blob: 8617cb6207ffbd4d691327d4cf680319999b9033 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
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<entry key="1">Overleg</entry>
<entry key="2">Afspraak</entry>
<entry key="3">Evenementen</entry>
<entry key="4">Instellingen</entry>
<entry key="5">Profiel</entry>
<entry key="6">Beheer</entry>
<entry key="7">Stop</entry>
<entry key="8">Opnemen</entry>
<entry key="9">Geen bestand beschikbaar</entry>
<entry key="10">Opnamen door Presentator</entry>
<entry key="11">Aanwezige gebruikers:</entry>
<entry key="12">Start een overleg</entry>
<entry key="13">Mijn Naam</entry>
<entry key="14">Video Overleg</entry>
<entry key="15">Bestand Importeren</entry>
<entry key="16">Lijst vernieuwen</entry>
<entry key="17">Naar hoofd bestand</entry>
<entry key="18">nieuwe stembus</entry>
<entry key="19">Een nieuwe stembus.</entry>
<entry key="20">Vraag:</entry>
<entry key="21">Soort stembus:</entry>
<entry key="22">Aanmaken</entry>
<entry key="23">Informatie: Iedere gebruiker krijgt een bericht over de stembus.</entry>
<entry key="24">Stembus aanmaken</entry>
<entry key="25">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="26">Ja/Nee</entry>
<entry key="27">Getal 1-10</entry>
<entry key="28">Stembus</entry>
<entry key="29">Je moet een organisator zijn om een vraag aan te maken</entry>
<entry key="30">Jouw stem is geregistreerd.</entry>
<entry key="31">Je hebt al gestemd op deze stembus.</entry>
<entry key="32">Stem!</entry>
<entry key="33">Jouw Antwoord:</entry>
<entry key="34">Ja</entry>
<entry key="35">Nee</entry>
<entry key="36">Wil weten:</entry>
<entry key="37">Stembus resultaat</entry>
<entry key="38">Vraag:</entry>
<entry key="39">Resultaat:</entry>
<entry key="40">Antwoorden:</entry>
<entry key="41">Er is geen stembus.</entry>
<entry key="42">Stem!</entry>
<entry key="43">Overleg (max 4 plekken)</entry>
<entry key="44">Overleg (max 50 plekken)</entry>
<entry key="45">Soort</entry>
<entry key="46">Andere plekken</entry>
<entry key="47">Reeds gekozen</entry>
<entry key="48">deelnemen</entry>
<entry key="49">De organisator heeft het overleg verlaten.</entry>
<entry key="50">Systeem informatie</entry>
<entry key="51">Gekozen apparaat</entry>
<entry key="52">Gekozen webcam:</entry>
<entry key="53">Gekozen microfoon:</entry>
<entry key="54">OK</entry>
<entry key="55">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="56">Je moet opnieuw verbinding maken.</entry>
<entry key="57">Wijzig instellingen.</entry>
<entry key="58">Cursus:</entry>
<entry key="59">Taal:</entry>
<entry key="60">OK</entry>
<entry key="61">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="62">Tekenbord schoonmaken</entry>
<entry key="63">Wil je dat het tekenbord schoon wordt gemaakt bij het toevoegen van een nieuw plaatje?</entry>
<entry key="64">Niet weer vragen</entry>
<entry key="65">Nee</entry>
<entry key="66">Wijzig instellingen</entry>
<entry key="67">Bevestiging vragen voor het schoonmaken van het tekenbord.</entry>
<entry key="68">Gebruikers Informatie</entry>
<entry key="69">Tekenbord schoonmaken</entry>
<entry key="70">Ongedaan maken</entry>
<entry key="71">Opnieuw maken</entry>
<entry key="72">Selecteer een object</entry>
<entry key="73">Tekst</entry>
<entry key="74">Verf</entry>
<entry key="75">Lijn Trekken</entry>
<entry key="76">Onderstrepen</entry>
<entry key="77">Rechthoek</entry>
<entry key="78">Ellipse</entry>
<entry key="79">Pijl</entry>
<entry key="80">Verwijder het geselecteerde object</entry>
<entry key="81">Toepassen voor aanpassing</entry>
<entry key="82">Toepassen</entry>
<entry key="83">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="84">Organisator worden</entry>
<entry key="85">Afsluiten</entry>
<entry key="86">italic</entry>
<entry key="87">bold</entry>
<entry key="88">WACHTEN</entry>
<entry key="89">Een gebruiker wil organisator worden, je kunt hem toegang geven tot het whiteboard of ook organisator maken. Gebruiker:</entry>
<entry key="90">Accepteren</entry>
<entry key="91">Afwijzen</entry>
<entry key="92">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="93">Verstuur verzoek naar de volgende gebruikers</entry>
<entry key="94">Geaccepteerd</entry>
<entry key="95">Afgewezen</entry>
<entry key="96">Verander organisator</entry>
<entry key="97">Je bent geen organisator!</entry>
<entry key="98">Organisator:</entry>
<entry key="99">Dit overleg is vol. Probeer het later nogmaals.</entry>
<entry key="100">Ellipse</entry>
<entry key="101">Sluiten</entry>
<entry key="102">input data foutmelding</entry>
<entry key="103">Gebruikersnaam moet minimaal 4 karakters zijn en is hoofdletter gevoelig!</entry>
<entry key="104">Wachtwoord moet minimaal 4 karakters zijn</entry>
<entry key="105">Deze gebruikersnaam is al gebruikt</entry>
<entry key="106">Dit e-mail adres is al geregistreerd</entry>
<entry key="107">Systeem fout neem contact op met een Systeem beheerder</entry>
<entry key="108">Inloggen</entry>
<entry key="109">Inlognaam/E-mail</entry>
<entry key="110">Wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="111">Taal</entry>
<entry key="112">Inloggen</entry>
<entry key="113">Inschrijven</entry>
<entry key="114">Inlognaam</entry>
<entry key="115">Wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="116">Nogmaals</entry>
<entry key="117">Voornaam</entry>
<entry key="118">Achternaam</entry>
<entry key="119">E-mail</entry>
<entry key="120">Land</entry>
<entry key="121">Registreer</entry>
<entry key="122">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="123">Geen lid?</entry>
<entry key="124">Start</entry>
<entry key="125">Gebruikers</entry>
<entry key="126">Groepen</entry>
<entry key="127">Organisaties</entry>
<entry key="128">Vergaderruimtes</entry>
<entry key="129">Openbaar</entry>
<entry key="130">Organisatie</entry>
<entry key="131">Deelnemen</entry>
<entry key="132">Inlognaam</entry>
<entry key="133">Wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="134">Wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="135">Voornaam</entry>
<entry key="136">Achternaam</entry>
<entry key="137">E-mail</entry>
<entry key="138">Geboortedatum</entry>
<entry key="139">Straat en nummer</entry>
<entry key="140">Postcode en Plaats</entry>
<entry key="141">Land</entry>
<entry key="142">Meer gegevens</entry>
<entry key="143">Gebruikersgegevens</entry>
<entry key="144">Opslaan</entry>
<entry key="145">Opslaan</entry>
<entry key="146">USER-ID</entry>
<entry key="147">Loginnaam</entry>
<entry key="148">Voornaam</entry>
<entry key="149">Achternaam</entry>
<entry key="150">Volgende tonen</entry>
<entry key="151">Vorige tonen</entry>
<entry key="152">Verwijder</entry>
<entry key="153">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="154">Verwijderen</entry>
<entry key="155">Toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="156">Vernieuwen</entry>
<entry key="157">Verwijderen</entry>
<entry key="158">Status</entry>
<entry key="159">Blokkeren</entry>
<entry key="160">Vrijgeven</entry>
<entry key="161">Organisatie(s)</entry>
<entry key="162">Kalender</entry>
<entry key="163">Sluiten</entry>
<entry key="164">ID</entry>
<entry key="165">Naam</entry>
<entry key="166">Gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="167">Organisator</entry>
<entry key="168">Beheerder</entry>
<entry key="169">Toegangsniveau</entry>
<entry key="170">Organisatie</entry>
<entry key="171">Naam</entry>
<entry key="172">Organisatie toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="173">Organisatie toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="174">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="175">Toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="176">Verwijder organisatie</entry>
<entry key="177">Gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="178">Gebruiker toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="179">Gebruiker verwijderen</entry>
<entry key="180">Gebruiker aan organisatie toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="181">Zoek gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="182">Zoek</entry>
<entry key="183">Gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="184">Organisatie</entry>
<entry key="185">Deelnemen</entry>
<entry key="186">Kamers</entry>
<entry key="187">Kamer</entry>
<entry key="188">ID</entry>
<entry key="189">Naam</entry>
<entry key="190">Openbaar</entry>
<entry key="191">Organisaties</entry>
<entry key="192">Kamers</entry>
<entry key="193">Naam</entry>
<entry key="194">Soort</entry>
<entry key="195">Openbaar</entry>
<entry key="196">Toelichting</entry>
<entry key="197">Opslaan en exporteren</entry>
<entry key="198">laden</entry>
<entry key="199">Opslaan als</entry>
<entry key="200">Bestandsnaam</entry>
<entry key="201">bestandsnaam</entry>
<entry key="202">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="203">Opslaan</entry>
<entry key="204">Foutmelding</entry>
<entry key="205">Laden</entry>
<entry key="206">Objecten geladen</entry>
<entry key="207">Wachten op synchronisatie van gebruikers:</entry>
<entry key="208">Laden van afbeelding</entry>
<entry key="209">Wachten op synchronisatie van gebruikers:</entry>
<entry key="210">Tekenbord Leegmaken</entry>
<entry key="211">Tekenbord leegmaken, gegevens op tekenbord gaan verloren</entry>
<entry key="212">Bevestiging voor het laden van een bestand</entry>
<entry key="213">Uitnodiging versturen</entry>
<entry key="214">Verstuur uitnodiging</entry>
<entry key="215">Onderwerp</entry>
<entry key="216">E-mail geadresseerde</entry>
<entry key="217">Bericht</entry>
<entry key="218">Verstuur</entry>
<entry key="219">annuleren</entry>
<entry key="220">Verstuur</entry>
<entry key="221">Gebruikersgegevens</entry>
<entry key="222">Je naam voor dit overleg</entry>
<entry key="223">Naam</entry>
<entry key="224">Voornaam</entry>
<entry key="225">Achternaam</entry>
<entry key="226">E-mail</entry>
<entry key="227">Taal</entry>
<entry key="228">deelnemen</entry>
<entry key="229">Laden</entry>
<entry key="230">Laden, even wachten aub!</entry>
<entry key="231">Verkeerde wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="232">Please enter two identical passwords with at least 6 characters</entry>
<entry key="233">Foutmelding</entry>
<entry key="234">Dit is geen geldig E-mail adres</entry>
<entry key="235">Registratie Afgerond</entry>
<entry key="236">Je gebruikersaccount is nu aangemaakt. Je nu kunt inloggen.</entry>
<entry key="237">Je kunt je scherm op dit moment niet delen. Iemand anders is al een scherm aan het delen.</entry>
<entry key="238">Delen is verboden</entry>
<entry key="239">Delen van scherm</entry>
<entry key="240">Slechts netwerk: Synchronisatie van het scherm lukt niet. Als je deze melding vaker krijgt, kun je de beheerder vragen of hij de quality van beeld wil verminderen.</entry>
<entry key="241">Scherm van:</entry>
<entry key="242">Verf</entry>
<entry key="243">Document</entry>
<entry key="244">Chat</entry>
<entry key="245">Bestanden</entry>
<entry key="246">Leden</entry>
<entry key="247">Orginele document downloaden</entry>
<entry key="248">PDF document downloaden</entry>
<entry key="249">Zet presentatie op tekenbord</entry>
<entry key="250">Instellingen</entry>
<entry key="251">Verplaats dit object</entry>
<entry key="252">Verander de grote</entry>
<entry key="253">%</entry>
<entry key="254">van</entry>
<entry key="255">Na naar de eerste pagina</entry>
<entry key="256">Ga naar de vorige pagina</entry>
<entry key="257">Na gaan de volgende pagina</entry>
<entry key="258">Ga naar de laatste pagina</entry>
<entry key="259">Uitzoomen</entry>
<entry key="260">Inzoomen</entry>
<entry key="261">Dhr.</entry>
<entry key="262">Mevr.</entry>
<entry key="263">Instellingen</entry>
<entry key="264">ID</entry>
<entry key="265">Instelling</entry>
<entry key="266">Instellingen</entry>
<entry key="267">Instelling</entry>
<entry key="268">Laatste update</entry>
<entry key="269">Bijwerkt door</entry>
<entry key="270">Toelichting</entry>
<entry key="271">Waarde</entry>
<entry key="272">van</entry>
<entry key="273">Gebruikers</entry>
<entry key="274">haal gebruiker uit organisatie</entry>
<entry key="275">D</entry>
<entry key="276">Deze gebruiker zit al in deze organisatie.</entry>
<entry key="277">Nieuws</entry>
<entry key="278">Snelkoppelingen</entry>
<entry key="279">Ga naar overleg</entry>
<entry key="280">Ga luisteren</entry>
<entry key="281">Help en Hulp</entry>
<entry key="282"></entry>
<entry key="283"></entry>
<entry key="284">Meld probleem!</entry>
<entry key="285">meer</entry>
<entry key="286">Project Webside (</entry>
<entry key="287">User Mailing List (</entry>
<entry key="288">Inloggegevens onthouden</entry>
<entry key="289">Inhoud</entry>
<entry key="290">Mijn Start Pagina</entry>
<entry key="291">Mijn geplande overleggen</entry>
<entry key="292">Mijn geplande evenementen</entry>
<entry key="293">Openbare overleggen</entry>
<entry key="294">Prive overleggen</entry>
<entry key="295">Openbare evenementen</entry>
<entry key="296">Prive evenementen</entry>
<entry key="297">Openbare inhoud</entry>
<entry key="298">Prive inhoud</entry>
