_PARAM = "Algorithm";
-  public static final String MAXENT_VALUE = "MAXENT";
-  public static final String PERCEPTRON_VALUE = "PERCEPTRON";
-  public static final String CUTOFF_PARAM = "Cutoff";
-  private static final int CUTOFF_DEFAULT = 5;
-  public static final String ITERATIONS_PARAM = "Iterations";
-  private static final int ITERATIONS_DEFAULT = 100;
-  public static final String DATA_INDEXER_PARAM = "DataIndexer";
-  public static final String DATA_INDEXER_ONE_PASS_VALUE = "OnePass";
-  public static final String DATA_INDEXER_TWO_PASS_VALUE = "TwoPass";
-  private static String getStringParam(Map<String, String> trainParams, String key,
-      String defaultValue, Map<String, String> reportMap) {
-    String valueString = trainParams.get(key);
-    if (valueString == null)
-      valueString = defaultValue;
-    if (reportMap != null)
-      reportMap.put(key, valueString);
-    return valueString;
-  }
-  private static int getIntParam(Map<String, String> trainParams, String key,
-      int defaultValue, Map<String, String> reportMap) {
-    String valueString = trainParams.get(key);
-    if (valueString != null)
-      return Integer.parseInt(valueString);
-    else
-      return defaultValue;
-  }
-  private static double getDoubleParam(Map<String, String> trainParams, String key,
-      double defaultValue, Map<String, String> reportMap) {
-    String valueString = trainParams.get(key);
-    if (valueString != null)
-      return Double.parseDouble(valueString);
-    else
-      return defaultValue;
-  }
-  private static boolean getBooleanParam(Map<String, String> trainParams, String key,
-      boolean defaultValue, Map<String, String> reportMap) {
-    String valueString = trainParams.get(key);
-    if (valueString != null)
-      return Boolean.parseBoolean(valueString);
-    else
-      return defaultValue;
-  }
-  public static boolean isValid(Map<String, String> trainParams) {
-    // TODO: Need to validate all parameters correctly ... error prone?!
-    String algorithmName = trainParams.get(ALGORITHM_PARAM);
-    if (algorithmName != null && !(MAXENT_VALUE.equals(algorithmName) || 
-        PERCEPTRON_VALUE.equals(algorithmName) ||
-        PERCEPTRON_SEQUENCE_VALUE.equals(algorithmName))) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    try {
-      String cutoffString = trainParams.get(CUTOFF_PARAM);
-      if (cutoffString != null) Integer.parseInt(cutoffString);
-      String iterationsString = trainParams.get(ITERATIONS_PARAM);
-      if (iterationsString != null) Integer.parseInt(iterationsString);
-    }
-    catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    String dataIndexer = trainParams.get(DATA_INDEXER_PARAM);
-    if (dataIndexer != null) {
-      if (!("OnePass".equals(dataIndexer) || "TwoPass".equals(dataIndexer))) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    // TODO: Check data indexing ... 
-    return true;
-  }
-  // TODO: Need a way to report results and settings back for inclusion in model ...
-  public static AbstractModel train(EventStream events, Map<String, String> trainParams, Map<String, String> reportMap) 
-      throws IOException {
-    if (!isValid(trainParams))
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("trainParams are not valid!");
-    if(isSequenceTraining(trainParams))
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("sequence training is not supported by this method!");
-    String algorithmName = getStringParam(trainParams, ALGORITHM_PARAM, MAXENT_VALUE, reportMap);
-    int iterations = getIntParam(trainParams, ITERATIONS_PARAM, ITERATIONS_DEFAULT, reportMap);
-    int cutoff = getIntParam(trainParams, CUTOFF_PARAM, CUTOFF_DEFAULT, reportMap);
-    boolean sortAndMerge;
-    if (MAXENT_VALUE.equals(algorithmName))
-        sortAndMerge = true;
-    else if (PERCEPTRON_VALUE.equals(algorithmName))
-      sortAndMerge = false;
-    else
-      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected algorihtm name: " + algorithmName);
-    HashSumEventStream hses = new HashSumEventStream(events);
-    String dataIndexerName = getStringParam(trainParams, DATA_INDEXER_PARAM,
-        DATA_INDEXER_TWO_PASS_VALUE, reportMap);
-    DataIndexer indexer = null;
-    if (DATA_INDEXER_ONE_PASS_VALUE.equals(dataIndexerName)) {
-      indexer = new OnePassDataIndexer(hses, cutoff, sortAndMerge);
-    }
-    else if (DATA_INDEXER_TWO_PASS_VALUE.equals(dataIndexerName)) {
-      indexer = new TwoPassDataIndexer(hses, cutoff, sortAndMerge);
-    }
-    else {
-      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected data indexer name: " +  dataIndexerName);
-    }
-    AbstractModel model;
-    if (MAXENT_VALUE.equals(algorithmName)) {
-      int threads = getIntParam(trainParams, "Threads", 1, reportMap);
-      model =, indexer,
-          true, false, null, 0, threads);
-    }
-    else if (PERCEPTRON_VALUE.equals(algorithmName)) {
-      boolean useAverage = getBooleanParam(trainParams, "UseAverage", true, reportMap);
-      boolean useSkippedAveraging = getBooleanParam(trainParams, "UseSkippedAveraging", false, reportMap);
-      // overwrite otherwise it might not work
-      if (useSkippedAveraging)
-        useAverage = true;
-      double stepSizeDecrease = getDoubleParam(trainParams, "StepSizeDecrease", 0, reportMap);
-      double tolerance = getDoubleParam(trainParams, "Tolerance", PerceptronTrainer.TOLERANCE_DEFAULT, reportMap);
- perceptronTrainer =
-    		  new;
-      perceptronTrainer.setSkippedAveraging(useSkippedAveraging);
-      if (stepSizeDecrease > 0)
-        perceptronTrainer.setStepSizeDecrease(stepSizeDecrease);
-      perceptronTrainer.setTolerance(tolerance);
-      model = perceptronTrainer.trainModel(
-          iterations, indexer, cutoff, useAverage);
-    }
-    else {
-      throw new IllegalStateException("Algorithm not supported: " + algorithmName);
-    }
-    if (reportMap != null)
-        reportMap.put("Training-Eventhash", hses.calculateHashSum().toString(16));
-    return model;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Detects if the training algorithm requires sequence based feature generation
-   * or not.
-   */
-  public static boolean isSequenceTraining(Map<String, String> trainParams) {
-    return PERCEPTRON_SEQUENCE_VALUE.equals(trainParams.get(ALGORITHM_PARAM));
-  }
-  public static AbstractModel train(SequenceStream events, Map<String, String> trainParams,
-      Map<String, String> reportMap) throws IOException {
-    if (!isValid(trainParams))
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("trainParams are not valid!");
-    if (!isSequenceTraining(trainParams))
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Algorithm must be a sequence algorithm!");
-    int iterations = getIntParam(trainParams, ITERATIONS_PARAM, ITERATIONS_DEFAULT, reportMap);
-    int cutoff = getIntParam(trainParams, CUTOFF_PARAM, CUTOFF_DEFAULT, reportMap);
-    boolean useAverage = getBooleanParam(trainParams, "UseAverage", true, reportMap);
-    return new SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer().trainModel(
-        iterations, events, cutoff,useAverage);
-  }
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index 5c373db..0000000
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@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
- * Collecting event and context counts by making two passes over the events.  The
- * first pass determines which contexts will be used by the model, and the
- * second pass creates the events in memory containing only the contexts which 
- * will be used.  This greatly reduces the amount of memory required for storing
- * the events.  During the first pass a temporary event file is created which
- * is read during the second pass.
- */
-public class TwoPassDataIndexer extends AbstractDataIndexer{
-  /**
-   * One argument constructor for DataIndexer which calls the two argument
-   * constructor assuming no cutoff.
-   *
-   * @param eventStream An Event[] which contains the a list of all the Events
-   *               seen in the training data.
-   */
-  public TwoPassDataIndexer(EventStream eventStream) throws IOException {
-    this(eventStream, 0);
-  }
-  public TwoPassDataIndexer(EventStream eventStream, int cutoff) throws IOException {
-    this(eventStream,cutoff,true);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Two argument constructor for DataIndexer.
-   *
-   * @param eventStream An Event[] which contains the a list of all the Events
-   *               seen in the training data.
-   * @param cutoff The minimum number of times a predicate must have been
-   *               observed in order to be included in the model.
-   */
-  public TwoPassDataIndexer(EventStream eventStream, int cutoff, boolean sort) throws IOException {
-    Map<String,Integer> predicateIndex = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
-    List<ComparableEvent> eventsToCompare;
-    System.out.println("Indexing events using cutoff of " + cutoff + "\n");
-    System.out.print("\tComputing event counts...  ");
-    try {
-      File tmp = File.createTempFile("events", null);
-      tmp.deleteOnExit();
-      Writer osw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(tmp),"UTF8"));
-      int numEvents = computeEventCounts(eventStream, osw, predicateIndex, cutoff);
-      System.out.println("done. " + numEvents + " events");
-      System.out.print("\tIndexing...  ");
-      eventsToCompare = index(numEvents, new FileEventStream(tmp), predicateIndex);
-      // done with predicates
-      predicateIndex = null;
-      tmp.delete();
-      System.out.println("done.");
-      if (sort) { 
-        System.out.print("Sorting and merging events... ");
-      }
-      else {
-        System.out.print("Collecting events... ");
-      }
-      sortAndMerge(eventsToCompare,sort);
-      System.out.println("Done indexing.");
-    }
-    catch(IOException e) {
-      System.err.println(e);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-      * Reads events from <tt>eventStream</tt> into a linked list.  The
-      * predicates associated with each event are counted and any which
-      * occur at least <tt>cutoff</tt> times are added to the
-      * <tt>predicatesInOut</tt> map along with a unique integer index.
-      *
-      * @param eventStream an <code>EventStream</code> value
-      * @param eventStore a writer to which the events are written to for later processing.
-      * @param predicatesInOut a <code>TObjectIntHashMap</code> value
-      * @param cutoff an <code>int</code> value
-      */
-  private int computeEventCounts(EventStream eventStream, Writer eventStore, Map<String,Integer> predicatesInOut, int cutoff) throws IOException {
-    Map<String,Integer> counter = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
-    int eventCount = 0;
-    Set<String> predicateSet = new HashSet<String>();
-    while (eventStream.hasNext()) {
-      Event ev =;
-      eventCount++;
-      eventStore.write(FileEventStream.toLine(ev));
-      String[] ec = ev.getContext();
-      update(ec,predicateSet,counter,cutoff);
-    }
-    predCounts = new int[predicateSet.size()];
-    int index = 0;
-    for (Iterator<String> pi=predicateSet.iterator();pi.hasNext();index++) {
-      String predicate =;
-      predCounts[index] = counter.get(predicate);
-      predicatesInOut.put(predicate,index);
-    }
-    eventStore.close();
-    return eventCount;
-  }
-  private List<ComparableEvent> index(int numEvents, EventStream es, Map<String,Integer> predicateIndex) throws IOException {
-    Map<String,Integer> omap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
-    int outcomeCount = 0;
-    List<ComparableEvent> eventsToCompare = new ArrayList<ComparableEvent>(numEvents);
-    List<Integer> indexedContext = new ArrayList<Integer>();
-    while (es.hasNext()) {
-      Event ev =;
-      String[] econtext = ev.getContext();
-      ComparableEvent ce;
-      int ocID;
-      String oc = ev.getOutcome();
-      if (omap.containsKey(oc)) {
-        ocID = omap.get(oc);
-      }
-      else {
-        ocID = outcomeCount++;
-        omap.put(oc, ocID);
-      }
-      for (String pred : econtext) {
-        if (predicateIndex.containsKey(pred)) {
-          indexedContext.add(predicateIndex.get(pred));
-        }
-      }
-      // drop events with no active features
-      if (indexedContext.size() > 0) {
-        int[] cons = new int[indexedContext.size()];
-        for (int ci=0;ci<cons.length;ci++) {
-          cons[ci] = indexedContext.get(ci);
-        }
-        ce = new ComparableEvent(ocID, cons);
-        eventsToCompare.add(ce);
-      }
-      else {
-        System.err.println("Dropped event " + ev.getOutcome() + ":" + Arrays.asList(ev.getContext()));
-      }
-      // recycle the TIntArrayList
-      indexedContext.clear();
-    }
-    outcomeLabels = toIndexedStringArray(omap);
-    predLabels = toIndexedStringArray(predicateIndex);
-    return eventsToCompare;
-  }
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index 7b09dc2..0000000
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Provide a maximum entropy model with a uniform prior.
- */
-public class UniformPrior implements Prior {
-  private int numOutcomes;
-  private double r;
-  public void logPrior(double[] dist, int[] context, float[] values) {
-    for (int oi=0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
-      dist[oi] = r;
-    }
-  }
-  public void logPrior(double[] dist, int[] context) {
-    logPrior(dist,context,null);
-  }
-  public void setLabels(String[] outcomeLabels, String[] contextLabels) {
-    this.numOutcomes = outcomeLabels.length;
-    r = Math.log(1.0/numOutcomes);
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class BinaryPerceptronModelReader extends PerceptronModelReader {
-  /**
-   * Constructor which directly instantiates the DataInputStream containing
-   * the model contents.
-   *
-   * @param dis The DataInputStream containing the model information.
-   */
-  public BinaryPerceptronModelReader(DataInputStream dis) {
-    super(new BinaryFileDataReader(dis));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a File and creates a reader for it. Detects
-   * whether the file is gzipped or not based on whether the suffix contains
-   * ".gz" 
-   *
-   * @param f The File in which the model is stored.
-   */
-  public BinaryPerceptronModelReader (File f) throws IOException {
-    super(f);
-  }  
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@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Model writer that saves models in binary format.
- */
-public class BinaryPerceptronModelWriter extends PerceptronModelWriter {
-  DataOutputStream output;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and prepares itself to
-   * write the model to that file. Detects whether the file is gzipped or not
-   * based on whether the suffix contains ".gz".
-   *
-   * @param model The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param f The File in which the model is to be persisted.
-   */
-  public BinaryPerceptronModelWriter (AbstractModel model, File f) throws IOException {
-    super(model);
-    if (f.getName().endsWith(".gz")) {
-      output = new DataOutputStream(
-          new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f)));
-    }
-    else {
-      output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a DataOutputStream and prepares
-   * itself to write the model to that stream.
-   *
-   * @param model The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param dos The stream which will be used to persist the model.
-   */
-  public BinaryPerceptronModelWriter (AbstractModel model, DataOutputStream dos) {
-    super(model);
-    output = dos;
-  }
-  public void writeUTF (String s) throws {
-    output.writeUTF(s);
-  }
-  public void writeInt (int i) throws {
-    output.writeInt(i);
-  }
-  public void writeDouble (double d) throws {
-    output.writeDouble(d);
-  }
-  public void close () throws {
-    output.flush();
-    output.close();
-  }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.text.DecimalFormat;
-import java.util.Map;
-public class PerceptronModel extends AbstractModel {
-  public PerceptronModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, IndexHashTable<String> pmap, String[] outcomeNames) {
-    super(params,predLabels,pmap,outcomeNames);
-    modelType = ModelType.Perceptron;
-  }
-  /**
-   * @deprecated use the constructor with the {@link IndexHashTable} instead!
-   */
-  @Deprecated
-  public PerceptronModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, Map<String,Integer> pmap, String[] outcomeNames) {
-    super(params,predLabels,outcomeNames);
-    modelType = ModelType.Perceptron;
-  }
-  public PerceptronModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames) {
-    super(params,predLabels,outcomeNames);
-    modelType = ModelType.Perceptron;
-  }
-  public double[] eval(String[] context) {
-    return eval(context,new double[evalParams.getNumOutcomes()]);
-  }
-  public double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values) {
-    return eval(context,values,new double[evalParams.getNumOutcomes()]);
-  }
-  public double[] eval(String[] context, double[] probs) {
-    return eval(context,null,probs);
-  }
-  public double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values,double[] outsums) {
-    int[] scontexts = new int[context.length];
-    java.util.Arrays.fill(outsums, 0);
-    for (int i=0; i<context.length; i++) {
-      Integer ci = pmap.get(context[i]);
-      scontexts[i] = ci == null ? -1 : ci;
-    }
-    return eval(scontexts,values,outsums,evalParams,true);
-  }
-  public static double[] eval(int[] context, double[] prior, EvalParameters model) {
-    return eval(context,null,prior,model,true);
-  }
-  public static double[] eval(int[] context, float[] values, double[] prior, EvalParameters model, boolean normalize) {
-    Context[] params = model.getParams();
-    double[] activeParameters;
-    int[] activeOutcomes;
-    double value = 1;
-    for (int ci = 0; ci < context.length; ci++) {
-      if (context[ci] >= 0) {
-        Context predParams = params[context[ci]];
-        activeOutcomes = predParams.getOutcomes();
-        activeParameters = predParams.getParameters();
-        if (values != null) {
-          value = values[ci];
-        }
-        for (int ai = 0; ai < activeOutcomes.length; ai++) {
-          int oid = activeOutcomes[ai];
-          prior[oid] += activeParameters[ai] * value;
-        }
-      }
-    }    
-    if (normalize) {
-      int numOutcomes = model.getNumOutcomes();
-      double maxPrior = 1;
-      for (int oid = 0; oid < numOutcomes; oid++) {
-        if (maxPrior < Math.abs(prior[oid]))
-          maxPrior = Math.abs(prior[oid]);
-      }
-      double normal = 0.0;
-      for (int oid = 0; oid < numOutcomes; oid++) {
-        prior[oid] = Math.exp(prior[oid]/maxPrior);
-        normal += prior[oid];
-      }
-      for (int oid = 0; oid < numOutcomes; oid++)
-        prior[oid] /= normal;
-    }
-    return prior;
-  }
-  public static void main(String[] args) throws {
-    if (args.length == 0) {
-      System.err.println("Usage: PerceptronModel modelname < contexts");
-      System.exit(1);
-    }
-    AbstractModel m = new PerceptronModelReader(new File(args[0])).getModel();
-    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
-    DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat(".###");
-    for (String line = in.readLine(); line != null; line = in.readLine()) {
-      String[] context = line.split(" ");
-      double[] dist = m.eval(context);
-      for (int oi=0;oi<dist.length;oi++) {
-        System.out.print("["+m.getOutcome(oi)+" "+df.format(dist[oi])+"] ");
-      }
-      System.out.println();
-    }
-  }
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Abstract parent class for readers of Perceptron.
- *
- */
-public class PerceptronModelReader extends AbstractModelReader {
-    public PerceptronModelReader(File file) throws IOException {
-      super(file);
-    }
-    public PerceptronModelReader(DataReader dataReader) {
-      super(dataReader);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Retrieve a model from disk. It assumes that models are saved in the
-     * following sequence:
-     * 
-     * <br>Perceptron (model type identifier)
-     * <br>1. # of parameters (int)
-     * <br>2. # of outcomes (int)
-     * <br>  * list of outcome names (String)
-     * <br>3. # of different types of outcome patterns (int)
-     * <br>   * list of (int int[])
-     * <br>   [# of predicates for which outcome pattern is true] [outcome pattern]
-     * <br>4. # of predicates (int)
-     * <br>   * list of predicate names (String)
-     *
-     * <p>If you are creating a reader for a format which won't work with this
-     * (perhaps a database or xml file), override this method and ignore the
-     * other methods provided in this abstract class.
-     *
-     * @return The PerceptronModel stored in the format and location specified to
-     *         this PerceptronModelReader (usually via its the constructor).
-     */
-    public AbstractModel constructModel() throws IOException {
-      String[] outcomeLabels = getOutcomes();
-      int[][] outcomePatterns = getOutcomePatterns();
-      String[] predLabels = getPredicates();
-      Context[] params = getParameters(outcomePatterns);
-      return new PerceptronModel(params,
-                          predLabels,
-                          outcomeLabels);
-    }
-    public void checkModelType() throws {
-      String modelType = readUTF();
-      if (!modelType.equals("Perceptron"))
-          System.out.println("Error: attempting to load a "+modelType+
-                             " model as a Perceptron model."+
-                             " You should expect problems.");
-    }
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index 8357836..0000000
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@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.List;
- * Abstract parent class for Perceptron writers.  It provides the persist method
- * which takes care of the structure of a stored document, and requires an
- * extending class to define precisely how the data should be stored.
- *
- */
-public abstract class PerceptronModelWriter extends AbstractModelWriter {
-    protected Context[] PARAMS;
-    protected String[] OUTCOME_LABELS;
-    protected String[] PRED_LABELS;
-    int numOutcomes;
-    public PerceptronModelWriter (AbstractModel model) {
-      Object[] data = model.getDataStructures();
-      this.numOutcomes = model.getNumOutcomes();
-      PARAMS = (Context[]) data[0];
-      IndexHashTable<String> pmap = (IndexHashTable<String>) data[1];
-      OUTCOME_LABELS = (String[])data[2];
-      PRED_LABELS = new String[pmap.size()];
-      pmap.toArray(PRED_LABELS);
-    }
-    protected ComparablePredicate[] sortValues () {
-      ComparablePredicate[] sortPreds;
-      ComparablePredicate[] tmpPreds = new ComparablePredicate[PARAMS.length];
-      int[] tmpOutcomes = new int[numOutcomes];
-      double[] tmpParams = new double[numOutcomes];
-      int numPreds = 0;
-      //remove parameters with 0 weight and predicates with no parameters 
-      for (int pid=0; pid<PARAMS.length; pid++) {
-        int numParams = 0;    
-        double[] predParams = PARAMS[pid].getParameters();
-        int[] outcomePattern = PARAMS[pid].getOutcomes();
-        for (int pi=0;pi<predParams.length;pi++) {
-          if (predParams[pi] != 0d) {
-            tmpOutcomes[numParams]=outcomePattern[pi];
-            tmpParams[numParams]=predParams[pi];
-            numParams++;
-          }
-        }
-        int[] activeOutcomes = new int[numParams];
-        double[] activeParams = new double[numParams];
-        for (int pi=0;pi<numParams;pi++) {
-          activeOutcomes[pi] = tmpOutcomes[pi];
-          activeParams[pi] = tmpParams[pi];
-        }
-        if (numParams != 0) {
-          tmpPreds[numPreds] = new ComparablePredicate(PRED_LABELS[pid],activeOutcomes,activeParams);
-          numPreds++;
-        }
-      }
-      System.err.println("Compressed "+PARAMS.length+" parameters to "+numPreds);
-      sortPreds = new ComparablePredicate[numPreds];
-      System.arraycopy(tmpPreds, 0, sortPreds, 0, numPreds);
-      Arrays.sort(sortPreds);
-      return sortPreds;
-    }
-    protected List<List<ComparablePredicate>> computeOutcomePatterns(ComparablePredicate[] sorted) {
-      ComparablePredicate cp = sorted[0];
-      List<List<ComparablePredicate>> outcomePatterns = new ArrayList<List<ComparablePredicate>>();
-      List<ComparablePredicate> newGroup = new ArrayList<ComparablePredicate>();
-      for (ComparablePredicate predicate : sorted) {
-        if (cp.compareTo(predicate) == 0) {
-          newGroup.add(predicate);
-        } else {
-          cp = predicate;
-          outcomePatterns.add(newGroup);
-          newGroup = new ArrayList<ComparablePredicate>();
-          newGroup.add(predicate);
-        }
-      }
-      outcomePatterns.add(newGroup);
-      System.err.println(outcomePatterns.size()+" outcome patterns");
-      return outcomePatterns;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Writes the model to disk, using the <code>writeX()</code> methods
-     * provided by extending classes.
-     *
-     * <p>If you wish to create a PerceptronModelWriter which uses a different
-     * structure, it will be necessary to override the persist method in
-     * addition to implementing the <code>writeX()</code> methods.
-     */
-    public void persist() throws IOException {
-      // the type of model (Perceptron)
-      writeUTF("Perceptron");
-      // the mapping from outcomes to their integer indexes
-      writeInt(OUTCOME_LABELS.length);
-      for (String label : OUTCOME_LABELS) {
-        writeUTF(label);
-      }
-      // the mapping from predicates to the outcomes they contributed to.
-      // The sorting is done so that we actually can write this out more
-      // compactly than as the entire list.
-      ComparablePredicate[] sorted = sortValues();
-      List<List<ComparablePredicate>> compressed = computeOutcomePatterns(sorted);
-      writeInt(compressed.size());
-      for (List<ComparablePredicate> a : compressed) {
-        writeUTF(a.size() + a.get(0).toString());
-      } 
-      // the mapping from predicate names to their integer indexes
-      writeInt(sorted.length);
-      for (ComparablePredicate s : sorted) {
-        writeUTF(;
-      }
-      // write out the parameters
-      for (int i=0; i<sorted.length; i++)
-        for (int j=0; j<sorted[i].params.length; j++)
-          writeDouble(sorted[i].params[j]);
-      close();
-    }
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index f2f2d21..0000000
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@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Trains models using the perceptron algorithm.  Each outcome is represented as
- * a binary perceptron classifier.  This supports standard (integer) weighting as well
- * average weighting as described in:
- * Discriminative Training Methods for Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Experiments
- * with the Perceptron Algorithm. Michael Collins, EMNLP 2002.
- *
- */
-public class PerceptronTrainer {
-  public static final double TOLERANCE_DEFAULT = .00001;
-  /** Number of unique events which occurred in the event set. */
-  private int numUniqueEvents;
-  /** Number of events in the event set. */
-  private int numEvents;
-  /** Number of predicates. */
-  private int numPreds; 
-  /** Number of outcomes. */
-  private int numOutcomes; 
-  /** Records the array of predicates seen in each event. */
-  private int[][] contexts;
-  /** The value associates with each context. If null then context values are assumes to be 1. */
-  private float[][] values;
-  /** List of outcomes for each event i, in context[i]. */
-  private int[] outcomeList;
-  /** Records the num of times an event has been seen for each event i, in context[i]. */
-  private int[] numTimesEventsSeen;
-  /** Stores the String names of the outcomes.  The GIS only tracks outcomes
-  as ints, and so this array is needed to save the model to disk and
-  thereby allow users to know what the outcome was in human
-  understandable terms. */
-  private String[] outcomeLabels;
-  /** Stores the String names of the predicates. The GIS only tracks
-  predicates as ints, and so this array is needed to save the model to
-  disk and thereby allow users to know what the outcome was in human
-  understandable terms. */
-  private String[] predLabels;
-  private boolean printMessages = true;
-  private double tolerance = TOLERANCE_DEFAULT;
-  private Double stepSizeDecrease;
-  private boolean useSkippedlAveraging;
-  /**
-   * Specifies the tolerance. If the change in training set accuracy
-   * is less than this, stop iterating.
-   * 
-   * @param tolerance
-   */
-  public void setTolerance(double tolerance) {
-    if (tolerance < 0)
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("tolerance must be a positive number!");
-    this.tolerance = tolerance;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Enables and sets step size decrease. The step size is
-   * decreased every iteration by the specified value.
-   * 
-   * @param decrease - step size decrease in percent
-   */
-  public void setStepSizeDecrease(double decrease) {
-    if (decrease < 0 || decrease > 100)
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("decrease must be between 0 and 100");
-    stepSizeDecrease = decrease;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Enables skipped averaging, this flag changes the standard
-   * averaging to special averaging instead.
-   * <p>
-   * If we are doing averaging, and the current iteration is one
-   * of the first 20 or it is a perfect square, then updated the
-   * summed parameters. 
-   * <p>
-   * The reason we don't take all of them is that the parameters change
-   * less toward the end of training, so they drown out the contributions
-   * of the more volatile early iterations. The use of perfect
-   * squares allows us to sample from successively farther apart iterations.
-   *  
-   * @param averaging averaging flag
-   */
-  public void setSkippedAveraging(boolean averaging) {
-    useSkippedlAveraging = averaging;
-  }
-  public AbstractModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer di, int cutoff) {
-    return trainModel(iterations,di,cutoff,true);
-  }
-  public AbstractModel trainModel(int iterations, DataIndexer di, int cutoff, boolean useAverage) {
-    display("Incorporating indexed data for training...  \n");
-    contexts = di.getContexts();
-    values = di.getValues();
-    numTimesEventsSeen = di.getNumTimesEventsSeen();
-    numEvents = di.getNumEvents();
-    numUniqueEvents = contexts.length;
-    outcomeLabels = di.getOutcomeLabels();
-    outcomeList = di.getOutcomeList();
-    predLabels = di.getPredLabels();
-    numPreds = predLabels.length;
-    numOutcomes = outcomeLabels.length;
-    display("done.\n");
-    display("\tNumber of Event Tokens: " + numUniqueEvents + "\n");
-    display("\t    Number of Outcomes: " + numOutcomes + "\n");
-    display("\t  Number of Predicates: " + numPreds + "\n");
-    display("Computing model parameters...\n");
-    MutableContext[] finalParameters = findParameters(iterations, useAverage);
-    display("...done.\n");
-    /*************** Create and return the model ******************/
-    return new PerceptronModel(finalParameters, predLabels, outcomeLabels);
-  }
-  private MutableContext[] findParameters (int iterations, boolean useAverage) {
-    display("Performing " + iterations + " iterations.\n");
-    int[] allOutcomesPattern= new int[numOutcomes];
-    for (int oi = 0; oi < numOutcomes; oi++) 
-      allOutcomesPattern[oi] = oi;
-    /** Stores the estimated parameter value of each predicate during iteration. */
-    MutableContext[] params = new MutableContext[numPreds];
-    for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
-      params[pi] = new MutableContext(allOutcomesPattern,new double[numOutcomes]);
-      for (int aoi=0;aoi<numOutcomes;aoi++)
-        params[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0);
-    }
-    EvalParameters evalParams = new EvalParameters(params,numOutcomes);
-    /** Stores the sum of parameter values of each predicate over many iterations. */
-    MutableContext[] summedParams = new MutableContext[numPreds];
-    if (useAverage) {
-      for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
-        summedParams[pi] = new MutableContext(allOutcomesPattern,new double[numOutcomes]);
-        for (int aoi=0;aoi<numOutcomes;aoi++)
-          summedParams[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0);
-      }
-    }
-    // Keep track of the previous three accuracies. The difference of
-    // the mean of these and the current training set accuracy is used
-    // with tolerance to decide whether to stop.
-    double prevAccuracy1 = 0.0;
-    double prevAccuracy2 = 0.0;
-    double prevAccuracy3 = 0.0;
-    // A counter for the denominator for averaging.
-    int numTimesSummed = 0;
-    double stepsize = 1;
-    for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) {
-      // Decrease the stepsize by a small amount.
-      if (stepSizeDecrease != null)
-        stepsize *= 1 - stepSizeDecrease;
-      displayIteration(i);
-      int numCorrect = 0;
-      for (int ei = 0; ei < numUniqueEvents; ei++) {
-        int targetOutcome = outcomeList[ei];
-        for (int ni=0; ni<this.numTimesEventsSeen[ei]; ni++) {
-          // Compute the model's prediction according to the current parameters.
-          double[] modelDistribution = new double[numOutcomes];
-          if (values != null)
-            PerceptronModel.eval(contexts[ei], values[ei], modelDistribution, evalParams, false);
-          else
-            PerceptronModel.eval(contexts[ei], null, modelDistribution, evalParams, false);
-          int maxOutcome = maxIndex(modelDistribution);
-          // If the predicted outcome is different from the target
-          // outcome, do the standard update: boost the parameters
-          // associated with the target and reduce those associated
-          // with the incorrect predicted outcome.
-          if (maxOutcome != targetOutcome) {
-            for (int ci = 0; ci < contexts[ei].length; ci++) {
-              int pi = contexts[ei][ci];
-              if (values == null) {
-                params[pi].updateParameter(targetOutcome, stepsize);
-                params[pi].updateParameter(maxOutcome, -stepsize);
-              } else {
-                params[pi].updateParameter(targetOutcome, stepsize*values[ei][ci]);
-                params[pi].updateParameter(maxOutcome, -stepsize*values[ei][ci]);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          // Update the counts for accuracy.
-          if (maxOutcome == targetOutcome) 
-            numCorrect++;
-        }
-      }
-      // Calculate the training accuracy and display.
-      double trainingAccuracy = (double) numCorrect / numEvents;
-      if (i < 10 || (i%10) == 0)
-        display(". (" + numCorrect + "/" + numEvents+") " + trainingAccuracy + "\n");
-      // TODO: Make averaging configurable !!!
-      boolean doAveraging;
-      if (useAverage && useSkippedlAveraging && (i < 20 || isPerfectSquare(i))) {
-        doAveraging = true;
-      }
-      else if (useAverage) {
-        doAveraging = true;
-      }
-      else {
-        doAveraging = false;
-      }
-      if (doAveraging) {
-        numTimesSummed++;
-        for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) 
-          for (int aoi=0;aoi<numOutcomes;aoi++)
-            summedParams[pi].updateParameter(aoi, params[pi].getParameters()[aoi]);
-      }
-      // If the tolerance is greater than the difference between the
-      // current training accuracy and all of the previous three
-      // training accuracies, stop training.
-      if (Math.abs(prevAccuracy1-trainingAccuracy) < tolerance
-          && Math.abs(prevAccuracy2-trainingAccuracy) < tolerance
-          && Math.abs(prevAccuracy3-trainingAccuracy) < tolerance) {
-        display("Stopping: change in training set accuracy less than " + tolerance + "\n");
-        break;
-      }
-      // Update the previous training accuracies.
-      prevAccuracy1 = prevAccuracy2;
-      prevAccuracy2 = prevAccuracy3;
-      prevAccuracy3 = trainingAccuracy;
-    }
-    // Output the final training stats.
-    trainingStats(evalParams);
-    // Create averaged parameters
-    if (useAverage) {
-      for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) 
-        for (int aoi=0;aoi<numOutcomes;aoi++)
-          summedParams[pi].setParameter(aoi, summedParams[pi].getParameters()[aoi]/numTimesSummed);
-      return summedParams;
-    } else {
-      return params;
-    }
-  }
-  private double trainingStats (EvalParameters evalParams) {
-    int numCorrect = 0;
-    for (int ei = 0; ei < numUniqueEvents; ei++) {
-      for (int ni=0;ni<this.numTimesEventsSeen[ei];ni++) {
-        double[] modelDistribution = new double[numOutcomes];
-        if (values != null)
-          PerceptronModel.eval(contexts[ei], values[ei], modelDistribution, evalParams,false);
-        else
-          PerceptronModel.eval(contexts[ei], null, modelDistribution, evalParams, false);
-        int max = maxIndex(modelDistribution);
-        if (max == outcomeList[ei])
-          numCorrect++;
-      }
-    }
-    double trainingAccuracy = (double) numCorrect / numEvents;
-    display("Stats: (" + numCorrect + "/" + numEvents+") " + trainingAccuracy + "\n");
-    return trainingAccuracy;
-  }
-  private int maxIndex (double[] values) {
-    int max = 0;
-    for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++)
-      if (values[i] > values[max])
-        max = i;
-    return max;
-  }
-  private void display (String s) {
-    if (printMessages)
-      System.out.print(s);
-  }
-  private void displayIteration (int i) {
-    if (i > 10 && (i%10) != 0)
-      return;
-    if (i < 10)
-      display("  " + i + ":  ");
-    else if (i < 100)
-      display(" " + i + ":  ");
-    else
-      display(i + ":  ");
-  }
-  // See whether a number is a perfect square. Inefficient, but fine
-  // for our purposes.
-  private final static boolean isPerfectSquare (int n) {
-    int root = (int)Math.sqrt(n);
-    return root*root == n;
-  }
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index d89e486..0000000
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@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-public class PlainTextPerceptronModelReader extends PerceptronModelReader {
-  /**
-   * Constructor which directly instantiates the BufferedReader containing
-   * the model contents.
-   *
-   * @param br The BufferedReader containing the model information.
-   */
-  public PlainTextPerceptronModelReader(BufferedReader br) {
-    super(new PlainTextFileDataReader(br));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a File and creates a reader for it. Detects
-   * whether the file is gzipped or not based on whether the suffix contains
-   * ".gz".
-   *
-   * @param f The File in which the model is stored.
-   */
-  public PlainTextPerceptronModelReader (File f) throws IOException {
-    super(f);
-  }
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index 666175f..0000000
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@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * Model writer that saves models in plain text format.
- */
-public class PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter extends PerceptronModelWriter {
-  BufferedWriter output;
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a PerceptronModel and a File and prepares itself to
-   * write the model to that file. Detects whether the file is gzipped or not
-   * based on whether the suffix contains ".gz".
-   *
-   * @param model The PerceptronModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param f The File in which the model is to be persisted.
-   */
-  public PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter (AbstractModel model, File f)
-  throws IOException, FileNotFoundException {
-    super(model);
-    if (f.getName().endsWith(".gz")) {
-      output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
-          new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f))));
-    }
-    else {
-      output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(f));
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Constructor which takes a PerceptronModel and a BufferedWriter and prepares
-   * itself to write the model to that writer.
-   *
-   * @param model The PerceptronModel which is to be persisted.
-   * @param bw The BufferedWriter which will be used to persist the model.
-   */
-  public PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter (AbstractModel model, BufferedWriter bw) {
-    super(model);
-    output = bw;
-  }
-  public void writeUTF (String s) throws {
-    output.write(s);
-    output.newLine();
-  }
-  public void writeInt (int i) throws {
-    output.write(Integer.toString(i));
-    output.newLine();
-  }
-  public void writeDouble (double d) throws {
-    output.write(Double.toString(d));
-    output.newLine();
-  }
-  public void close () throws {
-    output.flush();
-    output.close();
-  }
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@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
- * Trains models for sequences using the perceptron algorithm.  Each outcome is represented as
- * a binary perceptron classifier.  This supports standard (integer) weighting as well
- * average weighting.  Sequence information is used in a simplified was to that described in:
- * Discriminative Training Methods for Hidden Markov Models: Theory and Experiments
- * with the Perceptron Algorithm. Michael Collins, EMNLP 2002.
- * Specifically only updates are applied to tokens which were incorrectly tagged by a sequence tagger
- * rather than to all feature across the sequence which differ from the training sequence.
- */
-public class SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer {
-  private boolean printMessages = true;
-  private int iterations;
-  private SequenceStream sequenceStream;
-  /** Number of events in the event set. */
-  private int numEvents;
-  /** Number of predicates. */
-  private int numPreds; 
-  private int numOutcomes;
-  /** List of outcomes for each event i, in context[i]. */
-  private int[] outcomeList;
-  private String[] outcomeLabels;
-  double[] modelDistribution;
-  /** Stores the average parameter values of each predicate during iteration. */
-  private MutableContext[] averageParams;
-  /** Mapping between context and an integer */ 
-  private IndexHashTable<String> pmap;
-  private Map<String,Integer> omap;
-  /** Stores the estimated parameter value of each predicate during iteration. */
-  private MutableContext[] params;
-  private boolean useAverage;
-  private int[][][] updates;
-  private int VALUE = 0;
-  private int ITER = 1;
-  private int EVENT = 2;
-  private int[] allOutcomesPattern;
-  private String[] predLabels;
-  int numSequences;
-  public AbstractModel trainModel(int iterations, SequenceStream sequenceStream, int cutoff, boolean useAverage) throws IOException {
-    this.iterations = iterations;
-    this.sequenceStream = sequenceStream;
-    DataIndexer di = new OnePassDataIndexer(new SequenceStreamEventStream(sequenceStream),cutoff,false);
-    numSequences = 0;
-    for (Sequence s : sequenceStream) {
-      numSequences++;
-    }
-    outcomeList  = di.getOutcomeList();
-    predLabels = di.getPredLabels();
-    pmap = new IndexHashTable<String>(predLabels, 0.7d);
-    display("Incorporating indexed data for training...  \n");
-    this.useAverage = useAverage;
-    numEvents = di.getNumEvents();
-    this.iterations = iterations;
-    outcomeLabels = di.getOutcomeLabels();
-    omap = new HashMap<String,Integer>();
-    for (int oli=0;oli<outcomeLabels.length;oli++) {
-      omap.put(outcomeLabels[oli], oli);
-    }
-    outcomeList = di.getOutcomeList();
-    numPreds = predLabels.length;
-    numOutcomes = outcomeLabels.length;
-    if (useAverage) {
-      updates = new int[numPreds][numOutcomes][3];
-    }
-    display("done.\n");
-    display("\tNumber of Event Tokens: " + numEvents + "\n");
-    display("\t    Number of Outcomes: " + numOutcomes + "\n");
-    display("\t  Number of Predicates: " + numPreds + "\n");
-    params = new MutableContext[numPreds];
-    if (useAverage) averageParams = new MutableContext[numPreds];
-    allOutcomesPattern= new int[numOutcomes];
-    for (int oi = 0; oi < numOutcomes; oi++) {
-      allOutcomesPattern[oi] = oi;
-    }
-    for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
-      params[pi]=new MutableContext(allOutcomesPattern,new double[numOutcomes]);
-      if (useAverage) averageParams[pi] = new MutableContext(allOutcomesPattern,new double[numOutcomes]);
-      for (int aoi=0;aoi<numOutcomes;aoi++) {
-        params[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0);
-        if (useAverage) averageParams[pi].setParameter(aoi, 0.0);
-      }
-    }
-    modelDistribution = new double[numOutcomes];
-    display("Computing model parameters...\n");
-    findParameters(iterations);
-    display("...done.\n");
-    /*************** Create and return the model ******************/
-    String[] updatedPredLabels = predLabels;
-    /*
-    String[] updatedPredLabels = new String[pmap.size()];
-    for (String pred : pmap.keySet()) {
-      updatedPredLabels[pmap.get(pred)]=pred;
-    }
-    */
-    if (useAverage) {
-      return new PerceptronModel(averageParams, updatedPredLabels, outcomeLabels);
-    }
-    else {
-      return new PerceptronModel(params, updatedPredLabels, outcomeLabels);
-    }
-  }
-  private void findParameters(int iterations) {
-    display("Performing " + iterations + " iterations.\n");
-    for (int i = 1; i <= iterations; i++) {
-      if (i < 10)
-        display("  " + i + ":  ");
-      else if (i < 100)
-        display(" " + i + ":  ");
-      else
-        display(i + ":  ");
-      nextIteration(i);
-    }
-    if (useAverage) {
-      trainingStats(averageParams);
-    }
-    else {
-      trainingStats(params);
-    }
-  }
-  private void display(String s) {
-    if (printMessages)
-      System.out.print(s);
-  }
-  public void nextIteration(int iteration) {
-    iteration--; //move to 0-based index
-    int numCorrect = 0;
-    int oei=0;
-    int si=0;
-    Map<String,Float>[] featureCounts = new Map[numOutcomes];
-    for (int oi=0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
-      featureCounts[oi] = new HashMap<String,Float>();
-    }
-    PerceptronModel model = new PerceptronModel(params,predLabels,pmap,outcomeLabels);
-    for (Sequence sequence : sequenceStream) {
-      Event[] taggerEvents = sequenceStream.updateContext(sequence, model);
-      Event[] events = sequence.getEvents();
-      boolean update = false;
-      for (int ei=0;ei<events.length;ei++,oei++) {
-        if (!taggerEvents[ei].getOutcome().equals(events[ei].getOutcome())) {
-          update = true;
-          //break;
-        }
-        else {
-          numCorrect++;
-        }
-      }
-      if (update) {
-        for (int oi=0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
-          featureCounts[oi].clear();
-        }
-        //System.err.print("train:");for (int ei=0;ei<events.length;ei++) {System.err.print(" "+events[ei].getOutcome());} System.err.println();
-        //training feature count computation
-        for (int ei=0;ei<events.length;ei++,oei++) {
-          String[] contextStrings = events[ei].getContext();
-          float values[] = events[ei].getValues();
-          int oi = omap.get(events[ei].getOutcome());
-          for (int ci=0;ci<contextStrings.length;ci++) {
-            float value = 1;
-            if (values != null) {
-              value = values[ci];
-            }
-            Float c = featureCounts[oi].get(contextStrings[ci]);
-            if (c == null) {
-              c = value;
-            }
-            else {
-              c+=value;
-            }
-            featureCounts[oi].put(contextStrings[ci], c);
-          }
-        }
-        //evaluation feature count computation
-        //System.err.print("test: ");for (int ei=0;ei<taggerEvents.length;ei++) {System.err.print(" "+taggerEvents[ei].getOutcome());} System.err.println();
-        for (Event taggerEvent : taggerEvents) {
-          String[] contextStrings = taggerEvent.getContext();
-          float values[] = taggerEvent.getValues();
-          int oi = omap.get(taggerEvent.getOutcome());
-          for (int ci = 0; ci < contextStrings.length; ci++) {
-            float value = 1;
-            if (values != null) {
-              value = values[ci];
-            }
-            Float c = featureCounts[oi].get(contextStrings[ci]);
-            if (c == null) {
-              c = -1*value;
-            }
-            else {
-              c-=value;
-            }
-            if (c == 0f) {
-              featureCounts[oi].remove(contextStrings[ci]);
-            }
-            else {
-              featureCounts[oi].put(contextStrings[ci], c);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        for (int oi=0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
-          for (String feature : featureCounts[oi].keySet()) {
-            int pi = pmap.get(feature);
-            if (pi != -1) {
-              //System.err.println(si+" "+outcomeLabels[oi]+" "+feature+" "+featureCounts[oi].get(feature));
-              params[pi].updateParameter(oi, featureCounts[oi].get(feature));
-              if (useAverage) {
-                if (updates[pi][oi][VALUE] != 0) {
-                  averageParams[pi].updateParameter(oi,updates[pi][oi][VALUE]*(numSequences*(iteration-updates[pi][oi][ITER])+(si-updates[pi][oi][EVENT])));
-                  //System.err.println("p avp["+pi+"]."+oi+"="+averageParams[pi].getParameters()[oi]);
-                }
-                //System.err.println("p updates["+pi+"]["+oi+"]=("+updates[pi][oi][ITER]+","+updates[pi][oi][EVENT]+","+updates[pi][oi][VALUE]+") + ("+iteration+","+oei+","+params[pi].getParameters()[oi]+") -> "+averageParams[pi].getParameters()[oi]);
-                updates[pi][oi][VALUE] = (int) params[pi].getParameters()[oi];
-                updates[pi][oi][ITER] = iteration;
-                updates[pi][oi][EVENT] = si;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        model = new PerceptronModel(params,predLabels,pmap,outcomeLabels);
-      }
-      si++;
-    }
-    //finish average computation
-    double totIterations = (double) iterations*si;
-    if (useAverage && iteration == iterations-1) {
-      for (int pi = 0; pi < numPreds; pi++) {
-        double[] predParams = averageParams[pi].getParameters();
-        for (int oi = 0;oi<numOutcomes;oi++) {
-          if (updates[pi][oi][VALUE] != 0) {
-            predParams[oi] +=  updates[pi][oi][VALUE]*(numSequences*(iterations-updates[pi][oi][ITER])-updates[pi][oi][EVENT]);
-          }
-          if (predParams[oi] != 0) {
-            predParams[oi] /=totIterations;  
-            averageParams[pi].setParameter(oi, predParams[oi]);
-            //System.err.println("updates["+pi+"]["+oi+"]=("+updates[pi][oi][ITER]+","+updates[pi][oi][EVENT]+","+updates[pi][oi][VALUE]+") + ("+iterations+","+0+","+params[pi].getParameters()[oi]+") -> "+averageParams[pi].getParameters()[oi]);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    display(". ("+numCorrect+"/"+numEvents+") "+((double) numCorrect / numEvents) + "\n");
-  }
-  private void trainingStats(MutableContext[] params) {
-    int numCorrect = 0;
-    int oei=0;
-    for (Sequence sequence : sequenceStream) {
-      Event[] taggerEvents = sequenceStream.updateContext(sequence, new PerceptronModel(params,predLabels,pmap,outcomeLabels));
-      for (int ei=0;ei<taggerEvents.length;ei++,oei++) {
-        int max = omap.get(taggerEvents[ei].getOutcome());
-        if (max == outcomeList[oei]) {
-          numCorrect ++;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    display(". ("+numCorrect+"/"+numEvents+") "+((double) numCorrect / numEvents) + "\n");
-  }
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index 64d3bec..0000000
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@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- *
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- * A writer for GIS models which inspects the filename and invokes the
- * appropriate GISModelWriter depending on the filename's suffixes.
- *
- * <p>The following assumption are made about suffixes:
- *    <li>.gz  --> the file is gzipped (must be the last suffix)
- *    <li>.txt --> the file is plain text
- *    <li>.bin --> the file is binary
- */
-public class SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter extends PerceptronModelWriter {
-    private final AbstractModelWriter suffixAppropriateWriter;
-    /**
-     * Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and invokes the
-     * GISModelWriter appropriate for the suffix.
-     *
-     * @param model The GISModel which is to be persisted.
-     * @param f The File in which the model is to be stored.
-     */
-    public SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter (AbstractModel model, File f)
-	throws IOException {
-	super (model);
-	OutputStream output;
-	String filename = f.getName();
-	// handle the zipped/not zipped distinction
-	if (filename.endsWith(".gz")) {
-	    output = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
-	    filename = filename.substring(0,filename.length()-3);
-	}
-	else {
-	    output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f));
-	}
-	// handle the different formats
-	if (filename.endsWith(".bin")) {
-	    suffixAppropriateWriter =
-		new BinaryPerceptronModelWriter(model,
-					 new DataOutputStream(output));
-	}
-	else { // default is ".txt"
-	    suffixAppropriateWriter =
-		new PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter(model,
-		    new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output)));
-	}    
-    }
-    public void writeUTF (String s) throws {
-      suffixAppropriateWriter.writeUTF(s);
-    }
-    public void writeInt (int i) throws {
-      suffixAppropriateWriter.writeInt(i);
-    }
-    public void writeDouble (double d) throws {
-      suffixAppropriateWriter.writeDouble(d);
-    }
-    public void close () throws {
-      suffixAppropriateWriter.close();
-    }
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- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-public class PrepAttachDataUtil {
-  private static List<Event> readPpaFile(String filename) throws IOException {
-    List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>();
-    InputStream in = PerceptronPrepAttachTest.class.getResourceAsStream("/data/ppa/" +
-        filename);
-    try {
-      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"));
-      String line;
-      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
-        String[] items = line.split("\\s+");
-        String label = items[5];
-        String[] context = { "verb=" + items[1], "noun=" + items[2],
-            "prep=" + items[3], "prep_obj=" + items[4] };
-        events.add(new Event(label, context));
-      }
-    }
-    finally {
-      in.close();
-    }
-    return events;
-  }
-  public static EventStream createTrainingStream() throws IOException {
-    List<Event> trainingEvents = readPpaFile("training");
-    EventStream trainingStream = new ListEventStream(trainingEvents);
-    return trainingStream;
-  }
-  public static void testModel(AbstractModel model, double expecedAccuracy) throws IOException {
-    List<Event> devEvents = readPpaFile("devset");
-    int total = 0;
-    int correct = 0;
-    for (Event ev: devEvents) {
-      String targetLabel = ev.getOutcome();
-      double[] ocs = model.eval(ev.getContext());
-      int best = 0;
-      for (int i=1; i<ocs.length; i++)
-        if (ocs[i] > ocs[best])
-          best = i;
-      String predictedLabel = model.getOutcome(best);
-      if (targetLabel.equals(predictedLabel))
-        correct++;
-      total++;
-    }
-    double accuracy = correct/(double)total;
-    System.out.println("Accuracy on PPA devset: (" + correct + "/" + total + ") " + accuracy);
-    assertEquals(expecedAccuracy, accuracy, .00001);
-  }
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/ b/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/
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index aa051b2..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import static;
-import static;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.junit.Test;
-public class MaxentPrepAttachTest {
-  @Test
-  public void testMaxentOnPrepAttachData() throws IOException {
-    AbstractModel model = 
-        new GISTrainer(true).trainModel(100, 
-        new TwoPassDataIndexer(createTrainingStream(), 1), 1);
-    testModel(model, 0.7997028967566229);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testMaxentOnPrepAttachData2Threads() throws IOException {
-    AbstractModel model = 
-        new GISTrainer(true).trainModel(100,
-            new TwoPassDataIndexer(createTrainingStream(), 1),
-            new UniformPrior(), 1, 2);
-    testModel(model, 0.7997028967566229);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testMaxentOnPrepAttachDataWithParams() throws IOException {
-    Map<String, String> trainParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.ALGORITHM_PARAM, TrainUtil.MAXENT_VALUE);
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.DATA_INDEXER_PARAM,
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.CUTOFF_PARAM, Integer.toString(1));
-    AbstractModel model = TrainUtil.train(createTrainingStream(), trainParams, null);
-    testModel(model, 0.7997028967566229);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testMaxentOnPrepAttachDataWithParamsDefault() throws IOException {
-    Map<String, String> trainParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.ALGORITHM_PARAM, TrainUtil.MAXENT_VALUE);
-    AbstractModel model = TrainUtil.train(createTrainingStream(), trainParams, null);
-    testModel(model, 0.8086159940579352 );
-  }
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@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-public class RealValueModelTest extends TestCase {
-  public void testRealValuedWeightsVsRepeatWeighting() throws IOException {
-    RealValueFileEventStream rvfes1 = new RealValueFileEventStream("src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/real-valued-weights-training-data.txt");
-    GISModel realModel = GIS.trainModel(100,new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(rvfes1,1));
-    FileEventStream rvfes2 = new FileEventStream("src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/repeat-weighting-training-data.txt");
-    GISModel repeatModel = GIS.trainModel(100,new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(rvfes2,1));
-    String[] features2Classify = new String[] {"feature2","feature5"};
-    double[] realResults = realModel.eval(features2Classify);
-    double[] repeatResults = repeatModel.eval(features2Classify);
-    assertEquals(realResults.length, repeatResults.length);
-    for(int i=0; i<realResults.length; i++) {
-      System.out.println(String.format("classifiy with realModel: %1$s = %2$f", realModel.getOutcome(i), realResults[i]));
-      System.out.println(String.format("classifiy with repeatModel: %1$s = %2$f", repeatModel.getOutcome(i), repeatResults[i]));
-      assertEquals(realResults[i], repeatResults[i], 0.01f);
-    }
-    features2Classify = new String[] {"feature1","feature2","feature3","feature4","feature5"};
-    realResults = realModel.eval(features2Classify, new float[] {5.5f, 6.1f, 9.1f, 4.0f, 1.8f});
-    repeatResults = repeatModel.eval(features2Classify, new float[] {5.5f, 6.1f, 9.1f, 4.0f, 1.8f});
-    System.out.println();
-    assertEquals(realResults.length, repeatResults.length);
-    for(int i=0; i<realResults.length; i++) {
-      System.out.println(String.format("classifiy with realModel: %1$s = %2$f", realModel.getOutcome(i), realResults[i]));
-      System.out.println(String.format("classifiy with repeatModel: %1$s = %2$f", repeatModel.getOutcome(i), repeatResults[i]));
-      assertEquals(realResults[i], repeatResults[i], 0.01f);      
-    }
-  }
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@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-public class ScaleDoesntMatterTest extends TestCase {
-  /**
-   * This test sets out to prove that the scale you use on real valued
-   * predicates doesn't matter when it comes the probability assigned to each
-   * outcome. Strangely, if we use (1,2) and (10,20) there's no difference. If
-   * we use (0.1,0.2) and (10,20) there is a difference.
-   * 
-   * @throws Exception
-   */
-  public void testScaleResults() throws Exception {
-    String smallValues = "predA=0.1 predB=0.2 A\n" + "predB=0.3 predA=0.1 B\n";
-    String smallTest = "predA=0.2 predB=0.2";
-    String largeValues = "predA=10 predB=20 A\n" + "predB=30 predA=10 B\n";
-    String largeTest = "predA=20 predB=20";
-    StringReader smallReader = new StringReader(smallValues);
-    EventStream smallEventStream = new RealBasicEventStream(
-        new PlainTextByLineDataStream(smallReader));
-    MaxentModel smallModel = GIS.trainModel(100,
-        new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(smallEventStream, 0), false);
-    String[] contexts = smallTest.split(" ");
-    float[] values = RealValueFileEventStream.parseContexts(contexts);
-    double[] smallResults = smallModel.eval(contexts, values);
-    String smallResultString = smallModel.getAllOutcomes(smallResults);
-    System.out.println("smallResults: " + smallResultString);
-    StringReader largeReader = new StringReader(largeValues);
-    EventStream largeEventStream = new RealBasicEventStream(
-        new PlainTextByLineDataStream(largeReader));
-    MaxentModel largeModel = GIS.trainModel(100,
-        new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(largeEventStream, 0), false);
-    contexts = largeTest.split(" ");
-    values = RealValueFileEventStream.parseContexts(contexts);
-    double[] largeResults = largeModel.eval(contexts, values);
-    String largeResultString = smallModel.getAllOutcomes(largeResults);
-    System.out.println("largeResults: " + largeResultString);
-    assertEquals(smallResults.length, largeResults.length);
-    for (int i = 0; i < smallResults.length; i++) {
-      System.out.println(String.format(
-          "classifiy with smallModel: %1$s = %2$f", smallModel.getOutcome(i),
-          smallResults[i]));
-      System.out.println(String.format(
-          "classifiy with largeModel: %1$s = %2$f", largeModel.getOutcome(i),
-          largeResults[i]));
-      assertEquals(smallResults[i], largeResults[i], 0.01f);
-    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/io/ b/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/io/
deleted file mode 100644
index 266e6be..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/maxent/io/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-public class RealValueFileEventStreamTest extends TestCase {
-  public void testLastLineBug() throws IOException {
-    RealValueFileEventStream rvfes = new RealValueFileEventStream(
-        "src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/io/rvfes-bug-data-ok.txt");
-    OnePassRealValueDataIndexer indexer = new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(
-        rvfes, 1);
-    assertEquals(1, indexer.getOutcomeLabels().length);
-    rvfes = new RealValueFileEventStream(
-        "src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/io/rvfes-bug-data-broken.txt");
-    indexer = new OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(rvfes, 1);
-    assertEquals(1, indexer.getOutcomeLabels().length);
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/model/ b/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dadf83..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import junit.framework.TestCase;
-public class IndexHashTableTest extends TestCase {
-  public void testWithoutCollision() {
-    String array[] = new String[3];
-    array[0] = "4";
-    array[1] = "7";
-    array[2] = "5";
-    IndexHashTable<String> arrayIndex = new IndexHashTable<String>(array, 1d);
-    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
-      assertEquals(i, arrayIndex.get(array[i]));
-  }
-  public void testWitCollision() {
-    String array[] = new String[3];
-    array[0] = "7";
-    array[1] = "21";
-    array[2] = "0";
-    IndexHashTable<String> arrayIndex = new IndexHashTable<String>(array, 1d);
-    for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
-      assertEquals(i, arrayIndex.get(array[i]));
-    // has the same slot as as ""
-    assertEquals(-1, arrayIndex.get("4"));
-  }
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/perceptron/ b/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/perceptron/
deleted file mode 100644
index a12cbca..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/java/org/apache/opennlp/ml/perceptron/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import static;
-import static;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.junit.Test;
- * Test for perceptron training and use with the ppa data.
- */
-public class PerceptronPrepAttachTest {
-  @Test
-  public void testPerceptronOnPrepAttachData() throws IOException {
-    AbstractModel model = 
-        new PerceptronTrainer().trainModel(400, 
-        new TwoPassDataIndexer(createTrainingStream(), 1, false), 1);
-    testModel(model, 0.7650408516959644);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testPerceptronOnPrepAttachDataWithSkippedAveraging() throws IOException {
-    Map<String, String> trainParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.ALGORITHM_PARAM, TrainUtil.PERCEPTRON_VALUE);
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.CUTOFF_PARAM, Integer.toString(1));
-    trainParams.put("UseSkippedAveraging", Boolean.toString(true));
-    AbstractModel model = TrainUtil.train(createTrainingStream(), trainParams, null);
-    testModel(model, 0.773706362961129);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testPerceptronOnPrepAttachDataWithTolerance() throws IOException {
-    Map<String, String> trainParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.ALGORITHM_PARAM, TrainUtil.PERCEPTRON_VALUE);
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.CUTOFF_PARAM, Integer.toString(1));
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.ITERATIONS_PARAM, Integer.toString(500));
-    trainParams.put("Tolerance", Double.toString(0.0001d));
-    AbstractModel model = TrainUtil.train(createTrainingStream(), trainParams, null);
-    testModel(model, 0.7677642980935875);
-  }
-  @Test
-  public void testPerceptronOnPrepAttachDataWithStepSizeDecrease() throws IOException {
-    Map<String, String> trainParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.ALGORITHM_PARAM, TrainUtil.PERCEPTRON_VALUE);
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.CUTOFF_PARAM, Integer.toString(1));
-    trainParams.put(TrainUtil.ITERATIONS_PARAM, Integer.toString(500));
-    trainParams.put("StepSizeDecrease", Double.toString(0.06d));
-    AbstractModel model = TrainUtil.train(createTrainingStream(), trainParams, null);
-    testModel(model, 0.7756870512503095);
-  }
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/io/rvfes-bug-data-broken.txt b/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/io/rvfes-bug-data-broken.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index e9a77e7..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/io/rvfes-bug-data-broken.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-C goodbye=1.0

-C goodbye

diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/io/rvfes-bug-data-ok.txt b/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/io/rvfes-bug-data-ok.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 22f505c..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/io/rvfes-bug-data-ok.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-C goodbye

-C goodbye=1.0

diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/real-valued-weights-training-data.txt b/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/real-valued-weights-training-data.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea20aa..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/real-valued-weights-training-data.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-A feature1=4.0 feature3=10.0 feature4=2.0

-A feature1=2.0 feature2=4.0 feature4=3.0

-A feature2=5.0 feature3=12.0 feature4=4.0

-A feature1=1.0 feature3=11.0 feature4=3.0

-A feature1=4.0 feature2=5.0 feature4=2.0

-A feature1=3.0 feature2=4.0 feature3=9.0 

-A feature2=3.0 feature3=11.0 feature4=2.0

-A feature1=1.0 feature3=12.0 

-A feature2=6.0 feature3=12.0 feature4=3.0

-A feature1=3.0 feature2=7.0 feature3=11.0

-B feature5=4.0 feature2=1.0 feature4=10.0 

-B feature2=1.0 feature3=11.0 

-B feature5=3.0 feature4=12.0 

-B feature2=1.0 feature3=11.0 

-B feature5=4.0 feature4=10.0 

-B feature2=1.0 feature3=9.0 

-B feature5=2.0 feature4=11.0 

-B feature2=1.0 feature3=12.0 

-B feature5=4.0 feature4=12.0 

-B feature2=1.0 feature3=11.0 feature4=4.0

diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/repeat-weighting-training-data.txt b/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/repeat-weighting-training-data.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d9454d..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/opennlp/maxent/repeat-weighting-training-data.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-A feature1 feature1 feature1 feature1 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature4 feature4

-A feature1 feature1 feature2 feature2 feature2 feature2 feature4 feature4 feature4

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-B feature5 feature5 feature5 feature5 feature2 feature4 feature4 feature4 feature4 feature4 feature4 feature4 feature4 feature4 feature4

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-B feature2 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature3 feature4 feature4 feature4 feature4

diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/NOTICE b/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/NOTICE
deleted file mode 100644
index c62ee0e..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/NOTICE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-This folder contains  Prepositional Phrase Attachment Dataset
-from Ratnaparkhi, Reynar, & Roukos,
-"A Maximum Entropy Model for Prepositional Phrase Attachment". ARPA HLT 1994.
-The data is licensed under the AL 2.0. Please cite the above paper when the
-data is redistributed.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/bitstrings b/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/bitstrings
deleted file mode 100644
index cca0e52..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/bitstrings
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52635 +0,0 @@
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-40263 negotiated agreement with creditors N
-40267 make repayments in installments V
-40274 included gain of million N
-40280 taking redoubt in delegation N
-40281 gives victory in elections N
-40282 won % of vote N
-40283 was embarrassment for Republicans V
-40285 carried all but one N
-40287 called companies with facilities N
-40287 called companies in bid V
-40288 reached all of companies N
-40295 had damage to headquarters V
-40296 had damage to track V
-40297 work ship with delays V
-40305 had power at headquarters V
-40307 had damage at buildings V
-40312 conducting business from lot V
-40318 had damage to headquarters N
-40318 closed two of buildings N
-40328 had damage in stockroom V
-40334 including operation in Alto N
-40337 had damage at headquarters V
-40340 was production of models N
-40341 assessing damage to suppliers N
-40341 handle shipments to plant N
-40343 be suspension of manufacturing N
-40343 be suspension for period V
-40345 has employees in area V
-40347 were injuries among workers V
-40349 had damage beyond trouble N
-40351 expects impact on business N
-40355 doing business in protectors N
-40358 resume operations over days V
-40360 opened center for service N
-40360 opened center as part V
-40361 had damage to building N
-40366 had damage at plant V
-40369 halted manufacturing at plants V
-40371 was damage to stores N
-40379 caused delay in release N
-40379 sustained damage to buildings N
-40381 manufactures drives for computers N
-40384 transporting products to stores V
-40385 had damage to building V
-40388 be damage to some N
-40389 had damage to tracks N
-40390 restored lines between Francisco V
-40398 assessing damage at plant N
-40398 is furnaces for production N
-40403 began task of trying N
-40404 blaming disaster on construction V
-40406 raise questions about ability N
-40407 connect Oakland with Francisco V
-40407 build stretch of highway N
-40409 bring double-decking to freeways V
-40410 add deck for pools N
-40410 add deck above median V
-40411 fight introduction of double-decking N
-40413 measured 6.1 on scale N
-40416 withstand temblor of 7.5 N
-40418 attributed destruction to reinforcement V
-40420 lacked number of ties N
-40421 uses variation of design N
-40422 caused core of columns N
-40424 tie decks of freeway N
-40424 tie decks to columns V
-40429 Given history of Area N
-40430 defended work on Freeway N
-40432 had earthquake of duration N
-40433 wrapping columns in blankets V
-40437 rejected offer of 8 N
-40438 urged holders of debt N
-40440 began lawsuit in Court V
-40443 reignite talks between Co. N
-40450 acquire control of company N
-40451 buy shares for 4 V
-40452 given control of % N
-40453 receive share of stock N
-40454 recommend plan to board V
-40455 exploring development of plan N
-40455 boost value of company N
-40455 boost value for holders V
-40456 holds % of Merchants N
-40456 retained bank for advice V
-40457 provide him with information V
-40460 project image of House N
-40461 want repeat of charges N
-40462 got briefing of day N
-40462 got briefing at a.m. V
-40463 taken calls from President V
-40463 made statement of concern N
-40463 received report from Agency N
-40465 be carping about performance N
-40465 took hit for reaction V
-40468 reported jump in profit N
-40468 reported jump for year V
-40471 rated 6.9 on scale N
-40472 was 10 to times N
-40479 was miles from epicenter N
-40481 drive piles on it V
-40482 cited example of district N
-40485 got lots of buildings N
-40486 leaving wedge of floor N
-40486 leaving wedge of floor N
-40490 do something about it V
-40491 release tension along faultlines N
-40497 market version of brand N
-40497 beginning week in Charlotte V
-40500 surrounding change of formula N
-40500 clutter name with extension V
-40503 increase volume of brand N
-40504 limited growth throughout industry V
-40505 leads Pepsi in share V
-40505 trails Pepsi in sales V
-40508 studying possibility for year V
-40511 picked way through streets V
-40512 finding survivors within steel V
-40513 caused billions of dollars N
-40513 caused billions along miles V
-40515 played Tuesday in Park V
-40517 oversaw building of Wall N
-40518 following surgery in August N
-40519 ruled sharing of power N
-40522 ending domination in country N
-40522 regulating elections by summer N
-40522 establishing office of president N
-40523 renamed Republic of Hungary N
-40526 launched probe on flight V
-40528 return Monday to California V
-40529 urged patience over demands N
-40530 follow hint of weakening N
-40532 marked decline in rate N
-40533 rose % to 13,120 V
-40535 risk conflict with U.S. N
-40535 risk conflict over plan V
-40538 oppose seating as delegate N
-40539 told summit in Lumpur N
-40542 giving role in government N
-40543 following murder of justice N
-40544 claimed responsibility for slaying N
-40546 named president of Properties N
-40548 appointed president of Systems N
-40550 slipped % from quarter V
-40551 broke streak of quarters N
-40557 earn 14.85 for year V
-40558 acquire % of Inc N
-40559 dilute earnings per share N
-40561 blamed drop on factors V
-40561 made exports from U.S. N
-40561 made exports from U.S. N
-40562 was increase in costs N
-40572 Given frustration with victories N
-40575 whipping conglomerate of groups N
-40575 whipping conglomerate into force V
-40578 mind credentials for ground N
-40580 engaged nominee in contest V
-40580 stretch Constitution in area V
-40582 painted picture of reading N
-40582 reading prejudices into Constitution V
-40585 punish them in elections V
-40591 travel journey with trail V
-40593 swallowed case for culture N
-40595 discover it in Bickel V
-40597 leaves decisions in democracy N
-40597 leaves decisions to executives V
-40601 apply right to abortion V
-40603 allow happening like circus N
-40605 taking risk on outcome N
-40606 receive minimum of million N
-40606 receive minimum for collection V
-40608 resembles underwriting by bank N
-40610 sell securities at price V
-40613 earned % of total N
-40614 taking chunk of proceeds N
-40615 guarantee seller of work N
-40617 has interest in property V
-40619 have level of interest N
-40622 keep collection from house V
-40622 handled sales for family N
-40622 handled sales over years V
-40623 was question of considerations N
-40624 made money on Street V
-40624 become part of business N
-40625 offered loan of million N
-40625 offered loan to businessman V
-40625 purchase Irises for million V
-40626 was bid in history N
-40627 has painting under key V
-40629 be lot of art N
-40629 be lot for sale V
-40631 receive portion of proceeds N
-40632 take commission on amount V
-40634 announcing plans for auction N
-40634 estimated value in excess V
-40636 's estimate for collection N
-40637 put collection on block V
-40638 owns % of Christie N
-40641 has problem with houses N
-40642 put light on things V
-40645 lay half for this V
-40646 snatched collection from bidders V
-40647 gets commission from buyer V
-40648 reforming country in crisis N
-40652 be version of Honecker N
-40653 followed path as Honecker N
-40654 is member of Politburo N
-40655 get reunification on ground V
-40656 make efforts at reform N
-40657 abandoning reason with it N
-40659 need bit of time N
-40661 find refugees at gates V
-40663 close border to Czechoslovakia N
-40663 install lights in spots V
-40664 turn itself into Albania V
-40665 kept police off backs N
-40665 kept police at celebrations V
-40669 recall ideals of period N
-40669 recall ideals in country V
-40671 is land of socialism N
-40673 been ideology of socialism N
-40675 runs risk of disintegrating N
-40676 increases trade with Germany N
-40676 convert itself into annex V
-40677 's logic at work V
-40677 prove failure in experiment V
-40677 uses people as controls V
-40680 greeted Gorbachev at airport V
-40685 were result of actions N
-40690 is editor of Street N
-40691 FACING billions of dollars N
-40693 expecting disruption in shipments N
-40694 singled stocks of companies N
-40696 raise tags of deals N
-40699 sank % in September V
-40700 following decline in August N
-40701 buy billion of shares N
-40705 seeking terms in bid V
-40707 fell 6.25 to 191.75 V
-40709 gained 4.92 to 2643.65 V
-40711 including sale of units N
-40712 cited turmoil in markets N
-40713 removes it from business V
-40715 post loss because sales N
-40716 reach accord with Motors N
-40716 reach accord within month V
-40717 refinance Tower for million V
-40718 find buyer for building N
-40719 put division for sale V
-40719 setting scramble among distillers V
-40729 triggered round of sales N
-40729 triggered round in trade V
-40729 expect impact of quake N
-40731 show resilience in face V
-40732 predict climb for unit N
-40736 injected reserves into system V
-40736 avert repeat of debacle N
-40738 keep liquidity at level V
-40743 dropped points in trading V
-40746 detract attention from transactions V
-40747 show uptick in inflation N
-40748 show rise in inflation N
-40749 rose 1.30 to 368.70 V
-40755 reach Francisco by telephone V
-40757 shot cents to 20.85 V
-40761 shut operations as precaution V
-40764 ending day at 20.56 V
-40771 have impact on markets V
-40774 declined cents to 1.2645 V
-40776 take two to months N
-40776 produce copper in quantities V
-40781 are suppliers of copper N
-40781 buying copper on market V
-40782 bought copper in London V
-40784 switch concentration to side V
-40785 dropped % from August V
-40794 bought tons of sugar N
-40796 slipped % to million V
-40797 signal supplies of beef N
-40799 fatten cattle for slaughter V
-40804 prevent rejection of organs N
-40807 been obstacle in transplants N
-40808 using drug in February V
-40813 consider it like one V
-40814 is times than drug N
-40816 made penalty for success N
-40817 takes years to years N
-40818 expand program beyond University V
-40818 performs transplants in world N
-40819 cut stays by % V
-40819 reduce number of tests N
-40819 monitor dosage of drugs N
-40821 had stake in drug N
-40822 known effect of drug N
-40827 Allowing prices for necessities N
-40827 shorten lines at stores N
-40828 place value on them V
-40830 receive relief for family N
-40830 receive relief at prices V
-40832 coordinate allocation of resources N
-40835 take advantage of situation N
-40835 face people of Carolina N
-40837 deserves A for efforts V
-40838 gets A for recital V
-40839 Give him for failure V
-40839 understand ethics of equity N
-40843 alter distribution of income N
-40843 alter distribution in favor V
-40850 discourage preparedness in form N
-40853 donating food to people V
-40853 be any of us N
-40865 ship goods to Houston V
-40868 are accomplishment for him N
-40872 considering value of time N
-40873 have question for Laband V
-40876 be season for revivals N
-40879 remains center of movement N
-40880 offering version of Moliere N
-40880 offering version through 4 V
-40881 is comedy about Alceste N
-40881 sees vanity in everyone V
-40885 remained house in 1666 N
-40888 have look at Falls V
-40889 see corruption of Paris N
-40890 took adaptation by Bartlett N
-40891 slimmed cast of characters N
-40891 slimmed cast to six V
-40891 set them in world V
-40892 transfers setting to Hollywood V
-40895 Americanized it with help V
-40899 opened season with Pinter V
-40900 use silences to exclusion V
-40907 is dissection of isolation N
-40912 held sway until death V
-40913 concerns homecoming with wife N
-40915 overpower each of men N
-40916 leaving Ruth in chair V
-40918 buy piece of estate N
-40921 stage Death of Salesman N
-40923 turn subscribers beyond 13,000 N
-40925 support construction of theater N
-40928 compares importance of Steppenwolf N
-40928 compares importance with Theater V
-40932 be legacy to theater N
-40934 enduring days of selling N
-40935 jumped % to 463.28 V
-40937 rose % to 453.05 V
-40944 beat 1,271 to 811 N
-40948 assess impact of deaths N
-40950 follows stocks for Kelton V
-40953 expected damage from hurricane N
-40953 be catalyst for rates N
-40958 fell 1 to 32 V
-40959 rose 1 to 51 V
-40960 jumped 2 to 59 V
-40962 jumped 4.15 to 529.32 V
-40962 climbed 1.72 to 455.29 V
-40963 provides services for businesses V
-40964 rose 3 to 21 V
-40965 jumping 1 to 9 V
-40966 added 7 to 16 V
-40970 gained 1 to 48 V
-40970 rose 3 to 10 V
-40971 added 3 to 33 V
-40972 slipped 1 to 17 V
-40974 gained 1 to 16 V
-40976 advanced 7 to 1 V
-40979 expects trading at company N
-40980 gained 7 to 15 V
-40980 reporting loss for quarter N
-40981 earned million in quarter V
-40982 added 3 to 10 V
-40984 rose 1 to 50 V
-40986 regarding usability of batches N
-40987 extended offer to 27 V
-40988 match bid by S.A. N
-40995 called Bradley of Jersey N
-40996 dealt setback to proposal V
-40997 has it in mind V
-41000 persuade 10 of senators N
-41000 support him on grounds V
-41001 append gains to bill V
-41002 Denied vote on substance N
-41005 be way to victory N
-41008 telephoning office of Darman N
-41012 represents expectations about value N
-41013 have impact on value V
-41022 knocked value of stock N
-41022 caused convulsions around world V
-41028 followed assurances from Darman N
-41033 be consideration of increases N
-41034 permit vote on gains N
-41036 is game in town N
-41038 is president of Inc. N
-41039 obtained plea from person V
-41042 faces maximum of years N
-41044 indicted year as part V
-41047 had change in earnings N
-41049 compares profit with estimate V
-41049 have forecasts in days V
-41051 awarded contract for acquisition N
-41052 won contract for equipment N
-41053 received contract for programming N
-41054 awarded contract for improvements N
-41055 issued contract for changes N
-41056 issued billion in bonds N
-41056 issued billion in offering V
-41057 replace bonds with rate N
-41058 save million in payments N
-41059 is part of strategy N
-41060 issue total of billion N
-41064 following agreement with Bank N
-41064 borrowing term from bank V
-41068 pouring million into one V
-41071 add Fund to list V
-41073 trail market as whole N
-41075 bought shares in purchases V
-41078 received dividend of cents N
-41079 sold majority of shares N
-41079 sold majority in August V
-41080 got 30.88 for stock V
-41082 leaving himself with shares V
-41083 Including sale of stock N
-41083 sold % of stake N
-41088 tops portion of table N
-41089 doubled holdings in company N
-41090 bought shares for 125,075 V
-41091 is president of Co. N
-41091 keeps account at firm V
-41091 recommended stock as buy V
-41092 had recommendation on stock N
-41092 had recommendation for years V
-41094 paid average of 28.43 N
-41094 paid average for share V
-41096 bought shares at prices V
-41103 is adviser to individuals N
-41105 reached week in Cincinnati V
-41105 end battle for maker N
-41106 sued pany in 1981 V
-41106 installing carpets in office V
-41108 lost million in earnings N
-41110 anticipate litigation over syndrome N
-41116 was fumes from adhesive N
-41117 adding maker as defendant V
-41124 condemn buildings in area N
-41128 putting letter of credit N
-41130 transform area from thoroughfare V
-41132 EXPANDS role of courts N
-41137 review process in country N
-41142 joined firm of Scheetz N
-41142 joined firm as consultant V
-41143 advising office on matters V
-41144 marked turn toward conservatism N
-41144 proclaimed shift in direction N
-41146 apply labels to term V
-41155 cut supplies to Europe N
-41163 supply Dutch with oil V
-41166 were result of confusion N
-41166 was comfort for drivers V
-41167 became fact of life N
-41172 include dividends on holdings N
-41173 paid million before million V
-41176 includes months of 12 N
-41177 saw paychecks over year V
-41178 reported earnings for quarter N
-41179 defended salaries at Stearns N
-41182 paid million before dividends N
-41182 paid million for months V
-41186 taking chairmanship of group N
-41186 taking chairmanship from Carey V
-41187 remain member of board N
-41190 take role in management N
-41191 joined Grenfell as executive V
-41192 advised Guinness on bid V
-41198 's coincidence about departures N
-41199 rose % to million V
-41205 yield % in 2004 N
-41205 yield % in 2008 V
-41205 yield % in 2018 V
-41205 yield % in 2019 V
-41207 priced Monday by group V
-41213 received rating from Moody V
-41225 brings issuance to billion V
-41226 indicating coupon at par N
-41227 buy shares at premium V
-41228 indicating coupon at par N
-41229 buy shares at premium V
-41231 buy shares at premium V
-41244 named officer to posts V
-41244 elected him to board V
-41245 is one of number N
-41246 was subject of inquiry N
-41247 filed information with FDA V
-41248 recalling one of drugs N
-41256 running company on basis V
-41257 selected him for posts V
-41258 restore sense of integrity N
-41263 manipulating accounts for years V
-41271 reduce spending in fashion V
-41273 chop talk about presidency N
-41277 was decision in presidency N
-41277 fight war on side V
-41280 was one of bills N
-41283 want guarantee from leadership N
-41283 get vote on bills N
-41285 taking responsibility for votes N
-41285 concealing them in truck V
-41286 have nostalgia as anyone N
-41292 was the in years N
-41293 hit peak of 1,150,000 N
-41293 hit peak in 1987 V
-41294 auctioned dollars of bonds N
-41295 was % for equivalent V
-41296 redeem million of bonds N
-41298 buy shares in company N
-41298 buy shares at price V
-41300 are % of shares N
-41301 Noting approval of treatment N
-41303 remove mood from market V
-41307 came day after drop N
-41307 fell 647.33 in response V
-41308 rose points to 35015.38 V
-41309 rose 41.76 to 2642.64 V
-41311 outnumbered decliners with 103 V
-41318 are concerns on horizon V
-41319 keeping eye on Street V
-41325 keep dollar in check V
-41326 rose 19 to yen V
-41326 gained 17 to 735 V
-41327 rose 130 to 2,080 V
-41328 gained 80 to 2,360 V
-41329 fell points to 2135.5 V
-41330 was half-hour before close N
-41331 fell 29.6 to 1730.7 V
-41335 hit market in midafternoon V
-41336 manages trading for concern V
-41341 avoided losses despite report V
-41344 rose 20 to pence V
-41345 finished 22 at 400 V
-41346 rose 5 to 204 V
-41346 rose 25 to 12.75 V
-41347 raised stake in maker N
-41349 eased 4 to 47 V
-41350 announced plunge in profit N
-41352 dropped 11 to 359 V
-41352 rose 17 to 363 V
-41353 was talk of sale N
-41355 attributed action in them N
-41355 attributed action to positioning V
-41356 fell 8 to 291 V
-41356 was 4 at 261 V
-41357 fell 20 to 478 V
-41358 fell 1 to 124 V
-41359 declined 12 to 218 V
-41360 posted rises in Stockholm V
-41364 recovered one-third to one-half N
-41364 posting gains of % N
-41365 are trends on markets N
-41369 include construction of plant N
-41370 completed sale of division N
-41371 paid million in cash N
-41371 paid million to Unitrode V
-41373 spend million on facilities V
-41378 made lot of investors N
-41378 buy sort of insurance N
-41382 buying option on stock N
-41384 sell number of shares N
-41384 sell number at price V
-41387 is type of insurance N
-41395 match loss on stock N
-41395 match loss on stock N
-41396 establishes price for stock N
-41397 sells stock at loss V
-41397 sells put at profit V
-41399 handle transactions through Corp. V
-41402 reduce cost by amount V
-41403 exceed % of investment N
-41415 realize profit on puts N
-41415 realize profit after suspension V
-41422 buy shares at price V
-41423 gives buffer against decline N
-41424 reduces cost of stock N
-41424 reduces cost by amount V
-41427 exclude effect of commissions N
-41429 streamline version in advance V
-41437 keep provision in version V
-41438 send version of measure N
-41438 send version to Bush V
-41439 took effect under law V
-41442 reported volume as record V
-41443 raised billion in capital N
-41443 raised billion during quarter V
-41446 giving factor of 0.6287 N
-41448 amalgamate four of companies N
-41450 increase stake in Corp. N
-41452 require approval by shareholders N
-41453 named director of National N
-41458 caused turmoil in markets N
-41463 had effect on Street N
-41464 close points at 2638.73 V
-41465 raises issues about decline N
-41466 raises questions about problems N
-41467 drew parallel to 1987 N
-41470 was the in string N
-41472 called figures after months V
-41474 reinforced view of analysts N
-41476 's improvement over year N
-41477 slipping % to billion V
-41478 leaped % to billion V
-41479 revised figure from deficit V
-41481 feeds appetite in country N
-41483 increased price of products N
-41486 curb demand for imports N
-41487 foresee progress in exports N
-41496 took step in effort V
-41496 spur sales of machine N
-41497 remedy couple of drawbacks N
-41497 lowering price for machine N
-41497 lowering price by 1,500 V
-41497 chooses drive as alternative V
-41498 is device of choice N
-41499 founded Next in hopes V
-41499 fomenting revolution in way N
-41504 buying numbers for purposes V
-41505 buy computer without device N
-41505 buy computer for 4,995 V
-41506 outfit computer with drive V
-41506 supply one at cost V
-41507 purchase system through Inc. V
-41511 handle amounts of data N
-41511 edit clips with computer V
-41513 is dealer to corporations N
-41513 purchase drives with machines V
-41514 signal retreat from storage N
-41514 play role in decade N
-41518 increase sales on campuses N
-41523 distributing software for it N
-41526 introduce version of program N
-41526 introduce version in 1990 V
-41527 offer version of computer N
-41528 offers computers with displays N
-41529 have model under development V
-41530 named president of operator N
-41534 slid % to million V
-41535 had income of million N
-41536 had loss of million N
-41537 had profit of million N
-41539 attributed decline to revenue V
-41539 upgrade inventories to 1.1 V
-41541 saw hints of delay N
-41546 ship products during quarters V
-41550 start shipments of product N
-41551 stem all of ink N
-41554 are guide to levels N
-41584 fell % from quarter V
-41588 included million from businesses N
-41590 rose % in quarter V
-41595 included million from operations N
-41598 jumped % in quarter V
-41600 reflect million in dividends N
-41603 had counterpart in quarter V
-41604 rose % to billion V
-41607 raise ownership of partnership N
-41609 offered share for unit V
-41612 projecting surplus for year V
-41613 include receipts from sale N
-41616 brought output for months N
-41616 brought output to tons V
-41617 gained measure of control N
-41622 was president of division N
-41622 was president of Inc N
-41623 named chairman of board N
-41625 invest million in Recognition V
-41626 increase ownership of shares N
-41627 increase stake in Recognition N
-41627 increase stake to % V
-41629 obtained commitment from Bank N
-41629 convert million in debt N
-41629 convert million to loan V
-41631 attributed loss to revenue V
-41632 indicted October on charges V
-41632 win million in contracts N
-41633 put agreement with Prospect N
-41633 put agreement to vote V
-41634 rose cents to 6.625 V
-41635 slipped cents to 10.50 V
-41636 offer rebates on Beretta N
-41637 idle plants for total V
-41638 make line at Chevrolet N
-41638 fell % during October V
-41639 offering rebate on Corsica N
-41641 get financing at rates V
-41642 submitted offer to directors V
-41643 discuss details of proposal N
-41645 confirmed receipt of offer N
-41646 rejected proposal by StatesWest N
-41647 has stake in Mesa N
-41647 operates turboprops among cities V
-41648 connecting cities in California N
-41651 was officer of FirstSouth N
-41651 receive sentence of years N
-41655 report interest as income V
-41656 was part of effort N
-41656 hide condition from regulators V
-41658 conceal agreements with Taylor N
-41660 approached Mastergate with trepidation V
-41663 takes sweep of scandals N
-41670 confiscated one of properties N
-41670 owes millions in taxes N
-41674 sell assets of MPI N
-41676 distinguish it from Tet V
-41678 handling this for Slaughter V
-41679 carry impersonations of figures N
-41680 mixing brand of patriotism N
-41680 is fire as senator V
-41680 playing succession of lawyers N
-41680 has demeanor of Bush N
-41680 has demeanor in portrayal V
-41683 has fun with language V
-41684 subtitled play on words N
-41685 describes flunky as one V
-41685 handling appeals at Bureau V
-41694 set office of chairman N
-41694 elected Johnson as chairman V
-41695 been director at Hutton N
-41695 was president of Strategies N
-41697 take responsibility for areas N
-41698 been consultant on strategy N
-41698 been consultant for years V
-41699 faces number of challenges N
-41699 faces number with restructuring V
-41700 's shortage of things N
-41701 moved date of retirement N
-41701 accommodate election as director N
-41703 operates market for loans N
-41703 buying loans from lenders V
-41703 packaging some into securities V
-41703 keeping rest in portfolio V
-41704 describes displacing of grandees N
-41708 broke toe in dark V
-41709 weighing quarter of ton N
-41713 left environment for duplex V
-41713 prevent hoisting of trees N
-41713 hit both with lawsuit V
-41714 console them for traumas V
-41719 been head of company N
-41719 been head for years V
-41719 sold it to Phibro V
-41725 surrounding changing of guard N
-41730 prefers nests of birds N
-41734 entitled Loathing in Boardrooms N
-41742 share wealth with decorators V
-41743 demand place on boards N
-41747 t'aint enough of it N
-41753 endowed weddings to noblemen N
-41758 is president of Counsel N
-41759 raised stake in Corp. N
-41760 hold shares of Lockheed N
-41764 credited story in News N
-41767 speed cuts with U.S. N
-41767 recorded narrowing in surplus N
-41768 jumped % in August V
-41771 do trade than pair N
-41771 arrange acceleration of cuts N
-41772 requested speedup of cuts N
-41775 reach agreement by December V
-41776 kindled interest among companies V
-41777 organizing missions to states N
-41779 try trips on businessmen V
-41781 opened offices in Diego V
-41781 bringing number of offices N
-41781 bringing number to 27 V
-41782 has offices in Canada V
-41785 received order from Ministry V
-41786 provide system for fleet N
-41789 supply country with systems V
-41791 receive shares for each V
-41795 extended period of warrants N
-41797 purchase share of stock N
-41797 purchase share for 2.25 V
-41799 lay % of force N
-41801 sell 53 of offices N
-41803 record gains of million N
-41803 record gains from sale V
-41804 realize gains before end V
-41807 expects rate of increase N
-41812 close offices in Chicago N
-41814 described restructuring as effort V
-41815 rose % in August V
-41819 fell % from year V
-41825 represented % of consumption N
-41826 totaling yen in August N
-41829 reading stories in press V
-41829 reporting Comeback at Wang N
-41830 are matters of debate N
-41831 selling products of company N
-41836 's lot of work N
-41838 lost ground to computers N
-41839 funded employment by borrowing V
-41840 reported ink for quarter V
-41840 provided answers to questions N
-41841 avoid discussions of finances N
-41844 poses problem for salesman N
-41845 become experts on report N
-41847 consider products on merits V
-41847 assuage fears about finances N
-41852 report loss for quarter N
-41854 jeopardizes credibility in time V
-41854 be problem for run V
-41855 held positions at Polaroid N
-41860 supervises network of computers N
-41863 convincing president in charge N
-41869 is one of assets N
-41870 is analyst with Group N
-41871 left company in July V
-41871 sell products to Kodak V
-41871 muster support from allies V
-41874 sell VS to customer V
-41875 left Wang for Inc. V
-41879 sold system to maker V
-41881 take risk with Wang V
-41886 is president of Inc. N
-41888 have pride in job V
-41899 warned salespeople about negativism V
-41900 watch us for message V
-41901 Look customer in eye V
-41902 rose % on strength V
-41905 had profit of million N
-41910 had results against million V
-41914 reported gains to levels N
-41914 reported gains for quarter V
-41922 rose % to million V
-41925 rose 1.25 to 64.125 V
-41927 sell service to customers V
-41927 reported jump in earnings N
-41930 sees improvements in margins N
-41931 take it to range V
-41932 fell 2.625 to 42.375 V
-41934 attributed that to plan V
-41936 improve share of market N
-41937 match that of AT&T N
-41946 reported increase in number N
-41946 added customers with total V
-41947 fell cents to 55.875 V
-41952 fell cents to 29 V
-41956 extending contract with Co. N
-41956 provide parts for jetliners N
-41957 supply shipsets for planes V
-41958 include edges for wings N
-41959 delivered 793 of shipsets N
-41959 delivered 793 to Boeing V
-41963 accepted position of chairman N
-41966 has interests in estate N
-41967 been president of Balcor N
-41968 takes responsibility for management N
-41971 posted loss of million N
-41972 had earnings of million N
-41973 had loss of million N
-41973 had loss after earnings V
-41974 increased reserves by million V
-41974 raising reserves to million V
-41975 had profit of million N
-41976 followed round of increases N
-41976 reflecting decline in market N
-41977 took charge of million N
-41978 were losers in collapse N
-41983 resurrect package at 250 V
-41984 buy 250,000 at 83.3125 V
-41988 left jobs at Airlines N
-41988 left jobs with combined V
-41989 was 575,000 with bonus N
-41990 changed jobs at ones V
-41990 stash kind of money N
-41991 lure him from Airlines V
-41991 paid salary of 342,122 N
-41991 paid salary with bonus V
-41992 buy 150,000 at 69 V
-41998 succeeds Sherman in positions V
-42001 was difference of opinion N
-42006 bought 112,000 of shares N
-42006 bought 112,000 in transaction V
-42008 represents % of shares N
-42011 reported increase in earnings N
-42014 lead industry with performance V
-42024 be year in history N
-42029 had growth in quarter N
-42033 attributed results to gains V
-42038 offset decline in sales N
-42038 fuel increase in sales N
-42039 led growth in division N
-42045 attributed growth to sales V
-42048 was result of savings N
-42049 took analysts by surprise V
-42050 includes brands as detergent N
-42051 estimated margins at % V
-42056 Improving profitability of operations N
-42056 is priority in company N
-42057 sold business in 1988 V
-42058 elected director of company N
-42058 has interests in stations N
-42058 increasing number of seats N
-42058 increasing number to five V
-42060 is projects at Inc. N
-42061 have look with fixtures V
-42063 poured ridicule on drawings V
-42063 replaced photos in pages V
-42069 been roommate for years V
-42074 buying masks for kids V
-42075 is result of activity N
-42077 enjoy climate over term N
-42081 blame it on hunter-gatherers V
-42082 announce end of episode N
-42084 lock us into scenario V
-42087 restructure itself like corporation V
-42089 create position of officer N
-42090 bring accountability to agency V
-42099 appoint servants from agency V
-42099 scour world for officer V
-42100 attract candidates from sector N
-42101 spend years of life N
-42104 were signature of adversary N
-42106 monitoring parlors in City N
-42109 collecting names of those N
-42109 congratulate them during time V
-42112 is chapter in relationship N
-42113 following indictment on charges N
-42113 is legacy of relationship N
-42115 was one of convenience N
-42124 remove him from power V
-42126 mastered art of survival N
-42129 made it through 1988 V
-42130 maintain grip of throne N
-42131 abandon command for exile V
-42132 left him without way V
-42135 is weapon against gringos N
-42136 discovered the in 1959 V
-42138 advance career of officer N
-42138 relayed reports on tendencies N
-42140 was experience for the N
-42141 Born son of maid N
-42142 gained admission to academy N
-42145 had uniform with buttons N
-42145 had uniform in country V
-42145 was cult of militarism N
-42145 were elite with privileges N
-42148 monitoring opponents in region N
-42148 tracking influence in unions N
-42149 was one of contributors N
-42150 was priority for leader N
-42152 been 300 to 400 N
-42156 gained cache of information N
-42160 splashed information on handbills V
-42165 was expert at bribing N
-42166 revealed himself as officer V
-42167 visiting prisoners in cells N
-42167 visiting prisoners at headquarters V
-42173 interpreted studiousness as sign V
-42174 defeat attempt against him N
-42178 calling him in tribute V
-42178 milk services of Cuba N
-42178 ran reports about Noriega N
-42178 ran reports in 1977 V
-42179 put stock in information V
-42182 drew list of options N
-42184 scold dictator on ties V
-42186 became threat in 1976 V
-42186 buying recordings of conversations N
-42187 included wiretaps of phone N
-42188 caught him with hands V
-42189 cutting Noriega from payroll V
-42190 get it from characters V
-42192 sold information on recordings N
-42192 sold information to Cubans V
-42193 cancel contract with rent-a-colonel N
-42193 cancel contract at beginning V
-42195 indicted Panamanians on charges V
-42195 running arms to rebels V
-42195 overthrow government of Somoza N
-42200 arrest him on charges V
-42201 was Friday in June N
-42204 received message from commander V
-42205 postpone visit to Washington N
-42208 charge Noriega on allegations V
-42210 granted shah of Iran N
-42210 granted shah of Iran N
-42210 granted shah as favor V
-42214 enforce laws of States N
-42218 maneuvered way to top N
-42220 put G-2 on payroll V
-42223 expanded contacts with Cubans N
-42224 indict Panamanian on charges V
-42228 arrange attack on arsenal N
-42229 win protectors in administration N
-42230 played agencies like violin V
-42231 maintained influence with Washington N
-42233 notified Briggs of invitation V
-42235 involve him in orgy V
-42235 record event with video V
-42236 resigning position at Council N
-42237 curry favor in Washington V
-42238 steal elections for party V
-42239 contributed 100,000 to leader V
-42241 ordering beheading of Spadafora N
-42241 finger Noriega on charges V
-42248 had assets in place V
-42257 have him in 1988 V
-42258 drop indictments in exchange V
-42260 bring him to justice V
-42262 is battle to death N
-42269 provided estimates for company N
-42272 been force in expansion N
-42273 ease grip on credit N
-42274 do something about this V
-42279 reflected weakness in goods N
-42283 expect declines in spending N
-42285 seen effect of that N
-42286 offset rise in assemblies N
-42287 expect surge in production N
-42288 is summary of report N
-42293 is parent of Omnibank N
-42297 is indication to date N
-42299 compares rates of groups N
-42300 aged 35 to 44 N
-42300 was 13.4 per 100,000 N
-42306 be harbinger of mortality N
-42310 spends billion for promotion V
-42313 restrict advertising in U.S. V
-42313 violate protection of speech N
-42315 attributes differences in rates N
-42315 attributes differences to patterns V
-42317 given smoking than blacks V
-42318 comparing changes in rates N
-42326 represent interests at level V
-42327 recognizes influence of government N
-42329 prompting swings in prices N
-42330 gaining strength during run-up V
-42331 bought stock on cheap V
-42335 began day at 449.89 V
-42335 lost % at point V
-42343 take advantage of swings N
-42349 benefiting a to detriment V
-42349 do something about it V
-42356 was day for investors N
-42357 tumbled 3 on news V
-42357 take charge against earnings N
-42357 resolve dispute with licensee N
-42360 reported losses in quarter N
-42364 bring total for year N
-42364 bring total to 10 V
-42368 added 3 to 30 V
-42370 reported increase in profit N
-42373 lost 1 to 27 V
-42375 dropped 1 to 5 V
-42376 reported income for quarter N
-42377 named president of publisher N
-42379 been president for operations N
-42380 take responsibilities as editor N
-42382 remains editor in chief N
-42385 been assistant to chairman N
-42391 saw evolution of drugs N
-42395 produce planet by turn V
-42398 predicted famine by 1980 N
-42400 produced tumors in rats V
-42402 opposed methods of Environmentalists N
-42403 require energy for solution V
-42405 opposing search for methods N
-42406 improving quality of life N
-42407 rationalize priorities by solving V
-42407 solving problems at level V
-42409 missed points of conference N
-42410 represent consensus among specialists N
-42411 including one from Academy N
-42412 answer question in title N
-42412 create stories for itself N
-42413 dictate set of solutions N
-42414 deliver point of view N
-42417 educating public about issues V
-42419 altered physics of atmosphere N
-42425 fulfilling earnings for 1989 N
-42427 met estimates of analysts N
-42430 included operations of business N
-42434 blamed volume on prices V
-42434 were % in quarter N
-42435 buying soft-drinks at discounted V
-42438 attributed bulk of increase N
-42438 attributed bulk to costs V
-42439 get prices by promotion V
-42442 repurchased million of shares N
-42442 repurchased million during quarter V
-42443 is part of plan N
-42443 acquired total of shares N
-42446 include charge of million N
-42449 reach agreement in principle N
-42449 sell Inc. to management V
-42454 has relationship with Hooker N
-42455 providing million in financing N
-42455 providing million to company V
-42457 owns % of company N
-42457 acquired interest in firm N
-42457 acquired interest in 1986 V
-42458 had stores in operation V
-42460 approached number of suppliers N
-42460 shipping merchandise to chain V
-42461 causing jitters among suppliers N
-42465 advising Hooker on sale V
-42466 was the in series N
-42468 split company in half V
-42470 received bid for malls N
-42470 received bid from consortium V
-42472 named president of unit N
-42473 been president of Inc N
-42474 assume title of chairman N
-42478 is talk of some N
-42479 put things into schedule V
-42482 replace it with newscast V
-42484 is opportunity for audience N
-42488 alter line-up on mornings N
-42489 is no on networks N
-42491 be market for programming N
-42491 has ratings on mornings V
-42492 replacing cartoons with version V
-42494 supply network with shows V
-42495 cost 300,000 per episode N
-42497 had net of million N
-42499 attributed slide to expense V
-42500 cuts value of profit N
-42506 named officer of manufacturer N
-42508 was executive of Inc. N
-42508 was director of Robots N
-42510 been president in group N
-42512 correct misquotation in article N
-42515 offer therapy with drugs N
-42515 offer therapy to any V
-42516 reduced deaths in cancer N
-42516 reduced deaths by one-third V
-42518 offer hope of something N
-42522 have prospects for advances N
-42523 use levamisole as point V
-42527 include gas in tests V
-42529 criticized program as attempt V
-42530 marketing gasoline for cars N
-42531 conduct testing to date N
-42532 compare blends of gasolines N
-42532 compare blends with mixtures V
-42533 test gasolines on technologies V
-42534 was estimate for phase N
-42538 supported move on Hill N
-42538 selling cars by 1995 V
-42539 mentions gasoline as alternative V
-42542 inherited problems of Lincoln N
-42543 made comments before hearings V
-42543 be disaster in industry N
-42544 cover actions of Jr. N
-42546 made findings in one V
-42547 buying estate from one V
-42548 put Lincoln into conservatorship V
-42549 was part of pattern N
-42549 shift deposits to company V
-42549 used deposits as cache V
-42556 received 48,100 in contributions N
-42556 received 48,100 from Keating V
-42560 received contributions from Keating V
-42562 pursue role of senators N
-42563 pumped million into Lincoln V
-42564 held hope of restitution N
-42565 buying certificates of deposit N
-42566 have plans at time N
-42567 devise approaches to reorganization N
-42568 told committee in meeting N
-42574 made mention of response N
-42575 discussing plan with creditors V
-42577 sell billion in assets N
-42582 leave it with cash V
-42583 leave carrier than one N
-42585 having problems with revisions N
-42588 miss projections of earnings N
-42588 miss projections by million V
-42589 miss mark by million V
-42596 hold dollars from sales N
-42597 have million in cash N
-42602 has rights for period N
-42610 SIMPLIFYING tax before 1990 V
-42613 backed plan in bill N
-42615 getting it into bill V
-42616 has priority on side V
-42618 resolve issue with legislation V
-42621 deduct losses on 1989 V
-42625 DELAYS deadlines for victims V
-42627 is % of liability N
-42628 describes relief for victims N
-42629 pay tax by 15 V
-42632 grants relief for returns V
-42633 were perks for staffers N
-42636 are targets of drive N
-42637 announced filing of actions N
-42638 file 5498 with copies V
-42640 was reputation for honesty N
-42641 justify caches to IRS V
-42642 told story to Court V
-42643 escape tax on income N
-42643 deposited 124,732 in account V
-42643 reporting income of 52,012 N
-42644 saved 47,000 in 1974-81 V
-42644 abandoned family in 1955 V
-42646 offered evidence of sources N
-42647 made gifts of 26,350 N
-42658 sent helicopters in pursuit V
-42660 limit bikes to roads V
-42663 is one of storms N
-42664 asserting right as taxpayers N
-42665 prompted pleas from Sierras N
-42665 ban them from country V
-42666 become vehicles of terror N
-42670 following lead of parks N
-42670 closed paths in parks N
-42670 closed paths to bicycles V
-42671 consigns them to roads V
-42674 permits vehicles on thousands V
-42674 close lands to bikes V
-42674 including portions of the N
-42677 allow cycles in areas V
-42678 created something of rift N
-42678 created something in organization V
-42679 lumps bikes into category V
-42681 careening trail on them V
-42681 echoing concerns of members N
-42683 got taste of wilderness N
-42683 got taste as hikers V
-42685 lobby managers over issues V
-42695 entered production in 1981 V
-42698 make it into country V
-42700 is bastion of sport N
-42702 is home to Bike N
-42703 attracted visitors than week N
-42704 be combination of technology N
-42712 buy bonds for safety V
-42714 cut rally in bonds N
-42715 finished points at 2638.73 V
-42718 breathing sigh of relief N
-42722 sent signal of determination N
-42723 keep lid on rates V
-42723 pumped money into system V
-42730 make trouble for market N
-42730 make trouble for two V
-42734 ending day at % V
-42737 produce versions of issues N
-42739 is venture of Co. N
-42750 offset weakness in pulp N
-42750 fuel jump in income N
-42751 reported profit of million N
-42753 posted rise in profit N
-42761 increase reserves for loans N
-42761 making addition to provision N
-42763 bring provision for loans N
-42763 bring provision to billion V
-42765 Get problem behind you V
-42766 had capacity for time V
-42768 posted loss for quarter V
-42768 adding million to reserve V
-42773 setting world on fire V
-42777 said payments from Argentina N
-42778 narrowed loss to million V
-42779 take provision for loans N
-42781 called gains of million N
-42783 maintaining expenses in proportion V
-42785 generate one of margins N
-42785 minimizing drop in margin N
-42785 minimizing drop with growth V
-42790 reverse rise in loans N
-42797 brought reserves for loans N
-42797 brought reserves to billion V
-42797 covering % of loans N
-42800 take part in lot N
-42800 take part in quarter V
-42803 cited income from sources N
-42807 set date for elections N
-42807 cost control of government N
-42808 retain control with majority V
-42811 be vote for Gandhi N
-42812 called elections for house N
-42812 called elections on 24 V
-42815 be test for minister N
-42821 's feeling of indignation N
-42822 judging regime by policeman V
-42823 be protest against failure N
-42824 retains control of government N
-42825 call liberalization of economy N
-42832 made mess of years N
-42833 field candidates in precincts V
-42835 fields candidates in % V
-42836 announces list of candidates N
-42837 be one of points N
-42838 signed contract with Bofors N
-42843 blocked passage of bills N
-42844 was time in years N
-42845 become cry against government N
-42848 had hope in leader V
-42853 is reputation of opposition N
-42856 fear repeat of experience N
-42860 confirming payment of 40 N
-42862 disclose names of middlemen N
-42864 received consideration in transactions V
-42866 admits payments of million N
-42869 reports lapses in evaluation N
-42871 disclose names of middlemen N
-42871 received kickbacks from company V
-42873 publishes portion of report N
-42876 hold % of shares N
-42877 seen filing by Parsow N
-42878 seek support of board N
-42883 keep watch on market N
-42889 paid attention to operations V
-42890 injected cash into system V
-42890 arranging billion of agreements N
-42890 arranging billion during period V
-42891 keep lid on rates V
-42896 considered signal of changes N
-42904 boost size of issue N
-42904 boost size from billion V
-42908 announce size of sale N
-42908 announce details of offering N
-42909 offer billion to billion N
-42912 priced bond for banks N
-42913 had impact on market V
-42924 dominated attention in market V
-42926 operates one of systems N
-42927 was part of plan N
-42931 reflected the in market N
-42934 supported prices of Mac N
-42937 yielding % to assumption N
-42941 accept today for lists N
-42945 set pricing for million V
-42958 provides increase for development N
-42960 gives authority to administration V
-42960 facilitate refinancing of loans N
-42961 met opposition from bankers N
-42964 subsidizing loans above % N
-42964 subsidizing loans under program V
-42964 yield million in savings N
-42965 cast fight as stand V
-42966 are stewards of companies N
-42967 won approval of million N
-42969 steer it from aid V
-42973 covers collection of accounts N
-42974 raise ceiling on loans N
-42974 faces opposition in House N
-42975 put bill over budget V
-42976 complicate picture in 1991 V
-42976 commits Congress to set V
-42976 including funds for station N
-42977 promised billion within billion N
-42978 continue work on satellite N
-42979 setting limit of billion N
-42979 appropriated million for start-up V
-42980 receive increases beyond those N
-42982 become vehicle for lawmakers N
-42982 earmark funds for projects N
-42984 preserve balance between House N
-42987 passing House on call V
-42989 are areas from standpoint V
-42990 is opposition to riders N
-42991 renewing support for Fund N
-42993 taking views into account V
-42995 be level of impassiveness N
-42998 posted advances of cents N
-43001 fix price for gold N
-43007 is rush on part N
-43008 bear memory of 1987 N
-43010 having impact on gold N
-43011 is incentive on part N
-43011 retain some of quality N
-43017 having impact on market N
-43020 assess action in market N
-43028 accept delay of shipments N
-43031 deferring shipments in years V
-43034 hurt sales of beef N
-43041 placed billion in securities N
-43041 placed billion under review V
-43044 enhance position in business N
-43048 guarantee extinction of elephant N
-43056 described conservationists as puppies V
-43056 know thing about Africa N
-43058 generates pleas for aid N
-43061 make billion in loans N
-43066 seek help for owners N
-43070 deleting repeal from bill N
-43075 push lawmakers toward solutions V
-43078 recommend repeal of 89 N
-43082 selling furniture to agencies V
-43086 join compromise on legislation N
-43087 increase warranty on systems N
-43087 increase warranty to years V
-43091 oppose increase in length N
-43095 take jobs with concerns N
-43096 produce assembly for Army N
-43098 assume position of president N
-43098 assume position upon retirement V
-43099 was executive of Corp. N
-43100 affiliating Fletcher into One V
-43103 raise billion in cash N
-43103 raise billion with sale V
-43103 redeem billion in maturing N
-43106 lowered ratings on million N
-43107 downgraded notes to single-B-1 V
-43108 paying dividends from series V
-43111 left Afghanistan in February V
-43119 support clients by means V
-43122 provide clients in Kabul N
-43122 provide clients with assistance V
-43122 including return of forces N
-43123 was addition of caveat N
-43134 protect regime against resistance V
-43138 including troops of Ministry N
-43140 are hostage for behavior N
-43142 signed agreements for experts N
-43142 replace some of personnel N
-43150 are anathema to public N
-43152 surrender city to moderates V
-43153 sent Hekhmatyar with demand N
-43158 faced minefields without detectors N
-43160 resumed aid to months N
-43169 directs program on Asia V
-43170 stirred soul of Reagan N
-43177 been champion of cause N
-43181 say something about it N
-43182 kicking father in pants V
-43186 struck deal with leaders N
-43186 provide aid to Contras V
-43187 win aid for rebels V
-43189 be force without arms V
-43190 urging members of Congress N
-43190 approve financing for campaign N
-43191 restore some of funds N
-43192 veto bill with funding N
-43193 prevent damage to SDI N
-43197 spells trouble for Wars N
-43201 heads Center for Policy N
-43202 boosting spending on SDI N
-43203 have fire at moment N
-43204 is president of Institute N
-43205 raise profile of causes N
-43210 be wind in sails N
-43212 accepted resignation of Allen N
-43216 was episode in saga N
-43218 called prospect of speech N
-43220 began it with warning V
-43220 opposes rights for homosexuals N
-43221 persuade you to view V
-43223 assimilate status of blacks N
-43223 assimilate status to that V
-43226 criticized idiocy of notions N
-43227 ensure treatment under law N
-43227 risk retrenchment with complicity N
-43231 teaches government at College V
-43231 remain member of commission N
-43233 elevated concept of rights N
-43233 elevated concept above rights V
-43234 is divide between view N
-43236 is substitute for argument N
-43237 is embarrassment to purpose N
-43240 become chairman upon retirement V
-43242 was executive of distributor N
-43242 was executive from 1982 V
-43244 been president since 1983 V
-43245 joined Bearings in 1988 V
-43246 been director since 1985 V
-43247 are part of succession N
-43248 opened exhibition in Moscow V
-43248 touring some of stalls N
-43248 representing companies as Corp. V
-43251 underscores interest in market N
-43252 spent time at stand V
-43258 lowered trust in Japan N
-43261 parcel powers to republics V
-43261 reflect changes in federation N
-43262 gave government until 15 V
-43263 reflected confidence of the N
-43264 abandoning project in Indonesia N
-43265 covered acres in region N
-43267 moving company to Kong V
-43268 acquire 10 of restaurants N
-43269 set market with government V
-43269 open store by 1990 V
-43272 have sale of Dada N
-43272 luring collectors with sales V
-43273 auctioned pistols with paintings N
-43274 auction works with estimates N
-43274 auction works on 25 V
-43275 providing service to clients N
-43277 be the between countries N
-43279 Ending shopping in Community N
-43279 Ending shopping after 1992 V
-43283 reported gain after requirements N
-43287 reported profit before taxes N
-43288 produced loss of million N
-43292 get product on shelves V
-43294 reported earnings of million N
-43295 had loss of million N
-43298 plunged points before lunch V
-43306 turn shares at rates V
-43307 heads arm of Inc N
-43312 buy blocks of stock N
-43312 buy blocks at eye-blink V
-43314 buy blue-chips at quoted V
-43318 promote shifts in assets N
-43320 shifts weightings between stocks V
-43321 boosted positions in accounts N
-43321 boosted positions to % V
-43321 take advantage of prices N
-43323 reduced holdings to % V
-43326 insure value of portfolio N
-43328 practicing forms of insurance N
-43329 taking advantage of discrepancies N
-43335 risk money for guy V
-43339 caused shutdown in trading N
-43340 cut exposure to market N
-43341 put you in room V
-43352 causing any of volatility N
-43355 been two of years N
-43356 is comfort in period N
-43362 infected one of networks N
-43363 discovered virus on Monday V
-43364 carry analyses of data N
-43366 expunge virus from system V
-43378 confer privileges on user V
-43380 finds one of passwords N
-43384 protested launch of probe N
-43385 carrying Galileo into orbit V
-43389 change value of pi N
-43390 bringing indictments in cases V
-43392 usurp authority under doctrine N
-43397 supply definition in decision V
-43397 breached duty to corporation V
-43398 pushed definition to point V
-43399 underlying conviction of Chestman N
-43400 assemble certificates for delivery V
-43401 take her to bank V
-43402 discussed it with broker V
-43412 was confirmation of rumors N
-43417 was victim of overzealousness N
-43419 resist process of extension N
-43420 make decisions in ways V
-43422 has strengths of specificity N
-43424 extends definition of trading N
-43424 see number of cases N
-43425 make judgments about utility N
-43426 gain information about collapse N
-43428 check rumors with company V
-43430 hear views of representatives N
-43430 create uncertainty than decisions N
-43431 resisted definition of trading N
-43433 provide illustrations of evolution N
-43434 halt expansion of statutes N
-43434 adopting rule of construction N
-43435 deprive another of right N
-43441 is professor at School N
-43442 posted decline in income N
-43443 included gain of million N
-43445 included carry-forward of 600,000 N
-43455 regained points in minutes V
-43457 limit buying to stocks V
-43464 cast pall over stocks V
-43470 get lot of action N
-43473 have debt on books V
-43475 sold shares at 40 V
-43479 changed hands on Board V
-43480 sell baskets of stocks N
-43480 sell baskets against positions V
-43494 gained 1 to 1 V
-43495 gained 1 to 64 V
-43496 show gain from average N
-43496 show gain on 9 V
-43502 gained 1 to 103 V
-43502 reflecting optimism about prospects N
-43505 added 1 to 17 V
-43506 change name to Manpower V
-43506 write part of billion N
-43506 write part as prelude V
-43508 began coverage of company N
-43508 began coverage with ratings V
-43511 reach agreement with lenders N
-43520 gained % to 10 V
-43522 predicted loss for quarter N
-43523 raises doubt about ability N
-43526 declared 2 to stock N
-43529 retain cash for acquisitions V
-43530 paid amount of income N
-43530 maintain status as trust N
-43533 get yields on deposits N
-43536 reporting inquiries about CDs N
-43536 reporting inquiries since Friday V
-43538 receive proceeds from sales N
-43540 has downs than elevator N
-43542 have promotions under way V
-43543 offering quarter of point N
-43543 offering depositors on CDs V
-43544 boosted yields on CDs N
-43544 boosted yields in week V
-43545 increased yield on CDs N
-43545 increased yield to % V
-43546 yielding a of point N
-43548 yielded % in week V
-43552 posted drops in yields N
-43553 yielding % in week N
-43553 yielding % in week N
-43558 puts pressure on rates N
-43560 decide size of increase N
-43565 promises disbursements to countries V
-43569 meet request for increased N
-43570 supported role for IMF N
-43570 is resource for programs N
-43571 is case against it N
-43573 has role in countries N
-43573 assist countries in emergencies V
-43574 are funds than efforts N
-43575 substituting debt for debt V
-43576 addresses problems of markets N
-43576 is key to growth N
-43577 inflated themselves into despair V
-43581 support role of IMF N
-43581 support role on conditions V
-43583 limit it to % V
-43583 bring change in policy N
-43585 get piece of increase N
-43586 give argument against calls N
-43587 reinforce role of institutions N
-43589 delay steps in anticipation V
-43592 support increase in capital N
-43593 directs staff of Committee N
-43594 making trades with each V
-43595 following investigation of trading N
-43597 suspended membership for years V
-43598 make restitution of 35,000 N
-43598 make restitution to customer V
-43603 pose challenge to Inc. V
-43603 buy half of Inc. N
-43603 buy half from Inc. V
-43604 discussed sale of interest N
-43604 discussed sale with operators V
-43605 is 2 to Office N
-43605 filed suit against Warner V
-43607 puts it in position V
-43608 keep Showtime as competitor V
-43610 bears relationship to that N
-43611 play role in management V
-43612 Linking Showtime with operator V
-43613 bring operators as investors V
-43617 is operator of systems N
-43618 is victory for officer N
-43619 takes question of viability N
-43620 is the of HBO N
-43621 took control of Viacom N
-43621 took control in buy-out V
-43622 denied all of allegations N
-43623 called talks with engineers N
-43633 increased stake in Inc. N
-43633 cleared way for purchases N
-43636 soliciting consents from shareholders N
-43636 soliciting consents in order V
-43636 wrest control of Datapoint N
-43636 wrest control from Edelman V
-43636 purchased % of shares N
-43637 acquired shares of shares N
-43637 acquired shares for 2.25 V
-43638 increased stake to % V
-43639 acquiring % of stock N
-43639 is chairman of company N
-43641 make testing for virus N
-43641 make testing for virus N
-43641 stop spread of syndrome N
-43642 segregate itself into groups V
-43643 takes view of AIDS N
-43643 recommends response than analyses N
-43644 reduce rate of growth N
-43646 is sex between partners N
-43647 test population between ages N
-43648 provide treatment to all V
-43650 kept tabs on gyrations N
-43650 shrugged downturn in equities N
-43650 bid dollar above lows V
-43652 reach intraday of marks N
-43652 reach intraday until hours V
-43656 reported deficit in August V
-43658 reflected drop in exports N
-43659 's news in data N
-43670 set ranges of marks N
-43671 anticipate easing by Reserve N
-43673 injects capital into system V
-43674 relaxed grip on credit N
-43677 post gains against dollar N
-43681 settled case against Corp. N
-43682 settle issues over years N
-43682 settle issues through arbitration V
-43683 have applications in markets N
-43685 paid million of settlement N
-43685 paid million to Semiconductor V
-43685 pay million in installments V
-43686 have impact on results V
-43688 had reign as leader N
-43688 had reign by ABC-TV V
-43689 topped competition with share V
-43691 indicate percentage of sets N
-43694 had five of shows N
-43695 held record during season V
-43696 expanding presence in market N
-43696 acquired Foods from group V
-43698 had sales of million N
-43698 sells coffee under brands V
-43700 sells coffee to concerns V
-43701 sold coffee to airlines V
-43701 does business with hotels V
-43705 borrowed guilders from group V
-43708 funding Departments of Labor N
-43708 allow funding of abortions N
-43710 tighten requirements for abortions N
-43710 tighten requirements in way V
-43713 holds bill for year N
-43715 opposed funding of abortions N
-43715 are victims of rape N
-43715 open way for abortions N
-43717 had inquiries from buyers N
-43717 complete sale in 1989 V
-43720 help managers of Ltd. N
-43722 revised provisions to level V
-43727 alter response of people N
-43731 experiencing increases in antibodies N
-43732 modify response of individual N
-43736 produce quantities of antibodies N
-43737 sell division to Inc. V
-43738 includes purchase of Cross N
-43739 selling interest in venture N
-43739 selling interest to Machinery V
-43741 was one of businesses N
-43747 auction million of paper N
-43747 auction million in maturity V
-43751 reflected decline of francs N
-43752 was decline in costs N
-43755 make member of panel N
-43758 hailed it as attempt V
-43758 bring measure of openness N
-43758 bring measure to setting V
-43759 improve communications between branch N
-43765 experiencing margins as result V
-43768 reported profit for quarter N
-43772 conducting talks with Germany N
-43772 conducting talks on series V
-43773 disclose nature of the N
-43774 taking place between units V
-43776 come bit in cars N
-43780 been president of subsidiary N
-43782 become president of a N
-43784 's view of analysts N
-43785 raised holding in Jaguar N
-43785 raised holding to % V
-43787 increases pressure on GM N
-43787 complete talks with Jaguar N
-43788 reach pact in weeks V
-43794 make one of stocks N
-43795 topped list for market N
-43799 put shares into reverse V
-43799 confirmed negotiations with Jaguar N
-43805 win promise of stake N
-43806 doubling output of cars N
-43813 get war between companies N
-43819 announce sale of % N
-43820 sold ADRs at 10 V
-43820 making profit on holding N
-43840 expects increase in profit N
-43841 posted plunge in profit N
-43844 fell % to million V
-43846 reported jump in earnings N
-43847 reported income for quarter N
-43849 forecasting gain on 4 V
-43849 causing jump in stock N
-43850 disclosed margins on sales N
-43852 hit a of 81 N
-43856 drove margin to % V
-43857 reflected demand for applications N
-43861 signed agreement with Inc. N
-43861 incorporate architecture in machines V
-43864 have arrangements with MIPs V
-43866 share expertise in storage N
-43876 called one of reports N
-43879 added billion to reserves V
-43881 posted drop in profit N
-43883 lay % of force N
-43884 exploring approaches to reorganization N
-43885 buy half of Networks N
-43885 buy half from Viacom V
-43886 pose challenge to Warner N
-43887 curb trading on markets N
-43891 sell chain to management V
-43892 streamline version of legislation N
-43892 streamline version in advance V
-43897 named director of company N
-43898 increases board to members V
-43899 seek re-election at meeting V
-43902 tender shares under bid V
-43903 sold shares for million V
-43904 identify buyer of shares N
-43905 sold stock in market V
-43908 is addition to board N
-43908 increasing membership to nine V
-43921 acquired laboratories of Inc. N
-43921 acquired laboratories in transaction V
-43922 paid million in cash N
-43922 acquire labs in U.S N
-43929 calling number for advice V
-43930 records opinions for airing V
-43931 taken leap in sophistication N
-43934 spending lot of time N
-43934 spending lot in Angeles V
-43934 supplied technology for both V
-43937 weds service with computers V
-43939 sells ads for them V
-43939 apply technology to television V
-43944 passing rest of money N
-43944 passing rest to originator V
-43946 calling one of numbers N
-43948 process calls in seconds V
-43952 demonstrate variety of applications N
-43953 raise awareness about hunger N
-43957 lift ratings for Football N
-43959 uses calls as tool V
-43959 thanking callers for voting V
-43959 offers videotape for 19.95 V
-43961 providing array of scores N
-43963 increased spending during day V
-43964 sponsors tips on diet N
-43965 call number for advice V
-43966 leaves address for sponsor V
-43966 gather list of customers N
-43967 charge rates for time V
-43968 be % above rates N
-43969 use budget for this V
-43971 considering use of numbers N
-43972 predicting influx of shows N
-43972 predicting influx in 1990 V
-43974 use number for purposes V
-43975 leave number of anyone N
-43978 are steps toward video N
-43981 choose depths of coverage N
-43982 want 2 in depth V
-43986 ended talks with Integrated N
-43991 meet afternoon in Chicago V
-43992 is group of planners N
-43994 cited concerns as reason V
-43996 make payments on billion N
-43997 owed total of billion N
-43999 registered 6.9 on scale V
-43999 caused collapse of section N
-44003 caused damage in Jose V
-44003 disrupted service in Area N
-44005 allowing financing for abortions N
-44005 compound act with taking V
-44010 left group in 1983 V
-44010 avoid explusion over allegations N
-44011 postponed liftoff of Atlantis N
-44013 dispatch probe on mission V
-44015 threw conviction of flag-burner N
-44015 threw conviction on grounds V
-44019 is threat from Korea N
-44020 seeking understanding with Congress N
-44020 ease restrictions on involvement N
-44021 alter ban on involvement N
-44021 's clarification on interpretation V
-44023 considered test for minister N
-44024 ruled India for years V
-44026 was time in years N
-44026 expel Israel from body V
-44028 reject violence as way V
-44029 freed Sunday from prison V
-44031 covered evidence of activities N
-44032 approved ban on trade N
-44032 approved ban despite objections V
-44033 places elephant on list V
-44034 killed judge on street V
-44035 slain magistrate in retaliation V
-44038 followed meeting in resort V
-44039 revised offer for amount N
-44044 received amount of debt N
-44044 received amount under offer V
-44046 plummeted 24.875 to 198 V
-44047 followed drop amid indications V
-44048 fallen 87.25 in days V
-44048 jolted market into plunge V
-44049 is bloodbath for traders V
-44050 put United in play V
-44052 line financing for version V
-44054 Adding insult to injury V
-44054 scuttle financing for bid N
-44055 represents some of employees N
-44057 pocket million for stock V
-44057 reinvest million in company V
-44058 load company with debt V
-44059 round financing for bid N
-44060 triggered downdraft in Average N
-44060 triggered downdraft around yesterday V
-44061 reject version at 250 N
-44063 had expressions of interest N
-44065 gave details on progress N
-44066 hear update on situation N
-44067 take shareholders into deal V
-44072 line pockets with millions V
-44072 instituting cuts on employees V
-44076 eschewed advice from firm V
-44079 left board in quandary V
-44084 plans offering of shares N
-44086 own % of stock N
-44088 pay dividends on stock V
-44089 pay dividend of cents N
-44089 pay dividend in quarter V
-44090 borrow amount in connection V
-44092 pay dividend to Macmillan V
-44092 lend remainder of million N
-44092 lend remainder to Communications V
-44093 repay borrowings under parts V
-44095 owned Berlitz since 1966 V
-44096 posted income of million N
-44096 posted income on sales V
-44097 notice things about concert N
-44101 releases feelings in gratitude V
-44102 left collaborators in favor V
-44112 is music for people V
-44113 is listening for generation V
-44116 torments us with novelties V
-44117 constructed program around move V
-44118 introduces audience to technique V
-44120 imagine performance of it N
-44123 accompany readings of Sutra N
-44129 hits note with hand V
-44130 does this in three N
-44132 write piece of length N
-44132 was problem for me V
-44134 began life as accompaniment V
-44134 played it on organ V
-44135 took it for one V
-44142 develop variations from themes V
-44142 ignores nature of music N
-44143 makes yearn for astringency N
-44146 disclose buyer of stake N
-44148 negotiating sale of stake N
-44148 hold % of stock N
-44149 include earnings in results V
-44150 reduce holding in concern N
-44150 reduce holding as part V
-44152 incurred delays during quarter V
-44153 reported earnings of million N
-44156 reported earnings of million N
-44159 establishes standard of discharge N
-44161 contains standard of discharge N
-44163 be problems with system N
-44166 prohibits preparation of water N
-44166 protects them from knock V
-44171 shake reputation as magazine N
-44177 woo advertisers with fervor V
-44179 had year in 1988 V
-44179 racked gain in pages N
-44183 is deterrent for advertisers V
-44188 lumping ads at end V
-44188 spreading ads among articles V
-44189 means costs for advertisers V
-44193 pour 500,000 in weeks V
-44194 takes advantage of photography N
-44197 attract advertisers in categories N
-44198 top pages in 1990 V
-44200 contemporize thought of Geographic N
-44201 be kind of image N
-44203 sell majority of unit N
-44203 sell majority to Eurocom V
-44206 prompted vigor in talks N
-44209 awarded accounts for line N
-44209 awarded accounts to LaWarre V
-44214 restrict trading on exchanges N
-44215 propose restrictions after release V
-44218 became focus of attempts N
-44219 putting selling for accounts N
-44220 make money in markets V
-44220 is shortage of orders N
-44221 improves liquidity in markets N
-44221 have order in hand V
-44222 becomes problem for contracts V
-44223 take arguments into account V
-44223 allowing exceptions to restrictions N
-44230 restricting trading in bills V
-44231 prohibit trading in markets V
-44234 banned trading in pit V
-44237 made difference in liquidity N
-44237 made difference in pit V
-44241 adds something to market V
-44244 set standards for dealerships V
-44246 construct building in style V
-44252 built dealership with showroom N
-44254 was bear on interiors V
-44254 retrofit building without stream V
-44262 cut cassette in half V
-44263 produced model of recorder N
-44265 urged abandonment of project N
-44268 introduced pico in 1985 V
-44271 provided technology for products V
-44274 is one of studies N
-44279 push them into piles V
-44280 taped it to underside V
-44281 gathered leaves into pile V
-44281 moved top of pile N
-44283 do lawn in hours V
-44294 feeding quantities of budget N
-44299 created Command in Panama N
-44306 keep lot of shrines N
-44306 keep lot to him V
-44307 burn lot of incense N
-44307 burn lot to him V
-44308 had thing about Navy N
-44308 make part of Army N
-44311 hear him at night V
-44316 gave them to bureaucracy V
-44321 grab him by throat V
-44322 added divisions to Army V
-44323 parked them at base V
-44324 dedicated forces to Gulf V
-44325 threw him to ground V
-44326 added bureaucrats to RDF V
-44327 gave charge of operations N
-44328 be training for soldiers V
-44334 paying billion in baksheesh N
-44334 paying billion to potentates V
-44335 had success in Somalia V
-44336 was miles from mouth N
-44340 spending jillions of dollars N
-44340 fight Russians in Iran V
-44340 lost interest in subject N
-44342 playing admiral in Tampa V
-44344 save costs of bureaucrats N
-44347 appeared night in bedroom V
-44348 dragging chains of brigades N
-44351 canceled production of aircraft N
-44358 is director of PaineWebber N
-44360 is master on wall V
-44361 is reminder of problems N
-44362 amassed collection of works N
-44362 amassed collection at cost V
-44367 buy art for S&L V
-44369 called halt to fling N
-44371 unloaded three of masterpieces N
-44374 takes drag on cigarette N
-44375 established quality of collection N
-44378 are part of picture N
-44382 paying dividends on stock V
-44382 suggests concern about institution N
-44385 epitomize excesses of speculation N
-44391 sold Irises at auction V
-44392 has painting under key V
-44394 established reputation as freespender N
-44394 established reputation in year V
-44395 picked paintings at prices V
-44396 paid million for instance V
-44397 was record for artist V
-44406 searched galleries in London N
-44408 sold Abraham in Wilderness N
-44409 spend lot of money N
-44411 developed relationship with Sotheby V
-44412 assemble collection for headquarters V
-44413 stir interest in masters N
-44414 dominate action in masters N
-44416 paid million for Portrait V
-44419 is stranger to spending N
-44420 bid 30,000 at auction V
-44422 got wind of adventure N
-44423 reported losses in quarters V
-44425 extended deadline to months V
-44429 have nine of paintings N
-44429 have nine at home V
-44430 storing paintings at home V
-44433 got loan from S&L V
-44434 owns % of shares N
-44436 given dispute among scholars N
-44437 question authenticity of Rubens N
-44445 dismisses talk as grapes V
-44449 compiling statistics on sales N
-44450 appreciated % in year V
-44452 gets data on appreciation N
-44452 gets data from Sotheby V
-44458 bring no than 700,000 N
-44458 bring no at auction V
-44462 spotted bargains in masters V
-44472 had counsel of curators N
-44475 put them on market V
-44479 defends itself in matter V
-44481 resell them at profit V
-44482 advise client on purchases V
-44482 set estimates on paintings V
-44484 be conflict of interest N
-44486 express interest in paintings N
-44487 seeking return on investment V
-44489 get paintings at prices V
-44491 buy painting from bank V
-44499 pours coffee from silver V
-44499 dabs brim with linen V
-44505 take it for decadence V
-44508 had change in earnings N
-44510 compares profit with estimate V
-44510 have forecasts in days V
-44514 replace Board of Institute N
-44515 handling books at time V
-44517 studied issues for year V
-44517 proposed FASB on 30 V
-44518 produced opinions in life V
-44524 had meeting on 28 V
-44525 disclose translations in dollars V
-44528 repurchase shares in transactions V
-44531 named Co. as agent V
-44538 awarded contract by Army V
-44542 is maker of simulators N
-44543 provide amplifiers for system V
-44547 increased capital by million V
-44548 has billion in assets N
-44549 appointed officer of maker N
-44550 founded company in 1959 V
-44553 establish facilities for vehicles N
-44553 establish facilities in Pakistan V
-44554 given contract for improvements N
-44555 got contract for equipment N
-44557 reflect increase of million N
-44560 fell % to million V
-44564 follow fluctuations of ingots N
-44576 are prescription for market N
-44580 bought list of stocks N
-44583 see jump in profits N
-44590 are a after jolt V
-44591 decline % to % N
-44592 ran tests on stocks V
-44592 be father of analysis N
-44595 been two-thirds in cash N
-44595 been two-thirds since July V
-44596 piled debt in buy-outs V
-44599 fall % to % N
-44603 doing buying in stocks N
-44605 increased proportion of assets N
-44607 deflated lot of speculation N
-44608 runs Management in York N
-44611 see this as market V
-44612 was fluff in market V
-44613 was blunder by market N
-44614 was overreaction to event N
-44614 get financing for takeover V
-44617 hurts confidence in stocks N
-44620 drop % in months V
-44622 lead buy-outs of chains N
-44628 throwing money at any V
-44628 doing deals on basis V
-44629 be gains in both N
-44635 help team in LBO V
-44637 help us in search V
-44640 lose confidence in economy N
-44645 been one for retailers V
-44652 blocking sales of line N
-44653 issued order in court V
-44655 was subject of yesterday N
-44657 repeated denial of charges N
-44659 resume payments with payout V
-44660 paid dividend on 31 V
-44663 settling disputes over gas N
-44664 given pipelines until 31 V
-44667 take advantage of mechanism N
-44669 negotiate settlement of contracts N
-44671 introducing competition into transportation V
-44674 change some of provisions N
-44675 prepaid million on loan V
-44675 bringing reduction for year N
-44675 bringing reduction to million V
-44676 owes million on loan V
-44678 resume payments with dividend V
-44678 paid 6 to shares V
-44679 paid dividend on 1 V
-44680 abandoned properties with potential N
-44680 experienced results from ventures V
-44681 reached agreement with lenders V
-44683 reduce amortization of portion N
-44683 reduce amortization through 1992 V
-44686 provide MLX with flexibility V
-44686 complete restructuring of structure N
-44687 filed statement with Commission V
-44687 covering offering of million N
-44688 acquired interest in Corp. N
-44690 access information on services N
-44691 is publisher of Journal N
-44692 report charge of cents N
-44692 report charge for quarter V
-44693 sold bakeries to Bakery V
-44694 were part of Order N
-44695 had income of million N
-44697 rose % from tons V
-44698 used % of capability N
-44700 named director of commission N
-44702 was finance of Inc. N
-44703 acquired service from Intelligence V
-44705 supplies reports on plans N
-44706 is compiler of information N
-44708 be site for exposition N
-44708 be site in 2000 V
-44710 renovate sections of town N
-44713 holding expo in Venice V
-44715 are ventures between firms N
-44717 got anything in shops V
-44718 runs casino at Hotel N
-44719 increase sales to Europe N
-44719 holding talks with Italy N
-44719 adding pipe to section V
-44719 expanding capacity by meters N
-44719 expanding capacity from billion V
-44721 suspend strike by workers N
-44721 resume negotiations with Ltd. N
-44722 meet company for talks V
-44723 began Thursday with participating V
-44724 demanded increase in wage N
-44724 was increase of % N
-44726 curbing fouling of rivers N
-44726 limiting damage from accidents N
-44726 improving handling of chemicals N
-44728 joined country except Albania N
-44728 joined country at meeting V
-44729 rushed edition across Baltic V
-44732 owns % of Paev N
-44734 require lot of twisting N
-44734 require lot by Treasury V
-44735 market package around world V
-44736 swap loans for bonds V
-44737 swapping loans for bonds V
-44738 covers billion of debt N
-44739 paid 4,555 in taxes N
-44739 paid 4,555 in province V
-44741 spend million for maintenance V
-44743 elected director of maker N
-44744 placed shares at 2.50 V
-44754 change loss to plus V
-44758 's move in industry N
-44761 be car per family V
-44764 bought LeMans on loan V
-44766 supplying rest of world N
-44768 took Co. in 1986 V
-44769 making variations of vehicle N
-44770 had agreement with Corp. V
-44773 has % of market N
-44773 sell 18,000 of models N
-44773 sell 18,000 of models N
-44774 rising % to units V
-44775 expand capacity by 1991 V
-44777 selling vehicles through unit V
-44778 sell units in 1989 V
-44781 is car in Korea V
-44782 claims % of market N
-44783 have interests in Kia V
-44784 is the of Three N
-44785 make cars with payments V
-44789 holds % of market N
-44789 is series of disruptions N
-44791 build minicars by mid-1990s V
-44793 has project for cars V
-44796 named officer of bank N
-44806 buying funds during day V
-44808 have that at all V
-44813 boosted levels in weeks V
-44821 void orders before close V
-44833 sell securities in market V
-44836 acquire Central of Inc. N
-44836 acquire Central in swap V
-44839 has assets of billion N
-44842 WON blessing on 18 V
-44842 became openers for makers V
-44843 selling them in U.S V
-44845 sold softies under sublicense V
-44845 gained rights from Academy V
-44846 invented them in 1962 V
-44847 wraps itself over cornea V
-44848 became eye of storm N
-44849 showed traces of bacteria N
-44851 were hearings on questions N
-44851 were hearings in 1972 V
-44859 remains leader among majors V
-44862 seeking safety in companies V
-44864 planning placement of stock N
-44867 sell stock without hitch V
-44872 take six to months N
-44878 slashed value of offering N
-44878 slashed value by % V
-44881 showing signs after years V
-44882 seeing light at end N
-44884 publishes newsletter on IPOs N
-44887 sell % of stock N
-44887 sell % in IPO V
-44888 making decisions on basis V
-44889 borrow funds against IPO V
-44892 affect operations of companies N
-44897 flood market with funds V
-44898 is non-event for business V
-44901 form alliances with corporations V
-44902 made it for them V
-44903 see lining in clouds V
-44904 lose enthusiasm for deals N
-44906 underline lack of control N
-44907 have degree of influence N
-44908 reported loss for quarter V
-44913 had loss in quarter V
-44914 had loss of million N
-44915 had loss of million N
-44916 had loss of million N
-44922 reported decline in income N
-44922 excluding gains in quarters N
-44926 included gain of cents N
-44926 included gain as reversal V
-44928 climbed % to million V
-44929 jumped % to million V
-44930 had profit of million N
-44930 had profit against loss V
-44931 excluding charge for recall N
-44931 reflecting expenses in systems N
-44933 had sales to million V
-44945 marked end of Empire N
-44947 call land of Britain N
-44948 justify use of adjective N
-44949 sets beauty of land N
-44961 see father in condition N
-44967 shifting scene from country V
-44967 fashioned novel in mode V
-44968 adopt attitude towards employer V
-44979 spreads wings at dusk V
-44981 teaches English at University V
-44982 completed sale of assets N
-44982 completed sale to Inc. V
-44984 is part of program N
-44986 distributes propane through subsidiary V
-44988 overlooking runway of Airport N
-44989 lease some of jetliners N
-44989 lease some to airline V
-44992 build terminal in Union V
-44993 lease some of planes N
-44993 lease some to Lingus V
-44994 is notion of ferry N
-44994 ferry Armenians to Angeles V
-44998 leasing planes to Aeroflot V
-45000 has ventures with Aeroflot V
-45009 were rage in West V
-45013 unload gallons of fuel N
-45013 unload gallons into farm V
-45014 resells it to carriers V
-45015 pays bills with fuel V
-45017 opened shops at Airport V
-45018 manages sales on flights V
-45022 taking advantage of prices N
-45022 board flights in Shannon N
-45028 was landfall in Europe N
-45029 made stop for air V
-45030 shot jetliner over Sea V
-45030 suspended flights for months V
-45032 making heap of money N
-45032 making heap from friendship V
-45033 add Lingus to team V
-45035 rose % in August V
-45036 rose % in August V
-45038 shipping steel from plant V
-45038 testing mettle of competitors N
-45039 creates piece of steel N
-45040 make ton of steel N
-45040 make ton in hours V
-45048 get toehold in market N
-45050 enable production without ovens V
-45051 locked giants from steelmaking V
-45054 spent billions of dollars N
-45054 boost percentage of cast N
-45057 beat guy down street N
-45058 beat everyone around world N
-45061 plying dollars in market V
-45064 remain kings of steel N
-45065 produce drop in bucket N
-45066 representing half of tons N
-45070 make dent in market N
-45072 set it on dock V
-45074 visit plant in City N
-45076 Cementing relationships with clients V
-45076 is means of survival N
-45079 promote cans to nation V
-45081 touting doors with inserts N
-45084 funneling pipe to Union V
-45087 produce steel for products V
-45093 offset growth of minimills N
-45094 mention incursion of imports N
-45095 awaiting lifting of restraints N
-45096 expect competition from countries N
-45102 getting attention on Street V
-45104 pay billion to billion N
-45106 pay million to Inc. V
-45111 give prediction of award N
-45117 told Kodak on occasions V
-45117 followed advice in instance V
-45122 sold them at price V
-45128 tumbled % in quarter V
-45128 rendering outlook for quarters V
-45129 was delay in shipment N
-45130 cited increase in business N
-45130 cut revenue in term V
-45131 cut value of earnings N
-45136 following increase in period N
-45138 see anything in fundamentals V
-45142 mark declines from net N
-45143 kept recommendation on stock V
-45151 won business as sale V
-45151 leased equipment to customer V
-45152 losing money on leases V
-45153 doing some of deals N
-45154 announces versions of mainframes N
-45156 gaining momentum in market V
-45160 was % below levels V
-45165 raise forecasts for 1989 N
-45170 include cents from effects V
-45172 increase % from billion V
-45174 blamed volume on weather V
-45175 were % in quarter V
-45176 rose % in quarter V
-45178 increased % in quarter V
-45179 jumped % with sales V
-45181 increased % in quarter V
-45187 brought company to Pepsi V
-45187 expect acquisition in year V
-45188 take advantage of opportunities N
-45189 be chairman of Commission N
-45191 held posts at Department N
-45191 become president of Corp N
-45192 been solicitor at Department V
-45193 met Bush in 1950s V
-45193 was man in Midland V
-45193 was lawyer for firm V
-45194 regulates billions of dollars N
-45198 represents balance of payout N
-45198 paid 17 in distribution V
-45199 resume schedule of dividends N
-45199 resume schedule at end V
-45200 supply electricity to utility V
-45202 halted work on lines N
-45202 stopped negotiations for resale N
-45203 begin deliveries in 1992 V
-45206 lost place in line N
-45208 has customers in mind V
-45213 rise amount of change N
-45214 were times than those N
-45215 given degree of leverage N
-45216 be nature of creatures N
-45217 buy amount within period V
-45218 sold options on stocks V
-45218 buy contracts at prices V
-45219 had choice in cases V
-45219 sell contracts at prices V
-45220 be blow to Exchange V
-45221 halted trading in step V
-45224 make rotation with time V
-45228 underscoring seriousness of transfer N
-45228 put total of million N
-45228 guarantee positions in case V
-45233 have luxury of time N
-45234 talk Bank of watchman N
-45235 put money into bailout V
-45237 had problems during crash V
-45240 processes trades for exchanges V
-45240 insure integrity of markets N
-45242 give contributions to guarantee N
-45243 contributed million to guarantee V
-45247 is lounge of Co. N
-45249 take time for massage V
-45251 sneak therapists into office V
-45252 is nothing like rubfests N
-45254 take place in rooms V
-45256 pay part of fee N
-45258 are balm for injuries V
-45261 feel tension around neck V
-45262 leave room after massage V
-45263 plies trade in office V
-45265 opened doors to massage V
-45272 describing visits as breaks V
-45274 invited masseuse to offices V
-45276 build lot of tension N
-45277 brought them to halt V
-45286 change consciousness towards touch N
-45289 won officials at Co. N
-45290 stresses professionalism during visits V
-45291 visiting Emerson since January V
-45294 bring touching into America V
-45299 rest knees on supports V
-45299 bury face in padding V
-45302 massaging man in supermarket V
-45306 was point in career V
-45306 taken policy for business V
-45307 were people in line V
-45311 does work in Pittsburgh V
-45311 is tip of iceberg N
-45313 's nothing like skin V
-45314 be cancellation of loan N
-45314 be cancellation since killings V
-45314 terminated credit for project N
-45315 provide loan to Corp. V
-45318 had doubts about project N
-45318 had doubts before 4 V
-45328 secured promise from Bank N
-45328 lend Development at maturity V
-45328 finance repayment of borrowing N
-45330 pay fees to committee V
-45335 acquire Inc. for 23 V
-45335 expand presence in business N
-45340 provide base for stores V
-45341 tested sector with acquisition V
-45344 had losses for years V
-45345 rang profit of million N
-45345 rang profit after carry-forward V
-45346 turned corner in profitability V
-45350 pay kind of price N
-45350 getting player in industry N
-45351 raised question about deal N
-45352 get act in discounting V
-45353 address loss in stores N
-45361 make offer for shares N
-45362 tender majority of shares N
-45364 named officer of unit N
-45365 remain president of company N
-45365 represent stations in organizations V
-45367 plummet points in seconds V
-45373 blamed foul-up on problem V
-45375 was lot of confusion N
-45376 buys some of stocks N
-45380 heads desk at Corp. N
-45386 miscalculated drop as decline V
-45388 sold dollars on news V
-45388 buy them at prices V
-45390 viewing prices as subject V
-45393 was points at time N
-45399 named president of company N
-45400 retains positions as officer N
-45401 representing plaintiff in suit N
-45401 strike blow for client V
-45404 forgo damages against client N
-45404 forgo damages in return V
-45408 pay 50,000 as part V
-45409 scuttled deal at minute V
-45412 take shot at Alexander N
-45414 strike Alexander above belt V
-45415 catch him from behind V
-45416 assign rights to anyone V
-45417 regards agreement as something V
-45420 sign release from liability N
-45421 rained money in markets V
-45422 reaching levels for time V
-45423 reap windfalls in matter V
-45425 jumped points in seconds V
-45425 moved rest of day N
-45426 represents profit for contract V
-45427 trade contracts at time N
-45427 trade contracts in market V
-45429 assumed positions for fear V
-45431 shouting minutes before start N
-45432 fell points at open V
-45442 are thing of past N
-45443 regained some of footing N
-45446 provide prices for issues V
-45450 's bit of euphoria N
-45452 tumbled points to 96 V
-45453 recovering losses from Friday N
-45458 citing pattern of rates N
-45458 see defaults from years N
-45459 is concern about liquidity N
-45463 include issues from TV N
-45465 have rate in year V
-45465 seeing problems in midst V
-45467 was tonic for market N
-45468 recovered all of losses N
-45468 recovered all from Friday V
-45471 be sellers of securities N
-45477 following display of volatility N
-45479 approach market as investor V
-45481 owning stocks over long-term V
-45482 outperformed everything by shot V
-45485 losing money in market V
-45486 favor investor with portfolio N
-45487 is % to % N
-45488 need money for years V
-45490 have place in portfolio N
-45492 building equity in home N
-45492 provides protection against inflation N
-45492 cover cost of living N
-45493 invest money in stocks V
-45494 sell stocks at time V
-45502 pay taxes on gains V
-45509 getting attention from broker V
-45510 have advantage over investors V
-45511 have edge in companies V
-45514 sees revival of interest N
-45514 boost performance of stocks N
-45514 boost performance in term V
-45515 eliminated effort in stocks N
-45515 resuming coverage of area N
-45516 seeing turnaround in interest N
-45520 Buy stocks on weakness V
-45522 invests amount into market V
-45525 put money at time V
-45536 faced doubt about bid N
-45537 reviving purchase at price V
-45538 face rejection by board N
-45539 dropping it in light V
-45540 make offer at price V
-45541 obtain financing for bid V
-45542 halted Friday for announcement V
-45543 tumbled 56.875 to 222.875 V
-45544 wreaked havoc among traders V
-45545 showed signs of stalling N
-45546 reaching high of 107.50 N
-45548 proven mettle as artist N
-45549 buy bit of company N
-45554 foil Trump in Congress V
-45554 bolstered authority of Department N
-45555 put blame for collapse N
-45555 put blame on Congress V
-45556 wrote members of Congress N
-45563 paid price of 80 N
-45564 protect airline with transaction V
-45572 obtained financing for bid N
-45573 leave him with problem V
-45573 handicap him in effort V
-45573 oust board in fight V
-45574 finance buy-out at price V
-45575 lowering offer to 250 V
-45576 borrow 6.1 from banks V
-45579 received million in fees N
-45579 raise rest of financing N
-45587 joined forces under threat V
-45593 obtain offer from bidders V
-45594 exclude him from deliberations V
-45596 finish work on bills V
-45596 put sting into cuts V
-45597 impose discipline on process V
-45597 shift funds among programs V
-45599 strip scores of provisions N
-45605 bring deficit below target V
-45606 cutting spending across board V
-45607 provide aid for care V
-45610 torpedoed plan in order V
-45610 press fight for cut N
-45613 have effect on process V
-45616 slicing % from payments V
-45619 wraps work on spending N
-45623 making cuts from activity V
-45626 has control of activities N
-45629 exempt accounts from cuts V
-45631 include cut in taxes N
-45631 include cut as part V
-45634 involved 425,000 in payments N
-45634 use influence with Meese N
-45634 use influence on behalf V
-45635 described defendant as player V
-45636 sold office for 300,000 V
-45642 serve a of sentences N
-45642 being eligible for parole N
-45644 criticized Wallach for host V
-45645 influence jury in August V
-45647 get help for woman N
-45649 blamed woes on friendship V
-45651 been fulfillment of dreams N
-45657 has worth of 273,000 N
-45659 play role in phases V
-45660 hailed ruling as victory V
-45660 achieve reforms in union V
-45660 achieve election of officials N
-45661 was departure from terms N
-45665 oversee activities for years V
-45667 revealed disagreements over scope N
-45668 gave right to trial N
-45668 gave right for terms V
-45670 received evidence about comments V
-45671 sentenced defendant to years V
-45671 killing men in park V
-45673 touched furor in community V
-45673 prompted complaints about Hampton N
-45674 remove Hampton from bench V
-45678 explain rationale for sentencing N
-45680 carry streamlining of appeals N
-45680 proposed month by force V
-45681 expedite consideration of proposals N
-45682 provide lawyers to inmates V
-45682 challenge constitutionality of convictions N
-45684 sent report to Congress V
-45686 eases number of restrictions N
-45688 joined firm of Bain N
-45690 joining Apple in 1986 V
-45691 trim levels of businesses N
-45692 jumped % in August V
-45692 outstripping climb in inventories N
-45695 are news for economy V
-45704 is summary of report N
-45705 expects reduction in income N
-45705 expects reduction for quarter V
-45706 reduced million because damage V
-45707 had net of million N
-45707 had net on revenue V
-45709 offer number of paintings N
-45709 offer number at estimates V
-45711 absorb itself in art V
-45714 offered him at sale V
-45714 consigned biggie to Sotheby V
-45723 reduced deductions for donation N
-45727 been chairman of Board N
-45728 been source of collections N
-45729 is hemorrhaging of patrimony N
-45731 is tip of iceberg N
-45732 be wasteland for museums V
-45741 makes playground for bidders N
-45741 given plenty of dollars N
-45749 is point of game N
-45757 suggests sale as sort V
-45760 become sort of beanstalk N
-45763 sell unit to group V
-45764 have impact on earnings N
-45765 has sales of million N
-45766 keeping eye on indicators V
-45767 handle crush of orders N
-45767 handle crush during hours V
-45770 held series of discussions N
-45772 demonstrate value of improvements N
-45775 is memory for regulators V
-45776 renewed attacks on firms N
-45778 was warning to firms N
-45778 become danger in event V
-45779 tolerate kind of action N
-45780 dispatched examiners into rooms V
-45781 creating losses among investors V
-45784 signed letter of intent N
-45784 acquire Inc. of Britain N
-45787 has million in sales N
-45789 named president for affairs N
-45808 opens season with Godunov V
-45808 featuring singers from Union N
-45814 makes debut at Hall V
-45815 make debut at Opera V
-45819 Being newspaper in town N
-45820 secured rights to features N
-45821 keep offerings for itself V
-45822 nabbing some of draws N
-45828 seeking contracts for features N
-45828 seeking contracts of pacts V
-45832 turned fees from competitors N
-45833 stole features from Globe V
-45834 pulled features from Bulletin V
-45834 was growth for Universal V
-45835 was consideration in Dallas V
-45837 is venture between Universal N
-45838 develop ads for newspapers N
-45843 discuss episode in public V
-45844 sponsor discussion on pact N
-45844 sponsor discussion at meeting V
-45851 get cut from type V
-45853 see increases in pay N
-45857 become part of boilerplate N
-45859 including exemption from laws N
-45860 enhance competitiveness of companies N
-45863 prohibit use of rating N
-45865 requires rollback in premiums N
-45870 make war against reformers V
-45873 build cars in quarter V
-45874 putting pressure on Corp. V
-45874 rise % from levels V
-45875 fall % to cars V
-45877 builds cars for dealers V
-45881 adding car at plant V
-45889 's lot of flexibility N
-45890 have impact on schedules V
-45892 are forecasts for quarter N
-45892 turned cars in fourth-quarter V
-45893 closing plant in Wayne N
-45895 lose distinction as car N
-45896 was second to Escort N
-45896 was second in year V
-45897 top list in 1990 V
-45898 leaving magazine by end V
-45899 be magazine at core V
-45900 launch magazine as a V
-45901 be partner in magazine N
-45901 be partner with editor V
-45902 started Cook in 1979 V
-45903 sold it to Group V
-45907 calm fears of Armageddon N
-45908 reflecting nervousness about behavior N
-45910 dropped the for day N
-45911 lost points for amount V
-45912 fell three-quarters of point N
-45912 sought haven from stocks N
-45913 expected the from market V
-45917 ease credit in weeks V
-45923 be case with program V
-45924 accommodate amounts for purchasers N
-45925 holds share of market N
-45926 showing loss of billion N
-45928 consider expansion of FHA N
-45929 including purchasers in program V
-45930 erases ceiling of 101,250 N
-45930 places cap at % V
-45933 making loans without requirements V
-45933 increases risk of default N
-45935 increased it to % V
-45936 doubled exposure in markets N
-45937 awaiting report on losses N
-45938 placing ceiling at 124,875 V
-45939 provide consolation in face V
-45940 is intrusion into market N
-45943 afford payments on home N
-45944 guarantee mortgages on homes N
-45946 bearing burden of guarantees N
-45948 gave appearance of industry N
-45950 gave way to bailout V
-45953 expanding guarantees without reform V
-45960 are libraries in City V
-45960 solve riddle of Sterbas N
-45967 changing hands at yen V
-45968 followed Average like dog V
-45971 take brouhaha of days N
-45973 began night in trading V
-45983 stabilize currency at level V
-45984 fell pfennig to 1.8560 V
-45987 dropped % against mark V
-45987 shoot % to point V
-45988 defend currencies against mark V
-45990 's the as 1987 N
-45990 is lot of uncertainty N
-45991 selling dollars in lots V
-46001 losing profits through currency V
-46005 trust market because volatility V
-46006 lost lot of money N
-46006 lost lot in 1970s V
-46007 sees opportunities in markets N
-46008 rose 4 to 367.30 V
-46013 played role in slide V
-46015 sent market into tailspin V
-46016 discourage some of banks N
-46019 irritated some in administration N
-46021 had problems with jawboning V
-46022 blame him for crash V
-46023 put financing on terms V
-46024 have kind of questions N
-46025 sending signals about buy-outs N
-46029 gives lots of room N
-46029 provide picture to community N
-46030 raises specter of decision-making N
-46031 spelled policy for buy-outs N
-46032 makes decisions on issues N
-46032 finishes ruminations on issue N
-46034 reach decision on buy-outs N
-46034 have problems with buy-outs N
-46037 exerting control over airlines V
-46038 contributed % of equity N
-46038 received % of stock N
-46039 was violation of spirit N
-46040 discussing interpretation of law N
-46041 undermine position in talks V
-46042 defining control by citizens N
-46042 applying reasoning to buy-outs V
-46043 plays rift in administration N
-46044 have understanding of importance N
-46046 open markets to carriers V
-46046 blocking service by carriers N
-46049 spends amount on maintenance V
-46050 is correlation between load N
-46052 satisfied concerns on deal N
-46053 extend requirements to airlines V
-46061 cut inventories of models N
-46064 save some of plants N
-46065 need plant for APV V
-46067 was part of plans N
-46069 is one of lines N
-46070 introduced versions of cars N
-46071 close plant for weeks V
-46072 had supply of cars N
-46072 had supply at end V
-46077 reported increase in income N
-46079 credited demand for plywood N
-46082 posted gain in net N
-46084 include gain on settlement N
-46086 include gain of million N
-46088 including gain on sale N
-46091 expects all of 1989 N
-46093 lowered prices at start V
-46101 take stocks off hands V
-46101 cutting prices in reaction V
-46102 lowered bids in anticipation V
-46103 oversees trading on Nasdaq N
-46104 received quotes by 10 V
-46109 expect rash of selling N
-46109 lower prices in anticipation V
-46113 was shades of 1987 N
-46114 made fortune on market V
-46116 rose 1 to 33 V
-46117 gained 1 to 19 V
-46118 added 1 to 45 V
-46119 advanced 1 to 46 V
-46120 jumped 1 to 75 V
-46121 eased 1 to 17 V
-46122 rose 0.56 to 449.89 V
-46123 falling 6.90 to 456.08 V
-46124 was news in contrast V
-46125 acquire Skipper for 11.50 V
-46127 settled dispute with unit N
-46128 rose 1 to 11 V
-46129 fell 3 to 104 V
-46130 rose 1 to 41 V
-46131 jumped % to 17 V
-46133 bring press into line V
-46134 indicate frustration with problems N
-46135 advocate end to policy N
-46136 show responsibility in reporting V
-46139 regard TV as tools V
-46141 discussed possibility of war N
-46142 gave criticism of Afanasyev N
-46144 lasted a under hours N
-46145 was speaker from leader N
-46148 contained criticism of Gorbachev N
-46150 thanked leader for ability V
-46152 quoted readers as saying V
-46154 sparked bitterness at paper V
-46155 see chief in future V
-46156 took look at activities V
-46157 attacked level of debate N
-46158 adopting legislation with minimum V
-46160 imposes restrictions on movement N
-46160 set ceilings for prices N
-46160 preventing sale of goods N
-46161 is reporter of topics N
-46162 waste talents with assignments V
-46168 were participants in days N
-46168 supply boosts to nation V
-46170 sells products to force V
-46171 has visions of harvests N
-46174 been officer of Bank N
-46176 named president of division N
-46176 become president of Co. N
-46177 suffered bloodbath since crash N
-46179 total million for traders V
-46181 received proposals from investors V
-46183 obtain financing for agreement V
-46183 buy UAL at 300 V
-46187 buy AMR at 120 V
-46189 owned equivalent of % N
-46189 indicating losses of million N
-46190 own equivalent of % N
-46190 indicating million in losses N
-46192 made all of declines N
-46192 made all on Friday V
-46193 been reports of firms N
-46194 provide cushion against losses V
-46196 was position for arbs N
-46203 soliciting bids for all V
-46203 owns % of Warner N
-46205 were % with falling V
-46210 buy amounts of stock N
-46211 are demands by lenders N
-46212 been result of judgments N
-46213 remove chemical from market V
-46214 kept public in dark V
-46215 counteract lockhold of interests N
-46216 inform public about risks V
-46217 used skills of firm N
-46217 educate public about results V
-46219 present facts about pesticides N
-46219 present facts to segment V
-46220 do something about it V
-46221 educate public about risk V
-46223 abused trust of media N
-46227 was risk to Americans N
-46229 learn something from episode V
-46232 was intent of NRDC N
-46235 frightened people about chemicals V
-46238 creating obstacle to sale N
-46240 restrict RTC to borrowings V
-46242 raising billion from debt V
-46245 maintain assets of thrifts N
-46246 leaving spending for bailout N
-46246 leaving spending at billion V
-46246 including interest over years V
-46253 subtracting value of assets N
-46256 pay price of consultation N
-46256 want kind of flexibility N
-46257 hold hearing on bill N
-46257 hold hearing next Tuesday V
-46263 filmed commercial at EDT V
-46263 had it on air V
-46264 placed ads in newspapers V
-46266 running them during broadcast V
-46268 fled market in panic V
-46270 prepared ads in case V
-46271 ordered pages in editions N
-46272 touted 800-number beneath headline N
-46273 received volume of calls N
-46273 received volume over weekend V
-46279 protect them against volatility V
-46280 plug funds by name V
-46282 rush it on air V
-46286 is place for appreciation N
-46287 appear times on CNN V
-46289 keep money in market V
-46295 make one of commercials N
-46296 replacing commercial of campaign N
-46305 reached agreement in principle N
-46305 acquire stake in Advertising N
-46307 resigned post in September V
-46307 becomes executive of Arnold N
-46308 retain title of president N
-46309 handle account for area N
-46312 includes ads from advertisers N
-46313 distribute % of revenues N
-46313 distribute % as grants V
-46316 is sport of mean N
-46317 dumped runs by bushel V
-46320 hit pitch from Reuschel N
-46320 hit pitch into stands V
-46321 struck runs in games V
-46323 salve pain of droughts N
-46324 had hits in four V
-46325 got seven of hits N
-46325 scored four of runs N
-46325 scored four in decision V
-46326 held Giants to hits V
-46327 was pitcher during campaign V
-46328 permit Giants in innings V
-46330 's one of gurus N
-46334 's name for conveyance N
-46334 observe them in calm V
-46335 sat side by side N
-46335 sat side in seats V
-46336 bearing emblems of teams N
-46340 represents triumph of civility N
-46342 need police in seat V
-46343 gave lot of heroes N
-46344 lost months of season N
-46344 lost months to surgery V
-46345 was ditto in two N
-46345 moved runner in inning V
-46346 is reputation among Bashers V
-46346 turn ball to him V
-46348 exemplifies side of equation N
-46349 smoked Toronto in playoffs V
-46353 went 5-for-24 with ribbies V
-46354 gives hope in games N
-46360 reported drop in income N
-46366 reflecting softening of markets N
-46367 showed gains during quarter V
-46368 estimate gains at % V
-46371 had profit of million N
-46372 lowered estimates for 1989 N
-46374 had income of million N
-46378 Link Pay to Performance V
-46379 limit practice to analysts V
-46380 extend standards to force V
-46380 pay salary with bonus N
-46381 stop lot of account-churning N
-46385 reach office until a.m. V
-46386 had calls from States V
-46391 breathed sigh of relief N
-46396 left signals for London V
-46397 declined % in trading V
-46400 outnumbered 80 to 20 N
-46403 is sort of market N
-46411 targeted shares of Reuters N
-46412 showed price at pence V
-46413 sensed buyer on day V
-46416 abandoned search for shares N
-46417 was a.m. in York V
-46417 fielded call from customer N
-46417 wanting opinion on market N
-46417 having troubles before break V
-46425 watched statistics on television V
-46426 hit 2029.7 off points V
-46433 dumped Receipts in PLC V
-46437 posted loss on Street N
-46443 has chance in million N
-46444 has chance in million V
-46447 approve buy-outs of airlines N
-46448 spurred action on legislation N
-46450 withdrew bid for Corp. N
-46451 criticized bill as effort V
-46451 thwart bid for AMR N
-46452 express opposition to bill N
-46453 brushed allegations as excuse V
-46454 is room in position V
-46455 was response to situation N
-46456 cited examples as reasons V
-46460 have authority to mergers N
-46461 view bill as effort V
-46461 add certainty to process V
-46461 preserve fitness of industry N
-46463 determining intent of acquisition N
-46464 give control to interest V
-46466 expressed support for bill N
-46466 expressed support in order V
-46468 divesting themselves of entities N
-46470 called step toward resumption N
-46471 made expression of expectations N
-46472 provided increase over life V
-46474 delay delivery of jetliners N
-46476 receiving 100 from fund V
-46482 launch offer for stock N
-46483 file materials with Commission V
-46484 holds stake in Dataproducts N
-46484 made bid for company N
-46484 made bid in May V
-46487 seeking buyer for months V
-46487 announced plan in September V
-46487 took itself off block V
-46489 sell million of holdings N
-46489 sell million to Inc. V
-46493 have reason for optimism N
-46493 have reason after rebound V
-46494 was hit of markets N
-46499 been center of fever N
-46499 been center in weeks V
-46506 had memories of exchange N
-46506 losing % of value N
-46506 losing % in crash V
-46510 delayed minutes of crush V
-46512 took three-quarters of hour N
-46512 get reading on market N
-46513 spent night in offices V
-46515 surprised a by storm V
-46517 inhibit recovery for exchange N
-46517 showing signs of weakness N
-46518 took some of hits N
-46521 cropped price by marks V
-46521 leaving incentive for investors N
-46522 recouped two-thirds of losses N
-46522 recouped two-thirds in wake V
-46523 plunged points at p.m V
-46525 scooped equities across board V
-46527 gave Bourse after fall V
-46530 was buying in Paris V
-46531 changed line in mid-conversation V
-46536 posted loss for quarter N
-46536 add billion to reserves V
-46537 placed parent of Co. N
-46537 placed parent among banks V
-46537 covered portfolios to countries N
-46537 covered portfolios with reserves V
-46542 climbed 1.50 to 44.125 V
-46543 sank % in quarter V
-46544 finance loans to customers N
-46545 received million of payments N
-46545 been million in quarter N
-46546 costing million of income N
-46546 costing bank in period V
-46547 climbed % to million V
-46549 grew % to million V
-46556 totaled million in quarter V
-46558 offset growth of % N
-46558 offset growth in operations V
-46559 squeeze margin in Southeast N
-46560 jumped 3.50 to 51 V
-46562 contributed million to line V
-46563 reflect % of earnings N
-46564 raised billion in capital N
-46564 raised billion during quarter V
-46565 purchased both for million V
-46568 post increase in income N
-46568 post increase because growth V
-46575 offset losses in market N
-46576 reported increase in losses N
-46579 fell % in quarter V
-46580 grew % in period V
-46582 take position on offer N
-46583 seeks % of concern N
-46584 begin process in 1994 V
-46584 buy holders at price V
-46585 challenges agreement between Corp. N
-46588 has obligation to purchase N
-46589 operate LIN in manner V
-46589 diminish value in years V
-46595 owns % of Telerate N
-46604 accepted legitimacy of position N
-46606 put estimate on losses V
-46612 accept delays after 13 V
-46619 retire obligations through exchanges V
-46620 provided million in assistance N
-46620 provided million to unit V
-46620 maintain million in stock N
-46620 maintain million in unit V
-46621 buy % of stock N
-46623 get shares of stock N
-46623 get shares in exchange V
-46623 receive shares of stock N
-46624 paves way for surpluses N
-46624 be center of economy N
-46625 exchange all for package V
-46626 swap 9 for share V
-46627 buy share for 10.75 V
-46629 offering amount for amount V
-46630 redeem warrants at option V
-46633 increase debt by million V
-46640 fell % to million V
-46641 grew % to million V
-46642 jumped % to billion V
-46643 grew % to million V
-46644 reported loss of million N
-46645 reached million from million V
-46648 advanced % on market V
-46649 is company for Co. N
-46651 posted income for quarter N
-46651 reflecting improvement in businesses N
-46652 was contributor to results N
-46653 including gain of million N
-46656 signed agreement with builder N
-46656 purchase building for million V
-46659 use stocks as collateral V
-46663 were all over weekend V
-46665 handle meltdown in prices N
-46669 falls points in day V
-46670 enter market at levels V
-46673 cause slide in prices N
-46674 was the of worlds N
-46676 stopped trading in securities N
-46678 focused selling on Exchange V
-46682 is limit for declines N
-46685 execute orders in one V
-46688 halted slide in prices N
-46688 halted slide on Friday V
-46691 synchronize breakers in markets V
-46696 handle volume of shares N
-46698 prevent crack in prices N
-46701 is professor of economics N
-46702 poses prospects for firms N
-46703 open borders in 1992 V
-46703 set effort off rails V
-46704 face pressure from unions N
-46704 face pressure in nations V
-46704 play role in decisions V
-46709 involving players for league N
-46714 broke jaw with bat V
-46715 dismissed suit against team N
-46717 freeing nurses from duties V
-46718 basing pay on education V
-46720 basing advancement on education V
-46723 signs nurses for travel V
-46724 TREATING EMPLOYEES with respect V
-46726 treat them with respect V
-46729 get priority in bargaining V
-46735 report rise in losses N
-46742 gives inventors of microchip N
-46743 accuses postmaster of tactics V
-46747 had problems at all V
-46749 changed hands during session V
-46750 beefing computers after crash V
-46751 quell falls in prices N
-46753 brought rationality to market V
-46756 fell % in quarter V
-46758 is the in string N
-46760 feeling pressure from Corp. N
-46760 tested sale of pieces N
-46763 be hit with diners N
-46765 experienced problems in markets N
-46769 post drop in income N
-46772 selling approach to clients N
-46774 is mention at end N
-46777 features spots as Floodlights N
-46779 offer tips to consumers V
-46781 's risk of messages N
-46781 created spots for Bank V
-46783 Sees Pitfalls In Push N
-46786 include products like Soap N
-46787 realizing pitfalls of endorsements N
-46788 puts Sunlight on list V
-46790 questioned validity of list N
-46804 replaced Willis in place V
-46806 rattled conservatives with views V
-46807 is director of Institute N
-46809 release information about her N
-46810 disclosed selection by Sullivan N
-46811 is result of politics N
-46812 pressure Hill for spending V
-46816 been member of coalition N
-46821 backed host of programs N
-46824 boost spending above level V
-46825 peg ceiling on guarantees N
-46825 peg ceiling to % V
-46825 limiting it to 101,250 V
-46825 increase availability of mortgages N
-46825 provide funding for Administration N
-46825 increase incentives for construction N
-46825 including billion in grants N
-46830 lost billion in 1988 V
-46831 pump billion into program V
-46831 requested million for year V
-46834 pushes price of housing N
-46838 be conservatives in terms V
-46839 override commitment to responsibility N
-46843 insulate them from effects V
-46847 give momentum to plans V
-46848 make declaration on that N
-46848 make declaration during meeting V
-46851 has significance in itself V
-46852 set date for conference N
-46853 set date for conference N
-46854 reminds me of joke N
-46855 was combination of things N
-46858 stop procession before end V
-46860 get cash from banks V
-46860 confirmed fear among arbitragers N
-46863 spooked crowds along Street N
-46866 opened Monday at 224 V
-46867 opened Monday at 80 V
-46869 lost % on Friday V
-46871 line consortium of banks N
-46872 setting stage for march V
-46873 cast pall over market V
-46874 ignoring efforts by Mattress N
-46875 sell billion in bonds N
-46875 sell billion before year-end V
-46877 distract us from fundamentalism V
-46878 are implications for makers N
-46879 confirm direction of regulators N
-46882 reflected reappraisal of excesses N
-46883 be judges of quality N
-46893 distinguish debt from debt V
-46893 draw line at industry V
-46896 rebounded morning with rising V
-46896 close session at 35087.38 V
-46897 slid points on Monday V
-46898 soared points to 35133.83 V
-46900 provide direction for markets V
-46902 had losses than Tokyo N
-46903 was market since plunge N
-46904 set tone for markets V
-46908 was speculation during day N
-46911 sank 45.66 to 2600.88 V
-46916 show gain of 200 N
-46917 posted decline of year N
-46918 fell 100.96 to 3655.40 V
-46921 bear resemblance to events N
-46926 outnumbered ones on market V
-46927 called scenario for Japan N
-46931 described plunge in U.S. N
-46931 described plunge as event V
-46933 posted gains on speculation V
-46935 adjust allocation in equities N
-46947 ended % above close N
-46952 see % on downside N
-46952 counting risk of news N
-46953 closed drop since 1987 N
-46962 dumped holdings on scale V
-46963 cited memories of years N
-46967 tipped world on side V
-46970 reduce emissions by % V
-46974 bars sale of crops N
-46976 take control of policy N
-46979 mandate reduction of dioxide N
-46983 is ambition of General N
-46985 collected plans from groups V
-46985 cobbled them into initiative V
-46986 's day of election N
-46989 spend maximum for campaign N
-46996 spend money on litigation V
-46997 is issue among segments V
-46998 are nation unto themselves N
-46999 lost control of commerce N
-46999 lost control to attorney V
-47000 impose costs on citizens V
-47001 define itself for futureeither V
-47004 erased half of plunge N
-47004 gaining 88.12 to 2657.38 V
-47005 was advance for average N
-47007 outnumbered 975 to 749 N
-47007 suffered aftershocks of plunge N
-47009 tumbled 102.06 to 1304.23 V
-47011 fell 7 to 222 V
-47013 concerned a about narrowness V
-47016 gave credence to declaration V
-47022 find orders from firms N
-47023 hammering stocks into losses V
-47024 sold baskets of stock N
-47025 was hangover from Friday N
-47028 losing 63.52 in minutes V
-47032 pushed stocks to values V
-47034 was lot of bargain-hunting N
-47035 oversees billion in investments N
-47036 put it in market V
-47038 had one of imbalances N
-47038 had one on Friday V
-47038 was one of stocks N
-47041 represented % of volume N
-47046 was lot of selling N
-47049 showed gain of 5.74 N
-47052 get burst of energy N
-47052 broke bottles of water N
-47053 get prices for shares V
-47054 was bedlam on the V
-47067 maintain markets during plunge V
-47069 were halts in issues V
-47070 is one of stocks N
-47074 jumped 1 to 38 V
-47074 rose 1 to 1 V
-47075 were sector of market N
-47076 rising 1 to 43 V
-47077 rose 1 to 43 V
-47080 added 3 to 28 V
-47080 rose 3 to 18 V
-47080 rose 3 to 14 V
-47081 climbed 4 to 124 V
-47082 praised performance of personnel N
-47085 make % of volume N
-47087 get kind of reaction N
-47088 had conversations with firms V
-47089 were buyers of issues N
-47089 were buyers amid flood V
-47100 joined soulmates in battle V
-47101 order cancellation of flight N
-47106 cover percentage of traffic N
-47106 represent expansion of ban N
-47107 be concession for industry N
-47111 had support from Lautenberg V
-47111 used position as chairman N
-47111 garner votes for initiative V
-47114 retains support in leadership V
-47115 owes debt to lawmakers V
-47115 used position in conference N
-47115 salvage exemption from ban V
-47117 killed handful of projects N
-47120 increase spending for equipment N
-47121 includes million for airport N
-47121 created alliances between lawmakers N
-47122 gain leverage over city N
-47124 delayed funds for project N
-47125 review costs of phase N
-47126 preserve million in subsidies N
-47130 including million for improvements N
-47132 reported earnings for quarter N
-47133 free executives from agreement V
-47134 acquire Columbia for billion V
-47137 reflecting success of movies N
-47138 including Huntsman of City N
-47138 boosted stake in Corp. N
-47138 boosted stake to % V
-47139 acquire Aristech in transaction V
-47142 send version of package N
-47143 send delegation of staffers N
-47143 send delegation to Poland V
-47143 assist legislature in procedures V
-47144 calls gift of democracy N
-47145 view it as Horse V
-47146 create atrocities as bill N
-47146 be budget of States N
-47147 explain work to Poles V
-47147 do the for people V
-47153 rose % to punts V
-47157 reflected rebound in profit-taking N
-47160 expected drop in prices N
-47160 expected drop after drop V
-47163 reduce size of portfolios N
-47167 considered signal of changes N
-47174 quoted yesterday at % V
-47176 battered Friday in trading V
-47176 post gains after session V
-47179 making market in issues N
-47180 make markets for issues V
-47180 improved sentiment for bonds N
-47182 rose point in trading V
-47184 keep eye on trading V
-47189 be bellwether for trading N
-47191 includes report on trade N
-47195 do damage to us V
-47197 provide details of issue N
-47198 is division of Corp. N
-47224 ended 1 at 111 V
-47224 rose 21 to 98 V
-47228 quoted yesterday at 98 V
-47231 yielding % to assumption V
-47231 narrowed point to 1.42 V
-47232 were dealings in Mac N
-47232 gather collateral for deals N
-47233 producing amounts of issues N
-47234 was activity in market V
-47236 drove bonds in dealings V
-47240 dominated trading throughout session V
-47243 was point at bid V
-47247 weighing alternatives for unit N
-47247 contacting buyers of operation N
-47249 represented million of million N
-47250 contact buyers for unit N
-47251 raised stake in Ltd. N
-47253 increase stake in ADT N
-47253 increase stake beyond % V
-47253 extend offer to rest V
-47255 is 47%-controlled by Ltd. N
-47256 posted surge in profit N
-47256 posted surge for year V
-47260 credited upsurge in sales N
-47260 credited upsurge to sales V
-47261 totaled yen in months V
-47266 had profit before depreciation V
-47268 is supplier of equipment N
-47268 is supplier in U.S. V
-47270 reported loss of million N
-47272 reported income of 955,000 N
-47274 fell cents to 4.25 V
-47275 told investors in York N
-47279 reflect improvements in margins N
-47281 extended date of offer N
-47282 sell facilities to party V
-47282 reach agreement on sale N
-47287 extended date of commitment N
-47287 extended date to 15 V
-47291 buy % of Ltd. N
-47291 buy % with assumption V
-47292 acquire % of Regatta N
-47292 acquire % under conditions V
-47293 manage operations under Gitano V
-47294 have sales in excess V
-47296 manufacturing clothes under trademark V
-47298 had income of million N
-47300 increased number of units N
-47302 represent % of equity N
-47305 extended offer of 32 N
-47305 extended offer to 1 V
-47307 holds total of % N
-47307 holds total on basis V
-47308 expire night at midnight V
-47310 is unit of Corp. N
-47310 is partner in Partners N
-47317 feature photos of celebrities N
-47318 report rush to orders N
-47321 advancing look with collections V
-47327 ignored market for years V
-47330 snare portion of industry N
-47334 outpacing growth in market N
-47338 has quality to it V
-47341 jumped year to rolls V
-47342 features shots of stars N
-47343 distinguish ads from spreads V
-47345 won award as ad N
-47353 show it to friends V
-47358 costs a than film N
-47362 increasing sponsorship of classes N
-47363 sponsoring scores of contests N
-47363 offering paper as prizes V
-47364 distributing video to processors V
-47367 has price of 250 N
-47367 noticed requests from parents N
-47371 made leaps in development N
-47374 selected 15 of photos N
-47374 selected 15 for issue V
-47379 attributed performance to rate V
-47380 had increase in profit N
-47389 owns refinery in Switzerland N
-47390 prompted fears about prospects N
-47390 foreshadowed downs by times V
-47391 reached record of 223.0 N
-47391 reached record in August V
-47393 marked gain for indicator N
-47393 uses average as base V
-47395 anticipate start of recession N
-47395 anticipate start before end V
-47397 is member of Group N
-47400 foresee growth through rest V
-47401 expect rise in 1990 N
-47401 expect rise after adjustment V
-47402 signal recoveries by periods V
-47403 entered months before onset N
-47403 turned months before recoveries N
-47406 reached peak in 1929 V
-47408 been performance of index N
-47408 is part of index N
-47412 is indicator of prospects N
-47414 assigned mark of 80 N
-47415 lost power because impact V
-47417 diminished relevancy to outlook N
-47420 building share of market N
-47420 building share through growth V
-47421 acquire interest in Birkel N
-47424 is producer of pasta N
-47424 is producer with sales V
-47425 has workers at units V
-47425 is producer of sauces N
-47426 strengthens position in market N
-47428 reduced rating on million N
-47429 confirmed rating at C. V
-47430 downgraded ratings on debt N
-47431 reduced ratings for deposits N
-47435 AVOIDED repeat of Monday N
-47437 erased half of plunge N
-47441 following plunge on Monday N
-47443 withdrew offer for Air N
-47443 citing change in conditions N
-47444 slid 22.125 to 76.50 V
-47445 get financing for bid V
-47446 fell 56.875 to 222.875 V
-47448 tumbled % in quarter V
-47451 decrease production in quarter V
-47460 slid % in quarter V
-47463 solidify dominance of market N
-47464 posted loss for quarter N
-47464 reflecting addition to reserves N
-47466 acquire Warehouse for million V
-47466 expanding presence in business N
-47473 are guide to levels N
-47504 reached agreement with Corp. N
-47504 develop standards for microprocessor V
-47505 is entry in market N
-47506 is leader for microprocessors N
-47506 forms heart of computers N
-47507 acquire stake in Alliant N
-47508 license technologies to Intel V
-47509 use microprocessor in products V
-47511 expand position in markets N
-47511 acquired division from Corp. V
-47512 make contribution to earnings N
-47513 earned million on revenue V
-47515 had sales in year V
-47516 built stake in company N
-47517 owned a under % N
-47517 owned a for years V
-47518 notified Burmah of reason V
-47519 merged operations with those V
-47520 owns % of Calor N
-47521 owns brand of oils N
-47521 reported rise in income N
-47522 sell Group to Inc. V
-47523 expecting million to million N
-47525 divest itself of operations N
-47526 is sale of products N
-47527 Citing provision for accounts N
-47527 posted loss for quarter N
-47528 sustained loss of million N
-47530 reflect doubt about collectability N
-47533 announced creation of group N
-47533 bring interests in region N
-47534 comprise all of operations N
-47537 sell operations to PLC V
-47538 standing trial in Namibia V
-47545 were victims of suppression N
-47546 declared representative of people N
-47547 remove Korps from Angola V
-47547 end control of Namibia N
-47550 defended leaders in court V
-47554 is the in series N
-47556 washing hands over results V
-47557 redress record in Namibia V
-47558 investigates complaints from sides V
-47559 reflected stability of market N
-47562 continued lockstep with dollar N
-47562 giving some of gains N
-47563 have effect on economy V
-47568 cut consumption of pork N
-47569 gave some of gains N
-47571 rose 4 to 367.30 V
-47579 giving 10 of that N
-47579 giving 10 at close V
-47587 be harbinger of things N
-47587 called halt to string N
-47589 following days of gains N
-47590 dampened spirits in pits N
-47592 increased ceiling for quarter N
-47593 sends shivers through markets V
-47594 took note of yesterday N
-47596 declined cents to 1.2745 V
-47598 provided help for copper N
-47604 declined tons to tons V
-47611 was factor in market N
-47612 is part of area N
-47613 absorbing effect of hurricane N
-47614 kept prices under pressure V
-47620 buy tons of sugar N
-47620 buy tons in market V
-47623 was drop in market N
-47625 hurt demand for pork N
-47626 dropped limit of cents N
-47629 take advantage of dip N
-47630 report earnings per share N
-47630 report earnings for quarter V
-47630 report earnings per share N
-47636 extended offer for Inc. N
-47637 has value of million N
-47638 is partnership of unit N
-47640 owns % of shares N
-47643 posted increase of earnings N
-47644 earned million in quarter V
-47645 credited number of loans N
-47646 depressed originations to billion V
-47647 enjoyed increase throughout 1989 V
-47647 topped billion at end V
-47649 entered atmosphere during repair V
-47650 involves use of bag N
-47653 curtail use of substance N
-47654 see process as step V
-47655 discovered northeast of Field N
-47656 run test on wells V
-47656 is miles from Field N
-47657 are barrels of oil N
-47658 estimated reserves of barrels N
-47658 estimated reserves of barrels N
-47659 owns interest in field N
-47662 reduce income for months N
-47669 acquire ISI for U.S V
-47674 make offer for shares N
-47675 sell stake in ISI N
-47675 sell stake to Memotec V
-47677 accept inquiries from others N
-47679 resumed purchase of stock N
-47679 resumed purchase under program V
-47682 buy shares from time V
-47686 purchase division of Corp N
-47692 complements efforts by group N
-47698 follows strike against company N
-47702 replaced anxiety on Street V
-47703 accept plunge as correction V
-47706 gained strength at p.m. V
-47706 slapped Shopkorn on back V
-47708 opened morning on Board V
-47713 handled volume without strain V
-47717 plunged drop in history N
-47720 fell % in trading V
-47722 learned lessons since crash V
-47723 are cause for selling N
-47725 owns supplier of equipment N
-47727 played part in comeback V
-47729 kicked Monday with spree V
-47729 began day by amounts V
-47732 buy some of chips N
-47736 eyed opening in Tokyo N
-47737 plunged points in minutes V
-47742 proved comfort to markets N
-47743 delayed hour because crush V
-47747 was sea of red N
-47749 sending message to Street V
-47757 running pell-mell to safety V
-47759 started recovery in stocks N
-47759 started recovery on Tuesday V
-47762 posted loss on Street N
-47769 triggering gains in Aluminium N
-47770 had one of imbalances N
-47770 had one on Friday V
-47770 was one of stocks N
-47772 prompting cheers on floors V
-47773 get prices for shares V
-47774 was bedlam on the V
-47776 spurred buying from boxes N
-47776 trigger purchases during periods V
-47786 anticipating drop in Dow N
-47787 withdrawing offer for Corp. N
-47790 took events in stride V
-47795 puts some of LBOs N
-47795 puts some on skids V
-47798 acquire % for 11.50 V
-47799 begin offer for Skipper N
-47799 begin offer on Friday V
-47801 rose cents to 11 V
-47803 turned proposal from Pizza N
-47804 settled dispute with Hut N
-47806 had income of 361,000 N
-47809 considered protest in history N
-47809 press demands for freedoms N
-47811 demanded dismissal of leader N
-47812 was right of people N
-47814 raised possiblity of unrest N
-47816 cover percentage of flights N
-47816 represent expansion of ban N
-47817 fined 250,000 for conviction V
-47819 resumed countdown for launch N
-47819 dismissed lawsuit by groups N
-47821 extend ban on financing N
-47824 endorsed ban on trade N
-47824 endorsed ban in attempt V
-47824 rescue elephant from extinction V
-47826 held talks with Gadhafi V
-47827 was trip to Egypt N
-47828 announced reduction in formalities N
-47830 allow visits between families N
-47830 allow visits on peninsula V
-47831 be the since 1945 N
-47833 resumed activity in Africa V
-47833 raising fears of backlash N
-47834 bringing chaos to nation V
-47837 approved limits on increases N
-47837 approved limits without provisions V
-47838 considered test of resolve N
-47840 controls seats in legislature N
-47841 opened round of talks N
-47841 opened round in effort V
-47842 present proposal during negotiations V
-47843 selling arms to guerrillas V
-47847 rose % in September V
-47849 sell divisions of Co. N
-47849 sell divisions for 600 V
-47850 completing acquisition of Inc. N
-47850 completing acquisition in April V
-47850 considering sale of Cluett N
-47851 make shirts under name V
-47854 bring total of million N
-47858 acquired it for million V
-47859 had profit of million N
-47860 sells clothes under labels V
-47861 had sales of million N
-47861 had sales in 1988 V
-47862 fell cents to 53.875 V
-47863 change name to PLC V
-47863 write chunk of billion N
-47864 posted drop in earnings N
-47865 solidify dominance of market N
-47868 erase perception of Arrow N
-47869 is thing of past N
-47870 make lot of sense N
-47870 make lot to me V
-47871 ousted Berry as executive V
-47871 forced Fromstein as chief V
-47872 solidified control in April V
-47874 pull takeover of Manpower N
-47874 produce earnings for companies V
-47876 creating drag on earnings N
-47877 is excess of cost N
-47880 shows handful of pounds N
-47880 following write-off of will N
-47880 reflects billion of worth N
-47881 eradicate some of will N
-47881 eradicate some in swoop V
-47882 represent chunk with claiming V
-47882 overstated extent of will N
-47883 bolster prospects during times V
-47884 fell % in months V
-47884 sliding % in July V
-47885 blamed drop in quarter N
-47885 blamed drop on growth V
-47887 transforming Inc. from underachiever V
-47887 guide turnaround at acquisition N
-47892 including 815,000 from gain N
-47893 were million in 1988 V
-47896 was price by 1992 V
-47897 achieve price in 1988 V
-47899 set target of 50 N
-47899 set target by end V
-47901 joined Applied as officer V
-47903 providing return on capital N
-47911 named officer of Applied N
-47911 named officer in 1986 V
-47912 set growth as objective V
-47913 took company in offering V
-47915 reached million in year V
-47917 hear state of challenge N
-47918 order divestiture of merger N
-47919 challenge merger on grounds V
-47920 order break of mergers N
-47920 have authority in lawsuits V
-47921 resolve views of courts N
-47921 operate chains as businesses V
-47924 approved settlement between staff N
-47926 cost consumers in prices V
-47930 lack authority in lawsuits N
-47934 preserve record of condition N
-47934 Agreed Gell vs. Corp N
-47938 urging leeway for states N
-47942 supporting right to abortion N
-47942 filed brief in cases V
-47944 recognizing right to abortion N
-47945 tending furnaces of Co. N
-47950 restricts him to child V
-47957 truck fish from coast V
-47957 import sets from Japan V
-47958 be mayor in U.S. V
-47969 rises morning at a.m. V
-47971 pops downstairs to shop V
-47972 is equivalent of 80 N
-47972 buys porridge for family V
-47983 turned blood-red from peppers V
-47985 buys bowl of rice N
-47987 relate views from Party N
-47988 read speeches from leaders N
-47989 have opinion about events N
-47990 do part in effort N
-47991 chart cycles of employees N
-47992 alternating doses of propaganda N
-47992 alternating doses with threats V
-47998 heads efforts at factory N
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/test b/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/test
deleted file mode 100644
index 827dcad..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/test
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3097 +0,0 @@
-48000 prepare dinner for family V
-48004 shipped crabs from province V
-48005 ran broadcast on way N
-48006 is apartment with floors N
-48010 tending meters during shift V
-48011 are prospects for mobility N
-48017 leaves wife in front V
-48020 is end of life N
-48021 walks upstairs to library V
-48025 Inspects Operation of Furnace N
-48032 sing birthday to you N
-48040 carry fight against imperialists N
-48051 including all of engineers N
-48053 teaches him at home V
-48058 have knowledge for example N
-48059 repeats theme of class N
-48059 harangues visitor about sanctions V
-48060 have warmth for each V
-48063 know any of that N
-48066 provides care to workers V
-48070 leads visitor into ward V
-48071 given birth to girl V
-48077 receiving number of approaches N
-48079 expect interest from banks N
-48081 boost presence to development V
-48082 fetch price of profit N
-48086 gave comfort to markets V
-48089 was sign to markets N
-48089 easing grip on credit N
-48090 inject amounts of money N
-48090 inject amounts into system V
-48093 view action as hand V
-48094 provide money to system V
-48095 deliver speech to convention V
-48096 say something about policies N
-48098 beginning text of speech N
-48100 coordinating activities with officials V
-48101 signal change of policy N
-48104 nudge rate to 8 V
-48105 was coordination among agencies V
-48110 drop 60 to points N
-48116 left chairmanship of the N
-48116 view volatility as fact V
-48117 regard amount of decline N
