blob: fac08c963b2e52d26748246882518b6d16094136 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache OpenMeetings Change Log
See* (where * is the number of the issue below)
See* (where * is the number of CVE below)
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.3.1
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-1660] - UserWebService.add method is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1664] - SIP integration is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1665] - Multiple issues were reported against web services
* [OPENMEETINGS-1666] - About RoomWebService getExternal Method Error.SQL bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-1668] - About RoomWebService getExternal Method The parameter types of bugs
* [OPENMEETINGS-1672] - Backup using command line admin fails if file name was specified
* [OPENMEETINGS-1675] - When using the Apache Derby database on Windows the install of OM 3.3.0 can't continue past "user" and "Password" entries if you don't enter a value. As these values don't appear in the persistence.xml file it causes an Error and OM isn't installed.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1677] - Clustering seems to be broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1679] - User session being dropped if RTPMT is being used
* [OPENMEETINGS-1684] - MicrophoneStatus room option is broken
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-1623] - Full-Fit for Recordings Video Player
* [OPENMEETINGS-1662] - UI is bad..
* [OPENMEETINGS-1667] - JS/CSS optimization should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-1676] - Room left panel should be iconized for smaller devices
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-1678] - Eraser tool need to be added to WB
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.3.0
** Vulnerability
* CVE-2017-7663 - Apache OpenMeetings XSS in chat
* CVE-2017-7664 - Apache OpenMeetings Missing XML Validation
* CVE-2017-7666 - Apache OpenMeetings Missing Secure Headers
* CVE-2017-7673 - Apache OpenMeetings Insufficient check in dialogs with passwords
* CVE-2017-7680 - Apache OpenMeetings Insecure crossdomain.xml policy
* CVE-2017-7681 - Apache OpenMeetings SQL injection in web services
* CVE-2017-7682 - Apache OpenMeetings Business Logic Bypass
* CVE-2017-7683 - Apache OpenMeetings Information Disclosure
* CVE-2017-7684 - Apache OpenMeetings Insecure File Upload
* CVE-2017-7685 - Apache OpenMeetings Insecure HTTP Methods
* CVE-2017-7688 - Apache OpenMeetings Insecure Password Update
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-159] - Horizontal scrolling for Low resolution screen
* [OPENMEETINGS-1609] - When you select the color of the object to be placed on the white board, the left side of the color selection window is hidden.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1610] - "'timepicker' is not a valid LocalTime
* [OPENMEETINGS-1611] - JS errors in OM Admin
* [OPENMEETINGS-1616] - New chat messages should be added to the bottom
* [OPENMEETINGS-1619] - User details panel is cut off when admin click on add new user button
* [OPENMEETINGS-1620] - 'Unenroll user' is not fully working
* [OPENMEETINGS-1624] - "File upload" Window hidden behind whiteboard with Internet Explorer 11
* [OPENMEETINGS-1630] - It is impossible to get room count using REST
* [OPENMEETINGS-1631] - User can vote multiple times
* [OPENMEETINGS-1648] - External process time-to-live should be configurable
* [OPENMEETINGS-1651] - Chat - Window hidden behind whiteboard with Internet Explorer 11
* [OPENMEETINGS-1654] - No nickname dialog, wrong name on video window
* [OPENMEETINGS-1655] - Whiteboard room element can not be hidden
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-553] - GSOC: Need to have possibility to import/export or sync events from OpenMeetings calendar using ical or caldav protocol.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1554] - Please add the feature to upload your video files to the server, in the recording section
* [OPENMEETINGS-1607] - "Raise your hand" notification should also be added in user-list
* [OPENMEETINGS-1612] - 3.3.0 - Library versions should be updated
* [OPENMEETINGS-1617] - BackupExport should write directly to zip file
* [OPENMEETINGS-1634] - File tree drag to trash, need to be enhanced
* [OPENMEETINGS-1650] - Make Audio Alerts Configurable
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.2.1
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-571] - Chat area does not resize when resizing browser window
* [OPENMEETINGS-1437] - behavior os share audio and share audio/video button ist different
* [OPENMEETINGS-1547] - 'You have to wait until a moderator enters the room' dialog need to be added to the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1550] - Admin functions widget should be inaccessible for non-admin users
* [OPENMEETINGS-1553] - Chat messages in mobile client are broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1555] - Text does not fit room tabs
* [OPENMEETINGS-1556] - When entered the room sometimes is not the right size whiteboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-1557] - Camera resolution does not change more than 120 * 90 pixels.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1560] - Error when a user is removed from the group in the tab group management
* [OPENMEETINGS-1561] - It does not work the new user registration by using verification code via email
* [OPENMEETINGS-1562] - DashBoard Chat is not working properly
* [OPENMEETINGS-1563] - It does not work download PowerPoint presentations
* [OPENMEETINGS-1564] - Do not fit the text in the notification window
* [OPENMEETINGS-1565] - when moving or scaling the element and is seen, but the copy of the initial element visible remains.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1566] - I draw on the whiteboard, switch the slides, It is painted on all slides
* [OPENMEETINGS-1568] - Not running a test video record button
* [OPENMEETINGS-1569] - .../streams/hibernate folder is not cleaned
* [OPENMEETINGS-1570] - Room video file conversion not always successful
* [OPENMEETINGS-1572] - Chat should be made resizable
* [OPENMEETINGS-1574] - External video support is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1577] - Rooms does not work when using French Language
* [OPENMEETINGS-1578] - Invitation URL is incorerct
* [OPENMEETINGS-1579] - Room polls are not work as expected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1581] - Permission on video & audio on public rooms
* [OPENMEETINGS-1585] - Camera resolution is not saved when you click Save.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1586] - Administrator no access to the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1590] - Video frame of mobile user are resized when mobile user switch off video
* [OPENMEETINGS-1591] - Chat messages are not sorted correctly when user send message in the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1592] - Avatar is not shown when mobile client sends chat message in the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1594] - Screen-sharing base URL is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1595] - Video is not displayed when user try allow to share your video again
* [OPENMEETINGS-1597] - Message are not shown properly in the activities and actions window for user without moderator rights
* [OPENMEETINGS-1598] - The "Disabled" select item does not work properly on the "Choose device" dialog
* [OPENMEETINGS-1599] - Connection panel is not scrolled
* [OPENMEETINGS-1600] - The "Clear whiteboard" flag does not work when user upload file directly to whiteboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-1601] - Drop recording to WB doesn't work as expected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1603] - The "Internal error" is thrown when user select custom folder in the room
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-372] - Please make the ability to “clear the Chat window” only available to Moderators, and not to participants who have “Draw on the Whiteboard” rights
* [OPENMEETINGS-690] - possibility for user to signal a question
* [OPENMEETINGS-1209] - typing indicator
* [OPENMEETINGS-1210] - chat jumps down, if it was scrolled up before
* [OPENMEETINGS-1301] - No Accessability for Conference Room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1420] - Select a whole group of users as attendees in event
* [OPENMEETINGS-1424] - Add a "recent rooms" functionality
* [OPENMEETINGS-1551] - Add prohibition of time format сombination as 15:00 PM when creating event
* [OPENMEETINGS-1558] - Room public drive should be accessible to all users in read-only mode
* [OPENMEETINGS-1571] - 3.2.1 - Library versions should be updated
* [OPENMEETINGS-1580] - Enable multiple uploads at once to file tree and whiteboard.
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-573] - Audio notification for new chat message
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.2.0
** Sub-task
* [OPENMEETINGS-896] - Basic room layout should be created
* [OPENMEETINGS-1030] - Add Files section
* [OPENMEETINGS-1045] - Screen-sharing button/action should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-1085] - Room Rights should be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-1120] - Activities section should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-1376] - User list should be fully implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-1386] - CalDAV client prerequisites
* [OPENMEETINGS-1391] - Fix CalDAV4j issues
* [OPENMEETINGS-1392] - Implement OM CalDAV client
* [OPENMEETINGS-1454] - Interview room should work as expected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1455] - invitationHash/securityHash should work
* [OPENMEETINGS-1458] - Show nickname dialog should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-1459] - External users need to be redirected on connection error
* [OPENMEETINGS-1469] - Download functionality is missing in file tree
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-508] - Network testing page is not localized
* [OPENMEETINGS-653] - playing video follow the scrolling of the screen and leave its player.
* [OPENMEETINGS-827] - Video play/stop event acceptable one time in all tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-840] - Strange uploaded video behaviour
* [OPENMEETINGS-863] - Video Problem
* [OPENMEETINGS-1327] - Messages are being displayed in the folder right after creation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1358] - RTMPS SSHHandshakeFailed error in 3.0.7 and working fine with 3.0.4
* [OPENMEETINGS-1377] - Backup fails when appointment has deleted room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1379] - XSS in Chat window leading to DOS
* [OPENMEETINGS-1380] - Chat messages are not being imported
* [OPENMEETINGS-1384] - SIP dial to room need to be fixed
* [OPENMEETINGS-1385] - Moving Uploaded Images
* [OPENMEETINGS-1396] - Swf selection should be improved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1399] - OpenMeetings is vulnerable to session fixation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1400] - Admin>Conference Rooms>Appointment Room Checkbox
* [OPENMEETINGS-1401] - Email Reminders for Calendared Events Not Issued
* [OPENMEETINGS-1402] - Screen Sharing issue with Greek language
* [OPENMEETINGS-1406] - View profile form is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1410] - Om failed to install using Oracle
* [OPENMEETINGS-1411] - allowSameURLMultipleTimes parameter for secure hash is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1412] - Window too big when changing resolution in Audio-Video Recording Test Application
* [OPENMEETINGS-1414] - spring-mvc and batik need to be removed
* [OPENMEETINGS-1416] - Users with moderator's flag in usergroup do not become moderators in rooms.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1417] - Check/uncheck of moderator flag in usergroups doesn't work.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1422] - WB is not usable for the appointment room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1423] - Aspect ration is being changed for WB video
* [OPENMEETINGS-1432] - Recording download from Moodle is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1433] - WB vertical tools panel is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1434] - Only the first group is added in ATTRIBUTE mode
* [OPENMEETINGS-1435] - Whiteboard Pointer in OM-3.1.2 gives wrong user name
* [OPENMEETINGS-1438] - Recordings permission check is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1442] - Remote keyboard is not working in screen-sharing app
* [OPENMEETINGS-1443] - Invitations are broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1444] - Language editor is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1448] - Recordings backup fails "Enum missing"
* [OPENMEETINGS-1449] - Check box "Do not ask again" in "Choose device" dialog doesn't work
* [OPENMEETINGS-1451] - SOAP/REST API documentation need to be improved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1457] - flvRecordings and fileExplorerItem::Video file name depends on id
* [OPENMEETINGS-1460] - Application.ONLINE_USERS does not reflect changes to Client instances
* [OPENMEETINGS-1461] - We need to switch to java8
* [OPENMEETINGS-1464] - Clear objects on current slide only is not working
* [OPENMEETINGS-1465] - Password field is enabled when Password protected is not checked
* [OPENMEETINGS-1466] - REST/SOAP methods are incomplete
* [OPENMEETINGS-1468] - problems with keyborad usage while screensharing with remote desktop
* [OPENMEETINGS-1470] - WB video is not displayed
* [OPENMEETINGS-1472] - User cannot be deleted
* [OPENMEETINGS-1476] - Deleted records are shown under trash
* [OPENMEETINGS-1478] - Admin->Connections displays outdated connections
* [OPENMEETINGS-1479] - Dashboard Chat not disabled when value is 0
* [OPENMEETINGS-1482] - Om performance issues
* [OPENMEETINGS-1483] - Error while installing OM on MSSQL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1486] - Registration dialog is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1487] - Clear text passwords shouldn't be sent via email
* [OPENMEETINGS-1489] - Calendar in broken in French
* [OPENMEETINGS-1492] - OM 3.1.3 duplication records in database
* [OPENMEETINGS-1494] - Calendar & Events
* [OPENMEETINGS-1495] - Labels in admin forms are overlapping with inputs
* [OPENMEETINGS-1496] - Dates from backup files are being parsed with errors
* [OPENMEETINGS-1498] - Exception is thown when user exit from the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1499] - Backup import is crached under OS Windows
* [OPENMEETINGS-1500] - Image drop is broken, in case "don't ask" is selected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1502] - NullPointerException while checking existing LDAP user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1504] - User with no password is being created in Web installer
* [OPENMEETINGS-1505] - Password is not checked when owner invite guest to the room with password protected invitation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1508] - Italian translation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1509] - Count of users in the room on the rooms page is not updated when any user exit from room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1510] - WB drawing should be more smooth
* [OPENMEETINGS-1511] - LDAP user profile picture
* [OPENMEETINGS-1513] - The Installer Converters page should be improved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1518] - Recorgings should not be converted to ogg/avi format
* [OPENMEETINGS-1521] - 'null' is shown instead of usergroup when user update and save User details
* [OPENMEETINGS-1524] - Poll description is missed in the Poll results
* [OPENMEETINGS-1525] - Openmeetings 3.1.3 - Problem with script
* [OPENMEETINGS-1532] - Recording folders not always imported as expected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1533] - Impossible to create Appointment using calendar WebService
* [OPENMEETINGS-1534] - Video upload to room is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1535] - Calendar web service range method is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1537] - external soap users unable to login to the conference room created
* [OPENMEETINGS-1539] - Calendar web service: delete method returns nothing on success
* [OPENMEETINGS-1540] - Placeholder in reset template email is not being replaced
* [OPENMEETINGS-1541] - Appointment invitations are not always accessible
* [OPENMEETINGS-1542] - Ajax busy status is not displayed in the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1543] - Webservice Calendar/range
* [OPENMEETINGS-1545] - Screen-sharing is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1546] - Secure hash is not working every other time
* [OPENMEETINGS-1548] - EmoticonsBehavior should be removed to speed up OM in FF
* [OPENMEETINGS-1549] - Command line admin fails to install
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-652] - video playback is not very clear and there isn't a pause button.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1138] - In the general interface, provide a way to access links to recordings, which can be shared with others (both registered users and external people).
