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OpenEJB 3 RoadMap
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<H1><A name="OpenEJB3RoadMap-Closed"></A>Closed</H1>
<P><A name="jiraissues">
<TABLE width="100%" cellspacing="0" class="grid">
<TH colspan="10" style="text-align: left;">
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<SPAN class="smalltext">(243 issues)</SPAN>
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Key </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
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<TH style="text-align: left;">
Updated </TH>
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-624</A>
<A href="">Extract Logger Categories to a separate interface</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
karan singh malhi
<TD nowrap="true">
karan singh malhi
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Minor" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 05, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 05, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-622</A>
<A href="">EntityEJBObjectHandler memory leak</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Critical" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 29, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 05, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-617</A>
<A href="">Validation: Warn on unsupported service-refs</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-616</A>
<A href="">Validation: PostActivate callback signature is correct</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-615</A>
<A href="">Validation: PrePassivate callback signature is correct</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-614</A>
<A href="">Validation: PostConstruct callback signature is correct</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-613</A>
<A href="">Validation: PreDestroy callback signature is correct</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-612</A>
<A href="">Validation: EjbName used in method-based InterceptorBinding</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-610</A>
<A href="">Hot deploy tool</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-606</A>
<A href="">Commons DBCP Managed Data Sources</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 11, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-605</A>
<A href="">Allow more info in authentication request</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 06, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 09, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-603</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.Resource: for SessionContext</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 05, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 05, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-593</A>
<A href="">Fix build error</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 15, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 15, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-591</A>
<A href="">&quot;Hungry Exception&quot; cleanup.</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 11, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 11, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-590</A>
<A href="">mvn -Dassemble does not create bin directory in the assembly of module openejb-standalone</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
karan singh malhi
<TD nowrap="true">
karan singh malhi
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 03, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 26, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-589</A>
<A href="">MalformedURLException during deployment of Geronimo MEJBGBean</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">DUPLICATE</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 03, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-588</A>
<A href="">OpenJPA graduated from incubator, need to upgrade to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
Donald Woods
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 30, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
May 30, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-587</A>
<A href="">wrong main.class value for deploy and validate options</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
karan singh malhi
<TD nowrap="true">
karan singh malhi
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Trivial" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 26, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 02, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-585</A>
<A href="">[GRADUATION] Yank the DISCLAIMER.txt that says we are incubating</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 22, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
May 22, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-581</A>
<A href="">EjbModule URL not valid should be squashed</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Sachin Patel
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Minor" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">INVALID</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 18, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-579</A>
<A href="">Persistenceunit refs with no name should get resolved to a unique persistence unit</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 16, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
May 16, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-578</A>
<A href="">Register SERVICE_ENDPOINT last so it doesn't get overriden</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 12, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
May 17, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-575</A>
<A href="">Validation: XML method permissions to beans that do not exist</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 04, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-574</A>
<A href="">Validation: XML transaction attributes to beans that do not exist</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 04, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-573</A>
<A href="">OpenEjb MEJB implementation needed for jsr77 mgmt support</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Sachin Patel
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
May 04, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
May 09, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-570</A>
<A href="">NotSerializableException passivating a session</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 26, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 26, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-569</A>
<A href="">@Resource WebServiceContext injection</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 20, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 24, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-568</A>
<A href="">JAX-RPC integration improvements</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 20, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 24, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-567</A>
<A href=""> should not &quot;deploy&quot; beans</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 20, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-566</A>
<A href="">geronimo security type not copied correctly</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 19, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-565</A>
<A href="">Basic support for JAX-WS invocations</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
Jarek Gawor
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 18, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="$icons.get(%20$item.getChild('type').getValue()%20)" alt="Test" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-563</A>
<A href="">Test Case for Jax-RPC</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 17, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 18, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-558</A>
<A href="">Upgrade ActiveMQ to 4.1.1</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 12, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 12, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-557</A>
<A href="">Throw EJBAccessException not RemoteException when you're unauthorized</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 07, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 10, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-555</A>
<A href="">Don't ship files with Sun copyright statements</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Ted Kirby
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Blocker" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 04, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-553</A>
<A href="">EjbObjectProxyHandler and EjbHomeProxyHandler serialization using wrong server context.</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 30, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 30, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-552</A>
<A href="">Validation: EjbName used in InterceptorBinding is correct</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 29, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-551</A>
<A href="">ClassNotFoundExceptions can occur during method argument or return value marshalling/unmarshalling</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-549</A>
