blob: bfeff62dd9ff2a8e837855f10b42cb8a45bb89c4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
* This class does content generation by using web mining and syntactic generalization to get sentences from the web, convert and combine them in the form
* expected to be readable by humans.
* These are examples of generated articles, given the article title
public class RelatedSentenceFinder {
private static Logger LOG = Logger
PageFetcher pFetcher = new PageFetcher();
ParserChunker2MatcherProcessor sm = ParserChunker2MatcherProcessor
protected ParseTreeChunkListScorer parseTreeChunkListScorer = new ParseTreeChunkListScorer();
protected ParseTreeChunk parseTreeChunk = new ParseTreeChunk();
protected static StringDistanceMeasurer stringDistanceMeasurer = new StringDistanceMeasurer();
protected BingQueryRunner yrunner = new BingQueryRunner();
protected int MAX_STEPS = 1;
protected int MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS = 1;
protected float RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD = 1.1f;
protected Set<String> visitedURLs = new HashSet();
// used to indicate that a sentence is an opinion, so more appropriate
static List<String> MENTAL_VERBS = new ArrayList<String>(
Arrays.asList(new String[] { "want", "know", "believe", "appeal", "ask",
"accept", "agree", "allow", "appeal", "ask", "assume", "believe",
"check", "confirm", "convince", "deny", "disagree", "explain",
"ignore", "inform", "remind", "request", "suggest", "suppose",
"think", "threaten", "try", "understand" }));
private static final int MAX_FRAGMENT_SENTS = 10;
public RelatedSentenceFinder(int ms, int msr, float thresh, String key) {
this.MAX_STEPS = ms;
public RelatedSentenceFinder() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public void setLang(String lang) {
public List<HitBase> findRelatedOpinionsForSentenceFastAndDummy(String word,
List<String> sents) throws Exception {
List<HitBase> searchResult = yrunner.runSearch(word, 100);
return searchResult;
public List<HitBase> findRelatedOpinionsForSentence(String sentence,
List<String> sents) throws Exception {
List<HitBase> opinionSentencesToAdd = new ArrayList<HitBase>();
System.out.println(" \n\n=== Sentence = " + sentence);
List<String> nounPhraseQueries = buildSearchEngineQueryFromSentence(sentence);
BingQueryRunner yrunner = new BingQueryRunner();
for (String query : nounPhraseQueries) {
System.out.println("\nquery = " + query);
// query += " "+join(MENTAL_VERBS, " OR ") ;
List<HitBase> searchResult = yrunner.runSearch(query, 100);
if (searchResult != null) {
for (HitBase item : searchResult) { // got some text from .html
if (item.getAbstractText() != null
&& !(item.getUrl().indexOf(".pdf") > 0)) { // exclude
// pdf
sentence, sents));
opinionSentencesToAdd = removeDuplicatesFromResultantHits(opinionSentencesToAdd);
return opinionSentencesToAdd;
* Main content generation function which takes a seed as a person, rock
* group, or other entity name and produce a list of text fragments by web
* mining for <br>
* @param String
* entity name
* @return List<HitBase> of text fragment structures which contain approved
* (in terms of relevance) mined sentences, as well as original search
* results objects such as doc titles, abstracts, and urls.
public List<HitBase> generateContentAbout(String sentence) throws Exception {
List<HitBase> opinionSentencesToAdd = new ArrayList<HitBase>();
System.out.println(" \n=== Entity to write about = " + sentence);
List<String> nounPhraseQueries = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] extraKeywords = new StoryDiscourseNavigator().obtainAdditionalKeywordsForAnEntity(sentence);
System.out.println("Found extraKeywords "+ Arrays.asList(extraKeywords));
if (extraKeywords==null || extraKeywords.length<1)
extraKeywords = StoryDiscourseNavigator.frequentPerformingVerbs;
int stepCount=0;
for (String verbAddition : extraKeywords) {
List<HitBase> searchResult = yrunner.runSearch(sentence + " "
+ verbAddition, MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS); //100);
if (MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS<searchResult.size())
searchResult = searchResult.subList(0, MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS);
//TODO for shorter run
if (searchResult != null) {
for (HitBase item : searchResult) { // got some text from .html
if (item.getAbstractText() != null
&& !(item.getUrl().indexOf(".pdf") > 0) && !visitedURLs.contains(item.getUrl())) { // exclude pdf
// sentence, null));
buildParagraphOfGeneratedText(item, sentence, null));
if (stepCount>MAX_STEPS)
opinionSentencesToAdd = removeDuplicatesFromResultantHits(opinionSentencesToAdd);
return opinionSentencesToAdd;
* Takes a sentence and extracts noun phrases and entity names to from search
* queries for finding relevant sentences on the web, which are then subject
* to relevance assessment by Similarity. Search queries should not be too
* general (irrelevant search results) or too specific (too few search
* results)
* @param String
* input sentence to form queries
* @return List<String> of search expressions
public static List<String> buildSearchEngineQueryFromSentence(String sentence) {
ParseTreeChunk matcher = new ParseTreeChunk();
ParserChunker2MatcherProcessor pos = ParserChunker2MatcherProcessor
List<List<ParseTreeChunk>> sent1GrpLst = null;
List<ParseTreeChunk> nPhrases = pos
List<String> queryArrayStr = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ParseTreeChunk ch : nPhrases) {
String query = "";
int size = ch.getLemmas().size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (ch.getPOSs().get(i).startsWith("N")
|| ch.getPOSs().get(i).startsWith("J")) {
query += ch.getLemmas().get(i) + " ";
query = query.trim();
int len = query.split(" ").length;
if (len < 2 || len > 5)
if (len < 4) { // every word should start with capital
String[] qs = query.split(" ");
boolean bAccept = true;
for (String w : qs) {
if (w.toLowerCase().equals(w)) // idf only two words then
// has to be person name,
// title or geo location
bAccept = false;
if (!bAccept)
query = query.trim().replace(" ", " +");
query = " +" + query;
if (queryArrayStr.size() < 1) { // release constraints on NP down to 2
// keywords
for (ParseTreeChunk ch : nPhrases) {
String query = "";
int size = ch.getLemmas().size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (ch.getPOSs().get(i).startsWith("N")
|| ch.getPOSs().get(i).startsWith("J")) {
query += ch.getLemmas().get(i) + " ";
query = query.trim();
int len = query.split(" ").length;
if (len < 2)
query = query.trim().replace(" ", " +");
query = " +" + query;
queryArrayStr = removeDuplicatesFromQueries(queryArrayStr);
return queryArrayStr;
* remove dupes from queries to easy cleaning dupes and repetitive search
* afterwards
* @param List
* <String> of sentences (search queries, or search results
* abstracts, or titles
* @return List<String> of sentences where dupes are removed
public static List<String> removeDuplicatesFromQueries(List<String> hits) {
StringDistanceMeasurer meas = new StringDistanceMeasurer();
double dupeThresh = 0.8; // if more similar, then considered dupes was
// 0.7
List<Integer> idsToRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<String> hitsDedup = new ArrayList<String>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < hits.size(); i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < hits.size(); j++) {
