blob: e5d64957083bdd049efcc356035a80bddc8f6a59 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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union-sql-placeholder: Aborting UNION: cannot select placeholder for \
non-column select SQL.
union-number-ordering: Aborting UNION: different numbers of order-by criteria \
in selects.
union-incompat-ordering: Aborting UNION: incompatible ordering columns/sql or \
union-unaligned-ordering: Aborting UNION: your database does not support \
ordering columns/sql that appear at different positions in the SELECTs \
that make up the UNION.
union-element: Individual selects involved in a UNION do not support this \
incompat-ordering: This query cannot be completed. The SQL SELECTs needed \
to complete the query have incompatible ordering. Their results cannot \
be merged.
unpadded-char-cols: You are using CHAR columns with a data source or driver \
that doesn't implement OraclePreparedStatement.setFixedCHAR(). \
Comparisons on unpadded string values may fail.
unconfigured-nchar-cols: You are using NCHAR or NCLOB columns with a \
data source or driver \
that doesn't implement OraclePreparedStatement.setFormOfUse(). \
Storing unicode values may fail or be corrupted.
diff-values: Attempt to set column "{0}" to two different values: \
({1})"{2}", ({3})"{4}" \
This can occur when you fail to set both sides of a two-sided relation \
between objects, or when you map different fields to the same column, but \
you do not keep the values of these fields in synch.
feature-not-supported: The database dictionary in use ("{0}") reports that it \
does not have feature "{1}". This feature is needed to complete the \
current operation. To force OpenJPA to try to use the feature anyway, set \
the following property:\n\
openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary: {1}=<value>
cant-outer-fk: Could not outer join the given foreign key "{0}" due to syntax \
and foreign key limitations. The join was converted to an inner join.
no-auto-assign: This database dictionary does not support auto-assigned column \
bad-join: The following error was detected when creating a foreign key: \
"{0}". The foreign key is being ignored.
sybase-compliance: They Sybase connection URL "{0}" may be invalid: \
it does not contain the parameter "BE_AS_JDBC_COMPLIANT_AS_POSSIBLE=true", \
which is required for the Sybase JConnect driver to behave in a \
JDBC-compliant way.
sqlserver-cachedstmnts: The Microsoft JDBC driver has bugs that manifest \
themselves when prepared statements are pooled. Please disable prepared \
statement pooling when using the Microsoft JDBC driver by including \
"MaxCachedStatements=0" in your org.apache.openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties \
configuration property.
sqlserver-netdirect-batch: The JNetDirect JDBC driver has problems when using \
batch statements. Please disable prepared \
statement pooling when using the this JDBC driver by including \
"BatchLimit=0" in your openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary \
configuration property.
sqlserver-cursor: The SQLServer connection URL "{0}" may be invalid: \
it does not contain the parameter "SelectMethod=cursor", which is \
necessary for the driver to properly support large result sets.
oracle-syntax: Oracle 8 does not support SQL92 syntax. You can avoid \
this message by setting the "JoinSyntax" DBDictionary property \
to "database".\
For example:\n\
openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary: oracle(JoinSyntax=database)
oracle-batch-lob: LOB operations not allowed for batched statement: {0}
oracle-batch-bug: The Oracle 9.2 JDBC driver has problems with \
batch statements and has been disabled by default. You can \
enable batched statements by setting the "BatchLimit" DBDictionary \
property. You may be able to bypass this problem by disabling \
prepared statement pooling. The compatible 9.0.1 driver does not \
have this behavior.
oracle-batch-override: The BatchLimit property was set even though \
the Oracle 9.2 driver may not support this behavior correctly. \
If you see a number of invalid update count errors, you should \
disable statement batching by setting the BatchLimit property to 0.
oracle-connecting-for-driver: OpenJPA is now connecting to the database in order \
to figure out what JDBC driver you are using, as OpenJPA must alter its \
behavior for this database depending on the driver vendor. To avoid this \
connection, set the DriverVendor value in your openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary \
configuration property to one of the following values:\n\
oracle, oracle92 (for the 9.2 driver), datadirect, datadirect61 \
(for driver versions <= 3.1), other \n\
For example:\n\
openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary: oracle(DriverVendor=oracle92)
oracle-constant: Cannot outer join tables "{0}" and "{1}" using native \
join syntax and constant joins. If you are using Oracle 9 or higher, \
you should instead use SQL92 joins by specifying the JoinSyntax \
value in the openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary configuration property:\n\
openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary: oracle(JoinSyntax=sql92).