<entry key="299">Persoonlijke inhoud</entry>
<entry key="300"></entry>
<entry key="301">Nakijken</entry>
<entry key="302">Nalaten kijken</entry>
<entry key="303">Stembussen</entry>
<entry key="304">Kies een bestand</entry>
<entry key="305">Instellingen</entry>
<entry key="306">Beeld/Geluid instellingen</entry>
<entry key="307">Tekenbord instellingen</entry>
<entry key="308">Verlaten</entry>
<entry key="309">Terug naar kamers</entry>
<entry key="310">Uitloggen</entry>
<entry key="311">Wachtwoord vergeten?</entry>
<entry key="312">Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen</entry>
<entry key="313">Via E-mail</entry>
<entry key="314">Via inlognaam</entry>
<entry key="315">Je E-mail</entry>
<entry key="316">Je loginnaam</entry>
<entry key="317">Verstuur E-mail met een Link</entry>
<entry key="318">Dit E-mail adres is niet gevonden. Geeft E-mail adres waar ook het account mee gemaakt is.</entry>
<entry key="319">Geeft inlognaam of E-mail adres</entry>
<entry key="320">Er is geen gebruiker met deze inlognaam</entry>
<entry key="321">Een E-mail met een link is naar je toegestuurd, controller je Postvak-In. Als je dan nog steeds niets hebt ontvangen bekijk je E-mail spam instellingen.</entry>
<entry key="322">Foutmelding</entry>
<entry key="323">Bericht</entry>
<entry key="324">Er is geen gebruiker met deze gegevens.</entry>
<entry key="325">Wachtwoord opnieuw instellen</entry>
<entry key="326">Inlognaam</entry>
<entry key="327">Verander wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="328">wachtwoord invoeren</entry>
<entry key="329">wachtwoord opnieuw invoeren</entry>
<entry key="330">De wachtwoorden zijn niet gelijk.</entry>
<entry key="331">Minimaal 4 karakters en hoofdlettergevoelig!</entry>
<entry key="332">Wachtwoord ingesteld. Je kunt nu inloggen.</entry>
<entry key="333">OK</entry>
<entry key="334">Onbekende Foutmelding. Geef dit door aan de beheerder.</entry>
<entry key="335">Inlognaam niet gevonden</entry>
<entry key="336">Verkeerd wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="337">U bent uitgelogd</entry>
<entry key="338">Registratie is uitgezet.</entry>
<entry key="339">Verkeerd E-mail adres</entry>
<entry key="340">een bestand met deze naam is al aanwezig, kies een andere naam</entry>
<entry key="341">bestandsnaam te kort</entry>
<entry key="342">Kan bestand niet opslaan</entry>
<entry key="343">Gebruiker toegevoegd. Account moet nog wel worden toegevoegd aan een organisatie.</entry>
<entry key="344">Nieuw item</entry>
<entry key="345">Geen veld gevonden met dit veld ID.</entry>
<entry key="346">Geen label gevonden voor dat veld.</entry>
<entry key="347">Beheer authorisatie is vereist.</entry>
<entry key="348">Taal Bewerker</entry>
<entry key="349">Taal</entry>
<entry key="350">Label-ID</entry>
<entry key="351">Label naam</entry>
<entry key="352">Label tekst</entry>
<entry key="353">Display tekst</entry>
<entry key="354">Label naam</entry>
<entry key="355">Label tekst</entry>
<entry key="356">Label-ID</entry>
<entry key="357">Je hebt alleen het label verwijderd en niet het veld! Je kunt dit veld niet verwijderen omdat het gebruikt worden in andere talen.</entry>
<entry key="358">Onjuist Label-ID. De 'FieldLanguagesvalues_Id' kan niet worden gevonden in de database.</entry>
<entry key="359">Je kunt alleen labels verwijderen en geen velden.</entry>
<entry key="360">Exporteren</entry>
<entry key="361">Je moet opnieuw aanmelden om de veranderingen te zien.</entry>
<entry key="362">Nieuwe taal toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="363">Taal verwijderen</entry>
<entry key="364">Nieuwe taal toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="365">Naam</entry>
<entry key="366">Taal toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="367">Backup</entry>
<entry key="368">ga naar het begin</entry>
<entry key="369">vorige</entry>
<entry key="370">volgende</entry>
<entry key="371">ga naar de laatste</entry>
<entry key="372">Gebruiker spreekt (By clicking here you can give exclusive audio / mute the microphone of others)</entry>
<entry key="373">Geluid aan/uit</entry>
<entry key="374">Systeem</entry>
<entry key="375">Jouw instellingen</entry>
<entry key="376">Hallo,</entry>
<entry key="377">Profiel bijwerken</entry>
<entry key="378">Nieuw bericht:</entry>
<entry key="379">Pasfoto uploaden</entry>
<entry key="380">Gebruikersdata exporteren</entry>
<entry key="381">Om per organisatie een backup te maken, moeten organisatie aanwezig zijn.</entry>
<entry key="382">Backup</entry>
<entry key="383">Backup een organisatie</entry>
<entry key="384">Backup</entry>
<entry key="385">Gebruikersdata importeren</entry>
<entry key="386">Restore</entry>
<entry key="387">Importeren</entry>
<entry key="388">Exporteren naar XML - Deze bestanden kunnen gebruikt worden voor:&lt;br/&gt; - Bijdrage aan het project - Importeren in een ander systeem&lt;br/&gt; - Backup - Optimalisatie&lt;br/&gt; - Plaats het in de 'openmeeting/language' directory voor de volgende installatie</entry>
<entry key="389">Kies een taal bestand om te importeren. &lt;br/&gt;Opletten! Kies de juiste taal uit de selectie lijst! &lt;br/&gt;Het maakt niet uit wat de naam van het bestand is, &lt;br/&gt;het zal worden geimporteerd in deze taal!</entry>
<entry key="390">importeren - kies een bestand</entry>
<entry key="391">Opslaan als</entry>
<entry key="392">Naam:</entry>
<entry key="393">Toelichting:</entry>
<entry key="394">Opslaan</entry>
<entry key="395">Opnames</entry>
<entry key="396">Opnames bekijken</entry>
<entry key="397">Opnames van openbare en prive kamers</entry>
<entry key="398">Gebruikers:</entry>
<entry key="399">Aanwezig:</entry>
<entry key="400"></entry>
<entry key="401">Active deelnemers:</entry>
<entry key="402">vernieuwen</entry>
<entry key="403">Dit overleg is vol. Probeer het later nogmaals.</entry>
<entry key="404">Klik op een kamer voor meer informatie</entry>
<entry key="405">Chat met deelnemers:</entry>
<entry key="406">Overleg:</entry>
<entry key="407">Active deelnemers:</entry>
<entry key="408">Vanaf:</entry>
<entry key="409">Bekijk opname</entry>
<entry key="410">Duur:</entry>
<entry key="411">Datum:</entry>
<entry key="412">Opname bekijken! Je kunt niets wijzigen. Dit is een opgenomen overleg!</entry>
<entry key="413">Start deze opname</entry>
<entry key="414">Play / Pause</entry>
<entry key="415">Neem dit overleg op</entry>
<entry key="416">Stop opname</entry>
<entry key="417">Opname:</entry>
<entry key="418">Dit overleg wordt al opgenomen door een andere gebruiker!</entry>
<entry key="419">Opgenomen! Door gebruiker:</entry>
<entry key="420">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="421">De opname wordt gestopt en wordt niet bewaard.</entry>
<entry key="422">hetvatten</entry>
<entry key="423">Sluit dit scherm en blijf opnemen</entry>
<entry key="424">Verander lijnkleur</entry>
<entry key="425">Kies een kleur</entry>
<entry key="426">Uizetten/Aanzetten lijnkleur</entry>
<entry key="427">Verander opvulkleur</entry>
<entry key="428">Uitzetten/Aanzetten opvulkleur</entry>
<entry key="429">Verander lijn dikte</entry>
<entry key="430">Afsluiten</entry>
<entry key="431">Verander lettertype</entry>
<entry key="432">Verwijder opname</entry>
<entry key="433">Gast</entry>
<entry key="434">Door:</entry>
<entry key="435">Naam</entry>
<entry key="436">Overleg</entry>
<entry key="437">Datum</entry>
<entry key="438">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="439">Start</entry>
<entry key="440">Naam</entry>
<entry key="441">Datum</entry>
<entry key="442">Verwijder Server-Chatlog</entry>
<entry key="443">Chat</entry>
<entry key="444">Verstuur bericht</entry>
<entry key="445">Emoticons</entry>
<entry key="446">Emoticons</entry>
<entry key="447">Choose Published Devices</entry>
<entry key="448">Beeld en Geluid</entry>
<entry key="449">Alleen geluid</entry>
<entry key="450">Alleen beeld</entry>
<entry key="451">Geen beeld/geluid (pasfoto afbeelden)</entry>
<entry key="452">Als er netwerk problemen zijn, kies dan voor pasfoto afbeelden. Je profiel pasfoto wordt hiervoor gebruikt.</entry>
<entry key="453">Ma</entry>
<entry key="454">Di</entry>
<entry key="455">Wo</entry>
<entry key="456">Do</entry>
<entry key="457">Vr</entry>
<entry key="458">Za</entry>
<entry key="459">Zo</entry>
<entry key="460">Maandag</entry>
<entry key="461">Dinsdag</entry>
<entry key="462">Woensdag</entry>
<entry key="463">Donderdag</entry>
<entry key="464">Vrijdag</entry>
<entry key="465">Zaterdag</entry>
<entry key="466">Zondag</entry>
<entry key="467">WK</entry>
<entry key="468">Kalender Week</entry>
<entry key="469">Januari</entry>
<entry key="470">Februari</entry>
<entry key="471">Maart</entry>
<entry key="472">April</entry>
<entry key="473">Mei</entry>
<entry key="474">Juni</entry>
<entry key="475">Juli</entry>
<entry key="476">Augustus</entry>
<entry key="477">September</entry>
<entry key="478">Oktober</entry>
<entry key="479">November</entry>
<entry key="480">December</entry>
<entry key="481">Kalender</entry>
<entry key="482">Aantal Deelnemers</entry>
<entry key="483">Toon opmaak instellingen</entry>
<entry key="484">X | Y</entry>
<entry key="485">Breedte | Hoogte</entry>
<entry key="486">Beeld-Container</entry>
<entry key="487">Organisator-Container</entry>
<entry key="488">X</entry>
<entry key="489">Tekenbord-Container</entry>
<entry key="490">Aanzetten</entry>
<entry key="491">X | Y</entry>
<entry key="492">Breedte | Hoogte</entry>
<entry key="493">Bestanden, chat en deelnemers - Container</entry>
<entry key="494">Aanzetten</entry>
<entry key="495">X | Y</entry>
<entry key="496">Breedte | Hoogte</entry>
<entry key="497">De organisator heeft het overleg verlaten. Niemand is aan het presenteren. Je kunt organisator worden of wachten.</entry>
<entry key="498">Er zijn deelnemers maar nog geen organisator. Je kunt Organisator worden of wachten.</entry>
<entry key="499">Terugkoppeling {0}</entry>
<entry key="500">{0} - Uitnodiging</entry>
<entry key="501">Bericht van gebruiker:</entry>
<entry key="502">Bericht:</entry>
<entry key="503">Klik op deze link om deel te nemen aan dit overleg:</entry>
<entry key="504">Klik hier om deel te nemen aan dit overleg</entry>
<entry key="505">Als je problemen ondervindt met de link, kopieer en plak deze in een internet browser:</entry>
<entry key="506">{0} registeren</entry>
<entry key="507">Je gebruikersgegevens:</entry>
<entry key="508">Inlognaam:</entry>
<entry key="509">Wachtwoord:</entry>
<entry key="510">E-mail:</entry>
<entry key="511">{0}-Team</entry>
<entry key="512">{0} Registeren</entry>
<entry key="513">{0} - Wachtwoord Reset</entry>
<entry key="514">Klik op deze link voor een nieuw wachtwoord:</entry>
<entry key="515">Klik hier voor een nieuw wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="516">Als je problemen ondervindt met de link, kopieer en plak deze in een internet browser:</entry>
<entry key="517">{0} wachtwoord reset</entry>
<entry key="518">Geef een juiste datum (</entry>
<entry key="519">Geef een juist E-mail adres (voorbeeld</entry>
<entry key="520">Geef een Float-Number (voorbeeld 1.00)</entry>
<entry key="521">Geef een Integer (voorbeeld 100)</entry>
<entry key="522">Geef een juist telefoonnummer (voorbeeld +31 0123 456789</entry>
<entry key="523">Geef een juiste tijd (hh:mm)</entry>
<entry key="524">Beveiligd door wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="525">Wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="526">Geldigheidsduur</entry>
<entry key="527">Altijd</entry>
<entry key="528">Periode</entry>
<entry key="529">Eenmalig</entry>
<entry key="530">Geldig van:</entry>
<entry key="531">Geldig tot:</entry>
<entry key="532">Uitnodiging van {0}</entry>
<entry key="533">Geen uitnodiging beschikbaar met deze code</entry>
<entry key="534">Deze is uitnodiging is eenmalig en al eens gebruikt.</entry>
<entry key="535">Deze uitnodigingscode is onjuist.</entry>
<entry key="536">Wachtwoord:</entry>
<entry key="537">Controleer wachtwoord</entry>
<entry key="538">Verkeerd wachtwoord!</entry>
<entry key="539">Beeld_Geluid</entry>
<entry key="540">Synchronisatie van beeld en geluid</entry>
<entry key="541">Login was correct, but the Session you tried is not active or stored on the Server. You have to get a new SessionId and retry login.</entry>
<entry key="542">The SessionId is not loggedin or has no Admin rights. The SOAP Gateway needs an User with Admin-Rights to embed new Users.</entry>
<entry key="543">This Session has no Remoteuser-Data connected. Wether you did not call the SOAP-Gateway before accessing the Application or you are usnig a wrong Session-ID</entry>
<entry key="544">De recorder functie is Beta!</entry>
<entry key="545">x</entry>
<entry key="546">x-as</entry>
<entry key="547">y</entry>
<entry key="548">y-as</entry>
<entry key="549">b</entry>
<entry key="550">breedte</entry>
<entry key="551">h</entry>
<entry key="552">hoogte</entry>
<entry key="553">Verander doorzichtigheid</entry>
<entry key="554">Open browser</entry>
<entry key="555">Sluit browser</entry>