<A href="">JndiEncBuilder is inserting bad comp/ORB and comp/HandleDelegate references into jndi tree. </A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-546</A>
<A href="">Timer operations are improperly allowed in some methods</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-545</A>
<A href="">PortableRemoteObject instances not getting marshaled correctly on EJB calls.</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 16, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-544</A>
<A href="">Interceptor Chain</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-543</A>
<A href="">InvocationContext</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-542</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: Unknown Primary Key</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 14, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 23, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-540</A>
<A href="">Rolling back a transaction in which a Timer is cancelled results in a non-functional timer </A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 13, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-539</A>
<A href="">Fix NPE in InterceptorStack</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 13, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 01, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-533</A>
<A href="">MessageDriven Lifecycle Interception</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 06, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 08, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-532</A>
<A href="">MessageDriven &quot;onMessage&quot; Interception</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 06, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 08, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-530</A>
<A href="">Stateful Business Method Interception</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 06, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-529</A>
<A href="">Stateless Business Method Interception</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 06, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-528</A>
<A href="">Stateless Lifecycle Interception</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 06, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-526</A>
<A href="">Validation: Check for incorrect use of injection-target-name</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 05, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-523</A>
<A href="">@Remove invocation on home.remove or remote.remove</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 02, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 28, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-522</A>
<A href="">EJB 3 Stateful beans with init-method/@Init</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 02, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 13, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-521</A>
<A href="">EJB 3 Pojo Session beans with EJB 2.1 LocalHome and Local interfaces</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 02, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 02, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-520</A>
<A href="">EJB 3 Pojo Session beans with EJB 2.1 Home and Remote interfaces</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 02, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 02, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="$icons.get(%20$item.getChild('type').getValue()%20)" alt="Test" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-519</A>
<A href="">Annotated test clients enablement</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Minor" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 19, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 02, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-467</A>
<A href="">Lookup of EntityManagerFactories failing in Windows</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 03, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 04, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-461</A>
<A href="">Workaround for maven misresolving ${pom.version}</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 26, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 26, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-455</A>
<A href="">Validation: Check that @Local hasn't been used to point to an EJBLocalHome or EJBLocalObject interface</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 24, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 17, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-454</A>
<A href="">Validation: Check that @Remote hasn't been used to point to an EJBHome or EJBObject interface</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 24, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 17, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-452</A>
<A href="">AutoDeployer should be able to augment an existing openejb-jar.xml</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 22, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 22, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-449</A>
<A href="">Non-finder based ServerService creation</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">LATER</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 18, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-448</A>
<A href="">Move duplicate app checking into the assembler</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 18, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-447</A>
<A href="">Ability for remote server to pickup new deployments as they are added</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 18, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-446</A>
<A href="">App undeploy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 18, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 25, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-444</A>
<A href="">Starting and ending spaces not trimmed in openejb during unmarshalling of descriptors.</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 15, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 16, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-442</A>
<A href="">Stateful Session Bean Extended Persistence Context</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 11, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 12, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-441</A>
<A href="">javax.transaction.TransactionSynchronizationRegistry</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 10, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 10, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-430</A>
<A href="">Transaction support not wired in MDB Container</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Alan Cabrera
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 02, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 03, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-429</A>
<A href="">Remote servlces while Embedded</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 28, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 28, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-427</A>
<A href="">Allow multiple URIs in the ServerMetaData object to provide for clustering</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jeff Genender
<TD nowrap="true">
Jeff Genender
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-425</A>
<A href="">Add support for runtime enhancement of JPA classes</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 29, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-424</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: Generate entity-mapping.xml using OpenEJB 2.x openejb-jar.xml file</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 14, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-423</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: Generate entity-mapping.xml using ejb-jar.xml file</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 14, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-422</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: Generate CMP 2.x concrete class for JPA</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 03, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-421</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: CMP 2.x ejbSelect</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 28, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-420</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: CMP 2.x many-to-many</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 23, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-419</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: CMP 2.x one-to-many</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-418</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: CMP 2.x one-to-one</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-417</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: CMP 2.x cmp-fields</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-416</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: CMP 1.x beans</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-415</A>
<A href="">CMP2JPA: Create JPA based CMP container based on Castor container</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-414</A>
<A href="">ActiveMQ Broker ServerService</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 19, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-411</A>
