blob: 58ff68598f42b2415ad229dc9808dad0c5e2d471 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License") + you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.red5.logging.Red5LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
* Management of optional LDAP Login
* @author o.becherer
public class LdapLoginManagement {
private static final Logger log = Red5LoggerFactory.getLogger(
LdapLoginManagement.class, OpenmeetingsVariables.webAppRootKey);
private Sessionmanagement sessionManagement;
private Configurationmanagement cfgManagement;
private Usermanagement userManagement;
private Statemanagement statemanagement;
private LdapConfigDaoImpl ldapConfigDao;
private OmTimeZoneDaoImpl omTimeZoneDaoImpl;
// External User Types
public static final String EXTERNAL_USER_TYPE_LDAP = "LDAP";
// ConfigConstants
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_URL = "ldap_conn_url";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_ADMIN_DN = "ldap_admin_dn";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWD = "ldap_passwd";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE = "ldap_search_base";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_SERVER_TYPE = "ldap_server_type"; // for
// OpenLDAP
// use
// only
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_AUTH_TYPE = "ldap_auth_type";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_FIELDNAME_USER_PRINCIPAL = "field_user_principal";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_SYNC_PASSWD_OM = "ldap_sync_password_to_om"; // 'yes'
// or
// 'no'
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_USE_LOWER_CASE = "ldap_use_lower_case";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_TIMEZONE_NAME = "ldap_user_timezone";
* for future use (lemeur) public static final String
* CONFIGKEY_LDAP_USER_EXTRAFILTER = "ldap_user_extrafilter"; public static
* final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_NUM = "ldap_group_filter_num";
* public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_NAME_PREFIX =
* "ldap_group_filter_name_"; public static final String
* CONFIGKEY_LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_BASE_PREFIX = "ldap_group_filter_base_";
* public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_TYPE_PREFIX =
* "ldap_group_filter_type_"; public static final String
* CONFIGKEY_LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_TEXT_PREFIX = "ldap_group_filter_text_";
// LDAP default attributes mapping
public static final String LDAP_KEY_LASTNAME = "sn";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_FIRSTNAME = "givenName";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_MAIL = "mail";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_STREET = "streetAddress";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_ADDITIONAL_NAME = "description";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_FAX = "facsimileTelephoneNumber";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_ZIP = "postalCode";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_COUNTRY = "co";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_TOWN = "l";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_PHONE = "telephoneNumber";
public static final String LDAP_KEY_TIMEZONE = "timezone";
// LDAP custom attribute mapping keys
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_LASTNAME = "ldap_user_attr_lastname";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_FIRSTNAME = "ldap_user_attr_firstname";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_MAIL = "ldap_user_attr_mail";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_STREET = "ldap_user_attr_street";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_ADDITIONAL_NAME = "ldap_user_attr_additionalname";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_FAX = "ldap_user_attr_fax";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_ZIP = "ldap_user_attr_zip";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_COUNTRY = "ldap_user_attr_country";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_TOWN = "ldap_user_attr_town";
public static final String CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_PHONE = "ldap_user_attr_phone";
* Determine if is a supported Auth Type
* @param authType
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static boolean isValidAuthType(String authType) {
if (authType != null) {
if (!authType.isEmpty()) {
if (authType
return true;
if (authType.equalsIgnoreCase(LdapAuthBase.LDAP_AUTH_TYPE_NONE))
return true;
return false;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Ldap Password Synch to OM DB set active ? defaults to true in case of
* error so as to keep old behaviour
public boolean getLdapPwdSynchStatus(Long ldapConfigId) { // TIBO
// Retrieve Configuration Data
HashMap<String, String> configData;
LdapConfig ldapConfig = ldapConfigDao.getLdapConfigById(ldapConfigId);
try {
configData = getLdapConfigData(ldapConfig.getConfigFileName());
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error on getLdapPwdSynchStatus : " + e.getMessage());
return true;
if (configData == null || configData.size() < 1) {
log.error("Error on getLdapPwdSynchStatus : Configurationdata couldnt be retrieved!");
return true;
// Connection URL
String ldap_synch_passwd_to_om = configData