* [OPENMEETINGS-1366] - Recommendations
* [OPENMEETINGS-1373] - 3.2.0 Library versions should be updated
* [OPENMEETINGS-1382] - Update default avatar of user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1383] - Updated French translation for OpenMeetings 3.1.1/3.1.1+
* [OPENMEETINGS-1393] - Missing text strings are not internationalized for translation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1403] - External cameras should be supported
* [OPENMEETINGS-1405] - Appointment dialog should be simplified
* [OPENMEETINGS-1419] - Connect to Oracle DB with Service Name through Web Installer
* [OPENMEETINGS-1445] - 3.1.2 Build Compilation Warnings
* [OPENMEETINGS-1446] - SSL installation not fully working
* [OPENMEETINGS-1462] - Implementation for a delete button for the chat content on the principal chat window
* [OPENMEETINGS-1480] - Ukrainian translation need to be improved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1488] - Additional functionality for groups
* [OPENMEETINGS-1490] - Jodconverter should be added to openmeetings project
* [OPENMEETINGS-1507] - Remove "application.base.url" configuration key
* [OPENMEETINGS-1512] - Wrong LDAP value can cause error on My Profile Page
* [OPENMEETINGS-1527] - Multiselect using Shift/Ctrl need to be added to file tree
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-895] - HTML5 room should be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-1408] - provide device-settings dialog via link
* [OPENMEETINGS-1427] - Re-name Witheboards tabs
* [OPENMEETINGS-1453] - Provision for getting OpenMeetings version from SOAP/REST api
* [OPENMEETINGS-1501] - Openmeetings - deleting emails
** Task
* [OPENMEETINGS-1515] - Fluido skin for the site should be replaced with reflow
** Test
* [OPENMEETINGS-1516] - Users are kicked off the rooms and participant list is incomplete
** Wish
* [OPENMEETINGS-853] - temporary uploaded files
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.1.5
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-863] - Video Problem
* [OPENMEETINGS-1401] - Email Reminders for Calendared Events Not Issued
* [OPENMEETINGS-1530] - Secure Hash is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1532] - Recording folders not always imported as expected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1533] - Impossible to create Appointment using calendar WebService
* [OPENMEETINGS-1535] - Calendar web service range method is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1537] - external soap users unable to login to the conference room created
* [OPENMEETINGS-1539] - Calendar web service: delete method returns nothing on success
* [OPENMEETINGS-1540] - Placeholder in reset template email is not being replaced
* [OPENMEETINGS-1541] - Appointment invitations are not always accessible
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-1531] - 3.1.5 - Library versions should be updated
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.1.4
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-827] - Video play/stop event acceptable one time in all tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-1451] - SOAP/REST API documentation need to be improved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1475] - Select area is not unattached from cursor
* [OPENMEETINGS-1476] - Deleted records are shown under trash
* [OPENMEETINGS-1478] - Admin->Connections displays outdated connections
* [OPENMEETINGS-1479] - Dashboard Chat not disabled when value is 0
* [OPENMEETINGS-1482] - Om performance issues
* [OPENMEETINGS-1483] - Error while installing OM on MSSQL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1484] - Super moderator is not moderator
* [OPENMEETINGS-1485] - Scroll is broken in restricted room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1486] - Registration dialog is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1487] - Clear text passwords shouldn't be sent via email
* [OPENMEETINGS-1489] - Calendar in broken in French
* [OPENMEETINGS-1492] - OM 3.1.3 duplication records in database
* [OPENMEETINGS-1494] - Calendar & Events
* [OPENMEETINGS-1495] - Labels in admin forms are overlapping with inputs
* [OPENMEETINGS-1496] - Dates from backup files are being parsed with errors
* [OPENMEETINGS-1499] - Backup import is crached under OS Windows
* [OPENMEETINGS-1500] - Image drop is broken, in case "don't ask" is selected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1502] - NullPointerException while checking existing LDAP user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1503] - WML file (saved WB) cannot be loaded - file not found
* [OPENMEETINGS-1504] - User with no password is being created in Web installer
* [OPENMEETINGS-1508] - Italian translation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1510] - WB drawing should be more smooth
* [OPENMEETINGS-1511] - LDAP user profile picture
* [OPENMEETINGS-1513] - The Installer Converters page should be improved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1514] - No show whiteboard after send invitation-meeting from Calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-1517] - Close private chat is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1518] - Recorgings should not be converted to ogg/avi format
* [OPENMEETINGS-1521] - 'null' is shown instead of usergroup when user update and save User details
* [OPENMEETINGS-1523] - Inplace folder rename is not working
* [OPENMEETINGS-1524] - Poll description is missed in the Poll results
* [OPENMEETINGS-1525] - Openmeetings 3.1.3 - Problem with script
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-1366] - Recommendations
* [OPENMEETINGS-1462] - Implementation for a delete button for the chat content on the principal chat window
* [OPENMEETINGS-1467] - 3.1.4 Library versions should be updated
* [OPENMEETINGS-1480] - Ukrainian translation need to be improved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1488] - Additional functionality for groups
* [OPENMEETINGS-1490] - Jodconverter should be added to openmeetings project
* [OPENMEETINGS-1507] - Remove "application.base.url" configuration key
* [OPENMEETINGS-1512] - Wrong LDAP value can cause error on My Profile Page
* [OPENMEETINGS-1526] - Multiselect using Shift/Ctrl need to be added to file tree
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-1427] - Re-name Witheboards tabs
* [OPENMEETINGS-1477] - Default chat font is too small
* [OPENMEETINGS-1501] - Openmeetings - deleting emails
** Task
* [OPENMEETINGS-1515] - Fluido skin for the site should be replaced with reflow
** Test
* [OPENMEETINGS-1516] - Users are kicked off the rooms and participant list is incomplete
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.1.3
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-508] - Network testing page is not localized
* [OPENMEETINGS-1267] - inproper handover of rtmphostlocal to screenshare-client
* [OPENMEETINGS-1358] - RTMPS SSHHandshakeFailed error in 3.0.7 and working fine with 3.0.4
* [OPENMEETINGS-1448] - Recordings backup fails "Enum missing"
* [OPENMEETINGS-1460] - Application.ONLINE_USERS does not reflect changes to Client instances
* [OPENMEETINGS-1461] - We need to switch to java8
* [OPENMEETINGS-1464] - Clear objects on current slide only is not working
* [OPENMEETINGS-1465] - Password field is enabled when Password protected is not checked
* [OPENMEETINGS-1466] - REST/SOAP methods are incomplete
* [OPENMEETINGS-1468] - problems with keyborad usage while screensharing with remote desktop
* [OPENMEETINGS-1470] - WB video is not displayed
* [OPENMEETINGS-1472] - User cannot be deleted
* [OPENMEETINGS-1473] - JPG file display in the room is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1474] - Users are not being displayed in restricted room
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-652] - video playback is not very clear and there isn't a pause button.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1138] - In the general interface, provide a way to access links to recordings, which can be shared with others (both registered users and external people).
* [OPENMEETINGS-1445] - 3.1.2 Build Compilation Warnings
* [OPENMEETINGS-1446] - SSL installation not fully working
* [OPENMEETINGS-1447] - 3.1.3 - Library versions should be updated
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-1408] - provide device-settings dialog via link
* [OPENMEETINGS-1453] - Provision for getting OpenMeetings version from SOAP/REST api
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.1.2
** Vulnerability
* CVE-2016-3089 - Apache Openmeetings XSS in SWF panel
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-412] - Spacebar and enter key cause keyboard remote control to fail while screen sharing
* [OPENMEETINGS-653] - playing video follow the scrolling of the screen and leave its player.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1319] - Flash player crashes
* [OPENMEETINGS-1327] - Messages are being displayed in the folder right after creation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1330] - Contact being deleted from contact list without confirmation dialog
* [OPENMEETINGS-1342] - Incorrect user type set when user enter to the OpenMeeitings via plugins
* [OPENMEETINGS-1344] - MD5 should not be used for password encryption
* [OPENMEETINGS-1349] - Custom address states sets to NULL while restoring from backup
* [OPENMEETINGS-1350] - rtmpT connection problem
* [OPENMEETINGS-1359] - Links to should be removed from the site
* [OPENMEETINGS-1361] - Room name is shown incorrectly when guest ente to the rom
* [OPENMEETINGS-1365] - Network Test Page error and fix URL path
* [OPENMEETINGS-1370] - JRE 8 is blocking screen sharing/recording by default
* [OPENMEETINGS-1371] - After scaling a document scrolling does not work on the whiteboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-1372] - openmeetings-flash is not compilable under OS windows
* [OPENMEETINGS-1377] - Backup fails when appointment has deleted room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1379] - XSS in Chat window leading to DOS
* [OPENMEETINGS-1380] - Chat messages are not being imported
* [OPENMEETINGS-1384] - SIP dial to room need to be fixed
* [OPENMEETINGS-1385] - Moving Uploaded Images
* [OPENMEETINGS-1396] - Swf selection should be improved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1399] - OpenMeetings is vulnerable to session fixation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1400] - Admin>Conference Rooms>Appointment Room Checkbox
* [OPENMEETINGS-1402] - Screen Sharing issue with Greek language
* [OPENMEETINGS-1406] - View profile form is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1410] - Om failed to install using Oracle
* [OPENMEETINGS-1411] - allowSameURLMultipleTimes parameter for secure hash is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1412] - Window too big when changing resolution in Audio-Video Recording Test Application
* [OPENMEETINGS-1414] - spring-mvc and batik need to be removed
* [OPENMEETINGS-1416] - Users with moderator's flag in usergroup do not become moderators in rooms.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1417] - Check/uncheck of moderator flag in usergroups doesn't work.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1422] - WB is not usable for the appointment room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1423] - Aspect ration is being changed for WB video
* [OPENMEETINGS-1432] - Recording download from Moodle is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1433] - WB vertical tools panel is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1434] - Only the first group is added in ATTRIBUTE mode
* [OPENMEETINGS-1435] - Whiteboard Pointer in OM-3.1.2 gives wrong user name
* [OPENMEETINGS-1438] - Recordings permission check is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1442] - Remote keyboard is not working in screen-sharing app
* [OPENMEETINGS-1443] - Invitations are broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1444] - Language editor is broken
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-16] - Missing functionality in SOAP/REST API
* [OPENMEETINGS-413] - A good idea could be to add default parameter like default country, default language, default domain, etc
* [OPENMEETINGS-649] - Add email management functions to Om Admin
* [OPENMEETINGS-1356] - Build should be speed up by reducing forking
* [OPENMEETINGS-1357] - maven-dependency-plugin should be used to download/unpack OpenLaszlo
* [OPENMEETINGS-1360] - Library versions should be updated (3.1.2)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1382] - Update default avatar of user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1383] - Updated French translation for OpenMeetings 3.1.1/3.1.1+
* [OPENMEETINGS-1393] - Missing text strings are not internationalized for translation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1403] - External cameras should be supported
* [OPENMEETINGS-1405] - Appointment dialog should be simplified
* [OPENMEETINGS-1419] - Connect to Oracle DB with Service Name through Web Installer
** Task
* [OPENMEETINGS-90] - Default Country
** Wish
* [OPENMEETINGS-853] - temporary uploaded files
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.1.1
** Vulnerability
* CVE-2016-0783 - Predictable password reset token
* CVE-2016-0784 - ZIP file path traversal
* CVE-2016-2164 - Arbitrary file read via SOAP API
* CVE-2016-2163 - Stored Cross Site Scripting in Event description
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-1328] - ConfirmAjaxCallListener should be changed on standard wicket dialog in the MessagesContactsPanel
* [OPENMEETINGS-1339] - Poll results shows uncorrectly
* [OPENMEETINGS-1341] - White page is shown when user try to reset password
* [OPENMEETINGS-1343] - Release signatures should be created automatically
* [OPENMEETINGS-1346] - Error while import a backup from OM version 3.0.2
* [OPENMEETINGS-1347] - missing sort functionality in administration view
* [OPENMEETINGS-1348] - Backup import with LDAP users from 2.1.0 fails
* [OPENMEETINGS-1351] - Call for Logo page does not say where to send contributions
* [OPENMEETINGS-1354] - Backup zip is being extracted without necessary checks
* [OPENMEETINGS-1355] - random UUID should be user to generate password reset hash
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-1337] - Library versions should be updated (3.1.1)
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.1.0
** Sub-task
* [OPENMEETINGS-1118] - SOAP/REST methods need to be implemented using CXF
* [OPENMEETINGS-1277] - roomtype in laszlo code need to be changed
* [OPENMEETINGS-1278] - newmessage and some other dialogs need to be replaced with HTML5 dialogs
* [OPENMEETINGS-1285] - Number of servlets need to be reduced
* [OPENMEETINGS-1286] - Srceensharing is not started
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-570] - Some issues with device settings and attach Camera
* [OPENMEETINGS-823] - Images are not dragged on whiteboard correctly if user re-enter to the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-887] - Global chat is not implemented completly for OM 3.0
* [OPENMEETINGS-992] - upload image in profile
* [OPENMEETINGS-1237] - Desktop-sharing: keyboard input gets duplicated or triplicated.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1252] - Allow/deny screen sharing and remote control does not work as expected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1255] - Incorrect work of "Show contact data to contacts only"
* [OPENMEETINGS-1258] - The latest chat messeages are not shown in the global chat
