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<entry key="1">Конференція</entry>
<entry key="2">Зустріч</entry>
<entry key="3">Аудиторія</entry>
<entry key="4">Налаштування</entry>
<entry key="5">Користувач</entry>
<entry key="6">Адміністратор</entry>
<entry key="7">Пауза</entry>
<entry key="8">Запис</entry>
<entry key="9">Немає даних</entry>
<entry key="10">Функція запису для модераторів</entry>
<entry key="11">Пов'язаний користувач:</entry>
<entry key="12">Почати конференцію</entry>
<entry key="13">Моє ім'я</entry>
<entry key="14">Відеоконференція</entry>
<entry key="15">Імпорт</entry>
<entry key="16">Оновити список</entry>
<entry key="17">На головну</entry>
<entry key="18">Нове опитування</entry>
<entry key="19">Нове опитування для конференції.</entry>
<entry key="20">Запитання:</entry>
<entry key="21">Вид опитування:</entry>
<entry key="22">Створити</entry>
<entry key="23">Інформація: кожен пов'язани користувач отримує повідомлення з новим опитуванням</entry>
<entry key="24">Створити опитування</entry>
<entry key="25">Відмінити</entry>
<entry key="26">Так/Ні</entry>
<entry key="27">В числовому порядку 1-10</entry>
<entry key="28">Опитування</entry>
<entry key="29">Для створення опитування Ви повинні бути модератором/інструктором даної кімнати.</entry>
<entry key="30">Ви проголосували.</entry>
<entry key="31">Ви вже проголосували в даному опитуванні.</entry>
<entry key="32">Проголосувати!</entry>
<entry key="33">Ваша відповідь:</entry>
<entry key="34">Так</entry>
<entry key="35">Ні</entry>
<entry key="36">Хочу знати:</entry>
<entry key="37">Результати опитування</entry>
<entry key="38">Запитання:</entry>
<entry key="39">Відповіді:</entry>
<entry key="40">Результати:</entry>
<entry key="41">В даний момент опитування не існує.</entry>
<entry key="42">Проголосувати!</entry>
<entry key="43">Зустріч (максимум 4 місця)</entry>
<entry key="44">Конференція (максимум 50 місць)</entry>
<entry key="45">Тип</entry>
<entry key="46">Залишилось місць</entry>
<entry key="47">Вже присвоєно</entry>
<entry key="48">Вхід</entry>
<entry key="49">Модератор/інструктор цієї кімнати покинув кімнату</entry>
<entry key="50">Системне повідомлення</entry>
<entry key="51">Вибір пристрою</entry>
<entry key="52">Обрати камеру:</entry>
<entry key="53">Обрати мікрофон:</entry>
<entry key="54">OK</entry>
<entry key="55">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="56">Ви повинні ввійти знову, щоб активізувати зміни.</entry>
<entry key="57">Змінити налаштування.</entry>
<entry key="58">Курс:</entry>
<entry key="59">Мова:</entry>
<entry key="60">OK</entry>
<entry key="61">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="62">Очистити планшет</entry>
<entry key="63">Очистити планшет перед додаванням нового зображення?</entry>
<entry key="64">чистити планшет перед додаванням нового зображення</entry>
<entry key="65">ні</entry>
<entry key="66">Обробити налаштування</entry>
<entry key="67">Запросити підтвердження перед очисткою планшету.</entry>
<entry key="68">Наша інформація</entry>
<entry key="69">Очистити планшет</entry>
<entry key="70">Відмінити</entry>
<entry key="71">Відновлення</entry>
<entry key="72">Вибрати об'єкт</entry>
<entry key="73">Текст</entry>
<entry key="74">Малювання</entry>
<entry key="75">Провести лінію</entry>
<entry key="76">Підкреслити</entry>
<entry key="77">Прямокутник</entry>
<entry key="78">Еліпс</entry>
<entry key="79">Стрілка</entry>
<entry key="80">Стерти обраний елемент</entry>
<entry key="81">Запит функції модератора</entry>
<entry key="82">Запит</entry>
<entry key="83">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="84">Отримати функцію модератора</entry>
<entry key="85">Закрити</entry>
<entry key="86">Курсив</entry>
<entry key="87">Жирний шрифт</entry>
<entry key="88">Будь-ласкаа зачекайте...</entry>
<entry key="89">Користувач бажає отримати функцію модератора</entry>
<entry key="90">Згода</entry>
<entry key="91">Скасування</entry>
<entry key="92">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="93">Надсилання запиту наступному користувачу</entry>
<entry key="94">Дано згоду</entry>
<entry key="95">Скасовано</entry>
<entry key="96">Заміна модератора</entry>
<entry key="97">Ви не є модератором даного курсу!</entry>
<entry key="98">Модератор:</entry>
<entry key="99">Вибачте, в цій кімнаті немає місця. Будь-ласка попробуйте ще через деякий час.</entry>
<entry key="100">Еліпс</entry>
<entry key="101">Закрити</entry>
<entry key="102">Помилка при вводі</entry>
<entry key="103">Ім'я користувача повинно складатись мінімум з 4 знаків</entry>
<entry key="104">Пароль повинен містити мінімум 4 знаки</entry>
<entry key="105">Це ім'я користувача вже присвоєне</entry>
<entry key="106">Введена електронна адреса вже зареєстрована</entry>
<entry key="107">Присутня помилка, просимо зв''язатись з адміністрацією</entry>
<entry key="108">Логін</entry>
<entry key="109">Користувач:</entry>
<entry key="110">Пароль:</entry>
<entry key="111">Мова</entry>
<entry key="112">Логін</entry>
<entry key="113">Зареєструватись</entry>
<entry key="114">Користувач:</entry>
<entry key="115">Пароль:</entry>
<entry key="116">Повторити:</entry>
<entry key="117">Ім'я:</entry>
<entry key="118">Прізвище:</entry>
<entry key="119">E-Mail:</entry>
<entry key="120">Країна:</entry>
<entry key="121">Зареєструватись</entry>
<entry key="122">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="123">Регістр</entry>
<entry key="124">На головну</entry>
<entry key="125">Користувачі</entry>
<entry key="126">Групи</entry>
<entry key="127">Організації</entry>
<entry key="128">Кімнати для конференцій</entry>
<entry key="129">Публічно</entry>
<entry key="130">Організація</entry>
<entry key="131">Вхід</entry>
<entry key="132">Користувач</entry>
<entry key="133">Пароль</entry>
<entry key="134">Повторити</entry>
<entry key="135">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="136">Прізвище</entry>
<entry key="137">E-Mail</entry>
<entry key="138">Дата народження</entry>
<entry key="139">Вулиця/№ будинка</entry>
<entry key="140">Індекс/населений пункт</entry>
<entry key="141">Країна</entry>
<entry key="142">Додаткова brінформація</entry>
<entry key="143">Дані користувача</entry>
<entry key="144">Зберегти</entry>
<entry key="145">Процес збереження</entry>
<entry key="146">Ідент. № користувача</entry>
<entry key="147">Логін</entry>
<entry key="148">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="149">Прізвище</entry>
<entry key="150">Вперед</entry>
<entry key="151">Назад</entry>
<entry key="152">Стерти запис</entry>
<entry key="153">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="154">Стери</entry>
<entry key="155">Створити запис</entry>
<entry key="156">Оновити запис</entry>
<entry key="157">Стерти запис</entry>
<entry key="158">Статус</entry>
<entry key="159">Заблоковано</entry>
<entry key="160">Активно</entry>
<entry key="161">Організації</entry>
<entry key="162">Календар</entry>
<entry key="163">Закрити</entry>
<entry key="164">Ідент. № організації</entry>
<entry key="165">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="166">Користувач</entry>
<entry key="167">Модератор</entry>
<entry key="168">Адміністратор</entry>
<entry key="169">Роль користувача</entry>
<entry key="170">Організація</entry>
<entry key="171">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="172">Додати організацію</entry>
<entry key="173">Додати організацію</entry>
<entry key="174">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="175">Додати</entry>
<entry key="176">Стерти організацію</entry>
<entry key="177">Користувач</entry>
<entry key="178">Додати користувача</entry>
<entry key="179">Видалити користувача</entry>
<entry key="180">Додати користувача</entry>
<entry key="181">Пошук користувача</entry>
<entry key="182">Шукати</entry>
<entry key="183">Користувач</entry>
<entry key="184">Організація</entry>
<entry key="185">Обрати</entry>
<entry key="186">Кімнати для конференцій</entry>
<entry key="187">Кімнати для конференцій</entry>
<entry key="188">Ідент. №</entry>
<entry key="189">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="190">Публічно</entry>
<entry key="191">Організації</entry>
<entry key="192">Кімнати для конференцій</entry>
<entry key="193">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="194">Тип</entry>
<entry key="195">Публічно</entry>
<entry key="196">Коментар</entry>
<entry key="197">Зберегти</entry>
<entry key="198">Вікдрити</entry>
<entry key="199">Зберегти як</entry>
<entry key="200">Ім'я файлу</entry>
<entry key="201">Ім'я файлу</entry>
<entry key="202">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="203">Зберегти</entry>
<entry key="204">Помилка</entry>
<entry key="205">Завантажити</entry>
<entry key="206">Об'єкт завантажений</entry>
<entry key="207">Синхронізація клієнтів. Залишилось клієнтів:</entry>
<entry key="208">Завантаження графічних даних</entry>
<entry key="209">Синхронізація клієнтів. Залишилось клієнтів:</entry>
<entry key="210">Очистити планшет</entry>
<entry key="211">Очистити планшет, при цьому всі зміни будуть втрачені!</entry>
<entry key="212">Перед завантаженням файлу запросити підтвердження</entry>
<entry key="213">Відіслати запрошення</entry>
<entry key="214">Відправити запрошення</entry>
<entry key="215">Тема</entry>
<entry key="216">Адреса одержувача</entry>
<entry key="217">Повідомлення</entry>
<entry key="218">Відправити</entry>
<entry key="219">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="220">Відправити</entry>
<entry key="221">Данні користувача</entry>
<entry key="222">Нік для даної конфренції</entry>
<entry key="223">Прізвище/псевдонім</entry>
<entry key="224">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="225">Прізвище</entry>
<entry key="226">E-Mail</entry>
<entry key="227">Мова</entry>
<entry key="228">Відправити</entry>
<entry key="229">Триває завантаження...</entry>
<entry key="230">Дані завантажуються, будь-ласка зачекайте...</entry>
<entry key="231">Невірний пароль</entry>
<entry key="232">Будь ласка введіть два ідентичні паролі, що містять мінімум 6 символи.</entry>
<entry key="233">Невірний e-mail</entry>
<entry key="234">Ви ввели не вірний e-mail</entry>
<entry key="235">Реєстрація завершена</entry>
<entry key="236">Ваш акаунт створено. Тепер Ви можете ввійти в систему.</entry>
<entry key="237">Ви не можете завантажити ваш знімок. Хтось вже зробив це.</entry>
<entry key="238">Завантаження заборонене</entry>
<entry key="239">Зробити знімок екрану</entry>
<entry key="240">Поганий пропускний кнаал: Ви не можете синхронізувати ваш екран. Фрейми будуть втрачені. Якщо це повідомлення повториться запитайте в модератора про зменшення якості.</entry>
<entry key="241">Екран:</entry>
<entry key="242">Малюнок</entry>
<entry key="243">Документ</entry>
<entry key="244">Чат</entry>
<entry key="245">Файли</entry>
<entry key="246">Користувачі</entry>
<entry key="247">Завантажити оригінальні документи</entry>
<entry key="248">Завантажити pdf документ</entry>
<entry key="249">Завантажити презентацію на планшет</entry>
<entry key="250">Налаштування</entry>
<entry key="251">Потягнути цей об'єкт</entry>
<entry key="252">Змінити розмір об'єкта</entry>
<entry key="253">%</entry>
<entry key="254">з</entry>
<entry key="255">На 1 сторінку</entry>
<entry key="256">На попередню сторінку</entry>
<entry key="257">На наступну сторінку</entry>
<entry key="258">На останню сторінку</entry>
<entry key="259">Зменшити</entry>
<entry key="260">Збільшити</entry>
<entry key="261">П.</entry>
<entry key="262">П.</entry>
<entry key="263">Налаштування</entry>
<entry key="264">ID</entry>
<entry key="265">Ключ</entry>
<entry key="266">Налаштування</entry>
<entry key="267">Ключ</entry>
<entry key="268">Останнє оновлення</entry>
<entry key="269">Оновлення</entry>
<entry key="270">Коментарі</entry>
<entry key="271">Ключ</entry>
<entry key="272">з</entry>
<entry key="273">Користувачі</entry>
<entry key="274">Стерти користувача з організації</entry>
<entry key="275">Стерти</entry>
<entry key="276">Цей користувач є вже учасником цієї організації.</entry>
<entry key="277">Новини</entry>
<entry key="278">Посиланння</entry>
<entry key="279">В Конференції</entry>
<entry key="280">В Аудиторії</entry>
<entry key="281">Допомога і підтримка</entry>
<entry key="282"></entry>
<entry key="283"></entry>
<entry key="284">Повідомити про помилки!</entry>
<entry key="285">Більше</entry>
<entry key="286">Сайт проекту (</entry>
<entry key="287">User Mailing List (</entry>
<entry key="288">Запам'ятати вхід</entry>
<entry key="289">Контент</entry>
<entry key="290">Моя домашня сторінка</entry>
<entry key="291">Заплановані конференції</entry>
<entry key="292">Заплановані події</entry>
<entry key="293">Публічні конференції</entry>
<entry key="294">Приватні конференції</entry>
<entry key="295">Публічні події</entry>
<entry key="296">Приватні події</entry>
<entry key="297">Публічний контент</entry>
<entry key="298">Приватний контент</entry>
<entry key="299">Персональний контент</entry>
<entry key="300"></entry>
<entry key="301">Модерація</entry>
<entry key="302">Призначити модератором</entry>