<entry key="556">De is geen verbinding met de server meer. Start de applicatie opnieuw of controleer je netwerk verbinding.</entry>
<entry key="557">Aanwijzer</entry>
<entry key="558">Synchronisatie</entry>
<entry key="559">Aan het synchroniseren. Even geduld aub</entry>
<entry key="560">&lt;u&gt;Opslaan als SVG&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="561">&lt;u&gt;Opslaan als PNG&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="562">&lt;u&gt;Opslaan als JPG&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="563">&lt;u&gt;Opslaan als PDF&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="564">&lt;u&gt;Opslaan als TIF&lt;/u&gt;</entry>
<entry key="565">Herinnering:</entry>
<entry key="566">Categorie:</entry>
<entry key="567">Herhaling:</entry>
<entry key="568">Geen</entry>
<entry key="569">Lokatie:</entry>
<entry key="570">Begin</entry>
<entry key="571">Einde</entry>
<entry key="572">Onderwerp:</entry>
<entry key="573">Toelichting:</entry>
<entry key="574">Gebruikers uitnodigen</entry>
<entry key="575">Dagelijks</entry>
<entry key="576">Maandelijks</entry>
<entry key="577">Jaarlijks</entry>
<entry key="578">Opmerking: Het einde van het overleg moet altijd later zijn dan het begin!</entry>
<entry key="579">Geef een onderwerp!</entry>
<entry key="580">RnL</entry>
<entry key="581">Zet deze functie aan als je taal van Rechts naar Links wordt geschreven</entry>
<entry key="582">Instrumentenbord</entry>
<entry key="583">Bekijk opgenomen overleg of evenement</entry>
<entry key="584">Overleg - Organiseer een overleg met 4 tot 16 personen.&lt;br/&gt;Iedereen heeft mogelijkheid tot beeld en geluid.</entry>
<entry key="585">Evenement - Organiseer een overleg met maximaal 200 personen.&lt;br/&gt;Alleen de organisator heeft beeld en geluid.</entry>
<entry key="586">Beheer gebruikers, kamers, organisaties&lt;br/&gt; of verander de instellingen</entry>
<entry key="587">Active deelnemers</entry>
<entry key="588">ID</entry>
<entry key="589">Inlognaam</entry>
<entry key="590">D</entry>
<entry key="591">Document aan het laden. Even wachten tot alle gebruikers zijn gesynchroniseerd.</entry>
<entry key="592">Importeren gelukt, nu aan het converteren...</entry>
<entry key="593">Begin importeren</entry>
<entry key="594">Importeer scherm. Zoek en selecteer een bestand.</entry>
<entry key="595">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="596">Selecteer bestand</entry>
<entry key="597">Active sessies</entry>
<entry key="598">Waarde</entry>
<entry key="599">Streamid</entry>
<entry key="600">Inlognaam</entry>
<entry key="601">Verbonden sinds</entry>
<entry key="602">Kamer / bereik</entry>
<entry key="603">Uitloggen</entry>
<entry key="604">Uitloggen</entry>
<entry key="605">Weet je zeker dat je deze gebruiker wilt uitloggen?&lt;br/&gt;De gebruiker zal uit dit overleg worden gehaald. De gebruiker kan wel weer opnieuw deelnemen.</entry>
<entry key="606">Je bent door een organisator of beheerder uit het overleg gehaald.</entry>
<entry key="607">Telefoon</entry>
<entry key="608">Gebruiker is organisator in dit overleg</entry>
<entry key="609">Gebruiker mag tekenen op het tekenbord</entry>
<entry key="610">(Her) Start beeld/geluid of verander instellingen</entry>
<entry key="611">Geef gebruiker toestemming om op het tekenbord te tekenen</entry>
<entry key="612">Ontneem gebruiker toestemming om op het tekenbord te tekenen</entry>
<entry key="613">Gebruikers</entry>
<entry key="614">Bestanden</entry>
<entry key="615">Tekenbord</entry>
<entry key="616">Chat</entry>
<entry key="617">Jouw account heeft meerdere organsiaties toegewezen gekregen. Selecteer een organisatie voor dit overleg.</entry>
<entry key="618">Dit overleg is vol. Probeer het later nogmaals.</entry>
<entry key="619">Kamer soort</entry>
<entry key="620">Afspraak kamer</entry>
<entry key="621">Server tijd</entry>
<entry key="622">{0} - herinnering</entry>
<entry key="623">Bericht van:</entry>
<entry key="624">Bericht:</entry>
<entry key="625">Klik op deze link om deel te nemen aan dit overleg:</entry>
<entry key="626">Klik om deel te nemen aan dit overleg</entry>
<entry key="627">Als je problemen ondervindt met de link, kopieer en plak deze in een internet browser:</entry>
<entry key="628">Zoek intern</entry>
<entry key="629">Externe toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="630">Voornaam</entry>
<entry key="631">Achternaam</entry>
<entry key="632">E-mail adres</entry>
<entry key="633">Uitloggen bevestigen</entry>
<entry key="634">Weet je zeker dat je wilt uitloggen?</entry>
<entry key="635">Acties</entry>
<entry key="636">Demo kamer</entry>
<entry key="637">Demo tijd (sec)</entry>
<entry key="638">Overleg tijd</entry>
<entry key="639">Dit is een demonstratie kamer. Je wordt automatisch uitlogd in :</entry>
<entry key="640">Toezichthouder</entry>
<entry key="641">De organisator, beheerder of planner van dit overleg is nog niet aanwezig. Even wachten aub.</entry>
<entry key="642">OK</entry>
<entry key="643">Scherm delen</entry>
<entry key="644">Er wordt een scherm gedeelte door gebruiker:</entry>
<entry key="645">Start met delen</entry>
<entry key="646">Nieuw overleg toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="647">Kamers</entry>
<entry key="648">Evenement kamer</entry>
<entry key="649">Organisator</entry>
<entry key="650">Beheer de gebruikers</entry>
<entry key="651">Beheer de kamers</entry>
<entry key="652">M</entry>
<entry key="653">Wil je deze gebruiker organisator maken van deze organisatie?</entry>
<entry key="654">Je kunt pas een gebruiker toevoegen als je een organisatie hebt gekozen!</entry>
<entry key="655">Organisatie - organisatoren</entry>
<entry key="656">Wil je deze gebruiker echt uit deze organisatie halen?</entry>
<entry key="657">Deze gebruiker is organisator</entry>
<entry key="658">Deze gebruiker is geen organisator</entry>
<entry key="659">Deze gebruiker geen organisator?</entry>
<entry key="660">Toevoegen of verwijderen van gebruikers of kamers in je organisatie</entry>
<entry key="661">Wil je dit item echt verwijderen?</entry>
<entry key="662">Wil je deze gebruiker echt uit je organisatie verwijderen? Het gebruikersaccount blijft wel bestaan.</entry>
<entry key="663">Je kunt je eigen gebruikersaccount niet verwijderen!</entry>
<entry key="664">Dit kan alleen een beheerder doen!</entry>
<entry key="665">Er zijn geen sessie gekoppeld aan dit ID.</entry>
<entry key="666">Dit is een beheeraccount. Je kunt dit account bewerken in het beheer Beheer/Gebruikers gedeelte.</entry>
<entry key="667">Klik op de link om de registratie af te ronden. Mocht dit niet lukken, kopieer en plak deze in een internet browser.</entry>
<entry key="668">Klik om je E-mail adres te controleren</entry>
<entry key="669">Er is geen gebruiker met deze gegevens.</entry>
<entry key="670">Deze gebruiker is al actief!</entry>
<entry key="671">Het account is succesvol geactiveerd!</entry>
<entry key="672">Nu inloggen</entry>
<entry key="673">Het account is nog niet actief. Gebruik eerste de link in de E-mail die je hebt gekregen tijdens de registratie.</entry>
<entry key="674">In inschrijven is nu volledig. Er is een E-mail gestuurd met een verificatie link. Controlleer je Postvak-In.</entry>
<entry key="675">Verwijder organisator rol van gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="676">Geef organisator rol aan deze gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="677">Gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="678">Toegang tot tekenbord</entry>
<entry key="679">Organisator</entry>
<entry key="680">Moderation: Selecteer een gebruiker om deze tekenbord en/of organisator toegang te geven.</entry>
<entry key="681">Deze gebruiker is al organisator en heeft dus toegang tot het tekenbord.</entry>
<entry key="682">Dit ben je zelf! Je kunt jezelf geen organisator rechten ontnemen.</entry>
<entry key="683">Geef deze gebruiker beeld en geluid</entry>
<entry key="684">Ontneem deze gebruiker beeld en geluid</entry>
<entry key="685">Ik zou graag organisator van dit overleg worden</entry>
<entry key="686">Ik zou graag willen tekenen op het tekenbord</entry>
<entry key="687">Ik zou graag mijn beeld en geluid delen</entry>
<entry key="688">Je bent organisator van deze kamer</entry>
<entry key="689">Je mag tekenen op het tekenbord</entry>
<entry key="690">Je mag je beeld en geluid delen</entry>
<entry key="691">Bericht van de organisator</entry>
<entry key="692">De gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="693">wil graag organisator worden. Gebruik de status iconen naast de gebruiker om dit in te stellen.</entry>
<entry key="694">wil graag tekenen op het tekenbord. Gebruik de status iconen naast de gebruiker om dit in te stellen.</entry>
<entry key="695">wil graag beeld en geluid delen. Gebruik de status iconen naast de gebruiker om dit in te stellen.</entry>
<entry key="696">Je moet wachten totdat de organisator er is.</entry>
<entry key="697">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="698">Opslaan</entry>
<entry key="699">Dag</entry>
<entry key="700">Maand</entry>
<entry key="701">Jaar</entry>
<entry key="702">Bestand uploaden</entry>
<entry key="703">Directory toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="704">Vernieuwen</entry>
<entry key="705">Vuilnisbak</entry>
<entry key="706">Mijn bestanden</entry>
<entry key="707">Bestanden in de kamer</entry>
<entry key="708">Bestand toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="709">Directory toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="710">Directory verwijderen</entry>
<entry key="711">Naam wijzigen</entry>
<entry key="712">Nieuwe directory</entry>
<entry key="713">Weet je zeker dat je dit wilt verwijderen?</entry>
<entry key="714">Zoek</entry>
<entry key="715">Zoek</entry>
<entry key="716">Open document</entry>
<entry key="717">Toon alle bestanden (Tree View)</entry>
<entry key="718">Sluit Document</entry>
<entry key="719">Verwijder bestand</entry>
<entry key="720">Je mag niet tekenen op het tekenbord. Je dient organisator te zijn of toestemming hiervoor te krijgen. Je kunt de organisator vragen voor toestemming.</entry>
<entry key="721">Document eigenschappen</entry>
<entry key="722">Start Java</entry>
<entry key="723">Start Flash</entry>
<entry key="724">Een gebruiker wil een scherm met je delen. Wil je deze zien?</entry>
<entry key="725">Op dit momenn deel je een scherm. Klik op de Stop knop om dit te beeidingen.</entry>
<entry key="726">Gegevens delen</entry>
<entry key="727">Je scherm wordt al getoond aan andere gebruikers!</entry>
<entry key="728">Desktop Viewer</entry>
<entry key="729">Stop Delen</entry>
<entry key="730">Scherm deler</entry>
<entry key="731">Klik op Start om je scherm te delen</entry>
<entry key="732">Start delen</entry>
<entry key="733">Pause delen</entry>
<entry key="734">Selecteer het gebied op je scherm:</entry>
<entry key="735">Breedte veranderen</entry>
<entry key="736">Het scherm delen is beindigd!</entry>
<entry key="737">Hoogte veranderen</entry>
<entry key="738">X-afstand</entry>
<entry key="739">Y-afstand</entry>
<entry key="740">Breedte:</entry>
<entry key="741">Hoogte:</entry>
<entry key="742">Verbinding is beindigd door de server</entry>
<entry key="743">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="744">Start Java</entry>
<entry key="745">Als je deze sessie volledig beindigd, kun je hem niet opnieuw bekijken.</entry>
<entry key="746">Bevestiging van het sluiten van deze sessie</entry>
<entry key="747">Deel scherm</entry>
<entry key="748">Neem sessie op</entry>
<entry key="749">Samen browsen</entry>
<entry key="750">Firefox op Windows geeft soms problemen met samen browsen.</entry>
<entry key="751">Vorige</entry>
<entry key="752">Volgende</entry>
<entry key="753">Opnieuw laden</entry>
<entry key="754">Begin</entry>
<entry key="755">Laden</entry>
<entry key="756">Maak deze website je default website.</entry>
<entry key="757">Test Setup</entry>
<entry key="758">Test beeld en geluid voordat je aan een overleg begint.</entry>
<entry key="759">Laat deze test niet weer zien</entry>
<entry key="760">Annuleren</entry>
<entry key="761">Start Overleg</entry>
<entry key="762">Niet opnieuw vragen</entry>
<entry key="763">REC</entry>
<entry key="764">PLAY</entry>
<entry key="765">Wil je doorgaan zonder test? Je bent dan nog steeds in staan om te chatten en te teken op het tekenbord.</entry>
<entry key="766">STOP</entry>
<entry key="767">Niveau meter</entry>
<entry key="768">Kies Begin</entry>
<entry key="769">Begin direct een overleg</entry>
<entry key="770">Begin evenement</entry>
<entry key="771">Kies Kamer</entry>
<entry key="772">Wijzig Instellingen</entry>
<entry key="773">Begin Overleg</entry>
<entry key="774">Start wizard:</entry>
<entry key="775">Start Opname</entry>
<entry key="776">Beeld en geluid iedere keer testen</entry>
<entry key="777">Openbare kamers</entry>
<entry key="778">Openbare kamers zijn toegankelijk voor alle gebruikers!</entry>
<entry key="779">Prive kamers</entry>
<entry key="780">Prive kamers zijn alleen toegankelijk voor gebruikers van dezelfde organisatie.</entry>
<entry key="781">Mijn kamers</entry>