<A href="">IvmContext.listBindings returns an enumeration of NameClassPair insted of Bindings</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 17, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 18, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-410</A>
<A href="">Executing bin/openejb with no parameters causes usage to be printed 4 times</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Critical" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 16, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 12, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-406</A>
<A href="">EJB3 requirements for equals() and hashCode()</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-405</A>
<A href="">EntityBean.ejbHome&lt;METHOD&gt; method support</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 10, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-404</A>
<A href="">EJBHome.create&lt;METHOD&gt; style invoke</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 10, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-401</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.Resource: for message-destination-ref</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-400</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.Resource: for resource-ref</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 17, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-398</A>
<A href="">@Stateless and @Stateful EJB 3 support</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Filippo Diotalevi
<TD nowrap="true">
Filippo Diotalevi
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 06, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-394</A>
<A href="">javax.naming.NameNotFoundException Name &quot;client/tools/DatabaseHome&quot; not found</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 03, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-389</A>
<A href="">Deployment support for EJB jar files without ejb-jar.xml files</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 29, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 30, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-387</A>
<A href="">Adding support for &quot;openejb.deployments.classpath.include&quot;</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Minor" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 27, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 29, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-383</A>
<A href="">ENC: persistence-unit-ref</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-382</A>
<A href="">ENC: persistence-context-ref</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 11, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-381</A>
<A href="">ENC: message-destination-ref: javax.jms.Topic</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-380</A>
<A href="">ENC: message-destination-ref: javax.jms.Queue</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-379</A>
<A href="">ENC: resource-env-ref: javax.jms.Topic</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-378</A>
<A href="">ENC: resource-env-ref: javax.jms.Queue</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-377</A>
<A href="">ENC: resource-env-ref: javax.ejb.SessionContext</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 15, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-376</A>
<A href="">ENC: resource-ref: javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 17, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-375</A>
<A href="">ENC: resource-ref: javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 17, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-374</A>
<A href="">ENC: resource-ref:</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Alan Cabrera
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-373</A>
<A href="">ENC: resource-ref: javax.mail.Session</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-369</A>
<A href="">EJBContext.getTimerService()</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-368</A>
<A href="">EJBContext.lookup</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 08, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-357</A>
<A href="">Example: Using @EJB to refer to other EJBs</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Filippo Diotalevi
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 14, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-356</A>
<A href="">Example: @Resource for Setter Injection</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Raj Saini
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 14, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-347</A>
<A href="">Example: Minimal Stateful Bean via @Stateful</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Filippo Diotalevi
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-346</A>
<A href="">Example: Minimal Statetless Bean via @Stateless</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Filippo Diotalevi
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-339</A>
<A href="">NPE in class AnnotationDeployer during deployment of annotated beans</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-337</A>
<A href="">Derby Network Service</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-336</A>
<A href="">Derby support</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 20, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-308</A>
<A href="">META-INF/lib or APP-INF/lib for third-party jars in EARs</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 14, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 14, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-304</A>
<A href="">Deployment support for EJB jar files in EARs</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 06, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 14, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-303</A>
<A href="">EJBLocalObject.getEJBLocalHome throws exception</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 04, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 04, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-292</A>
<A href="">SessionSynchronization should not be called on a SFSB when ejbCreate is called</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 23, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 04, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-282</A>
<A href="">Both EJBHome and EJBLocalHome remove(Object primaryKey) methods should throw javax.ejb.RemoveException when used with Sessions beans</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 12, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 02, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-281</A>
<A href="">Remove dependencies with groupId=geronimo from poms</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Raj Saini
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 15, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-272</A>
<A href="">Change packages to org.apache.openejb in openejb3 trunk</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Sep 27, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Sep 28, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-265</A>
<A href="">Upgrade XBean to 2.6</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Sep 06, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 08, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-261</A>
<A href="">Container Driven Testing EJBs in Maven2: Stateful POJO Example</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 31, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 31, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-260</A>
<A href="">Auto Configuration for Simple Apps</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 31, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 31, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-259</A>
<A href="">Session bean &quot;setSessionContext&quot; method should not be required for POJO EJBs</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 30, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-258</A>
<A href="">Documentation about XBean and its use</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
karan singh malhi
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 25, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-251</A>
<A href="">javax.interceptor.Interceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 06, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-250</A>
<A href="">javax.interceptor.ExcludeDefaultInterceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 13, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-249</A>
<A href="">javax.interceptor.ExcludeClassInterceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 13, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-248</A>
