blob: e80e398058ab24aa9b36f290ca354966599e63ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.basic.Sessiondata;
import org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.user.User;
public class UserWebServiceFacade extends BaseWebService {
* load this session id before doing anything else
* @return Sessiondata-Object
public Sessiondata getSession() throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).getSession();
* auth function, use the SID you get by getSession
* @param SID
* @param Username
* @param Userpass
* @return positive means Loggedin, if negativ its an ErrorCode, you have to
* invoke the Method getErrorByCode to get the Text-Description of
* that ErrorCode
public Long loginUser(String SID, String username, String userpass)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).loginUser(SID, username, userpass);
* Gets the Error-Object
* @param SID
* @param errorid
* @param language_id
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public ErrorResult getErrorByCode(String SID, Long errorid, Long language_id) throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).getErrorByCode(SID, errorid, language_id);
public Long addNewUser(String SID, String username, String userpass,
String lastname, String firstname, String email,
String additionalname, String street, String zip, String fax,
long states_id, String town, long language_id, String baseURL)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).addNewUser(SID, username, userpass,
lastname, firstname, email, additionalname, street, zip, fax,
states_id, town, language_id, baseURL);
public Long addNewUserWithTimeZone(String SID, String username,
String userpass, String lastname, String firstname, String email,
String additionalname, String street, String zip, String fax,
long states_id, String town, long language_id, String baseURL,
String jNameTimeZone) throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).addNewUserWithTimeZone(SID, username,
userpass, lastname, firstname, email, additionalname, street,
zip, fax, states_id, town, language_id, baseURL, jNameTimeZone);
* Adds a user with an externalUserId and type, but checks if the user/type
* does already exist
* @param SID
* @param username
* @param userpass
* @param lastname
* @param firstname
* @param email
* @param additionalname
* @param street
* @param zip
* @param fax
* @param states_id
* @param town
* @param language_id
* @param jNameTimeZone
* @param externalUserId
* @param externalUserType
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long addNewUserWithExternalType(String SID, String username,
String userpass, String lastname, String firstname, String email,
String additionalname, String street, String zip, String fax,
long states_id, String town, long language_id,
String jNameTimeZone, String externalUserId, String externalUserType)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).addNewUserWithExternalType(SID, username,
userpass, lastname, firstname, email, additionalname, street,
zip, fax, states_id, town, language_id, jNameTimeZone,
externalUserId, externalUserType);
* delete a user by its id
* @param SID
* @param userId
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long deleteUserById(String SID, Long userId) throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).deleteUserById(SID, userId);
* delete a user by its external user id and type
* @param SID
* @param externalUserId
* @param externalUserType
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long deleteUserByExternalUserIdAndType(String SID,
String externalUserId, String externalUserType) throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).deleteUserByExternalUserIdAndType(SID,
externalUserId, externalUserType);
* @param SID
* @param firstname
* @param lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long setUserObject(String SID, String username, String firstname,
String lastname, String profilePictureUrl, String email)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).setUserObject(SID, username, firstname,
lastname, profilePictureUrl, email);
* This is the advanced technique to set the User Object + simulate a User
* from the external system, this is needed cause you can that always
* simulate to same user in openmeetings
* @param SID
* @param username
* @param firstname
* @param lastname
* @param profilePictureUrl
* @param email
* @param externalUserId
* the User Id of the external System
* @param externalUserType
* the Name of the external system, for example you can run
* several external system and one meeting server
* @return
* @throws AxisFault
public Long setUserObjectWithExternalUser(String SID, String username,
String firstname, String lastname, String profilePictureUrl,
String email, String externalUserId, String externalUserType)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).setUserObjectWithExternalUser(SID,
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl, email,
externalUserId, externalUserType);
public String setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHash(String SID, String username,
String firstname, String lastname, String profilePictureUrl,
String email, String externalUserId, String externalUserType,
Long room_id, int becomeModeratorAsInt, int showAudioVideoTestAsInt)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHash(SID,
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl, email,
externalUserId, externalUserType, room_id,
becomeModeratorAsInt, showAudioVideoTestAsInt);
public String setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURL(String SID,
String username, String firstname, String lastname,
String profilePictureUrl, String email, String externalUserId,
String externalUserType, Long room_id, int becomeModeratorAsInt,
int showAudioVideoTestAsInt) throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURL(SID,
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl, email,
externalUserId, externalUserType, room_id,
becomeModeratorAsInt, showAudioVideoTestAsInt);
public String setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag(String SID,
String username, String firstname, String lastname,
String profilePictureUrl, String email, String externalUserId,
String externalUserType, Long room_id, int becomeModeratorAsInt,
int showAudioVideoTestAsInt, int allowRecording) throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class)
.setUserObjectAndGenerateRoomHashByURLAndRecFlag(SID, username,
firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl, email,
externalUserId, externalUserType, room_id,
becomeModeratorAsInt, showAudioVideoTestAsInt,
public String setUserObjectMainLandingZone(String SID, String username,
String firstname, String lastname, String profilePictureUrl,
String email, String externalUserId, String externalUserType)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).setUserObjectMainLandingZone(SID,
username, firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl, email,
externalUserId, externalUserType);
public String setUserAndNickName(String SID, String username,
String firstname, String lastname, String profilePictureUrl,
String email, String externalUserId, String externalUserType,
Long room_id, int becomeModeratorAsInt,
int showAudioVideoTestAsInt, int showNickNameDialogAsInt)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).setUserAndNickName(SID, username,
firstname, lastname, profilePictureUrl, email, externalUserId,
externalUserType, room_id, becomeModeratorAsInt,
showAudioVideoTestAsInt, showNickNameDialogAsInt);
public String setUserObjectAndGenerateRecordingHashByURL(String SID,
String username, String firstname, String lastname,
String externalUserId, String externalUserType, Long recording_id)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class)
.setUserObjectAndGenerateRecordingHashByURL(SID, username,
firstname, lastname, externalUserId, externalUserType,
public Long addUserToOrganisation(String SID, Long user_id,
Long organisation_id, Long insertedby)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).addUserToOrganisation(SID, user_id,
organisation_id, insertedby);
public UserSearchResult getUsersByOrganisation(String SID,
long organisation_id, int start, int max, String orderby,
boolean asc) throws AxisFault {
return new UserSearchResult(getBean(UserWebService.class).getUsersByOrganisation(SID,
organisation_id, start, max, orderby, asc));
public Boolean kickUserByPublicSID(String SID, String publicSID)
throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).kickUserByPublicSID(SID, publicSID);
public Long addOrganisation(String SID, String name) throws AxisFault {
return getBean(UserWebService.class).addOrganisation(SID, name);