-48118 expect volatility of magnitude N
-48121 expressed concern about pauses N
-48124 plans hearings on bill N
-48124 subject the to control V
-48127 given chance of passing N
-48127 is cause for anxiety N
-48129 drive dollar through interventions V
-48131 put the on board V
-48132 have role with audited V
-48134 want dollar for gains V
-48136 thumb nose at the V
-48138 take case to people V
-48145 sows seeds for stagnation N
-48148 applied controls in 1971 V
-48152 yielded benefits to interests N
-48152 yielded benefits at expense V
-48159 killed inflation at cost V
-48164 become victims of policies N
-48179 buy % for 10 V
-48185 produce ounces of gold N
-48185 produce ounces in year V
-48187 produce ounce of gold N
-48187 produce ounce at mines V
-48188 is stake in mine N
-48192 credited story in the N
-48193 holds stake in concern N
-48193 been subject of speculation N
-48197 Put it in letters V
-48203 answer questions about remarks N
-48209 described decline in beginning N
-48209 described decline as shock V
-48211 is lot of nervousness N
-48211 is lot in market V
-48213 was one of factors N
-48220 had lot of froth N
-48220 had lot in weeks V
-48227 warned firms over weekend V
-48230 paying attention to markets V
-48232 is chance of increase N
-48233 raised rate to % V
-48246 closed books at end V
-48247 citing reason for strength N
-48250 exacerbate declines in markets N
-48254 treating market with caution V
-48255 plummeted % to 2093 V
-48257 decreased exposure to market N
-48258 was lots of optimism N
-48263 closed exchange for days V
-48263 shook confidence in market N
-48266 planned vigil on developments N
-48267 sitting night at home V
-48270 play note of crisis N
-48271 's reason for fall N
-48274 facing uncertainty because worries V
-48280 staged rally against dollar N
-48280 staged rally after news V
-48286 sells shares in hope V
-48286 buying them at profit V
-48287 cool appetite for buy-outs N
-48288 are trends on markets N
-48298 buy something for price V
-48304 Put it in letters V
-48306 slipped 1 in slump V
-48307 tracks holdings for firm V
-48308 sold shares in months V
-48319 culminated battle for maker N
-48320 put company on block V
-48321 held talks with parties V
-48322 buy shares through subsidiary V
-48325 committed million in loan V
-48327 become player in industry N
-48334 dropped points in minutes V
-48336 mirror 1987 with dive V
-48338 include differences in market N
-48341 be plus for stocks V
-48349 leaving millions of dollars N
-48351 sell stock in order V
-48351 meet demands from customers N
-48352 sold hundreds of millions N
-48355 be positive for stocks N
-48356 have bearing on market N
-48357 get financing for deal V
-48358 took minutes from announcement V
-48358 drop equivalent of points N
-48366 making markets in stocks N
-48367 balance orders in stocks N
-48369 handle imbalances on floor N
-48374 faced likelihood of calls N
-48374 put cash for positions N
-48376 were sellers than buyers N
-48377 dumping positions in race V
-48379 plunged 6.625 to 56.625 V
-48380 put itself for sale V
-48380 nosedived 21.50 to 85 V
-48391 executing trades for client V
-48393 using stake as club V
-48393 left him with loss V
-48395 been seller of stocks N
-48396 take advantage of differentials N
-48401 reinforce perception of investors N
-48402 turn upsets into calamities V
-48405 threatening drop in dollar N
-48406 keep dollar within range V
-48407 threatening crackdown on takeovers N
-48408 eliminate deductibility of interest N
-48409 voicing concern about buy-outs N
-48409 force changes in deal N
-48411 are points than level N
-48414 was 14 at peak V
-48420 dominating thinking of analysts N
-48420 is plight of market N
-48421 focused attention on market V
-48422 owe part to perception V
-48422 be subject of buy-out N
-48423 buy company at premium V
-48423 sell piece by piece N
-48424 lost million in value N
-48424 reflect end of period N
-48425 selling divisions to fool V
-48426 buy companies around world N
-48428 warned clients of danger N
-48428 warned clients before crash V
-48429 compares drop-off to corrections V
-48432 hit level of 2791.41 N
-48435 tumble points in event V
-48436 bracing themselves for selling V
-48436 detect panic over weekend N
-48437 have reserves as cushion V
-48438 sell million of stocks N
-48438 sell million in crash V
-48438 quadrupled level of fund N
-48443 inject amounts of money N
-48443 inject amounts into system V
-48444 turned problems among firms V
-48445 named chairman of supplier N
-48449 reached conclusion about unraveling N
-48454 like looks of deal N
-48456 made total on buy-out V
-48456 put million of funds N
-48456 put million into deal V
-48458 take nature of industry N
-48459 's one of proposals N
-48460 has history of ties N
-48460 stretched guidelines in hopes V
-48462 was job of chief N
-48462 put face on news V
-48472 caught group off guard V
-48484 including representatives of counsel N
-48485 pitched proposal to banks V
-48489 provided share of financing N
-48502 made views in conversations V
-48503 seek increases in round V
-48509 citing degree of risk N
-48514 assume type of recession N
-48514 assume type in future V
-48515 increase % over years V
-48516 increase average of % N
-48516 increase average despite downs V
-48519 include profit for lenders N
-48519 means cash for shareholders N
-48520 has flop on hands V
-48522 paid fees of million N
-48522 paid fees for commitments V
-48524 includes refinancing of debt N
-48525 expressed interest in transaction N
-48525 attended meeting with representatives N
-48527 were lot of indications N
-48527 were lot before both V
-48529 was effort among banks N
-48530 was deal for lenders N
-48534 lose money in quarter V
-48534 get money for buy-out N
-48536 paid % to % N
-48539 lending amounts of money N
-48552 diminish appeal to speculators N
-48563 raising price of imports N
-48564 telegraph distaste for securities N
-48564 signal confidence in system N
-48565 sell dollars for currencies V
-48567 reduce demand for dollars N
-48568 increase demand for currency N
-48573 taking currency with it V
-48576 was function of dragging N
-48582 be sense of coming N
-48583 stem impact of declines N
-48588 be flight to quality N
-48594 increase pressure on dollar N
-48596 called counterparts in the N
-48597 gone home in the V
-48599 be signal of point N
-48600 trigger liquidation with fundamentals V
-48603 shifting funds for differences V
-48609 increase demand for dollars N
-48613 Barring catastrophe in market N
-48618 take advantage of differences N
-48619 buying stocks in companies N
-48620 take advantage of discrepancies N
-48623 put collateral for securities V
-48625 sell stock at price V
-48626 buy stock at price V
-48630 buying contract at price V
-48630 take delivery of 500 N
-48632 sell contract at price V
-48633 sell contract at price V
-48645 transferring all of accounts N
-48646 making transfers as result V
-48648 underscored need for exchanges N
-48648 hasten clearing of contracts N
-48650 done harm than good N
-48656 triggering round of selling N
-48659 hitting limit of points N
-48662 imposed halt in contract N
-48662 imposed halt after drop V
-48663 caused consternation among traders V
-48664 halted trading in contract N
-48668 driven prices in pit V
-48669 hedging risks in markets N
-48670 deluged pit with orders V
-48671 sell contracts at limit V
-48672 killed chance of rally N
-48672 drove prices to limit V
-48674 touched limit of points N
-48676 doubled requirements for futures N
-48676 doubled requirements to 8,000 V
-48679 begun cross-margining of accounts N
-48679 processes trades for exchanges V
-48681 face requirements on each V
-48682 facing calls for positions N
-48682 led studies of markets N
-48685 making failure in history N
-48691 needed help in battle N
-48692 made contributions to each V
-48695 pressed subversion of process N
-48700 invested 359,100 in partnership V
-48701 solicited 850,000 in contributions N
-48702 solicited 200,000 in contributions N
-48705 cost taxpayers with accounting V
-48707 obscures seriousness of allegations N
-48710 selling million in debentures N
-48710 selling million near communities V
-48717 were part of job N
-48717 second-guess personality of legislator N
-48718 reaches conclusion in case V
-48721 cool panic in both N
-48728 handle imbalances on floor N
-48732 left offices on day V
-48733 surrendered a of gains N
-48733 chalking loss on day N
-48733 chalking loss in volume V
-48745 spurred concern about prospects N
-48746 get financing for bid N
-48749 rid themselves of stock V
-48759 hit stocks on the V
-48765 buy baskets of stocks N
-48765 offset trade in futures N
-48775 watch updates on prices N
-48787 are differences between environment N
-48787 are opportunities in market N
-48788 set relations with customers N
-48788 reinforces concern of volatility N
-48801 take look at situation N
-48805 Concerning article on leeches N
-48809 sell aircraft to buyers V
-48812 sell fleet of 707s N
-48814 includes assumption of million N
-48816 have billion in assets N
-48822 bring it to attention V
-48823 representing % of value N
-48832 totaled tons in week V
-48835 raise million in cash N
-48839 peppered funds with calls V
-48850 take place at prices V
-48856 built cash to % V
-48857 posted inflows of money N
-48864 scaled purchases of funds N
-48872 croak stocks like that N
-48877 infuriated investors in 1987 V
-48878 opened centers across country N
-48881 increased staff of representatives N
-48882 moved money from funds V
-48885 calm investors with recordings V
-48887 had recording for investors V
-48890 averaged gain of % N
-48895 talk them of it V
-48901 report earnings of cents N
-48903 reported income of million N
-48904 receiving aircraft from maker V
-48905 caused turmoil in scheduling N
-48912 put pressure on company V
-48916 miss one at all V
-48918 has set for delivery N
-48918 has set at end V
-48918 have plane on time V
-48920 deliver a on time V
-48921 take delivery of another N
-48921 anticipating changes in timetable N
-48923 finish aircraft at plant N
-48933 expect resolution to anything N
-48934 represents contract of any N
-48940 represents workers at unit N
-48940 extend contract on basis V
-48949 allow competition in generation N
-48949 allow competition as part V
-48956 raise billion from sale V
-48959 had revenue of billion N
-48960 be move around world N
-48960 deregulate generation of electricity N
-48961 is thrust on side N
-48961 mulling projects in countries N
-48964 building plants in the N
-48964 producing megawatts of power N
-48964 building plants at cost V
-48965 report earnings of million N
-48966 had income of 326,000 N
-48966 had income on revenue V
-48972 is operator with interest N
-48975 is venture with trust N
-48978 get approvals for development N
-48978 buy land at prices V
-48979 buy properties in state N
-48979 buy properties for cash V
-48980 is the of kind N
-48983 putting % of capital N
-48984 is one of ways N
-48984 assure pipeline of land N
-48984 fuel growth at risk V
-48986 increased reliance on plastics N
-48991 lost quarter of value N
-48991 lost quarter since 1 V
-48999 took job in 1986 V
-49001 make bags among items N
-49008 cover half of needs N
-49010 putting orders for polyethylene N
-49015 announced increases of cents N
-49015 take effect in weeks V
-49025 described payout at time V
-49025 share bonanza with holders V
-49026 saw payment as effort V
-49027 become topic of speculation N
-49027 deflected questions in meeting V
-49028 viewed response as nothing V
-49031 confronts disaster at plant N
-49035 adds dimension to change V
-49037 introduce imponderable into future V
-49042 resume operation by end V
-49045 strengthen sway in business N
-49047 tightening grip on business N
-49049 is distributor in the N
-49053 expand business in the V
-49055 moving 11 of employees N
-49057 discussing plans with firms V
-49058 do job at cost V
-49059 spending million on time V
-49061 moved it to headquarters V
-49062 moved employees of group N
-49063 hired buyers for unit V
-49063 wooing them from jobs V
-49067 allocating share of market N
-49067 allocating share to countries V
-49068 negotiated cut in quota N
-49068 made increase to allotment V
-49069 negotiate share of market N
-49070 completed talks with the N
-49071 supplied % of tons N
-49072 allocate % to suppliers V
-49073 have quotas with the V
-49075 extend quotas until 31 V
-49077 termed plan despite fact V
-49078 was one of countries N
-49078 conclude talks with the N
-49078 doubled quota to % V
-49079 had % under quotas V
-49079 get increase to % N
-49081 increase allowance from share V
-49082 filling quotas to extent V
-49083 supplying % of market N
-49084 total % of market N
-49087 cut quota to % N
-49087 cut quota from % V
-49088 provide % of steel N
-49088 provide % under program V
-49090 had % of market N
-49092 have % of market N
-49093 give leverage with suppliers N
-49093 withdraw subsidies from industries V
-49095 had income of 272,000 N
-49095 had income in quarter V
-49097 be cents on revenue N
-49098 reflect decline in sales N
-49099 expects line of business N
-49101 place machines in hotels V
-49103 realize minimum of 10 N
-49104 make use of system N
-49105 provide system for telephone V
-49106 producing line of telephones N
-49107 produce 5 of earnings N
-49107 produce 5 for machine V
-49109 purchase shares of stock N
-49111 purchase stock at discount V
-49113 require spoonfuls per washload V
-49114 had success with soapsuds V
-49115 bring superconcentrates to the V
-49116 won stake in markets N
-49120 study results from market N
-49123 hit shelves in 1987 V
-49125 embraced convenience of products N
-49125 gained prominence over powders N
-49126 market product under name V
-49127 dump detergent into machine V
-49127 takes cup of powder N
-49128 launch detergent under name V
-49130 hook consumers on combinations V
-49137 introduces product in the V
-49138 taking share from the V
-49138 has % of market N
-49144 expected barrage of demands N
-49144 reduce surplus with the N
-49146 had tone from visit V
-49149 get action by summer V
-49149 have blueprint for action V
-49152 offered theories for difference N
-49154 saw it as tactic V
-49157 have strategy in administration V
-49160 have list of statutes N
-49164 met press for time V
-49164 reiterated need for progress N
-49164 removing barriers to trade N
-49166 promote importance of trade N
-49168 summed sense of relief N
-49169 drawing chuckles from colleagues V
-49177 report loss for quarter N
-49178 seeking increases in lines N
-49179 estimate amount of loss N
-49179 show profit for year N
-49180 reported income of million N
-49182 was million on revenue N
-49183 file report with the V
-49184 resolving accounting of settlement N
-49185 settle objections to practices N
-49185 provide refunds to customers V
-49186 correct deficiencies in system N
-49191 completed sale of subsidiary N
-49194 operates total of stores N
-49195 operates stores in the N
-49202 post drop in earnings N
-49214 pushed prices in period V
-49218 be element of earnings N
-49232 supplied technology to Soviets V
-49234 governing exports of tools N
-49236 supplied the with devices V
-49236 build parts for aircraft N
-49237 cited report as source V
-49237 exported million in systems N
-49237 exported million to industry V
-49239 discussing allegations with government V
-49241 called attention to matter V
-49243 support position of hawks N
-49245 sent signals about policies N
-49245 reflecting divisions among agencies N
-49246 moved administration in direction V
-49246 allow exceptions to embargo N
-49247 liberalize exports of computers N
-49250 issue warrants on shares N
-49252 buy share at price V
-49253 carry premium to price V
-49256 issued warrants on shares N
-49259 is one of handful N
-49260 filed suit against speculator V
-49263 serving term for violations V
-49265 seeks million in damages N
-49268 visited it in 1983 V
-49269 signed letter of intent N
-49269 acquire stake in company N
-49271 purchased bonds in transactions V
-49271 realized million in losses N
-49273 combining stake with stake V
-49274 given % of company N
-49276 own % of company N
-49277 represent % of company N
-49281 stay way for months V
-49282 support prices into 1990 V
-49284 place orders over months V
-49286 be level since 1970s N
-49287 were bushels on 31 V
-49289 boost production by bushels V
-49290 estimates production for year N
-49290 estimates production at bushels V
-49299 reduce yield from crop V
-49302 given indication of plans N
-49302 place orders for wheat N
-49302 place orders in months V
-49305 been a of estimate N
-49307 cut price of concentrate N
-49307 cut price to 1.34 V
-49311 stimulate demand for product N
-49315 Barring snap in areas N
-49318 capped week of prices N
-49322 reach 21.50 on the N
-49325 having difficulties with exports N
-49326 foresee tightening of supplies N
-49329 been subject of speculation N
-49329 been subject for weeks V
-49331 lead buy-out of company N
-49333 recommend it to shareholders V
-49336 is part of board N
-49339 analyzed appointment of executive N
-49339 becomes member of board N
-49340 has reputation as manager V
-49341 pave way for buy-out N
-49343 have affect on them V
-49344 had impact on us N
-49345 have problem with announcement N
-49351 awarded account to office V
-49353 ended relationship with office N
-49354 billed million in 1988 V
-49356 win account in 1981 V
-49366 have effect on revenue V
-49367 been source of revenue N
-49368 store data for computers V
-49371 elected director of provider N
-49371 increasing board to members V
-49373 filed part of report N
-49373 filed part with the V
-49374 provide statements by end V
-49377 named chairman of processor N
-49378 resigning post after dispute V
-49380 named 57 as director V
-49387 earned million on sales V
-49388 concerns one of defenses N
-49389 considering all in light N
-49398 offset weakness in linage N
-49400 posted gain in income N
-49401 reported increase in revenue N
-49402 was demand for linage N
-49406 gained % to billion V
-49409 included gain of million N
-49411 reflected softness in advertising N
-49414 reported net of million N
-49414 reported net for quarter V
-49417 expect increase for rest V
-49418 ease damage from linage N
-49421 report earnings for quarter N
-49429 angered officials in the N
-49430 signed notices for plants N
-49430 cast doubt on futures V
-49432 using % of capacity N
-49434 stepping pace of consolidation N
-49435 is competition from plants N
-49436 want provisions in contract V
-49437 get strategy in place V
-49439 became head of department N
-49439 blasting insensitivity toward members N
-49441 told workers of moves V
-49446 build generation of cars N
-49447 build the at plant V
-49449 have product after 1993 V
-49450 build types of products N
-49450 build types on notice V
-49455 taken beating as result V
-49456 used plant as symbol V
-49457 raised obstacle to acquisition N
-49463 marked time in history N
-49464 reached conclusions about attempts N
-49465 is change in policy N
-49471 be settlement of dispute N
-49472 citing concerns about amount N
-49474 contain guarantees on levels N
-49478 canceled plans for swap N
-49478 resume payment of dividends N
-49479 offer number of shares N
-49479 offer number in exchange V
-49482 resume payments of dividends N
-49483 suspended payment in 1985 V
-49491 face competition from drugs N
-49493 having impact on company V
-49501 generate sales of million N
-49506 lowering costs in years V
-49506 shedding companies with margins N
-49507 allowed sales from drug N
-49510 be % above million N
-49510 was result of sales N
-49514 earned million in period V
-49515 has problems with estimate N
-49516 achieve increase in earnings N
-49524 restricting prescriptions of medicines N
-49528 expects loss for quarter N
-49529 expecting profit for period N
-49531 reported income of million N
-49531 reported income in period V
-49534 accepted resignation of president N
-49539 earned million on sales V
-49540 has garden of course N
-49543 remembers playground by eccentrics N
-49544 has sense of recall N
-49545 transforms her into the V
-49547 owing inspiration to cultures V
-49549 calls herself in book V
-49551 reinvented man as hero V
-49552 remembered her as figure V
-49555 analyzed families by arrangements V
-49557 have bedrooms at all V
-49561 rhymed river with liver V
-49561 carried change of clothing N
-49561 carried change in envelope V
-49563 excised heads of relatives N
-49563 excised heads from album V
-49564 loses momentum toward end V
-49568 resuscitate protagonist of work N
-49570 take psychiatrist on date V
-49576 pay million as part V
-49576 regarding cleanup of smelter N
-49577 was part-owner of smelter N
-49579 make unit of concern N
-49579 exempting it from liability V
-49580 made undertakings with respect N
-49581 issued statement on agreement N
-49583 recover contribution from others N
-49583 recover contribution for amount V
-49584 issuing dividends on stock V
-49589 hold meeting for shareholders N
-49590 saluted plunge as comeuppance V
-49591 prove harbinger of news N
-49592 is reaction to valuations N
-49595 do something about buy-outs N
-49595 do something about takeovers N
-49598 lopped billions of dollars N
-49598 lopped billions off value V
-49601 been change in economy N
-49603 applaud setbacks of speculators N
-49607 projected periods of decline N
-49608 pushing price of housing N
-49611 is amount of space N
-49612 are stores for rent N
-49621 follows decline in months N
-49622 limiting demand for space N
-49627 exacerbates problem for landlords V
-49628 is comfort to landlords N
-49630 bemoaning loss of businesses N
-49632 been jump from rates N
-49635 command rents of 500 N
-49636 offers rents of 100 N
-49643 representing shares with symbol V
-49645 listed shares of companies N
-49650 listed shares of company N
-49652 marks start of year N
-49653 finds influence in dissent V
-49655 assume role after years V
-49656 accept role in ways V
-49658 are newcomers to dissent N
-49658 joining forces in decade V
-49662 cast votes in cases N
-49663 cast votes in decisions N
-49664 defending importance of dissents N
-49664 defending importance in speech V
-49667 was dissenter from opinions N
-49669 sweep it under rug V
-49671 is flavor to dissents V
-49675 curtail right to abortion N
-49680 be liberal of four N
-49680 enjoys challenge than others V
-49681 is one in history N
-49683 sold deposits of institutions N
-49683 sold deposits in wave V
-49683 prevented sale of a N
-49686 bought thrift in transaction V
-49688 leave bulk with government V
-49690 paid premiums for systems V
-49691 been case with deals N
-49694 been one of payers N
-49695 targeted thrifts for sales V
-49695 spend cash by deadlines V
-49698 continued foray into markets N
-49699 had assets of billion N
-49700 pay premium of million N
-49700 pay the for billion V
-49702 had assets of million N
-49703 pay premium of million N
-49703 pay the for billion V
-49704 acquire million of assets N
-49704 acquire million from the V
-49704 require million in assistance N
-49705 had billion in assets N
-49706 pay premium of million N
-49706 assume billion in deposits N
-49707 purchase million of assets N
-49708 had million in assets N
-49709 assume million in deposits N
-49710 purchase million in assets N
-49710 receive million in assistance N
-49710 receive million from the V
-49717 lowering guarantee to advertisers N
-49717 lowering guarantee for year V
-49718 de-emphasize use of giveaways N
-49718 cut circulation by 300,000 V
-49718 increase cost of rate N
-49718 increase cost by 4 V
-49719 increase rates in 1990 V
-49720 be % per subscriber V
-49722 hold rates for advertisers V
-49723 become forms in world V
-49724 wean itself from gimmicks V
-49725 selling magazine with radio V
-49727 takes focus off magazine V
-49728 paint cut as show V
-49731 cut circulation from million V
-49736 's show of weakness N
-49736 improving quality of circulation N
-49740 announce levels for 1990 N
-49740 announce levels within month V
-49741 called the for briefing V
-49743 considered laughingstock of news N
-49745 draws audiences around world N
-49751 reposition itself as channel V
-49753 held job in journalism N
-49754 is the in number N
-49756 paying salaries after years V
-49757 break stories with team V
-49758 use us as point V
-49758 become point of reference N
-49767 spend average of minutes N
-49769 put it at disadvantage V
-49773 filled schedule with newscasts V
-49775 create programs with identity V
-49776 adding show in morning N
-49779 featured show during period V
-49786 produce segments with eye V
-49787 generate excitement for programs N
-49787 generate excitement in way V
-49788 's departure from past N
-49789 spend money on production V
-49793 make investment in people N
-49794 fear tinkering with format N
-49795 market cable-TV on opportunities V
-49797 Backs View in Case N
-49803 leave realm of reporting N
-49803 enter orbit of speculation N
-49805 leaving transaction in limbo V
-49806 withdrew application from the V
-49807 lend money in amounts N
-49808 included million in deposits N
-49809 save million in costs N
-49810 seek buyer for branches N
-49813 posted loss of million N
-49815 trying tack in efforts N
-49816 numbering 700 to 1,000 N
-49817 have ring to it N
-49818 renewed arguments in states V
-49823 justify dismissal of actions N
-49824 lacked information about the N
-49824 sent cases to court V
-49825 exceeded assets by billion V
-49825 closed it in 1988 V
-49827 dismisses arguments as defense V
-49828 including reversal of foreclosure N
-49829 asking court for number V
-49830 take the as prize V
-49831 named president of company N
-49835 brandishing flags of the N
-49835 gave activists upon return V
-49836 spent years in prison V
-49839 considered leader of the N
-49841 ease shortages across nation N
-49843 be room for flexibility N
-49843 allow funding of abortions N
-49843 are vicitims of rape N
-49844 reiterated opposition to funding N
-49844 expressed hope of compromise N
-49845 renewed call for ouster N
-49846 have right to abortion N
-49849 seize fugitives without permission V
-49851 following postponement of flight N
-49853 dispatch probe on mission V
-49855 facing calls for reduction N
-49856 purge party of elements N
-49864 made remarks to gathering V
-49866 presented proposals for timetable N
-49867 increases power for Moslems V
-49870 oppose control of chain N
-49871 is move in battle N
-49875 announced formation of association N
-49875 preserve integrity of system N
-49876 cause damage to system N
-49878 seeking approval for withholdings N
-49882 trigger drop in the N
-49882 play role in decline N
-49883 viewed data as evidence V
-49885 is demand in economy N
-49886 be easing of policy N
-49892 measures changes in producers N
-49896 is rise than increase N
-49898 leaving pace of inflation N
-49903 being advance in prices N
-49914 report loss of million N
-49919 provide million for losses V
-49922 mark portfolio of bonds N
-49922 mark portfolio to market V
-49922 divest themselves of bonds V
-49924 shed operations outside markets N
-49924 taking charge for operations N
-49927 suspend payments on classes N
-49932 have concerns about health V
-49935 had loss of million N
-49936 holds one of portfolios N
-49937 pared holdings to million V
-49941 provide values for holdings N
-49943 divest themselves of bonds N
-49947 added million to reserves V
-49948 sell 63 of branches N
-49948 sell 63 to unit V
-49949 is centerpiece of strategy N
-49949 transform itself into S&L V
-49950 expected decision on transaction N
-49951 interpret delay as indication V
-49953 reduce assets to billion V
-49954 give capital of million N
-49955 reduce amount of will N
-49955 reduce amount by million V
-49958 place some of them N
-49958 place some in affiliate V
-49959 name any of cheeses N
-49959 name any after nibble V
-49961 wins slot in ratings N
-49962 impose quotas against invaders N
-49969 seeking classmates for reunions V
-49972 won bet with host N
-49972 identify dialects over telephone V
-49973 pile 150 on coin V
-49974 selling weight in pancakes N
-49979 featuring songs from each N
-49980 make fools of themselves N
-49983 make part of time N
-49991 chronicles fight of investigator N
-49999 is bane of television N
-50004 authorized channels for time V
-50004 allow television alongside channels V
-50005 is appetite for programming N
-50009 caught end of series N
-50011 expanding collaboration between contractors N
-50012 have sales of billion N
-50015 strengthen ties between companies N
-50015 make force in contracting N
-50016 reshaped world of manufacture N
-50019 stirring controversy in industry N
-50022 join fight as part V
-50023 had talks about bid V
-50025 included million in contracts N
-50026 is competitor on contracts N
-50026 heighten worries about concentration N
-50028 is name of game N
-50031 is response to environment N
-50034 building cooperation with Europeans N
-50037 justify ownership of venture N
-50039 include family of missiles N
-50044 shift emphasis to gas V
-50046 been swing of pendulum N
-50049 is output of crude N
-50050 transports % of all N
-50054 intensify reliance on oil N
-50057 increase dependence on crude N
-50058 add barrels of capacity N
-50058 add barrels to system V
-50059 has capacity of barrels N
-50061 had income on sales N
-50062 reduced shipments by tons V
-50065 see improvements in segments N
-50067 had net of million N
-50068 Predicting results of firms N
-50071 taking this as sign V
-50073 expects revenue for quarter N
-50075 is example of difficulty N
-50081 show earnings for period N
-50085 expects earnings of 14 N
-50086 shape industry in year V
-50089 had lock on market N
-50090 carry seller with them V
-50093 improving quality of material N
-50094 receiving calls about product N
-50095 control functions of computer N
-50095 spells trouble for firms N
-50098 report earnings of cents N
-50101 is highway within computer N
-50106 tighten hold on business N
-50111 report loss of cents N
-50122 following declines throughout 1980s N
-50125 is news for state N
-50126 was state in the N
-50129 lost % of population N
-50129 lost % during 1970s V
-50138 aged 65 to 74 N
-50150 place success above family V
-50152 spend time with families V
-50153 are priorities for group N
-50157 represent % of population N
-50157 control one-third of income N
-50163 give 2,500 to charity V
-50165 hold jobs in management N
-50166 make % of officials N
-50169 was 16,489 in 1988 N
-50171 are students in college N
-50175 warned citizens against game V
-50179 is blow to sport N
-50184 admit patrons in jeans N
-50187 open can of worms N
-50188 is stranger to cans N
-50189 gave favors to friends N
-50193 taken care in Man V
-50198 wear flowers in hair N
-50198 wear them behind ear V
-50199 have quality of color N
-50202 be tension between blacks N
-50204 's inheritor of tradition N
-50204 's man in water N
-50205 was spokesman for campaign N
-50211 called shvartze with mustache N
-50212 articulate analysis of behavior N
-50214 is form of racism N
-50218 is humor of underdog N
-50219 cut both to ribbons V
-50220 is form of mischief N
-50222 facilitating co-existence of groups N
-50223 taboo mention of differences N
-50229 courting mother against wishes V
-50234 made theme of courtship N
-50234 lost suit on grounds V
-50238 is tendency of sitcoms N
-50239 enlighten us about stereotypes V
-50240 quits job as salesman N
-50240 quits job in order V
-50241 is incompatibility between preachiness N
-50244 putting episodes about topics N
-50246 interrupt shtik with line V
-50246 sound shmaltzy on lips V
-50249 signal change in condition N
-50256 elected president of maker N
-50259 been executive since 14 V
-50261 approve bill without cut N
-50264 putting bill in category V
-50270 keep cut in version V
-50271 need this as way V
-50273 make approval of cut N
-50286 resisting bill without vote N
-50287 win issue on floor V
-50290 give benefits to executives N
-50294 boost funding in areas V
-50297 required sacrifice by senator N
-50300 make tax on calls N
-50302 pay benefits for retirees N
-50303 raised million in 1990 N
-50309 acquire securities for an N
-50312 Speed collection of tax N
-50314 Withhold taxes from paychecks V
-50315 Change collection of taxes N
-50316 Restrict ability of owners N
-50317 impose tax on departures V
-50319 curbing increases in reimbursements N
-50320 impose freeze on fees N
-50321 reducing deficit by billion V
-50325 collect million from users V
-50326 Raising million by increasing V
-50326 establishing fees for operators N
-50330 found cutbacks in companies N
-50332 bothered me about piece V
-50333 showing number of months N
-50333 captioned graph as Time V
-50335 was one of periods N
-50340 reduced rating on million N
-50340 citing turmoil in market N
-50341 reduced rating on debt N
-50341 keep debt under review V
-50342 is holder of bonds N
-50343 divest themselves of securities N
-50343 divest themselves over period V
-50346 was reason for downgrade N
-50348 was a on part N
-50349 suffered attack of nerves N
-50358 see support until 2200 N
-50362 take money before crash V
-50364 was massacre like those N
-50373 marks start of market N
-50375 was combination in 1987 V
-50377 was enthusiasm for funds N
-50378 protect investor against losses V
-50386 carry the to 2000 V
-50390 's case at all V
-50391 sees this as time V
-50401 do buying on behalf V
-50403 is manifestation of capacity N
-50404 see this as reaction V
-50405 lodged lot of securities N
-50405 lodged lot in hands V
-50405 are objects of takeovers N
-50405 loaded corporations with amounts V
-50408 is resiliency in economy N
-50411 buy companies around world N
-50416 are opportunity for guys N
-50418 sees problems with possibility N
-50426 depend deal on the V
-50430 drew criticism from clients V
-50431 keeping money in equivalents V
-50435 supported rights of witnesses N
-50438 repeat platitudes as indication V
-50440 heaping scorn on witnesses V
-50441 sandwiched praise of meat N
-50441 sandwiched praise between loaves V
-50453 seeks information for change V
-50456 obtaining information from officials V
-50458 identify sources of waste N
-50464 is player on stage N
-50464 enhance itself into body V
-50473 draw inference against officials V
-50473 assert privilege against self-incrimination N
-50473 assert privilege in hearings V
-50474 be witness against himself N
-50475 precludes drawing of inference N
-50476 take stand as witness V
-50477 protect defendant in matters V
-50480 permit drawing of inference N
-50481 take the in matter V
-50481 subject him to prosecution V
-50482 take the in matter V
-50482 harms him in matter V
-50484 asserted the in proceeding V
-50484 receiving advice from counsel N
-50485 convict him of crime N
-50486 Drawing inference in hearing V
-50486 offend shield against self-incrimination N
-50494 took falls on you-know-what V
-50495 be plus for stocks N
-50496 be days for prices N
-50499 played part in activity N
-50510 was lot of volume N
-50510 makes markets in thousands V
-50512 handle volume of calls N
-50513 is one for companies N
-50513 following complaints from investors N
-50514 was hour of trading N
-50518 do thing at time V
-50519 executed order by close V
-50520 take call at time N
-50521 keep supplies of stock N
-50521 keep supplies on hand V
-50522 buy shares from sellers V
-50524 exacerbating slide in prices N
-50526 kept stockpiles on hand V
-50548 selling stock throughout week V
-50550 put shares on shelf V
-50552 sent waves through market V
-50556 has handful of stocks N
-50559 lost % to 40 V
-50560 dropped 1 to 107 V
-50566 dropped 1 to 33 V
-50566 lost 1 to 19 V
-50566 dropped 1 to 66 V
-50568 are guide to levels N
-50598 scooping stocks during rout V
-50601 put checkbooks in hurry V
-50604 manages billion of stocks N
-50605 spent half for stocks V
-50607 shaved million from value V
-50609 spent million in half-hour V
-50612 is justification on level N
-50614 attracting trillion from funds V
-50616 added billion to portfolio V
-50618 see changes in portfolios N
-50621 have year in market N
-50627 soften blow of prices N
-50630 converted % of pool N
-50630 take stock off hands V
-50631 make bids on anything N
-50634 brought reprieve for managers N
-50634 put them at odds N
-50636 replacing them at price V
-50637 shown losses of % N
-50641 turned evidence in investigation N
-50641 turned evidence to office V
-50643 market version of medicine N
-50643 substituted product in tests V
-50646 recall strengths of version N
-50647 began recall of versions N
-50650 challenge legality of defense N
-50651 become landmark in law N
-50651 challenge practice of companies N
-50651 issuing shares to trusts V
-50651 dilute power of stockholders N
-50653 uphold validity of type N
-50654 issue stock to trust V
-50654 dilute power of shareholders N
-50659 had words for policy-making V
-50660 be subject of initiatives N
-50664 finger each for blame V
-50667 order billion of cuts N
-50668 reach agreement on bill N
-50672 is warfare between the N
-50673 sent signals about response N
-50682 brought administration to table V
-50683 barring drops in market N
-50684 force sides to table V
-50688 survive it without problem V
-50690 be plenty of blame N
-50691 is concern on part N
-50694 is prospect of deal N
-50696 exclude gains from legislation V
-50697 strip gains from legislation V
-50700 follow lead of the N
-50700 drop variety of measures N
-50701 strip bill of provisions V
-50702 cut shortfall by billion V
-50706 attributing drop in prices N
-50706 attributing drop to decision V
-50706 postpone action on gains N
-50707 holding assets in anticipation V
-50708 is more than any N
-50711 refinancing billion in debt N
-50736 matched brethren in anxiety V
-50736 riding storm in market N
-50737 losing faith in market N
-50743 flee market in 1987 V
-50745 lost one-third of value N
-50747 representing clubs from the N
-50749 welcomed drop in prices N
-50750 take advantage of it N
-50751 has stocks in mind V
-50752 provide financing for buy-out N
-50753 is one of number N
-50754 's distaste for leverage N
-50757 's foundation to it N
-50759 quit job as assistant N
-50773 win confidence of investor N
-50786 extends trend toward downsizing N
-50790 carry memory than anything N
-50793 takes exception to name N
-50807 Consider growth of portables N
-50807 comprise % of sales N
-50811 precluded use of microprocessors N
-50818 take place between players V
-50819 considered threat to firms N
-50823 taking aim at share N
-50831 include drive in words N
-50834 hit the by end V
-50834 established itself as one V
-50837 develop circuits for use N
-50840 received contract for sets N
-50842 received contract for engines N
-50843 pushing rate of inflation N
-50843 pushing rate to % V
-50845 registered 156.8 at end V
-50851 hit highs during trading V
-50859 braved market in day V
-50861 acquired % of shares N
-50863 raise objection to acquisition V
-50865 discussed possibility of venture N
-50872 expect problems as result N
-50874 buying stock on margin V
-50875 expect problems with calls N
-50877 learned lesson in 1987 N
-50879 renew contracts with unit N
-50879 renew contracts at end V
-50881 put cost of all N
-50881 put cost at million V
-50888 drop agreements at end V
-50896 was setback for program N
-50896 is entry into format N
-50896 is entry since 1972 V
-50897 is way to it N
-50897 named president of entertainment N
-50898 raise level of show N
-50903 post earnings for quarter V
-50905 reflect improvement in business N
-50906 reported income of million N
-50907 report results for quarter N
-50912 bring it into competition V
-50914 are million to million N
-50915 wrest slice of business N
-50915 wrest slice from leader V
-50920 give discounts to users V
-50923 faces variety of challenges N
-50924 are replacements for mainframes N
-50927 be news for economy N
-50929 ease grip on credit N
-50934 following plunge in history N
-50937 presage shifts in economy N
-50948 pour money into economy V
-50949 mean change in policies N
-50950 bring rates in effort V
-50951 lowered rate to % V
-50952 charge each for loans V
-50953 sustained manufacturers for years V
-50956 was case in 1987 N
-50956 producing panic among investors N
-50956 diminishing flow of capital N
-50959 grew % in quarter V
-50967 had years of accumulation N
-50970 pump credit into economy V
-50973 's outbreak of inflation N
-50985 taking comfort from success V
-50989 seen cutting by buyers N
-50991 be quarter with comparisons N
-50994 has stake in polyethylene N
-50995 was million on sales N
-50997 pulling profit for companies N
-50997 pulling profit by % V
-51002 had growth in pigments V
-51006 earned million on sales V
-51010 post profit for all N
-51012 posted profit of million N
-51016 keep pressure on prices V
-51019 was million on sales N
-51020 faces prices for product N
-51020 develop uses for polypropylene N
-51025 earned million on sales V
-51026 earned million on sales V
-51046 pay principal from securities V
-51057 's possibility of surprise N
-51061 offset jump in imports N
-51064 do the in report V
-51065 expects increase in the N
-51066 expecting gain in the N
-51071 quicken bit from pace V
-51072 signaled increase in starts N
-51077 seeing concept of both N
-51081 follows fortunes of team N
-51082 anticipate market by fraction V
-51084 is depiction of lives N
-51087 pulled million before lunch V
-51089 keep secret from world N
-51089 ordering lunch over phone V
-51093 anticipating market by fraction V
-51103 takes man until episode V
-51109 takes wash to laundromat V
-51113 create incentive for producers N
-51116 put finger on problem V
-51119 bear resemblances to personalities N
-51121 searching office for bonds V
-51123 covering face with microchips V
-51126 is correspondent in bureau N
-51127 gave details of plans N
-51128 is part of attempt N
-51128 is parent of Farmers N
-51129 appease concern over acquisition N
-51130 invest billion in Investments V
-51132 obtained assurances from group N
-51132 provide portion of financing N
-51134 pay debt from acquisition N
-51135 include pieces of Farmers N
-51137 be owner of Farmers N
-51138 needs approval of commissioners N
-51142 take % of earnings N
-51142 take % as dividends V
-51143 have implications for holders N
-51144 pare it to concern V
-51145 dragged market below levels V
-51149 fall % from level N
-51152 adopted incentives on models N
-51155 see impact on sales N
-51159 reports sales at month-end V
-51161 had program in place N
-51169 rise average of % N
-51177 named + of subsidiary N
-51178 been consultant to operations N
-51181 has interests in electronics N
-51183 opened bureau in capital V
-51185 is victory for radio N
-51195 peddle newspapers of stripe N
-51199 bought stakes in newspapers N
-51203 are source of news N
-51204 shows depth of some N
-51209 's cry from treatment N
-51209 filed reports to network N
-51209 filed reports by phone V
-51218 saves broadcasts for midnight V
-51219 entered the with program V
-51220 is show with leaders N
-51223 cover happenings in towns N
-51224 has show with news N
-51225 's host of programs N
-51226 find tidbits of news N
-51228 intersperses the in groups N
-51231 know everything about world N
-51232 depress resistance of body N
-51234 combat strains of idea N
-51238 get youth into uniform V
-51239 curing inequities of draft N
-51240 is aim of backers N
-51244 require form of service N
-51244 require form from recipient V
-51247 attract support among students V
-51257 throwing leftovers into kettle V
-51259 reflect view of cooks N
-51264 contribute average of hours N
-51267 provide credit for students N
-51269 staff jobs in hospitals N
-51269 overpay graduates as workers N
-51269 cause resentment among workers N
-51272 show support for concept N
-51273 organizing roll of associations N
-51274 substitute any of omnibus N
-51274 substitute any for proposal V
-51274 endow foundation with million V
-51274 inform citizens of ages N
-51274 exhort them to volunteerism V
-51276 's need for concessions N
-51278 performing works of content N
-51279 is fellow at the N
-51281 named officer of chain N
-51284 purchased % of Services N
-51284 purchased % for million V
-51285 replaced representatives on board N
-51286 provides variety of services N
-51287 provides services to clinics N
-51288 had loss of million N
-51291 leave growth for all N
-51291 leave growth at % V
-51293 yield investors in year V
-51296 has dollars of bonds N
-51297 redeemed time at value V
-51300 made prerequisite to graduation N
-51302 restricted subsidies to students V
-51308 pay dues to society N
-51311 are uses of money N
-51312 question value of work N
-51314 see service as cover V
-51314 fear regimentation of youth N
-51317 recognizing source of confusion N
-51331 answers none of them N
-51334 Ignore service in the N
-51340 is rationale for bills N
-51341 exceed income of graduates N
-51346 throw refusers in jail V
-51347 encourages kinds of behavior N
-51348 encourage service by classes N
-51349 undercut tradition of volunteering N
-51354 involve stipends to participants N
-51376 take control of lives N
-51377 is service to nation N
-51380 is co-author of Books N
-51381 laid plans through weekend N
-51383 analyzed data on plunge N
-51385 avoiding actions over weekend V
-51386 reinforce sense of crisis N
-51387 pour cash into system V
-51389 were portrayals of plan N
-51390 providing money to markets V
-51391 provides money to system V
-51391 buying securities from institutions V
-51398 signal change in condition N
-51400 carried chance of declines N
-51411 have knowledge in markets V
-51417 had consultations with chairman N
-51418 avoid sense of panic N
-51434 's advice of professionals N
-51442 see plunge as chance V
-51443 been lot of selling N
-51446 expect market in months V
-51459 take advantage of panics N
-51465 has one of records N
-51470 lagged market on side V
-51475 used contracts in account N
-51481 recommends securities of maturity N
-51482 is sign to investors N
-51484 sell stock for price V
-51492 is % to % N
-51493 Paying % for insurance N
-51495 sold million of stock N
-51495 sold million to employees V
-51498 borrows money from lenders V
-51498 award employees over time V
-51498 fork cash for stock N
-51501 create incentives for employees N
-51502 have stake in success N
-51503 pay dividend on stock N
-51504 establish house for transactions N
-51505 sell shares to parties V
-51505 have right to refusal N
-51508 named nominees for board N
-51510 be pause at the V
-51511 stays points from close N
-51512 ease opening of the N
-51513 is one of number N
-51514 handle surges in volume N
-51518 resurrect debate over host N
-51520 setting requirements for markets N
-51522 expressed satisfaction with results N
-51523 buy contracts at prices V
-51525 separate trades from trades V
-51525 resolve imbalances in stocks N
-51526 compared action in pit N
-51526 compared action to fire V
-51535 be cause of crash N
-51542 strip markets of products V
-51543 was criticism of system N
-51545 raised possibility of breakdown N
-51547 held recommendations at length V
-51550 dismissed mechanisms as sops V
-51560 halts trading for hours V
-51563 Establish regulator for markets N
-51567 Require reports of trades N
-51568 monitor risk-taking by affiliates N
-51571 review state of the N
-51573 be freedom of choice N
-51573 be freedom for both V
-51577 include members of league N
-51580 offering increase in category N
-51580 demanded increase in wage N
-51584 prevent trade in wildlife N
-51586 total billion of business N
-51587 build frigate for 1990s V
-51588 commit themselves to spending V
-51588 show signs of success N
-51592 gets pence for every V
-51593 carries rate on balance N
-51600 celebrate anniversary of patriarchate N
-51602 is brainchild of director N
-51602 need kind of symbol N
-51603 identified himself as customer V
-51603 got word on players N
-51606 carried prices below % N
-51611 keep line off market V
-51611 accusing upstart of infringement N
-51612 changed lot for owner V
-51614 's thing in life N
-51615 losing % of sales N
-51616 faces might of a N
-51617 turned tables on business V
-51626 blocking sale of products N
-51627 turned request for such N
-51634 shares office with teddy V
-51635 changed buttons on line N
-51635 created line for children N
-51638 left plenty of room N
-51639 resemble them in size V
-51643 threatening action against customers V
-51644 take matter to the V
-51648 answered threat with suit V
-51651 including use of detective N
-51653 using colors on goods V
-51660 purchased shares of common N
-51662 are targets of tender N
-51663 extended offers to 4 V
-51665 announced offer for control N
-51667 acquire % of capital N
-51667 acquire % for francs V
-51668 put value of francs N
-51668 put value on shareholding V
-51669 controls % of shareholding N
-51670 sold block of shares N
-51670 sold block to companies V
-51671 bought shares on 11 V
-51672 hold stake of shares N
-51675 bought operator of chain N
-51675 bought operator for million V
-51676 becomes shareholder in Sports N
-51677 posted revenue of million N
-51681 purchase any of stock N
-51681 extended agreement through 31 V
-51684 increased stake to % V
-51686 terminated negotiations for purchase N
-51686 operates service under contract V
-51689 valued fleet at million V
-51690 become the in blend N
-51691 increase stake in company N
-51691 increase stake above % V
-51692 regarding companies with interests N
-51694 increase stake in future N
-51695 was foundation to rumors N
-51696 propose generation of trainers N
-51697 buy trainers with value N
-51697 buy trainers between 2004 V
-51701 perform assembly of trainer N
-51703 ended occupation of shop N
-51705 voting 589 to 193 N
-51707 pose challenge to government N
-51711 mark quotations on holdings N
-51712 buy securities for fund V
-51714 produced dive in the N
-51715 trigger rally in market N
-51715 move capital into securities V
-51717 plummeted % to cents V
-51718 make market in securities V
-51727 withdrew junk of bonds N
-51728 dump some of holdings N
-51728 pay redemptions by investors N
-51729 tracks values of funds N
-51730 climbed 25 than points N
-51730 climbed 25 to 103 V
-51730 climbed gain of year N
-51732 plummeted point to % V
-51732 plummeted decline since 1982 N
-51733 was drop in the N
-51734 get flight to quality N
-51736 marks shift in outlook N
-51737 be lift for bonds N
-51738 manages billion of bonds N
-51738 is rationale for rout N
-51742 is flight to quality N
-51746 receive billion of payments N
-51747 is undercurrent of business N
-51748 were billion of orders N
-51750 is plenty of money N
-51756 creating hell of opportunity N
-51762 covering some of billion N
-51765 pay interest on total N
-51767 is the since 1982 N
-51770 is damage to businesses N
-51772 is readjustment of values N
-51775 quoted p.m. at 103 V
-51777 followed fall in market N
-51780 eying action of the N
-51780 repeat injection of amounts N
-51783 yield % to assumption V
-51794 write value of business N
-51795 leads us to piece V
-51798 leaving it with billion V
-51800 decide issues on merits V
-51804 are instance of fingers N
-51808 put bill on speed V
-51820 see stocks as today V
-51823 posted loss of million N
-51824 absorb losses on loans N
-51825 brings reserve to level V
-51825 equaling % of loans N
-51826 reduced loans to nations N
-51826 reduced loans to billion V
-51828 realized gain of million N
-51829 dipped % against quarter N
-51829 dipped % to million V
-51830 rose % to million V
-51833 see modicum of normalcy N
-51834 gave mandate to party V
-51838 was mop-up of corruption N
-51844 herald assertions as proof V
-51845 deposit million in bank V
-51849 monitored conversations of figures N
-51854 served victory on a N
-51854 condemning affair as hunt V
-51857 buttress credibility with the N
-51863 revamp pieces of legislation N
-51863 revamp pieces in preparation V
-51867 is extradition of terrorist N
-51868 awaits approval from minister N
-51873 frustrating procedures for election N
-51874 linked prospects to reaction V
-51877 is one of slingers N
-51879 following plunge in prices N
-51880 inject amounts of money N
-51880 inject amounts into system V
-51883 skidded 190.58 to 2569.26 V
-51890 followed months of declines N
-51898 received a from group V
-51904 give share to nations V
-51906 prevented sale of a N
-51913 revealed information about flaws N
-51914 misled investors about success V
-51926 received attention as statements N
-51929 establishes rule of immunity N
-51929 say anything without fear V
-51930 pay million in fees N
-51934 upheld award of fees N
-51936 reimburse it for fees V
-51937 get 260,000 for costs V
-51944 be arrangement among firms N
-51945 refer work to each V
-51946 conduct seminars on topics N
-51948 develop ties with firm N
-51949 SIGNAL turnaround for manufacturers N
-51950 sought million in damages N
-51950 posed risk to students N
-51953 join 500-lawyer as partner V
-51954 develop practice of group N
-51958 spent years at unit V
-51960 split time between offices V
-51964 offering trial of computers N
-51964 offering trial to consumers V
-51966 hold % of venture N
-51972 forecast sales for venture N
-51972 forecast sales for year V
-51982 is mix of analysis N
-51983 had offers from magazines N
-51986 soared % to francs V
-51989 reflecting billings for contracts N
-51990 had profit of francs N
-51991 released figures for half N
-51991 made forecast of earnings N
-51993 report income of million N
-51994 reported loss for loss N
-51996 signal turnaround for maker V
-52000 report income of milion N
-52001 had loss of million N
-52003 produce tons of rods N
-52004 exceeded ability of operation N
-52005 expanding operation at cost V
-52006 expanded force to people V
-52006 expand sales from portion V
-52009 continue strategy for brand V
-52016 affect volumes under contracts N
-52020 pull piece of tape N
-52026 use proceeds from sale N
-52028 restructure billion in debt N
-52033 eliminates uncertainty with respect N
-52038 has reserve against million N
-52039 represents phase of program N
-52039 reduce exposure through sales V
-52041 mean end of mega-mergers N
-52041 marks start of game N
-52044 is sign for market N
-52047 increasing position to % V
-52052 was the in series N
-52053 taking view of requests N
-52054 buy parent of Airlines N
-52054 buy parent for 300 V
-52060 traded shares at prices V
-52062 commit billions of dollars N
-52066 sell million of bonds N
-52068 arrange million in loans N
-52069 arrange billion of loans N
-52070 offering 125 for shares V
-52070 combine operations with business V
-52073 see silver for business V
-52076 become hunters in market N
-52076 become hunters in market N
-52080 retained confidence in buyers N
-52084 are sanguine about companies N
-52085 Given weakness in both N
-52090 accept price from group V
-52091 offering 26.50 for shares V
-52094 soliciting bids for sale N
-52096 signified unwillingness among banks N
-52096 provide credit for takeovers N
-52098 consider sale of company N
-52101 keeping % of portfolio N
-52104 are term than purchase N
-52105 take advantage of opportunities N
-52106 evaluate market in location N
-52106 evaluate market from perspective V
-52107 take advantage of opportunities N
-52151 create opportunities for corporations N
-52157 reduced volume at operations N
-52160 investigate million in gifts N
-52161 is subject of lawsuit N
-52162 buy influence with lawmakers N
-52163 based this on statement V
-52171 filed suit against others V
-52175 returned 76,000 in contributions N
-52175 gathered money for him V
-52179 donated 112,000 to campaigns V
-52180 broke friendship in 1987 V
-52181 told number of people N
-52182 gave 850,000 in funds N
-52182 gave 850,000 to organizations V
-52183 received 47,000 in donations N
-52184 disclosed 200,000 in donations N
-52190 made disclosure of role N
-52192 volunteered help to the V
-52192 portrayed role in 1987 N
-52196 estimated value of pact N
-52197 begin delivery of cars N
-52199 opened doors to investors V
-52204 cite uncertainty about policies N
-52205 have all in basket V
-52211 is source of toys N
-52212 illustrate reliance on factories N
-52213 fell % from 1987 N
-52213 fell % to billion V
-52214 jumped % to billion V
-52215 fell % to billion V
-52215 rose % to billion V
-52224 regards year as period V
-52225 excite sales in the N
-52228 placing warriors among toys V
-52229 make year for Playmates N
-52230 improve year from 1988 V
-52231 cite dominance of market N
-52234 provided days in months V
-52241 have right to abortion N
-52242 recognizing right to abortion N
-52245 filed brief in appeal V
-52247 garnered votes of three N
-52248 is standard than test N
-52251 dropped % to million V
-52253 rose % to billion V
-52256 affected line by million V
-52259 rose points to % V
-52260 is period for them V
-52261 buffing impact of decline N
-52274 take interest in program-maker N
-52276 aggravate rift between studios N
-52277 sit month for meeting V
-52280 get shows in lineups V
-52289 wants part of mess N
-52310 grabbing chunk of riches N
-52317 including study of series N
-52322 has lots of clout N
-52334 starts study of findings. N
-52340 were part of company N
-52350 pursue lifting of suspension N
-52352 had net of 72 N
-52354 included charge of 35 N
-52365 reported net of 268.3 N
-52376 see spirit of people N
-52380 formed core of the N
-52380 is unbanning of movement N
-52384 stopping tide of night N
-52389 create climate of peace N
-52454 have appreciation of history N
-52479 expect installations of lines N
-52481 show signs of weakening N
-52491 post gain of cents N
-52493 reported income of 12.9 N
-52499 obtain services of executives N
-52504 have agreeement with executives V
-52507 become executives of studio N
-52516 induce breach of contracts N
-52536 signaled end of search N
-52540 deferred compensation of 50 N
-52542 determining extent of damages N
-52544 had change in earnings V
-52572 watching value of dollar N
-52574 is one of better-than-expected N
-52576 hurt reporting of earnings N
-52586 arranged syndication of a N
-52591 following shooting of bystanders N
-52596 assemble group of banks N
-52597 had relationship in years V
-52598 syndicate loan of name N
-52614 calculate rate of option N
-52618 polls managers of manufacturing N
-52622 subtracting percentage of managers N
-52632 measuring costs of making N
-52646 had profit of 58.7 N
-52654 have impact on results V
-52655 include sale of banks N
-52664 staunch flow of ink N
-52665 recording quarters of profitability N
-52671 prevent takeover of country N
-52672 attending assembly of the N
-52674 got word of atrocity N
-52680 been target of courage N
-52718 was head of management N
-52721 sell % of shares N
-52724 involving sale of shares N
-52730 is part of plan N
-52755 have time to shop V
-52763 become one of activities N
-52786 spend lot of money N
-52787 boycotted stores of way N
-52805 do job of making N
-52817 cut price of couch N
-52821 is example of kind N
-52841 examined opinions of 550 N
-52848 looks % of executives N
-52853 consider level of taxes N
-52854 had opinion on taxes V
-52855 was cost of employees N
-52867 increased number of employees N
-52868 increase number of employees N
-52873 is officer of unit N
-52878 gets title of director N
-52879 inherits bits of positions N
-52897 represented % of production N
-52902 report loss of deteriorating N
-52909 enjoying honeymoon of production N
-52948 Solved Riddle of Disease N
-52953 alleviate suffering of others N
-52955 appreciate value of such N
-52956 further work of resolving N
-52960 is measure of quality N
-52971 have sense of values N
-52974 had profit before items V
-52981 had profit from continuing V
-52981 continuing operations of 57 N
-53013 say manipulation of such N
-53016 are representatives of people N
-53020 stand chance of losing N
-53036 circulated photo of leader N
-53048 replaced head of division N
-53051 managing director of division N
-53064 called part of integration N
-53071 address surfeit of reserves N
-53086 following gains of % N
-53088 continue strategy of combating N
-53089 are party of devaluation N
-53103 completed offering of shares N
-53122 dump some of shares N
-53124 risen average of % N
-53125 have effect on environment V
-53138 attracted investors of growing N
-53154 showed signs of weakness N
-53160 approved acquisition of stores N
-53171 take lumps from prices V
-53172 excluding gain from sale N
-53173 report gains of % N
-53174 extract themselves from war V
-53174 steal share from each V
-53176 become owners of businesses N
-53179 given size of industry N
-53180 predicting reaction to prices N
-53181 misjudged resistance to prices N
-53181 were % on average V
-53182 Blaming prices in part V
-53184 dropped plans for promotion N
-53193 reflecting dilution for acquisitions N
-53195 report earnings between cents N
-53196 increase % to % N
-53197 declines % to % N
-53203 is hoard on view N
-53204 offers glimpses of achievement N
-53205 began career as dancer N
-53205 began career during days V
-53214 became curator of collection N
-53220 include designs by the N
-53221 shed light on role V
-53222 extend knowledge of ambiance N
-53225 dominated the through dancing V
-53231 began career as revolutionary V
-53234 has point beyond fact V
-53236 's achievement for gallery N
-53236 present kind of material N
-53236 present kind in ways V
-53239 document lot of material N
-53241 's stopgap for endeavor N
-53246 retain management of unit N
-53246 selling computers as part V
-53247 is part of plan N
-53247 grow company into member V
-53249 had loss of francs N
-53250 posting profit for year V
-53250 make it into black V
-53253 posted profit in 1988 N
-53261 are ingredients in plans N
-53261 remains one of companies N
-53262 planting itself in the V
-53263 derive % of revenue N
-53263 derive % from the V
-53263 spends % of budget N
-53263 spends % in the V
-53273 is crusader for software N
-53275 Counting sales of equipment N
-53279 manage problem of service N
-53281 be market in world N
-53284 represents % of market N
-53284 's % of world N
-53289 leave problem in form V
-53290 giving somebody for bill V
-53292 increases number of shares N
-53294 reflect number of shares N
-53294 assuming changes at company N
-53304 create demand for stock N
-53306 has impact on price N
-53307 done research on this N
-53308 take advantage of them N
-53315 mean expense for investors V
-53318 trade shares of stock N
-53319 trade shares of stock N
-53324 closed yesterday on the V
-53330 Underscoring feelings on subject N
-53330 sent greeting to friend V
-53331 like splits as tool V
-53332 is exercise in cosmetics N
-53333 improve marketability of stock N
-53346 extinguish fire at sea V
-53346 built the of steel N
-53347 meet fate of the N
-53353 mistake diary with scholarship V
-53357 issue shares in placement V
-53358 broaden research of products N
-53359 handled closing of transactions N
-53364 's one Of whims N
-53371 receive 20.83 for share V
-53372 using terms like syndrome N
-53373 make additions to reserves N
-53374 get news behind them V
-53375 announcing addition to reserves N
-53376 post loss for year N
-53378 reported loss for quarter N
-53378 following addition to reserves N
-53380 use spate of reserve-building N
-53380 use spate as opportunity V
-53381 follow lead of Manufacturers N
-53381 follow lead with boost V
-53384 rise % from figure N
-53386 is difference in rates N
-53390 are some of concerns N
-53392 finance purchase of unit N
-53393 requires approval by both N
-53393 receive nine-tenths of share N
-53394 represents sweetening from share N
-53396 makes products for skin N
-53396 acquire unit for million V
-53398 provide financing for purchase V
-53403 overshadows sales of million N
-53407 add devices to plants V
-53409 contained level of fat N
-53411 is line of Germans N
-53419 describing the until years V
-53427 run company outside industry N
-53428 becomes officer of consultants N
-53429 gave presidency of maker N
-53429 gave presidency in 1988 V
-53431 following completion of marriage N
-53432 eliminate post as chairman N
-53437 's part of shakeout N
-53440 been member of company N
-53441 integrating business with business V
-53444 see resignation as indication V
-53447 devise plans by end V
-53450 been resignations among managers V
-53453 selling both of businesses N
-53454 increase value in light V
-53456 been interest in company N
-53460 explore sale of businesses N
-53461 including spinoff of division N
-53462 sold all of shares N
-53465 held % of company N
-53465 sold shares at premium V
-53467 posted income of million N
-53468 included gain of million N
-53472 exceeded % to goal N
-53475 showed increase of % N
-53478 attributed results to times V
-53481 rose % in quarter V
-53483 increased % for months V
-53484 be the in symphony N
-53486 reported loss versus income N
-53487 include gain from operations N
-53490 take provisions for months V
-53492 demonstrate improvement for quarter V
-53495 chalked deficit to problems V
-53495 manufacturing wings on plane N
-53495 are candidates for write-downs N
-53496 bring system into production V
-53497 are changes along way V
-53498 putting it on supplier V
-53500 taken adjustments on programs V
-53500 seen the of that N
-53501 reflect problems on the N
-53501 having troubles with jet V
-53501 booking profit on contract V
-53503 shows predictions for contractors V
-53505 expect some of these N
-53507 indicated lot of sympathy N
-53509 keep executives in uproar V
-53511 passed programs in 1988 V
-53512 feel impact of contracts N
-53512 feel impact for number V
-53513 exploit advantage from situation V
-53514 take hit against income N
-53514 take hit in bit V
-53515 delivered jets during period V
-53516 anticipates line of 1.15 N
-53516 expects dollar versus cents N
-53518 show gain during walkout N
-53521 told group of bankers N
-53521 excluding gain from sale N
-53523 offering rebates on vehicles V
-53527 highlight vulnerability of maker N
-53528 boost sales during quarter V
-53529 cut production during quarter V
-53530 pushed operations of each N
-53530 pushed operations into red V
-53531 offset losses in operations N
-53535 have days of inventory N
-53538 break news of disappointment N
-53539 make statement like this N
-53541 get clarification from officials V
-53541 made announcement to traders V
-53543 cut estimates for profit N
-53544 earned billion in 1988 V
-53546 had 4.35 for year V
-53548 introduced bill in the V
-53548 increasing amount of programming N
-53549 offer choice of programming N
-53550 provide incentives to networks V
-53550 use material than quota N
-53553 give preference to programming V
-53555 pushing exports to the N
-53558 seem a for market V
-53559 has plans for translation N
-53562 credit variety of translators N
-53565 put it in the V
-53566 selling chips to Soviets V
-53569 put this in terms V
-53574 cites translations as example V
-53575 be violation of rights N
-53576 takes us into world V
-53582 eating sawdust without butter V
-53583 eaten amount of sawdust N
-53583 places law in contexts V
-53584 determines failure of policies N
-53584 determines failure through programs V
-53585 perverted concept of rights N
-53587 show injury to himself N
-53588 assert views of rights N
-53592 shifts segments of policy-making N
-53595 ensure balance in schools N
-53596 was step beyond ban N
-53600 provides understanding of policies N
-53603 seeking services for children V
-53604 diverting all of efforts N
-53604 diverting all from problem V
-53606 assigns blame to culture V
-53610 touching cornerstone of government N
-53611 is scholar in studies N
-53612 filed suit against group V
-53613 sets clash between claims N
-53614 telling public in series V
-53615 sponsoring bashes over weekend V
-53616 included entertainment by groups N
-53616 raised money for the V
-53617 drew criticism from groups V
-53622 founded group in 1977 V
-53626 denied request for order N
-53626 saw sales as form V
-53629 followed movement of Treasurys N
-53630 fell point to % V
-53631 charge each on loans V
-53633 taking action because indications N
-53634 's continuation of position N
-53635 burned times in months V
-53635 buy bonds on expectation V
-53636 was indication from officials N
-53639 turning ear to statements V
-53645 was ado about nothing N
-53646 make move toward ease N
-53646 make move in view V
-53651 is division of agency N
-53654 took some of sentiment N
-53655 put pressure on market V
-53663 was % for yield N
-53663 had rate of % N
-53663 had rate for yield V
-53671 tapped market with issue V
-53672 price billion in securities N
-53672 price billion next week V
-53674 following accord with the N
-53674 borrowing term from bank V
-53677 gained 2 to point N
-53677 gained 2 after trading V
-53681 rose 9 to 97 V
-53682 noted demand for securities N
-53682 noted demand in sessions V
-53683 yielding % to assumption V
-53685 kept floor under municipals V
-53687 had bid for issue N
-53691 accepting orders from market V
-53692 be sellers of tax-exempts N
-53692 be sellers in near-term V
-53704 fell point to 97.65 V
-53706 rose 5 to 110 V
-53706 fell 1 to 98 V
-53711 refinance loan for buy-out N
-53712 was one of victims N
-53712 was one in wake V
-53716 describing matter as dispute V
-53718 were part of pattern N
-53719 raising fund of million N
-53723 totaling billion in value N
-53724 paid price for companies V
-53725 invested million for stake V
-53725 lost part of investment N
-53726 recover some of money N
-53730 keeps % of profits N
-53730 charges fee of % N
-53732 assumes control of company N
-53733 coordinate handling of emergencies N
-53737 coordinate flow of information N
-53738 had versions of information N
-53738 had versions at points V
-53743 represent move toward system N
-53744 making decisions in gatherings V
-53746 ensure backup under him V
-53748 is deputy on staff N
-53749 coordinate handling of emergencies N
-53753 made decisions during crisis V
-53755 turn strongman to the V
-53760 make bet on contest N
-53763 rekindling animosity between cities N
-53767 called the of the N
-53771 had problems from beginning V
-53774 became sort of annex N
-53775 became home of one N
-53776 forced trustee on district V
-53777 view place as zone V
-53778 billing itself as metropolis V
-53779 see themselves as crowd V
-53787 is the in country N
-53793 save room for development N
-53795 belie the of myth N
-53796 're terrors of the N
-53798 burn souvenirs of opponents N
-53798 burn souvenirs in stands V
-53800 has standing in baseball V
-53801 became head of security N
-53803 keeps list of offenders N
-53808 applaud plays by opposition N
-53813 asked one of them N
-53820 served time in jail V
-53822 detailed differences between fans N
-53826 blame rowdiness on weather V
-53834 civilize fans with dogs V
-53835 is section for fans V
-53839 leave hearts without a V
-53840 hit people over head V
-53843 blame the for personality V
-53844 searching shelves for goods V
-53846 hate you for that V
-53847 throwing politicians in jail V
-53848 dispatched troops to shores V
-53848 augmenting forces in place N
-53850 give answer to problems N
-53859 hastened decline of economy N
-53860 Isolating forces from contacts V
-53864 be result than democracy N
-53872 do anything with troops V
-53874 begin series of exercises N
-53876 practiced operation from compound N
-53877 seemed part of practice N
-53883 relied year on bridge V
-53885 stop reporters on street V
-53886 criticized concept of intervention N
-53887 allowed reporter into room V
-53888 allowed pathway between seas N
-53893 give it to cronies V
-53911 nurture freedom around world V
-53911 fight match against president V
-53916 celebrate years of democracy N
-53918 won a for plan V
-53919 has parts from parties V
-53919 funding association with ties N
-53920 spent 434,000 on projects V
-53920 sapped virility of nation N
-53921 is candidate in election V
-53922 was one for the V
-53924 got wind of funding N
-53926 encourage institutions around world V
-53930 gives each of branches N
-53931 establish relations with institutions V
-53932 calls ham in sandwich N
-53933 needs protection from nations N
-53939 facilitate emergence of democracy N
-53942 show ties between the N
-53951 characterize them as aberration V
-53954 makes transition to democracy N
-53955 write this as part V
-53956 found indications of damage N
-53956 found indications among workers V
-53956 control pests in industry V
-53958 control weevils in elevators V
-53961 be cancer of system N
-53961 be cancer in industry V
-53962 establish link between damage N
-53965 applying fumigant in area V
-53965 suffered damage than those N
-53966 placing workers without respirators N
-53966 placing workers at risk V
-53968 linked use to hazards V
-53974 fear pain of cuts N
-53975 finished work on bills N
-53975 cut deficit to billion V
-53977 finishes work on budget N
-53980 juggle books for two V
-53987 leaves billion of cuts N
-53995 know zip about sequestration V
-53997 forced fees on loans N
-53997 increase 1 by maximum V
-54002 finishes work on bills N
-54005 getting increases in neighborhood N
-54007 prefer cuts to alternative V
-54011 formed venture with the N
-54014 boosted estimates of crops N
-54016 raised estimate of crop N
-54016 raised estimate of crop N
-54016 raised estimate to bushels V
-54017 be % above crop N
-54019 increased estimate of crop N
-54019 increased estimate to tons V
-54019 citing yields in areas N
-54020 reduced estimate of imports N
-54020 reduced estimate to tons V
-54023 exceeded average of estimates N
-54023 exceeded average by bushels V
-54024 exceeding figure by bushels V
-54026 fell bushels from estimates V
-54029 total boxes because frost V
-54032 predicted increase in production N
-54033 postponing vote on split N
-54033 postponing vote until meeting V
-54035 give reason for postponement N
-54037 shift co-founder from responsibilities V
-54038 lead buy-out of giant N
-54039 join 1 as officer V
-54045 approached brother on 24 V
-54049 tell him about restructuring V
-54050 remind you of conversation N
-54059 brought series of outsiders N
-54059 brought series to positions V
-54059 was executive of business N
-54060 have influence on strategy V
-54061 lacked direction since 1986 V
-54066 bought it for billion V
-54071 have say than outsiders N
-54073 become members of board N
-54076 struck me as club V
-54076 become part of club N
-54080 repairing reputation among investors N
-54080 tell them of change N
-54081 prompt departure of executives N
-54083 command % of business N
-54087 declined 13.52 to 2759.84 V
-54092 charge each for loans V
-54098 was acknowledgment of possibility N
-54100 drew support from rates V
-54104 lost ground in volume V
-54105 changed hands on the V
-54105 outnumbered gainers by 907 V
-54115 beat S&P-down from % V
-54122 match performance of market N
-54123 be news for segment V
-54125 keep cash on hand V
-54129 match stock before expenses V
-54130 guarantee success for investors N
-54132 loading portfolios with stocks V
-54135 surpassed gain of 500 N
-54135 surpassed gain over years V
-54138 hold stocks of companies N
-54140 underperformed ones in years V
-54144 giving weight to funds V
-54145 giving weight to funds V
-54147 misrepresents return to investor N
-54148 save magazine from folding V
-54148 publishing magazine without advertising V
-54149 fit tastes of advertisers N
-54151 purchasing magazines with help V
-54155 take control of magazine N
-54162 make vehicle for advertisers N
-54164 pay lot of money N
-54164 pay lot for point V
-54165 making magazine with point N
-54165 putting celebrities on cover V
-54166 build circulation by methods V
-54167 boost circulation above level V
-54169 pulled schedules after cover V
-54170 carried headline in letters V
-54172 is one of the N
-54174 make statement to advertisers V
-54187 handing million to account N
-54193 hospitalized summer with ailment V
-54193 been subject of speculation N
-54200 reflects state of affairs N
-54204 been suggestions of a N
-54206 kept hammerlock on power N
-54211 feeling pressure from allies N
-54217 expect moves toward reform N
-54218 developing proposals for congress V
-54223 carrying inventories for time V
-54224 making markets in stocks V
-54224 keep shares of stocks N
-54224 keep shares on hand V
-54225 are buyers of stock N
-54229 climbed 1 to 20 V
-54231 reiterated recommendations on stock N
-54232 rose 1 to 12 V
-54233 exchanged million at 12 V
-54234 was issue with volume V
-54235 terminated pact with suitor N
-54236 be partner in buy-out N
-54236 lure MGM to table V
-54238 is 43%-owned by firm N
-54238 jumped 1 to 5 V
-54239 is party to agreement N
-54240 added 3 to 10 V
-54241 gained 5 to 45 V
-54243 priced 3,450,000 of shares N
-54243 priced 3,450,000 for sale V
-54244 fell 1 to 15 V
-54246 added 1 to 43 V
-54248 reduce likelihood of upgrade N
-54250 revised offer for shares N
-54250 revised offer to 125 V
-54251 pay 110 for % V
-54252 gained 1 to 31 V
-54252 lost 1 to 20 V
-54252 rose 1 to 33 V
-54253 received bid from group V
-54254 owns % of shares N
-54263 is one of producers N
-54265 had sales of billion N
-54266 pending news of bid N
-54270 reject offer as being V
-54272 is growth in capacity N
-54277 be house above clay V
-54281 hitches leg in way V
-54289 save boy with abscess N
-54291 are kind of things N
-54296 makes report to the N
-54297 has money for region V
-54297 rival those of countries N
-54301 had years of poverty N
-54305 epitomizes extremes of poverty N
-54311 building fence around school V
-54317 is paychecks from poverty N
-54319 land town on Minutes V
-54322 get lady for 5 V
-54323 sold herself for cents V
-54329 got dose than either N
-54338 exceeded 25 per 1,000 N
-54338 exceeded 25 per 1,000 N
-54347 been one of the N
-54349 determine boundaries of world N
-54354 prowled fields like beasts V
-54355 uprooted tens of thousands N
-54355 propelled them into cities V
-54357 tethered sharecropper with lines V
-54358 has jobs of kind N
-54362 made creation of commission N
-54366 create window in time N
-54375 is piece of pie N
-54379 operating plants at levels V
-54380 boosted shipments by % V
-54381 permit shipments into half V
-54382 report profit because disruptions V
-54383 earned million in quarter V
-54383 including gain of million N
-54386 depressed profit in period V
-54388 complete reorganization by mid-1989 V
-54389 require training at plants N
-54393 reducing costs in parts V
-54398 reported loss of million N
-54399 had loss from operations V
-54400 covering sale of million N
-54401 report profit for period V
-54402 is period for industry V
-54403 take time during summer V
-54404 were a than quarter N
-54404 be quarter of year N
-54405 earned 208,992 on revenue V
-54410 estimates net at cents V
-54411 experienced orders during quarters V
-54416 postponed number of programs N
-54416 whacked totals in months V
-54417 lose share to plants V
-54419 have appetite for offerings N
-54422 have lives of years N
-54424 prompted flurry of lawsuits N
-54424 caused difficulties at two V
-54425 are vehicle at moment V
-54426 been news on partnerships N
-54427 is resurgence of placements N
-54429 getting couple on placements V
-54431 is return of capital N
-54435 buy them in quarter V
-54438 following completion of merger N
-54439 become officer in years V
-54440 have shot at spot N
-54443 struck me as guy V
-54444 named officer in 1988 V
-54453 had one in mind V
-54454 runs side of business N
-54456 were 26 after merger N
-54456 had plans at present V
-54459 was element in machinery N
-54462 altering genetics of plants N
-54463 has rights to patents N
-54464 formed venture with company V
-54466 excite atoms of hydrogen N
-54466 excite atoms to levels V
-54467 ticks time with accuracy V
-54471 dictates production by cell N
-54474 get message to reaches V
-54475 carries message to factories V
-54476 bring materials for protein N
-54478 interrupted words by stretches V
-54480 carried reactions in matter N
-54484 form sentence for making N
-54494 citing profit in all N
-54494 rose % on increase V
-54497 was billion at end V
-54498 were billion at end V
-54503 develop version of missile N
-54503 be contractor on version N
-54505 had sales of refrigerators N
-54506 disclose details of performance N
-54509 pack bulk to retailers V
-54510 siphoned billions of dollars N
-54510 siphoned billions from industry V
-54511 continue thanks to belt N
-54511 continue thanks amid stretch V
-54515 earned million on million V
-54517 offset sales at unit N
-54517 taken beating from games V
-54521 reported profit of million N
-54523 report improvements in earnings N
-54524 thrust company into black V
-54525 report earnings of cents N
-54526 had income of million N
-54528 report gains in sales N
-54530 puts sales at million V
-54533 report profit for quarter N
-54534 post earnings of 1 N
-54536 shipped million of games N
-54540 suffered drain at facilities V
-54541 change identities with addition V
-54543 had income of million N
-54547 offer week of 23 N
-54547 pending approval by the N
-54548 buy basket of stocks N
-54548 buy basket as unit V
-54549 use it as way V
-54550 meet competition from the N
-54550 launch version of product N
-54550 launch version in future V
-54551 is one of number N
-54552 awarded contract by the V
-54557 is study in politics N
-54558 becomes engine in drive N
-54564 's issue with public V
-54566 made portion of proposal N
-54571 imposes rules on states N
-54577 raised issues in way V
-54581 lost votes in row N
-54582 won debate about policy N
-54585 contains seeds of expansion N
-54586 shrink supply of providers N
-54588 subsidizes class of provider N
-54589 become constituency for subsidy N
-54590 accomplishes goal of lobby N
-54592 earning income of 32,000 N
-54594 be subsidy in code N
-54595 eliminated subsidy for couples V
-54595 wants something for readers N
-54596 do sort of thing N
-54596 called welfare for the N
-54599 retain it as part V
-54608 were revelation of troubles N
-54608 use techniques in heart V
-54614 triples bonuses for attendance V
-54614 limiting number of absences N
-54615 receive pay for absences V
-54616 receive pay for absences V
-54617 were negotiators in talks N
-54620 developed relationship with people V
-54622 win benefits for workers V
-54623 take posture toward makers N
-54625 handle bulk of responsibilities N
-54627 averages % to % N
-54627 averages % to % N
-54633 was manager of operations N
-54636 be one of casinos N
-54643 been friends since boyhood V
-54651 Heading delegation to the N
-54652 received license in weeks V
-54653 designated leader of operations N
-54655 needs someone with style N
-54656 had love for gesture N
-54656 drew thousands to the V
-54661 named president of unit N
-54664 becomes chairman of the N
-54665 devote time to publishing V
-54666 establish exchange as power V
-54671 do trading within hour N
-54672 surpassed the in year V
-54672 surpassed shares to billion N
-54676 measures performance of stocks N
-54679 run operations as president V
-54679 's overlap between skills V
-54681 including stint as chairman N
-54682 take office as chairman V
-54684 was future for the V
-54686 neglects importance as exchange N
-54687 visited traders on floor N
-54687 visited traders after conference V
-54689 is head of operations N
-54691 had companies in 1976 V
-54693 traded average of shares N
-54693 traded average in year V
-54694 see average of million N
-54700 paying lot of attention N
-54700 paying lot to markets V
-54704 meaning years in lifetime N
-54705 use stock of capital N
-54706 helping the toward independence V
-54712 transform population into minority V
-54716 teaches economics at the V
-54719 provide support for pound V
-54720 are answers to problems N
-54721 avoided mention of timing N
-54721 take pound into mechanism V
-54723 outline moves in speech V
-54727 had experience in areas V
-54729 lose hundreds of thousands N
-54740 overcome obstacles in society N
-54742 leading charge for passage N
-54743 is one of pieces N
-54744 's model of vagueness N
-54746 limits one of activities N
-54749 make modifications in procedures N
-54751 puts burden of proof N
-54751 puts burden on you V
-54752 constitutes discrimination under bill V
-54756 makes it past screens V
-54763 creating incentives for litigation N
-54764 limit suits for damages N
-54765 permits suits for pay V
-54767 enforce them in courts V
-54768 turning society to governance V
-54770 shift jurisdiction over decree N
-54770 shift jurisdiction from court V
-54771 enter businesses as pages N
-54774 lift restrictions on businesses N
-54777 build support for effort N
-54780 complete proposal by end V
-54782 eliminating restrictions on publishing N
-54784 considered forum for Bells N
-54786 adds weight to arguments V
-54786 hobbles them in race V
-54787 free Bells from jurisdiction V
-54791 have support in the N
-54792 taking lead on push N
-54793 ordered review of issues N
-54796 debating bill for 1990 N
-54796 debating bill with asserting V
-54798 send it to conference V
-54799 complete work on bill N
-54799 complete work in time V
-54801 Keeping reduction off bill V
-54801 be victory for leaders N
-54802 represent setback for Republicans V
-54805 be boon to the V
-54809 is part of bill N
-54810 approved week by the V
-54811 is expansion of deduction N
-54812 has chance of enactment N
-54812 given endorsement of concept N
-54815 including repeal of law N
-54815 provide benefits to both V
-54817 provide deduction for contributions V
-54817 permit withdrawals for purchases N
-54819 reduce spending in 1990 V
-54819 curbing reimbursements to physicians N
-54820 impose limit on payments N
-54820 impose limit in way V
-54821 take the out the V
-54822 recommend veto of bill N
-54823 raise spending in areas V
-54827 impose tax on chemicals N
-54830 encourage projects by businesses N
-54831 assist construction of housing N
-54831 provide incentives for spending V
-54837 raising million in 1990 V
-54839 raise million in 1990 V
-54842 granted interviews for month V
-54844 seen event of magnitude N
-54844 seen event in lifetime V
-54853 stirring controversy within industry V
-54855 sold copies of software N
-54856 pitch products to users V
-54857 Following publicity about the N
-54858 employing practices unlike salesman V
-54860 certify skills of professionals N
-54862 's lot of profiteering N
-54863 solve questions about integrity N
-54866 entered field as sideline V
-54868 sold copies of software N
-54868 sold copies during 1988 V
-54870 introduced software in 1985 V
-54870 shipped copies at 35 V
-54870 presented virus to community V
-54871 adding program to line V
-54872 was success within week V
-54873 pay dollars per computer N
-54873 use software at sites V
-54874 spent penny on advertising V
-54881 making it without doubt V
-54883 connects pursuit of self-interest N
-54883 connects pursuit to interest V
-54884 seeking power through regulation V
-54885 entertain departures from marketplace N
-54887 convert inconveniences of shortage N
-54887 convert inconveniences into miseries V
-54890 liberate something from dungeons V
-54891 producing cut in rate N
-54892 stood step from melee V
-54893 firing veto at package V
-54894 exercising authority over proposal V
-54895 kill item in bill N
-54896 counter arsenal of vetoes N
-54902 vetoes possibility of vote N
-54902 take credit for cut N
-54906 was hostage to deficit N
-54908 considering proposal under discussion N
-54909 be schedules for assets N
-54910 establish rate of % N
-54910 establish rate with descending V
-54910 reaches rate of % N
-54912 sanctify kind over another V
-54913 reintroduces notions of progressivity N
-54915 reinvest them in venture V
-54916 recognize arguments in favor N
-54921 running cut up flagpole V
-54924 represents value of options N
-54926 won options for planes N
-54926 won options in part V
-54928 take stake in subsidiary N
-54932 take management of million N
-54933 is tops among funds V
-54934 approve transfer of assets N
-54937 is something of lack N
-54942 lay reputation on line V
-54944 poses test for the N
-54946 advise the of dangers V
-54954 ease rates in response V
-54956 puts pressure on them V
-54960 grows impatient with efforts N
-54960 develop attack on deficit N
-54962 protecting officials against accusations V
-54962 violated ban on assassinations N
-54965 pressed producers of movie N
-54968 provides opening for groups N
-54970 held dinner in hotel V
-54971 spurring moves for regulation N
-54974 passed drugs as version V
-54976 remove drugs from market V
-54978 considers rewrite of 1938 N
-54981 leaves seat at hearing V
-54982 get copies of the N
-54983 assails buy-outs of airlines N
-54983 assails buy-outs as vampirism V
-54987 overseeing mergers of thrifts N
-54987 filed suit against family V
-54988 filed suit against regulators V
-54988 alleging seizure of property N
-54993 issue subpoenas to chairman V
-54996 makes decision about appearance N
-54999 name chairman of committee N
-55002 have responsibility for studio N
-55006 purchased it for billion V
-55008 have members from company N
-55011 continuing negotiations in attempt V
-55011 extricate producers from contract V
-55015 taking stance on contract N
-55015 file suit against both V
-55018 devour computer near you N
-55021 been sightings of virus N
-55025 treat them like threats V
-55027 wipe data on disk N
-55030 adds 1,168 to file V
-55032 check size of files N
-55032 check size against size V
-55033 is one of numbers N
-55042 lends itself to metaphor V
-55043 be scares around date V
-55044 is thing as virus N
-55048 advanced date on computer V
-55048 advanced day at time N
-55049 receive data from any V
-55051 penetrated dozen of computers N
-55052 heightened awareness of problem N
-55054 making copies of disks N
-55054 setting clocks to 15 V
-55055 containing files of origin N
-55056 run clocks on computers V
-55059 acquire position in bid V
-55060 acquire % from partners V
-55060 bringing stake in company N
-55060 bringing stake to % V
-55063 is presence in industry N
-55063 put supply from variety V
-55063 meet demand for gas N
-55064 reduce size of project N
-55064 cutting capacity to feet V
-55065 faces pressure from leadership N
-55065 relax opposition to legislation N
-55065 renewing support for abortions N
-55065 are victims of incest N
-55070 permits support in cases V
-55074 is plea to president N
-55075 be part of effort N
-55079 deny right to choice N
-55081 represents heart of commitment N
-55083 win support on grounds N
-55085 changed year beyond expectations V
-55088 held possibility of amendment N
-55091 taken line in letters V
-55092 opposes funding for abortions N
-55092 backed aid for women N
-55092 are victims of crimes N
-55093 win backing for nomination V
-55094 upholding restrictions on abortion N
-55095 supported exemption for incest N
-55097 adopted position on abortion N
-55099 named director of company N
-55099 expanding board to 13 V
-55106 float points above the N
-55133 buy shares at premium V
-55135 Fixing coupon at par V
-55139 rejected challenge by attorneys N
-55141 made showing in letter V
-55141 are subject of indictment N
-55143 alleging fraud in connection N
-55144 fight case in court V
-55146 meet deadline for indictment N
-55149 pay 500,000 to state V
-55151 create crisis in insurance N
-55153 leaves companies as defendants V
-55157 been attorney for the N
-55159 been partner at firm N
-55163 negotiate agreements with head V
-55165 began career in 1976 V
-55166 join firm as partner V
-55170 join office as partner V
-55171 joining investigation of scandal N
-55171 joining investigation in 1987 V
-55171 served years as attorney V
-55175 spent 800 in days V
-55185 concerning feelings about shopping N
-55188 are any than people N
-55193 's substitute for love N
-55195 dropped 1,500 on hat V
-55199 is man in life V
-55200 get high from shopping V
-55204 draw distinction between shoppers N
-55205 see shopping as symptom V
-55207 gives sense of security N
-55211 have sense of egos N
-55212 reflects sense of identity N
-55213 Knowing place in world N
-55214 has one of egos N
-55217 is exploration of position N
-55221 'm one of the N
-55228 been part of culture N
-55236 paid 250 for pair V
-55240 Spending dollars on a V
-55241 purchased perfume on way V
-55247 paid 650 for outfits V
-55257 learned art of shopping N
-55257 learned art from mothers V
-55261 reported results for quarter N
-55264 attributed performance to rates V
-55265 bucked trend in the N
-55269 Following lead of banks N
-55269 boosted reserves for losses N
-55269 boosted reserves by million V
-55270 increase coverage for loans N
-55270 increase coverage to billion V
-55271 been % of exposure N
-55272 reflects pressures on market N
-55276 raise million through issue V
-55280 brings coverage for loans N
-55280 brings coverage to million V
-55281 added million to reserves V
-55289 experiencing pressure on margins N
-55292 were problem for banks N
-55294 cited addition to provisions N
-55296 buck trend of margins N
-55296 buck trend with improvement V
-55299 dropped cents to 37.125 V
-55301 showed growth on basis V
-55301 fell points from quarter V
-55303 mirroring drop in the N
-55304 pay rates for funds N
-55304 pay rates in quarter V
-55305 rose points from quarter V
-55307 fell cents to 44 V
-55313 fell cents to 33.75 V
-55318 reflecting sale of assets N
-55324 take dispute to mediation V
-55325 represents employees of company N
-55325 seeking agreement on party N
-55328 shift costs to employees V
-55335 increase reserves by % V
-55338 has interests in mining V
-55338 transfer million of related N
-55339 apply pools against income V
-55339 reflects value of pools N
-55342 have access to details N
-55343 had problem with concept V
-55347 have impact on flow N
-55352 increased % to billion V
-55352 rose % to billion V
-55354 rose % to billion V
-55354 rose % to billion V
-55359 kept growth of imports N
-55359 kept growth at level V
-55363 dropped % in terms V
-55363 rose % in volume V
-55364 rose % in value V
-55364 jumped % in volume V
-55370 fell % to billion V
-55370 fell % to billion V
-55373 breaching duties as employees N
-55382 executed series of loans N
-55385 sell interest in business N
-55387 post gain on transaction N
-55389 shift focus of relations N
-55393 give message to public V
-55396 be position of the N
-55396 be position as leader V
-55397 see changes in nations V
-55398 bear expense of presence N
-55406 remove headquarters of the N
-55406 remove headquarters from downtown V
-55409 opening market to services V
-55412 takes anger at surplus N
-55412 takes anger on nations V
-55414 had surplus for years V
-55416 discussing allegations by organizations N
-55416 arresting dissidents for beliefs V
-55417 made progress toward elections N
-55417 made progress for example V
-55419 indicted leader for infraction V
-55431 fell 1.60 to 355.39 V
-55431 dropped 0.83 to 196.98 V
-55433 await release of report N
-55433 await release before opening V
-55435 bring increase in the N
-55438 are expectations for disappointment N
-55439 took comfort in indications V
-55443 dropped 5 to 24 V
-55445 report profit of cents N
-55445 cited overspending on programs N
-55445 cited overspending as factor V
-55448 fell 2 to 36 V
-55449 captured spots on list N
-55449 fell 1 to 40 V
-55451 fell 3 to 66 V
-55451 dropped 1 to 49 V
-55451 lost 1 to 45 V
-55453 has billion in debt N
-55453 issue billion in notes N
-55453 issue billion within weeks V
-55454 added 5 to 98 V
-55456 rose 3 to 20 V
-55457 become partner in takeover N
-55458 rose 3 to 24 V
-55460 added 7 to 61 V
-55462 fell 1 to 55 V
-55462 provide engines for planes V
-55463 reported loss of cents N
-55464 anticipated loss for period V
-55465 fell 1 to 19 V
-55466 posted loss from operations N
-55468 rose 1 to 10 V
-55470 fell 0.67 to 395.01 V
-55472 lost 3 to 17 V
-55473 conducting investigation of company N
-55474 been target of probe N
-55475 added 3 to 5 V
-55477 buy units for 4.50 V
-55483 inspired battle between brewers N
-55485 tear some of signs N
-55485 dominated landscape in years V
-55488 's product in country N
-55489 pump hundreds of millions N
-55489 pump hundreds into expansion V
-55493 expect number of manufacturers N
-55495 pump pesos into facilities V
-55496 report kinds of projects N
-55505 jumped year after shortage V
-55506 imposed tax on commodity N
-55508 presents target for criticism N
-55510 reinforce belief among Filipinos N
-55514 was one of countries N
-55518 followed assassination in 1983 N
-55520 took advantage of upturn N
-55527 survey household in the N
-55529 introduce errors into findings V
-55530 reported gains for quarter N
-55531 cited prices for gains V
-55532 blamed demand for products N
-55532 blamed demand for decrease V
-55533 fell % in quarter V
-55537 posted drop in income N
-55541 was rate of months N
-55542 reported income of million N
-55544 reported income of million N
-55546 risen % in half V
-55551 fell cents to 42.875 V
-55554 retain seat on board N
-55557 buy shares in steelmaker N
-55567 owns shares to million N
-55574 made improvements over three V
-55577 closed lot of capacity N
-55578 done things with vengeance V
-55584 taken profits in stock N
-55584 taken profits at prices V
-55585 earn 7 to 8 N
-55585 earn 7 in year V
-55592 has billion in benefits N
-55597 makes 3 next year N
-55609 put investor in control V
-55615 has worth of million N
-55622 swapping bonds for notes V
-55632 sending messages by code V
-55632 sending voice over wire V
-55632 replace telegraph for communication V
-55633 sold rights to company V
-55634 become corporation in world N
-55634 become corporation before break-up V
-55635 sending messages by wire V
-55641 be competitor in business N
-55642 have access to funds N
-55644 had chairmen in months V
-55647 forcing company into proceedings V
-55656 buy business for million V
-55659 put amount for stake V
-55659 gives rights to shares N
-55660 granted options on million N
-55660 granted group for cents V
-55661 paid million in expenses N
-55663 put him on board V
-55664 get % of bondholders N
-55664 pay sweetener of million N
-55665 sweetened pot for constituencies V
-55668 sell bonds to clients V
-55668 be reset by bankers N
-55669 collected million in commissions N
-55670 gain cooperation of officers N
-55670 totaling 850,000 in salaries N
-55672 is dean of school N
-55679 fell % from 1987 V
-55680 write million in will N
-55685 replacing % of management N
-55685 cutting million in costs N
-55686 omitted payments on securities V
-55687 caused interest on bonds N
-55687 increasing payments by million V
-55688 give value of % N
-55692 repurchasing bonds in chunks V
-55700 end year with million V
-55700 exceed flow by million V
-55701 expects decline in revenue N
-55701 expects decline with hitting V
-55701 hitting bottom in quarter V
-55703 moves billion through network V
-55704 entrust company with cash V
-55705 collects bills for utilities V
-55713 block cut in tax N
-55713 's break for the N
-55718 writing bills for people V
-55725 surpass million in 1994 V
-55726 reduce revenue from tax N
-55732 expressed concerns about effect N
-55733 is tax on grandchildren N
-55736 calling break for the N
-55746 were part of estate N
-55756 is area of concern N
-55760 called amendment after family V
-55762 leaves estate to grandchildren V
-55765 are country of nobility N
-55765 built fortune in business V
-55768 Offer Option For Plans N
-55774 's part of idea N
-55778 were catalyst to action N
-55781 cause damage to lines N
-55782 provides benefits to company V
-55787 report results with tests N
-55787 determine effectiveness of drugs N
-55790 rule use of drugs N
-55791 save thousands of dollars N
-55791 avoid effects for patients V
-55796 be way of life N
-55796 be way in years V
-55800 cover patients with disease N
-55807 Put Computers in Wards V
-55809 extended systems into wards V
-55813 reflecting growth in number N
-55817 cited gains in systems N
-55830 signed memorandum of understanding N
-55830 signed memorandum with group V
-55832 made announcement at stage V
-55833 ended months of speculation N
-55833 been cornerstone of complex N
-55834 total million for years V
-55835 began operations in 1923 V
-55836 turned profit for time V
-55837 sell unit to entity V
-55841 represents workers at plant N
-55842 selling facility to firm V
-55846 do it in way V
-55851 purchase tons of steel N
-55851 purchase tons from entity V
-55853 cut production in future V
-55856 remain consultant to company N
-55857 totaled dollars in year V
-55865 governed country in coalition V
-55865 sell dollars of assets N
-55866 equal rate of % N
-55868 call election in half V
-55869 attract number of votes N
-55870 made millions of dollars N
-55871 reinvested some of returns N
-55873 was supplier of steroids N
-55877 demanding increase in wage N
-55880 mention concern about case N
-55882 make one of nations N
-55884 involves aid to industry N
-55886 clearing way for settlement V
-55887 open negotiations on grievances N
-55889 limit exports to the N
-55889 limit exports for years V
-55890 include agreement by the N
-55892 is pretext for protectionism N
-55892 posting profits in market V
-55893 extend quotas after 1992 V
-55894 owed it at end V
-55897 has interest in proposal N
-55902 flies planes to cities V
-55903 operates planes to cities V
-55903 posted income of 372,949 N
-55903 posted income for months V
-55904 disclose terms of merger N
-55905 make offer for rest V
-55906 consider offer for stock N
-55907 pay 900,000 to government V
-55909 submitted data to negotiators V
-55910 concealed existence of document N
-55912 represented doubling of damages N
-55913 implement procedures at facility V
-55914 climbed % to francs V
-55916 recorded items in half V
-55917 posted gain for period V
-55918 had profit of francs N
-55918 had profit on revenue V
-55919 reached settlement in suits V
-55919 enhances whiteness of balls N
-55920 follows ruling by judge N
-55920 adds distance to shots V
-55923 become leader in business N
-55923 become leader with help V
-55929 increase earnings by cents V
-55930 reduce estimate on company N
-55931 injected capital into unit V
-55932 misstated capitalization in edition V
-55935 cited investments in maintenance N
-55937 has case for increase N
-55940 repurchase shares of stock N
-55943 signed letter of intent N
-55947 pay million plus expenses N
-55954 sold % of subsidiaries N
-55954 sold % to company V
-55954 pulling cash from sale V
-55968 predict growth on bills V
-55968 foresee growth on bills N
-55969 offering owners of imported N
-55969 offering owners of imported N
-55972 choose rates of rebate V
-55974 had supply of cars N
-55974 had supply at end V
-55976 formed venture with firm V
-55979 allow expansion into market N
-55981 develops systems for customers V
-55982 named president of finance N
-55983 has interests in broadcasting N
-55984 assume responsibility for all N
-55986 been manager of finance N
diff --git a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/training b/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/training
deleted file mode 100644
index b1aee70..0000000
--- a/opennlp-ml/src/test/resources/data/ppa/training
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20801 +0,0 @@
-0 join board as director V
-1 is chairman of N.V. N
-2 named director of conglomerate N
-3 caused percentage of deaths N
-5 using crocidolite in filters V
-6 bring attention to problem V
-9 is asbestos in products N
-12 led team of researchers N
-13 making paper for filters N
-16 including three with cancer N
-18 is finding among those N
-22 is one of nations N
-22 have standard of regulation N
-24 imposed ban on uses N
-26 made paper for filters N
-28 dumped sacks of material N
-28 dumped sacks into bin V
-28 mixed fibers in process V
-32 has bearing on force N
-33 expect declines in rates N
-34 eased fraction of point N
-37 retain rates for period V
-38 considered sign of rising N
-42 pour cash into funds V
-46 had yield during week N
-50 holds interest in company N
-52 holds three of seats N
-53 approved acquisition by Ltd. N
-55 completed sale of Operations N
-56 is company with interests N
-58 has revenue of million N
-59 suspended sales of bonds N
-59 lifted ceiling on debt N
-60 issue obligations of kind N
-63 raise ceiling to trillion V
-67 was manager of division N
-68 been executive with Chrysler N
-68 been executive for years V
-82 registered deficit of million N
-82 registered deficit in October V
-83 casting cloud on economy V
-87 recorded surplus of million N
-90 keep pace with magazine N
-90 announced rates for 1990 N
-90 introduce plan for advertisers N
-92 give discounts for maintaining N
-92 become fixtures at weeklies N
-92 underscore competition between Newsweek N
-95 lowered base for 1990 N
-95 be % per subscriber N
-97 awards credits to advertisers V
-99 shore decline in pages N
-101 gaining circulation in years V
-103 had circulation of 4,393,237 N
-107 leaves Co. as bidders V
-107 proposed plan in proceedings N
-108 acquire PS of Hampshire N
-109 values plan at billion V
-114 owns PS of Hampshire N
-116 was one of factors N
-118 proposed - against boosts N
-120 seeking approval of purchase N
-121 complete purchase by summer V
-123 elected directors of chain N
-124 succeed Rexinger on board V
-125 refund million to ratepayers V
-127 make refunds of 45 N
-127 make refunds to customers V
-127 received service since 1986 V
-128 block order by Edison V
-129 held hostage through round V
-132 slash earnings by 1.55 V
-133 reported earnings of million N
-137 raise rates by million V
-138 upheld challenge by groups N
-142 added million to calculations V
-143 set rate on refund N
-143 set rate at % V
-144 faces refund on collections N
-145 set precedent for case N
-146 seeking million in increases N
-148 refund million for performance V
-150 followed increases of % N
-155 opened plant in Korea V
-156 meet demand for products N
-162 been orders for Cray-3 N
-163 announced spinoff in May V
-165 is designer of Cray-3 N
-167 needing million in financing N
-170 link note to presence V
-170 complicate valuation of company N
-175 describe chips as being V
-177 face competition from Research N
-177 has % of market N
-177 roll machine in 1991 V
-180 receive share for they N
-184 calculate value at 4.75 V
-185 been drain on earnings N
-187 report profit of million N
-187 report profit for half V
-190 paid 600,000 at Research V
-194 expects force of 450 N
-194 expects force by end V
-197 was president of company N
-198 named president of company N
-199 was president of unit N
-200 succeed Hatch as president V
-201 was president of Edison N
-202 named president of Utilities N
-204 claiming success in diplomacy N
-204 removed Korea from list V
-206 improve protection of property N
-207 made progress on issue V
-208 is realization around world V
-212 improved standing with U.S. N
-212 protect producers from showings V
-213 compel number of parlors N
-217 pose problems for owners N
-220 be one of countries N
-223 issue review of performance N
-223 issue review by 30 V
-224 merit investigation under provision N
-228 reach reduction of % N
-234 CHANGED face of computing N
-237 use sets as screens V
-237 stored data on audiocassettes V
-238 was advance from I N
-240 triggered development in models N
-242 store pages of data N
-242 store pages in memories V
-245 developed system for PCs N
-245 adapted one of versions N
-246 developed drives for PCs N
-247 were co-developers of modems N
-247 share data via telephone V
-250 acquired Inc. for million V
-251 sells products under label V
-252 owns % of stock N
-253 increase interest to % V
-258 has reserves of barrels N
-261 make barrels from fields N
-261 make barrels from fields N
-262 completed sale of subsidiary N
-263 Following acquisition of Scherer N
-264 is part of program N
-265 approved treatment for imports N
-268 requested treatment for types V
-269 grant status for categories V
-269 turned treatment for types V
-270 is seller of watches N
-271 be beneficiaries of action N
-276 left Magna with capacity V
-277 reported declines in profit N
-278 cut dividend in half V
-280 seek seat in Parliament N
-282 cut costs throughout organization V
-285 pursue career with Magna N
-286 named director of company N
-288 show interest of investors N
-295 eliminate risk of prepayment N
-295 redeploy money at rates V
-296 channel payments into payments V
-296 reducing burden on investors N
-298 boosted investment in securities N
-299 become purchasers of debt N
-299 buying billion in bonds N
-300 named director of concern N
-300 expanding board to members V
-302 giving protection from lawsuits N
-303 began offer for shares N
-305 owns % of shares N
-309 reflects intensity of intervention N
-310 follows decline in reserves N
-315 kicked issue at Board V
-317 mirrors mania of 1920s N
-320 brings number of funds N
-326 hold smattering of securities N
-328 get taste of stocks N
-337 paying premium for funds V
-342 reflect marketing of funds N
-346 buy receipts on stocks N
-346 buy receipts in funds V
-350 holding talks about repayment N
-356 extend credit to countries V
-356 are members of Fund N
-358 settled debts with countries V
-359 stressed debts as key V
-360 settle hundreds of millions N
-366 booked billion in orders N
-370 remove effects of patterns N
-379 cite lack of imbalances N
-379 provide signals of downturn N
-382 had news on front N
-389 fell % to billion V
-391 rose % in September V
-394 boost spending on homes N
-396 rose % to billion V
-398 ran % above level N
-400 reported increase in contracts N
-404 considered forecast of recession N
-415 gauges difference between number N
-415 reporting improvement in area N
-416 polled members on imports V
-421 reported shortage of milk N
-424 are figures for spending N
-426 have lot in common V
-432 is society of lore N
-433 perpetuate notion of Japanese N
-434 carries message for relations N
-438 mark her as anything V
-442 is one of writers N
-443 carry dashes of Americana N
-444 give way to baseball V
-445 is mirror of virtues N
-446 is Japanese for spirit N
-446 have miles of it N
-448 named star as symbol V
-449 return balls to ushers V
-449 sidestep shame of defeat N
-453 's complaint of American N
-454 invades aspects of lives N
-458 took lesson from books V
-465 bans smoking in restaurants V
-466 launched Week at Institute V
-469 opened market to cigarettes V
-469 restricts advertising to places V
-470 are the in markets N
-474 build center for meeting N
-475 draw 20,000 to Bangkok V
-478 renewed application in August V
-479 win membership in Organization N
-480 get AIDS through sex V
-484 including relations with men N
-485 increased charges by % V
-486 bring charges into line V
-487 establishing ties with Poland N
-487 announced million in loans N
-490 modify agreement with Czechoslovakia N
-492 seek billion from Hungary V
-498 issue dollars of debentures N
-499 buy amount of debentures N
-499 buy amount at par V
-503 complete issue by end V
-504 is inheritor of spirit N
-505 laid claim to that N
-508 revived Artist in movie V
-512 playing bass in ensembles V
-517 selling copies of Cosmopolitan N
-521 including skirmishes with artist N
-523 returning waif to mother V
-525 gives sense of purpose N
-525 alerts him to inadequacy V
-526 tuck girl into one V
-528 had presence in front N
-530 makes it with deal V
-532 managed kind of achievement N
-540 brought lover into home V
-541 called Latour in film V
-545 has Peck in portrayal V
-546 take look at Lights N
-547 discussing plans with three V
-547 build version of twin-jet N
-549 build sections of 767 N
-551 hit market in mid-1990s V
-553 getting boost in campaign V
-554 leading contests of 1989 N
-554 reached levels of hostility N
-556 became form in 1988 V
-560 Take look at commercials V
-560 set tone for elections V
-563 file taxes for years V
-565 hid links to company N
-565 paid kidnapper through organization V
-567 prosecute case of corruption N
-569 shows photos of politicians N
-570 Compare candidates for mayor N
-572 opposed ban on bullets N
-578 's situation of ads N
-580 made secret of it N
-581 pay 95,142 in funds N
-582 blamed problems on errors V
-587 had reservations about language N
-589 opened battle with Coleman N
-589 opened battle with commercial V
-591 give it to politicians V
-592 take right of abortion N
-593 launch series of advertisements N
-593 shake support among women N
-594 featured close-up of woman N
-600 propelling region toward integration V
-602 sparking fears of domination N
-604 tripled commitments in Asia N
-604 tripled commitments to billion V
-605 approved million of investment N
-605 approved million in 1988 V
-605 approved million of investment N
-606 includes increases in trade N
-607 pumping capital into region V
-608 seek sites for production V
-612 share burdens in region V
-615 is part of evolution N
-617 turn themselves into multinationals V
-620 turn Asia into region V
-622 spur integration of sectors N
-623 make tubes in Japan V
-623 assemble sets in Malaysia V
-623 export them to Indonesia V
-625 consider framework for ties N
-628 offered plan for cooperation N
-628 offered plan in speech V
-629 playing role in region V
-631 play role in designing V
-633 outstrips U.S. in flows V
-633 outranks it in trade V
-633 remains partner for all V
-634 pumping assistance into region V
-635 voice optimism about role V
-635 convey undertone of caution N
-636 's understanding on part N
-636 expand functions in Asia V
-637 approach it with attitude V
-637 be gain for everyone V
-640 regard presence as counterweight V
-642 step investments in decade V
-645 giving Test of Skills N
-645 giving Test to graders V
-647 is example of profession N
-650 matched answers on section V
-651 had answers to all V
-652 surrendered notes without protest V
-653 use notes on test V
-654 be one of the N
-655 given questions to classes V
-656 display questions on projector V
-659 was days in jail V
-660 is one of downfall N
-662 became something of martyr N
-663 casts light on side V
-664 enforce provisions of laws N
-665 win bonus under 1984 V
-667 is pressure on teachers N
-673 suspects responsibility for erasures N
-673 changed answers to ones V
-680 force districts into interventions V
-683 posts score of the N
-683 use SAT as examination V
-684 paying price by stressing V
-685 rates one of states N
-686 is way for administrators N
-686 take it at all V
-688 keeping track of booklets N
-693 was enrollment in honors N
-694 becoming principal in years V
-698 clean deadwood in faculty N
-699 ushered spirit for betterment N
-706 taught students in program N
-706 consider teaching as career V
-707 won money for school V
-708 had Yeargin in year V
-709 gave ambitions in architecture N
-713 polish furniture in classroom N
-715 correcting homework in stands V
-717 defended her to colleagues V
-721 earn points in program V
-722 was improvement on tests N
-724 Winning bonus for year V
-728 attending seminar in Washington V
-729 copied questions in the V
-729 gave answers to students V
-731 help kids in situation V
-734 lift scores near bottom N
-742 is president of School N
-745 have sympathy for her V
-749 taking law into hands V
-753 said something like want N
-755 turned knife in me V
-758 decried testing on show V
-759 give particulars of offense N
-763 recommend Yeargin for offenders V
-763 expunged charges from record V
-764 cranked investigation of case N
-768 carried logo on front V
-771 did lot of harm N
-772 cast aspersions on all V
-773 casts doubt on wisdom V
-773 evaluating schools by using V
-774 opened can of worms N
-780 find answer in worksheets V
-780 give them in weeks V
-784 is difference between test V
-789 took booklets into classroom V
-791 give questions to students V
-804 rate closeness of preparatives N
-812 was publication of House N
-814 represented form of CAT N
-817 completed acquisition of Sacramento N
-817 completed acquisition for million V
-818 has offices in California V
-818 had assets of billion N
-818 had assets at end V
-821 extend moratorium on funding N
-827 oppose funding for abortion V
-828 implant tissue into brain V
-829 placed moratorium on research V
-829 pending review of issues N
-831 fill posts at helm V
-832 withdrawn names from consideration V
-832 asked them for views V
-834 is director of Institute N
-835 imposing tests for posts V
-838 be role for make V
-838 make judgments about applications V
-840 is one of institutions N
-840 conducting research on transplants V
-842 provide incentive for one N
-845 spends million on research V
-847 added 1.01 to 456.64 V
-848 was beginning for November N
-851 gained 1.39 to 446.62 V
-852 gaining 1.28 to 449.04 V
-853 jumped 3.23 to 436.01 V
-854 permit banks from regions N
-858 bid shares of banks N
-858 bid shares on news V
-860 surged 3 to 69 V
-865 rose 7 to 18 V
-867 rise 3 to 18 V
-868 added 5 to 8 V
-871 gained 1 to 4 V
-871 reporting loss of million N
-874 assuming fluctuation in rates N
-874 achieve earnings in 1990 V
-875 surged 3 to 55 V
-876 begin offer for all V
-877 rose 1 to 13 V
-879 acquiring Radio in swap V
-879 tumbled 4 to 14 V
-880 owns % of Radio N
-880 paying shareholders with shares V
-881 lost 3 to 21 V
-882 issued Monday under rights V
-883 resolve disputes with company V
-884 had stake in Rally V
-884 seek majority of seats N
-884 seek majority on board V
-885 slipped 7 to 10 V
-886 post loss for quarter V
-887 had income of million N
-887 had income on revenue V
-888 threatened sanctions against lawyers V
-888 report information about clients V
-893 provide information about clients V
-894 returned forms to IRS V
-896 become witness against client N
-897 red-flag problem to government V
-897 received letters in days V
-901 Filling forms about individuals V
-901 spark action against clients V
-903 passed resolution in 1985 V
-904 disclosing information about client V
-904 prevent client from committing V
-905 bring actions against taxpayers V
-907 opposed stance on matter N
-911 had knowledge of actions N
-911 had knowledge in week V
-912 provide information about clients V
-913 obtain returns of individual N
-914 obtained forms without permission V
-921 pass me in three V
-921 ask them for loan V
-922 increased pay by % V
-928 discuss salary in detail V
-930 suing Guild of East N
-930 suing Guild for million V
-933 began strike against industry V
-934 honor strike against company V
-940 preventing guild from punishing V
-942 prohibits use of funds N
-942 assist woman in obtaining V
-943 prohibits funding for activities V
-944 are source of funding N
-944 are source for services V
-945 violate freedom of speech N
-945 violate rights of women N
-946 CLEARS JUDGE of bias N
-946 CLEARS JUDGE in comments V
-947 sparked calls for inquiry N
-947 sparked calls with remarks V
-947 sentencing defendant to years V
-947 killing men in park V
-949 breach standards of fairness N
-949 violate code by commenting V
-954 began arguments in courtroom V
-955 charged GAF with attempting V
-955 manipulate stock of Corp. N
-958 joined firm of Mayer N
-959 became partner in Washington V
-962 reached agreement in principle V
-962 buy buildings in Albany V
-967 bid equivalent on contracts V
-968 offered yen for contract V
-970 bid yen in auctions V
-971 lost contract to Fujitsu V
-973 summoned executives from companies N
-973 understood concern about practices N
-975 investigating bids for violations V
-979 had reputation for sacrificing V
-980 accepting gifts from businessmen V
-982 been complaints about issue V
-985 have access to procurement V
-990 win contract in prefecture V
-991 design system for library V
-991 plan telecommunications for prefecture V
-992 withdraw bids in Hiroshima V
-1002 completed sale of four N
-1002 retaining stake in concern V
-1004 owns chain of stores N
-1004 rose % to 32.8 V
-1005 rose % to 29.3 V
-1007 made purchase in order V
-1008 bought plant in Heidelberg V
-1016 reflects slowdown in demand V
-1018 take a for period V
-1018 cover restructuring of operations N
-1018 citing weakness as decision N
-1019 been slowing in rate V
-1021 make reductions in expenses V
-1023 had loss of million N
-1024 had profit of million N
-1025 rose % to million V
-1026 reflects switch from wafers V
-1027 converting Clara to facility V
-1034 elected director of maker N
-1034 increasing membership to 10 V
-1035 posted gains against currencies V
-1036 underpin dollar against yen V
-1036 kept currency from plunging V
-1038 posted gains against yen V
-1039 is force in market V
-1044 traced performance against yen N
-1044 traced performance to purchases V
-1046 cites deal as the N
-1046 cites deal as evidence V
-1047 prompted speculation in market V
-1049 spurred dollar by institutions V
-1050 lock returns on debt N
-1051 showed interest in evidence V
-1052 following release of report V
-1053 measures health of sector N
-1054 boosted expectations in day V
-1059 turned ratings at NBC N
-1059 turned ratings since debut V
-1059 keeps millions of viewers N
-1059 keeps millions on network V
-1060 bought reruns for prices V
-1063 losing Cosby to competitor V
-1064 make commitments to World N
-1068 take Cosby across street V
-1071 is point in week V
-1074 been disappointment to us V
-1075 been return for dollar V
-1079 opened office in Taipei V
-1081 is part of Group N
-1082 offering pages of space N
-1083 thumbing nose at advertisers V
-1085 made debut with promise V
-1085 give scoop on crisis N
-1087 dumped energy into rampage V
-1089 be some of folks N
-1090 raised ire of others N
-1092 ran diagram of product N
-1097 is one of products N
-1097 is one in terms V
-1100 need Soups of world N
-1100 make run of it N
-1101 have base of spenders N
-1102 featured ads from handful N
-1102 support magazine over haul V
-1108 sold copies of issue N
-1109 has orders for subscriptions N
-1115 makes supplier of programming N
-1116 providing programming in return V
-1117 sell time to clients V
-1118 named Spiro as agency V
-1120 awarded account for line N
-1120 awarded account to Mather V
-1125 completed acquisition of Associates N
-1128 increase price of plan N
-1128 made offer for Containers N
-1129 sell billion of assets N
-1129 use some of proceeds N
-1129 buy % of shares N
-1129 buy % for 70 V
-1130 ward attempt by concerns N
-1131 offered 50 for Containers V
-1132 sweetened offer to 63 V
-1136 increase price above level V
-1139 characterizing it as device V
-1140 receiving 36 in cash V
-1141 place shares in market V
-1148 requiring roofs for minivans V
-1149 equip minivans with belts V
-1151 represents milestone in program N
-1151 promote safety in minivans N
-1151 promote safety through extension V
-1153 impose standards on vans V
-1154 including members of Congress N
-1154 urging department for years V
-1154 extend requirements to vans V
-1155 carry people than cargo N
-1155 have features as cars V
-1156 have luck during administration V
-1161 require equipment in minivans V
-1163 withstand force of weight N
-1165 has belts in trucks V
-1165 phasing them by end V
-1167 meet standard for cars N
-1168 met standards for resistance V
-1169 installing belts in trucks V
-1175 joins board of company N
-1175 joins board on 1 V
-1177 held talks with partners V
-1178 dropped opposition to bills N
-1179 allow banking by banks V
-1180 allow banking within England V
-1182 had conversations with people N
-1185 drop opposition to legislation N
-1186 declining % to million V
-1187 lay % of force N
-1189 cut dividend to cents V
-1190 is 2 to stock N
-1192 reported income of million N
-1194 become chairman in May V
-1196 issued Monday in plan V
-1197 receive 1 of cent N
-1197 receive 1 as payment V
-1198 resolve disputes with company N
-1199 hold stake in Rally N
-1199 seek majority of seats N
-1200 announced tag for Cabernet N
-1201 is peak of experience N
-1201 introduced wine at dinner V
-1203 is high for Sauvignon V
-1204 weighed fall with price V
-1205 is category of superpremiums N
-1206 included stable of classics N
-1210 boast share of bottles N
-1215 was Blanc de Blancs N
-1220 steal march on Burgundy N
-1223 offered Corton-Charlemagne for 155 V
-1229 exhausted supply of wines N
-1229 seen decrease in demand N
-1231 Take Cabernet from Creek N
-1232 yielded cases in 1987 V
-1233 sell it for 60 V
-1234 Offering wine at 65 V
-1234 sent merchants around country N
-1234 check one of answers N
-1236 are people with opinions V
-1239 wins ratings from critics V
-1240 add it to collection V
-1241 's sort of thing N
-1241 's sort with people V
-1248 increased prices on wines N
-1248 see resistance to Burgundies N
-1250 keep Cristal in stock V
-1250 lowering price from 115 V
-1251 's question of quality N
-1251 have ideas about value V
-1253 buy Tache at moment N
-1256 is writer in York V
-1257 increasing pressure on Reserve N
-1260 see slowing in quarter V
-1261 is cause for concern N
-1265 cut rate by point V
-1265 shown sign of movement N
-1268 noted orders for types V
-1275 is chance of recession N
-1275 put percentage on it V
-1276 mailing materials to shareholders V
-1277 receive one for shares V
-1278 buy 100 of bonds N
-1278 buy shares at cents V
-1281 owns % of Integra N
-1282 rejected contract on Tuesday V
-1286 continue shipments during stoppage V
-1287 sell billion in bonds N
-1287 sell billion next week V
-1289 raise money in markets V
-1289 pay billion in bills N
-1292 cause disruption in schedule N
-1294 raise billion in cash V
-1294 redeem billion in notes N
-1299 sell billion in bills N
-1299 sell billion on Thursday V
-1301 approves increase in ceiling N
-1301 clearing way for offering N
-1302 raise billion in quarter V
-1302 end December with balance V
-1303 raise total of billion N
-1306 acquired Inc. in transaction V
-1308 has sales of million N
-1309 took advantage of rally N
-1316 buy shares of targets N
-1318 had effect on markets V
-1329 posted rise in profit N
-1329 posted rise in half V
-1331 sold unit to company V
-1333 supplies services to industry V
-1335 acquire Corp. for 50 V
-1335 stepping pressure on concern N
-1336 follows proposal by NL N
-1337 rebuffed offer in September V
-1338 made proposals to shareholders V
-1345 own stake in Gulf N
-1346 owns % of Inc. N
-1348 rose cents to 15 V
-1351 put dollars in equity N
-1351 finance remainder with debt V
-1353 answer offer by Tuesday V
-1356 followed offers with offer V
-1358 gain millions of dollars N
-1361 representing University of Pennsylvania N
-1361 added Johnson to lawsuit V
-1361 challenging member over rights V
-1363 filed suit in court V
-1363 developed Retin-A in 1960s V
-1364 licensed Retin-A to division V
-1371 focusing attention on differences V
-1371 's one of subjects N
-1372 see rhetoric as signal V
-1372 discussing negotiations with leaders V
-1374 have opportunity at investment N
-1376 devoted all of briefing N
-1376 devoted all to subject V
-1382 gain influence at company V
-1383 grant seats on board N
-1384 made hay with troubles V
-1385 use experience in talks V
-1385 seek access to markets N
-1386 get share of attention N
-1388 has litany of recommendations N
-1388 has litany for the V
-1390 need action across range V
-1390 need it by spring V
-1400 have sheaf of documents N
-1404 increasing stake in business N
-1405 improves access to technology N
-1406 provides source of capital N
-1407 Take deal with Corp. N
-1407 set sights on Japan V
-1409 guided Candela through maze V
-1410 secured approval for products V
-1411 sold million of devices N
-1411 sold million in Japan V
-1412 gave access to product N
-1413 view this as area V
-1415 bankroll companies with ideas V
-1415 putting money behind projects V
-1416 financed firms for years V
-1417 invested million in positions V
-1417 invested rise from figure N
-1418 tracks investments in businesses N
-1419 involved purchase of firms N
-1420 parallels acceleration of giving N
-1420 giving control of corporations N
-1421 acquired stake in Group N
-1423 improve access to knowledge N
-1423 feed anxieties in area N
-1426 bought interest in company N
-1426 bought interest in venture V
-1427 give window on industry N
-1428 's investment in company N
-1429 see market from inside V
-1433 got start in period V
-1435 using term for the N
-1441 's problem of businessman N
-1443 has relation to business V
-1445 get return on investment N
-1446 double number of affiliates N
-1446 double number in 1990 V
-1452 provides maintenance to airports V
-1452 reported loss for year V
-1452 omitted dividend on shares N
-1453 been president since 1984 V
-1459 put 15,000 in certificate V
-1460 deserve something for loyalty V
-1461 took business to Atlanta V
-1471 use it for services V
-1472 aiming packages at the V
-1474 targets sub-segments within market N
-1476 add benefits to package V
-1479 included checks for fee V
-1480 begot slew of copycats N
-1484 analyze customers by geography V
-1486 opened field for products V
-1488 extend battles into towns V
-1492 spread accounts over institutions V
-1492 runs firm in Charlotte V
-1500 introduce line in 1986 V
-1503 have package for them V
-1505 has packages for groups V
-1506 split those into 30 V
-1512 markets accessories for computers N
-1513 Send child to university V
-1513 Make difference in life N
-1513 Make difference through Plan V
-1514 spend 15,000 like change V
-1517 helping S&L in areas V
-1527 send support to institution V
-1528 keep Institution off deficit V
-1529 is lawyer in York N
-1530 become Parent to loan V
-1533 send information about institution N
-1535 told meeting in Washington N
-1535 support halts of trading N
-1536 reinstating collar on trading V
-1537 take effect in pit V
-1540 following review of the N
-1541 fell total of points N
-1544 knocked contract to limit V
-1547 provides respite during sell-offs V
-1547 become limit for contract N
-1551 banned trades through computer V
-1553 expressed concern about volatility N
-1558 done this in public V
-1559 writing report to panel V
-1562 been studies of issue N
-1562 was time for action N
-1563 carry legislation in months V
-1564 expressed concern about problems V
-1568 is one of the N
-1568 calling faithful to evensong V
-1571 is note in Aslacton V
-1571 enjoying peal of bells N
-1575 drive Sunday from church V
-1578 diminish ranks of group N
-1582 playing tunes on bells V
-1587 have names like Major V
-1589 gives idea of work N
-1594 swap places with another V
-1597 become bit of obsession N
-1600 leaving worship for others V
-1603 set line in protest V
-1604 treated tower as sort V
-1605 are members of congregation N
-1607 following dust-up over attendance N
-1612 draw people into church V
-1614 improve relations with vicars N
-1615 entitled Bells in Care N
-1616 have priority in experience N
-1624 is source of ringers N
-1625 surfaced summer in series V
-1626 signing letter as male V
-1626 making tea at meetings V
-1630 take comfort in arrival V
-1632 signal trouble for prices V
-1634 be trap for investors N
-1635 kill them after mating N
-1637 give way to environments V
-1641 fell % in 1977 V
-1643 rose % in 1988 V
-1645 kept pace with advances V
-1648 keeping watch on yield V
-1650 pushes yield below % V
-1661 paying percentage of flow N
-1661 paying percentage in form V
-1663 buy some of shares N
-1664 factors that into yield V
-1664 get yield of % N
-1665 is tad below average V
-1667 reflecting weakening in economy N
-1668 forecasting growth in dividends N
-1673 is tally from Poor N
-1674 raised dividends in October V
-1676 measure magnitude of changes N
-1676 be harbinger of growth N
-1678 deliver return to % N
-1678 deliver return over months V
-1679 expects growth in dividends N
-1679 expects growth next year V
-1680 is element in outlook N
-1684 start Co. in Boston V
-1684 had subsidiary in York V
-1684 called Co. of York N
-1688 registered days before application N
-1688 dropped basis for plight N
-1691 reported losses for quarters V
-1695 build business over year V
-1698 servicing base of systems N
-1698 provide maintenance for manufacturers V
-1698 using some of applications N
-1700 pay dividends on stock V
-1702 set rapprochement between Beijing N
-1705 took aim at interference V
-1709 forgiven leaders for assault V
-1709 killed hundreds of demonstrators N
-1710 including friends of China N
-1713 expressed regret for killings N
-1715 reprove China for it V
-1719 imposed series of sanctions N
-1719 including suspension of talks N
-1720 is envoy for administration N
-1722 brief president at end V
-1724 raised number of issues N
-1724 raised number in hours V
-1726 restore participation in Program N
-1728 is part of community N
-1728 welcome infusion of ideas N
-1729 told group of Americans N
-1729 told group at Embassy V
-1730 are signs of China N
-1732 encounter guards with guns N
-1732 encounter guards during visit V
-1734 discarded arms for time V
-1736 filed protests with Ministry V
-1737 pointed rifles at children V
-1743 passing buck to people V
-1749 visited lot of manufacturers N
-1750 spending lot of money N
-1750 spending lot on advertising V
-1753 Earns Ratings Than President N
-1753 define blacks by negatives V
-1753 have views of her N
-1754 speaks language than husband N
-1756 have view of spouse N
-1762 disciplined number of individuals N
-1762 disciplined number for violations V