String title1 = hits.get(i);
String title2 = hits.get(j);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(title1) || StringUtils.isEmpty(title2))
if (meas.measureStringDistance(title1, title2) > dupeThresh) {
idsToRemove.add(j); // dupes found, later list member to
// be deleted
for (int i = 0; i < hits.size(); i++)
if (!idsToRemove.contains(i))
if (hitsDedup.size() < hits.size()) {"Removed duplicates from formed query, including "
+ hits.get(idsToRemove.get(0)));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.severe("Problem removing duplicates from query list");
return hitsDedup;
* remove dupes from search results
* @param List
* <HitBase> of search results objects
* @return List<String> of search results objects where dupes are removed
public static List<HitBase> removeDuplicatesFromResultantHits(
List<HitBase> hits) {
StringDistanceMeasurer meas = new StringDistanceMeasurer();
double dupeThresh = // 0.8; // if more similar, then considered dupes was
List<Integer> idsToRemove = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<HitBase> hitsDedup = new ArrayList<HitBase>();
try {
for (int i = 0; i < hits.size(); i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < hits.size(); j++) {
HitBase hit2 = hits.get(j);
List<Fragment> fragmList1 = hits.get(i).getFragments();
List<Fragment> fragmList2 = hits.get(j).getFragments();
List<Fragment> fragmList2Results = new ArrayList<Fragment>(fragmList2);
for (Fragment f1 : fragmList1)
for (Fragment f2 : fragmList2) {
String sf1 = f1.getResultText();
String sf2 = f2.getResultText();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sf1) || StringUtils.isEmpty(sf1))
if (meas.measureStringDistance(sf1, sf2) > dupeThresh) {
fragmList2Results.remove(f2);"Removed duplicates from formed fragments list: "
+ sf2);
hits.set(j, hit2);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.severe("Problem removing duplicates from list of fragment");
return hits;
* Takes single search result for an entity which is the subject of the essay
* to be written and forms essey sentences from the title, abstract, and
* possibly original page
* @param HitBase
* item : search result
* @param originalSentence
* : seed for the essay to be written
* @param sentsAll
* : list<String> of other sentences in the seed if it is
* multi-sentence
* @return search result
public HitBase augmentWithMinedSentencesAndVerifyRelevance(HitBase item,
String originalSentence, List<String> sentsAll) {
if (sentsAll == null)
sentsAll = new ArrayList<String>();
// put orig sentence in structure
List<String> origs = new ArrayList<String>();
String title = item.getTitle().replace("<b>", " ").replace("</b>", " ")
.replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ");
// generation results for this sentence
List<Fragment> result = new ArrayList<Fragment>();
// form plain text from snippet
String snapshot = item.getAbstractText().replace("<b>", " ")
.replace("</b>", " ").replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ");
// fix a template expression which can be substituted by original if
// relevant
String snapshotMarked = snapshot.replace("...",
" _should_find_orig_ . _should_find_orig_");
String[] fragments = sm.splitSentences(snapshotMarked);
List<String> allFragms = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] sents = null;
String downloadedPage = null;
try {
if (snapshotMarked.length() != snapshot.length()) {
downloadedPage = pFetcher.fetchPage(item.getUrl());
if (downloadedPage != null && downloadedPage.length() > 100) {
String pageContent = Utils.fullStripHTML(item.getPageContent());
pageContent = GeneratedSentenceProcessor
pageContent = ContentGeneratorSupport.cleanSpacesInCleanedHTMLpage(pageContent);
//pageContent = pageContent.trim().replaceAll(" [A-Z]", ". $0")// .replace(" ",
// // ". ")
// .replace("..", ".").replace(". . .", " ").trim(); // sometimes html breaks are converted into ' ' (two spaces), so
