blob: 2c8fa81783ad377082bae499d62f5ba75bb49cef [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
This File is auto-generated by the LanguageEditor
to add new Languages or modify/customize it use the LanguageEditor
see for Details
<language xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="language.xsd">
<string id="1" name="conference">
<string id="2" name="meeting">
<string id="3" name="classroom">
<string id="4" name="settings">
<string id="5" name="benutzer">
<string id="6" name="admin">
<string id="7" name="stop">
<string id="8" name="record">
<string id="9" name="nofile">
<value>유효한 파일 없음</value>
<string id="10" name="recordbyteacher">
<value>교사 기록</value>
<string id="11" name="connectedusers">
<value>연결된 유저:</value>
<string id="12" name="startconf">
<value>회의 시작</value>
<string id="13" name="myname">
<value>본인 이름</value>
<string id="14" name="videoconference">
<value>비데오 회의</value>
<string id="15" name="import">
<value>가지고온 기획안</value>
<string id="16" name="refreshfiles">
<value>새로운 목록</value>
<string id="17" name="tomainfile">
<string id="18" name="newpoll">
<value>새 선거</value>
<string id="19" name="newpollheader">
<value>새 선거의장</value>
<string id="20" name="question">
<string id="21" name="polltype">
<value>선거 종류:</value>
<string id="22" name="create">
<string id="23" name="infomessage">
<value>Info: Each connected user receives a message with the new poll.</value>
<string id="24" name="creatpoll">
<value>선거를 만드셨습니다.</value>
<string id="25" name="cancel">
<string id="26" name="yesno">
<string id="27" name="numeric">
<value>숫자 1-10</value>
<string id="28" name="poll">
<string id="29" name="moderation">
<value>질문을 만들기 위해서 의장이 되어야합니다.</value>
<string id="30" name="vote">
<value>당신의 투표가 등록 되었습니다.</value>
<string id="31" name="alreadyvoted">
<value>이번 선거에 벌써 투표하셨습니다.</value>
<string id="32" name="voting">
<value>투표 !</value>
<string id="33" name="answer">
<value>당신의 응답:</value>
<string id="34" name="yes">
<string id="35" name="no">
<string id="36" name="questionwant">
<value>will wissen:</value>
<string id="37" name="pollresults">
<value>선거 결과:</value>
<string id="38" name="question">
<string id="39" name="results">
<string id="40" name="answers">
<string id="41" name="nopoll">
<value>시작된 선거가 없습니다.</value>
<string id="42" name="votings">
<string id="43" name="meeting">
<value>미딩 (최고 4 자리까지)</value>
<string id="44" name="conference">
<value>회의 (최고 50 자리까지)</value>
<string id="45" name="type">
<string id="46" name="remainingseats">
<value>다른 자리</value>
<string id="47" name="alreadychosen">
<value>이미 선택 하셨습니다.</value>
<string id="48" name="enter">
<string id="49" name="modleave">
<value>의장이 미딩에서 나가셨습니다</value>
<string id="50" name="systemmessage">
<value>시스템 설명</value>
<string id="51" name="chossedevice">
<value>디바이스를 선택하십시요.</value>
<string id="52" name="choosecam">
<value>웹카메라를 선택해 주십시요:</value>
<string id="53" name="choosemic">
<value>마이크를 선택해 주십시요:</value>
<string id="54" name="ok">
<string id="55" name="cancel2">
<string id="56" name="reconeectneeded">
<value>다시 연결이 필요했습니다.</value>
<string id="57" name="editsetup">
<value>셋업 편집</value>
<string id="58" name="course">
<string id="59" name="language">
<string id="60" name="ok2">
<string id="61" name="cancel3">
<string id="62" name="clearwhiteboard">
<value>칠판 지우기</value>
<string id="63" name="clearwhiteboardquestion">
<value>새로운 그림을 넣기전에 칠판을 지우길 원하십니까?</value>
<string id="64" name="dontaskagain">
<value>다시 질문을 해주시마십시요</value>
<string id="65" name="no">
<string id="66" name="editsetup2">
<value>셋업 편집2</value>
<string id="67" name="needconfirmationwhiteboard">
<value>칠판지우시전 확인 요청.</value>
<string id="68" name="userinfo">
<value>유저 정보</value>
<string id="69" name="cleardrawarea">
<value>그리는 자리 지움</value>
<string id="70" name="undo">
<value>원래대로 돌려놓다.</value>
<string id="71" name="redo">
<string id="72" name="selectobject">
<value>물건을 선택해주십시요.</value>
<string id="73" name="text">
<string id="74" name="paint">
<string id="75" name="drawline">
<value>선 긋기</value>
<string id="76" name="drawu">
<value>밑줄 긋기</value>
<string id="77" name="rect">
<string id="78" name="ellipse">
<string id="79" name="arrow">
<string id="80" name="deletechosen">
<value>선택한 항목 삭제</value>
<string id="81" name="appliymod">
<value>알맞게 신청하십시요.</value>
<string id="82" name="apply">
<string id="83" name="cancel">
<string id="84" name="mod">
<value>사회자가 돼다</value>
<string id="85" name="close">
<string id="86" name="italic">
<string id="87" name="bold">
<value>굵은 체</value>
<string id="88" name="waiting">
<string id="89" name="applyMessage">
<value>유저가 사회자 신청을 원합니다:</value>
<string id="90" name="accept">
<string id="91" name="reject">
<string id="92" name="cancel">
<string id="93" name="sendmodrequestmessage">
<value>밑의 유져들에가 요청을 보냄</value>
<string id="94" name="accept">
<value>확임이 됩습니다.</value>
<string id="95" name="reject">
<string id="96" name="changemod">
<value>사회자로 바끰</value>
<string id="97" name="nonmoderrormessage">
<value>You are not moderating this course!</value>
<string id="98" name="moderator">
<string id="99" name="roomfullmessage">
<value>이방 정원은 꽉 찾습니다. 죄송합니다. 다음에 오십시요.</value>
<string id="100" name="elllipse">
<string id="101" name="close">
<string id="102" name="AuthError">
<value>데이다 오류 입력</value>
<string id="103" name="min4username">
<value>유저 이름은 최소 4 문자가 돼어야합니다.</value>
<string id="104" name="min4pass">
<value>유저 비밀번호는 최소 4 문자가 돼여야합니다.</value>
<string id="105" name="usernametaken">
<value>똑같은 유저이름이 존재합니다.</value>
<string id="106" name="emailtaken">
<value>똑같은 이메일 주소가 이미 등록돼어 있습니다.</value>
<string id="107" name="emailtaken">
<value>시스템 오류가 생겼습니다. 시스템 관리자에 연락주십시요.</value>
<string id="108" name="Authlogin">
<string id="109" name="Authuser">
<string id="110" name="Authpass">
<string id="111" name="Authlang">
<string id="112" name="Authreg">
<string id="113" name="regformhead">
<string id="114" name="regformuser">
<string id="115" name="regformpass">
<string id="116" name="regformretype">
<string id="117" name="regformfirstname">
<string id="118" name="regformlastname">
<string id="119" name="regformmail">
<string id="120" name="regformstate">
<string id="121" name="regformbtn1">
<string id="122" name="regformbtn2">
<string id="123" name="Authbtn2">
<string id="124" name="dashboard">
<string id="125" name="useradmin">
<string id="126" name="groupadmin">
<string id="127" name="orgadmin">
<string id="128" name="headconf">
<string id="129" name="conf_pub">
<string id="130" name="head_org">
<string id="131" name="btn_enterroom">
<string id="132" name="useralterself_login">
<string id="133" name="useralterself_pass">
<string id="134" name="useralterself_passretype">
<value>다시 타이프 치다.</value>
<string id="135" name="useralterself_firstname">
<string id="136" name="useralterself_lastname">
<string id="137" name="useralterself_email">
<string id="138" name="useralterself_birth">
<string id="139" name="useralterself_streetno">
<string id="140" name="useralterself_town">
<string id="141" name="useralterself_state">
<string id="142" name="useralterself_adresscomment">
<value>주소 인호</value>
<string id="143" name="useralterself_header">
<string id="144" name="savemenubar_savelabel">
<string id="145" name="savemenubar_savelabel">
<string id="146" name="admin_userlist_user_id">
<string id="147" name="admin_userlist_login">
<string id="148" name="admin_userlist_firstnam">
<string id="149" name="admin_userlist_lastname">
<string id="150" name="turnoverlist_next">
<value>다음으로 보여주다</value>
<string id="151" name="turnoverlist_pre">
<value>먼저 보여줌.</value>
<string id="152" name="savecontent_confirm">
<value>기록을 지우다.</value>
<string id="153" name="savecontent_confirm_cancel_btn">
<string id="154" name="savecontent_confirm_confirm_btn">
<string id="155" name="savemenubar_addlabel">
<value>새로운 기록</value>
<string id="156" name="savemenubar_reloadlabel">
<value>기록을 다시 재생하다</value>
<string id="157" name="savemenubar_deletelabel">
<value>기록을 지우다</value>
<string id="158" name="useralter_admin_status">
<string id="159" name="useralter_admin_statusItem">
<value>무력하게 하다</value>
<string id="160" name="useralter_admin_statusItem">
<value>권한을 주다</value>
<string id="161" name="useralter_admin_organisation">
<string id="162" name="calendar_iconlabel">
<string id="163" name="savewindow_btn">
<string id="164" name="organisationtablelist_idrow">
<value>조직 번호</value>
<string id="165" name="organisationtablelist_namerow">
<string id="166" name="uservalue_levelid1">
<string id="167" name="uservalue_levelid2">
<string id="168" name="uservalue_levelid3">
<string id="169" name="uservalue_levellabel">
<string id="170" name="orgvalue_header">
<string id="171" name="orgvalue_orgname">
<string id="172" name="orgvalue_orgname">
<value>조직 추가</value>
<string id="173" name="orgvalue_orgname">
<value>조직 추가</value>
<string id="174" name="orgvalue_userwin">
<string id="175" name="orgvalue_userwin">
<string id="176" name="orgvalue_userwin">
<value>조직 추가</value>
<string id="177" name="orgvalue_userlist">
<string id="178" name="orgvalue_userlistadd">
<string id="179" name="orgvalue_userlistdelete">
<value>유저 지우기</value>
<string id="180" name="orgvalue_userwinheader">
<value>유저 추가</value>
<string id="181" name="orgvalue_userwinsearchfield">
<value>유저 찾기</value>
<string id="182" name="orgvalue_userwinsearchbtn">
<string id="183" name="orgvalue_userwinsearchresult">
<string id="184" name="loginwin_chooseorganisation">
<string id="185" name="loginwin_chooseorganisationbtn">
<string id="186" name="navi_roomadmin">
<string id="187" name="roomadmin_header">
<string id="188" name="roomadmin_header">
<string id="189" name="roomadmin_header">
<string id="190" name="roomadmin_header">
<string id="191" name="roomadmin_header">
<string id="192" name="roomadmin_header">
<string id="193" name="roomvalue_name">
<string id="194" name="roomvalue_type">
<string id="195" name="roomvalue_ispublic">
<string id="196" name="roomvalue_comment">
<string id="197" name="whiteboard_saveicon">
<string id="198" name="whiteboard_openicon">
<string id="199" name="whiteboard_saveaswinheader">
<value>..와 같이 저장 하다</value>
<string id="200" name="whiteboard_saveaswintext">
<string id="201" name="files">
<string id="202" name="whiteboard_saveaswinbtn1">
<string id="203" name="whiteboard_saveaswinbtn2">
<string id="204" name="rpcerrorwin_header">
<string id="205" name="loadwml_header">
<string id="206" name="loadwml_messsload">
<value>물체 장전</value>
<string id="207" name="loadwml_messsync">
<value>snychronizing clients, clients to wait:</value>
<string id="208" name="loadimage_messload">
<value>이미지데이다 로딩</value>
<string id="209" name="loadimage_messsync">
<value>snychronizing clients, clients to wait:</value>
<string id="210" name="loadwml_confirmheader">
<value>그리는 곳 지우기</value>
<string id="211" name="loadwml_confirmmess">
<value>그리는 곳 지우기 칠판위에 모든 데이다가 없어집니다.</value>
<string id="212" name="loadwml_confirmmess2">
<value>파일이 로딩돼기전에 확인해주십시요.</value>
<string id="213" name="send_invitation_btn">
<value>초대장을 보내다.</value>
<string id="214" name="send_invitationwin_header">
<value>초대장을 보내다.</value>
<string id="215" name="send_invitationwin_subject">
<string id="216" name="send_invitationwin_recipient">
<string id="217" name="send_invitationwin_message">
<string id="218" name="send_invitationwin_btn_confirm">
<string id="219" name="send_invitationwin_btn_cancel">
<string id="220" name="send_chat_text_btn">
<string id="221" name="invited_userwin_header">
<string id="222" name="invited_userwin_subject">
<value>이번 회의의 니크네임</value>
<string id="223" name="invited_userwin_login">
<string id="224" name="invited_userwin_firstname">
<string id="225" name="invited_userwin_lastname">
<string id="226" name="invited_userwin_mail">
<string id="227" name="invited_userwin_lang">
<string id="228" name="invited_userwin_enter">
<string id="229" name="invited_userwin_enter">
<string id="230" name="invited_userwin_enter">
<value>데이다로딩, 기다려주십시요!</value>
<string id="231" name="user_registerFalsePWD">
<value>잘못된 패스워드</value>
<string id="232" name="user_registerFalsePWDHeader">
<value>최소 4 개 문자로된 두개의 똑같은 패스워드를 입력시켜주십시요</value>
<string id="233" name="user_registerMailError">
<value>다른 메일</value>
<string id="234" name="user_registerMailErrorHeader">
<value>잘못된 이멜주소를 입력하였습니다.</value>
<string id="235" name="user_registerSuccess">
<value>등록이 됬습니다.</value>
<string id="236" name="user_registerSuccessHeader">
<value>당신의 어카운트가 생겼습니다. 지금 로긴이돼어 있습니다.</value>
<string id="237" name="user_sharing_message">
<value>당신의 스크린을 지금 공유할수 없습니다. 다른사람이 이미 스크린을 공유하고 있습니다.</value>
<string id="238" name="user_sharing_messageHeader">
<string id="239" name="user_doStartScreenViewer">
<value>당신의 스크린을 공유하다.</value>
<string id="240" name="screen_warnBandwidth">
<value>Bad Bandwidth: You have not been able to syncronize the Screen. Frames will be dropped. If this Warning is shown often you could ask the moderator to reduce the Quality.</value>
<string id="241" name="screen_userlabel">
<value>Screen of:</value>
<string id="242" name="whiteboard_tab_paint">
<string id="243" name="whiteboard_tab_document">
<string id="244" name="tabbar_chaticon">
<string id="245" name="tabbar_filesicon">
<string id="246" name="tabbar_participantsicon">
<string id="247" name="swfpresentation_listsaveorig">
<value>Download original document</value>
<string id="248" name="swfpresentation_listsavepdf">
<value>Download pdf document</value>
<string id="249" name="swfpresentation_listloadswf">
<value>Load Presentation to whiteboard</value>
<string id="250" name="navimain_config">
<string id="251" name="whiteboard_boundingbox_drag">
<value>Drag this Object</value>
<string id="252" name="whiteboard_boundingbox_resize">
<value>Resize this Object</value>
<string id="253" name="whiteboard_documenttoolbar_zoom">
<string id="254" name="whiteboard_documenttoolbar_slide">
<string id="255" name="whiteboard_documenttoolbar_firstslide">
<value>Go to first Page</value>
<string id="256" name="whiteboard_documenttoolbar_preslide">
<value>Go to previous Page</value>
<string id="257" name="whiteboard_documenttoolbar_nextslide">
<value>Go to next Page</value>
<string id="258" name="whiteboard_documenttoolbar_lastslide">
<value>Go to last Page</value>
<string id="259" name="whiteboard_documenttoolbar_zoomminus">
<value>Zoom --</value>
<string id="260" name="whiteboard_documenttoolbar_zoomplus">
<value>Zoom ++</value>
<string id="261" name="salutation_mr">
<string id="262" name="salutation_miss">
<string id="263" name="navimain_confadmin">
<string id="264" name="conftable_headerId">
<string id="265" name="conftable_headerkey">
<string id="266" name="confadminform_header">
<string id="267" name="confadminform_labelkey">
<string id="268" name="confadminform_labelupdated">
<value>last update</value>
<string id="269" name="confadminform_labelupdatedby">
<string id="270" name="confadminform_labelcomment">
<string id="271" name="confadminform_labelkey">
<string id="272" name="turnoverlist_maxresults">
<string id="273" name="organisation_usersheader">
<string id="274" name="organisation_usersicondelete">
<value>delete user from organisation</value>
<string id="275" name="organisation_usersdeletedhead">
<string id="276" name="organisation_usersalreadadded">
<value>This user is already member of this organisation.</value>
<string id="277" name="dashboard_newsheader">
<string id="278" name="dashboard_quicklinksheader">
<string id="279" name="dashboard_quicklinkConf">
<value>Goto Conference</value>
<string id="280" name="dashboard_quicklinkAudit">
<value>Goto Auditorium</value>
<string id="281" name="dashboard_quicklinksupport">
<value>Help and Support</value>
<string id="282" name="dashboard_quickhomepageurl">
<string id="283" name="dashboard_quickmailinglisturl">
<string id="284" name="dashboard_reportbugs">
