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Nathan Cooke is that boy , he likes music and draws on his bag in biro . He should be in Glastonbury discovering women , but is in fact on holiday with his mother against his will . To exact his revenge on her for keeping him from possibly kissing a girl for a first time he takes a vow to only speak in Pulp lyrics ... it works . YouTube teaser Review In Pulp Boy , young storyteller-stroke-stand-up Terry Saunders imagines a typically moody teenager who vows , for a while , only to speak in the lyrics Jarvis Cocker made famous . Under the lad 's bizarre logic , it 's a way of tackling the feelings of being displaced , misunderstood and unloved ­ and a rebellion of sorts against his killjoy mother who 's dragging him on a budget break to Spain while he 'd much rather be going to Glastonbury with his pals . While his self-imposed affliction could lead him to ridicule , it also leads him to the first flushes of love , sparking a holiday romance with a girl equally enamoured with the band . Saunders 's touching tale ­ which he reads unapologetically from a printout ­ is remarkable in the way he captures the feelings of being lost and alone when 15 , combining the certainty that you know all with the frustration the rest of the world does n't see it , for a reason beyond your comprehension . Our protagonist is at once romantic and crassly unsympathetic , seeing himself as a complex not contradictory . Saunders excels at recreating that maelstrom of conflicting emotions , speaking in the authentic tone of a defiant but confused young man . Pulp Boy is wonderfully written , poignant and quirky . It 's not a side-splitting romp , nor is it intended to be , but there are plenty of moments of rich humour , mostly in the struggle to find just the right lyric for the occasion . This is a fulfilling , grown-up piece of comedic artistry , warm , sincere and worthy of a wider audience . Steve Bennett Leicester Comedy Festival , February 2006 Your comments Terry is developing a great line in lovely , low-key whimsy , which really comes through in this show . Totally recommended . Tom H 03.08.06