<entry key="303">Опитування</entry>
<entry key="304">Вибрати файл</entry>
<entry key="305">Налаштування</entry>
<entry key="306">Налаштування камери і мікрофона</entry>
<entry key="307">Налаштування планшету</entry>
<entry key="308">Вихід</entry>
<entry key="309">Повернутись до кімнат</entry>
<entry key="310">Вийти</entry>
<entry key="311">Провідник</entry>
<entry key="312">Запуск провідника</entry>
<entry key="313">Відео і Аудіо</entry>
<entry key="314">Чат</entry>
<entry key="315">Планшет</entry>
<entry key="316">Модерація</entry>
<entry key="317">Файли</entry>
<entry key="318">Користувачі</entry>
<entry key="319">Опитування</entry>
<entry key="320">Користувач з даним іменем відсутній</entry>
<entry key="321">На вашу поштоу скриньку вислано лист. Будь-ласка перевірте ваш поштову скриньку.</entry>
<entry key="322">Помилка</entry>
<entry key="323">Повідомлення</entry>
<entry key="324">Неправильний хеш. Користувача не знайдено.</entry>
<entry key="325">Скинути Ваш пароль</entry>
<entry key="326">Логін</entry>
<entry key="327">змінити пароль</entry>
<entry key="328">Новий пароль</entry>
<entry key="329">Повторіть пароль</entry>
<entry key="330">Введені паролі не ідентичні.</entry>
<entry key="331">Пароль повинен містити мінімум 4 символи!</entry>
<entry key="332">Пароль встановлено. Тепер ви можете ввійти.</entry>
<entry key="333">OK</entry>
<entry key="334">Невідома помилка. Будь-ласка зв'яжіться з адміністратором.</entry>
<entry key="335">Невідоме ім'я користувача</entry>
<entry key="336">Невірний пароль</entry>
<entry key="337">Ви успішно вийшли з системи</entry>
<entry key="338">Попередня реєстрація вимкнена.</entry>
<entry key="339">Невірний e-mail</entry>
<entry key="340">Однакові імена файлів, будь-ласка виберіть інше ім'я</entry>
<entry key="341">Ім'я файлу надто коротке</entry>
<entry key="342">Неможливо зберегти адресу</entry>
<entry key="343">Користувач доданий, але Ви повинні додати користувача в організацію, бо інакше він не зможе ввійти в систему.</entry>
<entry key="344">Новий запис</entry>
<entry key="345">Не знайдено полів з цим ID.</entry>
<entry key="346">Не знайдено міток для цього поля.</entry>
<entry key="347">Потрібні права адміністратора</entry>
<entry key="348">Редактор мови</entry>
<entry key="349">Мова</entry>
<entry key="350">ID змінної</entry>
<entry key="351">ID змінної</entry>
<entry key="352">Значення</entry>
<entry key="353">Значення полів</entry>
<entry key="354">Назви міток</entry>
<entry key="355">Значення міток</entry>
<entry key="356">ID мітки</entry>
<entry key="357">Ви тільки стираєте мітку, а не поле! Ви не можете стерти поле, оскільки воно маже мітки на інших мовах.</entry>
<entry key="358">Невірний ID мітки. FieldLanguagesvalues_Id не знайдено в базі даних.</entry>
<entry key="359">Ви не можете стерти поле. Ви можете стирати лише мітки, а не поля. Немає мітки завантаженої в даний момент, або не існує мітки для даного поля.</entry>
<entry key="360">Експорт</entry>
<entry key="361">Ви повинні вийти з системи, щоб побачити внесені зміни.</entry>
<entry key="362">Додати нову мову</entry>
<entry key="363">Видалити мову</entry>
<entry key="364">Додати нову мову</entry>
<entry key="365">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="366">Додати мову</entry>
<entry key="367">Резервні копії</entry>
<entry key="368">На початок</entry>
<entry key="369">Назад</entry>
<entry key="370">Наступне</entry>
<entry key="371">В кінець</entry>
<entry key="372">Розмови користувача (By clicking here you can give exclusive audio / mute the microphone of others)</entry>
<entry key="373">вкл/викл звук</entry>
<entry key="374">Система</entry>
<entry key="375">Особисті налаштування</entry>
<entry key="376">Привіт,</entry>
<entry key="377">Налаштувати профіль</entry>
<entry key="378">Нове повідомлення:</entry>
<entry key="379">Завантажити малюнок</entry>
<entry key="380">Дані користувача - Експорт</entry>
<entry key="381">Спочатку повинні бути створені усі організації</entry>
<entry key="382">Почати експорт</entry>
<entry key="383">По організаціях</entry>
<entry key="384">Почати експорт</entry>
<entry key="385">Дані користувача - імпорт</entry>
<entry key="386">Вибрати users.xml</entry>
<entry key="387">Імпорт</entry>
<entry key="388">Експортувати в XML</entry>
<entry key="389">Виберіть мовний файл для імпорту. Виберіть правильну мову зі списку! Незаважаючи, яку назву має файл, він буде імпортований в цю мову</entry>
<entry key="390">Імпорт - вибрати файл</entry>
<entry key="391">Зберегти як</entry>
<entry key="392">Ім'я:</entry>
<entry key="393">Коментарі:</entry>
<entry key="394">Зберегти</entry>
<entry key="395">Записи</entry>
<entry key="396">Перегляд записів</entry>
<entry key="397">Записи публічних і приватних кімнат</entry>
<entry key="398">Користувачі:</entry>
<entry key="399">Під'єднано:</entry>
<entry key="400"></entry>
<entry key="401">Користувачів в кімнаті:</entry>
<entry key="402">Оновити</entry>
<entry key="403">Ця кімната переповнена. Спробуйте ще через декілька хвилин.</entry>
<entry key="404">Виберіть кімнату щоб взнати деталі</entry>
<entry key="405">Чат з користувачами даної кімнати:</entry>
<entry key="406">Кімната:</entry>
<entry key="407">Користувачів в цій кімнаті:</entry>
<entry key="408">Після:</entry>
<entry key="409">Програти запис</entry>
<entry key="410">Довжина:</entry>
<entry key="411">Дата:</entry>
<entry key="412">Режим запису! Ви не можете змінити ніяких значень, цей файл вже записаний!</entry>
<entry key="413">Програти запис</entry>
<entry key="414">Програти / Пауза</entry>
<entry key="415">Початок запису</entry>
<entry key="416">Зупинити запис</entry>
<entry key="417">Запис:</entry>
<entry key="418">На даний момент хтось уже виконує запис:</entry>
<entry key="419">Запис! Користувач:</entry>
<entry key="420">Скасувати</entry>
<entry key="421">Запису був скасований і не може бути збережений.</entry>
<entry key="422">Продовжити</entry>
<entry key="423">Закрити це вікно і продовжити запис</entry>
<entry key="424">Інший колір лінії</entry>
<entry key="425">Вибрати колір</entry>
<entry key="426">Вкл / Викл колір лінії</entry>
<entry key="427">Змінити колір наповнення</entry>
<entry key="428">Викл / Вкл колір наповнення</entry>
<entry key="429">Змінити ширину лінії</entry>
<entry key="430">Закрити</entry>
<entry key="431">Змінити розмір шрифту</entry>
<entry key="432">Стерти запис</entry>
<entry key="433">Гість</entry>
<entry key="434">В:</entry>
<entry key="435">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="436">Кімната</entry>
<entry key="437">Дата</entry>
<entry key="438">Відміна</entry>
<entry key="439">Старт</entry>
<entry key="440">Ім'я</entry>
<entry key="441">Дата</entry>
<entry key="442">Стерти лог чату серверу</entry>
<entry key="443">Чат</entry>
<entry key="444">Відправити повідомлення</entry>
<entry key="445">Емоції</entry>
<entry key="446">Емоції</entry>
<entry key="447">Виберіть публічні пристрої</entry>
<entry key="448">Аудіо і відео</entry>
<entry key="449">Лише аудіо</entry>
<entry key="450">Лише відео</entry>
<entry key="451">без Аудіо/Відео (статичні малюнки)</entry>
<entry key="452">Без показу Аудіо/Відео від вашого ПК. Буде доступна лиша картинка вашого профілю. Виберіть ці параметри якщо у вас поганий канал Internet.</entry>
<entry key="453">ПН</entry>
<entry key="454">ВТ</entry>
<entry key="455">СР</entry>
<entry key="456">ЧТ</entry>
<entry key="457">ПТ</entry>
<entry key="458">СБ</entry>
<entry key="459">НД</entry>
<entry key="460">Понеділок</entry>
<entry key="461">Вівторок</entry>
<entry key="462">Середа</entry>
<entry key="463">Четвер</entry>
<entry key="464">Пятниця</entry>
<entry key="465">Субота</entry>
<entry key="466">Неділя</entry>
<entry key="467">КТ</entry>
<entry key="468">Календарний тиждень</entry>
<entry key="469">Січень</entry>
<entry key="470">Лютий</entry>
<entry key="471">Березень</entry>
<entry key="472">Квітень</entry>
<entry key="473">Травень</entry>
<entry key="474">Червень</entry>
<entry key="475">Липень</entry>
<entry key="476">Серпень</entry>
<entry key="477">Вересень</entry>
<entry key="478">Жовтень</entry>
<entry key="479">Листопад</entry>
<entry key="480">Грудень</entry>
<entry key="481">Календар</entry>
<entry key="482">Учасники</entry>
<entry key="483">Показати налаштування показу</entry>
<entry key="484">X | Y</entry>
<entry key="485">Ширина | Висота</entry>
<entry key="486">Відео-контейнер</entry>
<entry key="487">Контейнер модерації</entry>
<entry key="488">X</entry>
<entry key="489">Контейнер планшету</entry>
<entry key="490">Активізувати</entry>
<entry key="491">X | Y</entry>
<entry key="492">Ширина | Висота</entry>
<entry key="493">Контейнер файлів,чату,учасників -</entry>
<entry key="494">Активізувати</entry>
<entry key="495">X |Y</entry>
<entry key="496">Ширина | Висота</entry>
<entry key="497">Модератор покинув кімнату. Ви можете стати модератором або чекати.</entry>
<entry key="498">Немає модератора в даній кімнаті, але є учасники. Ви можете стати модератором або чекати</entry>
<entry key="499">Зворотній зв'язок {0}</entry>
<entry key="500">{0} - Запрошення</entry>
<entry key="501">Повідомлення для користувачів:</entry>
<entry key="502">Повідомлення:</entry>
<entry key="503">Натисніть на цей лінк щоб взяти участь в конференції:</entry>
<entry key="504">Натисніть тут, щоб увійти в кімнату</entry>
<entry key="505">Якщо ви має проблему з даним посилання, будь-ласка скопіюйте його і вставте в свій браузер:</entry>
<entry key="506">{0} SignUp</entry>
<entry key="507">Ваші дані користувача:</entry>
<entry key="508">Логін:</entry>
<entry key="509">Пароль:</entry>
<entry key="510">E-mail:</entry>
<entry key="511">Команда {0}</entry>
<entry key="512">{0} Sign-Up</entry>
<entry key="513">{0} - Відновити пароль</entry>
<entry key="514">Натисніть на це посилання, щоб ввести новий пароль</entry>
<entry key="515">Натисніть тут, щоб вести новий пароль</entry>
<entry key="516">Якщо ви має проблему з даним посилання, будь-ласка скопіюйте його і вставте в свій браузер:</entry>
<entry key="517">Відновлення пароля {0}</entry>
<entry key="518">Будь-ласка введіть правильну дату, наприклад 24.12.2007 (</entry>
<entry key="519">Будь ласка введіть дійсний E-mail, наприклад</entry>
<entry key="520">Будь ласка введіть число з плаваючою крапкою, наприклад 1.00</entry>
<entry key="521">Будь ласка введіть число, наприклад 100</entry>
<entry key="522">Будь ласка введіть дійсний номер, наприклад ++49 0123 123123</entry>
<entry key="523">Будь-ласка введіть час, наприклад 12:23 (hh:mm)</entry>
<entry key="524">Пароль захищений</entry>
<entry key="525">Пароль</entry>
<entry key="526">Період дійсності</entry>
<entry key="527">Бескінечний</entry>
<entry key="528">Період</entry>
<entry key="529">Минулий</entry>
<entry key="530">Дійсни з:</entry>
<entry key="531">Дійсний до:</entry>
<entry key="532">Запрошення на {0}</entry>
<entry key="533">Нема запрошення для цього коду</entry>
<entry key="534">Запрошення вже використане. Даний тип запрошення не може бути використаний багаторазово</entry>
<entry key="535">Код запрошення не дійсний.</entry>
<entry key="536">Пароль:</entry>
<entry key="537">Перевірити пароль</entry>
<entry key="538">Невірний пароль!</entry>
<entry key="539">Бравзер</entry>
<entry key="540">Синхронізувати аудіо/відео</entry>
<entry key="541">Вхід виконано, але Ваша сесія, яку ви пробували не активна чи збережена на сервері. Ви повинні отримати новий SessionId і повторити вхід.</entry>
<entry key="542">SessionId не є loggedin чи не має адміністраторських прав. SOAP шлюз потребує адміністаривних прав для додання нових користувачів.</entry>
<entry key="543">This Session has no Remoteuser-Data connected. Wether you did not call the SOAP-Gateway before accessing the Application or you are usnig a wrong Session-ID</entry>
<entry key="544">На даний момент функція запису є в Beta-тестуванні!</entry>
<entry key="545">x</entry>
<entry key="546">x-axis</entry>
<entry key="547">y</entry>
<entry key="548">y-axis</entry>
<entry key="549">w</entry>
<entry key="550">width</entry>
<entry key="551">h</entry>
<entry key="552">height</entry>
<entry key="553">Change Transparency</entry>
<entry key="554">Browser Open</entry>
<entry key="555">Browser Close</entry>
<entry key="556">The Connection to the Server is lost. You need to reload the Application or/and check your Network.</entry>
<entry key="557">Pointer</entry>
<entry key="558">Synchronizing</entry>
<entry key="559">Synchronizing Users, please wait</entry>
<entry key="560">&lt;u&gt;Download as SVG&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="561">&lt;u&gt;Download as PNG&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="562">&lt;u&gt;Download as JPG&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="563">&lt;u&gt;Download as PDF&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="564">&lt;u&gt;Download as TIF&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="565">Reminder:</entry>
<entry key="566">Category:</entry>
<entry key="567">Repetition:</entry>
<entry key="568">none</entry>
