blob: 2aaf95d3b2d8984a788ae13d9fd242c4c0601ea6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.JDBCStore;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.kernel.exps.FilterValue;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Column;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Sequence;
import org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.schema.Table;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.DelegatingConnection;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc.DelegatingPreparedStatement;
import org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.Localizer;
import org.apache.openjpa.util.InternalException;
import org.apache.openjpa.util.StoreException;
import org.postgresql.PGConnection;
import org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObject;
import org.postgresql.largeobject.LargeObjectManager;
* Dictionary for Postgres.
public class PostgresDictionary
extends DBDictionary {
private static final Localizer _loc = Localizer.forPackage
* SQL statement to load all sequence schema,name pairs from all schemas.
public String allSequencesSQL = "SELECT NULL AS SEQUENCE_SCHEMA, relname " +
"AS SEQUENCE_NAME FROM pg_class WHERE relkind='S'";
* SQL statement to load schema,name pairs for all sequences with a
* certain name from all schemas.
public String namedSequencesFromAllSchemasSQL = "SELECT NULL AS " +
"WHERE relkind='S' AND relname = ?";
* SQL statement to load schema,name pairs from a named schema.
public String allSequencesFromOneSchemaSQL = "SELECT NULL AS " +
"pg_namespace WHERE relkind='S' AND pg_class.relnamespace = " +
"pg_namespace.oid AND nspname = ?";
* SQL statement to load a sequence's schema,name pair from one schema.
public String namedSequenceFromOneSchemaSQL = "SELECT NULL AS " +
"pg_namespace WHERE relkind='S' AND pg_class.relnamespace = " +
"pg_namespace.oid AND relname = ? AND nspname = ?";
* Some Postgres drivers do not support the {@link Statement#setFetchSize}
* method.
public boolean supportsSetFetchSize = true;
public PostgresDictionary() {
platform = "PostgreSQL";
validationSQL = "SELECT NOW()";
datePrecision = CENTI;
supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn = false;
supportsDeferredConstraints = true;
supportsSelectStartIndex = true;
supportsSelectEndIndex = true;
// PostgreSQL requires double-escape for strings
searchStringEscape = "\\\\";
maxTableNameLength = 63;
maxColumnNameLength = 63;
maxIndexNameLength = 63;
maxConstraintNameLength = 63;
maxAutoAssignNameLength = 63;
rangePosition = RANGE_POST_LOCK;
requiresAliasForSubselect = true;
allowsAliasInBulkClause = false;
// {2} is the result of getGeneratedKeySequenceName; the
// single-quote escape will result in SELECT CURVAL('mysequence')
lastGeneratedKeyQuery = "SELECT CURRVAL(''{2}'')";
supportsAutoAssign = true;
autoAssignTypeName = "BIGSERIAL";
nextSequenceQuery = "SELECT NEXTVAL(''{0}'')";
useGetBytesForBlobs = true;
useSetBytesForBlobs = true;
useGetStringForClobs = true;
useSetStringForClobs = true;
bitTypeName = "BOOL";
smallintTypeName = "SMALLINT";
realTypeName = "FLOAT8";
tinyintTypeName = "SMALLINT";
binaryTypeName = "BYTEA";
blobTypeName = "BYTEA";
longVarbinaryTypeName = "BYTEA";
varbinaryTypeName = "BYTEA";
clobTypeName = "TEXT";
longVarcharTypeName = "TEXT";
doubleTypeName = "DOUBLE PRECISION";
varcharTypeName = "VARCHAR{0}";
timestampTypeName = "ABSTIME";
fixedSizeTypeNameSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
"BOOL", "BYTEA", "NAME", "INT8", "INT2", "INT2VECTOR", "INT4",
supportsLockingWithDistinctClause = false;
supportsLockingWithOuterJoin = false;
supportsNullTableForGetImportedKeys = true;
reservedWordSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{
public Date getDate(ResultSet rs, int column)
throws SQLException {
try {
return super.getDate(rs, column);
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException sioobe) {
// there is a bug in some versions of the postgres JDBC
// driver such that a date with not enough numbers in it
// will throw a parsing exception: this tries to work
// around it. The bug only occurs when there is a trailing
// millisecond missing from the end. E.g., when the date is
// like:
// 2066-10-19 22:08:32.83
// rather than what the driver expects:
// 2066-10-19 22:08:32.830
String dateStr = rs.getString(column);
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SS");
try {
return fmt.parse(dateStr);
} catch (ParseException pe) {
throw new SQLException(pe.toString());
public byte getByte(ResultSet rs, int column)
throws SQLException {
// postgres does not perform automatic conversions, so attempting to
// get a whole number out of a decimal will throw an exception.
