blob: c65a2241deb0b18398793a1e823bf19a1d47e970 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
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<!-- X_LZ_COPYRIGHT_BEGIN ************************************************
* Copyright 2006 Laszlo Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. *
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vertical slider contributed by Sebastian Wagner
<class name="vsliderTrack" extends="view" bgcolor="0x000000">
<view width="${ parent.width-2}" height="${ parent.height-2 }"
x="1" y="1" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF"/>
<view width="${ parent.width-2}" bgcolor="0xCCCCCC"
x="1" y="${ (this.parent.parent.switchaxis) ?
parent.parent._sliderthumb.y : 1 }"
visible="${ parent.parent.showrange }"
height="${ (this.parent.parent.switchaxis) ?
(parent.parent._vslidertrack.height - parent.parent._sliderthumb.y-1) :
parent.parent._sliderthumb.y }" />
<class name="vsliderThumb" extends="button" bgcolor="0x999999" height="10" width="20"
onmousedown="dragger.apply()" onmouseup="dragger.remove()">
<attribute name="drag_min" value="0" type="number" />
<attribute name="showvalue" type="boolean" value="true" />
<attribute name="drag_max" value="0" type="number" />
<handler name="oninit">
//Setting the initVal
<method name="getValueFromPos">
var delta1 = this.parent.maxvalue-this.parent.minvalue;
var perc = (this.parent.switchaxis) ? 1-(y / (this.parent.height-this.height)) : (y / (this.parent.height-this.height));
return (Math.round(perc*delta1))+this.parent.minvalue;
<method name="getPosFromValue" args="val">
var perc = (val-this.parent.minvalue) / (this.parent.maxvalue-this.parent.minvalue);
valY = (this.parent.switchaxis) ? ( (1-perc) * (this.parent.height-this.height)) : (perc * (this.parent.height-this.height));
//Debug.write("valY: ",Math.round(valY));
return Math.round(valY);
<handler name="ony" args="v">
//if ($debug) Debug.write("setY: ",v);
var thumbVal = getValueFromPos();
if (thumbVal != parent.value) {
<handler name="onclick">
<dragstate name="dragger" drag_axis="y"
drag_min_y="${ this.drag_min }"
drag_max_y="${ this.drag_max }">
<text name="t1" x="-26" text="${ this.parent.parent.value }" bgcolor="0xFFFFFF"
y="-4" resize="true" />
<class name="vslider" extends="view" >
<!--- Minimum Value -->
<attribute name="minvalue" type="number" value="0"/>
<!--- Maximum Value -->
<attribute name="maxvalue" type="number" value="100"/>
<!--- Showrange should the slidertrack be with color while 'sliding' -->
<attribute name="showrange" type="boolean" value="true"/>
<!--- showvalue should the slider show the numbers of min/max -->
<attribute name="showvalue" type="boolean" value="true"/>
<!--- switchaxis true means minimum-value is
t op maximum is bottom false turns around -->
<attribute name="switchaxis" type="boolean" value="false"/>
<!-- Initial Value -->
<attribute name="initvalue" value="0" type="number" />
<!--- @keywords private -->
<event name="onvalue"/>
<!--- @keywords private -->
<event name="onvalueChosenFinal"/>
<!--- @keywords private -->
<attribute name="value" value="0" setter="setValue(value)"/>
<method name="setValue" args="v">
if (!isinited) {
this.value = v;
if (this.value == v) return;
this.value = v;
if (onvalue) onvalue.sendEvent(v);
<vsliderTrack name="_vslidertrack" x="5"
width="10" height="${ parent.height }" />
<vsliderThumb name="_sliderthumb"
drag_max="${ parent.height-this.height }"
showvalue="${ parent.showvalue }" />
<text text="${ ( (this.parent.switchaxis) ?
this.parent.maxvalue : this.parent.minvalue ) }"
visible="${ parent.showvalue }"
y="-8" x="${ this.parent._vslidertrack.width+10 }" />
<text text="${ ( (this.parent.switchaxis) ?
this.parent.minvalue : this.parent.maxvalue ) }"
visible="${ parent.showvalue }"
y="${ this.parent.height-10 }"
x="${ this.parent._vslidertrack.width+10 }" />