<entry key="569">Location:</entry>
<entry key="570">Start</entry>
<entry key="571">End</entry>
<entry key="572">Title:</entry>
<entry key="573">Comment:</entry>
<entry key="574">Invite People</entry>
<entry key="575">Daily</entry>
<entry key="576">Monthly</entry>
<entry key="577">Yearly</entry>
<entry key="578">Appointment-end is after of appointment-start!</entry>
<entry key="579">Please insert a title!</entry>
<entry key="580">RTL</entry>
<entry key="581">Activate this if you write in a right to left language (inverse word order)</entry>
<entry key="582">Dashboard</entry>
<entry key="583">Watch recorded Meetings or Events</entry>
<entry key="584">Meeting - Make a conference with 4 (up to 16) Users&lt;br/&gt;everybody will have audio + video access</entry>
<entry key="585">Event - Make a conference with up to 200 participents&lt;br/&gt;Only the Moderator will have audio/video</entry>
<entry key="586">Create users, rooms, organizations&lt;br/&gt; + change configuration</entry>
<entry key="587">Users in this Room now</entry>
<entry key="588">ID</entry>
<entry key="589">Login</entry>
<entry key="590">D</entry>
<entry key="591">Loading Document. Please wait untill all Client have been synchronized.</entry>
<entry key="592">Upload complete, converting Document ...</entry>
<entry key="593">Start Upload</entry>
<entry key="594">Upload and Import Dialog. Please select a File from your Disk.</entry>
<entry key="595">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="596">Select File</entry>
<entry key="597">Connections</entry>
<entry key="598">Value</entry>
<entry key="599">Streamid</entry>
<entry key="600">Login</entry>
<entry key="601">Connected since</entry>
<entry key="602">Room / Scope</entry>
<entry key="603">Kick User</entry>
<entry key="604">Kick User</entry>
<entry key="605">Do you really want to kick this Client from the Connection?&lt;br/&gt; This does only remove the Client from the current Room.The Client could re-login again.</entry>
<entry key="606">Your session has been closed by an Administrator or Moderator.</entry>
<entry key="607">Phone</entry>
<entry key="608">User is the Moderator of this Room</entry>
<entry key="609">User is allowed to draw on the Whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="610">(Re) Start Audio/Video or change Device Settings</entry>
<entry key="611">Allow this User to draw on the Whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="612">Remove ability to draw on whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="613">Users</entry>
<entry key="614">Files</entry>
<entry key="615">Whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="616">Chat</entry>
<entry key="617">Your account is assigned to multiple Organizations. Please choose one for this Session.</entry>
<entry key="618">This room is full at the moment. Please try again later.</entry>
<entry key="619">Room Type</entry>
<entry key="620">Appointment Room</entry>
<entry key="621">Server Time</entry>
<entry key="622">{0} - Reminder</entry>
<entry key="623">Message from User:</entry>
<entry key="624">Message:</entry>
<entry key="625">Click this link to participate in the Meetings:</entry>
<entry key="626">Click here to enter room</entry>
<entry key="627">if you have problems with the link, please copy and paste this to your browser:</entry>
<entry key="628">search intern</entry>
<entry key="629">extern users</entry>
<entry key="630">pre name</entry>
<entry key="631">name</entry>
<entry key="632">E-mail</entry>
<entry key="633">Confirm logout</entry>
<entry key="634">Are you sure you want to logout now?</entry>
<entry key="635">Actions</entry>
<entry key="636">Demo Room</entry>
<entry key="637">Demo Time</entry>
<entry key="638">Meeting Timer</entry>
<entry key="639">This Room is a Demo Room. To disable this warning you either should get a private meeting room for your personal usage or set up an own Server. You will be automatically logged off in:</entry>
<entry key="640">Moderated</entry>
<entry key="641">Please wait untill the Moderator has entered the Room. The Moderator can be either a Teacher, Admin or the creator of this Room.</entry>
<entry key="642">Ok</entry>
<entry key="643">Incoming Screen Sharing</entry>
<entry key="644">There is a new Screen Sharing incoming from the User:</entry>
<entry key="645">Start Sharing</entry>
<entry key="646">Add new Meeting</entry>
<entry key="647">Meeting Room</entry>
<entry key="648">Event Room</entry>
<entry key="649">Moderation</entry>
<entry key="650">Moderate Users</entry>
<entry key="651">Moderate Rooms</entry>
<entry key="652">M</entry>
<entry key="653">Do you want to change this User to become a Moderator of that Organization?</entry>
<entry key="654">Please choose an Organization before you try to add a User to it!</entry>
<entry key="655">Organization - Moderator</entry>
<entry key="656">Do you really want to delete this User from the Organization?</entry>
<entry key="657">This User is Moderator</entry>
<entry key="658">This User is No-Moderator</entry>
<entry key="659">Do you want this User to be not a Moderator of this Organization?</entry>
<entry key="660">Add or delete Users or Rooms within your Organization</entry>
<entry key="661">Do you really want to delete this record?</entry>
<entry key="662">Do you really want to delete this user from your organization? You will only delete the connection between the user and your organization, to really delete the user itself you have to login into the Administration-Panel.</entry>
<entry key="663">You cannot delete your own User!</entry>
<entry key="664">This Method needs a Adminstration Account to be invoked!</entry>
<entry key="665">There was no Session associated with this ID.</entry>
<entry key="666">This is an Administrator or Moderator account. You can only edit this account through the Administration Panel.</entry>
<entry key="667">To complete your registration please click on the following link. Or copy the URL to your browser bar.</entry>
<entry key="668">Click to verify your E-Mail</entry>
<entry key="669">No user was found for this Hash.</entry>
<entry key="670">This user is already activated!</entry>
<entry key="671">You did successfully activate your account!</entry>
<entry key="672">Login Now</entry>
<entry key="673">Your account is not activated. First use the link in the Email you've received during registration.</entry>
<entry key="674">You successfully signed up. We've send an EMail with a verification Code to your Mail. Please check your Inbox.</entry>
<entry key="675">Remove Moderation Role from this User</entry>
<entry key="676">Grant Moderation Rights to this User</entry>
<entry key="677">User</entry>
<entry key="678">Access to whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="679">Moderator</entry>
<entry key="680">Moderation: Please choose any User on the List to grant him access to the Whiteboard, Moderation or Video.</entry>
<entry key="681">This User is already Moderator, so he has automatically the right to draw.</entry>
<entry key="682">This is you! You cannot remove the Moderation rights from yourself.</entry>
<entry key="683">Allow this User to Publish his Audio / Video</entry>
<entry key="684">Remove Audio/Video of this User</entry>
<entry key="685">I would like to get the moderation of this room</entry>
<entry key="686">I would like to draw on whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="687">I would like to share my Audio/Video</entry>
<entry key="688">You are moderator of this room</entry>
<entry key="689">You are allowed to draw on whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="690">You are allowed to share your Audio/Video</entry>
<entry key="691">Message to Moderator</entry>
<entry key="692">The User</entry>
<entry key="693">would like to get the Moderation. Use the status Icons next to the user in the List of Users to add or remove the Moderation.</entry>
<entry key="694">would like to draw on whiteboard. Use the status Icons next to the user in the List of Users to add or remove the right to draw anything on the whiteboard.</entry>
<entry key="695">would like to share his Audio/Video. Use the status Icons next to the user in the List of Users to add or remove the right to share Audio/Video for any User.</entry>
<entry key="696">You have to wait untill a Moderator enters the room.</entry>
<entry key="697">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="698">Save</entry>
<entry key="699">Day</entry>
<entry key="700">Month</entry>
<entry key="701">Year</entry>
<entry key="702">Upload File</entry>
<entry key="703">Add Folder</entry>
<entry key="704">Refresh</entry>
<entry key="705">Trash (Drag and Drop item here)</entry>
<entry key="706">My Files (Home Drive)</entry>
<entry key="707">Room Files (Public Drive)</entry>
<entry key="708">Add File</entry>
<entry key="709">Add Folder</entry>
<entry key="710">Delete Folder</entry>
<entry key="711">Edit Name</entry>
<entry key="712">New Folder</entry>
<entry key="713">Are you sure you want to delete this Item?</entry>
<entry key="714">Search</entry>
<entry key="715">Search</entry>
<entry key="716">Open Document</entry>
<entry key="717">Show all Files (Tree View)</entry>
<entry key="718">Close Document</entry>
<entry key="719">Delete File</entry>
<entry key="720">You are not allowed to draw anything on the Whiteboard. You have to become Moderator or at least get the Right to edit Whiteboard. You may ask a Moderator to give you that right.</entry>
<entry key="721">Document Properties</entry>
<entry key="722">Start Client (external)</entry>
<entry key="723">Start Client (HTTP)</entry>
<entry key="724">A user want to share his screen. Do you want to see it?</entry>
<entry key="725">You are currently sharing your Desktop. For stopping the Sharing Session please hit the Stop button in the Sharing Client.</entry>
<entry key="726">Sharing Session</entry>
<entry key="727">You are already sharing your desktop!</entry>
<entry key="728">Desktop Viewer</entry>
<entry key="729">Exit</entry>
<entry key="730">Desktop Sharer</entry>
<entry key="731">Click Start to publish your screen</entry>
<entry key="732">Start Sharing</entry>
<entry key="733">Stop Sharing</entry>
<entry key="734">Select your screen area:</entry>
<entry key="735">Change width</entry>
<entry key="736">The Sharer has finished this session!</entry>
<entry key="737">Change height</entry>
<entry key="738">X-Offset</entry>
<entry key="739">Y-Offset</entry>
<entry key="740">Width:</entry>
<entry key="741">Height:</entry>
<entry key="742">Connection was closed by Server</entry>
<entry key="743">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="744">Start External</entry>
<entry key="745">If you close this session completely you are not able to restart the viewer for this session.</entry>
<entry key="746">Confirm Closing Viewer Session</entry>
<entry key="747">Share Screen</entry>
<entry key="748">Record Session</entry>
<entry key="749">Co-Browsing</entry>
<entry key="750">Ooops, ... Firefox on Windows does not show clear Co-Browsing. Please use another Browser for using the Co-Browsing feature.</entry>
<entry key="751">Previous</entry>
<entry key="752">Next</entry>
<entry key="753">Reload</entry>
<entry key="754">Home</entry>
<entry key="755">Load</entry>
<entry key="756">Add this website as Default website to your Profile.</entry>
<entry key="757">Test Setup</entry>
<entry key="758">Check you Microphone and Camera setup before you enter a room by recording some seconds. You can then replay your recording to check your voice and picture.</entry>
<entry key="759">Don't show this test anymore</entry>
<entry key="760">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="761">Start Conference</entry>
<entry key="762">Do not ask again</entry>
<entry key="763">REC</entry>
<entry key="764">PLAY</entry>
<entry key="765">You may proceed without testing if you do not plan to publish your voice or picture. Participants without Audio or Video can still use the Whiteboard, share their Desktop or write Chat messages.</entry>
<entry key="766">STOP</entry>
<entry key="767">Level-Meter</entry>
<entry key="768">Press Start</entry>
<entry key="769">Start Conference</entry>
<entry key="770">Start Event</entry>
<entry key="771">Choose Room</entry>
<entry key="772">Check Setup</entry>
<entry key="773">Start Conference</entry>
<entry key="774">How to conference</entry>
<entry key="775">Start Recording</entry>
<entry key="776">Do not show Audio / Video Test (Recording) before entering a Conference</entry>
<entry key="777">Public Rooms</entry>
<entry key="778">Public Rooms are accessible for all Users.</entry>
<entry key="779">Private Rooms</entry>
<entry key="780">Private Rooms are only accessible for users of the same organization.</entry>
<entry key="781">My Rooms</entry>
<entry key="782">Rooms in this section are created for personal usage. There are some standard rooms plus the ones that are created through the calendar and have a start and an end date. The rooms created via the calendar are only listed in this section as long as they are valid.</entry>