-1767 had listing for party N
-1772 selling securities at prices V
-1778 return call to office N
-1783 received suspension in capacity N
-1789 described situation as problem V
-1790 transacting trades for days V
-1791 sold securities to public V
-1792 sold securities at prices V
-1810 had clients at all V
-1814 resist onslaught of trading N
-1814 shrug furor over activities N
-1818 exploit differences between prices N
-1819 took place in markets V
-1824 forgotten leap in prices N
-1824 drove stocks in the V
-1825 suspend trading in futures N
-1825 suspend trading at time V
-1827 tightened controls on purchases N
-1829 reaped chunk of earnings N
-1829 reaped chunk from arbitrage V
-1830 joined list of firms N
-1830 doing arbitrage for accounts V
-1831 heads Salomon in Tokyo V
-1831 ascribe part of success N
-1831 ascribe part to ability V
-1831 offer strategies to clients V
-1837 is cause for concern N
-1837 is cause at moment V
-1843 manages billion in funds N
-1847 gained following since crash V
-1850 was % of size N
-1851 is times as market N
-1852 boost wage for time V
-1852 casting vote for measure N
-1854 cost thousands of jobs N
-1855 bend bit from resistance V
-1856 raising wage to 3.35 V
-1859 are smiles about bill N
-1862 praised acceptance of wage N
-1867 pay subminimum for days V
-1867 uses program for workers N
-1870 lift floor in stages V
-1871 received contract for services N
-1872 won contract for aircraft N
-1873 given contract for equipment N
-1874 got contract for handling N
-1875 made acquisitions in mode V
-1877 leading bid for Corp N
-1879 entice Nekoosa into negotiating V
-1880 pursue completion of transaction N
-1881 opens possibility of war N
-1886 make bid for Nekoosa N
-1887 picked approach to management N
-1887 picked approach as president V
-1888 Assuming post at age V
-1888 is rule in universities N
-1888 researching book on Hahn N
-1892 make transition to world N
-1895 spending years in college N
-1896 earned doctorate in physics N
-1899 engineered turnaround of Georgia-Pacific N
-1903 building segment of company N
-1904 buffet products from cycles V
-1908 attributes gains to philosophy V
-1912 be concern in world N
-1912 be concern with combined V
-1916 approved portions of package N
-1916 approved portions in hopes V
-1917 approved million in guarantees N
-1917 approved million under program V
-1919 provoked threats by House N
-1920 are factor in shaping N
-1921 reallocate million from Pentagon N
-1924 receive portion of appropriations N
-1925 fund series of initiatives N
-1927 received quota of tons N
-1927 received quota over period V
-1928 are target for growers N
-1929 began bidding by proposing V
-1930 broadened list by including V
-1931 has ties to industry N
-1931 insert claim by Philippines N
-1932 gave approval to billion V
-1933 carries ban on flights N
-1934 move measure to House V
-1934 bounce bills to House V
-1936 losing night with Committee N
-1937 Takes Backseat To Safety N
-1937 Takes Backseat on Bridges V
-1944 replace openings on Bridge N
-1945 blocks view of park N
-1949 keep railings on Bridge N
-1953 replace trays at stands N
-1957 takes space than carriers N
-1962 's place for food N
-1964 promises change on sides N
-1966 runs gamut from blender N
-1967 swap teachers at Carnegie-Mellon N
-1969 get exposure to system N
-1970 making products for Soviets N
-1971 renew sense of purpose N
-1975 IT'S BIRDS with deal N
-1977 seeking solutions to shortage N
-1978 contain cells with point N
-1980 compared them to pyramids V
-1982 house inmates at cost V
-1982 building prison in York V
-1984 cited Corp. for violations V
-1985 proposed fines of million N
-1985 was record for proposed N
-1986 cited violations of requirements N
-1987 proposed million in fines N
-1991 record injuries at works N
-2001 contest penalties before Commission V
-2002 was million for alleged N
-2011 emphasized prevalance of alcoholism N
-2012 had multitude of disorders N
-2014 lack necessities of nutrition N
-2015 predispose person to homelessness V
-2015 be consequence of it N
-2021 exhibits combination of problems N
-2024 quote director of a N
-2030 played role in number N
-2034 cite groups as Association N
-2034 got support from groups V
-2038 including someone from staff N
-2038 put them on streets N
-2041 raise million through placement V
-2045 discuss terms of issue N
-2050 approved legislation on buy-outs N
-2052 put brakes on acquisitions N
-2052 load carrier with debt V
-2055 block acquisition of airline N
-2059 called amendment by supporters V
-2059 preventing Chairman from attempting V
-2060 drop Voice of offices N
-2063 print text of broadcasts N
-2072 are propaganda of sorts N
-2073 make mind on issue V
-2077 broadcasts news in languages V
-2080 barred dissemination of material N
-2081 read texts of material N
-2081 read texts at headquarters V
-2081 barred them from copying V
-2085 print it in newspaper V
-2087 sounded lot like censorship N
-2088 lost case in court V
-2092 changed position on points N
-2095 declared right of everyone N
-2095 disseminate materials in States V
-2096 preclude plaintiffs from disseminating V
-2098 allowed access to materials N
-2098 allowed access notwithstanding designations V
-2098 check credentials of person N
-2103 proscribes government from passing V
-2103 abridging right to speech N
-2104 prescribe duty upon government V
-2104 assure access to information N
-2105 read Voice of scripts N
-2105 visiting office during hours V
-2107 copy material on machine V
-2111 get words for examination N
-2115 get answers to questions N
-2117 was director of the N
-2124 run Campbell as team V
-2125 including executives with experience N
-2134 is a in market N
-2134 paid times for PLC V
-2138 have rapport with employees N
-2138 have responsibility for operations N
-2139 joined Campbell in 1986 V
-2139 take charge of operations N
-2141 boost performance to level V
-2142 controlled % of stock N
-2144 took charge against earnings N
-2147 discuss circumstances of departure N
-2150 reached age of 65 N
-2150 reached age in 1991 V
-2151 withdrawn name as candidate V
-2152 received salary of 877,663 N
-2153 owns shares of stock N
-2159 convince board of worthiness N
-2161 give duo until year V
-2162 take look at businesses N
-2163 applaud performance of U.S.A. N
-2163 posted growth for 1989 V
-2197 announced resignation from house N
-2206 handled growth of company N
-2209 integrated acquisitions in years V
-2212 been president of House N
-2216 run side in combination V
-2217 be publisher of books N
-2223 signals attempt under pretext N
-2226 gives veto over action N
-2226 gives Congress through ability V
-2228 swallow principle of separation N
-2230 discussed clause at Convention V
-2232 needed executive with resources N
-2233 placing president on leash V
-2234 contained attempts by Congress N
-2234 rewrite Constitution under pretext V
-2235 sign bills into law V
-2235 declaring intrusions on power N
-2236 strip president of powers N
-2238 make appointments without approval V
-2238 fill Vacancies by granting V
-2239 approve nomination of said N
-2240 make appointments under II V
-2241 imposes conditions on ability V
-2241 nominate candidates of choosing N
-2243 avoid restriction by choosing V
-2243 prohibits service to government N
-2244 contain number of provisions N
-2244 violate clause in II N
-2246 make recommendations to Congress V
-2246 select matter of recommendations N
-2247 proposing alternatives to regulations N
-2248 prevents Office of Budget N
-2248 subjecting orders to scrutiny V
-2250 illustrates attempt than 609 V
-2253 contain kinds of conditions N
-2254 invite Congress for remainder V
-2254 rewrite II of Constitution N
-2255 becomes custom in administration V
-2257 discussing control in Moscow V
-2257 direct president through rider V
-2258 leave part of branch N
-2258 sign bills into law V
-2258 assert power of excision N
-2264 be power of applicability N
-2265 is assertion of veto N
-2265 is assertion at all V
-2265 exerting power of excision N
-2265 violate separation of powers N
-2266 asserts right of excision N
-2268 takes dispute to Court V
-2269 is vindication of right N
-2273 take provisions in bills N
-2275 realize fear in 48 N
-2275 extending sphere of activity N
-2275 drawing powers into vortex V
-2279 was billion in 1987 V
-2280 deducting expenses from income V
-2283 saved farmers from year V
-2283 reclaim quantities of grain N
-2284 sell commodities at profit V
-2287 attributed increases to package V
-2288 confirms rebound from depression N
-2289 explain reluctance of lobbies N
-2289 make changes in program N
-2290 curtailed production with programs V
-2294 led nation with billion V
-2295 log decline in income N
-2296 was setback for 10,000 N
-2300 boosted production of corn N
-2304 turns city into town V
-2306 faces competition in County N
-2306 faces competition in Valley V
-2308 put paper on block V
-2309 asking million for operation V
-2313 buy space in the V
-2313 target area with one V
-2315 provide alternative to the N
-2317 joins News-American as cornerstones V
-2319 built castle at Simeon N
-2320 kept apartment in building N
-2321 represent condition of industry N
-2322 was survivor from age N
-2324 cut circulation in half V
-2327 restored respect for product N
-2328 beat rival on disclosures V
-2331 provide employees with service V
-2331 pay them for days V
-2339 filling box with edition V
-2342 make payment on million V
-2343 obtain capital from lenders V
-2344 make payment by 1 V
-2345 seeking offers for stations N
-2346 leave home without card V
-2348 joining forces in promotion V
-2348 encouraging use of card N
-2349 giving vacations for two N
-2349 giving vacations to buyers V
-2349 charge part of payments N
-2349 charge part on card V
-2350 sending letters to holders V
-2352 approached Express about promotion V
-2354 restore reputation as car N
-2357 is part of effort N
-2357 broaden use of card N
-2359 is company with maker N
-2359 promote card as card V
-2361 charge all of purchase N
-2361 charge all on card V
-2362 finance part of purchase N
-2362 finance part through Corp V
-2362 put payment on card V
-2364 joining forces with them V
-2365 is nameplate among holders V
-2366 asked members in mailing V
-2366 get information for purchases V
-2368 screened list for holders V
-2370 get point off rates N
-2371 increase use of cards N
-2371 have plans for tie-in N
-2380 offered tickets on Airlines N
-2380 offered tickets to buyers V
-2382 declared variety of deals N
-2384 set precedent for municipalities V
-2387 retraced some of losses N
-2388 lost millions of pounds N
-2388 lost millions from deals V
-2391 make payments on debt N
-2391 making payments with another V
-2392 make payments to banks V
-2396 set precedent for transactions N
-2397 representing one of banks N
-2400 exhaust avenues of appeal N
-2401 recover payments to authorities N
-2401 recover payments in instances V
-2401 made payments to councils N
-2403 file appeal against ruling N
-2411 cause fall on 13 N
-2413 are proponents of trading N
-2414 make markets in stocks V
-2416 announced addition of layer N
-2416 slow traders during market V
-2416 approve restrictions on trading N
-2417 turning market into crapshoot V
-2417 abandoned arbitrage for accounts V
-2418 do trades for clients V
-2420 stop racket on Street N
-2421 telephone executives of companies N
-2422 rallying CEOs to cause V
-2427 gained control over chunk N
-2427 wedded them to ability V
-2431 wrote letter to Chairman N
-2434 pitting employee against employee V
-2444 made shambles of system V
-2444 turning market into den V
-2446 portray pickers as Neanderthals V
-2448 beg regulators for protection V
-2450 take advantage of discrepancies N
-2452 place orders via computers V
-2452 sell them in market V
-2452 lock difference in price N
-2452 lock difference as profit V
-2453 involve sale of millions N
-2454 earns profit of 25,000 N
-2458 is reason for gyrations N
-2459 seen iota of evidence N
-2459 support restrictions on trading N
-2463 halted trading in futures N
-2464 ignoring role as source V
-2469 keep returns of benchmarks N
-2470 losing clients to funds V
-2471 charge pennies per 100 V
-2473 make dinosaurs of firms N
-2474 earned returns of % N
-2474 earned returns on capital V
-2474 making markets in stocks N
-2475 see step to trading N
-2475 see step as knell V
-2477 keep funds from taking V
-2477 taking business to markets V
-2483 stacking deck against them V
-2483 scaring them to death V
-2487 buy stocks in 500 N
-2490 doing % of volume N
-2498 minted dozens of millionaires N
-2499 trade worth of futures N
-2501 getting thunder from Congress V
-2503 put system in jeopardy V
-2505 put genie in bottle V
-2507 stop idea of trading N
-2507 trading basket of stocks N
-2510 is increase in requirement N
-2514 chase dozens of traders N
-2516 prevents sale of stock N
-2519 destroy efficiency of markets N
-2522 suspend trading during swings V
-2524 is form of trading N
-2525 takes advantage of concept N
-2527 owns widget in York N
-2527 replace it with widget V
-2528 beat return of index N
-2534 executing order in stocks V
-2535 is evidence of desires N
-2535 make transactions of numbers N
-2536 taking advantage of inefficiencies N
-2536 evoking curses of observers N
-2539 is difference between markets N
-2541 causes difference in prices N
-2541 initiating sell in Chicago N
-2543 transfers pressure from Chicago V
-2544 decrease ownership in widgets N
-2546 get execution of trade N
-2549 is subtraction to market N
-2552 become ticket of future N
-2555 encourage type of investor N
-2555 encourage type over another V
-2556 attract investor to he V
-2562 using trading as boy V
-2562 gain ground in wooing N
-2562 wooing investors for products V
-2563 bringing interference from markets V
-2567 is one for abolishing N
-2570 amass record with fees N
-2573 offering it to investors V
-2582 inviting liquidity with ways V
-2582 transfer capital among participants V
-2583 executes trades for institutions V
-2585 affect operations of Department N
-2586 cut request for enforcement N
-2587 make filings to regulators N
-2593 requested amount for enforcement N
-2593 requested amount for 1990 V
-2596 charges nothing for filings V
-2598 is increase of million N
-2604 noticed surge in filings N
-2605 set record for elections N
-2608 represent the in any N
-2612 cites efforts in Oklahoma N
-2614 Taking cue from California V
-2619 reflect development of structure N
-2621 is sort of sense N
-2621 is sort in market V
-2625 fetching deal of money N
-2626 brings number of services N
-2628 costs caller from cents V
-2630 noting interest in use N
-2631 eyeing registration through service N
-2632 face barriers to raising N
-2635 improving rates of patients N
-2635 improving rates at Hospital V
-2639 send light to dozens V
-2641 including emphasis on medicine N
-2648 gotten inquiries from people V
-2650 limited growth at Services N
-2651 spurring move to cloth N
-2651 eliminate need for pins N
-2653 bearing likeness of Freud N
-2659 have advantage because quantity V
-2660 blames trading for some V
-2661 cites troubles in bonds N
-2665 's virtue in it V
-2671 does anything for market V
-2675 runs agency in York N
-2678 plays options for account V
-2678 factoring volatility into decisions V
-2679 increases liquidity in market N
-2685 is part of markets N
-2689 bring market after plunge V
-2691 get rhythm of trading N
-2691 take advantage of it N
-2695 sell all by quarter V
-2696 sell stocks in trust N
-2699 took advantage of prices N
-2705 receive 3,500 at closing V
-2706 approved transaction by written V
-2707 raised capacity of crystals N
-2707 raised capacity by factor V
-2708 created changes in structures N
-2709 made advance with superconductors V
-2711 marks step in research N
-2712 obtained capacity in films V
-2713 conduct electricity without resistance V
-2719 created changes by process V
-2719 bombarding samples with neutrons V
-2719 creates radioactivity in samples V
-2720 breathed sigh of relief N
-2720 breathed sigh about finding V
-2721 involves motion of fields N
-2722 pins fields in place V
-2725 combine process with growth V
-2726 raise capacity of samples N
-2727 named officer of Corp. N
-2730 succeeded Taylor as chairman V
-2731 posted loss of million N
-2732 had impact of million N
-2754 is million of bonds N
-2758 expect rating from Moody V
-2759 indicating coupon at par N
-2760 buy shares at premium V
-2767 is Monday from 1989 N
-2771 is Tuesday from 1989 N
-2776 have home for them V
-2777 is fan of proposition N
-2777 build replacement for Park N
-2778 sink million into stadium V
-2783 be moneymakers for city N
-2785 brought money into city V
-2786 redistribute wealth within community V
-2787 sink dollars into mega-stadium V
-2790 spent 100,000 on promotion V
-2791 rejected % to % N
-2793 built Park for Giants V
-2795 playing games with voters V
-2798 built coliseum with funds V
-2807 slipped % to million V
-2808 fell % to million V
-2809 were losses in period N
-2809 was gain of million N
-2810 was profit from discontinued V
-2810 contributed million before tax V
-2811 fell % to million V
-2811 rose pence to pence V
-2812 paying dividend of pence N
-2813 fell % to million V
-2817 sent shivers through community V
-2820 retain ratings on paper N
-2821 reduce margins on borrowings N
-2821 signal trouble for firms V
-2825 shoring standing in months V
-2826 taking risks with capital V
-2827 's departure from practice N
-2827 transferring risks to investors V
-2829 raised flag for industry N
-2829 raised flag in April V
-2833 acquires company in transaction V
-2834 create prospects for profitability N
-2837 arranged billion of financings N
-2837 arranged billion for units V
-2839 represent portion of equity N
-2842 been participant in business N
-2844 includes billion of goodwill N
-2845 has million of capital N
-2847 had Shearson under review V
-2850 taken toll on Drexel N
-2852 cutting workforce in half V
-2853 circulated statement among firms V
-2853 diminished year from years V
-2857 is plus in view V
-2858 been firm on Street N
-2860 been president of engineering N
-2862 sought involvement of suppliers N
-2865 change perception of cars N
-2866 holding variety of positions N
-2867 hear appeal from case N
-2868 offer kind of aid N
-2868 offer kind to those V
-2870 becomes precedent for cases N
-2873 reported cases among daughters N
-2881 expanded approach for time V
-2881 pay share of damages N
-2882 sold all in California V
-2883 are issues of process N
-2886 chilled introduction of drugs N
-2887 rejected liability for drugs N
-2888 favors marketing of drugs N
-2889 forced drug off market V
-2890 suffer injuries from drugs N
-2896 replaced lawsuits over vaccines N
-2896 replaced lawsuits with fund V
-2898 trash law in cases N
-2900 completed purchase of chain N
-2901 operates stores in Northeast N
-2901 reported revenue of billion N
-2902 runs stores as Taylor N
-2905 had guilders of charges N
-2905 had guilders in quarter V
-2905 reflect losses in connection N
-2907 had guilders of charges N
-2908 cut spending by half V
-2914 send million in aid N
-2914 send million to Poland V
-2916 harmed farmers in Salvador N
-2919 need market for products N
-2920 expects income in year N
-2924 fell 1.125 to 13.625 V
-2925 fell % to % V
-2927 earned million on revenue V
-2928 attributed downturn in earnings N
-2928 attributed downturn to costs V
-2930 carry it through period V
-2931 edged Wednesday in trading V
-2933 added points to 35564.43 V
-2934 fell points to 35500.64 V
-2936 outnumbered 454 to 451 N
-2937 reflecting uncertainty about commitments N
-2938 sparked buying in issues V
-2939 is liquidity despite trend V
-2945 regarding direction of market N
-2950 advanced yen to 1,460 V
-2951 gained 20 to 1,570 V
-2951 rose 50 to 1,500 V
-2952 fell yen to 692 V
-2952 added 15 to 960 V
-2954 advanced 11 to 890 V
-2955 affecting demand for stocks N
-2956 closed points at 2160.1 V
-2957 posting intraday of 2141.7 N
-2957 posting intraday in minutes V
-2958 ended day near session V
-2963 settled points at 1738.1 V
-2965 hugging sidelines on fears V
-2966 cited volatility as factors V
-2968 tender bid for control N
-2969 waive share in maker N
-2969 raised prospects of war N
-2970 gain acceptance of bid N
-2971 sparked expectations of bid N
-2972 rose 9 to 753 V
-2973 eased highs in dealings V
-2974 gained 15 to 397 V
-2974 reporting drop in profit N
-2977 cover requirements in shares N
-2977 climbed 32 to 778 V
-2979 gained 18 to 666 V
-2980 advanced 23 to 14.13 V
-2986 are trends on markets N
-3001 alleging violations in facility N
-3002 stored materials in containers V
-3004 held hearings on allegations N
-3004 returned plant to inspection V
-3005 expects vindication in court N
-3008 had effect on consumers V
-3010 was 116.4 in October V
-3011 was 116.9 in 1988 V
-3012 uses base of 100 N
-3022 providing sense of security N
-3022 kept power of paycheck N
-3024 buy homes in months V
-3030 buy appliances in months V
-3037 ranked offering as sale V
-3039 paid attention to reports N
-3039 provided view of economy N
-3043 blurred picture of economy N
-3046 reported declines in activity N
-3049 enhances importance of data N
-3050 caused swings in prices N
-3052 forecast rise in rate N
-3054 create one for refunding V
-3055 raise billion in cash N
-3056 issue billion of bonds N
-3056 increasing size of bond N
-3058 gauge demand for securities N
-3059 is contingent upon passage N
-3060 issue debt of kind N
-3067 dominated activity in market N
-3069 posted return of % N
-3069 showed return of % N
-3074 outdistanced return from bonds N
-3078 trailed gains in market N
-3080 yielding % to life V
-3085 including lack of interest N
-3091 was interest in bonds N
-3097 fell 14 to 111 V
-3098 fell 9 to 103 V
-3099 lowered rating on million N
-3100 exceeds profit by margin V
-3100 noted loss of million N
-3102 including gains of million N
-3105 fell % in quarter V
-3105 lost million in business V
-3106 posted earnings of million N
-3108 included charge in quarter V
-3109 ordered investigation of impact N
-3110 referred takeover to Commission V
-3111 sold business to Ltd. V
-3112 is unit of S.A N
-3114 has branches throughout U.K. V
-3114 had profit of million N
-3118 throws work on legislation N
-3119 has control over legislation N
-3120 guarantee cut in emissions N
-3122 abandon proposal for cap N
-3124 junk system for credits N
-3125 subsidize costs for utilities N
-3125 sparing customers from jumps V
-3127 present alternative to members V
-3128 pose challenge to plan N
-3129 win support of utilities N
-3130 representing some of utilities N
-3132 have agreement with company V
-3133 acquired % of City N
-3133 acquire % from Co. V
-3136 coordinate markets in times V
-3138 routes trades into file V
-3140 fall points from close V
-3141 halt trading for hour V
-3141 slides points on day V
-3144 zip orders into exchange V
-3144 handles % of orders N
-3145 buy quantity of instrument N
-3145 buy quantity at price V
-3148 swapping stocks for futures V
-3149 involving sale of stocks N
-3152 selling baskets of stocks N
-3152 executing trades in options V
-3153 capture discrepancies between stocks N
-3155 buy value of index N
-3155 buy value by date V
-3156 multiplying number by amount V
-3158 buy amount of investment N
-3158 buy amount by date V
-3162 seek control of airline N
-3163 make bid by himself V
-3165 boost value of holdings N
-3168 position himself as investor V
-3170 sold stock at profit V
-3170 making filing before collapse V
-3171 acquired stake at cost V
-3171 reduced stake to % V
-3171 accepted bid at prices V
-3172 boost value of stock N
-3174 adds twist to speculation V
-3180 boost value of any N
-3183 land job with UAL V
-3184 reach kind of accord N
-3184 reach kind with employees V
-3186 owned % of Williams N
-3186 pay shares for rest V
-3187 pay share for share V
-3192 acquired assets of agency N
-3194 bought shares of stock N
-3194 bought shares for 3.625 V
-3195 boosts stake to % V
-3196 oust Edelman as chairman V
-3197 including sale of company N
-3202 extended offer for stock N
-3202 extended offer until 9 V
-3204 owns million of shares N
-3209 reported earnings for quarter V
-3216 rose % to billion V
-3217 cited showing by segment N
-3218 soared % to million V
-3219 had revenue for months V
-3220 muscling aerospace for time V
-3221 jump % to million V
-3225 took hits in quarters V
-3226 posted net of million N
-3227 Excluding additions to profit N
-3227 were 2.47 from 2.30 V
-3228 rose % to billion V
-3229 cut prices by % V
-3230 include reduction on computer N
-3235 buy quantity of sugar N
-3240 rose limit of cent N
-3240 rose limit to cents V
-3241 export sugar during season V
-3241 produce alcohol for fuel V
-3244 is producer of sugar N
-3247 total tons in contrast V
-3252 been switch in decade V
-3256 have contacts with industry N
-3259 fuel portion of fleet N
-3261 had problems in years V
-3262 buy sugar on market V
-3270 showed decline in inventories N
-3274 buys grains in quantity V
-3274 buy tons of wheat N
-3275 receiving status from U.S V
-3277 running purchases of bushels N
-3277 running purchases in October V
-3279 advanced cents to 1.1650 V
-3283 extend state of emergency N
-3283 extend state in Island V
-3285 find buyer for chain V
-3285 sell stake in chain N
-3285 sell stake to management V
-3285 reduce investment in retailing N
-3286 seeking buyer for chain V
-3288 rang sales in 1988 V
-3289 operates stores in Iowa N
-3290 buy interest in chain N
-3290 buy interest in January V
-3291 reduce stake in Younkers N
-3292 changing offer for company N
-3292 changing offer to 13.65 V
-3293 pay cash with preference V
-3295 accrue dividends at rate V
-3297 gave reason for offer N
-3298 submit offer to committee V
-3300 been manager for months V
-3301 followed tenure as editor N
-3304 is reason for departure V
-3307 choosing people of tomorrow N
-3308 reflects change in strategy N
-3311 rose pence to pence V
-3312 representing shares in market V
-3314 becomes director of affairs N
-3315 becomes director of programs N
-3316 extended offer for shares N
-3318 launched suit in court V
-3318 seeking withdrawal of rights N
-3320 hold % of shares N
-3321 set 10 as deadline V
-3325 reported loss of million N
-3326 had loss of million N
-3328 declined % to million V
-3329 cited softening in demand N
-3330 report loss of million N
-3332 write million in costs N
-3333 cited amortization of goodwill N
-3333 cited amortization as factors V
-3336 bearing brunt of selling N
-3338 added 0.84 to 341.20 V
-3339 gained 0.99 to 319.75 V
-3339 went 0.60 to 188.84 V
-3340 led decliners on Exchange V
-3343 stood month at % V
-3348 offset impact of profit-taking N
-3349 awaits release of data N
-3349 awaits release with hope V
-3350 stick necks in way V
-3351 jumped 3 to 47 V
-3351 sparked revival of rumors N
-3353 went 3 to 1 V
-3355 climbed 3 to 73 V
-3355 mount offer for company N
-3357 rose 1 to 177 V
-3359 added 3 to 51 V
-3359 acquire stock for 50 V
-3360 has stake of % N
-3361 launched offer for company N
-3361 dropped 3 to 61 V
-3362 lost 1 to 50 V
-3364 rose 3 to 39 V
-3364 added 1 to 24 V
-3364 gained 1 to 48 V
-3364 fell 7 to 48 V
-3364 lost 3 to 31 V
-3364 dropped 1 to 40 V
-3365 rose 3 to 53 V
-3366 has yield of % N
-3367 dropped 1 to 17 V
-3368 sell stake in unit N
-3368 sell stake for million V
-3368 cut estimates of value N
-3369 tumbled 2 to 14 V
-3371 went 1 to 19 V
-3372 marketing lens for use N
-3373 gained 1.56 to 372.14 V
-3375 rose 1 to 16 V
-3377 convert partnership into company V
-3378 have impact on results N
-3379 exchange assets for shares V
-3383 holds % of units N
-3384 rose % to yen V
-3385 cited sales against backdrop N
-3386 surged % to yen V
-3387 climbing % from yen V
-3392 owns % of shares N
-3392 exchange share of stock N
-3392 exchange share for share V
-3394 plunged 4 to 14.75 V
-3395 have rate of 1.76 N
-3400 include loss of million N
-3401 exceed net of million N
-3402 makes bombs for business V
-3405 rose % to million V
-3408 reflected loss from Hugo N
-3411 maintain million in capital N
-3413 had loss of 158,666 N
-3415 reported loss of 608,413 N
-3417 sold shares of stock N
-3417 sold shares to interests V
-3418 represents % of shares N
-3422 increased worth to million V
-3423 raised price for jeweler N
-3423 raised price to 57.50 V
-3429 raises presence to stores V
-3431 said problems with construction N
-3434 be shareholder in company N
-3439 reported loss of million N
-3440 had income of 132,000 N
-3441 is write-off of servicing N
-3441 been drain on earnings N
-3442 eliminate losses at unit N
-3443 eliminated million of will N
-3444 assuming fluctuation in rates N
-3447 has assets of billion N
-3448 completed acquisition of Inc. N
-3451 adopt First of name N
-3452 eliminate positions of company N
-3453 take jobs with First N
-3454 reduce results for 1989 N
-3454 reduce results by million V
-3455 provides cents for stockholders V
-3457 receive stock in company N
-3463 ENDED truce with Contras N
-3464 citing attacks by rebels N
-3465 reaffirmed support for elections N
-3468 launched offensive against forces N
-3469 called protests in country N
-3469 showing support for renovation V
-3474 extend moratorium on funding N
-3476 treat diseases like Alzheimer N
-3479 approved portions of package N
-3483 sabotage elections in Namibia N
-3484 took responsibility for slaying N
-3484 avenge beheading of terrorists N
-3486 concluded days of talks N
-3489 continue program of modernization N
-3490 defeated motion in history N
-3492 take place in waters V
-3494 unveiled package of initiatives N
-3494 establish alternatives to trafficking N
-3494 establish alternatives in nations V
-3497 warned U.S. about attack V
-3499 completed offer for Inc. N
-3499 tendering % of shares N
-3499 tendering % by deadline V
-3500 take ownership of studio N
-3501 assuming billion of debt N
-3506 told employees in operations N
-3509 earned million on revenue V
-3512 posted gain in profit N
-3514 rose % to yen V
-3515 surged % to yen V
-3517 pushed sales in construction V
-3528 rose 3.375 to 47.125 V
-3529 stem drops in market N
-3531 received bid from investor V
-3532 steps pressure on concern N
-3535 buy % of parent N
-3536 make bid by himself V
-3538 block buy-outs in industry N
-3539 face fine of million N
-3543 face requirements as automobiles N
-3544 sell billion in bonds N
-3554 cast pall over Association V
-3554 built thrift with bonds V
-3557 reaching 3 on rumors V
-3561 's 10 of equity N
-3562 has shares in hands N
-3565 attend restructuring of Columbia N
-3570 write junk to value V
-3570 sell bonds over years V
-3571 wrote million of junk N
-3571 reserved million for losses V
-3573 provide data on junk N
-3576 has gains on traded V
-3579 holding some of investments N
-3585 sell bank as operation V
-3585 use some of proceeds N
-3586 is subject of speculation N
-3599 awarded patents for Interleukin-3 V
-3600 make factor via technology V
-3601 licensed rights for Interleukin-3 V
-3601 conducting studies with it V
-3603 induce formation of cartilage N
-3605 filed applications on number V
-3608 question rating in hearings V
-3609 add voice to court V
-3614 gives a to nominees V
-3615 gives rating to those V
-3616 acquire % of AG N
-3616 acquire % from Foundation V
-3618 buying stake in company N
-3618 expand production of supplies N
-3619 provides fit with unit N
-3620 is part of strategy N
-3621 had sales of marks N
-3621 has backlog of marks N
-3623 bring stock to market V
-3624 issued rulings under act N
-3625 investigate complaints by makers N
-3625 reaching U.S. at prices V
-3626 defines prices as ones V
-3628 find violations of law N
-3628 assess duties on imports V
-3633 estimate size of charge N
-3635 increase benefits to % V
-3637 called part of strategy N
-3640 take advantage of plan N
-3643 rose cents to 38.875 V
-3644 been target of speculation N
-3649 elected director of concern N
-3650 increases board to seven V
-3652 gives example of integrity N
-3653 offered trip from Bronx N
-3653 offered trip by one V
-3653 accepting anything of value N
-3654 reading book about fingers N
-3655 lead us along path V
-3655 producing equipment for Navy V
-3656 became partner after creation V
-3660 falsify ownership of corporation N
-3663 plugged itself into rhetoric V
-3663 using angle through '80s V
-3666 made use of techniques N
-3668 became partners in company N
-3673 found day on job N
-3677 changed name to London V
-3677 became author of book N
-3681 leaving gold in street V
-3682 have characteristics as Wedtech V
-3683 take place in programs V
-3686 are groups of people N
-3687 selling decisions of government N
-3688 are version of Nomenklatura N
-3689 line pockets of insiders N
-3691 was officer of Corp. N
-3696 open talks with receivers V
-3697 avert exodus of workers N
-3698 become shareholders in company N
-3699 take stake in company N
-3700 holding contracts for ships N
-3702 has ships on order V
-3702 presented claims for damages N
-3702 presented claims in court V
-3703 began Tuesday in court V
-3705 repay million in debt N
-3705 repay million through sales V
-3708 moved headquarters from Irvine V
-3712 reported decline in earnings N
-3716 included gain of million N
-3720 attributed slump to costs V
-3722 realized profit on increases V
-3725 closed yesterday at 80.50 V
-3727 had change in earnings V
-3729 compares profit with estimate V
-3729 have forecasts in days V
-3731 completed acquisition of Corp. N
-3732 causing bottlenecks in pipeline V
-3733 move crop to ports V
-3735 reaping windfall of business N
-3737 bought bushels of corn N
-3737 bought bushels in October V
-3738 be strain in years V
-3740 shipping corn in that V
-3743 reduce flow of River N
-3744 cutting flow of River N
-3748 hamstrung shipments in wake V
-3749 been factor in trading N
-3750 use price of contracts N
-3750 buy corn from farmers V
-3756 offering farmers for corn V
-3761 is plenty of grain N
-3763 relieve pressure on Orleans N
-3773 advanced cents to 19.94 V
-3776 fell 3.20 to 377.60 V
-3777 declined cents to 5.2180 V
-3780 was result of uncertainty N
-3781 creating attitude among traders V
-3786 rose cents to 1.14 V
-3788 included number of issues N
-3789 was reaction to stocks N
-3790 means interest for metal N
-3794 indicates slowing in sector N
-3795 show reading above % N
-3796 unveiled models of line N
-3798 posted drop in profit V
-3798 offset weakness in operations N
-3800 includes gains of million N
-3801 had gain from settlement N
-3804 sold chunks of segments N
-3804 eliminating income from operations V
-3808 attributed earnings for segment N
-3808 attributed earnings to loss V
-3808 is venture with Ltd N
-3809 dropped % to million V
-3811 posted drop in income N
-3812 exceeded projections by analysts N
-3812 expected volume of sales N
-3815 sell mix of products N
-3817 boost profit for unit V
-3821 reduced debt by billion V
-3821 bought shares of stock N
-3823 increased stake in USX N
-3823 increased stake to % V
-3828 increasing membership to nine V
-3829 named officer in August V
-3831 claim authority for veto N
-3832 veto part of bill N
-3834 gives authority for veto N
-3838 was discussion of veto N
-3840 be course of action N
-3840 claim authority without approval V
-3841 sell platforms to Co. V
-3843 begin delivery in quarter V
-3844 Take Stage in City V
-3847 sold year in U.S. V
-3848 anticipates growth for maker N
-3849 increased quarterly to cents V
-3853 limit access to information N
-3854 ease requirements for executives V
-3854 undermine usefulness of information N
-3854 undermine usefulness as tool V
-3855 make argument in letters V
-3855 exempt executives from reporting V
-3855 reporting trades in shares V
-3856 report exercises of options N
-3858 paid obeisance to ideal V
-3860 report sales of shares N
-3860 report sales within month V
-3863 produced mail than issue N
-3866 improve law by conforming V
-3866 conforming it to realities V
-3872 publish names of insiders N
-3872 file reports on time V
-3877 write representatives in Congress N
-3879 oversees billion for employees V
-3879 offer options to participants V
-3881 begin operation around 1 V
-3883 are part of fund N
-3884 carry part of agreement N
-3885 shun securities of companies N
-3890 transfer money from funds V
-3890 receive cash from funds V
-3892 purchase shares at price V
-3893 protect shareholders against tactics V
-3896 taken line about problem V
-3900 embraced Age as listening V
-3903 was case in point N
-3905 play tune from record N
-3907 reflected side of personality N
-3913 chanted way through polyrhythms V
-3916 featured show of images N
-3921 offered music of evening N
-3921 offered music after intermission V
-3921 juxtapose performer with tracks V
-3923 warned us in advance V
-3924 illustrated tapestry with images V
-3925 was jazz with pictures V
-3931 was thanks to level N
-3932 was substitute for evening N
-3934 gave blessing to claptrap V
-3935 liberated U.S. from one V
-3936 traduce charter of promoting N
-3942 had success at achieving V
-3943 means redistributionism from West N
-3944 give rights against press N
-3944 block printing of ideas N
-3945 converted ideals of liberty N
-3945 converted ideals into rights V
-3949 holding meetings in Paris V
-3954 contributed % of budget N
-3956 raise funds by selling V
-3958 see argument against UNESCO N
-3959 shows power of ideas N
-3960 fear principles at home V
-3961 are experts at obfuscation N
-3962 have purposes at times V
-3962 cloud allure of concepts N
-3964 developed technique for creating N
-3964 creating plants for number V
-3965 prevents production of pollen N
-3966 prevent plant from fertilizing V
-3969 have effect on production V
-3969 is one of producers N
-3971 are distance on plant V
-3972 cut tassels of plant N
-3973 sow row of plants N
-3979 pulling organs of plants N
-3982 deactivates anthers of flower N
-3983 hurt growth of plant N
-3984 get plants in numbers V
-3985 attached gene for resistance N
-3985 attached gene to gene V
-3988 leaving field of plants N
-3990 accommodate peculiarities of type N
-3991 include corn among crops V
-3992 obviate need for emasculation N
-3992 costs producers about million V
-3993 spurred research at number V
-4001 create hybrids in crops V
-4002 involves insects as carriers V
-4006 is sign of divisiveness N
-4009 was skirmish over timing N
-4010 organize borrowing in Japan V
-4011 play roles in financing V
-4012 shows power of titans N
-4014 raise dollars to 4 V
-4016 block Wellington from raising V
-4016 raising money in Japan V
-4018 told reporters in Wellington V
-4018 guaranteed loans to Ltd. V
-4022 separate industries from each V
-4025 seeking access to kinds N
-4025 open them to brunt V
-4028 stretch limits of businesses N
-4029 started venture with Co. V
-4029 use accounts like account V
-4029 attracting wrath of banks N
-4030 sells stocks to institutions V
-4030 stirred anger of firms N
-4035 named director at company N
-4037 was director of division N
-4046 's time for season N
-4047 is debut of Association N
-4048 begin season in stadiums V
-4049 's swig of elixir N
-4052 reclaim ballparks for training V
-4054 's one for accountants N
-4054 have beer with Fingers V
-4057 field bunt from Kingman N
-4058 's one for fans V
-4059 stopped workout of Suns N
-4059 slip cards to Man V
-4060 join fans like Castro N
-4061 is brainchild of developer N
-4062 offering chance of season N
-4063 made trip to Florida N
-4066 be bridge into the N
-4067 relive duels in sun V
-4067 recapture camaraderie of seasons N
-4070 left baseball in 1978 V
-4075 take leave from selling N
-4075 selling insurance in Texas V
-4077 made appearance for Rangers V
-4079 forced him to minors V
-4080 's satisfaction in going V
-4081 cut it after age V
-4083 sipping beer after practice V
-4083 repeating feat against White V
-4084 dislike idea of attempting N
-4087 be end of story N
-4095 be lot of malice N
-4102 savoring sound of drive N
-4104 Expect stuff from pitchers V
-4111 Stuffing wad of Man N
-4111 Stuffing wad into cheek V
-4120 holds % of franchise N
-4120 has operations in Aiken V
-4121 provides service in states V
-4121 exercised right of refusal N
-4121 following offer from party N
-4121 acquire position in franchise N
-4126 exchanged shares for each V
-4128 appointed officer of chain N
-4129 was officer of Inc. N
-4131 are guide to levels N
-4160 rose % in August V
-4161 was % from level V
-4162 is value of output N
-4163 rose % from July V
-4165 dropped % in September V
-4166 reported decline in index N
-4166 reported decline for September V
-4167 dropped today from group V
-4170 had losses in quarters V
-4171 have exposure to loans N
-4175 cleared way for war V
-4175 remove obstacle to takeover N
-4176 told House of Commons N
-4176 relinquish share in company N
-4177 restricts holding to % V
-4179 fires pistol for contest V
-4180 amass stakes in Jaguar N
-4187 following suspension on London N
-4188 were pence to pence V
-4190 make move with offer V
-4192 sent shares in weeks V
-4195 put pressure on GM V
-4195 make offer as knight V
-4197 fight Ford for Jaguar V
-4198 pays packet for Jaguar V
-4200 be player in town V
-4201 paying price for Jaguar V
-4203 representing % of shares N
-4211 ensure future for employees N
-4211 provide return for shareholders V
-4214 set howl of protests N
-4214 accused administration of backing N
-4216 shed issue before election V
-4219 favor GM by allowing V
-4219 preclude bid by Ford N
-4220 answering questions from members N
-4220 answering questions after announcement V
-4223 completed formation of Elanco N
-4223 combining businesses as business V
-4224 be concern in America N
-4224 be concern with projected V
-4225 own % of venture N
-4225 own % with holding V
-4229 fighting offer by Partners N
-4236 has background in management V
-4240 retain rest of team N
-4241 reported loss of 889,000 N
-4244 fell % in September V
-4245 shows signs of retreating N
-4246 totaled 911,606 in September V
-4247 rebounded Tuesday from losses V
-4252 outnumbered 542 to 362 V
-4256 feel need despite factors V
-4257 declined 5.16 on Monday V
-4263 showing strength despite slowdown V
-4265 announced Monday in York V
-4266 ended day at 2680 V
-4267 sparked interest in companies N
-4268 rose 40 to 2170 V
-4269 gained 40 to 2210 V
-4271 be losers by afternoon V
-4272 rose yen to yen V
-4273 fell yen to yen V
-4274 waive share in maker N
-4278 wants stock on books V
-4279 reaching minimum of 2120.5 N
-4279 reaching minimum of 2120.5 N
-4283 abolish share in Jaguar N
-4284 protect company from takeover V
-4288 clarify approach to issues N
-4301 rose % in September V
-4302 leave index at 178.9 V
-4304 were part of growth N
-4304 were part with rise V
-4305 linked gain to prices V
-4306 being source of pressure N
-4311 reflecting acquisitions from Corp. N
-4311 licenses name to Metromedia V
-4312 is provider of service N
-4312 is provider with projected V
-4313 has interests in telecommunications V
-4314 rose % in months V
-4314 matching target for year N
-4317 projecting increase for year V
-4318 won contract from Service V
-4319 install 267 of machines N
-4322 succeed Brissette as officer V
-4323 be consultant to company N
-4329 adjusted payouts on CDs N
-4329 adjusted payouts in week V
-4340 added point to % V
-4341 attributed rise to increase V
-4346 have yields on CDs V
-4349 was attendee at convention N
-4350 introduce bit into itinerary V
-4351 embody state of blase N
-4351 finding machine in Paris V
-4351 having none of it N
-4361 held all for people V
-4362 Feeling naggings of imperative N
-4363 tell you about ballooning V
-4363 requires zip in way V
-4376 was turn in balloon N
-4376 followed progress from car V
-4379 put hands above eyes V
-4384 heating air with burner V
-4387 is sense of motion N
-4389 was member of convention N
-4391 lifted 12-inches above level N
-4392 plunged us into drink V
-4396 enlisted aid of farmer N
-4397 disassemble half-an-hour of activity N
-4406 drive value of dollar N
-4406 minimize damage from drop N
-4407 provoked fall in currency N
-4410 push dollar against fundamentals V
-4417 is growth in Germany N
-4421 provides funding for acquisitions V
-4424 affect security of Europe N
-4424 affect security for years V
-4427 examine implications of options N
-4428 keep weapons on soil V
-4429 increase possibility of attack N
-4429 retains force of weapons N
-4429 retains force in Europe V
-4430 provide answers to questions N
-4431 bringing forces to parity V
-4432 have months under timetable V
-4435 complicated issue by offering V
-4436 has tanks in Europe V
-4445 overstating arsenals in hopes V
-4450 visited talks in Vienna N
-4453 announced contract with Inc. N
-4460 Including those in programs N
-4460 were 143,800 without employment V
-4464 boost volume in Singapore V
-4464 discussing venture with Ltd. N
-4465 be the in expansion N
-4466 put million into bottling V
-4471 have proportions of youths N
-4473 taken stake in ventures V
-4475 be case in Singapore V
-4477 combining drinks with Coca-Cola V
-4478 has interests in products V
-4478 holds licenses for Brunei N
-4480 is direction of talks N
-4481 needs approval from boards V
-4482 increased % to cents V
-4483 follows report of earnings N
-4483 sharing growth with shareholders V
-4484 is company with businesses N
-4486 strengthen control of A. N
-4486 admit Khan as shareholder V
-4487 owns % of shares N
-4487 owns % of Fiat N
-4488 trade shares in IFI N
-4488 trade shares for shares V
-4488 give control of % N
-4489 trade some of stake N
-4489 trade some for % V
-4490 have rights in assemblies V
-4491 owns % of capital N
-4492 control % of shares N
-4496 strengthens links between Agnellis N
-4496 goes sailing with Agnelli V
-4498 bought stake in Alisarda N
-4499 keeping stake in Fiat N
-4499 keeping stake despite tree V
-4499 playing role in group N
-4500 raised financing of lire N
-4500 raised financing for purchase V
-4500 selling chunk of shares N
-4500 selling chunk to S.p V
-4501 sell shares to Agnelli V
-4502 riding railbikes on tracks V
-4502 was disservice to readers N
-4504 treats activities in fashion V
-4506 provide services to Inc V
-4507 opening way for boost N
-4508 ended impasse between House N
-4512 pay wage for days V
-4513 includes concept of wage N
-4514 be part of laws N
-4515 made compromise on length N
-4516 lifted wage to 4.55 V
-4517 boosting floor to 4.25 V
-4519 was way of allowing N
-4521 opposing rise for workers N
-4521 opposing rise at time V
-4523 ranking member of Committee N
-4524 vote week on compromise V
-4527 held feet to fire V
-4528 yielded deal on size V
-4532 lowered ratings on billion N
-4532 lowered ratings because levels V
-4533 is unit of Inc. N
-4535 managing risks of 2 N
-4538 retains title of officer N
-4539 sell operations to Inc V
-4541 faced threat from family N
-4541 faced threat since July V
-4543 own stake in company N
-4544 use proceeds of sale N
-4545 had sales of million N
-4546 manufacturing carpet since 1967 V
-4547 make products with dyes N
-4550 has sales of billion N
-4550 boost profitability of brands N
-4551 closed ex-dividend at 26.125 V
-4554 including gain of million N
-4556 sell unit to subsidiary V
-4558 close sale of unit N
-4558 close sale in November V
-4559 rose % in September V
-4559 offered information on degree N
-4560 climbed % in August V
-4560 lend support to view V
-4562 provides information on economy N
-4564 plunged % in September V
-4566 followed months for sales N
-4566 had effect on market V
-4567 was the since drop V
-4571 got boost in September V
-4575 track health of sector N
-4579 keep inflation-fighting as priority V
-4582 are contributions of components N
-4585 take charge against earnings N
-4585 take charge in quarter V
-4587 limits increases for years V
-4587 ties charges to customers N
-4587 ties charges to performance V
-4596 auction million in maturity N
-4596 auction million next Tuesday V
-4597 writing thriller about spy-chasing N
-4601 described himself as Hippie V
-4601 including marriage to sweetheart N
-4602 combining wordplay with detail V
-4603 spins tale of efforts N
-4604 was arrest by authorities N
-4604 stealing information from computers V
-4604 selling it to KGB V
-4606 pay two for some V
-4608 draws title from habit V
-4608 laying eggs in nests V
-4609 do tricks with system V
-4610 substitute program for one V
-4611 become super-user with access N
-4612 scanning heavens at observatory V
-4613 discovered discrepancy in charges N
-4613 traced it to user V
-4616 became obsession for Stoll V
-4617 made requisition of all N
-4618 taken account of user N
-4621 using Berkeley as stones V
-4624 drag keychain across terminal V
-4627 learns lot from book V
-4631 took interest in hunt N
-4631 tracing hacker to Germany V
-4633 brief officers on theft V
-4634 savored humor of appearance N
-4639 is editor of Journal N
-4641 supply computers to Corp. V
-4641 sell machines under label V
-4642 cost 150,000 for system V
-4643 processes instructions per second N
-4643 uses chip unlike machines V
-4647 is part of effort N
-4647 establish itself as supplier V
-4649 is company than company V
-4650 is boon for Mips N
-4650 battles concerns for market V
-4652 expects revenue of million N
-4652 attract developers to architecture V
-4655 supply computers to AG V
-4656 make chips under license V
-4660 expects sales of systems N
-4661 sell versions of machine N
-4667 are arms of Congress N
-4667 raise capital through debt V
-4668 raise cash for bailout N
-4670 meeting targets in law N
-4674 add billions to costs V
-4675 allow level of borrowing N
-4675 allow level without approval V
-4676 merge hundreds of thrifts N
-4676 merge hundreds over years V
-4680 reduce costs of bailout N
-4681 distort process by requiring V
-4683 dump assets through sales V
-4684 build system from County V
-4686 connect Basin with pipelines V
-4688 're chef of restaurant N
-4692 took money from wallet V
-4693 considered inventor of style N
-4693 make month in advance N
-4693 subjected diners to cream V
-4697 puts pressure on planners V
-4699 kept copy of notes N
-4699 received support from Dozen V
-4699 keep meringues from weeping V
-4700 reinvent recipes from scratch V
-4703 named slate of officers N
-4703 follows replacement of directors N
-4709 was president of division N
-4711 assuming duties of Weekes N
-4712 was another of directors N
-4714 boosted dividend to cents V
-4716 be 3 to stock N
-4717 raise number of shares N
-4717 raise number to million V
-4718 rose % to million V
-4721 completed sale of acres N
-4722 includes swap of interests N
-4724 pay million in payments N
-4724 repay million in funds N
-4725 exercise remedies against Healthcare N
-4725 exercise remedies during period V
-4726 be million in arrears V
-4728 make payments of million N
-4728 make payments to HealthVest V
-4729 owes million in payments N
-4730 ease bind at HealthVest N
-4731 paid two of banks N
-4731 paid two in October V
-4732 purchased warrants for 500,000 V
-4734 recognized concept as one V
-4735 listed creation of fund N
-4735 listed creation as one V
-4745 reflects vulnerability of communities N
-4746 indicted him on array V
-4746 alleging years of oppression N
-4748 extorted cash from lawyers V
-4748 muscled loans from banks V
-4749 owned interest in distributorship N
-4749 presented conflict of interest N
-4749 maintained accounts in banks V
-4750 made demands on staff V
-4751 chauffeur him to work V
-4752 double-crossed him by reneging V
-4754 find judge in underwear V
-4755 called her to office V
-4755 wearing nothing at all N
-4757 blames indictment on feuding V
-4759 pushed buttons into action V
-4760 provide testimony to power V
-4762 bring business to courthouse V
-4764 mount challenges against him N
-4765 been fixture in community N
-4765 been fixture for decades V
-4766 put himself through University V
-4768 had the of daughters N
-4769 married daughter of clerk N
-4770 called one of judges N
-4771 had share of accomplishments N
-4773 voted president of Conference N
-4773 voted president by judges V
-4774 considered times for appointments V
-4775 rated one of the N
-4775 rated him after interviewing V
-4778 grasp issue with blink V
-4780 be bedrock of society N
-4782 had inkling of anything N
-4782 had inkling in Ebensburg V
-4786 shelled 500 in loans N
-4786 shelled 500 to judge V
-4787 made pretense of repaying N
-4789 won verdict in case N
-4789 won verdict in 1983 V
-4795 had dealings with judge V
-4798 is matter of biting N
-4801 sipped tea from chair V
-4801 take hats in courtroom V
-4802 jailed members of Board N
-4802 jailed members for hours V
-4802 extend year by weeks V
-4805 told salesman in Ebensburg N
-4805 bought Sunbird in 1984 V
-4806 recorded sale under name V
-4810 dispute view in light V
-4811 launched investigation into corruption N
-4814 bought Sunbird from Pontiac-Cadillac V
-4814 had apprehensions about reputation N
-4818 wrote bank on stationery V
-4822 find myself in relationship V
-4826 been part of deal N
-4827 got treatment from bank V
-4830 lowering rate by % V
-4831 defend himself at trial V
-4840 was example of muse N
-4841 await resiliency as metaphors N
-4844 uses tons of newsprint N
-4846 being component of waste N
-4848 increase use of paper N
-4850 approves this as date V
-4851 approved creation of class N
-4858 give value of 101 N
-4861 float % above rate V
-4870 yield % with coupon V
-4878 represents spread to Treasury N
-4881 is % to % N
-4882 yield % with coupon V
-4883 have life of years N
-4887 buy shares at premium V
-4888 indicating coupon via Ltd V
-4889 buy shares at premium V
-4890 yield % via Ltd V
-4893 yield % via International V
-4896 expects sales of marks N
-4897 has operations in Belgium V
-4898 strengthen position in Community N
-4898 assure presence in market N
-4901 leave EG&G with stake V
-4902 is lab in England N
-4902 is lab with revenue V
-4903 including Institutes of Health N
-4906 broke negotiations with Hunt N
-4907 removes obstacle in way N
-4907 heard year in Washington V
-4909 turned settlement between Hunt N
-4910 seeking claim of million N
-4911 allow claim of million N
-4912 appeal decision to court V
-4913 get % of proceeds N
-4923 snap properties in U.S. N
-4923 snap properties from courses V
-4924 marks change for Japanese N
-4930 be buyer of securities N
-4930 double purchases to an V
-4931 channel tens of billions N
-4931 channel tens into market V
-4934 drive rates on securities N
-4940 are investment of choice N
-4945 dipped toes into market V
-4946 buy bonds before maturity V
-4947 's headache for investors N
-4947 forces them at rates V
-4950 Compounding trouble to investors N
-4953 lose touch with issuers V
-4954 buy mortgages from banks V
-4955 took all of Conduits N
-4956 reduced effects of risk N
-4960 buy stock of corporation N
-4960 buy stock at discount V
-4962 pursue interests of corporation N
-4963 experienced appreciation than corporations N
-4963 experienced appreciation during years V
-4966 evaluate pills on basis V
-4967 have team with record N
-4968 have strategy for improving N
-4968 require implementation over period V
-4969 improve chances for management N
-4972 be CEO in years V
-4973 be strategy in years V
-4976 have opportunity at time V
-4977 received settlement from Texaco V
-4978 covers years in order V
-4978 put proceeds in manner V
-4983 evaluate pill within context V
-4986 win election to board N
-4987 filed lawsuits in Court V
-4988 elected slate of nominees N
-4988 elected slate to board V
-4990 was sequel to meeting N
-4990 disallowed proxies in favor V
-4993 seeks dollars from Express V
-4996 is company with interests N
-5000 Buying % of Inc. N
-5000 entering relationship with owner V
-5002 become owner of company N
-5002 become owner at time V
-5003 dismissing threat of backlash N
-5008 encourage flow of investment N
-5012 paid million for Tower V
-5014 taken warnings by leaders N
-5014 taken warnings to heart V
-5017 win support from sides V
-5019 found similarity in philosophies N
-5020 taking place on board N
-5022 found match in Estate V
-5023 is firm in Japan N
-5024 is meters of property N
-5025 acquired property from government V
-5025 was portion of land N
-5026 opened doors to world V
-5027 built development in exchange V
-5028 was step in relationship N
-5028 earned moniker of title N
-5029 is one of dozens N
-5030 had need for ventures V
-5031 rise % to % N
-5031 rise % from turnover V
-5032 jumped % to yen V
-5033 catapult it into business V
-5035 is purchase for Estate N
-5037 make dent in finances V
-5042 is landowner of project N
-5043 is one of group N
-5045 redevelop Marunouchi into center V
-5046 becoming partners in number N
-5046 becoming partners as part V
-5047 blocking Guber from taking V
-5047 taking posts at Inc N
-5049 acquiring Columbia in transactions V
-5050 filed suit against Sony V
-5051 make movies at studio V
-5052 hurled accusations of duplicity N
-5052 hurled accusations at each V
-5053 continued talks over weeks V
-5055 get cash in settlement V
-5057 surpassed Sony as company V
-5057 have club like CBS N
-5058 involving rights to movies N
-5059 swap stake in studio N
-5059 swap stake in exchange V
-5062 accused Ross of having N
-5063 be officer of Warner N
-5063 started number of businesses N
-5063 started number in Japan V
-5064 enjoys relationships with executives V
-5066 be executive of Warner N
-5066 be executive alongside Ross V
-5066 have ego at stake V
-5069 fulfill terms of contract N
-5070 exclude Guber from any V
-5071 have projects in stages V
-5072 get hands on some V
-5072 develop hundreds of movies N
-5072 produce 10 to 20 N
-5075 get piece of profits N
-5075 gets revenue from movies V
-5076 own stake in Guber-Peters N
-5077 paid 500,000 in fines N
-5078 marks end of part N
-5079 is subject of investigation N
-5079 cover accounting for parts N
-5081 is step in investigation N
-5082 charge any of 500,000 N
-5082 charge any to customers V
-5082 take action against employees V
-5082 provided information during inquiry V
-5088 made contributions from 1982 V
-5088 submitted bills to Power V
-5089 hiding nature of payments N
-5089 hiding nature from Service V
-5090 was mastermind behind use N
-5090 make payments to candidates V
-5091 following the of irregularities N
-5093 rose cents to 27.125 V
-5095 launched promotion for brand V
-5096 send labels from bottles N
-5096 receive upgrade in seating N
-5097 purchase items at prices V
-5101 question impact on image N
-5103 has image of something N
-5105 offered miles in exchange V
-5106 gave discounts on merchandise N
-5106 gave discounts to people V
-5108 is leg of plan N
-5110 buy bottles over period V
-5113 Concocts Milk For Tastes N
-5114 trimming content of products N
-5116 formed venture with distributor V
-5117 has content of % N
-5120 sells milk than milks N
-5120 sells milk in markets V
-5121 tested milk with butterfat N
-5121 tested milk in South V
-5122 selling Fresca in bodegas V
-5123 adding 15 to outlets N
-5129 lost space in stores V
-5134 increase share of business N
-5134 launching lines with fanfare V
-5138 nixed promotion for pins N
-5140 included cutouts of finery N
-5142 advise customers on styles V
-5143 motivate people with commissions V
-5146 shown interest in packages V
-5147 introduced versions of products N
-5147 introduced versions in Canada V
-5147 bring them to U.S. V
-5152 pursuing counterclaims against each N
-5156 reset arguments for today V
-5158 set slats for takeoff V
-5160 was Cichan of Tempe N
-5162 remains man behind operation V
-5164 convert millions of Americans N
-5164 convert millions to brand V
-5164 plays role of messiah N
-5164 make part of theocracy N
-5167 build infrastructure for movement V
-5168 move movement to Europe V
-5174 organized rally in 1976 V
-5174 were members in U.S. V
-5176 is result of graying N
-5177 remained faithful to Moon N
-5177 producing members by procreation V
-5178 is matter of contention N
-5183 employing followers at wages V
-5183 producing everything from rifles N
-5186 illustrate scope of drain N
-5192 attracted guests in years V
-5194 published three of books N
-5195 developing empire in East V
-5196 told me in interview V
-5203 negotiated venture with government N
-5203 build plant in Province V
-5204 put million for years V
-5204 keep profits in China V
-5207 is co-author with Bromley N
-5208 include sale of Corp. N
-5210 compensate victims of diseases N
-5210 receive billion from Manville V
-5212 considering sale of holdings N
-5212 has right of refusal N
-5213 pay trust for majority V
-5218 reached % in Azerbaijan V
-5219 are republics along border N
-5219 reported rioting in months V
-5221 gave estimate for unemployment N
-5225 owns half of one N
-5225 cutting % to million V
-5226 interrogated week by judiciary V
-5227 provoked closure of markets N
-5227 provoked closure in June V
-5227 blamed predicament on president V
-5227 raised margin on transactions N
-5228 ousted residents from panel V
-5228 drafting constitution for colony N
-5229 condemned crackdown on movement N
-5230 nullify declaration on Kong N
-5232 discussed purchase of reactor N
-5233 sell reactor to Israel V
-5235 establishing relations with Poland V
-5237 loan money to Warsaw V
-5238 established relations with Hungary V
-5239 hold auction with bidders V
-5240 opening swaps to investors V
-5242 authorized worth of proposals N
-5244 submit bids on percentage N
-5245 set floor on bidding V
-5249 deprive troublemakers of cards N
-5253 fled Philippines for Hawaii V
-5257 block requests for records N
-5259 involved accounts in Philippines N
-5263 fostering harmony in marriage V
-5265 protects communications between spouses N
-5267 violate right against self-incrimination N
-5273 announce venture in Tokyo V
-5274 open office in Tokyo V
-5275 advising them on matters V
-5276 advise clients on law V
-5277 provide shopping for institutions V
-5277 seeking advice on access N
-5279 tap resources of lawyers N
-5279 tap resources as members V
-5281 maintain association with Office N
-5282 seek rehearing of ruling N
-5284 seeking hearing by panel N
-5285 sued state in 1985 V
-5285 segregated classifications by sex V
-5285 paid employees in jobs N
-5285 paid employees in jobs N
-5286 applied standards in manner V
-5288 is representative for employees N
-5292 color-coding licenses of offenders N
-5293 order licenses as condition V
-5295 be embarrassment to teenagers N
-5296 recognize problem as issue V
-5298 block acquisition of % N
-5298 put airline under control V
-5299 faces threat from Bush N
-5300 block purchase of airline N
-5304 governed meetings at center N
-5307 abolished steps in revolution N
-5311 opened dormitory for employees N
-5311 opened dormitory at center V
-5312 had lots of debate N
-5312 had lots about one V
-5313 follow voice of generation N
-5316 holds lessons for companies N
-5318 set tone in 1986 V
-5319 is time of self-criticism N
-5320 took helm as president V
-5323 dropping year by year N
-5323 dropping year since beginning V
-5326 Consider experience of Kitada N
-5326 joined Nissan in 1982 V
-5332 transferred workers to dealerships V
-5333 ordered everyone from executives N
-5333 visit parts of Tokyo N
-5335 check restaurant in city V
-5338 visited headquarters in district N
-5339 liked display of trucks N
-5343 handled die-hards in fashion N
-5345 replaced body with lines V
-5346 launched versions of coupe N
-5349 outselling predecessors by margins V
-5350 grabbed attention with minicars V
-5352 's list for car N
-5354 develop restaurant with vehicles V
-5355 sells items as clocks N
-5357 had % of market N
-5357 had % in 1980 V
-5358 leave it below position V
-5359 recoup losses in Japan N
-5359 recoup losses until 1995 V
-5361 unleashes batch of cars N
-5362 grabbed % of market N
-5363 brings Nissan to share V
-5363 leaves company behind high V
-5365 are vehicles with potential N
-5367 start fall with version V
-5370 start 749 below model N
-5376 launches division on 8 V
-5381 sending 2,000 to U.S. V
-5381 keeping rest for sale V
-5382 sell sedans in U.S. V
-5385 is move for century N
-5386 add models next year V
-5386 bringing total to four V
-5386 show profits for years V
-5388 lost money on operations V
-5390 earn yen in year V
-5390 earn increase of % N
-5392 represented % of sales N
-5394 building vehicles in three V
-5396 include subsidiaries for manufacturing N
-5397 beat effort with tactics V
-5400 prevent return to rigidity N
-5402 are way through turnaround N
-5404 form venture with Azoff V
-5405 provide financing for venture V
-5407 is part of Inc. N
-5408 discussing venture with MCA V
-5410 hold meeting in December V
-5410 give leaders at home V
-5411 be expectation of agreements N
-5412 conducting diplomacy through meetings V
-5413 alternating days of meetings N
-5413 alternating days between vessel V
-5414 disrupt plans for summit N
-5415 told reporters at House N
-5416 discuss range of issues N
-5416 discuss range without agenda V
-5417 pay dividends for leaders V
-5418 needs diversion from problems N
-5419 bolster stature among academics N
-5422 been critic of handling N
-5424 limit participation to groups V
-5425 doing it in manner V
-5425 have time without press V
-5426 hold summit in summer V
-5429 mentioned advice to Moscow N
-5429 mentioned advice as topic V
-5430 drop restrictions on trade N
-5431 told group of businessmen N
-5431 sign agreement with U.S. N
-5431 sign agreement at summit V
-5432 lower tariffs on exports N
-5433 lost jobs as result V
-5434 start system of benefits N
-5435 be initiatives on economy N
-5436 take this as opening V
-5442 given setting at sea N
-5443 been one for officials V
-5445 avoid comparisons with gathering N
-5446 sent shivers through alliance V
-5446 discussing elimination of weapons N
-5447 initiated talks with Soviets N
-5448 reach officials until days V
-5450 open dialogue with Gorbachev N
-5452 precede summit next year N
-5454 marking quantification of costs N
-5455 taken commitments without approval V
-5456 filed charges against manager V
-5456 alleging breach of duties N
-5457 improve controls on branches N
-5460 improve controls on branches N
-5461 dragging protesters from thoroughfare V
-5463 provided beginning to disobedience N
-5464 instigated campaigns of resistance N
-5464 instigated campaigns against government V
-5466 am proponent of everything N
-5467 have recourse to box V
-5472 equate demonstrations with disobedience V
-5473 is difference between them V
-5476 make remarks about demonstrations N
-5477 call attention to grievances V
-5478 encourages overuse of slogans N
-5481 leave site of grievance N
-5482 attach themselves like remora V
-5482 use protest as excuse V
-5486 find harm in misdemeanors V
-5490 protest speeding on road N
-5496 airing program with audience N
-5497 generated deal of rancor N
-5497 generated deal amid groups V
-5498 chain themselves in front V
-5499 refund money to advertisers V
-5500 impair rights of others N
-5501 be case of chickens N
-5504 does damage to nation V
-5505 disobey call to arms N
-5505 disobey call during war V
-5506 threw burdens on those V
-5507 giving comfort to propagandists V
-5509 administer infamy upon those V
-5510 healing wounds of nation N
-5510 pardoned thousands of evaders N
-5510 giving dignity to allegations V
-5511 avoid danger of combat N
-5512 point visibility of disobedience N
-5513 cover breaking of law N
-5514 brings motives of those N
-5516 is rule of thumb N
-5519 was president of U.S. N
-5519 was president from 1969 V
-5520 back increase in tax N
-5520 raise million for relief V
-5521 cover part of billion N
-5526 damage chances of initiative N
-5527 posted gain in income N
-5529 rose % to billion V
-5530 attributed gain to improved V
-5535 rose % to million V
-5536 rose % to billion V
-5539 update criteria for enforcement N
-5543 make inquiries about items N
-5550 is candidate for enactment N
-5550 is candidate if time V
-5551 wants changes for one N
-5553 retain force as deterrents V
-5555 protect rights in collection V
-5557 enacted law in 1988 V
-5559 urging legislation in states V
-5560 advises Council of Chambers N
-5561 affecting kinds of taxpayers N
-5562 seeks uniformity among states N
-5564 stays cents for mile V
-5569 provide treatment for growers V
-5571 weighs deductions of costs N
-5572 see functions in case V
-5573 raised cattle for four V
-5573 made profit on either V
-5575 managed horse-breeding in way V
-5575 enhanced experience by consulting V
-5576 took care with cattle V
-5576 seek counsel about them V
-5577 deduct 30,180 of losses N
-5577 rejected 12,275 in deductions N
-5578 doing audits of returns N
-5579 name Kirkendall to post V
-5579 has responsibilities for IRS V
-5581 awarded pilots between million V
-5585 have effect on plan V
-5588 leave lot of leeway N
-5589 pursue grievance before arbitrator V
-5597 received approval in July V
-5600 was part of agreement N
-5601 took control of Eastern N
-5602 triggered raise for them V
-5611 slashing commissions to delight V
-5616 owe vote of thanks N
-5617 is move for Spielvogel N
-5618 counted some of advertisers N
-5619 helped Nissan for example V
-5620 prove mine for agency N
-5621 done searches over 40 N
-5621 done searches for clients V
-5622 given seminars at agencies V
-5623 do consulting at agency N
-5623 do consulting in hopes V
-5624 been involvement with clients N
-5625 invites them to parties V
-5627 has degree of intimacy N
-5627 has degree with clients V
-5631 merging it with outfit V
-5633 becoming consultant in 1974 V
-5633 was executive at Co V
-5635 spent million on time V
-5641 's reason for job N
-5642 struck me as way V
-5644 determine mix of promotion N
-5646 helped Morgan in search V
-5646 has relationship with Hyundai V
-5649 use tool of communications N
-5651 called Achenbaum in speech V
-5656 was critic of acquisition N
-5658 calls Fabric of Lives N
-5659 Take Comfort in Cotton V
-5659 marks end of efforts N
-5662 making plea for reaction N
-5663 spend million on broadcasting V
-5666 was officer of Group N
-5666 created ads for market V
-5670 rose % to million V
-5671 increased % to million V
-5674 discussing state of Asia N
-5674 discussing state with reporters V
-5676 feared plurality of views N
-5679 build team of economists N
-5684 is one of inefficiency N
-5686 face conflict between desire N
-5690 keep situation for years V
-5690 sustain growth by themselves V
-5694 discussed 7 at meeting V
-5704 use facilities in Singapore N
-5704 preserve presence in region N
-5711 lorded it over me V
-5715 show serials on network V
-5717 's passion about being N
-5722 fill part of gap N
-5725 share views of America N
-5732 get Rouge as part V
-5735 made use of Rouge N
-5736 is president of Group N
-5737 is editor of Journal N
-5738 cut tumor at Clinic V
-5740 indicating damage to tissue N
-5745 holding promise of surgery N
-5745 improve diagnosis of disorders N
-5746 thrusting window to workings N
-5747 induce whirlwinds of electricity N
-5747 induce whirlwinds within brain V
-5750 conducting tests with devices V
-5753 produced flashes of light N
-5753 produced flashes in field V
-5754 stimulate nerves in hand N
-5756 developed magnet for stimulation N
-5758 reported studies on everything N
-5759 use devices in surgery V
-5763 is sign after injury V
-5764 retrieve function in people N
-5766 studied stimulators at University V
-5767 is increase in hormone N
-5768 conducted hours of tests N
-5768 conducted hours on themselves V
-5769 sell versions of devices N
-5771 use probes for studies V
-5772 testing stimulators in conjunction V
-5772 prevent wasting of muscles N
-5776 reorganizes resources after amputation V
-5778 exploring perception with machines V
-5779 flash groups of letters N
-5779 flash groups on screen V
-5781 seeing group of letters N
-5783 suggesting kinds of theories N
-5783 processes signals from eyes N
-5788 developing films of superconductors N
-5788 developing films for use V
-5789 conduct electricity without resistance V
-5791 bolsters portfolio of investments N
-5793 pay million for rights V
-5795 is one of three N
-5795 speed transfer of superconductors N
-5796 issued million of securities N
-5799 pay interest for months V
-5800 is years with payment V
-5802 sell portion of receivables N
-5802 sell portion to unit V
-5802 transfer them to trust V
-5806 buck newcomers with tale V
-5807 took man with qualities N
-5810 set shop in state V
-5811 be one of tasks N
-5811 takes office as governor V
-5817 is % of all N
-5819 sends children to school V
-5820 finagled loan from government V
-5822 faces elections in 1991 V
-5824 consume amounts of exchange N
-5831 be five to years N
-5833 be presumption in sectors N
-5833 is lot of money N
-5835 is result of unfamiliarity N
-5836 takes while for them N
-5837 sending number of missions N
-5837 sending number to Japan V
-5840 get law through congress V
-5841 allow ownership in industries N
-5842 made use of semantics N
-5843 give certainty to bosses V
-5844 cites case of customer N
-5844 build complex in Baja V
-5845 develop beach through trust V
-5846 catching eye of Japan N
-5849 be protectionism from U.S. N
-5849 crack market through door V
-5850 toned assessments of performance N
-5851 polled week by Service V
-5853 forecast rebound after Year N
-5858 puts dollar at end V
-5862 expects cuts in rates N
-5862 expects cuts in effort V
-5862 encourage narrowing of gap N
-5862 ensure landing in economy V
-5864 charge each on loans V
-5865 predicted cut in rate N
-5866 charges banks for loans V
-5866 using securities as collateral V
-5869 marked tumble since slide N
-5871 raised rates by point V
-5873 raised rate by point V
-5874 is rate on loans N
-5875 knocking funds from % V
-5878 holding securities in term V
-5883 relax rates in Germany N
-5885 dragging dollar to marks V
-5887 'm one of bears N
-5889 fits description of bear N
-5891 seeing culmination of all N
-5893 take line in statement V
-5895 dropped 3.10 to 374.70 V
-5899 repeal tax on transactions N
-5900 repeal tax on purchase N
-5905 loses elections in 1990 N
-5907 accept wage over years V
-5915 cleared Edelson of allegations N
-5918 be manager for products N
-5919 take position in management N
-5920 return calls for comment N
-5921 took charge in quarter N
-5924 calculating prices on agreements N
-5925 restated value of contracts N
-5927 pays fee to bank V
-5930 was force in field N
-5938 acquired treasure-trove of Americana N
-5939 offering Rewards for Arrest N
-5940 founded company in Chicago V
-5943 be shortcut to growth N
-5943 bring host of problems N
-5944 cleared lot of nests N
-5945 started career as investigator V
-5945 built Protection from firm V
-5946 joined firm in 1963 V
-5946 bought it from owners V
-5947 opened offices around country V
-5948 provided security for Olympics N
-5948 have recognition of Pinkerton N
-5951 acquire staff of employees N
-5951 spent careers with firm V
-5952 spent career in business V
-5961 locked itself into contracts V
-5961 win business with hope V
-5963 doing work of three N
-5966 divesting itself of million V
-5968 closing 120 of offices N
-5968 closing 120 in months V
-5970 is building across street N
-5972 making money for company V
-5973 had loss of million N
-5974 pay million of debt N
-5974 pay million within years V
-5975 borrow million of debt N
-5979 filed suit in court V
-5980 misrepresented condition of Pinkerton N
-5980 registered trademark in Kingdom V
-5980 tell Protection about controversies V
-5981 concerning sale of company N
-5981 have liability under contract V
-5983 's case of watch N
-5985 damaged Pinkerton in amount V
-5985 deprived it of artifact N
-5987 renewing emphasis on investigations N
-5988 been the of two N
-5993 averaged 14.50 for pounds V
-5994 rose % in October V
-5995 fell cents in October V
-5995 rose cents to cents V
-5997 rose 3.40 to 46.80 V
-5997 slipped cents to 67.40 V
-5997 dropped cents to 90.20 V
-5998 averaged 3.61 for pounds N
-5999 completed sale of subsidiary N
-6000 sell unit in July V
-6000 realize proceeds from sale N
-6003 operate Associates as entity V
-6004 has billion in assets N
-6004 making it in terms N
-6005 sell billion of assets N
-6005 use some of proceeds N
-6005 buy % of shares N
-6005 buy % for 70 V
-6007 Describing itself as asset V
-6010 ward attempt by concerns N
-6011 launched offer for Containers N
-6012 sweetened offer to share V
-6014 sent shares to 62 V
-6018 tender any of shares N
-6018 tender any under offer V
-6021 make decision on 27 V
-6022 set date for meeting N
-6022 seek approval for offer N
-6026 enlarge control of pot N
-6028 raise ceiling to 124,875 V
-6029 does that at cost V
-6031 lost billion in defaults N
-6033 begin hearings next week V
-6038 leaving taxpayers with losses V
-6044 view discrediting of HUD N
-6044 view discrediting as chance V
-6044 shove slate of projects N
-6046 were subject of hearing N
-6050 looking practices of colleagues N
-6054 submitted package of reforms N
-6057 sell facilities to Ltd. V
-6059 have effect on company V
-6060 is part of restructuring N
-6060 downsized operations in countries N
-6064 halves deficit with cuts V
-6064 improve supplies to consumers V
-6066 raise prices of beer N
-6071 proposed cut in budget N
-6071 proposed cut as cuts V
-6086 took loss from discontinued N
-6086 took loss in quarter V
-6087 expect impact from restructuring V
-6088 had loss of million N
-6089 had profit from operations N
-6090 gained % to million V
-6091 offer % to % N
-6091 offer % through offering V
-6093 hold shares of company N
-6093 hold shares after the V
-6094 finding interest from quarter V
-6096 lead some of us N
-6096 re-examine positions with respect N
-6097 driven business to consensus V
-6098 provide care to Americans V
-6099 is way from program N
-6102 taking initiative on issues N
-6105 provide level of insurance N
-6105 provide level to workers V
-6109 equal % of GNP N
-6111 add 700 to price V
-6111 add 300 to 500 N
-6112 eroding standards of living N
-6113 deflect costs to workers V
-6114 are issues in strikes N
-6122 boosted benefits for the N
-6123 present plans by 1 V
-6124 taking look at economics N
-6127 be window for action N
-6130 limit availability of care N
-6131 measure effectiveness of treatments N
-6135 slow rise in spending N
-6135 reduce use of services N
-6139 impose budgets as way V
-6140 build support for overhaul N
-6141 moving operations to facility V
-6144 estimate impact of closures N
-6145 employ 500 of employees N
-6147 lease building in Brantford N
-6147 spend dollars on facility V
-6149 acquire Bancorp. for stock V
-6152 is parent of Bank N
-6152 has offices at Grove V
-6156 consider offer in course V
-6160 bid stock above bid V
-6165 spur wave of takeovers N
-6165 involving companies as Corp. N
-6166 ends taboo on bids N
-6174 had sales of billion N
-6180 double debt of billion N
-6181 be drag on earnings N
-6181 exceeds value of billion N
-6182 allow savings in ways N
-6188 realize savings of tens N
-6189 see this as time V
-6190 finance acquisition with debt V
-6201 filed lawsuit in court V
-6202 take 90 to days N
-6202 affect provisions of law N
-6204 putting pencil to paper V
-6206 make bid for Nekoosa N
-6209 jumped 1.50 to 27.50 V
-6210 be flurry of takeovers N
-6211 expect company with pockets N
-6213 given attractiveness of flows N
-6213 given attractiveness as consolidation V
-6213 be bids for companies N
-6213 be bids within months V
-6215 open door to era N
-6225 granted approval for drug N
-6228 returns heart to rhythm V
-6229 licensed it to Lyphomed V
-6230 rose % in quarter V
-6234 's one at all V
-6235 underscored severity of problem N
-6237 climbed % in period V
-6239 rose % in months V
-6243 rose % in quarter V
-6247 rose % in quarter V
-6251 dismissing employees as part V
-6251 producing savings of million N
-6256 abandoning pursuit of Mesa N
-6257 has stake in Mesa N
-6257 make offer to shareholders V
-6258 acquiring Mesa for 7 V
-6258 acquiring share of series N
-6259 rejected proposal from StatesWest N
-6259 combine carriers in way V
-6260 serves cities in California N
-6264 drive Average to 2645.08 V
-6265 drew strength from climb V
-6268 soared 20.125 to 62.875 V
-6270 fell 2.50 to 50.875 V
-6271 played role in rally V
-6274 are plenty of worries N
-6275 is concern of analysts N
-6277 had impact on markets N
-6278 prompt investors into action V
-6279 showed activity in part N
-6280 confirms pickup in sector N
-6282 announce details of operation N
-6293 rose % to francs V
-6294 specify reasons for gain N
-6296 had profit of francs N
-6297 forecast revenue of francs N
-6298 completed acquisition of Cos. N
-6298 completed acquisition for million V
-6299 pay 19 for each N
-6300 brings competitors to Inc. N
-6300 reaches viewers than company N
-6301 had sales of billion N
-6303 had loss of million N
-6304 earned million in quarter V
-6307 removing million in will N
-6307 removing million from books V
-6307 issuing million in stock N
-6307 commencing offer for million N
-6308 charged million against earnings V
-6308 added million to reserves V
-6308 established reserve for portfolio V
-6310 put name in commercials V
-6310 advertising brand on television V
-6312 drawing fire from advocates V
-6313 became company with acquisition V
-6315 spend million on campaign V
-6317 taking Bill of theme N
-6317 taking Bill to airwaves V
-6318 promoting sponsorship of arts N
-6321 trumpets themes of liberty N
-6321 have appeal for smokers V
-6322 defend rights of smokers N
-6322 defend rights with arguments V
-6323 purchase innocence by association V
-6324 portraying itself at heart V
-6331 get wagons in circle V
-6332 drape yourself in flag V
-6335 sent videotapes to consumers V
-6338 borrow some of legitimacy N
-6340 surged 4.26 to 455.63 V
-6342 outpaced decliners by 1,120 V
-6343 lagged rise in issues N
-6346 rose 7.08 to 445.23 V
-6347 added 2.19 to 447.76 V
-6351 added 1 to 81 V
-6351 rose 1 to 1 V
-6354 bore brunt of sell-off N
-6366 taken hit from slowdown V
-6369 served group in trading V
-6370 tracks stocks with Index V
-6370 appreciated % in months V
-6371 tracks companies as subset V
-6372 contains companies with revenues N
-6372 gained % by 30 V
-6374 rose 0.17 to 432.78 V
-6375 trades stocks for Hutton V
-6378 scour report for clues V
-6381 handled bulk of trades N
-6381 handled bulk in market V
-6383 climbed 3 to 13 V
-6384 waive share in maker N
-6385 removes government as impediment V
-6387 surged 3 to 6 V
-6389 added 1 to 43 V
-6390 toted million in contracts N
-6391 announced contract with bank N
-6392 received contract from Lambert V
-6393 slid 1 to 24 V
-6394 delaying approval of acquisition N
-6394 pending outcome of examination N
-6396 gained 3 to 16 V
-6396 buy Associates for cash V
-6398 provide services to industry V
-6399 suffered losses in sessions V
-6399 surged 1 to 49 V
-6400 following bid for Nekoosa N
-6401 won approval from House N
-6401 including funds for station N
-6403 put resistance from interests N
-6404 declined vote on ban N
-6404 covers all but fraction N
-6408 is vehicle for billion N
-6409 seek waiver in hopes V
-6411 includes spending for programs N
-6414 gives authority to Department V
-6414 facilitate refinancing of loans N
-6415 met resistance from bankers N
-6416 forge partnership between Kemp N
-6417 grow % to billion V
-6419 imposing cap of billion N
-6419 give NASA for start-up V
-6420 bring appropriations to billion V
-6422 make room for programs N
-6422 drive spending into 1991 V
-6423 raising obstacles to bills N
-6424 get attention on anything N
-6425 maintain service for communities V
-6429 exceed cost of ticket N
-6431 given number of users N
-6433 provoked fights with Committee V
-6433 protects prerogatives over operations N
-6434 breed confusion in absence V
-6436 was intrusion on powers N
-6437 arranged facility with Bank V
-6438 consolidate million of debt N
-6438 repurchase million of shares N
-6438 purchase interest in properties N
-6438 purchase interest from one V
-6440 carries rate of point N
-6440 carries rate with % V
-6441 put all of properties N
-6441 put all as collateral V
-6442 given contract for aircraft N
-6443 received contract for trainer N
-6444 won million in contracts N
-6445 given contract for equipment N
-6446 received contract for research N
-6447 got contract for trousers N
-6450 had value of billion N
-6454 owning % of stock N
-6456 contemplating sale of estate N
-6457 sell interest in unit N
-6457 sell interest to System V
-6462 have value of billion N
-6463 including stake in pipeline N
-6463 puts cash at billion V
-6464 has billion in debt N
-6468 spin remainder of unit N
-6468 do the with assets V
-6476 recalculating worth of assets N
-6476 find values of 30 N
-6478 values Fe at 24 V
-6479 classifies stock as a V
-6481 makes investment at prices N
-6483 has value than deal N
-6484 be ally in state V
-6484 held hostage to boards N
-6498 making bid of pence N
-6499 values whole of Coates N
-6499 values whole at million V
-6499 owning % of company N
-6500 give stake in company N
-6501 considering merger through subsidiary N
-6502 fund acquisition through resources V
-6503 including addition of businesses N
-6504 make offering in business V
-6505 including sale of company N
-6506 controls % of company N
-6507 have impact on battle N
-6508 holds % of shares N
-6510 was response to efforts N
-6510 gain control of Datapoint N
-6511 took control of Datapoint N
-6512 reported gain in profit N
-6515 rose % to million V
-6516 declared dividend of pence N
-6517 increased % to billion V
-6517 climbed % to million V
-6518 rising % to million V
-6519 dropped % to million V
-6521 saw evidence of wrongdoing N
-6521 saw evidence in collapse V
-6521 described whitewash by deputies N
-6523 sent Bureau of Investigation N
-6523 sent Bureau of Investigation N
-6524 provide style for owners V
-6525 drew million from thrift V
-6526 making failure in history N
-6527 participated year in examination V
-6531 were meat on day N
-6532 demand write-downs of loans N
-6535 deny behavior by association N
-6536 is part of coverup N
-6538 flay handling of affair N
-6540 declared one of loans N
-6540 make adjustment on another V
-6543 brought suit against Keating V
-6544 ignoring recommendation from officials N
-6544 place Lincoln into receivership V
-6550 saw truck with sign N
-6553 contained information about depositors N
-6555 regard these as activities V
-6556 boosting prices of products N
-6556 boosting prices by average V
-6556 following erosion in prices N
-6560 marks effort by steelmaker N
-6560 counter fall in prices N
-6561 selling steel at 370 V
-6564 reflect value of products N
-6564 put steel on footing V
-6565 is unit of Corp. N
-6565 increased % between 1981 V
-6568 send signal to customers V
-6569 negotiating contracts with LTV V
-6570 is signal to world N
-6575 announced round of increases N
-6576 boost discounts for buyers N
-6578 raise billion in cash N
-6578 raise billion with sale V
-6578 redeem billion in maturing N
-6579 has assurances of enactment N
-6579 has assurances before date V
-6582 extending involvement in service N
-6582 extending involvement by five V
-6583 continue arrangement with Television N
-6583 does distribution for Channel V
-6585 extend involvement with service N
-6585 extend involvement for years V
-6587 investing million in it V
-6588 took charge in quarter V
-6591 duplicate feat with forms V
-6593 transplanting gene into bacteria V
-6594 met Swanson in 1976 V
-6598 licensed it to Lilly V
-6598 produced % of insulin N
-6605 is part of business N
-6606 were million from licensing V
-6607 bought shares of Mixte N
-6607 fend bid for company N
-6609 are allies of Mixte N
-6609 launched week by Cie V
-6613 create partnership in Midwest V
-6614 generate revenue of million N
-6618 take control of facilities N
-6619 supply barrels of oil N
-6619 supply barrels for refinery V
-6620 surged % to yen V
-6620 reflecting demand for variety N
-6621 rose % to yen V
-6622 had profit of yen N
-6623 climbing % from yen V
-6624 raise dividend to yen V
-6626 speeding action on legislation N
-6630 passing extension of ceiling N
-6630 passing extension without amendments V
-6631 counter discrimination in plans N
-6632 attach provision to legislation V
-6634 block measure with actions N
-6635 drop provisions from version V
-6636 give issue in elections N
-6639 Pushing issue on legislation N
-6639 avoid default by government N
-6639 be strategy to me V
-6641 raising limit to trillion V
-6641 pass legislation by Wednesday V
-6642 give demand for cut N
-6643 reported loss of million N
-6645 includes charges of million N
-6646 retained firm of Inc. N
-6647 retained Levin as adviser V
-6651 restore confidence about prospects N
-6653 climbed 41.60 to 2645.08 V
-6659 climbed 5.29 to 340.36 V
-6659 added 4.70 to 318.79 V
-6660 surged 1 to 62 V
-6661 changed hands in trading V
-6662 viewed proposal as lift V
-6663 's value in market V
-6663 renews prospects for tape N
-6664 reflected easing of concerns N
-6667 showed interest in stocks N
-6667 showed interest in session V
-6669 fell 1 to 50 V
-6670 climbed 3 to 38 V
-6670 rose 3 to 37 V
-6670 added 3 to 23 V
-6670 gained 1 to 1 V
-6670 jumped 3 to 62 V
-6672 surfaced year among stocks V
-6672 posted gains in session V
-6673 gained 7 to 67 V
-6673 added 1 to 75 V
-6673 rose 3 to 62 V
-6673 firmed 3 to 38 V
-6674 rose 3 to 39 V
-6676 rose 3 to 68 V
-6676 gained 1 to 34 V
-6677 accumulating stake in Chevron N
-6677 accumulating stake in order V
-6677 increased stake in USX N
-6678 completed sale of unit N
-6678 completed sale to Motor V
-6678 gained 1 to 55 V
-6678 losing point amid rumors V
-6679 produce gain in quarter V
-6680 climbed 3 to 30 V
-6680 boosted opinion on stock N
-6680 boosted opinion to rating V
-6681 reflected decline in shares N
-6681 lowered rating in October V
-6682 advanced 1 to 62 V
-6683 repurchase half of shares N
-6683 repurchase half at 70 V
-6683 sell billion in assets N
-6683 pay dividend to holders V
-6684 acquire operations for price V
-6684 rose 1 to 26 V
-6685 added 1 to 39 V
-6686 rose 7 to 12 V
-6688 gained 1 to 32 V
-6689 dropped 1 to 21 V
-6689 following news of plan N
-6689 reorganize business into company V
-6689 offer stake to public V
-6690 rose 1.71 to 370.58 V
-6692 fell 5 to 27 V
-6694 acquire businesses of Inc. N
-6695 receive shares of series N
-6696 assume million of debt V
-6697 pay Hunter in exchange V
-6698 had revenue of million N
-6700 has specific for shares N
-6701 HOLD days of talks N
-6702 meet 2-3 aboard vessels V
-6702 discuss range of issues N
-6702 discuss range without agenda V
-6705 disrupt plans for summit N
-6706 discuss changes as issues V
-6707 lifted blockade around town N
-6710 staged protests in cities V
-6710 press demands for freedoms N
-6711 approved ban on routes N
-6711 approved ban as part V
-6711 overcome obstacles in Congress N
-6712 includes funds for station V
-6716 calling the since 1972 N
-6717 reach Kabul after attack V
-6718 make deliveries to capital V
-6719 elected Ozal as president V
-6719 opening way for change N
-6722 dismissed demands by Conservatives N
-6728 hold referendum on election N
-6728 fill post of president N
-6729 replaces presidency under pact V
-6730 denied asylum to man V
-6730 lashing himself to housing V
-6733 had net of million N
-6736 trading summer at 14 V
-6737 has interests in recovery V
-6737 has facilities in operation V
-6738 has interests in management V
-6738 reported income of million N
-6739 rose % to million V
-6741 step disclosure of firms N
-6743 do things in term V
-6749 making remarks in days V
-6750 re-establishing collar on trading N
-6751 banned trading through computers N
-6751 moved points in day V
-6755 considering variety of actions N
-6756 expanding reports on trading N
-6758 ceased trading for accounts V
-6759 buy amounts of stock N
-6760 was trader on Board N
-6760 suspended arbitrage for account V
-6761 preparing response to outcry V
-6762 is one of firms N
-6764 getting heat from sides V
-6769 take care of heck N
-6775 buy stocks in index N
-6775 buy stocks in shot V
-6776 view this as step V
-6779 relishes role as home N
-6779 buy baskets of stocks N
-6779 mimic indexes like 500 N
-6781 considering ban on trading N
-6782 slowing trading during periods V
-6787 's piece of business N
-6788 have control over investments N
-6788 cause swings in market V
-6795 formulates responses to problem N
-6795 take role in issue V
-6802 opening way for increase N
-6803 ending impasse between Democrats N
-6803 boost wage to 4.25 V
-6804 includes wage for workers V
-6805 reviving curb on trading N
-6806 taking action against trading V
-6808 soared 20.125 to 62.875 V
-6812 rose % in September V
-6813 plunged % in month V
-6814 climbed % in industry V
-6816 becoming partners in ventures N
-6817 blocking takeover of maker N
-6818 sell billion of assets N
-6818 use some of proceeds N
-6818 buy % of shares N
-6818 buy % for 70 V
-6819 fend bid by firms N
-6821 boosting prices of products N
-6822 paid 500,000 in fines V
-6824 dropped % in quarter V
-6824 offset weakness in operations N
-6839 received boost from news V
-6839 fell % in September V
-6840 was decline since drop N
-6841 pave way for Reserve N
-6842 cast doubt on scenario V
-6852 offer million of debentures N
-6852 offer million through underwriters V
-6853 yield 0.60 to point N
-6853 ended Tuesday with yield V
-6854 offered million of securities N
-6856 pinpoint trough in cycles N
-6857 offered billion in securities N
-6858 leaving underwriters with millions V
-6858 triggering sell-off in market V
-6860 increase size of offering N
-6862 is bit of drill N
-6872 including offering by Co N
-6873 cut offering to million V
-6874 carried rate of % N
-6879 raise million of debt N
-6879 repay some of borrowings N
-6879 redeem million of increasing N
-6879 repay some in August V
-6880 offer million of notes N
-6880 offer million at yield V
-6881 float points above LIBOR N
-6884 priced million of bonds N
-6884 priced million at par V
-6886 issued million of securities N
-6889 yield % to assumption V
-6900 's light at end V
-6902 overwhelm demand in sessions V
-6903 trim yields in portion N
-6908 firmed bit after fall V
-6909 reached peak of cycle N
-6911 raised rates by point V
-6915 awaited address on policy N
-6916 rose 2 to 111 V
-6917 sold units to Inc. V
-6918 publishes information among services V
-6920 named president of division N
-6921 become part of unit N
-6922 give jurisdiction over standards N
-6923 supercede rules in regard V
-6925 founded years after FASB N
-6926 follow rules on depreciation N
-6930 completed sale of Co. N
-6930 completed sale to group V
-6931 valued transaction at million V
-6932 seek control of companies N
-6934 acquire Chemical in 1986 V
-6934 burdened Avery with debt V
-6938 has facilities in U.S. V
-6939 surrendered warrants in exchange V
-6940 raised stake to % V
-6941 sold stock in Inc. N
-6941 sold stock to Corp. V
-6943 including stake in Avery N
-6946 pay 200,000 for services V
-6947 sell subsidiary to group V
-6950 inviting proposals from purchasers N
-6952 protect shareholders from offer V
-6954 buy share for 30 V
-6955 had stake in company V
-6955 seek majority of seats N
-6956 acquire control of company N
-6957 design system for city V
-6959 pay yen for project V
-6961 drew criticism from observers V
-6964 consider contract in effect V
-6967 lowered price on item N
-6967 lowered price as part V
-6968 monitored prices before campaign V
-6969 cut % to % N
-6973 gave volumes of documents N
-6973 made effort with policies V
-6974 seeks fines of 1,000 N
-6974 seeks fines of 1,000 N
-6975 buying shares of companies N
-6976 leading list of stocks N
-6977 hit highs on Exchange V
-6986 revived interest in shares N
-6992 removing horse from cart V
-6994 add uncertainty on top V
-6996 produce rates over days V
-6998 use power at rate V
-7004 represent step in defensiveness N
-7008 buy stocks in market V
-7009 own anything except stocks N
-7013 has money in gold V
-7016 expect dragger of economy N
-7024 pay dividends if any V
-7026 have money in utilities V
-7038 supply area with water V
-7040 is player within workings N
-7045 explain it to colleagues V
-7045 facing changes in design N
-7046 reporting decrease in radiation N
-7049 are studies by Norwegians N
-7049 show UV-B at surface V
-7050 calls validity of theory N
-7054 continue gathering at stations V
-7058 are part of evaluation N
-7069 invokes name of Inc. N
-7070 are pioneers in study N
-7070 has expertise in area V
-7073 require level of cooperation N
-7078 been victim of fraud N
-7078 had worth of million N
-7079 sustain losses through end V
-7080 negotiate settlements on number N
-7081 's amount of exposure N
-7083 filed statements for 1989 V
-7085 have million in sales N
-7085 have million for year V
-7088 store information in computers V
-7088 is the with drive N
-7089 had reactions to announcements V
-7092 faces delisting by Association V
-7094 filed report with NASD V
-7094 requesting extension of exception N
-7097 outlines host of practices N
-7099 pending restatement of sheet N
-7100 make recommendation within weeks V
-7100 file lawsuits against directors N
-7102 concentrating all on raise V
-7102 showed shortcomings of institution N
-7104 catch fancy of network N
-7106 favor use of facts N
-7108 justify inclusion of facts N
-7110 be attacks from politicians N
-7110 find evidence of abuse N
-7111 won permission from Board N
-7111 move department to subsidiary V
-7112 has implications for entry N
-7113 increases volume of securities N
-7115 given handful of affiliates N
-7115 been domain of firms N
-7117 limited revenue to no V
-7119 boosted volume of types N
-7121 placed billion of equities N
-7123 had change in earnings N
-7125 compares profit with estimate V
-7125 have forecasts in days V
-7127 named president of unit N
-7128 retains duties of director N
-7133 build company at forefront N
-7134 spotted appeal of bikes N
-7140 turning bikes with names N
-7141 developing products for biking V
-7149 is one of people N
-7149 bring company under control V
-7150 had lot of problems N
-7159 replacing lugs with ones V
-7159 make generation of frames N
-7161 shave time of rider N
-7163 slash price of bike N
-7163 slash price to 279 V
-7167 calls future of business N
-7169 get piece of business N
-7169 introduced line of shoes N
-7172 entered business in 1983 V
-7173 change bike into bike V
-7174 makes two-thirds of sales N
-7175 entered business in 1987 V
-7176 is example of globalization N
-7177 established ventures with companies N
-7178 acquired brands as Peugeot N
-7179 replacing distributors with owned V
-7180 cut cost of middleman N
-7180 give control over sales N
-7181 puts it With some V
-7183 succeeds Pfeiffer as president V
-7186 manufactures systems for mainframes V
-7187 elected director of builder N
-7187 increasing board to nine V
-7188 is partner with firm N
-7188 is partner in Management N
-7189 named officer of company N
-7190 named Bing as president V
-7190 join division of Co. N
-7191 won contract from Co. V
-7193 disclose length of contract N
-7194 raise million with chunk V
-7195 raise it through loans V
-7196 raise it through equity V
-7198 supply half of financing N
-7199 raised million from backers V
-7204 faced setback in May V
-7204 postpone launch until spring V
-7207 raising money from backers N
-7208 unveiling drive for channels N
-7210 faces competition from Television N
-7214 finished points at 2112.2 V
-7216 showed strength throughout session V
-7216 hitting low of 2102.2 N
-7216 hitting low within minutes V
-7217 settled points at 1701.7 V
-7220 cover requirements for stocks N
-7224 be appearance before Party N
-7226 increased pence to 362 V
-7226 spin operations into company V
-7227 was the of index N
-7227 was the at shares V
-7228 ended 22 at 747 V
-7229 told interviewer during weekend V
-7229 held talks with maker N
-7230 underlined interest in concern N
-7231 jumping 35 to 13.78 V
-7233 had loss in trading V
-7234 fell points to 35417.44 V
-7236 rose points to 35452.72 V
-7238 outnumbered 551 to 349 N
-7239 took attitude amid uncertainty V
-7246 pushing prices of companies N
-7246 pushing prices across board V
-7247 defend themselves against takeover V
-7248 fueled speculation for advances N
-7249 advanced 260 to 2410 V
-7251 gained 170 to 1610 V
-7256 set direction for week N
-7257 expect decline in prices N
-7258 involves fears about talks N
-7262 are trends on markets N
-7265 reached agreement with union V
-7265 ending strike by workers N
-7268 spin operations to existing V
-7269 create stock with capitalization N
-7272 rose pence to pence V
-7272 valuing company at billion V
-7273 reflects pressure on industry N
-7273 boost prices beyond reach V
-7274 spin billion in assets N
-7274 fend bid from Goldsmith N
-7275 had profit of million N
-7275 had profit in year V
-7276 boost value by % V
-7276 carry multiple than did N
-7289 elected director of maker N
-7290 retired year at 72 V
-7291 double capacity for production N
-7292 increase investment in plant N
-7292 increase investment by yen V
-7294 reduce production of chips N
-7294 reduce production to million V
-7295 fell % in September V
-7297 attributed decline to demand V
-7299 have room for shipments N
-7300 took gamble on voice N
-7301 cast actress as star V
-7309 make living for time N
-7309 received award as vocalist V
-7310 was result of affiliation N
-7311 written lyrics with him V
-7311 contracted voices for him V
-7316 was that of singer N
-7319 putting numbers like Love N
-7321 produced performances in studio V
-7322 taken anyone from scratch V
-7323 go lot by instinct V
-7325 took place at Cinegrill V
-7327 sensed undercurrent of anger N
-7327 sensed undercurrent in performance V
-7329 incorporated anger into development V
-7330 made visits to home V
-7330 paid mind in past V
-7336 became joke with us V
-7336 say consonants as vowels V
-7337 recorded demo of songs N
-7338 made tape with piano N
-7341 had lot of training N
-7343 get feeling of smile N
-7343 get feeling in throat V
-7343 put smile on face V
-7345 using language as tool V
-7346 sing line in Whoopee N
-7348 Put ending on it V
-7350 was process of discovery N
-7350 felt bit like Higgins V
-7351 take sparks of stuff N
-7353 was layer to coaching V
-7354 collecting paychecks from lounges V
-7356 was character in movie V
-7367 be feet per day N
-7370 decreased % to tons V
-7371 fell % from tons V
-7372 used % of capability N
-7376 show interest in office N
-7376 achieved position in eyes V
-7377 console conscience with thought V
-7377 is mess of making N
-7377 reform it with novel V
-7378 writing novels about Peru V
-7379 reached state of collapse N
-7384 is foil for Llosa N
-7390 was form of imperialism N
-7395 dipped hand into river V
-7399 tells stories in way V
-7401 recorded session at campfire N
-7402 alternates chapters in voice N
-7402 alternates chapters with chapters V
-7403 is connection between modes N
-7404 becomes thing through contrast V
-7405 controls counterpoint like Bach V
-7405 reaching extreme in chapter V
-7405 relates adventures as newsman V
-7406 takes him to Amazonia V
-7408 reminding them of identity N
-7413 poses threat for future N
-7416 impedes progress toward all N
-7417 respects woman with offspring N
-7420 buy stake in Airlines N
-7420 sell parts of carrier N
-7420 sell parts to public V
-7421 raise stake in Airlines N
-7421 raise stake to % V
-7422 following tie-up with Inc. N
-7422 contemplating alliance with one V
-7424 given trial in accordance N
-7426 issued comment on executions N
-7428 confiscated cars from residents V
-7431 cut loans to country N
-7431 cut loans in wake V
-7432 prepare proposals for China N
-7433 resuming loans to China V
-7435 presented petition to consulate V
-7435 banned import of ivory N
-7436 sell stockpile of tons N
-7437 importing timber from state N
-7438 imports % of logs N
-7439 opened session in city V
-7442 reaching pairs in 1988 V
-7443 left him during trip V
-7447 gaining value against goods V
-7447 are pursuit of economists N
-7450 resigned week as Thatcher V
-7455 have repercussions beyond those N
-7456 is product of shop N
-7457 challenged forecast in newsletter V
-7458 was kind of attention N
-7460 arranged luncheon in York V
-7461 are amateurs at dueling N
-7462 upset Case in primary V
-7462 made run at seat N
-7463 spent years on staff V
-7464 been part of debate N
-7464 been part for years V
-7466 touched debate with Sachs N
-7469 predict rise in inflation N
-7472 were instrument for policy N
-7473 is case in States V
-7474 add reserves from system V
-7480 import all of pressures N
-7481 creates bargains for buyers V
-7481 pushing demand beyond capacity V
-7483 exported inflation at times V
-7484 inflate supply of currencies N
-7487 manipulate relationships to advantage V
-7488 need reminders of responsibility N
-7489 exercise power on behalf V
-7493 Given effects of disorders N
-7496 posted increase in earnings V
-7497 fell % to million V
-7498 approved increase in rate N
-7498 approved increase from cents V
-7501 gained 1.50 to 35.75 V
-7504 reimburse Sharp in event V
-7505 limits number of options N
-7507 has stake in company V
-7509 rose % to dollars V
-7512 wrapped son in blankets V
-7512 placed him on floor V
-7515 lost grip on son N
-7520 stepping campaign for use N
-7521 require seats for babies V
-7523 scrutinized accidents in 1970s N
-7524 take look at issue N
-7524 take look during days V
-7525 advocating use of seats N
-7530 lost grip on baby N
-7531 pulled her from compartment V
-7532 encourages use of seats N
-7532 bought ticket for baby V
-7533 take son to Europe V
-7535 barred use of seats N
-7536 bought seat for daughter V
-7537 hold her during takeoff V
-7538 get complaints from parents V
-7539 petitioned FAA in June V
-7541 requiring seats for babies V
-7542 buy ticket for baby V
-7547 denying use of seats N
-7550 describes call for seats N
-7551 buy tickets for babies V
-7552 pick part of tab N
-7553 welcome use of seat N
-7556 is kind of device N
-7559 turning heat on FAA V
-7563 instituted review of procedures N
-7565 has effect on condition N
-7566 is subsidiary of Bancorp N
-7569 elected him as director V
-7571 named executive of company N
-7572 been president in charge V
-7574 named Poduska to posts V
-7575 named chairman of company N
-7577 combine lines by quarter V
-7578 maintain operations in Sunnyvale N
-7580 comprise importation to Japan N
-7581 importing vehicles from plant V
-7586 announced number of purchases N
-7587 buy vehicles from makers V
-7588 acquire stake in Inc. N
-7589 owns Center in Manhattan N
-7590 is partner in Plaza N
-7591 sold mortgage on core N
-7591 sold mortgage to public V
-7592 convert shares to stake V
-7594 gain stake in section N
-7598 had comment on reports N
-7599 seeking million for firm V
-7603 acquire shares of stock N
-7604 understand resources of Mitsubishi N
-7604 represents future for company N
-7605 meets objective of diversification N
-7607 has association with Mitsubishi V
-7609 distributed book to investors V
-7610 acquire piece of estate N
-7611 stir sentiments in U.S V
-7613 downgraded million of debt N
-7613 downgraded million in response V
-7614 increase opportunities through acquisitions V
-7618 acquired Entex in 1988 V
-7620 hand Inc. for irregularities V
-7621 called nature of operations N
-7628 closed unit in July V
-7628 used names of individuals N
-7631 issue share of stock N
-7631 issue share for each V
-7633 lifted prices at outset V
-7635 added 6.76 to 2603.48 V
-7637 dipped 0.01 to 314.09 V
-7637 eased 0.01 to 185.59 V
-7639 carried prices to highs V
-7640 following round of buying N
-7642 changed hands on Exchange V
-7643 led advancers on Board V
-7643 led 774 to 684 N
-7644 attributed activity in part V
-7646 hit bottom near level V
-7648 ease concerns about growth N
-7649 gained 7 to 67 V
-7649 building stake in company N
-7652 gained 3 to 42 V
-7654 making bid under terms V
-7654 accepts offer below 300 N
-7655 fell 3 to 99 V
-7656 skidded 3 to 47 V
-7656 rose 3 to 1 V
-7657 added 1 to 31 V
-7660 tumbled 1 to 3 V
-7660 meet requirements under regulations V
-7662 face problem with criteria N
-7662 dropped 7 to 9 V
-7663 had million in stock N
-7665 rose 3 to 19 V
-7665 gained 5 to 19 V
-7665 added 1 to 26 V
-7666 fell % from year V
-7666 lost 5 to 16 V
-7667 added 7 to 41 V
-7667 slid 1 to 49 V
-7668 dropped 1 to 54 V
-7670 jumped 1 to 33 V
-7671 expanded program by shares V
-7672 gained 2 to 43 V
-7674 skidded 4 to 28 V
-7676 fell 1.14 to 368.87 V
-7678 lost 1 to 6 V
-7680 commemorate centennial of birth N
-7689 gathers dozen of pieces N
-7693 featuring work of Belli N
-7697 weaving movement into tapestry V
-7699 prefer pie in portions V
-7700 makes debut as Gilda N
-7700 makes debut in production V
-7701 leaving cap to Nucci V
-7706 singing countess in Widow V
-7710 opens season with production V
-7727 magnify problem for companies V
-7735 are reasons for drubbing N
-7736 inform Bradley of notions V
-7736 ensure success as leaders N
-7741 cut tax to % V
-7741 gather support in Congress V
-7743 suffered sclerosis from point V
-7748 castigate Bradley for opposition V
-7749 increases value of assets N
-7749 represent inflation of values N
-7754 cleared loan to company N
-7755 buying services from Inc. V
-7755 extend services between Santiago V
-7756 supply equipment for project V
-7757 supply equipment for project V
-7759 raise cost of trading N
-7760 Boost amount of cash N
-7760 buy contract from level V
-7761 curb speculation in futures N
-7768 sell amounts of stock N
-7769 set outcry against trading N
-7771 got taste of it N
-7771 got taste in ads V
-7771 boost margins on futures N
-7771 boost margins to % V
-7772 has meanings in markets N
-7775 sets minimums with oversight V
-7777 control 100 in value N
-7782 reflecting debate over trading N
-7783 widen differences between stocks N
-7783 entice arbitragers in place V
-7785 decrease liquidity in market N
-7785 increase discrepancies between stocks N
-7786 lose sleep over prospect V
-7787 choke trades between stocks N
-7787 increase stability of prices N
-7788 diminish impact of arbitrage N
-7788 change requirements for futures N
-7788 manages billion in funds N
-7789 quantify impact of arbitrage N
-7789 quantify impact on performance V
-7790 echoed complaints of managers N
-7791 curtail volume of trading N
-7792 doing trades for accounts N
-7792 taking advantage of opportunities N
-7793 doing that in guise V
-7797 raise specter of competition N
-7799 increase shares of stock N
-7807 saw demand by banks N
-7809 provide measure of strength N
-7809 show gains in generation N
-7810 include release of sales N
-7813 announce details of refunding N
-7819 included million of bonds N
-7824 reflect concerns about uncertainties N
-7836 purchase bills for account V
-7837 auctioned yesterday in market V
-7838 held sale of bills N
-7849 considering alternatives to the N
-7850 reset rate on notes N
-7850 reset rate to % V
-7850 increased payments by million V
-7858 price offering by Co N
-7862 repay portion of borrowings N
-7862 redeem amount of debentures N
-7862 redeem amount in August V
-7863 price offering by Inc N
-7866 ended 2 in trading V
-7869 scaled purchases of securities N
-7869 assess claims from hurricane N
-7870 mean issuance of issues N
-7871 been buyers of classes N
-7871 been buyers during months V
-7872 have yields than bonds N
-7872 carry guarantee of Mac N
-7874 offered million of securities N
-7879 pulled low of 91-23 N
-7880 settled session at 99-04 V
-7883 rose 10 to 111 V
-7883 rose 7 to 103 V
-7885 fell point to 97.25 V
-7887 ended day on screens V
-7888 totaled billion in quarter V
-7890 numbered 670 in quarter V
-7895 totaled billion in quarter V
-7899 acquire share of stock N
-7899 acquire share for 17.50 V
-7904 leave us in stitches V
-7904 notice pattern for witches N
-7913 heighten concerns about investment N
-7914 use foothold in concerns N
-7915 signed agreement for Chugai N
-7915 market products in Japan V
-7918 pay 6.25 for shares V
-7920 obtain hand in competition N
-7922 acquired positions in companies N
-7925 been one of players N
-7926 wants % to % N
-7928 speed development of technology N
-7928 apply technology to array V
-7930 spends % of sales N
-7930 spends % on development V
-7932 gain knowledge through sale V
-7933 had income of million N
-7934 had loss of million N
-7935 received patent for technology N
-7935 detect organisms through the V
-7936 facilitate marketing of test N
-7937 help Gen-Probe with expertise V
-7940 see counterparts at Agency N
-7947 sell technology to Japan V
-7951 decreasing reliance on technology N
-7952 has lot of weaknesses N
-7954 's leader in manufacturing N
-7954 is years behind U.S. N
-7955 use expertise in rest V
-7957 make use of expertise N
-7957 win prizes as Japanese N
-7958 turning inventiveness into production V
-7960 adopted technology in 1966 V
-7960 used it for years V
-7961 developed system with Soviets V
-7962 take journalist into space V
-7964 opposed development of relations N
-7967 is one of bets N
-7968 held exhibitions in York V
-7970 is target for Soviets N
-7972 handed details on technologies N
-7973 involved areas as materials N
-7975 expect flow from Japan V
-7976 has lot of know-how N
-7976 put that into production V
-7979 help Soviets in way V
-7980 relinquish control of islands N
-7981 provided information about plans N
-7983 arouses interest at glance V
-7986 SIGNALED Day for houses V
-7988 took effect after years V
-7991 become players in 1970s V
-7993 were wars among brokers V
-7995 add fees to commissions V
-7998 are members with houses V
-7998 gaining share of commissions N
-8000 ended commissions in years V
-8003 lead mission to Poland N
-8005 visit Poland from 29 V
-8011 back company in partnership V
-8014 develop acts for label V
-8017 gives link to distributor N
-8018 gives partner with finger N
-8019 turning division in years V
-8022 had stake in efforts N
-8026 have shot in shoulder V
-8027 went week after shot N
-8028 moved it across country V
-8029 left marks on carpet V
-8032 has plenty of company N
-8037 working sweat with activities V
-8038 walk days for exercise V
-8041 keeping sales of products N
-8042 rise % to billion V
-8042 sees market as one V
-8047 rose year to 145 V
-8048 predicts trend toward pieces N
-8052 be prospect for gizmo V
-8054 paid 900 for bike V
-8059 conjures images of nation N
-8061 asking people about regime V
-8066 is % to % N
-8067 produce contractions of groups N
-8067 achieve % of capacity N
-8067 done times for minimum V
-8074 play round of golf N
-8090 devote time to families V
-8091 rise % from billion V
-8099 commissioned study of years N
-8100 watching bowling on television N
-8111 experience difficulties with terms V
-8112 portraying health of company N
-8115 followed string of declines N
-8116 was result of credit N
-8117 raised rate by point V
-8118 's somethin in neighborhood V
-8123 busted spirits in hundreds V
-8124 get four from people V
-8125 identifies him as demonologist V
-8126 call one of band N
-8127 heads branch of Committee N
-8128 is explanation for haunts V
-8133 get calls from people V
-8133 have ghosts in house V
-8135 heads Committee for Investigation N
-8136 has chapters around world V
-8138 give nod to sensibilities V
-8139 's day of business N
-8139 occasion number of reports N
-8141 bested haunts from aliens N
-8142 heads Association of Skeptics N
-8147 dragging trap across rafters V
-8148 plagued house in Mannington N
-8152 phoned University of Kentucky N
-8152 report happenings in house N
-8153 heard footsteps in kitchen N
-8157 tangle cord around leg V
-8163 's bones of saints N
-8166 investigated claims of cats N
-8168 debunk goings-on in Vortex N
-8170 called Hyman as consultant V
-8185 tossing her around room V
-8190 sprinkles water over woman V
-8192 has burns on back N
-8192 has burns from confrontation V
-8205 cut workers since Monday V
-8206 slashed jobs from peak V
-8212 adds people to staff V
-8216 foresee shortages over months N
-8217 fill jobs for operators N
-8218 put halt to building V
-8218 freeing workers for repairs V
-8222 hire engineers over months V
-8225 drew sigh of relief N
-8227 put companies in violation V
-8227 make loans to directors V
-8229 bring penalties to employees N
-8230 's case of whiplash N
-8234 reflect dismissal of executives N
-8237 state value of packages N
-8243 SHUN burger for jobs V
-8248 build resumes through grades V
-8250 following drop in 1988 N
-8253 hires graduate with degrees N
-8253 hires graduate for 7.50 V
-8253 tend fires at resort N
-8256 making return with vengeance N
-8257 elect president for time V
-8258 crisscrossing country of people N
-8258 holding rallies in hope V
-8264 grab lead in polls N
-8266 win % of vote N
-8268 sending shivers through markets V
-8272 took office in 1985 V
-8273 bring transition to democracy N
-8273 bring transition after years V
-8297 regulates investment in technology N
-8298 prevented million of expenditures N
-8298 prevented million since 1986 V
-8300 including jobs in Louisville N
-8300 move operations to state V
-8301 paid million to hospitals V
-8308 acquire one of machines N
-8310 choose careers in specialties N
-8311 prefer salary over compensation V
-8314 do that at all V
-8316 jumped % to 42,374 V
-8318 is reason for shift N
-8319 reflects values of generation N
-8319 wants time for families N
-8319 directs searches for International V
-8320 is change in fabric N
-8322 spent weeks at Center V
-8322 shared room like patients V
-8325 is one of 18 N
-8329 require attention from nurses N
-8329 are 100 per day N
-8330 spend time on units V
-8331 is host to conference N
-8332 's part of hospital N
-8335 develop masters in programs N
-8335 develop masters at universities V
-8336 launches publication in spring V
-8336 launches Journal on Care N
-8337 buy Inc. for million V
-8340 committed money to bid V
-8342 rebuffed requests for access N
-8343 has value in salvage V
-8344 need access to records N
-8345 started venture with Co. N
-8349 filed materials with Commission V
-8351 suspended distribution in 1988 V
-8353 made conversion to corporation N
-8353 made conversion in year V
-8353 save million in costs N
-8353 save million from change V
-8354 receive share of stock N
-8354 receive share for units V
-8355 receive share in Edisto N
-8355 receive share for units V
-8356 own % of Edisto N
-8357 is partner of NRM N
-8358 own % of Edisto N
-8358 own % after transaction V
-8359 give seat on board N
-8363 discontinued talks toward agreement N
-8363 regarding acquisition of group N
-8364 reached agreement in principle N
-8364 reached agreement in August V
-8367 sell building to Co. V
-8368 disclose terms of sale N
-8378 panic weekend after plunge N
-8382 cast pall over environment V
-8392 transferred assets into funds V
-8395 are all from level V
-8399 tell you about trends V
-8400 is growth in money N
-8403 held % of assets N
-8403 held % at end V
-8404 buffer funds from declines V
-8405 bolstering hoards after crunch V
-8406 raised position to % V
-8408 seek safety in months V
-8410 be continuation at expense V
-8413 cited need for currency N
-8415 alleviate demands of republics N
-8421 is disagreement among Baker N
-8425 pouring money into it V
-8426 make difference to nationalists V
-8427 easing grip on empire N
-8428 cut Ortegas from Moscow V
-8429 expect good from control V
-8430 's nothing in contradictory N
-8430 's nothing in this V
-8432 raises doubt about Gorbachev N
-8438 avoid criticism from Mitchell N
-8446 explain them to students V
-8449 increases board to members V
-8452 shot them in backs V
-8455 protect the from individuals V
-8457 be symbolism than substance N
-8459 attach amendments to legislation V
-8459 gotten bill through committee V
-8460 allow vote on issue N
-8460 allow vote before end V
-8461 favors kind of measure N
-8464 permitted resurrection of laws N
-8468 establish sentence for crimes V
-8470 including murder for hire N
-8471 permitting execution of terrorists N
-8474 killing justice for instance V
-8476 took place in 1963 V
-8476 exercise authority for years V
-8477 is sort of fraud N
-8478 distracting attention from issues V
-8480 deters people from commission V
-8481 are retribution for crimes N
-8483 made part of debate N
-8484 meted executions in manner V
-8485 prompted protest from Thurmond N
-8486 imposed penalty in fashion V
-8487 invade sentencings in ways V
-8488 showing application of penalty N
-8489 shift burden to prosecutors V
-8494 question validity of studies N
-8499 narrow penalty to convictions V
-8500 Narrowing penalty in fashion V
-8501 strengthen argument of those N
-8501 oppose execution under circumstances V
-8502 postponed decision on move N
-8502 block offer of Co. N
-8504 seeking injunction against offer N
-8505 pay 18 for stake V
-8511 provides information about markets N
-8511 provides information through network V
-8513 declined % to units V
-8514 attributed drop to trend V
-8515 declined month from levels V
-8516 sued it in court V
-8518 reach agreement on amount N
-8519 challenging entries on books N
-8520 recover amount from subsidiary V
-8521 granted extension until end N
-8524 hold settlement of Britton N
-8526 had agreement in hand V
-8530 put this on record V
-8541 taking place during earthquake V
-8544 read it into record V
-8547 Reading settlement into record V
-8547 was thing on mind N
-8548 buy stores from Corp. V
-8552 named assistant to chairman N
-8553 wear wigs in court V
-8559 spend time with patients V
-8559 is key to rapport N
-8560 restrict efficiency of communication N
-8562 spending % of product N
-8562 spending % on care V
-8564 protect themselves from possibilities V
-8567 close two of plants N
-8569 have plants in system V
-8574 are indication to date N
-8576 beginning production in U.S N
-8579 build vehicles in U.S. V
-8580 bought Corp. in 1987 V
-8581 cut workers from payroll V
-8582 received offer from group V
-8583 add million of debt N
-8583 add million to company V
-8584 seek protection under 11 V
-8585 is expression of interest N
-8585 has rights until 28 V
-8588 had reactions to offer N
-8590 pay bondholders in cash V
-8591 have million in claims N
-8592 made public by bondholders V
-8596 keeping Revco in red V
-8598 represent lot of estate N
-8598 boost demand for drugs N
-8599 reported loss of million N
-8601 increased % to million V
-8605 receive discount for shares V
-8609 has billion in claims N
-8615 steal company in middle V
-8631 resume roles as suppliers N
-8638 produced total of tons N
-8638 produced total in 1988 V
-8640 encourage walkouts in Chile N
-8641 fell tons to tons V
-8642 had effect on sentiment N
-8646 was tons at end V
-8649 prop prices in weeks V
-8649 kept prices in doldrums V
-8653 give bags of quota N
-8655 overcome obstacles to agreement N
-8657 showed changes in volume V
-8658 eased cents to 380.80 V
-8660 rose cents at 500.20 V
-8662 triggered flight to safety N
-8663 was resistance to advance N
-8668 passed laws on rights N
-8668 passed laws in 1987 V
-8668 launched Union on course V
-8670 is creation of market N
-8671 blocked speech by Gates N
-8671 blocked speech on ground V
-8675 accept change of kind N
-8678 seek permission from council N
-8682 permitting activity in others V
-8685 restricting freedom of cooperatives N
-8686 unleashing forces of market N
-8688 ruled use of market N
-8688 solve problem of goods N
-8689 told Congress of Deputies N
-8689 told Congress on 30 V
-8689 disrupt processes in country N
-8690 rejected planning for reasons V
-8690 combine controls of the N
-8690 combine controls with benefits V
-8692 display resemblance to tenets N
-8692 produced synthesis of capitalism N
-8693 combine efficiency with discipline V
-8695 reach stage of development N
-8695 reach stage in Russo V
-8696 sacrifice themselves for nation V
-8697 unite employers with government V
-8698 undertake role of decision-making N
-8700 presented vision to Congress V
-8702 be division between direction N
-8707 ensure loyalty of sector N
-8711 provides arm of alliance N
-8713 providing workers with opportunity V
-8713 holding promise of goods N
-8713 revive popularity of party N
-8718 see task as that V
-8719 re-establish control in Europe V
-8721 fill shops with goods V
-8722 is director of Foundation N
-8723 climbed % in September V
-8728 reached 175 in September V
-8729 uses base of 100 N
-8729 uses base in 1982 V
-8730 edged % in September V
-8731 was evidence of home N
-8733 rose % in September V
-8735 following surge in August V
-8736 held total to billion V
-8737 grew % to billion V
-8738 get construction under way V
-8740 lowered ratings on debt N
-8741 downgrading debt to single-A-3 V
-8742 confirmed rating on paper N
-8743 lowered Eurodebt to single-A-3 V
-8749 incurred millions of dollars N
-8751 reflect risk as profile N
-8752 been one of firms N
-8753 put pressure on performance V
-8753 citing problems from exposures N
-8754 represent portion of equity N
-8756 cut 400 of employees N
-8756 cut 400 over months V
-8757 keep expenses in line V
-8758 is response to changing N
-8759 provides quotations for securities V
-8762 discussing formation of group N
-8763 are streamlining of operations N
-8764 including production of equipment N
-8765 is response to loss N
-8767 market system of Inc N
-8768 buying concern for million V
-8770 sold unit to Inc. V
-8779 reaped million in sales N
-8779 reaped million on game V
-8780 based budget for baseball N
-8780 based budget on Series V
-8784 takes broadcasting of playoffs N
-8784 takes broadcasting in contract V
-8785 have loss in year V
-8786 reach million over years V
-8788 was Series in years N
-8788 featuring team against team N
-8788 pitted Dodgers against the V
-8790 drew % of homes N
-8797 gained points to 2603.48 V
-8800 throw towel on trading V
-8801 swear trading for account V
-8802 eliminate trading from market V
-8803 shot points in hour V
-8809 outnumbered 774 to 684 N
-8815 rose Monday to 1.5820 V
-8817 correct errors in work N
-8818 considered equipment in U.S. V
-8822 linked computers in Tokyo N
-8822 linked computers with offices V
-8826 have people in offices V
-8833 doubled staff over year V
-8834 slashed lag between introductions N
-8834 slashed lag to months V
-8835 has share of market N
-8840 averaged growth since 1984 V
-8841 use PCs at half V
-8846 ring perimeter of office N
-8847 make charts for presentations V
-8849 transfer information from one V
-8850 transmit charts to offices V
-8851 writes information on chart V
-8851 adds it with calculator V
-8858 manages group in office V
-8861 is reason for lag N
-8863 has history of use N
-8864 have experience with machinery V
-8870 costs % in Japan V
-8872 ruled it with power V
-8875 offered design to anybody V
-8879 is state of industry N
-8884 have relationship with NEC N
-8884 have relationship through cross-licensing V
-8888 warned NEC about violations V
-8891 put emphasis on service V
-8892 trail those in U.S. N
-8892 import systems from companies V
-8896 increase exposure to computers N
-8899 increasing number from 66 V
-8904 won % of market N
-8905 selling station in 1987 V
-8905 became company in market N
-8906 take portion of growth N
-8907 busted sector with machine V
-8908 including bash at Dome N
-8908 lavishing campaign for machine V
-8909 create sort of standard N
-8910 adopt version of standard N
-8918 sells machines in China V
-8920 have presence in Japan V
-8923 introduce PC in Japan V
-8924 handles characters of Japanese N
-8924 introduce machine until years V
-8928 luring official as team N
-8930 enhances compatibility with products N
-8931 runs office for Dodge V
-8934 zapping % to % N
-8934 boosts rate to % V
-8937 comprises worth of visits N
-8943 been evidence of mortality N
-8944 researched effects of RU-486 N
-8945 suppress ovulation for months V
-8946 reported repeaters in programs V
-8947 are data on question N
-8955 represents advance in area N
-8956 expressed concern over bleeding N
-8957 obtain approval for drug V
-8958 forbids Institutes of Health N
-8959 has backing of foundations N
-8959 subsidizes research on contraceptives N
-8971 expose patient to risk V
-8974 contains grant for development N
-8975 put government into business V
-8976 put government into business V
-8979 put pill through test V
-8980 is editor of magazine N
-8987 worked plan with Department V
-8987 improve data on exports N
-8992 billing client for services V
-8992 watching legislation in Washington N
-8992 is export as shipment N
-8993 found exports with result V
-8996 explain some of strength N
-8999 suggest review of posture N
-9000 relieve need for efforts N
-9000 financing imports of goods N
-9001 is president of Express N
-9002 stop some of talent N
-9003 billing UAL for expenses V
-9004 obtain billion in loans N
-9004 obtain billion for buy-out V
-9004 was reason for collapse N
-9007 repaid million in fees N
-9007 repaid million for bankers V
-9011 rose 4 to 175 V
-9012 accepts offer below 300 N
-9014 doing arbitrage for account V
-9015 held meeting with partners N
-9017 blame trading for swings V
-9017 including plunge in Average N
-9018 maintain market in stock V
-9019 explain position on trading N
-9019 explain position to regulators V
-9020 get ideas on issue N
-9022 represents retreat from trading N
-9023 executing average of shares N
-9024 is one of pullbacks N
-9024 execute trades for customers V
-9026 been one of firms N
-9026 executing arbitrage for customers V
-9029 buy amounts of stocks N
-9030 lock profits from swings N
-9033 made about-face on trading N
-9033 made about-face after meeting V
-9034 defended arbitrage at Kidder N
-9035 have impact on market N
-9036 do business with firms V
-9036 do arbitrage for accounts V
-9037 following trend of competitors N
-9038 executed average of shares N
-9038 executed average in trading V
-9049 protecting assets of beneficiaries N
-9050 do kinds of trading N
-9050 be layoffs at firm V
-9051 continue arbitrage for clients V
-9054 stop it at all V
-9055 been proposition for Stearns N
-9057 been catalyst for pullback N
-9058 follow lead of Corp. N
-9058 cutting business to firms N
-9060 cease business with them N
-9065 organize alliance of firms N
-9066 reaching moment of truth N
-9066 reaching moment on Street V
-9069 lost it in burglary V
-9070 previewing sale at house N
-9071 brought it for estimate V
-9072 exchanged photos by fax V
-9076 buy presents for girlfriend V
-9082 sell 44 of strips N
-9082 sell 44 to Russell V
-9085 investigating disappearance of watercolor N
-9085 has sketches on side V
-9086 was part of shipment N
-9088 watching group of handlers N
-9088 watching group for time V
-9091 shipped it from London V
-9095 including some of treasures N
-9096 offered reward for return V
-9097 hidden haul in closet V
-9098 took art to Acapulco V
-9098 trade some of it N
-9098 trade some for cocaine V
-9101 bring prices on market V
-9101 notified IFAR of theft N
-9101 notified IFAR in 1988 V
-9106 painted one in style V
-9106 sold it as original V
-9109 showed acquisition to expert V
-9109 see it as fake V
-9110 taped conversation with him N
-9111 faking paintings up seaboard V
-9112 is director of Foundation N
-9113 recalling 3,600 of Escorts N
-9115 makes Tracer for Ford V
-9118 retain windshield in place V
-9120 return cars to dealers V
-9121 cause oil in some N
-9123 replace cap with cap V
-9124 inspect strainers at charge V
-9125 extend term for damage N
-9128 offer rebates to buyers V
-9129 offer option of financing N
-9130 offered option on Broncos V
-9132 reassume responsibility for shortfall N
-9133 affect stability of plans N
-9134 insures benefits for workers V
-9134 take part in plans V
-9136 transform agency from insurer V
-9139 was result of shortfall N
-9144 viewed creation of plans N
-9144 viewed creation as abuse V
-9144 transfer liability of shortfall N
-9144 transfer liability from LTV V
-9146 reassume liability for plans N
-9147 reassume responsibility for plans N
-9149 consider creation of plans N
-9149 consider creation as basis V
-9149 reassume liability for plans N
-9153 continue discussions with agency N
-9162 is one of slew N
-9162 hitched ads to quake V
-9167 tied ads to donations V
-9168 intermixed footage of devastation N
-9168 intermixed footage with interviews V
-9169 had airtime on Football N
-9173 crash ads in days V
-9174 learned art of commercial N
-9174 learned art after crash V
-9175 trotted crop of commercials N
-9175 trotted crop after dip V
-9176 created ad in weekend V
-9179 see messages in advertising V
-9184 see themselves as chasers V
-9185 donate cents to Cross V
-9190 basing donations on Doubles V
-9190 works pitch into message V
-9191 put plug for donations N
-9191 put plug in game V
-9193 made plea for donations N
-9193 made plea in ads V
-9193 helping people for years V
-9196 has problem with that V
-9199 awarded account to Zirbel V
-9202 handled account since 1963 V
-9205 acquire KOFY in Francisco N
-9205 acquire KOFY for million V
-9206 share liability for deaths N
-9207 hear appeals by companies N
-9207 have impact at levels V
-9208 face prospect of liability N
-9210 adopt logic of court N
-9211 requiring liability among manufacturers N
-9214 has influence on states V
-9215 hear appeals by Co. N
-9216 prevent miscarriages during pregnancy V
-9217 banned use of DES N
-9217 linked it to cancer V
-9218 flooded courts in decade V
-9223 extending statute of limitations N
-9227 leaving award against Corp. N
-9227 resolve questions about defense V