// we need to put '.'
sents = sm.splitSentences(pageContent);
sents = ContentGeneratorSupport.cleanListOfSents(sents);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
.println("Problem downloading the page and splitting into sentences");
return item;
for (String fragment : allFragms) {
String followSent = "";
if (fragment.length() < 50)
String pageSentence = "";
// try to find original sentence from webpage
if (fragment.indexOf("_should_find_orig_") > -1 && sents != null
&& sents.length > 0){
try {
// first try sorted sentences from page by length approach
String[] sentsSortedByLength = extractSentencesFromPage(downloadedPage);
String[] mainAndFollowSent = null;
try {
mainAndFollowSent = getFullOriginalSentenceFromWebpageBySnippetFragment(
fragment.replace("_should_find_orig_", ""), sentsSortedByLength);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// if the above gives null than try to match all sentences from snippet fragment
if (mainAndFollowSent==null || mainAndFollowSent[0]==null){
mainAndFollowSent = getFullOriginalSentenceFromWebpageBySnippetFragment(
fragment.replace("_should_find_orig_", ""), sents);
if (mainAndFollowSent!=null || mainAndFollowSent[0]!=null){
pageSentence = mainAndFollowSent[0];
for(int i = 1; i< mainAndFollowSent.length; i++)
if (mainAndFollowSent[i]!=null)
followSent+= mainAndFollowSent[i];
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// or get original snippet
pageSentence = fragment;
if (pageSentence != null)
pageSentence.replace("_should_find_orig_", "");
// resultant sentence SHOULD NOT be longer than for times the size of
// snippet fragment
if (pageSentence != null && pageSentence.length()>50 )
// && (float) pageSentence.length() / (float) fragment.length() < 4.0)
{ // was 2.0,
try { // get score from syntactic match between sentence in
// original text and mined sentence
double measScore = 0.0, syntScore = 0.0, mentalScore = 0.0;
SentencePairMatchResult matchRes = sm.assessRelevance(pageSentence
+ " " + title, originalSentence);
List<List<ParseTreeChunk>> match = matchRes.getMatchResult();
if (!matchRes.isVerbExists() || matchRes.isImperativeVerb()) {
.println("Rejected Sentence : No verb OR Yes imperative verb :"
+ pageSentence);
syntScore = parseTreeChunkListScorer
System.out.println(parseTreeChunk.listToString(match) + " "
+ syntScore + "\n pre-processed sent = '" + pageSentence);
if (syntScore < RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD){ // 1.5) { // trying other sents
for (String currSent : sentsAll) {
if (currSent.startsWith(originalSentence))
match = sm.assessRelevance(currSent, pageSentence)
double syntScoreCurr = parseTreeChunkListScorer
if (syntScoreCurr > syntScore) {
syntScore = syntScoreCurr;
if (syntScore > RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD) {
System.out.println("Got match with other sent: "
+ parseTreeChunk.listToString(match) + " " + syntScore);
measScore = stringDistanceMeasurer.measureStringDistance(
originalSentence, pageSentence);
if ((syntScore > RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD || measScore > 0.5)
&& measScore < 0.8 && pageSentence.length() > 40) // >70
String pageSentenceProc = GeneratedSentenceProcessor
if (pageSentenceProc != null) {
pageSentenceProc = GeneratedSentenceProcessor
followSent = GeneratedSentenceProcessor.processSentence(followSent);
if (followSent != null) {
pageSentenceProc += " "+ followSent;
pageSentenceProc = Utils.convertToASCII(pageSentenceProc);
Fragment f = new Fragment(pageSentenceProc, syntScore + measScore
+ mentalScore + (double) pageSentenceProc.length()
/ (double) 50);
f.fragment = fragment;
System.out.println("Accepted sentence: " + pageSentenceProc + " | "+followSent
+ "| with title= " + title);
System.out.println("For fragment = " + fragment);
} else
.println("Rejected sentence due to wrong area at webpage: "
+ pageSentence);
} else
System.out.println("Rejected sentence due to low score: "
+ pageSentence);
// }