<entry key="782">Deze kamers zijn voor persoonlijk gebruik en aangemaakt middels de kalender. Ze hebben een start en eind datum. Ze staan hier zolang ze nog geldig zijn.</entry>
<entry key="783">Je dient organisator te zijn om dit te doen.</entry>
<entry key="784">Toegang aanvragen</entry>
<entry key="785">Toegang aanvragen</entry>
<entry key="786">Vragen voor beeld en geluid deelname</entry>
<entry key="787">Deze sessie is al gebruikt en kun je niet nogmaals gebruiken.</entry>
<entry key="788">BEGIN</entry>
<entry key="789">EINDE</entry>
<entry key="790">Wil je dit overleg echt verlaten? Het is raadzaam bestanden, tekenbord en chat historie op te schonen!</entry>
<entry key="791">Verlaat overleg</entry>
<entry key="792">Kamers</entry>
<entry key="793">Kies een kamer voor een overleg</entry>
<entry key="794">Er is een niet opgeslagen evenement in de kalender. Bewaar of verwijder deze.</entry>
<entry key="795">Je dient minimaal 1 persooon uit te nodigen!</entry>
<entry key="796">Weet je zeker of je dit evenement wilt verwijderen?</entry>
<entry key="797">Waarschuwing</entry>
<entry key="798">Evenement toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="799">dag</entry>
<entry key="800">Week</entry>
<entry key="801">maand</entry>
<entry key="802">Omschrijving</entry>
<entry key="803">Deelnemers</entry>
<entry key="804">Kies voor BEGIN om meteen een overleg te starten of ga naar de kalendar om iets te plannen.</entry>
<entry key="805">Plan een overleg</entry>
<entry key="806">Om een overleg te plannen, dien je een evenement aan de kalender toe te voegen. Voor ieder evenement zal automatisch een kamer aangemaakt worden. Iedere deelnemer zal E-mail ontvangen met een link naar de kamer.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Er is keuze in verschillende soorten kamers. Tevens kan iedere kamer een eigen layout krijgen.</entry>
<entry key="807">Hulp nodig?</entry>
<entry key="808">Beperkt</entry>
<entry key="809">Zoek</entry>
<entry key="810">Toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="811">Er is geen gebruiker geselecteerd. Kies eerst een item en klik dan op toevoegen.</entry>
<entry key="812">Nieuwe deelnemer</entry>
<entry key="813">Opslaan</entry>
<entry key="814">Verwijderen</entry>
<entry key="815">Evenement details</entry>
<entry key="816">Standaard organisators</entry>
<entry key="817">Hoofd</entry>
<entry key="818">ID</entry>
<entry key="819">Naam</entry>
<entry key="820">E-mail adres</entry>
<entry key="821">Nieuwe standaard organisator toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="822">Is hoofd-organisator</entry>
<entry key="823">Als de kamer voorzien is van organisatoren, worden gebruikers met deze rol automatisch organisator als ze het overleg betreden. Als je dit niet wilt, stel dan een standaard organisator in.</entry>
<entry key="824">A Super Moderator is always a Moderator when he enters a Room, and nobody can remove the Moderation Flag from him</entry>
<entry key="825">Geef hoofd-organisator rol</entry>
<entry key="826">Ontneem hoofd-organisator rol</entry>
<entry key="827">D</entry>
<entry key="828">Als je een organisatie toevoegd aan een kamer, kunnen alleen gebruikers van die organisatie de kamer betreden (letop: dat de kamer niet openbaar is!)</entry>
<entry key="829">Organisatoren</entry>
<entry key="830">Conditie</entry>
<entry key="831">Organisatie</entry>
<entry key="832">Weet je het zeker?</entry>
<entry key="833">Weet je zeker dat je dit object wilt verwijderen? Kies voor opslaan om dit te bewaren!</entry>
<entry key="834">Er is geen gebruiker geselecteerd!</entry>
<entry key="835">Nieuwe standaard organisator toevoegen</entry>
<entry key="836">Wil je deze gebruiker hoofd-organisator maken? Een hoofd-organisator is organisator en niemand kan deze organisator rol terugdraaienn. Kies voor opslaan om dit te bewaren!</entry>
<entry key="837">Wil je de rol hoofd-organisator weghalen voor de gebruiker? Kies kamer opslaan om dit door te voeren!</entry>
<entry key="838">Dit een een hoofd-organisator. Je kunt een organisator rol niet verwijderen van een hoofd-organisator!</entry>
<entry key="839">Weet je zeker dat dit bestand/directory verwijder kan worden?</entry>
<entry key="840">Verwijder bestand/directory?</entry>
<entry key="841">Mevrouw</entry>
<entry key="842">Meneer</entry>
<entry key="843">Eigenschappen</entry>
<entry key="844">Toon muis positie aan kijkers</entry>
<entry key="845">Deel geluid middels SIP</entry>
<entry key="846">Deel geluid middels SIP en beeld via flash</entry>
<entry key="847">Beeldvullend</entry>
<entry key="848">Toon scherm</entry>
<entry key="849">De gebruiker</entry>
<entry key="850">wil zijn scherm delen, wil je dit zien?</entry>
<entry key="851">Sluiten</entry>
<entry key="852">Zoom</entry>
<entry key="853">Deze sessie is beindigd door de gebruiker die aan het delen was!</entry>
<entry key="854">Pause</entry>
<entry key="855">Opnieuw scherm delen</entry>
<entry key="856">Minimaliseren</entry>
<entry key="857">Maximaliseren</entry>
<entry key="858">Beeld</entry>
<entry key="859">Opname tijdlijn</entry>
<entry key="860">Mijn opnames</entry>
<entry key="861">Openbare opnames</entry>
<entry key="862">Informatie</entry>
<entry key="863">Naam</entry>
<entry key="864">Lengte</entry>
<entry key="865">Datum</entry>
<entry key="866">Door</entry>
<entry key="867">Download</entry>
<entry key="868">Hoofd - Beeld</entry>
<entry key="869">Opnemen</entry>
<entry key="870">Opnemen en scherm delen kan op hetzelfde moment. Om je scherm te delen, kies voor scherm delen.</entry>
<entry key="871">Begin opnemen</entry>
<entry key="872">Stop opnemen</entry>
<entry key="873">Download FLV-bestand</entry>
<entry key="874">Kamer</entry>
<entry key="875">Afspelen</entry>
<entry key="876">Stop</entry>
<entry key="877">Gebruiker heeft de microfoon aan</entry>
<entry key="878">Stop Sharing</entry>
<entry key="879">Allow User Questions</entry>
<entry key="880">Turn this off to prevent that any user is disturbing you in this room. Effect is that the Button to ask for Moderation ("I have a question") is not visible.</entry>
<entry key="881">Rights</entry>
<entry key="882">Download as AVI</entry>
<entry key="883">FLV</entry>
<entry key="884">AVI</entry>
<entry key="885">Raw Screenvideo</entry>
<entry key="886">Audio only</entry>
<entry key="887">The have been errors while processing the Recording.</entry>
<entry key="888">The Recording is not yet ready for watching. Please retry in a couple of minutes again.</entry>
<entry key="889">Log:</entry>
<entry key="890">Recorder Message</entry>
<entry key="891">Ok</entry>
<entry key="892">SIP Applet is not Ready</entry>
<entry key="893">SIP-Account Settings</entry>
<entry key="894">SIP settings for each user. You can turn on or off SIP via the Administration &gt; Configuration (Key: enable_sip). The SIP data for each user should be created automatically. You can re-create the data by checking "Re-generate SIP Data"</entry>
<entry key="895">SIP-User</entry>
<entry key="896">Sip-Pass</entry>
<entry key="897">Sip-Auth-Id</entry>
<entry key="898">The Login to the SIP Gateway has failed. You should check the authentification data of your SIP-Provider and the SIP-Account Data for each User. As Administrator you are still able to login and check the Configuration. As User or Moderator you will be blocked from any interaction.</entry>
<entry key="899">The Login to the SIP Gateway has failed. Contact your Service Team!</entry>
<entry key="900">Logging in to SIP-Gateway ...</entry>
<entry key="901">Logging in to SIP-Gateway ...</entry>
<entry key="902">Show Log</entry>
<entry key="903">Log messages from post recorder process</entry>
<entry key="904">SIP-Applet Message</entry>
<entry key="905">The SIP-Applet is not ready. Accept the Applet please and click ok!</entry>
<entry key="906">Get Moderation</entry>
<entry key="907">Save Appointment Changes</entry>
<entry key="908">The appointement has been changed. Do you want to save those changes? &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;All attendees of the appointment will receive a EMail with the updated date and time (depending on the notification type of this appointment).</entry>
<entry key="909">To access other recordings you have to login the {0} Application.</entry>
<entry key="910">Choose the User for this Video</entry>
<entry key="911">Available Users for this Pod</entry>
<entry key="912">You are a Moderator in this Interview. You can decide who is speaking in this interview and you can start / stop the recording of the Session.</entry>
<entry key="913">Start Recording</entry>
<entry key="914">Stop Recording</entry>
<entry key="915">The recording of the Interview is already started.</entry>
<entry key="916">The recording is already stopped or not been started yet.</entry>
<entry key="917">The recording for this interview is already started!</entry>
<entry key="918">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="919">The post-processing of an interview takes 5 minutes per 1 minute interview. The current progress of the interview post-processing transcoding is:</entry>
<entry key="920">You have to enter your password again to auto create the SIP Data</entry>
<entry key="921">Re-generate SIP Data</entry>
<entry key="922">You cannot move this file or folder into its own sub folder!</entry>
<entry key="923">Home drive size</entry>
<entry key="924">Public drive size</entry>
<entry key="925">License Settings</entry>
<entry key="926">You can either bind the user to a expire Date or to a maximum number of minutes when you enable licensing.</entry>
<entry key="927">Check license</entry>
<entry key="928">Flatrate</entry>
<entry key="929">Expire date</entry>
<entry key="930">Seconds left</entry>
<entry key="931">Total time</entry>
<entry key="932">Your License has expired. You need to buy new minutes (Pay-per-minute) or a volume flatrate.</entry>
<entry key="933">Click and buy</entry>
<entry key="934">Time Left on your account:</entry>
<entry key="935">User License Info</entry>
<entry key="936">Info</entry>
<entry key="937">Close</entry>
<entry key="938">Your license has expired. You need either to buy a minute package (Pay-per-minute) or a volume flatrate.</entry>
<entry key="939">License settings</entry>
<entry key="940">You can either buy minutes to make Web-Conferencing (Pay-per-minute).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; Or you buy a volume flatrate about 3-12 months.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Sending invitations (direct links into Conference Rooms) or creating conference Rooms via the Calendar with external Users is only allowed with a volume flatrate!</entry>
<entry key="941">Buy 60 Minutes 9,99 EURO (16 Cent per Minute)</entry>
<entry key="942">Buy 5 hours 19,99 EURO (6 Cent per minute)</entry>
<entry key="943">Buy 3 month for 29,99 EURO (9,99 Euro per Month)</entry>
<entry key="944">Buy 6 month for 39,99 EURO (6,66 Euro per month)</entry>
<entry key="945">Pay-per-minute</entry>
<entry key="946">Volume flatrate</entry>
<entry key="947">You have unlimited License</entry>
<entry key="948">Your license will expire at:</entry>
<entry key="949">You bought Pay-per-minute. You still have:</entry>
<entry key="950">Buy new credit!</entry>
<entry key="951">Want your own Server?</entry>
<entry key="952">You would like to have {0} installed on your Server or integrated into your Moodle, SugarCRM, Website or Intranet? Prizings start at 500 Euro per Installation!</entry>
<entry key="953">Or send us a message</entry>
<entry key="954">Answer to:</entry>
<entry key="955">Message:</entry>
<entry key="956">Send</entry>
<entry key="957">Click here to get contact Info and Prizings</entry>
<entry key="958">Credit Card Details</entry>
<entry key="959">Firstname</entry>
<entry key="960">Lastname</entry>
<entry key="961">Credit Card Type</entry>
<entry key="962">VISA Card</entry>
<entry key="963">MasterCard</entry>
<entry key="964">Discover</entry>
<entry key="965">American Express</entry>
<entry key="966">Credit Card Number</entry>
<entry key="967">Expiration Date</entry>
<entry key="968">Card Verification Number</entry>
<entry key="969">Billing Address</entry>
<entry key="970">Address</entry>
<entry key="971"></entry>
<entry key="972">City</entry>
<entry key="973">Country</entry>
<entry key="974">State (Only US)</entry>
<entry key="975">ZIP</entry>
<entry key="976">Amount</entry>
<entry key="977">Submit</entry>
<entry key="978">Step 1: {0} - Payment Form</entry>
<entry key="979">EMail</entry>
<entry key="980">Click "Check out with Paypal" to pay.&lt;br/&gt; Paypal accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. &lt;br/&gt;It does not require to sign up with Paypal. &lt;br/&gt;Citizens from Germany can also pay with direct debit (Per Lastschrift-Einzug).</entry>
<entry key="981">Thank you for buying {0}. &lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt; As soon as we received the payment your account will be updated.&lt;br/&gt; You will receive an EMail with your invoice as PDF.&lt;br/&gt;You can also check current and past transactions in your profile settings.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;You can close this browser window/tab now and return to {0}.</entry>