-9228 defend themselves against lawsuits V
-9228 following specifications of contract N
-9229 approved specifications for contract N
-9230 upheld award against Dynamics N
-9230 rejecting use of defense N
-9233 re-entered submarine through chamber V
-9235 awarded damages to families V
-9239 Let conviction of Lavery N
-9242 Left award of million N
-9244 draw conclusion from victory V
-9260 renewing treaty with U.S N
-9262 combined them with increases V
-9265 reduce rates on income N
-9267 delivered mandate for successes N
-9268 adopt elements of model N
-9271 are guide to levels N
-9303 pulled plug on Contras V
-9304 hold election in Nicaragua V
-9306 knows difference between blunder N
-9307 announcing end to cease-fire N
-9307 produce concern over activities N
-9309 justifies need for army N
-9314 approved marketing of drug N
-9315 clear price for treatment N
-9315 receive approval by end V
-9316 approved Proleukin in months V
-9317 obtain clearance for distribution N
-9318 keep records of transfers N
-9318 move billions of dollars N
-9320 working details with associations V
-9321 identifying recipients of transfers N
-9324 report withdrawals of 10,000 N
-9328 oversees issue of laundering N
-9329 have comment on plan N
-9331 withdraw swap for million V
-9332 replaced million in notes N
-9332 replaced million with issues V
-9333 filed request with Commission V
-9334 citing developments in market N
-9335 give stake in company N
-9336 had losses in years V
-9341 swap amount of notes N
-9341 swap amount for shares V
-9341 paying rate of % N
-9341 protecting holder against decline V
-9342 make million in payments N
-9342 make million on notes V
-9343 lower rate on debt N
-9344 reached agreement with subsidiary N
-9345 was agreement between distributor N
-9345 expand market for drugs N
-9346 promote TPA for patients V
-9347 sending index for session V
-9349 fell 1.39 to 451.37 V
-9351 fell 5.00 to 432.61 V
-9351 fell 3.56 to 528.56 V
-9351 dropped 3.27 to 529.32 V
-9353 gained 0.47 to 438.15 V
-9356 manages million for Co V
-9357 deduct losses from income V
-9358 put pressure on both V
-9362 advising lot of clients N
-9362 make sense to them V
-9363 awaiting resolution of debate N
-9364 send prices in matter V
-9366 surged 14 to 53 V
-9368 complete transaction by 15 V
-9369 advanced 1 to 20 V
-9371 assumed place on list N
-9371 gained 1 to 11 V
-9371 joined list of companies N
-9372 had talks with Jaguar N
-9373 continue pursuit of company N
-9375 gained 1 to 13 V
-9376 reported profit of cents N
-9378 fell 1 to 13 V
-9380 had loss of million N
-9381 fell 5 to 13 V
-9382 reported loss of million N
-9384 made provision in quarter V
-9386 sank 4 to 13 V
-9386 reorganize business as unit V
-9387 establish reserve of million N
-9387 establish reserve against loan V
-9389 uncover handful of genes N
-9389 unleash growth of cells N
-9391 produce array of strategies N
-9394 's set of discoveries N
-9395 knew nothing at level V
-9396 propel it into state V
-9397 call class of genes N
-9398 hold growth in check V
-9401 cause cancer by themselves V
-9406 is age of diagnosis N
-9409 lost eye to tumor V
-9411 faced risk than children N
-9415 made insights about workings N
-9417 fingered two of cancer-suppressors N
-9418 made discovery in 1986 V
-9425 inherit versions of genes N
-9430 see pairs of chromosomes N
-9432 inherited copy of 13 N
-9432 inherited copy from parent V
-9437 used battery of probes N
-9437 track presence in cell N
-9438 found defects in copy V
-9444 repeat experiment in cells V
-9445 was one of teams N
-9445 was one in 1984 V
-9445 report losses for cancer V
-9446 turned attention to cancer V
-9450 uncovering variety of deletions N
-9457 nail identity of gene N
-9457 flipped cell into malignancy V
-9462 transform cells into ones V
-9465 compared gene with gene V
-9465 observing form of p53 N
-9469 strikes members of families N
-9469 predispose women to cancer V
-9472 are reports of genes N
-9474 isolate one on 18 V
-9476 inherit gene on one N
-9479 turn cascade of discoveries N
-9479 turn cascade into tests V
-9482 replace genes with versions V
-9485 's glimmer of hope N
-9486 breaks thousands of eggs N
-9488 announced sales of Eggs N
-9489 confirm identities of customers N
-9493 consume pounds of eggs N
-9498 debunk talk of over-capacity N
-9498 take some of skeptics N
-9498 take some on tour V
-9499 been announcement of arrangement N
-9499 been announcement for fear V
-9503 sell shares in bet V
-9503 allow return of shares N
-9511 calls bull on stock N
-9514 help line in run V
-9522 pushing prices of potatoes N
-9523 sent letters to growers V
-9523 divert potatoes to outlets V
-9525 become player in printing N
-9526 acquire subsidiary for million V
-9527 make printer behind Co. N
-9529 is step in design N
-9529 build Quebecor through acquisitions V
-9530 achieved integration on scale V
-9530 put newspaper on doorstep V
-9531 is part of trend N
-9532 positioned itself as one V
-9533 is move for Quebecor N
-9535 has sales of billion N
-9538 including push into market N
-9539 started Journal in 1977 V
-9543 took advantage of strike N
-9543 launch Journal de Montreal N
-9546 outsells 3 to 2 N
-9549 's news from A V
-9551 made publisher in Quebec N
-9552 is distributor of newspapers N
-9553 controls % of Inc. N
-9554 pay million in cash N
-9554 pay million for Graphics V
-9554 give stake in subsidiary N
-9556 have plants in sales N
-9557 own % of subsidiary N
-9558 pay million for stake V
-9559 finance share of purchase N
-9560 is acquisition in year N
-9561 bought plants from Inc. V
-9562 doubled revenue to million V
-9564 sold billion in businesses N
-9565 has appetite for acquisitions V
-9565 spend deal than billion N
-9565 spend deal on purchase V
-9566 rose pence to pence V
-9570 approved sale of Kerlone N
-9571 reach market through Pharmaceuticals V
-9572 sued state for discrimination V
-9575 challenges age of 70 N
-9577 eradicate effects of practices N
-9578 deprives state of judges N
-9580 is one of experience N
-9582 turned 76 on 9 V
-9589 pending appeal of case N
-9592 serve role on bench V
-9598 approves appropriation for agencies N
-9600 halted effort with resolution V
-9604 lost seven of attorneys N
-9606 been exodus of lawyers N
-9616 recruits lawyers from disbanding V
-9616 bring partners from Barell V
-9617 lost partners during year V
-9620 stopped inches above knees N
-9623 rescheduled case for 27 V
-9626 resumed talks on battle N
-9626 level accusations at each V
-9627 filed breach of suit N
-9627 filed breach in Court V
-9628 talking yesterday in attempt V
-9628 settle matter before Thursday V
-9630 taken Guber at word V
-9631 terminate it at time V
-9632 have access to contracts N
-9632 were part of negotiations N
-9633 denying claims by Peters N
-9633 terminate contract with Warner V
-9635 described assertions in filings N
-9635 produce movies for Warner V
-9637 paid salary of million N
-9638 filed lawsuit in Court V
-9638 block offer by Partners N
-9638 violates agreement between concerns N
-9639 led Associates by New N
-9639 filed suit in court V
-9640 rejected offer from DPC N
-9641 launched offer for maker N
-9646 have impact on quarter N
-9648 climbed % to billion V
-9650 is effect on Boeing N
-9653 get aircraft with supervisors V
-9655 included 21 of jets N
-9659 lose business in sense V
-9663 faces risks on contracts V
-9664 is contractor on projects N
-9665 record loss in 1989 V
-9669 representing 30,000 of employees N
-9673 be % for year N
-9676 increased % to million V
-9677 soared % to 15.43 V
-9678 provided information to Force V
-9678 replace skins on aircraft N
-9680 is culmination of investigation N
-9681 was grounds for prosecution N
-9683 filed application with regulators V
-9683 transport gas from Arctic V
-9684 be battle for right N
-9684 transport quantities of gas N
-9684 transport quantities to markets V
-9685 is strike by Foothills N
-9687 including one from Ltd. N
-9688 won approval from Board V
-9688 export feet of gas N
-9688 export feet to U.S. V
-9689 is 71%-owned by Corp. N
-9690 waved flag for stage N
-9693 build pipeline with capacity V
-9693 transport feet of gas N
-9694 has monopoly on transportation V
-9698 be party to system N
-9698 consider ventures with players N
-9701 reach 3.25 by 1995 V
-9702 see return on investment N
-9703 enter contracts for gas N
-9703 develop reserves in area V
-9706 connecting reserves to mainline V
-9707 forge kind of consensus N
-9707 forge kind between builders V
-9707 undertaking hearings into projects N
-9711 gives kind of position N
-9712 delaying approval of acquisition N
-9712 pending outcome of examination N
-9714 won commitments from banks N
-9714 make loans in neighborhoods V
-9717 filed petition with Fed V
-9718 challenged record in state N
-9718 shut itself from contact V
-9719 deferring action on merger N
-9719 is information in record V
-9719 reach conclusion on record N
-9719 meet needs of communities N
-9719 including neighborhoods in communities N
-9720 begin examination of units N
-9720 begin examination in weeks V
-9725 double franchise in Florida N
-9725 double franchise to billion V
-9726 make bank after Inc. N
-9726 be market in country N
-9727 rose cents to 23 V
-9729 denied application by Corp. N
-9729 purchase Bank in Scottsdale N
-9729 denied application on grounds V
-9730 signaled emphasis on Act N
-9732 explore options for future N
-9734 deliver plan to committee V
-9735 make recommendation on plan N
-9737 reselling million of securities N
-9738 raise million through changes V
-9739 have effect on structure N
-9742 pay cents on dollar N
-9745 miss projections by million V
-9746 miss mark by million V
-9747 meet targets under plan V
-9748 called report off base V
-9750 taken position on plan N
-9752 sell billion in assets N
-9760 rated single-A by Inc V
-9761 expect rating from Corp. V
-9761 has issue under review V
-9767 has date of 1998 N
-9774 yield 15.06 via Ltd V
-9777 yield 17.06 via Corp V
-9779 yield % via Switzerland V
-9785 protect interests as shareholder N
-9786 be blow to both N
-9790 reflects eagerness of companies N
-9793 buy stake in Lyonnais N
-9794 sought acquisition for years V
-9795 shocked some in community N
-9800 following suspension of shares N
-9800 pay francs for share V
-9801 holds stake in subsidiary N
-9803 ties it to Mixte V
-9809 be news for management N
-9811 boost stake over days V
-9812 offer francs for shares V
-9813 offer francs for shares V
-9814 swap shares for share V
-9815 holds % of Mixte N
-9815 cost it under bid V
-9816 values Mixte at francs V
-9816 exchange them for shares V
-9817 acquire unit for million V
-9818 is supplier of cable N
-9822 acquire interests from unit V
-9824 requires approval from Canada N
-9824 monitors investments in Canada N
-9825 is part of plan N
-9826 be acquisition outside country N
-9826 form basis for unit N
-9829 have capacity than disks N
-9830 begin production of drives N
-9830 begin production in U.S. V
-9836 pay dealers over years V
-9839 is segment of circulation N
-9841 reported loss of million N
-9842 attributed loss to prepayments V
-9845 gives sense of control N
-9847 posted loss of million N
-9847 posted loss against income V
-9848 closed yesterday at 4.625 V
-9849 reject offer from investor N
-9849 buy Bancroft for 18.95 V
-9850 consider offer in couple V
-9852 boosted holdings in Bancroft N
-9852 boosted holdings to % V
-9858 has ties to chain N
-9859 assembled committee of directors N
-9862 make announcement about situation V
-9863 won verdict against Rubicam N
-9863 won verdict in case V
-9866 considered imitation of song N
-9870 imitate voices of performers N
-9872 use songs in ads V
-9873 including action by heirs N
-9874 dismissed case in 1970 V
-9878 are repositories for making N
-9878 making distinctions about singers N
-9882 acquired operations of N.V. N
-9882 acquired operations for million V
-9883 is maker of products N
-9884 includes assets of Papermils N
-9885 had revenue of million N
-9886 has interests in businesses N
-9887 form ventures with companies V
-9888 become part of ventures N
-9892 obtain waiver from lenders V
-9895 climbed points in spate V
-9899 lent support to dollar V
-9904 sent pound into tailspin V
-9906 quell concern about stability N
-9907 provide solution to troubles N
-9910 hit rating of leader N
-9913 is potential for unit N
-9917 kept base of support N
-9917 kept base at yen V
-9918 began yesterday on note V
-9923 acquired portfolio from Association V
-9925 includes million in receivables N
-9926 is subsidiary of Co. N
-9931 preserve hold on power N
-9931 destabilize nation with demands V
-9933 following vigil around headquarters N
-9935 detained number of protesters N
-9936 protesting trial of chief N
-9937 opposing limits to autonomy N
-9939 sentenced Palestinian to terms V
-9939 forcing bus off cliff V
-9940 received sentences for each V
-9942 resolving differences in proposals N
-9943 urged ban on output N
-9946 use attacks by rebels N
-9946 use attacks as excuse V
-9951 torched flags on steps V
-9951 protecting flag from desecration V
-9953 take effect without signature V
-9954 replace soldiers in Square V
-9955 filed protests in days V
-9955 alleging harassment of diplomats N
-9958 accused government of response N
-9959 summoned advisers for talks V
-9959 following resignation of Lawson N
-9961 granting amnesty to people V
-9964 Died Fossan in Morristown V
-9965 provide services at mine V
-9966 direct expansion of capacity N
-9969 reduce personnel in sectors V
-9973 rose % amid growth V
-9975 cited effects of concentration N
-9977 spark period of consolidation N
-9980 doing arbitrage for account V
-9986 received offer from financier V
-9987 forced company into protection V
-9988 sell interest to Estate V
-9990 replaced executive for time V
-9994 fuel concern about growing N
-9995 posted jump in earnings N
-9996 delayed approval of Union N
-9996 pending review of practices N
-9997 entered battle between Mixte N
-9998 rose % in September V
-9999 citing turmoil in market N
-10006 sustained damage of million N
-10007 carries million of insurance N
-10008 told analysts in York N
-10008 expects earnings in 1990 V
-10010 mentioned investment by Bell N
-10012 build plant in Europe V
-10012 reach agreement with unions V
-10014 encompass plans for venture N
-10016 made time in weeks N
-10017 won clearance for reorganization N
-10019 set 15 as date V
-10021 receive share in company N
-10023 transfer million of assets N
-10024 retain interest in company N
-10025 announced breakup in May V
-10026 be rivals for orders N
-10033 announced reduction in employment N
-10034 follows string of glitches N
-10035 had loss of million N
-10036 fell % to million V
-10037 bring employment to workers V
-10039 approved swap between group N
-10040 reinforce operations in markets N
-10040 shows dynamism of concerns N
-10041 taking place in accord N
-10045 received tenders for % V
-10050 taken practice to extreme V
-10051 design system for city N
-10056 wanted foot in door N
-10057 want experience in field N
-10058 expect market in future V
-10059 's kind of investment N
-10062 understand enthusiasm in getting N
-10064 approve bid in advance V
-10066 design specifications for system N
-10066 show lines throughout city N
-10069 give edge in winning N
-10070 secure pacts with municipalities V
-10076 closing competitors by slashing V
-10077 sacrifice profit on project V
-10080 expand service with flights V
-10083 has population of citizens N
-10084 fly flights to cities V
-10085 solidify position as carrier N
-10086 rose % in months V
-10087 meet goal for year N
-10088 generates bulk of profit N
-10089 give figures for months N
-10090 acquire Corp. for 58 V
-10091 capped week of rumors N
-10091 making bid for Nekoosa N
-10094 spark period of consolidation N
-10095 be fit because lines N
-10095 representing premium over price N
-10100 is offer since collapse N
-10101 cast doubt on business V
-10102 outperformed market in years V
-10102 lagged market in period V
-10106 expect comparisons through year V
-10107 avoid some of pressures N
-10110 included assumption of million N
-10110 reduce exposure to market N
-10111 is dealer-manager for offer N
-10112 acquire retailer for 50 V
-10114 reached agreement in principle N
-10114 reached agreement for acquisition V
-10117 operates stores in states N
-10119 controls % of market N
-10119 increase number of stores N
-10120 control % of business N
-10120 control % by 1992 V
-10121 received contracts for aircraft N
-10122 awarded contract for contract V
-10123 got contract for sets N
-10124 received contract for support V
-10125 purchase million of shares N
-10125 purchase million over months V
-10129 omits roots of population N
-10131 creates guilt about wearing N
-10131 raises doubt about having N
-10132 is time for Congress N
-10134 castigating Marshall for muscling V
-10137 be part of problem N
-10147 Succeeding him as executive V
-10149 named Foret as president V
-10150 is veteran of Air N
-10151 been president for planning N
-10154 returning Inc. to profitability V
-10155 was executive with concern N
-10156 produce profit in quarter V
-10158 keeping tabs on units N
-10161 began discussions with buyers N
-10162 inform managers of some N
-10163 is one of handful N
-10165 heads Eastern in proceedings N
-10166 had turn at running N
-10169 repay million on 31 V
-10171 sell assets for million V
-10173 had change in earnings N
-10175 compares profit with estimate V
-10175 have forecasts in days V
-10177 assumed post of officer N
-10181 rose % in quarter V
-10185 is time in part N
-10188 imagine such in lives N
-10191 have grip on heart V
-10193 has near-monopoly on supply V
-10193 reduce levels in blood N
-10194 scarfing psyllium in cereals V
-10195 become epicenter of fad N
-10195 rival fads since oil N
-10198 takes place of bran N
-10200 remain item for time V
-10201 is crop as fenugreek V
-10202 eat bowl of psyllium N
-10202 are innocents in world N
-10206 taking it since 1961 V
-10207 prescribe it for problems V
-10208 apply it to joints V
-10210 explain allusions to fleas N
-10213 been ingredient in laxatives N
-10214 lower levels in blood N
-10215 ordered studies on cholesterol N
-10216 tested people with levels N
-10223 hurt sales of cereals N
-10225 is lull in war N
-10228 yanked psyllium off shelves V
-10229 approves uses of psyllium N
-10236 get rain at time N
-10238 grasping implications of research N
-10239 has psyllium on page V
-10240 keep news of boom N
-10243 are places in world N
-10252 passing psyllium in favor V
-10257 completed acquisition of maker N
-10258 disclose terms of agreement N
-10267 lose job over this V
-10268 find job with plan N
-10270 rank availability as one V
-10271 get coverage at all V
-10273 makes mockery of idea N
-10273 collect premiums from the V
-10276 was backwater for them N
-10277 's roll of dice N
-10278 go % to % N
-10280 be risks during year V
-10280 aggravated problem in market N
-10282 blame problem on competition V
-10284 combine groups of people N
-10284 combine groups into groups V
-10284 spreading risk over base V
-10285 accusing insurers of dereliction N
-10286 destroy it in marketplace V
-10288 is part of legislation N
-10289 support idea of regulations N
-10289 requiring use of rating N
-10289 pegs rates to use V
-10289 prevent companies from taking V
-10289 taking companies as clients V
-10290 requiring inclusion of items N
-10292 were clinics in state V
-10296 get insurance without excluding V
-10301 uses base of 1981 N
-10301 uses base as 100 V
-10309 had results with earnings V
-10309 declining % to million N
-10309 declining % on decline V
-10313 amended plan by reducing V
-10313 trigger issuance to holders N
-10315 purchased shares through 29 V
-10317 estimated value at 55 V
-10324 regarding sale of company N
-10325 reach agreement by end V
-10326 gained 9.50 to 39 N
-10327 has value of million N
-10339 reinforce profile of community N
-10340 bedevil economy throughout 1990s V
-10343 offer alternatives to industry N
-10345 lifted status as center N
-10357 cast pall over prospects V
-10358 regain momentum until time V
-10361 accept possibility of slowdown N
-10363 derived scenarios from interviews V
-10367 bears resemblance to difficulties N
-10371 triggered rioting in colony N
-10376 lose some of flavor N
-10377 lose some of dynamism N
-10381 taking fallout from crisis N
-10381 projected growth of % N
-10386 have bearing on economy V
-10397 fled cycles of poverty N
-10397 took power in 1949 V
-10399 ratified accord on future N
-10404 know cost of drain N
-10406 continue strategies at blast V
-10407 suspend trading for accounts V
-10409 handle trading for customers V
-10410 launch programs through market V
-10417 see debate over trading N
-10417 see debate as repeat V
-10418 exonerated trading as source V
-10422 match performance of market N
-10425 managed billion in investments N
-10425 tracking 500 at end V
-10427 use markets as tool V
-10427 is strategy than arbitrage N
-10427 buy blocks of stocks N
-10428 heightened concerns about volatility N
-10429 blame trading for aggravating V
-10430 followed blacklisting by investors N
-10433 doing trades for customers V
-10433 do trades for account V
-10434 been one of traders N
-10434 been one in months V
-10435 form group of regulators N
-10438 Joining call for kind N
-10440 determine amount of cash N
-10444 reestablish link between markets N
-10445 invites bouts of arbitrage N
-10446 be coordination on basis V
-10447 have authority over products V
-10448 represent confluence of self-interest N
-10450 keeping viewers from defecting V
-10450 fill airwaves with sensationalism V
-10451 get programs about rape N
-10454 acquired sense of place N
-10454 does job of tracing N
-10454 tracing repercussions of crime N
-10455 establish sense of place N
-10455 establish sense in movie V
-10461 're kind of Jewboy N
-10462 is dweller on one N
-10468 saying grace at table V
-10468 indulging taste in fleshpots V
-10472 resemble nightmare as dystopia V
-10474 's member of patriarchy N
-10476 's director of chapter N
-10481 is judge of charm N
-10484 share excitement of rapist N
-10488 pour feelings about rape N
-10491 recommended suspension of payments N
-10494 assist it in developing V
-10496 reported loss of million N
-10497 was write-down of million N
-10498 write value of acquisitions N
-10503 lowered rating on stock N
-10511 had luck with shows V
-10512 gives boardroom for classroom V
-10513 gathered names of makers N
-10515 Using mail for show V
-10517 employing kind of plea N
-10518 reach chunk of homes N
-10518 reach chunk by mailing V
-10526 gives A for moxie N
-10527 is one of them N
-10531 's matter of being N
-10536 have access to companies V
-10544 buy item for % V
-10547 featuring sketches of suit N
-10547 marketing image in campaign V
-10548 shows neckties with designs N
-10552 be shot without suit V
-10553 change perceptions about range N
-10559 totaled million on sales V
-10564 lost customers to stores V
-10565 has lock on customer N
-10566 making break from tradition N
-10568 make strides in business N
-10570 are cycles in merchandise N
-10572 sees potential in Brothers V
-10573 open stores in years V
-10577 make all of merchandise N
-10577 shut one of plants N
-10577 closed departments in stores V
-10579 unveil refurbishing at store N
-10585 sell type of suit N
-10592 cancel portion of plan N
-10592 cancel portion for reasons V
-10603 is time for change N
-10605 smoothed way for link N
-10608 spent lot of time N
-10608 spent lot at headquarters V
-10610 making economies across board V
-10611 blames difficulties in reruns N
-10611 blames difficulties for problems V
-10616 rose pence to pence V
-10618 extend bid to 6 V
-10621 pending decision by regulators N
-10623 gave an until mid-November N
-10624 submits details of investments N
-10624 submits details to regulators V
-10629 postpone ruling on lawsuit N
-10630 be judgment on merits N
-10637 approved terms for series N
-10638 issue total of million N
-10642 put incentive on trucks V
-10643 offers financing in lieu V
-10644 convert case into liquidation V
-10645 end feud between creditors N
-10646 have value of million N
-10646 has priority in case N
-10648 following voting by creditors N
-10649 have 7 after all V
-10652 hearing testimony in dispute N
-10653 seeking repayment of loan N
-10653 give priority over that N
-10653 won judgment against Hunt N
-10653 won judgment in case V
-10654 driven value of claim N
-10658 fine attorneys for creditors V
-10661 met fate after opposition V
-10662 accept version of them N
-10663 reached agreement with Hunt N
-10665 named director of company N
-10665 increasing membership to 14 V
-10666 signed letter of intent N
-10666 acquire unit of Bank N
-10669 has employees in offices N
-10671 completed purchase of businesses N
-10673 had gain on transaction N
-10673 including part of gain N
-10674 escape taxes on portion N
-10675 including credit of million N
-10676 is result of having N
-10676 provided taxes at rates V
-10677 redeem million of % N
-10678 pay 1,059.04 for amount V
-10683 extended offer of 18 N
-10685 review supplement to offer N
-10686 launched offer on 26 V
-10686 change conditions of offer N
-10687 based projections of performance N
-10687 based projections on forecast V
-10689 fell cents on Friday V
-10692 began negotiations about terms N
-10693 provides information about markets N
-10693 provides information through network V
-10694 owns % of Telerate N
-10695 won contract for casings V
-10696 received contract for parts V
-10697 completed acquisition of Inc. N
-10698 paid million of shares N
-10698 paid million for Falcon V
-10701 totaled 10,674,500 at 1 V
-10706 retain positions as treasurer N
-10708 used trademarks without authorization V
-10709 depicts group of members N
-10714 approved portrayal of Angels N
-10716 depicts them as showing V
-10719 are chapters in countries N
-10720 named chairman of company N
-10723 elected chairman of subsidiaries N
-10727 reported rash of landings N
-10727 bringing aliens to Voronezh V
-10728 is opinion of Good N
-10729 had relationships with aliens N
-10731 devotes space to events V
-10731 spotted lights in sky N
-10732 sounded alarm at 2:25 V
-10732 summoning wardens to duty V
-10734 targeting assortment of aircraft N
-10737 provides explanation in form N
-10737 wrote commander in chief N
-10738 make decision about sightings N
-10739 been ton of them N
-10740 be investigation of phenomenon N
-10741 owe it to people V
-10741 produce enlightenment on subject N
-10742 make piece about sightings N
-10742 make piece about sightings N
-10747 haul bunch of rocks N
-10747 haul bunch around universe V
-10749 radioing position to control V
-10750 found aircraft in clearing V
-10753 overwhelm town in Finney V
-10756 takes look at crash N
-10757 knows lot about aliens N
-10758 had sex with one N
-10759 tells it in prose V
-10759 call parts of balloon N
-10761 made + of marshmallow N
-10762 is writer for News N
-10764 buy Trustcorp for shares V
-10767 left survival in doubt N
-10768 nursed itself to health V
-10771 spent guilders on acquisitions V
-10772 sold guilders of assets N
-10776 pursue acquisitions in area V
-10777 considering alliances with companies N
-10779 show profit of guilders N
-10782 be one of companies N
-10783 show earnings of guilders N
-10783 show earnings in 1990 V
-10790 reduce danger of cycles N
-10791 was acquisition of business N
-10792 is producer of salt N
-10795 eliminate jobs in Netherlands N
-10796 has hopes for businesses N
-10797 is second to Kevlar N
-10801 completed acquisition of Inc. N
-10802 see growth from coatings N
-10804 is seller of pills N
-10804 enter market in U.S. V
-10805 sell pill in U.S. V
-10805 have approval in 1992 V
-10806 has operations in tests V
-10809 see departure from government N
-10810 is politician with courage N
-10810 slashing rate of taxation N
-10810 slashing rate to % V
-10815 recognizing seriousness of issues N
-10817 stabilize level by stabilizing V
-10818 spread advantages of currency N
-10818 spread advantages through fixed V
-10821 is thing in London N
-10822 sparking growth in Britain N
-10822 regulate policy by targeting V
-10823 defend rates to death V
-10824 have effects on accounts V
-10825 increased rate of return N
-10827 produced burst in demand N
-10827 is surge in aggregates N
-10828 stop boost in aggregates N
-10830 ensure permanence of policy N
-10830 ensure permanence by joining V
-10831 issued warnings of inflation N
-10832 laying seeds of protectionism N
-10837 soliciting opinions on it N
-10837 offer some of collection N
-10837 offer some for benefit V
-10841 achieved reduction in wages N
-10842 gives bias toward inflation N
-10844 regains some of credibility N
-10845 argues case for Alan N
-10847 chides Chancellor for being V
-10852 tie currency to one V
-10855 shake ghosts of heads V
-10855 is definition of operation N
-10861 have policy for experience V
-10867 reducing supply of goods N
-10868 return surpluses to economy V
-10868 balances demand for money N
-10870 prompted takeover by Group N
-10871 increase margins to % V
-10872 made comments during interview V
-10872 detailing plans for agency N
-10873 take post at Express N
-10878 spend time with clients N
-10878 freed himself by delegating V
-10879 planning visits to number N
-10883 name executive on account N
-10883 name executive as director V
-10884 is integration of work N
-10885 have system in place V
-10888 had record for year V
-10889 get revenue of office N
-10891 is disruption at the N
-10891 is member of Mafia N
-10893 leaving time for interests N
-10899 assumes control of businesses N
-10899 assumes control in way V
-10899 sublet floors in building N
-10899 sublet floors to outsiders V
-10900 be part under rules N
-10902 win account in 1981 V
-10903 minimize reaction from others N
-10904 defending himself against charges V
-10904 have impact on Y&R V
-10909 named Heller as partner V
-10916 said holders of amount N
-10916 convert debt into shares V
-10918 represent % of amount N
-10919 sells variety of products N
-10922 was million against loss N
-10925 reflect performances for year N
-10926 acquired businesses in 1988 V
-10927 including acquisitions for years N
-10928 reported loss for 1989 N
-10929 increased % in 1989 V
-10934 led buy-out of Macy N
-10934 led buy-out in 1986 V
-10935 estimates debt at billion V
-10943 including breakage of windows N
-10944 see effect as material V
-10945 sell businesses to unit V
-10947 had sales of million N
-10947 was % of revenue N
-10949 is part of program N
-10949 pay billion of loan N
-10949 pay billion by February V
-10950 use billion from sale N
-10954 bought RJR in February V
-10954 sell billion of assets N
-10955 are leaders in markets N
-10960 makes kinds of sense N
-10961 given mandate from Switzerland N
-10963 make contribution to commitment N
-10964 fell % to million V
-10965 reduced income by million V
-10965 including million from Hugo N
-10968 processing claims from earthquake N
-10969 has estimate of impact N
-10971 had loss on line N
-10972 fell % to million V
-10973 posted gain to million N
-10974 included gains of million N
-10975 rose % to million V
-10980 bore messages of peace N
-10981 served years in prison V
-10983 are times in politics N
-10984 entice each to table V
-10985 abandon use of violence N
-10991 extend hand to government V
-10992 earn place among peacemakers N
-10992 chooses path of settlement N
-10994 ease repression in areas N
-10994 keeps grip in others N
-10995 releases Sisulu without conditions V
-10996 keep pressure on government N
-10997 increase sanctions against Pretoria N
-10997 urged supporters inside country N
-10998 make changes at pace V
-11004 was flag of the N
-11006 captured stage of life N
-11007 create climate for negotiations N
-11007 lift restrictions on organizations N
-11007 remove troops from townships V
-11007 end state of emergency N
-11012 Echoing phrase from Klerk N
-11013 shuttered plant in Lester N
-11013 pulled plug on business V
-11014 enjoying resurgence in demand N
-11014 join legion of producers N
-11016 seen increase in orders N
-11018 boost line in coming V
-11020 expects need for megawatts N
-11021 received orders for turbines N
-11023 took positions in plants N
-11024 put all of million N
-11025 provide power to Co. V
-11027 fend competition in U.S. N
-11027 fend competition from competitors V
-11028 purchase turbines from partner V
-11028 sell them with generators V
-11029 giving edge in developing N
-11030 utilize plants at times V
-11030 take advantage of fluctuations N
-11031 gain lot of sourcing N
-11033 challenged venture with Boveri N
-11035 expects half of orders N
-11036 meet demand with facilities N
-11039 received order for plant N
-11039 received order in decade V
-11040 expects order by 1995 V
-11043 measures two on Richter V
-11045 put seven of 17 N
-11045 put seven in perspective V
-11046 buy one of those N
-11046 buy one after all V
-11047 putting end to Series V
-11048 did things with baseballs V
-11049 propelled of'em of confines V
-11050 gave sweep of series N
-11055 brought heat to plate V
-11063 win six of games N
-11063 win four of 10 N
-11064 ranked 1 in polls V
-11065 rode run to triumph V
-11067 led Leagues in wins V
-11067 flattened Jays for pennant V
-11069 play outfielders on side V
-11071 broke record for set N
-11072 hit homers with centerfielder V
-11073 tied marks for triples N
-11074 was hitter with 33 N
-11077 shut Giants on hits V
-11077 allowed runs on hits N
-11077 allowed runs in innings V
-11078 was note on couple N
-11080 lifted spirits by visits V
-11081 toasted victory with beer V
-11086 was year of agency N
-11087 won titles in seasons V
-11088 includes burgs as Oakland N
-11095 market speed as part V
-11095 improve quality in operations N
-11096 increase satisfaction through speed V
-11096 shift responsibility for analyzing N
-11096 shift responsibility from themselves V
-11102 deliver package by time V
-11108 earn dinner with spouses N
-11109 reduce time for sort N
-11115 identified snags in process N
-11117 proposed modifications in process N
-11117 proposed modifications to management V
-11118 benefits customers in ways V
-11119 taken responsibility for quality N
-11121 produce proposal for contract N
-11123 needed contributions from all N
-11124 reached consensus on objectives N
-11124 produced statement of work N
-11125 developed contribution to proposal N
-11125 submitting estimates on schedule N
-11126 were part of team N
-11130 be source of advantage N
-11131 recognize speed as component V
-11133 improve quality of work N
-11134 is president of ODI N
-11136 's conclusion of report N
-11138 increase quantity of copying N
-11139 casts doubt on contention N
-11139 copyrighted material by tapers N
-11141 is nail in coffin N
-11144 received copy of report N
-11145 make copies from copies N
-11146 warrant years of wrangling N
-11148 consider copying for use N
-11150 suggest range of options N
-11151 makes definition of status N
-11151 makes definition of status N
-11151 prevent changes to law N
-11151 finding balance of benefits N
-11154 rocking community with dealing V
-11155 achieved this in part V
-11155 getting foot in door V
-11157 approve merger at meetings V
-11160 be return on investment N
-11161 bought stake in Inspectorate N
-11161 bought stake for francs V
-11161 building company with acquisitions V
-11163 offer view of Alps N
-11165 is Renoir on wall V
-11166 having fortune of francs N
-11169 found companies with earnings N
-11170 making minds about Rey V
-11172 laid foundations of prominence N
-11172 laid foundations with raid V
-11176 sell shares to maker V
-11177 made francs on sale V
-11185 brought merger in years V
-11186 become part of empire N
-11192 enjoyed status of knight N
-11193 preferred him to financier V
-11194 selling dozens of companies N
-11200 bought stake in AG N
-11201 makes sense for Inspectorate-Adia N
-11202 is example of conservatism N
-11209 signed letter of intent N
-11210 generate million in sales N
-11211 market line of minicomputers N
-11214 shut lines at time V
-11216 provide bonuses over life V
-11221 feeling effects of budget N
-11223 become president of group N
-11224 reorganize all into divisions V
-11227 's step to returns N
-11229 reflects confidence in Pinick N
-11229 doing business with military V
-11231 oversees exports of goods N
-11231 take decisions on trimming N
-11231 trimming list of items N
-11232 ease restrictions on exports V
-11233 ease restrictions on types N
-11236 was matter for discussion N
-11238 treating China as case V
-11240 improve procedures for punishing N
-11241 speed both of functions N
-11242 take write-offs on problems N
-11247 inched % in quarter V
-11247 had loss of million N
-11250 save million in costs N
-11250 save million at end V
-11251 took write-off of million N
-11251 cover losses on contracts N
-11251 took look at prospects N
-11253 leave Unisys with million V
-11253 cut payments in quarters N
-11254 reduced inventories during quarter V
-11254 leaving it within million V
-11255 overcome weakness in U.S. N
-11255 relied results over quarters V
-11256 reported growth in business N
-11257 betting business on assumption V
-11260 pay million in interest N
-11260 pay million on top V
-11261 approaching year with caution V
-11262 see growth in cards V
-11267 have assets as company V
-11268 minimize challenges of term N
-11271 had losses of million N
-11271 inched % to billion V
-11273 cutting estimate for year N
-11273 cutting estimate to 2 V
-11277 fell cents to 16.25 V
-11278 facing camera after forecast V
-11279 finds himself in position V
-11279 buzzes Midwest on trip V
-11281 recanted series of forecasts N
-11285 raised percentage of bonds N
-11285 raised percentage from % V
-11286 including some at Lynch N
-11287 softened talk about recession N
-11290 oversees billion in accounts N
-11290 include everything from funds N
-11293 was economist from 1967 V
-11293 heralded recession for months V
-11296 pulled forecast at time V
-11303 Carrying message on road V
-11308 says something about people N
-11309 'm one of them N
-11311 lists array of scenarios N
-11312 pin Straszheim to wall V
-11313 shoves handout at him V
-11316 's all in handout N
-11317 have recession at point V
-11325 Explaining change of mind N
-11325 pin this on factor N
-11331 's pressure on economists N
-11337 holds stake in Corp. N
-11337 seek control of company N
-11338 made disclosure in filing V
-11339 seeking control of Roy N
-11339 seeking control through offer V
-11339 evaluate acquisition from time V
-11342 leaped 2 to 18.375 V
-11343 has comment on filing N
-11344 fended overtures from Corp. N
-11345 purchase line for million V
-11346 acquired % of stock N
-11346 acquired % before throwing V
-11347 raising stake in July V
-11348 made overtures to board V
-11349 signed letter of intent N
-11352 earned million on sales N
-11355 denounced Thatcher for having V
-11355 heed men in Cabinet N
-11356 precipitated crisis by portraying V
-11356 portraying Thatcher as autocrat V
-11356 thrown policy into confusion V
-11356 driving figure from government V
-11360 anchor dollar to gold V
-11362 cut rate to % V
-11362 flooded country with money V
-11362 prevent pound from rising V
-11365 pushed rates to % V
-11367 realizing mistake in letting N
-11367 tying pound to mark V
-11367 subordinates currencies to policy V
-11368 put Thatcher in bind V
-11372 drives value of currency N
-11373 caused government in France N
-11375 attracting capital whether one N
-11378 saddled Thatcher with deficit V
-11379 keep Lawson in office V
-11380 prevent deficit by inflating V
-11383 was victim of confusion N
-11384 ignored role of rates N
-11384 emphasizing flows in response N
-11385 led them in circle V
-11387 attract flows in order V
-11389 reconsider prospects for integration N
-11389 reconsider prospects in light V
-11390 become vassals of state N
-11393 recognize futility of trying N
-11393 offset effects of reduction N
-11394 was secretary under Reagan V
-11397 fueled growth in quarter V
-11397 raising questions about strength N
-11398 grew % in September V
-11401 rose % in September V
-11403 propelled expansion in quarter V
-11407 's lot in wings N
-11407 keep growth above % V
-11417 sell stake in mine N
-11417 sell stake to Pty. V
-11420 bought interests for million V
-11424 sees alliances with others N
-11424 sees alliances as way V
-11426 is reference to effort N
-11429 buying some of company N
-11429 buying some next year V
-11431 buy million in notes N
-11433 achieving flow from operations N
-11434 has intention of tapping N
-11437 achieve levels of earnings N
-11438 reported earnings of million N
-11439 reflecting closing of unit N
-11440 including portion of unit N
-11440 be question of strategy N
-11442 operates lotteries in states N
-11443 seeking applications for technology N
-11443 is interest in games N
-11445 consider some of technology N
-11446 achieved profitability after quarters V
-11448 announced agreement with Inc. N
-11448 develop machines with simplified N
-11449 slash costs in half N
-11449 slash costs by end V
-11452 sees opportunities in integration N
-11453 getting % of dollars N
-11454 spend lot of money N
-11454 spend lot on that V
-11457 Reviewing scrape with disaster N
-11459 considering possibility of takeover N
-11462 start commute to work N
-11462 start commute with tearing V
-11464 hear criticisms of activists N
-11464 rid beaches of waste N
-11466 provide awareness to lawmakers V
-11469 say it for you V
-11470 demonstrated sensitivity to decades N
-11479 justifies characterization of Greens N
-11483 have burden of proving N
-11483 urge prohibition for enactment N
-11483 urge prohibition into law V
-11485 posted profit of billion N
-11486 posted such since 1970s V
-11488 attributed results to climate V
-11490 increased % in 1988 V
-11493 quoted chairman as saying V
-11493 fear slip of tongue N
-11494 foil conspiracies of services N
-11494 use groups in country N
-11495 restricted exports to countries N
-11498 back demands for pay N
-11498 back demands with strikes V
-11500 cut week to hours V
-11501 came news of alarm N
-11501 tap fields off coast N
-11503 lower Venice by inches V
-11504 preserve city of canals N
-11505 sunk inches in century V
-11506 establish operation with partners V
-11507 begin operations in 1990 V
-11508 send section of catalog N
-11508 send section to customers V
-11508 have access to currency V
-11509 imposed duties on imports V
-11511 suffered pressure on prices N
-11512 signed agreement with Soyuz N
-11512 swap recorders for iron V
-11514 ban violence from television V
-11517 doubled dividend to cents V
-11518 spun subsidiary into Kaufman V
-11518 changed name to Inc V
-11522 buy Inc. in transaction V
-11523 buy Co. for million V
-11524 produce movies for Warner V
-11531 take them with you V
-11533 file batch of documents N
-11534 block duo from going V
-11535 provide peek into workings N
-11546 disputes version of call N
-11551 backs Peters in declaration V
-11554 screen picture without telling V
-11558 give input on film N
-11560 advised Semel of offer V
-11560 realized ambition of running N
-11560 having position in company V
-11561 buy part of MGM N
-11562 crossed MGM with pen V
-11562 giving document to Semel V
-11562 have objection to positions V
-11564 have impact on Warner V
-11565 let producers of contract V
-11568 sue Sony for tons V
-11571 controlling segments of business N
-11572 took encouragement from executives V
-11573 strengthen relationships with producers N
-11573 encouraged Guber in ambitions V
-11576 have projects in development N
-11576 have projects for Warner V
-11579 started frenzy for projects N
-11583 serve market of homes N
-11585 ended 1989 with deficit V
-11586 finding lining in report V
-11591 exceeded target by billion V
-11592 sets target of billion N
-11593 slowed progress of legislation N
-11593 slowed progress to halt V
-11593 triggering cuts under law N
-11594 blame each for turning V
-11594 turning taxes into such V
-11595 showed sign of retreating N
-11596 accept bill like one N
-11596 increase spending in years N
-11597 Underscoring size of deficits N
-11597 exceeded spending on Security N
-11599 rose % to billion V
-11601 marked forecast by million V
-11602 ran deficit of billion N
-11608 converting plant to facility V
-11611 suffered loss of million N
-11612 receive million in interest N
-11612 receive million from court V
-11615 Accrued interest on refund N
-11617 acquire % of Co. N
-11618 pay yen for shares V
-11619 rebut criticism of investments N
-11619 hailed transaction as proof N
-11619 make investments in Japan V
-11620 echoed view of accord N
-11623 post loss of yen N
-11623 exceed assets by yen V
-11624 find companies in Japan N
-11626 acquired hundreds of companies N
-11627 touch wave of purchases N
-11630 was one of makers N
-11635 moved production in response V
-11635 build plants in Asia V
-11637 be investment for concern N
-11638 recommending acquisitions of companies N
-11638 recommending acquisitions in future V
-11642 is fit for operations N
-11642 make televisions on basis V
-11643 move production of products N
-11643 move production of products N
-11645 jettisoning structure of Sansui N
-11645 bringing executive as president V
-11646 is matter for the N
-11647 used it as base V
-11647 doubling profits since 1980 V
-11648 acquire business of unit N
-11648 acquire business for million V
-11649 posted jump in profit N
-11652 pushed LIN into corner V
-11652 forcing debt on company V
-11653 mortgage power in order V
-11653 placate holders in term V
-11654 combine properties with BellSouth V
-11655 representing payout of billion N
-11655 receive dividend before merger V
-11657 received dividend of 20 N
-11658 buy interest of partner N
-11661 cover payments on debt N
-11662 estimate value of proposal N
-11662 estimate value at 115 V
-11663 value bid at 112 V
-11665 owns % of stock N
-11672 have interest in company N
-11673 ease concerns of investors N
-11673 give protection to holders V
-11673 buy rest of company N
-11676 begin process in 1994 N
-11676 begin process for remaining V
-11681 is deal to McCaw N
-11686 preventing BellSouth from buying V
-11686 buying shares in meanwhile V
-11688 dilute earnings by both V
-11690 earned billion on revenue V
-11691 predicting earnings in range V
-11692 fell cents to 52.125 V
-11693 fell 2.50 to 37.75 V
-11694 including million in markets N
-11695 filing suit against BellSouth N
-11695 filing suit with Department V
-11695 oversees enforcement of decree N
-11695 broke system in 1984 V
-11697 conduct auction on field V
-11698 adding voices to chorus V
-11700 making it for traders V
-11701 offsetting trades in futures N
-11701 affects market through stocks V
-11705 lose ground against segments V
-11706 trade stocks without moves V
-11708 are neither to market N
-11709 turned some of those N
-11709 turned some against it V
-11712 executes trades for clients V
-11715 does trading for accounts V
-11716 were programs in years V
-11718 slashed inventories of they N
-11719 protect investment from eroding V
-11720 buy shares from sellers V
-11722 makes sense for us N
-11722 put money at risk N
-11723 creating problems in stocks N
-11726 oversees trading on Nasdaq N
-11728 lose sight of that N
-11736 re-entering market after selloffs V
-11738 tumbled 5.39 to 452.76 V
-11740 fell % on Friday V
-11741 lost % to 448.80 N
-11744 surged 5 to 112 V
-11744 sweetened agreement in attempt V
-11744 keep shareholders from tendering V
-11744 tendering shares to Communications V
-11745 dropped 1 to 37 V
-11745 offered 125 for majority V
-11746 boosts amount of dividend N
-11748 eased 1 to 31 V
-11749 have impact on earnings N
-11750 fell 7 amid concerns V
-11751 resume shipments of chips N
-11751 resume shipments within two V
-11752 rocketed 1 to 39 V
-11752 regarding acquisition of company N
-11753 rose 3 to 20 V
-11753 approved Bank of acquisition N
-11754 fell 4 to 15 V
-11756 earned 376,000 on revenue N
-11756 earned 376,000 in quarter V
-11757 including sales of joint-implants N
-11761 recovered some of losses N
-11762 spark weakness in London N
-11763 settled points at 1678.5 V
-11766 showed fears over status N
-11768 attributed volume to selling V
-11768 regain control of government N
-11768 renew efforts at nationalization V
-11771 skidded 1.74 to 123.5 V
-11772 fell 5 to 286 V
-11773 was pressured by recommendations N
-11774 eased 1 to 416 V
-11775 dropped 11 to 10.86 V
-11775 skidded 9.5 to 200.5 V
-11775 fell 10 to 250 V
-11778 fell points to 35378.44 V
-11782 placed orders in morning V
-11782 start day for transactions N
-11783 sell stocks to investors V
-11784 was result of fever N
-11786 dropped points to 1462.93 V
-11794 leaving investors with feet V
-11794 take stance on sidelines N
-11802 make % of capitalization N
-11804 STAGED rally in Africa N
-11805 filled stadium on outskirts N
-11805 welcomed leaders of Congress N
-11807 served years in prison V
-11810 BACKED criticism of Ortega N
-11811 raised possibility of renewing N
-11811 renewing aid to Contras N
-11812 marking moves to democracy N
-11813 cited attacks by rebels N
-11814 get aid under agreement V
-11815 claimed victory in elections N
-11815 retained majority by seat V
-11816 won seats in Cortes V
-11819 stop activists from staging V
-11820 crush protest in Square N
-11824 cuts spending for installations N
-11824 cuts spending by % V
-11826 reducing arsenals amid differences V
-11827 unveiled proposals in September V
-11828 bombarded Kabul in assault V
-11828 completed withdrawal in February V
-11829 tightened blockade on roads N
-11829 shelled area in Afghanistan N
-11830 convened meeting of cabinet N
-11830 convened meeting after indications V
-11830 dissolve Parliament in attempt V
-11831 provide timetable for pullout N
-11833 was evidence of survivors N
-11835 defeating Giants in sweep V
-11838 rose % in September V
-11840 climbed % in September V
-11843 took podium at event V
-11848 holds position at counters N
-11849 buy Corp. for billion V
-11850 making marketer of cosmetics N
-11851 bring experience with products N
-11851 sparking disdain in trade N
-11854 blend strategies with approach N
-11858 test them with consumers V
-11861 are habitats of men N
-11863 rolls product before test-marketing V
-11865 meld techniques with image-making V
-11868 brought baggage of being N
-11869 reposition brand by broadening V
-11870 redesigned Oil of packaging N
-11870 stamping boxes with lines V
-11871 shifted campaign from one V
-11873 have advantages over rivals N
-11880 increase impact of advertising N
-11882 pour budgets into gifts N
-11883 spends % of sales N
-11889 filling gap with spate V
-11891 gaining leadership by introducing V
-11891 offer edge over competition N
-11892 soared year for example V
-11894 be emphasis on quality N
-11899 acquired Rubenstein in 1973 V
-11906 be truce in war N
-11908 infuse action with level V
-11909 put decisions in writing V
-11911 barring agents from assassinating V
-11914 inform it within hours V
-11915 removed ban on use N
-11918 followed attempt in Panama N
-11919 made support for coups N
-11922 accused House of leaking N
-11922 shift blame to Congress V
-11923 press advantage to kind V
-11923 want oversight of activities N
-11926 been meeting of minds N
-11929 reserving right in instances N
-11929 keep Congress in dark V
-11933 attacking Webster for being V
-11934 accuse Cohen of wimping V
-11934 raise specter of operations N
-11935 is consultation on activities N
-11937 turned Board into casino V
-11941 is mission of community N
-11943 do something about volatility V
-11944 galvanized dissatisfaction among companies N
-11947 calm investors after plunge V
-11951 increases chance for crash N
-11955 sell stocks in index N
-11961 ban use of system N
-11962 put bit of damper N
-11962 publish statistics of volume N
-11965 is parent of Barney N
-11967 maximize returns on investments N
-11968 informed each of managers N
-11968 give business to firms V
-11969 turning heat in debate N
-11971 is trader on Street N
-11971 announced pull-backs from arbitrage N
-11973 have impact on market N
-11978 faces job of rebuilding N
-11978 rebuilding confidence in policies N
-11979 haul country through something V
-11984 seeking term in economy N
-11987 playing experts off each V
-11987 announced resignation within hour V
-11989 sent currency against mark V
-11992 shove economy into recession V
-11993 anticipating slump for months V
-11995 run course by 1991 V
-11997 leave room for maneuver N
-11998 sense improvement for year V
-11999 call election until 1992 V
-12000 shows sign of turning N
-12001 's deadline for government N
-12001 define ties to rest N
-12002 sent signals about willingness N
-12002 take part in mechanism N
-12003 ease opposition to membership V
-12006 produced reaction from boss N
-12006 use conditions as pretext V
-12009 continue policy of tracking N
-12009 tracking policies of Bundesbank N
-12010 taking orders from foreigners V
-12014 want debate in cabinet V
-12016 told interviewer on Television V
-12020 were state of art N
-12023 analyzed sample of women N
-12027 lighten load on basis V
-12033 spend themselves into poverty V
-12036 are payers throughout stay N
-12042 reaching maturity during presidency V
-12052 be smokers than persons V
-12055 was month for practitioners N
-12055 allowing candor from media N
-12057 are fountains of gold N
-12059 taking butt to Committee N
-12059 made gestures on palm N
-12060 feel need from time V
-12061 was import of meeting N
-12067 told official at dinner V
-12070 demonstrating independence by printing V
-12072 took it in 1986 V
-12073 retained % of readership N
-12074 made celebrities of men N
-12080 prevented coverage of famines N
-12081 stain honor of wives N
-12086 begin series of reports N
-12088 enter dialogue of culture N
-12090 is publisher of Anniston N
-12091 gave approval to settlement V
-12092 covering thousands of customers N
-12093 accused Irving of paying N
-12095 receive services for years V
-12096 valued settlement at million V
-12099 give light to economy V
-12099 bring growth to halt V
-12103 dissecting them in dozens V
-12104 digesting reams of information N
-12106 make announcement of plans N
-12106 provide credit to markets V
-12108 prompted near-mutiny within ranks N
-12112 earned plaudits for Greenspan V
-12119 growing weakness in economy N
-12124 showing signs of weakness N
-12125 played role in fueling N
-12125 played role over years V
-12127 faces phalanx of presidents N
-12128 aimed two down road V
-12133 begin year of growth N
-12133 begin year without recession V
-12135 is guarantee against mistakes N
-12136 laying groundwork for recession N
-12142 proposed offering of shares N
-12143 proposed offering of million N
-12149 is one of bastions N
-12151 become subject of controversy N
-12151 become subject on the V
-12154 had experience in field N
-12158 filled vacancies in court N
-12158 filled vacancies with lawyers V
-12161 making push for specialists N
-12162 name candidates with both N
-12164 is counsel with Corp. N
-12166 received response from Department V
-12168 take it into consideration V
-12170 's responsibility of lawyers N
-12172 infringe patent under circumstances V
-12173 have consequences for manufacturers N
-12177 are guide to levels N
-12206 Annualized rate after expenses N
-12214 build mall on land V
-12217 ranks a among underwriters V
-12218 's fall from 1980s N
-12220 bring business from one V
-12223 is player in business N
-12225 has love for forces V
-12225 done rethink of Kidder N
-12225 done rethink in months V
-12226 been parade of studies N
-12229 tap resources of GE N
-12230 bought % of Kidder N
-12230 bought % in 1986 V
-12230 take advantage of syngeries N
-12230 has 42 in assets N
-12233 exploit synergy between Capital N
-12235 had relationship with GE N
-12237 has team in place N
-12238 serving dinner at 7:30 V
-12239 been case in past V
-12241 rebuild franchise at Kidder V
-12242 is one of six N
-12244 sold offices in Florida N
-12244 sold offices to Lynch V
-12249 putting brokers through course V
-12249 turning them into counselors V
-12251 funnel leads on opportunities N
-12251 funnel leads to bankers V
-12251 easing tension between camps N
-12255 has worries about future N
-12256 bringing discipline to Kidder V
-12257 improved procedures for trading N
-12258 had lot of fun N
-12258 had lot at Kidder V
-12263 save 330 on taxes V
-12265 prove addition to portfolio N
-12265 build centerpiece of complex N
-12266 initialed agreement with contractor N
-12267 signed Wednesday in Tokyo V
-12269 located miles of Manila N
-12270 hold stake in Petrochemical N
-12273 represented step in project N
-12274 represent investment in Philippines N
-12274 took office in 1986 V
-12276 backed plant at site V
-12278 removing tax on naphtha N
-12279 soothe feelings of residents N
-12281 have stake in Petrochemical N
-12292 pay honorarium to speakers V
-12293 paid fee to Wright V
-12297 consider one of ideas N
-12298 kill items without vetoing V
-12300 send waves through relationship V
-12300 enhance power of presidency N
-12301 giving it to president V
-12305 is member of Committee N
-12306 's challenge to Congress N
-12308 has confrontations with Congress N
-12311 told audience in Chicago N
-12313 go way in restoring V
-12313 restoring discipline to process V
-12318 strike riders within bills N
-12319 challenge Bush in courts V
-12319 expand powers beyond anything V
-12320 puts president in business V
-12323 preserve funds for system V
-12325 putting projects into legislation V
-12329 put power in hands N
-12330 use powers against conservatives V
-12338 losing share in the V
-12340 gained share at expense V
-12342 represent one-third of sales N
-12345 are group of people N
-12345 are group at Creek V
-12346 calls capital of world N
-12347 closed Friday at 71.75 V
-12352 met expectations for 1989 N
-12355 add capacity next year V
-12361 put products into marketplace V
-12361 resuming involvement with plan N
-12367 forecast increase for year V
-12368 earned million on sales V
-12370 fell % to million V
-12371 rose % to billion V
-12372 had charge of million N
-12372 had charge in quarter V
-12372 covering disposition of assets N
-12378 representing premium over price N
-12383 yield % via Ltd V
-12386 added spice to address V
-12386 cut links with Exchange N
-12389 indicate souring in relations N
-12391 resume production in 1990 V
-12394 was lire in August V
-12397 rose % to lire V
-12397 rose % to lire V
-12398 rose % to lire V
-12398 grew % to lire V
-12399 shed image of bank N
-12400 be step toward privatization N
-12401 hold stake in Exterior V
-12406 be partner for a N
-12406 increase share after 1992 V
-12409 transform Exterior into bank V
-12410 be model of way N
-12411 provide credits for exports N
-12412 forcing bank to competition V
-12413 faced decline in growth N
-12418 build areas of business N
-12422 trim jobs over three V
-12424 issued million in debt N
-12424 sold stock to investors V
-12425 marketing services at branches V
-12427 has excess of banks N
-12427 aid Exterior with tasks V
-12428 include acquisitions in growing V
-12431 was one of banks N
-12431 underwent changes in July V
-12432 be handicap for bank N
-12432 open market to competition V
-12433 whip division into shape V
-12434 channel investment from London V
-12435 cut number of firms N
-12435 cut number from 700 V
-12436 named counsel in 1987 V
-12437 trimmed firms from list V
-12439 set group in May V
-12441 doing business with GM V
-12441 suing GM for damages V
-12445 providing service at cost V
-12445 echoing directives from operations N
-12448 concluding cases with trials V
-12449 's finding of study N
-12450 means number of bargains N
-12452 including those in Manhattan N
-12452 covered offices from 1980 V
-12455 based conclusions on statistics V
-12456 taking cases to trial V
-12457 filed charges against defendants V
-12460 stressed cases from 1980 V
-12460 averaging 43 for adults V
-12462 filed average of cases N
-12462 filed average for adults V
-12465 asked court in Manhattan V
-12465 dismiss indictment against her N
-12465 was abducted from homeland V
-12467 give access to documents N
-12468 making the in order V
-12468 obtain material in case N
-12470 lacks jurisdiction in case V
-12472 charges Koskotas with fraud V
-12473 made trips to U.S. V
-12474 violated right to trial N
-12475 hurt chances of trial N
-12476 return him to Greece N
-12478 require lawyers in state N
-12478 provide hours of aid N
-12478 increase participation in programs N
-12479 prove effectiveness before considering V
-12480 achieve objective without divisiveness V
-12484 has office in Worth V
-12484 has office in Orleans V
-12485 covered billings to Pentagon N
-12485 filed suit against company V
-12487 seeks damages from directors N
-12487 seeks damages on grounds V
-12487 carry duties as directors N
-12488 defending itself against charges V
-12493 bringing sanctions against Greenfield V
-12494 stockpile cars on lots V
-12495 cut inventories to no V
-12496 was time for action N
-12497 had average of supply N
-12497 had average in lots V
-12498 reduce costs of financing N
-12499 getting reception in Detroit V
-12504 mark end of part N
-12505 cover accounting for parts N
-12506 prohibits utilities from making V
-12520 asked questions about Jake N
-12527 keep dialogue with environmentalists V
-12528 been one of critics N
-12528 accused company of ignoring N
-12529 soiled hundreds of miles N
-12529 wreaked havoc with wildlife V
-12530 was one of members N
-12530 foster discussions between industry N
-12531 demonstrate sense of fairness N
-12532 seeking payment of costs N
-12533 take a in quarter V
-12534 reached agreement in principle V
-12536 help customers with decisions V
-12536 provide them with information V
-12538 place employees within company N
-12541 worsen year after years V
-12545 took Korea to task V
-12546 be indications of manipulation N
-12546 be indications during months V
-12547 liberalized system in year V
-12550 hear Member of Congress N
-12551 increase ceiling on mortgages N
-12551 lost billion in defaults N
-12552 approved Thursday by House V
-12552 voted bill for construction V
-12555 is chairman of Committee N
-12556 became million for Grassley V
-12557 turned a for state N
-12557 turned a into a V
-12558 is chairman of subcommittee N
-12559 seen peak of construction N
-12559 seen peak for years V
-12560 Tell us about restraint V
-12561 Tell us about scandals V
-12563 get Congress under control V
-12564 reached agreement with banks V
-12567 fallen million in payments V
-12568 called step in strategy N
-12568 provide reduction in level V
-12569 buy % of debt N
-12569 buy % at price V
-12572 benefit countries as debtors V
-12573 sell billion of bills N
-12577 announced details of auction N
-12577 accommodate expiration of ceiling N
-12581 honor requests from holders N
-12582 make payment for bills N
-12582 make payment to investors V
-12582 requested reinvestment of bills N
-12583 sell subsidiary to Inc. V
-12584 reduce level of investments N
-12584 reduce level for thrift V
-12585 suspend dividends on shares N
-12585 convert all into shares V
-12589 had loss of million N
-12595 including index on Thursday N
-12596 brings count on sales N
-12599 curbing accuracy of adjustments N
-12600 maintains level below % V
-12602 presents inkling of data N
-12602 presents inkling for month V
-12603 use index as indicator V
-12603 use it as indicator V
-12609 keeping a on sales V
-12610 is month for figures V
-12613 taken toll on sales V
-12614 slipped % from levels V
-12615 buying machinery at rate V
-12615 raise questions about demand N
-12615 raise questions from industry V
-12616 remained % below levels N
-12617 received million of orders N
-12617 received million from August V
-12625 was one of months N
-12628 are more than % N
-12630 expand markets for tools V
-12631 is demand for tools N
-12631 improve efficiency as quality N
-12632 's dispute between makers N
-12635 totaled million from million V
-12635 totaled increase from August N
-12636 form metal with pressure V
-12637 produce total for month N
-12640 had a at end V
-12641 was % from year N
-12641 were % from period V
-12650 raising megaquestions about the V
-12651 fund issues without depressing V
-12655 have way of knowing N
-12667 limited size of mills N
-12669 ushered rules for business N
-12670 build plants on scale V
-12673 are fruits of policy N
-12674 is source of funds N
-12676 called elections for November V
-12679 have history of making N
-12680 are hit with investors V
-12682 had success with issue V
-12683 accepting applications for issue N
-12685 selling parts of portfolios N
-12689 controlled markets through grip V
-12690 controlled financing of projects N
-12693 set year along lines V
-12694 makes bones about need V
-12701 raised money from public V
-12701 raise funds on market V
-12702 floated a in 1988 V
-12702 was issue in history N
-12707 pin-pointed projects for funds V
-12710 is screening of use N
-12712 followed boom of 1986 N
-12719 acquiring businesses for dollars V
-12720 make offer for all N
-12722 has contract with Bond V
-12723 joined wave of alliances N
-12723 signed agreement with System V
-12724 coordinate flights with SAS V
-12726 swap stakes in each N
-12727 pending meetings next month V
-12730 going head to head N
-12730 going head in markets V
-12730 got clearance from Commission V
-12730 boost stake in maker N
-12731 received permission from regulators V
-12731 increase holdings past the V
-12732 raised stake to % V
-12734 bucked tide in market V
-12734 rose pence to pence V
-12737 buy stakes in Jaguar N
-12738 prevent shareholder from going V
-12739 forge alliance with GM V
-12740 wrapping alliance with GM N
-12742 force issue by calling V
-12742 remove barriers to contest N
-12742 remove barriers before 1990 V
-12744 seek meeting with John V
-12744 outline proposal for bid N
-12746 retain independence by involving V
-12746 involving stake for giant V
-12747 win shareholders by structuring V
-12747 structuring it in way V
-12750 influence reaction to accord N
-12751 holds talks with officials V
-12753 are words before killed V
-12758 got feet on floor V
-12834 setting sights on expansion V
-12836 acquired % of Holdings N
-12836 acquired % for dollars V
-12838 holds % of yen N
-12838 considering acquisition of network N
-12844 approached number of times N
-12846 laying groundwork for growth V
-12847 setting team in charge N
-12848 rose % to billion V
-12848 jumped % to million V
-12854 do business with clients V
-12855 expand business to clients V
-12857 acquire share of Corp. N
-12858 been venture between Ciba-Geigy V
-12858 has sales of million N
-12862 develop unit into business V
-12862 making part of concept N
-12863 canceled series of season N
-12864 is casualty of networks N
-12866 aired Wednesdays at p.m. N
-12866 drawn average of % N
-12868 plans placement of dollars N
-12869 reduce debt at concern V
-12870 carry dividend until 1994 V
-12874 is part of strategy N
-12874 strengthen sheet in anticipation V
-12877 reassert itself in business V
-12879 comes weeks after believing V
-12879 had lead of three N
-12879 introduced computer with features N
-12881 sells machines to businesses V
-12882 mark plunge into has N
-12883 been terminals with ability N
-12885 marketing PCs with megabyte N
-12888 Weighing pounds with battery V
-12888 measures 8.2 by inches N
-12894 open offices in Taipei V
-12895 is the since announced V
-12895 do business in country V
-12897 buy stocks through purchase V
-12900 's market with opportunities N
-12901 entering season with momentum V
-12902 rose % above levels N
-12904 jumped % in period V
-12905 declined % in period V
-12907 are lot of markets N
-12908 rose % through July V
-12909 damp growth in West V
-12916 have impact on sales V
-12918 lost jobs in the V
-12918 was link in England V
-12919 reflect reversal in fortunes V
-12923 relocate facility to County V
-12924 move storage to a V
-12924 distance operations from areas V
-12927 shut facility for inspection V
-12930 moving the from town V
-12931 purchased acres from government V
-12932 begin operations in 1991 V
-12934 replaced directors at meeting V
-12937 respond Friday to requests V
-12937 discuss changes at company N
-12937 have team on board V
-12938 had income of yen N
-12938 had income in half V
-12940 had net of yen N
-12940 had net in period V
-12948 totaled billion from billion V
-12951 announced % from 1,716 V
-12952 totaled billion from billion V
-12953 exceed the in 1988 V
-12955 distributed 4 to stock V
-12956 changed policy by declaring V
-12957 pay dividend on stock V
-12958 have profit for payment N
-12961 convert all of shares N
-12961 convert all into NBI V
-12963 hired Inc. as banker V
-12964 jolt rates in months V
-12965 estimated losses from earthquake N
-12965 estimated losses at million V
-12966 include claims under compensation N
-12971 halt growth of year N
-12974 retain percentage of risks N
-12974 pass rest of losses N
-12975 buy protection for themselves V
-12975 giving portion of premiums N
-12975 giving portion to firm V
-12975 accepts portion of losses N
-12976 buy reinsurance from companies N
-12976 buy reinsurance for catastrophe V
-12977 replace coverage in were V
-12977 were any before end V
-12979 purchased reinsurance in years V
-12979 buy reinsurance for 1990 V
-12981 negotiating contracts in weeks V
-12982 said Snedeker of market N
-12986 get picture of impact N
-12987 expects charge of no N
-12987 expects charge before taxes V
-12988 rose % to yen V
-12989 rose % to yen V
-12990 increased % to yen V
-12991 rose % to yen V
-12994 rise % to yen V
-12995 announced effectiveness of statement N
-12998 approved consolidation of stock N
-12998 approved consolidation at meeting V
-12999 approved adoption of plan N
-13000 approved relocation to Ltd N
-13001 has operations in Hills V
-13003 have right for share V
-13003 entitling purchase of share N
-13004 acquires % of shares N
-13004 acquires % without making V
-13004 making offer to shareholders V
-13005 require approval of holders N
-13006 indicted operator of schools N
-13006 indicted operator for fraud V
-13009 defend itself against charges V
-13012 fell cents to cents V
-13013 filed suit in Court V
-13013 block investors from buying V
-13014 are directors of company N
-13015 owns % of Rally N
-13016 seek control of Rally N
-13018 joined forces with founder V
-13018 have ties to Wendy V
-13019 controls % of shares N
-13020 formed committee of directors N
-13021 restructure million of debentures N
-13023 provides services for manufacturers V
-13024 begun discussions with holders N
-13024 exchange debt for securities V
-13025 review agreement with holders N
-13027 offered position in Leaseway V
-13027 represent interest in company V
-13028 is adviser on transaction V
-13029 fulfilled requirements of obligations N
-13030 revive constituency for rebels V
-13031 raised possibility of renewing N
-13031 renewing aid to Contras V
-13031 parried question at conference V
-13032 end cease-fire with rebels N
-13032 elevated Contras as priority V
-13034 highlight progress toward democracy N
-13036 end cease-fire in response V
-13037 ends support for Contras V
-13040 monitor treatment of candidates N
-13041 receive rest of the N
-13041 receive rest under agreement V
-13044 have support for action V
-13046 provides supporters with opportunity V
-13046 press administration on issue V
-13049 give support to Contras V
-13049 honor agreement through elections V
-13051 accompanied Bush to Rica V
-13053 cut aid to units V
-13054 undermining arguments in favor N
-13055 interpreted wavering as sign V
-13057 creating atmosphere of emergency N
-13058 sell stake in Corp. N
-13058 sell stake to Stores V
-13061 purchasing stake as investment V
-13062 acquire equity of Stores N
-13063 saw significance in selling V
-13063 selling stock to Stores V
-13065 accumulating stock for years V
-13066 taking place between companies V
-13067 increased % to yen V
-13072 gained % to yen V
-13073 made % of total N
-13074 rising % to yen V
-13075 rise % to yen V
-13076 increase % to yen V
-13076 rise % to yen V
-13077 acquire unit for million V
-13078 acquire operations of Corp. N
-13080 is part of plan N
-13080 focus operations on Canada V
-13082 report gain from sale V
-13084 rose % to yen V
-13085 rose % to yen V
-13086 totaled yen from yen V
-13087 rose % to yen V
-13088 advanced % to yen V
-13090 forecast sales for year N
-13091 rise % to yen V
-13092 buy all of shares N
-13092 buy all for each V
-13093 owns % of shares N
-13095 make offer for stock V
-13097 receiving distribution of 37 N
-13099 launched offer for shares V
-13103 received assurance of N.A. N
-13105 begun discussions with sources V
-13106 nullify agreement between Acquisition N
-13107 made offer for Dataproducts N
-13111 has value of million N
-13112 is York for Inc. V
-13113 holds % of Kofcoh N
-13114 prints ads for retailers V
-13115 had average of shares N
-13117 rose % to yen V
-13123 expects net of yen N
-13125 raising level by traders N
-13127 approved Co. in Erath N
-13127 approved Co. as site V
-13131 replace McFadden as president V
-13132 have mandate from board V
-13132 improve reputation as exchange N
-13134 told person during search V
-13136 held posts of president N
-13137 imported a as president V
-13138 was officer of Exchange N
-13138 considered specialist in products N
-13141 expect difficulty in attracting V
-13141 attracting locals to pit V
-13142 teaching companies in industry N
-13144 was one of image N
-13145 indicted traders at exchanges V
-13146 investigating exchanges in May V
-13148 face some of consequences N
-13149 been the in enforcing V
-13150 levied number of suspensions N
-13151 had the per contracts N
-13152 received criticism in 1987 V
-13154 had breakdown in 1987 V
-13155 took care of it N
-13156 boosts volume at exchange V
-13157 improve efficiency of operations N
-13158 been talk of mergers N
-13158 been talk between one V
-13162 save money for commission V
-13162 do business on exchanges V
-13164 is development of device N
-13165 recommended creation of system N
-13169 signed letter of intent N
-13169 signed letter with Merc V
-13170 creating system with Board V
-13170 suspended negotiations with Merc V
-13174 is support between 1.12 N
-13174 ended Friday at 1.1580 V
-13175 views the as opportunity V
-13178 set tone for metals V
-13178 keep eye on Street V
-13179 be demand from East V
-13184 confirmed turnaround in markets V
-13187 is support for gold V
-13189 portend move to 390 V
-13190 keep eye on market V
-13190 spell trouble for metals V
-13192 have rally in past V
-13193 was interest in metals V
-13197 sell contracts at Board V
-13197 hedge purchases from farmers V
-13198 keep pressure on prices V
-13199 continues buying of grain N
-13200 bought tons of corn N
-13201 be activity in prices V
-13202 take delivery of contract N
-13203 averting strike at daily V
-13205 made concessions in round V
-13208 line cage with stocks V
-13209 propelled earnings of companies N
-13209 propelled earnings to levels V
-13210 doubled prices for pulp N
-13210 doubled prices to 830 V
-13213 Put money in stock V
-13215 expects decline in earnings V
-13221 lowered rating from hold V
-13230 expects price for product N
-13231 carrying lot of debt N
-13240 expects earnings in 1989 V
-13242 take view of companies N
-13242 buy pulp from producers V
-13246 report write-off of million N
-13246 report write-off for quarter V
-13247 cited costs from recapitalization V
-13250 save million in expenses N
-13250 save company next year V
-13251 finance million of company N
-13252 made payments of million N
-13254 signed contract for order V
-13257 is unit of group N
-13261 reach yen in year V
-13262 made projection for 1990 V
-13263 bolster network in Japan V
-13265 produced trucks at factories V
-13266 build vehicles outside Japan V
-13267 producing vehicles for vehicle N
-13268 involve increase in capacity V
-13269 report charge for quarter V
-13270 sell division for million V
-13272 including gain of million N
-13272 including gain from sale V
-13274 concerning sale of stake N
-13277 produces extrusions for industries V
-13279 absorb oversupply of bonds N
-13280 own % of bonds N
-13280 dumping securities for weeks V
-13281 were sellers for buyer V
-13282 getting lists from sellers V
-13286 buy bonds in absence V
-13288 expect yields on bonds N
-13288 match yield on bonds N
-13293 making state during period V
-13294 know it by way V
-13297 need shelter of bonds N
-13313 sold million of tax-exempts N
-13319 see names in portfolios V
-13323 unloading amounts of bonds N
-13327 sell billion of bills N
-13328 sell billion of bills N
-13329 raise money under the V
-13330 unloading some of bonds N
-13331 sold million of bonds N
-13333 publicize buying of bonds N
-13333 publicize buying by using V
-13333 using Corp. as broker V
-13334 provides quotes to Inc. V
-13335 created confusion among investors V
-13338 rallied Friday on news V
-13338 selling brands to Corp. V
-13340 are buyers of assets N
-13340 are buyers at prices V
-13341 sell Ruth to Foods V
-13342 includes plant in Park N
-13343 finished day at 46 V
-13345 closed 1 at 86 V
-13346 finished quarter-point on rumors V
-13348 fell 3 to point N
-13350 were buyers of mortgages N
-13350 seeking collateral for REMICs V
-13353 cover cost of program N
-13356 pays % of bills N
-13356 pays % after an V
-13359 be 33.90 with the V
-13361 trim force in California N
-13361 trim force by workers V
-13362 make cuts through combination V
-13365 getting bargains on systems V
-13366 get contracts on basis V
-13368 seek control of Inc. V
-13370 holds million of shares N
-13370 have value of dollars N
-13371 reported loss of million N
-13372 made income for year N
-13372 made income from million V
-13373 was million from million V
-13376 disclosed terms for bid N
-13378 involving units of Innopac N
-13378 opened plant in Leominster V
-13380 joined PaineWebber in suspending V
-13380 suspending trading for accounts V
-13381 launching programs through market V
-13384 rose % in September V
-13384 rose gain in year N
-13385 raises questions about strength N
-13387 buying machinery at rate V
-13388 raise questions about demand N
-13390 resolve part of investigation N
-13390 resolve part in year V
-13392 force debt on firm V
-13393 posted a for quarter V
-13393 take write-offs for problems V
-13395 sell businesses to Nestle V
-13396 go head to head V
-13396 buy stakes in Jaguar N
-13398 sell stake to Peck V
-13400 suspended work on a V
-13400 indicating outlook by maker V
-13401 see claims from earthquake N
-13402 strengthened plan after announcing V
-13410 report events of century N
-13411 sold Congress on idea V
-13411 saving headaches of pounds N
-13416 made standard of measure N
-13418 took cue from engineers V
-13419 passed Act in 1975 V
-13421 had day with questions V
-13423 uses terms for trains V
-13431 fought battle with leaders V
-13431 signed schools in states V
-13433 reach goal of schools N
-13433 reach goal before end V
-13435 providing sets in classrooms V
-13437 signing schools at rate V
-13440 drawn protests from educators V
-13441 offer programming for administrators V
-13445 carried program in spring V
-13448 was % on test V
-13452 sold 150 in time N
-13452 sold 150 on network V
-13455 cost company per school V
-13471 including million via bid N
-13480 raised stake in Corp. N
-13480 raised stake to % V
-13484 obtain control of Octel N
-13485 acquired shares from Octel V
-13486 buy shares in market V
-13488 is listing of values N
-13499 closing Friday at 2596.72 V
-13500 eclipsing number of gainers N
-13502 shake foundations of market N
-13503 revealed change in psychology V
-13505 view near-panic as lapses V
-13516 been acquisition among stocks V
-13519 sell stocks in matter V
-13521 sees benefits to drop V
-13525 provided excuse for people V
-13527 got realism in market V
-13528 have kind of activity N
-13534 put damper on that V
-13535 been changes in area V
-13535 changes arithmetic of deals N
-13537 's problem for stocks N
-13541 questioning profits as means V
-13547 fell points to 2596.72 V
-13549 were 1,108 to 416 N
-13551 escaped brunt of selling N
-13551 rose 5 to 66 V
-13552 accumulating stake in company V
-13553 buying shares as prelude V
-13554 gained 1 to 33 N
-13554 gained 1 on report V
-13554 raised stake in company N
-13554 raised stake to % V
-13555 boosted stake to % V
-13556 rallied 7 to 45 V
-13556 rose 1 to 47 V
-13556 fell 5 to 99 V
-13557 cut force by % V
-13557 dropped 5 to 56 V
-13558 outgained groups by margin V
-13559 rose 5 to 14 V
-13559 climbed 3 to 16 V
-13559 rose 1 to 16 V
-13559 added 5 to 11 V
-13559 went 7 to 3 V
-13561 rose 5 to 15 V
-13561 advanced 1 to 12 V
-13561 gained 1 to 7 V
-13562 dropped 3 to 16 V
-13562 posting loss of 4.25 N
-13563 gained 5 to 100 V
-13564 dropped 7 to 99 V
-13565 fell 3 to 49 V
-13566 swelled volume in Lynch V
-13568 advanced 1 to 36 V
-13569 owns % of stock N
-13569 buy rest for 37 V
-13570 added 1 to 47 V
-13571 jumped 2 to 18 V
-13572 holds stake in company V
-13573 dropped 1 to 21 V
-13574 dropped 7 to 3 V
-13575 obtain financing for offer V
-13576 identified problem in crash V
-13578 sent shards of metal N
-13580 begin days of hearings N
-13580 begin days in City V
-13581 detect cracks through checks V
-13584 detect flaw at time V
-13588 have impact on production V
-13591 analyzed samples of ice N
-13591 analyzed samples in Tibet V
-13593 melt some of caps N
-13593 raising level of oceans N
-13593 causing flooding of populated N
-13594 have confidence in predictions V
-13595 compare temperatures over years V
-13595 analyzed changes in concentrations V
-13600 prevents heat from escaping V
-13601 reflecting increase in dioxide N
-13607 improve efficiency of operation N
-13608 named successor to Bufton N
-13612 cuts spending for installations N
-13612 cuts spending by % V
-13616 enhances power of appropriations N
-13617 secure million for state V
-13621 cleared Senate on votes V
-13622 approved bulk of spending N
-13624 used assortment of devices N
-13624 make it past wolves V
-13626 increased Aeronautics for construction N
-13626 increased Aeronautics to million V
-13627 provide million toward ensuring V
-13627 ensuring construction of facility N
-13627 ensuring construction in Whitten V
-13629 face criticism for number V
-13630 used issue in effort V
-13631 received support from office V
-13631 protect funding in bill V
-13631 turn eyes from amendments V
-13633 won 510,000 for project V
-13634 relaxing restrictions on mills V
-13635 take money from HUD V
-13635 subsidize improvements in ponds V
-13638 moved us to schools V
-13638 opened world of opportunity N
-13638 opened world for me V
-13639 lost contact with memories V
-13645 lease allotments for sums V
-13653 lend itself to solving V
-13653 solving problems of racism N
-13654 deserve help in attracting V
-13655 prohibit schools from teaching V
-13655 teaching contraceptives of decreasing N
-13658 issue challenge to America V
-13659 do it like Japan V
-13663 is insult to citizens V
-13665 is blocks from residence V
-13666 ignore problem of poverty N
-13666 's crusade for media V
-13672 finds reserves in U.S. V
-13673 reduce employment in operations V
-13678 took a as part V
-13678 attributed it to restructuring V
-13680 offering packages in operation V
-13681 studying ways of streamlining N
-13683 managing properties under jurisdiction N
-13684 have accountability for operations N
-13691 scouring landscape for such V
-13692 find yields at thrifts V
-13696 are reminder of dangers N
-13699 are some of choices N
-13700 reduce risk of having N
-13700 reinvest proceeds of maturing N
-13700 maturing certificates at rates V
-13702 putting all in it V
-13707 paying tax at rate V
-13708 approach % on municipals V
-13712 Consider portfolio with issues N
-13713 rolling year at rates V
-13715 makes option for investors N
-13715 accept risk of fluctuation N
-13715 accept risk in order V
-13720 Consider funds from Group N
-13723 get returns from bonds V
-13728 exceed those on CDs N
-13730 are idea at 35 V
-13734 track rates with lag V
-13735 beat CDs over year V
-13737 likes Fund with yield N
-13739 combining fund as bet V
-13740 offset return from fund V
-13745 been reports of deaths N
-13745 been reports in U.S. V
-13748 raise sugar to levels V
-13753 are differences in way V
-13756 triggered concern among diabetics V
-13757 noting lack of evidence N
-13761 dominates market with product V
-13762 make insulin in Indianapolis V
-13764 seen reports of unawareness N
-13764 seen reports among patients V
-13765 indicated difference in level V
-13768 reduce force by % V
-13769 report loss for quarter V
-13777 consume millions of man-hours N
-13777 produce tons of paper N
-13779 Compare plans with appropriations V
-13782 abdicate responsibility for decisions N
-13783 puts decisions in hands V
-13785 becoming goal of strategy N
-13788 consider impact of uncertainties N
-13788 consider impact at beginning V
-13790 develop priorities by identifying V
-13794 translate idea into action V
-13796 committed itself by billion V
-13798 exceeded numbers by billion V
-13801 is effect of billion N
-13803 including those in Office N
-13805 costing trillion between 1990 V
-13807 assumes rate of inflation N
-13807 places scenarios in context V
-13808 assumes increase in appropriations N
-13810 reimburses Pentagon for inflation V
-13811 been position of Senate N
-13811 reduces baseline by billion V
-13812 been position of House N
-13812 been position for years V
-13813 freezes budget at level V
-13813 eat effects of inflation N
-13813 eat effects until 1994 V
-13814 reduces baseline by billion V
-13815 extends compromises between House V
-13815 splits difference between Scenarios V
-13815 increasing budget at % V
-13816 reduces baseline by billion V
-13817 reduces budget by % V
-13817 reduces reduction of billion N
-13819 construct program for scenario N
-13820 conclude efforts by producing V
-13821 reveal cost of program N
-13821 reveal cost by forcing V
-13822 sacrifice programs as divisions N
-13823 evolve priorities by revealing V
-13825 involve planners in Chiefs V
-13828 Produce force for scenario N
-13828 provide Secretary of Defense N
-13828 provide Secretary with assessment V
-13830 is truth to it V
-13832 provoke Congress into acting V
-13832 exaggerate needs in interest V
-13833 is game between Pentagon V
-13833 is art of the N
-13833 is art in world V
-13835 is event in sequence V
-13835 neutralizes threats to interests N
-13835 neutralizes threats in manner V
-13837 is version of essay N
-13838 reflect policy of Department N
-13846 began Friday on note V
-13848 left Average with loss V
-13849 diminished attractiveness of investments N
-13851 test support at marks V
-13854 be development for dollar V
-13856 hit low of 1.5765 N
-13857 expressed desire for pound N
-13859 prop pound with increases V
-13860 rescue pound from plunge V
-13862 's upside to sterling V
-13863 have forecast for pound V
-13866 raise rate by point V
-13868 indicated desire by declining V
-13869 is boon for dollar N
-13870 has base of support N
-13871 buying dollars against yen V
-13876 ally themselves with philosophy V
-13879 depict bill as something V
-13879 hoodwinked administration into endorsing V
-13880 's product of meetings N
-13881 citing compromise on the N
-13881 citing compromise as model V
-13882 are parents of children N
-13883 's place for child V
-13883 spend hours at home V
-13883 is transportation for someone V
-13889 offering shares of stock N
-13889 offering shares at share V
-13890 has interests in newsprint V
-13893 owned % of shares N
-13893 owned % before offering V
-13894 seeking control of chain N
-13897 had income of million N
-13899 had change in earnings N
-13901 compares profit with estimate V
-13901 have forecasts in days V
-13903 have agreement with maker V
-13905 holds % of shares N
-13906 have copy of filing N
-13908 made bid for company V
-13909 sought buyer for months V
-13912 rose % in September V
-13912 was % from 1988 V
-13913 was the since April V
-13918 restore order to markets V
-13926 is copy of contract N
-13927 restore confidence in futures N
-13929 was envy of centers N
-13930 be contract in world N
-13931 sell commodity at price V
-13937 shown itself in tests V
-13939 was case in days V
-13939 caused drop in prices N
-13940 was problem at all N
-13941 is commitment of institutions N
-13944 have stake because exposure V
-13947 hit highs above % N
-13948 solves bit of problem N
-13955 attracted lot of investors N
-13955 attracted lot before crash V
-13959 posted gains from year N
-13959 posted gains for half V
-13960 rose % to yen V
-13961 jumped % to yen V
-13962 increased % to yen V
-13968 provide explanation for performance N
-13969 rose % to yen V
-13970 rose % to yen V
-13971 surged % to yen V
-13976 estimate value of holding N
-13978 is the in redeployment N
-13978 included sale to S.A N
-13979 attaches importance to sale V
-13979 are part of strengths N
-13980 complete sale of unit N
-13980 complete sale by March V
-13981 has interests in licenses N
-13982 sold stake in field N
-13982 sold stake to H. V
-13983 sold stake in field N
-13983 sold stake to company V
-13985 start production by end V
-13986 produce barrels per day N
-13989 had interest from buyers V
-13990 retained Co. as agent V
-13992 rose % from month V
-13997 is unit of Inc N
-14001 are remarketings of debt N
-14001 are remarketings than issues V
-14006 brings issuance to 33.2 V
-14008 yield % via Ltd V
-14011 buy shares at premium V
-14020 offered francs of bonds N
-14021 increase amount to francs V
-14023 Put 1992 at 107 V
-14026 Put 1992 at 107 V
-14032 is subsidiary of Inc N
-14034 represent interest in fund N
-14036 have life of years N
-14042 introduce line of sunglasses N
-14043 signed agreement with Inc. V
-14043 incorporate melanin into lenses V
-14046 signed letter of intent N
-14046 pay 15 of stock N
-14046 pay 15 for share V
-14047 gives value of million N
-14048 is company of Co. N
-14048 has branches in County V
-14050 completed acquisition of Bancorp N
-14053 reach surplus of rand N
-14057 report income of cents N
-14057 report income for quarter V
-14058 release results in mid-November V
-14060 had loss of 12.5 N
-14065 sell headquarters to Francais V
-14067 rose % in September V
-14068 measures changes for % V
-14068 spend month between dollars N
-14068 edged % in September V
-14069 monitors changes for % V
-14069 spend month between 6,500 N
-14069 rose month from year V
-14069 was % from month V
-14070 measures changes for % N
-14071 were prices for housing N
-14073 cleared takeover of stake N
-14074 acquire shares of bank N
-14075 buy % of BIP N
-14075 buy % for francs V
-14076 buy shares at price V
-14077 buy stake in BIP N
-14077 buy stake from Generale V
-14078 fell % to yen V
-14079 increased % to yen V
-14080 fell % to yen V
-14082 counter costs in construction N
-14083 were contributors to growth N
-14084 rose % to yen V
-14084 reflecting production in industries N
-14084 are users of products N
-14085 rose % to yen V
-14086 rose % in October V
-14087 follows rise of % N
-14089 upgrade facilities of Corp. N
-14090 boost capacity by % V
-14092 rose % from year V
-14093 rose % to yen V
-14094 showing expansion at levels N
-14096 build plant at Brockville V
-14097 replace plants in Montreal N
-14099 is unit of Group N
-14100 trade stocks in Europe V
-14102 underscored shortcomings of way N
-14103 switch business to stocks V
-14103 quotes prices for issues V
-14104 covered itself in glory V
-14104 manages billion in money N
-14107 unload block of shares N
-14107 unload block in Paris V
-14107 tossed phone in disgust V
-14108 did trade in seconds V
-14111 provided prices for minutes V
-14114 spent millions of dollars N
-14114 spent millions on system V
-14114 prevented trading for days V
-14118 has session in the V
-14119 processed telexes of orders N
-14121 including giants as BSN N
-14122 transformed orders into orders V
-14123 switched business to London V
-14133 develop market by 1992 V
-14137 switched trades in stocks N
-14137 switched trades to market V
-14137 unwind positions on Continent N
-14143 had problems because capacity V
-14145 's one of things N
-14148 invested amounts of money N
-14150 totaled tons in week V
-14153 repurchased shares since 1987 V
-14154 purchase number of shares N
-14156 control diseases as aflatoxin N
-14157 enhance activity against diseases N
-14161 sparked scrutiny of procedures N
-14162 is danger to competitiveness N
-14163 deciding conditions for workers V
-14164 adopt pattern in relations V
-14166 opposes charter in form V
-14168 propose version of charter N
-14170 have differences with text V
-14171 put countries at disadvantage V
-14172 introduce standards for hours N
-14174 are a of average N
-14175 put countries at disadvantage V
-14180 present program in November V
-14183 having charter before end V
-14184 named director of company N
-14184 expanding board to members V
-14186 linking tank to Sharpshooter V
-14188 bounces weight on wrench V
-14192 sinking bits into crust V
-14193 easing grip on wallets N
-14202 prod search for supplies V
-14205 put markets in soup V
-14212 played havoc with budgets V
-14220 put prices on coaster V
-14220 pitched towns from Houston N
-14220 pitched towns into recession V
-14227 offer security of markets N
-14227 provides security of supply N
-14230 produce oil than allotments N
-14232 legitimize some of output N
-14238 disclosed cutbacks in operations N
-14243 drill wells in area V
-14244 is company with attitude N
-14248 get half-interest in oil N
-14251 reflecting hunger for work N
-14252 putting money into others V
-14255 've stability in price N
-14257 risen % in month V
-14258 deliver supplies to rigs V
-14260 discounting % on evaluation V
-14262 set budgets for year V
-14262 forecast revenue of 15 N
-14267 raise spending for prospects V
-14269 raise money for program V
-14269 are cycles to things V
-14271 cut ratings on them V
-14272 raising cash through offerings V
-14276 increased staff in year V
-14281 setting tanks at site V
-14281 got raise in years N
-14284 sells equipment for Co. V
-14285 riding boom to top V
-14290 took trip to area N
-14299 hauled rig from Caspar V
-14303 whips orders for hamburgers N
-14305 making it in career V
-14306 started Inc. with loan V
-14312 including supervisor of vault N
-14313 filed complaint against employees V
-14313 charging them with conspiracy V
-14315 capped investigation by Service N
-14321 launch offer for operations N
-14322 torpedo plan by Ltd. N
-14323 increase amount of cash N
-14325 make offer for all N
-14329 invested 100,000 in stocks V
-14329 repeated process for year V
-14330 holding portfolio over year V
-14332 require returns on investments N
-14333 seeing returns to portfolio N
-14333 seeing returns as being V
-14333 see returns as compensations V
-14335 select stock with return N
-14335 select stock with amount N
-14340 provides evidence of phenomenon N
-14343 bested portfolio in eight V
-14343 has bearing on theory V
-14348 elected director of maker N
-14349 expands board to members V
-14355 be part of network N
-14355 convert tickets into ones V
-14356 used all over world N
-14360 put pistols to temple V
-14361 stabbed him in back V
-14368 track numbers of tickets N
-14369 have computers in world V
-14371 check tickets at gate V
-14375 requires companies in Texas N
-14375 charge rates for insurance V
-14381 charging 3.95 in Texas V
-14385 make attendants despite contracts V
-14385 limiting time to hours V
-14387 have rules on time N
-14387 have rules for attendants V
-14387 restricts time for controllers V
-14388 work number of hours N
-14393 changing policy on attendants N
-14394 limit time to hours V
-14396 BECOME diversion for travelers V
-14397 hit balls into nets V
-14399 was 5.11 in Paso V
-14401 was officer at Inc N
-14405 confusing rates with payments V
-14407 reduced tax for years V
-14411 is the under systems V
-14416 eases burden on changes N
-14417 is indexation of gains N
-14418 affect economy in ways V
-14425 elected officer of marketer N
-14429 owns stake in company N
-14430 invest capital in venture V
-14431 have sales of million N
-14431 have sales in 1990 V
-14433 requiring disclosure about risk N
-14434 required breakdown of items N
-14438 cover instruments as swaps N
-14440 requiring security for instrument V
-14443 sell offices to Bank V
-14444 post charge of million N
-14445 represents write-down of goodwill N
-14447 altered economics of transaction N
-14447 altered economics for parties V
-14448 increasing reserves for quarter V
-14449 had income of million N
-14452 suspended lawsuits as part V
-14453 elected officer of producer N
-14456 split itself in restructuring V
-14460 produce version of poisons N
-14462 is part of shot N
-14465 contains copies of bacterium N
-14466 induce immunity to cough N
-14468 produce version of toxin N
-14471 produce version of toxin N
-14472 induce immunity to cough N
-14473 triggered mutation in gene N
-14474 transferred genes to bacteria V
-14481 named executive of bank N
-14483 pouring personnel into center V
-14486 describes move as decision V
-14486 set outlet in economy V
-14487 deny element to decision N
-14488 sent sons to Naples V
-14488 begin expansion during century V
-14490 replaced Frankfurt as center V
-14491 bear name without Rothschild V
-14496 were target of propaganda N
-14497 pursued Rothschilds across Europe V
-14497 confiscating property in process V
-14498 witnessed squads of men N
-14499 delaying return to Frankfurt N
-14506 sell products on behalf V
-14508 left job as manager N
-14510 showed assets of billion N
-14514 are limitations on assistance N
-14520 curbing swings in prices N
-14521 sell value of basket N
-14522 rivals that in stocks N
-14524 include some of investors N
-14525 opposing futures since inception V
-14527 lose confidence in stocks N
-14528 raise cost of capital N
-14532 check markets in Chicago N
-14535 rallied all of way N
-14536 manages billion of investments N
-14536 manages billion at Inc. V
-14540 add liquidity to markets V
-14541 buy portfolio over years V
-14544 have plenty of support N
-14548 trading baskets of stocks N
-14551 narrows gap between prices N
-14554 including friends in Congress N
-14555 become part of landscape N
-14557 take it to Tokyo V
-14562 sell amount of contracts N
-14567 sell amount of contracts N
-14568 buy blocks of stocks N
-14571 move million of stocks N
-14573 put % in cash N
-14576 transferred identity of stocks N
-14576 transferred identity into one V
-14577 know report of IBM N
-14578 buying baskets of stocks N
-14578 treats stocks as commodities V
-14580 get access to stocks N
-14583 own share of earnings N
-14584 making bets about direction N
-14586 making bet on market V
-14587 challenged agreement on fares N
-14589 begin negotiations with Brussels N
-14590 gained access to routes N
-14590 gained access under numbers V
-14591 shared results from swap N
-14591 followed rules on pricing N
-14592 merit exemption from law N
-14596 reinstated convictions of Corp. N
-14596 exposing workers to vapors V
-14597 operated machine in workroom V
-14598 suffered damage from exposure V
-14599 handling case in Court V
-14600 pre-empt states from prosecution V
-14604 fined maximum of 10,000 N
-14605 marking salvo in battle N
-14606 purchase worth of shares N
-14608 holds stake in Jaguar N
-14616 limits holding to % V
-14617 doing something over months V
-14619 retained share after part V
-14619 selling stake in Jaguar N
-14619 selling stake in 1984 V
-14619 deflect criticism of privatization N
-14625 relinquished share during takeover V
-14628 answered questions about it N
-14628 answered questions over lunch V
-14630 influences thinking on restriction N
-14631 jeopardize seats in Coventry N
-14634 rose % to kronor V
-14635 increased % to kronor V
-14638 continued recovery after start V
-14640 predicted profit of billion N
-14642 increased % to kronor V
-14643 Gets Respect Around Sundance V
-14644 Misunderstanding conversations with us N
-14649 representing points of view N
-14649 request reassessment of Project N
-14650 is haven for environmentalism N
-14653 taken role of one V
-14654 transform mountain into resort V
-14655 rationalize actions in Utah N
-14661 are people like him N
-14661 benefit them in future V
-14664 fuel controversy over policies N
-14666 includes Ortega among guests V
-14667 help standing in region N
-14668 legitimize people like Ortega N
-14669 redeem himself in wake V
-14669 aid removal of Noriega N
-14670 note irony of Bush N
-14670 joining celebration of democracy N
-14670 joining celebration at time V
-14670 sought cuts in aid N
-14671 proposed million in funds N
-14671 proposed million for Rica V
-14672 make payments on debt V
-14675 deserves assistance for reason V
-14676 helped cause in Washington N
-14677 support campaign against Nicaragua N
-14677 earned ire of House N
-14683 made distate for government N
-14683 endorsing package of aid N
-14683 renewing embargo against country V
-14683 supports groups in region V
-14685 is component to trip V
-14687 see this as opportunity V
-14688 do survey on experiences V
-14691 be one of people N
-14692 puts effort in perspective V
-14693 Titled Comments From Students N
-14696 entered school with scores V
-14696 got grades because demands V
-14698 suffering abuse from coaches N
-14700 's part of minority N
-14701 be shot at college N
-14704 are a of answers N
-14707 Being student-athlete at college V
-14707 is a from school N
-14712 have attitude toward athletes V
-14712 treat us like pieces V
-14716 are part of herd N
-14717 treat you like piece V
-14718 give lot of time N
-14727 experiencing life to the V
-14728 establish identity from athletics N
-14728 make part of ''. N
-14731 cutting practice in half V
-14731 moving start of practice N
-14731 moving start by month V
-14731 reducing schedules in sport N
-14731 reducing schedules to games V
-14733 accepting place on Commission N
-14733 face opposition at convention V
-14737 want shuttles to labs N
-14742 told attendees at meeting N
-14748 pop corn with lasers V
-14757 acquire Bank of Somerset N
-14761 authorized split of the N
-14765 named chairman of institution N
-14767 conducting search for executive N
-14768 is partner of Associates N
-14768 owns % of Crestmont N
-14769 named president for subsidiary V
-14770 was president at unit N
-14771 have influence in plans N
-14772 curtailing exploration in locations N
-14773 spurring interest in fuels N
-14777 earmarked million in money N
-14777 earmarked million for exploration V
-14779 acquired share in accounting N
-14780 has stake in Libya V
-14781 making fuel at cost V
-14785 spend lot of money N
-14785 spend lot for fuels V
-14786 pump fuel into cars V
-14788 hide barrels of oil N
-14793 increasing attractiveness of gas N
-14796 stepping development of well N
-14796 found gas in 1987 V
-14797 get gas to marketplace V
-14798 get it on line V
-14799 announced plans for project N
-14803 address subjects as likelihood N
-14804 attracting attention because comprehensiveness V
-14807 's manifesto for stage N
-14810 couching some of ideas N
-14810 couching some in language V
-14811 Seeking path between opponents N
-14813 draw proposals for plan N
-14813 be battle over reform N
-14814 make assessment of economy N
-14815 map strategy in phases V
-14816 have effect on consumers V
-14819 breaking system of farms N
-14822 reduce power of ministries N
-14825 turn them into cooperatives V
-14826 liquidate farms by end V
-14828 mop some of rubles N
-14835 buy goods at prices V
-14840 face obstacles for exports N
-14859 chart exploits of players N
-14861 recounts convictions of managers N
-14864 is story about love N
-14866 was inning of game N
-14867 sweated summer with teams V
-14869 doing the across River V
-14869 watched duel on set V
-14871 winning opener on homer V
-14885 played base until 1960 V
-14886 took memories of homer N
-14888 was namesake of poet N
-14889 born days before run V
-14889 tell him of coincidence N
-14890 sent card to Martha V
-14893 sent it to Thomson V
-14898 scheduled stop on Turnpike N
-14898 pick papers for neighbor V
-14904 addressed husband with nickname V
-14908 take Scot without hesitation V
-14914 was it for look N
-14915 spent hour at 10 V
-14915 fulfilling dream of boy N
-14916 signed photographs of homer N
-14917 took time from work V
-14917 have chance in life V
-14918 has ties to baseball V
-14921 sends photo with note V
-14926 was miles at place V
-14926 captured imagination of kid N
-14926 is all for it V
-14929 find one in column V
-14933 improving earnings before expiration V
-14934 increase stake in Southam N
-14934 make offer for company N
-14935 hold stake in company N
-14938 reported earnings of million N
-14940 restricted options in areas V
-14943 sold stake in Corp. N
-14943 sold stake to Hees V
-14944 take look at newspaper N
-14946 sell stake in Ltd. N
-14946 sell stake to Ltd. V
-14947 cut costs in division N
-14947 cut costs through sales V
-14947 reaching agreements in areas N
-14948 has links to newspaper N
-14949 fell % to million V
-14951 had credit of million N
-14953 rose % to million V
-14956 held stake in Eastman N
-14956 held stake in venture V
-14957 exploring sale of part N
-14960 had profit of million N
-14961 rose % to billion V
-14964 earns salary as professor V
-14965 get apartment in years V
-14969 released report on extent N
-14971 laid blame on speculators V
-14972 rose % in fever V
-14973 own estate at all N
-14975 owned % of kilometers N
-14975 owned % of land N
-14981 studying crisis for year V
-14982 took bills to Assembly V
-14983 rectifying some of inequities N
-14984 are restriction on amount N
-14988 defines profits as those V
-14990 free land for program V
-14990 build apartments by 1992 V
-14990 boost standing of Roh N
-14992 want limits on sizes N
-14993 leading charge for reform V
-14993 wants restrictions on landholdings N
-14997 is violation of principle N
-14998 mitigate shortage of land N
-15001 buy amounts of land N
-15004 proposed series of measures N
-15004 restrict investment in estate N
-15016 challenging ordinance under amendments V
-15017 took effect in March V
-15018 locating home for handicapped N
-15018 locating home within mile V
-15019 limiting number of homes N
-15021 prevent concentration of homes N
-15030 destroying part of equipment N
-15039 offered drugs in walk V
-15041 punish distributors of drugs N
-15043 is requirement for victory N
-15047 captured arsenals of materiel N
-15049 been lot of talk N
-15051 increase price of estate N
-15051 creating problems for people N
-15055 is prices for products N
-15056 gone % since beginning V
-15059 earn million from coffee N
-15060 face reductions in income N
-15060 substituting crops for coffee V
-15061 impose barriers to import N
-15062 be policy of U.S N
-15063 take advantage of opportunity N
-15063 make plea to millions V
-15064 is bullet against those N
-15066 is president of Espectador N
-15068 have homes at all V
-15069 faces negotiations with unions N
-15069 faces negotiations next year V
-15071 gain custody of all N
-15075 win nomination for mayor N
-15078 wins mayoralty on 7 V
-15080 steer city through crisis V
-15081 advocate policies as control N
-15081 funneled money into campaign V
-15082 proved something of bust N
-15082 proved something as candidate V
-15084 recorded slippage in support N
-15092 drop jobs from payroll V
-15094 raise taxes on businesses V
-15094 cut spending in neighborhoods V
-15099 offers hope to range V
-15102 remembers birthdays of children N
-15102 opens doors for women V
-15104 attracted whites because reputation N
-15106 shown signs of confusion N
-15106 plagued tenure as president N
-15106 hinder him as mayor V
-15107 was lead in polls N
-15108 mishandled sale to son N
-15110 was effort by activist N
-15112 allay fears about association N
-15114 joining club in 1950s V
-15115 become mayor under Beame V
-15115 file returns for years V
-15118 is one of lawyers N
-15119 resigned position as president N
-15121 is personification of system N
-15123 elected president in 1985 V
-15126 drink tea of coffee V
-15128 was member of Estimate N
-15129 draw members to position V
-15133 had problem from time V
-15133 delay support of Dinkins N
-15136 discussed issues during campaign V
-15139 setting tone for negotiations N
-15140 receiving endorsement from groups V
-15140 issue moratorium on construction N
-15143 favors form of control N
-15143 attract investment in city V
-15144 linking subsidies to businesses V
-15145 drive businesses from city V
-15146 favors approach toward states N
-15150 leaving voters with clue V
-15153 taken role on strategy N
-15154 made way into papers V
-15157 receive advice from board V
-15158 place responsibility in hands V
-15161 Having positions of wealth N
-15161 constitute Guard of politics N
-15162 win support of factions N
-15163 are potholes for city V
-15164 think any of us N
-15164 sidetrack determination because obligations N
-15167 perpetuate ineffectiveness of system N
-15168 talk some of problems N
-15169 gave % of votes N
-15169 gave % in primary V
-15169 turn election to Giuliani V
-15170 raising questions about standards N
-15170 generate excitement about candidacy N
-15172 learn nuances of politicking N
-15176 pulls measure across front V
-15177 lurched feet off foundation V
-15179 is pile of bricks N
-15181 is adjuster with Casualty N
-15182 restore order to lives V
-15184 clear sites for construction V
-15185 write checks for amounts V
-15189 toting bricks from lawn V
-15189 give boost through window N
-15190 measuring room in house N
-15191 snaps photos of floors N
-15193 sweeps glass from countertop V
-15196 buying insurance for house V
-15205 deployed 750 in Charleston V
-15206 processing claims from storm N
-15206 processing claims through December V
-15207 take six to months N
-15209 fly executives to Coast V
-15210 pulled team of adjusters N
-15213 packed bag with clothes V
-15216 saw it on news V
-15219 count number of dishwashers N
-15222 Using guide for jobs V
-15224 visited couple in Oakland N
-15225 pushed feet off foundation V
-15226 presented couple with check V
-15226 build home in neighborhood V
-15228 have experience with carpentry V
-15232 does lot of work N
-15232 does lot by phone V
-15234 spent month at school V
-15234 learning all about trade N
-15243 prepares check for Hammacks V
-15246 retrieve appliances on floor N
-15249 get check for dollars N
-15252 rebuilding house in Gatos V
-15253 lose money on this V
-15255 costs 2 for 1,000 V
-15262 have water for days V
-15269 offering services for customers N
-15269 re-examine regulation of market N
-15270 were news for AT&T V
-15271 championed deregulation of AT&T N
-15271 championed deregulation at job V
-15272 pushing deregulation at FCC V
-15276 offering packages to customers V
-15278 gave % to discount N
-15278 gave % to company V
-15280 match offers by competitors N
-15281 offered discount to International V
-15284 propose rules next year V
-15286 take look at competition V
-15289 petition decision in court V
-15291 filed countersuit against MCI V
-15292 was blow in fight N
-15293 sued AT&T in court V
-15297 undermining pillar of support N
-15297 undermining pillar in market V
-15298 flowed % of assets N
-15299 lost total of billion N
-15299 lost total through transfers V
-15302 had outflows in months V
-15303 exacerbated concern about declines N
-15304 seeing headline after headline N
-15305 spell trouble for market V
-15306 sell some of junk N
-15306 pay investors in weeks V
-15307 erode prices of bonds N
-15311 finance boom of years N
-15312 are the among holders N
-15313 hold assets of billion N
-15314 hold smattering of bonds N
-15315 had outflow of million N
-15315 had outflow in months V
-15319 met all without having V
-15320 had month for years N
-15320 had sales until month V
-15323 holds position of % N
-15324 yanked million in months V
-15325 followed change in picture N
-15325 followed change in picture N
-15330 fallen year through 19 N
-15333 expand selling to securities V
-15336 sent sterling into tailspin V
-15336 creating uncertainties about direction N
-15339 shocked analysts despite speculation V
-15343 reinforced confidence about sterling N
-15351 shares view of world N
-15351 shares view with Lawson V
-15353 keep inflation in check V
-15353 have impact on rates V
-15356 proved stopgap to slide N
-15362 rose 3.40 to 372.50 V
-15363 was the since 3 V
-15374 used line in meeting V
-15374 taking action against Noriega V
-15375 warn Noriega of plot N
-15382 told him at House V
-15384 's defender of powers N
-15386 's senator like Vandenberg N
-15387 are heroes of mine N
-15392 support coup in Panama N
-15406 confusing consensus on principles V
-15408 leave operations to presidents V
-15415 clarify ambiguities between administration N
-15419 shared principles of Boren N
-15421 running policy by committee V
-15422 seen abuses of power N
-15429 drove miles to office V
-15429 endured traffic during journey V
-15429 be residents of community N
-15430 is evidence of economy N
-15432 awaited thinker in societies V
-15436 buried him in cemetery V
-15437 harbors yearning for virtues N
-15440 been mainstay of revival N
-15441 became point of pride N
-15443 including three for Inc N
-15444 delivered month in time V
-15449 are source of controversy N
-15450 cited parallels between case N
-15452 reduce strength of companies N
-15452 reduce strength in markets V
-15452 is key to winning N
-15453 raising funds in markets V
-15454 was about-face from policy N
-15455 played part in restructuring N
-15457 sold % of stake N
-15457 sold % to group V
-15458 took control of board N
-15459 combine Marine with firms V
-15459 ensure survival as nation N
-15466 wasting subsidies of kronor N
-15469 sell shipyard to outsider V
-15473 report loss of million N
-15475 report loss for 1989 N
-15479 called notes with amount V
-15482 idle plant for beginning V
-15483 eliminate production of cars N
-15486 builds chassis for vehicles V
-15487 scheduled overtime at plant V
-15489 slated overtime at plants V
-15496 includes domestic-production through July V
-15497 heaped uncertainty on markets V
-15502 is picture of health N
-15503 are the in years N
-15503 is the in Community N
-15504 pressing demands for increases N
-15504 pressing demands despite belief V
-15506 dropped % from high V
-15511 get repeats of shocks N
-15513 incur loss as result V
-15515 approach equivalent of million N
-15519 cushioning themselves for blows V
-15520 managing director of Ltd. N
-15520 runs bars in district V
-15521 's sense among set V
-15524 created longing for days N
-15526 have jobs at all V
-15527 employs people in London V
-15527 shed jobs over years V
-15528 see cuts of % N
-15529 been grace for industry V
-15531 cause companies in hope V
-15536 be lot of disappointments N
-15536 be lot after all V
-15540 chucked career as stockbroker N
-15547 blow horn in anger V
-15549 presage action by banks N
-15550 operate network under rules V
-15551 reduce value of assets N
-15554 is unit of Ltd N
-15556 increase offer to billion V
-15556 following counterbid from Murdoch N
-15561 warned lawyers for Antar N
-15562 follows decisions by Court N
-15566 are all of people N
-15566 defend Bill of Rights N
-15566 turned number of cases N
-15567 seek indictment on charges N
-15568 seize assets before trial V
-15574 limit forfeiture of fees N
-15576 charged month in suit V
-15579 pump price through statements V
-15585 was reminder of collapse N
-15586 take precautions against collapse N
-15597 get broker on phone V
-15598 preventing chaos in market N
-15600 prevent conditions in markets N
-15601 assumed responsibility in market N
-15602 is market without market-maker N
-15603 play role in market V
-15604 pumped billions into markets V
-15605 lent money to banks V
-15606 lent money to customers V
-15606 make profit in turmoil V
-15608 supply support to market V
-15609 flooding economy with liquidity V
-15609 increasing danger of inflation N
-15609 stabilizing market as whole V
-15616 reduce need for action N
-15619 maintain functioning of markets N
-15619 prop averages at level V
-15622 buy composites in market V
-15625 eliminate cause of panic N
-15628 recall disorder in markets N
-15629 avoid panic in emergencies N
-15632 was governor of Board N
-15632 was governor from 1986 V
-15635 be rule of day N
-15636 say nothing of banks N
-15636 guide financing of transactions N
-15638 had comment on resignation V
-15644 using chip as brains V
-15645 discovered flaws in unit N
-15646 notifying customers about bugs V
-15646 give answers for calculations N
-15648 are part of development N
-15650 affect schedule at all V
-15651 delay development of machines N
-15652 modified schedules in way V
-15661 cause problems in circumstances V
-15667 converts 70-A21 from machine V
-15668 told customers about bugs V
-15669 circumvent bugs without delays V
-15671 announce products on 6 V
-15673 's break from tradition N
-15675 are chips of choice N
-15675 is spearhead of bid N
-15675 guard spot in generation V
-15678 crams transistors on sliver V
-15679 clocks speed at instructions V
-15683 is descendant of series N
-15683 picked chip for computer V
-15684 processes pieces of data N
-15685 cornered part of market N
-15685 cornered part with generations V
-15686 keep makers in spite V
-15688 bases machines on chips V
-15689 have impact on industry V
-15690 be technology in computers N
-15690 be technology for years V
-15691 have any on that N
-15691 have any at all V
-15693 form venture with steelmaker N
-15693 modernize portion of division N
-15694 is part of effort N
-15694 posted losses for years V
-15697 affects part of operations N
-15697 joined forces with partner V
-15699 's step in direction N
-15701 be beginning of relationship N
-15701 open markets for Bethlehem V
-15703 establish facility at shop V
-15705 install caster by fall V
-15706 improves quality of rolls N
-15708 concentrate business on fabrication V
-15711 consider case of Loan N
-15714 sell holdings by 1994 V
-15714 increased supply of bonds N
-15714 eliminated one of investments N
-15715 is twist to loss N
-15717 regard this as issue V
-15717 is topic around all V
-15718 had loss in part V
-15718 adjust value of bonds N
-15718 adjust value to the V
-15720 reminds us of story V
-15721 seeking relief from Congress V
-15724 see Congress as resort V
-15727 move headquarters from Manhattan V
-15730 sold skyscraper to company V
-15731 is embarrassment to officials N
-15739 build headquarters on tract V
-15740 rent part of tower N
-15742 run headquarters at Colinas V
-15744 asking 50 per foot N
-15744 asking 50 for rent V
-15746 eliminating commutes between home N
-15746 work hours in Dallas V
-15747 rose % in September V
-15748 produced tons of pulp N
-15748 produced tons in September V
-15751 is producer of pulp N
-15754 completed acquisition of Inc. N
-15754 purchasing shares of concern N
-15754 purchasing shares for 26.50 V
-15755 includes assumption of billion N
-15756 includes Corp. through fund V
-15758 follows months of turns N
-15760 taking charges of million N
-15761 received offer from group V
-15763 including members of family N
-15767 lowered offer to 26.50 V
-15771 close markets in periods V
-15772 disputed view of Breeden N
-15773 have impact on markets V
-15774 close markets in emergency V
-15776 asked Group on Markets N
-15783 have positions in stocks N
-15785 be thing of past N
-15789 offer opinion on controversy N
-15789 become part of trading N
-15792 disclose positions of companies N
-15792 mandate reporting of trades N
-15792 improve settlement of trades N
-15795 become Act of 1989 N
-15796 assure integrity of markets N
-15798 covers range of provisions N
-15798 affect authority of Commission N
-15800 elevates infractions to felonies V
-15802 prevent conflicts of interest N
-15803 create burdens for industry N
-15804 records trades by source V
-15805 develop system like one N
-15806 have system in place V
-15810 is consideration because sweep N
-15816 increase costs of trading N
-15817 is imposition of fees N
-15817 widen spread between U.S. N
-15818 have effect on position N
-15820 increasing costs as result V
-15824 depriving individual of access N
-15826 expose firms to damages V
-15827 supervising execution of trade N
-15827 doing business with independents V
-15829 be diminution of liquidity N
-15832 obtain execution for client N
-15833 provides liquidity to markets V
-15835 has value to system N
-15838 permit consideration of all N
-15841 receiving benefits in week V
-15842 receiving benefits in week V
-15845 rearranges limbs of beggars N
-15845 takes cut of cent N
-15850 won him in 1988 V
-15851 offer sample of talent N
-15852 show range of intellect N
-15852 include work of allegory N
-15853 chart evolution of city N
-15856 follows decline of family N
-15856 follows decline with sweep V
-15857 dooming family to poverty V
-15858 peddling herself for piasters V
-15859 support family with money V
-15861 burying him in grave V
-15862 conceal belongings from neighbors V
-15866 gathering spittle in throats V
-15871 was tradition in Arabic V
-15871 modeled work on classics V
-15878 reflects souring of socialism N
-15880 redeeming life of bullets N
-15880 redeeming life by punishing V
-15882 enter prison of society N
-15892 advocating peace with Israel N
-15894 is surrogate for action N
-15895 gives glimpses of Cairo N
-15902 make offer for all N
-15903 had losses in quarters V
-15906 's part of group N
-15910 left Phoenix at beginning V
-15915 including restoration of holidays N
-15918 increase fund by million V
-15919 transfer control to Hill V
-15921 voted 250 to 170 N
-15921 voted 250 on Wednesday V
-15921 order million in spending N
-15922 has work on 30 V
-15924 called service by Members V
-15926 collect contributions from developers V
-15926 keep them in office V
-15927 resolve differences between versions N
-15932 transferred million from program V
-15932 funneled it into items V
-15937 purchased lot on island N
-15940 intercepted value of cocaine N
-15944 get idea of leverage N
-15946 discourage use of drugs N
-15946 stop process among the V
-15948 was director with jurisdiction N
-15952 'm veteran of war N
-15957 buy drugs at place V
-15958 create market for themselves V
-15961 read article in issue N
-15962 examine forms of legalization N
-15967 have iteration of programs N
-15969 grew pace as quarter N
-15970 was catalyst to expansion N
-15974 been contributor to growth N
-15975 sustain economy on path V
-15976 showed change of pace N
-15977 crimp progress in trade N
-15979 was spot in report N
-15980 measures change in prices N
-15980 slowed growth to rate V
-15984 expressed satisfaction with progress N
-15996 cause downturn in activity N
-15998 diminished income by billion V
-15998 called effect on the N
-16002 received contract by Force N
-16003 provides equipment for Northrop V
-16003 supports purchase of missiles N
-16004 offering incentives on models V
-16005 has incentives on models V
-16006 announced terms of issue N
-16006 raise net of expenses N
-16007 redeem million of shares N
-16008 entitle holders of shares N
-16012 holds % of shares N
-16014 redeem shares on 31 V
-16016 eliminate payments of million N
-16017 was one of companies N
-16017 was one until year V
-16021 plunged % to million V
-16022 plunged % to 302,000 V
-16023 is one of contractors N
-16024 suffering drops in business N
-16029 applying skills in fields V
-16030 provides services to military V
-16031 quadrupling earnings over years V
-16031 posted drop in earnings N
-16034 earned million on revenue V
-16036 make money off trend V
-16037 repairing parts at % V
-16038 selling parts to the V
-16040 taking maintenance of aircraft N
-16040 taking maintenance with people V
-16043 buying companies with markets N
-16044 buy rights to system N
-16045 automates array of functions N
-16046 are customers for software N
-16046 are customers in area V
-16047 acquired companies outside market V
-16048 transfer skill to ventures V
-16050 take talent of engineers N
-16053 helping company in slowdown V
-16053 makes tunnels for industry V
-16057 enjoyed growth until year V
-16058 Following a of earnings N
-16058 plunged % to 45,000 V
-16060 combining three of divisions N
-16060 bring focus to opportunities V
-16062 earned million on revenue V
-16062 provides example of cost-cutting N
-16064 contributed loss since 1974 N
-16068 are businessmen in suits N
-16069 became shareholder in PLC N
-16071 has share of dents N
-16072 received sentence from court V
-16073 evade taxes by using V
-16074 had brushes with law V
-16076 had contact with Morishita V
-16077 make judgments about Morishita V
-16078 have country by country V
-16084 purchased % of Christies N
-16084 purchased % for million V
-16086 made one of shareholders N
-16091 considers connoisseur of art N
-16092 start museum next year V
-16093 spent million on business V
-16094 racked a at auction V
-16097 rose % to yen V
-16100 report all of income N
-16100 report all to authorities V
-16103 Stretching arms in shirt V
-16103 lectures visitor about way V
-16107 know details of business N
-16107 's source of rumors N
-16108 link demise with Aichi V
-16109 connecting him to mob V
-16113 flying helicopter to one V
-16114 owns courses in U.S. V
-16123 expand business to areas V
-16127 co-founded company with Tinker V
-16128 is unit of PLC N
-16128 oversee company until is V
-16129 reported loss of million N
-16129 reported loss for quarter V
-16131 reported loss of million N
-16133 granted increases than those N
-16135 negotiated increases in 1986 V
-16135 increased average of % N
-16135 increased average over life V
-16136 shown increase since 1981 V
-16136 comparing contracts with those V
-16151 become advocate of use N
-16155 promote Filipino as language V
-16158 cite logic in using V
-16162 understands Filipino than language V
-16164 is field in Philippines V
-16166 was colony of U.S. N
-16166 is language for children V
-16168 calls ambivalence to Filipino N
-16171 was uproar from legislators V
-16171 conduct debates in English V
-16174 advance cause of Filipino N
-16177 shown weekdays on two V
-16181 lacks polish of Street N
-16185 is the of program N
-16192 reported net of million N
-16192 reported net from million V
-16193 registered offering of shares N
-16194 sell million of shares N
-16198 have shares after offering V
-16198 owning % of total N
-16199 sell adhesives to S.A. V
-16201 put units on block V
-16201 raising billion in proceeds V
-16202 rescued Emhart from bid V
-16202 acquire maker of tools N
-16202 acquire maker for billion V
-16204 boosted ratio of debt N
-16206 put businesses on block V
-16207 had sales of million N
-16208 contributed third of sales N
-16211 negotiating sales of units N
-16211 announce agreements by end V
-16212 generated sales of billion N
-16212 generated sales in 1988 V
-16212 generated sales of billion N
-16213 posted sales of million N
-16214 achieve goal of billion N
-16214 said Archibald in statement V
-16215 quell concern about Black V
-16222 's tax on mergers N
-16223 raise million by charging V
-16223 charging companies for honor V
-16223 filing papers under law V
-16224 describing effects on markets N
-16226 give managers of firms N
-16226 use review as tactic V
-16228 increase budgets of division N
-16230 charge parties for privilege V
-16233 been chairman of Ernst N
-16236 bring stake in Mixte N
-16236 bring stake to % V
-16237 accused Paribas of planning N
-16237 selling parts of company N
-16238 including representatives of giant N
-16238 hold % of capital N
-16239 doing anything besides managing V
-16240 boost stakes in Mixte V
-16241 seek means of blocking N
-16242 organizing counterbid for Paribas V
-16243 be francs from francs V
-16247 built company through activity V
-16250 needs go-ahead from the V
-16251 joined core of shareholders N
-16252 boost stake above % V
-16253 downplayed likelihood of bid N
-16254 is role of allies N
-16255 hold % of capital N
-16258 boost stake in Mixte V
-16261 offer shares for share V
-16262 values Mixte at francs V
-16263 raised million from offering V
-16265 save the in expense V
-16267 representing yield to maturity N
-16269 is underwriter for offering V
-16270 have amount of million N
-16272 eliminated number of corporations N
-16274 paid tax from 1981 V
-16274 paying average of % N
-16274 paying average in taxes V
-16275 considering number of breaks N
-16276 scaled use of method N
-16276 defer taxes until was V
-16277 reached % in 1988 V
-16278 shouldering share of burden N
-16282 garnered total of billion N
-16285 released study on bills N
-16292 retains titles of officer N
-16292 remains chairman of board N
-16299 won them at home V
-16302 's question of timing N
-16304 include stores as Avenue N
-16308 confirmed report in Shimbun N
-16311 seeking information on group V
-16312 buy group from subsidiary V
-16313 acquired year by Campeau V
-16314 put such on Campeau V
-16315 find partners for buy-out V
-16316 get backing from store N
-16323 invested yen in venture V
-16325 increased stake in Tiffany V
-16326 opened shops in arcades V
-16327 open Tiffany in Hawaii V
-16328 makes match for Avenue N
-16331 is interest in idea V
-16333 do business in America V
-16339 increased deficit to million V
-16340 give money after 1987 V
-16344 visit China at invitation V
-16347 have discussions with leaders V
-16347 give assessment of leaders N
-16347 give assessment to Bush V
-16348 be supporters of alliance N
-16350 was the with % V
-16351 registered support below % V
-16352 filed complaint against maker V
-16352 using colors of flag N
-16352 using colors on packages V
-16353 distribute flag in way V
-16357 cost # in revenue V
-16358 bought stamps from charities V
-16359 presented consul in Osaka N
-16359 presented consul with a V
-16361 sent aid to Francisco V
-16363 lure traders after crackdown V
-16365 protesting crackdown by dragging V
-16365 dragging feet on soliciting V
-16371 is reading in class V
-16372 sneaking snakes into Britain V
-16372 strapped pair of constrictors N
-16372 strapped pair under armpits V
-16374 continuing talks with buyers N
-16374 reached agreement on deals V
-16375 seeking alternatives to offer N
-16377 reap money through sale N
-16378 rose a against currencies V
-16379 tumbled points to 2613.73 V
-16381 following resignation of chancellor N
-16383 nose-dived share to 100 V
-16383 pulled issues after reporting V
-16383 reporting earnings after closed V
-16384 were losers in quarter V
-16386 prompted sell-off of stocks N
-16388 grew % in quarter V
-16388 predicting growth for quarter N
-16389 are a than revisions N
-16390 questioning profits as pillar V
-16393 is encouragement for Reserve V
-16393 lower rates in weeks V
-16397 outstripped 1,141 to 406 N
-16404 joined Senate in making V
-16404 meet payments of an N
-16404 meet payments during years V
-16405 allocating billion to departments V
-16405 imposing fees on interests V
-16405 making filings with government V
-16406 ensures enactment of provision N
-16407 back promise of supporting N
-16407 supporting claims of 20,000 N
-16410 commits government to payments V
-16411 assumed some of character N
-16411 reopens divisions in majority N
-16412 treating payments as entitlement V
-16413 makes one of the N
-16413 is rod for battle V
-16414 curb power of board N
-16414 curb power until are V
-16418 receive million by charging V
-16418 including increase in fee N
-16419 include an in funds N
-16420 defer increase in funds N
-16420 raise grant for states V
-16422 rescinded million in funds N
-16422 rescinded million for Worth V
-16423 add million for initiative V
-16425 posted losses in businesses V
-16425 casting pall over period V
-16426 had loss in business V
-16429 fell % to billion V
-16429 excluding gain of million N
-16431 spark wave of selling N
-16431 spark wave in market V
-16432 eased cents to 22.25 V
-16433 reflects outlook in Detroit V
-16439 cut plans from levels V
-16442 blamed costs for drop V
-16444 ran loss of million N
-16444 ran loss on assembling V
-16444 assembling cars in U.S. V
-16444 ran loss of million N
-16445 show profit for quarter V
-16446 reported net of million N
-16446 reported net on revenue V
-16448 was reversal for company N
-16448 reeled quarters of earnings N
-16448 reeled quarters until quarter V
-16450 expects economy through end V
-16453 had net of billion N
-16457 include earnings of million N
-16462 seeing prices on models V
-16463 including gain from sale V
-16464 rose % to billion V
-16466 issue earnings for business N
-16468 offset gains from increases N
-16469 illustrate diversity of operations N
-16470 attributed half of net N
-16470 attributed half to units V
-16472 build reserves to billion V
-16475 was % to billion V
-16476 earned billion on revenue V
-16477 are versions of Measure N
-16477 are versions on stage V
-16478 is portrayal of play N
-16478 is overlay of decadence N
-16479 is one of plays N
-16481 mounted production at Center V
-16482 turns rule of city N
-16482 turns rule to the V
-16483 made fiancee before marry V
-16483 condemns Claudio to death V