<value>Report a bug!</value>
<string id="285" name="dashboard_rsslistitemlinktext">
<string id="286" name="dashboard_quicklinkhomepagelabel">
<value>Project Website (</value>
<string id="287" name="dashboard_quicklinkmailinglistlabel">
<value>User Mailing List (</value>
<string id="288" name="login_rememberuser">
<value>Remember Login</value>
<string id="289" name="main_navi">
<string id="290" name="subnavi">
<value>My Home Page</value>
<string id="291" name="subnavi">
<value>My Scheduled Meetings</value>
<string id="292" name="subnavi">
<value>My Scheduled Events</value>
<string id="293" name="subnavi">
<value>Public Meetings</value>
<string id="294" name="subnavi">
<value>Private Meetings</value>
<string id="295" name="subnavi">
<value>Public Events</value>
<string id="296" name="subnavi">
<value>Private Events</value>
<string id="297" name="subnavi">
<value>Public Content</value>
<string id="298" name="subnavi">
<value>Private Content</value>
<string id="299" name="subnavi">
<value>Personal Content</value>
<string id="300" name="subnavi">
<string id="301" name="conferencebar">
<string id="302" name="conferencebar">
<value>Apply for Moderation</value>
<string id="303" name="conferencebar">
<string id="304" name="conferencebar">
<value>Choose a file</value>
<string id="305" name="conferencebar">
<string id="306" name="conferencebar">
<value>Cam and Mic Settings</value>
<string id="307" name="conferencebar">
<value>Whiteboard Settings</value>
<string id="308" name="conferencebar">
<string id="309" name="conferencebar">
<value>Back to Rooms</value>
<string id="310" name="conferencebar">
<string id="311" name="loginwindow">
<value>Desktop Viewer</value>
<string id="312" name="loginwindow">
<value>start Desktop Viewer</value>
<string id="313" name="loginwindow">
<value>Video and Audio</value>
<string id="314" name="loginwindow">
<string id="315" name="loginwindow">
<string id="316" name="loginwindow">
<string id="317" name="loginwindow">
<string id="318" name="loginwindow">
<string id="319" name="loginwindow">
<string id="320" name="loginwindow">
<value>There is no User connected to this Username</value>
<string id="321" name="loginwindow">
<value>The email containing a special link has been sent to your email address, please check your mailbox. If you still have not received a email, please adjust your email spam settings and resend confirmation email.</value>
<string id="322" name="errortype">
<string id="323" name="errortype">
<string id="324" name="resetpass">
<value>Invalid Hash. No User found.</value>
<string id="325" name="resetpass">
<value>Reset Your Password</value>
<string id="326" name="resetpass">
<string id="327" name="resetpass">
<value>change Password</value>
<string id="328" name="resetpass">
<value>new Password</value>
<string id="329" name="resetpass">
<value>re-enter Password</value>
<string id="330" name="resetpass">
<value>The Passwords you entered weren't identical.</value>
<string id="331" name="resetpass">
<value>4 or more characters; capitalization matters!</value>
<string id="332" name="resetpass">
<value>Password set. You can login now.</value>
<string id="333" name="rpccallback">
<string id="334" name="rpcgeneralerror">
<value>Unkown Error. Please report this to your Service-Team.</value>
<string id="335" name="loginwindow">
<value>Username not found</value>
<string id="336" name="loginwindow">
<value>Invalid Password</value>
<string id="337" name="logout">
<value>Successfully Logged out</value>
<string id="338" name="registration">
<value>Frontend Registration disabled.</value>
<string id="339" name="registration">
<value>Invalid EMail</value>
<string id="340" name="registration">
<value>duplicate filename, please choose another filename</value>
<string id="341" name="filebrowser">
<value>filename too short</value>
<string id="342" name="filebrowser">
<value>Could not save Address</value>
<string id="343" name="useradmin">
<value>User added but you need to assign this User to an Organisation, otherwise he won't be able to sign-in.</value>
<string id="344" name="adminforms">
<value>New Record</value>
<string id="345" name="languageseditor">
<value>No Field found with this FieldId.</value>
<string id="346" name="languageseditor">
<value>No Label found for that Field.</value>
<string id="347" name="errormessage">
<value>Admin Authorization required</value>
<string id="348" name="mainnavi">
<string id="349" name="languageseditor">
<string id="350" name="languageseditor">
<string id="351" name="languageseditor">
<string id="352" name="languageseditor">
<string id="353" name="languageseditor">
<string id="354" name="languageseditor">
<string id="355" name="languageseditor">
<string id="356" name="languageseditor">
<string id="357" name="languageseditor">
<value>You did only delete the Label NOT the Field! You cannot delete the Field, it may has Labels in other Languages.</value>
<string id="358" name="languageseditor">
<value>Invalid Labelid. The FieldLanguagesvalues_Id cannot be found in the database.</value>
<string id="359" name="languageseditor">
<value>You cannot delete this Field. You can only delete Labels NOT Fields. There is no Label loaded at the moment, wether it is not selected any Field or there is no Label for this Language for that Field defined.</value>
<string id="360" name="languageseditor">
<string id="361" name="languageseditor">
<value>You need to logout to see any changes.</value>
<string id="362" name="languageseditor">
<value>Add new language</value>
<string id="363" name="languageseditor">
<value>delete language</value>
<string id="364" name="languageseditor">
<value>Add new language</value>
<string id="365" name="languageseditor">
<string id="366" name="languageseditor">
<value>add language</value>
<string id="367" name="languageseditor">
<string id="368" name="turnoverlist">
<value>goto first</value>
<string id="369" name="turnoverlist">
<value>goto previous</value>
<string id="370" name="turnoverlist">
<value>goto next</value>
<string id="371" name="turnoverlist">
<value>goto last</value>
<string id="372" name="videobox">
<value>user speaks (By clicking here you can give exclusive audio / mute the microphone of others)</value>
<string id="373" name="videobox">
<value>turn sound on/off</value>
<string id="374" name="dashboard">
<string id="375" name="dashboard">
<value>Your Settings</value>
<string id="376" name="dashboard">
<string id="377" name="dashboard">
<value>Edit your profile</value>
<string id="378" name="dashboard">
<value>New Messages:</value>
<string id="379" name="dashboard">
<value>Upload new Image</value>
<string id="380" name="backuppanel">
<value>Userdata - Export</value>
<string id="381" name="backuppanel">
<value>All organisations must be already existing!</value>
<string id="382" name="backuppanel">
<value>start export</value>
<string id="383" name="backuppanel">
<value>By organisation</value>
<string id="384" name="backuppanel">
<value>start export</value>
<string id="385" name="backuppanel">
<value>Userdata - Import</value>
<string id="386" name="backuppanel">
<value>choose users.xml</value>
<string id="387" name="languageseditor">
<string id="388" name="languageseditor">
<value>Export to XML - These files can be used to: - Contribute to the project - Import into another System - Backup - Customization - Put it into the language-directory for your next installation</value>
<string id="389" name="languageseditor">
<value>Choose a language file to import. Choose the right Langauge from the Combobox! No matter what the name of the file is, it will be imported into this language!</value>
<string id="390" name="importwindow">
<value>import - choose file</value>
<string id="391" name="recordingsavewin">
<value>Save as</value>
<string id="392" name="recordingsavewin">
<string id="393" name="recordingsavewin">
<string id="394" name="recordingsavewin">
<string id="395" name="record">
<string id="396" name="recorder">
<value>Recordings Viewer</value>
<string id="397" name="record">
<value>Recordings of public and private Rooms</value>
<string id="398" name="roomslist">
<value>Users :</value>
<string id="399" name="roomslist">
<string id="400" name="roomslist">
<string id="401" name="roomslist">
<value>Users in this Room:</value>
<string id="402" name="roomslist">
<string id="403" name="roomslist">
<value>This Room is Full. Try again in a few minutes.</value>
<string id="404" name="roomsList">
<value>click on a room to get details</value>
<string id="405" name="roomslist">
<value>Chat with the users in this Room:</value>
<string id="406" name="roomslist">
<string id="407" name="roomslist">
<value>Users in this room:</value>
<string id="408" name="roomslist">
<string id="409" name="record">
<value>play recording</value>
<string id="410" name="record">
<string id="411" name="record">
<string id="412" name="record">
<value>Recorder Mode! You cannot change any values, this is a recorded File!</value>
<string id="413" name="record">
<value>Play this recording</value>
<string id="414" name="record">
<value>Play / Pause</value>
<string id="415" name="record">
<value>Start recording</value>
<string id="416" name="record">
<value>stop recording</value>
<string id="417" name="record">
<string id="418" name="record_error_msg">
<value>There is already somebody recording at the moment:</value>
<string id="419" name="record_message">
<value>Recording! By User:</value>
<string id="420" name="record_cancel">
<string id="421" name="record_cancal_tooltip">
<value>Recording will be canceled and not saved.</value>
<string id="422" name="cancel_dialog_resume">
<string id="423" name="cancel_dialog_resume_tooltip">
<value>Close this window and resume recording</value>
<string id="424" name="painttools_ellipse_color">
<value>change Linecolor</value>
<string id="425" name="colorpicker_head">
<value>Choose Color</value>
<string id="426" name="painttools_line_disable">
<value>Disable / Enable Linecolor</value>
<string id="427" name="painttools_fill_disable">
<value>change Fillcolor</value>
<string id="428" name="painttools_line_disable">
<value>Disable / Enable Fillcolor</value>
<string id="429" name="change_width_arrow_down_slider">
<value>Change Linewidth</value>
<string id="430" name="close_small_popups">
<string id="431" name="paint_tool_letter">
<value>change Fontsize</value>
<string id="432" name="recordingslist_delete">
<value>Delete Recording</value>
<string id="433" name="recordingslist_recordedByGuest">
<string id="434" name="recordingslist_recordedby">
<string id="435" name="recordings_table_head_name">
<string id="436" name="recordings_table_head_room">
<string id="437" name="recordings_table_head_date">
<string id="438" name="record_start_cancel">
<string id="439" name="record_start_start">
<string id="440" name="filesbrowser_table_head_name">
<string id="441" name="filesbrowser_table_head_date">
<string id="442" name="chat_clear_history">
<value>Delete Server-Chatlog</value>
<string id="443" name="chat_overall_header">
<string id="444" name="chat_send_btn">
<value>send message</value>
<string id="445" name="chat_emot_btn">
<string id="446" name="chat_emot_win">
<string id="447" name="choose_video_settings">
<value>Choose Published Devices</value>
<string id="448" name="choose_video_settings_combo">
<value>Audio and Video</value>
<string id="449" name="choose_video_settings_combo">
<value>Audio only</value>
<string id="450" name="choose_video_settings_combo">
<value>Video only</value>
<string id="451" name="choose_video_settings_combo">
<value>no Audio/Video (static Image)</value>
<string id="452" name="choose_video_settings_info_text">
<value>No Audio/Video from your PC will be published, instead of that a picture from your profile will be shown. Choose these settings if you have problems with your bandwidth or a very slow Internet connection.</value>
<string id="453" name="calendar_dayname_monday">
<string id="454" name="calendar_dayname_tuesday">
<string id="455" name="calendar_dayname_wednesday">
<string id="456" name="calendar_dayname_thursday">
<string id="457" name="calendar_dayname_friday">
<string id="458" name="calendar_dayname_saturday">
<string id="459" name="calendar_dayname_sunday">
<string id="460" name="calendar_dayname_monday">
<string id="461" name="calendar_dayname_TuesdayLabel">
<string id="462" name="calendar_dayname_WednesdayLabel">
<string id="463" name="calendar_dayname_ThursdayLabel">
<string id="464" name="calendar_dayname_FridayLabel">
<string id="465" name="calendar_dayname_SaturdayLabel">
<string id="466" name="calendar_dayname_SundayLabel">
<string id="467" name="calendar_weeknumber_header">
<string id="468" name="calendar_weeknumber_headerTooltip">
<value>Calendar week</value>
<string id="469" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="470" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="471" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="472" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="473" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="474" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="475" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="476" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="477" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="478" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="479" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="480" name="calendar_monthnames">
<string id="481" name="calendarwin_header">
<string id="482" name="roomadmin_labelNumberOfParticipants">
<string id="483" name="roomValue_advancedSettings">
<value>Show Layout Settings</value>
<string id="484" name="roomAdmin_layout_videoX">
<value>X | Y</value>
<string id="485" name="roomAdmin_layout_videoY">
<value>Width | Height</value>
<string id="486" name="roomAdmin_layout">
<string id="487" name="roomAdmin_layout_mod">
<string id="488" name="roomAdmin_layout_mod_pos">
<string id="489" name="roomAdmin_layout_whiteboard">
<string id="490" name="roomAdmin_layout_whiteboard_show">
<string id="491" name="roomAdmin_layout_whiteboard_pos">
<value>X | Y</value>
<string id="492" name="roomAdmin_layout_whiteboard">
<value>Width | Height</value>
<string id="493" name="roomAdmin_layout_files">
<value>Files,Chat,Partizipants - Container</value>
<string id="494" name="roomAdmin_layout_files_show">
<string id="495" name="roomAdmin_layout_files_pos">
<value>X |Y</value>
<string id="496" name="roomAdmin_layout_files">
<value>Width | Height</value>
<string id="497" name="moderator_gone_message">
<value>The Moderator has left the Room. No one is presenting at the Moment. You could apply for Moderation or wait.</value>
<string id="498" name="moderator_message_event_no_mod">
<value>There is no Moderator in this Room, but there are some Participants. You have to apply for Moderation or wait.</value>
<string id="499" name="feedback_template_subject">
<value>Feedback $APP_NAME</value>
<string id="500" name="invitation_template_head">
<value>$APP_NAME - Invitation</value>
<string id="501" name="invitation_text_from">
<value>Message from User:</value>
<string id="502" name="invitation_text_message">
<string id="503" name="invitation_text_click_text">
<value>Click this link to participate in the Meetings:</value>
<string id="504" name="invitation_text_click_text_link">
<value>Click here to enter room</value>
<string id="505" name="invitation_text_click_text_help">
<value>if you have problems with the link, please copy and paste this to your browser:</value>
<string id="506" name="registering_mail_text_head">
<value>$APP_NAME SignUp</value>
<string id="507" name="registering_mail_text_head2">
<value>Your userdata:</value>
<string id="508" name="registering_mail_text_username">