<entry key="982">Submit and Buy!</entry>
<entry key="983">Click and Buy!</entry>
<entry key="984">Step 3: {0} Payment - Check order and buy!</entry>
<entry key="985">Name</entry>
<entry key="986">Payment received!</entry>
<entry key="987">Hi,</entry>
<entry key="988">We have received your payment. Your user profile is updated now. See attached your Invoice. The Invoice and all past Invoice can also be downloaded in your user profile.</entry>
<entry key="989">Thank you for using {0}!</entry>
<entry key="990">Payment Received {0} -</entry>
<entry key="991">Payment and Transaction Status</entry>
<entry key="992">Transcation Hash</entry>
<entry key="993">Minutes</entry>
<entry key="994">Months</entry>
<entry key="995">EUR</entry>
<entry key="996">Status</entry>
<entry key="997">Invoice</entry>
<entry key="998"></entry>
<entry key="999">You need to buy a volume flatrate to be able to send invitations or create meetings via the calendar. With Pay-per-minute it is only possible for you to access {0}. You cannot allow 3th Parties to access a Meeting.</entry>
<entry key="1000">This Email is already used by another User.</entry>
<entry key="1001">SIP-Settings</entry>
<entry key="1002">The Conference Number and PIN is automatically created via the OpenXG RPC-Gateway</entry>
<entry key="1003">SIP Number</entry>
<entry key="1004">PIN</entry>
<entry key="1005">Clear objects on current slide only!</entry>
<entry key="1006">Only the URL entered in the Status bar is send to participants!</entry>
<entry key="1007">Make Team-Rooms [Breakout session]</entry>
<entry key="1008">Choose users for a new Team-Room!</entry>
<entry key="1009">You can choose users here and create a new Conference Room ("Team Room") for them. The chosen users will automatically switch to the new Team-Room or get a notification. Team-Room Moderators will get additionally a list of current rooms so that they can switch to each room if there are is need for a Moderator.</entry>
<entry key="1010">Username</entry>
<entry key="1011">Login</entry>
<entry key="1012"></entry>
<entry key="1013">Users for the new Team-Room:</entry>
<entry key="1014">Create Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1015">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="1016">Choose at least one user for the Team-Room!</entry>
<entry key="1017">Add user to team</entry>
<entry key="1018">Remove user from Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1019">User is Team-Room Moderator (He is able to manage Team-Rooms and users of the Team-Room can ask him to come inside)</entry>
<entry key="1020">Roomtype</entry>
<entry key="1021">If you check "Force user to switch to new Team-Room" all chosen users will automatically switch to the newly created Team-Room. Otherwise they get a notification with a button that they &lt;i&gt;can&lt;/i&gt; switch to the new room. Team-Moderators always have the free choice to manage the Team-Rooms and switch between them.</entry>
<entry key="1022">Manage Team-Rooms</entry>
<entry key="1023">You can switch here between all Team-Rooms that you are assigned as Team-Room Moderator. Users inside the Team-Room can send you a message, for example to ask you to come to their room and help them. You can also terminate the Team-Room and all Users will be logged out.</entry>
<entry key="1024">Force user to switch to new Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1025">Name</entry>
<entry key="1026">Created</entry>
<entry key="1027"></entry>
<entry key="1028"></entry>
<entry key="1029">Users available</entry>
<entry key="1030">Add a user with the plus from the left or remove it with the cross from the right!</entry>
<entry key="1031">1) Team-Room settings</entry>
<entry key="1032">2) Add users to the Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1033">Team-Room Name</entry>
<entry key="1034">Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1035">Change to the Room</entry>
<entry key="1036">Switch to this Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1037">Terminate Team-Room and logout all Users</entry>
<entry key="1038">New Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1039">There is a new Team-Room available for you.</entry>
<entry key="1040">Switch to Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1041">Team-Room Actions</entry>
<entry key="1042">You can re-open this window via the main menu in the "Actions" section!</entry>
<entry key="1043">Send message to Team-Room Moderator</entry>
<entry key="1044">New Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1045">There is a new Team-Room available. You can switch to that Room. Team-Rooms are like "Workgroups" with additionally possibilities to ask the Team-Room Moderator for help. Your Team-Rooms are also available in the "My Meetings" section.</entry>
<entry key="1046">Switch to Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1047">Created by:</entry>
<entry key="1048">Team-Room name:</entry>
<entry key="1049">This Window will stay open even if you leave the room!</entry>
<entry key="1050">Users for this Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1051">3) Other Team-Rooms that you could switch to</entry>
<entry key="1052">Send a message to the Team-Room Moderators. For example if you need help in Moderating the Room or if you have a question about the topic.</entry>
<entry key="1053">Send</entry>
<entry key="1054">2) Users that are invited to this Team-Room</entry>
<entry key="1055">Is Team-Room Moderator</entry>
<entry key="1056">These are all users that the moderator has invited to this Team-Room.</entry>
<entry key="1057">There is no Team-Moderator logged in at the moment!</entry>
<entry key="1058">Please enter a message</entry>
<entry key="1059">Please help us, we have a problem in our Team-Room!</entry>
<entry key="1060">A user from a Team-Room requests your help.</entry>
<entry key="1061">Team-Room request for help</entry>
<entry key="1062">Message:</entry>
<entry key="1063">From:</entry>
<entry key="1064">You are currently not in any Team-Room. But you can switch here to all Team-Rooms that you have access to.</entry>
<entry key="1065">Backup the System. The Backup includes all User generated data. The configuration is not included as well as the language labels. Because those values are imported with the System Installer. To update your System, export your old system (1) re-install into a new database the new package (2) and import the Backup file again (3). The Backup should be imported before generating data in the newly installed system.</entry>
<entry key="1066">System Backup</entry>
<entry key="1067">Allow user to share Screen/Record</entry>
<entry key="1068">Deny user to share Screen/Record</entry>
<entry key="1069">User is Moderator, he can do anything!</entry>
<entry key="1070">would like to share/record screen.</entry>
<entry key="1071">You are allowed to share/record screen</entry>
<entry key="1072">Apply for right to share/record screen.</entry>
<entry key="1073">Allow/Deny right to share/record screen.</entry>
<entry key="1074">Turn sound off</entry>
<entry key="1075">Turn sound on</entry>
<entry key="1076">Audio only room</entry>
<entry key="1077">Turn this Flag on and the users will have only the Audio-Option and no Video in a conference room. This can by good to save bandwidth.</entry>
<entry key="1078">Allow Remote Control (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1079">Deny Remote Control (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1080">Apply for right to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1081">You are allowed to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1082">would like to remote control screen.</entry>
<entry key="1083">User is Moderator, he can do anything! [Remote Desktop Control]</entry>
<entry key="1084">Allow/Deny right to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</entry>
<entry key="1085">1) Your PC to remote PC: To copy and paste text from your clipboard into the remote controlled screen, click on the screen, then right click in the text field and choose "Insert" from the context (right click) menu.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;2) From remote PC to your PC: To copy text from the remote PC to your PC's clipboard, highlight the text with the mouse on the remote screen, then right-click on the remote screen and choose &lt;i&gt;Copy highlighted text&lt;/i&gt;</entry>
<entry key="1086">Copy and Paste text from your PC to remote PC and vice-versa.</entry>
<entry key="1087">Copy highlighted text</entry>
<entry key="1088">How to copy n paste</entry>
<entry key="1089">Quality of the ScreenShare:</entry>
<entry key="1090">Very high Quality</entry>
<entry key="1091">High Quality</entry>
<entry key="1092">Medium Quality</entry>
<entry key="1093">Low Quality</entry>
<entry key="1094">en_US</entry>
<entry key="1095">de_DE</entry>
<entry key="1096">Keyboard:</entry>
<entry key="1097">Close Webinar!</entry>
<entry key="1098">The Webinar is already closed, you will be redirected to some interesting offerings in</entry>
<entry key="1099">Close Room</entry>
<entry key="1100">Exit URL</entry>
<entry key="1101">Room termination settings</entry>
<entry key="1102">If the room is closed users will be redirected to the exit URL.</entry>
<entry key="1103">Ldap</entry>
<entry key="1104">ID</entry>
<entry key="1105">Name</entry>
<entry key="1106">Config File</entry>
<entry key="1107">Ldap Config</entry>
<entry key="1108">Name</entry>
<entry key="1109">Enabled</entry>
<entry key="1110">Inserted</entry>
<entry key="1111">Inserted by</entry>
<entry key="1112">Updated</entry>
<entry key="1113">Updated by</entry>
<entry key="1114">The config files are in the folder webapps/openmeetings/conf. You need to manually upload the files to this folder. Changes to the config file are immediately online.</entry>
<entry key="1115">Config file name</entry>
<entry key="1116">If you enable "Add Domain to username" the value of the field "domain" is added to each login that the user enters in the login box. This is useful if the Login in the Ldap is stored including the domain name. Example: User enters "hans" domain is specified as "", login that is verified against Ldap is:</entry>
<entry key="1117">Add Domain to username</entry>
<entry key="1118">Domain</entry>
<entry key="1119">Insert</entry>
<entry key="1120">Copy highlighted text</entry>
<entry key="1121">Remote Clipboard Text</entry>
<entry key="1122">Show remote Clipboard</entry>
<entry key="1123">Do not show again</entry>
<entry key="1124">Copy text here ...</entry>
<entry key="1125">You need the right to remote control (or the moderation) to copy and paste text to or from the remote screen.</entry>
<entry key="1126">Edit default settings ...</entry>
<entry key="1127">Do not show info box in Remote Control about Copy and Paste</entry>
<entry key="1128">Save</entry>
<entry key="1129">Remove</entry>
<entry key="1130">Cancel</entry>
<entry key="1131">Invite user to conference room</entry>
<entry key="1132">Choose a conference room. The invited user will get a message with your name and a link to the room.</entry>
<entry key="1133">Connected since:</entry>
<entry key="1134">Enter room after sending invitation</entry>
<entry key="1135">Invite</entry>
<entry key="1136">Message</entry>
<entry key="1137">would like to invite you to the conference room:</entry>
<entry key="1138">Invite message</entry>
<entry key="1139">Send Invitation</entry>
<entry key="1140">did &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; accept your invitation!</entry>
<entry key="1141">Accept</entry>
<entry key="1142">Deny</entry>
<entry key="1143">Timezone</entry>
<entry key="1144">Event Details</entry>
<entry key="1145">Name</entry>
<entry key="1146">Description</entry>
<entry key="1147">Created by</entry>
<entry key="1148">TimeZone Message</entry>
<entry key="1149">Check "TimeZone Message" to give users a message next time they login to update their profile.</entry>
<entry key="1150">Please check the time zone in your user profile.</entry>
<entry key="1151">New {0} conference:</entry>
<entry key="1152">Details:</entry>
<entry key="1153">Start:</entry>
<entry key="1154">End:</entry>
<entry key="1155">Changed {0} conference:</entry>
<entry key="1156">Organizer:</entry>
<entry key="1157">Canceled {0} conference:</entry>
<entry key="1158">{0} conference Reminder:</entry>
<entry key="1159">Community settings</entry>
<entry key="1160">Show contact data to everybody</entry>
<entry key="1161">Add fields of interest that you offer or that you are searching to find interesting partners for a conference. Comma separate the terms (for example: Medical Service, Health assurance, ...)</entry>
<entry key="1162">My offerings</entry>
<entry key="1163">My interests</entry>
<entry key="1164">Name</entry>
<entry key="1165">Timezone</entry>
<entry key="1166">Fields of interest</entry>
<entry key="1167">Contact information</entry>