} catch (Throwable t) {
return item;
// given a fragment from snippet, finds an original sentence at a webpage by
// optimizing alignmemt score
public static String[] getFullOriginalSentenceFromWebpageBySnippetFragment(
String fragment, String[] sents) {
if (fragment.trim().length() < 15)
return null;
StringDistanceMeasurer meas = new StringDistanceMeasurer();
Double dist = 0.0;
String result = null, followSent = "";
for (int i = 0; i < sents.length; i++) {
String s = sents[i];
if (s == null || s.length() < 30)
Double distCurr = meas.measureStringDistance(s, fragment);
if (distCurr > dist && distCurr > 0.4) {
result = s;
dist = distCurr;
try {
if (i < sents.length - 1 && sents[i + 1].length() > 60) {
String f1 = GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence(sents[i+1]);
if (f1!=null){
followSent = f1;
if (i < sents.length - 2 && sents[i + 2].length() > 60) {
String f2 = GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence(sents[i+2]);
if (f2!=null){
followSent += " "+f2;
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return new String[] { result, followSent };
// given a fragment from snippet, finds an original sentence at a webpage by
// optimizing alignmemt score
public static String[] getBestFullOriginalSentenceFromWebpageBySnippetFragment(
String fragment, String[] sents) {
if (fragment.trim().length() < 15)
return null;
int bestSentIndex = -1;
StringDistanceMeasurer meas = new StringDistanceMeasurer();
Double distBest = 10.0; // + sup
String result = null, followSent = null;
for (int i = 0; i < sents.length; i++) {
String s = sents[i];
if (s == null || s.length() < 30)
Double distCurr = meas.measureStringDistance(s, fragment);
if (distCurr > distBest) {
distBest = distCurr;
bestSentIndex = i;
if (distBest > 0.4) {
result = sents[bestSentIndex];
if (bestSentIndex < sents.length - 1
&& sents[bestSentIndex + 1].length() > 60) {
followSent = sents[bestSentIndex + 1];
return new String[] { result, followSent };
public String[] extractSentencesFromPage(String downloadedPage)
int maxSentsFromPage= 100;
List<String[]> results = new ArrayList<String[]>();
//String pageOrigHTML = pFetcher.fetchOrigHTML(url);
downloadedPage= downloadedPage.replace(" ", "&");
downloadedPage = downloadedPage.replaceAll("(?:&)+", "#");
String[] sents = downloadedPage.split("#");
List<TextChunk> sentsList = new ArrayList<TextChunk>();
for(String s: sents){
s = ContentGeneratorSupport.cleanSpacesInCleanedHTMLpage(s);
/* s = s.trim().replace(" ", ". ").replace("..", ".").replace(". . .", " ")
.replace(": ", ". ").replace("- ", ". ").
replace (". .",".").trim(); */
sentsList.add(new TextChunk(s, s.length()));
Collections.sort(sentsList, new TextChunkComparable());
String[] longestSents = new String[maxSentsFromPage];
int j=0;
int initIndex = sentsList.size()-1 -maxSentsFromPage;
if (initIndex<0)
initIndex = 0;
for(int i=initIndex; i< sentsList.size() && j<maxSentsFromPage ; i++){
longestSents[j] = sentsList.get(i).text;
sents = cleanSplitListOfSents(longestSents);
//sents = removeDuplicates(sents);
//sents = verifyEnforceStartsUpperCase(sents);
return sents;
public class TextChunk {
public TextChunk(String s, int length) {
this.text = s;
this.len = length;
public String text;
public int len;
public class TextChunkComparable implements Comparator<TextChunk>
public int compare(TextChunk ch1, TextChunk ch2)
if (ch1.len>ch2.len)
return 1;
else if (ch1.len<ch2.len)
return -1;
else return 0;
protected String[] cleanSplitListOfSents(String[] longestSents){
float minFragmentLength = 40, minFragmentLengthSpace=4;
List<String> sentsClean = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String sentenceOrMultSent : longestSents)
if (sentenceOrMultSent==null || sentenceOrMultSent.length()<20)
if (GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence(sentenceOrMultSent)==null){
//System.out.println("Rejected sentence by GeneratedSentenceProcessor.acceptableMinedSentence = "+sentenceOrMultSent);
// aaa. hhh hhh. kkk . kkk ll hhh. lll kkk n.
