blob: e5ffdeff66b2dabee548d85e42e2fbbff0fb683c [file] [log] [blame]
# OpenEJB system properties
|Name | Value | Description|
|openejb.embedded.remotable| bool | actiavte or not the remote services when available |
|<service prefix>.bind, <service prefix>.port, <service prefix>.disabled, <service prefix>.threads| host or IP, port, bool| override the host. Available for ejbd and httpejbd services (used by jaxws and jaxrs), number of thread to maneg requests | -
|openejb.embedded.initialcontext.close | LOGOUT or DESTROY | configure the hook called when closing the initial context. Useful when starting OpenEJB from a new InitialContext([properties]) instantiation. By default it simply logs out the logged user if it exists. DESTROY means clean the container.|
|javax.persistence.provider | string | override the JPA provider value|
|javax.persistence.transactionType | string | override the transaction type for persistence contexts|
|javax.persistence.jtaDataSource | string | override the JTA datasource value for persistence contexts|
|javax.persistence.nonJtaDataSource | string | override the non JTA datasource value for persistence contexts|
|openejb.descriptors.output | dump memory deployment descriptors. Can be used to set complete metadata to true and avoid scanning when starting the container or to check the used configuration.|
|openejb.deployments.classpath.require.descriptor | CLIENT or EJB | can allow to filter what you want to scan (client modules or ejb modules)|
|openejb.descriptors.output.folder | path | where to dump deployement descriptors if activated. |
|openejb.strict.interface.declaration | bool | add some validations on session beans (spec validations in particular). false by default.|
|openejb.conf.file or openejb.configuration | string | OpenEJB configuration file path|
|openejb.debuggable-vm-hackery | bool | remove JMS informations from deployment|
|openejb.validation.skip | bool | skip the validations done when OpenEJB deploys beans|
|openejb.deployments.classpath.ear | bool | deploy the classpath as an ear|
|openejb.webservices.enabled | bool | activate or not webservices|
|openejb.validation.output.level | TERSE or MEDIUM or VERBOSE | level of the logs used to report validation errors|
|openejb.user.mbeans.list | * or a list of classes separated by , | list of mbeans to deploy automatically|
|openejb.deploymentId.format | composition (+string) of {ejbName} {ejbType} {ejbClass} and {ejbClass.simpleName} | default {ejbName}. The format to use to deploy ejbs.|
|openejb.deployments.classpath | bool | whether or not deploy from classpath|
|openejb.deployments.classpath.include and openejb.deployments.classpath.exclude | regex | regex to filter the scanned classpath (when you are in this case)|
|openejb.deployments.package.include and openejb.deployments.package.exclude | regex | regex to filter scanned packages|
|openejb.autocreate.jta-datasource-from-non-jta-one | bool | whether or not auto create the jta datasource if it doesn't exist but a non jta datasource exists. Useful when using hibernate to be able to get a real non jta datasource.|
| | bool | allow to scan persistence.xml in lib of the deployed webapp|
|openejb.altdd.prefix | string | prefix use for altDD (example test to use a test.ejb-jar.xml).|
|org.apache.openejb.default.system.interceptors | list of interceptor (qualified names) separated by a comma or a space | add these interceptor on all beans|
|openejb.jndiname.strategy.class | class name | an implementation of org.apache.openejb.assembler.classic.JndiBuilder.JndiNameStrategy|
|openejb.jndiname.failoncollision | bool | if a NameAlreadyBoundException is thrown or not when 2 EJBs have the same name|
|openejb.jndiname.format | composition (+string) of these properties: ejbType, ejbClass, ejbClass.simpleName, ejbClass.packageName, ejbName, deploymentId, interfaceType, interfaceType.annotationName, interfaceType.annotationNameLC, interfaceType.xmlName, interfaceType.xmlNameCc, interfaceType.openejbLegacyName, interfaceClass, interfaceClass.simpleName, interfaceClass.packageName | default {deploymentId}{interfaceType.annotationName}. Change the name used for the ejb.|
| | class qualified name which implements org.quartz.spi.ThreadPool | the thread pool used by quartz (used to manage ejb timers)|
|openejb.localcopy | bool | default true. whether or not copy EJB arguments[/method/interface] for remote invocations.|
|openejb.cxf.jax-rs.providers | the list of the qualified name of the JAX-RS providers separated by comma or space. Note: to specify a provider for a specific service suffix its class qualified name by ".providers", the value follow the same rules. Note 2: default is a shortcut for jaxb and json providers.|
|openejb.wsAddress.format | composition (+string) of {ejbJarId}, ejbDeploymentId, ejbType, ejbClass, ejbClass.simpleName, ejbName, portComponentName, wsdlPort, wsdlService | default /{ejbDeploymentId}. The WS name format.|
|org.apache.openejb.server.webservices.saaj.provider | axis2, sun or null | specified the saaj configuration|
|[<uppercase service name>.]<service id>.<name> or [<uppercase service name>.]<service id>|<name> | whatever is supported (generally string, int ...) | set this value to the corresponding service. example: [EnterpriseBean.]<ejb-name>.activation.<property>, [PERSISTENCEUNIT.]<persistence unit name>.<property>, [RESOURCE.]<name>|<property> ...|
| log4j.category.OpenEJB.options | DEBUG, INFO, ... | active one OpenEJB log level
| | bool | activate (by default) or not the OpenEJB JMX MBeans |
| openejb.logger.external | bool | use another log configuration(log4j for instance) |
| openejb.nobanner | bool | activate or not the OpenEJB banner (activated by default)
Note: all resources can be configured by properties, see and|
# OpenEJB client
|Name | Value | Description|
|openejb.client.identityResolver | implementation of org.apache.openejb.client.IdentityResolver | default org.apache.openejb.client.JaasIdentityResolver. The class to get the client identity.|
|openejb.client.connection.pool.timeout or openejb.client.connectionpool.timeout | int (ms) | the timeout of the client|
|openejb.client.connection.pool.size or openejb.client.connectionpool.size | int | size of the socket pool|
|openejb.client.keepalive | int (ms) | the keepalive duration|
# TomEE specific system properties
|Name | Value | Description|
|openejb.crosscontext | bool | set the cross context property on tomcat context (can be done in the traditionnal way if the deployment is don through the webapp discovery and not the OpenEJB Deployer EJB)|
|openejb.jsessionid-support | bool | remove URL from session tracking modes for this context (see javax.servlet.SessionTrackingMode)|
|openejb.myfaces.disable-default-values | bool | by default TomEE will initialize myfaces with some its default values to avoid useless logging|
|openejb.web.xml.major | int | major version of web.xml. Can be useful to force tomcat to scan servlet 3 annotatino when deploying with a servlet 2.x web.xml|
# TomEE Arquillian adaptor
|Name | Value | Description|
|tomee.ejbcontainer.http.port | int | tomee port, -1 means random. When using a random port you can retreive it getting this property too.|
|tomee.arquillian.http | int | http port used by the embedded arquillian adaptor|
|tomee.arquillian.stop | int | shutdown port used by the embedded arquillian adaptor|