<entry key="1168">Show contact data to contacts only</entry>
<entry key="1169">Show contact data to nobody</entry>
<entry key="1170">My Profile</entry>
<entry key="1171">Edit settings</entry>
<entry key="1172">Search users</entry>
<entry key="1173">Watch your profile like other see you</entry>
<entry key="1174">Edit your settings, add your interests to be found</entry>
<entry key="1175">Search for other users and extend your network</entry>
<entry key="1176">Search</entry>
<entry key="1177">User offers</entry>
<entry key="1178">User looks for</entry>
<entry key="1179">Freetext</entry>
<entry key="1180">Name</entry>
<entry key="1181">Timezone</entry>
<entry key="1182">Offers</entry>
<entry key="1183">Searchs</entry>
<entry key="1184">Searchresult</entry>
<entry key="1185">Actions</entry>
<entry key="1186">Add to contacts</entry>
<entry key="1187">Send message</entry>
<entry key="1188">Contacts and Messages</entry>
<entry key="1189">Pending contacts</entry>
<entry key="1190">Accept</entry>
<entry key="1191">Deny</entry>
<entry key="1192">Hi,</entry>
<entry key="1193">would like to add you as contact.</entry>
<entry key="1194">Check your contact requests in {0} or click on those links to accept or deny the request</entry>
<entry key="1195">This user is already in your contact list or has received an invitation to your contact list that is not answered yet.</entry>
<entry key="1196">Your contact list</entry>
<entry key="1197">Edit your contact and messages,&lt;br/&gt; manage your pending contacts!</entry>
<entry key="1198">confirmed you as contact!</entry>
<entry key="1199"></entry>
<entry key="1200">Show / Copy chat log</entry>
<entry key="1201">Chat Log</entry>
<entry key="1202">From</entry>
<entry key="1203">Subject</entry>
<entry key="1204">Send</entry>
<entry key="1205"></entry>
<entry key="1206">Messages</entry>
<entry key="1207">New Mail</entry>
<entry key="1208">Click to write a new message to any of your contacts</entry>
<entry key="1209">Write new message</entry>
<entry key="1210">To:</entry>
<entry key="1211">Subject:</entry>
<entry key="1212">Enable full fit and the whiteboard will zoom the whole whiteboard so that all&lt;br/&gt;documents are visible according to each participants screen resolution.</entry>
<entry key="1213">Kick user</entry>
<entry key="1214">You cannot kick yourself out of the conference room! If you want to leave it close the browser or use the exit button!</entry>
<entry key="1215">Do you really want to disconnect this user from this conference room?</entry>
<entry key="1216">Confirm action ...</entry>
<entry key="1217">You cannot kick a Super-Moderator out of a room!</entry>
<entry key="1218">Book conference room</entry>
<entry key="1219">Start</entry>
<entry key="1220">End</entry>
<entry key="1221">Add an optional request for meeting to the message and create a conference room. The Event is then copied in the calendar of every participant.</entry>
<entry key="1222">Inbox</entry>
<entry key="1223">Sent</entry>
<entry key="1224">Trash</entry>
<entry key="1225">This is you! You cannot add yourself as your own contact.</entry>
<entry key="1226">The user is already denied!</entry>
<entry key="1227">The user is already approved!</entry>
<entry key="1228">This user contact hash is invalid!</entry>
<entry key="1229">User added to contact list!</entry>
<entry key="1230">User denied as contact and removed from pending contact list!</entry>
<entry key="1231">There is no such contact!</entry>
<entry key="1232">Would you really like to remove that contact?</entry>
<entry key="1233">Confirm contact removal</entry>
<entry key="1234">Delete contact from list</entry>
<entry key="1235">User Profile</entry>
<entry key="1236">Show user profile</entry>
<entry key="1237">Messages</entry>
<entry key="1238">Search</entry>
<entry key="1239">Select all</entry>
<entry key="1240">Select none</entry>
<entry key="1241">Select unread</entry>
<entry key="1242">Select read</entry>
<entry key="1243">Move to folder ...</entry>
<entry key="1244">Add new folder ...</entry>
<entry key="1245">Delete</entry>
<entry key="1246">Deleted mails are still in your trash folder!</entry>
<entry key="1247">Mark unread</entry>
<entry key="1248">Mark read</entry>
<entry key="1249">Answer</entry>
<entry key="1250">Answer everybody</entry>
<entry key="1251">Forward</entry>
<entry key="1252">Actions ...</entry>
<entry key="1253">Send private message</entry>
<entry key="1254">Nothing selected!</entry>
<entry key="1255">Move to Inbox</entry>
<entry key="1256">Delete (final)</entry>
<entry key="1257">This action cannot be undone!</entry>
<entry key="1258">Add folder</entry>
<entry key="1259">Add folders and organize your messages!</entry>
<entry key="1260">Add folder</entry>
<entry key="1261">Add</entry>
<entry key="1262">Delete folder</entry>
<entry key="1263">You cannot delete this folder, there are still messages inside! Delete first the messages or move them to another folder.</entry>
<entry key="1264">Edit name</entry>
<entry key="1265">Do you really want to delete this folder? There is no way to undo that.</entry>
<entry key="1266">Your request was send to the user. The user will receive a notification to accept or deny your request. Only accepted requests are in your contact list of course!</entry>
<entry key="1267">Message</entry>
<entry key="1268">The user does not share his personal contact data.</entry>
<entry key="1269">The user does share his personal contact data only to contacts.</entry>
<entry key="1270">Address &amp; Phone</entry>
<entry key="1271">You invitation code is no valid, the code is only valid during this specific date and time:</entry>
<entry key="1272">This event is connected to several calendars of other users. Your change will also update their calendar. Would you really like to update the event?</entry>
<entry key="1273">Confirm update</entry>
<entry key="1274">Allow contact to see my calendar (view only)</entry>
<entry key="1275">Do not share calendar</entry>
<entry key="1276">Calendar of contacts</entry>
<entry key="1277">Your contacts need to approve you first to be able to see their calendar.</entry>
<entry key="1278">You cannot store or delete events from other calendars then your own!</entry>
<entry key="1279">Show my own calendar again!</entry>
<entry key="1280">This event is connected to several calendars of other users. Your action will also delete the event from their calendar. Would you really like to delete the event?</entry>
<entry key="1281">Confirm action</entry>
<entry key="1282">Enter room</entry>
<entry key="1283">Access the conference room</entry>
<entry key="1284">There is a conference room and event booked with this private message.</entry>
<entry key="1285">You need to store the event first!</entry>
<entry key="1286">There is no such room available. The event in the calendar and connected room is already deleted!</entry>
<entry key="1287">Choose your nickname</entry>
<entry key="1288">Firstname</entry>
<entry key="1289">Lastname</entry>
<entry key="1290">Email</entry>
<entry key="1291">Ok</entry>
<entry key="1292">Minimum length 4 chars! For both, firstname and lastname.</entry>
<entry key="1293">Please enter a valid email!</entry>
<entry key="1294">Facebook</entry>
<entry key="1295">Login with your Facebook account</entry>
<entry key="1296">Member since</entry>
<entry key="1297">You've logged with your Facebook account. You should update your profile with the correct email. Otherwise you will not receive invitations and private messages from other users.</entry>
<entry key="1298">Message</entry>
<entry key="1299">Do not show update profile message again</entry>
<entry key="1300">more display options ...</entry>
<entry key="1301">New private message:</entry>
<entry key="1302">Click here to visit your profile to see the full message ...</entry>
<entry key="1303">Reply</entry>
<entry key="1304">Rooms and chats</entry>
<entry key="1305">My rooms</entry>
<entry key="1306">My conference room (for 1-16 users)</entry>
<entry key="1307">My webinar room (for 1-120 users)</entry>
<entry key="1308">Owner Id</entry>
<entry key="1309">Please enter a password</entry>
<entry key="1310">You need an account with User-Level User, Moderator or Admin</entry>
<entry key="1311">Web-Service (only access via SOAP)</entry>
<entry key="1312">Do directly load to whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1313">Do you really want to remove this whiteboard? This action cannot be undone!</entry>
<entry key="1314">Load to whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1315">Do not forget start recording! One user per room always needs to start it to have the recording afterwards.</entry>
<entry key="1316">Start Recording</entry>
<entry key="1317">Arrow</entry>
<entry key="1318">Circle</entry>
<entry key="1319">Line</entry>
<entry key="1320">Square</entry>
<entry key="1321">Triangle</entry>
<entry key="1322">Text/Note</entry>
<entry key="1323">Cliparts</entry>
<entry key="1324">Draw Free</entry>
<entry key="1325">Select/Move</entry>
<entry key="1326">Draw Shape</entry>
<entry key="1327">Cut/Move</entry>
<entry key="1328">Zoom In/Out</entry>
<entry key="1329">Print</entry>
<entry key="1330">Undo</entry>
<entry key="1331">Trash</entry>
<entry key="1332">Add Grid</entry>
<entry key="1333">Share File</entry>
<entry key="1334">Select Shape</entry>
<entry key="1335">Select Clipart</entry>
<entry key="1336">Copy</entry>
<entry key="1337">Cut</entry>
<entry key="1338">Paste</entry>
<entry key="1339">Delete</entry>
<entry key="1340">Do you really want to delete the complete content on the whiteboard?</entry>
<entry key="1341">Load directly to whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1342">Attendees</entry>
<entry key="1343">Attendee Manager</entry>
<entry key="1344">Present</entry>
<entry key="1345">Remote Controll</entry>
<entry key="1346">Eject</entry>
<entry key="1347">Chat</entry>
<entry key="1348">Invite Attendees</entry>
<entry key="1349">By Email</entry>
<entry key="1350">User is moderator</entry>
<entry key="1351">User has webcam switched on</entry>
<entry key="1352">Deactivate shape fill</entry>
<entry key="1353">Activate shape fill</entry>
<entry key="1354">Snap to Grid</entry>
<entry key="1355">Allow recording</entry>
<entry key="1356">Wait for recording</entry>
<entry key="1357">Hide topbar</entry>
<entry key="1358">Play video</entry>
<entry key="1359">Do you really want to delete the content on the current slide?</entry>
<entry key="1360">Accept and grant user right</entry>
<entry key="1361">Deny</entry>
<entry key="1362">I</entry>
<entry key="1363">Activities and actions</entry>
<entry key="1364">Remove whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1365">You need the moderation or the right to draw on the whiteboard to remove whiteboards!</entry>
<entry key="1366">Not allowed</entry>
<entry key="1367">has left the room.</entry>
<entry key="1368">Math icons</entry>
<entry key="1369">No category</entry>
<entry key="1370">Color-Style</entry>
<entry key="1371">Quality</entry>
<entry key="1372">Domain</entry>
<entry key="1373">visit</entry>
<entry key="1374">redorange</entry>
<entry key="1375">mediumseagreen</entry>
<entry key="1376">steelblue</entry>
<entry key="1377">lightsteelblue</entry>
<entry key="1378">goldenred</entry>
<entry key="1379">silvergray</entry>
<entry key="1380">userdefined</entry>
<entry key="1381">best</entry>
<entry key="1382">upload</entry>
<entry key="1383">medium</entry>
<entry key="1384">Mute microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1385">Unmute microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1386">Mute microphone of others</entry>
<entry key="1387">You are globally muted by the moderator. You cannot unmute yourself!</entry>
<entry key="1388">Mute microphone globally?</entry>
<entry key="1389">Do you really want to mute yourself globally? No other user will hear you anymore!</entry>
<entry key="1390">Mute microphone locally?</entry>
<entry key="1391">Do you really want to mute this microphone? You can only mute it locally on your screen. It has no effect to how other users hear this user. Only moderators can turn it off globally!</entry>
<entry key="1392">Mute microphone off globally?</entry>
<entry key="1393">Do you really want to mute this user globally? No other user will hear him anymore!</entry>
<entry key="1394">Your sound is on. Click here to send moderator message to mute your microphone globally (in the complete conference room) off!</entry>
<entry key="1395">Your sound is off. Click here to send moderator message to unmute your microphone globally (in the complete conference room) on!</entry>
<entry key="1396">would like that the moderator mutes my microphone globally.</entry>
<entry key="1397">would like that the moderator unmutes my microphone globally.</entry>
<entry key="1398">want that the moderator unmutes his/her microphone.</entry>
<entry key="1399">want that the moderator mutes his/her microphone.</entry>
<entry key="1400">Unmute microphone. Click here to mute his/her microphone globally!</entry>