-16484 yield virtue to him V
-16485 set scheme in motion V
-16485 fearing outcome until arranges V
-16485 arranges reprieve for all V
-16488 has grasp of dynamic N
-16489 confronts brother in cell V
-16489 confronts him with misdeeds V
-16489 bring points to life V
-16490 be interpreter of Shakespeare N
-16492 make Shakespeare to today V
-16493 puts burden on director V
-16493 show degree of taste N
-16494 converting them into transvestites V
-16497 inform Isabella of fate N
-16497 slaps mother on rear V
-16500 is bid for laugh N
-16501 has pluses than minuses N
-16502 represents step for Theater N
-16503 is assignment as director V
-16505 write editorial in magazine V
-16508 giving sense of excitement N
-16513 bottled capital-gains in Senate V
-16513 prevent vote on issue V
-16514 force advocates of cut N
-16521 offered package as amendment V
-16521 authorize aid to Poland V
-16522 holding vote on amendment N
-16522 holding vote by threatening V
-16524 have votes for cloture V
-16525 show sign of relenting N
-16527 amend bill in Senate N
-16527 amend bill with capital-gains V
-16530 garner majority in the V
-16531 accuse Democrats of using N
-16533 traded accusations about cost N
-16534 create type of account N
-16539 approved million in loans N
-16541 finance projects in Amazon V
-16544 reported loss of million N
-16545 reported earnings from operations N
-16545 reported earnings of million V
-16548 limits payouts to % V
-16549 paid share of dividends N
-16549 paid share on earnings V
-16552 make products as bags N
-16555 captured share of market N
-16556 caused loss of million N
-16556 caused loss in quarter V
-16557 filled % of needs N
-16557 represented % of capacity N
-16560 cost company for quarter V
-16561 put pressure on earnings V
-16562 restore dividend at meeting V
-16563 pay dividends on basis V
-16565 issued recommendations on stock V
-16567 dumped shares of issues N
-16568 slumped 4.74 to 458.15 V
-16569 are part of 100 N
-16572 plummeted 9.55 to 734.41 V
-16574 fell 5.80 to 444.19 V
-16574 slid 4.03 to 478.28 V
-16575 dropped 2.58 to 536.94 V
-16576 eased 0.84 to 536.04 V
-16577 lost 2.11 to 452.75 V
-16579 see buying at all V
-16582 are nails in coffin N
-16584 make bid for anything V
-16586 experiencing problems with microchip V
-16589 dropped 7 to 32 V
-16590 fell 1 to 1 V
-16592 was 5 to 30 V
-16593 eased 5 to 17 V
-16596 were % from period V
-16597 lost 1 to 42 V
-16598 sued competitor for misleading V
-16599 fell 5 to 11 V
-16601 bought % of shares N
-16602 enter war with GM V
-16604 earned share in period V
-16606 make payment on million N
-16606 make payment by date V
-16607 blamed softness in interior-furnishings N
-16607 blamed softness for troubles V
-16608 tumbled 1 to 9 V
-16608 reported a in quarter V
-16609 hurt sales in Co. V
-16610 surged 1 to 36 V
-16612 cost it in quarter V
-16613 jumped % to million V
-16616 reflect mergers of Bank N
-16619 attributed results to strength V
-16620 had mix with gains V
-16622 had 750,000 in expenses V
-16624 retains shares of Mac N
-16625 earn million from a N
-16633 dumping stocks as fled V
-16634 fell 39.55 to 2613.73 V
-16640 set pace for yesterday V
-16641 closed 5 to 100 V
-16642 hit high of 112 N
-16642 hit high on 19 V
-16643 uncovered flaws in microprocessor N
-16643 cause delays in shipments V
-16644 dropped 7 to 32 V
-16646 leading you down tubes V
-16647 took comfort in yesterday V
-16649 pushed average in morning V
-16651 had concern about turmoil N
-16651 missed payment on bonds N
-16651 missed payment in September V
-16653 given discrepancies between stocks N
-16653 given discrepancies at close V
-16654 sell all in trade V
-16655 rose million to billion V
-16656 fell 1 to 100 V
-16656 droped 1 to 88 V
-16656 lost 1 to 17 V
-16657 lost 1 to 24 V
-16658 dropped 1 to 31 V
-16658 fell 5 to 55 V
-16658 lost 1 to 12 V
-16659 slid 1 to 38 V
-16659 led list of issues N
-16660 plunged 3 on news V
-16660 affect results through end V
-16661 fell 7 to 41 V
-16661 have impact on results V
-16662 went 1 to 126 V
-16664 lost 1 to 44 V
-16664 slid 3 to 22 V
-16666 cut ratings on Schlumberger N
-16666 went 1 to 1 V
-16668 climbed 1 to 39 V
-16668 rose 1 to 16 V
-16668 went 5 to 13 V
-16668 added 5 to 15 V
-16668 rose 2 to 46 V
-16669 fell 5 to 43 V
-16670 equaled % of shares N
-16671 rose 1 to 17 V
-16672 authorized repurchase of shares N
-16672 authorized repurchase under program V
-16673 was % from year V
-16673 added 1 to 22 V
-16675 plunged 1 to 69 V
-16677 reported loss for quarter N
-16677 dropped 1 to 33 V
-16678 suspended payment of dividends N
-16679 holding talks with Jones V
-16679 advanced 7 to 20 V
-16681 fell 2.44 to 373.48 V
-16683 climbed 3 to 13 V
-16684 signed letter of intent N
-16684 acquire company in swap V
-16685 answer questions from subcommittee V
-16686 invoke protection against self-incrimination N
-16686 invoke protection at hearings V
-16689 remains target of hearings N
-16691 acquire stake in Ltd. N
-16694 have presence in Australia V
-16695 discuss details of proposals N
-16696 given Accor through issue V
-16699 damage competition in markets V
-16700 is equivalent of pence N
-16701 increase penalties for misuse N
-16707 speed removal of pesticides N
-16713 fine KLUC-FM in Vegas N
-16713 fine KLUC-FM for playing V
-16713 playing song on 1988 V
-16716 uses word for congress V
-16719 answered Line at midday V
-16721 dismissed complaints about indecency N
-16721 aired material after 8 V
-16721 aired minutes after played N
-16723 set line at midnight V
-16728 proposed fine for WXRK V
-16729 began crackdown on indecency N
-16729 features lot of jokes N
-16729 was one of shows N
-16731 does hours of humor N
-16734 banning reading of Joyce N
-16736 citing stations in York V
-16736 fining stations in Miami V
-16737 find grounds for ban N
-16738 has agreements with firms V
-16738 designates one of firms N
-16738 handle each of trades N
-16739 solicits firms for price V
-16740 reported drop in income N
-16740 fixing some of problems N
-16741 completed restructuring in quarter V
-16742 posted a for quarter V
-16745 losing money at rate V
-16747 posted net of million N
-16747 posted net from million V
-16748 include gain of million N
-16748 include gain from divestiture V
-16750 rose % to billion V
-16753 offset performance by fighter N
-16754 were % in missiles V
-16764 thwart kind of attempts N
-16764 sell % of stock N
-16764 sell % to Ltd V
-16765 was transaction for airline V
-16765 sold stake to Swissair V
-16765 placed % of stock N
-16765 placed % in hands V
-16766 buy stake in Airlines N
-16768 were subject of bids N
-16770 risen % over months V
-16772 buy shares of stock N
-16772 buy shares for % V
-16773 buy amount of shares N
-16774 vote shares in proportion V
-16776 operate service on routes V
-16777 provides toehold in Pacific N
-16777 face possibility of expansion N
-16778 granted access to drug N
-16778 granted access for children V
-16779 announced move by the N
-16779 announced move after years V
-16781 give drug for time V
-16782 is unit of PLC N
-16783 give access to drug N
-16784 had access to AZT V
-16784 approved usage for adults N
-16784 approved usage in 1987 V
-16785 relieve symptoms in children V
-16785 lacks approval for use N
-16787 stricken children under 13 N
-16787 carry infection without symptoms V
-16789 reject affiliation with Association N
-16789 giving victory to chairman V
-16792 bought Tiger in February V
-16794 lost lot of votes N
-16796 infuse confict into relations V
-16797 been unit in U.S. V
-16802 protesting improprieties in vote N
-16803 misled pilots by calling V
-16808 hurt them in battle V
-16809 reconciles classifications of Federal N
-16809 faces elections among mechanics V
-16812 are guide to levels N
-16844 included gain of million N
-16850 reflect this in methods V
-16851 rose 9.75 to 170.75 V
-16853 report earnings of 7 N
-16854 rose % to billion V
-16855 was % to miles V
-16857 fell % to million V
-16857 includes gain from sale N
-16858 increased % to billion V
-16860 discuss possibility of proposing N
-16860 proposing recapitalization to board V
-16864 announced appointment of Coors N
-16865 was statement of Coor N
-16866 fight competition from Cos N
-16867 relinquish post to uncle V
-16868 been chairman since 1970 V
-16870 shift responsibilities at company V
-16873 integrating efforts of Stroh N
-16873 steering merger through Department N
-16875 is time of risk N
-16875 has amount of responsibility N
-16876 Putting William at helm V
-16876 have statesman at top V
-16879 devote attention to unit V
-16883 credit Peter with selling V
-16883 selling members on purchase V
-16883 slap piece of debt N
-16883 slap piece on books V
-16884 had struggle in getting V
-16886 take credit for moves V
-16893 put pressure on management N
-16893 put pressure in midst V
-16897 deny request for injunction N
-16897 preventing producers from taking V
-16897 taking management of Inc N
-16898 made request in Court V
-16898 filed a against Sony V
-16900 assume billion in debt N
-16900 offering million for Co. V
-16901 heighten acrimony of battle N
-16903 leaving Sony in such V
-16903 prevent revitalization of Columbia N
-16904 violates contract with Warner N
-16906 make movies for Warner V
-16907 prevents team from being V
-16907 being producers for studio V
-16908 exclude them from taking V
-16908 taking post at company V
-16909 produce pictures for Warner V
-16910 prohibits them from producing V
-16911 prevent Guber from completing V
-16911 completing production in properties V
-16912 become co-chairmen of held N
-16912 changed name to Entertainment V
-16913 offered posts at Columbia V
-16918 violates morality by raiding V
-16918 raiding producers under contract N
-16920 free producers from contract V
-16922 delayed seizure until made V
-16924 prosecute Lincoln over infractions V
-16928 took control of thrift N
-16928 took control in August V
-16932 accused Wall of holding V
-16932 holding meetings with officials N
-16932 holding meetings while refusing V
-16933 received officials as heroes V
-16933 relieved them of responsibility N
-16934 renewed call for Wall V
-16944 assist them in organizing V
-16947 make referrals to me V
-16948 heard testimony from officials V
-16948 received contributions from Jr. V
-16949 encouraged sale than putting N
-16949 putting it in receivership V
-16950 disclosed calls to regulators V
-16952 involve U.S. in plots V
-16954 notifying dictators in advance V
-16955 have assassinations as goal V
-16957 regarding Panama with officials V
-16958 have effect of giving N
-16958 giving leeway in actions N
-16959 require notice of acts N
-16960 notify committee in advance V
-16960 delay notification in cases V
-16964 donated site on side N
-16967 made survey of site N
-16967 realize extent of problem N
-16969 cost millions of dollars N
-16970 Paying portion of costs N
-16970 has revenue of million N
-16971 asked court in Chicago N
-16971 rescind agreement with Valspar N
-16972 accepts gifts in age V
-16974 share costs of problems N
-16975 paying insurance on land N
-16975 take deduction on property V
-16976 escape liability by showing V
-16976 conducted investigation before accepting V
-16978 reject gifts of property N
-16980 represented % of giving N
-16981 tightening rules on gifts N
-16982 conducts assessment of property N
-16990 have liability on hands V
-16996 refused gift of site N
-16998 closed door on donations V
-16999 's help in mess V
-17003 leased property from Conant V
-17004 have empathy for situation V
-17008 owes 400,000 in taxes V
-17009 sued Goodwill for share V
-17011 was indication of contamination N
-17012 receive donations from liability V
-17016 lectures charities about accepting V
-17019 sells billions of dollars N
-17019 sells billions in hardware V
-17021 sunk money into venture V
-17023 cover those by forging V
-17023 shuffling millions of dollars N
-17023 paying money to middlemen V
-17023 disclose scam to authorities V
-17025 featuring passel of details N
-17025 revive interest in matter N
-17025 revive interest on Hill V
-17026 submitted document as part V
-17026 arbitrating case between Travel N
-17027 called step in inquiry N
-17030 made filing to chamber V
-17030 rebuts allegations by Travel N
-17033 deceived Northrop by pitching V
-17037 was member of Committee N
-17038 proposed idea of selling N
-17038 receive commission with a V
-17041 offer distribution of fighters N
-17043 perform activities for F-20 V
-17044 procure expenses from budget V
-17060 transfer million in fees N
-17061 drafted claim for Express V
-17068 handed million to Express V
-17072 filed suit against Koreans V
-17073 asking Chamber of Commerce N
-17073 return 6,250,000 at rate V
-17075 gain leverage in battle V
-17076 filed request with FCC V
-17076 eliminate competition in Dallas V
-17078 moved features to News V
-17080 named president of Inc. N
-17081 named president after resigned V
-17082 pursue sale of company N
-17084 elect chairman at meeting V
-17087 shocked markets by moving V
-17087 become shareholder in bank V
-17088 purchase stake in Grenfell N
-17089 bring stake to % V
-17090 awaiting Bank of England N
-17090 purchase share in bank N
-17090 purchase share for pence V
-17090 bringing stake to % V
-17091 acquire stake at pence V
-17093 jumped pence to pence V
-17094 barring change in situation N
-17095 linking banks into group V
-17097 held discussions with officials V
-17099 be target for counterbidder V
-17100 seeks clarification of intentions N
-17102 be one of purchases N
-17103 catapult Indosuez from position V
-17104 is part of plan N
-17104 building business across Europe V
-17108 completed purchase in weeks V
-17109 is bank with lot N
-17111 is force in market V
-17114 resembles runner in race N
-17115 acquired giant for billion V
-17115 kept pace with schedule V
-17117 be setback in an V
-17118 been study in motion N
-17119 moved headquarters from Atlanta V
-17119 shipping billions of cigarettes N
-17121 soared % from period V
-17124 are clouds on horizon V
-17125 accumulate interest in notes V
-17125 require payments for years V
-17133 jumped % in months V
-17138 soared % in months V
-17141 following lead of competitors N
-17148 got billion for units V
-17149 owes another on loan V
-17150 pay that with billion V
-17153 adjust terms of sale N
-17155 told RJR of decision N
-17157 taking advantage of sheet N
-17157 refinance some of debt N
-17158 securing debt with some V
-17162 meeting payments with ease V
-17164 fix rates on billion N
-17165 drive price to 100 V
-17167 raise rates on debt V
-17167 cost company for years V
-17168 accrue interest in paper V
-17170 diminish value in offering N
-17174 be drain on returns V
-17180 happens week to week N
-17184 posted gain in profit V
-17188 slipped % to yen V
-17189 reflected sales to Nippon N
-17190 rose % to yen V
-17191 rose % to yen V
-17191 gained % to yen V
-17192 totaled lire for the V
-17194 rang revenue of lire N
-17195 address issue of change N
-17195 appointed chairman of Idrocarburi N
-17198 rose % on growth V
-17205 launching it with fanfare V
-17206 shunned the in favor V
-17208 sold paper to Kalikow V
-17208 posting losses of million N
-17208 posting losses by estimates V
-17210 assembled employees in newsroom V
-17213 foresees year in 1990 V
-17215 blamed demise of Post N
-17217 been wave of newspapers N
-17221 is number of layoffs N
-17221 is number on side V
-17223 attract coupons from companies V
-17227 cut the to cents V
-17229 losing lot of money N
-17230 put resources into Monday V
-17233 spin % of subsidiary N
-17233 spin % in offering V
-17234 file offer with the V
-17241 recall version of drug N
-17241 recall version from shelves V
-17242 was setback for Bolar V
-17243 recalling capsules from distributors V
-17246 submitted Macrodantin as version V
-17247 obtained sample of drug N
-17247 obtained sample from lab V
-17251 withdraw approval of Bolar N
-17253 is equivalent of Macrodantin N
-17255 offered raise in wages N
-17255 offered workers over years V
-17261 lodged claim for raise V
-17261 bringing wages in line V
-17262 made counter-demand to Ford V
-17265 trade stocks in index N
-17265 trade stocks in transaction V
-17266 review rules over months V
-17273 requires minimum of million N
-17275 paying attention to report V
-17277 set tone for market V
-17281 been source of strength N
-17281 been source for economy V
-17282 show reaction to news V
-17291 finished day at 86 V
-17296 followed a at lists N
-17296 followed a within weeks V
-17301 get an next week V
-17302 take step of borrowing N
-17302 avoid default on obligations V
-17315 gained 4 to 104 N
-17318 narrowed point to 1.45 V
-17325 rose 10 to 112 N
-17327 yield % with rate V
-17331 fell 0.10 to 99.95 V
-17335 sell million of bonds N
-17335 sell million at time V
-17345 stopped Corp. from placing V
-17345 placing institution under control V
-17346 place associations under control V
-17347 has petition in York V
-17348 impose injunction on Office V
-17352 place them in receivership V
-17355 placing Bank into receivership V
-17357 impair ability under 11 N
-17357 recoup loses by putting V
-17360 use law as shelter V
-17361 has clients in situations V
-17364 's conclusion of study N
-17365 calls delays in filling N
-17365 suggests creation of office N
-17366 mounting backlogs of cases N
-17368 sends nomination to Senate V
-17370 send recommendations to House V
-17371 accused Thornburgh of delaying N
-17374 prevent lawbreakers from profitting V
-17374 survived challenge in ruling V
-17375 restricts freedom of speech N
-17376 filed suit in 1986 V
-17377 received payments from publisher V
-17378 had effect on industry V
-17380 is target of law N
-17383 open office of firm N
-17384 had lawyers in Union V
-17386 have offices in countries V
-17387 became firm with branch N
-17392 joined firm of Phelan N
-17392 joined firm as partner V
-17394 fulfill responsibilities to family V
-17399 staff it with people V
-17400 SUES Amvest for infringement V
-17401 is one of creations N
-17401 filed a in court V
-17402 violated copyrights at times V
-17408 blame insistence on cut N
-17408 blame insistence for disarray V
-17409 lash Bush for timidity V
-17410 threaten vetoes of bills N
-17410 discuss veto of bill N
-17411 show attention to concerns V
-17413 becomes magnet for proposals V
-17414 get raise in limit V
-17414 attracts attempts at adding N
-17414 adding measures to it V
-17415 offer cut in Senate V
-17417 allowing any of them N
-17417 weaken argument against gains N
-17418 TURNS coup to advantage V
-17419 put Congress on defensive V
-17419 play role in collapse V
-17427 grill Gramm about fact V
-17430 mean cutbacks in training V
-17438 pursues settlement of case N
-17442 plan series of marches N
-17448 soliciting bids for Gaston V
-17448 produce revenue of million N
-17452 supplies rod to AT&T V
-17455 ordered pullback from trading N
-17456 showed signs of retreating N
-17456 become liability for Street V
-17459 be trader on Exchange V
-17466 cut firms from getting V
-17466 getting any of business N
-17469 manages billion in funds N
-17471 undermined trust in fairness N
-17472 join Kemper in avoiding V
-17478 owns firm in Philadelphia V
-17480 drafting letter to clients V
-17481 doing arbitrage for clients V
-17482 ceased form of trading N
-17482 ceased form for account V
-17483 is contributor to market N
-17483 reducing confidence in market V
-17485 is practitioner of forms N
-17486 bring liquidity to market V
-17487 do arbitrage for itself V
-17490 recommend curbs on access N
-17490 add volatility to markets V
-17492 do arbitrage for itself V
-17497 suffered an during plunge V
-17500 caused splits within firms V
-17501 defend use of arbitrage N
-17502 is arbitrager on Board N
-17502 trading shares in strategy V
-17505 is bit of conflict N
-17505 is bit between trading V
-17506 's split at Lynch V
-17507 does trading for clients V
-17507 have responsibility to them V
-17510 made week by Kemper V
-17511 value relationships with those V
-17512 cut firms from getting V
-17512 getting any of insurance N
-17512 has interests in firms V
-17516 revised it in May V
-17516 complete it by 30 V
-17517 involves relicensing for facilities V
-17522 is part of Times N
-17523 rose % of expectations N
-17526 is bellwether of profitability N
-17530 finished pence at 10.97 V
-17531 anticipated earnings in plastics V
-17535 rose 7 to pence V
-17536 slid 5 to 142 V
-17541 rose points to 35714.85 V
-17543 attributed sentiment to stability V
-17547 advanced yen to yen V
-17548 advanced 40 to 2,230 V
-17550 gained 120 to 1,940 V
-17550 surged 260 to 3,450 V
-17550 gained 110 to 1,940 V
-17552 advanced 24 to 735 V
-17555 has holdings in companies V
-17557 announced issue of shares N
-17560 was marks at 657 V
-17562 closed books for year V
-17563 made profits in months V
-17565 are opportunities at levels V
-17566 staged rally before holidays V
-17567 gained 1.5 to 321.5 V
-17567 acquire Internationale in France N
-17567 slipped 0.5 to 246 V
-17573 named Cohen as president V
-17575 owns % of Inc. N
-17575 run marketing at studio V
-17578 named co-presidents of group N
-17579 is unit of Inc N
-17580 joining Revlon in 1986 V
-17580 held number of posts N
-17581 was president of venture N
-17582 sell movies via service V
-17582 enabled subscribers with recorders N
-17583 fined it in connection V
-17583 shutting plant during testing V
-17585 questioned safety of plant N
-17588 advise it on alternatives V
-17590 launched plans over year V
-17590 blamed difficulties on collapse V
-17591 was filing in decade N
-17592 sought protection in 1982 V
-17592 sold it in 1988 V
-17594 operates flights to cities V
-17596 elected director of utility N
-17598 acquire Inc. for 2.55 V
-17600 signed letter of intent N
-17600 signed letter for acquisition V
-17603 pay Corp. of Angeles N
-17604 complements business with outlets N
-17605 posted loss of million N
-17608 reflected decline in sales N
-17609 has interests in defense N
-17611 reduce force by % V
-17615 hired executive as head V
-17616 named Hamilton to post V
-17617 been president of office N
-17618 left agency in June V
-17620 faces task in reviving V
-17621 yanked million from office V
-17621 following loss of the V
-17625 is one of outposts N
-17628 won praise for some V
-17629 hired Lesser from Marschalk V
-17630 needs kick from outside N
-17631 be clash between Ogilvy V
-17633 creates ads for clients V
-17634 is part of agenda N
-17635 want infusion of attitude N
-17635 communicating advantages of client N
-17637 playing football in halls V
-17639 is one of agencies N
-17642 accepted job after discussions V
-17642 taken approach with acquisition V
-17643 been combination of Lesser N
-17647 are pockets of brilliance N
-17649 try hand at work V
-17650 do work on project N
-17652 had string of wins N
-17660 reduce exposure to vagaries N
-17664 pushed oil to cents V
-17670 attacked tugboat near terminal V
-17672 pay attention to reports V
-17673 refused access to Valdez N
-17675 ended yesterday at cents V
-17689 regard that as sign V
-17692 are producers of metals N
-17693 create interest in metals N
-17698 violated support at 1.19 V
-17700 surrounding negotiations on strike N
-17703 be buyer at levels V
-17707 sold tons in London V
-17711 hedging cocoa with sales V
-17714 taking advantage of prices N
-17716 put Electronic on block V
-17717 concentrate resources on businesses V
-17718 has sales of million N
-17719 received inquiries over months V
-17720 run business under management V
-17726 advancing % in year V
-17733 is flag for shorts V
-17737 increase stake to % V
-17746 runs Investors in Lee V
-17746 is cup of tea N
-17751 is recipe for death N
-17754 be area for shorting V
-17755 shorted shares of company N
-17758 taking life in hands V
-17761 has % of revenue N
-17776 nearing agreement with creditors V
-17776 restructuring billion of debt N
-17777 is one of countries N
-17777 buy some of loans N
-17777 buy some under initiative V
-17781 were signs of breakthrough N
-17782 buy billion of debt N
-17782 buy billion at discount V
-17784 pay interest on loans V
-17785 rose billion to billion V
-17786 rose million to billion V
-17786 rose billion to billion V
-17786 fell million to billion V
-17788 adding money to balances V
-17794 draw link between rate V
-17795 handles cases for seamen V
-17795 provided records for research V
-17796 compared deaths between 1973 V
-17797 was cause of death N
-17797 was cause in % V
-17802 ANNOUNCED cuts of arms N
-17803 reduce weapons in Sea V
-17803 including scrapping of submarines N
-17803 including scrapping by 1991 V
-17806 liberalizing system of prices N
-17807 curtail bases in Europe V
-17813 considered talks on demands V
-17814 halt protests for changes N
-17817 provided technology to Pretoria V
-17818 reached accord with Committee V
-17818 involve U.S. in plots V
-17820 extended privileges to Hungary V
-17820 honored pledge of restructuring N
-17821 denying credits to nations V
-17823 put emphasis on treatment N
-17824 urged residents of cities N
-17824 expressing concern over health N
-17830 answer questions about mismanagement N
-17831 invoking right against self-incrimination N
-17833 ruled talks with Nicaragua N
-17834 traded fire across line V
-17835 arrange meeting of lawmakers N
-17835 choose head of state N
-17836 introduced motion in Islamabad V
-17839 entering month in Beijing V
-17841 declared law amid protests V
-17842 elected lawyer as commissioner V
-17842 announced retirement in March V
-17845 were darlings of investors N
-17845 were darlings in 1960s V
-17847 drew income from properties V
-17851 paid % of profits N
-17851 paid % to shareholders V
-17857 posted profit of million N
-17858 had earnings of cents N
-17858 had earnings in quarter V
-17859 reported loss of million N
-17869 sell business to Italy V
-17876 posted losses in operations V
-17877 dimming outlook for quarter N
-17878 marking salvo in battle V
-17883 ordered pullback from trading N
-17883 ordered pullback amid mounting V
-17884 offering services to clients V
-17885 review regulation of market N
-17888 close markets in crisis V
-17894 form venture with steelmaker N
-17894 modernize part of division N
-17895 hold auction of securities N
-17895 hold auction next week V
-17896 buy time for Congress V
-17897 granted increase of % N
-17900 boost stake in conglomerate N
-17900 boost stake to % V
-17901 surprised markets by moving V
-17901 become shareholder in bank N
-17908 prevent suitor from gaining V
-17908 gaining control of company N
-17908 gaining control without approval V
-17910 leaves possibility of acquisition N
-17911 buy shares at % V
-17911 acquired % of Hunter N
-17912 made offer for shares V
-17915 has interest of % N
-17916 pending confirmation at meeting V
-17917 approve reclassification of X N
-17922 put emphasis on treatment N
-17923 is part of a N
-17924 made changes to plan N
-17926 contains funds for package N
-17933 measures level of money N
-17936 launched attack on cultivation V
-17937 executed warrants in raids V
-17941 represents % of marijuana N
-17942 sending waves through an V
-17944 rushed statement in House V
-17946 slid % against mark V
-17953 links currencies in Community N
-17958 played such with advisers V
-17960 be agreement between minister N
-17963 supported entry into EMS N
-17964 counter suspicion of mechanism N
-17970 liberalized restrictions on controls N
-17972 are view of government N
-17976 stated support for Lawson V
-17979 is result of approach N
-17981 prefer message from government N
-17981 prefer message on strategies V
-17984 set level for pound V
-17985 adding confusion to situation V
-17986 question strategy of having N
-17990 say things about Monieson V
-17991 ban him from industry V
-17993 was one of friends N
-17994 become the in memory V
-17995 was president under Monieson V
-17997 initiated trades without numbers V
-17997 kept ones for themselves V
-17997 stuck customers with losers V
-18002 shows fallacy of self-regulation N
-18004 overcome conflicts of interest N
-18007 counsel avoidance of appearance N
-18009 recused himself from case V
-18010 had relationship with Brian V
-18014 is victim of celebrity N
-18019 approve sale to Indosuez V
-18020 divulge details of probe N
-18021 become incident between U.S. N
-18023 wears clothes of trader N
-18023 are those of professor N
-18024 remind him of fortune N
-18027 played host to princes V
-18028 mention interest in racing N
-18029 was reader of Form N
-18029 joining father at track V
-18030 bet ponies with friend V
-18030 become partner in GNP V
-18033 led him into trading V
-18033 commissioned program on demand N
-18034 trading futures at Merc V
-18035 formed GNP in 1973 V
-18037 held fascination for Monieson V
-18038 fined 10,000 for taking V
-18038 taking positions beyond limits V
-18040 likening fine to ticket V
-18049 had profits of 62,372.95 N
-18050 had losses of 20.988.12 N
-18050 had losses for months V
-18051 lost all of the N
-18052 lost 3,000 of the N
-18056 reflecting woes of lenders N
-18057 reported loss of million N
-18058 reported income of 523,000 N
-18059 reported loss of million N
-18060 take a in quarter V
-18061 Barring declines in values N
-18061 expect rates of loans N
-18062 taking write-downs of million N
-18062 taking write-downs in months V
-18062 address disposal of assets N
-18063 is % after charges V
-18066 restore ratio to compliance V
-18066 reach agreement with regulators V
-18071 reduced million in assets N
-18075 added million to reserve V
-18079 pursuing strategies with respect V
-18079 minimizing losses to company N
-18080 reported loss of million N
-18081 foster recycling of plastics N
-18082 attacked program as ploy V
-18086 educate youngsters about recycling V
-18086 is step toward environment N
-18087 be step for McDonald N
-18088 include % of restaurants N
-18092 growing amounts of trash N
-18094 increasing use of plastics N
-18097 mail containers to headquarters V
-18099 causing headaches for companies V
-18100 been factor in introduction V
-18105 deduct 1,000 on return V
-18106 escape taxes on all V
-18108 is reason for concern N
-18110 taking step of shrinking N
-18112 substracting borrowing from household V
-18113 's plenty of that N
-18114 offering rewards for putting V
-18114 putting money in IRA V
-18114 widen deficit by an V
-18116 widen deficits in future V
-18119 concede issue to Democrats V
-18120 unveil proposal of year N
-18122 put 2,000 into IRA V
-18122 deduct sum from income V
-18124 was shifts of savings N
-18129 give people for savings V
-18130 restricted break to couples V
-18131 including interest on contributions N
-18136 Comparing proposals on table N
-18137 saves 2,000 in IRA V
-18137 cut bill by 175 V
-18140 give deduction for depositing V
-18140 depositing 2,000 in IRA V
-18143 overcomes bias against savings N
-18144 owed money to Service V
-18144 put money in IRA V
-18145 putting money in IRAs V
-18145 deferring tax on interest N
-18146 made deposits in 1987 V
-18154 allow people with IRAs N
-18154 shift money to ones V
-18154 pay tax at rates V
-18155 raise billion for Treasury V
-18156 allowing buildup on contributions N
-18156 cost Treasury in run V
-18159 is echo of promise N
-18159 finance themselves through growth V
-18162 rejected offer by Jones N
-18163 produce changes in the V
-18167 disclosed opening of negotiations N
-18167 disclosed opening in filing V
-18168 followed effort by Telerate N
-18168 attacking offer in editions V
-18169 submitted ad to Journal V
-18177 bought positions in stock N
-18177 announced offer on 21 V
-18178 acquire ownership of Telerate N
-18181 owns % of Telerate N
-18182 reflects premium for purchase N
-18183 paying 20 for Telerate V
-18185 bludgeon way through process V
-18189 squeeze shareholders of Telerate N
-18189 squeeze shareholders at price V
-18192 are employees of Telerate N
-18194 run it in Times V
-18195 offering 19 for Telerate V
-18202 paid 28.75 for block V
-18203 represented premium of % N
-18205 buys time for Congress V
-18205 hold auction of securities N
-18205 hold auction next week V
-18207 enacted limit by midnight V
-18207 suspend sales of securities N
-18211 use bill as vehicle V
-18211 using bill as vehicle V
-18212 become game of chicken N
-18214 attach tax to legislation V
-18227 become ritual between administration V
-18228 keep U.S. from defaulting V
-18228 creates controversy in Congress V
-18229 amend bill with legislation V
-18229 's bill for president N
-18231 see measure as opportunity V
-18233 charged Exchange with discriminating V
-18234 affect number of people N
-18235 steering customers toward policies V
-18237 raise rates for business V
-18237 denying coverage in Farmers V
-18238 's discrimination in book V
-18239 hold hearing on matter V
-18240 is unit of PLC N
-18245 acquire stake in unit V
-18246 create sort of common N
-18248 gain access to products N
-18250 posted profit of francs N
-18250 posted profit in 1988 V
-18252 reported profit of francs N
-18252 reported profit after payments V
-18256 had change in earnings V
-18258 compares profit with estimate V
-18258 have forecasts in days V
-18266 expand production at Barberton V
-18266 increase capacity by % V
-18269 drop objections to offer N
-18269 acquire Inc. for dollars V
-18269 reaching agreement with manufacturer V
-18270 reached week between university V
-18270 fund research in Canada V
-18271 sell company to concern V
-18271 broken agreement by recommending V
-18271 recommending offer to shareholders V
-18272 heard week by Court V
-18273 block directors from recommending V
-18273 recommending offer to shareholders V
-18274 favoring bid over another V
-18275 add benefits to Canada V
-18277 offering million for Connaught V
-18278 offer benefit to Canada V
-18279 is advantage to university N
-18279 is advantage to university N
-18282 increased program to shares V
-18285 gave welcome to auction V
-18285 lift spirits of market N
-18286 received bids for bonds V
-18287 accepted billion of tenders N
-18287 accepted billion at yield V
-18289 reflects number of bids N
-18290 was response to security V
-18293 showed interest in buying N
-18295 bought amounts of bonds N
-18299 buy billion of bonds N
-18300 identified buyer as Inc. V
-18300 purchased bonds on behalf V
-18303 are buyers for bonds V
-18304 jumped point on bid V
-18307 repackaging them as securities V
-18308 separating portion of bond N
-18308 separating portion from portion V
-18310 pay interest until maturity V
-18312 bought share of bonds N
-18314 had demand from investors V
-18315 paid attention to comments V
-18316 discern clues about course N
-18316 discern clues from remarks V
-18317 eliminating inflation within years V
-18319 considering amount of supply N
-18320 Including billion of bonds N
-18320 sold billion in securities N
-18321 scrutinizing report on product N
-18332 issued million of notes N
-18345 yielding % to assumption V
-18352 set pricing for million N
-18353 stimulate savings by residents V
-18355 had bid for million V
-18361 rose 0.12 to 100.05 V
-18361 rose 0.05 to 97.75 V
-18362 rose 15 to 112 V
-18362 rose 1 to 98 V
-18364 acquire rest of Holler N
-18364 held stake for years V
-18365 represent takeover since 1980 V
-18366 's sign of consolidation N
-18367 buy insurance from carriers V
-18368 develop presence in Europe N
-18370 maintain virility as broker N
-18371 establishing presence in market N
-18372 do business in Europe V
-18374 receive number of shares N
-18375 serve them in Paris V
-18378 won contract for modifications N
-18379 modify helicopter to configuration V
-18380 given extension on contract N
-18381 increase production of devices N
-18381 increase production on scale V
-18384 expand production of disks N
-18384 expand production to sheets V
-18385 raise production at plant V
-18387 raised % to cents V
-18387 raised 24 to stock N
-18388 noted confidence in strength N
-18389 rose % in quarter V
-18389 reflecting growth in operations N
-18391 increased % to million V
-18394 rose % to billion V
-18395 included gain of million N
-18396 attributed performance to increases V
-18397 represent % of revenues N
-18399 increase capacity of plant N
-18400 fell 1.625 to 108.625 V
-18405 acquire 588,300 of shares N
-18405 acquire 588,300 under circumstances V
-18408 jumped % to million V
-18409 had earnings of million N
-18410 expects revenue in quarter N
-18411 reflect dividend in 1989 V
-18412 attributed increase to growth V
-18415 Call office in Worth N
-18417 negotiating contract to boot V
-18418 landed job on Street N
-18419 become addition to ranks N
-18419 earning way as lobbyists V
-18421 become rite of passage N
-18421 become rite at time V
-18427 Given penchant for writing N
-18427 published guide to art N
-18428 is protocol to it V
-18433 is schedule of engagements N
-18436 reclaim reputation as one N
-18437 are mementos of days N
-18438 frequents shelters for homeless N
-18438 devotes a of time N
-18441 developed passion during ordeal V
-18443 introduced him as master V
-18446 launched careers at pulpit V
-18449 win chunk of royalties N
-18452 been opportunity for growth N
-18462 was life after Congress N
-18462 questioned propriety of investment N
-18478 lost contract for jeans N
-18480 hit it in Hollywood V
-18485 burnishing involvement in affair N
-18494 had sex with page V
-18495 lost seat in 1980 V
-18495 soliciting sex from boy N
-18495 regained footing as lawyer N
-18499 win confirmation as secretary N
-18502 offers environment for officials N
-18505 quit job as aide V
-18509 are source of solace N
-18511 pulls scabs off knees V
-18514 received letter from master V
-18515 auction it at Sotheby V
-18517 opposed actions as embargo N
-18518 join OAS in hopes V
-18518 be counterweight to U.S. N
-18521 attending celebration of democracy N
-18522 has role in hemisphere V
-18525 be partner for U.S. V
-18526 voted % of time N
-18528 follow lead in OAS N
-18529 see Canada as power V
-18530 promote peace within Americas V
-18530 find settlement of crisis N
-18533 contain violence to degree V
-18534 have plenty of violence N
-18537 based appeal on puns V
-18540 is portrayal of demise N
-18547 are property of comedies N
-18547 link phenomenon to category V
-18549 buy Co. of Viroqua N
-18551 exchange shares of stock N
-18552 serves lines in Wisconsin V
-18554 reflecting pickup of activity N
-18557 enhance trading of stock N
-18561 has sales of million N
-18563 recorded decline in August N
-18564 was decline in months N
-18566 rose % in August V
-18566 following months of declines N
-18567 fell % in August V
-18568 has share in H. V
-18570 develop guidelines for lubricants V
-18570 offer services in cleaning N
-18571 supplying lubricants in Poland V
-18572 provide details of costs N
-18573 grew % from year V
-18574 raised dividend to 1.20 V
-18574 increase payout to shareholders N
-18574 increase payout by million V
-18576 lowers value of earnings N
-18580 increase rewards to shareholders N
-18581 entered position in April V
-18582 owns % of Pont N
-18583 post profit of million N
-18584 announced plans for split N
-18585 rose 2.50 in yesterday V
-18587 Leading gains for Pont V
-18590 holds % at time V
-18590 growing uses for pigment N
-18590 kept it in supply V
-18593 increasing sales in quarter V
-18595 posted earnings for quarter V
-18597 called prices in markets N
-18599 increased % to billion V
-18600 paid 14 to holders V
-18606 auction dollars of bonds N
-18608 buy B.V. for million V
-18609 gain control over Kabel N
-18610 adding argument to arsenal V
-18610 adding changes under way N
-18611 linking changes in East N
-18611 linking changes to need V
-18611 speed changes in West N
-18614 told Parliament in Strasbourg V
-18614 reinforce cohesion of Community N
-18615 write treaty for EC V
-18616 channel money to East V
-18617 integrating Europeans with Europeans V
-18617 is task of Europeans N
-18617 is task despite interest V
-18620 implies changes in policies N
-18621 be division of labor N
-18623 is exporter of capital N
-18624 announced plan for Poland N
-18628 force them in return V
-18629 throw money at Europe V
-18638 raise risks with them V
-18640 be message from Moscow N
-18640 's deal on offer V
-18643 make progress toward reforms N
-18644 signed letter of intent N
-18644 buy company for million V
-18646 requires approval of shareholders N
-18648 adopted plan at meeting V
-18649 pending ratification by holders N
-18651 buy shares at % V
-18652 posted income of dollars N
-18653 had loss of million N
-18655 have value of million N
-18656 perform work for Service V
-18658 had revenue of billion N
-18659 buy Co. for million V
-18665 form ties with organized N
-18666 secure orders from concerns V
-18668 received orders from activities V
-18669 named officer of Corp. N
-18670 reaches age of 65 N
-18671 is president of Trust N
-18671 is president in charge N
-18672 is one of banks N
-18672 faced competition from firms N
-18674 welcomes competition in businesses N
-18675 broadens base of opportunity N
-18678 serve customers with deposits N
-18687 be drag on earnings N
-18688 has ties to company V
-18689 was trustee until 1974 V
-18692 takes responsibility for group N
-18696 increasing board to 22 V
-18696 is part of office N
-18698 earned million in quarter V
-18706 meet demand for computers N
-18706 made it into summer V
-18707 reporting loss for quarter N
-18709 reported backlog of orders N
-18710 indicates demand for computers N
-18710 faces competition from Corp. N
-18712 named officer of concern N
-18714 was officer of Equifax N
-18714 retain position as president N
-18716 acquire assets in transaction V
-18717 acquire assets for combination V
-18724 been one of maninstays N
-18726 wields power at company V
-18732 limit damage to ties N
-18733 prepares package of sanctions N
-18735 sent signal to Washington V
-18735 met Deng in Beijing V
-18736 made statements to me V
-18742 took part in demonstrations N
-18743 publish list of those N
-18744 arranged aid for families V
-18745 transmitted conversations to House V
-18747 convey statements to Bush V
-18748 attributes that to fact V
-18752 Given statements to people N
-18753 step campaign of arrests N
-18756 publish identities of those N
-18761 hashing agreement for legislation N
-18770 stimulate growth of cells N
-18774 giving injections of EPO N
-18774 giving injections to patients V
-18774 store units of blood N
-18775 receiving injections about month V
-18777 indicated number of cells N
-18778 donated average of units N
-18779 was % per donor V
-18779 representing number of hospitals N
-18782 succeeding Nixon as president V
-18787 sought form of pensions N
-18787 sought form for the V
-18789 used Plan as model V
-18792 naming it after Cohen V
-18795 widened coverage to people V
-18796 caused explosion of promotions N
-18797 reduced number of people N
-18799 announced devaluation of the N
-18799 curb market for currency N
-18806 opened country to trade V
-18807 exchange dollar for rubles V
-18809 sell them at mark-up V
-18810 costs 2,000 in West V
-18813 pay farmers in currency V
-18815 is part of drive N
-18816 took bankers by surprise V
-18818 have effect on businesses V
-18818 hold auction of currency N
-18822 provide currency for auction V
-18822 using lot of it N
-18822 finance imports of goods N
-18823 sell currencies at rate V
-18823 mop some of rubles N
-18823 mop some at time V
-18824 demand payment in currency N
-18824 demand payment from visitors V
-18825 cause difficulties for people V
-18826 made use of restrictions N
-18826 get taste of life N
-18827 change rubles into dollars V
-18831 manage all of needs N
-18832 lost contract with Kodak N
-18832 lost contract to Corp V
-18833 entered negotiations with Digital N
-18833 manage all of needs N
-18836 is setback to IBM V
-18837 provide communications to corporations V
-18838 disclose value of contract N
-18839 be subcontractors on project V
-18840 get vendor for service V
-18842 is anniversary of System N
-18845 allow branch of bank N
-18848 were members of Board N
-18849 drop both from board V
-18851 had deal of power N
-18853 introduced bill in Congress V
-18853 put secretary on board V
-18855 putting comptroller on board V
-18859 takes interest in matters N
-18859 takes interest of course V
-18860 taking interest in matters N
-18862 coordinate regulation of markets N
-18863 made pitch for job V
-18864 has plenty of responsibilities N
-18864 has plenty in times V
-18869 deserves lot of emphasis N
-18871 included inflation in history N
-18874 have hope of success N
-18874 needs help from Fed N
-18877 offsetting purchases of marks N
-18880 has impact on values N
-18881 see impact on dollar N
-18885 manage rates to level V
-18885 diverting policies from roles V
-18887 been week of events N
-18889 handled it in capital V
-18891 influence outcome of events N
-18892 leave commentary in wake V
-18893 building station at Krasnoyarsk V
-18894 has delegates in Congress V
-18896 put administration in pair V
-18897 views changes in Europe N
-18900 give lot of space N
-18900 give lot to appearance V
-18902 puts tab at million V
-18903 did night on Nightline V
-18908 Selling presidency for mess V
-18908 is devaluation from norm N
-18908 is reflection of disintegration N
-18913 was disease in 1906 V
-18914 is law against it V
-18920 Consider dissonance between speech N
-18921 violated norms of behavior N
-18921 violated norms in Afghanistan V
-18923 given hearings in press V
-18924 is key to disease N
-18925 hold anyone in life N
-18925 hold anyone to standard V
-18926 offer version of refrain N
-18929 enlisting it in service V
-18929 play games about activities N
-18930 told Apple in interview V
-18932 is defense at all N
-18932 is defense for ethos V
-18934 is symbol for States V
-18937 acquire all of shares N
-18938 seeking offers from bidders V
-18939 mail offer to shareholders V
-18939 reimburse maximum of million N
-18939 reimburse them for expenses V
-18940 solicit bids for company V
-18941 tender holdings to offer V
-18942 holds half through shares V
-18942 hold % of equity N
-18948 acquire % of Cineplex N
-18948 acquire % for 17.50 V
-18949 vote shares for years V
-18949 consolidating control of company N
-18951 indicate source of financing N
-18951 buy complex in City N
-18954 give breakdown between financing N
-18961 boost standing among groups V
-18962 replace chlorofluorocarbons by 1995 V
-18963 reduce production of product N
-18963 reduce production by % V
-18964 invest marks in plant V
-18966 produce tons of CFCs N
-18966 produce tons in factories V
-18968 study impact of plastics N
-18969 elected president of concern N
-18971 are units of Corp. N
-18972 market line of water N
-18972 market line in West V
-18973 marks time since Prohibition V
-18973 marks entry into market N
-18973 generated billion in sales N
-18974 become one of companies N
-18978 package it in bottles V
-18980 gave thumbs-down to proposal V
-18982 told committee of parliament N
-18983 curbing subsidies within years V
-18983 eliminating subsidies within years V
-18986 is basis for negotiation N
-18988 seeking reductions in protection N
-18991 made allowances for nations V
-18992 need help in meantime V
-18995 ease transition to trade N
-18996 converting supports into tariffs V
-18997 raise tariffs on products N
-18997 experience volume of imports N
-19002 acquire one of businesses N
-19005 had revenue of million N
-19007 provide services for customers V
-19008 posted sales of million N
-19009 sold unit in Europe N
-19009 sold unit for million V
-19011 give expertise in workstation N
-19012 cast judges in role V
-19013 deserve attention than have N
-19014 is biography of founder N
-19015 bequeathed copyrights on writings N
-19015 bequeathed copyrights to church V
-19015 licensed them to Publications V
-19017 permits quotation for purposes N
-19018 denied injunction on ground N
-19018 make claim within time V
-19019 written book of criticism N
-19022 outweighed interests of owner N
-19024 proving points about subject N
-19025 created presumption against use N
-19029 outweigh sanctity of copyright N
-19030 is bar to issuance N
-19036 are components of use N
-19040 ignore sources of information N
-19042 impose restrictions on use V
-19044 gain access to materials N
-19044 deny use of quotations N
-19045 understand requirements of scholarship N
-19051 strikes blow against enterprise N
-19052 is blow against scholarship N
-19053 wrote series of articles N
-19053 wrote series for Yorker V
-19055 brought suit against Malcolm V
-19057 decided case for Malcolm V
-19059 are interpretations of remarks N
-19061 have obligation under Amendment V
-19061 safeguard freedom of press N
-19061 is concomitant of press N
-19062 described himself as analyst V
-19064 's me against rest V
-19064 cited remark as warrant V
-19066 describing himself as gigolo V
-19068 was interpretation of description N
-19070 were two of series N
-19074 is rule of journalism N
-19076 reduce value of journalism N
-19083 named president of Inc. N
-19086 speak volumes about state V
-19088 be pig in case V
-19089 exposing conflicts in life N
-19091 became rod for anxieties V
-19093 reveal whereabouts of daughter N
-19106 is undercurrent of race N
-19107 attended some of schools N
-19111 bashing District of government N
-19115 passed Congress with speed V
-19115 awaiting ruling by court N
-19118 is lawyer in Washington N
-19119 launch Satellite in 1990 V
-19120 study effects of radiation N
-19122 named chairman of group N
-19124 named executive of group N
-19126 announce successor to Crane N
-19126 announce successor at date V
-19127 acquire Inc. for million V
-19130 characterized proposal as offer V
-19130 pit group against another V
-19131 rejected offer from group N
-19131 acquire Arby for million V
-19132 wrestle control of unit N
-19132 wrestle control from Posner V
-19133 is company for restaurants V
-19135 allow operators with conflicts N
-19135 refocus energies toward growth V
-19136 fell % in quarter V
-19140 reflecting performance of operations N
-19141 represents interest in earnings N
-19142 represents interest in profit N
-19142 fell cents to 52.25 V
-19143 is sign of times N
-19143 is sign at both V
-19143 are customer for side V
-19144 reduce employment by people V
-19151 attributed decline to costs V
-19152 rose % in U.S. V
-19159 was % of business N
-19160 boost revenue to % V
-19161 elected director of concern N
-19161 expanding board to members V
-19162 elected director of concern N
-19168 complicate making for Yacos V
-19172 including interest to creditors N
-19175 receive million in payments N
-19181 equal % of claims N
-19182 owning % of company N
-19185 change value of bids N
-19186 values offer at billion V
-19186 values plan at billion V
-19188 delay settlement of plan N
-19189 limit increases to % V
-19193 proposed years of increases N
-19198 get license from Commission V
-19203 become officer of Inc. N
-19204 is officer of unit N
-19205 hold position of chairman N
-19205 hold position until retirement V
-19207 was day as chairman N
-19214 illustrate stance as regulator N
-19216 turning drop to advantage V
-19216 further agenda for SEC N
-19217 monitor activity by firms N
-19217 track trades in market V
-19220 encourages use of debt N
-19220 wields influence on both V
-19223 obtain majority on commission V
-19224 skirted some of issues N
-19225 stated position on bonds N
-19226 see results of studies N
-19227 kept wrap on names V
-19228 continuing pursuit of trading N
-19238 adorned office with photos V
-19247 move change past Congress V
-19249 aroused interest in Congress V
-19250 raised issue at hearing V
-19260 including exhibitions of engines N
-19261 's showcase for country N
-19268 insulate passengers from bumps V
-19271 compares suspension to cheetah V
-19271 equates parts to heart V
-19272 touted system in car V
-19273 introduce system on sedan V
-19274 keeping suspension for use V
-19279 drew interest from executives N
-19280 shows engine in model V
-19280 made debut in Japan V
-19281 provides compromise between fuel-economy N
-19290 has truck under nameplate N
-19293 seats person in front V
-19293 hold groceries in rear V
-19300 play role of dummy N
-19301 has exhibit in Tokyo N
-19302 sponsoring display in years N
-19302 includes wagon with panels N
-19304 be part of mentality N
-19304 explaining pilgrimage to Show N
-19309 get feeling in car V
-19309 get passion in car V
-19309 get emotion in car V
-19310 Regarding column on differences N
-19310 save public from rhetoric V
-19310 go hand in hand N
-19310 go hand with process V
-19311 raise revenue in term V
-19317 acquired year in purchase V
-19318 merged operations with those V
-19318 is part of plan N
-19319 estimate value of aircraft N
-19320 estimated value of planes N
-19321 have value of million N
-19321 raising proceeds from sale N
-19321 raising proceeds to billion V
-19324 increase fleet of aircraft N
-19324 increase fleet to 18 V
-19324 add 747-400s by 1994 V
-19326 disclose cost of overhaul N
-19326 estimated it at million V
-19327 see this as exercise V
-19328 streamlining fleet in bid V
-19330 take delivery of aircraft N
-19332 announced appointments at Ltd N
-19334 is director at Ltd N
-19337 join Barclay from Ltd. V
-19340 fueled fires with attacks V
-19341 has workers in district V
-19342 favor program for airlines V
-19344 endorse bill by Neal N
-19345 eliminating inflation within years V
-19347 increase scrutiny of Fed N
-19348 played reports of tension N
-19349 are issues of tactics N
-19352 putting economy into recession V
-19352 be loss of output N
-19356 reduce rate by point V
-19358 given chance of passage N
-19359 add secretary to committee V
-19361 subject Fed to perspective V
-19364 signed contract with Vila N
-19365 marks entry into market N
-19365 bolster sales of products N
-19367 signals return as celebrity N
-19368 protested some of endorsements N
-19369 became one of programs N
-19370 doing endorsements for Centers V
-19376 building fence around affections V
-19377 makes spokesman for campaigns N
-19379 involves series of books N
-19383 elected director of company N
-19384 is officer of Inc. N
-19385 speed removal of chemicals N
-19387 welcome part of proposal N
-19388 give weight to considerations V
-19389 condone use of chemical N
-19389 is anathema to community N
-19390 announce series of principles N
-19391 give Agency with aim V
-19393 accelerate removal of pesticides N
-19393 gained impetus during scare V
-19394 remove Alar from shelves V
-19396 causes cancer in animals V
-19399 pull it from marketplace V
-19402 set levels for residues V
-19404 permit use of pesticides N
-19405 took break from gyrations N
-19405 took break with prices V
-19406 lost points to 2653.28 V
-19410 regains semblance of stability N
-19412 paid attention to comments N
-19412 extract clues about course N
-19413 lower rates before end V
-19414 awaiting release of estimate N
-19415 have effect on markets V
-19420 were 784 to 700 N
-19426 discussed image of athletics N
-19426 discussed image for audience V
-19429 reflected agreement with conclusions N
-19430 identified himself as director V
-19434 be integrity of schools N
-19436 be reading for president V
-19437 bought way to respectability N
-19438 was the in 1987 V
-19438 receive penalty for violations V
-19439 Given headlines about University N
-19440 brought bribe to school V
-19443 Paying players at SMU N
-19444 involved director about everybody N
-19445 expresses outrage to Clements V
-19451 gets grades as reporter V
-19452 received 4,000 to 5,000 N
-19452 received 4,000 for tickets V
-19453 are references to liaisons N
-19455 produces smoke than sofa N
-19455 concerning use of steroids N
-19457 escaped notice of coaches N
-19460 bear responsibility for conduct N
-19460 bear responsibility in aftermath V
-19461 issued information about standing N
-19462 were responses of people N
-19465 paid million in taxes N
-19466 dogged maker for taxes V
-19466 settle dispute in court V
-19468 owe taxes to Massachusetts V
-19468 explain change of heart N
-19470 was subject of article N
-19473 pay % of profits N
-19473 conducts variety of activities N
-19474 shake doldrums in business N
-19474 rearrange merchandise in all N
-19474 rearrange merchandise in months V
-19477 stock assortment of magazines N
-19480 kept pace with trends N
-19481 reflects need by stores N
-19481 expand base beyond worker V
-19482 are number of people N
-19485 targeting merchandise to customers V
-19486 expanded selection in stores V
-19486 added sandwiches in outlets V
-19487 added displays to stores V
-19488 see trend toward that V
-19489 tested mix in stores V
-19490 put scanners in stores V
-19491 spend million on advertising V
-19492 resolve dispute between Workers N
-19493 settle strike by UMW N
-19495 called strike in April V
-19496 seeks changes in benefits N
-19496 seeks changes among things V
-19498 disclosed end of tie N
-19498 forecast drop in sales N
-19507 provide supplies of products N
-19507 provide supplies to Medical V
-19511 buy stock for cash V
-19516 infuse cash into Delmed V
-19517 receive rights to products N
-19518 sell plant in Ogden N
-19521 pouring gallons of water N
-19521 pouring gallons into vaults V
-19522 destroyed million in currency N
-19522 caked million of coins N
-19522 caked million with mud V
-19524 reach agreement with government V
-19527 is agent for coins V
-19530 clean coins for cost V
-19531 transporting money to Washington V
-19532 gave work to Inc. V
-19533 equaling 20,000 in pennies N
-19533 pouring money into truck V
-19537 pay total of 20,000 N
-19544 's place like home N
-19550 couched idea in packaging V
-19551 give baby for adoption V
-19554 be brats in therapy N
-19555 exhausted aids to fertility N
-19556 indicate longing for one N
-19558 introducing parents to mother V
-19560 ask this as Ohioan V
-19569 doing cities in days V
-19574 taking point of view N
-19576 explores depth of emotion N
-19579 understand instinct in way V
-19579 requires appreciation of storytelling N
-19580 proposed movie to producer V
-19581 summarize pull of movie N
-19584 expects sales from continuing N
-19584 rise % through years V
-19585 earned million on sales N
-19590 is value of output N
-19591 experiencing surge of growth N
-19591 experiencing surge for time V
-19592 achieve sales than goal V
-19593 had order from utility V
-19594 foresees need for boost N
-19595 sell plants to producers V
-19597 supply share of market N
-19600 own % of facility N
-19603 disclose size of gain N
-19608 cut ties with businesses N
-19612 asking recipients for comments V
-19613 make decision on policy N
-19617 shares royalties with researchers V
-19617 disqualify itself from funds V
-19620 conducted research at Institute V
-19621 own stake in company V
-19624 transfer technology off campuses V
-19625 prevent scientists like Schimmel V
-19626 transferring technology to marketplace V
-19628 finance companies in businesses N
-19631 had rights to technologies V
-19634 invested 14 in Inc. V
-19634 license technology for delivery N
-19635 get license to technology N
-19635 giving all of competitors N
-19636 acquired rights to technology N
-19639 have access to research N
-19640 is both for start-up V
-19642 oversees program as director V
-19643 prevent escalation of problems N
-19644 holding stock in Inc. N
-19646 investigating abuse from researchers N
-19646 holding stock in companies N
-19648 be ideas for discussion N
-19653 circulating memo among faculty V
-19653 restrict contact with world N
-19654 shunning contacts with investors N
-19658 produced revival of America N
-19664 is something in dramatization V
-19667 play s in drama N
-19672 made film about painter N
-19674 is presentation in series N
-19675 carry dialogue between men N
-19677 hosts series about politics N
-19679 kicks season with production V
-19679 given twist by Gray V
-19691 was trial of Stephenson N
-19693 see footage in edition V
-19694 speed management of chain N
-19695 follows agreement by Corp. N
-19695 sell chain to management V
-19696 providing management with million V
-19700 arose week in industry V
-19703 speed sale of chain N
-19704 frozen all of assets N
-19706 need approval from judge N
-19706 need approval for sale V
-19706 need approval from judge N
-19709 described filing as technicality V
-19710 had revenue for year V
-19713 buying stocks with half V
-19714 was time since January N
-19718 bought shares as part V
-19722 puts broker at risk V
-19722 buy stock in market V
-19725 sent chill through market V
-19727 produced return of % N
-19727 produced return through quarters V
-19729 played it with bills V
-19734 signal return to stocks N
-19736 driving price of stocks N
-19756 includes members from company N
-19763 filed suit in court V
-19765 convert expenditures into dollars V
-19767 convert dollars into currency V
-19768 converts dollars into currency V
-19768 lose interest from day V
-19770 pay fee on amounts V
-19771 has couple of weeks N
-19775 buy acres of land N
-19775 buy acres as site V
-19776 buy Casino from Securities V
-19780 bring shares to million V
-19782 remodeling resort in Vegas N
-19782 refurbishing aircraft of unit N
-19782 acquire property for resort V
-19784 seek financing through borrowings V
-19788 include details about park N
-19789 poured billion into funds V
-19791 soared billion in week V
-19795 posting rates since spring V
-19796 get yields on funds N
-19798 was % in week V
-19799 boost yields in environment V
-19799 extending maturities of investments N
-19799 earn rates for period V
-19801 anticipating declines in rates N
-19803 reached % in April V
-19810 did it with money V
-19812 's strategy in market V
-19812 have % of money N
-19819 is problem for funds V
-19819 use leverage at all V
-19833 defend use of leverage N
-19846 raised positions to levels V
-19849 maintained cushion between costs N
-19852 dumped Industries among others V
-19852 raise position to % V
-19860 occupy acres of space N
-19862 flaunts ignorance of gardens N
-19863 earned reputation in world N
-19863 took gardens as subject V
-19865 discuss garden for article V
-19868 view this as landscape V
-19869 view this as building V
-19874 fit them into grid V
-19874 making one of works N
-19874 making one for wall V
-19875 be network of masonry N
-19879 put it in lecture V
-19879 knowing difference between rhododendron N
-19881 spend thousand on books V
-19884 do versions of things N
-19885 was problem with Gardens V
-19886 afforded preview of creation N
-19886 afforded preview in version V
-19888 is love for plants N
-19891 left room for plants N
-19892 put capacity at people V
-19893 was 50 by feet N
-19896 requisitioned cones in heights V
-19899 study book on tartans N
-19904 demand skills of battalion N
-19905 calling workers for maintenance V
-19907 casting interiors into shade V
-19908 decking walls in array V
-19910 ran length of riverfront N
-19911 decreed waterfall beside Hudson V
-19912 passed resolution against Gardens N
-19919 obstruct views of rooms N
-19919 be ground for crime N
-19920 be problems with safety N
-19921 address questions of safety N
-19924 preserving vision of artist N
-19927 is time for Cuomo V
-19928 take counsel from Robinson V
-19928 had Bartlett in mind V
-19928 applying designs to garden V
-19930 read exerpts of exchange N
-19930 Put Economy on Rails V
-19930 read exerpts with interest V
-19930 is one of areas N
-19933 averaged % of currency N
-19934 was bank with assets N
-19934 collect claims against bank N
-19938 keep lessons in mind V
-19938 establish ruble as currency V
-19939 make ruble into currency V
-19939 leave reserves in bank V
-19940 determining rights to payment N
-19946 are guide to levels N
-19976 halt trading at times V
-19979 give markets in cases V
-19980 slowing trading at times V
-19982 pushing idea of breaker N
-19982 pushing idea in hopes V
-19982 curb turmoil in marketplace N
-19988 close markets at times V
-19989 worsen volatility in markets N
-19991 offered support for provisions V
-19992 provide information about loans N
-19993 create problems for firms V
-19994 report transactions on basis V
-19996 sold 17 of centers N
-19996 sold 17 to partnership V
-19997 estimate value of transaction N
-19997 estimate value at million V
-19999 report decline in earnings N
-19999 report decline for period V
-20004 lease stores from developer V
-20005 comprise total of feet N
-20006 include locations in California N
-20009 controls centers with feet N
-20010 runs stores in facilities V
-20011 sold one at time V
-20015 says spokesman for company N
-20015 has employees in area V
-20020 deliver mail in office V
-20025 spurred companies to action V
-20027 is butt of jokes N
-20028 put cuts across board N
-20030 track number of companies N
-20033 was one of the N
-20034 pick them from room V
-20034 change subscriptions to addresses V
-20036 get packets of something N
-20036 send two to people V
-20041 see stand as sign V
-20041 bring it on themselves V
-20042 close themselves from mail V
-20046 deliver mail to room V
-20048 had effect on rates N
-20049 created situation in place V
-20055 is extension of campaign N
-20058 reads quotes about model N
-20063 run ads in magazines V
-20064 illustrates reactions from man N
-20064 given Chivas for Christmas V
-20065 features shot of party N
-20068 is blow to cut N
-20068 had existence since beginning V
-20069 introduced plan as amendment V
-20069 authorizing aid for Poland N
-20070 block maneuver on grounds V
-20073 offer proposal on legislation V
-20074 have backing by Republicans V
-20076 lose buckets of revenue N
-20076 lose buckets over run V
-20078 shield appreciation on investments N
-20079 is one of Democrats N
-20079 giving treatment to gains V
-20080 hearing kind of opposition N
-20080 hearing kind during meetings V
-20082 making advocates of cut N
-20082 making advocates of cut N
-20089 become battle between Bush N
-20092 got benefit from differential V
-20093 express support for proposal N
-20095 asked week for discussions V
-20099 secure passage of plan N
-20099 making deal with Congress V
-20099 put vote until date V
-20102 found Chinese among people V
-20102 bringing number of Chinese N
-20102 bringing number to 1,642 V
-20105 pending deportation to China N
-20107 faces prison for theft V
-20108 led her into temptation V
-20109 showed disappearance of coins N
-20109 been stock-taking since 1868 V
-20113 resold them to institute V
-20116 threatened attacks on Italians N
-20118 taking countries to court V
-20118 stop flights over homes N
-20119 told ministry of action V
-20122 suspended imports of mushrooms N
-20123 testing food from Europe N
-20123 testing food since accident V
-20124 announced bans on imports V
-20125 tap fields off coast N
-20125 speed sinking into lagoon N
-20126 made announcement about field N
-20127 contains feet of gas-one-tenth N
-20129 opposed idea of AGIP N
-20132 stole fresco from church V
-20134 has speed of hour N
-20135 report earnings from operations N
-20135 report earnings for quarter V
-20136 includes gain of 100,000 N
-20138 posted loss of 876,706 N
-20140 Regarding article on battle N
-20141 providing services to people V
-20150 has contracts for provision N
-20150 receives money through contributions V
-20160 sell divisions to group V
-20161 includes executives of divisions N
-20165 erupt month on Strip V
-20174 's example of effort N
-20174 transform itself into resort V
-20175 seen nothing like it N
-20180 buy site for resort V
-20181 swell figure to billion V
-20182 put expenditures above billion V
-20183 owns % of shares N
-20183 attract generation of visitors N
-20184 being part of it N
-20185 increase supply of rooms N
-20185 increase supply by 11,795 V
-20189 play possibility of shortage N
-20196 set war among hotel-casinos V
-20197 become carnival with rooms V
-20201 pouring millions of dollars N
-20201 pouring millions into facelifts V
-20204 financing expansion with cash V
-20208 left billion with casinos V
-20212 watching Kristin on slide V
-20221 is place for pedestrians N
-20221 choked traffic at intersection N
-20221 choked traffic to lane V
-20222 drive properties into bankruptcy V
-20226 bought chunks of property N
-20227 scouting market with eye V
-20233 be pressure on occupancy N
-20233 be pressure over year V
-20234 squeeze profit from flow V
-20239 bought hotel-casino from Kerkorian V
-20247 become envy of competitors N
-20247 become envy for ability V
-20247 vacuum cash from pockets V
-20248 lures them with rates V
-20253 are answer for us V
-20254 building complex in style V
-20254 decreased number of rooms N
-20258 's room for properties N
-20261 was rollers with clocks V
-20263 lose sight of that N
-20267 return it with Objections V
-20272 explained argument to corps V
-20273 have provision in mind V
-20275 made case on page V
-20279 deprive President of power N
-20282 get them in trouble V
-20283 log communications with Members V
-20284 prepare reports on contacts N
-20285 be usurpation of power N
-20286 use provision as test V
-20289 raise Doctrine from the V
-20290 vetoed this as violation V
-20291 squelch discussions on broadcasts N
-20294 's fault of Congress N
-20295 is perception of people N
-20297 restore discipline to budget V
-20300 close bases in Hawaii N
-20300 close bases in exchange V
-20301 pulled million in bases N
-20301 allowed million for bases N
-20304 lost sense of discipline N
-20307 owns % of equity N
-20307 reduce stake to % V
-20307 giving rest of stake N
-20307 giving rest to bondholders V
-20309 forgive lot of debt N
-20309 forgive lot in exchange V
-20309 taking stake in TV N
-20312 interpreted move as desire V
-20312 wash hands of TV N
-20314 made billion of gains N
-20317 exchange classes of bonds N
-20318 give stake to bondholders V
-20319 invest money in TV V
-20321 defer payment of million N
-20322 defer principal on bonds N
-20327 feeling aftereffects of overbuilding N
-20329 including facility in Falls N
-20333 heads office of Inc. N
-20334 turning properties to lenders V
-20338 takes three to years N
-20341 recreate it at home V
-20342 build homes in Tokyo V
-20343 dubbed Hills of Tokyo N
-20344 offer houses on lots V
-20350 want feeling of indestructibility N
-20350 mention protection from damage N
-20354 starting line in business N
-20355 using river in names V
-20366 sent tremors through hearts V
-20368 buying building in Francisco N
-20369 anticipates change in market N
-20371 added panel on effects N
-20375 picture people in outfits N
-20376 is something for the N
-20378 reducing risk of disease N
-20379 puts revenue at billion V
-20384 get break at Espre N
-20385 sparks concern over import N
-20386 investigates source of stones N
-20396 raises million from funds V
-20409 is part of trip N
-20410 draws ear of Commission N
-20411 losing listeners to channels V
-20411 approaches 1990s with voice V
-20412 have listener in Washington V
-20413 hear day on plight V
-20414 increase options for advertisers V
-20421 celebrates anniversary with yearbook V
-20421 featuring photos of employees N
-20423 is salvo in outcry N
-20423 is salvo with Kemper V
-20424 causes swings in prices N
-20424 increased chances for crashes N
-20425 attacked trading as evil V
-20426 backed months after crash N
-20429 capture profits from discrepancies N
-20432 do business with them V
-20433 acknowledged dispute with firms N
-20435 scares buyers of stock N
-20436 changes level of market N
-20438 do business with them V
-20442 has problem with investors N
-20447 is admission of problems N
-20451 has impact on market V
-20452 make statement with trading V
-20453 mean hill of beans N
-20468 is subsidiary of Corp N
-20478 are 12,915,000 of certificates N
-20480 are million of certificates N
-20486 yield % to dates V
-20486 become bonds until maturity V
-20497 yield % at price V
-20499 buy shares at premium V
-20517 planning season in years N
-20518 become thanks to campaign N
-20519 checks orders from chains N
-20521 sidestepped collapse after loan V
-20523 doing business with chains V
-20524 showing fashions for 1990 N
-20526 be cause for celebration N
-20531 make goods to stores V
-20532 sell worth of clothes N
-20533 buying fabric for clothes V
-20535 ship anything to stores V
-20538 study order before shipping V
-20539 recommending lines of credit N
-20542 want letters of credit N
-20546 paying bills in manner V
-20548 paying bills for merchandise N
-20549 paid days after month N
-20551 buying fabric for goods V
-20552 pay bills at time V
-20562 owes amount of money N
-20563 asking them for letters V
-20572 be part of problem N
-20573 give it to underperformers V
-20577 maintain lines with stores N
-20579 posted drop in profit N
-20580 be end of boom N
-20581 see effect of erosion N
-20582 follows industry for Consultants V
-20583 report losses through quarter N
-20586 including gain from retirement N
-20587 dropped % to billion V
-20588 rose cents to 17.375 V
-20589 be the to slowdown N
-20592 estimated earnings of cents N
-20593 experienced drop in profit N
-20597 following end of negotiations N
-20598 dropped % to million V
-20599 is venture with Corp N
-20604 owns % of steelmaker N
-20604 posted income for second-quarter N
-20606 includes gains of million N
-20613 made announcement at dedication V
-20613 including some from Europe N
-20615 dominate market for chips N
-20616 makes bulk of DRAMs N
-20622 cost million in mid-1970s V
-20625 bear fruit until mid-1990s V
-20628 shining light through mask V
-20628 produce image on chip N
-20628 produces image on film N
-20634 outfit planes with System V
-20635 informing pilots of aircraft N
-20637 is unit of Inc. N
-20638 is unit of Corp. N
-20644 appointed executive of Provigo N
-20651 was stock on Exchange N
-20656 posted income of million N
-20659 sell businesses as group V
-20663 put buy-out of unit N
-20666 was president of unit N
-20668 lent support to dollar V
-20671 is focus of bank N
-20673 termed rate of % N
-20674 throwing economy into recession V
-20675 viewed comments as indication V
-20675 ease policy in future V
-20680 forecast continuation of trend N
-20682 be pool of interest N
-20682 provide base for dollar N
-20683 offer evidence on growth N
-20686 present picture of economy N
-20690 acquired Co. from Association V
-20691 sold million of shares N
-20691 sold million for 7.125 V
-20692 use million in proceeds N
-20692 finance acquisition of Republic N
-20693 increased stake in Insurance N
-20693 increased stake to % V
-20695 spread risk of policy N
-20698 had sales in quarter N
-20702 strengthened hands of groups N
-20703 have power over transaction N
-20706 have groups on strike V
-20717 like ownership for employees V
-20718 want form of control N
-20719 opposed ownership in principle V
-20722 draw blueprint for form N
-20727 make idea of recapitalization N
-20732 force ouster of board N
-20732 force ouster through solicitation V
-20734 told advisers before meeting V
-20735 need help of machinists N
-20739 soared % to record V
-20739 bucking trend toward declining N
-20740 attributed increase to traffic V
-20741 posted income of million N
-20742 rose % to billion V
-20743 issued shares of stock N
-20743 issued shares to Swissair V
-20743 repurchased shares for use V
-20748 jumped % to million V
-20749 include payment from entity N
-20751 included gain of million N
-20752 rose % to million V
-20753 posted earnings of million N
-20754 rose % to million V
-20755 transmitting edition to machines V
-20758 named publisher of magazines N
-20759 took control of Inc. N
-20761 announced loss for quarter N
-20762 reported earnings of million N
-20765 owes growth in years N
-20765 owes growth to portfolio V
-20768 include write-down of securities N
-20768 include write-down to the V
-20769 added million to reserves V
-20769 increasing reserves to million V
-20772 divest investments by 1994 V
-20773 adjust value of holdings N
-20773 reflect declines in prices N
-20773 held bonds as investments V
-20774 sell bonds within years V
-20774 value bonds at the V
-20776 reflected million in losses N
-20778 remains one of thrifts N
-20779 announced results after close V
-20783 holding bonds in subsidiaries V
-20786 has value of million N
-20788 has gains in portfolio N
-20790 setting stage for war V
-20794 means trouble for all N
-20795 following policy of discounting N
-20796 matching moves by rivals N
-20796 matching moves on basis V
-20797 announced plan at time V
-20797 rose % to million V
-20799 mean earnings for half N
-20800 plunging shares in trading V
-20802 fell 1.50 to 19.125 V
-20803 characterized half of '80s N
-20803 following trend with being N
-20804 permit slowing in trend N
-20804 support strategy for brands N
-20807 is guy in bar N
-20810 downplayed importance of announcement N
-20810 called comparison between tiff N
-20811 calls game for anyone N
-20813 trimmed projection to 2.95 V
-20814 is intensity of competition N
-20816 sell assets to Coors V
-20817 ceding share to Miller V
-20820 fell points to 35442.40 V
-20824 rose points to 35587.85 V
-20825 ignoring volatility in stocks N
-20829 lost yen to yen V
-20831 reduce holdings in account N
-20832 lost yen to yen V
-20832 fell 150 to 4,290 V
-20833 fell 40 to 1,520 V
-20834 fell 40 to 2,680 V
-20835 lost 70 to 2640 V
-20838 lost 40 to 8,550 V
-20841 ended points at 1751.9 V
-20845 showed signs of stability N
-20846 were those with operations N
-20847 settled pence at 753 V
-20848 closed 2.5 at 212.5 V
-20851 boosted 21 to 715 V
-20851 mount bid for maker N
-20852 raised stake to % V
-20857 fueled fears of crash N
-20858 raised specter of strikes N
-20859 increase costs for industry N
-20863 plunged marks to marks V
-20863 dropped 10.5 to 700 V
-20863 slumped 9 to 435.5 V
-20864 gave some of gains N
-20865 plummeted 12 to 645 V
-20867 unnerved investors in markets N
-20874 made bid for control N
-20875 owns % of Coates N
-20877 give details of offer N
-20878 override veto of legislation N
-20878 renewing support of abortions N
-20878 are victims of incest N
-20881 make issue on bills N
-20882 funding departments of Labor N
-20883 fold bill into resolution V
-20886 provide billion in funds N
-20887 adopted bill on call V
-20889 given importance of California N
-20890 reflect benefit of loans N
-20891 raises ceiling for Administration N
-20891 raises ceiling to billion V
-20894 prevent use of aid N
-20897 was the in years N
-20903 using issue for benefit V
-20903 finds candidates on defensive V
-20904 supported restrictions in past V
-20907 addressing side of House N
-20908 support him over victims V
-20909 providing funds for station N
-20909 providing funds in 1990 V
-20910 gives Department of Development N
-20910 facilitate refinancing of loans N
-20911 earmarking funds for projects V
-20912 acquired stake in S.A. N
-20915 received stake in group N
-20916 boosted capital to pesetas V
-20917 win license for one N
-20917 seeking opportunities in publishing N
-20919 retain share in Zeta N
-20921 carrying seal of approval N
-20922 buy stocks in index N
-20922 buy stocks in trade V
-20924 gave approval to basket V
-20925 approved product on Exchange N
-20926 trade portfolios by computer V
-20930 step attacks on trading N
-20931 drawing business from forms V
-20932 are attempt by Board N
-20932 head exodus of business N
-20939 having access to it N
-20941 lists targets as plans V
-20943 buy ESPs as makers V
-20954 reported loss for quarter N
-20954 negotiating extension of debt N
-20958 fell % to million V
-20959 approved acquisition of operator N
-20960 reduced August from value V
-20963 providing financing of acquisition N
-20965 reported rise in income N
-20965 reported rise on increase V
-20967 holds equivalent of stake N
-20970 acquire shares with view V
-20973 assuming exercise of option N
-20976 filed suits against Boesky V
-20977 regarding distribution of million N
-20982 provide restitution to thousands N
-20982 claiming losses as result N
-20988 remove partnership as defendants N
-20989 represents Boesky in matter V
-20992 set fund for plaintiffs N
-20998 owed million by partnership V
-21001 wins battle against the N
-21002 processing request for documents N
-21004 exhausting appeals of conviction N
-21005 turned himself to authorities V
-21007 destroy movement of 1960s N
-21008 turn information on investigations N
-21009 was result of practices N
-21010 served two-thirds of sentence N
-21011 handling case for FBI V
-21012 reduce delays of suits N
-21015 separate handling of suits N
-21015 separate handling from ones V
-21016 receive supervision by judges N
-21020 take advantage of custom N
-21020 require each of courts N
-21020 speed handling of suits N
-21020 reduce costs in cases N
-21021 resemble those of projects N
-21025 strengthens links to corporations N
-21026 has stores in northeast V
-21026 selling computers to banks V
-21027 expected sales of million N
-21028 operates stores in areas V
-21030 managing scope of business N
-21032 named president for group N
-21033 named president of group N
-21035 reported loss of million N
-21036 surged % in period V
-21040 end session at 19.62 V
-21044 showing decrease in stocks N
-21045 closing Port for time V
-21046 show increase in inventories N
-21047 left plenty of time N
-21048 increased production to barrels V
-21052 assumes slowdown in economies N
-21057 removed some of pressure N
-21064 is grain in pipeline V
-21065 purchased tons of grain N
-21069 buying them at prices V
-21069 buying contracts at prices V
-21071 buying bales for delivery V
-21072 had effect on market N
-21073 be the since year N
-21074 characterized action as contest V
-21074 buying cotton toward bottom V
-21084 brought steadiness to market V
-21085 deliver cocoa against contracts V
-21086 has tons from agreement N
-21087 bring cocoa to market V
-21088 deliver cocoa against existing V
-21089 named president of company N
-21093 acquire operator of hospitals N
-21093 took step toward completion N
-21094 submitted bid for Medical N
-21095 pay 26.50 for shares V
-21096 assume billion in debt N
-21098 submitted bids for company N
-21103 anticipates completion of acquisition N
-21110 seeks damages under law N
-21113 has investments in market N
-21113 reported loss of million N
-21114 seek protection from lawsuits N
-21116 named director of concern N
-21118 increases size of board N
-21118 increases size to members V
-21119 serve remainder of term N
-21121 issue rights to shareholders N
-21122 buy shares of either N
-21122 buy shares for price V
-21125 closed yesterday at 43.50 V
-21126 sell operations by end V
-21128 raise total of francs N
-21129 include sale of interest N
-21130 entered venture in 1988 V
-21130 acquiring stake from Beghin-Say V
-21131 sell stake in affiliate N
-21131 sell stake to unit V
-21132 sell interest in A.T.B. N
-21132 sell interest to unit V
-21133 acquire % of unit N
-21138 sold stake in offering V
-21139 is company for units N
-21140 fell % to million V
-21141 rose % to million V
-21142 continue production of F-14 N
-21143 provide compromise for both V
-21144 putting touches on package V
-21147 stalling action on number N
-21148 authorize billion for spending N
-21148 reflecting erosion of support N
-21150 hold spending on program N
-21150 hold spending at level V
-21153 provides parachute for Grumman V
-21156 boasts core of support N
-21157 earmark total of billion N
-21157 earmark total for work V
-21158 putting touches on compromise V
-21158 give all of billion N
-21159 require verification of capabilities N
-21159 approves version of fleet N
-21160 reported drop in income N
-21160 citing losses in business N
-21162 reflecting acquisition of Emery N
-21167 kept trading at pace V
-21168 recovered all of losses N
-21168 recovered all by close V
-21168 fell 5.94 to 2653.28 V
-21171 gave performance than indexes N
-21172 dropped 1.20 to 342.50 V
-21172 was equivalent of setback N
-21173 fell 1.16 to 320.94 V
-21173 slid 0.53 to 189.52 V
-21174 topped decliners by 784 V
-21176 kept trading in check V
-21181 announced plans for split N
-21181 raised dividend by % V
-21181 jumped 1 to 117 V
-21183 provided lift to average N
-21184 rose 3 to 43 V
-21184 advanced 3 to 66 V
-21184 rose 1 to 58 V
-21184 gained 5 to 72 V
-21184 added 3 to 44 V
-21185 dropped 7 to 44 V
-21187 plunged 3 to 38 V
-21188 lowered projections for growth N
-21189 fell 1 to 59 V
-21191 was victim of sell-off N
-21192 fell 3 to 12 V
-21194 rallied 3 to 86 V
-21195 gained 3 to 61 V
-21195 advanced 7 to 64 V
-21195 added 1 to 3 V
-21197 holding talks with lenders N
-21198 dropped 1 to 31 V
-21198 following postponement of offering N
-21198 complete takeover of company N
-21200 claim credit for buying N
-21203 rose 3 to 1 V
-21203 rose 1 to 66 V
-21203 posting earnings for quarter N
-21204 benefited Tuesday from program V
-21204 gave some of gains N
-21205 went 1 to 130 V
-21205 fell 1 to 37 V
-21205 dropped 1 to 25 V
-21206 preserved advance in session N
-21206 added 1 to 103 V
-21207 gained 1 to 72 V
-21208 shift funds from Kellogg V
-21209 dropped 3 to 73 V
-21210 advanced 3 to 10 V
-21211 purchase million of stock N
-21211 purchase million from trust V
-21211 handles payments to victims N
-21212 gained 1 to 30 V
-21212 starting negotiations with parties N
-21214 rose 1 to 43 V
-21215 offered 43.50 for % V
-21216 went 3 to 4 V
-21217 boosted offer by million V
-21218 boosted dividend by % V
-21218 added 7 to 49 V
-21220 fell 0.44 to 375.92 V
-21222 lost 1 to 14 V
-21223 receive bids for all N
-21223 reviewing offers for properties N
-21228 increasing spending by % V
-21232 raising spending to billion V
-21234 topped outlays by billion V
-21242 avoid source of friction N
-21242 limit exports to U.S N
-21247 is goal of % N
-21255 increased output by % V
-21258 replacing facilities with lines V
-21262 outlast expansion in 1960s N
-21263 spend money on goods V
-21267 had Saturday in years V
-21269 cut costs during slump V
-21269 capturing share of market N
-21272 put share above profitability V
-21272 let addition to capacity N
-21275 expanding share to % V
-21277 increase productivity with facilities V
-21280 expand share of market N
-21280 expand share to % V
-21280 spending million on plant V
-21281 increasing capacity by cars V
-21281 spending million on expansion V
-21282 double sales to cars V
-21283 are replacements for imports N
-21284 gaining share with beer V
-21284 pouring billion into facilities V
-21287 spending million on plants V
-21291 doubling production in plant V
-21300 be those with products N
-21301 reflecting addition to reserves N
-21302 meet standards from Act N
-21303 had profit of million N
-21304 rose cents to 4.25 V
-21305 feature reduction in positions N
-21306 winding units within months V
-21307 originating leases at subsidiary V
-21309 reported decline in income N
-21310 fell % to million V
-21311 rose % to million V
-21313 was result of competition N
-21315 declared dividend of cents N
-21320 granting access to drug N
-21325 had access to AZT N
-21325 approved usage for adults N
-21326 relieve dementia in children N
-21326 lacks approval for use N
-21327 cover cost of 6,400 N
-21328 stricken children under 13 N
-21328 carry infection without symptoms V
-21332 contracted virus through transfusion V
-21332 transmitted it to two V
-21334 bears infection without symptoms V
-21338 getting AZT to children V
-21339 approve treatments for uses V
-21340 charged maker with inertia V
-21342 reverse ravages of dementia N
-21348 releasing AZT for children V
-21351 is co-founder of Foundation N
-21353 follow course as AZT N
-21354 is aspect of syndrome N
-21355 giving piece of childhood N
-21357 declared dividend of warrant N
-21360 purchase share of stock N
-21360 purchase share at 5.50 V
-21362 issue 243,677 of warrants N
-21362 issue 243,677 to holders V
-21364 launch vehicle for trading N
-21365 buy stocks in trade V
-21368 executing trades through firms V
-21369 winning support from Democrats N
-21372 had profit in steel V
-21372 be end of boom N
-21373 posted loss of million N
-21374 setting stage for war V
-21375 received bid from suitor V
-21375 valued proposal at billion V
-21381 receive offer for Bloomingdale N
-21381 receive offer from Store V
-21383 hold key to bid N
-21387 rejected proposal by Bush N
-21396 announced devaluation of ruble N
-21396 curb market for currency N
-21398 called strikes over series N
-21400 override veto of bill N
-21401 overturn veto of legislation N
-21401 renewing support of abortions N
-21401 are victims of incest N
-21402 considered illustration of limits N
-21403 was part of measure N
-21403 funding departments of Health N
-21404 get consent for abortion N
-21404 banning abortions after week V
-21405 granting access to drug N
-21406 had access to drug N
-21407 relieve dementia in children N
-21411 continue production of jet N
-21413 speeding removal of chemicals N
-21415 hold talks with groups N
-21419 review changes to proposal N
-21422 concluding meeting in Portugal N
-21423 indicated challenge to order N
-21423 subpoena papers for use V
-21424 raised question about office N
-21425 continue embargo against Nicaragua N
-21425 poses threat to security N
-21427 engulfed slum in Paulo N
-21428 take action against developers N
-21429 ruled dialogue between groups N
-21430 ending visit to Austria N
-21430 including travel to West N
-21433 assumed responsibilities of president N
-21434 been president since 1985 V
-21434 succeeded father in job V
-21436 reduce influence of Coors N
-21444 had million in sales N
-21445 fell % to 11,586 V
-21446 dropped % to 37,820 V
-21448 defines failure as company V
-21450 underscoring lack of stress N
-21452 report increase in bankruptcies N
-21454 report failures for months N
-21454 grew % to 2,046 V
-21455 fueled bankruptcies in sector N
-21458 received expressions of interest N
-21464 valued Bloomingdale at billion V
-21465 aligned himself with Inc. V
-21468 make bid before middle V
-21471 acquired year by Campeau V
-21472 does billion in sales N
-21473 is condition of efforts N
-21473 arrange million in financing N
-21473 arrange million for Campeau V
-21474 supervising refinancing of Campeau N
-21479 disclose information about condition N
-21481 extend offer for Corp. N
-21482 keep offer for concern N
-21482 keep offer for days V
-21484 obtained commitments from banks V
-21488 buy shares of LIN N
-21488 buy shares for 125 V
-21488 owning % of LIN N
-21489 merge businesses with Corp V
-21490 rose cents to 109.25 V
-21493 sent proposal to Airlines V
-21494 were part of offer N
-21495 offer share of stock N
-21500 citing improvement in market N
-21500 jumped % from period V
-21501 reported income of million N
-21509 climbed cents to 20.375 V
-21510 climbed % to million V
-21511 reflect increase in shares N
-21513 get shoulder from buyers V
-21516 controls % of TW N
-21516 sell billion of bonds N
-21516 finance acquisition of shares N
-21518 completed show for purpose N
-21524 buy anything on expectation V
-21524 manages fund of Services N
-21534 putting face on it V
-21540 borrow term from Coniston V
-21542 cover charges on securities N
-21544 ignore charge of depreciation N
-21545 envisions expenses of million N
-21553 ignore million in interest N
-21566 Includes results of Inc. N
-21567 Includes write-down of costs N
-21571 discomfit Order of Builders N
-21578 separating herself from document V
-21579 inflict punishment on population V
-21580 is consensus on sanctions N
-21583 's one against 48 N
-21597 gained 1.19 to 462.89 V
-21598 heads trading at PaineWebber N
-21599 played catch-up in areas V
-21600 is average for year N
-21603 rose 2.09 to 454.86 V
-21604 easing 0.12 to 452.23 V
-21612 's lot of uncertainty N
-21612 cause lot of swings N
-21613 rose 7 to 43 V
-21613 added 1 to 16 V
-21614 dropped 1 to 46 V
-21617 advanced 1 to 56 V
-21617 jumped 2 to 29 V
-21617 gained 1 to 16 V
-21617 rose 5 to 14 V
-21618 jumped 3 to 11 V
-21619 raised stake in maker N
-21619 raised stake to % V
-21621 make bid for all N
-21622 rose 1 to 109 V
-21623 added 1 to 40 V
-21625 gained 5 to 13 V
-21627 rose 13 to 2 V
-21630 plunged 1 to 8 V
-21632 dropped 5 to 15 V
-21634 fell 3 to 15 V
-21637 had change in earnings N
-21639 compares profit with estimate V
-21642 wanted million for rights V
-21644 was player at table N
-21656 run losses of dollars N
-21657 outbid CBS for contracts V
-21665 make profit on it V
-21666 emphasizes benefits of press N
-21670 find themselves with lot V
-21671 bought stake in company N
-21674 bid total of billion N
-21677 facing consequences of aggressiveness N
-21682 shape years of sports N
-21683 take it from CBS V
-21687 bid million for Games V
-21692 began career in law V
-21692 put years at Inc. V
-21696 pay million for Games V
-21696 shell million for years V
-21703 scribbled figure on slip V
-21703 sealed it in envelope V
-21703 gave it to negotiators V
-21705 bid million for rights V
-21707 notch place for CBS N
-21708 's fix for image N
-21709 sees sports as way V
-21709 grab millions of viewers N
-21709 tell them about shows V
-21710 start season against championships V
-21712 triggers losses at CBS N
-21712 see games on air V
-21717 set rates for stations N
-21719 await season in 1990 N
-21722 use sports as platform V
-21722 carries guarantee of success N
-21724 is guarantee of anything N
-21730 aged 18 to 49 N
-21736 add % to % N
-21736 add % to profits V
-21738 dropped CBS for NBC V
-21740 avoid losses on coverage N
-21747 pay average of million N
-21747 expect losses on baseball N
-21750 get lock on games N
-21753 be sponsors in baseball N
-21761 aired hours of events N
-21761 raise ratings from 1984 V
-21762 add hours to load V
-21764 pay CBS to hours V
-21768 claimed place as ratings-getter N
-21769 is situation of acting N
-21769 making judgments about worth N
-21774 charge % for ads V
-21776 predict jumps of % N
-21777 ordering episodes of series N
-21777 fill weeks of time N
-21779 cost million to million N
-21780 cushion losses with million V
-21783 make money on all V
-21788 Place order through catalog V
-21788 be one on line N
-21790 peruse ads for recorders N
-21802 's demand for systems N
-21805 record orders between traders N
-21806 taped some of desks N
-21808 monitors conversations between brokers N
-21821 requiring consent to tapings N
-21821 requiring consent in cases V
-21822 explaining laws on eavesdropping N
-21830 achieving standards of service N
-21831 evaluate performance during months N
-21832 pull someone off phones V
-21833 recognize right of employers N
-21833 monitor employees for purposes V
-21834 viewed monitoring as issue V
-21839 is party to conversation N
-21842 put labels in catalogs V
-21842 informing customers of law N
-21846 requiring tone on recorders V
-21849 be toy for children N
-21855 announced line of computers N
-21856 extending line with boost V
-21857 exploit weaknesses in networking N
-21858 has share of market N
-21862 gets revenue from mainframes V
-21863 updating accounts at banks N
-21871 cut estimate for year N
-21872 raise estimate for 1991 N
-21875 predicted demand for line N
-21876 need power of mainframe N
-21877 's market for machine N
-21878 computerizing aspects of businesses N
-21880 targets end of market N
-21882 staked presence in market N
-21883 shown signs of life N
-21884 risen % to % N
-21886 have backlog for quarter N
-21888 spark sales by end V
-21891 have problems in quarter V
-21891 cut value of earnings N
-21892 fall % to 3.57 V
-21893 occupies space as systems N
-21893 store data on cartridge V
-21895 completed acquisition of H. N
-21898 awarded division for services V
-21900 attach tax to bill V
-21901 stripping measure from bill V
-21901 meet targets under act N
-21902 be part of bill N
-21906 stepped lobbying for cut N
-21907 hold series of meetings N
-21909 give leaders in Congress N
-21909 give leaders in Congress N
-21912 handled sales of products N
-21913 permitted formation of arm N
-21914 unveiled systems for communications N
-21919 directs flow through systems N
-21921 have capacity than models N
-21922 are heart of line N
-21925 predicted growth in demand N
-21926 supply million of equipment N
-21926 supply million over period V
-21928 began month with crunch V
-21928 deliver financing for buy-out N
-21942 took floor for offices V
-21947 accused one of witnesses N
-21950 was criminal behind manipulation N
-21950 knew nothing about it N
-21951 obstructing investigation by Commission N
-21952 were part of conspiracy N
-21952 maintain prices of stocks N
-21952 maintain prices at prices V
-21961 framing Laff for crime V
-21965 MONITORED payments to claimants N
-21966 monitor payments to women N
-21967 teaches evidence at University V
-21967 was general in Department N
-21967 was general until August V
-21967 submitted resignation to Judge V
-21968 overseeing reorganization of Co. N
-21972 nominate successor to Saltzburg N
-21974 brought Menell as partner V
-21976 was counsel for committee N
-21982 is counsel for Corp. N
-21992 owns % of stock N
-21993 buy stock for cash V
-21995 issue shares to Fresenius V
-21996 explore possibility of combination N
-21998 supply products through Medical V
-21999 exploring arrangements with USA N
-22000 named director of company N
-22001 acquire Inc. for million V
-22003 is distributer of supplies N
-22006 rose % to million V
-22008 sold million of drug N
-22010 fell cents in trading V
-22011 slid % to million V
-22012 climbed % to million V
-22013 increasing % to % N
-22017 's revenue from partnerships N
-22019 faces competition in market N
-22022 giving boost to earnings N
-22025 posted loss of million N
-22027 included gains on sale N
-22037 fell % to million V
-22041 purchased % of unit N
-22042 paid million in cash N
-22042 paid million for share V
-22044 outlined terms of plan N
-22045 receive warrants in company N
-22046 reached agreement with committees N
-22046 submit plan to court V
-22047 has debt of million N
-22054 have claims of million N
-22059 complete reorganization by 1990 V
-22060 sustained damage from earthquake N
-22067 were all at % V
-22068 auction million in maturity N
-22070 is part of contract N
-22070 develop five of satellites N
-22075 discussing cooperation with Saab N
-22077 start negotiations with automakers N
-22078 reported decline in income N
-22079 forecast blow to earnings N
-22080 expects earnings in all N
-22080 expects earnings for year V
-22082 including million during quarter V
-22085 has interests in parts V
-22087 had loss from Hugo N
-22088 report loss of million N
-22089 increased reserves for accounts N
-22091 settle suit with general N
-22092 recorded charge of million N
-22094 had earnings for months N
-22096 discovered miles off coast N
-22097 is operator of project N
-22099 design plant in Kildare V
-22104 authorized purchase of shares N
-22108 completed sale of Co. N
-22109 received million for pipeline V
-22110 owned % of pipeline N
-22112 rose % in September V
-22115 estimate growth in September N
-22115 put growth at 178.8 V
-22116 was 178.5 in August V
-22117 awarded contract by Corps V
-22118 includes construction of walls N
-22119 crack domination of market N
-22119 chosen sites for operations N
-22120 begin visits during weeks V
-22123 mounted campaigns during summer V
-22123 founded June by concerns V
-22125 begin construction by end V
-22136 filed lawsuit against Inc. V
-22136 claiming infringement in element N
-22137 display portions of fields N
-22137 display portions on screen V
-22137 see contents of field N
-22138 design applications for computers N
-22139 's one of programs N
-22139 bode difficulties for Apple N
-22140 is technology of HyperCard N
-22142 infringe claims of patents N
-22143 filed action in court V
-22145 points gun in direction V
-22145 forcing culture on Americans V
-22147 manage Americans as Americans V
-22150 place speakers in charge V
-22157 doing business in Japan N
-22163 rebut opinions of employees N
-22166 motivate employees from another N
-22167 accept imposition of way N
-22167 is chauvinism of order N
-22171 is explanation of policies N
-22171 altering reasons for criticism N
-22171 attack cause of problem N
-22173 expects gain of % N
-22175 climbed % to francs V
-22177 expressed position on abortion N
-22184 fund abortions for women V
-22186 support funding for abortions N
-22188 get president in trouble V
-22190 regard him as ally V
-22193 calls position on issue N
-22193 done thing about prevention N
-22196 convince activists of support V
-22197 changed landscape of issue N
-22203 have sympathy with arguments N
-22206 miscalculated politics of issue N
-22207 was one of changes N
-22208 raise subject of abortion N
-22209 amplify reasons behind stance N
-22211 well-stated views on sides V
-22212 expanding services for the N
-22213 supporting funding for abortions N
-22213 save life of mother N
-22214 contrast himself with rival V
-22217 have exceptions for incest N
-22218 supporting funding for abortion N
-22221 affirming support of cause N
-22222 urged passage of amendment N
-22224 dispatched Chief of Staff N
-22225 restoring District of right N
-22225 restoring funding to Fund V
-22226 drum support for issues N
-22227 urging efforts toward protection N
-22228 avoided involvement in session N
-22231 finds itself in cul V
-22236 guaranteed rights as citizens N
-22239 extends guarantees to sector V
-22241 are guarantees of rights N
-22243 consolidating control of operations N
-22244 coordinate activities of subsidiaries N
-22246 named president of Asia-Pacific N
-22247 rose % to million V
-22248 had net of million N
-22250 had responses to results N
-22256 jumped % to million V
-22256 reflecting improvements in costs N
-22257 gained share in U.S. N
-22259 reduced levels at some N
-22265 rose % to billion V
-22268 reported earnings of million N
-22270 handed reins to successor V
-22275 raised stake to % V
-22276 say nothing of one N
-22277 representing % of sales N
-22277 facing demand as competition N
-22279 's baptism of fire N
-22283 shattered agreement with Roderick N
-22285 redeem series of notes N
-22285 raised cost of bid N
-22285 raised cost by 3 V
-22286 strike friendship with interloper N
-22295 force split of USX N
-22296 Given weakness of market N
-22297 selling stake in Inc. N
-22298 eased some of pressure N
-22299 greeting suppliers in York V
-22299 inviting them to buffet V
-22304 joining department of subsidiary N
-22308 chart transition from Steel N
-22310 distancing himself from boss V
-22310 has office on floor N
-22313 announced sale of reserves N
-22314 was buddy of Hutchison N
-22317 reported loss in years N
-22319 disclosed rise in stake N
-22320 leave USX with Marathon V
-22321 find buyer at price V
-22324 closed yesterday at 33.625 V
-22324 giving value of billion N
-22325 advocates sale of operations N
-22326 saw steel as backbone V
-22326 view it as business V
-22327 turned steel into maker V
-22334 lessen vulnerability to cycle N
-22334 smooth flow of earnings N
-22335 figure value of parts N
-22336 sell steel at price V
-22338 dish piece by piece N
-22338 dish it in ventures V
-22340 leave company with Marathon N
-22350 learned presence under fire N
-22356 's part of system N
-22363 break talks with group N
-22365 provided Department with list V
-22366 satisfying precondition for dialogue N
-22368 linking Fatah to acts V
-22370 take view than theirs N
-22371 present report to members V
-22372 presented list to Brown V
-22373 provided correspondent in Jerusalem N
-22373 provided correspondent with documents V
-22373 conducting terrorism from territories V
-22374 seen copies of papers N
-22375 have evidence of terrorism N
-22376 press struggle against state V
-22377 backing contention with accounts V
-22379 bring talks between Israel N
-22380 received letter from Minister N
-22380 restating objection to negotiating N
-22382 defines it as violence V
-22384 including use of bombs N
-22385 be offshoots of intifadah N
-22389 maintain dialogue with PLO N
-22390 accuse Israel of leaking V
-22391 tracking session on Street N
-22393 put Street in spotlight V
-22396 ended day below levels V
-22397 posted gains in trading N
-22398 reflects uneasiness about dollar N
-22399 proved excuse for market N
-22399 drive currency in direction V
-22403 sees break in trend N
-22404 be beginning of phase N
-22405 peg weakness to slowdown V
-22408 Following dive in stocks N
-22409 attribute surge to economy V
-22410 is reflection of shift N
-22412 push yen against mark V
-22413 expect Bank of Japan N
-22413 support currency on front V
-22414 posted deficit in September V
-22415 knocked unit to marks V
-22415 recoup some of losses N
-22420 had drop in profitability N
-22421 is news for parent N
-22422 managed income of million N
-22423 break earnings of subsidiaries N
-22424 had profit of million N
-22424 had profit for quarter V
-22426 downgraded rating of subsidiary N
-22428 exposed company to degree V
-22431 cited concerns over exposure N
-22432 discovered evidence of errors N
-22433 overstated profits by million V
-22435 booking revenue in effort V
-22436 attributed controversy to errors N
-22436 accused Shearson of conducting N
-22439 exported average of barrels N
-22439 exported average at average V
-22440 gained % at average N
-22446 underscore difficulties in implementing N
-22449 abandon approach in face V
-22450 blames showing on environment V
-22452 have effect on revenue N
-22454 faces challenge on eve V
-22457 drum business without appearing V
-22458 highlighting deals in stores V
-22458 defer charges on items N
-22460 offering goods for % V
-22461 lowering prices throughout stores V
-22462 has sale at price V
-22464 blanketed airwaves with ads V
-22465 cited prices as reason V
-22466 mentioned brands in September V
-22469 see improvement in areas N
-22470 rose % to billion V
-22472 fell % to million V
-22472 inflicted loss in history N
-22473 reduced net by million V
-22474 absorb hit in quarter V
-22475 have impact on Allstate N
-22476 reflecting improvements in businesses N
-22481 left companies with inventories V
-22487 affecting value of homes N
-22490 try solutions in experiments N
-22493 Develop agreements with options N
-22496 aggravate problem of stock N
-22496 are T at balance N
-22496 say 80,000 on house N
-22503 grew % on revenue N
-22503 earning reviews from analysts N
-22507 follows company for Inc V
-22508 expected growth of % N
-22512 cited restructuring for growth V
-22513 experience sledding in services V
-22513 surrounding treatment of gains N
-22514 reported million before tax N
-22514 reported million from operations V
-22515 increased reserves by million V
-22515 set million for claims V
-22519 dipped % to billion V
-22519 leaping % in August V
-22520 expected decline after rise V
-22521 showing layoffs in manufacturing N
-22528 factor all of surge N
-22533 was surge in demand N
-22536 have drop-off in orders N
-22537 posting drop after decline V
-22538 be news for economy N
-22539 showing declines after surge V
-22541 are marks about that N
-22546 finance buy-back with cash V
-22549 affect earnings in term V
-22550 said Lidgerwood of Corp N
-22551 average number of shares N
-22553 increase earnings after 1990 V
-22554 establishes floor for price N
-22555 is comfort to those N
-22557 acquire shares in market V
-22559 purchased million of them N
-22561 following quarters of performance N
-22562 acquire subscribers from Partnership V
-22565 has subscribers around nation N
-22565 reported revenue of million N
-22567 named director of supplier N
-22567 increasing board to members V
-22568 delayed offering of stock N
-22570 set date for offering N
-22570 disclose timetable for offering N
-22572 addresses one of shortcomings N
-22576 making attempt at improvements N
-22577 develop discipline in children V
-22578 elected directors of firm N
-22581 are guide to levels N
-22612 increased number of directors N
-22614 reach class among nations N
-22615 converted itself into mode V
-22616 joined 10,000 per club N
-22619 given lack of resources N
-22619 create value through exports V
-22619 buy food with surplus V
-22623 given party for years V
-22631 is ministry of provisions N
-22632 protecting health of people N
-22633 is cartel for teachers N
-22634 spreads concrete throughout country V
-22636 sprinkle money around world V
-22647 be waste of time N
-22649 is tax on activities N
-22650 makes sense in Japan N
-22653 favored tax like tax N
-22661 caused scandals in Japan V
-22671 reform government from role V
-22673 put Japan among countries V
-22674 representing preference for government N
-22675 take place before June V
-22676 giving power to Socialists V
-22676 cleansing it of sins N
-22677 cause wave of shocks N
-22679 is director of Co. N
-22680 was day at beach N
-22682 collecting shells at Malibu V
-22683 combing beach with brushes V
-22689 carried stones from interior V
-22692 picked diamond from sand V
-22693 lost Namibia to Africa V
-22695 remained one of places N
-22697 is oasis of residents N
-22698 roam streets at night V
-22699 create mist like rag N
-22702 boasts attractions besides diamonds N
-22704 is course with trap V
-22707 freeing country from control V
-22707 extend life for years V
-22709 probe sand like anteaters V
-22709 shuttling sand to plants V
-22711 receives maintainence against waves N
-22714 tossed them like driftwood V
-22723 wrapped diamonds in knot V
-22724 poked hole in heel N
-22725 stashed stones in bottom V
-22726 made it past X-rays V
-22727 raise taxes for recovery V
-22729 adding penny to tax V
-22730 been hanging in family N
-22733 prompted proposals for increases N
-22739 burdens you with charges V
-22742 give answers to inquiries V
-22743 cover charges for checks N
-22744 gets replacement for check N
-22744 reimburse taxpayer for charge V
-22748 spent 800,000 on home V
-22751 deduct interest on loan V
-22752 adding land to residence V
-22753 let seller in case N
-22753 treat this as sale V
-22755 get waivers like those N
-22756 offers relief for concerns N
-22759 change 44,400 in bills N
-22759 change 44,400 into bills V
-22761 BE MIDDLEMAN for gifts N
-22764 set fund for students N
-22765 omit fees from income V
-22769 assign income to another V
-22769 enjoyed fruits of labor N
-22770 take deduction for them N
-22773 have plenty of complaints N
-22774 put damper on euphoria N
-22776 providing information on circulation N
-22780 lack breakdowns of audiences N
-22781 are value in lives N
-22782 lambasted industry for something V
-22783 target interests of readers N
-22787 criticized practice of stacking N
-22787 stacking ads at front V
-22789 spend fortune on information V
-22790 take positions in back N
-22799 matching quarter in quarter V
-22801 upgraded firm to list V
-22801 see signs of improvement N
-22803 had loss of million N
-22804 posted net on revenue N
-22807 is group with members N
-22810 bill themselves as experts V
-22812 eyeing portfolios of corporations N
-22813 pursue ventures in Europe N
-22815 are alternatives for developers N
-22818 forming ventures with funds N
-22821 using alliances with institutions N
-22822 lend you in market V
-22822 sell pieces off it N
-22823 finding diamonds in the N
-22825 put lot of time N
-22827 take manager to lunch V
-22828 construct hotels within mile V
-22829 hailed project as indication V
-22830 hosted ceremony for partners N
-22831 called step in evolution N
-22840 have share in hotels N
-22842 has interest in hotel N
-22842 be hotels in Union N
-22846 repatriate profits from venture N
-22847 charge 140 for each V
-22847 accept payment in currencies N
-22848 is outgrowth of arrangements N
-22849 justifies investment in hotels N
-22851 takes responsibility for group N
-22852 been president of group N
-22853 named president with responsibility N
-22859 tumble Delicious from top V
-22862 proffered one to Eve V
-22864 has sugar than apple N
-22865 spreading word about them N
-22867 packed pecks of apples N
-22867 packed pecks over years V
-22869 shaking establishment to roots V
-22870 plays role of Appleseed N
-22875 been apple of eye N
-22881 was blow to growers N
-22885 lose 50,000 to 60,000 N
-22885 lose 50,000 on it V
-22890 keep worm from apple V
-22890 protect themselves against vagaries V
-22891 ripped lot of Delicious N
-22891 grafted trees with shoots V
-22892 got kinds of apples N
-22893 picking one off tree N
-22898 expanding space for apples V
-22900 is product of engineering N
-22900 fostered it at orchard V
-22901 bred dozens of strains N
-22904 are delicacy than commodity N
-22905 eat apples per capita N
-22906 is potatoes in U.S. V
-22909 sell Fujis to buyers V
-22910 is importer of Fujis N
-22912 exceed supply for Fujis N
-22912 exceed supply for 10 V
-22914 striking blow against perversion V
-22915 was connection between consumer N
-22918 satisfy demands of storage N
-22922 growing it in areas V
-22925 elongate apples for appeal V
-22927 sees shift in values N
-22930 increased number of shares N
-22930 increased number to million V
-22932 filed suit against firms V
-22932 charging them with responsibility V
-22936 filed suit against Virginia N
-22936 filed suit in court V
-22936 absolving them of liability N
-22939 invested cash for agencies V
-22940 encouraged members of office N
-22952 has billion in obligations N
-22952 considered one of programs N
-22954 backs billion in guarantees N
-22957 improve operation of markets N
-22958 is conflict between providing N
-22958 maintaining integrity of program N
-22960 increasing rates over time V
-22962 improve operation of markets N
-22963 inhibited supply of credit N
-22968 provides loans to student V
-22970 make money by putting V
-22970 putting loan in bank V
-22971 allow loans for student N
-22971 allow loans at rates V
-22975 Given structure of programs N
-22977 provide assistance to borrowers V
-22978 go way toward reducing N
-22979 had success in reducing N
-22979 reducing rates in Program N
-22981 has record of collecting N
-22983 deny credit to defaulters V
-22984 be devices for programs N
-22985 Record costs of programs N
-22985 Record costs in budget V
-22987 create liabilities for government N
-22988 converting loan to guarantee V
-22988 ensure flow of resources N
-22990 is value of costs N
-22991 selling loans to owners V
-22993 reflected costs of lending N
-22993 convert programs to guarantees V
-22995 is hallmark of credit N
-22996 paying loans by issuing V
-22996 converting guarantees into loans V
-22998 keep loans on books V
-22999 carried dollars of loans N
-22999 carried dollars at value V
-23002 permit identification of emerging N
-23002 provide information for decisions N
-23004 provide role for government N
-23005 be proposition for taxpayers V
-23006 is professor of economics N
-23008 been treasurer of Corp N
-23009 casting veto as test V
-23010 kill items in bill N
-23010 kill items without having V
-23014 made week by President V
-23015 is initiative on agenda N
-23015 faces issues at moment V
-23016 named president of maker N
-23018 break impasse in round N
-23019 reduce host of subsidies N
-23020 allow flexibility in determining N
-23021 ease transition to trade N
-23021 ease transition by allowing V
-23021 convert barriers into tariffs V
-23022 gain support from partners V
-23023 allay objections to plan N
-23023 eliminating barriers by year V
-23024 submitting proposal in Geneva V
-23024 spur members of Agreement N
-23024 reach agreement on rules N
-23025 urges play in trade N
-23026 provide room for maneuver N
-23027 use combination of quotas N
-23027 cushion farmers from competition V
-23028 raise tariffs on products N
-23028 experience volume of imports N
-23029 proposing elimination of subsidies N
-23031 prevent countries from using V
-23034 encourage competition among exporting N
-23034 including incentives for exporters N
-23035 posted rise in income N
-23038 increased % to billion V
-23042 was rise for products N
-23043 win share in markets N
-23044 established itself as brand V
-23045 expand line in Japan V
-23046 shift sales for products N
-23046 shift sales to quarter V
-23048 slowing growth in U.S. N
-23049 boosting sales for oils N
-23051 post net of 4.20 N
-23051 post net on basis V
-23054 be stewardship of Artzt N
-23054 becomes chairman in January V
-23055 have hopes for tenure N
-23056 earn 6 in years V
-23057 keep promise of Amendment N
-23058 increase number of blacks N
-23059 create number of districts N
-23060 create districts in municipalities V
-23061 win share of offices N
-23061 achieve preclearance by Department N
-23061 survive scrutiny of courts N
-23067 is fix for problem N
-23068 promoting commonality of interests N
-23071 reapportion districts after census V
-23072 been policy in City N
-23072 been policy since 1970 V
-23072 expand reach beyond states V
-23073 split neighborhood of Jews N
-23073 split neighborhood into districts V
-23074 revise system of government N
-23074 expanding Council to 51 V
-23076 maximize number of districts N
-23077 make % of population N
-23077 hold % of seats N
-23078 accord opportunity for representation N
-23080 win seats on council N
-23082 illustrates consequences of carving N
-23082 carving districts for minorities N
-23084 brought suit in 1987 V
-23084 abandon voting for Council N
-23092 refuted argument in one V
-23094 serve interests of all N
-23097 discarded belief in ability N
-23097 govern ourselves as people V
-23098 is scholar at Center N
-23099 distributed guidelines for Attorneys N
-23101 seek TRO upon filing V
-23102 have impact on parties V
-23102 do business with defendants V
-23104 control use of TROs N
-23106 submit TRO for review V
-23107 preserve assets for forfeiture V
-23108 seeking approval of TRO N
-23109 consider severity of offense N
-23110 disrupt activities of defendant N
-23112 paid price for incentives N
-23117 had results in days V
-23121 prevent inventories from ballooning V
-23122 have supply of cars N
-23122 have supply at end V
-23125 depleted market of scavengers V
-23128 hit rocks in mid-October V
-23130 saw sales of cars N
-23133 opened plant in Georgetown V
-23141 include trades by 13 N
-23145 expects fall in price N
-23146 represents number of shares N
-23146 be barometer for stocks N
-23153 headed list since May V
-23158 buying stock in company N
-23158 shorting stock of the N
-23161 showed drop in interest N
-23162 compiles data in categories N
-23162 are part of system N
-23164 represents days of volume N
-23165 represent days of volume N
-23166 was change of shares N
-23167 was weight of army N
-23170 reaching settlement with Palestinians N
-23174 share power with all V
-23175 choosing one of options N
-23176 become force in system N
-23187 added 1 to 11 V
-23190 dealt blow to market V
-23193 do trading for account V
-23193 execute orders for clients N
-23196 keep supplies of stocks N
-23196 keep supplies on hand V
-23197 buy shares from sellers V
-23201 exacerbating fall in prices N
-23203 's sense in sticking N
-23204 added 1 to 4 N
-23204 added 1 on shares V
-23205 make offer for the N
-23205 acquires majority of shares N
-23205 acquires majority in offering V
-23208 posted earnings of cents N
-23209 reduced income by cents V
-23210 provides coverage to properties V
-23214 reporting net of cents N
-23215 included million in costs N
-23219 make modifications to hardware N
-23223 be violation of treaty N
-23225 taken measures of openness N
-23225 taken measures by giving V
-23225 inspect site as vans N
-23225 are violations of treaty N
-23226 constituted violation of ABM. N
-23227 receive confirmation of violation N
-23227 receive confirmation from Soviets V
-23234 open itself to examination V
-23237 caused number of deaths N
-23240 believe claims of Congressmen N
-23242 sold something on notion V
-23242 were result of showers N
-23244 take word for it N
-23251 buy million of stock N
-23251 buy million from Trust V
-23251 reduce number of shares N
-23252 made offer within weeks V
-23253 purchase stock at price V
-23257 compensate victims of diseases N
-23257 owns million of shares N
-23258 owns half of shares N
-23260 receive billion over life V
-23262 settled 15,000 of claims N
-23264 requested changes in covenants N
-23267 has right of refusal N
-23268 raised bid for Co. N
-23268 raised bid to billion V
-23269 be round of bids N
-23272 expect resolution until 1990 V
-23273 pay billion in cash N
-23273 pay billion to creditors V
-23273 assume million in bonds N
-23276 Assuming operation of plant N
-23278 promised State of Hampshire N
-23279 conditioned limits on operations N
-23283 leave shareholders with stake V
-23284 buying company for billion V
-23284 require increases of % N
-23286 is Co. with bid N
-23288 fill barns across land N
-23290 be bet than money N
-23291 holds future in hands V
-23292 produce profit in system V
-23293 be buffer between public N
-23294 knocked bosses off balance V
-23300 broke ranks with Communists N
-23301 took office in September V
-23308 wrestles hog into trunk V
-23311 makes money on hogs V
-23319 runs handful through fingers V
-23319 counts pile of zlotys N
-23321 buy feed from state V
-23326 have plenty at home V
-23332 supply it with tractors V
-23337 are lot of them N
-23338 were source of shame N
-23339 are objects of envy N
-23344 cover % of land N
-23346 is pillar of nation N
-23350 owns acres in scraps N
-23351 grows potatoes for hens N
-23352 eyeing ground with look V
-23355 supply area with water V
-23361 brought electricity to village V
-23361 piped water from reservoir V
-23370 had lot of money N
-23375 produce % of pork N
-23376 sets chairs in sun V
-23378 is lot of waste N
-23380 shoving peasants onto farms N
-23384 hold end of bargain N
-23386 hands them in exchange V
-23395 is % below average N
-23396 milk cows by hand V
-23406 makes machinery for plant N
-23407 wants it from West V
-23408 lays it on line V
-23429 taking power in deal N
-23431 named man as minister V
-23432 forming parties for farmers N
-23433 make case against Solidarity N
-23433 drive millions from land V
-23438 farms acres in Grabowiec N
-23439 mounting steps of building N
-23439 mounting steps on visit V
-23449 turn everything in week V
-23463 am man for Solidarity N
-23469 provide billion in funds N
-23470 reflected support for assistance N
-23470 aggravate pressures under law V
-23471 waive Gramm-Rudman for purposes V
-23471 widen deficit by billion V
-23472 forced confrontation between leadership N
-23474 put him in position V
-23476 hide costs from people V
-23478 bringing total for disasters N
-23478 bringing total to billion V
-23482 accompanied package of assistance N
-23485 puts state at odds V
-23486 offer credit in cases V
-23488 speed approval before deadline V
-23489 lifting ceiling on loans N
-23489 lifting ceiling to billion V
-23490 representing reduction from year N
-23490 making cuts from requests N
-23491 continue work in Oman N
-23497 listing million in projects N
-23498 illustrated mix of power N
-23498 illustrated mix than Inouye V
-23500 gave ground to Inouye V
-23500 assist Tribe in state N
-23501 is one of the N
-23502 chairs committee on Affairs N
-23502 move 400,000 from Force V
-23505 slash size of force N
-23509 be round of cuts N
-23509 reduced force by % V
-23510 signal beginning of reductions N
-23512 take place over period V
-23512 involve termination of employees N
-23513 be announcement of program N
-23514 reporting earnings as result N
-23516 had loss in quarter V
-23522 gain control over law N
-23524 holds incentives for abuse N
-23526 violated notions of fairness N
-23527 avoid replay of tactics N
-23529 limit forfeitures of assets N
-23531 cited criticism in press N
-23536 wanted million in forfeiture N
-23536 wanted million for fraud V
-23542 salvage RICO for criminals V
-23544 made point at conference V
-23546 limit cases by plaintiffs N
-23546 limit cases for damages V
-23549 guarantee end to injustices N
-23551 seen Mondays at time N
-23551 is candidate for cancellation N
-23557 suffers drop-off from Brown N
-23561 included family in cast V
-23563 making adjustments on show N
-23564 keep balance between office N
-23567 prompted party among investors N
-23568 sought safety amid growing V
-23569 forced dollar against currencies V
-23570 got boost from sell-off N
-23572 shifting assets from stocks V
-23574 recovered some of losses N
-23574 recovered some in day V
-23581 build case for rates N
-23584 recovered some of losses N
-23591 visiting venues in future V
-23592 sentenced Bakker to years V
-23592 tucked Gabor for days V
-23593 recanted fear of lesbians N
-23598 has backlog of billion N
-23599 rekindle talks between company N
-23599 rejected offer of % N
-23600 sprinkled her with flats V
-23603 sing music with all V
-23608 has TB after all N
-23610 has set of drapes N
-23614 has need unlike Violetta V
-23615 smother herself in drape V
-23616 is addition to stock N
-23618 sell tickets to Boheme N
-23618 boom recordings of era N
-23619 gave hand to greenhouse V
-23619 sang aria inside it V
-23621 wear lifts in voice V
-23624 getting a of Traviata V
-23629 Given connections with music N
-23632 ventilated anguish in meeting V
-23632 inject lilt into baritone V
-23634 substitute one of songs N
-23635 reach settlement with musicians N
-23635 wanted parity with orchestras N
-23642 contributed section at behest V
-23650 singing parts of Traviata N
-23651 was match for Festival N
-23651 awarded prize of festival N
-23651 awarded prize to makers V
-23652 won prize of 143,000 N
-23652 won prize for Yaaba V
-23653 gives 39,000 to winner V
-23657 demand delivery of securities N
-23657 pay francs for transaction V
-23657 bringing fee to francs V
-23658 store securities in cases V
-23659 deliver securities to investors V
-23660 giving aid to Hungary V
-23661 is time for Japan N
-23661 extend aid of kind N
-23661 extend aid to countries V
-23662 studying possibility of visit N
-23663 were issue in days N
-23664 demand severity in fight N
-23667 cover matters as training N
-23668 visit Tehran for talks V
-23669 help Iran in exploration V
-23670 discuss matters as compensation N
-23672 stores data for days V
-23678 issue warrants during months V
-23681 spend time in jail V
-23682 distributing tools to returning V
-23683 distribute machetes at time V
-23685 be year for line N
-23686 become series of announcements N
-23687 jolted market in July V
-23687 slashed projections for year N
-23687 delayed orders from customers N
-23688 made projection in announcing V
-23688 announcing income for quarter N
-23690 gained % to million V
-23699 be % to % N
-23699 be % below level V
-23700 earned million on revenue N
-23709 exceeded expectations for quarter N
-23711 noted growth for lens N
-23718 slow growth for quarter N
-23724 selling shares in Corp. N
-23725 sold shares in August V
-23730 rate credit-worthiness of millions N
-23731 assigns credit-ratings to bonds V
-23732 misled customers into purchasing V
-23735 sold shares in August V
-23736 received 724,579 for shares V
-23737 sold shares on 31 V
-23739 sold shares in sales V
-23740 represented % of holdings N
-23744 reflecting drop in sales N
-23745 downgraded rating on firm N
-23745 citing slowdown in business N
-23746 cut rating to hold V
-23749 received blow on Friday V
-23751 is average for company N
-23752 been sales of shares N
-23754 bought shares of company N
-23754 bought shares on 22 V
-23755 raised holdings to shares V
-23761 sold shares for 11.13 V
-23761 leaving himself with stake V
-23763 sold shares for 11.38 V
-23766 lists it as buy V
-23774 give rise to forms V
-23774 was matter of eons N
-23778 puts twist on story V
-23780 makes case for improbability N
-23781 turns discovery in 1909 N
-23785 reconstructed organisms from fossils V
-23786 publish reinterpretation of Shale N
-23791 provide relief from sentences N
-23791 have appendages on prosoma V
-23792 discussing meaning of oddities N
-23793 was proliferation in number N
-23802 views contingency as source V
-23804 creating form of life N
-23806 is columnist for Review N
-23807 play significance of guidelines N
-23807 concerning prosecutions under law N
-23809 discourage prosecutors under circumstances V
-23809 seizing assets of defendants N
-23812 strips defendants of assets N
-23812 force them into bargains V
-23813 freeze assets before trial V
-23813 disrupt activities of defendant N
-23816 curb prosecutions against defendants N
-23818 been subject of criticism N
-23820 laying groundwork for increase N
-23821 follows rebuff from Congress N
-23824 raise funds in hurry V
-23826 schedule session of legislature N
-23826 schedule session within weeks V
-23827 limits options in emergency V
-23834 spend all on this V
-23836 lower taxes by amount V
-23837 require approval in houses N
-23840 pay portion of tab N
-23844 double tax over years V
-23845 imposing increase in meantime V
-23845 undercut support among voters N
-23848 began battle against state N
-23848 heeded warnings about safety N
-23861 yield points above note N
-23876 includes million of bonds N
-23884 yield % in 2019 N
-23891 receive rating from Moody V
-23896 were details on pricing N
-23898 indicating coupon at par N
-23901 buy shares at premium V
-23902 indicating coupon at par N
-23904 buy shares at premium V
-23905 indicating coupon at par N
-23907 buy shares at premium V
-23910 buy shares at premium V
-23921 start businesses for reasons V
-23922 is one of them N
-23923 is bugaboo of business N
-23924 meeting demands of regulators N
-23925 face mound of regulations N
-23926 is hope of change N
-23927 held hearings on bill N
-23927 reduce hassles for businesses V
-23931 tackle mounds of paper N
-23932 asked sample of owners N
-23935 set standards for products N
-23936 cites Commission for equipment V
-23936 prevent junk from flooding V
-23938 be nightmare for architects N
-23939 is maze of codes N
-23940 maintain fleets of vehicles N
-23940 devote resources to complying V
-23942 spends % of time N
-23942 spends % on insurance V
-23948 are expense at Inc. N
-23949 rise % to 100,000 V
-23953 deposit taxes within days V
-23953 's problem for businesses N
-23955 Revising manuals on pensions N
-23955 costs 25,000 for Giguiere V
-23960 runs concern in York N
-23962 added % to % N
-23962 added % to year V
-23965 take care of tax N
-23970 held fire with production V
-23971 was revival of anthology N
-23972 laid cards on table V
-23973 test mettle of audiences N
-23974 cites directors as Stein N
-23974 cites directors as influences V
-23974 stage productions with rigor V
-23975 considered father of realism N
-23975 lend themselves to techniques V
-23976 enlightening masses with speaking V
-23977 is party of yuppies N
-23979 are lots of dalliances N
-23982 transforms drama into something V
-23983 force distance between actors V
-23986 are moments in Summerfolk N
-23990 express herself through play V
-23991 has aid of associate N
-23992 is score than character N
-23996 is parcel of problem N
-23997 find reason for affair N
-24000 possessing one of instruments N
-24000 brings touch to role V
-24001 plays maid with edge V
-24006 was start of boom N
-24007 offered 28 for ESB V
-24008 given warning on a N
-24011 became firm in cases N
-24015 raised bid to 36 V
-24019 became maker for houses V
-24020 paid fee of 250,000 N
-24021 received million in fees N
-24021 received million from Kohlberg V
-24023 lost % of value N
-24024 been one of handful N
-24025 projecting earnings in quarter N
-24029 has billion of assets N
-24033 was matter than sign N
-24034 be news for thrifts N
-24035 curbed originations in quarter N
-24037 see signs of swoon N
-24048 moved two-hundredths of point N
-24048 moved two-hundredths in week V
-24051 posted increases in yields N
-24051 posted increases in week V
-24051 reflecting yields on bills N
-24053 negotiate rates with thrifts V
-24056 posted changes in yields N
-24061 reflect yields at banks N
-24064 dropped yield on CDs N
-24066 market products in Australia V
-24069 held franchise for years V
-24071 sold million of assets N
-24071 reached agreements in principle N
-24072 reached agreement with firm N
-24073 sell portion of unit N
-24073 sell portion for million V
-24074 sold million of assets N
-24074 received million from Corp. V
-24075 sell million to million N
-24075 reduce costs at Wang N
-24078 establishing subsidiary in Britain V
-24079 purchased plant in Plymouth N
-24083 meet demand for parts N
-24083 meet demand by end V
-24084 expects sales at unit N
-24085 reported decline in profit N
-24087 included gains of million N
-24089 included gains of million N
-24091 been firm in charge N
-24091 trading stock in Corp. N
-24091 been firm since 1930s V
-24096 making issue on Board N
-24100 manned post with Bates V
-24100 's ringer for actor N
-24103 were losses in stock N
-24104 set crowd in afternoon V
-24106 read news about unraveling N
-24106 read news on train V
-24107 be while like stock N
-24111 caused furor in market N
-24111 sell stock from floor V
-24113 were rumors of trades N
-24118 was pressure from everyone N
-24124 doing job of tugging N
-24128 jumped 20 to 170 V
-24129 trade price on bell V
-24131 representing orders to 10 N
-24132 praised specialists for getting V
-24132 getting yesterday without halt V
-24134 Leaving exchange at p.m. V
-24140 cut spending on machinery N
-24142 showed increases in imports N
-24143 ease rates before spring V
-24144 views rates as weapon V
-24145 weaken pound against currencies V
-24146 remains threat to well-being N
-24148 predicting recession next year N
-24149 reduced forecast for 1990 N
-24151 is cause for concern N