<string id="509" name="registering_mail_text_pass">
<string id="510" name="registering_mail_text_mail">
<string id="511" name="registering_mail_text_bye">
<string id="512" name="register_mail_subject">
<value>$APP_NAME Sign-Up</value>
<string id="513" name="reset_password_template_head">
<value>$APP_NAME - Reset Password</value>
<string id="514" name="reset_password_template_test_link">
<value>Click on this link to enter a new password:</value>
<string id="515" name="reset_password_template_text2_link">
<value>Click here to enter a new Password</value>
<string id="516" name="reset_password_template_text3_link">
<value>if you have problems with the link, please copy and paste this to your browser:</value>
<string id="517" name="reset_password_mail_subject">
<value>$APP_NAME Password Reset</value>
<string id="518" name="dateRegExpError">
<value>Please enter a valid Date, for example 24.12.2001 (</value>
<string id="519" name="emailRegExpError">
<value>Please enter a valid EMail, for example</value>
<string id="520" name="floatRegExpError">
<value>Please enter a Float-Number, for example 1.00</value>
<string id="521" name="numberRegExpError">
<value>Please enter a Number (Integer), for example 100</value>
<string id="522" name="phoneRegExpError">
<value>Please enter a valid Phone number, for example ++49 0123 123123</value>
<string id="523" name="timeRegExpError">
<value>Please enter a valid time, for example 12:23 (hh:mm)</value>
<string id="524" name="invitation_window">
<value>Passwort protected</value>
<string id="525" name="invitation_window_passwordLabel">
<string id="526" name="invitation_window_validLabel">
<value>Validity period</value>
<string id="527" name="invitation_window_valid">
<string id="528" name="invitation_window_valid">
<string id="529" name="invitation_window_valid">
<string id="530" name="invitation_window_validFromLabel">
<value>Valid From:</value>
<string id="531" name="invitation_window_validToLabel">
<value>Valid to:</value>
<string id="532" name="invitation_window_MailSubject">
<value>Invitation To $APP_NAME</value>
<string id="533" name="invitation_error">
<value>Not Invitation availible for this Invitation-Code</value>
<string id="534" name="invitation_error">
<value>The Invitation was already used. This type of Invitation cannot be re-used.</value>
<string id="535" name="invitation_error">
<value>This Invitation-Code is not valid.</value>
<string id="536" name="invitation_pass">
<string id="537" name="invitation_pass_btn">
<value>Check Password</value>
<string id="538" name="invitation_pass_error">
<value>Invalid Password!</value>
<string id="539" name="Browser">
<string id="540" name="audio_video">
<value>Syncronize Audio/Video</value>
<string id="541" name="errorCode_invalidSession">
<value>Login was correct, but the Session you tried is not active or stored on the Server. You have to get a new SessionId and retry login.</value>
<string id="542" name="errorcode_setUserObject">
<value>The SessionId is not loggedin or has no Admin rights. The SOAP Gateway needs an User with Admin-Rights to embed new Users.</value>
<string id="543" name="errorcode_loginByRemoteUser">
<value>This Session has no Remoteuser-Data connected. Wether you did not call the SOAP-Gateway before accessing the Application or you are usnig a wrong Session-ID</value>
<string id="544" name="debug_message_recording">
<value>The recorder is currently Beta!</value>
<string id="545" name="propertyPanelXValue">
<string id="546" name="propertyPanelXValueLabel">
<string id="547" name="propertyPanelYValue">
<string id="548" name="propertyPanelYValueLabel">
<string id="549" name="propertyPanelWidthValue">
<string id="550" name="propertyPanelWidthValueLabel">
<string id="551" name="propertyPanelHeightValue">
<string id="552" name="propertyPanelHeightValueLabel">
<string id="553" name="propertyOpacitySlider">
<value>Change Transparency</value>
<string id="554" name="browserOpen">
<value>Browser Open</value>
<string id="555" name="browserClose">
<value>Browser Close</value>
<string id="556" name="connectionLostMessage">
<value>The Connection to the Server is lost. You need to reload the Application or/and check your Network.</value>
<string id="557" name="557">
<string id="558" name="sync message header">
<string id="559" name="Synchronizing message">
<value>Synchronizing Users, please wait</value>
<string id="560" name="exportToSVG">
<value>&lt;u&gt;Download as SVG&lt;/u&gt;</value>
<string id="561" name="exportToImage">
<value>&lt;u&gt;Download as PNG&lt;/u&gt;</value>
<string id="562" name="exportToImage">
<value>&lt;u&gt;Download as JPG&lt;/u&gt;</value>
<string id="563" name="exportToImage">
<value>&lt;u&gt;Download as PDF&lt;/u&gt;</value>
<string id="564" name="exportToImage">
<value>&lt;u&gt;Download as TIF&lt;/u&gt;</value>
<string id="565" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="566" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="567" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="568" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="569" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="570" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="571" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="572" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="573" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="574" name="calendarLabel">
<value>Invite People</value>
<string id="575" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="576" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="577" name="calendarLabel">
<string id="578" name="alert">
<value>Appointment-end is after of appointment-start!</value>
<string id="579" name="alert">
<value>Please insert a title!</value>
<string id="580" name="580">
<string id="581" name="581">
<value>Activate this if you write in a right to left language (inverse word order)</value>
<string id="582" name="tooltip main-menu">
<string id="583" name="tooltip main-menu">
<value>Watch recorded Meetings or Events</value>
<string id="584" name="tooltip main-menu">
<value>Meeting - Make a conference with 4 (up to 16) Users&lt;br/&gt;everybody will have audio + video access</value>
<string id="585" name="tooltip main-menu">
<value>Event - Make a conference with up to 200 participents&lt;br/&gt;Only the Moderator will have audio/video</value>
<string id="586" name="tooltip main-menu">
<value>Create users, rooms, organizations&lt;br/&gt; + change configuration</value>
<string id="587" name="room Administration roomclients list">
<value>Users in this Room now</value>
<string id="588" name="room Administration roomclients list">
<string id="589" name="room Administration roomclients list">
<string id="590" name="room Administration roomclients list">
<string id="591" name="swf sync message">
<value>Loading Document. Please wait untill all Client have been synchronized.</value>
<string id="592" name="upload dialog">
<value>Upload complete, converting Document ...</value>
<string id="593" name="upload dialog">
<value>Start Upload</value>
<string id="594" name="upload dialog">
<value>Upload and Import Dialog. Please select a File from your Disk.</value>
<string id="595" name="upload Dialog">
<string id="596" name="upload Dialog">
<value>Select File</value>
<string id="597" name="administration navigation">
<string id="598" name="confadmin value list">
<string id="599" name="connection administration panel">
<string id="600" name="connection administration panel">
<string id="601" name="connection administration panel">
<value>Connected since</value>
<string id="602" name="connection administration panel">
<value>Room / Scope</value>
<string id="603" name="connection administration panel">
<value>Kick User</value>
<string id="604" name="kick user confirmation dialog">
<value>Kick User</value>
<string id="605" name="kick user confirmation dialog">
<value>Do you really want to kick this Client from the Connection?&lt;br/&gt; This does only remove the Client from the current Room.The Client could re-login again.</value>
<string id="606" name="kick user message dialog">
<value>Your session has been closed by an Administrator or Moderator.</value>
<string id="607" name="useralterself_phone">
<string id="608" name="participents panel">
<value>User is the Moderator of this Room</value>
<string id="609" name="participents panel">
<value>User is allowed to draw on the Whiteboard</value>
<string id="610" name="participents panel">
<value>(Re) Start Audio/Video or change Device Settings</value>
<string id="611" name="participents panel">
<value>Allow this User to draw on the Whiteboard</value>
<string id="612" name="participents panel">
<value>Remove ability to draw on whiteboard</value>
<string id="613" name="conferencePanels">
<string id="614" name="conferencePanels">
<string id="615" name="conferencePanels">
<string id="616" name="conferencePanels">
<string id="617" name="organization choose info">
<value>Your account is assigned to multiple Organizations. Please choose one for this Session.</value>
<string id="618" name="error message room full">
<value>This room is full at the moment. Please try again later.</value>
<string id="619" name="roomtypes">
<value>Room Type</value>
<string id="620" name="appointed_room">
<value>Appointment Room</value>
<string id="621" name="servertime">
<value>Server Time</value>
<string id="622" name="inv_reminder_template_head">
<value>$APP_NAME - Reminder</value>
<string id="623" name="inv_reminder_text_from">
<value>Message from User:</value>
<string id="624" name="inv_reminder_text_message">
<string id="625" name="inv_reminder_text_click_text">
<value>Click this link to participate in the Meetings:</value>
<string id="626" name="inv_reminder_text_click_text_link">
<value>Click here to enter room</value>
<string id="627" name="inv_reminder_text_click_text_help">
<value>if you have problems with the link, please copy and paste this to your browser:</value>
<string id="628" name="btn_search_intern">
<value>search intern</value>
<string id="629" name="btn_search_extern">
<value>extern users</value>
<string id="630" name="lbl_prename">
<value>pre name</value>
<string id="631" name="lbl_name">
<string id="632" name="lbl_email">
<string id="633" name="logoutConfirm_title">
<value>Confirm logout</value>
<string id="634" name="logoutConfirm_sure_to_logout_question">
<value>Are you sure you want to logout now?</value>
<string id="635" name="main menu">
<string id="636" name="room admin">
<value>Demo Room</value>
<string id="637" name="room admin">
<value>Demo Time</value>
<string id="638" name="meeting Timer">
<value>Meeting Timer</value>
<string id="639" name="meeting Timer">
<value>This Room is a Demo Room. To disable this warning you either should get a private meeting room for your personal usage or set up an own Server. You will be automatically logged off in:</value>
<string id="640" name="meeting room administration">
<string id="641" name="moderated room waiting message">
<value>Please wait untill the Moderator has entered the Room. The Moderator can be either a Teacher, Admin or the creator of this Room.</value>
<string id="642" name="error popup">
<string id="643" name="window screensharing">
<value>Incoming Screen Sharing</value>
<string id="644" name="window screen sharing">
<value>There is a new Screen Sharing incoming from the User:</value>
<string id="645" name="window screen sharing">
<value>Start Sharing</value>
<string id="646" name="calendar">
<value>Add new Meeting</value>
<string id="647" name="calendar">
<value>Meeting Room</value>
<string id="648" name="calendar">
<value>Event Room</value>
<string id="649" name="main menu moderation">
<string id="650" name="menu moderation">
<value>Moderate Users</value>
<string id="651" name="menu moderation">
<value>Moderate Rooms</value>
<string id="652" name="moderator org">
<string id="653" name="confirm moderation">
<value>Do you want to change this User to become a Moderator of that Organization?</value>
<string id="654" name="error message">
<value>Please choose an Organization before you try to add a User to it!</value>
<string id="655" name="choose user window">
<value>Organization - Moderator</value>
<string id="656" name="moderator org users">
<value>Do you really want to delete this User from the Organization?</value>
<string id="657" name="org moderation">
<value>This User is Moderator</value>
<string id="658" name="org moderation">
<value>This User is No-Moderator</value>
<string id="659" name="error message moderation">
<value>Do you want this User to be not a Moderator of this Organization?</value>
<string id="660" name="moderation">
<value>Add or delete Users or Rooms within your Organization</value>
<string id="661" name="delete confirm question">
<value>Do you really want to delete this record?</value>
<string id="662" name="delete confirm question user moderation">
<value>Do you really want to delete this user from your organization? You will only delete the connection between the user and your organization, to really delete the user itself you have to login into the Administration-Panel.</value>
<string id="663" name="error message self deleting">
<value>You cannot delete your own User!</value>
<string id="664" name="error message auth">
<value>This Method needs a Adminstration Account to be invoked!</value>
<string id="665" name="error message SOAP">
<value>There was no Session associated with this ID.</value>
<string id="666" name="error message moderation">
<value>This is an Administrator or Moderator account. You can only edit this account through the Administration Panel.</value>
<string id="667" name="email verification">
<value>To complete your registration please click on the following link. Or copy the URL to your browser bar.</value>
<string id="668" name="email verification">
<value>Click to verify your E-Mail</value>
<string id="669" name="errorMessage_UserActivationServlet [ActivateUser]">
<value>No user was found for this Hash.</value>
<string id="670" name="errorMessage_UserActivationServlet [ActivateUser]">
<value>This user is already activated!</value>
<string id="671" name="errorMessage_UserActivationServlet [ActivateUser]">
<value>You did successfully activate your account!</value>
<string id="672" name="errorMessage_UserActivationServlet [ActivateUser]">
<value>Login Now</value>
<string id="673" name="loginErrorMessage = user was not activated">
<value>Your account is not activated. First use the link in the Email you've received during registration.</value>
<string id="674" name="register verification message">
<value>You successfully signed up. We've send an EMail with a verification Code to your Mail. Please check your Inbox.</value>
<string id="675" name="participants panel">
<value>Remove Moderation Role from this User</value>
<string id="676" name="participants panel">
<value>Grant Moderation Rights to this User</value>
<string id="677" name="event user list">
<string id="678" name="event user list">
<value>Access to whiteboard</value>
<string id="679" name="event user list">
<string id="680" name="event user list">
<value>Moderation: Please choose any User on the List to grant him access to the Whiteboard, Moderation or Video.</value>
<string id="681" name="event user list">
<value>This User is already Moderator, so he has automatically the right to draw.</value>
<string id="682" name="event user list error">
<value>This is you! You cannot remove the Moderation rights from yourself.</value>
<string id="683" name="event user list">
<value>Allow this User to Publish his Audio / Video</value>
<string id="684" name="event user list">
<value>Remove Audio/Video of this User</value>
<string id="685" name="event user list">
