blob: 1dafb7d5f94baf877528da7be3aae25f7cb55091 [file] [log] [blame]
" We were very pleased with the impact and awareness generated by the Transit Connect launch poster site campaign . There is no doubt that when used in conjunction with TV , specialist press and online activity , outdoor provides a measurable lift to your activities . " John Knight , Communications Co-ordinator , Commercial Vehicle Brand Team , Ford of Britain The Ford Transit has an automatic place on the consideration list for medium commercial vehicles . The aim for the launch of the Ford Transit Connect was to do the same for its little brother in the light and sub one tonne markets . Outdoor worked alongside TV , specialist press and online activity to promote a message that focused on the new van¹s strength and design . Using 96-sheet , 48-sheet and 6-sheet formats the campaign used the tagline " toughness now comes in a brand new shape " to promote the all-new Transit Connect . The slogan " Job Done " and the trademark tick used on Transit campaigns also tied the launch into the parent brand and emphasised the " can-do " functionality of the two models . The research looked to test the impact of the campaign and discover whether the Transit Connect had been recognised as part of the Transit brand and the overall Ford family . Campaign results The campaign reinforced Ford¹s position as a major van manufacturer . It dominated responses to the question " have you seen any advertising for van manufacturers ? " , scoring 36.7 % well ahead of its rivals . Total spontaneous awareness of Ford van advertising hit 83.7 % after the campaign while the Ford Transit Connect activity scored 79.7 % . Outdoor played a key role in building this awareness with 44 % of consumers having seen the posters . Among the key audience of van drivers , owners and operators the figure was even higher at 52 % , all other media showed a decline against this demographic . Brand scores against attributes such as " tough new light van " and having " rugged durability " improved , demonstrating that the new toughness message had been effectively communicated . Outdoor contributed to a highly effective launch campaign , playing a key role in hitting the target audience of van drivers , owners and operators . The creative message was successfully transmitted and awareness was high .