<entry key="1401">Mute microphone. Click here to unmute his/her microphone globally!</entry>
<entry key="1402">This user is globally muted by the moderator. You cannot unmute him!</entry>
<entry key="1403">Mute your microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1404">Unmute your microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1405">Mute microphone</entry>
<entry key="1406">Unmute microphone</entry>
<entry key="1407">Mute microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1408">Unmute microphone globally</entry>
<entry key="1409">Only moderators can mute or unmute an user globally! To mute your own microphone: Please use the microphone icon in your video pod!</entry>
<entry key="1410">Poll Name</entry>
<entry key="1411">You</entry>
<entry key="1412">Archieved Polls</entry>
<entry key="1413">active</entry>
<entry key="1414">Simple Chart</entry>
<entry key="1415">Pie Chart</entry>
<entry key="1416">Please enter email</entry>
<entry key="1417">New message(s)</entry>
<entry key="1418">Close Poll</entry>
<entry key="1419">Are you sure you want to close this Poll? No one will be able to vote</entry>
<entry key="1420">Delete Poll</entry>
<entry key="1421">Are you sure you want to delete this Poll? The results will be deleted as well.</entry>
<entry key="1422">Language ISO Code</entry>
<entry key="1423">Allow/Deny right to give exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1424">Allow user to give exclusive audio</entry>
<entry key="1425">Deny user to give exclusive audio</entry>
<entry key="1426">would like to get a permission for exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1427">want that the moderator gives me a permission for exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1428">Give a permission for exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1429">Cam resolution</entry>
<entry key="1430">Changing the resolution affects bandwidth, bigger picture needs more bandwith!</entry>
<entry key="1431">You don't have the right to give yourself or others exclusive audio. You need to apply for the right from the moderator or ask the moderator to give you exclusive audio.</entry>
<entry key="1432">I would like to get the right for exclusive audio</entry>
<entry key="1433">Give exclusive audio to me (alternatively click on your video pod or press F12)</entry>
<entry key="1434">Microphone is on!</entry>
<entry key="1435">Microphone is muted</entry>
<entry key="1436">Hide chat</entry>
<entry key="1437">Hide activities</entry>
<entry key="1438">Hide files explorer</entry>
<entry key="1439">Hide actions menu</entry>
<entry key="1440">Hide screen sharing</entry>
<entry key="1441">Hide whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1442">Show micro status in video</entry>
<entry key="1443">Layout options</entry>
<entry key="1444">New Event</entry>
<entry key="1445">Password protected are the links to the conference that are send to the participents when you save the calendar event, not the room! That means if you save the event multiple times but with different passwords every participent receives a new link that has a different password. But old links still work once send!</entry>
<entry key="1446">Edit details</entry>
<entry key="1447">Show sip dialer</entry>
<entry key="1448">Call</entry>
<entry key="1449">Show calendar events of contact</entry>
<entry key="1450">Your home!</entry>
<entry key="1451">Plan your meetings</entry>
<entry key="1452">Watch recording and interviews</entry>
<entry key="1453">Choose and start a web-conference</entry>
<entry key="1454">Manage users and rights</entry>
<entry key="1455">Manage connections and kick users</entry>
<entry key="1456">Manage usergroups</entry>
<entry key="1457">Manage conference rooms</entry>
<entry key="1458">Manage system settings</entry>
<entry key="1459">Manage labels and wording</entry>
<entry key="1460">Manage LDAP and ADS configurations</entry>
<entry key="1461">Export/Import System Backups</entry>
<entry key="1462">You need moderation or the right to draw on whiteboard to upload, add, delete or load files and folders.</entry>
<entry key="1463">Edit text</entry>
<entry key="1464">Prof</entry>
<entry key="1465">Publish</entry>
<entry key="1466">Start Publish</entry>
<entry key="1467">Stop Publish</entry>
<entry key="1468">Host</entry>
<entry key="1469">Publish App</entry>
<entry key="1470">Publish Id</entry>
<entry key="1471">Reduce the width of the SharingScreen before you try to move it left</entry>
<entry key="1472">Reduce the height of the SharingScreen before you try to move it bottom</entry>
<entry key="1473">Reduce the x of the SharingScreen before you try to make it wider</entry>
<entry key="1474">Reduce the y of the SharingScreen before you try to make it higher</entry>
<entry key="1475">Fill these settings stream your screen data to 3th party providers like</entry>
<entry key="1476">Please start Screen sharing to be able to publish it</entry>
<entry key="1477">Moderator permission required to start recording</entry>
<entry key="1478">You don't have permission to apply exclusive audio to any participant. You need moderation role or the right for exclusive audio to make any microphone exclusive turned on..</entry>
<entry key="1479">Upload new file to file explorer</entry>
<entry key="1480">Open new dialog with sharing settings</entry>
<entry key="1481">An existing moderator must approve it</entry>
<entry key="1482">Ask moderator to share your webcam/micro</entry>
<entry key="1483">Gather feedback by creating a poll</entry>
<entry key="1484">Past and current poll results as charts</entry>
<entry key="1485">Vote if there is a poll for this conference room</entry>
<entry key="1486">Edit cam and mic settings</entry>
<entry key="1487">Confirm and leave the room</entry>
<entry key="1488">Call external people via VoIP/SIP</entry>
<entry key="1489">Send an email with a direct link to this room</entry>
<entry key="1490">Change your whiteboard settings</entry>
<entry key="1491">Max upload size</entry>
<entry key="1492">Ask moderator to share your whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1493">Start Private Chat</entry>
<entry key="1494">All</entry>
<entry key="1495">You cannot start a private chat with yourself.</entry>
<entry key="1496">You've already started a private chat with this participant.</entry>
<entry key="1497">Do you really want to delete this private chat?</entry>
<entry key="1498">Servers</entry>
<entry key="1499">Servers participating in cluster</entry>
<entry key="1500">Server Name</entry>
<entry key="1501">Server Address</entry>
<entry key="1502">Server details</entry>
<entry key="1503">Send SMS</entry>
<entry key="1504">Publishing. User:</entry>
<entry key="1505">To save time and internet traffic you can use command line admin to backup/restore/upgrade: &lt;ol&gt; &lt;li&gt;go to OM install dir (for ex. /opt/red5)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;stop OM (for ex. ./;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;./ -b -file ~/ (create backup of current OM)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;download archive with new OM&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;mv /opt/red5 /opt.red5.bak (move working version of OM just in case :))&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;extract downloaded OM to the /opt/red5&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;./ -i -file ~/ (or './ -i -file ~/ --db-type mysql --db-user om_user --db-pass om_user_pass' in case of you are using non-default DB )&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;start OM&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ol&gt;</entry>
<entry key="1506">Rooms common to all user</entry>
<entry key="1507">Rooms common to the current user group</entry>
<entry key="1508">Rooms of the current user</entry>
<entry key="1509">Create/Modify appointment special room</entry>
<entry key="1510">You can enter multiple addresses in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt;,"firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt;,'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt;, ...</entry>
<entry key="1511">Adjust stream volume</entry>
<entry key="1512">Adjust microphone volume</entry>
<entry key="1513">Is chat moderated</entry>
<entry key="1514">Allow message</entry>
<entry key="1515">Chat panel opened by default</entry>
<entry key="1516">Files panel opened by default</entry>
<entry key="1517">Last ping</entry>
<entry key="1518">Every slave sends a ping to the master every 3 seconds (configurable). Slave lastPing must be smaller then 1 minute so that the master uses the slave.</entry>
<entry key="1519">HTTP Port</entry>
<entry key="1520">User (SOAP-Access)</entry>
<entry key="1521">Password</entry>
<entry key="1522">Webapp path</entry>
<entry key="1523">Protocol</entry>
<entry key="1524">Ping running</entry>
<entry key="1525">Active</entry>
<entry key="1526">Generate URL</entry>
<entry key="1527">Network testing</entry>
<entry key="1528">Auto select interview video pod</entry>
<entry key="1529">Underline</entry>
<entry key="1530">Font style</entry>
<entry key="1531">Allow font styles</entry>
<entry key="1532">Font color</entry>
<entry key="1533">Hyperlink</entry>
<entry key="1534">Show session statistics</entry>
<entry key="1535">Session details</entry>
<entry key="1536">System import</entry>
<entry key="1537">Include uploaded files and recordings in backup</entry>
<entry key="1538">Enable SIP transport in the room</entry>
<entry key="1539">Do you really want to provide this user an exclusive audio?</entry>
<entry key="1540">Please specify your timezone</entry>
<entry key="1541">conference (1-25 users)</entry>
<entry key="1542">restricted (1-150 users)</entry>
<entry key="1543">interview (1:1 meeting with recording)</entry>
<entry key="1544">Configuration with given key already exists, please specify another key or edit existent configuration</entry>
<entry key="1545">Content is Saving, Please wait.</entry>
<entry key="1546">Welcome</entry>
<entry key="1547">Widget displaying basic user info and support links</entry>
<entry key="1548">Widgets</entry>
<entry key="1549">About</entry>
<entry key="1550">Name</entry>
<entry key="1551">Version</entry>
<entry key="1552">Revision</entry>
<entry key="1553">Build date</entry>
<entry key="1554">Loading ...</entry>
<entry key="1555">today</entry>
<entry key="1556">Jan</entry>
<entry key="1557">Feb</entry>
<entry key="1558">Mar</entry>
<entry key="1559">Apr</entry>
<entry key="1560">May</entry>
<entry key="1561">Jun</entry>
<entry key="1562">Jul</entry>
<entry key="1563">Aug</entry>
<entry key="1564">Sep</entry>
<entry key="1565">Oct</entry>
<entry key="1566">Nov</entry>
<entry key="1567">Dec</entry>
<entry key="1568">do not send notification</entry>
<entry key="1569">simple email</entry>
<entry key="1570">iCal email</entry>
<entry key="1571">OAuth2</entry>
<entry key="1572">Manage OAuth2 configurations</entry>
<entry key="1573">Name</entry>
<entry key="1574">Enabled</entry>
<entry key="1575">Icon URL</entry>
<entry key="1576">client_id</entry>
<entry key="1577">client_secret</entry>
<entry key="1578">Request key URL</entry>
<entry key="1579">Request token URL</entry>
<entry key="1580">Request info URL</entry>
<entry key="1581">OAuth2 config</entry>
<entry key="1582">Login param name</entry>
<entry key="1583">Email param name</entry>
<entry key="1584">Firstname param name</entry>
<entry key="1585">Lastname param name</entry>
<entry key="1586">Request token attributes</entry>
<entry key="1587">Redirect uri</entry>
<entry key="1588">You can enter email address in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt; or "firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt; or 'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt; or email</entry>
<entry key="1589">Notify on disconnect</entry>
<entry key="1590">Display</entry>
<entry key="1591">Your account has been created. Confirmation email has been sent. You can now login.</entry>
<entry key="1592">End date entered is earlier than start date.</entry>
<entry key="1593">Exit value</entry>
<entry key="1594">Conversion messages</entry>
<entry key="1595">Recording file is not found</entry>
<entry key="1596">Add Whiteboard</entry>
<entry key="1597">You can enter address in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt; OR "firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt; OR 'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt;</entry>
<entry key="1598">Security</entry>
<entry key="1599">Access denied. You have no rights to enter this room.</entry>
<entry key="1600">Re-convert</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.install.header">Installation</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.welcome.panel"><![CDATA[
<a id="Enabling_Image_Upload_and_import_to_whiteboard"></a>Enabling
Image Upload and import to whiteboard<a
<li>Install <strong>ImageMagick</strong> on the server, you can
get more information on <a target="_blank"
href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