<entry key="783">You have to be moderator to do this.</entry>
<entry key="784">Apply for moderation</entry>
<entry key="785">Apply for whiteboard access</entry>
<entry key="786">Apply for camera/microphone access</entry>
<entry key="787">This Session Hash was already used. You cannot use it twice.</entry>
<entry key="788">START</entry>
<entry key="789">EXIT</entry>
<entry key="790">Do you really want to exit? You might should clear uploaded documents, whiteboard and the chat history.</entry>
<entry key="791">Exit conference</entry>
<entry key="792">Rooms</entry>
<entry key="793">Choose a room for a meeting</entry>
<entry key="794">There is an unsaved Event in the Calendar. Please either save it or remove it.</entry>
<entry key="795">Please add at least one attendee for your meeting!</entry>
<entry key="796">Do you really want to delete this Event?</entry>
<entry key="797">Warning</entry>
<entry key="798">Add Event</entry>
<entry key="799">Day</entry>
<entry key="800">Week</entry>
<entry key="801">Month</entry>
<entry key="802">Description</entry>
<entry key="803">Attendees</entry>
<entry key="804">{0}, your Web Conferencing Platform. Either follow the Instructions, press the start button to start to conference immediatelly or you goto the Calendar and set up a Conference for the future.</entry>
<entry key="805">Plan a Meeting</entry>
<entry key="806">To set up a conference you can add a new Event in the Calendar.</entry>
<entry key="807">Need help?</entry>
<entry key="808">Restricted</entry>
<entry key="809">Search</entry>
<entry key="810">Add</entry>
<entry key="811">There is no User selected. Please select an item from the list first and then hit add.</entry>
<entry key="812">Add Attendee</entry>
<entry key="813">Save</entry>
<entry key="814">Delete</entry>
<entry key="815">Event Details</entry>
<entry key="816">Default Moderators</entry>
<entry key="817">Super</entry>
<entry key="818">ID</entry>
<entry key="819">Name</entry>
<entry key="820">E-Mail</entry>
<entry key="821">Add new default Moderator</entry>
<entry key="822">Is Super Moderator</entry>
<entry key="823">If the Room is moderated, User with Level Moderator or Administrator are automatically Moderator if they enter the Room. If you don't want to specify that and only want a certain User to become Moderator use the Default Moderator option.</entry>
<entry key="824">A Super Moderator is always a Moderator when he enters a Room, and nobody can remove the Moderation Flag from him</entry>
<entry key="825">Apply Super-Moderation to User</entry>
<entry key="826">Remove Super Moderation from User</entry>
<entry key="827">D</entry>
<entry key="828">If you add an Organization to the room only users of that Organization have access to it (This is only valid if the isPublic flag is set to false!)</entry>
<entry key="829">Moderation</entry>
<entry key="830">Limitations</entry>
<entry key="831">Organization</entry>
<entry key="832">Are you sure?</entry>
<entry key="833">Do you really want to delete this Item? You have to press the save button to store the changes!</entry>
<entry key="834">There is no User selected. Please select first before you add it!</entry>
<entry key="835">Add new Default Moderator</entry>
<entry key="836">Do you want to add the Super Moderation Flag for this User? A Super Moderator is not only Moderator of a Room, but also no other Moderator can remove the Moderation Flag for this User. You need to save the Room Object to save these settings!</entry>
<entry key="837">Do you want to remove the Super Moderation Flag for this User? You need to save the Room Object to save these settings!</entry>
<entry key="838">This User is a Super-Moderator. You cannot remove the Moderation flag from a Super-Moderator!</entry>
<entry key="839">Do you really want to delete this File/Folder?</entry>
<entry key="840">Delete File/Folder?</entry>
<entry key="841">Mrs.</entry>
<entry key="842">Dr.</entry>
<entry key="843">Properties</entry>
<entry key="844">Show mouse position to viewers</entry>
<entry key="845">Share Audio with SIP Applet</entry>
<entry key="846">Share Audio with SIP and Video with Flash</entry>
<entry key="847">Full-Fit</entry>
<entry key="848">View Screen</entry>
<entry key="849">The user</entry>
<entry key="850">wants to share its screen. Do you want to see it?</entry>
<entry key="851">Close</entry>
<entry key="852">Zoom</entry>
<entry key="853">The Session was closed by the sharing User!</entry>
<entry key="854">Pause</entry>
<entry key="855">New Screen Sharing</entry>
<entry key="856">Minimize</entry>
<entry key="857">Maximize</entry>
<entry key="858">Video</entry>
<entry key="859">Recording Timeline</entry>
<entry key="860">My Recordings</entry>
<entry key="861">Public Recordings</entry>
<entry key="862">Info</entry>
<entry key="863">Name</entry>
<entry key="864">Length</entry>
<entry key="865">Date</entry>
<entry key="866">By</entry>
<entry key="867">PLAY</entry>
<entry key="868">Main - Video</entry>
<entry key="869">Recording</entry>
<entry key="870">You may record and share your screen at the same time. To enable others to see your screen just hit the start button on the top. To only record the Session it is sufficient to click start recording.</entry>
<entry key="871">Start Recording</entry>
<entry key="872">Stop Recording</entry>
<entry key="873">Download the FLV-File</entry>
<entry key="874">Room</entry>
<entry key="875">Play</entry>
<entry key="876">Stop</entry>
<entry key="877">User has microphone on</entry>
<entry key="878">Stop Sharing</entry>
<entry key="879">Allow User Questions</entry>
<entry key="880">Turn this off to prevent that any user is disturbing you in this room. Effect is that the Button to ask for Moderation ("I have a question") is not visible.</entry>
<entry key="881">Rights</entry>
<entry key="882">Download as AVI</entry>
<entry key="883">FLV</entry>
<entry key="884">AVI</entry>
<entry key="885">Raw Screenvideo</entry>
<entry key="886">Audio only</entry>
<entry key="887">The have been errors while processing the Recording.</entry>
<entry key="888">The Recording is not yet ready for watching. Please retry in a couple of minutes again.</entry>
<entry key="889">Log:</entry>
<entry key="890">Recorder Message</entry>
<entry key="891">Ok</entry>
<entry key="892">SIP Applet is not Ready</entry>
<entry key="893">SIP-Account Settings</entry>
<entry key="894">SIP settings for each user. You can turn on or off SIP via the Administration &gt; Configuration (Key: enable_sip). The SIP data for each user should be created automatically. You can re-create the data by checking "Re-generate SIP Data"</entry>
<entry key="895">SIP-User</entry>
<entry key="896">Sip-Pass</entry>
<entry key="897">Sip-Auth-Id</entry>
<entry key="898">The Login to the SIP Gateway has failed. You should check the authentification data of your SIP-Provider and the SIP-Account Data for each User. As Administrator you are still able to login and check the Configuration. As User or Moderator you will be blocked from any interaction.</entry>
<entry key="899">The Login to the SIP Gateway has failed. Contact your Service Team!</entry>
<entry key="900">Logging in to SIP-Gateway ...</entry>
<entry key="901">Logging in to SIP-Gateway ...</entry>
<entry key="902">Show Log</entry>
<entry key="903">Log messages from post recorder process</entry>
<entry key="904">SIP-Applet Message</entry>
<entry key="905">The SIP-Applet is not ready. Accept the Applet please and click ok!</entry>
<entry key="906">Get Moderation</entry>
<entry key="907">Save Appointment Changes</entry>
<entry key="908">The appointement has been changed. Do you want to save those changes? &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;All attendees of the appointment will receive a EMail with the updated date and time (depending on the notification type of this appointment).</entry>
<entry key="909">To access other recordings you have to login the {0} Application.</entry>
<entry key="910">Choose the User for this Video</entry>
<entry key="911">Available Users for this Pod</entry>
<entry key="912">You are a Moderator in this Interview. You can decide who is speaking in this interview and you can start / stop the recording of the Session.</entry>
<entry key="913">Start Recording</entry>
<entry key="914">Stop Recording</entry>
<entry key="915">The recording of the Interview is already started.</entry>
<entry key="916">The recording is already stopped or not been started yet.</entry>
<entry key="917">The recording for this interview is already started!</entry>
<entry key="918">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="919">The post-processing of an interview takes 5 minutes per 1 minute interview. The current progress of the interview post-processing transcoding is:</entry>
<entry key="920">You have to enter your password again to auto create the SIP Data</entry>
<entry key="921">Re-generate SIP Data</entry>
<entry key="922">You cannot move this file or folder into its own sub folder!</entry>
<entry key="923">Home drive size</entry>
<entry key="924">Public drive size</entry>
<entry key="925">License Settings</entry>
<entry key="926">You can either bind the user to a expire Date or to a maximum number of minutes when you enable licensing.</entry>
<entry key="927">Check license</entry>
<entry key="928">Flatrate</entry>
<entry key="929">Expire date</entry>
<entry key="930">Seconds left</entry>
<entry key="931">Total time</entry>
<entry key="932">Your License has expired. You need to buy new minutes (Pay-per-minute) or a volume flatrate.</entry>
<entry key="933">Click and buy</entry>
<entry key="934">Time Left on your account:</entry>
<entry key="935">User License Info</entry>
<entry key="936">Info</entry>
<entry key="937">Close</entry>
<entry key="938">Your license has expired. You need either to buy a minute package (Pay-per-minute) or a volume flatrate.</entry>
<entry key="939">License settings</entry>
<entry key="940">You can either buy minutes to make Web-Conferencing (Pay-per-minute).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; Or you buy a volume flatrate about 3-12 months.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Sending invitations (direct links into Conference Rooms) or creating conference Rooms via the Calendar with external Users is only allowed with a volume flatrate!</entry>
<entry key="941">Buy 60 Minutes 9,99 EURO (16 Cent per Minute)</entry>
<entry key="942">Buy 5 hours 19,99 EURO (6 Cent per minute)</entry>
<entry key="943">Buy 3 month for 29,99 EURO (9,99 Euro per Month)</entry>
<entry key="944">Buy 6 month for 39,99 EURO (6,66 Euro per month)</entry>
<entry key="945">Pay-per-minute</entry>
<entry key="946">Volume flatrate</entry>
<entry key="947">You have unlimited License</entry>
<entry key="948">Your license will expire at:</entry>
<entry key="949">You bought Pay-per-minute. You still have:</entry>
<entry key="950">Buy new credit!</entry>
<entry key="951">Want your own Server?</entry>
<entry key="952">You would like to have {0} installed on your Server or integrated into your Moodle, SugarCRM, Website or Intranet? Prizings start at 500 Euro per Installation!</entry>
<entry key="953">Or send us a message</entry>
<entry key="954">Answer to:</entry>
<entry key="955">Message:</entry>
<entry key="956">Send</entry>
<entry key="957">Click here to get contact Info and Prizings</entry>
<entry key="958">Credit Card Details</entry>
<entry key="959">Firstname</entry>
<entry key="960">Lastname</entry>
<entry key="961">Credit Card Type</entry>
<entry key="962">VISA Card</entry>
<entry key="963">MasterCard</entry>
<entry key="964">Discover</entry>
<entry key="965">American Express</entry>
<entry key="966">Credit Card Number</entry>
<entry key="967">Expiration Date</entry>
<entry key="968">Card Verification Number</entry>
<entry key="969">Billing Address</entry>
<entry key="970">Address</entry>
<entry key="971"></entry>
<entry key="972">City</entry>
<entry key="973">Country</entry>
<entry key="974">State (Only US)</entry>
<entry key="975">ZIP</entry>
<entry key="976">Amount</entry>
<entry key="977">Submit</entry>
<entry key="978">Step 1: {0} - Payment Form</entry>
<entry key="979">EMail</entry>
<entry key="980">Click "Check out with Paypal" to pay.&lt;br/&gt; Paypal accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. &lt;br/&gt;It does not require to sign up with Paypal. &lt;br/&gt;Citizens from Germany can also pay with direct debit (Per Lastschrift-Einzug).</entry>
<entry key="981">Thank you for buying {0}. &lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt; As soon as we received the payment your account will be updated.&lt;br/&gt; You will receive an EMail with your invoice as PDF.&lt;br/&gt;You can also check current and past transactions in your profile settings.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;You can close this browser window/tab now and return to {0}.</entry>
<entry key="982">Submit and Buy!</entry>
<entry key="983">Click and Buy!</entry>
