blob: a0027c10d7b2db927ca05de99c308de13d742614 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault;
import org.apache.openmeetings.OpenmeetingsVariables;
import org.apache.openmeetings.documents.LoadLibraryPresentation;
import org.apache.openmeetings.documents.beans.ConverterProcessResultList;
import org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.files.FileExplorerItem;
import org.apache.openmeetings.persistence.beans.user.User;
import org.apache.openmeetings.utils.OmFileHelper;
import org.apache.openmeetings.utils.StoredFile;
import org.red5.logging.Red5LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
* Contains methods to import and upload files into the Files section of the
* conference room and the personal drive of any user
* @author sebawagner
* @webservice FileService
public class FileWebService {
private static final Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(
FileWebService.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);
private SessiondataDao sessiondataDao;
private UserManager userManager;
private FileExplorerItemDao fileExplorerItemDao;
private AuthLevelUtil authLevelUtil;
private FileProcessor fileProcessor;
private FileUtils fileUtils;
* Import file from external source
* to upload a file to a room-drive you specify: externalUserId, user if of
* openmeetings user for which we upload the file room_id = openmeetings
* room id isOwner = 0 parentFolderId = 0
* to upload a file to a private-drive you specify: externalUserId, user if
* of openmeetings user for which we upload the file room_id = openmeetings
* room id isOwner = 1 parentFolderId = -2
* @param SID The logged in session id with minimum webservice level
* @param externalUserId
* the external user id => If the file should goto a private
* section of any user, this number needs to be set
* @param externalFileId
* the external file-type to identify the file later
* @param externalType
* the name of the external system
* @param room_id
* the room Id, if the file goes to the private folder of an
* user, you can set a random number here
* @param isOwner
* specify a 1/true AND parentFolderId==-2 to make the file goto
* the private section
* @param path
* http-path where we can grab the file from, the file has to be
* accessible from the OpenMeetings server
* @param parentFolderId
* specify a parentFolderId==-2 AND isOwner == 1/true AND to make
* the file goto the private section
* @param fileSystemName
* the filename => Important WITH file extension!
* @return - array of file import errors
* @throws AxisFault
public FileImportError[] importFile(String SID, String externalUserId,
Long externalFileId, String externalType, Long room_id,
boolean isOwner, String path, Long parentFolderId,
String fileSystemName) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long User_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(User_level)) {
URL url = new URL(path);
URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
InputStream inputstream = new BufferedInputStream(
User externalUser = userManager.getUserByExternalIdAndType(
externalUserId, externalType);
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> hs = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
hs.put("user", externalUser);
ConverterProcessResultList returnError = fileProcessor
.processFile(externalUser.getUser_id(), room_id,
isOwner, inputstream, parentFolderId,
externalFileId, externalType);
// Flash cannot read the response of an upload
// httpServletResponse.getWriter().print(returnError);
hs.put("message", "library");
hs.put("action", "newFile");
hs.put("fileExplorerItem", fileExplorerItemDao
hs.put("error", returnError.getLogMessage());
hs.put("fileName", returnError.getCompleteName());
//FIXME: Send event to UI that there is a new file
return returnError.convertToFileImportErrors();
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[importFile]", err);
return null;
* Import file from external source
* to upload a file to a room-drive you specify: internalUserId, user if of
* openmeetings user for which we upload the file room_id = openmeetings
* room id isOwner = 0 parentFolderId = 0
* to upload a file to a private-drive you specify: internalUserId, user if
* of openmeetings user for which we upload the file room_id = openmeetings
* room id isOwner = 1 parentFolderId = -2
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param internalUserId
* the openmeetings user id =&gt; If the file should goto a private
* section of any user, this number needs to be se
* @param externalFileId
* the external file-type to identify the file later
* @param externalType
* the name of the external system
* @param room_id
* the room Id, if the file goes to the private folder of an
* user, you can set a random number here
* @param isOwner
* specify a 1/true AND parentFolderId==-2 to make the file goto
* the private section
* @param path
* http-path where we can grab the file from, the file has to be
* accessible from the OpenMeetings server
* @param parentFolderId
* specify a parentFolderId==-2 AND isOwner == 1/true AND to make
* the file goto the private section
* @param fileSystemName
* the filename =&gt; Important WITH file extension!
