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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<document url="">
<title>Working with CVS and SSH under a UNIX like operationg system</title>
<section title="Abstract">
<section title="Installing the OpenSSH program">
<section title="Including your OpenSSH binaries in your default PATH">
<img src="images/ssh_one.gif" alt="first access to a SF server using the ssh comand" border="0"/>
<body-note>Figure 1: Accessing the SF server without having a public key installed on it.</body-note>
<section title="How to generate your public/private RAS key">
<img src="images/keygen_unix.gif" alt="generating a public/private key pair" border="0"/>
<body-note>Figure 2: The ssh-keygen program to generate a public/private key pair.</body-note>
<section title="A word from the wise (security note)">
<section title="How to install the public key on the SF system">
<section title="Installing your public key manually">
<img src="images/using_scp.gif" alt="using ssh secure copy" border="0"/>
<body-note>Figure 3: The PuTTYgen secure copy program to copy files in a secure manner.</body-note>
<img src="images/installing_key_unix.gif" alt="installing the public key on a SF server" border="0"/>
<body-note>Figure 4: A few steps to a fully working SSH enabled SF account.</body-note>
<section title="Installing your public key using the SF upload form">
<img src="images/sf_key_upload_2ndkey.gif" alt="installing the public key using the SF upload page" border="0"/>
<body-note>Figure 5: Here we go - The allready mentioned SF upload page for public keys.</body-note>
<section title="How to start and configure the SSH agent">
<section title="How to add a private key to the SSH agent">
<img src="images/ssh_agent.gif" alt="adding privat keys to the ssh-agent" border="0"/>
<body-note>Figure 6: The ssh-agent with a allready installed private key.</body-note>
<section title="Testing your private/public keys">
<section title="A word from the wise (security note)">
<section title="Configuring CVS to work with SSH">
<section title="Making changes to the CVSROOT variable">
<img src="images/cvs_unix.gif" alt="basic changes to your cvs unix environment" border="0"/>
<body-note>Figure 9: These are the basic settings wich have to be set inside unix shell environment.</body-note>