* [OPENMEETINGS-1260] - Period invitation created from room is shifted one month
* [OPENMEETINGS-1261] - docs folder should removed from 3.0.x sources
* [OPENMEETINGS-1263] - component.getString() should not be called from constructor
* [OPENMEETINGS-1264] - "Old style" confirm dialogs should be replaced with jquery-ui confirmations
* [OPENMEETINGS-1266] - Width/height parameters are missing in RecordingDTO
* [OPENMEETINGS-1268] - Error while use wsdl service
* [OPENMEETINGS-1269] - 'Internal Error' Message on Deleting / Selecting a User in Admin/User Panel
* [OPENMEETINGS-1271] - Maximum number of users in restricted room need to be enlarged
* [OPENMEETINGS-1272] - Exception and Internal Errror When "To complete your registration please click on the following link"
* [OPENMEETINGS-1273] - Poll error
* [OPENMEETINGS-1274] - After registration I don't see confirmation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1275] - Invalid invitation generates for contact if creat few invitations
* [OPENMEETINGS-1276] - Trunk should be merged with 3.1.x
* [OPENMEETINGS-1281] - Bad URL to download language files to translate in OpenMeetings website
* [OPENMEETINGS-1283] - It is impossible to remove moderator permissions given to a user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1284] - Incorrect display of a video player
* [OPENMEETINGS-1287] - Mail templates are excluded from the build artefact
* [OPENMEETINGS-1288] - Search User page is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1292] - OM 3.1 When clic on Upload file picture button profile, nothings happens
* [OPENMEETINGS-1293] - OM 3.1 When clic on Conference Room button, show turning circle and nothing happens
* [OPENMEETINGS-1295] - OM 3.0.7 - No upload image for widget user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1296] - Unable to upload image to profile
* [OPENMEETINGS-1297] - svn tree need to be restructured
* [OPENMEETINGS-1299] - In file, from entry 1465 to entry 1600, we should have Chinese entries, but there are still English entries.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1303] - Report a bug URL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1308] - "File tree" is broken in room after installation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1309] - Issue with playing the recordings in OM 3.1.0
* [OPENMEETINGS-1310] - Flash permission dialog is not displayed
* [OPENMEETINGS-1312] - "User recording" message is not removed on recording stop
* [OPENMEETINGS-1314] - A no user receive an invitation and he tries to send an invitation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1316] - Older timezone's in OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-1317] - Whiteboard is not displayed for guests in the restricted moderated rooms
* [OPENMEETINGS-1318] - Firstname and lastname are shown in the userlist when last user exit from the restricted room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1320] - Whiteboard is not saved
* [OPENMEETINGS-1321] - Files are not shown correctly when contact enter to the restricted room as moderator
* [OPENMEETINGS-1322] - Chat is not shown in the room when document loads on whiteborad
* [OPENMEETINGS-1323] - Error is thrown to the log file during conversion recording
* [OPENMEETINGS-1326] - Password is not verified when owner send invitation with password
* [OPENMEETINGS-1329] - "null" adds to the Subject when user send private masage to contact
* [OPENMEETINGS-1331] - Openmeeting is not responsed when moderator kick user from the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1332] - Vote is not work correctly
* [OPENMEETINGS-1333] - Recording and sharing is not started when contact try to start recording or sharing
* [OPENMEETINGS-1334] - It's impossible to invite om user to the my rooms
* [OPENMEETINGS-1335] - Screen sharing icons and favicon need to be updated
* [OPENMEETINGS-1336] - User can not enter to group room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1338] - Screen sharing application failed to connect to the server
* [OPENMEETINGS-1340] - Moderator can't kick user from the conference room
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-794] - Add a possibility to enter brief name for users with same invitation url (grouped mail)
* [OPENMEETINGS-846] - Invitation of a complete usergroup as a one-click operation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1245] - Offer drop-down list for inviting users when in conference room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1256] - Fetch users from AD into contacts
* [OPENMEETINGS-1259] - Library versions should be updated (3.1.0)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1262] - Install wizard need to be updated to use wicket-jquery-ui
* [OPENMEETINGS-1270] - Outdated documentation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1279] - swf8 code need to be converted to swf11
* [OPENMEETINGS-1290] - Room SIP# should be displayed as a hint
* [OPENMEETINGS-1294] - OM 3.1.0 spanish translation attached
* [OPENMEETINGS-1304] - CLONE - In the general interface, provide a way to access links to recordings, which can be shared with others (both registered users and external people).
* [OPENMEETINGS-1306] - modifica dei campi e grafica
* [OPENMEETINGS-1313] - Support for Google Analytics scripts should be added
** Task
* [OPENMEETINGS-1302] - Current maven build doesn't create source artifact
* [OPENMEETINGS-1305] - REST/SOAP should be tested
* [OPENMEETINGS-1311] - Outdated jquery.ui.menubar should be replaced with jqueryui menu component
** Test
* [OPENMEETINGS-1315] - build code sucess, but run red5.bat happen error
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.0.7
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-1211] - the use of icons in users tab is illogical
* [OPENMEETINGS-1213] - Error is shown when contact try to send invitation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1218] - Wrong birthday date is displayed on the User datails at Administration->Users page
* [OPENMEETINGS-1221] - Language is not loaded after changes
* [OPENMEETINGS-1230] - Clustering seems not to work as expected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1231] - chat bar on landing page without lable an delete function missing
* [OPENMEETINGS-1234] - Unable to take backup using GUI or
* [OPENMEETINGS-1238] - Share/record screen: go to HTTP STATUS 404- Apache Tomcat page
* [OPENMEETINGS-1239] - Can't import REST URL properly
* [OPENMEETINGS-1248] - Clustering not working from external system (for ex. Moodle)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1249] - Guest can't enter to the room when room is booked via private message
* [OPENMEETINGS-1250] - Video is not availble in the interview rooms
* [OPENMEETINGS-1251] - When room is full kicked user not redirected to Rooms list
* [OPENMEETINGS-1253] - Crash when searching at language editor.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1254] - Crash when adding OAuth2 config
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-954] - Need implement OM client for Android devices.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1100] - Seperate video/audio permissions capability
* [OPENMEETINGS-1101] - Live presenter activity (typing , drawing)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1212] - Library versions should be updated (3.0.7)
** Wish
* [OPENMEETINGS-1214] - LDAP import AD groups
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.0.6
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-1202] - Send Invitation error with moodle
* [OPENMEETINGS-1203] - Screen sharing is not started when external guest try to start sharing
* [OPENMEETINGS-1205] - Invitation is not sent from the toom
* [OPENMEETINGS-1207] - Create a poll
* [OPENMEETINGS-1208] - default_group_id ...?
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-1197] - Library versions should be updated (3.0.6)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1206] - Room service should be updated to be able to generate invitation hash with first and last name
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.0.5
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-889] - "Upload new image" button should have the same style with other buttons
* [OPENMEETINGS-1161] - Dashboard start widget is not correctly aligned when language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1168] - Request for contact multi-language + RTL issues
* [OPENMEETINGS-1181] - Date pickers are not localized
* [OPENMEETINGS-1182] - User entered the room from Joomla plugin is displayed with "null" as lastname
* [OPENMEETINGS-1183] - It is impossible to change 'chatOpened' room parameter using modifyRoomParameter SOAP call
* [OPENMEETINGS-1185] - Appointments returned by SOAP service get wrong start/end time
* [OPENMEETINGS-1187] - Send One-Time Invitation does not work if we Generate URL first.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1188] - less data for getRoomById
* [OPENMEETINGS-1189] - Room' s session seems to expire in less than 1.5 hours when in rooms
* [OPENMEETINGS-1190] - keystore file pw is disclosed in the screen sharing log
* [OPENMEETINGS-1196] - Meaningless internal error in case OAuth email is in use
* [OPENMEETINGS-1199] - Cluster status is missed on admin->connection page
* [OPENMEETINGS-1200] - Main menu items shows incorrectly
* [OPENMEETINGS-1201] - Header of moderators list box shows incorrectly
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-1133] - Direct sign-in from another site
* [OPENMEETINGS-1184] - Library versions should be updated (3.0.5)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1198] - Simplify Database Install
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.0.4
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-878] - Sign Web-Start application with trusted root cert
* [OPENMEETINGS-1041] - It is impossible drag and drop recordings to public folder when recordings list is scrolled
* [OPENMEETINGS-1055] - Error is thrown and connection is closed when external user try to generate URL and send email invitation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1062] - Contact data of other users are shown not all.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1063] - When "Show contact data to contacts only" was selected, contact data are not showing for users from contacts.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1074] - Sharing of the screen gives remote access to the other user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1075] - system does not save the mark "do not ask me" when choosing a camera and video expansion
* [OPENMEETINGS-1079] - Synchronous backup does not work through the web interface with a large volume of data
* [OPENMEETINGS-1080] - Connection with the server is canceled after recordings
* [OPENMEETINGS-1083] - Impossible to add user to group, moderator to room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1084] - cannot remove auto created user by invite for conference room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1087] - X-UA-Compatible should be set as first META tag
* [OPENMEETINGS-1088] - error installing with mssql
* [OPENMEETINGS-1089] - Spanish installation screens contains bad UTF-8 chars
* [OPENMEETINGS-1091] - the attendees can chaange the start and end dates of calendar appointment rooms !!!
* [OPENMEETINGS-1092] - users can use the calendar room to make conference after the end-date of the conference room!!!
* [OPENMEETINGS-1094] - Ldap authorisation is not working correctly if var ldap_search_scope=SUBTREE
* [OPENMEETINGS-1098] - Login via OAuth2 is broken due to redirectUri is wrong
* [OPENMEETINGS-1102] - Room web service is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1103] - Pressing 'play' on the video player while a video is already playing starts a new player
* [OPENMEETINGS-1105] - Dereferencing Aliases using LDAP and eDirectory.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1109] - Appointment with existing room is displayed as appointment with 'appointment special room'
* [OPENMEETINGS-1110] - Audio/video is being broadcasted to the room after room exit
* [OPENMEETINGS-1114] - LDAP config is not Unicode aware
* [OPENMEETINGS-1117] - RTL is not fully supported by OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-1121] - Blank field (invited user)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1123] - RedirectLoop while trying to install
* [OPENMEETINGS-1124] - Calendar interface bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-1126] - Timezone bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-1127] - Unexpected behaivor when user enter to the room if room type is udefined
* [OPENMEETINGS-1128] - users can not be deleted ("ghost users")
* [OPENMEETINGS-1131] - New events are not shown in the calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-1134] - Removed folder shows in the "Move to folder..." dropdown box
* [OPENMEETINGS-1137] - Reducing load times of rooms via invitations api
* [OPENMEETINGS-1139] - When users are in different timezones, the meeting setup was not shown correctly on invitee's caleander
* [OPENMEETINGS-1143] - Recordings list order
* [OPENMEETINGS-1146] - RTMPS uses rtmpport
* [OPENMEETINGS-1149] - "AVI", "FLV" and "Re-convert" buttons are not visible on recordings panel when recordings list box is scrolled
* [OPENMEETINGS-1150] - NullPointerException is thrown when user try enter to the room via calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-1151] - Recording Java Application is blocked by Security Settings
* [OPENMEETINGS-1153] - "Record started" remains in upper right corner after record was stoped (interviewroom)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1154] - Too big waiting time after pressing the "Stop recording" button
* [OPENMEETINGS-1156] - The "Allow recording" flag is not checked when screen sharing is started
* [OPENMEETINGS-1157] - Calendar web service is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1159] - Chat is not correctly aligned then language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1160] - Edit user settings is not correctly aligned when language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1162] - Admin->users is not correctly aligned when language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1163] - Admin->OAuth is not correctly aligned when language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1164] - Admin->Servers is not correctly aligned when language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1165] - Admin->Configurations is not correctly aligned when language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1166] - Admin->Groups is not correctly aligned when language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1167] - Admin->Labels is not correctly aligned when language is RTL
* [OPENMEETINGS-1169] - Send Message dialog is not properly aligned when RTL language is selected
* [OPENMEETINGS-1170] - Profile page is not updated when user changes settings
* [OPENMEETINGS-1173] - The "Internal error" is thrown when uncheck the "Create/Modify appointment special room" flag
* [OPENMEETINGS-1174] - Unenrolled user not redirected to Rooms list
* [OPENMEETINGS-1175] - It is impossible to send private message from the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1177] - Calendar is not properly aligned when RTL language is selected
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-547] - Deferred recordings converting possibility.