<value>I would like to get the moderation of this room</value>
<string id="686" name="event user list">
<value>I would like to draw on whiteboard</value>
<string id="687" name="event user list">
<value>I would like to share my Audio/Video</value>
<string id="688" name="event user list">
<value>You are moderator of this room</value>
<string id="689" name="event user list">
<value>You are allowed to draw on whiteboard</value>
<string id="690" name="event user list">
<value>You are allowed to share your Audio/Video</value>
<string id="691" name="errortype">
<value>Message to Moderator</value>
<string id="692" name="apply for mod message">
<value>The User</value>
<string id="693" name="apply for mod message">
<value>would like to get the Moderation. Use the status Icons next to the user in the List of Users to add or remove the Moderation.</value>
<string id="694" name="apply for whiteboard">
<value>would like to draw on whiteboard. Use the status Icons next to the user in the List of Users to add or remove the right to draw anything on the whiteboard.</value>
<string id="695" name="695">
<value>would like to share his Audio/Video. Use the status Icons next to the user in the List of Users to add or remove the right to share Audio/Video for any User.</value>
<string id="696" name="moderation message">
<value>You have to wait untill a Moderator enters the room.</value>
<string id="697" name="calendar button">
<string id="698" name="calendar button">
<string id="699" name="calendar component">
<string id="700" name="calendar component">
<string id="701" name="calendar component">
<string id="702" name="file explorer">
<value>Upload File</value>
<string id="703" name="file explorer">
<value>Add Folder</value>
<string id="704" name="file explorer">
<string id="705" name="file explorer">
<value>Trash (Drag and Drop item here)</value>
<string id="706" name="file explorer">
<value>My Files (Home Drive)</value>
<string id="707" name="file explorer">
<value>Room Files (Public Drive)</value>
<string id="708" name="file explorer">
<value>Add File</value>
<string id="709" name="file explorer">
<value>Add Folder</value>
<string id="710" name="file explorer">
<value>Delete Folder</value>
<string id="711" name="file explorer">
<value>Edit Name</value>
<string id="712" name="file explorer">
<value>New Folder</value>
<string id="713" name="file explorer">
<value>Are you sure you want to delete this Item?</value>
<string id="714" name="user admin">
<string id="715" name="user admin">
<string id="716" name="file explorer">
<value>Open Document</value>
<string id="717" name="file explorer">
<value>Show all Files (Tree View)</value>
<string id="718" name="file explorer">
<value>Close Document</value>
<string id="719" name="file explorer">
<value>Delete File</value>
<string id="720" name="file explorer">
<value>You are not allowed to draw anything on the Whiteboard. You have to become Moderator or at least get the Right to edit Whiteboard. You may ask a Moderator to give you that right.</value>
<string id="721" name="property panel">
<value>Document Properties</value>
<string id="722" name="sharing session">
<value>Start Client (external)</value>
<string id="723" name="sharing session">
<value>Start Client (HTTP)</value>
<string id="724" name="sharing session">
<value>A user want to share his screen. Do you want to see it?</value>
<string id="725" name="sharing session">
<value>You are currently sharing your Desktop. For stopping the Sharing Session please hit the Stop button in the Sharing Client.</value>
<string id="726" name="sharing session">
<value>Sharing Session</value>
<string id="727" name="sharing session">
<value>You are already sharing your desktop!</value>
<string id="728" name="sharing client">
<value>Desktop Viewer</value>
<string id="729" name="sharing client">
<string id="730" name="sharing client">
<value>Desktop Sharer</value>
<string id="731" name="sharing client">
<value>Click Start to publish your screen</value>
<string id="732" name="sharing client">
<value>Start Sharing</value>
<string id="733" name="sharing client">
<value>Stop Sharing</value>
<string id="734" name="sharing client">
<value>Select your screen area:</value>
<string id="735" name="sharing client">
<value>Change width</value>
<string id="736" name="sharing client">
<value>The Sharer has finished this session!</value>
<string id="737" name="sharing client">
<value>Change height</value>
<string id="738" name="sharing client">
<string id="739" name="sharing client">
<string id="740" name="sharing client">
<string id="741" name="sharing client">
<string id="742" name="sharing client">
<value>Connection was closed by Server</value>
<string id="743" name="sharing viewer">
<string id="744" name="sharing viewer">
<value>Start External</value>
<string id="745" name="sharing viewer">
<value>If you close this session completely you are not able to restart the viewer for this session.</value>
<string id="746" name="sharing viewer">
<value>Confirm Closing Viewer Session</value>
<string id="747" name="sharing viewer">
<value>Share Screen</value>
<string id="748" name="sharing viewer">
<value>Record Session</value>
<string id="749" name="co-browser">
<string id="750" name="co-browser">
<value>Ooops, ... Firefox on Windows does not show clear Co-Browsing. Please use another Browser for using the Co-Browsing feature.</value>
<string id="751" name="co-browser">
<string id="752" name="co-browser">
<string id="753" name="co-browser">
<string id="754" name="co-browser">
<string id="755" name="co-browser">
<string id="756" name="co-browser">
<value>Add this website as Default website to your Profile.</value>
<string id="757" name="test setup">
<value>Test Setup</value>
<string id="758" name="test setup">
<value>Check you Microphone and Camera setup before you enter a room by recording some seconds. You can then replay your recording to check your voice and picture.</value>
<string id="759" name="test setup">
<value>Don't show this test anymore</value>
<string id="760" name="test setup">
<string id="761" name="test setup">
<value>Start Conference</value>
<string id="762" name="edit video settings">
<value>Do not ask again</value>
<string id="763" name="test setup">
<string id="764" name="test setup">
<string id="765" name="test setup">
<value>You may proceed without testing if you do not plan to publish your voice or picture. Participants without Audio or Video can still use the Whiteboard, share their Desktop or write Chat messages.</value>
<string id="766" name="test setup">
<string id="767" name="test setup">
<string id="768" name="start view">
<value>Press Start</value>
<string id="769" name="start view">
<value>Start Conference</value>
<string id="770" name="start view">
<value>Start Event</value>
<string id="771" name="start view">
<value>Choose Room</value>
<string id="772" name="start view">
<value>Check Setup</value>
<string id="773" name="start view">
<value>Start Conference</value>
<string id="774" name="start view">
<value>How to conference</value>
<string id="775" name="test setup">
<value>Start Recording</value>
<string id="776" name="test setup">
<value>Do not show Audio / Video Test (Recording) before entering a Conference</value>
<string id="777" name="overview room">
<value>Public Rooms</value>
<string id="778" name="overview room">
<value>Public Rooms are accessible for all Users.</value>
<string id="779" name="overview room">
<value>Private Rooms</value>
<string id="780" name="Private Rooms">
<value>Private Rooms are only accessible for users of the same organization.</value>
<string id="781" name="overview room">
<value>My Rooms</value>
<string id="782" name="overview room">
<value>Rooms in this section are created for personal usage. There are some standard rooms plus the ones that are created through the calendar and have a start and an end date. The rooms created via the calendar are only listed in this section as long as they are valid.</value>
<string id="783" name="restricted room">
<value>You have to be moderator to do this.</value>
<string id="784" name="menu option">
<value>Apply for moderation</value>
<string id="785" name="menu option">
<value>Apply for whiteboard access</value>
<string id="786" name="menu option">
<value>Apply for camera/microphone access</value>
<string id="787" name="error message soap secure login">
<value>This Session Hash was already used. You cannot use it twice.</value>
<string id="788" name="dashboard button">
<string id="789" name="exit conference">
<string id="790" name="conference view">
<value>Do you really want to exit? You might should clear uploaded documents, whiteboard and the chat history.</value>
<string id="791" name="conference view">
<value>Exit conference</value>
<string id="792" name="main menu">
<string id="793" name="main menu">
<value>Choose a room for a meeting</value>
<string id="794" name="calendar">
<value>There is an unsaved Event in the Calendar. Please either save it or remove it.</value>
<string id="795" name="calendar">
<value>Please add at least one attendee for your meeting!</value>
<string id="796" name="calendar">
<value>Do you really want to delete this Event?</value>
<string id="797" name="calendar">
<string id="798" name="calendar">
<value>Add Event</value>
<string id="799" name="calendar">
<string id="800" name="calendar">
<string id="801" name="calendar">
<string id="802" name="calendar">
<string id="803" name="calendar">
<string id="804" name="dashboard">
<value>$APP_NAME, your Web Conferencing Platform. Either follow the Instructions, press the start button to start to conference immediatelly or you goto the Calendar and set up a Conference for the future.</value>
<string id="805" name="dashboard">
<value>Plan a Meeting</value>
<string id="806" name="lzcalendar">
<value>To set up a conference you can add a new Event in the Calendar.</value>
<string id="807" name="lzcalendar">
<value>Need help?</value>
<string id="808" name="lzcalendar">
<string id="809" name="lzcalender">
<string id="810" name="lzcalender">
<string id="811" name="lzcalendar">
<value>There is no User selected. Please select an item from the list first and then hit add.</value>
<string id="812" name="lzcalendar">
<value>Add Attendee</value>
<string id="813" name="lzcalendar">
<string id="814" name="lzcalendar">
<string id="815" name="lzcalendar">
<value>Event Details</value>
<string id="816" name="room admin">
<value>Default Moderators</value>
<string id="817" name="room admin">
<string id="818" name="room admin">
<string id="819" name="room admin">
<string id="820" name="room admin">
<string id="821" name="room admin">
<value>Add new default Moderator</value>
<string id="822" name="room admin">
<value>Is Super Moderator</value>
<string id="823" name="room admin">
<value>If the Room is moderated, User with Level Moderator or Administrator are automatically Moderator if they enter the Room. If you don't want to specify that and only want a certain User to become Moderator use the Default Moderator option.</value>
<string id="824" name="room admin">
<value>A Super Moderator is always a Moderator when he enters a Room, and nobody can remove the Moderation Flag from him</value>
<string id="825" name="room admin">
<value>Apply Super-Moderation to User</value>
<string id="826" name="room admin">
<value>Remove Super Moderation from User</value>
<string id="827" name="room admin">
<string id="828" name="room admin">
<value>If you add an Organization to the room only users of that Organization have access to it (This is only valid if the isPublic flag is set to false!)</value>
<string id="829" name="room admin">
<string id="830" name="room admin">
<string id="831" name="room admin">
<string id="832" name="confirm action">
<value>Are you sure?</value>
<string id="833" name="confirm delete">
<value>Do you really want to delete this Item? You have to press the save button to store the changes!</value>
<string id="834" name="user choose error">
<value>There is no User selected. Please select first before you add it!</value>
<string id="835" name="room admin">
<value>Add new Default Moderator</value>
<string id="836" name="room admin">
<value>Do you want to add the Super Moderation Flag for this User? A Super Moderator is not only Moderator of a Room, but also no other Moderator can remove the Moderation Flag for this User. You need to save the Room Object to save these settings!</value>
<string id="837" name="room admin">
<value>Do you want to remove the Super Moderation Flag for this User? You need to save the Room Object to save these settings!</value>
<string id="838" name="super moderator">
<value>This User is a Super-Moderator. You cannot remove the Moderation flag from a Super-Moderator!</value>
<string id="839" name="confirm delete">
<value>Do you really want to delete this File/Folder?</value>
<string id="840" name="confirm delete">
<value>Delete File/Folder?</value>
<string id="841" name="salutation">
<string id="842" name="salutation">
<string id="843" name="property panel whiteboard">
<string id="844" name="screen sharer">
<value>Show mouse position to viewers</value>
<string id="845" name="publish option">
<value>Share Audio with SIP Applet</value>
<string id="846" name="publish option">
<value>Share Audio with SIP and Video with Flash</value>
<string id="847" name="document panel">
<string id="848" name="screen share">
<value>View Screen</value>
<string id="849" name="screen share">
<value>The user</value>
<string id="850" name="screen share">
<value>wants to share its screen. Do you want to see it?</value>
<string id="851" name="screen share">
<string id="852" name="screen sharer">
<string id="853" name="screen sharer">
<value>The Session was closed by the sharing User!</value>
<string id="854" name="screen sharer">
<string id="855" name="screen sharer">
<value>New Screen Sharing</value>
<string id="856" name="presenter mini icon">
<string id="857" name="presenter mini icon">
<string id="858" name="flvrecording">
<string id="859" name="flvrecording">
<value>Recording Timeline</value>
<string id="860" name="flvrecording">
<value>My Recordings</value>
<string id="861" name="flvrecording">
<value>Public Recordings</value>
<string id="862" name="flvrecording">
<string id="863" name="flvrecording">
<string id="864" name="flvrecording">
<string id="865" name="flvrecording">
<string id="866" name="flvrecording">
<string id="867" name="flvrecording">
<string id="868" name="flvrecording">
<value>Main - Video</value>
<string id="869" name="screen share">
<string id="870" name="screen share">
<value>You may record and share your screen at the same time. To enable others to see your screen just hit the start button on the top. To only record the Session it is sufficient to click start recording.</value>
<string id="871" name="screen share">
<value>Start Recording</value>
<string id="872" name="screen share">
<value>Stop Recording</value>
<string id="873" name="flvrecording">
<value>Download the FLV-File</value>
<string id="874" name="flvrecording">
<string id="875" name="flvrecording">
<string id="876" name="flvrecording">
<string id="877" name="flvrecording">
<value>User has microphone on</value>
<string id="878" name="sharing client">
<value>Stop Sharing</value>
<string id="879" name="room config">
<value>Allow User Questions</value>
<string id="880" name="room config">
<value>Turn this off to prevent that any user is disturbing you in this room. Effect is that the Button to ask for Moderation ("I have a question") is not visible.</value>
<string id="881" name="room config">
<string id="882" name="flvrecording">
<value>Download as AVI</value>
<string id="883" name="flvrecording">
<string id="884" name="flvrecording">