// fall back to performing manual conversion if the initial get fails
try {
return super.getByte(rs, column);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return super.getBigDecimal(rs, column).byteValue();
public short getShort(ResultSet rs, int column)
throws SQLException {
// postgres does not perform automatic conversions, so attempting to
// get a whole number out of a decimal will throw an exception.
// fall back to performing manual conversion if the initial get fails
try {
return super.getShort(rs, column);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return super.getBigDecimal(rs, column).shortValue();
public int getInt(ResultSet rs, int column)
throws SQLException {
// postgres does not perform automatic conversions, so attempting to
// get a whole number out of a decimal will throw an exception.
// fall back to performing manual conversion if the initial get fails
try {
return super.getInt(rs, column);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return super.getBigDecimal(rs, column).intValue();
public long getLong(ResultSet rs, int column)
throws SQLException {
// postgres does not perform automatic conversions, so attempting to
// get a whole number out of a decimal will throw an exception.
// fall back to performing manual conversion if the initial get fails
try {
return super.getLong(rs, column);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return super.getBigDecimal(rs, column).longValue();
public void setBoolean(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, boolean val,
Column col)
throws SQLException {
// postgres actually requires that a boolean be set: it cannot
// handle a numeric argument.
stmnt.setBoolean(idx, val);
public void setNull(PreparedStatement stmnt, int idx, int colType,
Column col)
throws SQLException {
if (colType == Types.BLOB)
colType = Types.BINARY;
stmnt.setNull(idx, colType);
protected void appendSelectRange(SQLBuffer buf, long start, long end,
boolean subselect) {
if (end != Long.MAX_VALUE)
buf.append(" LIMIT ").appendValue(end - start);
if (start != 0)
buf.append(" OFFSET ").appendValue(start);
public void indexOf(SQLBuffer buf, FilterValue str, FilterValue find,
FilterValue start) {
buf.append(" IN ");
if (start != null)
substring(buf, str, start, null);
buf.append(") - 1");
if (start != null) {
buf.append(" + ");
public String[] getCreateSequenceSQL(Sequence seq) {
String[] sql = super.getCreateSequenceSQL(seq);
if (seq.getAllocate() > 1)
sql[0] += " CACHE " + seq.getAllocate();
return sql;
protected boolean supportsDeferredUniqueConstraints() {
// Postgres only supports deferred foreign key constraints.
return false;
protected String getSequencesSQL(String schemaName, String sequenceName) {
if (schemaName == null && sequenceName == null)
return allSequencesSQL;
else if (schemaName == null)
return namedSequencesFromAllSchemasSQL;
else if (sequenceName == null)
return allSequencesFromOneSchemaSQL;
return namedSequenceFromOneSchemaSQL;
public boolean isSystemSequence(String name, String schema,
boolean targetSchema) {
if (super.isSystemSequence(name, schema, targetSchema))
return true;
// filter out generated sequences used for bigserial cols, which are
// of the form <table>_<col>_seq
int idx = name.indexOf('_');
return idx != -1 && idx != name.length() - 4
&& name.toUpperCase().endsWith("_SEQ");
public boolean isSystemTable(String name, String schema,
boolean targetSchema) {
// names starting with "pg_" are reserved for Postgresql internal use
return super.isSystemTable(name, schema, targetSchema)
|| (name != null && name.toLowerCase().startsWith("pg_"));
public boolean isSystemIndex(String name, Table table) {
// names starting with "pg_" are reserved for Postgresql internal use
return super.isSystemIndex(name, table)
|| (name != null && name.toLowerCase().startsWith("pg_"));
public Connection decorate(Connection conn)
throws SQLException {
return new PostgresConnection(super.decorate(conn), this);
public InputStream getLOBStream(JDBCStore store, ResultSet rs,
int column) throws SQLException {
DelegatingConnection conn = (DelegatingConnection)store
LargeObjectManager lom = ((PGConnection)conn.getInnermostDelegate())
if (rs.getInt(column) != -1) {
LargeObject lo =;
return lo.getInputStream();
} else {
return null;
public void insertBlobForStreamingLoad(Row row, Column col,
JDBCStore store, Object ob, Select sel) throws SQLException {
if (row.getAction() == Row.ACTION_INSERT) {
insertPostgresBlob(row, col, store, ob);
} else if (row.getAction() == Row.ACTION_UPDATE) {
updatePostgresBlob(row, col, store, ob, sel);
private void insertPostgresBlob(Row row, Column col, JDBCStore store,
Object ob) throws SQLException {
if (ob != null) {