* [OPENMEETINGS-623] - OpenMeetings怎么修改发送邮件的格式
* [OPENMEETINGS-1082] - Library versions should be updated
* [OPENMEETINGS-1099] - Build should be ready for web-start code-signing
* [OPENMEETINGS-1130] - Emails should be created using templates, not string concatenation
* [OPENMEETINGS-1135] - logback config should be updated to use log rotation and keep old logs
* [OPENMEETINGS-1136] - Improving portuguese-brazil installation translation
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-1104] - Enable change first day in the Calendar
** Wish
* [OPENMEETINGS-1065] - add ability to minimize screen-sharing video
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.0.3
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-270] - MemoryLeak / Dead-Lock in FlvRecorderConverter
* [OPENMEETINGS-292] - Inviting people during conference
* [OPENMEETINGS-409] - Interview Room (2)
* [OPENMEETINGS-452] - LDAP issue. Cannot relogin with user that already was logined before and then logged out
* [OPENMEETINGS-532] - Generated hash issue
* [OPENMEETINGS-616] - Openmeetings for Drupal got a 500 error
* [OPENMEETINGS-680] - The "," symbol is used for the multiple e-mail instead of standard ";" symbol
* [OPENMEETINGS-683] - Somtimes vido frame is not visible for other users in the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-686] - Recording faild when pause is used
* [OPENMEETINGS-697] - Authentification Ldap
* [OPENMEETINGS-809] - Global chat issues in rooms
* [OPENMEETINGS-888] - Room name is not translated correctly in the "My room" widget
* [OPENMEETINGS-915] - Regression in 3.0: Incorrect moderator list update in the room screen.
* [OPENMEETINGS-918] - Contacts should not be added to usergroup
* [OPENMEETINGS-931] - AD LDAP Authentication on empty install organization choice after first logon: empty list
* [OPENMEETINGS-953] - can not upload files while using Tomcat with SSL enabled
* [OPENMEETINGS-986] - Oauth2.0 Logon Not Working
* [OPENMEETINGS-998] - Audio and Video of recordings are not in sync after a few minutes
* [OPENMEETINGS-1007] - Users with externalUserId and externaluserType <> null can't login
* [OPENMEETINGS-1012] - Reverted timezone is set by default in invitation window
* [OPENMEETINGS-1013] - Profile pictures are not displayed to invited user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1015] - Browser time zone is not selected correctly in the invitation window until all java timezones are loaded
* [OPENMEETINGS-1019] - RemoteControl: problem with sql
* [OPENMEETINGS-1020] - create new user after adding user does not add to DB
* [OPENMEETINGS-1022] - cliAdmin is broken (NPE + exclude-files)
* [OPENMEETINGS-1023] - ChatMessages are not imported
* [OPENMEETINGS-1024] - Add user admin dropdown is broken when postgres is used
* [OPENMEETINGS-1026] - Moderator rights are not availble for admin user if enter to the room after simple user
* [OPENMEETINGS-1027] - Search button does not work for users
* [OPENMEETINGS-1029] - modifyRoomParameter SOAP/REST method is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-1031] - The "New folder" dialogs moves to the bottom of the screen and becomes invisible
* [OPENMEETINGS-1032] - search variable in Language Editor produce java.lang.StackOverflowError
* [OPENMEETINGS-1034] - openmeetings start always fails with postgresql db on debian
* [OPENMEETINGS-1035] - "ant -Ddb=postgres" always fails
* [OPENMEETINGS-1037] - LDAP passwords are being printed to the log
* [OPENMEETINGS-1038] - PrivateRoom Widget is displayed when key is disabled
* [OPENMEETINGS-1039] - Interview recording is broken if stop-on-close
* [OPENMEETINGS-1042] - .ppt file not open when i upload
* [OPENMEETINGS-1048] - Appointement owner has no moderation rights
* [OPENMEETINGS-1050] - User list is missing room users
* [OPENMEETINGS-1052] - Room list not displayed after room exit
* [OPENMEETINGS-1059] - Language not loaded from user profile.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1060] - Strange view of warnings at User editing screen.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1061] - Font size list is not visible and availble in the global chat
* [OPENMEETINGS-1067] - "Move to folder.." item is not translated correctly on the "Contacts and messages" tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-1068] - Error is thrown and connection is closed when move event into Calendar view
* [OPENMEETINGS-1069] - Add/remove a user to the default moderator list not working properly
* [OPENMEETINGS-1070] - Strange view after auto logout from demo room
* [OPENMEETINGS-1076] - Export of localization to file not working.
* [OPENMEETINGS-1077] - Max participants in the room work incorrectly
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-96] - Possibility to deny remote control for all when sharing screen
* [OPENMEETINGS-360] - Email invited meeting participants to display name not email address
* [OPENMEETINGS-942] - Searching for contacts
* [OPENMEETINGS-971] - Restrict attendees suggestions
* [OPENMEETINGS-984] - Recording auto-repairing should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-1017] - ACLs should be added to the User
* [OPENMEETINGS-1021] - Red5 should be updated to the latest stable version
* [OPENMEETINGS-1028] - Red5 should be updated to the latest stable version
* [OPENMEETINGS-1033] - Improve ldap auth type adding SearchScope variable in config file
* [OPENMEETINGS-1036] - Improve User Form for include LDAP domain
* [OPENMEETINGS-1040] - Select2 should be used to display/set user groups
* [OPENMEETINGS-1049] - no default value for the "Quality of the screen sharing"/default FPS
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-442] - om LDAP users controlled with a group
* [OPENMEETINGS-1011] - long time to load openmeetings activity in moodle
** Task
* [OPENMEETINGS-964] - LDAP login should be refactored
** Test
* [OPENMEETINGS-1025] - Problem with convert recording by ffmpeg
** Wish
* [OPENMEETINGS-861] - SOAP user for creating & using om rooms via moodle can log into GUI of OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-1066] - re-order fields on screen-sharing applet
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.0.2
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-604] - Pop up message remain same after quitting the room created by Book conference room option in the email
* [OPENMEETINGS-916] - Selected recording is not highlighted and should not be moved to other folder
* [OPENMEETINGS-976] - Cannot restore an erased key in administration\configuration\key
* [OPENMEETINGS-978] - It is impossible to start OM in offline mode
* [OPENMEETINGS-983] - Verification URL is not generated correctly for self register users
* [OPENMEETINGS-985] - Send Invitation functionality is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-990] - error while playing recording
* [OPENMEETINGS-993] - Deleted rooms are now excluded from backup
* [OPENMEETINGS-994] - AllowRecording option lock normal user interaction in conference Room.
* [OPENMEETINGS-996] - send invitation - generate URL
* [OPENMEETINGS-997] - error installing with mssql
* [OPENMEETINGS-1002] - OM theming should be consistent
* [OPENMEETINGS-1004] - Internal error is thrown when you search a user on the Search Users Tab
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-982] - ApplicationContext recreation should be avoided
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.0.1
** Sub-task
* [OPENMEETINGS-937] - Screen sharing application should create recordings with size multiple by 16
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-913] - Booking is not working via private message
* [OPENMEETINGS-917] - Contacts should not be added as default moderator
* [OPENMEETINGS-920] - where are the controls to playback a recorded video?
* [OPENMEETINGS-934] - screenrecording without sound
* [OPENMEETINGS-935] - Names are mixed in contact request email
* [OPENMEETINGS-936] - First frame of the recording has size differs from all other frames
* [OPENMEETINGS-943] - OM3.0: login with LDAP user not working
* [OPENMEETINGS-949] - Add Whiteboard: untranslated string - hardcoded
* [OPENMEETINGS-951] - Command line installer fails if path contains spaces
* [OPENMEETINGS-952] - Build should be compatible with latest ant
* [OPENMEETINGS-956] - Recording frame is not scrolled
* [OPENMEETINGS-957] - Screensharing is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-958] - Calendar event start and end date are not displayed correctly in the month vew for IST time zone
* [OPENMEETINGS-959] - "Choose Device" Dialog doesn't show (all) devices from flash-settings
* [OPENMEETINGS-960] - Long time without changing progressbar when enter OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-961] - Calendar event can be canceled by guest
* [OPENMEETINGS-965] - Dashboard is malfunctioning when the user language is set to french
* [OPENMEETINGS-966] - Invitation links are not working
* [OPENMEETINGS-967] - and options are not working
* [OPENMEETINGS-972] - Default user database
* [OPENMEETINGS-975] - Reminder is not sent for calendar event
* [OPENMEETINGS-977] - Import of Appointments and UserContacts was broken
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-938] - Recording length field should be filled by converters
* [OPENMEETINGS-939] - Not ready recordings should have special icon
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 3.0.0
** Sub-task
* [OPENMEETINGS-746] - Replace OmTimeZone in User Entity with String tz and fix all dependencies
* [OPENMEETINGS-747] - Replace OmTimeZone in Invitations Entity with String tz and fix all dependencies
* [OPENMEETINGS-748] - Replace OmTimeZone in MeetingMembers Entity with String tz and fix all dependencies
* [OPENMEETINGS-749] - Fix Installer with new timezone handling, default to server timezone in UI
* [OPENMEETINGS-750] - Fix Backup importer to be able to import old backups (2.x) to new database schema (3.x) (User, Invitations, MeetingMembers have no OmTimeZone anymore)
* [OPENMEETINGS-751] - Remove OmTimeZone Entity and import mechanism for timezones.xml and some cleanup
* [OPENMEETINGS-752] - Create Branch and Jenkins Job for Timezone refactoring
* [OPENMEETINGS-754] - Fix user admin UI to have timezone as string
* [OPENMEETINGS-755] - Fix invitation popup in Flash to not use the OmTimeZones for creating the Invitation
* [OPENMEETINGS-758] - Remove OpenLaszlo Admin UI and all related API calls (only if they are not needed somewhere else)
* [OPENMEETINGS-759] - Remove Flash UI user settings and related API calls
* [OPENMEETINGS-762] - Callers of TimezoneUtil.getTimezoneByInternalJName should be checked to work as expected
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-69] - Conference Room - Chat RTL dosn't function
* [OPENMEETINGS-243] - "Updated" field in Administration -> LDAP panel contains "null" for string for empty value.
* [OPENMEETINGS-274] - It is impossible to display "test setup recording" once hidden
* [OPENMEETINGS-321] - Recording under OSX throws exception in RecordingConverter
* [OPENMEETINGS-337] - interview room - audio does not work when "audio only" is selected
* [OPENMEETINGS-348] - zoom synchonization
* [OPENMEETINGS-377] - Double clicking in the calendar area create two “Event details” dialog windows not just one window
* [OPENMEETINGS-405] - microphoneRateNormal & microphoneRateBest - not change rate
* [OPENMEETINGS-410] - whiteboard first color
* [OPENMEETINGS-416] - "Hide actions menu" does not work via SOAP in "restricted" room
* [OPENMEETINGS-421] - Reminder to conference issue
* [OPENMEETINGS-426] - Html Errors/Problems
* [OPENMEETINGS-428] - Refactor User administration to Wicket
* [OPENMEETINGS-432] - video only room is coming with white board also
* [OPENMEETINGS-435] - Help Help Help openmeetings service is not work at the next day
* [OPENMEETINGS-437] - Link "...Edit your profile" form de user home page send the control to a user profile view, not to a edit profile view
* [OPENMEETINGS-439] - An LDAP user can't change their own profile picture.
* [OPENMEETINGS-444] - Create HTML/Wicket admin backup section
* [OPENMEETINGS-445] - Backup Export does not work at all
* [OPENMEETINGS-451] - Search in user groups Wicket UI does not work
* [OPENMEETINGS-473] - Recorded video Display blank at
* [OPENMEETINGS-481] - When I reserve a room by sending an email, users who connected to this link from an email have the same email address as me
* [OPENMEETINGS-486] - Sometimes OM stops responding to clicks
* [OPENMEETINGS-494] - Recording gives frame rate of 2 fps
* [OPENMEETINGS-503] - Openmeetings does not logout on the Recording panel
* [OPENMEETINGS-507] - Error message is shown when user save the Profile settings
* [OPENMEETINGS-513] - Participant of poll can vote more than once in the "My conference room"
* [OPENMEETINGS-514] - Some extra links are displayed on the "Choose Usergroup" dialog
* [OPENMEETINGS-537] - Pop menu in conference for files shows "Delete folder"
* [OPENMEETINGS-544] - some bug with SIP
* [OPENMEETINGS-560] - It’s possible to add several records with the same key value in configuration.