-24151 create market by 1992 V
-24152 faces inflation in months V
-24156 include income from investments N
-24157 expect deficit for all N
-24158 reflects position of industry N
-24160 reached bid of million N
-24161 receive acceptances for offer N
-24162 receive note in lieu V
-24165 pay prices for racehorses V
-24167 launched seminars for investors N
-24171 romancing people like Hulings N
-24175 is game for anyone N
-24180 bought assets of Spendthrift N
-24181 lost millions in partnerships V
-24193 offers tour of barn N
-24194 had splints on legs V
-24194 keeping animals from racetrack V
-24195 see lows of business N
-24198 received advice from consultants V
-24199 outlining rules for consultants N
-24203 own racehorse in partnership V
-24204 get horse for dollars V
-24206 sell stake in horses N
-24206 sell stake to newcomers V
-24207 halved dividend to cents V
-24208 been cents since 1988 V
-24209 incur charge of million N
-24209 incur charge in quarter V
-24211 battling proposal by Canada N
-24212 including buy-out of company N
-24212 set date for submission N
-24214 made offer for Donuts V
-24215 followed request to Court N
-24215 set date for suit N
-24216 seek alternatives to offer N
-24217 said income of million N
-24221 reported profits in businesses N
-24221 narrowed losses in sector N
-24223 included gain of million N
-24226 keep headquarters in Angeles V
-24227 maintain relationships with exchanges N
-24228 made remarks at meeting V
-24228 rally support in U.S. N
-24229 is part of attempt N
-24229 acquired Farmers for billion V
-24230 acquire Farmers from vehicle V
-24231 needs approval of commissioners N
-24231 take him to Idaho V
-24234 hold hearings on applications N
-24235 had meetings with management N
-24235 woo executives with promises V
-24236 be member of team N
-24236 define strategies of group N
-24237 having Axa as parent V
-24241 completed sale of % N
-24245 holds stake in venture N
-24246 include earnings in results V
-24249 represents flow from partnership N
-24250 is 30 to units N
-24255 added dollars to reserves V
-24255 bringing total to billion V
-24256 report profit for year N
-24257 reported income of million N
-24258 affect payment of dividends N
-24260 equal % of exposure N
-24264 include gain of million N
-24270 filed prospectus for offering N
-24272 raise million from offering V
-24274 provided information to Pentagon V
-24275 challenge veracity of contractor N
-24276 misstated testimony of witnesses N
-24277 attacked allegations as mudslinging V
-24277 reported information about practices N
-24278 provides the with everything V
-24278 cause loss of contracts N
-24279 considered leader in advocating N
-24280 obscure details of practices N
-24281 been focus of prosecutions N
-24281 been focus since 1985 V
-24282 demanding access to host N
-24283 indicted GE on charges V
-24283 defraud Army of million N
-24283 defraud Army on contract V
-24286 defrauding Pentagon by claiming V
-24286 claiming overruns on contracts N
-24288 become eligible for contracts V
-24288 provided statements to Secretary V
-24289 curry favor with officials V
-24289 detailing extent of lapses N
-24292 rebut efforts by GE N
-24294 familiarize Orr with procedures V
-24296 raise question of cover-up N
-24299 signed letter of intent N
-24308 evaluate offers for company N
-24311 is bidder for company N
-24316 was points at 2611.68 V
-24317 depressing both for year N
-24318 refocused attention on rates V
-24318 rekindle concerns over prospects N
-24321 pave way for declines V
-24322 knocking prices in midafternoon V
-24322 open way for declines N
-24323 provided support to market V
-24327 seek % of shares N
-24328 posting loss in days N
-24334 discouraging participation by investors N
-24341 be targets of funds N
-24343 shed yen to yen N
-24352 suffered series of setbacks N
-24353 hold office in elections V
-24354 cast cloud over trading V
-24355 achieve goal of workweek N
-24365 create bank with assets N
-24370 requires approval of authorities N
-24371 reject blacks for loans V
-24373 have data on position N
-24377 is part of problem N
-24381 requires disclosures of level N
-24382 received mortgages from thrifts N
-24384 receive loans than whites N
-24385 handling number of failures N
-24385 put energy into investigating V
-24386 devoted amount of emphasis N
-24386 devoted amount over years V
-24386 developing examinations for discrimination N
-24388 punished banks for violations V
-24389 issued citations to banks V
-24390 found indications of discrimination N
-24390 found indications in examinations V
-24391 alleged discrimination in lending N
-24393 give figures on actions N
-24395 investigate discrimination in housing N
-24396 taken position on matter N
-24397 considering challenge to plan N
-24397 buy half of Inc. N
-24398 fighting transaction on fronts V
-24398 discourage operators from joining V
-24398 joining Tele-Communications as investors V
-24400 pay Inc. for stake V
-24400 is second to Time N
-24402 have number of relationships N
-24403 bringing Tele-Communications as investor V
-24404 is slap in face N
-24405 mount challenge in Court V
-24405 charging Time with monopolizing V
-24405 crush competition from Showtime N
-24406 naming Viacom as defendants V
-24407 prevent Tele-Communications from dropping V
-24407 dropping HBO in any V
-24410 characterize investment in Showtime N
-24412 owning HBO with subscribers N
-24417 control % of Inc. N
-24420 weakening suit against Time N
-24421 accuses Time in suit V
-24421 carry Showtime on system V
-24422 launch Showtime on 1 V
-24424 sign contracts with studios N
-24424 buy movies from Inc. N
-24424 has arrangement with HBO N
-24426 reduce competition in production N
-24426 are components of devices N
-24427 enjoin acquisition in court V
-24428 determine legality of purchase N
-24428 begin proceedings within days V
-24430 taken turn for the N
-24430 taken turn in weeks V
-24432 posted loss for period N
-24433 slash projections for rest N
-24436 put damper on industry V
-24437 become lot as targets N
-24438 raises questions about orders N
-24438 total billion over years N
-24440 cut fares in markets N
-24443 offer checks of 200 N
-24443 offer checks to members V
-24443 making flights in class V
-24444 reported drop in income N
-24447 rose % in period V
-24450 has competition in hub N
-24453 expecting size of loss N
-24463 build mileage at rate V
-24467 blamed some of loss N
-24468 quantify effects of Hugo N
-24477 become part of culture N
-24478 has quality about it V
-24480 make pitchmen in 1990 N
-24489 Sharing character with advertisers V
-24496 give title as head N
-24497 take post at Express N
-24497 take role at company N
-24500 awarded assignment to Partners V
-24506 give sets of Boy N
-24506 give sets in promotion V
-24508 acquire stake in Corp. N
-24508 acquire stake for dollars V
-24510 raise stake in Paxus N
-24510 raise stake to % V
-24511 has relationships with company N
-24515 including billion of bonds N
-24517 incurred loss of million N
-24519 include debt of units N
-24522 ensure support of lenders N
-24528 be company with sense N
-24529 name resources in list V
-24531 sell cars in 1990 V
-24532 expect sales next year V
-24535 sold cars in 1988 V
-24537 blamed slump in prices N
-24537 blamed slump for plunge V
-24541 posted drop in profit N
-24542 raise billion in cash N
-24542 raise billion with sale V
-24542 redeem billion in maturing N
-24545 has assurance of enactment N
-24545 raise limit before auctions V
-24547 earned million on revenue V
-24553 grew % in September V
-24557 rose % in September V
-24558 issue statistics on exports N
-24559 rose increase from year N
-24560 rising units to units V
-24562 have engines of centimeters N
-24563 fell % from year V
-24564 fell % to units V
-24566 offer explanation for fall N
-24570 prompted sell-off in shares N
-24571 sent Average at 10:40 V
-24572 buys stock for raiders V
-24572 steadied fall in UAL N
-24574 took UAL in hour V
-24578 battled board in 1987 V
-24578 withdrew offer for parent N
-24579 buy million of stock N
-24580 following collapse of buy-out N
-24581 oust board in solicitation V
-24585 seen case of incompetence N
-24587 yield 245 to 280 V
-24589 acquires stock in attempt V
-24591 including threat of strike N
-24592 seek support for sale N
-24592 seek support before meeting V
-24594 selling company at price V
-24598 sell stock at bottom V
-24604 reviewing proposals for recapitalizations N
-24612 held % of UAL N
-24612 held % before bid V
-24612 reduced holdings below % V
-24613 put airline in play V
-24614 makes offer of 300 N
-24614 accepts offer below 300 N
-24616 fell % to million V
-24617 included gain from sale N
-24619 offset declines in newspapers N
-24622 triggered orders on way V
-24626 picked signals of decline N
-24628 step sales in market N
-24628 step sales in effort V
-24628 maintain flow of exchange N
-24629 was support at level V
-24632 hit level at EDT V
-24632 encountered number of orders N
-24634 have effect on supplies V
-24640 relating numbers to activity V
-24646 anticipating recession in months V
-24647 had times in years N
-24651 turn concentrate into cathodes V
-24655 bought futures in anticipation V
-24655 have positions in market N
-24658 ending session at 19.72 V
-24665 gained cents to 5.1950 V
-24666 rose 2.30 to 488.60 V
-24668 were rumors of sales N
-24669 reflected weakness in market N
-24671 was price of silver N
-24671 was price at the V
-24675 buying corn in amounts V
-24678 triggered orders above 1,030 N
-24678 pushing price to 1,040 V
-24681 was buying in York V
-24686 buy Inc. for million V
-24687 pay maximum of % N
-24689 pay dividends at % V
-24691 convert million of debt N
-24691 convert million into % V
-24693 took control of month N
-24694 win concessions from creditors V
-24695 conclude negotiations with creditors N
-24695 conclude negotiations within days V
-24696 converts film to videotape V
-24696 posted loss of million N
-24696 posted loss on revenue V
-24697 fell cents to 2.125 V
-24699 are tale of excesses N
-24700 restructure billion of debt N
-24700 release plan in day V
-24701 take billion of cash N
-24702 was ace in hole N
-24704 force TV into court V
-24706 were part of Communications N
-24707 loaded company with debt V
-24707 sold operations at profit V
-24708 selling them for billion V
-24709 took billion of cash N
-24709 moved it into operations V
-24710 took million of bonds N
-24710 took million as payment V
-24712 is billion on buy-out V
-24712 taking cash up front V
-24713 racked returns of % N
-24713 racked returns in years V
-24714 losing investment of million N
-24717 reschedule lot of bonds N
-24722 boost profit after buy-out V
-24725 take side of trade N
-24727 offers concessions by KKR N
-24728 give part of million N
-24728 give part to holders V
-24728 reduce value of claims N
-24731 costing anything because profit V
-24733 invest money in TV V
-24735 extract money from KKR V
-24736 be proceeding for KKR N
-24737 provide fuel for critics N
-24738 putting TV into proceedings V
-24739 has pockets than Gillett N
-24742 made all on TV V
-24743 pour money into TV V
-24744 boosted dividend to cents V
-24745 is 1 to shares N
-24749 holds % of securities N
-24749 buy shares with value N
-24750 buy 250 of stock N
-24750 buy 250 for price V
-24752 rose % to million V
-24754 led shares into decline V
-24758 swamped 1,222 to 382 N
-24759 has case of nerves N
-24760 drove average through ranges V
-24762 left us with nerve V
-24767 plunged points in hour V
-24771 caused period of panic N
-24771 caused period on Board V
-24773 scooped hundreds of futures N
-24777 were force behind buying N
-24777 were force at moment V
-24781 crushing hopes of buy-out N
-24784 was crowd around post V
-24785 was mass of people N
-24786 was liquidation of stock N
-24786 was liquidation across board V
-24787 taken loss on UAL N
-24787 selling stocks in attempt V
-24788 selling stocks in Index N
-24799 trimmed loss to points V
-24801 sold stock into decline V
-24801 seeing velocity of drop N
-24802 completed side of trade N
-24805 began program for dozens N
-24806 rallied Dow into gain V
-24809 buy shares on sell-off V
-24811 handling blocks of stock N
-24814 present itself as investment V
-24815 is market for investment N
-24816 attributed rallies in number N
-24816 attributed rallies to program V
-24817 climbed 3 to 41 V
-24820 rose 7 to 133 V
-24820 gained 2 to 103 V
-24820 jumped 3 to 27 V
-24824 fell 1 to 40 V
-24825 fell 3 to 68 V
-24825 lost 1 to 66 V
-24825 slid 3 to 24 V
-24825 dropped 1 to 14 V
-24826 lost 3 to 13 V
-24828 dropped 1 to 70 V
-24828 fell 4 to 59 V
-24828 lost 3 to 31 V
-24828 slid 3 to 50 V
-24828 dropped 1 to 21 V
-24828 skidded 2 to 26 V
-24829 gained 3 to 23 V
-24830 tumbled 7 to 43 V
-24832 dropped 1 to 53 V
-24832 fell 1 to 16 V
-24833 dropped 1 to 29 V
-24833 caused damage to building V
-24836 lost 1 to 20 V
-24836 dropped 1 to 28 V
-24836 dipped 5 to 21 V
-24837 plunged 5 to 38 V
-24838 skidded 5 to 31 V
-24839 swelled volume in issues V
-24839 fell 7 to 44 V
-24839 led list on volume N
-24839 lost 3 to 17 V
-24840 have yields of % N
-24841 surged 1 to 75 V
-24842 placed stock on list V
-24844 rose 3 to 38 V
-24844 added stock to list V
-24845 advanced 2 to 49 V
-24845 holds % of shares N
-24847 approved repurchase of shares N
-24848 climbed 1 to 38 V
-24850 replace International on 500 V
-24850 gained 5 to 24 V
-24851 fell 3.10 to 376.36 V
-24853 raised dividend to cents V
-24853 raised 1990 to shares N
-24854 increases dividend to 1.20 V
-24856 rose % to cents V
-24857 rose % to million V
-24859 plunged % to million V
-24861 edged % to million V
-24863 exceed million after taxes N
-24864 fell % to million V
-24865 slid % to billion V
-24866 reported ratio for months V
-24868 reflecting development in claims N
-24870 fell % to billion V
-24871 include provision for returns N
-24872 defend filing in hearings V
-24876 was play on market V
-24879 learned thing from candidates V
-24882 get platform in case V
-24886 buy bonds on speculation V
-24889 fell points on news V
-24893 cut rates amid growing V
-24897 rose 1 to point V
-24898 fell 1 to point V
-24905 structuring offering for Inc. N
-24906 is franchisee of Hardee N
-24910 turned shoulder to yesterday V
-24911 given volatility in market N
-24922 have view of market N
-24922 have view because expectations V
-24923 held month by Treasury V
-24924 purchased no than % N
-24928 drum interest in bonds N
-24937 take advantage of falling N
-24939 offered million of notes N
-24940 issued million of notes N
-24940 priced million of notes N
-24941 paved way for visit V
-24941 filing registration with Commission V
-24945 ended 1 to point N
-24945 ended 1 in trading V
-24946 finished point at bid V
-24947 including climb in prices N
-24949 was outlook for supply N
-24950 was million of bonds N
-24953 had balance of million N
-24953 had balance in trading V
-24955 gained point after session V
-24961 touching an of 98 N
-24963 yielding % to assumption V
-24969 rose point to 99.93 V
-24969 rose 0.05 to 97.70 V
-24970 rose 17 to 112 V
-24970 rose 11 to 104 V
-24973 increased dividend to cents V
-24974 is 10 to 24 N
-24979 removed Waggoner as officer V
-24981 place company under protection V
-24983 remain director of Staar N
-24986 named member of board N
-24988 confirmed him as leader V
-24989 reaffirmed allegiance to orthodoxy N
-24993 subpoena papers of Reagan N
-24994 denied request by adviser N
-24994 seek documents from Bush V
-24998 expressed skepticism over effort N
-24999 provided Department with list V
-25000 defrauding followers of ministry N
-25001 convicted 5 by jury V
-25001 diverting million of funds N
-25001 diverting million for use V
-25002 deny seats in Congress N
-25003 held talks with government N
-25005 pledged accord for pullout N
-25005 support rejection of plan N
-25005 approved Sunday by legislature V
-25007 trade captives in Lebanon N
-25007 trade captives for comrades V
-25009 reject blacks for loans V
-25010 have data about applicants N
-25013 know cause of blasts N
-25014 opened meeting in Portugal N
-25014 assess needs amid reduced N
-25015 ordered study on role N
-25016 play significance of guidelines N
-25016 concerning prosecutions under law N
-25024 plunging 33 to 145 V
-25025 seek all of Jaguar N
-25025 setting stage for war V
-25026 discussing alliance with GM N
-25027 paid price for incentives V
-25029 slipped % in September V
-25029 reflecting demand after spurt V
-25031 approved buy-back of shares N
-25032 reduce shares by % V
-25033 received offer from Utilities V
-25033 spurring round of bidding N
-25034 providing data to Pentagon V
-25035 rose % in quarter V
-25038 slash force in U.S. N
-25039 posted drop in profit N
-25039 recorded loss in years N
-25043 increased % in market V
-25045 surged % in quarter V
-25046 rose % in quarter V
-25054 diagnosed defect in embryo V
-25056 detected days after conception N
-25063 made millions of copies N
-25065 passing defect to child V
-25069 taken days after conception N
-25071 finds sideline in world V
-25073 made protein from alcohol V
-25074 convert glucose from wastes N
-25074 convert glucose into protein V
-25076 calling scientists from Institute N
-25078 churn proteins for use N
-25086 inserting catheter into artery V
-25091 give movie of vessel N
-25093 measure movements of wall N
-25093 raises pressure of blood N
-25098 have sense of smell N
-25099 seeking million from unit V
-25099 defrauded government on contract V
-25099 provide services for employees N
-25102 reducing value of homes N
-25103 recover million in costs N
-25103 terminated contract with Relocation N
-25105 have comment on suit N
-25106 leave accounts beyond years V
-25107 close accounts for years V
-25109 involving 68 of syndicates N
-25110 underwrite insurance at Lloyd V
-25112 restrict ability of officials N
-25113 enact rules by end V
-25115 get quotes for contracts N
-25115 obtain approvals from directors V
-25116 plummeted % because acquisition V
-25118 rose % to million V
-25121 attributed drop to disruption V
-25124 affected sales as part V
-25127 resurrect itself with campaign V
-25128 celebrate achievements of some N
-25129 extricate shoe from wad V
-25131 hurling rocks at lamp V
-25132 sharpen arm of player N
-25133 begin airing next month V
-25134 has reputation as cemetery N
-25139 lend themselves to job V
-25141 is one of examples N
-25145 made debut like White V
-25149 credited performance to hyping V
-25151 making market in issue V
-25155 buy shares from investors V
-25159 makes market in shares V
-25161 flip it for profit V
-25162 named chairman of maker N
-25164 is partner of Co N
-25165 intensified battle with Corp. N
-25165 intensified battle by saying V
-25165 make bid for all N
-25166 was part of filing N
-25170 put pressure on government V
-25174 discussing alliance with GM N
-25174 reach agreement within month V
-25175 give stake in company N
-25175 produce range of cars N
-25181 have implications for balance N
-25182 throw hat in ring V
-25185 sent shares in weeks V
-25186 own % of shares N
-25188 rose cents in trading V
-25189 combat competition from Japanese N
-25191 expressed preference for GM N
-25192 acquire all of Jaguar N
-25194 diversify products in segment N
-25196 see lot of potential N
-25196 marrying cars to know-how V
-25203 alleviate decline in earnings N
-25206 declined % to billion V
-25207 retire billion of debt N
-25209 climbed % to million V
-25210 increased % to billion V
-25211 reflects earnings in operation N
-25216 tumbled million to million V
-25217 attributed decline to prices V
-25217 countered earnings from sector N
-25221 slipped % to million V
-25222 declined million to billion V
-25223 included gain of million N
-25225 take place over period V
-25225 involve layoff of employees N
-25225 focus efforts in areas N
-25228 fell % to million V
-25230 rose % to billion V
-25231 boosted profits from operations V
-25232 totaled million after loss V
-25233 earned million in quarter V
-25233 included million in charges N
-25234 included gain from taxes N
-25237 ended involvement in mining N
-25237 ended involvement in quarter V
-25238 was million of revenue N
-25240 rose % to million V
-25243 rose % to million V
-25244 sold interest in partnership N
-25244 sold interest for million V
-25245 end involvement in mining N
-25246 discussing buy-out of facility N
-25249 had change in earnings N
-25251 compares profit with estimate V
-25251 have forecasts in days V
-25255 assume responsibility for manufacturing N
-25257 is provider of chemicals N
-25260 provide shareholders with return V
-25262 named president of insurer N
-25263 been president in office N
-25265 named president in charge N
-25266 been president of department N
-25272 named director of subsidiary N
-25273 build business of Gruntal N
-25274 was officer of Co. N
-25274 was officer until July V
-25274 named co-chairman of firm N
-25277 got offer from Gruntal N
-25278 provide services to sites V
-25280 expand usage of services N
-25280 adds locations over years V
-25282 outpace exports despite gains V
-25285 expect gap for year N
-25286 signed agreement with Inc. N
-25288 had sales of million N
-25292 become officer of Wachovia N
-25294 elected directors of Wachovia N
-25294 filling seats on boards N
-25295 rose % in August V
-25296 followed decline in July N
-25298 decreased week to tons V
-25299 fell % from tons V
-25300 used % of capability N
-25305 soared % to billion V
-25307 dropped % to billion V
-25308 supply shields for surgery N
-25308 supply shields to unit V
-25310 selling products for use V
-25311 speed healing of cornea N
-25311 speed healing after surgery V
-25313 rose % from June V
-25314 publishes data on basis V
-25314 combines index for months V
-25314 rose % from June V
-25315 turned showing with rise V
-25318 eased % from level V
-25320 sell business to AG V
-25322 is division of subsidiary N
-25322 had sales of million N
-25323 focus resources on businesses V
-25324 buy power from plant V
-25327 represent advance in research N
-25328 stop spread of AIDS N
-25329 expressed skepticism over significance V
-25333 wiped average of % N
-25333 wiped average within days V
-25337 conduct tests on patients V
-25338 do experimentation in country V
-25339 got exposure in media V
-25345 killed cells at dose V
-25346 know effect of antibody N
-25347 considered problem in Japan N
-25347 reports carriers of virus N
-25347 poured resources into research V
-25349 present drugs for testing V
-25351 sells drug under name V
-25353 represent threat to viability N
-25367 flopped victim of turbulence N
-25368 finance purchase of stake N
-25369 get financing for buy-out N
-25370 accepted % of bonds N
-25371 marked showing for issue N
-25374 buy stake in Airlines V
-25375 given volatility of market N
-25377 pick rest of offer N
-25383 gives cash in pocket N
-25384 acquiring stake in Airlines N
-25386 have impact on shares V
-25387 announced issue in September V
-25389 sell issue in market V
-25393 is difference of opinion N
-25395 was years of neglect N
-25395 raise goals for females V
-25403 note increase in searches N
-25404 get numbers in order V
-25411 feeds evaluations into computer V
-25412 basing increases on reviews V
-25415 get voice in design N
-25423 put plans under control V
-25429 's time in years N
-25432 heads program at Center N
-25434 has help of doctors N
-25439 sees erosion of staff N
-25445 invested hundreds of thousands N
-25445 invested hundreds in programs V
-25446 showed support for Kohl N
-25450 scored gains in elections N
-25450 scored gains in states V
-25451 becoming issue for campaign N
-25451 drawing support for stand N
-25452 edge coalition in election V
-25453 allow prosecution of criminals N
-25453 took refuge after 1945 V
-25455 attending conference with investigators N
-25456 been part of squads N
-25459 easing tension between Beijing N
-25462 investigating exports to Union N
-25467 ban practice in waters V
-25470 cut number of vessels N
-25471 cost production of automobiles N
-25472 accept series of proposals N
-25474 resumed strike against Ltd. N
-25475 striking mines on 13 V
-25476 increase wage by % V
-25478 took note of problem N
-25479 was theft of 235,000 N
-25483 photographing damage in Francisco N
-25484 issued advisory to agencies V
-25484 following report from Ministry N
-25484 causing feeling among residents V
-25486 draws thousands of visitors N
-25487 rose % between 1986 V
-25488 rose % in 1987 V
-25489 raise limit to mph V
-25490 increased limit on interstates N
-25492 rose % between 1986 V
-25492 were the in 1988 V
-25493 raised limit on interstates N
-25493 rose % to deaths V
-25495 changes spelling of catsup N
-25495 changes spelling to ketchup V
-25506 set million against losses V
-25507 was billion after provisions N
-25508 have confidence in it V
-25509 borrow billion in 1989 V
-25513 supported pricing as agencies V
-25516 takes swipe at lending N
-25517 are facts on type N
-25518 making loans for years V
-25520 downsize role of parastatals N
-25520 open economies to competition V
-25520 promote development of sector N
-25521 been concern of Bank N
-25522 encourage investments by entrepreneurs N
-25523 stimulate investment in developing N
-25524 are actions of agency N
-25525 put resources to use V
-25529 maintaining production of ones N
-25530 cut subsidies to producers N
-25530 close outlets in neighborhoods V
-25532 controls prices on goods N
-25533 criticized agency as example V
-25535 reduce prices for milk N
-25536 banned imports of mushrooms N
-25536 banned imports in response V
-25538 enter U.S. until are V
-25539 detaining mushrooms in cans N
-25540 found cans from plants N
-25543 exported pounds to U.S V
-25550 targeting traffickers through Strategy V
-25551 control segment of market N
-25554 assist MPD in crimes V
-25556 revised terms of restructuring N
-25556 complete sale of business N
-25557 hindered offering of million N
-25557 operate casinos in Nevada V
-25558 pay million for business V
-25558 reimburse World for million V
-25561 receive cent per share N
-25561 receive cent for redemption V
-25562 exceeds 14 on day V
-25564 rose cents on news V
-25565 demand premium for delay V
-25568 being one of the N
-25572 sold unit to group V
-25574 fell points to 2662.91 V
-25575 staged rally with prices V
-25577 is sign of growing N
-25582 was reaction to rout N
-25585 see growth in quarter V
-25596 interviewed adults from 15 V
-25597 interviewed adults from 7 V
-25599 survey household in U.S. N
-25601 introduce errors into findings V
-25603 had confidence in industry V
-25605 keep prices at level V
-25608 asked Airlines for side V
-25609 is one of factors N
-25609 shapes trust in industry N
-25612 offer rates for packages N
-25613 create media for campaigns V
-25614 sold package for million V
-25616 spend million on programs V
-25617 negotiating packages with leading V
-25618 negotiating packages with group V
-25620 buying pages in magazine V
-25621 combine magazines with products V
-25624 provide pages in magazines V
-25624 give videotape on pointers N
-25624 distribute books to homeowners V
-25636 describe lapse of sense N
-25640 gives chance of success N
-25641 reported results of study N
-25642 gather group of advisers N
-25642 gather group around them V
-25649 follows resignation of Goldston N
-25650 considered abrasive by insiders V
-25650 reflect difference in style N
-25651 make transition from company N
-25652 regain momentum in business N
-25652 regain momentum against rivals V
-25654 's issue of style N
-25655 view it as positive V
-25660 resume presidency of Inc. N
-25661 was officer of Corp N
-25662 assume title of president N
-25665 been president of division N
-25671 publish issue of Months N
-25672 developing spinoff on heels V
-25674 is show of faith N
-25677 increased % from year V
-25678 increased % to billion V
-25682 operate magazine with revenue V
-25683 sell magazine to Inc V
-25691 break ground with start-ups V
-25692 gain leverage with advertisers V
-25694 sold magazine to Corp V
-25695 take million from sale V
-25701 had sales in excess V
-25702 designs toys under names V
-25705 shore confidence in banks N
-25705 shore confidence during recession V
-25707 probing bank for months V
-25707 arranged merger with Trust N
-25710 was attempt with undertones V
-25710 including billion in loans N
-25712 bought block of stock N
-25712 bought block from Corp. V
-25713 siphoned million of funds N
-25713 siphoned million for ventures V
-25714 faked kidnapping for months N
-25716 drinking coffee in prison V
-25720 register reactions to remarks N
-25725 reshaping world of law N
-25728 creates profiles of jurors N
-25729 provide audiences with craving V
-25730 pay sums for advice V
-25731 win verdict against Inc N
-25732 advised League in defense V
-25733 win verdicts in suits V
-25740 see vision of system N
-25740 see vision as cry V
-25750 exacerbates advantage of litigants N
-25752 finding calling in cases N
-25754 interviewed voters around Harrisburg N
-25755 keep them off jury V
-25763 report reactions to him V
-25768 retain objectivity in sense N
-25769 give argument to wife V
-25769 get response to it N
-25770 do that in way V
-25771 sued Corp. over transport V
-25772 retained Sciences at cost V
-25773 put case to vote V
-25774 awarded million in damages N
-25778 is part of work N
-25779 Changing outcome of trial N
-25781 weigh evidence in case N
-25782 shoe-horn facts of case N
-25783 develop profile of type N
-25787 remove people from jury V
-25789 hold attitudes toward the N
-25790 asking questions about attitudes N
-25801 drawing attention to arm V
-25801 planted doubt about origin N
-25806 play role in operation N
-25816 had feel for sentiment N
-25817 is guarantee of outcome N
-25818 was flatout in predictions N
-25821 won case on behalf N
-25822 used consultants in case V
-25825 been critic of masseurs N
-25829 hamper work of scientists N
-25835 used consultants to advantage V
-25836 giving information about jurors N
-25837 lend themselves to that V
-25839 is part of contract N
-25840 involves sale of 35 N
-25844 offers performance for price V
-25845 supply computers for engineers V
-25846 targeted niche since inception V
-25847 provides models of everything N
-25851 unveil machines in future V
-25852 bring cost of systems V
-25856 Remember refrigerators of years N
-25860 involving products with value N
-25860 curtail use of chlorofluorocarbons N
-25862 ratified it by vote V
-25864 's lot of banishment N
-25865 are ingredient in gas N
-25868 cost world between 2000 V
-25868 redesign equipment for substitutes V
-25869 screens some of rays N
-25871 running project at Inc. N
-25872 studied topic of warming N
-25872 work changes in atmosphere N
-25872 work changes over time V
-25873 is consensus in community N
-25878 be % by middle V
-25880 are questions among scientists V
-25882 is matter of conjecture N
-25888 cites list of substitutes N
-25890 protect compressors from formulations V
-25899 has substitute for CFCs N
-25900 building plant in Louisiana V
-25906 created set of interests N
-25907 tilt debate toward solutions V
-25909 pay bill for all N
-25909 pay bill in price V
-25910 getting insurance against disaster V
-25914 fighting initiatives on issues V
-25914 mandating benefits in plans N
-25918 be the at 4.65 V
-25919 adopted three of bills N
-25922 manages Chamber of office N
-25924 grant leaves of absence N
-25924 grant leaves to employees V
-25926 taken note of number N
-25927 's matter of time N
-25930 support credit for employers N
-25932 playing lot of defense N
-25932 playing lot in Northeast V
-25935 awarding contracts under 25,000 N
-25936 permitted flexibility in arrangements N
-25937 considers part of policy N
-25939 urging passage of initiative N
-25948 pre-register changes with state V
-25949 meet series of tests N
-25950 pre-register sales to franchisees N
-25955 protect franchisees from negotiators V
-25956 frees owners of liability V
-25957 tested applicant for use V
-25958 limit ownership of facilities N
-25959 find way through system N
-25961 feared gridlock on day V
-25963 repair some of connections N
-25965 was standing-room in railcars V
-25966 connecting Francisco with Bay V
-25968 reached work on BART V
-25968 find space at stations V
-25969 is commute in region N
-25969 experiencing back-ups of minutes N
-25971 caused back-ups on freeway N
-25971 find rides to stations N
-25973 takes minutes via Bridge V
-25973 connects Francisco with area V
-25982 connects peninsula with Bay V
-25985 handled cars over hours V
-25986 select period during hours N
-25990 cut commute by % V
-25997 went Sunday with computer V
-25997 kicked it like can V
-25998 maneuvered Thought into position V
-26005 including whippings of grandmasters N
-26008 nicknamed brainchild for flair V
-26011 put hope in capacity V
-26014 examine millions of moves N
-26015 fought champion to draw V
-26017 made maneuver at 13 V
-26017 put offside on 16 V
-26020 exchange bishop for one V
-26024 was one-half of pawn N
-26026 shuffled king in crouch V
-26026 maneuvered knight to outpost V
-26028 saved game for D.T. V
-26032 making attack against knight N
-26033 left computer with range V
-26033 moving pawn to neglect V
-26037 grabbed pawn at cost V
-26038 exposed queen to threats V
-26041 refuted line of play N
-26043 won queen for pieces V
-26049 building machine for Corp V
-26051 is reporter in bureau N
-26054 gave 40,000 for certificate N
-26060 put him in CD V
-26063 had yield of % N
-26066 represented value of premium N
-26070 chase promise of returns N
-26075 buying CD on market V
-26076 discuss matter with reporter V
-26076 referring inquiries to officials V
-26077 was disclosure of risks N
-26077 was disclosure in sheet V
-26079 discuss questions with consultant V
-26080 remember paragraph about premiums N
-26081 buying CD as CD V
-26083 pay interest to maximum N
-26087 received complaint about premiums N
-26087 received complaint in years V
-26089 are portion of trillion-plus N
-26089 are part of total N
-26092 finance things like education N
-26094 bought CDs in market V
-26095 paid premium for CDs V
-26104 jumped times to million V
-26105 view themselves as marketers V
-26111 fell % to cases V
-26114 surged % to gallons V
-26115 is importer of brandy N
-26116 helped companies in April V
-26116 lowered tax on imported N
-26116 levied tax on products V
-26119 increased marketing of Liqueur N
-26120 pitches Comfort as drink V
-26124 acquired image in U.S. V
-26124 become fashionable in countries V
-26128 distributes bourbons in Japan V
-26129 makes % of consumption N
-26129 represented % of liquor N
-26131 is exporter of bourbon N
-26131 produces types of liquor N
-26132 increase advertising in 1990 V
-26133 increased advertising in Japan N
-26133 built partnerships with shops N
-26133 built partnerships throughout Asia V
-26134 is bourbon in Japan N
-26134 is bourbon with % V
-26135 avoiding hitches in distribution N
-26136 has partnership with Co. N
-26137 has link with Co N
-26139 uses photos of porches N
-26140 strike chords in countries V
-26142 get glitz with bourbon V
-26144 carrying woman in a N
-26146 rose % on increase V
-26149 reached billion from billion V
-26151 reported profit of million N
-26153 advanced % to million V
-26157 grew % to million V
-26158 eased % to billion V
-26160 has shows in 10 V
-26161 bought shares of stock N
-26161 bought shares from Inc. V
-26162 acquire securities of Federal-Mogul N
-26162 acquire securities for years V
-26162 influence affairs during period V
-26163 sold business to affiliate V
-26165 employs workers at facilities V
-26166 provide electricity to mill V
-26167 has energy for mill N
-26170 broke silence on Fed N
-26171 return rates to level V
-26171 have impact on starts N
-26171 have impact upon deficit V
-26175 expressing views in public V
-26176 rose % on gain N
-26179 rose % to billion V
-26180 include sales at stores N
-26182 were year down 3,200 V
-26182 reflecting war among chains N
-26185 posted gains for months N
-26185 posted gains with sales V
-26187 had 90,552 in sales N
-26191 slipped % to % V
-26199 rose % to million V
-26200 rose % to billion V
-26201 delay delivery of ships N
-26202 fell 1.75 to 20.75 V
-26205 is amount of uncertainty N
-26207 delivered month in time N
-26208 expand capacity of fleet N
-26208 expand capacity by % V
-26211 pay price for them V
-26213 have effect on earnings V
-26217 pays portion of cost N
-26217 reaches stages of construction N
-26218 paid million of cost N
-26223 spawned host of clones N
-26224 was subject of article N
-26226 paid royalties for line N
-26231 had drop in profit N
-26231 had drop because sales V
-26234 was million from million V
-26235 rose % to million V
-26237 expecting profit of 1.25 N
-26237 reducing estimate for year N
-26237 reducing estimate to area V
-26238 reduced estimate to 5.70 V
-26238 make cut to 5.50 N
-26238 make cut in light V
-26240 fell % to million V
-26242 provide figures for category V
-26242 fell % to million V
-26244 reflects slowing in sales N
-26245 fell % to million V
-26246 attributed decline to weakness V
-26251 become edge of movements N
-26259 containing a of population N
-26263 produces soot per unit N
-26265 outstripped growth of GNP N
-26266 producing use of energy N
-26269 separate industry from state V
-26275 introduce permits in republics V
-26282 secure blocks of reduction N
-26283 means use of limits N
-26286 require billions of dollars N
-26290 urged flow of information N
-26295 resembles Pittsburgh with production V
-26297 adapted this from column V
-26298 sold shares of Computer N
-26302 dropped 4.58 to 457.52 V
-26303 lost 2.38 to 458.32 V
-26304 reflected lack of conviction N
-26309 represented profit-taking by investors N
-26309 made gains in issues V
-26311 putting it on track V
-26312 lost 1 to 46 V
-26313 eased 3 to 24 V
-26315 was cents in quarter N
-26316 dropped 2 to 14 V
-26317 fell 1 to 33 V
-26317 slipped 3 to 18 V
-26318 fell victim to profit-taking V
-26318 declined 1 to 83 V
-26320 jumped 1 to 42 V
-26323 holds % of shares N
-26325 eased 1 to 110 V
-26326 dropped 1 to 40 V
-26327 paying attention to earnings V
-26328 posted growth of % N
-26329 be news for market N
-26333 been year for investor N
-26334 be those with kind N
-26335 puts BizMart on list V
-26339 jumped 3 to 20 V
-26339 advanced 1 to 23 V
-26341 fell 1 to 30 V
-26342 dropping 1 to 15 V
-26345 rose 1 to 54 V
-26345 jumped 4 to 41 V
-26349 relinquish beliefs about nature N
-26352 ask sample of parents N
-26352 encourage creativity in children V
-26356 is generation of people N
-26362 fight inch of way N
-26365 minimize tests with results N
-26366 provides teachers with self-definition V
-26366 passed courses in psychology N
-26367 took courses in college V
-26371 are people by definition V
-26373 remember teachers from days N
-26376 be doctor in place V
-26378 are factor in crisis N
-26379 is problem of equity N
-26380 is libel on teachers N
-26382 strike posture on behalf V
-26383 is shred of evidence N
-26387 are majority of schools N
-26388 assimilate knowledge into thinking V
-26391 needs policy for children N
-26395 improves performance in grade N
-26397 blame schools for limitations V
-26403 become prey of politicians N
-26404 disengage itself from commitment V
-26405 increasing expenditures on education N
-26405 increasing expenditures in circumstances V
-26406 takes place in classroom V
-26407 have effect on performance V
-26408 piling work on teachers V
-26409 is paradox in fact V
-26412 mastered R at level V
-26420 is influence of Math N
-26421 learning basis of theory N
-26421 read article by Nelson N
-26422 have principals with measure N
-26425 produce students with morale N
-26430 increase flow of information N
-26430 increase flow for use V
-26431 are one of sources N
-26433 gain credibility on floor N
-26435 developed strategies for problems V
-26436 invest sort of effort N
-26436 invest sort into industry V
-26437 unveil strategies for industries N
-26437 unveil strategies in coming V
-26439 making hundred of people N
-26440 form teams with customer V
-26441 help customers on software V
-26443 mirrored performance as result V
-26444 reflected changeover to year N
-26447 follow rebound in results N
-26448 inched % to yen V
-26449 fell % to yen V
-26450 rose % to yen V
-26452 surged % to yen V
-26453 rose % to yen V
-26454 jumped % to yen V
-26456 increased % to yen V
-26457 rose % to yen V
-26458 surged % to yen V
-26460 rose % to yen V
-26461 rose % to yen V
-26462 rose % to yen V
-26464 drop offer for Corp. N
-26464 have agreement by 15 V
-26465 made offer in August V
-26465 awaiting response to offer N
-26466 consider offer at meeting V
-26467 fill gap in business N
-26468 rejected suitor in year V
-26469 assume job of officer N
-26471 move headquarters from Hingham V
-26473 reached agreement with creditors N
-26480 accept cents on dollar N
-26482 extinguish all of stock N
-26482 issue stock to York V
-26486 took control of company N
-26490 add Co. to index V
-26494 reduced assets in August V
-26494 selling assets as loans N
-26497 exceeded deposits by billion V
-26498 increase size of capital N
-26502 attributed some of outflow N
-26502 attributed some to factors V
-26504 were factors in industry N
-26505 including thrifts under conservatorship V
-26505 reduced assets by billion V
-26506 exceeded deposits by billion V
-26508 held billion in securities N
-26509 marked swing after inflow V
-26510 exceed withdrawals in future V
-26511 see changes in rates N
-26512 exceeded deposits by billion V
-26513 exceeded withdrawals by billion V
-26514 understate rate of growth N
-26515 provide numerator for ratios V
-26516 has implications for policies V
-26516 lower sense of urgency N
-26517 affect perceptions of board N
-26517 constitutes degree of stability N
-26518 predicted acceleration in growth N
-26519 reduced gains in 1970s V
-26521 suggesting defects in estimates N
-26526 is use of estimates N
-26528 estimate output per employee N
-26528 found rate of improvement N
-26528 found rate during 1980s V
-26529 indicates bias in estimates N
-26530 use data for calculations V
-26531 including one by Department N
-26532 contribute % to product V
-26532 depresses rate by % V
-26533 is use of deflators N
-26534 add point to bias V
-26535 make allowance for improvements N
-26537 take account of improvements N
-26537 contributed total of point N
-26537 contributed total to bias V
-26538 indicate understatement in growth N
-26539 was bit over point V
-26541 is emeritus of economics N
-26542 is co-author of Sharp N
-26542 Increase Satisfaction in Living N
-26543 plunged % from year V
-26544 was million for quarter V
-26547 was pennies than projections N
-26548 show weakness in some N
-26558 included gain of million N
-26563 rose % to billion V
-26564 sell securities within borders V
-26565 let Drexel off hook V
-26565 polish image after plea V
-26566 made series of settlements N
-26567 made fine for matter N
-26569 meeting resistance from states N
-26571 getting treatment than firms N
-26572 includes payment of million N
-26576 need licenses for activities V
-26578 praise Drexel for effort V
-26578 settle problems with states V
-26580 was lot of debate N
-26580 drafted plan for states V
-26582 accepted offer of 25,000 N
-26582 have argument with those V
-26584 received complaints about Drexel N
-26588 pay total of million N
-26589 have settlements to four N
-26590 have total of 30 N
-26592 promote behavior in industry N
-26593 reach agreements before Tuesday V
-26598 bar Drexel as adviser V
-26599 describe position in detail V
-26600 issued notice of intent N
-26601 is one of states N
-26606 mount battle in state V
-26611 including commonwealth of Rico N
-26612 reported loss of million N
-26613 reported loss of million N
-26614 completing acquisition of shares N
-26616 including results from both N
-26618 is income of divisions N
-26619 made million from filmed V
-26622 reported income of million N
-26624 including all of earnings N
-26624 had loss of million N
-26628 include results of Corp. N
-26629 got boost from results V
-26630 racked million in receipts N
-26630 racked million to date V
-26632 contributed results from business N
-26633 turned increase in flow N
-26634 reflecting reserve for expenses N
-26637 saw decline in flow N
-26637 included dividend from System N
-26639 take retirement from steelmaker N
-26641 left % of stock N
-26641 left % in hands V
-26643 elected chairman by board V
-26644 was executive until death V
-26645 head appointment by Bush N
-26646 stating concerns about appointment N
-26647 sets policy for RTC V
-26648 are members of board N
-26655 had million in assets N
-26658 has ties to both N
-26659 was co-chairman of committee N
-26662 open Arizona to banking V
-26666 remain officer of unit N
-26667 named chairman of company N
-26667 elected him to position V
-26667 increasing number of members N
-26667 increasing number to 35 V
-26668 was president of company N
-26669 lowered ratings of debt N
-26670 cited move into market N
-26671 raised rating on Bank N
-26675 give hint of present N
-26677 is earthquake in Area N
-26680 sue underwriters for negligence V
-26697 was bonus from employer N
-26697 was bonus in 1981 V
-26698 underwrote 20,000 of coverage N
-26698 faces losses of 70,000 N
-26710 endured decades of decline N
-26711 dominated world with stake V
-26712 monitored commerce through network V
-26716 pioneered policies as insurance N
-26717 siphoning chunks of market N
-26719 was insurer of horses N
-26720 grabbed stake of market N
-26723 lost control of situation N
-26732 is dictator at Lloyd V
-26733 took residence in tower V
-26740 houses warren of desks N
-26746 left exchange in 1985 V
-26753 offset payouts for disasters N
-26754 leaving books for years V
-26755 reported results for 1986 N
-26762 cut force by % V
-26770 sells insurance to public V
-26774 make payments on claims N
-26775 reduce work on claims N
-26778 retains title of chairman N
-26783 taking reins of company N
-26783 realize potential in dealing N
-26784 is one of firms N
-26785 had equity of yen N
-26786 reported income of yen N
-26788 interpreted appointment as attempt V
-26788 preparing firm for effects V
-26789 suffered setbacks in attempts V
-26790 underwriting securities in market V
-26791 had appetite for equities V
-26792 stepped purchases of shares N
-26792 stepped purchases in months V
-26792 shown themselves in past V
-26793 faced competition from competitors N
-26795 selling bonds to investors V
-26799 sell portions of issues N
-26805 build organization with flavor N
-26806 gaining expertise in futures N
-26808 joined Daiwa upon graduation V
-26809 peddling stock to investors V
-26812 gain support from force V
-26813 form portion of earnings N
-26814 lacked backing of force N
-26817 posted decline in income N
-26822 had reserves of million N
-26822 announce dividend in months V
-26823 is 1 to shares N
-26826 Excluding gains from carry-forwards N
-26829 purchased million of shares N
-26829 purchased million since April V
-26830 quashed prospects for revival N
-26832 put attempt to one V
-26832 leaves airline with array V
-26833 obtain financing for offer V
-26835 took announcement as news V
-26836 risen 9.875 to 178.375 V
-26837 makes market in UAL V
-26838 left % below level N
-26838 left price before 13 V
-26839 consider proposal from group N
-26841 transferred ownership to employees V
-26841 leaving stock in hands V
-26842 had financing for plan N
-26851 solve problems with union N
-26857 worsened relations between unions N
-26859 be ally to Wolf N
-26861 paid million for stake V
-26861 received % of company N
-26861 received % at cost V
-26864 sowed some of seeds N
-26865 nursing million in losses N
-26866 leaves residue of lawsuits N
-26868 force recapitalization through process V
-26868 oust board by vote V
-26873 battle Japanese in market V
-26874 is setback for Memories N
-26880 satisfy need for DRAMs N
-26880 satisfy need from market V
-26883 be part of it N
-26884 became officer of Memories N
-26885 announce participation in Memories N
-26893 got wind of coup N
-26895 become service for Noriega N
-26896 is subject for inquiry N
-26897 stamping secret on complicity V
-26899 assume authority to policy N
-26899 take some of responsibility N
-26901 block couple of roads N
-26902 bears responsibility for timidity N
-26904 tell Giroldi about laws V
-26905 had Noriega in custody V
-26915 Witness prosecution of North N
-26916 deploring Men of Zeal N
-26920 is artifact of mind-set N
-26924 write rules in advance V
-26927 strafe hideouts in Valley N
-26928 take civilians with him V
-26931 raised % in years V
-26932 Dragging 13 into story V
-26933 closing parts of Channel N
-26934 were reports of deaths N
-26937 determine cause of explosions N
-26938 fell 1.125 to 23.125 V
-26940 closed miles of Channel N
-26942 had fire under control V
-26943 spewed debris for miles V
-26943 crumpled ceiling in school N
-26946 including three in condition N
-26949 were round in months N
-26952 are cornerstone of operations N
-26952 is contributor to profits N
-26954 obtained disgorgement from figure V
-26955 was captain of crime N
-26955 was one of defendants N
-26958 enjoined Lombardo from dealings V
-26959 pay government within week V
-26962 reported declines in profit N
-26962 posted loss for quarter N
-26966 anticipate charges to earnings N
-26967 take effect of litigation N
-26971 purchased shares of stock N
-26971 purchased shares at cost V
-26973 fell million to million V
-26973 declined million to million V
-26974 offset profits in sectors N
-26975 was 4.04 during quarter N
-26977 left Oil with loss V
-26980 tumbled % to million V
-26983 correct problems with boilers N
-26991 buy products in markets V
-27001 included gain of million N
-27004 included charges of million N
-27006 includes gains of million N
-27006 indicating losses for quarter N
-27007 reflecting softening of demand N
-27009 Citing ownership in Co. N
-27009 slid % in quarter V
-27012 Offsetting stake in Lyondell N
-27014 reported income of billion N
-27015 were billion off % V
-27024 are million of bonds N
-27025 yield % in 2012 V
-27025 yield % in 2014 V
-27025 yield % in 2016 V
-27035 brings issuance to billion V
-27043 bring issuance to billion V
-27056 was offering of securities N
-27058 covering % of deal N
-27059 have life of years N
-27059 assuming prepayments at % N
-27062 co-host program on Channel N
-27069 endure shouting of Mort N
-27073 dumped stocks of companies N
-27074 fell 26.23 to 2662.91 V
-27075 outpaced 1,012 to 501 N
-27078 reduce flexibility of companies N
-27079 beat path to issues V
-27080 sold Co. of America N
-27085 was pursuit of companies N
-27086 entitled Winners of Wars N
-27086 buy stocks of companies N
-27087 pay attention to sheets N
-27088 buy shares of Tea N
-27090 equaling % of equity N
-27090 carrying assets at billion V
-27091 climbed 3 to 1 V
-27091 gained 3 to 130 V
-27092 fell 1 to 57 V
-27092 gained 3 to 21 V
-27093 slipped 1 to 43 V
-27095 outperformed index by % V
-27098 have exposure to cycle V
-27099 dropped % from year V
-27099 declined 1 to 24 V
-27100 lost 7 to 35 V
-27103 dropped 1 to 57 V
-27104 fell 5 to 9 V
-27104 lead list of issues N
-27105 reach agreement with regulators N
-27105 provide capital to MeraBank V
-27106 dropped 5 to 41 V
-27108 fell 1 to 1 V
-27109 dropped 3 to 44 V
-27109 retreated 1 to 57 V
-27111 advanced 7 to 178 V
-27112 fell 1 to 67 V
-27112 dropped 3 to 42 V
-27113 gained 7 to 11 V
-27113 revamping terms of plan N
-27113 sell operations for million V
-27113 spin business to shareholders V
-27114 follows withdrawal of offering N
-27115 gained 1 to 37 V
-27116 bought % of shares N
-27118 rose 5 to 58 V
-27118 climbed 7 to 138 V
-27118 advanced 1 to 1 V
-27118 added 1 to 67 V
-27119 lost 3.11 to 379.46 V
-27121 fell 3 to 20 V
-27122 building ships for company V
-27123 are sort of nicknames N
-27129 being one of public N
-27130 was experience with breed N
-27131 controlled school with bullhorn V
-27132 choosing chiefs from mold V
-27134 take control in York V
-27135 attacked concept of tenure N
-27138 kept job for years V
-27143 cut rate by % V
-27146 takes system in midst N
-27149 Getting community of parents N
-27150 suggests process of disintegration N
-27155 buy Register in transaction V
-27158 pay million for Register V
-27159 pay million in settlement N
-27160 hired president of Ingersoll N
-27161 left company after clashes V
-27162 use part of proceeds N
-27164 causing strain on finances N
-27165 seeking line of million N
-27167 head team at Goodson N
-27167 had revenue of million N
-27167 had revenue in 1988 V
-27168 stretches years to friendship V
-27170 expanding empire in partnership V
-27171 has dailies in U.S. N
-27173 concentrate energies on papers V
-27175 take post at Co N
-27176 become president for communications N
-27178 take responsibility for effort N
-27179 influenced publication of articles N
-27180 make million in contributions N
-27183 fought attempt by PLC N
-27184 giving control of company N
-27185 cite tension because efforts N
-27185 cut costs at agency N
-27186 been president of operations N
-27187 take position of president N
-27188 been president of operations N
-27192 help Express in wake V
-27196 sending note with case V
-27200 approached him about job V
-27201 was contender for job N
-27203 leave company in hands V
-27205 brushed reports about infighting N
-27210 recommended him to Sorrell V
-27212 labeled reports of friction N
-27212 spent part of weekend N
-27212 spent part on boat V
-27213 oversee affairs among things V
-27216 have repercussions at Ogilvy V
-27217 affect relationships with agency N
-27228 was inspiration at company V
-27232 be answer to problems N
-27235 disclose price for Consulting N
-27235 counsels companies on supply V
-27236 suggest price of revenue N
-27239 awarded account for unit N
-27239 awarded account to Shaffer V
-27241 awarded account to Grey V
-27243 be part of campaign N
-27244 becomes the of stars N
-27248 named chairman of Pictures N
-27248 named president of unit N
-27249 make movies for TNT V
-27251 release films in U.S. V
-27251 develop movies next year V
-27252 made documentaries for networks V
-27252 released pictures to theaters V
-27257 receives go-ahead from authorities V
-27258 values Mixte at francs V
-27258 making one of takeovers N
-27260 boost stake in businesses N
-27261 make ally of group N
-27262 holds stake in interests N
-27264 protect it from raiders V
-27271 be time in months N
-27272 won battle for Victoire N
-27274 winning year for control N
-27276 reflects rivalry between groups N
-27277 reflects pressure on companies N
-27277 reduce barriers by 1992 V
-27278 selling all of operations N
-27278 selling all to Allianz V
-27278 stressed potential for groups N
-27279 bringing properties in transport N
-27280 has investments in company V
-27282 swell treasury to francs V
-27283 bid francs for shares V
-27284 offer shares for share V
-27285 pending outcome of bid N
-27286 publish details of bid N
-27287 is one of bids N
-27289 striking alliance with management N
-27290 buying shares in retaliation V
-27295 putting brakes on output V
-27296 fell cents to 19.76 V
-27299 take toll on prices V
-27300 is the of year N
-27301 discuss strategy for 1990 N
-27303 use amount of crude N
-27307 was estimate of damage N
-27307 was estimate from company V
-27308 put pressure on prices V
-27312 fell cents to 1.1960 V
-27313 were drop of 10,000 N
-27314 made high for day N
-27314 made high on opening V
-27318 had fall in spite V
-27319 buy copper in York V
-27323 struggled day despite stories V
-27326 have support around 480 V
-27330 demanding level of proof N
-27332 bring them to market V
-27334 rose three-quarters of cent N
-27334 rose three-quarters to 4.0775 V
-27340 buy tons between 150,000 N
-27340 been expectations of purchase N
-27346 rose 33 to 1,027 V
-27351 expects selling at level V
-27352 helped cocoa in York V
-27352 took advantage of move N
-27354 bought interest in Ikegai-Goss N
-27356 remain supplier to Ikegai-Goss N
-27356 makes presses for industry V
-27361 lower rates in effort V
-27364 follow advance in August N
-27366 fell points to 2662.91 V
-27368 get sell-off in equities N
-27377 sell billion of notes N
-27378 sell billion of bonds N
-27379 shown interest in bonds N
-27380 have views about auction V
-27381 siphoned buyers from sale V
-27382 made debut in market V
-27383 offered securities through group V
-27384 covering % of deal N
-27384 carries guarantee from company N
-27385 sweetened terms from estimate V
-27387 was offering by Corp. N
-27389 were point in trading V
-27394 sold billion of bills N
-27403 closed point in trading V
-27404 be one of credits N
-27406 have appetite for it V
-27409 restructuring mechanism on portion N
-27411 maintain value of 101 N
-27415 offered billion of securities N
-27415 offered billion in issues V
-27418 trailed gains in market N
-27420 yielding % to assumption V
-27423 was one of offerings N
-27424 stimulate activity in market N
-27426 attributed that to size V
-27427 damped demand for bonds N
-27430 drove yields on bonds N
-27430 drove yields on bonds N
-27433 fueled sentiment about market N
-27437 fell point to 99.80 V
-27437 fell 0.10 to 97.65 V
-27439 rose 1 to 111 V
-27439 rose 3 to 103 V
-27441 twists face in fury V
-27443 has years at A&M V
-27444 rim blue of Gulf N
-27445 been days of rain N
-27446 is everything in sport V
-27450 's 8 in morning N
-27451 build themselves on water V
-27453 puts croaker on hook V
-27462 have limit of fish N
-27463 are the at dock V
-27464 wants life after college V
-27466 are towns with atolls N
-27469 forms core of Refuge N
-27471 shot whooper by mistake V
-27477 is place with church N
-27478 read sign in pronunciation V
-27480 is director of Center N
-27481 launch venture for semiconductors N
-27481 launch venture in January V
-27482 merge activities in field N
-27483 hold stake in venture N
-27490 supplies transmissions to makers V
-27494 reporting profit across board V
-27496 planning production with Co. N
-27496 planning production of integration V
-27497 disclose details of arrangement N
-27497 disclose details at conference V
-27499 do chores in exchange V
-27505 found measure of fame N
-27505 found measure in Paris V
-27507 had lots of them N
-27511 adopted 12 of races N
-27514 saved her with offer V
-27518 was island in world N
-27519 had experience of bigotry N
-27522 overemphasize importance of end N
-27523 teaches literature at University V
-27523 uncovered region for desire N
-27523 ignoring centuries of tributes N
-27526 raises questions about vision N
-27527 was jazz by stretch V
-27528 find parallels with Cleopatra N
-27529 died days after opening N
-27530 made it into Casablanca V
-27531 led her to conclusion V
-27533 leads sympathizers in Marseillaise V
-27534 occupied all of France N
-27539 was one of moments N
-27542 produce album of drawings N
-27545 is editor of Journal N
-27546 rid itself of asbestos V
-27548 caught eye of investors N
-27550 owns % of stock N
-27550 owns % on basis V
-27550 settling claims with victims V
-27551 convert stock to cash V
-27552 depress price of shares N
-27553 convert shares to cash V
-27553 dumping stock on market V
-27556 cause recapitalization of shares N
-27560 receive million on bond V
-27563 settled 15,000 of claims N
-27563 settled 15,000 for average V
-27566 need infusion of funds N
-27573 sell some of shares N
-27575 seeking buyer for shares N
-27575 seeking buyer before 1993 V
-27578 is case of company N
-27584 's one of the N
-27585 buy companies at the V
-27598 requested information from companies N
-27598 acquire Corp. for 40 V
-27601 anticipate problems with completion V
-27603 begun offer for all N
-27604 pending resolution of request N
-27606 enhance position in portion N
-27607 sell stake in unit N
-27607 sell stake to fund V
-27607 spin operation to shareholders V
-27608 places value on operation N
-27609 review plan at meeting V
-27614 obtain seats on board N
-27616 holding seats on board N
-27617 raise value of investments N
-27618 bought stake in Pacific N
-27618 have interests in company N
-27624 given seats on boards N
-27624 avoid them because concerns V
-27625 buy stake in portfolio N
-27626 marks commitment to development N
-27627 lend Realty in form V
-27628 accrue interest at rate V
-27629 provide capital for company V
-27629 spending cash on payments V
-27630 be one of companies N
-27631 redirected operations toward development V
-27633 repay million in debt N
-27633 repay million before spinoff V
-27634 reduce debt to million V
-27635 obtain payment of million N
-27639 holds acres of land N
-27640 including acres in area N
-27641 be source for development N
-27643 negotiated structure of deal N
-27643 negotiated structure with Pacific V
-27644 represent fund on board V
-27644 insulate fund from problems V
-27647 be tests of ability N
-27647 convince jury of allegations N
-27649 pointed finger at Sherwin V
-27655 found Bilzerian in June V
-27656 spared term by judge V
-27659 left reputations of GAF N
-27659 left reputations in limbo V
-27660 carry penalties of years N
-27661 faces fines of 500,000 N
-27663 is speculation among attorneys N
-27663 include testimony by Sherwin N
-27668 claim injuries from device N
-27668 hear appeal of plan N
-27669 pits groups of claimants N
-27669 pits groups against each V
-27670 is centerpiece of plan N
-27671 places cap on amount V
-27672 bars suits against officials N
-27673 challenging plan on behalf V
-27675 marketed Shield in 1970s V
-27676 give protection from lawsuits N
-27682 is verdict in case N
-27684 insure cleanup of activities N
-27685 concerning release of substances N
-27688 remove asbestos from building V
-27695 fighting execution of mass-murderer N
-27695 taken case before Court N
-27695 taken case on side V
-27696 filed brief with Foundation V
-27697 waive rights of review N
-27699 appealed sentence in capacity V
-27700 is review of sentences N
-27702 was one of firms N
-27702 displaying bias in work V
-27703 give lot of credit N
-27705 misrepresented copies of artwork N
-27705 misrepresented copies as lithographs V
-27706 had value of 53 N
-27708 making misrepresentations in sales N
-27712 specify nature of differences N
-27713 becomes one of executives N
-27716 has billion of assets N
-27716 is bank in California N
-27717 controls % of market N
-27728 blamed decline in quarter N
-27729 posted rise to million N
-27731 included gain of million N
-27732 reflected charge of million N
-27734 rose % in quarter V
-27735 transfer ownership of subsidiary N
-27735 transfer ownership to two V
-27737 sells all of businesses N
-27738 sell right to party V
-27742 transfer ownership of subsidiary N
-27742 transfer ownership to Lavin V
-27743 pump million to million N
-27743 pump million into Alliance V
-27744 distribute % of Alliance N
-27744 distribute % to representatives V
-27750 worked Wednesday in Chicago V
-27755 prompting Bank of Canada N
-27755 sell currency on market V
-27756 tracking development on Street N
-27756 catch breath of data N
-27764 be statistics for time N
-27767 sees this as piece V
-27769 predict rise in deflator N
-27769 climbing % in quarter V
-27774 expects reaction from news N
-27775 show decline of % N
-27775 show decline in September V
-27776 follows rise in August N
-27777 found bottom at marks V
-27791 added 99.14 to 35585.52 V
-27793 lost part of gains N
-27794 rose points to 35586.60 V
-27795 took profits against backdrop V
-27801 appraise direction of policy N
-27804 providing direction over weeks V
-27805 took profits on shares V
-27805 shifting attention to companies V
-27806 gained yen to yen V
-27808 gained 30 to 1,770 V
-27809 advanced 40 to 4,440 V
-27811 gained 50 to 2,060 V
-27812 receiving interest for holdings V
-27813 underscored lack of conviction N
-27814 signaled support for equities N
-27815 pegged support to anticipation V
-27816 's case of market N
-27818 finished points at 2189.7 V
-27819 closed points at 1772.6 V
-27820 was shares beneath year V
-27821 suggest deficit of billion N
-27823 have impact on market V
-27824 rose pence to pence V
-27828 drawing attention to negotiations V
-27829 bring market to levels V
-27833 were gainers amid hope V
-27833 added marks to marks V
-27834 gained 1 to 252.5 V
-27835 firmed 2 to 723 V
-27835 lost amount to 554 V
-27842 make % of capitalization N
-27844 sell division to Services V
-27845 assume million in debt N
-27846 buy million of stock N
-27846 buy million at 2.625 V
-27846 acquire million of common N
-27846 acquire million at price V
-27851 is unit of Ltd. N
-27853 are guide to levels N
-27883 reported loss of billion N
-27883 following boost in reserves N
-27887 Excluding increase in reserves N
-27887 increased % to million V
-27890 fell cents to 50.50 V
-27891 named president of division N
-27894 been president of division N
-27894 been president since April V
-27895 was division of Co. N
-27895 was division before merger V
-27900 build factory in Guadalajara N
-27901 begin year with production V
-27902 have expenses of million N
-27903 make line of machines N
-27904 has factory in Matamoros N
-27905 purchases products from manufacturer V
-27910 reflecting million of expenses N
-27913 awaits vote on offer N
-27916 reported loss of million N
-27917 had deficit of million N
-27917 had deficit with sales V
-27918 declined % from year V
-27919 fell 1.125 in trading V
-27921 trimmed income to million V
-27923 filed suit against state V
-27924 is counterclaim to suit N
-27925 prevent contamination of hundreds N
-27930 seek reimbursement from state N
-27935 spraying dispersant on oil V
-27936 break slick into droplets V
-27936 was part of plan N
-27936 banned use during days V
-27937 had permission from Agency V
-27937 use dispersant during incident V
-27941 raised stake in Industries N
-27941 raised stake to % V
-27942 including purchases of shares N
-27943 is company of Morfey N
-27947 approved billion in funding N
-27947 assist recovery from earthquake N
-27947 extend aid to victims V
-27948 provoked struggle with lawmakers N
-27948 expedite distribution of funds N
-27949 forced confrontation between Chairman N
-27950 play tone of meeting N
-27951 is amount of jealousy N
-27954 complete action before tomorrow V
-27957 finance loans by Administration N
-27960 was factor among Republicans N
-27961 crafted package in style V
-27961 used force of chairmanship N
-27962 underscore range of changes N
-27965 faces resistance in bid N
-27965 put funds on repairs V
-27966 build support in panel V
-27967 add million in aid N
-27968 puts it in position V
-27969 raised cap on loans N
-27970 including sale of company N
-27972 introduced line for market N
-27973 realize potential of technology N
-27974 had loss of million N
-27975 citing differences with Kurzweil N
-27976 indicate improvement over year N
-27977 improves yields of manufacturers N
-27980 provides services to companies V
-27981 attributed improvement to demand V
-27982 offer million in paper N
-27983 matches funds with leases V
-27989 denounced involvement in war N
-27996 commemorated anniversary of uprising N
-27997 held march through Budapest N
-27998 staged protests in cities V
-28002 shrouded base before touchdown V
-28003 shook plant near Pasadena N
-28006 ease differences over guidelines N
-28007 notify dictators of plots V
-28008 placed forces on alert V
-28009 rejected Sunday by Aoun V
-28010 convenes session in Portugal V
-28011 reshape defenses in Europe N
-28011 reshape defenses amid changes V
-28012 gain freedom for hostages N
-28014 seek clarifications from U.S. V
-28016 called views on Africa N
-28020 posted profit of million N
-28022 attributed decline to softening V
-28024 buy shares of the N
-28025 distribute 21 in liquidation V
-28027 treat dividends as gains V
-28030 reduced income by cents V
-28032 reduce income for year N
-28032 reduce income by cents V
-28034 had income of million N
-28036 granted stay of action N
-28036 guaranteeing loans for Schools N
-28037 alleged violations of regulations N
-28039 set hearing on action N
-28039 set hearing for 30 V
-28040 posted bond against losses V
-28040 guaranteeing loans for students N
-28040 guaranteeing loans to hearing V
-28051 enforcing regulations for imports V
-28054 has contract with importer V
-28055 bring vehicles into compliance V
-28056 tightened standards for imports N
-28057 report income for quarter V
-28058 reported earnings of million N
-28059 post revenue for quarter N
-28062 were million on revenue V
-28064 report income for year N
-28065 projected revenue for year N
-28066 attributed gains to demand V
-28067 cover costs at plant N
-28067 reduced income by million V
-28068 has sales of million N
-28069 earned 774,000 in quarter V
-28070 setting million for cleanup V
-28070 reduced income by million V
-28071 signed decree with Ohio V
-28071 build facility at plant V
-28072 is one of companies N
-28075 purchase over-allotment of units N
-28077 viewed offering as defense V
-28077 balloons number of shares N
-28078 purchase half-share of stock N
-28082 quashed prospects for revival N
-28084 leave airline with problems V
-28086 sank points to 2662.91 V
-28090 sell % of unit N
-28090 sell % to fund V
-28090 spin rest to shareholders V
-28091 values operation at billion V
-28092 reported loss for quarter N
-28093 shed assets in August V
-28094 exceeded deposits by billion V
-28095 fell % in quarter V
-28099 take post at Express N
-28100 follows takeover of agency N
-28101 restrict use by prosecutors N
-28105 dismiss % of force N
-28106 renews concern about buyouts N
-28107 plans bid for firm N
-28109 plunged % in quarter V
-28109 reflecting weakness in businesses N
-28117 restrict use of charges N
-28118 disrupting functions of companies N
-28119 harm parties in case V
-28120 distributed clarifications to attorneys V
-28122 commit pattern of crimes N
-28122 commit pattern by means V
-28122 forfeit proceeds of enterprise N
-28125 is directive to prosecutors N
-28125 seize assets from defendants V
-28128 was kind of snubbing N
-28129 volunteered testimony to Democrat V
-28130 investigating failure of Association N
-28133 caused apprehension in Senate V
-28138 's no-no in book V
-28139 attached himself to story V
-28144 chaired Committee until 1974 V
-28145 conducting business in open V
-28146 denouncing affair as meeting V
-28149 resume Thursday with testimony V
-28150 relieved them of responsibility N
-28150 relieved them in 1988 V
-28151 expressed concern over report V
-28151 discuss testimony in advance V
-28158 got glimpse at list N
-28160 placed lot of senators N
-28160 placed lot in position V
-28161 ensure fairness for constituent V
-28162 is corporation with holdings N
-28163 expresses sympathy for Riegle N
-28165 forgotten confrontation over Wall N
-28167 trade provisions in legislation N
-28169 be understanding on insistence N
-28170 holding equivalent of hearings N
-28173 raised 20,000 for campaign V
-28173 taking side against regulators N
-28175 press suit against Keating N
-28176 is heist in history N
-28176 have Watergate in making V
-28182 disputed account of meeting N
-28184 inspect damage in Francisco N
-28185 started life in Angeles N
-28185 started life with 400 V
-28186 left Union with 480 V
-28186 dropped 80 on suit V
-28188 spent 120 for hat V
-28189 was time for that N
-28192 run company with sales N
-28193 become publisher of Movieline N
-28193 began distribution with run V
-28194 melds archness with emphasis V
-28201 keeps track of rest N
-28205 wear hats in Russia V
-28215 sees party-giving as part V
-28216 thrown soirees for crowds V
-28219 serves tea at 5 V
-28221 catch people after work V
-28222 invites directors for clips V
-28223 bring movies on tape N
-28223 show segments on screen V
-28226 has title of co-publisher N
-28234 writing column about cuisine N
-28234 writing column for Izvestia V
-28235 became basis for cookbook N
-28240 introduces chapter with quotations V
-28244 is person with memories N
-28245 was child of privilege N
-28249 maintain dignity under circumstances V
-28251 remove herself from eye V
-28253 obtain permission from husband V
-28254 endure hours of abuse N
-28258 found work in field N
-28268 has warning for companies N
-28268 do business in Union V
-28272 Doing business with Russians V
-28272 become goal of companies N
-28273 taking part in exhibition V
-28274 stymied deals in past V
-28274 show sign of abating N
-28277 opened field to thousands V
-28279 spearheading attempt by firms N
-28279 involving investment of billion N
-28280 spends lot of time N
-28290 lined day at stand V
-28290 receive tube of toothpaste N
-28291 knocked showcase in rush V
-28293 received orders for toothpaste N
-28294 ship million in months V
-28297 export some of goods N
-28299 buys dolls for export V
-28300 share earnings from revenues N
-28302 invest capital on basis V
-28304 publish journal in conjunction V
-28306 containing details of advancements N
-28309 given contract for parts N
-28310 won contract for parts N
-28311 issued contract for systems N
-28312 awarded contract for services N
-28313 sold one of systems N
-28313 sold one to Office V
-28316 accept bid of lire N
-28316 rejecting offer by A N
-28319 completes merger with Venetoen N
-28319 completes merger by end V
-28326 owns % of Banco N
-28329 needed links with company N
-28330 reserves right as member V
-28332 offered lire for stake V
-28336 sell stake in resorts N
-28338 estimate debt at billion V
-28339 owns % of Australia N
-28340 provide details of merger N
-28343 shake confidence in Australia N
-28344 suspended trading in shares N
-28344 answered inquiry about extent N
-28345 be response to inquiry N
-28346 owes million in loans N
-28347 has investment of million N
-28348 reduce expense by million V
-28349 sold % of resorts N
-28349 sold % to Japan V
-28350 acquire stake in resorts N
-28354 cut flow by million V
-28355 cut revenue at resorts V
-28355 completing sale of stations N
-28356 sued Australia for breach V
-28357 reported results for year N
-28362 disclosed disagreement among directors N
-28363 paid company in year V
-28365 approve payments to executives N
-28368 market chip with circuits N
-28369 fed diet of electricity N
-28370 remember data for years V
-28371 retain data without electricity V
-28373 shipping quantities of chips N
-28375 getting technology from Corp. V
-28376 shipping quantities of chips N
-28377 take part of market N
-28378 require steps than chips N
-28380 accept data at speeds V
-28383 give depositions before reporters V
-28387 allow depositions by television N
-28388 connects Dallas with Miami V
-28389 set shop in Chicago V
-28389 tie rooms into network V
-28391 use network for fee V
-28391 take depositions from witnesses V
-28392 Reverse Tack On Protection V
-28393 been point for makers N
-28395 been responses to suits N
-28399 accuses Motorola of turnabout V
-28401 made charges in amendment V
-28401 sued Hitachi for violation V
-28410 splits image into representations V
-28411 citing sales of goods N
-28411 dropped % for quarter V
-28412 represented quarter of earnings N
-28412 represented quarter for retailer V
-28413 fell 1.375 in trading V
-28416 had shares at 30 V
-28420 offset problems at Shack N
-28421 grew % in quarter V
-28422 cut estimate for Tandy N
-28423 earned million in year V
-28424 are less-advanced than computers N
-28425 added products to line V
-28425 focusing advertising on software V
-28429 delivered message about market N
-28429 delivered message to officials V
-28432 is year for market N
-28434 has following of investors N
-28435 stem fallout from defaults N
-28437 is shakeout in market N
-28441 received month from Corp. V
-28442 put chain for sale V
-28444 acknowledged problems for junk N
-28450 been selling of bonds N
-28451 been sellers of bonds N
-28451 been sellers of losses V
-28452 been sellers of bonds N
-28452 produced redemptions by shareholders N
-28455 were sellers of holdings N
-28455 were sellers throughout quarter V
-28458 have lack of liquidity N
-28465 owns million of bonds N
-28466 been cause of problems N
-28468 caused furor on Street N
-28468 show correlation with findings N
-28469 had rate of % N
-28471 include offerings by Industries N
-28475 sold billion of bonds N
-28475 sold billion for Co. V
-28476 dwarfs that of firm N
-28480 reeled names of pals N
-28482 has lot of members N
-28483 mention any of them N
-28484 has way with names V
-28487 lived door to cartoonist N
-28490 be avenue of entrance N
-28491 provides sense of affiliation N
-28491 open conversation with someone N
-28493 having drink in Sardi V
-28494 followed her into room V
-28501 changed name from Stretch V
-28502 get me into trouble V
-28502 gotten access to society N
-28505 dropping five in diaries V
-28507 're the of friends N
-28509 flaunt friendships with Trumps N
-28510 drop names like Flottl N
-28511 's one-upsmanship of name-dropping N
-28513 link municipality with names V
-28515 set hair on fire V
-28516 call Mistake on Lake N
-28518 owned store in Cleveland N
-28518 played witch in Wizard V
-28518 ran school in Cleveland N
-28521 sold house in Nuys N
-28527 do it with malice V
-28528 get attention of journalists N
-28529 leaves messages with office V
-28529 has story on Trump N
-28530 has story on any V
-28532 are dangers to name-dropping N
-28533 labels dropper as fake V
-28549 runs miles along Parkway V
-28554 spawned explosion of choice N
-28554 spawned explosion in America V
-28560 causing stress among consumers V
-28561 be brands from makers N
-28569 pull boat at time V
-28570 take grandkids to lake V
-28572 make car for purpose N
-28573 are cars for purpose N
-28574 divided market into segments V
-28576 is market for automobiles N
-28578 counter invasion with brands V
-28580 created nameplate in 1985 V
-28580 sell sedans in U.S V
-28584 asked consumers about habits V
-28589 prefer cars by % V
-28590 aged 18 to 44 N
-28595 get mileage than models N
-28604 established section in department N
-28605 test-drive Volvo to dealership V
-28610 felt way about bags N
-28613 has lot of attraction N
-28614 offering engine on model V
-28616 exceeded sales of billion N
-28618 lay 75 to technicians N
-28621 find holes in yard V
-28622 adding insult to injury V
-28624 bringing bucks to crooks V
-28625 are versions of palms N
-28628 damaged Sagos at home N
-28630 dig plants in dead V
-28630 selling them to landscapers V
-28631 become accent in tracts N
-28631 giving market for fronds N
-28632 plant things in yard V
-28634 want gardens out front V
-28635 put stake in ground V
-28635 tied tree to stake V
-28636 cut chain with cutters V
-28638 making figures in 1988 V
-28643 describes variety of strategies N
-28643 involving sale of basket N
-28644 sell baskets of stocks N
-28644 offset position with trade V
-28645 's form of trading N
-28645 create swings in market N
-28646 was trader in September V
-28647 reported volume of shares N
-28651 filed suit against Corp. V
-28653 experienced writedowns because assessment V
-28658 defend itself against suit V
-28660 charged directors with breach V
-28663 had change in earnings N
-28665 compares profit with estimate V
-28665 have forecasts in days V
-28667 completed purchase of operation N
-28668 has sales of million N
-28669 release terms of transaction N
-28670 rose % in quarter V
-28671 lowered stake in concern N
-28671 lowered stake to % V
-28674 position itself in market V
-28674 transform film into video V
-28678 face shortage of programs N
-28678 replacing sets with HDTVs V
-28685 watching movie on set V
-28686 are link between film N
-28690 be demand for 4,000 N
-28692 is shoulders above anything V
-28696 total billion over decades V
-28697 break images into lines V
-28698 resembling dimensions of screen N
-28702 turn business into dinosaur V
-28706 revealing some of aspects N
-28707 plan investigation at end V
-28708 pursue matter in hope V
-28709 is kind of beast N
-28712 is form of gambling N
-28713 changed hands in scandal V
-28716 faced threat of restrictions N
-28717 maintain ties with organizations N
-28721 took root as entertainment V
-28722 created industry with income N
-28726 keep track of income N
-28727 split industry in two V
-28728 donated money to members V
-28729 win support in battle N
-28729 laundering money between JSP V
-28733 received donations from organizations V
-28736 received yen from organization V
-28737 received yen from industry V
-28737 including yen by Kaifu N
-28742 occupied Korea before II V
-28742 faces Koreans in society N
-28747 had tickets for recital N
-28748 begun studies at age V
-28749 give damn about basketball V
-28754 gives recital at Center V
-28756 was part of pack N
-28757 joined roster of Inc. N
-28757 joined roster at age V
-28764 prove myself to her V
-28769 put hands on hips V
-28775 compliment me on intonation V
-28776 discovered predilection for composers N
-28777 winning competition with performance V
-28777 play work for composer V
-28778 performed work with accompanist V
-28780 's motif throughout movement V
-28786 bring orchestra at point V
-28791 won kudos for espousal V
-28792 make interpreter of works N
-28799 finds satisfaction in music V
-28799 puts it during interview V
-28803 is writer in York N
-28806 damp economy at time V
-28810 hit high of % N
-28821 boost stock of debt N
-28822 consider distribution of credit N
-28823 Citing figures on loans N
-28825 improves value of property N
-28832 putting economy at risk V
-28834 enjoys one of images N
-28842 is part of culture N
-28844 getting control of distribution N
-28846 wear uniform of day N
-28847 precipitated resignation of Lesk N
-28848 named officer of Co. N
-28851 spending years at Maidenform V
-28852 want presidency of company N
-28852 named president of sales N
-28852 assuming some of responsibilities N
-28853 downplayed loss of Lesk N
-28853 split responsibilities among committee V
-28863 are forces in apparel N
-28866 command price in market N
-28870 has vote at meetings V
-28874 designed bra in 1920s V
-28877 has facilities in U.S. V
-28878 has outlets with plans V
-28879 joining Maidenform in 1972 V
-28879 holds degree in English N
-28880 headed division since inception V
-28881 maintain exclusivity of line N
-28883 succeeded Rosenthal as president V
-28886 cover months of imports N
-28890 taken toll on reserves N
-28891 marked drop from billion N
-28893 slammed brakes on spending V
-28894 faces battle because forces V
-28897 measures trade in services N
-28898 suggests number of scenarios N
-28900 had deficit of billion N
-28901 takes actions in months V
-28902 finish year with deficit V
-28903 stem drain on reserves N
-28904 suspended loans to China N
-28906 forecasting slowdown in investments N
-28913 rose % in months V
-28914 reported gains in all N
-28915 expects rise in profit N
-28916 closed acquisition of Co. N
-28918 had sales of million V
-28919 is partnership with interests N
-28920 was feet over Minnesota N
-28923 ground him for repairs V
-28923 skipped stop in Chicago N
-28923 get load to hub V
-28924 gotten thing on ground V
-28927 delivering goods on time V
-28928 are tribute to management N
-28928 had way with force V
-28930 elect Association as agent V
-28931 bring union to operations V
-28931 pitted hires against veterans V
-28934 have losers except competition V
-28936 reconcile melding of classifications N
-28937 face elections among mechanics V
-28939 have effect on culture V
-28940 leaves room if any N
-28941 fostered ethos of combat N
-28944 surpass call of duty N
-28947 vent steam through procedure V
-28948 gives talks in briefings V
-28958 stretching schedules to limit V
-28961 given leg on Inc. N
-28962 prohibit drivers from doing V
-28963 load vehicles at depot V
-28966 thrust company into territory V
-28966 expanded rights to countries V
-28968 fly planes on routes V
-28971 squeezed margins to % V
-28973 fell % to million V
-28976 closed Friday at 53.25 V
-28977 's irony in fact V
-28977 faces problems as result V
-28978 airlifted supplies over Hump V
-28979 modeled company on innovation V
-28981 acknowledge mistakes in drive N
-28984 is the of problems N
-28985 encouraging dialogue between workers N
-28986 called meeting in hangar N
-28989 battled management for years V
-28989 were members until day V
-28990 fired time without notice V
-28993 seal deal with Chairman N
-28997 identifying vote for representation N
-28997 identifying vote as vote V
-28999 appeared weeks in videos V
-29003 manage operations with advice V
-29008 cost lot of will N
-29016 endure harangues by pilots N
-29020 obtained order for vehicles N
-29024 produces products for markets N
-29025 convicted Judge of articles V
-29025 removing judge from job V
-29029 convict Hastings of perjury N
-29030 remove Hastings from office V
-29033 handling prosecution in Congress V
-29034 protect institutions from people V
-29034 abused positions of trust N
-29039 was one of judges N
-29040 packed gallery with supporters V
-29040 kept distance from case N
-29041 respect judgment of Senate N
-29042 racked numbers in miniseries V
-29045 are plenty of inspirations N
-29048 seems franchise for series N
-29049 pokes styles of the N
-29057 been victim of incest N
-29060 tailing them as subversives V
-29063 were chauffeurs for Hoover N
-29065 describes reporter as Amendment V
-29066 describes corpse as Williams V
-29071 revved show to point V
-29072 gets hold of this N
-29076 explaining anything to Kennedy V
-29076 chasing cars in Anchorage V
-29081 built career on hate V
-29083 turn world into dump V
-29084 was crime against humanity N
-29087 have series with character V
-29089 add pizzazz to script V
-29093 attends unveiling of memorial N
-29096 was moment for television N
-29097 's program inside noise V
-29099 put spin on it V
-29107 purchased company in Texas N
-29107 purchased company for million V
-29108 acquired Corp. for million V
-29109 holds properties in fields N
-29109 provide Texaco with reserves V
-29110 contain reserves of feet N
-29111 is indication of commitment N
-29113 put barrels of reserves N
-29113 put barrels on block V
-29120 settled fight with Pennzoil N
-29120 settled fight for billion V
-29121 played role in settlement N
-29121 take control of company N
-29121 sold stake in Texaco N
-29123 reduced distribution for trust N
-29126 had income of million N
-29129 borrowed quote from writer V
-29129 wrote words in Book V
-29131 had surplus of billion N
-29133 follows declines in figures N
-29136 give some of independence N
-29136 give some to knight V
-29137 leave speculators with losses V
-29138 giving value of francs N
-29139 owns % of AG N
-29140 owns % of AG N
-29145 acquired control of Victoire N
-29148 exploring plans for acquisitions N
-29148 called managers of companies N
-29149 acquiring shares of AG N
-29151 holds % of AG N
-29151 give right of refusal N
-29153 raise stake in AG N
-29155 excited interest in AG N
-29156 constitute portfolio in Belgium N
-29157 do job of coordinating N
-29159 was member of Commission N
-29161 gathering views of Department N
-29161 distilling information for president V
-29162 leaving execution of policies N
-29162 leaving execution to Department V
-29168 diminished role of NSC N
-29169 sensed need in world N
-29173 is one of problems N
-29178 underscored inadequacy of staff N
-29179 are experts in affairs N
-29181 become confidants of Bush N
-29182 has background in America N
-29186 fell % from days V
-29188 admitting role in scandal N
-29189 was director for Sperry N
-29190 left Navy in 1985 V
-29191 took place between 1982 V
-29193 computerize maintenance of equiment N
-29194 give advantage in competition N
-29196 requested approval of scheme N
-29196 requested approval from officials V
-29203 offered 5,000 for story V
-29204 sent thousands of releases N
-29204 sent thousands from office V
-29209 offered each of runners-up N
-29213 get nominations from folks V
-29214 generating publicity for contest N
-29225 broke talks about alliance N
-29226 intensify pursuit of maker N
-29227 continue search for ally N
-29228 have contacts with manufacturers V
-29230 make sense to parties V
-29232 seen alliance as way V
-29232 expand presence in markets N
-29233 discussed link between operations N
-29235 surrendering any of autonomy N
-29238 plunged % to kronor V
-29240 became foundation of model N
-29241 had talks with Fiat N
-29242 make announcement about it N
-29243 focus resources on struggle V
-29245 faces fight for Jaguar N
-29246 have alliance with GM V
-29247 touring operations in Detroit N
-29249 views Jaguar as prize V
-29249 give leg in end N
-29250 encountered setback in effort N
-29250 market sedan in U.S. V
-29251 boosted holding to % V
-29252 changed hands in trading V
-29253 rose cents to 11.125 V
-29259 signed him in April V
-29261 fires pass into hands V
-29265 was the in string N
-29267 ended million in red N
-29268 has some of costs N
-29270 take comfort in fact V
-29276 have kind of stream N
-29279 represent breed of owner N
-29280 buying % of team N
-29280 buying % from Bright V
-29281 took Cowboys to Bowls V
-29285 cut staff by half V
-29286 calls Pentagon of Sportdom N
-29291 see place for sort N
-29296 posting seasons in each V
-29302 led Hurricanes to seasons V
-29308 trading back to Vikings V
-29309 dropped prices from 25 V
-29310 given costs in league N
-29311 raised year by 2.40 V
-29313 included rights for stadium N
-29314 offer view of field N
-29315 taking owners onto field V
-29315 buy one of rooms N
-29315 promises look at strategy N
-29315 promises those before time V
-29318 are source of cash N
-29319 is contract with television N
-29322 jack price for rights N
-29323 get stations in Mexico N
-29325 played part in wars N
-29326 signing Aikman to contract V
-29326 pay quarterback over years V
-29333 boost profit in ways V
-29337 have lease in NFL N
-29340 imposed limit on teams V
-29344 expand offerings to companies V
-29347 fighting bureaucracy for say V
-29347 produced form of gridlock N
-29348 install Finks as replacement V
-29354 keep schedule on track V
-29354 flies secretaries from Rock V
-29354 augment staff in Dallas N
-29355 made it on basis V
-29363 use form of journalism N
-29363 explain perception of Days N
-29364 chastises Franklin-Trout for presentation V
-29371 contain comments from Israelis N
-29372 doing documentary on apartheid N
-29373 tracing conflict to days V
-29377 endure rash of critics N
-29377 know details of side N
-29383 need permission from Office N
-29393 completed purchase of Corp. N
-29395 is subsidiary in Wisconsin N
-29396 signed letters of intent N
-29397 monitor condition of companies N
-29397 facing opposition from firms N
-29398 be focus of hearings N
-29399 give authority during emergencies V
-29400 monitor levels at companies N
-29401 provide financing for acquisitions N
-29402 renewed concerns among regulators N
-29405 is one of issuers N
-29407 divert resources of commission N
-29407 divert resources from broker-dealers V
-29409 support concept of disclosure N
-29413 organized series of exchanges N
-29418 share belief in principles N
-29422 provide excuse for departures N
-29423 make distinctions among Fidel N
-29425 equate policies with will N
-29425 merge agendas of Fidel N
-29426 resisted collaboration with officials N
-29427 violate jurisdiction of government N
-29428 follow fact than rhetoric V
-29430 deny access to things N
-29431 is justification for behavior N
-29434 adjust estimate for split V
-29435 was % than average N
-29438 represents percentage of debt N
-29438 unload bonds by spectrum V
-29440 has blocks of maturity N
-29442 confirm size of issue N
-29444 expected amount of bonds N
-29445 issue amount of debt N
-29446 sold million of bonds N
-29451 follows warning from Comptroller N
-29455 project gap on order N
-29457 charges critics with spreading V
-29463 knew outcome of election N
-29464 been number of questions N
-29466 quoted Friday at price V
-29473 provide it with million V
-29474 owned % by Australia V
-29475 sank 2.625 in trading V
-29479 repay million in debt N
-29480 terminating agreement on The N
-29480 Leave It to Beaver V
-29487 following breakdown of talks N
-29487 re-evaluating position as shareholder N
-29487 minimize degree of loans N
-29491 has investment in Entertainment N
-29492 pay billion than 1 N
-29494 was director of company N
-29496 made bids for studio N
-29498 is topic of conversation N
-29499 provide services in languages V
-29500 playing role in fall N
-29503 are facts behind assertions N
-29503 sent kind of signal N
-29504 were statement on subject N
-29504 control events in markets N
-29508 changed posture on deal N
-29511 has judgment on risks V
-29515 played part in decision N
-29518 been speculation in circles N
-29521 pull horns on buy-outs N
-29524 curry favor with bureaucrats V
-29528 cool some of fever N
-29534 is grade than grade N
-29537 soared % to francs V
-29540 introduce system for parking N
-29541 putting money in machines V
-29544 is partner in project N
-29547 lost bidding to group V
-29553 introduced cigarettes under label V
-29554 win share from cigarettes V
-29555 have driving on minds V
-29556 had impact on activities N
-29557 were part of cases N
-29558 reinstated preamble of law N
-29562 has bearing on laws V
-29563 throw charges against demonstrators N
-29563 blocked access to Services N
-29569 left room for grass N
-29569 is one of cracks N
-29570 recognized right to abortion N
-29571 escape prosecution for trespass N
-29572 's risk to protesters N
-29573 be result of case N
-29578 imprisoning fetus of woman N
-29582 stabbing people to death V
-29582 are a of activities N
-29587 has years of experience N
-29587 investigating abuses on sides N
-29588 are part of drama N
-29588 affecting positions of both N
-29593 fight rebels of Movement N
-29596 maintain contact with world N
-29598 held gridlock over Ethiopia V
-29598 accept runway as 2 V
-29602 threatening town of Dese N
-29602 cut capital from port V
-29603 transfer thousands of troops N
-29603 transfer thousands from Eritrea V
-29603 risking loss of territory N
-29603 keep Tigreans at bay V
-29604 defending city of Asmara N
-29604 defending city from Eritreans V
-29608 strike blow for rights N
-29608 undo flip-flop of 1970s N
-29609 distancing itself from Barre V
-29618 positions itself for period V
-29618 back role as mediator N
-29618 opening channels of communications N
-29618 opening channels through Sudan V
-29619 are the in all N
-29626 got contract for systems N
-29627 received contract for cones N
-29628 awarded contract for parts N
-29629 awarded contract for support N
-29630 was 0.628394 on offer N
-29632 is manager of partnerships N
-29633 buy shares from group V
-29633 boosting stake to shares V
-29634 rose % in September V
-29635 followed boosts of % N
-29636 cast shadow over markets V
-29647 puts capacity at million V
-29649 estimated capacity at barrels N
-29650 keep markets on edge V
-29654 get shares of increases N
-29656 approved increase of barrels N
-29658 legitimize some of overproduction N
-29660 accept reduction in share N
-29663 promised parity with Kuwait N
-29665 be basis for discussion N
-29667 reducing shares of others N
-29671 left percentage of total N
-29671 increased volume to barrels V
-29673 's reduction in share N
-29674 maintaining share of production N
-29677 sharpen debate within establishment N
-29680 protect carriers from attack V
-29681 buy F-18s from Navy V
-29682 is attack on Rafale N
-29684 criticize Rafale as plane N
-29685 made secret of preference N
-29686 inflame dispute within establishment N
-29688 is result of inability N
-29688 develop plane with countries V
-29690 brought issue to head V
-29692 heightened pressure for planes N
-29694 represent protection for carriers N
-29694 meet crises as wars N
-29695 told meeting of Association N
-29703 eased % to yen V
-29705 posted drop in profit N
-29710 play fiddle to carrier V
-29713 transform itself from carrier V
-29715 earned Kong on revenue N
-29719 expand fleet to planes V
-29720 replace fleet of Tristars N
-29720 replace fleet for flights V
-29721 moving some of operations N
-29721 moving some outside Kong V
-29722 pushing costs by % V
-29722 leaving colony as part V
-29723 place others in Canada V
-29724 secure passports of 1997 N
-29725 promote Kong as destination V
-29727 attracting visitors from Japan V
-29730 sees alliances with carriers N
-29730 sees alliances as part V
-29734 put funds into business V
-29738 coordinate extensions to Boston N
-29741 double flights into China N
-29741 double flights to 14 V
-29741 restart flights into Vietnam N
-29743 is option for Cathay N
-29743 jeopardize rights in Kong N
-29744 rules move to London N
-29745 putting faith in agreement V
-29748 have hope in run V
-29752 increase cap to % V
-29756 are guide to levels N
-29789 restricting access to structures N
-29790 weaving way along street V
-29792 shakes head in amazement V
-29797 offered response to disaster N
-29799 offered brie for breakfast V
-29802 finds response of residents N
-29805 allowed hunt through possessions N
-29812 dumped belongings into pillowcases V
-29812 threw goods out windows V
-29824 become point of efforts N
-29824 reunite residents with pets V
-29825 offering reward for cat N
-29826 providing care for animals V
-29827 sought homes for fish V
-29831 resembles sections of cities N
-29834 been burglary in mall V
-29839 offering merchandise at prices V
-29843 improves image to outsiders V
-29843 arrest exodus of investment N
-29844 is creation of jobs N
-29846 created jobs at cost V
-29849 receives % of profits N
-29850 had effect on neighborhood V
-29851 been area with shops N
-29851 experiencing upgrading in stock N
-29854 have models than kingpins N
-29856 putting one of deals N
-29863 are three to times N
-29864 has nest above roofs V
-29867 has force of personnel N
-29867 has force on duty V
-29868 is % to % N
-29872 encourage investment in areas N
-29872 encourage investment with requirements V
-29873 identifying sources of funds N
-29875 represent market for investment N
-29878 encourage development in areas N
-29880 is researcher at Department N
-29881 redeem amount of 59.3 N
-29883 notify holders of notes N
-29885 join Board from market V
-29887 trades shares of interest N
-29889 join Thursday under HIB V
-29891 started OTC with symbol V
-29894 operates types of facilities N
-29897 sell security at price V
-29899 begin offer of 12.25 N
-29902 includes million of debt N
-29903 buy % of shares N
-29904 is operator of facilities N
-29904 had sales of million N
-29905 is operator in facilities N
-29907 regains glamour among investors V
-29912 be return to growth N
-29918 use spurt in issues N
-29921 is performance in economy N
-29922 get valuations of stocks N
-29923 pay prices for companies V
-29928 took seat to flow V
-29937 play part in decisions N
-29938 added Medical to list V
-29941 rose % in 1987 V
-29942 follows stock for Quist V
-29942 grow % to 2.15 V
-29945 eased 0.13 to 470.67 V
-29947 was week for stocks N
-29949 lost 3 to 17 N
-29949 lost 3 on volume V
-29951 lost 1 to 106 N
-29952 lost 7 to 1 N
-29952 had loss in quarter N
-29955 jumped 1 to 47 N
-29956 dropped 1 to 21 N
-29958 began trading at 12 N
-29962 plummeted 1 to 7 V
-29963 perform studies on device N
-29964 dropped 5 to 1 V
-29964 seeking protection from lawsuits N
-29964 seeking protection under 11 V
-29965 lost 1 to 10 V
-29965 cover charges in connection N
-29968 added 5 to 110 V
-29968 lost 1 to 41 V
-29969 secured commitments from banks N
-29969 finance bid for million N
-29970 entered pact with BellSouth N
-29971 Following release of earnings N
-29971 dropped 3 to 48 V
-29972 including million from sale N
-29975 give value of 101 N
-29977 receive equivalent of % N
-29979 retire % of issue N
-29979 retire % before maturity V
-29982 buy shares at premium V
-29984 expects loss of million N
-29985 have loss for quarter N
-29986 took provision for losses N
-29987 charged million of loans N
-29987 leaving unit with reserve V
-29989 capped spurt of news N
-29989 challenging reign as graveyard N
-29991 reported plunge in income N
-29992 surged a to million V
-29994 do something about it V
-29996 raising recommendation to million V
-29997 was part of valor N
-30002 had liabilities of a N
-30003 had loss in quarter N
-30005 had million of loans N
-30008 have reserves against estate N
-30009 had loss of million N
-30010 recovering cents to cents N
-30010 recovering cents on property V
-30010 sell it at all V
-30011 is result of one N
-30012 poured money into buildings V
-30013 has supply of space N
-30014 knocked some of buildings N
-30021 is S&L in state V
-30022 see wave of defaults N
-30025 reported income of million N
-30025 including million from changes N
-30027 plummeted % over year V
-30031 undertaken restructuring in effort V
-30033 lowered ratings on debt N
-30034 lowered ratings on issues N
-30035 reflect slide in condition N
-30036 withstand downturn in estate N
-30039 is version of protein N
-30040 directs function of cells N
-30043 turn part of response N
-30044 is one of receptors N
-30053 has near-monopoly on part N
-30053 surpass Corp. as firm V
-30054 dominates market for drives N
-30055 soared % to million V
-30057 jumped % to million V
-30059 reach million on sales V
-30061 achieved level of sales N
-30063 benefited spread of computers N
-30063 consume electricity than drives N
-30064 controls % of market N
-30066 had field to themselves V
-30068 is supplier of drives N
-30068 introduce family of drives N
-30074 uses watts of power N
-30081 supplying drives for machine V
-30082 targeted market for machines N
-30082 use power than those N
-30083 boosted demand for computers N
-30084 makes drives for computers N
-30084 is supplier to Compaq N
-30084 owned % of stock N
-30088 touts service as hour V
-30089 franchise it in states V
-30090 have access to transportation V
-30091 lure clients to doorstep V
-30094 offers equivalent of visit N
-30095 explaining areas of law N
-30096 refer people to lawyers V
-30097 refers call to one V
-30100 refer client to firm V
-30107 convicted them of extortion V
-30107 obtaining loan from officer V
-30108 obtaining payments from Garcia V
-30110 is the of prosecutions N
-30114 preserving interests of constituents N
-30115 was member of staff N
-30116 involving receipt of gratuities N
-30117 set sentencing for 5 V
-30124 held number of discussions N
-30129 file complaints against them V
-30131 allow participation in proceedings N
-30131 open hearings to public V
-30132 appreciate nuances of relationships N
-30133 publishing names of lawyers N
-30133 subjects them to derogation V
-30138 pay fine to Delaware V
-30141 made settlement with Commission N
-30142 try hand at work V
-30148 be blow to Rich N
-30149 been one of campaigns N
-30151 scaled spending on brand N
-30151 bills million to million N
-30154 is 7 in business N
-30156 launched contest for readers N
-30160 emerged victor of review N
-30162 picked million to account N
-30162 lost number of accounts N
-30167 registered 6.9 on scale N
-30169 connecting city to link V
-30170 runs trains beneath bay V
-30171 increased service to hours V
-30181 raised specter of restaurants N
-30182 raised hackles of boosters N
-30184 stuck estimate of billion N
-30185 increased estimates to billion V
-30188 is miles of highway N
-30189 provided series of exits N
-30191 including all of high-rises N
-30195 estimate claims from disaster N
-30198 ask Congress for billion V
-30199 add billion to fund V
-30200 raise money for relief N
-30201 restrict ability of legislature N
-30203 posted loss for 1989 N
-30205 posted loss of million N
-30206 rose % to billion V
-30207 jumped % to million V
-30208 has interests in brewing N
-30212 dived % to million V
-30215 cap year for Bond N
-30216 controls % of company N
-30218 sold billions of dollars N
-30220 taken it on chin V
-30224 be group in structure N
-30225 cited list of assets N
-30237 shot times in back V
-30240 creating focus for life N
-30241 is one of thousands N
-30242 suffer injuries from crime N
-30243 have rates of injury N
-30244 show part of problem N
-30246 is example of city N
-30247 conducted spring by Interface V
-30267 minimize cost of crime N
-30268 was 1,000 per worker N
-30269 created economies of scale N
-30270 invoke law of trespass N
-30270 regulate access to places N
-30276 put police on patrol V
-30278 is frustration of alarms N
-30281 raises barriers to entrepreneurship N
-30282 giving priority to patrols V
-30283 losing business to centers V
-30283 keep taxes within limits V
-30285 testing effects of strategy N
-30285 comparing value with patrols V
-30288 saved life of Ortiz N
-30291 purchase share at 6.27 V
-30293 reduce debt to levels V
-30293 finance investments with capital N
-30296 was kind of action N
-30299 's lesson for investors N
-30302 shielded investors from the V
-30306 be basis for decision N
-30309 kicking tires of car N
-30311 fell average of % N
-30312 were number of ways N
-30312 cushioned themselves from gyrations V
-30313 posted decline of % N
-30314 allocate investments among investments V
-30316 gives benefits of diversification N
-30316 including boost during periods N
-30317 declined % in week N
-30321 turned return of % N
-30322 risen % on average V
-30325 putting 5,000 in 500 V
-30327 was fund for week N
-30329 appreciates % over cost N
-30330 was % in cash N
-30331 buying companies at prices V
-30337 's lot of unsettlement N
-30339 giving benefit of translations N
-30344 posted returns for year N
-30345 following problems with financing N
-30352 had a into funds N
-30354 showed power in fact N
-30359 taking stake in business N
-30359 taking stake as part V
-30359 create range of linkages N
-30368 attract notice for quality N
-30370 put some of ideas N
-30370 put some into practice V
-30372 designing stage for show N
-30377 sell model of center N
-30385 limit emission of formaldehyde N
-30387 plant forest at cost V
-30388 moved others in profession N
-30389 designing redevelopment of Square N
-30389 carry it to extreme V
-30392 attended schools in places N
-30393 earned degree in architecture N
-30393 earned degree from Yale V
-30398 restored plants in Vermont N
-30399 designed one of houses N
-30400 was design for headquarters N
-30401 took feet of building N
-30403 reduce it at building V
-30403 rubbed beeswax of polyurethane N
-30403 rubbed beeswax on floors V
-30412 visited office for meetings V
-30417 makes use of aluminum N
-30418 planted acorns around country V
-30419 awaits approval by officials N
-30421 recruited him as architect V
-30422 provide space for equipment N
-30422 doing business in Europe V
-30431 reflecting impact of strike N
-30434 slipped % to million V
-30436 spent million for security V
-30452 had chance for upset N
-30457 's nothing on side V
-30458 put Bush in House V
-30461 keep commercials on air V
-30463 began campaign with hopes V
-30469 direct anger at each V
-30471 defeated Koch in primary V
-30479 is undertone to effort N
-30483 sought support of parties N
-30484 is fancy'shvartzer with moustache N
-30485 is word for person N
-30486 concedes nothing in ability V
-30487 match Mason with Carson V
-30488 get vote on day V
-30494 paid tax for years V
-30496 sold stock in Co. N
-30496 sold stock to son V
-30498 avoid problems in role N
-30501 follows pattern as returns N
-30504 's difference between value N
-30509 had history of deception N
-30512 surrounding collapse of Ambrosiano N
-30516 paid million to creditors V
-30517 obtained lire in checks N
-30517 obtained lire from official V
-30518 exonerating bank from blame V
-30518 channeled funds to groups V
-30523 fill seat of chairman N
-30524 surrounding contracts at unit N
-30527 write million against contracts V
-30528 take allegations of fraud N
-30530 pursue action against those N
-30531 sell million in assets N
-30531 strengthen itself in wake V
-30534 pay million for interest V
-30534 putting million for stake V
-30536 made owners of franchise N
-30537 fell week for lack V
-30538 resigned post with Inc. N
-30539 distributes programs to rooms V
-30539 add games to offerings V
-30541 filed suit in court V
-30542 owns stake in Realist N
-30543 disclose information to stockholders V
-30545 buy Realist for 14.06 V
-30548 slashed dividend in half V
-30549 had loss of million N
-30550 had deficit of million N
-30554 seen decline from sales N
-30556 fell % to million V
-30557 attributed decline to concern V
-30558 follows industry for Co V
-30559 's concern about economy N
-30560 expects sales for all N
-30560 fall % from 1988 V
-30560 were the since 1978 N
-30565 falling cents to 5.25 V
-30568 had loss of million N
-30568 following profit of million N
-30569 rose % to million V
-30571 release batch of reports N
-30575 provided boost for bonds N
-30580 produced return of % N
-30585 ease stance without risk V
-30587 charge each on loans V
-30587 considered signal of changes N
-30589 ended Friday at % V
-30591 Given forecast for rates N
-30594 be demand for paper N
-30595 sold billion of securities N
-30596 boost size of issue N
-30596 boost size from billion V
-30597 operates one of systems N
-30598 auction billion of securities N
-30599 sell billion of bills N
-30599 sell billion at auction V
-30600 sell billion of notes N
-30601 sell billion of bonds N
-30603 shown appetite for offering N
-30608 yielding point than bond N
-30612 is constraint to market N
-30618 providing support to Treasurys V
-30624 price offering by Inc N
-30629 had trouble with Western N
-30629 have time with rest N
-30632 priced issue of debentures N
-30632 priced issue at par V
-30633 give value of 101 N
-30635 receive equivalent of % N
-30636 induce some of players N
-30637 put price on deal V
-30639 fell 1 to point V
-30641 auctioned estate of Jr. N
-30641 auctioned estate for million V
-30643 provided guarantee of million N
-30643 taking interest in property N
-30650 make refunds to advertisers N
-30653 obtained commitments from banks V
-30657 buy shares of LIN N
-30657 buy shares for 125 V
-30657 owning % of concern N
-30658 merge businesses with Corp V
-30660 coerces women into prostitution V
-30665 enforce decision by conference N
-30665 ban trade in ivory N
-30666 file reservation against ban N
-30667 use % of ivory N
-30668 close Tower of Pisa N
-30668 's danger to tourists N
-30670 make climb up steps N
-30673 reducing stocks of liquor N
-30673 displaying them in window V
-30674 built center for immigrants N
-30676 halted transfer of immigrants N
-30677 demanded halt to televising N
-30679 have suntan by Christmas V
-30682 take one of options N
-30683 reduce principle on loans N
-30683 cut rate on loans N
-30684 prefer losses to risk V
-30685 taken provisions for loans N
-30685 taken provisions to nations V
-30686 take hit to earnings N
-30689 put Gorbachev in place V
-30690 issued times by publisher V
-30692 fell % to % V
-30693 attributed decline to effects V
-30695 exceed million in 1988 V
-30697 had profit of million N
-30698 be million to million N
-30699 reflect results of unit N
-30700 is season for business N
-30700 use goods as items V
-30705 reflecting number of measures N
-30706 been maker of printers N
-30706 grabbed share of market N
-30707 reduce % to % N
-30707 improve delivery of orders N
-30707 improve delivery to % V
-30707 lower number of hours N
-30708 moving design of products N
-30709 install displays at outlets V
-30709 bolster awareness of brands N
-30710 makes gadgets at factories V
-30713 seek acquisitions in industry N
-30719 sells chemicals to factories V
-30724 attributed slump to disruptions V
-30727 bearing brunt of measures N
-30733 cut funds from factories V
-30735 dealing blow to trading V
-30737 grew % to billion V
-30739 grew % to billion V
-30743 recentralized trading in wool N
-30744 monitor issue of licenses N
-30746 buys goods from China V
-30753 process letters of credit N
-30753 settling letters at speed V
-30753 dispel rumors about health N
-30755 weakened power of companies N
-30757 is financier for business N
-30758 tapped market for funds V
-30761 make funds for purchases N
-30764 means business for us N
-30767 extended clampdown on imports N
-30767 extended clampdown beyond target V
-30771 bought goods at prices V
-30771 take loss on resales V
-30776 spur drive for laws N
-30776 protect victims of accidents N
-30777 highlights shortcomings of Fund N
-30777 gets money from companies V
-30778 spilled gallons of oil N
-30778 spilled gallons into Inlet V
-30779 filed suit in court V
-30781 pay million in damages N
-30788 seek reimbursement from operator N
-30789 is kind of Catch-22 N
-30791 starting jobs with firms N
-30793 teach bolts of lawyering N
-30794 learned basics from lawyers V
-30796 enables students by playing V
-30797 treat staff with respect V
-30800 defend clients against offers V
-30802 Creates Courthouse for Kids N
-30813 get kids from criminals V
-30818 's conclusion of study N
-30819 earned average of 395,974 N
-30821 earned average of 217,000 N
-30822 assist recovery from earthquake N
-30822 extend aid to victims V
-30826 waiving restrictions on use N
-30826 shift money within package V
-30826 bolster share for Administration N
-30828 Meet Needs of Disasters N
-30829 be charge against Act N
-30830 lowered ratings of million N
-30831 have effect on us V
-30832 affect value of bonds N
-30833 lowered ratings on million N
-30834 lowered ratings of million N
-30841 scaled reaches of success N
-30842 is look at way N
-30844 seen chance at commission N
-30850 dogs aspect of lives N
-30851 finds 30,000 in account N
-30855 find way between extremes N
-30856 making specimens of generation N
-30858 feel pangs of recognition N
-30859 provide material for fiction N
-30860 tells story of company N
-30860 faces attempt by AIW N
-30860 constitute joke in world N
-30862 providing muscle for deal N
-30863 invest tale of wars N
-30863 invest tale with characters V
-30864 has elements of allegory N
-30865 depicts qualities with strokes V
-30866 undermine force of perceptions N
-30869 be TV of tomorrow N
-30870 ceded segment of business N
-30870 ceded segment to Japan V
-30871 build screens for televisions N
-30872 enjoy backing from government N
-30873 use form of technology N
-30873 put images on display V
-30875 had success in electroluminescence N
-30878 Replacing tube with screen V
-30878 is key to creation N
-30880 exploit advances in panels N
-30881 sold interests in displays N
-30881 sold interests to Thompson-CSF V
-30884 manufacture panels at costs V
-30887 is million in awards N
-30892 put it to use V
-30893 develop panels at labs V
-30897 has claim to right N
-30900 question need for support N
-30900 justifies help on grounds V
-30901 see source for some N
-30901 's source of concern N
-30903 transmitting information to commanders V
-30904 ordering displays for cruisers V
-30904 wants versions for tanks N
-30910 reflect concern over future N
-30913 sell panels in Japan V
-30916 built stake in company N
-30918 merged operations with those V
-30918 owns % of Calor N
-30919 held discussions with SHV N
-30921 asked Harbors for information V
-30922 including town of Braintree N
-30927 involves collection of receivables N
-30928 has billion in sales N
-30931 is successor to Board N
-30931 was announcement of action N
-30933 banned insider from institutions V
-30941 post loss of 879,000 N
-30942 had loss of 199,203 N
-30944 catch wave of performers N
-30947 were shares of companies N
-30949 producing surprises than ones N
-30951 reach a for gains N
-30957 reminds Calverley of period V
-30959 identify companies with momentum N
-30960 showing signs of investing N
-30961 seeing beginning of shift N
-30963 recycles plastic into fibers V
-30964 praises company as resistant V
-30964 has rate of % N
-30965 closed Friday at 39 V
-30968 recommends stalwarts as Morris N
-30970 pursuing stocks at expense V
-30971 get number of disappointments N
-30971 get number from companies V
-30972 selling share of companies N
-30972 buying share of stocks N
-30973 trimmed portfolio of Paper N
-30974 putting money in Barn V
-30976 reported decline in quarter N
-30976 announced buy-back of shares N
-30978 buying stock at times V
-30980 throw towel on cyclicals V
-30983 buying shares in weeks V
-30989 meet imbalances with stock V
-30990 closed 5.94 to 2689.14 V
-30992 lagged 662 to 829 N
-30995 gained 0.03 to 347.16 V
-30995 fell 0.02 to 325.50 V
-30995 fell 0.05 to 192.12 V
-30999 fell 32.71 to 1230.80 V
-31000 skidded 5 to 168 V
-31002 followed decision by Airways N
-31002 supported offer for UAL N
-31003 fell 1 to 31 V
-31004 took cue from UAL V
-31004 rose 3 to 43 V
-31005 acquired stake of % N
-31006 fell 1 to 52 V
-31006 declined 7 to 45 V
-31009 lowered ratings on number N
-31010 dropped 5 to 51 V
-31010 fell 3 to 1 V
-31011 dropped 3 to 51 V
-31012 citing weakness in business N
-31013 fell 1 to 9 V
-31015 cut dividend in half V
-31016 fell 3 to 29 V
-31016 declaring dividend of cents N
-31018 offer rights at 8.75 V
-31020 use proceeds of offering N
-31020 use proceeds for reduction V
-31021 buy share at price V
-31050 filed registration with Commission V
-31052 refinancing debt of concern N
-31052 refinancing debt at rates V
-31054 reduced stake in Inc. N
-31054 reduced stake to % V
-31055 sold shares from 31 V
-31057 had comment on sales N
-31058 held stake in Anacomp N
-31058 held stake for purposes V
-31059 have discussions with management V
-31060 sell interest in mall N
-31060 sell interest to buyer V
-31074 ensure lockup of purchase N
-31076 called lawsuit without merit V
-31078 cut dividend on shares N
-31078 cut dividend to cent V
-31080 reflects price for metals N
-31082 had profit in 1985 V
-31083 is 15 to holders N
-31087 is parent of Inc. N
-31088 has revenue of million N
-31090 handed speculators on deal V
-31091 tops million in losses N
-31091 dropped offer for Co N
-31092 culminating Friday with withdrawal V
-31093 recoup some of losses N
-31093 rescued them with takeover V
-31100 using guesswork about likelihood N
-31101 put bid in area N
-31101 take three to months N
-31103 accepted bid of 300 N
-31103 running company for while V
-31106 have tool in willingness V
-31106 cut compensation by million V
-31106 commit million from funds N
-31108 putting wad of cash N
-31111 call someone on telephone V
-31111 fix problem with deal N
-31112 leaves pilots in need V
-31112 lay hands from funds V
-31113 is insistence on ownership N
-31115 sharing value of concessions N
-31115 sharing value with shareholders V
-31116 buy stock from public V
-31117 deliver price to shareholders V
-31119 advising board on bids V
-31120 Using takeover as benchmark V
-31122 Using estimates of earnings N
-31122 Using estimates under variety V
-31122 estimated value at 248 V
-31123 assuming sale of assets N
-31126 expect revival of takeover N
-31129 throw deal into doubt V
-31132 paid average of 280 N
-31132 paid average for positions V
-31142 had loss of million N
-31143 had loss of million N
-31144 rose % to million V
-31146 had income of million N
-31147 grew % to million V
-31155 outflank competitors like Corp. N
-31156 add machines to systems V
-31156 opens market for us V
-31158 is one of versions N
-31163 attracted offers for some N
-31164 approached Saatchi in August V
-31166 made pitches in visits V
-31168 received inquiries from companies N
-31173 lowered estimates for company N
-31176 rebuffed offer by Spielvogel N
-31176 lead buy-out of part N
-31178 whipped interest among outsiders V
-31178 picking pieces of businesses N
-31180 had problems at office V
-31180 offers offices in areas V
-31183 be addition to network N
-31187 sell some of units N
-31196 blaming agency for incident V
-31197 remove board from agency V
-31199 told board about relationship V
-31200 funnel kickbacks to then-minister V
-31201 chastises agency for timing V
-31201 handle million to account N
-31204 awarded million to account N
-31204 awarded million to Angeles V
-31208 named director of services N
-31210 owns Inc. of U.S. N
-31214 appointed executive for property N
-31215 become part of committee N
-31216 named president of University N
-31217 have phrase under investigation N
-31219 succeed Lederberg as head V
-31221 held hearings on dispute N
-31221 co-authored paper with Baltimore V
-31222 was part of investigation N
-31223 enlist services of Service N
-31223 enlist services in investigation V
-31224 has interest in NIH N
-31224 were no by opinion N
-31224 reminded Baltimore of era N
-31226 do million of damage N
-31226 do million to labs V
-31226 decries horrors of chemistry N
-31226 files lawsuits in court V
-31228 decreed investigation of paper N
-31232 defended itself against suit V
-31234 earn praise for work V
-31234 attract attention of people N
-31234 gain control over goals N
-31236 acquire Inc. of Beach N
-31236 acquire Inc. for stock V
-31237 receive total of shares N
-31239 buy stake in subsidiary N
-31242 offering corrections to table N
-31245 is sign of neglect N
-31252 see flock of programs N
-31252 impose costs on economy V
-31264 creating rationale for taxes N
-31266 cost businesses between billion V
-31267 distorts efficiency in sorts V
-31268 imposes standards on plants V
-31269 stick scrubbers on plants V
-31271 imposes standards on cars V
-31272 be 500 per car N
-31276 create wave of litigation N
-31281 lift burden from people V
-31282 diagnosed stagnation of 1970s N
-31283 tout accomplishments as head N
-31284 was head of force N
-31288 Holding dam on taxes N
-31288 is task of presidency N
-31289 was core of people N
-31293 setting some of buckshot N
-31293 setting some for ducks V
-31294 show improvement from deficits N
-31295 prevent freefall in sterling N
-31296 announce measures in speech V
-31299 be lot of pressure N
-31300 show improvement from deficit N
-31302 transforming itself to exports V
-31307 see evidence of turnaround N
-31315 reduce fears of rises N
-31317 allow rigor of policy N
-31320 showing signs of lack N
-31322 increase rates to % V
-31324 posted gains in trading N
-31325 distance itself from exchange V
-31325 preoccupied market since 13 V
-31326 shift focus to fundamentals V
-31326 keeping eye for signs V
-31328 changing hands at yen V
-31333 acquire Inc. for 40 V
-31337 values company at million V
-31340 is maker of products N
-31341 boosted stake in Green N
-31341 boosted stake to % V
-31349 's change from years N
-31352 reduce costs in years V
-31353 is year since deregulation N
-31353 had upturn in perceived N
-31359 be opportunity for offsetting N
-31359 offsetting increases in segments N
-31360 gotten benefits of deregulation N
-31360 gotten benefits in reductions V
-31362 recoup some of cutting N
-31364 's lot of pressure N
-31365 carry freight of shippers N
-31365 carry freight in trailer V
-31371 played trucker against another V
-31372 raised rates for products N
-31372 raised rates by % V
-31373 boost rates over years V
-31374 increase cost of products N
-31374 slow rate of increase N
-31375 increase rates in couple V
-31376 increased % to % N
-31376 increased % in months V
-31378 restore rates to levels V
-31379 raise rates on containers N
-31379 carrying exports to Asia V
-31380 filed statement with Commission V
-31381 have shares after offering V
-31384 putting him on probation N
-31384 putting him for insubordination V
-31387 entered room in building N
-31395 promised decision within weeks N
-31399 Alter details of example N
-31399 taking place at Express V
-31400 are pioneers in trend N
-31401 is one of trends N
-31404 reduces lawsuits from disgruntled N
-31406 increases commitment to company N
-31415 means hundreds of complaints N
-31416 train supervisors in approach V
-31418 Coach them in handling V
-31419 take complaints to adjudicator V
-31419 accept reversals as fact V
-31422 enjoys advantages as credibility N
-31423 has advantages as speed N
-31426 do any for anybody N
-31429 features procedure in programs V
-31430 guarantee visibility for system N
-31431 is subject of memorandums N
-31434 marking gain since fall N
-31442 surrendered part of advance N
-31442 surrendered part toward end V
-31443 hold position over weekend V
-31450 adding points in days V
-31456 gained 100 to 7,580 V
-31458 gained 80 to 1,920 V
-31458 added 60 to 2,070 V
-31460 gained 50 to 2,660 V
-31462 added 50 to 1,730 V
-31463 added 80 to 2,010 V
-31466 recouped some of losses N
-31472 supporting market in quest V
-31472 cover shortages of shares N
-31475 announcing withdrawal from deal N
-31476 viewed outlay for stake N
-31476 viewed outlay as bit V
-31477 close penny at pence V
-31478 was 100 at shares V
-31482 ended day at 778 V
-31484 shed 10 to 294 V
-31489 are trends on markets N
-31493 was part of set N
-31494 disclosed them to senators V
-31495 cited policy as example V
-31497 lend support to effort V
-31503 is part of effort N
-31503 shift criticism for failure N
-31504 summarize portions of correspondence N
-31507 send suggestions to committee V
-31508 present evidence in fashion V
-31512 banning role in assassinations N
-31514 gets wind of plans N
-31518 win approval of funding N
-31519 avoid surprises during campaign N
-31523 hampered role in attempt N
-31524 made headway with Sens. N
-31524 made headway after meeting V
-31531 creating vehicle for investors N
-31533 been province of those N
-31535 filed registration with Commission V
-31537 approved price in process V
-31537 clearing papers on desk N
-31538 started fund in 1974 V
-31538 reached billion in assets N
-31538 reached billion in year V
-31540 Keeping price at dollar V
-31542 keeps them at 1 V
-31543 forced relaxation of curbs N
-31548 regarding merger of Noxell N
-31550 exchange share of stock N
-31550 exchange share for share V
-31550 exchange share of stock N
-31551 mark entry of P&G N
-31552 markets range of products N
-31553 postponed endorsement of merger N
-31553 postponed endorsement until meeting V
-31554 discuss terms of transaction N
-31556 hold majority in MBB N
-31556 acquires stake in concern N
-31558 been professor in department N
-31559 completed offering of shares N
-31562 issues reading on product N
-31562 issues reading in report V
-31569 see growth for remainder V
-31570 carry ramifications in quarter V
-31574 take hunk of GNP N
-31577 limit damage to regions V
-31578 offset loss of production N
-31580 expects growth of % N
-31581 increases possibility of recession N
-31581 reinforces news from reports N
-31584 shaved % to % N
-31588 paid dividend of cents N
-31590 raised stake in company N
-31590 raised stake to % V
-31591 boosted holdings in Vickers N
-31591 boosted holdings to shares V
-31594 views company as investment V
-31595 use interest as platform V
-31595 launch bid for company N
-31597 spurned advice of consultants N
-31600 was move for executive N
-31602 Stroking goatee during interview V
-31607 add kronor to coffers V
-31608 approve offering of shares N
-31612 taking parts of company N
-31613 remain shareholder with stakes N
-31614 solve problem for parent V
-31615 controls % of shares N
-31618 is result of spree N
-31621 turned Trelleborg into one V
-31623 owns % of company N
-31625 joined forces with Canada V
-31631 raising share of profit N
-31639 accept ownership in company N
-31641 share belief in renaissance N
-31642 were decade of consumption N
-31645 is word for metals N
-31647 registered increase for quarter N
-31648 brought income in quarter N
-31648 brought income to million V
-31654 credited computers for performance V
-31658 was % below margin N
-31660 predicted year of growth N
-31666 was officer of division N
-31668 placed warrants in exchange V
-31671 reflects importance of market N
-31672 succeed Haines as manager V
-31673 signed contract with developers V
-31676 maintain plant upon completion V
-31681 spending billion on itself V
-31683 add million of revenue N
-31684 is part of plan N
-31688 called step in internationalization N
-31689 are areas for Basf N
-31690 named officer of unit N
-31693 sell service to Inc. V
-31695 provides quotes over band V
-31697 have sale of unit N
-31697 have sale under consideration V
-31698 publishing information on disks N
-31707 selling part of holdings N
-31709 is month for program N
-31710 offering assets for time V
-31711 unveil plans for effort N
-31713 rid government of hundreds N
-31723 hobbled program in past V
-31725 adopting attitude of flexibility N
-31726 sell bank for price V
-31729 selling institution without price V
-31732 lost control to government V
-31732 made loans to institution V
-31733 giving % of bank N
-31733 giving Manila with understanding V
-31735 sell stake in Corp. N
-31738 hold % of Picop N
-31739 own rest of equity N
-31740 take stake in company N
-31740 needs million in capital N
-31740 needs million for rehabilitation V
-31741 including member of group N
-31744 retain stake in Picop N
-31744 accused trust of selling N
-31747 divest itself of Airlines V
-31749 increasing membership to nine V
-31751 elected director of company N
-31753 been executive of Inc N
-31764 be chairman of firm N
-31765 become director of company N
-31769 make % of loans N
-31770 owns Association of Waterbury N
-31770 had assets of million N
-31771 had assets of million N
-31771 had assets on date V
-31772 is statement of commitment N
-31773 view reforms in context V
-31776 retains % of equity N
-31778 granted control over airline N
-31778 granted control to consortium V
-31780 include ones in Mexico N
-31784 is element of plan N
-31790 suspend payment of quarterly N
-31790 suspend payment for quarter V
-31791 expects return to profitability N
-31793 transfer ownership to employees V
-31793 leaving stock in hands V
-31795 avoid risk of rejection N
-31795 submit plan at meeting V
-31797 give approval to offer V
-31799 avoid loss of momentum N
-31800 discuss it with banks V
-31801 make proposal without commitments V
-31802 borrow dollars from banks V
-31802 finance payment to holders N
-31803 receive interests in company N
-31808 given control of airline N
-31811 is sort of period N
-31814 keep offer on table V
-31814 maintain position with board N
-31815 triggered buy-out with bid V
-31817 paid million for backing V
-31818 gain loans for group N
-31820 answer questions from regulators N
-31820 use proceeds of offering N
-31822 favor recapitalization with investor N
-31823 make million in concessions N
-31825 weaken management at time V
-31826 pay million in banking N
-31826 pay million to advisers V
-31829 includes series of features N
-31829 is 80%-owned by Inc N
-31830 carry seconds of advertising N
-31833 yield % in offering V
-31834 said million of proceeds N
-31834 prepay amounts on note N
-31834 prepay amounts to Inc. V
-31836 holds stake in Inc. N
-31836 having control of company N
-31837 determined terms of transaction N
-31842 draw currencies at IMF V
-31845 sell subsidiary as part V
-31847 is subsidiary of Ltd. N
-31848 had revenue of million N
-31848 makes products at mills V
-31848 recycles aluminum at plant V
-31849 elected executive of subsidiaries N
-31852 remains chairman of Co N
-31853 was officer of Co. N
-31853 was officer in 1987 V
-31853 bought interest in Corp N
-31855 reduced stake in Illinois N
-31855 reduced stake to % V
-31858 decrease position in concern N
-31860 vacated judgment in favor N
-31862 remanded case to court V
-31866 transfer ownership of parent N
-31866 transfer ownership to employees V
-31866 leave stock in hands V
-31867 give approval to offer V
-31868 incurred losses of million N
-31868 incurred losses from offer V
-31869 ended talks about alliance N
-31870 intensify pursuit of Jaguar N
-31870 negotiating alliance with GM V
-31872 making gain for week N
-31876 citing losses at unit N
-31877 cast shadow over markets V
-31879 attracted offers for some N
-31883 entered market by unveiling V
-31883 convert film into video V
-31884 cede market to manufacturers V
-31887 purchased company in Texas N
-31887 purchased company for million V
-31889 slashed dividend in half V
-31889 reflecting slowdown in sales N
-31894 suspended payment of dividend N
-31895 paid cents in April V
-31896 had effect on stock N
-31904 requested recall of capsules N
-31908 suspending distribution of 21 N
-31908 pending completion of audit N
-31911 went public in January V
-31918 been engineers with Cordis N
-31920 sold operations to Ltd. V
-31921 representing employees at Corp. N
-31921 averting strike by employees N
-31924 proposes contract with raise N
-31926 reported increase in revenue N
-31927 reported income of 320,000 N
-31928 reported increase in earnings N
-31932 includes proposals for pullout N
-31932 guarantees number of seats N
-31933 demanded pull-out of troops N
-31933 puts future of agreement N
-31933 puts future in doubt V
-31935 finding survivor in freeway V
-31939 notify dictators of plans N
-31940 inform dictators of plans N
-31941 disclosed it to senators V
-31941 citing plan as example V
-31942 lend support to effort V
-31967 included gain of million N
-31970 posted loss of million N
-31976 have feelings about someone N
-31976 swapping barbs with friends V
-31982 call questions for panel N
-31983 getting injection of glasnost N
-31986 easing restrictions on travel N
-31987 win confidence of Germans N
-31989 ordering action against protesters N
-31993 lecture people about values V
-31994 visit factory on outskirts N