<entry key="984">Step 3: {0} Payment - Check order and buy!</entry>
<entry key="985">Name</entry>
<entry key="986">Payment received!</entry>
<entry key="987">Hi,</entry>
<entry key="988">We have received your payment. Your user profile is updated now. See attached your Invoice. The Invoice and all past Invoice can also be downloaded in your user profile.</entry>
<entry key="989">Thank you for using {0}!</entry>
<entry key="990">Payment Received {0} -</entry>
<entry key="991">Payment and Transaction Status</entry>
<entry key="992">Transcation Hash</entry>
<entry key="993">Minutes</entry>
<entry key="994">Months</entry>
<entry key="995">EUR</entry>
<entry key="996">Status</entry>
<entry key="997">Invoice</entry>
<entry key="998"></entry>
<entry key="999">You need to buy a volume flatrate to be able to send invitations or create meetings via the calendar. With Pay-per-minute it is only possible for you to access {0}. You cannot allow 3th Parties to access a Meeting.</entry>
<entry key="1000">This Email is already used by another User.</entry>
<entry key="1001">SIP-Settings</entry>
<entry key="1002">The Conference Number and PIN is automatically created via the OpenXG RPC-Gateway</entry>
<entry key="1003">SIP Number</entry>
<entry key="1004">PIN</entry>
<entry key="1005">Clear objects on current slide only!</entry>
<entry key="1006">Only the URL entered in the Status bar is send to participants!</entry>
<entry key="1007">Make Team-Rooms [Breakout session]</entry>
<entry key="1008">Choose users for a new Team-Room!</entry>
<entry key="1009">You can choose users here and create a new Conference Room ("Team Room") for them. The chosen users will automatically switch to the new Team-Room or get a notification. Team-Room Moderators will get additionally a list of current rooms so that they can switch to each room if there are is need for a Moderator.</entry>
<entry key="1010">Username</entry>
<entry key="1011">Login</entry>
<entry key="1012"></entry>
<entry key="1013">Users for the new Team-Room:</entry>
<entry key="1014">Create Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1015">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="1016">Choose at least one user for the Team-Room!</entry>
<entry key="1017">Add user to team</entry>
<entry key="1018">Remove user from Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1019">User is Team-Room Moderator (He is able to manage Team-Rooms and users of the Team-Room can ask him to come inside)</entry>
<entry key="1020">Roomtype</entry>
<entry key="1021">If you check "Force user to switch to new Team-Room" all chosen users will automatically switch to the newly created Team-Room. Otherwise they get a notification with a button that they &lt;i&gt;can&lt;/i&gt; switch to the new room. Team-Moderators always have the free choice to manage the Team-Rooms and switch between them.</entry>
<entry key="1022">Manage Team-Rooms</entry>
<entry key="1023">You can switch here between all Team-Rooms that you are assigned as Team-Room Moderator. Users inside the Team-Room can send you a message, for example to ask you to come to their room and help them. You can also terminate the Team-Room and all Users will be logged out.</entry>
<entry key="1024">Force user to switch to new Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1025">Name</entry>
<entry key="1026">Created</entry>
<entry key="1027"></entry>
<entry key="1028"></entry>
<entry key="1029">Users available</entry>
<entry key="1030">Add a user with the plus from the left or remove it with the cross from the right!</entry>
<entry key="1031">1) Team-Room settings</entry>
<entry key="1032">2) Add users to the Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1033">Team-Room Name</entry>
<entry key="1034">Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1035">Change to the Room</entry>
<entry key="1036">Switch to this Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1037">Terminate Team-Room and logout all Users</entry>
<entry key="1038">New Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1039">There is a new Team-Room available for you.</entry>
<entry key="1040">Switch to Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1041">Team-Room Actions</entry>
<entry key="1042">You can re-open this window via the main menu in the "Actions" section!</entry>
<entry key="1043">Send message to Team-Room Moderator</entry>
<entry key="1044">New Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1045">There is a new Team-Room available. You can switch to that Room. Team-Rooms are like "Workgroups" with additionally possibilities to ask the Team-Room Moderator for help. Your Team-Rooms are also available in the "My Meetings" section.</entry>
<entry key="1046">Switch to Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1047">Created by:</entry>
<entry key="1048">Team-Room name:</entry>
<entry key="1049">This Window will stay open even if you leave the room!</entry>
<entry key="1050">Users for this Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1051">3) Other Team-Rooms that you could switch to</entry>
<entry key="1052">Send a message to the Team-Room Moderators. For example if you need help in Moderating the Room or if you have a question about the topic.</entry>
<entry key="1053">Send</entry>
<entry key="1054">2) Users that are invited to this Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1055">Is Team-Room Moderator</entry>
<entry key="1056">These are all users that the moderator has invited to this Team-Room.</entry>
<entry key="1057">There is no Team-Moderator logged in at the moment!</entry>
<entry key="1058">Please enter a message</entry>
<entry key="1059">Please help us, we have a problem in our Team-Room!</entry>
<entry key="1060">A user from a Team-Room requests your help.</entry>
<entry key="1061">Team-Room request for help</entry>
<entry key="1062">Message:</entry>
<entry key="1063">From:</entry>
<entry key="1064">You are currently not in any Team-Room. But you can switch here to all Team-Rooms that you have access to.</entry>
<entry key="1065">Backup the System. The Backup includes all User generated data. The configuration is not included as well as the language labels. Because those values are imported with the System Installer. To update your System, export your old system (1) re-install into a new database the new package (2) and import the Backup file again (3). The Backup should be imported before generating data in the newly installed system.</entry>
<entry key="1066">System Backup</entry>
<entry key="1067">Allow user to share Screen/Record</entry>
<entry key="1068">Deny user to share Screen/Record</entry>
<entry key="1069">User is Moderator, he can do anything!</entry>
<entry key="1070">would like to share/record screen.</entry>
<entry key="1071">You are allowed to share/record screen</entry>
<entry key="1072">Apply for right to share/record screen.</entry>
<entry key="1073">Allow/Deny right to share/record screen.</entry>
<entry key="1074">Turn sound off</entry>
<entry key="1075">Turn sound on</entry>
<entry key="1076">Audio only room</entry>
<entry key="1077">Turn this Flag on and the users will have only the Audio-Option and no Video in a conference room. This can by good to save bandwidth.</entry>
<entry key="1078">Allow Remote Control (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1079">Deny Remote Control (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1080">Apply for right to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1081">You are allowed to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1082">would like to remote control screen.</entry>
<entry key="1083">User is Moderator, he can do anything! [Remote Desktop Control]</entry>
<entry key="1084">Allow/Deny right to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1085">1) Your PC to remote PC: To copy and paste text from your clipboard into the remote controlled screen, click on the screen, then right click in the text field and choose "Insert" from the context (right click) menu.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;2) From remote PC to your PC: To copy text from the remote PC to your PC's clipboard, highlight the text with the mouse on the remote screen, then right-click on the remote screen and choose &lt;i&gt;Copy highlighted text&lt;/i&gt;</entry>
<entry key="1086">Copy and Paste text from your PC to remote PC and vice-versa.</entry>
<entry key="1087">Copy highlighted text</entry>
<entry key="1088">How to copy n paste</entry>
<entry key="1089">Quality of the ScreenShare:</entry>
<entry key="1090">Very high Quality</entry>
<entry key="1091">High Quality</entry>
<entry key="1092">Medium Quality</entry>
<entry key="1093">Low Quality</entry>
<entry key="1094">en_US</entry>
<entry key="1095">de_DE</entry>
<entry key="1096">Keyboard:</entry>
<entry key="1097">Close Webinar!</entry>
<entry key="1098">The Webinar is already closed, you will be redirected to some interesting offerings in</entry>
<entry key="1099">Close Room</entry>
<entry key="1100">Exit URL</entry>
<entry key="1101">Room termination settings</entry>
<entry key="1102">If the room is closed users will be redirected to the exit URL.</entry>
<entry key="1103">Ldap</entry>
<entry key="1104">ID</entry>
<entry key="1105">Name</entry>
<entry key="1106">Config File</entry>
<entry key="1107">Ldap Config</entry>
<entry key="1108">Name</entry>
<entry key="1109">Enabled</entry>
<entry key="1110">Inserted</entry>
<entry key="1111">Inserted by</entry>
<entry key="1112">Updated</entry>
<entry key="1113">Updated by</entry>
<entry key="1114">The config files are in the folder webapps/openmeetings/conf. You need to manually upload the files to this folder. Changes to the config file are immediately online.</entry>
<entry key="1115">Config file name</entry>
<entry key="1116">If you enable "Add Domain to username" the value of the field "domain" is added to each login that the user enters in the login box. This is useful if the Login in the Ldap is stored including the domain name. Example: User enters "hans" domain is specified as "", login that is verified against Ldap is:</entry>
<entry key="1117">Add Domain to username</entry>
<entry key="1118">Domain</entry>
<entry key="1119">Insert</entry>
<entry key="1120">Copy highlighted text</entry>
<entry key="1121">Remote Clipboard Text</entry>
<entry key="1122">Show remote Clipboard</entry>
<entry key="1123">Do not show again</entry>
<entry key="1124">Copy text here ...</entry>
<entry key="1125">You need the right to remote control (or the moderation) to copy and paste text to or from the remote screen.</entry>
<entry key="1126">Edit default settings ...</entry>
<entry key="1127">Do not show info box in Remote Control about Copy and Paste</entry>
<entry key="1128">Save</entry>
<entry key="1129">Remove</entry>
<entry key="1130">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="1131">Invite user to conference room</entry>
<entry key="1132">Choose a conference room. The invited user will get a message with your name and a link to the room.</entry>
<entry key="1133">Connected since:</entry>
<entry key="1134">Enter room after sending invitation</entry>
<entry key="1135">Invite</entry>
<entry key="1136">Message</entry>
<entry key="1137">would like to invite you to the conference room:</entry>
<entry key="1138">Invite message</entry>
<entry key="1139">Send Invitation</entry>
<entry key="1140">did &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; accept your invitation!</entry>
<entry key="1141">Accept</entry>
<entry key="1142">Deny</entry>
<entry key="1143">Timezone</entry>
<entry key="1144">Event Details</entry>
<entry key="1145">Name</entry>
<entry key="1146">Description</entry>
<entry key="1147">Created by</entry>
<entry key="1148">TimeZone Message</entry>
<entry key="1149">Check "TimeZone Message" to give users a message next time they login to update their profile.</entry>
<entry key="1150">Please check the time zone in your user profile.</entry>
<entry key="1151">New {0} conference:</entry>
<entry key="1152">Details:</entry>
<entry key="1153">Start:</entry>
<entry key="1154">End:</entry>
<entry key="1155">Changed {0} conference:</entry>
<entry key="1156">Organizer:</entry>
<entry key="1157">Canceled {0} conference:</entry>
<entry key="1158">{0} conference Reminder:</entry>
<entry key="1159">Community settings</entry>
<entry key="1160">Show contact data to everybody</entry>
<entry key="1161">Add fields of interest that you offer or that you are searching to find interesting partners for a conference. Comma separate the terms (for example: Medical Service, Health assurance, ...)</entry>
<entry key="1162">My offerings</entry>
<entry key="1163">My interests</entry>
<entry key="1164">Name</entry>
<entry key="1165">Timezone</entry>
<entry key="1166">Fields of interest</entry>
<entry key="1167">Contact information</entry>
<entry key="1168">Show contact data to contacts only</entry>
<entry key="1169">Show contact data to nobody</entry>
<entry key="1170">My Profile</entry>