* @return - array of file import errors
* @throws AxisFault
public FileImportError[] importFileByInternalUserId(String SID,
Long internalUserId, Long externalFileId, String externalType,
Long room_id, boolean isOwner, String path, Long parentFolderId,
String fileSystemName) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long User_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(User_level)) {
URL url = new URL(path);
URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
InputStream inputstream = new BufferedInputStream(
User internalUser = userManager.getUserById(internalUserId);
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> hs = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
hs.put("user", internalUser);
ConverterProcessResultList returnError = fileProcessor
.processFile(internalUser.getUser_id(), room_id,
isOwner, inputstream, parentFolderId,
externalFileId, externalType);
// Flash cannot read the response of an upload
// httpServletResponse.getWriter().print(returnError);
hs.put("message", "library");
hs.put("action", "newFile");
hs.put("fileExplorerItem", fileExplorerItemDao
hs.put("error", returnError);
hs.put("fileName", returnError.getCompleteName());
//FIXME: Notificate UI of clients of new file
return returnError.convertToFileImportErrors();
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[importFileByInternalUserId]", err);
return null;
* to add a folder to the private drive, set parentFileExplorerItemId = 0
* and isOwner to 1/true and externalUserId/externalUserType to a valid user
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param externalUserId
* the external file-type to identify the file later
* @param parentFileExplorerItemId
* @param folderName
* the name of the folder
* @param room_id
* the room Id, if the file goes to the private folder of an
* user, you can set a random number here
* @param isOwner
* specify a 1/true AND parentFolderId==-2 to make the file goto
* the private section
* @param externalFilesid
* the external file-type to identify the file later
* @param externalType
* the name of the external system
* @return - id of folder added
* @throws AxisFault
public Long addFolderByExternalUserIdAndType(String SID,
String externalUserId, Long parentFileExplorerItemId,
String folderName, Long room_id, Boolean isOwner,
Long externalFilesid, String externalType) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long User_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(User_level)) {
User userExternal = userManager.getUserByExternalIdAndType(
externalUserId, externalType);
Long userId = userExternal.getUser_id();
log.debug("addFolder " + parentFileExplorerItemId);
if (parentFileExplorerItemId == -2 && isOwner) {
// users_id (OwnerID) => only set if its directly root in
// Owner Directory,
// other Folders and Files maybe are also in a Home
// directory
// but just because their parent is
return fileExplorerItemDao.add(folderName, "", 0L, userId,
room_id, userId, true, // isFolder
false, // isImage
false, // isPresentation
"", // WML Path
false, // isStoredWML file
false, // isXmlFile
externalFilesid, externalType);
} else {
return fileExplorerItemDao.add(folderName, "",
parentFileExplorerItemId, null, room_id, userId,
true, // isFolder
false, // isImage
false, // isPresentation
"", // WML Path
false, // isStoredWML file
false, // isXmlFile
externalFilesid, externalType);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[addFolderByExternalUserIdAndType]", err);
return null;
* to add a folder to the private drive, set parentFileExplorerItemId = 0
* and isOwner to 1/true and userId to a valid user
* @param SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param userId the openmeetings user id
* @param parentFileExplorerItemId specify a parentFolderId==-2 AND isOwner == 1/true AND to make the file goto the private section
* @param folderName the name of the folder
* @param room_id the room Id, if the file goes to the private folder of an user, you can set a random number here
* @param isOwner specify a 1/true AND parentFolderId==-2 to make the file goto the private section
* @param externalFilesid the external file-type to identify the file later
* @param externalType the name of the external system
* @return - id of the folder
* @throws AxisFault
public Long addFolderByUserId(String SID, Long userId,
Long parentFileExplorerItemId, String folderName, Long room_id,