* [OPENMEETINGS-564] - Types of rooms are not localized
* [OPENMEETINGS-566] - No default timezone selection in registration/sign up when user is in timezone +12
* [OPENMEETINGS-572] - Empty fields are replaced with string "null" after export&import
* [OPENMEETINGS-575] - Name of the restricted and interview rooms is not displayed when user enter to this room
* [OPENMEETINGS-579] - In any room not close the video and audio settings windows. Video is not broadcasting.
* [OPENMEETINGS-580] - Smslib 3.5.3 should be used.
* [OPENMEETINGS-582] - 2.0 RoomPoll and Configs restore failed
* [OPENMEETINGS-584] - Main window is scrolled when select value from dropdown box
* [OPENMEETINGS-586] - FileItem owner_id is not replaced with new id while system import
* [OPENMEETINGS-587] - Exclusive audio by hotkey is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-590] - Useless "SIP Settings" section in the user screen.
* [OPENMEETINGS-591] - Whiteboard presentacion from PPT page controll event randomly broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-596] - ffmpeg is not work in current version
* [OPENMEETINGS-601] - User Profile picture
* [OPENMEETINGS-603] - Conference Room Types List doesn't display textual content - Book Conference Room Option Selected while Sending an Email
* [OPENMEETINGS-609] - The end time shown under the Book Conference Room option in New Message is Incorrect
* [OPENMEETINGS-617] - Impossible to refresh video using button "(Re) Start audio/video or change device settings"
* [OPENMEETINGS-618] - Incorrect translation
* [OPENMEETINGS-619] - Problems with a microphone
* [OPENMEETINGS-620] - Self-Register, Forgot password and login by LDAP should be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-625] - Profile Pictures not working on LDAP Accounts
* [OPENMEETINGS-627] - Private rooms disappear after use
* [OPENMEETINGS-628] - Exception is thrown when search user on the Profile->Search users tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-629] - Event is not deleted from Calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-630] - Event is not resized in calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-632] - Some links are mistaked in html version of OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-633] - Event is not created if title is empty.
* [OPENMEETINGS-634] - No menu accessable after file upload, in a special condition
* [OPENMEETINGS-635] - Administration / Configuration : default_lang_id documentation
* [OPENMEETINGS-640] - Room is not resized in IE
* [OPENMEETINGS-642] - The "Import" and "Export" buttons are missed on the Administrator->Language editor tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-643] - User details is not updated in the HTML version
* [OPENMEETINGS-645] - Can't create installation wizard
* [OPENMEETINGS-647] - Drag&Drop Issue Openmeetings 1.8.8 r4555
* [OPENMEETINGS-650] - Can't create conference room
* [OPENMEETINGS-651] - User can not login
* [OPENMEETINGS-654] - Interview room is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-655] - Calendar is not localized
* [OPENMEETINGS-657] - can not convert file
* [OPENMEETINGS-658] - Event creates in the Calendar with wrong start and end time
* [OPENMEETINGS-660] - Types of reminder are not localized
* [OPENMEETINGS-661] - Invitation is not implemented in the HTML Calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-663] - OM Installer is not localized
* [OPENMEETINGS-664] - OM is not installed in IE 10 browser.
* [OPENMEETINGS-665] - File upload in the room is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-666] - Main menu displays incorrectly in the IE browser.
* [OPENMEETINGS-667] - Recordings are not viewable on iPad
* [OPENMEETINGS-669] - Recording is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-672] - in recordings page ,people cant logout
* [OPENMEETINGS-673] - Rooms form is not shown correctly in the HTML version
* [OPENMEETINGS-674] - Image is not uploaded on the "Profile" tab in the HTML version of OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-676] - User can not login
* [OPENMEETINGS-679] - Share/record screen
* [OPENMEETINGS-682] - Admin password length is not checked while installing
* [OPENMEETINGS-687] - Microphone is unmuted when user refresh video frame
* [OPENMEETINGS-688] - Library versions should be bumped
* [OPENMEETINGS-689] - Russian installation encoding is broken in Ubuntu.
* [OPENMEETINGS-691] - screen sharing / recording couldn't starting
* [OPENMEETINGS-693] - Tomcat 7 patch should be removed from OM build
* [OPENMEETINGS-695] - Rooms page is not completly in the HTML version
* [OPENMEETINGS-696] - Choose device dialog is not availble in the restricted room
* [OPENMEETINGS-702] - when uploading file in a room, after click start upload, return a window with HTTP-ERROR: 500
* [OPENMEETINGS-703] - Invitation is not implemented to the HTML Calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-704] - Calendar UI - Unify button list (Cancel always on right side)
* [OPENMEETINGS-705] - Not possible to enter any conference room
* [OPENMEETINGS-707] - Calendar UI Creation Popup - clean up UI elements
* [OPENMEETINGS-708] - Calender UI Popup shows empty input values when Calendar UI is loaded second time
* [OPENMEETINGS-709] - Calendar UI Popup - no need for delete button if you create a new event
* [OPENMEETINGS-711] - Calendar UI add external attendee's
* [OPENMEETINGS-714] - Calendar does not send any invitations to the attendees
* [OPENMEETINGS-715] - Calendar does not send any update email if you change a calendar event to the attendees
* [OPENMEETINGS-716] - Calendar does not send any delete email if you delete a calendar event to the attendees
* [OPENMEETINGS-718] - Newly created users are unable to login
* [OPENMEETINGS-719] - Calendar UI delete button has no confirmation
* [OPENMEETINGS-720] - Calendar throws server error if any calendar event is saved (only tested with new events so far)
* [OPENMEETINGS-726] - Internal users do not show calendar events of events that you have been added to
* [OPENMEETINGS-729] - Empty / null values in email_username/password throws Exception when processing emails
* [OPENMEETINGS-730] - Cannot save empty value for configuration key in HTML5 UI (for instance username / pas for email configuration)
* [OPENMEETINGS-736] - Calendar UI - Month view does not resize to browser window by default
* [OPENMEETINGS-738] - Wrong successful registration message behavior
* [OPENMEETINGS-741] - Failed to change password
* [OPENMEETINGS-742] - Calendar UI - week and day view pretty useless when you can't select any day
* [OPENMEETINGS-743] - HTML Version Forgotten your password email link does not work
* [OPENMEETINGS-744] - Private message does not send in the HTML version
* [OPENMEETINGS-756] - Remove OpenLaszlo/Flash Calendar UI and Server side components API Calls/DTOs
* [OPENMEETINGS-757] - Several issues with external and internal meeting members
* [OPENMEETINGS-763] - Command line admin: --drop option is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-764] - Plugins should work with OM 3.0.0
* [OPENMEETINGS-765] - Wicket should be used for email generation
* [OPENMEETINGS-768] - User is not enter to the room when rtmp port is not set correctly
* [OPENMEETINGS-769] - Calendar UI - Event details with link to room
* [OPENMEETINGS-770] - when i click button share/recording screen , i get do download [ public 7.jnlp], not working properly
* [OPENMEETINGS-771] - Dashboard is not shown correctly when user exit from the room.
* [OPENMEETINGS-773] - Deleted users are shown in the Usergroups
* [OPENMEETINGS-776] - Contacts should be visible for owner and admin only
* [OPENMEETINGS-777] - SOAP/REST API should be fixed to create appointments as HTML5 web client
* [OPENMEETINGS-780] - Upload pictures and other documents on the white board, has been in the transition state.
* [OPENMEETINGS-784] - SOAP API service "modifyRoomParameter" converts "paramValue" into String
* [OPENMEETINGS-785] - Messsage " You have successfully signed up. An email with a verification code will be sent to your mailbox." comes up even if it is not supposed to
* [OPENMEETINGS-786] - Loading symbol in Wicket and Flash should look the same
* [OPENMEETINGS-787] - top navigation gone
* [OPENMEETINGS-788] - As soon as you hit the "start conference" button the video freezes and just nothing happens
* [OPENMEETINGS-789] - Interview room recording in 2.1.1
* [OPENMEETINGS-796] - Install Wizard displays wrong value for red5SipEnable
* [OPENMEETINGS-799] - SOAP methods RoomService.{getRooms,getRoomsWithCurrentUsers} and UserService.getUsersByOrganisation are broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-803] - Image files are not visible for attendees on whiteboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-804] - updateRoomWithModerationQuestionsAudioTypeAndHideOptions sets isAudioOnly always to true
* [OPENMEETINGS-806] - addNewUser SOAP method doe not return valid error code
* [OPENMEETINGS-808] - Installation using Derby default database configuration seems to have performance issues
* [OPENMEETINGS-810] - Entering interview room doesnt have option to select camera size - it inhetits the last used size
* [OPENMEETINGS-815] - Exception in sign up
* [OPENMEETINGS-818] - Room login via secureHash is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-819] - Zoom is not synchronyzed on whiteboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-821] - Can't upload file
* [OPENMEETINGS-822] - Closed room was created by addRoom and addRoomWithModeration REST/SOAP methods
* [OPENMEETINGS-830] - Recording is broken without screen sharing
* [OPENMEETINGS-832] - SOAP doesn't work
* [OPENMEETINGS-835] - no proper db-type option for postgresql db (Command Line Admin)
* [OPENMEETINGS-836] - OM layout error - item from vicket is hide the room chat elements
* [OPENMEETINGS-841] - Only the first user in a room is displayed and can be heard by others
* [OPENMEETINGS-842] - External users should not be redirected to dashboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-844] - Invitations are broken after last refactoring
* [OPENMEETINGS-848] - RoomService.getRoomCounters REST/SOAP method is not working
* [OPENMEETINGS-849] - some remains after the purge of deleted recordings and a system cleanup via
* [OPENMEETINGS-851] - There is no way to use uploaded files in an interview room
* [OPENMEETINGS-852] - Whiteboard Objects not clickable
* [OPENMEETINGS-855] - NPE using ./ -v -f --cleanup
* [OPENMEETINGS-856] - Invitation link is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-859] - Audio and Video in recordings is no more in sync
* [OPENMEETINGS-860] - Invite window is opened with long delay
* [OPENMEETINGS-864] - Exception is thrown when update event in the calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-865] - Upload buttons has artifacts
* [OPENMEETINGS-866] - NPE if frontend register is not allowed
* [OPENMEETINGS-868] - User creation via SOAP availability should be controlled by separate option
* [OPENMEETINGS-869] - Email subject is not displayed correctly for UTF-8 charset
* [OPENMEETINGS-870] - Plugins should work in version 3.0
* [OPENMEETINGS-871] - Internal error is thrown when search user on the Search users tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-872] - The "to" field is not filed in the "Write new message dialog"
* [OPENMEETINGS-873] - Ajax error is thrown when click on the "Show user profile" icon
* [OPENMEETINGS-875] - Widgets title are not translated when user change language
* [OPENMEETINGS-876] - The "Click here to enter room" link is attached to cancel email notification.
* [OPENMEETINGS-877] - New line "<br/>" tag does not applied for invitation message
* [OPENMEETINGS-880] - 3.0 regression: "Forgotten your password?" does not work on the login screen.
* [OPENMEETINGS-882] - OpenMeetings calendar allows create events with the end date/time earlier than the start date/time
* [OPENMEETINGS-883] - Strange behaviour during the external guest entering
* [OPENMEETINGS-884] - Regression in 3.0: Drop-down lists in the user registration screen work incorrectly in Google Chrome
* [OPENMEETINGS-885] - Record is not played under Chrome browser
* [OPENMEETINGS-886] - Impossible to save editable fields in My Profile.
* [OPENMEETINGS-890] - The "Login" field is not displayed on the connection panel.
* [OPENMEETINGS-891] - Wrong birthday date is displayed on the profile->edit settings panel
* [OPENMEETINGS-892] - "Add user" button is disabled when add new group
* [OPENMEETINGS-893] - Removed user is not added to usergroup again
* [OPENMEETINGS-898] - Time zone is not defined correctly on sign in page
* [OPENMEETINGS-899] - Calendar event start and end time are not displayed correctly
* [OPENMEETINGS-900] - Deleted contact is selected when user invite external guest to calendar invitation
* [OPENMEETINGS-901] - Password is not requested when password protected invitation send to external guest.
* [OPENMEETINGS-902] - Records are not created correctly
* [OPENMEETINGS-904] - Default landing zone
* [OPENMEETINGS-906] - Cannot create new group with users
* [OPENMEETINGS-907] - "password is required" message is displayed when "Password protected" checkbox is not checked
* [OPENMEETINGS-908] - Calendar event start and end date are not displayed correctly in the month vew
* [OPENMEETINGS-909] - Event owners is not receive email notification
* [OPENMEETINGS-910] - Contacts are availble to search on the Search user page
* [OPENMEETINGS-912] - Email disappears when move emial to the new folder
* [OPENMEETINGS-914] - "Mark unread" action does not work on Contacts and message page
* [OPENMEETINGS-919] - Access logs will not be generated
* [OPENMEETINGS-922] - Add folder button does not add a folder.
