blob: 1cab8acded943429afc19e2bbb3d0927717c4d06 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
wait-on-conn: Waited {0} milliseconds for connection {1}. This might indicate \
that you need to increase your connection pool size.
ps-overflow: The prepared statement cache has overflowed. "{0}" was removed. \
You may want to increase your prepared statement cache size. The maximum \
number of cached statements is currently set to {1}.
tracker-executestmnt: Statement execution
tracker-executeprepstmnt: PreparedStatement execution
tracker-commit: Commit execution
tracker-rollback: Rollback execution
tracker-connection: Connection opening
tracker-resultSet: ResultSet closing
tracker-min: min
tracker-total: total
tracker-max: max
tracker-average: average
tracker-ms: ms
tracker-occurances: occurrences
tracker-slowest-statements: slowest statements
rsrc-closed: The connection "{0}" has already been closed. The embedded \
stack trace for this exception details the closure point.
not-active: Attempt to operate on connection "{0}" that has already been \
returned to the connection pool.
poolds-null: A connection could not be obtained for driver class "{0}" \
and URL "{1}". You may have specified an invalid URL.
dbcp-ds-null: A connection could not be obtained from pool "{0}" with \
driver class "{1}" and URL "{2}". You may have specified an invalid URL.
driver-null: The connection driver class "{0}" could not be loaded.
get-conn-exception: An unexpected exception of type "{0}" occurred while \
getting a connection. This exception will be re-thrown as a SQLException.
conn-pool-exhausted: The maximum number of connections ({0}) for the \
connection pool have been exhausted. Requests
pscache.stat.requests.desc: Cache requests
pscache.stat.requests.ord: Count Leaked
pscache.stat.leaked.desc: Leaked statements
pscache.stat.leaked.ord: Statements Hits
pscache.stat.hits.desc: Cache hits
pscache.stat.hits.ord: Count Created
pscache.stat.created.desc: Created statements
pscache.stat.created.ord: Statements Redundant
pscache.stat.redundant.desc: Redundant statements
pscache.stat.redundant.ord: Statements Overflow
pscache.stat.overflow.desc: Cache overflows
pscache.stat.overflow.ord: Count Size
pscache.stat.size.desc: Cached statements
pscache.stat.size.ord: Size
validationsql-desc: SQL used to validate connections
validation-timeout-desc: The minimum number of milliseconds that must elapse \
before a connection will ever be re-validated.
rollback-on-return-desc: Force all connections to be rolled back when they \
are returned to the pool.
max-active-desc: The maximum number of database connections in use at one time.
max-idle-desc: The maximum number of idle database connections to keep in the \
max-wait-desc: The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a free database \
connection to become available before giving up.
test-on-borrow-desc: Whether to validate database connections before \
obtaining them from the pool.
test-on-return-desc: Whether to validate database connections before \
returning them to the pool.
time-between-eviction-runs-millis-desc: The number of milliseconds between \
runs of the eviction thread. -1 indicates that the thread will never run.
num-tests-per-eviction-run-desc: Number of connections tested per eviction run.
min-evictable-idle-time-millis-desc: The minimum number of milliseconds that \
a database connection can sit idle before it becomes a candidate for \
eviction from the pool.
test-while-idle-desc: Whether to periodically validate idle database \
num-active-desc: Number of active connections in pool.
num-idle-desc: Number of idle connections in pool.
connection-user-name-desc: The JDBC user name for connecting to the database.
connection-url-desc: The JDBC URL for the database.
connection-properties-desc: Properties applied to the JDBC driver or \
connection-driver-name-desc: The JDBC driver.
connection-property-invalid: The supplied connection property "{0}" contains \
an invalid value of "{1}".
login-timeout-desc: The maximum number of milliseconds to block for database \
close-pool: Shutting down connection pool.
close-pool-fail: Error caught when issuing close pool SQL: {0}
datasource-trace-data: {0}