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Macclesfield businesses object to third arcade - 15/06/06 Log in to remember this page . Email this Ten businesses in the town of Macclesfield have submitted letters of objection to plans for a new amusement arcade in the city 's town centre , arguing that a third venue could lead to increased anti-social behaviour and that there is no demand for more fruit machines . The licensing committee is currently debating a proposal by Red Rose Leisure for the third amusement arcade in a 900ft pedestrianised stretch of Macclesfield 's town centre , and a Gaming Machine Permit will go before the borough council on Monday . Shipley 's Amusement , one of the already established arcades in the stretch , said : " Looking at the usage of our premises you can safely say there is no demand for further premises offering similar machines . The public interested in this activity in Macclesfield town centre lack for nothing . " A spokesperson for the other arcade , Silver Coin , commented " I do n't think there 's anything more another arcade can offer . I do n't think it 's necessary at all . " It 's just such a small area and there 's only going to be five minutes walking distance between the arcades themselves . " Phil Butterworth , co-owner of Red Rose Leisure , defended the application , saying : " We are not looking to make it an amusement arcade for kids , it 's going to be for 18 or 21-year-olds . " We have two in Kendal within a couple of hundred yards of each other and there 's no problems at all . We can offer something different because we have a unique way in which we run our arcades . " We 're not new to this game , we 're an established business . "