* [OPENMEETINGS-923] - Drag and drop of files in the recordings section does not work
* [OPENMEETINGS-924] - deleting recordings?
* [OPENMEETINGS-925] - Recording details previously showed the room name not the id
* [OPENMEETINGS-927] - Memory leak in OM wicket application
* [OPENMEETINGS-930] - getInvitationHash method allow creation of invalid users (login too small)
* [OPENMEETINGS-932] - SIP dialer menu item is not availble in the OM 3.x
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-167] - Main menu of OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-168] - Adding system date on dashboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-183] - Replacing "Timezone" column in "Users search" interface with a most important information = "statue" (connected / absent).
* [OPENMEETINGS-273] - calendar time is not updating dynamically
* [OPENMEETINGS-280] - Update ATutor Module for OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-358] - Remove or hide the "Domian" selection from the "Login" dialog when there is only one "Domain"
* [OPENMEETINGS-368] - Allow users to zoom their view of the Whiteboard by default and not being controlled by "Draw on the Whiteboard" permissions
* [OPENMEETINGS-375] - Allow an administrative option to control whether to display the "Mute microphone globally" dialog box or not
* [OPENMEETINGS-429] - [Wicket] Language admin should be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-484] - Poor quality of bitmapped pictures in pdf files on the whiteboard.
* [OPENMEETINGS-548] - Open meetings in a new window or tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-556] - GSOC: Faster screen sharing
* [OPENMEETINGS-558] - GSOC: Need wysiwyg editor Wicket component
* [OPENMEETINGS-574] - wicket-jquery-ui should be used instead of adding jquery-ui manually to every page
* [OPENMEETINGS-578] - Latest Red5 server should be used in OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-583] - Ability to disable enhanced microphone should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-589] - Configurable hot key for Mute/Unmute should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-594] - Add translated word in thai language
* [OPENMEETINGS-610] - push2talk button
* [OPENMEETINGS-612] - Dashboard need to be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-615] - User Profile panel need to be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-626] - Recordings panel need to be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-631] - Updated French translation
* [OPENMEETINGS-637] - Admin: Connections panel need to be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-638] - Room enter/exit should be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-639] - Installer should be implemented on Wicket
* [OPENMEETINGS-646] - Emotions should be added to the chat
* [OPENMEETINGS-685] - Japanese translation update for v2.1.1 / v3.1
* [OPENMEETINGS-692] - HTML admin should be improved to highlight record which changes
* [OPENMEETINGS-701] - Wicket HTML templates should be stored unarchived
* [OPENMEETINGS-727] - no warning for too short login names
* [OPENMEETINGS-772] - Project tree structure should be updated
* [OPENMEETINGS-778] - Cannot install simplified Chinese
* [OPENMEETINGS-798] - MSSQL support should be added to OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-820] - No function to match user groups with rooms via SOAP
* [OPENMEETINGS-854] - SOAP/REST call getFlvRecordingByExternalUserId should take into account both external id and type
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-152] - Background image
* [OPENMEETINGS-491] - LDAP authentication filter
* [OPENMEETINGS-576] - Suggestion about the tunnelling implementation.
* [OPENMEETINGS-656] - Callback URL when client drop/log out from room
* [OPENMEETINGS-802] - Integration with Chamilo LMS
* [OPENMEETINGS-857] - sound/voice warning when disconnected
** Task
* [OPENMEETINGS-81] - Unify Upload Components
* [OPENMEETINGS-721] - is it possible to add new user from soap method?
* [OPENMEETINGS-740] - Login via OAuth2
* [OPENMEETINGS-760] - Removing all OpenLaszlo /Flash UI that is no more maintained all all connected server side API calls.
* [OPENMEETINGS-767] - Redundant fields should be removed from MeetingMember object
** Wish
* [OPENMEETINGS-38] - Default language
* [OPENMEETINGS-534] - How to set When the user is registered, need administrator audit to register?
* [OPENMEETINGS-607] - Refine the UI
* [OPENMEETINGS-622] - Removing the menu items and customizing dashboard
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 2.2.0 Apache Release
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-671] - Calendar is shown incompletely when book conference room
* [OPENMEETINGS-763] - Command line admin: --drop option is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-789] - Interview room recording in 2.1.1
* [OPENMEETINGS-791] - Backup import is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-799] - SOAP methods RoomService.{getRooms,getRoomsWithCurrentUsers} and UserService.getUsersByOrganisation are broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-803] - Image files are not visible for attendees on whiteboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-804] - updateRoomWithModerationQuestionsAudioTypeAndHideOptions sets isAudioOnly always to true
* [OPENMEETINGS-806] - addNewUser SOAP method doe not return valid error code
* [OPENMEETINGS-810] - Entering interview room doesnt have option to select camera size - it inhetits the last used size
* [OPENMEETINGS-811] - Recordings does not downloaded via Google Chrome browser
* [OPENMEETINGS-819] - Zoom is not synchronyzed on whiteboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-832] - SOAP doesn't work
* [OPENMEETINGS-835] - no proper db-type option for postgresql db (Command Line Admin)
* [OPENMEETINGS-837] - "Choose Device" Dialog stops working after a few Changes
* [OPENMEETINGS-842] - External users should not be redirected to dashboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-848] - RoomService.getRoomCounters REST/SOAP method is not working
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-368] - Allow users to zoom their view of the Whiteboard by default and not being controlled by "Draw on the Whiteboard" permissions
* [OPENMEETINGS-556] - GSOC: Faster screen sharing
* [OPENMEETINGS-798] - MSSQL support should be added to OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-820] - No function to match user groups with rooms via SOAP
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-491] - LDAP authentication filter
** Task
* [OPENMEETINGS-790] - Red5 version in 2.x branch should be bumped
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 2.1.1 Apache Release
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-432] - video only room is coming with white board also
* [OPENMEETINGS-439] - An LDAP user can't change their own profile picture.
* [OPENMEETINGS-481] - When I reserve a room by sending an email, users who connected to this link from an email have the same email address as me
* [OPENMEETINGS-503] - Openmeetings does not logout on the Recording panel
* [OPENMEETINGS-507] - Error message is shown when user save the Profile settings
* [OPENMEETINGS-537] - Pop menu in conference for files shows "Delete folder"
* [OPENMEETINGS-586] - FileItem owner_id is not replaced with new id while system import
* [OPENMEETINGS-587] - Exclusive audio by hotkey is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-598] - dont build trunk on JDK 1.7 x64
* [OPENMEETINGS-608] - Office file are uploaded but not displayed
* [OPENMEETINGS-609] - The end time shown under the Book Conference Room option in New Message is Incorrect
* [OPENMEETINGS-618] - Incorrect translation
* [OPENMEETINGS-625] - Profile Pictures not working on LDAP Accounts
* [OPENMEETINGS-634] - No menu accessable after file upload, in a special condition
* [OPENMEETINGS-635] - Administration / Configuration : default_lang_id documentation
* [OPENMEETINGS-654] - Interview room is broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-670] - The webinar is already closed, you wil be rediredcted to some interesting offerings in X sek
* [OPENMEETINGS-687] - Microphone is unmuted when user refresh video frame
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-589] - Configurable hot key for Mute/Unmute should be added
Release Notes - Openmeetings - Version 2.1 Apache Release
** Sub-task
* [OPENMEETINGS-448] - Test and fix latest trunk to be able to import all old download zip's
** Bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-34] - missing entries in XML language files
* [OPENMEETINGS-49] - Synchronisation between Calendar and Dashboard
* [OPENMEETINGS-92] - The documents are not deleted from the server after removing them from the system
* [OPENMEETINGS-94] - References to the need to be updated
* [OPENMEETINGS-157] - Registration bug
* [OPENMEETINGS-166] - Meeting is created with incorrect start time in the calendar.
* [OPENMEETINGS-180] - bug sending invitation
* [OPENMEETINGS-196] - Calendar Ical / Simple Mail - double invitation mail
* [OPENMEETINGS-212] - Activities and actions: "Deny and remove message " button is not worked
* [OPENMEETINGS-243] - "Updated" field in Administration -> LDAP panel contains "null" for string for empty value.
* [OPENMEETINGS-251] - Minors layout problems when translating
* [OPENMEETINGS-267] - missing translation
* [OPENMEETINGS-291] - light does not indicate when the user is speaking
* [OPENMEETINGS-310] - Moodle plugin version
* [OPENMEETINGS-311] - Language problem after Openmeetings update (accessing from Moodle only)
* [OPENMEETINGS-312] - File was null or did not exist: TEST_SETUP_1338945244240.flv
* [OPENMEETINGS-314] - Webcam Title of user is username of default OM user
* [OPENMEETINGS-316] - ICS attachments for emails not working with Exchange 2003/2007 and Outlook 2003/2007
* [OPENMEETINGS-320] - Exception and layout for screensharing/recording client
* [OPENMEETINGS-322] - Several Exception in Log
* [OPENMEETINGS-327] - Add Restart Save Mail-Queue
* [OPENMEETINGS-328] - screen sharing is not closing automatically
* [OPENMEETINGS-331] - tooltip for cmd_applyforWhiteBoard room action is not set
* [OPENMEETINGS-343] - OM crashes if Inviteв guest with screen sharing rights tries to start screen sharing
* [OPENMEETINGS-346] - Screen Sharing does not end with end of meeting
* [OPENMEETINGS-362] - Download of profile images broken
* [OPENMEETINGS-363] - Some minor bugs in private chat
* [OPENMEETINGS-364] - User is not removed from user list when he leaves the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-366] - File upload does not show images as options when doing file upload
* [OPENMEETINGS-376] - “Notification type” text overflows the drop down data selection area and is partly covered
* [OPENMEETINGS-378] - Update Calendar email notification rules to send notification only when data relevant to the users has been changed
* [OPENMEETINGS-379] - The Calendar ics format email notification is incorrectly formed
* [OPENMEETINGS-380] - Calendar "Add attendee" option has a second option of itself to "Add external" but adding an external attendee does not close this dialog
* [OPENMEETINGS-381] - ivy jar in our repository
* [OPENMEETINGS-382] - LICENSE file mentions both CDDL and GPL
* [OPENMEETINGS-385] - contextmenu contextmenuitem
* [OPENMEETINGS-389] - Create Drupal plugin for OpenMeetings
* [OPENMEETINGS-391] - Private and public folder does not appear
* [OPENMEETINGS-392] - privateChatTabBottom
* [OPENMEETINGS-393] - NumberFormatException while creating user or room
* [OPENMEETINGS-394] - save and load whiteboard does not work
* [OPENMEETINGS-396] - ICS attachments not recognised in Outlook 2003
* [OPENMEETINGS-402] - I cannot open Interview recorded
* [OPENMEETINGS-403] - Missing rooms
* [OPENMEETINGS-408] - Interview Room (1)
* [OPENMEETINGS-415] - NetStream NetStatus event does not work when attached to client object
* [OPENMEETINGS-418] - ScreenShare russian charset
* [OPENMEETINGS-420] - small problems in the current version
* [OPENMEETINGS-422] - Java error: TEST_SETUP_xxx.flv does not exist; javax error : ClientBroadCast Stream; published name=null
* [OPENMEETINGS-423] - Installation OM2.0
* [OPENMEETINGS-424] - Adjust Stream Volume
* [OPENMEETINGS-428] - Refactor User administration to Wicket
* [OPENMEETINGS-431] - OpenMeetings behind a proxy doesn't work for screen sharing
* [OPENMEETINGS-433] - Add Wicket enabled room administration
* [OPENMEETINGS-434] - Create admin area for groups, configurations, ldaps, servers
* [OPENMEETINGS-438] - Some bugs
* [OPENMEETINGS-440] - Problem in installation process
* [OPENMEETINGS-441] - Can't backup
* [OPENMEETINGS-445] - Backup Export does not work at all
* [OPENMEETINGS-449] - Cannot import backup file
* [OPENMEETINGS-450] - Wicket UI locked after accepting download of backup
* [OPENMEETINGS-451] - Search in user groups Wicket UI does not work
* [OPENMEETINGS-453] - Recordings associated with wrong user after import if already a user was in the database
* [OPENMEETINGS-454] - Scrennsharing initiated by invited user ends up in exception report
* [OPENMEETINGS-455] - Create RTMPClient to do a load test
* [OPENMEETINGS-458] - Missing language string "pluginname"
* [OPENMEETINGS-459] - Remove RoomClient from database
* [OPENMEETINGS-466] - Screen Sharing window, Chinese Simplified (lang_id=11) text display "?????"