<string id="885" name="flvrecording">
<value>Raw Screenvideo</value>
<string id="886" name="flvrecording">
<value>Audio only</value>
<string id="887" name="flvrecording">
<value>The have been errors while processing the Recording.</value>
<string id="888" name="flvrecording">
<value>The Recording is not yet ready for watching. Please retry in a couple of minutes again.</value>
<string id="889" name="flvrecording">
<string id="890" name="flvrecording">
<value>Recorder Message</value>
<string id="891" name="flvrecording">
<string id="892" name="sip applet">
<value>SIP Applet is not Ready</value>
<string id="893" name="user administration">
<value>SIP-Account Settings</value>
<string id="894" name="user administration">
<value>SIP settings for each user. You can turn on or off SIP via the Administration &gt; Configuration (Key: enable_sip). The SIP data for each user should be created automatically. You can re-create the data by checking "Re-generate SIP Data"</value>
<string id="895" name="user administration">
<string id="896" name="user administration">
<string id="897" name="user administration">
<string id="898" name="sip status message">
<value>The Login to the SIP Gateway has failed. You should check the authentification data of your SIP-Provider and the SIP-Account Data for each User. As Administrator you are still able to login and check the Configuration. As User or Moderator you will be blocked from any interaction.</value>
<string id="899" name="sip status message">
<value>The Login to the SIP Gateway has failed. Contact your Service Team!</value>
<string id="900" name="sip status message">
<value>Logging in to SIP-Gateway ...</value>
<string id="901" name="sip status message">
<value>Logging in to SIP-Gateway ...</value>
<string id="902" name="flvrecording">
<value>Show Log</value>
<string id="903" name="flvrecording">
<value>Log messages from post recorder process</value>
<string id="904" name="sip login">
<value>SIP-Applet Message</value>
<string id="905" name="sip login">
<value>The SIP-Applet is not ready. Accept the Applet please and click ok!</value>
<string id="906" name="moderator pop up">
<value>Get Moderation</value>
<string id="907" name="lzcalendar">
<value>Save Appointment Changes</value>
<string id="908" name="lzcalendar">
<value>The appointement has been changed. Do you want to save those changes? &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;All attendees of the appointment will receive a EMail with the updated date and time (depending on the notification type of this appointment).</value>
<string id="909" name="flv recorder error message">
<value>To access other recordings you have to login the $APP_NAME Application.</value>
<string id="910" name="interview video pod">
<value>Choose the User for this Video</value>
<string id="911" name="interview video choose user">
<value>Available Users for this Pod</value>
<string id="912" name="interview info">
<value>You are a Moderator in this Interview. You can decide who is speaking in this interview and you can start / stop the recording of the Session.</value>
<string id="913" name="interview button recording">
<value>Start Recording</value>
<string id="914" name="interview button recording">
<value>Stop Recording</value>
<string id="915" name="interview error message">
<value>The recording of the Interview is already started.</value>
<string id="916" name="interview error message">
<value>The recording is already stopped or not been started yet.</value>
<string id="917" name="interview recording message">
<value>The recording for this interview is already started!</value>
<string id="918" name="interview error message">
<string id="919" name="interview error message">
<value>The post-processing of an interview takes 5 minutes per 1 minute interview. The current progress of the interview post-processing transcoding is:</value>
<string id="920" name="sip creation">
<value>You have to enter your password again to auto create the SIP Data</value>
<string id="921" name="sip creation">
<value>Re-generate SIP Data</value>
<string id="922" name="fileexplorer">
<value>You cannot move this file or folder into its own sub folder!</value>
<string id="923" name="file explorer ">
<value>Home drive size</value>
<string id="924" name="file explorer">
<value>Public drive size</value>
<string id="925" name="user-admin">
<value>License Settings</value>
<string id="926" name="user-admin">
<value>You can either bind the user to a expire Date or to a maximum number of minutes when you enable licensing.</value>
<string id="927" name="user-admin">
<value>Check license</value>
<string id="928" name="user-admin">
<string id="929" name="user-admin">
<value>Expire date</value>
<string id="930" name="user-admin">
<value>Seconds left</value>
<string id="931" name="user-admin">
<value>Total time</value>
<string id="932" name="user-license">
<value>Your License has expired. You need to buy new minutes (Pay-per-minute) or a volume flatrate.</value>
<string id="933" name="user-license">
<value>Click and buy</value>
<string id="934" name="user-license">
<value>Time Left on your account:</value>
<string id="935" name="user-license">
<value>User License Info</value>
<string id="936" name="user-license">
<string id="937" name="user-license">
<string id="938" name="license-info">
<value>Your license has expired. You need either to buy a minute package (Pay-per-minute) or a volume flatrate.</value>
<string id="939" name="user-license">
<value>License settings</value>
<string id="940" name="user-license">
<value>You can either buy minutes to make Web-Conferencing (Pay-per-minute).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt; Or you buy a volume flatrate about 3-12 months.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Sending invitations (direct links into Conference Rooms) or creating conference Rooms via the Calendar with external Users is only allowed with a volume flatrate!</value>
<string id="941" name="user-license">
<value>Buy 60 Minutes 9,99 EURO (16 Cent per Minute)</value>
<string id="942" name="user-license">
<value>Buy 5 hours 19,99 EURO (6 Cent per minute)</value>
<string id="943" name="user-license">
<value>Buy 3 month for 29,99 EURO (9,99 Euro per Month)</value>
<string id="944" name="user-license">
<value>Buy 6 month for 39,99 EURO (6,66 Euro per month)</value>
<string id="945" name="user-license">
<string id="946" name="user-license">
<value>Volume flatrate</value>
<string id="947" name="user-license">
<value>You have unlimited License</value>
<string id="948" name="user-license">
<value>Your license will expire at:</value>
<string id="949" name="user-license">
<value>You bought Pay-per-minute. You still have:</value>
<string id="950" name="user-license">
<value>Buy new credit!</value>
<string id="951" name="user-license">
<value>Want your own Server?</value>
<string id="952" name="user-license">
<value>You would like to have $APP_NAME installed on your Server or integrated into your Moodle, SugarCRM, Website or Intranet? Prizings start at 500 Euro per Installation!</value>
<string id="953" name="user-license">
<value>Or send us a message</value>
<string id="954" name="user-license">
<value>Answer to:</value>
<string id="955" name="user-license">
<string id="956" name="user-license">
<string id="957" name="user-license">
<value>Click here to get contact Info and Prizings</value>
<string id="958" name="payment-form">
<value>Credit Card Details</value>
<string id="959" name="payment-form">
<string id="960" name="payment-form">
<string id="961" name="payment-form">
<value>Credit Card Type</value>
<string id="962" name="payment-form">
<value>VISA Card</value>
<string id="963" name="payment-form">
<string id="964" name="payment-form">
<string id="965" name="payment-form">
<value>American Express</value>
<string id="966" name="payment-form">
<value>Credit Card Number</value>
<string id="967" name="payment-form">
<value>Expiration Date</value>
<string id="968" name="payment-form">
<value>Card Verification Number</value>
<string id="969" name="payment-form">
<value>Billing Address</value>
<string id="970" name="payment-form">
<string id="971" name="payment-form">
<string id="972" name="payment-form">
<string id="973" name="payment-form">
<string id="974" name="payment-form">
<value>State (Only US)</value>
<string id="975" name="payment-form">
<string id="976" name="payment-form">
<string id="977" name="payment-form">
<string id="978" name="payment-form">
<value>Step 1: $APP_NAME - Payment Form</value>
<string id="979" name="payment-form">
<string id="980" name="payment-form">
<value>Click "Check out with Paypal" to pay.&lt;br/&gt; Paypal accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express. &lt;br/&gt;It does not require to sign up with Paypal. &lt;br/&gt;Citizens from Germany can also pay with direct debit (Per Lastschrift-Einzug).</value>
<string id="981" name="payment-form">
<value>Thank you for buying $APP_NAME. &lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt; As soon as we received the payment your account will be updated.&lt;br/&gt; You will receive an EMail with your invoice as PDF.&lt;br/&gt;You can also check current and past transactions in your profile settings.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;You can close this browser window/tab now and return to $APP_NAME.</value>
<string id="982" name="payment-form">
<value>Submit and Buy!</value>
<string id="983" name="payment-from">
<value>Click and Buy!</value>
<string id="984" name="payment-from">
<value>Step 3: $APP_NAME Payment - Check order and buy!</value>
<string id="985" name="payment-from">
<string id="986" name="payment-mail">
<value>Payment received!</value>
<string id="987" name="payment-mail">
<string id="988" name="payment-mail">
<value>We have received your payment. Your user profile is updated now. See attached your Invoice. The Invoice and all past Invoice can also be downloaded in your user profile.</value>
<string id="989" name="payment-mail">
<value>Thank you for using $APP_NAME!</value>
<string id="990" name="payment-mail">
<value>Payment Received $APP_NAME -</value>
<string id="991" name="user-settings">
<value>Payment and Transaction Status</value>
<string id="992" name="user-settings">
<value>Transcation Hash</value>
<string id="993" name="user-settings">
<string id="994" name="user-settings">
<string id="995" name="user-settings">
<string id="996" name="user-settings">
<string id="997" name="user-settings">
<string id="998" name="user-settings">
<string id="999" name="error-license-flat">
<value>You need to buy a volume flatrate to be able to send invitations or create meetings via the calendar. With Pay-per-minute it is only possible for you to access $APP_NAME. You cannot allow 3th Parties to access a Meeting.</value>
<string id="1000" name="error user">
<value>This Email is already used by another User.</value>
<string id="1001" name="room-admin">
<string id="1002" name="room-admin">
<value>The Conference Number and PIN is automatically created via the OpenXG RPC-Gateway</value>
<string id="1003" name="room-admin">
<value>SIP Number</value>
<string id="1004" name="room-admin">
<string id="1005" name="whiteboard">
<value>Clear objects on current slide only!</value>
<string id="1006" name="co-browser">
<value>Only the URL entered in the Status bar is send to participants!</value>
<string id="1007" name="team-split">
<value>Make Team-Rooms [Breakout session]</value>
<string id="1008" name="team-split">
<value>Choose users for a new Team-Room!</value>
<string id="1009" name="team-split">
<value>You can choose users here and create a new Conference Room ("Team Room") for them. The chosen users will automatically switch to the new Team-Room or get a notification. Team-Room Moderators will get additionally a list of current rooms so that they can switch to each room if there are is need for a Moderator.</value>
<string id="1010" name="team-split">
<string id="1011" name="team-split">
<string id="1012" name="team-split">
<string id="1013" name="team-split">
<value>Users for the new Team-Room:</value>
<string id="1014" name="team-split">
<value>Create Team-Room</value>
<string id="1015" name="team-split">
<string id="1016" name="team-split">
<value>Choose at least one user for the Team-Room!</value>
<string id="1017" name="team-split">
<value>Add user to team</value>
<string id="1018" name="team-split">
<value>Remove user from Team-Room</value>
<string id="1019" name="team-split">
<value>User is Team-Room Moderator (He is able to manage Team-Rooms and users of the Team-Room can ask him to come inside)</value>
<string id="1020" name="team-split">
<string id="1021" name="team-split">
<value>If you check "Force user to switch to new Team-Room" all chosen users will automatically switch to the newly created Team-Room. Otherwise they get a notification with a button that they &lt;i&gt;can&lt;/i&gt; switch to the new room. Team-Moderators always have the free choice to manage the Team-Rooms and switch between them.</value>
<string id="1022" name="team-split">
<value>Manage Team-Rooms</value>
<string id="1023" name="team-split">
<value>You can switch here between all Team-Rooms that you are assigned as Team-Room Moderator. Users inside the Team-Room can send you a message, for example to ask you to come to their room and help them. You can also terminate the Team-Room and all Users will be logged out.</value>
<string id="1024" name="team-split">
<value>Force user to switch to new Team-Room</value>
<string id="1025" name="team-split">
<string id="1026" name="team-split">
<string id="1027" name="team-split">
<string id="1028" name="team-split">
<string id="1029" name="team-split">
<value>Users available</value>
<string id="1030" name="team-split">
<value>Add a user with the plus from the left or remove it with the cross from the right!</value>
<string id="1031" name="team-split">
<value>1) Team-Room settings</value>
<string id="1032" name="team-split">
<value>2) Add users to the Team-Room</value>
<string id="1033" name="team-split">
<value>Team-Room Name</value>
<string id="1034" name="team-split">
<string id="1035" name="team-split">
<value>Change to the Room</value>
<string id="1036" name="team-split">
<value>Switch to this Team-Room</value>
<string id="1037" name="team-split">
<value>Terminate Team-Room and logout all Users</value>
<string id="1038" name="team-split">
<value>New Team-Room</value>
<string id="1039" name="team-split">
<value>There is a new Team-Room available for you.</value>
<string id="1040" name="team-split">
<value>Switch to Team-Room</value>
<string id="1041" name="team-split">
<value>Team-Room Actions</value>
<string id="1042" name="team-split">
<value>You can re-open this window via the main menu in the "Actions" section!</value>
<string id="1043" name="team-split">
<value>Send message to Team-Room Moderator</value>
<string id="1044" name="team-split">
<value>New Team-Room</value>
<string id="1045" name="team-split">
<value>There is a new Team-Room available. You can switch to that Room. Team-Rooms are like "Workgroups" with additionally possibilities to ask the Team-Room Moderator for help. Your Team-Rooms are also available in the "My Meetings" section.</value>
<string id="1046" name="team-split">
<value>Switch to Team-Room</value>
<string id="1047" name="team-split">
<value>Created by:</value>
<string id="1048" name="team-split">
<value>Team-Room name:</value>
<string id="1049" name="team-split">
<value>This Window will stay open even if you leave the room!</value>
<string id="1050" name="team-split">
<value>Users for this Team-Room</value>
<string id="1051" name="team-split">
<value>3) Other Team-Rooms that you could switch to</value>