<A href="">javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 06, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-247</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.TransactionManagement</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-246</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-245</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Timeout</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 05, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-244</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Stateless</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-243</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Stateful</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-242</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Remove</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 28, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-241</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.RemoteHome</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-240</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Remote</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 28, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-239</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.PrePassivate</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-238</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.PostActivate</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-237</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.MessageDriven</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-236</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.LocalHome</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-235</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Local</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 28, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-234</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Init</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 13, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-233</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.EJBs</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-232</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.EJB</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-231</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.ApplicationException</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 12, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-230</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-229</A>
<A href=""></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 22, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-228</A>
<A href=""></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 22, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-227</A>
<A href=""></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 22, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-226</A>
<A href=""></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 22, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-225</A>
<A href=""></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 22, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-224</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.Resources</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-223</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.Resource: for env-entry</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-222</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.PreDestroy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-221</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.PostConstruct</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-216</A>
<A href="">Annotation-based Deployment</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-214</A>
<A href="">Interceptor: Lifecycle Callbacks: PostActivate/PrePassivate</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 17, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-213</A>
<A href="">Stateful Bean: Lifecycle Callbacks: PostActivate/PrePassivate</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-212</A>
<A href="">interceptor: Lifecycle Callbacks: PostConstruct/PreDestroy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 17, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-211</A>
<A href="">MessageDriven Bean: Lifecycle Callbacks: PostConstruct/PreDestroy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 06, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-210</A>
<A href="">Stateful Bean: Lifecycle Callbacks: PostConstruct/PreDestroy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-209</A>
<A href="">Stateless Bean: Lifecycle Callbacks: PostConstruct/PreDestroy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 25, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-207</A>
<A href="">Need to put the most updated EJB\JPA specs onto one of our repos</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-187</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanPublicFieldInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-186</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanSetterInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-185</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanJndiEncTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 04, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-184</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteBusinessIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 17, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-183</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulLocalBusinessIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 06, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-181</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulHandleTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-180</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulHomeHandleTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-179</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulLocalIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 06, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-177</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbLocalObjectTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 05, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-176</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbLocalHomeTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 09, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-175</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbObjectTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-174</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbHomeTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 25, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-173</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulHomeIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 25, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-172</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulLocalJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 17, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-171</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 28, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-161</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanPublicFieldInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-160</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanSetterInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-159</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanJndiEncTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 04, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-158</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteBusinessIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 17, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-157</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessLocalBusinessIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 06, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-156</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbMetaDataTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 15, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-155</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessHandleTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-154</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessHomeHandleTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-153</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessLocalIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 08, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-152</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 15, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-151</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbLocalObjectTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 08, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-150</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbLocalHomeTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 08, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-149</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbObjectTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-148</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbHomeTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 25, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-147</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessHomeIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Sep 25, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-146</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessLocalJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Sep 02, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-145</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-135</A>
<A href="">Castor 1.0 upgrade</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 11, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 08, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-130</A>