<entry key="1171">Edit settings</entry>
<entry key="1172">Search users</entry>
<entry key="1173">Watch your profile like other see you</entry>
<entry key="1174">Edit your settings, add your interests to be found</entry>
<entry key="1175">Search for other users and extend your network</entry>
<entry key="1176">Search</entry>
<entry key="1177">User offers</entry>
<entry key="1178">User looks for</entry>
<entry key="1179">Freetext</entry>
<entry key="1180">Name</entry>
<entry key="1181">Timezone</entry>
<entry key="1182">Offers</entry>
<entry key="1183">Searchs</entry>
<entry key="1184">Searchresult</entry>
<entry key="1185">Actions</entry>
<entry key="1186">Add to contacts</entry>
<entry key="1187">Send message</entry>
<entry key="1188">Contacts and Messages</entry>
<entry key="1189">Pending contacts</entry>
<entry key="1190">Accept</entry>
<entry key="1191">Deny</entry>
<entry key="1192">Hi,</entry>
<entry key="1193">would like to add you as contact.</entry>
<entry key="1194">Check your contact requests in {0} or click on those links to accept or deny the request</entry>
<entry key="1195">This user is already in your contact list or has received an invitation to your contact list that is not answered yet.</entry>
<entry key="1196">Your contact list</entry>
<entry key="1197">Edit your contact and messages,&lt;br/&gt; manage your pending contacts!</entry>
<entry key="1198">confirmed you as contact!</entry>
<entry key="1199"></entry>
<entry key="1200">Show / Copy chat log</entry>
<entry key="1201">Chat Log</entry>
<entry key="1202">From</entry>
<entry key="1203">Subject</entry>
<entry key="1204">Send</entry>
<entry key="1205"></entry>
<entry key="1206">Messages</entry>
<entry key="1207">New Mail</entry>
<entry key="1208">Click to write a new message to any of your contacts</entry>
<entry key="1209">Write new message</entry>
<entry key="1210">To:</entry>
<entry key="1211">Subject:</entry>
<entry key="1212">Enable full fit and the whiteboard will zoom the whole whiteboard so that all&lt;br/&gt;documents are visible according to each participants screen resolution.</entry>
<entry key="1213">Kick user</entry>
<entry key="1214">You cannot kick yourself out of the conference room! If you want to leave it close the browser or use the exit button!</entry>
<entry key="1215">Do you really want to disconnect this user from this conference room?</entry>
<entry key="1216">Confirm action ...</entry>
<entry key="1217">You cannot kick a Super-Moderator out of a room!</entry>
<entry key="1218">Book conference room</entry>
<entry key="1219">Start</entry>
<entry key="1220">End</entry>
<entry key="1221">Add an optional request for meeting to the message and create a conference room. The Event is then copied in the calendar of every participant.</entry>
<entry key="1222">Inbox</entry>
<entry key="1223">Sent</entry>
<entry key="1224">Trash</entry>
<entry key="1225">This is you! You cannot add yourself as your own contact.</entry>
<entry key="1226">The user is already denied!</entry>
<entry key="1227">The user is already approved!</entry>
<entry key="1228">This user contact hash is invalid!</entry>
<entry key="1229">User added to contact list!</entry>
<entry key="1230">User denied as contact and removed from pending contact list!</entry>
<entry key="1231">There is no such contact!</entry>
<entry key="1232">Would you really like to remove that contact?</entry>
<entry key="1233">Confirm contact removal</entry>
<entry key="1234">Delete contact from list</entry>
<entry key="1235">User Profile</entry>
<entry key="1236">Show user profile</entry>
<entry key="1237">Messages</entry>
<entry key="1238">Search</entry>
<entry key="1239">Select all</entry>
<entry key="1240">Select none</entry>
<entry key="1241">Select unread</entry>
<entry key="1242">Select read</entry>
<entry key="1243">Move to folder ...</entry>
<entry key="1244">Add new folder ...</entry>
<entry key="1245">Delete</entry>
<entry key="1246">Deleted mails are still in your trash folder!</entry>
<entry key="1247">Mark unread</entry>
<entry key="1248">Mark read</entry>
<entry key="1249">Answer</entry>
<entry key="1250">Answer everybody</entry>
<entry key="1251">Forward</entry>
<entry key="1252">Actions ...</entry>
<entry key="1253">Send private message</entry>
<entry key="1254">Nothing selected!</entry>
<entry key="1255">Move to Inbox</entry>
<entry key="1256">Delete (final)</entry>
<entry key="1257">This action cannot be undone!</entry>
<entry key="1258">Add folder</entry>
<entry key="1259">Add folders and organize your messages!</entry>
<entry key="1260">Add folder</entry>
<entry key="1261">Add</entry>
<entry key="1262">Delete folder</entry>
<entry key="1263">You cannot delete this folder, there are still messages inside! Delete first the messages or move them to another folder.</entry>
<entry key="1264">Edit name</entry>
<entry key="1265">Do you really want to delete this folder? There is no way to undo that.</entry>
<entry key="1266">Your request was send to the user. The user will receive a notification to accept or deny your request. Only accepted requests are in your contact list of course!</entry>
<entry key="1267">Message</entry>
<entry key="1268">The user does not share his personal contact data.</entry>
<entry key="1269">The user does share his personal contact data only to contacts.</entry>
<entry key="1270">Address &amp; Phone</entry>
<entry key="1271">You invitation code is no valid, the code is only valid during this specific date and time:</entry>
<entry key="1272">This event is connected to several calendars of other users. Your change will also update their calendar. Would you really like to update the event?</entry>
<entry key="1273">Confirm update</entry>
<entry key="1274">Allow contact to see my calendar (view only)</entry>
<entry key="1275">Do not share calendar</entry>
<entry key="1276">Calendar of contacts</entry>
<entry key="1277">Your contacts need to approve you first to be able to see their calendar.</entry>
<entry key="1278">You cannot store or delete events from other calendars then your own!</entry>
<entry key="1279">Show my own calendar again!</entry>
<entry key="1280">This event is connected to several calendars of other users. Your action will also delete the event from their calendar. Would you really like to delete the event?</entry>
<entry key="1281">Confirm action</entry>
<entry key="1282">Enter room</entry>
<entry key="1283">Access the conference room</entry>
<entry key="1284">There is a conference room and event booked with this private message.</entry>
<entry key="1285">You need to store the event first!</entry>
<entry key="1286">There is no such room available. The event in the calendar and connected room is already deleted!</entry>
<entry key="1287">Choose your nickname</entry>
<entry key="1288">Firstname</entry>
<entry key="1289">Lastname</entry>
<entry key="1290">Email</entry>
<entry key="1291">Ok</entry>
<entry key="1292">Minimum length 4 chars! For both, firstname and lastname.</entry>
<entry key="1293">Please enter a valid email!</entry>
<entry key="1294">Facebook</entry>
<entry key="1295">Login with your Facebook account</entry>
<entry key="1296">Member since</entry>
<entry key="1297">You've logged with your Facebook account. You should update your profile with the correct email. Otherwise you will not receive invitations and private messages from other users.</entry>
<entry key="1298">Message</entry>
<entry key="1299">Do not show update profile message again</entry>
<entry key="1300">more display options ...</entry>
<entry key="1301">New private message:</entry>
<entry key="1302">Click here to visit your profile to see the full message ...</entry>
<entry key="1303">Reply</entry>
<entry key="1304">Rooms and chats</entry>
<entry key="1305">My rooms</entry>
<entry key="1306">My conference room (for 1-16 users)</entry>
<entry key="1307">My webinar room (for 1-120 users)</entry>
<entry key="1308">Owner Id</entry>
<entry key="1309">Please enter a password</entry>
<entry key="1310">You need an account with User-Level User, Moderator or Admin</entry>
<entry key="1311">Web-Service (only access via SOAP)</entry>
<entry key="1312">Do directly load to whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1313">Do you really want to remove this whiteboard? This action cannot be undone!</entry>
<entry key="1314">Load to whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1315">Do not forget start recording! One user per room always needs to start it to have the recording afterwards.</entry>
<entry key="1316">Start Recording</entry>
<entry key="1317">Arrow</entry>
<entry key="1318">Circle</entry>
<entry key="1319">Line</entry>
<entry key="1320">Square</entry>
<entry key="1321">Triangle</entry>
<entry key="1322">Text/Note</entry>
<entry key="1323">Cliparts</entry>
<entry key="1324">Draw Free</entry>
<entry key="1325">Select/Move</entry>
<entry key="1326">Draw Shape</entry>
<entry key="1327">Cut/Move</entry>
<entry key="1328">Zoom In/Out</entry>
<entry key="1329">Print</entry>
<entry key="1330">Undo</entry>
<entry key="1331">Trash</entry>
<entry key="1332">Add Grid</entry>
<entry key="1333">Share File</entry>
<entry key="1334">Select Shape</entry>
<entry key="1335">Select Clipart</entry>
<entry key="1336">Copy</entry>
<entry key="1337">Cut</entry>
<entry key="1338">Paste</entry>
<entry key="1339">Delete</entry>
<entry key="1340">Do you really want to delete the complete content on the whiteboard?</entry>
<entry key="1341">Load directly to whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1342">Attendees</entry>
<entry key="1343">Attendee Manager</entry>
<entry key="1344">Present</entry>
<entry key="1345">Remote Controll</entry>
<entry key="1346">Eject</entry>
<entry key="1347">Chat</entry>
<entry key="1348">Invite Attendees</entry>
<entry key="1349">By Email</entry>
<entry key="1350">User is moderator</entry>
<entry key="1351">User has webcam switched on</entry>
<entry key="1352">Deactivate shape fill</entry>
<entry key="1353">Activate shape fill</entry>
<entry key="1354">Snap to Grid</entry>
<entry key="1355">Allow recording</entry>
<entry key="1356">Wait for recording</entry>
<entry key="1357">Hide topbar</entry>
<entry key="1358">Play video</entry>
<entry key="1359">Do you really want to delete the content on the current slide?</entry>
<entry key="1360">Accept and grant user right</entry>
<entry key="1361">Deny</entry>
<entry key="1362">I</entry>
<entry key="1363">Activities and actions</entry>
<entry key="1364">Remove whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1365">You need the moderation or the right to draw on the whiteboard to remove whiteboards!</entry>
<entry key="1366">Not allowed</entry>
<entry key="1367">has left the room.</entry>
<entry key="1368">Math icons</entry>
<entry key="1369">No category</entry>
<entry key="1370">Color-Style</entry>
<entry key="1371">Quality</entry>
<entry key="1372">Domain</entry>
<entry key="1373">visit</entry>
<entry key="1374">redorange</entry>
<entry key="1375">mediumseagreen</entry>
<entry key="1376">steelblue</entry>
<entry key="1377">lightsteelblue</entry>
<entry key="1378">goldenred</entry>
<entry key="1379">silvergray</entry>
<entry key="1380">userdefined</entry>
<entry key="1381">best</entry>
<entry key="1382">upload</entry>
<entry key="1383">medium</entry>
<entry key="1384">Mute microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1385">Unmute microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1386">Mute microphone of others</entry>
<entry key="1387">You are globally muted by the moderator. You cannot unmute yourself!</entry>
<entry key="1388">Mute microphone globally?</entry>
<entry key="1389">Do you really want to mute yourself globally? No other user will hear you anymore!</entry>
<entry key="1390">Mute microphone locally?</entry>
<entry key="1391">Do you really want to mute this microphone? You can only mute it locally on your screen. It has no effect to how other users hear this user. Only moderators can turn it off globally!</entry>
<entry key="1392">Mute microphone off globally?</entry>
<entry key="1393">Do you really want to mute this user globally? No other user will hear him anymore!</entry>
<entry key="1394">Your sound is on. Click here to send moderator message to mute your microphone globally (in the complete conference room) off!</entry>
<entry key="1395">Your sound is off. Click here to send moderator message to unmute your microphone globally (in the complete conference room) on!</entry>
<entry key="1396">would like that the moderator mutes my microphone globally.</entry>
<entry key="1397">would like that the moderator unmutes my microphone globally.</entry>
<entry key="1398">want that the moderator unmutes his/her microphone.</entry>
<entry key="1399">want that the moderator mutes his/her microphone.</entry>
<entry key="1400">Unmute microphone. Click here to mute his/her microphone globally!</entry>
<entry key="1401">Mute microphone. Click here to unmute his/her microphone globally!</entry>