<string id="1052" name="team-split">
<value>Send a message to the Team-Room Moderators. For example if you need help in Moderating the Room or if you have a question about the topic.</value>
<string id="1053" name="team-split">
<string id="1054" name="team-split">
<value>2) Users that are invited to this Team-Room</value>
<string id="1055" name="team-split">
<value>Is Team-Room Moderator</value>
<string id="1056" name="team-split">
<value>These are all users that the moderator has invited to this Team-Room.</value>
<string id="1057" name="team-split">
<value>There is no Team-Moderator logged in at the moment!</value>
<string id="1058" name="team-split">
<value>Please enter a message</value>
<string id="1059" name="team-split">
<value>Please help us, we have a problem in our Team-Room!</value>
<string id="1060" name="team-split">
<value>A user from a Team-Room requests your help.</value>
<string id="1061" name="team-split">
<value>Team-Room request for help</value>
<string id="1062" name="team-split">
<string id="1063" name="team-split">
<string id="1064" name="team-split">
<value>You are currently not in any Team-Room. But you can switch here to all Team-Rooms that you have access to.</value>
<string id="1065" name="backupContent">
<value>Backup the System. The Backup includes all User generated data. The configuration is not included as well as the language labels. Because those values are imported with the System Installer. To update your System, export your old system (1) re-install into a new database the new package (2) and import the Backup file again (3). The Backup should be imported before generating data in the newly installed system.</value>
<string id="1066" name="backupContent">
<value>System Backup</value>
<string id="1067" name="user-list">
<value>Allow user to share Screen/Record</value>
<string id="1068" name="user-list">
<value>Deny user to share Screen/Record</value>
<string id="1069" name="user-list">
<value>User is Moderator, he can do anything!</value>
<string id="1070" name="apply for screen/recording">
<value>would like to share/record screen.</value>
<string id="1071" name="moderation mini icons">
<value>You are allowed to share/record screen</value>
<string id="1072" name="moderation mini icons">
<value>Apply for right to share/record screen.</value>
<string id="1073" name="moderation mini icons conference">
<value>Allow/Deny right to share/record screen.</value>
<string id="1074" name="sound icon">
<value>Turn sound off</value>
<string id="1075" name="sound icon">
<value>Turn sound on</value>
<string id="1076" name="room administration">
<value>Audio only room</value>
<string id="1077" name="room administration">
<value>Turn this Flag on and the users will have only the Audio-Option and no Video in a conference room. This can by good to save bandwidth.</value>
<string id="1078" name="user list">
<value>Allow Remote Control (During Screen Sharing)</value>
<string id="1079" name="user list">
<value>Deny Remote Control (During Screen Sharing)</value>
<string id="1080" name="user list">
<value>Apply for right to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</value>
<string id="1081" name="user list">
<value>You are allowed to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</value>
<string id="1082" name="apply for remote control">
<value>would like to remote control screen.</value>
<string id="1083" name="user list">
<value>User is Moderator, he can do anything! [Remote Desktop Control]</value>
<string id="1084" name="user list">
<value>Allow/Deny right to Remote Control Screen (During Screen Sharing)</value>
<string id="1085" name="right click screen share">
<value>1) Your PC to remote PC: To copy and paste text from your clipboard into the remote controlled screen, click on the screen, then right click in the text field and choose "Insert" from the context (right click) menu.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;2) From remote PC to your PC: To copy text from the remote PC to your PC's clipboard, highlight the text with the mouse on the remote screen, then right-click on the remote screen and choose &lt;i&gt;Copy highlighted text&lt;/i&gt;</value>
<string id="1086" name="right click screen share">
<value>Copy and Paste text from your PC to remote PC and vice-versa.</value>
<string id="1087" name="right click screen share">
<value>Copy highlighted text</value>
<string id="1088" name="right click screen share">
<value>How to copy n paste</value>
<string id="1089" name="screen-sharer-quality">
<value>Quality of the ScreenShare:</value>
<string id="1090" name="screen-sharer-quality">
<value>Very high Quality</value>
<string id="1091" name="screen-sharer-quality">
<value>High Quality</value>
<string id="1092" name="screen-sharer-quality">
<value>Medium Quality</value>
<string id="1093" name="screen-sharer-quality">
<value>Low Quality</value>
<string id="1094" name="keyboard-input">
<string id="1095" name="keyboard-input">
<string id="1096" name="keyboard-input">
<string id="1097" name="keyboard-input">
<value>Close Webinar!</value>
<string id="1098" name="keyboard-input">
<value>The Webinar is already closed, you will be redirected to some interesting offerings in</value>
<string id="1099" name="room config">
<value>Close Room</value>
<string id="1100" name="room config">
<value>Exit URL</value>
<string id="1101" name="room config">
<value>Room termination settings</value>
<string id="1102" name="room config">
<value>If the room is closed users will be redirected to the exit URL.</value>
<string id="1103" name="ldap config">
<string id="1104" name="ldap config">
<string id="1105" name="ldap config">
<string id="1106" name="ldap config">
<value>Config File</value>
<string id="1107" name="ldap config">
<value>Ldap Config</value>
<string id="1108" name="ldap config">
<string id="1109" name="ldap config">
<string id="1110" name="ldap config">
<string id="1111" name="ldap config">
<value>Inserted by</value>
<string id="1112" name="ldap config">
<string id="1113" name="ldap config">
<value>Updated by</value>
<string id="1114" name="ldap config">
<value>The config files are in the folder webapps/openmeetings/conf. You need to manually upload the files to this folder. Changes to the config file are immediately online.</value>
<string id="1115" name="ldap config">
<value>Config file name</value>
<string id="1116" name="ldap config">
<value>If you enable "Add Domain to username" the value of the field "domain" is added to each login that the user enters in the login box. This is useful if the Login in the Ldap is stored including the domain name. Example: User enters "hans" domain is specified as "", login that is verified against Ldap is:</value>
<string id="1117" name="ldap config">
<value>Add Domain to username</value>
<string id="1118" name="ldap config">
<string id="1119" name="remote control">
<string id="1120" name="remote control">
<value>Copy highlighted text</value>
<string id="1121" name="remote control">
<value>Remote Clipboard Text</value>
<string id="1122" name="remote control">
<value>Show remote Clipboard</value>
<string id="1123" name="right click screen share">
<value>Do not show again</value>
<string id="1124" name="right click screen share">
<value>Copy text here ...</value>
<string id="1125" name="right click screen share">
<value>You need the right to remote control (or the moderation) to copy and paste text to or from the remote screen.</value>
<string id="1126" name="right click screen share">
<value>Edit default settings ...</value>
<string id="1127" name="right click screen share">
<value>Do not show info box in Remote Control about Copy and Paste</value>
<string id="1128" name="calendar">
<string id="1129" name="calendar">
<string id="1130" name="calendar">
<string id="1131" name="chat invite user">
<value>Invite user to conference room</value>
<string id="1132" name="chat invite user">
<value>Choose a conference room. The invited user will get a message with your name and a link to the room.</value>
<string id="1133" name="chat user">
<value>Connected since:</value>
<string id="1134" name="chat invite user">
<value>Enter room after sending invitation</value>
<string id="1135" name="chat invite user">
<string id="1136" name="chat invite user">
<string id="1137" name="chat invite user">
<value>would like to invite you to the conference room:</value>
<string id="1138" name="chat invite user">
<value>Invite message</value>
<string id="1139" name="chat invite user">
<value>Send Invitation</value>
<string id="1140" name="chat invite user">
<value>did &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; accept your invitation!</value>
<string id="1141" name="chat invite user">
<string id="1142" name="chat invite user">
<string id="1143" name="user profile">
<string id="1144" name="appointment notification">
<value>Event Details</value>
<string id="1145" name="appointment notification">
<string id="1146" name="appointment notification">
<string id="1147" name="appointment notification">
<value>Created by</value>
<string id="1148" name="user administration">
<value>TimeZone Message</value>
<string id="1149" name="user administration">
<value>Check "TimeZone Message" to give users a message next time they login to update their profile.</value>
<string id="1150" name="time zone update message">
<value>Please check the time zone in your user profile.</value>
<string id="1151" name="calendar invitation message">
<value>New $APP_NAME conference:</value>
<string id="1152" name="calendar invitation message">
<string id="1153" name="calendar invitation message">
<string id="1154" name="calendar invitation message">
<string id="1155" name="calendar invitation message">
<value>Changed $APP_NAME conference:</value>
<string id="1156" name="calendar invitation message">
<string id="1157" name="calendar invitation message">
<value>Canceled $APP_NAME conference:</value>
<string id="1158" name="calendar invitation message">
<value>$APP_NAME conference Reminder:</value>
<string id="1159" name="user settings">
<value>Community settings</value>
<string id="1160" name="user settings">
<value>Show contact data to everybody</value>
<string id="1161" name="user settings">
<value>Add fields of interest that you offer or that you are searching to find interesting partners for a conference. Comma separate the terms (for example: Medical Service, Health assurance, ...)</value>
<string id="1162" name="user settings">
<value>My offerings</value>
<string id="1163" name="user settings">
<value>My interests</value>
<string id="1164" name="user settings">
<string id="1165" name="user settings">
<string id="1166" name="user settings">
<value>Fields of interest</value>
<string id="1167" name="user settings">
<value>Contact information</value>
<string id="1168" name="user settings">
<value>Show contact data to contacts only</value>
<string id="1169" name="user settings">
<value>Show contact data to nobody</value>
<string id="1170" name="user settings">
<value>My Profile</value>
<string id="1171" name="user settings">
<value>Edit settings</value>
<string id="1172" name="user settings">
<value>Search users</value>
<string id="1173" name="user settings">
<value>Watch your profile like other see you</value>
<string id="1174" name="user settings">
<value>Edit your settings, add your interests to be found</value>
<string id="1175" name="user settings">
<value>Search for other users and extend your network</value>
<string id="1176" name="user search">
<string id="1177" name="user search">
<value>User offers</value>
<string id="1178" name="user search">
<value>User looks for</value>
<string id="1179" name="user search">
<string id="1180" name="user search">
<string id="1181" name="user search">
<string id="1182" name="user search">
<string id="1183" name="user search">
<string id="1184" name="user search">
<string id="1185" name="user search">
<string id="1186" name="user search">
<value>Add to contacts</value>
<string id="1187" name="user search">
<value>Send message</value>
<string id="1188" name="user search">
<value>Contacts and Messages</value>
<string id="1189" name="user search">
<value>Pending contacts</value>
<string id="1190" name="user contacts">
<string id="1191" name="user contacts">
<string id="1192" name="user contact request">
<string id="1193" name="user contact request">
<value>would like to add you as contact.</value>
<string id="1194" name="user contact request">
<value>Check your contact requests in $APP_NAME or click on those links to accept or deny the request</value>
<string id="1195" name="add user contact">
<value>This user is already in your contact list or has received an invitation to your contact list that is not answered yet.</value>
<string id="1196" name="user contact mail">
<value>Your contact list</value>
<string id="1197" name="user contacts">
<value>Edit your contact and messages,&lt;br/&gt; manage your pending contacts!</value>
<string id="1198" name="user contacts">
<value>confirmed you as contact!</value>
<string id="1199" name="chat info message">
<string id="1200" name="chat log icon">
<value>Show / Copy chat log</value>
<string id="1201" name="chat log window">
<value>Chat Log</value>
<string id="1202" name="private message">
<string id="1203" name="private message">
<string id="1204" name="private message">
<string id="1205" name="private message">
<string id="1206" name="private message">
<string id="1207" name="private message">
<value>New Mail</value>
<string id="1208" name="private message">
<value>Click to write a new message to any of your contacts</value>
<string id="1209" name="private message">
<value>Write new message</value>
<string id="1210" name="private message">
<string id="1211" name="private message">
<string id="1212" name="whiteboard full-fit">
<value>Enable full fit and the whiteboard will zoom the whole whiteboard so that all&lt;br/&gt;documents are visible according to each participants screen resolution.</value>
<string id="1213" name="user-list">
<value>Kick user</value>
<string id="1214" name="user-list">
<value>You cannot kick yourself out of the conference room! If you want to leave it close the browser or use the exit button!</value>
<string id="1215" name="kick-user">
<value>Do you really want to disconnect this user from this conference room?</value>
<string id="1216" name="kick-user">
<value>Confirm action ...</value>
<string id="1217" name="kick-user">
<value>You cannot kick a Super-Moderator out of a room!</value>
<string id="1218" name="private message">
<value>Book conference room</value>
<string id="1219" name="private message">
<string id="1220" name="private message">
<string id="1221" name="private message">
<value>Add an optional request for meeting to the message and create a conference room. The Event is then copied in the calendar of every participant.</value>
<string id="1222" name="private message">
<string id="1223" name="private message">
<string id="1224" name="private message">
<string id="1225" name="private message">
<value>This is you! You cannot add yourself as your own contact.</value>
<string id="1226" name="user contacts">
<value>The user is already denied!</value>
<string id="1227" name="user contacts">
<value>The user is already approved!</value>
<string id="1228" name="user contacts">
<value>This user contact hash is invalid!</value>
<string id="1229" name="user contacts">
<value>User added to contact list!</value>
<string id="1230" name="user contacts">
<value>User denied as contact and removed from pending contact list!</value>
<string id="1231" name="user contacts">
<value>There is no such contact!</value>
<string id="1232" name="user contacts">
