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The meeting opened with Paul Davis ( PD ) outlining the structure of the agenda , stating that the evening would be segregated into defined sectors to address the following issues ; Andrew Hounsell : Précis of the content of the recent meeting held between Bob Holt and recognised supporters ' group Paul Davis : T he current situation and events leading up to it . Mike Wilks : T he way forward - what can we do ? Open Forum : T he fan 's opportunity to reflect on , and comment on the situation . Andrew Hounsell ( AH ) AH reported on the meeting of fans ' groups ( TrustSTFC , Supporters ' Club , Disabled Supporters ' Group , Loud and Proud ) with the club on Monday 25th September 2006 called by STFC , who were represented by Bob Holt , Ben Lambert , Martin Starnes , Sandy Gray 's husband and Sarah Mildenhall . It was agreed that Bill Power ( Bill Power ) had made capital outlay to the club to the tune of £ 1,120,00.00 . The clubs view of this investment was that it fell into two categories : £ 1,000,000 as a share issue £ 120,000 as a loan Bill Power has disputed this and states that the full amount was made as a loan and is requiring repayment . BH stated as a separate issue that Mark Devlin ( Mark Devlin ) still had a role to fulfill within the club , and also assured those present that the door was left open for Bill Power to return to the club in the future . BH confirmed that , although a clause in the manager 's contract exists that would enable him to speak to a higher level club , no approach has been made . It was also confirmed that Mike Diamandis ( Mike Diamandis ) had instigated the approach for the current management team and brought them in to the club . BH said that club accounts are prepared and are ready to issue to the shareholders . However he said a £ 700,000 overspend had occurred , although it was then further clarified that that was an overspend even taking into account the improved gates , so against budget it would more likely be over £ 1 million . BH said Linda Birrell ( LB Club Secretary ) had been made redundant as part of a cost cutting exercise , although she had not been required to work her month 's notice . The board felt that LB 's duties could be absorbed within the existing structure . This decision was taken without any consultation with the members of the existing structure that it affected , including Dennis Wise . Paul Davis ( PD ) PD gave a chronological summary of events that have developed with regard to Bill Power 's involvement with the club dating back to late March/early April 2006 . In late March , the Trust were told in a meeting with Mark Devlin that Bill Power was going to be coming on board , and that he would put in an initial investment of c £ 1million . He and Mark Devlin were going to effectively run the ' football ' side of the business , leaving Mike Diamandis free to withdraw from that area of the club and concentrate on the ground redevelopment and his other business interests . A few weeks later , after a meeting with Mike Diamandis , he himself restated that this was to be the way things would operate and expressed his considerable relief at being able to withdraw from the day-to-day running of the club . So there was a clear understanding that Bill Power and Mark Devlin would run the football side of the club . It may have been a surprise then when Mike Diamandis brought in Dennis Wise and Gus Poyet ( and negotiated their pay structure ) , as this would clearly indicate Mike Diamandis was still very active in the ' football ' side of the business . That said , there is no indication that Bill Power or Mark Devlin were anything other than delighted to have Dennis and Gus on board . PD then referred to the official club statement issued on Monday which confirmed that a spending structure had been agreed for this season , which included a budget for the playing side , in a meeting during the close season between Sir Seton and James Wills , Mark Devlin and Bill Power . The statement made specific reference to the fact that Mike Diamandis was not present at that meeting but it was this meeting at which the spending plans for this current season were established . This is the agreement which was then rejected ( again according to the club 's own statement ) at the board meeting three days before the start of the season - as spending and commitments on the basis of that plan must already have been undertaken ( it is ludicrous to suggest that Dennis Wise would not have been allowed to bring in backroom staff , players etc until a spending plan had been formally ratified a few days before the start of the season ) , this in essence amounts to a fundamental breakdown in the agreement reached during the close season . It is believed that this was the culmination of a series of ongoing disagreements throughout the close season between Bill Power and Mark Devlin on the one hand and Sandy Gray and Mike Diamandis , regarding how much freedom Bill Power was to have in the running of the football side of the business . And that the rejection of this agreement essentially marked a fundamental breakdown in the relationship between the two parties . The meeting of the football club board then finished and immediately after the board of the holding company met and ( again as referred to in the club 's official statement ) at the end of that meeting , Bill Power and his business partner Phil Emmel were offered the opportunity to buy the club outright if they did not like the way it was currently being run . Bill Power and Phil Emmel went away to consider their options . Sadly , shortly afterwards Bill and others were injured in the plane crash which obviously interrupted that consideration . In terms of there being a ' rift ' , it is significant that no member of the board visited the Bill Power or the club employees injured in the crash while they were in hospital , except