if (ldap_synch_passwd_to_om.equals("no")) {
log.debug("getLdapPwdSynchStatus: returns FALSE (val="
+ ldap_synch_passwd_to_om + ")");
return false;
} else {
log.debug("getLdapPwdSynchStatus: returns TRUE (val="
+ ldap_synch_passwd_to_om + ")");
return true;
* Retrieving LdapData from Config
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public HashMap<String, String> getLdapConfigData(String ldapConfigfileName)
throws Exception {
// String path = configVal.getConf_value().trim();
String path = ScopeApplicationAdapter.webAppPath + File.separatorChar
+ "conf" + File.separatorChar + ldapConfigfileName;
return readConfig(path);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Reading Ldap Config via ConfigReader
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private HashMap<String, String> readConfig(String configPath)
throws Exception {
log.debug("LdapLoginmanagement.readConfig : " + configPath);
File configFile = new File(configPath);
if (!configFile.isFile())
return null;
ConfigReader reader = new ConfigReader();
return reader.getConfigMap();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Ldap Login
* Connection Data is retrieved from ConfigurationFile
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Object doLdapLogin(String user, String passwd,
RoomClient currentClient, String SID, String domain) {
// Retrieve Configuration Data
HashMap<String, String> configData;
try {
configData = getLdapConfigData(domain);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error on LdapAuth : " + e.getMessage());
return null;
if (configData == null || configData.size() < 1) {
log.error("Error on LdapLogin : Configurationdata couldnt be retrieved!");
return null;
// Connection URL
String ldap_url = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_URL);
// for OpenLDAP only
// LDAP SERVER TYPE to search accordingly
String ldap_server_type = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_SERVER_TYPE);
// Username for LDAP SERVER himself
String ldap_admin_dn = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_ADMIN_DN);
// Password for LDAP SERVER himself
String ldap_passwd = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWD);
// SearchScope for retrievment of userdata
String ldap_search_scope = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE);
// FieldName for Users's Principal Name
String ldap_fieldname_user_principal = configData
// Wether or not we'll store Ldap passwd into OM db
String ldap_sync_passwd_to_om = configData
* for future use (lemeur) // Ldap user filter to refine the search
* String ldap_user_extrafilter =
* // Count of Ldap group filters String ldap_group_filter_num =
* // Prefix name of Ldap group filter name String
* ldap_group_filter_name_prefix =
* // Prefix name of Ldap group filter base String
* ldap_group_filter_base_prefix =
* // Prefix name of Ldap group filter type String
* ldap_group_filter_type_prefix =
* // Prefix name of Ldap group filter text String
* ldap_group_filter_text_prefix =
// Get custom Ldap attributes mapping
String ldap_user_attr_lastname = configData
String ldap_user_attr_firstname = configData
String ldap_user_attr_mail = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_MAIL);
String ldap_user_attr_street = configData
String ldap_user_attr_additional_name = configData
String ldap_user_attr_fax = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_FAX);
String ldap_user_attr_zip = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_ZIP);
String ldap_user_attr_country = configData
String ldap_user_attr_town = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_TOWN);
String ldap_user_attr_phone = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_KEY_PHONE);
String ldap_user_attr_timezone = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_TIMEZONE_NAME);
String ldap_use_lower_case = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_USE_LOWER_CASE);
if (ldap_use_lower_case != null && ldap_use_lower_case.equals("true")) {
user = user.toLowerCase();
if (ldap_user_attr_lastname == null) {
ldap_user_attr_lastname = LDAP_KEY_LASTNAME;
if (ldap_user_attr_firstname == null) {
ldap_user_attr_firstname = LDAP_KEY_FIRSTNAME;
if (ldap_user_attr_mail == null) {
ldap_user_attr_mail = LDAP_KEY_MAIL;
if (ldap_user_attr_street == null) {
ldap_user_attr_street = LDAP_KEY_STREET;
if (ldap_user_attr_additional_name == null) {
ldap_user_attr_additional_name = LDAP_KEY_ADDITIONAL_NAME;
if (ldap_user_attr_fax == null) {
ldap_user_attr_fax = LDAP_KEY_FAX;
if (ldap_user_attr_zip == null) {
ldap_user_attr_zip = LDAP_KEY_ZIP;
if (ldap_user_attr_country == null) {
ldap_user_attr_country = LDAP_KEY_COUNTRY;
if (ldap_user_attr_town == null) {
ldap_user_attr_town = LDAP_KEY_TOWN;
if (ldap_user_attr_phone == null) {
ldap_user_attr_phone = LDAP_KEY_PHONE;
if (ldap_user_attr_timezone == null) {
ldap_user_attr_timezone = LDAP_KEY_TIMEZONE;
// Auth Type
String ldap_auth_type = configData.get(CONFIGKEY_LDAP_AUTH_TYPE);
if (ldap_auth_type == null)
ldap_auth_type = "";
if (!isValidAuthType(ldap_auth_type)) {
log.error("ConfigKey in Ldap Config contains invalid auth type : '"
+ ldap_auth_type + "' -> Defaulting to "
ldap_auth_type = LdapAuthBase.LDAP_AUTH_TYPE_SIMPLE;
// Filter for Search of UserData
String ldap_search_filter = "(" + ldap_fieldname_user_principal + "="
+ user + ")";