regarding installation. The instructions for installation can be
found there <a target="_blank"
however on most linux systems you can get it via your favorite
package managers (apt-get it)
<a id="Enabling_import_of_PDFs_into_whiteboard"></a>Enabling
import of PDFs into whiteboard<a
<li>Install <strong>GhostScript</strong> on the server, you can
get more information on <a target="_blank"
href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
regarding installation. The instructions for installation can be
found there, however on most linux systems you can get it via your
favorite package managers (apt-get it).
<li>Install <strong>SWFTools</strong> on the server, you can get
more information on <a target="_blank"
href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
regarding installation. Some of the Linux distributions already have
it in there package manager see <a target="_blank"
the recommended version of <strong>SWFTools</strong> is 0.9 as prior
version have a bug that does lead to wrong object dimensions in the
import of .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pptx, ... all Office Documents into
<li><strong>OpenOffice-Service</strong> started and listening on
port 8100, see <a target="_blank"
for details</li>
Recording and import of .avi, .flv, .mov and .mp4 into whiteboard<a
<li>Install <strong>FFMpeg</strong>. You should get FFMPEG in an
up to date copy! For Windows you can download a Build for example
from <a target="_blank" href=""
rel="nofollow"></a> Linux or OSx
Users should be able to use one of the various Installation
Instructions on the Web. You need to enable libmp3lame!
<li>Install <strong>SoX</strong> <a
href="" target="_BLANK"></a>.
You should install SoX in a up to date copy! SoX 12.xx will NOT
<br />
<b> <span style="font-size: 1.2em">If you have further
questions or need support in installation or hosting:</span></b>
<br />
<br />
<b><span style="font-size: 1.2em">Community-Support:</span></b>
<br />
<br />
<span style="font-size: 1.1em"><a
target="_blank">Mailing lists</a></span>
<br />
<br />
<b> <span style="font-size: 1.2em">Commercial-Support:</span></b>
<br />
<br />
<span style="font-size: 1.1em"><a
<br />
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.note"><![CDATA[
<a id="Recommendation_for_production_environment"></a>Recommendation
for production environment<a target="_blank"
By default {0} uses the integrated {1} database. For
production environment you should consider using {2}, {3}, {4}, {5} or {6}
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.derby"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">Apache Derby</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.mysql"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">MySQL</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.postgresql"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">PostgreSql</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.db2"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">IBM DB2</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.instructions.mssql"><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">MSSQL</a>]]></entry>
<entry key=""><![CDATA[<a target="_blank" href="">Oracle</a>]]></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.field.title">DB configuration</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.dbtype">Choose DB type</entry>
<entry key="">IBM DB2</entry>
<entry key="">Apache Derby</entry>
<entry key="">MSSQL</entry>
<entry key="">MySQL</entry>
<entry key="">Oracle</entry>
<entry key="">PostgreSql</entry>
<entry key="">Specify DB host</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.port">Specify DB port</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.dbname">Specify the name of the database</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.user">Specify DB user</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.pass">Specify DB password</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.check">Check</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.errorprops">Unable to get the properties</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.nodriver">Unable to load proper DB driver, please download appropriate jar file, and restart the OM. Instructions: {0}</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.notvalid">Database check was unsuccessfull</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.error.patch">Unexpected error while patching persistence file: {0}</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.db.step.valid">Database check was successfull</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.userdata">Userdata</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.username">Username</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.username.title">Enter a username</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.password">Userpass</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.password.title">Enter a password</entry>
<entry key="">EMail</entry>
<entry key="">Enter a EMail</entry>
<entry key="">User Time Zone</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step1.groupdata">Organisation(Domains)</entry>
<entry key="">Name</entry>
<entry key="">Enter a default Organisation</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.configuration">Configuration</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.allowFrontendRegister">Allow self-registering (allow_frontend_register)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.sendEmailAtRegister">Send Email to new registered Users (sendEmailAtRegister)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.sendEmailWithVerficationCode">New Users need to verify their EMail (sendEmailWithVerficationCode)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.createDefaultRooms">Default Rooms of all types will be created</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailReferer">Mail-Referer (system_email_addr)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailReferer.title">Enter a Referer</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.smtpServer">SMTP-Server (smtp_server)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.smtpServer.title">Enter a SMTP-Server</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.smtpPort">SMTP-Server Port(default Smtp-Server Port is 25) (smtp_port)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.smtpPort.title">Enter a SMTP-Server.Port normally 25</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailAuthName">SMTP-Username (email_username)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailAuthName.title">Enter the mail-username</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailAuthPass">SMTP-Userpass (email_userpass)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailAuthPass.title">Enter the mail-userpass</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.mailUseTls">Enable TLS in Mail Server Auth</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.replyToOrganizer">Set inviter's email
address as ReplyTo in email invitations (</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.defaultLangId">Default Language</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step2.defaultExportFont">Default Font for Export [default_export_font]</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.converters">Converters</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.seeAlso"> see also</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.installation">Installation</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfZoom">SWFTools Zoom</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfZoom.title">Enter the dpi that swftools will use for PDF to SWF conversion</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfZoom.text">DPI that swftools will use for PDF to SWF conversion (default is 100)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfJpegQuality">SWFTools JPEG Quality</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfJpegQuality.title">Enter the quality of embedded jpeg pictures to quality. 0 is worst (small), 100 is best (big). (default:85)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfJpegQuality.text">Enter the quality of embedded jpeg pictures to quality. 0 is worst (small),
100 is best (big). (default:85)</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfPath">SWFTools Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfPath.title">Enter the path to swftools for example C:/swftools (Windows) or leave blank if swftools is a known to your system path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.swfPath.text">
You can test if swftools is installed into system path by
opening a shell or cmd-prompt and type pdf2swf If this shows
a list of options leave this field blank otherwise you have to
specify the path to pdf2swf on your system
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.imageMagicPath">ImageMagick Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.imageMagicPath.title">Enter the path to ImageMagick, leave blank if ImageMagick is successfully installed to system-path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.imageMagicPath.text"></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.ffmpegPath">FFMPEG Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.ffmpegPath.title">Enter the path to FFMPEG, leave blank if FFMPEG is successfully installed to system-path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.ffmpegPath.text"></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.soxPath">SoX Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.soxPath.title">Enter the path to SoX, leave blank if SoX is successfully installed to system-path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.soxPath.text"></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.jodPath">JOD Path</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.jodPath.title">The path to JOD library (, configure the path to point to the lib directory of JOD that contains also the jodconverter-core-version.jar</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.jodPath.text"></entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.officePath">OpenOffice/LibreOffice Path for jodconverter</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.officePath.title">The path to OpenOffice/LibreOffice (optional) please set this to the real path in case jodconverter is unable to find OpenOffice/LibreOffice installation automatically</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step3.officePath.text">The path to OpenOffice/LibreOffice (optional) please set this
to the real path in case jodconverter is unable to find
OpenOffice/LibreOffice installation
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.crypt">Crypt Type</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.cryptClassName">Crypt Class</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.cryptClassName.title">Enter the Class name of the Encryption Class. DO NOT ALTER THIS IF YOU ARE NOT SURE</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.cryptClassName.text"><![CDATA[
You can use this default crypt type which is equal to
PHP-MD5 function or BSD-Style encryption by using:<b>org.apache.openmeetings.utils.crypt.MD5CryptImplementation</b>
for more information or to write your own Crypt-Style see: <a
target="_blank">Custom Crypt Mechanism</a> You can edit this
value later BUT previous created Users and Sessions might be not
usable anymore
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SIP">red5SIP Configuration</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipEnable">Enable SIP</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipEnable.text">Enable red5SIP integration</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipRoomPrefix">SIP rooms prefix</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipRoomPrefix.text">Prefix for phone number of conference rooms</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipExtenContext">SIP extensions context</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.params.step4.red5SipExtenContext.text">Context of Asterisk extensions</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.install.desc">Please click "Finish" button to start installation!</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.install.started">Please wait, installation in progress</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.install.failed">Installation is failed</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.enter">Enter the Application</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.port">If your Red5-Server runs on a different Port or on a different domain</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.config">alter the config values of the client</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.mail">Mailing list</entry>
<entry key="install.wizard.congrats.commercial">There are some companies
that also offer commercial support for Apache OpenMeetings:</entry>