Boolean isOwner, Long externalFilesid, String externalType)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long User_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(User_level)) {
log.debug("addFolder " + parentFileExplorerItemId);
if (parentFileExplorerItemId == -2 && isOwner) {
// users_id (OwnerID) => only set if its directly root in
// Owner Directory,
// other Folders and Files maybe are also in a Home
// directory
// but just because their parent is
return fileExplorerItemDao.add(folderName, "", 0L, userId,
room_id, userId, true, // isFolder
false, // isImage
false, // isPresentation
"", // WML Path
false, // isStoredWML file
false, // isXmlFile
externalFilesid, externalType);
} else {
return fileExplorerItemDao.add(folderName, "",
parentFileExplorerItemId, null, room_id, userId,
true, // isFolder
false, // isImage
false, // isPresentation
"", // WML Path
false, // isStoredWML file
false, // isXmlFile
externalFilesid, externalType);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[addFolderByUserId]", err);
return null;
* Add a folder by the current user - similar to RTMP Call
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param parentFileExplorerItemId
* parent folder id
* @param fileName
* the file name
* @param room_id
* the room id
* @param isOwner
* @return - id of the folder
public Long addFolderSelf(String SID, Long parentFileExplorerItemId,
String fileName, Long room_id, Boolean isOwner) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkUserLevel(user_level)) {
log.debug("addFolder " + parentFileExplorerItemId);
if (parentFileExplorerItemId == 0 && isOwner) {
// users_id (OwnerID) => only set if its directly root in
// Owner Directory,
// other Folders and Files maybe are also in a Home
// directory
// but just because their parent is
return fileExplorerItemDao.add(fileName, "",
parentFileExplorerItemId, users_id, room_id,
users_id, true, // isFolder
false, // isImage
false, // isPresentation
"", // WML Path
false, // isStoredWML file
false // isXmlFile
, 0L, "");
} else {
return fileExplorerItemDao.add(fileName, "",
parentFileExplorerItemId, null, room_id, users_id,
true, // isFolder
false, // isImage
false, // isPresentation
"", // WML Paht
false, // isStoredWML file
false // isXmlFile
, 0L, "");
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[getFileExplorerByParent] ", err);
return null;
* deletes a file by its external Id and type
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param externalFilesid
* the od of the file or folder
* @param externalType
* the externalType
* @return - null
public Long deleteFileOrFolderByExternalIdAndType(String SID,
Long externalFilesid, String externalType) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long User_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(User_level)) {
externalFilesid, externalType);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[deleteFileOrFolderByExternalIdAndType]", err);
return null;
* deletes files or folders based on it id
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param fileExplorerItemId
* the id of the file or folder
* @return - null
public Long deleteFileOrFolder(String SID, Long fileExplorerItemId)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long User_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(User_level)) {
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[deleteFileOrFolder]", err);
return null;
* deletes files or folders based on it id
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param fileExplorerItemId
* the id of the file or folder
* @return - null
public Long deleteFileOrFolderSelf(String SID, Long fileExplorerItemId)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long User_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkUserLevel(User_level)) {
// TODO: Check if user has access or not to the file
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[deleteFileOrFolder]", err);
return null;
* Get available import File Extension allowed during import
* @return the array of the import file extensions
* @throws AxisFault
public String[] getImportFileExtensions() throws AxisFault {
try {
return StoredFile.getExtensions();
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[getImportFileExtensions]", err);
return null;
* Get a LibraryPresentation-Object for a certain file
* @param SID
* @param parentFolder
* @return - LibraryPresentation-Object for a certain file
* @throws AxisFault
public LibraryPresentation getPresentationPreviewFileExplorer(String SID,
String parentFolder) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