<entry key="1402">This user is globally muted by the moderator. You cannot unmute him!</entry>
<entry key="1403">Mute your microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1404">Unmute your microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1405">Mute microphone</entry>
<entry key="1406">Unmute microphone</entry>
<entry key="1407">Mute microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1408">Unmute microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1409">Only moderators can mute or unmute an user globally! To mute your own microphone: Please use the microphone icon in your video pod!</entry>
<entry key="1410">Poll Name</entry>
<entry key="1411">You</entry>
<entry key="1412">Archieved Polls</entry>
<entry key="1413">active</entry>
<entry key="1414">Simple Chart</entry>
<entry key="1415">Pie Chart</entry>
<entry key="1416">Please enter email</entry>
<entry key="1417">New message(s)</entry>
<entry key="1418">Close Poll</entry>
<entry key="1419">Are you sure you want to close this Poll? No one will be able to vote</entry>
<entry key="1420">Delete Poll</entry>
<entry key="1421">Are you sure you want to delete this Poll? The results will be deleted as well.</entry>
<entry key="1422">Language ISO Code</entry>
<entry key="1423">Allow/Deny right to give exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1424">Allow user to give exclusive audio</entry>
<entry key="1425">Deny user to give exclusive audio</entry>
<entry key="1426">would like to get a permission for exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1427">want that the moderator gives me a permission for exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1428">Give a permission for exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1429">Cam resolution</entry>
<entry key="1430">Changing the resolution affects bandwidth, bigger picture needs more bandwith!</entry>
<entry key="1431">You don't have the right to give yourself or others exclusive audio. You need to apply for the right from the moderator or ask the moderator to give you exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1432">I would like to get the right for exclusive audio</entry>
<entry key="1433">Give exclusive audio to me (alternatively click on your video pod or press F12)</entry>
<entry key="1434">Microphone is on!</entry>
<entry key="1435">Microphone is muted</entry>
<entry key="1436">Hide chat</entry>
<entry key="1437">Hide activities</entry>
<entry key="1438">Hide files explorer</entry>
<entry key="1439">Hide actions menu</entry>
<entry key="1440">Hide screen sharing</entry>
<entry key="1441">Hide whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1442">Show micro status in video</entry>
<entry key="1443">Layout options</entry>
<entry key="1444">New Event</entry>
<entry key="1445">Password protected are the links to the conference that are send to the participents when you save the calendar event, not the room! That means if you save the event multiple times but with different passwords every participent receives a new link that has a different password. But old links still work once send!</entry>
<entry key="1446">Edit details</entry>
<entry key="1447">Show sip dialer</entry>
<entry key="1448">Call</entry>
<entry key="1449">Show calendar events of contact</entry>
<entry key="1450">Your home!</entry>
<entry key="1451">Plan your meetings</entry>
<entry key="1452">Watch recording and interviews</entry>
<entry key="1453">Choose and start a web-conference</entry>
<entry key="1454">Manage users and rights</entry>
<entry key="1455">Manage connections and kick users</entry>
<entry key="1456">Manage usergroups</entry>
<entry key="1457">Manage conference rooms</entry>
<entry key="1458">Manage system settings</entry>
<entry key="1459">Manage labels and wording</entry>
<entry key="1460">Manage LDAP and ADS configurations</entry>
<entry key="1461">Export/Import System Backups</entry>
<entry key="1462">You need moderation or the right to draw on whiteboard to upload, add, delete or load files and folders.</entry>
<entry key="1463">Edit text</entry>
<entry key="1464">Prof</entry>
<entry key="1465">Publish</entry>
<entry key="1466">Start Publish</entry>
<entry key="1467">Stop Publish</entry>
<entry key="1468">Host</entry>
<entry key="1469">Publish App</entry>
<entry key="1470">Publish Id</entry>
<entry key="1471">Reduce the width of the SharingScreen before you try to move it left</entry>
<entry key="1472">Reduce the height of the SharingScreen before you try to move it bottom</entry>
<entry key="1473">Reduce the x of the SharingScreen before you try to make it wider</entry>
<entry key="1474">Reduce the y of the SharingScreen before you try to make it higher</entry>
<entry key="1475">Fill these settings stream your screen data to 3th party providers like</entry>
<entry key="1476">Please start Screen sharing to be able to publish it</entry>
<entry key="1477">Moderator permission required to start recording</entry>
<entry key="1478">You don't have permission to apply exclusive audio to any participant. You need moderation role or the right for exclusive audio to make any microphone exclusive turned on..</entry>
<entry key="1479">Upload new file to file explorer</entry>
<entry key="1480">Open new dialog with sharing settings</entry>
<entry key="1481">An existing moderator must approve it</entry>
<entry key="1482">Ask moderator to share your webcam/micro</entry>
<entry key="1483">Gather feedback by creating a poll</entry>
<entry key="1484">Past and current poll results as charts</entry>
<entry key="1485">Vote if there is a poll for this conference room</entry>
<entry key="1486">Edit cam and mic settings</entry>
<entry key="1487">Confirm and leave the room</entry>
<entry key="1488">Call external people via VoIP/SIP</entry>
<entry key="1489">Send an email with a direct link to this room</entry>
<entry key="1490">Change your whiteboard settings</entry>
<entry key="1491">Max upload size</entry>
<entry key="1492">Ask moderator to share your whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1493">Start Private Chat</entry>
<entry key="1494">All</entry>
<entry key="1495">You cannot start a private chat with yourself.</entry>
<entry key="1496">You've already started a private chat with this participant.</entry>
<entry key="1497">Do you really want to delete this private chat?</entry>
<entry key="1498">Servers</entry>
<entry key="1499">Servers participating in cluster</entry>
<entry key="1500">Server Name</entry>
<entry key="1501">Server Address</entry>
<entry key="1502">Server details</entry>
<entry key="1503">Send SMS</entry>
<entry key="1504">Publishing. User:</entry>
<entry key="1505">To save time and internet traffic you can use command line admin to backup/restore/upgrade: &lt;ol&gt; &lt;li&gt;go to OM install dir (for ex. /opt/red5)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;stop OM (for ex. ./;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;./ -b -file ~/ (create backup of current OM)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;download archive with new OM&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;mv /opt/red5 /opt.red5.bak (move working version of OM just in case :))&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;extract downloaded OM to the /opt/red5&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;./ -i -file ~/ (or './ -i -file ~/ --db-type mysql --db-user om_user --db-pass om_user_pass' in case of you are using non-default DB )&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;start OM&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ol&gt;</entry>
<entry key="1506">Rooms common to all user</entry>
<entry key="1507">Rooms common to the current user group</entry>
<entry key="1508">Rooms of the current user</entry>
<entry key="1509">Create/Modify appointment special room</entry>
<entry key="1510">You can enter multiple addresses in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt;,"firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt;,'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt;, ...</entry>
<entry key="1511">Adjust stream volume</entry>
<entry key="1512">Adjust microphone volume</entry>
<entry key="1513">Is chat moderated</entry>
<entry key="1514">Allow message</entry>
<entry key="1515">Chat panel opened by default</entry>
<entry key="1516">Files panel opened by default</entry>
<entry key="1517">Last ping</entry>
<entry key="1518">Every slave sends a ping to the master every 3 seconds (configurable). Slave lastPing must be smaller then 1 minute so that the master uses the slave.</entry>
<entry key="1519">HTTP Port</entry>
<entry key="1520">User (SOAP-Access)</entry>
<entry key="1521">Password</entry>
<entry key="1522">Webapp path</entry>
<entry key="1523">Protocol</entry>
<entry key="1524">Ping running</entry>
<entry key="1525">Active</entry>
<entry key="1526">Generate URL</entry>
<entry key="1527">Network testing</entry>
<entry key="1528">Auto select interview video pod</entry>
<entry key="1529">Underline</entry>
<entry key="1530">Font style</entry>
<entry key="1531">Allow font styles</entry>
<entry key="1532">Font color</entry>
<entry key="1533">Hyperlink</entry>
<entry key="1534">Show session statistics</entry>
<entry key="1535">Session details</entry>
<entry key="1536">System import</entry>
<entry key="1537">Include uploaded files and recordings in backup</entry>
<entry key="1538">Enable SIP transport in the room</entry>
<entry key="1539">Do you really want to provide this user an exclusive audio?</entry>
<entry key="1540">Please specify your timezone</entry>
<entry key="1541">conference (1-25 users)</entry>
<entry key="1542">restricted (1-150 users)</entry>
<entry key="1543">interview (1:1 meeting with recording)</entry>
<entry key="1544">Configuration with given key already exists, please specify another key or edit existent configuration</entry>
<entry key="1545">Content is Saving, Please wait.</entry>
<entry key="1546">Welcome</entry>
<entry key="1547">Widget displaying basic user info and support links</entry>
<entry key="1548">Widgets</entry>
<entry key="1549">About</entry>
<entry key="1550">Name</entry>
<entry key="1551">Version</entry>
<entry key="1552">Revision</entry>
<entry key="1553">Build date</entry>
<entry key="1554">Loading ...</entry>
<entry key="1555">today</entry>
<entry key="1556">Jan</entry>
<entry key="1557">Feb</entry>
<entry key="1558">Mar</entry>
<entry key="1559">Apr</entry>
<entry key="1560">May</entry>
<entry key="1561">Jun</entry>
<entry key="1562">Jul</entry>
<entry key="1563">Aug</entry>
<entry key="1564">Sep</entry>
<entry key="1565">Oct</entry>
<entry key="1566">Nov</entry>
<entry key="1567">Dec</entry>
<entry key="1568">do not send notification</entry>
<entry key="1569">simple email</entry>
<entry key="1570">iCal email</entry>
<entry key="1571">OAuth2</entry>
<entry key="1572">Manage OAuth2 configurations</entry>
<entry key="1573">Name</entry>
<entry key="1574">Enabled</entry>
<entry key="1575">Icon URL</entry>
<entry key="1576">client_id</entry>
<entry key="1577">client_secret</entry>
<entry key="1578">Request key URL</entry>
<entry key="1579">Request token URL</entry>
<entry key="1580">Request info URL</entry>
<entry key="1581">OAuth2 config</entry>
<entry key="1582">Login param name</entry>
<entry key="1583">Email param name</entry>
<entry key="1584">Firstname param name</entry>
<entry key="1585">Lastname param name</entry>
<entry key="1586">Request token attributes</entry>
<entry key="1587">Redirect uri</entry>
<entry key="1588">You can enter email address in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt; or "firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt; or 'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt; or email</entry>
<entry key="1589">Notify on disconnect</entry>
<entry key="1590">Display</entry>
<entry key="1591">Your account has been created. Confirmation email has been sent. You can now login.</entry>
<entry key="1592">End date entered is earlier than start date.</entry>
<entry key="1593">Exit value</entry>
<entry key="1594">Conversion messages</entry>
<entry key="1595">Recording file is not found</entry>
<entry key="1596">Add Whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1597">You can enter address in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt; OR "firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt; OR 'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt;</entry>
<entry key="1598">Security</entry>
<entry key="1599">Access denied. You have no rights to enter this room.</entry>
<entry key="1600">Re-convert</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.install.header">Installation</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.welcome.panel"><![CDATA[
<a id="Enabling_Image_Upload_and_import_to_whiteboard"></a>Enabling
Image Upload and import to whiteboard<a
<li>Install <strong>ImageMagick</strong> on the server, you can
get more information on <a target="_blank"
href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
