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The 2nd one-day International Conference on Business Performance & CSR - SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Wednesday 22nd June 2005 National Liberal Club London , UK Organised by The International Research Group for Business Performance and Corporate Responsibility Papers should be sent electronically . Please note the following conditions for acceptance of your paper . Papers must NOT be published elsewhere . At least one author of the paper must register for the conference and present the paper . Papers in which no author attends the conference will be excluded from the final proceedings . All submissions should be sent as Microsoft Word documents and MUST fulfil guidelines shown below . Abstracts Abstracts should be concise and consist of no more than 250 words . The abstract should include the front page -- see details below - and should be submitted to Denise Arden , Conference Co-ordinator , by email at d. a rden@mdx . a c. u k by Monday 18th April 2005 Full Paper The full paper(s ) submitted MUST be between 10-20 A4 pages and submission process will be stated here at a later date . The full paper includes all diagrams , appendices and reference list . It must follow the page set-up stated below . The paper must include your original abstract -- see above - which will be displayed on the conference web pages after acceptance for informational purposes . Note that practitioner papers WILL NOT be subject to double blind review UNLESS authors indicate that they would like their papers to be considered for a special edition of one of the journals associated with the conference . Front Page All abstracts and full papers must come with a front page that includes the title , and will be the ONLY part of the paper that includes : The title of paper Author name(s ) Author affiliations Postal address E-mail address Telephone number ( including country code ) Fax number ( including country code ) Up to five key words Page Set-Up of all papers All papers must be presented as A4 documents with margins as follows : Top : 2.54cm , Bottom : 2.54cm , Left : 3.17cm , Right : 3.17cm ) . The main text font must be 12 point Times New Roman . Other sizes all Times New Roman : Headings The following format should be used for headings : Title Bold 22 point centred uppercase Level 1 Bold 14 point left-justified uppercase numbered 1 to 10 Level 2 Bold 12 point left justified no numbering Level 3 Italic 10 point left justified no numbering Figures and Tables Embedded in text Centred Numbered either Fig . 1 or Table 1 Font 12 point Bold Centred at base of Figure/Table References Contributors should use the Harvard referencing system : Journal Paper : Author(s ) ( Year ) Title Journal Volume ( Issue ) Page Numbers Book : Author(s ) ( Year ) Title Publisher Place Edition Important Dates & Deadlines Submission of Abstracts Monday 18th April 2005 Review Decisions by Friday 15th April 2005 Submission of Full Paper by Monday 23 May 2005 The conference website will be updated on a regular basis . Details on the conference agenda will appear here when confirmed . Further information can be obtained from : Denise Arden Middlesex University Business School Telephone : 44 ( 0)20 8880 4222