File working_dir = new File(OmFileHelper.getUploadProfilesDir(), parentFolder);
log.debug("############# working_dir : " + working_dir);
File file = new File(working_dir, OmFileHelper.libraryFileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
throw new Exception(file.getCanonicalPath() + ": does not exist ");
return LoadLibraryPresentation.parseLibraryFileToObject(file);
} else {
throw new Exception("not Authenticated");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[getListOfFilesByAbsolutePath]", e);
return null;
* Get a File Explorer Object by a given Room and owner id
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param room_id
* Room id
* @param owner_id
* Owner id
* @return - File Explorer Object by a given Room and owner id
* @throws AxisFault
public FileExplorerObject getFileExplorerByRoom(String SID, Long room_id,
Long owner_id) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long webservice_users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
log.debug("room_id " + room_id);
FileExplorerObject fileExplorerObject = new FileExplorerObject();
// Home File List
FileExplorerItem[] fList = fileExplorerItemDao
.getFileExplorerItemsByOwner(owner_id, 0L);
long homeFileSize = 0;
for (FileExplorerItem homeChildExplorerItem : fList) {
log.debug("FileExplorerItem fList "
+ homeChildExplorerItem.getFileName());
homeFileSize += fileUtils
// Public File List
FileExplorerItem[] rList = fileExplorerItemDao
.getFileExplorerItemsByRoom(room_id, 0L);
long roomFileSize = 0;
for (FileExplorerItem homeChildExplorerItem : rList) {
log.debug("FileExplorerItem rList "
+ homeChildExplorerItem.getFileName());
roomFileSize += fileUtils
return fileExplorerObject;
} else {
throw new Exception("not Authenticated");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[getFileExplorerByRoom]", e);
return null;
* Get a File Explorer Object by a given Room
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param room_id
* Room Id
* @return - File Explorer Object by a given Room
* @throws AxisFault
public FileExplorerObject getFileExplorerByRoomSelf(String SID, Long room_id)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkUserLevel(user_level)) {
log.debug("room_id " + room_id);
FileExplorerObject fileExplorerObject = new FileExplorerObject();
// Home File List
FileExplorerItem[] fList = fileExplorerItemDao
.getFileExplorerItemsByOwner(users_id, 0L);
long homeFileSize = 0;
for (FileExplorerItem homeChildExplorerItem : fList) {
log.debug("FileExplorerItem fList "
+ homeChildExplorerItem.getFileName());
homeFileSize += fileUtils
// Public File List
FileExplorerItem[] rList = fileExplorerItemDao
.getFileExplorerItemsByRoom(room_id, 0L);
long roomFileSize = 0;
for (FileExplorerItem homeChildExplorerItem : rList) {
log.debug("FileExplorerItem rList "
+ homeChildExplorerItem.getFileName());
roomFileSize += fileUtils
return fileExplorerObject;
} else {
throw new Exception("not Authenticated");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("[getFileExplorerByRoomSelf]", e);
return null;
* Get FileExplorerItem list by parent folder
* @param SID
* The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param parentFileExplorerItemId
* the parent folder id
* @param room_id
* the room id
* @param isOwner
* true if its a private drive
* @param owner_id
* the owner id
* @return - FileExplorerItem list by parent folder
* @throws AxisFault
public FileExplorerItem[] getFileExplorerByParent(String SID,
Long parentFileExplorerItemId, Long room_id, Boolean isOwner,
Long owner_id) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long webservice_users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
log.debug("parentFileExplorerItemId "
+ parentFileExplorerItemId);
if (parentFileExplorerItemId == 0) {
if (isOwner) {
return fileExplorerItemDao.getFileExplorerItemsByOwner(
owner_id, parentFileExplorerItemId);
} else {
return fileExplorerItemDao.getFileExplorerItemsByRoom(
room_id, parentFileExplorerItemId);
} else {
return fileExplorerItemDao
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[getFileExplorerByParent] ", err);
return null;
* Get FileExplorerItem[] by parent and owner id
* @param SID
* SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param parentFileExplorerItemId
* the parent folder id
* @param room_id
* the room id
* @param isOwner
* true to request private drive
* @return - list of file explorer items
* @throws AxisFault
public FileExplorerItem[] getFileExplorerByParentSelf(String SID,
Long parentFileExplorerItemId, Long room_id, Boolean isOwner)
throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkUserLevel(user_level)) {
log.debug("parentFileExplorerItemId "
+ parentFileExplorerItemId);
if (parentFileExplorerItemId == 0) {
if (isOwner) {
return fileExplorerItemDao.getFileExplorerItemsByOwner(
users_id, parentFileExplorerItemId);
} else {
return fileExplorerItemDao.getFileExplorerItemsByRoom(
room_id, parentFileExplorerItemId);
} else {
return fileExplorerItemDao
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[getFileExplorerByParentSelf] ", err);
return null;
* update a file or folder name
* @param SID
* SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param fileExplorerItemId
* file or folder id
* @param fileName
* new file or folder name
* @return - null
* @throws AxisFault
public Long updateFileOrFolderName(String SID, Long fileExplorerItemId,
String fileName) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long webservice_users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
log.debug("deleteFileOrFolder " + fileExplorerItemId);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[updateFileOrFolderName] ", err);
return null;
* update a file or folder name
* @param SID
* SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param fileExplorerItemId
* file or folder id
* @param fileName
* new file or folder name
* @return - null
* @throws AxisFault
public Long updateFileOrFolderNameSelf(String SID, Long fileExplorerItemId,
String fileName) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkUserLevel(user_level)) {
// TODO: check if this user is allowed to change this file
* FileExplorerItem fileExItem =
* fileExplorerItemDao.getFileExplorerItemsById
* (fileExplorerItemId);
* if (fileExItem.getOwnerId() != null &&
* !fileExItem.getOwnerId().equals(users_id)) { throw new
* Exception(
* "This user is not the owner of the file and not allowed to edit its name"
* ); }
log.debug("deleteFileOrFolder " + fileExplorerItemId);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[updateFileOrFolderNameSelf] ", err);
return null;
* move a file or folder
* @param SID
* SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param fileExplorerItemId
* current file or folder id to be moved
* @param newParentFileExplorerItemId
* new parent folder id
* @param room_id
* room id
* @param isOwner
* if true owner id will be set
* @param moveToHome
* if true move to private drive
* @param owner_id
* owner id
* @return - null
* @throws AxisFault
public Long moveFile(String SID, Long fileExplorerItemId,
Long newParentFileExplorerItemId, Long room_id, Boolean isOwner,
Boolean moveToHome, Long owner_id) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long webservice_users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager
if (authLevelUtil.checkWebServiceLevel(user_level)) {
log.debug("deleteFileOrFolder " + fileExplorerItemId);
newParentFileExplorerItemId, room_id, isOwner,
FileExplorerItem fileExplorerItem = fileExplorerItemDao
if (moveToHome) {
// set this file and all subfiles and folders the ownerId
owner_id, null);
} else {
// set this file and all subfiles and folders the room_id
null, room_id);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[moveFile] ", err);
return null;
* move a file or folder
* @param SID
* SID The SID of the User. This SID must be marked as logged in
* @param fileExplorerItemId
* current file or folder id to be moved
* @param newParentFileExplorerItemId
* new parent folder id
* @param room_id
* room id
* @param isOwner
* if true owner id will be set
* @param moveToHome
* move to private drive
* @return - null
* @throws AxisFault
public Long moveFileSelf(String SID, Long fileExplorerItemId,
Long newParentFileExplorerItemId, Long room_id, Boolean isOwner,
Boolean moveToHome) throws AxisFault {
try {
Long users_id = sessiondataDao.checkSession(SID);
Long user_level = userManager.getUserLevelByID(users_id);
if (authLevelUtil.checkUserLevel(user_level)) {
// A test is required that checks if the user is allowed to move the file
log.debug("moveFileSelf " + fileExplorerItemId);
newParentFileExplorerItemId, room_id, isOwner,
FileExplorerItem fileExplorerItem = fileExplorerItemDao
if (moveToHome) {
// set this file and all subfiles and folders the ownerId
users_id, null);
} else {
// set this file and all subfiles and folders the room_id
null, room_id);
} catch (Exception err) {
log.error("[moveFile] ", err);
return null;