* [OPENMEETINGS-467] - No internal user can be selected when planning a meeting
* [OPENMEETINGS-469] - Deleted meeting data remains in SIP db tables
* [OPENMEETINGS-472] - red5sip rev68 will not run
* [OPENMEETINGS-474] - Links to rooms sent via email do not work
* [OPENMEETINGS-482] - Network check script hangs after the second "Port" button click
* [OPENMEETINGS-489] - Start recording test hangs if no webcamera connected
* [OPENMEETINGS-490] - Wrong directory for test file in "Choose device" window
* [OPENMEETINGS-492] - Restoration of backup failed
* [OPENMEETINGS-493] - Uploading Libreoffice-format files only results in "Deleted"
* [OPENMEETINGS-496] - It's unable to send localized SMS message.
* [OPENMEETINGS-498] - Backup fails with Exception
* [OPENMEETINGS-502] - Some labels are hardcoded on the System backup tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-504] - Some labels are not translated to russian language
* [OPENMEETINGS-505] - Values of the "Unerole User" and "Server Address" fields are mixed on the Administrator -> Connections tab.
* [OPENMEETINGS-506] - Localized (russian) file name is not uploaded on the Profile tab
* [OPENMEETINGS-509] - Comment is shown incorrectly in the Choose device dialog
* [OPENMEETINGS-512] - Files are not uploaded in the rooms
* [OPENMEETINGS-515] - Video recording artifacts at the begin of the file
* [OPENMEETINGS-516] - After graduation tasks
* [OPENMEETINGS-517] - sensSMS flag is not imported/exported by admin.
* [OPENMEETINGS-519] - Need to update Configuration page on Openmeetings site.
* [OPENMEETINGS-520] - Missing areas on the recorded video
* [OPENMEETINGS-521] - The "Show/Copy chat log" and "Delete server chat log" buttons are not available for the Ptivate Chat
* [OPENMEETINGS-523] - download manual ghostcript download link is dead
* [OPENMEETINGS-524] - Unenroled user is not thrown from the conference room
* [OPENMEETINGS-525] - Font styles icon is enabled for Ptivate Chat if the "Allow font styles" is not enabled for conference room
* [OPENMEETINGS-526] - Not enough checking in the screensharing/recording
* [OPENMEETINGS-530] - Network testing tool on login page does not work when having OM configured for HTTPS and RTMPS
* [OPENMEETINGS-531] - Error Missing[XXXX]
* [OPENMEETINGS-536] - In upload dialog "Select file" does not work
* [OPENMEETINGS-540] - Uploading of .odt files
* [OPENMEETINGS-552] - Release blocking UI issues
* [OPENMEETINGS-561] - Video is not removed on Whiteboard closing
* [OPENMEETINGS-563] - "Black box" is displayed on test audio/video setup dialog
* [OPENMEETINGS-565] - Stackoverflow Exception when you goto your user profile and try to save it.
* [OPENMEETINGS-566] - No default timezone selection in registration/sign up when user is in timezone +12
* [OPENMEETINGS-567] - If you hit the "start upload" button twice, while the conversion is running, Openmeetings will run into an error
* [OPENMEETINGS-568] - OpenMeetings requests access to Cam even if there is none
* [OPENMEETINGS-569] - Faulty highperf settings in bat script
* [OPENMEETINGS-572] - Empty fields are replaced with string "null" after export&import
* [OPENMEETINGS-580] - Smslib 3.5.3 should be used.
* [OPENMEETINGS-582] - 2.0 RoomPoll and Configs restore failed
** Improvement
* [OPENMEETINGS-93] - Create Openmeetings plug-in
* [OPENMEETINGS-119] - New users french manual
* [OPENMEETINGS-299] - Language import should be improved to take less time
* [OPENMEETINGS-339] - File location detection should be centralized
* [OPENMEETINGS-349] - OM should be scalable
* [OPENMEETINGS-356] - Modify Rooms menu to have three options for each of the room types
* [OPENMEETINGS-357] - Users should first log into "Private rooms", have as a Admin selectable option for where users first log into
* [OPENMEETINGS-361] - It should be available to set logo in OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-384] - Mention that the file parameter is optional for the admin setup script
* [OPENMEETINGS-386] - Import/Export should be automatic based on Annotations
* [OPENMEETINGS-387] - It should be possible to create Appointment and use existent room
* [OPENMEETINGS-390] - Openmeetings Plugin for Bitrix need to be implemented
* [OPENMEETINGS-395] - Ability to add multiple external attendees should be added to the calendar
* [OPENMEETINGS-397] - Private chat with chat disabled
* [OPENMEETINGS-398] - Updated french translation for OM 2.1
* [OPENMEETINGS-399] - jitsi openmeetings plugin
* [OPENMEETINGS-400] - Improve volume slider
* [OPENMEETINGS-436] - Ability to moderate room chat should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-470] - SIP meeting extensions
* [OPENMEETINGS-477] - Possibility to copy invitation link to the clipboard should be added
* [OPENMEETINGS-478] - It should be possible to enable auto videopod selection
* [OPENMEETINGS-480] - It would be better to remove confirmation dialog when user turns micro on/off.
* [OPENMEETINGS-497] - Confirmation diolog for the turning micro on/off is inconvenient.
* [OPENMEETINGS-501] - fresh build fails with class org/jdom/JDOMException not found in anakia build section
* [OPENMEETINGS-518] - Sms text sent as a meeting reminder is too long sometime.
* [OPENMEETINGS-527] - Confirm an exclusive audio
* [OPENMEETINGS-529] - AEC should be utilized in OM
* [OPENMEETINGS-535] - an update of the german language file
* [OPENMEETINGS-541] - Updated version of French language file
* [OPENMEETINGS-562] - To import ppt presentation delete page
* [OPENMEETINGS-583] - Ability to disable enhanced microphone should be added
** New Feature
* [OPENMEETINGS-111] - Command line admin need to be created
* [OPENMEETINGS-342] - Private Chat should be available in the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-350] - Hot key should be added to be able to "rearrange" video windows in the room
* [OPENMEETINGS-351] - Add a possibility to send sms as an appointment reminder
* [OPENMEETINGS-354] - Volume slider
* [OPENMEETINGS-383] - Plugin for Joomla should be added to Openmeetings
** Task
* [OPENMEETINGS-41] - OM without private storage area
* [OPENMEETINGS-107] - Unify database schema
* [OPENMEETINGS-248] - Remove LGPL Icons from Symbol/Cliparts and Emoticons
* [OPENMEETINGS-306] - Initial network quality test
* [OPENMEETINGS-341] - Update to portugues brasil Language
* [OPENMEETINGS-414] - Delete SIP Applet from stack
* [OPENMEETINGS-417] - How to add/register SIP extension in OpenMeeting ?
* [OPENMEETINGS-446] - Create a Master backup File for last versions (including all generated data)
* [OPENMEETINGS-522] - add Redmine Plugin Link to HomePage
* [OPENMEETINGS-585] - Clustering documentation
** Test
* [OPENMEETINGS-50] - content of whiteboards
Release Notes - OpenMeetings - Version 2.0-INCUBATING
** Sub-task
[OPENMEETINGS-8] - Generate CalendarAPI for SOAP/REST WebServices
[OPENMEETINGS-9] - Design MockUp for new Calendar UI
[OPENMEETINGS-40] - Merge Audio/Video components to trunk
[OPENMEETINGS-44] - remove all old audio/video components
[OPENMEETINGS-47] - fix ScopeApplicationAdapter / sync and message broadcasting mechanism to not send messages to SWF10 client
[OPENMEETINGS-51] - fix url params (invitationHash / secureHash / language_id / roomScopeId / et cetera ) to be forwarded to inner SWF components
[OPENMEETINGS-52] - fix icon status in new video components
[OPENMEETINGS-53] - Add security mechanism to LocalConnection subscribers
[OPENMEETINGS-54] - fix recorder to use new audio/video components and fix recording itself to reference correct streams
[OPENMEETINGS-55] - fix testing application (5 second video recording on room enter) to use new a/v components
[OPENMEETINGS-61] - fix screensharing player to use the new audio/video components
[OPENMEETINGS-62] - Clean up 5-second recordings using a scheduler
[OPENMEETINGS-65] - fix whiteboard video player to use the new audio/video components
[OPENMEETINGS-71] - fix interview room type to use new audio/video components
[OPENMEETINGS-73] - fix mute functionality in new video components
[OPENMEETINGS-77] - changeDevice.lzx must be transformed to SWF10
[OPENMEETINGS-79] - SharedObject in SWF10 does not store settings
[OPENMEETINGS-80] - Some notification windows need to be moved to SWF10
[OPENMEETINGS-89] - Fix new option "hideWhiteboard" with layout of video pods
[OPENMEETINGS-97] - RTPMSClient for ScreenSharing should be created/tested
[OPENMEETINGS-98] - "Borrowed" code should be removed from ScreenSharing client
[OPENMEETINGS-105] - Add the license header to all SWF10 files
[OPENMEETINGS-170] - When you republish your stream while recording or suddenly leave the meeting, the recording has no audio
** Bug
[OPENMEETINGS-5] - Invitation default language
[OPENMEETINGS-15] - Usability problem with login at
[OPENMEETINGS-18] - File upload no work
[OPENMEETINGS-26] - Whiteboard error "arrow tool" dragging from right to left in any angle.
[OPENMEETINGS-28] - LDAP wrong default mapping for firstname
[OPENMEETINGS-31] - Upload files will not convert to SWF.
[OPENMEETINGS-48] - Log are either not written or in the wrong logfile
[OPENMEETINGS-56] - LDAP authentication is not correct
[OPENMEETINGS-64] - whiteboard id
[OPENMEETINGS-87] - All DB related JUnit tests are failed
[OPENMEETINGS-91] - Fix field type's of comment/description fields to use datatype Text (instead of VARCHAR(255))
[OPENMEETINGS-114] - With trunk svn 1307221: LDAP authentication fails because user can't be imported into local DB
[OPENMEETINGS-116] - Menu bar shortcuts do not work
[OPENMEETINGS-118] - Activity UI: Fix duplicated calls, removal of items does not work
[OPENMEETINGS-122] - Fix JUnit tests
[OPENMEETINGS-123] - Wildcard on creating WebService docs doesn't work
[OPENMEETINGS-127] - Backup\Import Asterisk related tables
[OPENMEETINGS-133] - Sources produced by nightly build should be buildable with ant
[OPENMEETINGS-135] - Video window can't be maximized
[OPENMEETINGS-137] - Loading of stored whiteboards doesn't work (error in loading path)
[OPENMEETINGS-138] - Errors and quality of Recording with screensharing application
[OPENMEETINGS-139] - Unable to Add User into Usergroups
[OPENMEETINGS-140] - Login options/features been reduced in current update
[OPENMEETINGS-141] - onMetaData Event not thrown in AS3 Non-Debug version
[OPENMEETINGS-142] - 1-2-3-4 buttons on dashboard don't do anything
[OPENMEETINGS-144] - When using openLDAP authentication, the source code uses the hardcoded 'uid' attribute to map logins and user DNs instead of the field_user_principal parameter
[OPENMEETINGS-145] - Unmuting/exclusive audio doesn't work and icons show wrong status in video pod after entering a room
[OPENMEETINGS-149] - Error while installing on MySQL DB openmeetings-2.0.0.r1311115-08-04-2012_2307
[OPENMEETINGS-150] - Error restoring password
[OPENMEETINGS-158] - Degradation of the sound quality in recordings in the recent release
[OPENMEETINGS-161] - UI Bugs in private messages
[OPENMEETINGS-162] - Exception in Screensharing
[OPENMEETINGS-163] - Recording does no more work if you start to share audio/video AFTER starting the recording
[OPENMEETINGS-164] - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 in Recording Conversion
[OPENMEETINGS-165] - Video freezes as soon as two people have audio/video turned on and you start to record the meeting => Convert FLV writers to act async
[OPENMEETINGS-171] - Screensharing notification not showing when already running
[OPENMEETINGS-172] - Home drive in recorder UI, minimize the home drive makes the list of files empty, drag and rop file from home drive to public drive
[OPENMEETINGS-174] - CLI import of backup does not work
[OPENMEETINGS-175] - CLI installer does not create install.xml
[OPENMEETINGS-176] - Import of Backup from version 1.9.x fails to import conference rooms
[OPENMEETINGS-177] - Meeting Room Invitation Link Not working
[OPENMEETINGS-178] - Invited user has access to adminstration panel
[OPENMEETINGS-179] - User Not Removed from chat participants window after logout..