Willie Carson , who visited Mark Devlin and Mike Sullivan to his credit . According to statements by Bob Holt at the meeting on Monday , this was because club officials were asked not to visit the injured parties . Both Bob Holt and Mike Diamandis have repeatedly stated that there was no rift between Mike Diamandis and Bill Power and asked ' How could there be when we 've not spoken to them since the accident ? ' . PD said that the fact that the man charged with securing inward investment in the club had not spoken to the club 's first major external investor in 5 years , not even to pass on his best wishes , in itself spoke volumes . During this period of hospitalization the Paul Ince deal was being negotiated , if the board had misgivings about the deal then the signing should not have gone ahead . With regards to Linda Birrell it was widely recognized that she played a vital role within the club and that when she was made redundant she was given a month 's pay in lieu of notice , which if the reason for her redundancy had genuinely been cost-cutting would have been vital to ensure a smooth transition . PD said that the departure of Linda is what effectively brought the whole situation to a head . The following Wednesday there was a meeting between the board of the club plus Mike Diamandis on the one hand ; and Bill Power 's wife Terry and business partner Phil Emmel on the other . Bill Power had specifically requested that Mike Diamandis not attend , again further evidence of a fundamental breakdown in the relationship between the two , but he did so apparently at the insistence of the Wills family . That meeting was the one ( again referred to in the club statement ) which resulted in Bill Power and Phil Emmel requesting the return of the money they had invested in the club and the well-documented disagreement as to whether that money was a purchase of share capital or a loan . Although PD believed that both parties would have been happy with the ' polite fiction ' of a statement saying Bill Power was withdrawing due to ill-health - no-one likes to wash their dirty linen in public - in the event a joint statement could not be agreed ( as Bill Power 's side would not agree to a joint statement without resolution of the disputed shares/loan issue ) and the club decided , quite properly , to issue their own statement . No direct statement has yet been forthcoming from Bill Power due to legal complexities surrounding the investment issue . Mike Wilks ( MW ) MW introduced himself as a lifelong fan , former chair of the Supporters ' Club , and current executive member of the club , and as someone who certainly had no axe to grind . He confirmed that he had no issues with Sir Seton Wills ( SSW ) , in fact quite the opposite and publicly thanked him for his continued support over the years , a point continually reiterated by all speakers MW explained he was a successful senior business executive and based on his substantial business experience said that basically the club as a business was technically worth virtually nothing , with a CVA in place , a 700,000 overspend and no accounts being filed . MW stated that the annual spend was £ 2.6 million and that was simply staggering for a league 2 club . MW would like to propose a consortium with the approval and support of the fans to replace the current ownership . The consortium primary role would be to secure financial investment to ensure the survival of the club . The investment would be conditional on the following points Linda Burrell be reinstated immediately Independent auditors to examine the affairs of the club over the previous 5 years All Dunwoody contracts to be immediately terminated and investigated A fans representative to be elected to the board . Mark Devlin to be retained as Chief Exec . MW stated that the level of finance required to undertake this action could be in the region of £ 2 - 3 million , although that would depend on whether a complete buy-out was necessary . MW also stated that Bill Power was aware of the views of the fans The floor was then thrown open to a general question and answer session . Votes from the meeting : Following the Q&A several motions were tabled and voted on : 1 ) To instigate active protests ( ie demonstrations etc ) against the non-football management of the club DEFEATED UNANIMOUSLY It was widely felt that this would be counter-productive at this stage and that no action should be taken which may have a negative impact on the players/football management 2 ) That the fans have lost confidence in the non-football management of the club and that the non-football management team should be replaced , but that this was not a criticism of the Wills family who continue to retain the utmost respect of the fans . CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY It was suggested during discussion of this motion that the admittedly awkward phrase ' non-football management of the club ' be replaced with ' board of the club ' ; this was rejected as it was pointed out that James Wills was on the board and the motion did not reflect any criticism of the Wills family . A rider was added to the motion expressing the respect of the fans to the Wills family . 3 ) That Mark Devlin should be allowed to resume his position as Chief Executive as soon as he is well enough and should be retained in that post ; and that the board should resolve the uncertainty over his future as soon as possible CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4 ) That Mike Wilks and TrustSTFC have a mandate to actively seek out investment from third parties and/or explore alternative ownership models for the club in order to secure the club 's future CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5 ) That fans were united in their desire to see Bill Power re-engage with the football club and that Mike Wilks and TrustSTFC should attempt to enter into discussions with him to achieve this