blob: 12f58c9391388fd57bb50d91588e968418b9e962 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.opennlp.utils.cfg;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
* a probabilistic CFG
public class ProbabilisticContextFreeGrammar {
private final Collection<String> nonTerminalSymbols;
private final Collection<String> terminalSymbols;
private final Map<Rule, Double> rules;
private final String startSymbol;
private boolean randomExpansion;
public ProbabilisticContextFreeGrammar(Collection<String> nonTerminalSymbols, Collection<String> terminalSymbols,
Map<Rule, Double> rules, String startSymbol, boolean randomExpansion) {
assert nonTerminalSymbols.contains(startSymbol) : "start symbol doesn't belong to non-terminal symbols set";
this.nonTerminalSymbols = nonTerminalSymbols;
this.terminalSymbols = terminalSymbols;
this.rules = rules;
this.startSymbol = startSymbol;
this.randomExpansion = randomExpansion;
public ProbabilisticContextFreeGrammar(Collection<String> nonTerminalSymbols, Collection<String> terminalSymbols, Map<Rule, Double> rules, String startSymbol) {
this(nonTerminalSymbols, terminalSymbols, rules, startSymbol, false);
public Collection<String> getNonTerminalSymbols() {
return nonTerminalSymbols;
public Collection<String> getTerminalSymbols() {
return terminalSymbols;
public Map<Rule, Double> getRules() {
return rules;
public String getStartSymbol() {
return startSymbol;
public String[] leftMostDerivation(String... words) {
ArrayList<String> expansion = new ArrayList<String>(words.length);
assert words.length > 0 && startSymbol.equals(words[0]);
for (String word : words) {
return expansion.toArray(new String[expansion.size()]);
private Collection<String> getTerminals(String word) {
if (terminalSymbols.contains(word)) {
Collection<String> c = new LinkedList<String>();
return c;
} else {
assert nonTerminalSymbols.contains(word) : "word " + word + " is not contained in non terminals";
String[] expansions = getExpansionForSymbol(word);
Collection<String> c = new LinkedList<String>();
for (String e : expansions) {
return c;
private String[] getExpansionForSymbol(String currentSymbol) {
Rule r = getRuleForSymbol(currentSymbol);
return r.getExpansion();
private Rule getRuleForSymbol(String word) {
ArrayList<Rule> possibleRules = new ArrayList<Rule>();
for (Rule r : rules.keySet()) {
if (word.equals(r.getEntry())) {
if (!randomExpansion) {
return r;
if (possibleRules.size() > 0) {
return possibleRules.get(new Random().nextInt(possibleRules.size()));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("could not find a rule for expanding symbol " + word);
public BackPointer pi(List<String> sentence, int i, int j, String x) {
BackPointer backPointer = new BackPointer(0, 0, null);
if (i == j) {
Rule rule = new Rule(x, sentence.get(i));
double q = q(rule);
backPointer = new BackPointer(q, i, rule);
} else {
double max = 0;
for (Rule rule : getNTRules()) {
for (int s = i; s < j; s++) {
double q = q(rule);
BackPointer left = pi(sentence, i, s, rule.getExpansion()[0]);
BackPointer right = pi(sentence, s + 1, j, rule.getExpansion()[1]);
double cp = q * left.getProbability() * right.getProbability();
if (cp > max) {
max = cp;
backPointer = new BackPointer(max, s, rule, left, right);
return backPointer;
public BackPointer cky(List<String> sentence, ProbabilisticContextFreeGrammar pcfg) {
BackPointer backPointer = null;
int n = sentence.size();
for (int l = 1; l < n; l++) {
for (int i = 0; i < n - l; i++) {
int j = i + l;
double max = 0;
for (String x : pcfg.getNonTerminalSymbols()) {
for (Rule r : getRulesForNonTerminal(x)) {
for (int s = i; s < j - 1; s++) {
double q = q(r);
BackPointer left = pi(sentence, i, s, r.getExpansion()[0]);
BackPointer right = pi(sentence, s + 1, j, r.getExpansion()[1]);
double cp = q * left.getProbability() * right.getProbability();
if (cp > max) {
max = cp;
backPointer = new BackPointer(max, s, r, left, right);
return backPointer;
private Collection<Rule> getRulesForNonTerminal(String x) {
LinkedList<Rule> ntRules = new LinkedList<Rule>();
for (Rule r : rules.keySet()) {
if (x.equals(r.getEntry()) && nonTerminalSymbols.contains(r.getExpansion()[0]) && nonTerminalSymbols.contains(r.getExpansion()[1])) {
return ntRules;
private Collection<Rule> getNTRules() {
Collection<Rule> ntRules = new LinkedList<Rule>();
for (Rule r : rules.keySet()) {
if (nonTerminalSymbols.contains(r.getExpansion()[0]) && nonTerminalSymbols.contains(r.getExpansion()[1])) {
return ntRules;
private double q(Rule rule) {
return rules.keySet().contains(rule) ? rules.get(rule) : 0;
public class BackPointer {
private final double probability;
private final int splitPoint;
private final Rule rule;
private BackPointer leftTree;
private BackPointer rightTree;
private BackPointer(double probability, int splitPoint, Rule rule) {
this.probability = probability;
this.splitPoint = splitPoint;
this.rule = rule;
public BackPointer(double probability, int splitPoint, Rule rule, BackPointer leftTree, BackPointer rightTree) {
this.probability = probability;
this.splitPoint = splitPoint;
this.rule = rule;
this.leftTree = leftTree;
this.rightTree = rightTree;
public double getProbability() {
return probability;
public int getSplitPoint() {
return splitPoint;
public Rule getRule() {
return rule;
public BackPointer getLeftTree() {
return leftTree;
public BackPointer getRightTree() {
return rightTree;
public String toString() {
return "BackPointer{" +
"probability=" + probability +
", splitPoint=" + splitPoint +
", rule=" + rule +
", leftTree=" + leftTree +
", rightTree=" + rightTree +