<value>Would you really like to remove that contact?</value>
<string id="1233" name="user contacts">
<value>Confirm contact removal</value>
<string id="1234" name="user contacts">
<value>Delete contact from list</value>
<string id="1235" name="user profile">
<value>User Profile</value>
<string id="1236" name="user profile">
<value>Show user profile</value>
<string id="1237" name="private message">
<string id="1238" name="private message">
<string id="1239" name="private message">
<value>Select all</value>
<string id="1240" name="private message">
<value>Select none</value>
<string id="1241" name="private message">
<value>Select unread</value>
<string id="1242" name="private message">
<value>Select read</value>
<string id="1243" name="private message">
<value>Move to folder ...</value>
<string id="1244" name="private message">
<value>Add new folder ...</value>
<string id="1245" name="private message">
<string id="1246" name="private message">
<value>Deleted mails are still in your trash folder!</value>
<string id="1247" name="private message">
<value>Mark unread</value>
<string id="1248" name="private message">
<value>Mark read</value>
<string id="1249" name="private message">
<string id="1250" name="private message">
<value>Answer everybody</value>
<string id="1251" name="private message">
<string id="1252" name="private message">
<value>Actions ...</value>
<string id="1253" name="user contacts">
<value>Send private message</value>
<string id="1254" name="private message">
<value>Nothing selected!</value>
<string id="1255" name="private message">
<value>Move to Inbox</value>
<string id="1256" name="private message">
<value>Delete (final)</value>
<string id="1257" name="private message">
<value>This action cannot be undone!</value>
<string id="1258" name="private message">
<value>Add folder</value>
<string id="1259" name="private message">
<value>Add folders and organize your messages!</value>
<string id="1260" name="private message">
<value>Add folder</value>
<string id="1261" name="private message">
<string id="1262" name="private message folder">
<value>Delete folder</value>
<string id="1263" name="private message folder">
<value>You cannot delete this folder, there are still messages inside! Delete first the messages or move them to another folder.</value>
<string id="1264" name="private message folder">
<value>Edit name</value>
<string id="1265" name="private message folder">
<value>Do you really want to delete this folder? There is no way to undo that.</value>
<string id="1266" name="user contacts">
<value>Your request was send to the user. The user will receive a notification to accept or deny your request. Only accepted requests are in your contact list of course!</value>
<string id="1267" name="user contacts">
<string id="1268" name="user view profile">
<value>The user does not share his personal contact data.</value>
<string id="1269" name="user view profile">
<value>The user does share his personal contact data only to contacts.</value>
<string id="1270" name="user view profile">
<value>Address &amp; Phone</value>
<string id="1271" name="error code">
<value>You invitation code is no valid, the code is only valid during this specific date and time:</value>
<string id="1272" name="user calendar">
<value>This event is connected to several calendars of other users. Your change will also update their calendar. Would you really like to update the event?</value>
<string id="1273" name="user calendar">
<value>Confirm update</value>
<string id="1274" name="user contacts">
<value>Allow contact to see my calendar (view only)</value>
<string id="1275" name="user contacts">
<value>Do not share calendar</value>
<string id="1276" name="user contacts">
<value>Calendar of contacts</value>
<string id="1277" name="user contacts">
<value>Your contacts need to approve you first to be able to see their calendar.</value>
<string id="1278" name="user contacts">
<value>You cannot store or delete events from other calendars then your own!</value>
<string id="1279" name="user contacts">
<value>Show my own calendar again!</value>
<string id="1280" name="user calendar">
<value>This event is connected to several calendars of other users. Your action will also delete the event from their calendar. Would you really like to delete the event?</value>
<string id="1281" name="user calendar">
<value>Confirm action</value>
<string id="1282" name="user calendar">
<value>Enter room</value>
<string id="1283" name="user calendar">
<value>Access the conference room</value>
<string id="1284" name="private message">
<value>There is a conference room and event booked with this private message.</value>
<string id="1285" name="user calendar">
<value>You need to store the event first!</value>
<string id="1286" name="access rooms error">
<value>There is no such room available. The event in the calendar and connected room is already deleted!</value>
<string id="1287" name="nick name">
<value>Choose your nickname</value>
<string id="1288" name="nick name">
<string id="1289" name="nick name">
<string id="1290" name="nick name">
<string id="1291" name="nick name">
<string id="1292" name="nick name">
<value>Minimum length 4 chars! For both, firstname and lastname.</value>
<string id="1293" name="nick name">
<value>Please enter a valid email!</value>
<string id="1294" name="auth from">
<string id="1295" name="auth form">
<value>Login with your Facebook account</value>
<string id="1296" name="view profile">
<value>Member since</value>
<string id="1297" name="direct login message">
<value>You've logged with your Facebook account. You should update your profile with the correct email. Otherwise you will not receive invitations and private messages from other users.</value>
<string id="1298" name="direct login message header">
<string id="1299" name="direct login message checkbox control">
<value>Do not show update profile message again</value>
<string id="1300" name="profile settings button">
<value>more display options ...</value>
<string id="1301" name="private message">
<value>New private message:</value>
<string id="1302" name="private message">
<value>Click here to visit your profile to see the full message ...</value>
<string id="1303" name="private message">
<string id="1304" name="dashboard">
<value>Rooms and chats</value>
<string id="1305" name="dashboard">
<value>My rooms</value>
<string id="1306" name="my rooms">
<value>My conference room (for 1-16 users)</value>
<string id="1307" name="my rooms">
<value>My webinar room (for 1-120 users)</value>
<string id="1308" name="room administration">
<value>Owner Id</value>
<string id="1309" name="login error">
<value>Please enter a password</value>
<string id="1310" name="login error">
<value>You need an account with User-Level User, Moderator or Admin</value>
<string id="1311" name="user administration">
<value>Web-Service (only access via SOAP)</value>
<string id="1312" name="upload file explorer">
<value>Do directly load to whiteboard</value>
<string id="1313" name="whiteboard close confirmation">
<value>Do you really want to remove this whiteboard? This action cannot be undone!</value>
<string id="1314" name="whiteboard load WML">
<value>Load to whiteboard</value>
<string id="1315" name="recording flag">
<value>Do not forget start recording! One user per room always needs to start it to have the recording afterwards.</value>
<string id="1316" name="recording flag">
<value>Start Recording</value>
<string id="1317" name="shape">
<string id="1318" name="shape">
<string id="1319" name="shape">
<string id="1320" name="shape">
<string id="1321" name="shape">
<string id="1322" name="icon">
<string id="1323" name="icon">
<string id="1324" name="icon">
<value>Draw Free</value>
<string id="1325" name="icon">
<string id="1326" name="icon">
<value>Draw Shape</value>
<string id="1327" name="icon">
<string id="1328" name="icon">
<value>Zoom In/Out</value>
<string id="1329" name="icon">
<string id="1330" name="icon">
<string id="1331" name="icon">
<string id="1332" name="icon">
<value>Add Grid</value>
<string id="1333" name="icon">
<value>Share File</value>
<string id="1334" name="icon submenu">
<value>Select Shape</value>
<string id="1335" name="icon submenu">
<value>Select Clipart</value>
<string id="1336" name="submenu">
<string id="1337" name="submenu">
<string id="1338" name="submenu">
<string id="1339" name="submenu">
<string id="1340" name="submenu">
<value>Do you really want to delete the complete content on the whiteboard?</value>
<string id="1341" name="submenu">
<value>Load directly to whiteboard</value>
<string id="1342" name="attendees">
<string id="1343" name="atendee manager">
<value>Attendee Manager</value>
<string id="1344" name="atendee manager">
<string id="1345" name="atendee manager">
<value>Remote Controll</value>
<string id="1346" name="atendee manager">
<string id="1347" name="chat">
<string id="1348" name="invite attendee">
<value>Invite Attendees</value>
<string id="1349" name="invite attendee">
<value>By Email</value>
<string id="1350" name="invite attendee">
<value>User is moderator</value>
<string id="1351" name="invite attendee">
<value>User has webcam switched on</value>
<string id="1352" name="fill_option">
<value>Deactivate shape fill</value>
<string id="1353" name="fill_option">
<value>Activate shape fill</value>
<string id="1354" name="icon">
<value>Snap to Grid</value>
<string id="1355" name="allow_recording">
<value>Allow recording</value>
<string id="1356" name="wait_for_recording">
<value>Wait for recording</value>
<string id="1357" name="hide_top_bar">
<value>Hide topbar</value>
<string id="1358" name="fileExplorer">
<value>Play video</value>
<string id="1359" name="submenu">
<value>Do you really want to delete the content on the current slide?</value>
<string id="1360" name="activity_window">
<value>Accept and grant user right</value>
<string id="1361" name="activity_window">
<string id="1362" name="activity_window">
<string id="1363" name="activity_window">
<value>Activities and actions</value>
<string id="1364" name="whiteboard">
<value>Remove whiteboard</value>
<string id="1365" name="whiteboard">
<value>You need the moderation or the right to draw on the whiteboard to remove whiteboards!</value>
<string id="1366" name="whiteboard">
<value>Not allowed</value>
<string id="1367" name="user_left_act_msg">
<value>has left the room.</value>
<string id="1368" name="clipart icons">
<value>Math icons</value>
<string id="1369" name="clipart icons">
<value>No category</value>
<string id="1370" name="login_screen">
<string id="1371" name="login_screen">
<string id="1372" name="login_screen">
<string id="1373" name="login_screen">
<string id="1374" name="login_screen">
<string id="1375" name="login_screen">
<string id="1376" name="login_screen">
<string id="1377" name="login_screen">
<string id="1378" name="login_screen">
<string id="1379" name="login_screen">
<string id="1380" name="login_screen">
<string id="1381" name="login_screen">
<string id="1382" name="login_screen">
<string id="1383" name="login_screen">
<string id="1384" name="mute micro">
<value>Mute microphone globally</value>
<string id="1385" name="unmute micro">
<value>Unmute microphone globally</value>
<string id="1386" name="give exclusive audio">
<value>Mute microphone of others</value>
<string id="1387" name="mute self message">
<value>You are globally muted by the moderator. You cannot unmute yourself!</value>
<string id="1388" name="mute self confirm message title">
<value>Mute microphone globally?</value>
<string id="1389" name="mute self confirm message message">
<value>Do you really want to mute yourself globally? No other user will hear you anymore!</value>
<string id="1390" name="mute others confirm message title">
<value>Mute microphone locally?</value>
<string id="1391" name="mute others confirm message">
<value>Do you really want to mute this microphone? You can only mute it locally on your screen. It has no effect to how other users hear this user. Only moderators can turn it off globally!</value>
<string id="1392" name="mute others confirm message title">
<value>Mute microphone off globally?</value>
<string id="1393" name="mute others moderator message">
<value>Do you really want to mute this user globally? No other user will hear him anymore!</value>
<string id="1394" name="mute status icons">
<value>Your sound is on. Click here to send moderator message to mute your microphone globally (in the complete conference room) off!</value>
<string id="1395" name="mute status icons">
<value>Your sound is off. Click here to send moderator message to unmute your microphone globally (in the complete conference room) on!</value>
<string id="1396" name="mute apply self on message">
<value>would like that the moderator mutes my microphone globally.</value>
<string id="1397" name="mute apply self off message">
<value>would like that the moderator unmutes my microphone globally.</value>
<string id="1398" name="mute apply of message">
<value>want that the moderator unmutes his/her microphone.</value>
<string id="1399" name="mute apply of message">
<value>want that the moderator mutes his/her microphone.</value>
<string id="1400" name="mute status icons">
<value>Unmute microphone. Click here to mute his/her microphone globally!</value>
<string id="1401" name="mute status icons">
<value>Mute microphone. Click here to unmute his/her microphone globally!</value>
<string id="1402" name="mute self message">
<value>This user is globally muted by the moderator. You cannot unmute him!</value>
<string id="1403" name="mute micro">
<value>Mute your microphone globally</value>
<string id="1404" name="unmute micro">
<value>Unmute your microphone globally</value>
<string id="1405" name="mute micro">
<value>Mute microphone</value>
<string id="1406" name="unmute micro">
<value>Unmute microphone</value>
<string id="1407" name="mute micro">
<value>Mute microphone globally</value>
<string id="1408" name="unmute micro">
<value>Unmute microphone globally</value>
<string id="1409" name="mute moderator message">
<value>Only moderators can mute or unmute an user globally! To mute your own microphone: Please use the microphone icon in your video pod!</value>
<string id="1410" name="poll_name">
<value>Poll Name</value>
<string id="1411" name="poll_name">
<string id="1412" name="archived_polls">
<value>Archieved Polls</value>
<string id="1413" name="active_poll">
<string id="1414" name="chart_simple">
<value>Simple Chart</value>
<string id="1415" name="chart_pie">
<value>Pie Chart</value>
<string id="1416" name="sign_up_validation">
<value>Please enter email</value>
<string id="1417" name="chat_notification">
<value>New message(s)</value>
<string id="1418" name="poll_close">
<value>Close Poll</value>
<string id="1419" name="poll_close_confirm">
<value>Are you sure you want to close this Poll? No one will be able to vote</value>
<string id="1420" name="poll_delete">
<value>Delete Poll</value>
<string id="1421" name="poll_delete_confirm">
<value>Are you sure you want to delete this Poll? The results will be deleted as well.</value>
<string id="1422" name="language_code">
<value>Language ISO Code</value>
<string id="1423" name="exclusive_audio_permission">
<value>Allow/Deny right to give exclusive audio.</value>
<string id="1424" name="allow_exclusive_audio_permission">
<value>Allow user to give exclusive audio</value>
<string id="1425" name="deny_exclusive_audio_permission">
<value>Deny user to give exclusive audio</value>
<string id="1426" name="excl_audio apply self on message">
<value>would like to get a permission for exclusive audio.</value>
<string id="1427" name="excl_audio apply of message">
<value>want that the moderator gives me a permission for exclusive audio.</value>