oracle-savepoint: An error occurred when attempting to set an Oracle \
savepoint "{0}". You must use Oracle driver and database 9.2 or higher.
oracle-rollback: An error occurred when attempting to rollback to an Oracle \
savepoint "{0}". You must use Oracle driver and database 9.2 or higher.
oracle-unknown-svpt: Could not find an OracleConnection instance from this \
connection class "{0}".
db2-cant-lock: DB2 cannot perform FOR UPDATE selects on multiple tables. \
The tables used in this select are: "{0}". You should either configure \
your application to avoid multi-table selects, use optimistic locking, \
or set the "SimulateLocking" DBDictionary property to allow non-locking \
selects within pessimistic transactions.
informix-cant-lock: Informix cannot perform FOR UPDATE selects on multiple \
tables, or when it is a SELECT DISTINCT. The tables used in this select \
are: "{0}". You should either configure your application to avoid \
multi-table/distinct selects, use optimistic locking, or set the \
"SimulateLocking" DBDictionary property to allow non-locking selects \
within pessimistic transactions.
bad-param: The specified parameter of type "{0}" is not a valid query parameter.
warn-generic: Your database configuration was not recognized as a supported \
OpenJPA database. The generic dictionary will be used, which may result in \
limited functionality. This behavior can be overridden by specifying the \
appropriate dictionary class in the "openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary" \
property of the OpenJPA configuration.
using-dict: Using dictionary class "{0}"{1}.
no-pessimistic: This dictionary ({0}) does not support locking, so \
operations may not be performed using a Broker that does not have \
optimistic locking enabled.
no-fk-table: Foreign key "{0}" on table "{1}" references a table \
("{2}") that was not found.
dd-lock-bug: This version of the DataDirect JDBC driver has a bug that \
prevents SELECT FOR UPDATE statements from working. Please \
use version 3.2 or higher of the driver.
storage-restriction: The database "{0}" has restrictions that prevent it \
from being able to store the value "{1}" of type "{2}". The value \
will be rounded to "{3}" for storage.
dict-not-supported: This database dictionary "{0}" is not officially supported \
by BEA.
invalid-autoassign: This database dictionary "{0}" does not support \
auto-assigned column values. The column "{1}" may not behave as desired.
psql-no-set-fetch-size: This version of the PostgreSQL JDBC driver does not \
support the Statement.setFetchSize() method. OpenJPA will no longer attempt \
to set the statement fetch size. To suppress this warning, ensure that \
the org.apache.openjpa.FetchBatchSize configuration property is set to zero. The \
original PostgreSQL driver exception is being logged for your reference.
no-genkey: The last generated key query did not return any results.
invalid-genkey: The column "{0}" was marked as being auto-assigned, but \
the server reported that the assigned value was null.
indexof-not-supported: The database "{0}" does not support the \
indexOf function.
substring-not-supported: The database "{0}" does not support the \
substring function.
null-result-provider: supplied array of result object providers is null
empty-result-provider: supplied array of result object providers is empty
null-shared-result-set: supplied result set is null
illegal-method: {0}.{1}() is illegal to be invoked
column-not-mapped: SQLResultSetMapping "{0}" does not map the columns "{1}" \
that are selected by the SQL query\r\n "{2}"
dictionary-configuration: DBDictionary configuration: \n{0}
oracle-timestamp-bug: An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException has occured when \
getting a timestamp value. This can happen when using versions of the \
Oracle JDBC driver greater than 9.2 in conjuncion with a server version \
less than 9.2. Downgrading the driver will solve this, or it can be \
worked around by setting the "SupportsTimestampNanos" DBDictionary \
property to "true".
isolation-level-config-not-supported: This DBDictionary does not support \
customization of isolation levels on a per-query basis. DBDictionary: {0}.
millis-query-timeout: JDBC locking does not support millisecond-granularity \
timeouts. Use timeouts that are multiples of 1000 for even second values.