log.debug("Searching userdata with LDAP Search Filter :"
+ ldap_search_filter);
// replace : -> in config = are replaced by : to be able to build valid
// key=value pairs
ldap_search_scope = ldap_search_scope.replaceAll(":", "=");
ldap_admin_dn = ldap_admin_dn.replaceAll(":", "=");
LdapAuthBase lAuth = new LdapAuthBase(ldap_url, ldap_admin_dn,
ldap_passwd, ldap_auth_type);
log.debug("authenticating admin...");
lAuth.authenticateUser(ldap_admin_dn, ldap_passwd);
log.debug("Checking server type...");
// for OpenLDAP only
if (ldap_server_type.equalsIgnoreCase("OpenLDAP")) {
String ldapUserDN = user;
log.debug("LDAP server is OpenLDAP");
log.debug("LDAP search base: " + ldap_search_scope);
HashMap<String, String> uidCnDictionary = lAuth.getUidCnHashMap(
ldap_search_scope, ldap_search_filter, ldap_fieldname_user_principal);
if (uidCnDictionary.get(user) != null) {
ldapUserDN = uidCnDictionary.get(user) + ","
+ ldap_search_scope;
log.debug("Authentication with DN: " + ldapUserDN);
try {
if (!lAuth.authenticateUser(ldapUserDN, passwd)) {
log.error(ldapUserDN + " not authenticated.");
return new Long(-11);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error on LdapAuth : " + e.getMessage());
return null;
} else {
try {
if (!lAuth.authenticateUser(user, passwd))
return new Long(-11);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error on LdapAuth : " + e.getMessage());
return null;
// check if user already exists
Users u = null;
try {
u = userManagement.getUserByLogin(user);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error retrieving Userdata : " + e.getMessage());
// User not existant in local database -> take over data for referential
// integrity
if (u == null) {
log.debug("user doesnt exist local -> create new");
// Attributes to retrieve from ldap
List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_lastname); // Lastname
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_firstname); // Firstname
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_mail);// mail
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_street); // Street
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_additional_name); // Additional name
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_fax); // Fax
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_zip); // ZIP
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_country); // Country
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_town); // Town
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_phone); // Phone
attributes.add(ldap_user_attr_timezone); // Phone
HashMap<String, String> ldapAttrs = new HashMap<String, String>();
ldapAttrs.put("lastnameAttr", ldap_user_attr_lastname);
ldapAttrs.put("firstnameAttr", ldap_user_attr_firstname);
ldapAttrs.put("mailAttr", ldap_user_attr_mail);
ldapAttrs.put("streetAttr", ldap_user_attr_street);
ldapAttrs.put("additionalNameAttr", ldap_user_attr_additional_name);
ldapAttrs.put("faxAttr", ldap_user_attr_fax);
ldapAttrs.put("zipAttr", ldap_user_attr_zip);
ldapAttrs.put("countryAttr", ldap_user_attr_country);
ldapAttrs.put("townAttr", ldap_user_attr_town);
ldapAttrs.put("phoneAttr", ldap_user_attr_phone);
ldapAttrs.put("phoneAttr", ldap_user_attr_phone);
ldapAttrs.put("timezoneAttr", ldap_user_attr_timezone);
Vector<HashMap<String, String>> result = lAuth.getData(
ldap_search_scope, ldap_search_filter, attributes);
if (result == null || result.size() < 1) {
log.error("Error on Ldap request - no result for user " + user);
return new Long(-10);
if (result.size() > 1) {
log.error("Error on Ldap request - more than one result for user "
+ user);
return null;
HashMap<String, String> userData = result.get(0);
try {
// Create User with LdapData
Long userid;
if (ldap_sync_passwd_to_om != null
&& ldap_sync_passwd_to_om.equals("no")) {
Random r = new Random();
String token = Long.toString(Math.abs(r.nextLong()), 36);
log.debug("Synching Ldap user to OM DB with RANDOM password: "
+ token);
userid = createUserFromLdapData(userData, token, user,
} else {
log.debug("Synching Ldap user to OM DB with password");
userid = createUserFromLdapData(userData, passwd, user,
log.debug("New User ID : " + userid);
// If invoked via SOAP this is NULL
if (currentClient != null) {
// Update Session
Boolean bool = sessionManagement.updateUser(SID, userid);
if (bool == null) {
// Exception
log.error("Error on Updating Session");
return new Long(-1);
} else if (!bool) {
// invalid Session-Object
log.error("Invalid Session Object");
return new Long(-35);
// Return UserObject
Users u2 = userManagement.getUserById(userid);
if (u2 == null)
return new Long(-1);
u2.setExternalUserType(EXTERNAL_USER_TYPE_LDAP); // TIBO
// initialize lazy collection
log.debug("getUserbyId : " + userid + " : " + u2.getLogin());
return u2;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error on Working Userdata : ", e);
return new Long(-1);
} else {
// User exists, just update necessary values
log.debug("User already exists -> Update of current passwd");
// If invoked via SOAP this is NULL
if (currentClient != null) {
// Update Session
Boolean bool = sessionManagement.updateUser(SID, u.getUser_id());
if (bool == null) {
// Exception
log.error("Error on Updating Session");
return new Long(-1);
} else if (!bool) {
// invalid Session-Object