<string id="1428" name="excl_audio status icons">
<value>Give a permission for exclusive audio.</value>
<string id="1429" name="cam_resolution">
<value>Cam resolution</value>
<string id="1430" name="cam_resolution_info">
<value>Changing the resolution affects bandwidth, bigger picture needs more bandwith!</value>
<string id="1431" name="exclusive_audio_error">
<value>You don't have the right to give yourself or others exclusive audio. You need to apply for the right from the moderator or ask the moderator to give you exclusive audio.</value>
<string id="1432" name="exclusive_audio_ask">
<value>I would like to get the right for exclusive audio</value>
<string id="1433" name="exclusive_audio_action">
<value>Give exclusive audio to me (alternatively click on your video pod or press F12)</value>
<string id="1434" name="micro is on">
<value>Microphone is on!</value>
<string id="1435" name="micro is off">
<value>Microphone is muted</value>
<string id="1436" name="hide_chat">
<value>Hide chat</value>
<string id="1437" name="hide_activities_and_actions">
<value>Hide activities</value>
<string id="1438" name="hide_files_explorer">
<value>Hide files explorer</value>
<string id="1439" name="hide_actions_menu">
<value>Hide actions menu</value>
<string id="1440" name="hide_screen_sharing">
<value>Hide screen sharing</value>
<string id="1441" name="hide_whiteboard">
<value>Hide whiteboard</value>
<string id="1442" name="show microphone status">
<value>Show micro status in video</value>
<string id="1443" name="layout_options">
<value>Layout options</value>
<string id="1444" name="calendar new button">
<value>New Event</value>
<string id="1445" name="calendar password info text">
<value>Password protected are the links to the conference that are send to the participents when you save the calendar event, not the room! That means if you save the event multiple times but with different passwords every participent receives a new link that has a different password. But old links still work once send!</value>
<string id="1446" name="calendar edit button">
<value>Edit details</value>
<string id="1447" name="sip show dialer">
<value>Show sip dialer</value>
<string id="1448" name="sip call">
<string id="1449" name="calendar contact list">
<value>Show calendar events of contact</value>
<string id="1450" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Your home!</value>
<string id="1451" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Plan your meetings</value>
<string id="1452" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Watch recording and interviews</value>
<string id="1453" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Choose and start a web-conference</value>
<string id="1454" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Manage users and rights</value>
<string id="1455" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Manage connections and kick users</value>
<string id="1456" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Manage usergroups</value>
<string id="1457" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Manage conference rooms</value>
<string id="1458" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Manage system settings</value>
<string id="1459" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Manage labels and wording</value>
<string id="1460" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Manage LDAP and ADS configurations</value>
<string id="1461" name="tooltip menu">
<value>Export/Import System Backups</value>
<string id="1462" name="file explorer">
<value>You need moderation or the right to draw on whiteboard to upload, add, delete or load files and folders.</value>
<string id="1463" name="whiteboard">
<value>Edit text</value>
<string id="1464" name="salutation">
<string id="1465" name="sharing client">
<string id="1466" name="sharing client">
<value>Start Publish</value>
<string id="1467" name="sharing client">
<value>Stop Publish</value>
<string id="1468" name="sharing client">
<string id="1469" name="sharing client">
<value>Publish App</value>
<string id="1470" name="sharing client">
<value>Publish Id</value>
<string id="1471" name="sharing client">
<value>Reduce the width of the SharingScreen before you try to move it left</value>
<string id="1472" name="sharing client">
<value>Reduce the height of the SharingScreen before you try to move it bottom</value>
<string id="1473" name="sharing client">
<value>Reduce the x of the SharingScreen before you try to make it wider</value>
<string id="1474" name="sharing client">
<value>Reduce the y of the SharingScreen before you try to make it higher</value>
<string id="1475" name="sharing client">
<value>Fill these settings stream your screen data to 3th party providers like</value>
<string id="1476" name="sharing client">
<value>Please start Screen sharing to be able to publish it</value>
<string id="1477" name="sharing client">
<value>Moderator permission required to start recording</value>
<string id="1478" name="no right for exclusive audio">
<value>You don't have permission to apply exclusive audio to any participant. You need moderation role or the right for exclusive audio to make any microphone exclusive turned on..</value>
<string id="1479" name="conference menu">
<value>Upload new file to file explorer</value>
<string id="1480" name="conference menu">
<value>Open new dialog with sharing settings</value>
<string id="1481" name="conference menu">
<value>An existing moderator must approve it</value>
<string id="1482" name="conference menu">
<value>Ask moderator to share your webcam/micro</value>
<string id="1483" name="conference menu">
<value>Gather feedback by creating a poll</value>
<string id="1484" name="conference menu">
<value>Past and current poll results as charts</value>
<string id="1485" name="conference menu">
<value>Vote if there is a poll for this conference room</value>
<string id="1486" name="conference menu">
<value>Edit cam and mic settings</value>
<string id="1487" name="conference menu">
<value>Confirm and leave the room</value>
<string id="1488" name="conference menu">
<value>Call external people via VoIP/SIP</value>
<string id="1489" name="conference menu">
<value>Send an email with a direct link to this room</value>
<string id="1490" name="conference menu">
<value>Change your whiteboard settings</value>
<string id="1491" name="backup admin">
<value>Max upload size</value>
<string id="1492" name="conference menu">
<value>Ask moderator to share your whiteboard</value>
<string id="1493" name="private chat">
<value>Start Private Chat</value>
<string id="1494" name="all_private_chat">
<string id="1495" name="private chat">
<value>You cannot start a private chat with yourself.</value>
<string id="1496" name="private chat">
<value>You've already started a private chat with this participant.</value>
<string id="1497" name="private chat">
<value>Do you really want to delete this private chat?</value>
<string id="1498" name="Servers">
<string id="1499" name="Servers">
<value>Servers participating in cluster</value>
<string id="1500" name="Server name">
<value>Server Name</value>
<string id="1501" name="Server Address">
<value>Server Address</value>
<string id="1502" name="Server details">
<value>Server details</value>
<string id="1503" name="Send SMS">
<value>Send SMS</value>
<string id="1504" name="publishing_message">
<value>Publishing. User:</value>
<string id="1505" name="cmd_line_admin">
<value>To save time and internet traffic you can use command line admin to backup/restore/upgrade: &lt;ol&gt; &lt;li&gt;go to OM install dir (for ex. /opt/red5)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;stop OM (for ex. ./;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;./ -b -file ~/ (create backup of current OM)&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;download archive with new OM&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;mv /opt/red5 /opt.red5.bak (move working version of OM just in case :))&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;extract downloaded OM to the /opt/red5&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;./ -i -file ~/ (or './ -i -file ~/ --db-type mysql --db-user om_user --db-pass om_user_pass' in case of you are using non-default DB )&lt;/li&gt; &lt;li&gt;start OM&lt;/li&gt; &lt;/ol&gt;</value>
<string id="1506" name="public_room_tooltip">
<value>Rooms common to all user</value>
<string id="1507" name="private_room_tooltip">
<value>Rooms common to the current user group</value>
<string id="1508" name="my_room_tooltip">
<value>Rooms of the current user</value>
<string id="1509" name="create_new_room">
<value>Create/Modify appointment special room</value>
<string id="1510" name="multiple_addresses">
<value>You can enter multiple addresses in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt;,"firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt;,'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt;, ...</value>
<string id="1511" name="stream_volume">
<value>Adjust stream volume</value>
<string id="1512" name="microphone_volume">
<value>Adjust microphone volume</value>
<string id="1513" name="chat_moderated">
<value>Is chat moderated</value>
<string id="1514" name="chat_moderated">
<value>Allow message</value>
<string id="1515" name="chat_opened">
<value>Chat panel opened by default</value>
<string id="1516" name="files_opened">
<value>Files panel opened by default</value>
<string id="1517" name="server admin section lastping">
<value>Last ping</value>
<string id="1518" name="server admin section lastping info">
<value>Every slave sends a ping to the master every 3 seconds (configurable). Slave lastPing must be smaller then 1 minute so that the master uses the slave.</value>
<string id="1519" name="server admin port">
<value>HTTP Port</value>
<string id="1520" name="server admin user">
<value>User (SOAP-Access)</value>
<string id="1521" name="server admin password">
<string id="1522" name="server admin webapp path">
<value>Webapp path</value>
<string id="1523" name="server admin protocol">
<string id="1524" name="server admin ping running">
<value>Ping running</value>
<string id="1525" name="server admin active">
<string id="1526" name="generate_hash">
<value>Generate URL</value>
<string id="1527" name="network testing link">
<value>Network testing</value>
<string id="1528" name="room_options">
<value>Auto select interview video pod</value>
<string id="1529" name="font_underline">
<string id="1530" name="font_style">
<value>Font style</value>
<string id="1531" name="allow_font_styles">
<value>Allow font styles</value>
<string id="1532" name="font_color">
<value>Font color</value>
<string id="1533" name="hyperlink">
<string id="1534" name="connection admin">
<value>Show session statistics</value>
<string id="1535" name="connection admin">
<value>Session details</value>
<string id="1536" name="system_import">
<value>System import</value>
<string id="1537" name="include_into_backup">
<value>Include uploaded files and recordings in backup</value>
<string id="1538" name="room_admin_sip">
<value>Enable SIP transport in the room</value>
<string id="1539" name="exclusive_audio_confirm">
<value>Do you really want to provide this user an exclusive audio?</value>
<string id="1540" name="no_timezone">
<value>Please specify your timezone</value>
<string id="1541" name="conference_room_type">
<value>conference (1-25 users)</value>
<string id="1542" name="conference_room_type">
<value>restricted (1-150 users)</value>
<string id="1543" name="conference_room_type">
<value>interview (1:1 meeting with recording)</value>
<string id="1544" name="duplicate_key_error">
<value>Configuration with given key already exists, please specify another key or edit existent configuration</value>
<string id="1545" name="content_is_saving">
<value>Content is Saving, Please wait.</value>
<string id="1546" name="widget_welcome">
<string id="1547" name="widget_welcome_desc">
<value>Widget displaying basic user info and support links</value>
<string id="1548" name="widgets_tab">
<string id="1549" name="about_title">
<string id="1550" name="about_name">
<string id="1551" name="about_version">
<string id="1552" name="about_revision">
<string id="1553" name="about_build_date">
<value>Build date</value>
<string id="1554" name="about_build_date">
<value>Loading ...</value>
<string id="1555" name="calendar_today">
<string id="1556" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1557" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1558" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1559" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1560" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1561" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1562" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1563" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1564" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1565" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1566" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1567" name="calendar_shortmonthnames">
<string id="1568" name="remindertype_no_email">
<value>do not send notification</value>
<string id="1569" name="remindertype_simple_email">
<value>simple email</value>
<string id="1570" name="remindertype_iCal_email">
<value>iCal email</value>
<string id="1571" name="oauth2">
<string id="1572" name="oauth2">
<value>Manage OAuth2 configurations</value>
<string id="1573" name="oauth2">
<string id="1574" name="oauth2">
<string id="1575" name="oauth2">
<value>Icon URL</value>
<string id="1576" name="oauth2">
<string id="1577" name="oauth2">
<string id="1578" name="oauth2">
<value>Request key URL</value>
<string id="1579" name="oauth2">
<value>Request token URL</value>
<string id="1580" name="oauth2">
<value>Request info URL</value>
<string id="1581" name="oauth2">
<value>OAuth2 config</value>
<string id="1582" name="oauth2">
<value>Login param name</value>
<string id="1583" name="oauth2">
<value>Email param name</value>
<string id="1584" name="oauth2">
<value>Firstname param name</value>
<string id="1585" name="oauth2">
<value>Lastname param name</value>
<string id="1586" name="oauth2">
<value>Request token attributes</value>
<string id="1587" name="oauth2">
<value>Redirect uri</value>
<string id="1588" name="multiple_addresses">
<value>You can enter email address in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt; or "firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt; or 'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt; or email</value>
<string id="1589" name="notify_on_disconnect">
<value>Notify on disconnect</value>
<string id="1590" name="dashboard.display">
<string id="1591" name="register.confirmation.sent">
<value>Your account has been created. Confirmation email has been sent. You can now login.</value>
<string id="1592" name="">
<value>End date entered is earlier than start date.</value>
<string id="1593" name="recording.errors.exit.val">
<value>Exit value</value>
<string id="1594" name="recording.errors.conversion.messages">
<value>Conversion messages</value>
<string id="1595" name="recording.errors.file.not.found">
<value>Recording file is not found</value>
<string id="1596" name="whiteboard.add_whiteboard">
<value>Add Whiteboard</value>
<string id="1597" name="multiple_addresses">
<value>You can enter address in the format: firstname1 lastname1 &lt;email1&gt; OR "firstname2 lastname2" &lt;email2&gt; OR 'firstname3 lastname3' &lt;email3&gt;</value>
<string id="1598" name="security">
<string id="1599" name="security">
<value>Access denied. You have no rights to enter this room.</value>
<string id="1600" name="record-re-start">