int numOfDots = sentenceOrMultSent.replace('.','&').split("&").length;
float avgSentenceLengthInTextPortion = (float)sentenceOrMultSent.length() /(float) numOfDots;
if ( avgSentenceLengthInTextPortion<minFragmentLength)
// o oo o ooo o o o ooo oo ooo o o oo
numOfDots = sentenceOrMultSent.replace(' ','&').split("&").length;
avgSentenceLengthInTextPortion = (float)sentenceOrMultSent.length() /(float) numOfDots;
if ( avgSentenceLengthInTextPortion<minFragmentLengthSpace)
List<String> furtherSplit = TextProcessor.splitToSentences(sentenceOrMultSent);
// forced split by ',' somewhere in the middle of sentence
// disused - Feb 26 13
//furtherSplit = furtherMakeSentencesShorter(furtherSplit);
for(String s : furtherSplit){
if (s.indexOf('|')>-1)
s = s.replace("<em>"," ").replace("</em>"," ");
s = Utils.convertToASCII(s);
return (String[]) sentsClean.toArray(new String[0]);
public Triple<List<String>, String, String[]> formCandidateFragmentsForPage(HitBase item, String originalSentence, List<String> sentsAll){
if (sentsAll == null)
sentsAll = new ArrayList<String>();
// put orig sentence in structure
List<String> origs = new ArrayList<String>();
String title = item.getTitle().replace("<b>", " ").replace("</b>", " ")
.replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ");
// generation results for this sentence
List<Fragment> result = new ArrayList<Fragment>();
// form plain text from snippet
String snapshot = item.getAbstractText().replace("<b>", " ")
.replace("</b>", " ").replace(" ", " ").replace(" ", " ");
// fix a template expression which can be substituted by original if
// relevant
String snapshotMarked = snapshot.replace("...",
" _should_find_orig_ . _should_find_orig_");
String[] fragments = sm.splitSentences(snapshotMarked);
List<String> allFragms = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] sents = null;
String downloadedPage = null;
try {
if (snapshotMarked.length() != snapshot.length()) {
downloadedPage = pFetcher.fetchPage(item.getUrl());
if (downloadedPage != null && downloadedPage.length() > 100) {
String pageContent = Utils.fullStripHTML(item.getPageContent());
pageContent = GeneratedSentenceProcessor
pageContent = ContentGeneratorSupport.cleanSpacesInCleanedHTMLpage(pageContent);
//pageContent = pageContent.trim().replaceAll(" [A-Z]", ". $0")// .replace(" ",
// // ". ")
// .replace("..", ".").replace(". . .", " ").
// replace(". .",". ").trim(); // sometimes html breaks are converted into ' ' (two spaces), so
// we need to put '.'
sents = sm.splitSentences(pageContent);
sents = ContentGeneratorSupport.cleanListOfSents(sents);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
.println("Problem downloading the page and splitting into sentences");
return new Triple(allFragms, downloadedPage, sents);
return new Triple(allFragms, downloadedPage, sents);
String[] formCandidateSentences(String fragment, Triple<List<String>, String, String[]> fragmentExtractionResults){
String[] mainAndFollowSent = null;
List<String> allFragms = (List<String>)fragmentExtractionResults.getFirst();
String downloadedPage = (String)fragmentExtractionResults.getSecond();
String[] sents = (String[])fragmentExtractionResults.getThird();
String followSent = null;
if (fragment.length() < 50)
return null;
String pageSentence = "";
// try to find original sentence from webpage
if (fragment.indexOf("_should_find_orig_") > -1 && sents != null
&& sents.length > 0){
try {
// first try sorted sentences from page by length approach
String[] sentsSortedByLength = extractSentencesFromPage(downloadedPage);
try {
mainAndFollowSent = getFullOriginalSentenceFromWebpageBySnippetFragment(
fragment.replace("_should_find_orig_", ""), sentsSortedByLength);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// if the above gives null than try to match all sentences from snippet fragment
if (mainAndFollowSent==null || mainAndFollowSent[0]==null){
mainAndFollowSent = getFullOriginalSentenceFromWebpageBySnippetFragment(
fragment.replace("_should_find_orig_", ""), sents);
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// or get original snippet
pageSentence = fragment;
if (pageSentence != null)
pageSentence.replace("_should_find_orig_", "");
return mainAndFollowSent;
private Fragment verifyCandidateSentencesAndFormParagraph(
String[] candidateSentences, HitBase item, String fragment, String originalSentence, List<String> sentsAll) {
Fragment result = null;
String pageSentence = candidateSentences[0];
String followSent = "";
