blob: d34cde56b3404ec0f69ecae0afadd8b8020f9abb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.openmeetings.remote;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.openmeetings.OpenmeetingsVariables;
import org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.poll.PollType;
import org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.poll.RoomPoll;
import org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.poll.RoomPollAnswers;
import org.apache.openmeetings.remote.red5.ScopeApplicationAdapter;
import org.apache.openmeetings.session.ISessionManager;
import org.red5.logging.Red5LoggerFactory;
import org.red5.server.api.IConnection;
import org.red5.server.api.Red5;
import org.red5.server.api.service.IPendingServiceCall;
import org.red5.server.api.service.IPendingServiceCallback;
import org.red5.server.api.service.IServiceCapableConnection;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
* @author swagner
public class PollService implements IPendingServiceCallback {
private static final Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(
PollService.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);
private ISessionManager sessionManager;
private UserManager userManager;
private ScopeApplicationAdapter scopeApplicationAdapter;
private PollManager pollManager;
public String createPoll(String pollName, String pollQuestion, int pollTypeId) {
String returnValue = "";
try {
log.debug("createPoll: " + pollQuestion);
IConnection currentcon = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
Client rc = sessionManager.getClientByStreamId(currentcon
.getClient().getId(), null);
log.debug("rc: " + rc.getStreamid() + " " + rc.getUsername() + " "
+ rc.getIsMod());
if (rc.getIsMod()) {
// will move all existing polls to the archive
sendNotification(currentcon, "newPoll",
new Object[] { pollManager.createPoll(rc,
pollName, pollQuestion, (long) pollTypeId) });
returnValue = "200";
} else {
returnValue = "202";
} catch (Exception err) {
returnValue = "203";
log.error("[createPoll]", err);
return returnValue;
public boolean closePoll() {
try {
log.debug("closePoll: ");
IConnection currentcon = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
Client rc = sessionManager.getClientByStreamId(currentcon
.getClient().getId(), null);
log.debug("rc: " + rc.getStreamid() + " " + rc.getUsername() + " "
+ rc.getIsMod());
if (rc.getIsMod()) {
// will move all existing polls to the archive
return pollManager.closePoll(rc.getRoom_id());
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[closePoll]", err);
return false;
public boolean deletePoll(Long poll_id) {
try {
log.debug("closePoll: ");
IConnection currentcon = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
Client rc = sessionManager.getClientByStreamId(currentcon
.getClient().getId(), null);
log.debug("rc: " + rc.getStreamid() + " " + rc.getUsername() + " "
+ rc.getIsMod());
if (rc.getIsMod()) {
// will move all existing polls to the archive
return pollManager.deletePoll(poll_id);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[closePoll]", err);
return false;
public void sendNotification(IConnection current, String clientFunction,
Object[] obj) throws Exception {
// Notify all clients of the same scope (room)
Client rc = this.sessionManager.getClientByStreamId(current
.getClient().getId(), null);
Collection<Set<IConnection>> conCollection = current.getScope()
for (Set<IConnection> conset : conCollection) {
for (IConnection conn : conset) {
if (conn != null) {
if (conn instanceof IServiceCapableConnection) {
Client rcl = this.sessionManager
.getClientByStreamId(conn.getClient().getId(), null);
if (rcl.getIsScreenClient() != null
&& rcl.getIsScreenClient()) {
// continue;
} else {
if (rcl.getRoom_id() != null && rcl.getRoom_id().equals(rc.getRoom_id())) {
((IServiceCapableConnection) conn).invoke(
clientFunction, obj,
log.debug("sending " + clientFunction + " to "
+ conn + " " + conn.getClient().getId());
public List<PollType> getPollTypeList() {
return pollManager.getPollTypes();
public int vote(int pollvalue, int pollTypeId) {
int returnVal = 0;
try {
log.debug("PollService::vote: Enter");
IConnection current = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
String streamid = current.getClient().getId();
Client rc = sessionManager.getClientByStreamId(streamid, null);
if (rc == null) {
log.error("RoomClient IS NULL for ClientID: "
+ current.getClient().getId());
return -1;
long roomId = rc.getRoom_id();
if (!pollManager.hasPoll(roomId)) {
log.error("POLL IS NULL for RoomId: " + rc.getRoom_id());
return -1;
if (pollManager.hasVoted(roomId, rc.getUser_id())) {
log.debug("hasVoted: true");
return -1;
// get Poll
RoomPoll roomP = pollManager.getPoll(roomId);
log.debug("vote: " + pollvalue + " " + pollTypeId + " "
+ roomP.getPollQuestion());
log.debug("hasVoted: false");
RoomPollAnswers rpA = new RoomPollAnswers();
if (roomP.getPollType().getIsNumericAnswer()) {
} else {
// Is boolean Question
rpA.setAnswer(new Boolean(pollvalue == 1));
rpA.setVoteDate(new Date());
return 1;
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[vote]", err);
return returnVal;
public RoomPoll getVotes() {
return getPoll();
public RoomPoll getPoll() {
try {
IConnection current = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
Client rc = this.sessionManager.getClientByStreamId(current
.getClient().getId(), null);
// get Poll
return pollManager.getPoll(rc.getRoom_id());
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[getPoll]", err);
return null;
public int checkHasVoted() {
try {
IConnection current = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
String streamid = current.getClient().getId();
Client rc = this.sessionManager
.getClientByStreamId(streamid, null);
long roomId = rc.getRoom_id();
if (pollManager.hasPoll(roomId)) {
return pollManager.hasVoted(roomId, rc.getUser_id()) ? -1 : 1;
} else {
return -2;
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[checkHasVoted]", err);
return 0;
public List<RoomPoll> getArchivedPollList() {
try {
IConnection current = Red5.getConnectionLocal();
Client rc = this.sessionManager.getClientByStreamId(current
.getClient().getId(), null);
// get Poll
return pollManager.getArchivedPollList(rc.getRoom_id());
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[getArchivedPollList]", err);
return null;
public void resultReceived(IPendingServiceCall arg0) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub