blob: 4cc28c17cf23b0042240dd12e95879928e293379 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
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Test the setup values before you enter a room => is moved to the SWF10 app
The only thing remaining here to do, is to load the correct server
RTMP-host, RTMP/RTMPT-port for the session
<class name="testSetup" extends="view"
x="$once{ parent.width/2 - 300 }" y="100"
width="600" height="400">
<attribute name="roomClassName" type="string" value="" />
<attribute name="roomObj" value="null"/>
<attribute name="forceTest" value="false" type="boolean" />
<attribute name="isDirectLink" value="false" type="boolean" />
<!--- @keywords private if doJustClose is true the confirmation will be wait and
then the window just closed -->
<attribute name="doJustClose" value="false" type="boolean" />
<handler name="oninit">
public Server getServerForSession(String SID, long roomId)
<netRemoteCallHib name="getServerForSession" funcname="conferenceservice.getServerForSession" remotecontext="$once{ canvas.thishib }" >
<netparam><method name="getValue"> return canvas.sessionId; </method></netparam>
<netparam><method name="getValue"> return parent.parent.roomObj.rooms_id; </method></netparam>
<handler name="ondata" args="value">
if ($debug) Debug.write("getServerForSession ",value);
//if return value is null, everything stays the same, session is on the current host
if (value != null){
//is not loaded from config.xml from slave as this is variable is empty by default!
canvas.slaveRtmphostlocal = value.address;
var slaveUrl = value.protocol + "://" + value.address + ":" + value.port + "/" + value.webapp + "/";
var d = new Date();
parent.myConfigSet.setAttribute("src", slaveUrl + "config.xml?random="+d.getTime());
} else {
//Hosted on master
canvas.isSlaveHosted = false;
<!-- get values from config.xml from slave -->
<dataset type="http" name="myConfigSet" request="false" ondata="parent.parseResultsToSlaveClusterConfig()">
<handler name="ondata">
if ($debug) Debug.write("ondata");
<handler name="onerror" args="e">
if ($debug) Debug.write("onerror",e);
<handler name="ontimeout" args="e">
if ($debug) Debug.write("ontimeout",e);
Parse the results so that the RTMP traffic points to the slave
and the HTTP traffic points to the master
<method name="parseResultsToSlaveClusterConfig">
canvas.slaveRtmpport = Number(this.myConfigSet.getPointer().xpathQuery('config/rtmpport/text()'));
canvas.slaveRtmpTunnelport = Number(this.myConfigSet.getPointer().xpathQuery('config/rtmpTunnelport/text()'));
canvas.slaveRtmpsslport = Number(this.myConfigSet.getPointer().xpathQuery('config/rtmpsslport/text()'));
canvas.slaveWebAppRootKey = this.myConfigSet.getPointer().xpathQuery('config/webAppRootKey/text()');
if ($debug) Debug.write("parseResults: ",canvas.slaveRtmphostlocal,canvas.slaveRtmpport,canvas.slaveRtmpTunnelport,canvas.slaveRtmpsslport,canvas.slaveWebAppRootKey);
//Hosted on slave
canvas.isSlaveHosted = true;
<method name="startConference">
if ($debug) Debug.warn("roomClassname : ", this.roomClassName);
if ($debug) Debug.warn("canvas.currentRoomObj will be : ", this.roomObj);
canvas.currentRoomObj = this.roomObj;
new lz[this.roomClassName](canvas.main_content._content.inner, {