for(int i = 1; i< candidateSentences.length; i++)
followSent+= candidateSentences[i];
String title = item.getTitle();
// resultant sentence SHOULD NOT be longer than for times the size of
// snippet fragment
if (!(pageSentence != null && pageSentence.length()>50) ){
System.out.println("Cannot accept the sentence = "+ pageSentence +
"!(pageSentence != null && pageSentence.length()>50 && (float) pageSentence.length() / (float) fragment.length() < 4.0) )");
return null;
try { // get score from syntactic match between sentence in
// original text and mined sentence
double measScore = 0.0, syntScore = 0.0, mentalScore = 0.0;
SentencePairMatchResult matchRes = sm.assessRelevance(pageSentence
+ " " + title, originalSentence);
List<List<ParseTreeChunk>> match = matchRes.getMatchResult();
if (match==null || match.size()<1){
.println("Rejected Sentence : empty match "+ pageSentence);
return null;
if (!matchRes.isVerbExists() || matchRes.isImperativeVerb()) {
.println("Rejected Sentence : No verb OR Yes imperative verb :"
+ pageSentence);
return null;
syntScore = parseTreeChunkListScorer
System.out.println(parseTreeChunk.listToString(match) + " "
+ syntScore + "\n pre-processed sent = '" + pageSentence);
try {
if (sentsAll!=null && syntScore < RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD){ // 1.5) { // trying other sents
for (String currSent : sentsAll) {
if (currSent.startsWith(originalSentence))
match = sm.assessRelevance(currSent, pageSentence)
double syntScoreCurr = parseTreeChunkListScorer
if (syntScoreCurr > syntScore) {
syntScore = syntScoreCurr;
if (syntScore > RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD) {
System.out.println("Got match with other sent: "
+ parseTreeChunk.listToString(match) + " " + syntScore);
} catch (Exception e) {
measScore = stringDistanceMeasurer.measureStringDistance(
originalSentence, pageSentence);
if ((syntScore > RELEVANCE_THRESHOLD || measScore > 0.5)
&& measScore < 0.8 && pageSentence.length() > 40) // >70
String pageSentenceProc = GeneratedSentenceProcessor
if (pageSentenceProc != null) {
pageSentenceProc = GeneratedSentenceProcessor
followSent = GeneratedSentenceProcessor.processSentence(followSent);
if (followSent != null) {
pageSentenceProc += " "+ followSent;
pageSentenceProc = Utils.convertToASCII(pageSentenceProc);
result = new Fragment(pageSentenceProc, syntScore + measScore
+ mentalScore + (double) pageSentenceProc.length()
/ (double) 50);
result.fragment = fragment;
System.out.println("Accepted sentence: " + pageSentenceProc
+ "| with title= " + title);
System.out.println("For fragment = " + fragment);
} else
.println("Rejected sentence due to wrong area at webpage: "
+ pageSentence);
} else
System.out.println("Rejected sentence due to low score: "
+ pageSentence);
// }
} catch (Throwable t) {
return result;
public HitBase buildParagraphOfGeneratedText(HitBase item,
String originalSentence, List<String> sentsAll) {
List<Fragment> results = new ArrayList<Fragment>() ;
Triple<List<String>, String, String[]> fragmentExtractionResults = formCandidateFragmentsForPage(item, originalSentence, sentsAll);
List<String> allFragms = (List<String>)fragmentExtractionResults.getFirst();
String downloadedPage = (String)fragmentExtractionResults.getSecond();
String[] sents = (String[])fragmentExtractionResults.getThird();
for (String fragment : allFragms) {
String[] candidateSentences = formCandidateSentences(fragment, fragmentExtractionResults);
if (candidateSentences == null)
Fragment res = verifyCandidateSentencesAndFormParagraph(candidateSentences, item, fragment, originalSentence, sentsAll);
if (res!=null)
item.setFragments(results );
return item;
public static void main(String[] args) {
RelatedSentenceFinder f = new RelatedSentenceFinder();
List<HitBase> hits = null;
try {
// uncomment the sentence you would like to serve as a seed sentence for
// content generation for an event description
// uncomment the sentence you would like to serve as a seed sentence for
// content generation for an event description
hits = f.generateContentAbout("Albert Einstein"
// "Britney Spears - The Femme Fatale Tour"
// "Rush Time Machine",
// "Blue Man Group" ,
// "Belly Dance With Zaharah",
// "Hollander Musicology Lecture: Danielle Fosler-Lussier, Guest Lecturer",
// "Jazz Master and arguably the most famous jazz musician alive, trumpeter Wynton Marsalis",
// WordFileGenerator.createWordDoc("Essey about Albert Einstein",
// hits.get(0).getTitle(), hits);
} catch (Exception e) {