DelegatingConnection conn = (DelegatingConnection)store
try {
PGConnection pgconn = (PGConnection) conn.getInnermostDelegate();
LargeObjectManager lom = pgconn.getLargeObjectAPI();
// The create method is valid in versions previous 8.3
// in 8.3 this methos is deprecated, use createLO
int oid = lom.create();
LargeObject lo =, LargeObjectManager.WRITE);
OutputStream os = lo.getOutputStream();
copy((InputStream)ob, os);
row.setInt(col, oid);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new StoreException(ioe);
} finally {
} else {
row.setInt(col, -1);
private void updatePostgresBlob(Row row, Column col, JDBCStore store,
Object ob, Select sel) throws SQLException {
SQLBuffer sql = sel.toSelect(true, store.getFetchConfiguration());
ResultSet res = null;
DelegatingConnection conn =
(DelegatingConnection) store.getConnection();
PreparedStatement stmnt = null;
try {
stmnt = sql.prepareStatement(conn, store.getFetchConfiguration(),
res = stmnt.executeQuery();
if (! {
throw new InternalException(_loc.get("stream-exception"));
int oid = res.getInt(1);
if (oid != -1) {
PGConnection pgconn = (PGConnection)conn
LargeObjectManager lom = pgconn.getLargeObjectAPI();
if (ob != null) {
LargeObject lo =, LargeObjectManager.WRITE);
OutputStream os = lo.getOutputStream();
copy((InputStream)ob, os);
} else {
row.setInt(col, -1);
} else {
if (ob != null) {
PGConnection pgconn = (PGConnection)conn
LargeObjectManager lom = pgconn.getLargeObjectAPI();
oid = lom.create();
LargeObject lo =, LargeObjectManager.WRITE);
OutputStream os = lo.getOutputStream();
copy((InputStream)ob, os);
row.setInt(col, oid);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new StoreException(ioe);
} finally {
if (res != null)
try { res.close (); } catch (SQLException e) {}
if (stmnt != null)
try { stmnt.close (); } catch (SQLException e) {}
if (conn != null)
try { conn.close (); } catch (SQLException e) {}
public void updateBlob(Select sel, JDBCStore store, InputStream is)
throws SQLException {
//Do nothing
public void deleteStream(JDBCStore store, Select sel) throws SQLException {
SQLBuffer sql = sel.toSelect(true, store.getFetchConfiguration());
ResultSet res = null;
DelegatingConnection conn =
(DelegatingConnection) store.getConnection();
PreparedStatement stmnt = null;
try {
stmnt = sql.prepareStatement(conn, store.getFetchConfiguration(),
res = stmnt.executeQuery();
if (! {
throw new InternalException(_loc.get("stream-exception"));
int oid = res.getInt(1);
if (oid != -1) {
PGConnection pgconn = (PGConnection)conn
LargeObjectManager lom = pgconn.getLargeObjectAPI();
} finally {
if (res != null)
try { res.close (); } catch (SQLException e) {}
if (stmnt != null)
try { stmnt.close (); } catch (SQLException e) {}
if (conn != null)
try { conn.close (); } catch (SQLException e) {}
* Connection wrapper to work around the postgres empty result set bug.
private static class PostgresConnection
extends DelegatingConnection {
private final PostgresDictionary _dict;
public PostgresConnection(Connection conn, PostgresDictionary dict) {
_dict = dict;
protected PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, boolean wrap)
throws SQLException {
return new PostgresPreparedStatement(super.prepareStatement
(sql, false), this, _dict);
protected PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String sql, int rsType,
int rsConcur, boolean wrap)
throws SQLException {
return new PostgresPreparedStatement(super.prepareStatement
(sql, rsType, rsConcur, false), this, _dict);
* Statement wrapper to work around the postgres empty result set bug.
private static class PostgresPreparedStatement
extends DelegatingPreparedStatement {
private final PostgresDictionary _dict;
public PostgresPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement ps,
Connection conn, PostgresDictionary dict) {
super(ps, conn);
_dict = dict;
protected ResultSet executeQuery(boolean wrap)
throws SQLException {
try {
return super.executeQuery(wrap);
} catch (SQLException se) {
// we need to make our best guess whether this is the empty
// ResultSet bug, since this exception could occur
// for other reasons (like an invalid query string). Note
// that Postgres error messages are localized, so we
// cannot just parse the exception String.
ResultSet rs = getResultSet(wrap);
// ResultSet should be empty: if not, then maybe an
// actual error occured
if (rs == null)
throw se;
return rs;
public void setFetchSize(int i)
throws SQLException {
// some postgres drivers do not support the setFetchSize method
try {
if (_dict.supportsSetFetchSize)
} catch (SQLException e) {
_dict.supportsSetFetchSize = false;
if (_dict.log.isWarnEnabled())
_dict.log.warn(_loc.get("psql-no-set-fetch-size"), e);