[OPENMEETINGS-181] - Video Window, Conference room
[OPENMEETINGS-182] - OM need to be restarted after fresh installation to get menu list
[OPENMEETINGS-187] - Moderator and his room
[OPENMEETINGS-188] - Inserting room, horizontal bar does not appear
[OPENMEETINGS-190] - Problem with language when invoking OM from Moodle module
[OPENMEETINGS-191] - When I enable HTTPS and RTMPS the screen sharing resultant JNLP file has the wrong address = http://servername:443/.... instead of https://servername/..... if I edit the JNLP file by hand on the client level and change the address it works
[OPENMEETINGS-193] - Fix timezones that are missing
[OPENMEETINGS-195] - Send private message / Show user profile buttons
[OPENMEETINGS-196] - Calendar Ical / Simple Mail - double invitation mail
[OPENMEETINGS-197] - Calendar Ical / Simple Mail - room language
[OPENMEETINGS-198] - Password and dashboard calendar event list
[OPENMEETINGS-199] - Screensharing and recording does not work under OSX with Java 64Bit
[OPENMEETINGS-200] - Invitation link does not arrive
[OPENMEETINGS-203] - two languages are shown
[OPENMEETINGS-205] - ReplyTo Field leads to exception when sending emails to external users
[OPENMEETINGS-206] - wrong meeting times
[OPENMEETINGS-208] - Incorrectly filled "Last name" field on the User details form when created user with "Sign in" form
[OPENMEETINGS-209] - Encoding at install OpenMeetings
[OPENMEETINGS-210] - Calendar event
[OPENMEETINGS-211] - NullPointerException in FLVRecorderService.stopRecordingShow
[OPENMEETINGS-214] - When calendar event invitation is sent, invitation_text_from value displays with the name of the person for whom the invitation is being sent to but should be showing the sender's name
[OPENMEETINGS-215] - Created date is duplicated where restoring base from backup
[OPENMEETINGS-216] - UI problem
[OPENMEETINGS-219] - 'Delete' button is not visible
[OPENMEETINGS-225] - If object on whiteboard of type "freedraw" ("paint") is dragged/moved, the object is gone when you re-enter the room
[OPENMEETINGS-229] - "Exit"button is not shown for inviting users from room
[OPENMEETINGS-230] - Error in the field name on the form "Add external"
[OPENMEETINGS-232] - Rooms are imported with invalid room types
[OPENMEETINGS-233] - Font styles in propertyPanel are getting disabled.
[OPENMEETINGS-234] - Video and Screen sharing not working with HTTPS and RTMPS - Java Application starts but doesnt connect - java trace logs shows "[WARN] [NioProcessor-2] - Exception caught Keystore or password are null"
[OPENMEETINGS-237] - Calender reminder email invitation link fails due to link missing "&language=x" in URL
[OPENMEETINGS-238] - Calendar shows incorrect day of week for the actual date when timezone is GMT+10
[OPENMEETINGS-239] - Calendar Event details Comment/Description field text can overflow the boundary of the Description field of the Meeting Room's Event details dialog box
[OPENMEETINGS-241] - Cannot send emailed Invitations from a Meeting room
[OPENMEETINGS-242] - Moodle Plugin
[OPENMEETINGS-244] - Calendar doesn't show Day / Week / Month
[OPENMEETINGS-246] - Remote Cursor is no more visible
[OPENMEETINGS-249] - Using LDAP with latest build fails to login, - after login screen im prompted with "You account is assigned to multiple usergroups... " The drop down list is empty - I have checked the MYSQL DB table "oraganisations" and there are two entries there
[OPENMEETINGS-250] - Moderator loses Moderation
[OPENMEETINGS-252] - Fix default.timezone not taken from install config and add (optional) mapping "ldap_user_attr_timezone" in the ldap config
[OPENMEETINGS-257] - Exception in CLI Installer when installing in a new database
[OPENMEETINGS-263] - Missing invitation from calendar
[OPENMEETINGS-264] - Spinners in ScreenSharing applet works improperly
[OPENMEETINGS-269] - Image Download Issue from the Whiteboard - Naming problem and Deletion.jpg file - Reported by George Kirkham
[OPENMEETINGS-270] - MemoryLeak / Dead-Lock in FlvRecorderConverter
[OPENMEETINGS-271] - Whiteboad Undo tool does not remove all objects from the Whiteboard
[OPENMEETINGS-272] - When entering a room, the "Choose devices" window is behind any attendee video windows.
[OPENMEETINGS-275] - "User Speaks" icon in Users list does not indicate when the person is speaking
[OPENMEETINGS-277] - Latest build fails to start using RTMPS
[OPENMEETINGS-278] - When I enter a room and choose a lower resolution the "Choose Devices" window shrinks but the text at the top doesn't wrap to re-size
[OPENMEETINGS-279] - Minimize Video button works improperly
[OPENMEETINGS-281] - Enhance Language Editor with search fields
[OPENMEETINGS-282] - Video window "Exclusive Audio" causes tool tips message boxes to be left on the screen
[OPENMEETINGS-283] - Choose devices - Start test recording - no longer plays back the recorded clip
[OPENMEETINGS-284] - Audio is not working
[OPENMEETINGS-286] - video/audio broadcast problem with language of japanese
[OPENMEETINGS-287] - Unable to connect from moodle. Builde 2.0.0.r1341675-22-05-2012_2319
[OPENMEETINGS-288] - Unable to connect from moodle. Builde 2.0.0.r1341675-22-05-2012_2319
[OPENMEETINGS-289] - Unable to connect from moodle. Builde 2.0.0.r1341675-22-05-2012_2319
[OPENMEETINGS-294] - Cannot install Openmeetings with mysql
[OPENMEETINGS-295] - OpenMeetings with rtmp over HTTP Tunneling does not work anymore with Red5 r4374
[OPENMEETINGS-296] - Language export works only in english
[OPENMEETINGS-297] - Users are imported with invalid country
[OPENMEETINGS-298] - Problems with shortcut-key 'Ctrl + Shift + m', Camera/Mic settings-screen pops-up when typing 'M' (Shift+m)
[OPENMEETINGS-300] - $APP_NAME placeholder is not correctly handled in some email templates
[OPENMEETINGS-302] - Delete massges in Trash
[OPENMEETINGS-304] - Can not delete mail in Trash
[OPENMEETINGS-307] - Language does not load at login
[OPENMEETINGS-312] - File was null or did not exist: TEST_SETUP_1338945244240.flv
[OPENMEETINGS-314] - Webcam Title of user is username of default OM user
[OPENMEETINGS-316] - ICS attachments for emails not working with Exchange 2003/2007 and Outlook 2003/2007
[OPENMEETINGS-317] - Multiple appointments generated when clicking save more than once
[OPENMEETINGS-319] - Recordings at are not downloadble
[OPENMEETINGS-320] - Exception and layout for screensharing/recording client
[OPENMEETINGS-323] - Update Red5 to latest version (r4380) in both server and client library to test RTMPT and file not found exceptions
[OPENMEETINGS-324] - Limit login
** Improvement
[OPENMEETINGS-2] - Modify ANT Build script to create correct Build Artefacts / Integrate into
[OPENMEETINGS-4] - Microphone rooms
[OPENMEETINGS-10] - openmeetings_1_9_1_r4707 Default Language Error
[OPENMEETINGS-45] - New Audio/Video Components
[OPENMEETINGS-46] - Updated German lang file
[OPENMEETINGS-59] - Japanese translation update
[OPENMEETINGS-63] - Update Sharing RTMPClient with latest Red5 version and test if it works now
[OPENMEETINGS-66] - Whiteboard Player should aspect ratio when importing a video to the whiteboard
[OPENMEETINGS-83] - multipart.jar should be replaced with implementation compatible with ASF licence
[OPENMEETINGS-86] - SVN directory structure need to be optimized
[OPENMEETINGS-101] - Linking OpenMeetings tutorials and manuals
[OPENMEETINGS-113] - Define a default Login-Domain (ie an Ldap domain) to be automatically selected in the frontend login window
[OPENMEETINGS-125] - Text does not fit in the button.
[OPENMEETINGS-146] - Add mechanism to debug LocalConnection better
[OPENMEETINGS-184] - When we make a mistake or we use the same ID in users add administration menu => all fields become empty !
[OPENMEETINGS-185] - There is no sense to have two users / moderator / administrator with the same email
[OPENMEETINGS-194] - Command line admin: added parameter "--drop", to drop database before install
[OPENMEETINGS-202] - Calendar event
[OPENMEETINGS-226] - It should be possible to configure OpenOffice location via OM config
[OPENMEETINGS-245] - configuration table is not backup/restored
[OPENMEETINGS-247] - Make document conversion quality an administrator changeable option
[OPENMEETINGS-253] - Made some changes to the german language deutsch.xml
[OPENMEETINGS-259] - English Language Text improvements
[OPENMEETINGS-268] - Improvements for english text for 506, "registering_mail_text_head", 507, "registering_mail_text_head2", 512, "register_mail_subject"
[OPENMEETINGS-276] - Need a way to select "Exclusive Audio" for attenees who have selected "Audo Only"
[OPENMEETINGS-285] - Update for Chinese Language text
[OPENMEETINGS-309] - Complete French translation
[OPENMEETINGS-313] - Errors with it's types and descriptions should be listed on the site
** New Feature
[OPENMEETINGS-129] - Load Icons dynamically at runtime and replace LGPL licensed icons
[OPENMEETINGS-130] - Add mechanism for advanced runtime theming
[OPENMEETINGS-134] - Themes: Add Color definitions to default-theme.xml file and enhance with more color definitions
[OPENMEETINGS-186] - ReplyTo email address should be set to user email address.
[OPENMEETINGS-266] - ScreenSharing need to be enhanced to enable screen publishing
** Task
[OPENMEETINGS-7] - Replace lzCalendar with non CPL implementation
[OPENMEETINGS-32] - Replace JOD Library with own implementation
[OPENMEETINGS-60] - OpenMeetings Plugin for Atlassian JIRA
[OPENMEETINGS-70] - There should be a scheduler the does a check for test-recordings older then 1 hour and delete them.
[OPENMEETINGS-74] - Integrate Apache Ivy for dependency management of Libraries
[OPENMEETINGS-75] - Remove roomtype audience
[OPENMEETINGS-76] - Remove Event Recording
[OPENMEETINGS-82] - Atlassian Confluence Integration Plugin
[OPENMEETINGS-85] - Fix and improve Chat Layout
[OPENMEETINGS-88] - Fix client side modules structure (delete "Plugins" directory)
[OPENMEETINGS-99] - Project restructuring (sources, beans, eclipse)
[OPENMEETINGS-100] - JabberService should be added to Axis2 services
[OPENMEETINGS-106] - JabberService is missing in the API Doclet task that generates the SOAP/REST API Documentation
[OPENMEETINGS-109] - Show Number of Unread private messages in the dashboard and upgrade layout
[OPENMEETINGS-110] - Refactor menubar layout and tabbuttons in dashboard/rooms/settings section + remove "navisub" table + Fix to use "NamedQuery" for main navigation to enable/disable entries in the mainnavi
[OPENMEETINGS-117] - Refactor Conference Coloring and Layout
[OPENMEETINGS-124] - Clean Up Splash Screen and unused resources in init
[OPENMEETINGS-128] - Remove "doc" folder with partly documentated japanese documention and fix icon resources that are not needed
[OPENMEETINGS-147] - The green dot that indicates somebody else is speaking produces too many events and is badly performing
[OPENMEETINGS-160] - Enable sending messages to external users from the private messages including invitations to conference rooms and events
[OPENMEETINGS-169] - Clean up WhiteBoardService to use proper sync methods
[OPENMEETINGS-173] - CLI needs a check on those params that are "must haves" for installation
[OPENMEETINGS-222] - Enable Keyboard actions to whiteboard (Arrow Down|Left|Right|Up [+Shift] and Delete) when object is selected
[OPENMEETINGS-223] - Hardly anybody knows that you can double click to re-edit the text
[OPENMEETINGS-231] - Update website with new screenshots
[OPENMEETINGS-236] - Where to put portuguese Brasil.xml.
** Test
[OPENMEETINGS-104] - Error in cyrillic filenames
[OPENMEETINGS-115] - Installation error
[OPENMEETINGS-120] - Blank screen on Backup
[OPENMEETINGS-121] - Share/record screen doesn't work
[OPENMEETINGS-136] - Duplicate message in Activity section
[OPENMEETINGS-148] - when I click to button of page, that haven't anything content
[OPENMEETINGS-155] - record not playing
[OPENMEETINGS-220] - main.lzx changes (background)
[OPENMEETINGS-221] - problem: recordings with 1 frame/sec
[OPENMEETINGS-240] - jod converter error
[OPENMEETINGS-303] - Can not Export new language
** Wish
[OPENMEETINGS-11] - Openmeeting use LDAP as default domain
[OPENMEETINGS-20] - Add hideWhiteboard attributes in Room Object and make it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
[OPENMEETINGS-21] - Add hideChat attributes in Room Object and make it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
[OPENMEETINGS-22] - Add hideActivitiesAndActions attributes in Room Object and make it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
[OPENMEETINGS-23] - Add hideFilesExplorer attributes in Room Object and make it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
[OPENMEETINGS-24] - Add hideScreenSharing attributes in Room Object and make it possible to configure / editable via Administration > Rooms
[OPENMEETINGS-78] - datatype of externalUserId
[OPENMEETINGS-254] - German System Backup garbled text
[OPENMEETINGS-255] - Possibility to disable Show Sip Dialer in Meeting Room
[OPENMEETINGS-258] - Combine device settings and audio/video test in single UI
[OPENMEETINGS-262] - Document conversion Windows / Linux different