log.error("Invalid Session Object");
return new Long(-35);
// Update password (could have changed in LDAP)
if (ldap_sync_passwd_to_om == null
|| !ldap_sync_passwd_to_om.equals("no")) {
try {
userManagement.updateUserObject(u, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error updating user : " + e.getMessage());
return new Long(-1);
return u;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creation on User with LDAP - Data AutoCreation of Country if not existant
* Added to Default Organisation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private Long createUserFromLdapData(HashMap<String, String> userdata,
String passwd, String login, HashMap<String, String> ldapAttrs)
throws Exception {
// Retrieve Data from LDAP - Data
String lastname = "lastname";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("lastnameAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("lastnameAttr")) != null)
lastname = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("lastnameAttr"));
String firstname = "firstname";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("firstnameAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("firstnameAttr")) != null)
firstname = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("firstnameAttr"));
String email = "email";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("mailAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("mailAttr")) != null)
email = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("mailAttr"));
String street = "street";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("streetAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("streetAttr")) != null)
street = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("streetAttr"));
String additionalname = "additionalname";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("additionalNameAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("additionalNameAttr")) != null)
additionalname = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("additionalNameAttr"));
String fax = "fax";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("faxAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("faxAttr")) != null)
fax = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("faxAttr"));
String zip = "zip";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("zipAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("zipAttr")) != null)
zip = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("zipAttr"));
String state = null;
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("countryAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("countryAttr")) != null)
state = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("countryAttr"));
String phone = "phone";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("phoneAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("phoneAttr")) != null)
phone = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("phoneAttr"));
long state_id = -1;
String jName_timeZone = "";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("timezoneAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("timezoneAttr")) != null)
jName_timeZone = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("timezoneAttr"));
if (omTimeZoneDaoImpl.getOmTimeZone(jName_timeZone) == null) {
jName_timeZone = cfgManagement.getConfValue("default.timezone", String.class, "Europe/Berlin");
if (state != null) {
// Lookup for states
List<States> states = statemanagement.getStates();
for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
States oneState = states.get(i);
if (oneState.getName().equals(state)) {
state_id = oneState.getState_id();
// Create Country
if (state_id < 0) {
Long id = statemanagement.addState(state);
if (id != null)
state_id = id;
String town = "town";
if (userdata.containsKey(ldapAttrs.get("townAttr"))
&& userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("townAttr")) != null)
town = userdata.get(ldapAttrs.get("townAttr"));
Long newUserId = null;
try {
// Check if LDAP Users get a SIP Account Issue 1099
newUserId = userManagement.registerUserInit(
2,// user_level
1,// level_id
1,// available
1,// status
login,// loginname
passwd,// passwd
lastname, firstname, email,
new java.util.Date(), //age
additionalname, fax, zip, state_id, town,
cfgManagement.getConfValue("default_lang_id", Long.class,"0"), //language_id
false, // sendWelcomeMessage
Arrays.asList(cfgManagement.getConfValue("default_domain_id", Long.class, null)), //organozation Ids
"",// BaseURL is empty as we do not send an Email here
false,// send verification code
"", "", "",// sip_user, sip_pass, sip_auth
true, // generate SIP Data if the config is enabled
false, // forceTimeZoneCheck
"", //userOffers
"", //userSearchs
false, //showContactData
true //showContactDataToContacts
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error creating user : " + e.getMessage());
if (newUserId == -1) {
log.error("Error occured creating user");
} else if (newUserId == -15) {
log.error("Error creating user : username already exists!");
} else if (newUserId == -17) {
log.error("Error creating user : email already exists!");
} else if (newUserId == -3) {
log.error("Error creating user : missing values");
} else {
log.debug("User Created!");
return newUserId;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------