regarding installation. The instructions for installation can be
found there <a target="_blank"
however on most linux systems you can get it via your favorite
package managers (apt-get it)
<a id="Enabling_import_of_PDFs_into_whiteboard"></a>Enabling
import of PDFs into whiteboard<a
<li>Install <strong>GhostScript</strong> on the server, you can
get more information on <a target="_blank"
href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
regarding installation. The instructions for installation can be
found there, however on most linux systems you can get it via your
favorite package managers (apt-get it).
<li>Install <strong>SWFTools</strong> on the server, you can get
more information on <a target="_blank"
href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
regarding installation. Some of the Linux distributions already have
it in there package manager see <a target="_blank"
the recommended version of <strong>SWFTools</strong> is 0.9 as prior
version have a bug that does lead to wrong object dimensions in the
import of .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, ... all Office Documents into
<li><strong>OpenOffice-Service</strong> started and listening on
port 8100, see <a target="_blank"
for details</li>
Recording and import of .avi, .flv, .mov and .mp4 into whiteboard<a
<li>Install <strong>FFMpeg</strong>. You should get FFMPEG in an
up to date copy! For Windows you can download a Build for example
from <a target="_blank" href=""
rel="nofollow"></a> Linux or OSx
Users should be able to use one of the various Installation
Instructions on the Web. You need to enable libmp3lame!
<li>Install <strong>SoX</strong> <a
href="" target="_BLANK"></a>.
You should install SoX in a up to date copy! SoX 12.xx will NOT
<br />
<b> <span style="font-size: 1.2em">If you have further
questions or need support in installation or hosting:</span></b>
<br />
<br />
<b><span style="font-size: 1.2em">Community-Support:</span></b>
<br />
<br />
<span style="font-size: 1.1em"><a
target="_blank">Mailing lists</a></span>
<br />
<br />
<b> <span style="font-size: 1.2em">Commercial-Support:</span></b>
<br />
<br />
<span style="font-size: 1.1em"><a
<br />
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.note"><![CDATA[
<a id="Recommendation_for_production_environment"></a>Recommendation
for production environment<a target="_blank"
By default {0} uses the integrated {1} database. For
production environment you should consider using {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} or {6}
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.derby"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">Apache Derby</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.mysql"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">MySQL</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.postgresql"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">PostgreSql</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.db2"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">IBM DB2</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.mssql"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">MSSQL</a>]]></entry>
<entry key=""><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">Oracle</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.field.title">DB configuration</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.dbtype">Choose DB type</entry>
<entry key="">IBM DB2</entry>
<entry key="">Apache Derby</entry>
<entry key="">MSSQL</entry>
<entry key="">MySQL</entry>
<entry key="">Oracle</entry>
<entry key="">PostgreSql</entry>
<entry key="">Specify DB host</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.port">Specify DB port</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.dbname">Specify the name of the database</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.user">Specify DB user</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.pass">Specify DB password</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.check">Check</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.errorprops">Unable to get the properties</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.nodriver">Unable to load proper DB driver, please download appropriate jar file, and restart the OM. Instructions: {0}</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.notvalid">Database check was unsuccessfull</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.error.patch">Unexpected error while patching persistence file: {0}</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.valid">Database check was successfull</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.userdata">Userdata</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.username">Username</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.username.title">Enter a username</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.password">Userpass</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.password.title">Enter a password</entry>
<entry key="">EMail</entry>
<entry key="">Enter a EMail</entry>
<entry key="">User Time Zone</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.groupdata">Organisation(Domains)</entry>
<entry key="">Name</entry>
<entry key="">Enter a default Organisation</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.configuration">Configuration</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.allowFrontendRegister">Allow self-registering (allow_frontend_register)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.sendEmailAtRegister">Send Email to new registered Users (sendEmailAtRegister)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.sendEmailWithVerficationCode">New Users need to verify their EMail (sendEmailWithVerficationCode)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.createDefaultRooms">Default Rooms of all types will be created</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailReferer">Mail-Referer (system_email_addr)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailReferer.title">Enter a Referer</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.smtpServer">SMTP-Server (smtp_server)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.smtpServer.title">Enter a SMTP-Server</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.smtpPort">SMTP-Server Port(default Smtp-Server Port is 25) (smtp_port)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.smtpPort.title">Enter a SMTP-Server.Port normally 25</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailAuthName">SMTP-Username (email_username)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailAuthName.title">Enter the mail-username</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailAuthPass">SMTP-Userpass (email_userpass)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailAuthPass.title">Enter the mail-userpass</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailUseTls">Enable TLS in Mail Server Auth</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.replyToOrganizer">Set inviter's email
address as ReplyTo in email invitations (</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.defaultLangId">Default Language</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.defaultExportFont">Default Font for Export [default_export_font]</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.converters">Converters</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.seeAlso"> see also</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.installation">Installation</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfZoom">SWFTools Zoom</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfZoom.title">Enter the dpi that swftools will use for PDF to SWF conversion</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfZoom.text">DPI that swftools will use for PDF to SWF conversion (default is 100)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfJpegQuality">SWFTools JPEG Quality</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfJpegQuality.title">Enter the quality of embedded jpeg pictures to quality. 0 is worst (small), 100 is best (big). (default:85)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfJpegQuality.text">Enter the quality of embedded jpeg pictures to quality. 0 is worst (small),
100 is best (big). (default:85)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfPath">SWFTools Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfPath.title">Enter the path to swftools for example C:/swftools (Windows) or leave blank if swftools is a known to your system path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfPath.text">
You can test if swftools is installed into system path by
opening a shell or cmd-prompt and type pdf2swf If this shows
a list of options leave this field blank otherwise you have to
specify the path to pdf2swf on your system
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.imageMagicPath">ImageMagick Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.imageMagicPath.title">Enter the path to ImageMagick, leave blank if ImageMagick is successfully installed to system-path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.imageMagicPath.text"></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.ffmpegPath">FFMPEG Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.ffmpegPath.title">Enter the path to FFMPEG, leave blank if FFMPEG is successfully installed to system-path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.ffmpegPath.text"></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.soxPath">SoX Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.soxPath.title">Enter the path to SoX, leave blank if SoX is successfully installed to system-path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.soxPath.text"></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.jodPath">JOD Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.jodPath.title">The path to JOD library (, configure the path to point to the lib directory of JOD that contains also the jodconverter-core-version.jar</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.jodPath.text"></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.officePath">OpenOffice/LibreOffice Path for jodconverter</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.officePath.title">The path to OpenOffice/LibreOffice (optional) please set this to the real path in case jodconverter is unable to find OpenOffice/LibreOffice installation automatically</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.officePath.text">The path to OpenOffice/LibreOffice (optional) please set this
to the real path in case jodconverter is unable to find
OpenOffice/LibreOffice installation
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.crypt">Crypt Type</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.cryptClassName">Crypt Class</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.cryptClassName.title">Enter the Class name of the Encryption Class. DO NOT ALTER THIS IF YOU ARE NOT SURE</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.cryptClassName.text"><![CDATA[
You can use this default crypt type which is equal to
PHP-MD5 function or BSD-Style encryption by using:<b>org.apache.openmeetings.utils.crypt.MD5CryptImplementation</b>
for more information or to write your own Crypt-Style see: <a
target="_blank">Custom Crypt Mechanism</a> You can edit this
value later BUT previous created Users and Sessions might be not
usable anymore
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SIP">red5SIP Configuration</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipEnable">Enable SIP</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipEnable.text">Enable red5SIP integration</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipRoomPrefix">SIP rooms prefix</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipRoomPrefix.text">Prefix for phone number of conference rooms</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipExtenContext">SIP extensions context</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipExtenContext.text">Context of Asterisk extensions</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.install.desc">Please click "Finish" button to start installation!</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.install.started">Please wait, installation in progress</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.install.failed">Installation is failed</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.enter">Enter the Application</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.port">If your Red5-Server runs on a different Port or on a different domain</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.config">alter the config values of the client</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.mail">Mailing list</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.commercial">There are some companies
that also offer commercial support for Apache OpenMeetings:</entry>