-31997 ignoring problems in society N
-31999 impressed group of visiting N
-32003 's side to Krenz N
-32004 is part of Poland N
-32004 dedicated life to apparatus V
-32007 have room for maneuver N
-32009 plunged country into crisis V
-32021 display sense of humor N
-32022 carried report on factory N
-32023 remember comment by Hager N
-32026 producing amounts of heat N
-32026 producing amounts from experiments V
-32028 find hints of reactions N
-32028 leaving finding of tritium N
-32029 hear reports on experiments N
-32030 offered evidence of fall N
-32036 reported results with variations N
-32037 encircling rod of metal N
-32037 encircling rod with wire V
-32037 plunging electrodes into water V
-32039 consume all of energy N
-32040 produced amounts of heat N
-32042 detected indications of radiation N
-32043 measuring heat from experiments N
-32046 borrowed rod from chemists V
-32050 produced heat for hours V
-32055 is reality to energy N
-32061 is experiment at University N
-32062 producing 1.0 than cell N
-32064 getting bursts of heat N
-32065 is correlation between time N
-32066 measure amount of tritium N
-32067 be evidence of reactions N
-32068 reported evidence of neutrons N
-32069 take experiment into tunnel V
-32069 shield detectors from rays V
-32070 detected neutrons in two V
-32070 detect burst in detectors N
-32071 detected burst of neutrons N
-32072 indicated burst of neutrons N
-32074 produce effects on surface N
-32075 announced rates for 1990 N
-32076 include increase for advertising N
-32081 share efficiencies with customers V
-32089 owns % of Inc. N
-32090 Reflecting impact of prices N
-32095 reduced demand for semiconductors N
-32097 reduce force of division N
-32101 expect sluggishness in market N
-32102 combine divisions into Group V
-32102 affect results by amount V
-32103 completed acquisition of Co. N
-32104 had income of million N
-32105 is company with area N
-32106 is partner in franchise N
-32107 represents entry into business N
-32108 has interests in television N
-32108 make acquisitions in industry N
-32109 haunting market in metal N
-32112 precipitated expansion of production N
-32113 recover silver from solutions V
-32117 preferring assets to gold V
-32121 offers value amongst metals N
-32123 converting quantities of metal N
-32123 converting quantities into silver V
-32123 discouraging exports from India N
-32126 plans issue of coin N
-32128 push prices into range V
-32136 be 1 to 2 N
-32137 expect prices of contracts N
-32137 found cattle on feedlots N
-32138 held cattle on 1 V
-32140 fatten cattle for slaughter V
-32140 signals supply of beef N
-32142 projecting decline in placements N
-32143 sell cattle to operators V
-32143 dried pasture on ranches N
-32147 set tone for trading N
-32148 attributed decline to factors V
-32150 test projections by economists N
-32153 including settlement of strikes N
-32154 ending strike at mine N
-32155 accepted cut in force N
-32157 takes place at noon V
-32158 indicating demand for copper N
-32163 has implications for week N
-32168 allows computers in network N
-32170 asks computers in network N
-32170 asks computers for bids V
-32171 sends task to machine V
-32175 get bang for you N
-32177 charge 5,000 for license V
-32180 spread tasks around network V
-32181 splits it into parts V
-32181 divvying parts to computers V
-32184 turns network into computer V
-32187 saturate area after another N
-32188 putting squeeze on profits V
-32188 straining relations between chains N
-32189 offer discounts during winter V
-32191 is chairman of Board N
-32194 brought reaction in industry V
-32200 serve customers to % N
-32203 has choice in war N
-32204 owns string of stores N
-32206 squeeze stores into corner V
-32210 trailed levels throughout 1989 V
-32220 driving wedge between franchisers V
-32221 absorb increases in expenses N
-32221 absorb increases without cut V
-32223 demand participation to end N
-32224 protect consumers from marketing V
-32226 get telephone about franchise N
-32228 had change in earnings N
-32230 compares profit with estimate V
-32233 had change in earnings N
-32235 compares profit with estimate V
-32237 completed sale of assets N
-32238 is part of plan N
-32240 found use for them N
-32241 won nickname for Series V
-32241 selling some of checks N
-32241 selling some through dealer V
-32245 sign autographs for fee V
-32246 examined checks at show V
-32249 were lot of Cobbs N
-32256 done it for cash V
-32263 produce products for market V
-32264 have capacity of tons N
-32265 follows string of announcements N
-32266 build lines for steel N
-32271 boosting levels of steel N
-32273 maintain edge over minimills N
-32274 expects market for steel N
-32274 reach tons by 1992 V
-32276 reach agreement by end V
-32277 marks plant for production N
-32278 boost capacity of tons N
-32280 adding capacity of steel N
-32282 MAKE mind about investment V
-32285 give instructions to broker V
-32287 accept type of order N
-32288 enter it for customer V
-32293 fill orders at prices V
-32300 goes tick beyond price N
-32300 filling it at price V
-32306 placed order at 90 N
-32306 placed order under stock V
-32310 receiving price from order V
-32310 use type of order N
-32314 fill it at price V
-32333 bought stock from orders N
-32334 is responsibility of investors N
-32335 change mind about buying V
-32339 measures volatility of fund N
-32345 get payoff from bet N
-32347 is part of risk N
-32348 tell magnitude of that N
-32351 is indicator of risk N
-32353 led Association of Investors N
-32353 eliminate figures for funds N
-32353 eliminate figures in edition V
-32361 see risk on dimension V
-32362 avoid types of risk N
-32363 is news to people N
-32365 returning money at maturity V
-32366 erodes power of payments N
-32367 is function of time N
-32371 paying attention to risk V
-32373 outperformed securities over extended V
-32376 evaluating riskiness of portfolios N
-32382 expose holders to lot V
-32383 involve risk than portfolio N
-32384 is affiliate of Seidman N
-32387 add deviation to it V
-32392 are riskier in terms N
-32393 be riskier in sense N
-32402 exceed inflation by margin V
-32408 broadening dislike of Noriega N
-32409 are part of nexus N
-32415 is news for those N
-32418 plunge funds into tools V
-32419 maintained share of CDs N
-32419 preserving position in market N
-32421 demonstrates performance of businesses N
-32422 divested myself of stocks V
-32424 causing broker at Pru-Bache N
-32424 seen anything like it N
-32425 began climb to health N
-32426 entered it in 1988 V
-32426 posted rate in years N
-32436 been part of strategy N
-32437 brought value of sedan N
-32438 produced need for construction N
-32441 given demonstration of benefits N
-32442 showing expansion with sign N
-32444 take advantage of it N
-32448 building value on back V
-32450 is writer in York N
-32451 gave piece of advice N
-32458 influence investment of dollars N
-32463 are members of them N
-32467 planned ventures into bankruptcy V
-32472 be planner at all N
-32473 follows issues for Federation V
-32476 kill demand for planning N
-32477 cause slump in demand N
-32477 make exit from business N
-32480 guided investment of billion N
-32480 guided investment in months V
-32482 counseling others on the V
-32483 keep tabs on advisers N
-32488 set standards for competence N
-32489 set debate within industry N
-32490 putting Dracula in charge V
-32491 giving money to SEC V
-32494 enrolled dog as member V
-32495 sent picture with certificate V
-32496 have ideas about certification N
-32498 reveal conflicts of interest N
-32500 receive some of income N
-32500 receive some from commissions V
-32501 putting clients into investments V
-32502 invested million on behalf V
-32503 put clients into portfolios V
-32503 shoved customers into investments V
-32504 paid commissions to Meridian V
-32506 had access to cash N
-32507 portrayed himself as expert V
-32511 seeking recovery of funds N
-32512 is chairman of IAFP N
-32512 name Peterson as defendant V
-32515 purchase Bank of Scottsdale N
-32518 took T to meeting V
-32519 dumped million in cash N
-32519 dumped million on table V
-32520 show color of money N
-32524 save responses for court V
-32526 considering suit against plaintiffs N
-32528 Rearding suit over bid N
-32530 are a of times V
-32534 kept them of way V
-32535 pay tens of thousands N
-32535 pay tens for chance V
-32537 give pause to clients V
-32540 make some of clients N
-32540 make some on investments V
-32543 is reporter in bureau N
-32547 accompanies show with selection V
-32570 lend air of respectability N
-32572 having lot of people N
-32574 is headquarters for operators N
-32574 extract money from the V
-32584 sent million to company V
-32589 rent space near room N
-32590 give indulgence of offices N
-32593 cite case of Valentine N
-32593 serving sentence at Prison V
-32595 took junkets with friends N
-32595 leased an for girlfriend V
-32602 get publicity about this N
-32603 is chief of bureau N
-32605 send kids to college V
-32607 Stick money in account V
-32608 buy ticket to U. N
-32608 buy toddler in years V
-32611 readied parents for 1980s V
-32612 rose % in years V
-32612 's increase in prices N
-32614 take pizzas-with-everything at time N
-32619 take chance on fund N
-32620 make it in account V
-32625 's dilemma for parent N
-32626 has answer for you N
-32628 investigating increases among schools N
-32629 cool things in 1990s V
-32640 set 773.94 for years V
-32641 cut this to 691.09 V
-32642 come home from hospital V
-32643 Plugging college into formulas V
-32644 Using cost of 12,500 N
-32645 assumes return in fund N
-32645 be 16,500 in taxes N
-32647 peddling lot of fear N
-32648 takes issue with projections N
-32650 do it of income V
-32659 laid billion for bonds V
-32660 bought million in plans N
-32663 pay interest at maturity V
-32665 pay 1,000 in 2009 V
-32668 be loss of principal N
-32669 bought amount at time V
-32672 limit guarantees to institutions V
-32672 get refunds without interest N
-32673 seeking approval for plans N
-32675 be soundness of guarantee N
-32686 backed guarantees with credit V
-32690 covers education from bureau V
-32696 was one of the N
-32699 omitted total of million N
-32699 omitted total from receipts V
-32702 fouled net on project N
-32704 owes lot of taxes N
-32706 develop targets for investigation V
-32707 offset income with losses V
-32707 raised racehorses on days V
-32710 won part of battle N
-32710 received services in return V
-32713 builds factor into formula V
-32713 need projects for them V
-32714 have incidence of audits N
-32717 requiring reporting of varieties N
-32717 ferret discrepancies with returns N
-32717 generate inquiries to taxpayers N
-32720 assigned agents to projects V
-32721 detect pattern of abuse N
-32721 having multitude of dependents N
-32721 frees them from withholding V
-32721 deducting losses from businesses V
-32723 send anyone to jail V
-32723 make life for one V
-32723 imposing some of penalties N
-32724 label workers as contractors V
-32724 avoid share of taxes N
-32725 sold home for profit V
-32725 reinvesting gain in home V
-32727 treating amounts of travel N
-32727 treating amounts as costs V
-32728 provided criteria for singling N
-32728 singling returns of taxpayers N
-32728 report income from business N
-32729 denied deductions by Rubin N
-32729 were distributors of products N
-32729 were distributors in addition V
-32731 earned 65,619 in jobs V
-32731 treated sideline as business V
-32731 derived elements from it V
-32732 distribute material to people V
-32732 prepare program on subject N
-32734 reclassified workers as employees V
-32737 become tipsters for IRS N
-32737 manages force of agents N
-32737 manages force from Orlando V
-32738 provide leads to competitors N
-32740 listed all as contractors V
-32741 assessed 350,000 in taxes N
-32742 assessed 500,000 against company V
-32742 carried employees as independents V
-32743 becoming pursuers of delinquents N
-32743 tracks them with relish V
-32743 acquired system in 1985 V
-32746 be residents of states N
-32747 feel glare of attention N
-32748 collected million from brokers N
-32749 squeezed million of man V
-32750 reclaim hundreds of millions N
-32750 reclaim hundreds through project V
-32751 is editor of column N
-32752 finding news in plan V
-32756 boosting admits from % V
-32756 boost registrants from % V
-32757 gaining admission in category N
-32762 creates category of students N
-32762 gives % of class N
-32767 places program on top V
-32771 is story about suckers N
-32775 blurt numbers to caller V
-32776 is formality on road N
-32777 buy well from stranger N
-32780 know all of them N
-32784 peddling investments in wells N
-32786 is lure of returns N
-32791 is part of culture N
-32791 puts emphasis on it V
-32795 is psychology of the N
-32796 be part of in-crowd N
-32798 sold interests in wells N
-32798 sold interests to group V
-32799 had agreement with Co. N
-32801 are part of group N
-32802 embellish information with notion V
-32805 carry element of excitement N
-32807 phoned them with updates V
-32814 lose money on investments V
-32816 used approach with him V
-32817 had trappings of legitimacy N
-32819 are targets of pitches N
-32820 prevent disappearance of children N
-32821 discuss investments with others V
-32823 discuss investment with wife V
-32827 filed suit in court V
-32829 took them for lunch V
-32832 send pictures of themselves N
-32836 is principal in Inc. N
-32837 hits them at time V
-32842 invested 2,000 in stocks V
-32848 is reporter in bureau N
-32851 was 436,000 on 17 V
-32856 spend time on pursuits V
-32861 writing stories like one N
-32863 put wife in lap V
-32865 spawned number of products N
-32869 amasses value in policy N
-32870 gives bang for buck N
-32870 gives you within limits V
-32873 pass exam before renewal V
-32878 made lot of sense N
-32879 charge me for 100,000 V
-32879 canceled policy after years V
-32882 get benefit of income N
-32890 cloak it in euphemisms V
-32891 is kind of CD N
-32893 runs second to investment N
-32896 paying beneficiaries of people N
-32900 pay premium for amount N
-32900 invests premium in portfolio V
-32901 extract value in form V
-32901 included gains on investment N
-32903 allows loans without consequences V
-32905 put money into policy V
-32907 adjust amount against amount V
-32907 cover portion of policy N
-32908 ask questions about some N
-32908 show buildup of values N
-32910 Projecting the over decades V
-32912 get sort of bonus N
-32912 get sort after year V
-32916 are twists to life N
-32916 ask questions about all N
-32917 pay premiums on policy N
-32917 pay premiums for years V
-32919 cover cost of protection N
-32920 maintain amount of protection N
-32921 like sound of that N
-32926 tap portion of benefits N
-32927 collect percentage of value N
-32927 allow payments for conditions N
-32928 permit use of fraction N
-32929 exempting payments from taxes V
-32930 considering cost of provisions N
-32932 market them to public V
-32933 compared policy for 130,000 N
-32933 compared policy with offering V
-32934 get 14 from Equitable V
-32939 finance trip to Paris N
-32940 do thinking about insurance N
-32942 indicates profit in quarter N
-32943 show increase from year N
-32945 make sales for quarter N
-32949 sold drugs for prices V
-32949 record gain on sales N
-32953 attributed decline in profit N
-32954 start efforts behind Maalox N
-32955 underfunded Maalox for year V
-32956 spend million to million V
-32958 producing fertilizer in 1990 V
-32959 close plant in Oberhausen N
-32959 close plant in fall V
-32961 changed name to Bank V
-32964 was anniversary of crash N
-32966 led march in trading N
-32968 led market from bell V
-32969 joined advance in strength V
-32972 took profits before close V
-32975 buy stock against positions V
-32976 ignoring profits of companies N
-32977 was influence in rally N
-32982 gained 7 to 73 V
-32985 complete buy-out of International N
-32986 put oomph into market V
-32988 is strength behind rally N
-32991 prompted lot of buying N
-32991 were bets on prices N
-32995 representing billion in stock N
-32996 been increase in positions N
-32997 set pace for issues N
-32998 added 1 to 44 V
-32998 gained 3 to 70 V
-32998 gained 3 to 77 V
-33000 provide million in financing N
-33001 providing rest of billion N
-33002 advanced 5 to 136 V
-33002 tacked 7 to 63 V
-33008 owns stake in company N
-33008 plans fight for control N
-33010 approved the of % N
-33011 approved increase in program N
-33013 introduce products next month V
-33014 gained 3 to 89 V
-33015 added 1 to 1 V
-33016 lowered rating on stock N
-33016 post loss for quarter N
-33022 raised rating on stock N
-33023 lost 7 to 51 V
-33024 lowered rating on stock N
-33024 citing slowdown in business N
-33025 reported decline in earnings N
-33026 recorded gain of year N
-33029 received approval for plan N
-33029 fend bid from group N
-33031 buying total of million N
-33034 received contract from Navy V
-33034 enlarge capacity of oiler N
-33036 increasing size to members V
-33038 protect flag from desecration V
-33040 was victory for leaders N
-33040 opposed amendment as intrusion V
-33042 defuse pressure for amendment N
-33043 become law without signature V
-33044 threw conviction of man N
-33044 set flag during demonstration V
-33045 have problems on job N
-33048 surveyed group of directors N
-33048 surveyed group about perceptions V
-33049 is one of series N
-33052 costs 8,000 in terms V
-33054 is average for claims N
-33055 do something about them N
-33057 recognize link between jobs N
-33059 strike people at height N
-33060 had bearing on view N
-33061 noted fear of takeover N
-33062 reported situation in company N
-33064 received funding from Co. V
-33075 skipping dinner with relatives N
-33077 court vacationers with fares V
-33078 flew passengers from Chicago V
-33079 getting jump on discounts N
-33080 cutting prices from levels V
-33081 dubbed everything from is N
-33081 put fares at 98 V
-33083 Expect prices on dates N
-33086 offering tickets to passengers V
-33092 accommodate choice of names N
-33094 received complaints from couples N
-33095 transfer awards to members V
-33097 shot coconuts through rooftops V
-33097 uprooted thousands of lives N
-33099 trimmed fares to Islands N
-33099 trimmed fares to 109 V
-33101 lowering fares to California V
-33101 waive restrictions on fares N
-33101 waive restrictions for trips V
-33108 saves % off fare V
-33111 taking it on offer V
-33114 provide discounts to workers V
-33115 require stay over night N
-33116 be home in time N
-33117 produced oil from oilfield N
-33118 expects output from field N
-33119 repeal limit for people N
-33120 lose cents of benefits N
-33122 maintain standard of living N
-33122 maintain standard at level V
-33123 offset surtax of 496 N
-33126 need support from Democrats N
-33126 need support in order V
-33126 include reform in Bill V
-33127 are co-sponsors of bill N
-33128 lift limit from backs V
-33138 make product in world N
-33141 marketing mink in years V
-33143 boost sales to billion V
-33144 opened door to furs N
-33145 operates outlets in U.S. V
-33145 open 15 by end V
-33150 turned phenomenon to advantage V
-33151 work hours at wages V
-33152 started factory in Greece N
-33153 opened one in Germany N
-33154 introducing variations on fur N
-33155 combining strengths in innovation N
-33155 combining strengths with costs V
-33155 produce goods at cost V
-33156 maintain control over production N
-33156 avoid overdependence on sources N
-33159 offers furs in red N
-33163 attach embroidery to backs V
-33166 treats side of lambskin N
-33171 placed weight on retailing V
-33174 bring furs to door V
-33176 weather slump of years N
-33178 reported losses in years N
-33179 head list of reasons N
-33180 glutted market with both V
-33184 manufacture furs in U.S V
-33185 losing part of allure N
-33186 promoting furs in ways V
-33186 taking glamour of business V
-33187 make commodity of luxury V
-33188 chasing consumers with imports V
-33188 harm industry in run V
-33188 reducing prestige of furs N
-33191 exposed hundreds of employees N
-33191 exposed hundreds to infection V
-33198 considered strain of virus N
-33200 is kind of hepatitis N
-33201 posting notices about threat N
-33201 posting notices at places V
-33202 offering shots of globulin N
-33202 diminish symptoms of A N
-33202 diminish symptoms in anyone V
-33204 read misstatements of facts N
-33209 publish stories under bylines N
-33211 Reward courage with support V
-33213 elected presidents of company N
-33214 is director of assurance N
-33215 is manager for operations N
-33215 was president at company N
-33216 promised improvement in economy N
-33217 summed policy as battle V
-33217 wring inflation of economy V
-33217 using rates as instrument V
-33218 boosting rates to % N
-33220 increases expectations of inflation N
-33221 have role in assessment N
-33226 blunt inflation at home V
-33226 arrest plunge in pound N
-33226 raised rates to % V
-33235 's solution to woes N
-33236 Discussing slide in prices N
-33237 prompted drop in Index N
-33237 owed nothing to problems V
-33239 join mechanism of System N
-33241 won race in Europe N
-33245 have machines in offices V
-33246 is step in computing N
-33247 getting technology to market V
-33248 steal sales from minicomputers V
-33248 bring sales among professionals N
-33249 bear fruit with rebound N
-33249 deliver machines by December V
-33252 's link in line N
-33254 cost 16,250 on average V
-33255 handle 3 to MIPS N
-33256 sell computer in U.S. V
-33257 received approval from government V
-33259 had sales of million N
-33260 has workers at plants N
-33262 keep pace with inflation N
-33262 boosting benefit to 566 V
-33264 increasing payment to 386 V
-33265 generates revenue for fund N
-33268 aged 65 through 69 N
-33270 reflect increase in index N
-33272 report increases of % N
-33273 cutting staff through attrition V
-33273 slowing growth in spending N
-33277 faces competition from supplier N
-33278 report growth of % N
-33278 maintain growth of % N
-33285 fell % to million V
-33286 removed catheter from market V
-33288 raised questions about design N
-33290 buoying stocks of houses N
-33293 reported income of million N
-33294 reported results with income N
-33301 receiving benefits in week V
-33302 receiving benefits in week V
-33304 reflects impact of Hugo N
-33306 reported decline in income N
-33306 reported decline on gain V
-33307 prepared Street for quarter V
-33308 reduce reliance on machines N
-33308 establish presence in mainframes N
-33313 was drag on sales N
-33314 address that with debut V
-33316 be lot of contribution N
-33317 were factor in quarter N
-33320 cut estimates for stock N
-33323 revising estimate for year N
-33323 revising estimate from 8.20 V
-33324 troubling aspect of results N
-33324 was performance in Europe N
-33329 dropped estimate of net N
-33329 dropped estimate to 6.80 V
-33334 meaning impact from product N
-33338 posted income of million N
-33339 included earnings from discontinued N
-33342 include brands as toothpaste N
-33343 attributed improvement to savings V
-33345 is priority in company N
-33347 caught analysts by surprise V
-33352 earned million in period V
-33353 included million from operations N
-33355 finalized agreement with Corp. N
-33355 market four of products N
-33357 is part of drive N
-33357 increase business with dentists N
-33359 completed sale of system N
-33360 distribute proceeds from sale N
-33360 distribute proceeds to holders V
-33360 distribute proceeds from sale N
-33361 generates million in sales N
-33361 represented all of assets N
-33364 save million in year V
-33366 double number of managers N
-33372 matched estimates of analysts N
-33372 increasing margin to % V
-33378 been subject of rumors N
-33378 been subject for months V
-33385 swap holdings in Co. N
-33385 swap holdings for shares V
-33387 gained % to billion V
-33389 takes seat to one N
-33391 makes trader among all N
-33395 holding stocks in mix V
-33396 poured billion into indexing V
-33397 match returns of 500 N
-33399 keeps lid on costs V
-33402 been concept in decade V
-33402 been sort of sitting N
-33407 own share of stock N
-33409 is boatload of investors N
-33410 hold % of stock N
-33413 land customers for business V
-33415 give investors for money V
-33417 beat returns by 2.5 V
-33418 has million under management N
-33419 take advantages of discrepencies N
-33420 buys stocks in conjunction V
-33421 buys stocks at all N
-33424 uses futures in strategy V
-33424 added point to returns V
-33426 hold form of it N
-33427 make use of futures N
-33427 present risks for investors N
-33428 managing director of Co. N
-33431 bolster returns of funds N
-33433 guarantee protection against declines V
-33434 say 95 of 100 N
-33435 invest 87 for year V
-33436 match gain in index N
-33438 hiring one of managers N
-33438 design portfolio around stocks V
-33439 see lot of interest N
-33439 see lot in kind V
-33440 using them for strategies V
-33441 is fund with bet N
-33444 spend the on group V
-33445 eliminating stocks of companies N
-33445 doing business in Africa V
-33447 have % of forces N
-33447 have % in state V
-33448 reported month of interest N
-33453 buy shares at price V
-33454 is number of shares N
-33455 consider increase in interest N
-33457 include transactions in stock N
-33461 led list of volumes N
-33461 led list with shares V
-33462 acquire Corp. for million V
-33463 posted increase in volume N
-33464 logged decline to 12,017,724 N
-33470 posted increase to 2,157,656 N
-33474 facing proposal from financier V
-33476 dropped the on basis V
-33482 made mind about Noriega V
-33484 use relationships with agencies N
-33484 delay action against him N
-33484 exploit obsession with overthrowing N
-33485 made decision in summer V
-33485 put Noriega on shelf V
-33489 develop plan for pushing N
-33490 develop plan for supporting N
-33490 supporting people in attempts V
-33494 turning order into market V
-33498 be oddity in Hanoi V
-33499 made him in days V
-33503 jailed times between 1960 V
-33508 selling thousands of tires N
-33509 published articles about him V
-33510 earned medal at exhibition V
-33510 attracted attention from authorities N
-33516 accused him of stealing V
-33516 acquiring rubber without permission V
-33521 rejoined family in 1984 V
-33521 began struggle for justice N
-33523 achieved breakthrough in 1987 V
-33525 display products at exhibition V
-33527 produces motorbike in house V
-33530 covers floor of house N
-33531 burst door into courtyard V
-33531 squeezes solution into strip V
-33534 released one of machines N
-33542 lost position in association N
-33542 lost position in 1980s V
-33542 questioned intrusion of politics N
-33543 Appointed editor in chief N
-33543 Appointed editor in 1987 V
-33543 turned the into paper V
-33547 confiscated rice from starving V
-33548 ran series of stories N
-33548 stirred debate over interpretation V
-33548 took swipe at writers V
-33548 blocked entry into association V
-33553 is chief for Vietnam N
-33557 is entrepreneur of 1980s N
-33558 keep empire on top V
-33560 establish Co. as dealer V
-33561 alleviating shortage in 1980s V
-33562 becoming part of folklore N
-33566 become darling of version N
-33567 steered reporters to office V
-33567 see example of way N
-33571 turned Food into conglomerate V
-33572 manages it with title V
-33573 is purchase of rice N
-33575 operates fleet of boats N
-33575 transport commodities to warehouses V
-33576 processes commodities into foods V
-33577 taking stake in Industrial N
-33578 increased profit to equivalent V
-33581 mind competition inside country V
-33585 preparing report on impact N
-33587 reviewing ratings on bonds N
-33588 have impact on condition V
-33588 raises concerns about risks N
-33591 seeking suggestions from lobbyists V
-33597 reported loss of million N
-33597 reported loss for quarter V
-33598 earned million on sales V
-33602 earned million on sales V
-33607 reflected change in technology N
-33607 left channels with monitors V
-33609 include capabilities as equipment V
-33609 dampened purchases of equipment N
-33611 is one of producers N
-33614 cut expenses by % V
-33614 maintaining development at % V
-33615 divided business into segments V
-33617 represents two-thirds of business N
-33618 generated revenue in period V
-33619 propelled laptops into position V
-33620 be focus of industry N
-33620 strengthening development of parts N
-33622 help company in agreement V
-33624 creates opportunities for company V
-33625 develop market in Europe N
-33626 approved Directors of Lavoro N
-33631 renew calls for privatization N
-33633 called meeting in December V
-33635 following disclosure of scandal N
-33636 increased % in September N
-33636 increased % from August V
-33637 attributed rise in index N
-33637 attributed rise to prices V
-33639 was 180.9 in September V
-33640 posted increase in income N
-33642 included million in income N
-33645 added million to reserves V
-33645 boosting reserve to million V
-33647 charged million in loans N
-33648 rose % to a V
-33652 rose % to a V
-33653 rose % to billion V
-33653 rose % in quarter V
-33655 include million of benefits N
-33656 rose % at Services V
-33658 owns % of common N
-33661 reported decline in earnings N
-33661 reported decline for quarter V
-33669 was million on revenue V
-33671 include earnings of PLC N
-33671 include costs of million N
-33672 issued injunction against purchase V
-33672 reduce competition in production V
-33674 settle claim against men N
-33679 owe billion in taxes N
-33681 getting % of proceeds N
-33681 seeking repayment of a N
-33684 subordinate claim to those V
-33685 threatened volcano of litigation N
-33685 force plan through court V
-33686 consider proposal at hearing V
-33687 decribed plan as step V
-33687 fight it in court V
-33688 represents IRS in case V
-33690 buy offices from Inc. V
-33690 following merger of Trustcorp N
-33691 have assets of million N
-33692 study quality of assets N
-33693 has branches in area V
-33693 avoid problem with regulators N
-33693 avoid problem over concentration V
-33694 take place in quarter V
-33695 pushed assets in week V
-33697 was inflow since 1988 V
-33699 pulled money from market V
-33699 put money into funds V
-33704 posted yields in week V
-33705 rose billion to billion V
-33706 increased billion to billion V
-33706 increased billion to billion V
-33707 was source of spate N
-33710 make dollars in provisions N
-33715 became shareholder in exercise V
-33718 report profit for year V
-33719 reported profit of million N
-33719 made provisions for loans V
-33721 build complex in Lumpur V
-33723 lent lot of money N
-33723 lent lot of money N
-33725 increase capital to billion V
-33727 gave heart to Reagan V
-33730 opened door to restrictions V
-33730 opened mind to politics V
-33732 leads grassroots in County N
-33732 leads grassroots for Florio V
-33733 rejecting stance of opponent N
-33737 losing governorship next month V
-33738 paying price for agenda V
-33738 torment Democrats in past V
-33740 remains bulwark against restrictions N
-33742 bringing upsurge in activity N
-33744 tells reporter in office V
-33746 is ground for movement V
-33747 bring clash of cultures N
-33748 build support for cause V
-33749 seem fit than leaders N
-33752 favored Bush by % V
-33754 backed % to % N
-33754 backed Florio over Courter V
-33758 carries himself with intensity V
-33759 prepared himself for moment V
-33759 support curbs on funding N
-33761 seems shadow of hawk N
-33761 defended North before cameras V
-33762 stating opposition to abortion N
-33762 impose views on policy V
-33765 hide frustration with ambivalence N
-33768 hurt himself by bringing V
-33768 bringing issues into debate V
-33768 is campaign on sides V
-33769 is part of generation N
-33772 is reminder of gap N
-33773 pursued agenda in Washington V
-33773 approving taxes at home V
-33773 overseeing doubling in size N
-33773 overseeing doubling in years V
-33774 play differences with Courter N
-33775 met criticism from commissioner V
-33779 appoint Hispanics to posts V
-33779 employed any in office V
-33782 Asked question after appearance V
-33782 identifies member by name V
-33783 recognizes photograph of one N
-33786 declined rematch with Kean N
-33791 destroyed part of highway N
-33793 is product of losses N
-33795 match ads with team V
-33795 retools himself as machine V
-33796 scraps reference to Ozzie N
-33797 be footnote to spots N
-33797 portray each as liar V
-33798 fits pattern of reformers N
-33800 divides some of constituency N
-33808 has lots of opinions N
-33809 rose % in September V
-33810 drove prices during month V
-33812 closing points at 2683.20 V
-33813 read data as sign V
-33815 push prices in months V
-33816 reduce prices of imported N
-33819 had declines in prices V
-33822 declined % in September V
-33823 hold increases in prices N
-33823 expect some of rise N
-33827 pulled rate to % V
-33833 fostered pessimism about rates V
-33836 Excluding categories of food N
-33836 rose % in September V
-33840 showed declines at level N
-33842 rose % for month V
-33843 rose % in September V
-33843 following decline in August V
-33851 grown % on average V
-33854 been undoing of resorts N
-33855 been aging of boomers N
-33857 change image as sport N
-33862 avoided issue of safety N
-33866 represents spirit of cooperation N
-33866 represents spirit among makers V
-33869 adding entertainment for kids N
-33871 enjoy entertainment with dinner N
-33871 enjoy entertainment without dad V
-33878 want something besides ski N
-33879 increase number of skiers N
-33879 increase number by million V
-33882 prefer climate for excursions V
-33884 handle kind of increase N
-33886 play game of Series N
-33886 play game on night V
-33886 play it on Wednesday V
-33888 play game next Tuesday V
-33895 been kind of show N
-33896 seated rows in front N
-33896 arranged that for guys V
-33898 thrusting microphones into faces V
-33914 been damage of sort N
-33915 lugging blocks of concrete N
-33918 interviewed fans in lots N
-33918 watched interviews on TVs V
-33919 saw profit in items V
-33925 set candles in ballroom V
-33933 learned nothing from experience V
-33941 began month with crunch V
-33941 play role in takeovers V
-33942 deliver billion in bank N
-33942 deliver billion for buy-out V
-33943 pressing Congress for powers V
-33944 reached zenith in July V
-33946 lobbying employees for approval V
-33950 aided investor on bids V
-33950 put both in play V
-33950 play a in financing V
-33951 loaned % of price N
-33952 carry yields than loans N
-33954 raise debt for group V
-33955 used letter from Citicorp N
-33955 used letter in pursuing V
-33957 finance takeovers with help V
-33958 open opportunities to banks V
-33960 syndicating loans to banks V
-33960 dropped % to million V
-33961 take part in lot V
-33962 make offer of shopping N
-33962 make offer for finance V
-33963 cites arrangement for financing N
-33964 have advantage over banks V
-33966 acquire Inc. for billion V
-33969 raise bid to 200 V
-33970 was factor in company V
-33974 seal fate of attempt N
-33976 's fear of recession N
-33977 filed suit in court V
-33977 holds % of stock N
-33977 made statements in filings V
-33978 purchase % of shares N
-33978 disclose violation of requirements N
-33980 questioned legality of procedures N
-33981 seek interest in Harley-Davidson N
-33981 seek representation on board N
-33983 posted drop in earnings V
-33986 mark drop from quarter V
-33989 attributed drop to volume V
-33991 slipped % from period V
-33993 reflect prices for products N
-33994 offset prices for bar N
-34000 improve performance in quarter V
-34002 bears resemblance to activity V
-34006 lack access to arena V
-34007 are source of liquidity N
-34009 play role in process V
-34015 is father of panic N
-34020 add power to markets V
-34020 permits access to arena N
-34021 provide liquidity to market V
-34024 absorb orders without causing V
-34025 reselling positions to investors V
-34029 reflect judgment of participants N
-34030 passed Act of 1975 N
-34035 is chairman of company N
-34040 had wind at backs V
-34043 lower risks in portfolio V
-34044 favor shares of companies N
-34047 take investors by surprise V
-34052 force price of issued N
-34053 pay interest than do N
-34058 are bet in recession V
-34060 hurts price of bonds N
-34062 paying investors in cases V
-34063 makes sense for corporations V
-34065 be the of all N
-34076 carrying level of cash N
-34076 means equivalents as funds N
-34082 engineered month after month N
-34084 's kind of task N
-34086 ride waves through times V
-34087 earned return from stocks N
-34098 began average of months N
-34103 jettisoning stocks during recession V
-34104 have number of suggestions N
-34105 advocates issues with ratios N
-34106 outperform others during market V
-34108 discard stocks in companies N
-34112 is gauge of health N
-34115 choosing stocks in industries N
-34118 offers tip for investors V
-34121 covers issues from bureau V
-34123 shows number of times N
-34123 outperformed Standard during months V
-34127 improve returns on a N
-34128 is one of offerings N
-34129 sell bonds of company N
-34131 slash size of offering N
-34137 demanding equity as part V
-34138 take risk in market V
-34141 view it as the V
-34142 lure buyers to the V
-34142 offering bonds with rate V
-34144 buy total of % N
-34146 reduce holdings by each V
-34148 showed gains in the V
-34156 drain reserves from system V
-34157 move any than % N
-34158 charge each on loans V
-34159 considered signal of changes N
-34167 sold billion of bills V
-34168 was % at auction V
-34180 capped movement in sector V
-34183 left grades in range N
-34191 was a from Authority N
-34194 lagged gains in market N
-34195 speed refinancing of mortgages N
-34197 be prepayments on securities N
-34197 paying par for them V
-34200 widened point to 1.48 V
-34204 awaited night by Chancellor N
-34206 ended 0.03 at 95.72 V
-34206 ended point at 99.85 V
-34208 wants money for food N
-34216 giving money to panhandler V
-34223 reviews hundreds of charities N
-34223 measuring them against standards V
-34227 sort causes from ripoffs V
-34228 know charity from one V
-34230 put million into kitty V
-34231 sued charities in court V
-34233 get share of donations N
-34234 spend % of income N
-34234 spend % on programs V
-34236 finance transplants for children V
-34238 suing charity for fraud V
-34240 spending lot on raising V
-34243 spend share of income N
-34243 spend share on raising V
-34245 limiting right to freedom N
-34247 put seven of them N
-34249 has 10 of drumming N
-34249 drumming funds for soliciting N
-34250 pay attention to using V
-34250 using prizes as inducement V
-34251 solicit donations for Foundation V
-34255 denied allegations in court V
-34256 target some of miscreants N
-34259 informing public about some V
-34261 be statement on solicitation N
-34262 putting statements on solicitations V
-34263 win 5,000 in bullion N
-34263 offers chance to giving V
-34264 's inches in pages V
-34267 ride coattails of the N
-34269 using part of name N
-34272 using logo of Mothers N
-34272 using logo without permission V
-34273 sent check for 613 N
-34277 is reporter in bureau N
-34279 washed hands of efforts N
-34279 revive bid for parent N
-34281 withdrew support for bid N
-34281 withdrew support in statement V
-34282 obtain financing for the N
-34286 had series of setbacks N
-34291 leading end of buy-out N
-34291 provided investors with assurances V
-34295 contributing concessions to bid V
-34297 represented % of contribution N
-34298 received stake in UAL N
-34300 reflect drop in stock N
-34301 dropped 1.625 to 190.125 V
-34305 be party to rejection N
-34306 distancing itself from transaction V
-34307 approved plan at meeting V
-34307 arranging financing for contribution V
-34308 place blame on counterparts V
-34310 have thoughts about transaction V
-34311 curtail stakes in carriers V
-34313 following briefing by advisers N
-34314 take control of airline N
-34317 obtain billion in financing N
-34318 rose % in June V
-34322 increased % in period V
-34323 rose % in period V
-34324 favoring cut in tax N
-34324 placing obstacle in path V
-34325 reduce tax on gain N
-34330 is setback for Bush N
-34330 needs support of Democrats N
-34330 pass cut through the V
-34341 attaching amendment to bill V
-34342 lay groundwork for fight N
-34345 exclude % of gain N
-34346 rise points for year V
-34346 reached maximum of % N
-34348 reduce gains by index V
-34351 create benefits for accounts N
-34354 realizing benefits of effort N
-34355 was million on revenue V
-34356 reported loss of 520,000 N
-34358 included benefit of 1,640,000 N
-34364 expand business in region V
-34366 including amount of coal N
-34367 undertaken streamlining of aspects N
-34372 pays % of cost N
-34375 multiply quarter by four V
-34381 reported loss of 134,000 N
-34381 reported loss on revenue V
-34383 developing plants with partner V
-34390 sell interest in building N
-34391 buy building at Plaza N
-34391 buy building for sum V
-34393 was payment for land N
-34395 is part of strategy N
-34395 consolidate offices under roof V
-34399 sell building for million V
-34401 vacating feet of space N
-34405 remove asbestos from premises V
-34406 SHAKE hands with Orwell V
-34415 record event as correction V
-34419 hear lot of stuff N
-34419 hear lot from people V
-34420 carries connotations from correction V
-34420 raise brokers on phone V
-34426 convey sense of expertise N
-34434 use part of money N
-34440 remain favorite with investors N
-34447 is prospect than was N
-34448 suffered volatility in years V
-34449 blames that on advent V
-34454 is company at risk N
-34456 read stories on additions N
-34456 making loans to countries V
-34457 read something like this N
-34464 elected Buffett to board V
-34464 increasing number of directors N
-34465 bought million of stock N
-34466 paid a on the V
-34473 offered contracts in history N
-34474 give stake in profits N
-34474 buy company for million V
-34476 make movies for Bros. V
-34477 was culmination of work N
-34479 filed a in Court V
-34482 occasion clash of titans N
-34485 is lawyer with string N
-34487 are producers in Hollywood N
-34490 had summer with II V
-34490 get it in business V
-34493 buy rights to seller N
-34497 acquired rights in 1979 V
-34497 nursed movie through scripts V
-34498 direct movie of novel N
-34499 start shooting in months V
-34499 discussing development of script N
-34503 blame Guber for problems V
-34508 describe Guber as powerhouse V
-34512 has fans in Hollywood V
-34512 characterize him as something V
-34513 gets reviews as whiz N
-34519 got plenty of summer N
-34519 got plenty for romance V
-34524 rub people in Hollywood N
-34525 shepherded Flashdance through scripts V
-34525 take credit for film V
-34528 are producers of movie N
-34534 was one of the N
-34535 is head at Corp. N
-34537 take kernel of idea N
-34538 had competition for story N
-34538 became Gorillas in Mist N
-34539 made deals with government V
-34540 made deals with gorillas V
-34541 co-produce film with Peters V
-34542 beat producers for rights V
-34542 fought developers in forest V
-34543 courted widow for months V
-34543 showing tape of Gorillas N
-34543 impress her with quality V
-34546 caused rift between widow V
-34554 got start in business N
-34554 got start at Columbia V
-34555 overseeing films as Way N
-34558 produced number of hits N
-34558 produced number for Warner V
-34560 make it in lawsuit V
-34560 paint producers as ingrates V
-34568 release producers from contract V
-34569 interest Semel in becoming V
-34569 advised them on deal V
-34571 got look at books N
-34573 sold stake in Barris N
-34573 sold stake to investor V
-34574 extend agreement with contract V
-34575 considered the of kind N
-34578 indemnify producers against liability V
-34579 paying price for company V
-34579 had revenue of million N
-34588 requested release in advance V
-34592 get pound of flesh N
-34592 get pound from Sony V
-34593 demanded things as rights N
-34595 taking it with Warner V
-34597 released Puttnam from contract V
-34604 earn ratings from agencies V
-34609 Take bunch of loans N
-34609 tie them in package V
-34609 sell pieces of package N
-34609 sell pieces to investors V
-34616 becoming one of products N
-34617 transformed variety of debt N
-34617 transformed variety into securities V
-34620 was issue of bonds N
-34623 is heyday of debt N
-34628 pushing investors into market V
-34630 expect offerings of securities N
-34631 takes pool of credit-card N
-34631 sells them to trust V
-34634 opened source of funds N
-34634 opened source to issuers V
-34634 providing investment for institutions V
-34638 offered yield of point N
-34639 's difference of year N
-34642 becomes consideration on basis V
-34645 recommend issues for individuals V
-34646 purchased issues for individuals V
-34647 buying issues in quantities V
-34647 earn spreads over Treasurys N
-34653 know value of bonds N
-34654 are listings for securities N
-34658 represent interest in trust N
-34668 get yields on paper N
-34670 affect ratings of issues N
-34672 wreak havoc on assets V
-34675 widen yield between Treasurys N
-34679 issue cards to public V
-34679 giving cards to spenders V
-34680 place premium on issues V
-34687 is reporter in bureau V
-34694 conducted summer by Erdos V
-34694 taken advice to heart V
-34695 providing look at portfolios N
-34697 spreading wealth among alternatives V
-34697 protected themselves against squalls V
-34702 provides glimpse into thinking N
-34703 found them in mood V
-34718 expect increase in price N
-34732 had investments of size N
-34734 taking news as sign V
-34739 sell stock in months V
-34746 totaled tons in week V
-34749 was tons from tons V
-34751 leased facilities to Inc. V
-34752 holds interest in facilities N
-34753 lowered rating on million N
-34755 lowered rating on million N
-34756 expects National of Phoenix N
-34756 make provisions against portfolio N
-34759 steal information from companies V
-34759 share it with companies V
-34760 is threat to security N
-34760 is threat to survival N
-34763 spend dollars for receiver V
-34764 position themselves near dish V
-34766 set him with information V
-34768 spend million on security V
-34768 spend billion by 1992 V
-34771 increase chances of doubling N
-34775 provided definition for campaign N
-34777 cited case of trader N
-34777 pick cargo of crude N
-34780 reaching agreement with Ltd. V
-34781 spend dollars over years V
-34783 made bid of million N
-34783 made bid of million N
-34784 seeking injunction against bid V
-34785 drop opposition to ownership N
-34786 forms basis of suit N
-34787 enhance development in Canada N
-34790 transfer technologies to Connaught V
-34792 leading index of stocks N
-34792 leading index to advance V
-34793 soared 3 to price V
-34795 leaped points to 470.80 V
-34797 jumped 10.01 to 463.06 V
-34798 rose 5.04 to 460.33 V
-34801 gained 18.11 to 761.38 V
-34802 posted gains of 8.59 N
-34803 climbed 8.17 to 458.52 V
-34803 rose 3.97 to 545.96 V
-34807 was dearth of sellers N
-34808 's pressure on stocks N
-34809 followed report of improved N
-34811 raised estimates for company N
-34811 raised estimates in weeks V
-34814 jumped 1 to 42 V
-34814 jumped 7 to 30 V
-34814 gained 1 to 10 V
-34814 rose 3 to 25 V
-34818 surged 1 to 23 V
-34819 climbed 1 to 23 V
-34821 followed report of a N
-34825 surged 1 from price V
-34827 dropped 7 to 6 V
-34829 lost 3 to 14 V
-34830 lowered estimate for company N
-34831 advanced 5 to 36 V
-34832 make bid for company V
-34834 been game of Series N
-34835 was five in afternoon N
-34837 remembering contempt for colleague N
-34837 watch Tigers on afternoons V
-34839 have intimacy of Stadium N
-34840 liked friendliness of people N
-34841 was sense of history N
-34842 ratifying occurrence for millions V
-34845 buy postcards with postmarks N
-34846 paid 5 for book V
-34857 remembered quake of '71 N
-34866 was eyewitness of event N
-34878 understood point of all N
-34881 see pictures of section N
-34883 causing plume of smoke N
-34890 record car in front N
-34895 puts blame on market V
-34897 caught businesses by surprise V
-34897 print commentaries on Fridays V
-34907 maintained weighting of stocks N
-34915 create hardships for workers N
-34917 keep pace with inflation V
-34917 creating source of unrest N
-34919 surged % in 1988 V
-34919 peaked February at % V
-34920 restrict operations to two V
-34921 prodding economy to efficiency V
-34923 shell subsidies to enterprises V
-34923 ate billion in bailouts N
-34925 re-emphasize preference for ownership N
-34929 pump life into economy V
-34932 bring economy to collapse V
-34933 was decision of People V
-34933 allocate billion in loans N
-34933 pay farmers for harvest V
-34934 pumping money into economy V
-34934 bring relief to industries V
-34939 fell % for month V
-34941 extend credit to shopkeepers V
-34945 reinstate write-off for contributions N
-34946 make eligible for taxes N
-34949 protect deduction for expenses V
-34950 restore treatment for gains N
-34953 expand deduction for accounts N
-34954 calls frenzy of legislating N
-34956 stripped all of breaks N
-34960 see unraveling of it N
-34964 hear pleas of cities N
-34970 protesting omission in Bush N
-34971 contemplates treatment of gains N
-34971 be part of it N
-34974 sent letter to tax-writers V
-34977 gave advantage over others N
-34978 tax people with incomes N
-34979 scrap treatment of gains N
-34979 curtail use of losses N
-34992 climbed % for months V
-34994 rose % to 215,845 V
-34996 likened writer to pitcher V
-35000 predicting course of career N
-35002 left chapters of book N
-35009 keep hands off each N
-35013 spins it into involving V
-35013 hang hats in worlds V
-35014 's cameo by Ohls N
-35015 bears resemblance to prose N
-35017 are grounds for complaint N
-35020 working streets of Hollywood N
-35022 is editor at Magazine V
-35023 spent years as editor V
-35024 been importer of news N
-35027 is publisher of magazine N
-35028 relaunched month by company V
-35030 is one of a N
-35030 taking steps into publishing N
-35030 making investments in entertainment V
-35031 retained number of brokers N
-35034 are deals in works N
-35034 rule transaction of size N
-35040 targets executives with advertisers V
-35042 receives calls from bankers V
-35043 appointed president of Reader N
-35045 are franchise as is N
-35046 posted gains for quarter V
-35046 reported declines for period V
-35048 included sale of building N
-35049 reflecting declines in sector N
-35052 increased % to million V
-35052 putting West over mark V
-35053 increased % to million V
-35055 was impact of activity N
-35062 increased % to million V
-35063 added lines in quarter V
-35072 took toll on earnings V
-35073 hurt installation of lines N
-35073 hurt installation in quarter V
-35074 reported increase of lines N
-35077 bolstered efforts for telephone N
-35080 rose % to million V
-35082 rose 1.25 to share V
-35085 reduced million by items V
-35086 posted earnings of million N
-35088 is quarter for us N
-35089 increased % to million V
-35091 a-Includes gain of million N
-35091 a-Includes gain from sale V
-35093 plunged % to million V
-35111 recorded profit of million N
-35111 recorded profit in quarter V
-35117 elected directors of this N
-35117 boosting board to members V
-35123 forecasts decline for retailers N
-35123 averaged % in 1988 V
-35125 entering season in turmoil V
-35126 expect divergence in performance N
-35127 lose customers to chains V
-35130 rise % to % V
-35134 pose threat to stores N
-35135 guarantees delivery of orders N
-35136 get it by Christmas V
-35136 sells accessories through mail V
-35139 summed outlook for season N
-35146 includes results of stores N
-35151 creating opportunity for stores N
-35153 put purchasing until minute V
-35155 save month for everyone V
-35156 won Prize for literature N
-35157 enjoys renown for books V
-35158 battled fascists during War V
-35158 depict country with population N
-35159 read story of Duarte N
-35159 stabbed mother to death V
-35159 awaits end in cell V
-35161 endure sun of plains N
-35162 was one of ones N
-35164 tours Spain in Rolls-Royce V
-35168 have conversation behind one V
-35173 pour drop of water N
-35175 is word in text N
-35178 know quality of works N
-35184 take charges of million N
-35184 take charges in quarter V
-35187 earned million on revenue V
-35190 cover overruns in subsidiary V
-35192 correct problems with boilers N
-35194 arrives week for summit V
-35194 commemorate century of democracy N
-35195 pay service to nonintervention V
-35195 safeguard countries from onslaught V
-35196 is tip of iceberg N
-35201 gathered week in Peru V
-35201 take posture toward dictator N
-35204 invite Chile to summit V
-35206 upgrading Sandinistas to status V
-35207 made opposition to presence N
-35209 postpone decision on Contras N
-35210 delaying the of Contras N
-35211 enlist backing for position N
-35211 stop march of agenda N
-35212 promote disbanding of rebels N
-35213 praised Sandinistas for system V
-35214 unblock million in assistance N
-35215 was gist of talks N
-35218 emboldened initiatives in America N
-35219 following conversations with Secretary N
-35220 prolong suspension of shipments N
-35220 prolong suspension after election V
-35223 followed discussions with Baker N
-35223 seeking accommodation with Soviets N
-35223 seeking accommodation in America V
-35224 declared symmetry between aid N
-35227 establish station in part V
-35228 was purpose of Rica N
-35233 generate awareness of being N
-35235 voiced expectations of action N
-35241 is part of the N
-35241 buy business in August V
-35243 including sale of hotel N
-35245 reflected results as results N
-35250 asking holders for permission V
-35256 provides three to those V
-35257 sell advertising in programs N
-35261 owns WWOR in York N
-35261 purchase stake in Group N
-35261 purchase stake from Inc. V
-35262 including WTXF in Philadelphia N
-35264 supplies programs on Saturdays V
-35268 spent lot of money N
-35268 building group of stations N
-35269 offer stations on Wednesdays V
-35270 planning night of series N
-35272 held discussions with unit V
-35272 owns stations in cities V
-35281 exchange each of shares N
-35283 form bank with assets N
-35285 be operations of companies N
-35286 be chairman of company N
-35288 proposed merger in July V
-35293 had presence among markets N
-35296 is president of Popular N
-35304 reflecting days in quarter N
-35306 announcing plan of million N
-35309 cut orders for engines N
-35309 lay workers in area N
-35309 shut plant in York N
-35309 shut plant for weeks V
-35312 is one of companies N
-35312 operate system in Pakistan V
-35314 know value of contract N
-35316 operate system in Pakistan N
-35316 operate system with AB V
-35317 won approval for restructuring N
-35318 received approval from voting N
-35318 spin billion in assets N
-35319 sell units as Field N
-35319 float paper via issues V
-35322 acquired shares for pence V
-35324 cease purchases until 22 V
-35325 rose pence to pence V
-35326 sets stage for process V
-35332 gain approval for change N
-35335 had income of million N
-35335 took charge of million N
-35335 dropping development of system N
-35337 cited gains for increase V
-35338 puts company in position V
-35340 posted increase in income N
-35346 completed acquisition of unit N
-35347 sell unit to Reebok V
-35348 purchase shares of CML N
-35348 purchase shares at share V
-35350 seek buyers for subsidiary N
-35353 had sales of million N
-35355 have timetable for sale N
-35355 starts search for buyer N
-35359 prevented collapse of columns N
-35360 was prelude to plan N
-35360 retrofit section of freeway N
-35360 retrofit section with casings V
-35362 was aspect of quake N
-35364 break some of slabs N
-35365 lift chunks of debris N
-35366 deny existence of work N
-35368 restricted availability of funds N
-35369 was part of a N
-35370 was part of effort N
-35371 began work after tremblor N
-35372 installing series of cables N
-35372 prevent sections of roadway N
-35373 completing installation of jackets N
-35375 encasing columns with steel V
-35375 connecting them to roadbed V
-35378 provoked anger among officials N
-35380 is chairman of committee N
-35389 allow time for Commission N
-35390 exchange 168 for each V
-35396 exchange each of shares N
-35396 exchange each for shares V
-35398 taken role in aid V
-35398 pledging billions of dollars N
-35399 encourage pressure for change N
-35399 arranging benefits for Poland N
-35401 taking place in Union N
-35401 aroused hope in states V
-35402 Addressing conference of the N
-35403 create order in Europe N
-35405 are supporters of request N
-35406 want programs of development N
-35410 reward Poland for moves V
-35411 make investments in ventures N
-35413 plans million in aid N
-35414 take promise of marks N
-35418 increased credit by marks V
-35420 arranged credit for Union V
-35420 set offices in Hungary N
-35425 grown % in climate V
-35427 attributed jump in net N
-35427 attributed jump to sales V
-35428 cited demand for products N
-35433 purchased building in Segundo N
-35435 opened door on subject V
-35436 is sign for rest N
-35438 was question for litigation V
-35438 find security in absolutism V
-35441 detected Bush in waffle V
-35445 was wiggle than waffle N
-35447 adapted language from exceptions N
-35454 counseled kind of compromise N
-35458 made statement to committee V
-35462 are both on defensive V
-35464 giving points of support N
-35467 are substitute for principle N
-35469 's that in administration V
-35470 lost chance for job N
-35471 gave answers on abortion V
-35474 surrounding him with deputies V
-35475 spends billions on both V
-35476 makes handful of decisions N
-35479 frame issue in ways V
-35480 favor consent for abortions N
-35482 banning abortions in trimesters N
-35490 Excluding earnings from discontinued N
-35493 had profit from discontinued N
-35495 jumped 1.375 to share V
-35499 offset declines in production N
-35501 dropped % to million V
-35502 fell % to million V
-35506 fixed prices for services N
-35507 use bureaus in states V
-35509 acquired Safeco in 1987 V
-35509 changed name to Co V
-35510 fixing rates in states V
-35511 issued complaint in case N
-35511 issued complaint in 1985 V
-35516 sell dollars of debentures N
-35516 sell dollars to group V
-35518 sell estate in swoop V
-35521 is chairman of Corp. N
-35521 merge hundreds of associations N
-35522 sell network of offices N
-35523 holds assets of thrifts N
-35531 rated double-A by Moody V
-35538 are million of bonds N
-35541 rated triple-A by Moody V
-35547 bring issuance to billion V
-35548 yield fees via Italiana V
-35550 yield % at the V
-35551 yield 16.59 via Corp V
-35555 declining points to par V
-35557 issued marks of bonds N
-35557 issued marks via Bank V
-35561 yield % via Bank V
-35570 give information than read N
-35572 pick stories on selected N
-35572 pick stories off wires V
-35575 manage network at firm N
-35576 provides editors for networks V
-35577 see it as plant V
-35578 carries wires into computer V
-35581 containing words as takeover N
-35592 selects stories from countries N
-35593 need moment by moment N
-35595 takes stream of data N
-35595 turns it into knowledge V
-35596 have cost of 2,000 N
-35596 provides text of articles N
-35596 provides text under agreements V
-35598 want releases on announcements N
-35602 weigh value of article N
-35603 compares position of words N
-35606 code releases by topic V
-35606 select items for subscriber N
-35609 write abstracts of articles N
-35613 is collection of memos N
-35615 licensed technology from Institute V
-35615 develop it for use V
-35616 devised ways for E-mail V
-35616 requires action in couple V
-35618 set it for mode V
-35618 bother me with reports V
-35621 put logos on mail V
-35622 have format on screen V
-35623 have clues of paper N
-35626 pay 404,294 in bonuses N
-35626 pay 404,294 to Kelly V
-35627 awarded 196,785 to attorneys N
-35630 been player in arena V
-35632 ended dispute between Witter N
-35634 offered million of debentures N
-35634 offered million at par V
-35637 reflecting gains in tobacco N
-35638 has businesses in insurance N
-35639 reflect change in accounting N
-35641 rose % to million V
-35642 rose % to million V
-35644 included million from discontinued V
-35646 rose % in quarter V
-35647 rose 1.75 to 73 V
-35654 intensify look at plans N
-35654 giving breaks on dividends N
-35654 raising taxes on trades N
-35655 opposed nomination to post N
-35660 pushing Jibril as alternative V
-35662 stripping it of the V
-35663 blames clash on miscommunication V
-35663 carried offer to him V
-35663 speaking English at time V
-35667 show signs of maturity N
-35668 continue ban on research N
-35669 had reservations about prohibitions N
-35670 increase demand for abortions N
-35674 have ways on issue N
-35678 solidify majority on court N
-35679 has vacancies on the N
-35679 considered warm-up for nominees N
-35681 put struggle against him N
-35685 puts statements in Record V
-35685 attributing votes to conflicts V
-35688 declared quarterly of share N
-35690 pay dividends from flow V
-35693 form team for contest V
-35700 awarded Cup to team V
-35701 Pending appeal by team N
-35708 have firm in backyard N
-35708 have firm than incinerator V
-35709 live door to incinerator N
-35715 outweigh risk to environment N
-35716 owns work of art N
-35721 questioned officials about it V
-35726 seeking comment on decision N
-35727 pay Hoelzer for services V
-35730 keeping binge of corn N
-35731 bought tons of corn N
-35731 bringing purchases to tons V
-35735 bought amount of contracts N
-35737 bought contracts for possession N
-35738 protect themselves from swings V
-35739 pushed prices of contracts N
-35740 subsidize sale of oil N
-35741 dumped inches in parts V
-35744 used jump in prices N
-35744 sell crop to companies V
-35750 fell ounce to 370.60 V
-35751 eased ounce to 5.133 V
-35753 was increase of % N
-35755 reduce staff by 15,000 V
-35755 was demand for bullion N
-35755 putting pressure on gold V
-35760 rose pound to 1.2795 V
-35761 fell total of cents N
-35761 fell total during days V
-35761 signal slowing of economy N
-35761 reduced demand for copper N
-35763 are shippers to Japan N
-35764 cut some of purchasing N
-35765 be need for copper N
-35767 fell barrel to 20.42 V
-35769 rose cents to 20.42 V
-35773 been epicenter of activity N
-35774 seeking services of the N
-35775 keep city for time V
-35778 afforded agencies in cases V
-35786 be litigation over omissions V
-35793 have success in pursuing V
-35799 exposing entities to liability V
-35804 be race to courthouse N
-35807 set shop on sidewalk V
-35808 promised assistance to victims N
-35809 monitor conduct of lawyers N
-35812 begun proceedings in London V
-35812 prevent use of name N
-35816 added name of affiliate N
-35817 's lot of emotion N
-35822 keeping work in England V
-35823 keep million with firm V
-35824 lose revenue for audit V
-35825 make one of firms N
-35830 accused officials in area N
-35832 win war on drugs N
-35840 delayed consideration of sites N
-35841 exaggerated amount of assistance N
-35842 provide million in support N
-35843 taken custody of inmates N
-35847 pondering question of preparedness N
-35849 see them through disaster V
-35852 set offices in regions V
-35855 be cornerstone of plan N
-35857 distribute memo of Tips N
-35857 distribute memo to employees V
-35860 keep supplies at work V
-35864 handle queries from employees N
-35868 scheduling drill for November V
-35869 had one in afternoon V
-35874 equipping trailer with gear V
-35875 used some of equipment N
-35875 used some during quake V
-35881 maintains flashlights in offices V
-35881 changes supply of water N
-35886 enters Gulf of Mexico N
-35889 down operations in stages V
-35891 are tons of things N
-35895 put mechanisms in place V
-35898 pursue claim against Board N
-35898 closed Association of Irving N
-35899 relinquished control in exchange V
-35899 drop inquiry into activities V
-35900 contributed estate to assets V
-35902 dismissed year by Judge V
-35902 offers protection for actions N
-35903 upheld dismissal of claim N
-35903 reconsider claim for loss N
-35904 cause deterioration of American N
-35909 representing 'd of restaurant N
-35910 seeks damages of million N
-35911 prohibits discrimination on basis V
-35913 told employer in February V
-35920 made offer to Levine N
-35920 made offer on 10 V
-35923 representing five of defendants N
-35926 put practices on hold V
-35927 pays tab as lawyers V
-35930 urged acquittal of judge N
-35930 urged acquittal in brief V
-35932 was chairman of committee N
-35932 heard evidence in case N
-35935 opening boutique in Richmond N
-35937 opened office in Buffalo N
-35938 added partners to office V
-35940 facing comparisons through 1990 V
-35941 register income because gain V
-35942 fell % to million V
-35945 mirror those of industry N
-35946 represents half of volume N
-35949 be year in advertising N
-35950 see turnaround in trend N
-35951 faces problem of publishers N
-35956 facing comparison in future V
-35963 celebrated anniversary of Monday N
-35963 celebrated anniversary with spree V
-35966 raised hopes for cuts N
-35967 setting market from bell V
-35969 brought gain to points V
-35970 is % below high N
-35973 soared 7.52 to 470.80 V
-35973 soared jump in points N
-35974 obtained commitments for buy-out N
-35978 increases pressure on Reserve N
-35978 be news for stocks N
-35979 see lot of evidence N
-35982 expect signs of weakness N
-35982 expect signs during weeks V
-35983 cinch case for shot V
-35984 cut rate by point V
-35992 outnumbered decliners by 1,235 V
-35996 backed candidate since Stevenson V
-35997 choose candidate for House N
-35999 favor Republicans in races V
-36000 captured percentage of vote N
-36004 buy one of brands N
-36005 casting votes on legislation N
-36005 confers benefits on population V
-36007 have incentive at margin V
-36008 put Republican into office V
-36011 limit benefits to voter N
-36014 taken pattern over century V
-36014 occupied role in society N
-36014 confronting voters in races V
-36015 hold Congress in disdain V
-36016 have security in office V
-36018 was defeat of 13 N
-36019 placed emphasis on role V
-36020 attracting candidates for office N
-36022 field slate of candidates N
-36024 held share of power N
-36024 held share since 1932 V
-36024 translate clout into benefits V
-36024 keep Democrats in office V
-36030 pay attention to concerns N
-36031 have rates on votes N
-36031 have rates to extent V
-36033 exceeded rate since 1959 V
-36034 allocate proportion of staffs N
-36034 allocate proportion to offices V
-36038 take pattern at level N
-36040 is function of rate N
-36043 makes reparations for Japanese-Americans N
-36043 makes reparations after 1 V
-36044 provides money for payments V
-36046 providing billion for Departments V
-36047 sets stage for confrontation V
-36048 supports abortions in cases N
-36048 support exemption beyond instances N
-36049 puts position in House N
-36049 pick support because wealth V
-36050 funds Departments of State N
-36050 funds Departments through 1990 V
-36051 block counting of aliens N
-36053 rescind million in funds N
-36053 figured charges against leader N
-36054 forced adoption of fees N
-36055 anticipates million in receipts N
-36055 anticipates million by change V
-36056 include billion in funds N
-36058 promise allocation of million N
-36059 makes one of eclectic N
-36060 scrapped all of request N
-36061 chairs subcommittee for department V
-36061 attached million for initiative N
-36061 including work on television N
-36062 wage war with board V
-36063 curb authority of board N
-36064 reverse efforts by corporation N
-36064 cut funds to organizations N
-36065 meet contributions to organizations N
-36066 reflect increases from 1989 N
-36066 shows cut from request N
-36067 retained Markets as banker V
-36067 regarding combination of thrift N
-36069 extended relationship with Securities N
-36071 turns himself to police V
-36073 spilled guts on floor V
-36077 getting deal in bill V
-36079 applaud moment of epiphany N
-36082 's form of rescission N
-36083 return package of rescissions N
-36083 return package to Hill V
-36084 reject package with majority V
-36088 were users of power N
-36088 saw chance against Nixon N
-36090 feel remorse about chickens V
-36091 sent rescissions to Hill V
-36093 serve constituents with goodies V
-36094 offer proposal as amendment V
-36094 raise limit before end V
-36099 put figure on it V
-36100 provide funds for repairs V
-36104 completed days of drills N
-36105 Echoing response of corporations N
-36107 leaving hotel with rate V
-36108 tallied wreckage to buildings N
-36111 kept seven of machines N
-36113 moved system to Monte V
-36116 estimates damage at million V
-36117 has total of million N
-36117 excluding city of Gatos N
-36118 causing majority of deaths N
-36125 is money on hand N
-36130 seeking changes in rules N
-36133 totaled million to million N
-36135 dropped inches after quake V
-36135 wreaking damage to one V
-36138 include damage to arteries N
-36141 get grasp on volume N
-36143 were lot of cars N
-36144 delivering check for 750,000 N
-36144 delivering check to business V
-36145 is part of syndicate N
-36145 pay employees during weeks V
-36146 eliminate cap on amount N
-36147 provides % of aid N
-36147 provides % for days V
-36149 pick remainder of cost N
-36150 extend period for funding N
-36150 extend period for months V
-36152 expedite service to victims N
-36153 take applications for relief N
-36153 take applications by phone V
-36155 cross Bridge between Oakland N
-36157 calling flotilla of vessels N
-36157 expand service across bay N
-36160 go fishing for while V
-36169 become catalyst for process N
-36170 accepting government in capital N
-36172 end war for control N
-36174 including communists in governments V
-36176 building one of armies N
-36177 opening door to domination V
-36179 complicates scene in Cambodia N
-36179 are the of groups N
-36182 sent thousands of laborers N
-36182 building equivalent of Wall N
-36182 building equivalent near border V
-36183 carry record for tyranny N
-36184 caused deaths by execution V
-36185 was form of relief N
-36186 credit reports of genocide N
-36190 backs idea of coalition N
-36191 backed sorts of ideas N
-36191 backed sorts over years V
-36194 lend support to killers V
-36197 sending aid to non-communists V
-36198 put plan on hold V
-36201 deprived people of means N
-36201 settle fate with honor V
-36202 named president for Times N
-36202 has interests in publishing V
-36203 been president for advertising N
-36204 takes responsibility for distribution N
-36205 been director for America N
-36207 fell % to million V
-36213 report loss of million N
-36215 declared FileNet in default V
-36216 has basis of default N
-36216 reviewing rights under contract N
-36216 predict outcome of dispute N
-36221 received contract from Co. N
-36221 manage activities for plants V
-36222 disclose value of contract N
-36223 buys gas from Clinton V
-36224 line number of contracts N
-36225 is specialist in gas N
-36225 save amounts of money N
-36230 watching commercial for Beer N
-36231 take advantage of that N
-36234 taken some of swagger N
-36234 increased resentment of outsiders N
-36235 passing series of tests N
-36241 leaving Texans with hunger V
-36247 developing theme at Group V
-36247 made couple of calls N
-36247 reported findings to team V
-36252 invested 100,000 in CDs V
-36253 is one of thrifts N
-36254 thumbs nose at Easterners V
-36255 stressing commitment to Texas N
-36257 follow one of tracks N
-36259 haul buddies to club V
-36261 wraps itself in pride V
-36261 is part of lifestyle N
-36262 's part of style N
-36264 pitching themselves as lenders V
-36267 sign Declaration of Independents N
-36269 featuring shots of Alamo N
-36271 con us with a V
-36276 handle million to account N
-36278 awarded account to LaRosa V
-36281 pull ads from magazines V
-36282 produced version of commercial N
-36283 is part of campaign N
-36286 exceed projections of million N
-36286 exceed projections for year V
-36286 be cents to cents N
-36287 were million on sales V
-36289 expect loss in quarter N
-36290 had income of million N
-36290 had income on sales V
-36291 attributed slide to delays V
-36293 got lot of balls N
-36293 got lot in air V
-36297 place emphasis on quality V
-36298 been key to success N
-36298 carved niche as seller V
-36300 reducing chances of takeover N
-36300 reached accord for PLC N
-36301 owning interest in company N
-36302 owns stake in Life N
-36302 make bid for insurer N
-36303 buy holding in Life N
-36303 sell stake to TransAtlantic V
-36304 buy assets of companies N
-36305 had income of 319,000 N
-36307 signed letters of intent N
-36309 offset decline in income N
-36312 advanced % because buy-back N
-36313 declined % to billion V
-36315 fell % to million V
-36316 dropped % to billion V
-36317 include gains of million N
-36318 include gain of million N
-36319 offered million in debentures N
-36319 offered million through Co. V
-36322 including expansion of operations N
-36325 rose % to francs V
-36326 reflected gain from offering N
-36328 had profit of francs N
-36330 forecast earnings for 1989 N
-36330 are indication because elements N
-36331 depress values in term V
-36333 drag prices in neighborhoods V
-36337 create system for communities N
-36338 boasts some of prices N
-36340 demolished dwellings in district N
-36340 demolished dwellings because damage V
-36344 revive interest in law N
-36346 expand all of operations N
-36347 put all of eggs N
-36347 put all in basket V
-36348 prod companies in industries N
-36348 moving operations to locations V
-36349 compared it with cost V
-36350 compare costs with cost V
-36354 included gain of 708,000 N
-36356 rose % to million V
-36358 has activities under way V
-36360 is maker of paper N
-36363 follows agreements between producers N
-36366 increased % to billion V
-36369 dropped % from quarter V
-36371 rose % to kilograms V
-36372 increased stake in Ltd. N
-36372 increased stake to % V
-36375 acquired stake in Forest N
-36375 bought interest in company N
-36375 bought interest from Ltd V
-36376 raising interest in Forest N
-36376 raising interest to % V
-36377 acquire interest in Forest N
-36379 extend authority over utilities V
-36380 open way for services N
-36382 regulated companies in Quebec N
-36383 opposed regulation of companies N
-36385 extend loan until 1990 V
-36386 omit dividends on shares N
-36389 took control of board N
-36394 had million in assets N
-36397 approved assumption of deposits N
-36399 had assets of million N
-36400 assume million in accounts N
-36400 pay premium of million N
-36401 buy million of assets N
-36401 advance million to bank V
-36403 reported loss of francs N
-36405 transfer shareholding in Commerciale N
-36405 transfer shareholding to company V
-36406 give control of Commerciale N
-36408 sell venture to units V
-36409 licenses portfolio of applications N
-36410 formed Discovision in 1979 V
-36412 investing million in business V
-36412 ceased operations in 1982 V
-36413 has agreements with manufacturers N
-36421 climbed 266.66 to 35374.22 V
-36424 rose points to 35544.87 V
-36430 restored credibility of stocks N
-36431 remain firm with trend N
-36433 shift weight to side V
-36434 rotated buying to issues V
-36436 gained 130 to yen V
-36436 advanced 60 to 2,360 V
-36438 advanced 100 to 2,610 V
-36438 gained 100 to 2,490 V
-36439 attracted interest for outlooks N
-36440 issue results for half V
-36441 gained 50 to 2,120 V
-36441 advanced 40 to 1,490 V
-36442 gained 100 to 2,890 V
-36444 lost 5 to 723 V
-36444 slipped 6 to 729 V
-36445 fell 44 to 861 V
-36446 finished points at 2189.3 V
-36447 ended 13.6 at 1772.1 V
-36452 showed growth in lending N
-36452 keep pressure on government V
-36454 gained 20 to 10.44 V
-36456 gained 6 to 196 V
-36457 recovered ground on demand V
-36458 ending 15 at 465 V
-36459 jumped 10 to 10.13 V
-36463 purchased shares at 785 V
-36471 schedule meeting with him N
-36473 invited mayor to meetings V
-36475 return calls from Sununu N
-36476 is support for disaster N
-36478 accompany Bush on tour V
-36481 pending appeal of measures N
-36483 accused Semel of conduct N
-36485 appealed decision to Commission V
-36488 paid 211,666 of fine N
-36493 buy million of loans N
-36493 offers types of loans N
-36493 offers types to people V
-36495 makes market in loans N
-36496 buys loans from lenders V
-36496 packages some into securities V
-36496 holds remainder in portfolio V
-36497 launch fight against board V
-36498 elect majority of board N
-36498 elect majority at meeting V
-36499 have comment on plans N
-36501 owns 300,000 of shares N
-36502 bought 55,000 of shares N
-36503 filed suit in Court V
-36505 prompted speculation of rates N
-36507 brought gain to points V
-36509 climbed % in September V
-36511 leaving group without partner V
-36512 raised questions about efforts N
-36512 revive bid for UAL N
-36514 is setback for Bush N
-36514 pass cut in Senate V
-36520 prompting forecasts of results N
-36522 unveil products on Tuesday V
-36522 end some of problems N
-36523 offering programming to stations V
-36526 fell % for month V
-36528 posted gain for quarter N
-36530 won approval for restructuring N
-36531 climbed % in quarter V
-36537 negotiate details of contract N
-36537 provide software for Center V
-36539 awarded contract to CSC V
-36539 sent contract to Board V
-36540 completed contract for NASA N
-36540 lost bid for renewal N
-36542 had revenue of billion N
-36543 RATTLED California amid cleanup V
-36544 measuring 5.0 on scale N
-36550 prohibit desecration of flag N
-36552 considered victory for leaders N
-36554 sent measure to Senate V
-36555 quashed convictions of people N
-36559 considered work of fiction N
-36560 cited Cela for prose V
-36562 considered development in week N
-36562 including criticism from Gorbachev N
-36564 threatened rallies against policies N
-36565 raided meeting on rights N
-36568 furthering democracy in Europe N
-36569 monitor voting in Nicaragua N
-36569 carrying proposals for elections N
-36571 dispatched Wednesday by crew V
-36571 conduct series of experiments N
-36573 followed meeting in Madrid N
-36574 bombarded capital of Afghanistan N
-36574 airlifting food to forces V
-36576 develop plan for withdrawal N
-36578 acquit Judge in trial V
-36583 anticipated rise in index N
-36586 had influence on moves V
-36587 disassociate itself from Street V
-36591 reflects slowdown in economy N
-36593 is measure of inflation N
-36594 hold changes in policy N
-36594 hold changes in check V
-36594 leaving funds at % V
-36598 drain liquidity from system V
-36599 post gains against counterpart N
-36600 's pit of demand N
-36600 hold dollar at levels V
-36602 remains bag for investors N
-36603 dropped 1.60 to 367.10 V
-36609 sell interests in hotels N
-36609 sell interests in 32 N
-36611 consider number of options N
-36612 retain dividend of cents N
-36613 had loss of 244,000 N
-36614 posted rise in income N
-36615 posted net of million N
-36622 received billion of financing N
-36622 received billion from Bank V
-36622 arrange balance of million N
-36625 received expressions of interest N
-36625 received expressions from bidders V
-36626 pursue inquiries from companies N
-36627 is one of stories N
-36628 presents problem for stock N
-36632 knows all about predictability N
-36636 held % of Block N
-36638 do things with Code V
-36639 sold the of holdings N
-36642 hit high of 37 N
-36644 has lot of fans N
-36645 invested 10,000 in offering V
-36659 sold amounts of stock N
-36663 's growth in business N
-36664 provides information to users V
-36665 provides % of earnings N
-36666 provides % of earnings N
-36666 provides % on % V
-36668 crimping profit at Pool V
-36675 grow % to % N
-36685 including dividend for quarter N
-36686 convert stock into shares V
-36687 is shares for 3 N
-36693 lost some of mystery N
-36696 offered idea of trading N
-36699 been Board of lunchroom N
-36700 buy list of stocks N
-36702 paid 10,000 for seats V
-36705 run volume of contracts N
-36708 drew recognition from quarter V
-36709 sued CBOE over system V
-36711 appeal ruling in court V
-36713 owns share of Seabrook N
-36715 make payments on costs N
-36718 reported earnings for companies N
-36719 reported earnings for companies V
-36720 report set of earnings N
-36725 rose 1.75 to 52.75 V
-36736 created loss of million N
-36744 are guide to levels N
-36775 seeking seats in GATT N
-36777 was member of GATT N
-36777 was member in 1947 V
-36779 voiced opposition to bid N
-36784 launch series of underwear N
-36787 won appeal against size N
-36788 slashed 40,000 from award V
-36788 pending reassessment of damages N
-36791 build condominium in Queensland V
-36793 has stake in venture N
-36796 halted construction of reactors N
-36796 reassessing future of reactors N
-36801 used account of magnate N
-36802 cap emissions of dioxide N
-36805 reduced dependence on fuels N
-36807 meet opposition from environmentalists N
-36808 publishing Dictionary of Superstitions N
-36810 questioned size of bills N
-36811 dialing service in U.S N
-36814 's change from year N
-36816 set schedules for plant V
-36818 slapped rebates on vehicles V
-36818 including incentives on Cherokee N
-36829 cut output by cars V
-36830 offer rebates on cars N
-36831 make line at Chevrolet N
-36834 eliminate production of trucks N
-36839 includes domestic-production through July N
-36842 reported drop in profit N
-36843 posted income of million N
-36843 including million in benefits N
-36847 anticipate loss of principal N
-36847 comprising million of credits N
-36851 signed agreement with Aruba N
-36854 install units at refinery V
-36855 leasing site of refinery N
-36855 leasing site from Aruba V
-36856 closed it in 1985 V
-36861 included results of divisions N
-36861 sold 27 to chairman V
-36862 attributed improvement to margins V
-36865 is the in history N
-36867 puts us on way V
-36870 continuing operations for months V
-36875 given notices of default N
-36879 notified it of default N
-36880 missed payment to Bank N
-36887 makes devices for computers N
-36887 reflects sales of products N
-36887 holds library of cartridges N
-36888 cost 400,000 to 500,000 N
-36891 rose 1.125 in trading V
-36892 had net of million N
-36892 including gain for proceeds N
-36895 approved exports to U.S. N
-36896 export feet of gas N
-36896 export feet over years V
-36897 requires doubling of prices N
-36898 including agreement on route N
-36903 bring fields into production V
-36904 building pipeline from delta V
-36906 export feet to U.S. V
-36908 sold businesses for million V
-36910 sell investments in makers N
-36910 sell investments to shareholder V
-36911 provides services for generation N
-36918 made part of assets N
-36919 been decline in importance N
-36923 remained component of assets N
-36926 accumulate wealth across spectrum V
-36940 sent letter to Corp. V
-36940 clarifying offer for LIN N
-36942 take position on offer N
-36943 revised offer to 125 V
-36944 seeking % of concern N
-36944 buy holders at price V
-36949 acquire interests in markets N
-36950 have rights to acquisition N
-36951 depress value of LIN N
-36953 enable buyers as companies N
-36954 fell % to million V
-36955 rose % to million V
-36959 had loss of million N
-36962 rose 1.50 to 64 V
-36963 rose % to million V
-36964 increased % to billion V
-36970 Had views on sex N
-36973 is organization for companies N
-36975 be piece of company N
-36976 has revenue of million N
-36981 put pressure on organization V
-36982 is beginning of sale N
-36984 working agreement with Helmsley N
-36988 help woman with packages V
-36991 stuff them into envelopes V
-36994 is worker in sight V
-36998 opening facilities to races V
-36998 storming beaches of Cape N
-36998 releasing leaders of Congress N
-37000 take name from William V
-37000 is abolition of apartheid N
-37000 's perfection of apartheid N
-37004 put them on fringe V
-37005 is desire of right-wing N
-37005 embraces one-third of whites N
-37007 putting preaching into practice V
-37013 fix lunch for rest V
-37014 puts touches on course V
-37015 build it by themselves V
-37016 change way of life N
-37017 end reliance on others N
-37019 exclude blacks from integration V
-37022 took development as opportunity V
-37027 been domain of Afrikanerdom N
-37030 is town of whites N
-37044 thank God for them V
-37045 made laughingstock of nation N
-37050 turning integration of politics N
-37053 compares Workers to ANC V
-37054 is provision for aspirations N
-37055 stop idea of Afrikaners N
-37059 have cup of tea N
-37065 take look at stocks V
-37067 cut branches of portfolio N
-37071 expect market for period V
-37081 be candidate for sale N
-37084 Substituting rule of thumb N
-37084 Substituting rule for judgment V
-37091 are ones with loads N
-37095 obtaining financing for buy-out V
-37101 compare -LRB- with rates V
-37103 pay times for company V
-37109 been change in company N
-37115 declined request for a N
-37123 increasing board to 10 V
-37125 reported jump in earnings N
-37131 was % below million N
-37133 was % below quarter N
-37135 build reserve against loans N
-37135 boosting provision to million V
-37140 turned performance than competitor N
-37140 posted return in quarter V
-37141 reported return on assets N
-37147 jumped % to billion V
-37147 rose % to billion V
-37148 rose % to billion V
-37149 soared % to million V
-37150 eliminating some of problems N
-37151 resemble Tower of Babel N
-37154 include lots of equipment N
-37155 write software for instance V
-37155 pinpoint problem on line V
-37158 integrate products into operations V
-37160 provide boost to market V
-37161 is step in direction N
-37165 dominated market for computers N
-37166 gain share in arena N
-37167 face climb against Digital N
-37168 made commitment to sorts N
-37169 gets % of revenue N
-37169 gets % from market V
-37170 generates % of revenue N
-37170 generates % in market V
-37170 take advantage of following N
-37173 losing luster over couple V
-37174 take advantage of capabilities N
-37176 creates run in sheets N
-37179 accept grade of polyethylene N
-37181 become weapon for companies N
-37182 tell salespeople for instance V
-37183 get reading in way V
-37185 halt imports of Scorpio N
-37187 announced months to day N
-37187 kills brand in market V
-37189 was project with goals N
-37190 is setback for Ford N
-37190 showing signs of strain N
-37191 losing ground to rivals V
-37195 having problems in U.S V
-37197 hobbling sales of imports N
-37202 importing sedan from Germany V
-37208 sold XR4Ti than dealership N
-37209 had rating in studies V
-37213 sell inventory of cars N
-37214 acquiring % for 19.50 V
-37214 find buyer for stake V
-37215 appointed committee of directors N
-37219 put stake in Line N
-37220 has interests in transportation V
-37220 took block off market V
-37221 acquiring remainder of Line N
-37222 owned stake in railroad N
-37226 had loss from operations N
-37230 include items of million N
-37237 attributed buy-back to confidence V
-37239 received resignation of Franco N
-37242 discussing number of ventures N
-37245 had parting with Holding N
-37245 has number of ventures N
-37245 has number under consideration V
-37246 was decision with management N
-37248 sells annuities to individuals V
-37255 made debut in boxes N
-37259 applied 1973 for patent V
-37260 put models behind ears V
-37266 constrains models to pencils V
-37268 remains company among 10 N
-37270 posted decline for quarter N
-37271 reported net of million N
-37272 reflected increase in rate N
-37274 had profit of million N
-37279 had increase in margins N
-37280 are difference between yield N
-37284 posted rise in earnings N
-37285 reflecting drop in sales N
-37290 masked weaknesses in businesses N
-37293 excluding sale of Guides N
-37296 negotiated settlement of lawsuits N
-37300 cited conditions in units N
-37304 licensed software to Association V
-37306 sell access to package N
-37306 sell access to members V
-37308 be number of seats N
-37310 produce sheet with flatness N
-37311 estimated cost at million V
-37313 named chairman of Ltd. N
-37315 is director at Bank V
-37318 made way to computers V
-37318 link computers via lines V
-37319 is one of outposts N
-37334 shower us with glass V
-37336 sent cloud of smoke N
-37336 sent cloud into air V
-37352 Was ft. on pier V
-37359 come home to Marin V
-37361 was smell of gas N
-37362 see clouds across bay N
-37366 see flames from Francisco N
-37382 taken refuge under desk V
-37388 was level of confusion N
-37395 let dogs into house V
-37395 noticed sounds above head N
-37398 scooted them into run V
-37399 were 20 below zero N
-37401 saw pictures of 880 N
-37414 threw me in air V
-37438 exceeded estimates of 1.90 N
-37446 clears way for consideration N
-37449 opposed legislation in form V
-37454 took position on bill N
-37455 review purchase of % N
-37456 gave control to interest N
-37462 calling retreat from policy N
-37463 welcoming allocation of resources N
-37474 reappraised impact of disaster N
-37475 settled points at 1758.5 V
-37477 showing losses in trading N
-37478 reappraise impact of disaster N
-37480 including gains in value N
-37481 rose pence to 10.03 V
-37481 climbed 5 to pence V
-37481 rose 3 to 290 V
-37481 jumped 12 to 450 V
-37482 advancing 3 to 344 V
-37482 fell 2 to 184 V
-37483 rose 5 to 628 V
-37484 showed strength on comments N
-37488 fend bid for B.A.T N
-37489 shaken confidence in plan N
-37490 buying % of Holding N
-37490 buying % for francs V
-37490 expanding ties with group N
-37491 climbed 14 to 406 V
-37492 jumped 14 to 414 V
-37493 advanced 19 to 673 V
-37493 contemplated battle between Motors N
-37494 rose points to 35107.56 V
-37499 rose points to 35242.65 V
-37503 see effect on stocks N
-37507 rotate choices over term V
-37510 surged 95 to yen V
-37513 gained 70 to 2,840 V
-37516 rebounded day from slide V
-37517 extend rise to session V
-37520 was day for shares N
-37527 followed drop of % N
-37528 reported decline as % V
-37529 suffering effects of battle N
-37530 shown signs of recovery N
-37530 relax clamp on credit N
-37540 followed decline in August N
-37541 slipped % to rate V
-37541 following decline in August N
-37542 dropped % to rate V
-37542 rising % in August V
-37544 are one of the N
-37545 posted turnaround from year N
-37546 posted net of million N
-37548 included gain from sale N
-37549 correct overstatement in subsidiary N
-37550 had income of million N
-37552 lost cents to 18.125 V
-37553 reflects revenue from trading N
-37556 fell % to million V
-37556 reflecting slowdown of business N
-37559 posted earnings in line V
-37561 reported rise in earnings N
-37561 posted increase in net N
-37565 increased % in quarter V
-37566 reflecting reduction of rates N
-37572 reduced growth by points V
-37576 received approval of XL N
-37580 completed sale of businesses N
-37580 sold interest in affiliate N
-37580 announced reorganization of businesses N
-37583 declined % because sale V
-37584 were factor in drop N
-37587 received order from Crossair N
-37589 Lost Lot to Hugo V
-37590 owned homes on Battery N
-37592 perpetuate view of city N
-37593 be one of disasters N
-37596 Depicting people of city N
-37597 show people of city N
-37602 see spring in glory V
-37604 sell interest in Systems N
-37604 sell interest for million V
-37605 is unit of Inc. N
-37605 is unit of System N
-37606 record gain of million N
-37606 record gain from sale V
-37606 offset reduction in value N
-37607 guarantee financing for purchase V
-37613 made one of companies N
-37615 curtail role in subcontracting N
-37616 replacing populism of Quina N
-37616 open sector to investment V
-37619 is part of conspiracy N
-37619 turn oil to foreigners V
-37620 takes criticisms in stride V
-37621 is kind of leadership N
-37623 produces % of revenue N
-37624 make payments on debt N
-37629 barring overhaul of operations N
-37632 greeting visitor to office N
-37636 assign % of all N
-37638 keep commission on projects N
-37639 was part of salary N
-37641 reducing force to 140,000 V
-37644 retaking instruments of administration N
-37645 pegged savings at million V
-37651 complements moves by government N
-37651 attract investment in petrochemicals N
-37653 reclassified petrochemicals as products V
-37654 been symbol of sovereignty N
-37657 makes apologies for attitude V
-37658 become victims of isolation N
-37663 seen doubling in number N
-37667 bringing wives for counseling V
-37669 noted doubling in number N
-37671 setting time for themselves V
-37672 Putting times on calendar V
-37676 adopt four of suggestions N
-37676 accept one in four N
-37680 grant award of 604.72 N
-37681 is 274,475 in Japan N
-37685 spawns rise in dishonesty N
-37686 places effect of buy-outs N
-37686 places effect among challenges V
-37687 take eye off ball V
-37688 linked satisfaction to loss V
-37696 adopt approach with monitoring N
-37700 underscores difficulty for management N
-37700 satisfying investors on score V
-37703 get slice of pie N
-37704 acquire business of Bancorp. N
-37705 is part of trend N
-37706 buy operation of Corp. N
-37706 buy operation for million V
-37707 includes accounts with million N
-37710 is issuer of cards N
-37713 becoming kind of business N
-37715 bolster earnings by 3.25 V
-37716 pursue opportunities in Southwest N
-37717 was move for City N
-37718 make acquisitions in Texas V
-37720 seeking terms in bid V
-37720 following collapse of bid N
-37721 reduce size of investment N
-37725 be party to rejection N
-37726 confirming report in Journal N
-37726 push stock for day V
-37727 fell 6.25 to 191.75 V
-37728 put million in cash N
-37728 make million in concessions N
-37729 pay million for % V
-37734 received proposals from group V
-37740 was chunk for us N
-37741 obtaining stake in company N
-37742 be point in favor N
-37743 expect rate of return N
-37746 holding coalition in face V
-37747 representing group of pilots N
-37747 filed suit in court V
-37749 reduce seniority of pilots N
-37749 reduce seniority in exchange V
-37750 are members of union N
-37753 reduce rate of increases N
-37754 embraced strategy as way V
-37754 control costs for employees N
-37757 reduced level of expenditures N
-37757 reduced level for purchasers V
-37757 altered rate of increase N
-37758 saw moderation in expenditures N
-37758 seeing return to trends N
-37762 made assessments of costs N
-37768 reduces bills by % V
-37770 evaluate appropriateness of treatment N
-37771 is president of Hospitals N
-37772 reduce cost of review N
-37773 reduces use of resources N
-37773 improves appropriateness of care N
-37773 imposes burdens on providers V
-37774 manufacture line of trucks N
-37774 manufacture line in Britain V
-37776 incorporate trucks into lines V
-37777 expects agreement between companies N
-37778 is example of trend N
-37778 eliminating barriers within Community V
-37779 invest total of francs N
-37779 invest total in venture V
-37779 including billion for costs N
-37780 spend billion on tooling V
-37781 represents savings for DAF N
-37781 renew ranges of vehicles N
-37784 have rights for range N
-37785 offer vehicles through dealers V
-37787 holds % of capital N
-37788 is object of suggestions N
-37788 is object for reasons V
-37790 has kind of independence N
-37790 has authority over one V
-37794 is target for complaint N
-37795 assigned blame for unpleasantness N
-37797 changing term of chairman N
-37797 shortening terms of members N
-37797 eliminating presidents of Banks N
-37797 eliminating presidents from process V
-37797 putting Secretary of Treasury N
-37797 putting Secretary on Board V
-37797 putting expenditures in budget V
-37797 requiring publication of minutes N
-37805 buy worth of stuff N
-37811 prevent recurrence of experience N
-37812 were reasons for policy N
-37813 yield improvement in output V
-37816 had effect at all V
-37817 Putting Secretary of Treasury N
-37817 Putting Secretary on Board V
-37818 is borrower of money N
-37819 has longing for rates N
-37820 is agent of president N
-37820 gives weight to way V
-37821 is member of club N
-37821 is diversion from business N
-37822 put secretary on board V
-37823 interpret it as encouragement V
-37824 interpret it as instruction V
-37824 give weight to objectives V
-37826 given color to notion V
-37827 advise all about matters V
-37827 are ingredients of stew N
-37832 accept responsibility for exercise N
-37834 is unwillingness of parts N
-37835 leave decision to agency V
-37836 prevents conduct of policy N
-37836 are expectations of masters N
-37836 consider consequences of policy N
-37837 is responsibility of System N
-37840 leave decision to Fed V
-37840 retain rights of complaint N
-37841 have objectives in addition V
-37846 be competitors for attention N
-37849 joined list of banks N
-37849 boosting reserves for losses V
-37851 had income of million N
-37854 was million at 30 V
-37856 pass House in Pennsylvania N
-37857 require consent of parents N
-37857 pass houses of legislature N
-37857 override veto of Gov. N
-37858 counter advance in arena N
-37858 counter advance with victory V
-37859 enact restrictions on abortions N
-37859 enact restrictions in state V
-37859 permit abortions for women V
-37859 are victims of incest N
-37860 mute claims of momentum N
-37861 reflecting relief of compatriots N
-37861 enact restrictions on abortions N
-37866 hold hand in Pennsylvania V
-37866 reflect viewpoints of citizens N
-37867 established right of abortion N
-37867 established right in place V
-37868 ban abortions after weeks V
-37868 avert death of mother N
-37871 informed hours before operation N
-37871 informed hours of details V
-37872 opposes right to abortion N
-37873 is obstacle for anti-abortionists N
-37874 takes comfort from fact V
-37874 overturn veto on abortion N
-37876 perform tests on fetuses V
-37877 bringing measure to floor V
-37881 press issues in session V
-37881 run 14 to 13 N
-37883 do anything about this N
-37888 train leaders in techniques V
-37888 put anti-abortionists on defensive V
-37890 avert death of tissue. N
-37890 save life of mother N
-37898 completed sale of shares N
-37902 providing billion for Service V
-37904 including million for College N
-37905 were force behind million N
-37909 added million for stepped V
-37911 anticipates purchase of aircraft N
-37912 had backing of officials N
-37913 is ban on expenditure N
-37915 raise profile of issue N
-37915 block action in interim V
-37916 is bit of legerdemain N
-37916 is bit on behalf V
-37917 wipe million in claims N
-37917 owned hospital in Sullivan N
-37918 scheduled morning between Whitten V
-37918 delayed action on bill N
-37919 reached agreement on provisions V
-37919 provide information to farmers V
-37919 reduce dependence on pesticides N
-37920 received 900,000 in 1989 V
-37921 takes view of policy N
-37923 including sale of units N
-37923 delay aspects in wake V
-37924 fight bid by Goldsmith N
-37924 clear way for measures N
-37925 increased likelihood of approval N
-37926 have deal on table V
-37926 vote stake in favor V
-37928 been chip over months V
-37930 rose cents to pence V
-37930 erased fall in day V
-37931 spin billion in assets N
-37936 delay actions into half V
-37939 receives approval for restructuring N
-37940 reflect business than business V
-37941 make target for predators N
-37942 slow pace of events N
-37948 include managers from chains N
-37951 mount bid for B.A.T N
-37953 clouds outlook for attracting N
-37953 attracting price for properties N
-37955 quantify level of claims N
-37956 has expectation of impact N
-37957 disrupt transportation in area N
-37957 disrupt transportation for months V
-37958 escaped earthquake with damage V
-37959 expect return to operations N
-37959 expect return by Saturday V
-37963 halt deliveries into area N
-37968 impeded delivery of packages N
-37969 noted delays on bridge N
-37969 noted delays for example V
-37972 resumed service at 10:45 V
-37977 had damage on railroad V
-37978 have problem to service N
-37979 suspended service into station N
-37979 sustained damage during quake V
-37980 terminated runs in Sacramento V
-37980 ferry passengers to area V
-37981 resume operations to Oakland N
-37983 running fleet of trains N
-37983 running fleet during day V
-37983 provide alternative for travelers N
-37988 shattered windows at tower N
-37988 rained pieces of ceiling N
-37993 operating % of service N
-37993 causing delays for travelers V
-37997 were both by yesterday V
-38003 triggering scramble among groups V
-38004 buying part of business N
-38007 distributes whiskey in U.S. V
-38009 bought distillery for million V
-38010 become player in business N
-38022 own any of brands N
-38023 take look at business N
-38024 have brand in portfolio V
-38030 had profit of million N
-38032 estimate profit at million V
-38033 had profit in year V
-38035 foster competition in industry V
-38036 own thousands of pubs N
-38037 selling beers of choice N
-38038 grab share of sales N
-38039 paid million for PLC N
-38039 has % of market N
-38040 brew beers in Britain V
-38043 owns chain of restaurants N
-38048 retain title of chairman N
-38049 raise million in cash N
-38049 raise million with sale V
-38049 redeem billion in maturing N
-38052 announced split in units N
-38052 increased distribution to cents V
-38053 pay distribution of cents N
-38056 meet requirements for plans N
-38061 rose cents to 32.125 V
-38062 planning party on Tuesday V
-38067 take it as compliment V
-38068 is market for computers N
-38069 dominated market for decades V
-38070 poaching customers of machines N
-38071 stage performance in mainframes N
-38075 stir life into market V
-38078 weaving hundreds of workstations N
-38082 's price of equipped N
-38084 hit IBM at time V
-38087 deliver generation of mainframes N
-38087 deliver generation until 1991 V
-38089 has near-monopoly on mainframes N
-38089 has near-monopoly with share V
-38091 counts majority of corporations N
-38091 entrust information to computers V
-38094 is competitor in market V
-38097 unplug mainframes for machine V
-38100 juggling hundreds of billions N
-38107 bases estimate on survey V
-38108 announce family of mainframes N
-38113 halt development of product N
-38113 stem losses at end N
-38114 cost company in 1989 V
-38115 face competition in coming V
-38116 has share of market N
-38116 has share with machines V
-38117 unveil line of mainframes N
-38129 lower rates in coming V
-38131 see volatility in stocks V
-38143 outpaced decliners by 822 V
-38148 named president of producer N
-38149 succeed Himebaugh as manager V
-38150 posted drop in income N
-38154 report results over days V
-38155 said nothing about offer V
-38161 giving bit of trouble N
-38167 underscore importance of base N
-38169 Succeeding Whittington as chairman V
-38170 Succeeding Whittington at Co. V
-38175 add acres to 453,000 V
-38175 enacting Act of 1989 N
-38176 develop property on island N
-38178 bear costs of construction N
-38179 save billion in subsidies N
-38179 save taxpayers over years V
-38185 marked decline in rate N
-38189 was reversal of trend N
-38189 was reversal between 1987 V
-38190 hit record in 1988 V
-38190 rising % after adjustment V
-38192 including number of families N
-38194 was 12,092 for family V
-38208 got % of income N
-38209 got % of income N
-38210 keeping pace with inflation N
-38210 fell % in 1988 V
-38213 rose % to 27,225 V
-38216 rose % in 1988 V
-38224 left Co. in January V
-38225 resigned posts at Triad N
-38227 boosted spacecraft on way V
-38227 giving lift to program V
-38228 been symbol of trouble N
-38229 turn Galileo into symbol V
-38232 parachute probe into atmosphere V
-38232 pick data about gases N
-38234 Investigating Jupiter in detail V
-38234 calls paradox of life N
-38234 has store of material N
-38236 begin tour of moons N
-38238 spewing material into miles V
-38239 has ocean than those N
-38240 lifted Galileo from pad V
-38240 released craft from bay V
-38243 conduct experiments before landing V
-38249 released doses of radiation N
-38250 collecting energy from field V
-38250 gain momentum for trip N
-38254 continues recovery in program N
-38256 sent photos of Neptune N
-38258 measuring effects of space N
-38259 see galaxies in universe N
-38263 drew attention to phenomenon N
-38263 deserves thought by officials V
-38270 thwarted bid from Trump N
-38271 pays premium over value N
-38272 reveal details of agreement N
-38273 paying bulk of money N
-38275 granted payment in case V
-38276 made profit on sale V
-38277 sued Disney during battle V
-38278 pay premium for shares N
-38278 pay premium to shareholders V
-38280 have leverage in case V
-38281 gives boards of directors N
-38281 gives boards of directors N
-38282 HEARS arguments in trial N
-38285 obtain bribe from defendants V
-38289 conducted inquiry into activities N
-38292 contemplating appeal of impeachment N
-38296 notifying company of responsibility N
-38296 fit definition of lawsuit N
-38299 defend it in proceeding V
-38300 defend company in proceedings V
-38306 face problems without help V
-38307 is conclusion of report N
-38309 provides documentation of nature N
-38311 ranked problems as need V
-38314 propose solutions to problems N
-38315 headed case against Brotherhood N
-38315 join Crutcher in office V
-38317 became chief of division N
-38318 do litigation for Dunn V
-38319 joined firm of Bain N
-38321 joining Apple in 1986 V
-38322 find buyer for Tower N
-38322 refinance property for million V
-38330 lends owner in return V
-38330 convert interest into equity V
-38333 put tower on block V
-38335 have deal with Ltd V
-38336 lease building at prices V
-38337 sought financing in Japan V
-38339 proposed deal during round V
-38340 has billion of investments N
-38341 acquire units of AB N
-38341 acquire units for cash V
-38343 estimated price at million V
-38344 acquire rights to names N
-38345 combined sales in excess N
-38349 curtail deductibility of debt N
-38350 been force behind market N
-38356 label debt as equity V
-38357 defer deductibility for years V
-38358 see these in LBO V
-38359 becomes source of cash N
-38359 becomes source for company V
-38359 repay debt for years V
-38363 posted loss of million N
-38363 receive refund from tax N
-38367 lowered bid for International N
-38368 raise ante for company N
-38370 increase part of transaction N
-38371 reduce level of ownership N
-38372 give bit of slop N
-38375 pays points above notes N
-38375 pay interest for year V
-38379 pay taxes on holdings V
-38382 finds ways around rules N
-38385 fell % in September V
-38388 open spigots of aid N
-38388 open spigots for victims V
-38392 divert food from program V
-38394 allocated billion in funds N
-38396 consider requests for funding N
-38403 handle aftermath of Hugo N
-38404 have caseload in history V
-38405 finds itself after operation V
-38408 opened shelters in area N
-38410 make requests to FEMA V
-38416 waive penalties for victims V
-38417 announce procedures in days V
-38418 held them for period V
-38419 is number of facilities N
-38419 provide base of supplies N
-38420 set center in Pentagon V
-38421 moving supplies to California V
-38427 set offices in area V
-38427 staff them with 400 V
-38434 set standards for bridges V
-38434 retrofit highways for hazards V
-38437 completed phase of retrofitting N
-38441 estimates output at bushels V
-38443 plummet % to % N
-38446 see drop of point N
-38451 revive specials like cans N
-38452 cost cents during drought V
-38456 offer form of coverage N
-38459 achieve pregnancy after four V
-38463 change mix in portfolios N
-38467 begins exhibit at Gallery V
-38473 generated 54,000 in matching N
-38477 give bonus in form N
-38477 give employees in exchange V
-38478 subsidizing contributions to PACs N
-38481 find hand from companies V
-38484 promises Christmas with pledge V
-38484 deliver goods before Christmas V
-38485 deliver orders within days V
-38489 hires workers for rush V
-38493 designated city by Almanac V
-38494 used ranking in brochure V
-38495 ranked last among areas N
-38497 making enemies on 27 V
-38503 Tell that to Atlanta V
-38505 did research for report N
-38509 has pretensions to status V
-38510 lists areas as Ana V
-38516 fell % to million V
-38516 reported earnings of million N
-38517 recorded decline in sales N
-38521 earned million in quarter V
-38522 credited gains in segments N
-38526 accept contracts for development N
-38527 were system for fighter N
-38531 reported loss of million N
-38533 reducing earnings in segment N
-38537 earned million on rise V
-38538 reported increase in income N
-38538 reported increase on gain V
-38542 was million on sales V
-38545 awaited launch of 3 N
-38548 had revenue of million N
-38548 had revenue in quarter V
-38550 raise prices with distributors V
-38550 hold share against Microsoft V
-38550 exploit delays in launch N
-38551 held share of market N
-38552 heaved sigh of relief N
-38553 turned damage to facilities N
-38554 expected disruption in shipments N
-38556 tracks industry for Research V
-38557 's end of world N
-38558 registered 6.9 on scale V
-38559 inspecting buildings for weaknesses V
-38559 mopping water from pipes N
-38559 clearing tiles from floors V
-38561 puts drives for family N
-38568 is slew of problems N
-38572 spared Valley from kind V
-38577 installed sensors in pipes V
-38578 has factories in parts V
-38578 leave customers in pinch V
-38579 's news for companies N
-38579 has supply of microprocessors N
-38579 has supply from Valley V
-38579 limits buildup of inventory N
-38582 set centers in Dallas V
-38583 handling calls from both V
-38585 dispatched teams of technicians N
-38585 dispatched teams to California V
-38587 conducts research on weapons N
-38590 is contractor on missile N
-38591 generates pieces of shield N
-38599 seek protection from creditors N
-38599 seek protection in 1987 V
-38605 sanitize billions of eggs N
-38605 turning them into products V
-38607 breaking them by hand V
-38608 put eggs into cylinder V
-38608 spin them at speed V
-38608 strain part through baskets V
-38610 recover cost in months V
-38612 offering them in U.S V
-38614 cause stomachs in cases N
-38614 cause stomachs among people V
-38615 pass salmonella to eggs V
-38618 use eggs in products V
-38624 Leading assault against King N
-38625 make buck at expense V
-38627 was Department of Agriculture N
-38628 won approval for be V
-38630 receiving complaints from producers V
-38630 limiting market to bakeries V
-38632 was likelihood of problem N
-38635 took vote on floor N
-38637 turned attention to states V
-38640 pay 100,000 in fees N
-38640 pay 100,000 to lawyers V
-38641 pushed company into court V
-38643 ended string of breaks N
-38650 removing wad of gum N
-38650 removing wad from mouth V
-38653 has picture to credit V
-38653 wrote screenplay for picture N
-38656 put spin on material V
-38660 embraces requirements without condescension V
-38662 cast brothers as brothers V
-38665 playing piano on pianos V
-38666 're time in time-hotels V
-38668 wear costumes like shirts N
-38670 takes care of business N
-38670 approaches work like job V
-38672 got wife in suburbs N
-38672 sees house near end V
-38681 showed promise during stint V
-38684 become star in right V
-38685 have lot of patience N
-38685 take look at 2 N
-38687 check emergence of persona N
-38688 pay million for subsidiary V
-38690 is producer of goods N
-38692 closed Tuesday in trading V
-38692 giving portion of transaction N
-38692 giving portion of transaction N
-38693 sell plant to Co. V
-38694 use plant for laboratories V
-38695 seeking buyer for facility V
-38697 won contract for aircraft N
-38698 issued contract for support N
-38699 got contract for work N
-38703 redeem shares of stock N
-38704 convert share into shares V
-38704 surrender shares at price V
-38705 makes products for industries N
-38706 require restatement of results N
-38706 increased projections of impact N
-38707 restate quarters of year N
-38710 had loss of million N
-38711 including sale of company N
-38716 elected director of concern N
-38719 are base in terms N
-38721 be ombudsman for area V
-38722 're ombudsman for area V
-38724 get housing for area V
-38725 prohibit programs in areas V
-38727 accepted withdrawal from membership N
-38728 is subsidiary of Ltd. N
-38728 implicated year in scheme V
-38734 document trades between Futures N
-38737 succeeds Lang as president V
-38738 named officer of group N
-38741 soared billion in week V
-38742 following fall of Friday N
-38743 's flight to safety N
-38744 offer yields than investments N
-38745 was % in week V
-38747 yielding % at banks V
-38751 getting proceeds for five V
-38752 were levels with half V
-38756 adjust maturities of investments N
-38763 was Fund with yield N
-38765 had yield of % N
-38765 had yield in week V
-38767 created Isuzu among others V
-38767 removes it from business V
-38767 selling majority of unit N
-38767 selling majority to Eurocom V
-38770 become one of agencies N
-38770 attracting clients than were N
-38771 reflects importance of buying N
-38771 get price on space N
-38771 buy it in bulk V
-38772 gives foothold in Femina N
-38772 quadruples size of business N
-38774 pay francs for % V
-38775 held % of unit N
-38775 raise stake to % V
-38776 raising stake in Group N
-38777 buy % of group N
-38777 have right in years V
-38778 places executives at helm V
-38780 be chairman with Wight V
-38781 be officer at agency V
-38782 outlined plans for agency N
-38785 provide fund of million N
-38786 make acquisitions in Scandinavia N
-38787 Cracking 10 within years V
-38788 had billings of million N
-38790 make it to status V
-38793 won Pan as client V
-38793 does work for clients N
-38795 're agency to multinationals V
-38796 create one of alliances N
-38797 combine buying across Europe V
-38798 acquire stakes in Group N
-38798 creating link between Eurocom N
-38799 receive stake as part V
-38799 pay million for stake N
-38806 strengthen push outside France N
-38807 invented idea of buying N
-38808 buying space in bulk V
-38809 won business of giants N
-38811 plans issue of shares N
-38814 brought scene to halt V
-38814 wring hands about presentations V
-38815 reported injuries to employees N
-38815 damaged offices of Thompson N
-38821 spent night at agency V
-38823 awarded accounts to Thompson V
-38827 been officer of Direct N
-38828 be site of division N
-38829 being president of media N
-38831 is unit of Co N
-38832 awarded account to Associates V
-38834 introduced week at convention V
-38836 shipping cars to Japan V
-38837 export cars to Japan V
-38838 exporting year from factory V
-38839 been lack of attention N
-38841 is result of sins N
-38844 designating 24 as Day V
-38846 puts strain on friendship N
-38846 been one of allies N
-38847 seeking help from States V
-38848 fighting past for years V
-38849 blames it for genocide V
-38852 is part of Europe N
-38854 is faith of majority N
-38856 accept sins of Empire N
-38858 accepted refugees from nations N
-38870 get specter of drugs N
-38871 take it from department V
-38872 have solution in mind V
-38873 protect programs at heart N
-38874 unveiled series of reforms N
-38874 improve management at HUD N
-38880 give those in Congress N
-38880 give those in Congress N
-38889 provide housing for the V
-38891 is welfare for developers N
-38892 loans money for mortgages N
-38892 be billion in hole V
-38893 Selling portfolio to bidder V
-38893 save billions in losses N
-38894 free money for tenants N
-38895 clean drugs from neighbhorhoods N
-38896 turned cities into zones V
-38901 reclaims streets from gangs V
-38903 overhaul room at HUD N
-38906 channel resources into war V
-38907 named chairman of chain N
-38909 retains position as president N
-38916 produced paeans about perfection N
-38919 witnessing decline of economy N
-38923 found rates from investment N
-38926 was drop in number N
-38926 divide value of firms N
-38926 divide value by costs V
-38930 valuing worth of assets N
-38930 valuing worth at cents V
-38931 take it as bet V
-38931 buy worth of stock N
-38932 restoring faith in them N
-38938 announcing end in suspension N
-38938 were promoters for continue V
-38939 watch avalanche of buy-outs N
-38939 be America with productivity V
-38945 building empires with sand V
-38946 reckoning rate on bonds N
-38946 reckoning rate at % V
-38947 is consequence of burden N
-38948 need liquidity in form N
-38949 assists motions of economy N
-38949 assists motions with charity V
-38950 avoid shock of crash N
-38953 consult workers on subject V
-38956 are strikes by miners N
-38957 are readings on capitalism N
-38959 handling moments of panic N
-38959 reporting crash in 1929 V
-38961 computing interest on loans N
-38964 make fools of those N
-38965 is columnist for Nation N
-38968 invest total of yen N
-38968 invest total in venture V
-38969 follows acquisition of Inc. N
-38970 make sense for talk N
-38972 been rumors about tie N
-38975 is one of number N
-38975 ending barriers in EC N
-38982 carried tons of freight N
-38985 increase cooperation in ground-handling N
-38986 have access to system N
-38987 operate fleets of Combis N
-38987 carry both on deck V
-38988 have orders for planes N
-38991 lease crews from Airways V
-38992 received proposal from JAL V
-38993 were negotiations between U.K. N
-38994 completed purchase of Corp. N
-38996 has sales of million N
-38998 prevent dislocation in markets N
-38999 affects millions of dollars N
-39001 guaranteeing liquidity of market N
-39002 taking flights from Francisco N
-39003 accomodate traders from exchange N
-39004 provide capital for market-making N
-39005 execute orders by flashlight V
-39006 was suspension of trading N
-39007 has options for issues V
-39009 be cause for alarm N
-39011 reassigned trading in options N
-39014 has volume of shares N
-39015 rerouting orders to operations V
-39018 await inspection by city N
-39018 turn power at facilities V
-39022 executing orders through firm V
-39025 executed orders through office V
-39026 has offices in area V
-39026 set number for obtain V
-39027 received calls from workers V
-39029 get quotes on stocks N
-39030 assembled team at 5 V
-39030 restore service to brokers V
-39036 sell instrument at price V
-39036 buy instrument at price V
-39037 convert options into instrument V
-39038 seeing exercises in fact V
-39041 puts stock at value V
-39044 spent billion over years V
-39045 generates amounts of cash N
-39046 had billion of cash N
-39046 had billion on hand V
-39048 view spending as way V
-39048 improve measurements as earnings N
-39049 view it as investment V
-39052 buy million of stock N
-39052 had authorization under program V
-39053 providing floor for price V
-39054 produced results in years V
-39055 manufacturing chip for mainframes V
-39056 had series of glitches N
-39057 delay introduction of drives N
-39059 are factors at work V
-39060 reduces value of revenue N
-39060 knock 80 to cents N
-39060 knock 80 off earnings V
-39061 matched earnings of billion N
-39065 singling shares of companies N
-39066 set line for Franciscans V
-39069 rose 2.75 to 86.50 V
-39070 use earthquake as excuse V
-39071 cost lot of money N
-39075 gained cents to 33.375 V
-39079 touted Georgia-Pacific as plays V
-39080 were companies with refineries N
-39081 jumped 1.125 to 20.125 V
-39081 rose 1 to 65 V
-39083 fell cents to 81.50 V
-39083 fell cents to 31.875 V
-39086 fell cents to 19.625 V
-39088 lost cents to 44.625 V
-39091 claimed victim among scores N
-39093 cleared trades through Petco V
-39093 transfer business to firms V
-39095 got look at risks N
-39097 declined comment on Petco N
-39098 transferred accounts of traders N
-39098 transferred accounts to Options V
-39098 meet requirements after slide V
-39100 guarantee accounts at Options N
-39104 amassed fortune from trading V
-39106 is grandmother in County V
-39107 put her behind cart V
-39108 cross Crest off list V
-39110 shaves 22 off bill V
-39114 want any of oil N
-39114 want any for grandkids V
-39115 remove oil from products V
-39117 represents breed of consumer N
-39120 given choice of brands N
-39120 are copies of one N
-39121 brought this on themselves V
-39124 buy brand of type N
-39126 are brand for any V
-39128 are brand in 16 V
-39133 stomach taste of Heinz N
-39135 are the to me V
-39136 plays role in loyalty N
-39140 scored % in loyalty V
-39141 wore Fruit of Loom N
-39142 make underwear for both V
-39150 's loyalty by default V
-39155 show stability in choices V
-39158 were brand across categories V
-39160 have set of favorites N
-39162 attribute loyalty to similarity V
-39164 are the in number V
-39165 's clutter of brands N
-39167 putting emphasis on advertising N
-39168 instill loyalty through ploys V
-39180 converting non-user to brand V
-39182 consume cans of soup N
-39183 probing attachment to soup N
-39184 getting hug from friend V
-39187 Getting grip on extent N
-39192 processing claims from policyholders N
-39193 fly adjusters into Sacramento V
-39196 advertising numbers on radio V
-39198 is writer of insurance N
-39203 coordinates efforts of adjusters N
-39203 coordinates efforts in area V
-39204 have estimate of damages N
-39204 have estimate in two V
-39205 suffered some of damage N
-39210 cause problems for industry V
-39213 limit exposure to catastrophes N
-39216 change psychology of marketplace N
-39217 issued recommendations on stocks N
-39221 limit exposure to catastrophes N
-39223 have exposure to coverage N
-39225 be the on basis V
-39226 included losses of billion N
-39227 generate losses of billion N
-39227 following billion in costs N
-39232 reached accord on sale N
-39235 use proceeds from placement N
-39235 purchase interest in underwrite N
-39237 reach pact with Corp. V
-39238 told reporters at Motorfair V
-39238 do deal within month V
-39239 offering access to production N
-39241 fend advances from Co V
-39242 lifting stake to % V
-39244 renew request for meeting N
-39253 traded yesterday on exchange V
-39254 mark departure for maker N
-39257 have designs for cars V
-39258 build range of cars N
-39259 boost output of cars N
-39262 require approval by majority N
-39265 enlisting support from speculators V
-39265 holding carrot of bid N
-39266 make bid for Jaguar N
-39269 's weapon in armory N
-39273 showed growth in lines V
-39273 reported gain in net N
-39275 dropped % as result V
-39282 reduced income by million V
-39283 dilute earnings by % V
-39287 increased % to billion V
-39287 including charges of million N
-39291 b-reflects loss of cents N
-39298 survey household in U.S. N
-39300 introduce errors into findings V
-39304 averaged % of turnover N
-39308 did nothing of sort N
-39309 exonerated trading as cause V
-39310 is form of trading N
-39311 offset positions in contracts N
-39312 cause swings in market N
-39317 observe activity on screens V
-39319 defended use of trading N
-39321 halted trading in contract N
-39323 re-establish link between stocks N
-39325 plunged points in minutes V
-39328 voted increase in dividend N
-39329 is 15 to stock N
-39330 reported loss of million N
-39331 added million to allowance V
-39333 posted loss of million N
-39334 had profit of million N
-39334 had profit in period V
-39335 paying dividend of cents N
-39338 reviewing it with regulators V
-39340 downgraded million of debt N
-39340 taken write-offs against losses N
-39340 taken write-offs despite write-down V
-39348 is place for put N
-39354 set things for period V
-39354 reinforces concern of volatility N
-39361 scare them to death V
-39362 is news for firms V
-39370 was business with level N
-39371 shriveled months during year N
-39372 was % in August N
-39379 was nothing than reaction N
-39381 keep control of assets N
-39382 's semblance of confidence N
-39386 drive everyone except the V
-39387 studying perception of risks N
-39392 offering notes as securities V
-39393 offering million of notes N
-39395 has them under review V
-39399 issued million of securities N
-39399 issued million in classes V
-39415 is rate of Libor N
-39417 buy shares at premium V
-39420 beginning 30 from 101 V
-39436 is unit of Corp N
-39437 violating provisions of laws N
-39439 was subject of profile N
-39439 was subject in 1984 V
-39439 questioned him about ties V
-39440 violating provisions of laws N
-39442 filed week in court V
-39449 cut tax for individuals N
-39451 offer it as amendment V
-39454 exclude % of gain N
-39455 rise points for year V
-39455 reached maximum of % N
-39457 reduce gains by index V
-39460 alter deduction for accounts N
-39463 grant exclusions to assets V
-39464 get break than those N
-39467 provide exclusion to assets N
-39468 boost rate to % V
-39472 rid bill of provisions N
-39473 pumping water into apartments V
-39480 turned Valley into capital V
-39484 have power for hours V
-39493 represents one-fourth of economy N
-39495 been disruption for economy V
-39499 expect problems for commerce N
-39501 routing traffic through Francisco V
-39504 estimated damage to city N
-39504 estimated damage at billion V
-39509 hit half-hour into shift N
-39512 resume production of Prizms N
-39512 resume production by yesterday V
-39514 estimating cost of reconstruction N
-39514 estimating cost in millions V
-39518 taking checks from bank V
-39518 sending them to another V
-39518 handled night after quake N
-39522 handle number of people N
-39524 puts volume at times V
-39525 blocking calls into area N
-39527 blocking % of calls N
-39528 blocking % of calls N
-39531 give boost to economy V
-39531 be influx of people N
-39538 be kind of surge N
-39542 reduce GNP in term V
-39549 model impact of this N
-39549 studies aspects of earthquakes N
-39549 studies aspects at Studies V
-39555 cause billion to billion N
-39558 toured area by car V
-39558 get sense of exposure N
-39559 pay hundreds of millions N
-39559 pay hundreds in claims V
-39560 showing locations of property N
-39561 had adjusters on streets V
-39561 paying claims on spot V
-39562 insures autos in area N
-39568 is one of tragedy N
-39571 made sandwiches of itself N
-39575 was miles to south N
-39575 was miles near Cruz V
-39575 serving Bridge between Oakland N
-39576 toppled mall in Cruz N
-39576 knocked buildings in District N
-39582 survey rows of buildings N
-39585 lost everything in earthquake V
-39588 is duke of Luxembourg N
-39590 sell billion of bonds N
-39590 sell billion in sale V
-39600 give information about drugs N
-39601 Called Patients in Know N
-39603 include space for write N
-39604 give brochures on use N
-39604 give pharmacists for distribution V
-39610 kept watch on market N
-39611 buy securities on prospect V
-39616 jumped point during hour V
-39622 scale size of offering N
-39623 slashed size of offering N
-39625 sold portion of notes N
-39628 required level of security N
-39629 offer paper in market V
-39630 place billion to billion N
-39634 sell billion of notes N
-39635 sell billion of bonds N
-39636 is unit of Corp. N
-39637 dubbed bonds by traders V
-39638 had yield of % N
-39639 gauge ramifications of earthquake N
-39640 had impact on trading N
-39643 sell portions of portfolios N
-39644 foot amount of bill N
-39646 issued yesterday by Corp. V
-39646 cause deterioration for issuers V
-39655 yield % to % N
-39661 pushing yields for maturities N
-39663 topped slate with sale V
-39668 was impact from earthquake N
-39670 have amount of loans N
-39670 have amount in pools V
-39671 require cushion on loans N
-39678 fell 11 to 111 V
-39679 be day for market V
-39680 give address to community V
-39682 expect changes in address V
-39686 fell point to 99.90 V
-39689 removed Honecker in effort V
-39689 win confidence of citizens N
-39690 ushers era of reform N
-39691 led Germany for years V
-39691 replaced Honecker with man V
-39692 shares power with union V
-39693 turn nation into democracy V
-39694 has implications for both N
-39695 raises hopes of Germans N
-39695 alarms leaders in Moscow N
-39698 hospitalized summer for ailment V
-39698 been subject of speculation N
-39699 supervised construction of Wall N
-39701 built Germany into nation V
-39704 took view of change N
-39705 offer ties to Krenz V
-39707 reflects change in relations N
-39709 is champion in leadership V
-39710 be sharing of power N
-39712 was result of infighting N
-39713 delay decisions about change N
-39717 alter resistance to change N
-39721 joining Politburo in 1983 V
-39721 was successor to Honecker N
-39724 visited China after massacre V
-39725 defended response during visit V
-39726 fears Krenz in part V
-39726 ordered arrest of hundreds N
-39726 sought refuge in Church N
-39728 read mood in Germany N
-39729 was one of leaders N
-39731 using force against demonstrators N
-39732 have image of man N
-39733 have image of reformer N
-39734 take steps toward reform N
-39734 rebuild confidence among people N
-39735 allied themselves with Honecker V
-39735 loosen controls on media N
-39735 establish dialogue with groups N
-39740 is process of democratization N
-39742 open discussions with Bonn N
-39743 citing sources in Germany N
-39750 heed calls for change N
-39751 find solutions to problems N
-39755 is creature of War N
-39756 endanger statehood of Poland N
-39759 be recipe for future N
-39760 build economy into paradise V
-39762 paying compliments to Gorbachev V
-39762 rejecting necessity for adjustments N
-39763 doing nothing about it V
-39764 presenting speeches as summaries V
-39764 giving space to opponents V
-39766 abandoned devotion to unity N
-39767 left room for debate N
-39770 proclaims renewal of socialism N
-39779 cleanse Germany of muck V
-39780 envisioned utopia of socialism N
-39781 left mark on society V
-39782 typified generation of leaders N
-39782 took cues from Moscow V
-39783 recognize legitimacy of state N
-39784 won measure of recognition N
-39787 was matter of time N
-39788 increased forecast for growth N
-39788 increased forecast to % V
-39789 projected growth for members N
-39789 projected growth at % V
-39792 Leading forecasts in 1989 V
-39792 growing % at prices V
-39796 opened plant in Chongju V
-39797 manufacture types of coffee N
-39799 had % of share N
-39800 has share with coffee V
-39802 told Vaezi of willingess V
-39804 close base in Kong N
-39806 use base for Army V
-39809 negotiated pact in Moscow V
-39810 requires approval by governments N
-39815 are culmination of weeks N
-39816 has interests in manufacturing N
-39816 has interests in both V
-39817 push prices on market N
-39817 push prices in yesterday V
-39818 stopped production of it N
-39820 dismantled section of Wall N
-39823 are guide to levels N
-39854 indicted director of research N
-39854 charging him with transportation V
-39855 filed lawsuit against manager V
-39860 denied allegations against him N
-39862 assessing damage from earthquake N
-39863 owns affiliate in Seattle N
-39864 outstripped competition in coverage V
-39864 broadcasting Series from Park V
-39865 attribute performance to disaster V
-39867 were complaints from affiliates N
-39868 was case at News V
-39872 including edition of Today N
-39876 beat everyone in stretch V
-39878 postponed games of Series N
-39879 broadcast episodes of lineups N
-39880 resume evening in Francisco V
-39882 reported plunge in income N
-39888 presages agreement with regulators N
-39889 turning thrift to regulators V
-39892 had drop in profit N
-39892 had drop to million V
-39893 totaled million in quarter V
-39894 includes addition to reserves N
-39895 foresee need for additions N
-39897 included write-down on land N
-39897 included reserve for losses N
-39898 included write-down of inventories N
-39900 included write-down of investments N
-39902 replace Equitec as manager V
-39904 include restructuring of centers N
-39906 drain resources of Equitec N
-39907 posted loss in quarter V
-39910 raised dollars from investors V
-39913 build stake for clients V
-39914 give teeth to threat V
-39916 holds stake in carrier V
-39918 sell stake at price V
-39918 cost him on average V
-39920 represents % of assets N
-39921 launch bid for carrier N
-39922 is 80 as takeover V
-39922 was anything in terms V
-39924 abandoned role as investor N
-39925 holds stakes in companies V
-39926 runs billion for Partners N
-39926 made name as trader V
-39928 see irony in fact V
-39932 has ace in hole N
-39933 buying shares as part V
-39934 be way for get N
-39937 sold stake at profit V
-39939 confers commissions on firms V
-39940 get price for shares V
-39942 including sale in August N
-39943 was example of democracy N
-39944 made filings in USAir N
-39945 stir interest in stock N
-39951 show losses for quarters V
-39952 pummel stocks in coming V
-39954 bought shares in days V
-39955 bought stock as part V
-39957 showing gains of % N
-39958 regret incursion into game N
-39960 making change in style N
-39965 report loss for quarter V
-39966 mark loss for Commodore V
-39971 Reflecting concerns about outlook N
-39973 setting stage for progress V
-39977 support efforts in areas N
-39983 set sights on events N
-39986 rose 0.60 to 341.76 V
-39986 rose 0.71 to 320.54 V
-39986 gained 0.43 to 189.32 V
-39989 dropped 6.40 to 1247.87 V
-39989 lost % of value N
-39991 cited anticipation as factors V
-39992 knocked service throughout area V
-39997 show instability over sessions V
-39997 re-evaluate stance toward market N
-39997 re-evaluate stance in light V