<A href="">Automated Tomcat testing on Mac OSX and Linux</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 26, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-128</A>
<A href="">EJBd over HTTP -- ejb invocations over http protocol</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 17, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 25, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="$icons.get(%20$item.getChild('type').getValue()%20)" alt="Wish" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-123</A>
<A href="">CMP 2.x support via JPA</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 28, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-121</A>
<A href="">Port MDB Container</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 12, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-120</A>
<A href="">Port CMP Container</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">WON'T FIX</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 12, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-119</A>
<A href="">Port BMP Container</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 12, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-118</A>
<A href="">Port Stateful Container</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 12, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-117</A>
<A href="">Port Stateless Container</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 12, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-116</A>
<A href="">Port EJB Containers from 2 into 3</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 12, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-114</A>
<A href="">Port Axis server support from 2</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 02, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-113</A>
<A href="">Port CORBA server code from openejb 2</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 02, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-112</A>
<A href="">Port HTTP server support from 2</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 19, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-110</A>
<A href="">JPA Spec - ClassTransformer missing method patch</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jeff Genender
<TD nowrap="true">
Andrus Adamchik
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 10, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 10, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-109</A>
<A href="">Create javax.persistence classes, interfaces, enums and annotations</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 10, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-108</A>
<A href="">Create javax.ejb classes, interfaces, enums, and annotations</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-107</A>
<A href="">Injection of Persistence Context References</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Resolved" border="0">Resolved
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-106</A>
<A href="">Injection of Persistence Unit References</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 16, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-105</A>
<A href="">Injection of Message Destination References</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-104</A>
<A href="">Injection of Resource Environment References</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-103</A>
<A href="">Injection of Resource Manager Connection Factory References</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-102</A>
<A href="">Injection of EJB References</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-101</A>
<A href="">Injection of Environment Entries</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-100</A>
<A href="">Dependency Injection: Setter</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-99</A>
<A href="">Dependency Injection: Public field</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 07, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-98</A>
<A href="">Dependency Injection</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 23, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-97</A>
<A href="">SessionContext.getInvokedBusinessInterface</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Alan Cabrera
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 01, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-96</A>
<A href="">Global JNDI Business Interface references</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 17, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-95</A>
<A href="">JNDI ENC Business Interface references</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 17, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-94</A>
<A href="">SessionContext.getBusinessObject(interface)</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Alan Cabrera
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 01, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-93</A>
<A href="">Local business interfaces via IntraVM Server</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 06, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-92</A>
<A href="">Remote business interfaces via IntraVM Server</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 06, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-91</A>
<A href="">Remote business interfaces via EJBd Server</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 06, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-88</A>
<A href="">Method-level Interceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-87</A>
<A href="">Class-level Interceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 01, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-86</A>
<A href="">Package-level Interceptors (aka Default Interceptors)</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-85</A>
<A href="">Non-EJBLocalObject local proxies for in-vm use</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">DUPLICATE</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-84</A>
<A href="">Non-EJBObject remote proxies for in-vm use</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">DUPLICATE</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-83</A>
<A href="">Expand protocol for non-ejb specific interfaces</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">DUPLICATE</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-81</A>
<A href="">ejb3 specs module</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Blocker" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 10, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-76</A>
<A href="">Lifecycle Callbacks: PostConstruct/PreDestroy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-63</A>
<A href="">New Castor CMP Container</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jeremy Whitlock
<TD nowrap="true">
Jeremy Whitlock
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">WON'T FIX</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Sep 19, 2005
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-47</A>
<A href="">Support for common Exceptions serialization issues</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Minor" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 08, 2005
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 29, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-36</A>
<A href="">Automated test of tomcat integration</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 02, 2005
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 26, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-6</A>
<A href="">Wrong Exceptions thrown for unimplemented features</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Alan Cabrera
<TD nowrap="true">
Jason Rumney
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 20, 2004
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 08, 2007
<H1><A name="OpenEJB3RoadMap-Open"></A>Open</H1>
<P><A name="jiraissues">
<TABLE width="100%" cellspacing="0" class="grid">
<TH colspan="10" style="text-align: left;">
<A href=""><IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="right" title="refresh"></A>
<A href="">ASF JIRA</A>
<SPAN class="smalltext">(93 issues)</SPAN>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
T </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Key </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Summary </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Assignee </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Reporter </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Pr </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Status </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Res </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Created </TH>
<TH style="text-align: left;">
Updated </TH>
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-561</A>
<A href="">stateless and stateful pools need to be per ejb, not global</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 16, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 17, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-550</A>
<A href="">Need to support persistent TimerStore</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Kevan Miller
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-547</A>
<A href="">Fix site reporting.</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Prasad Kashyap
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 20, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 21, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-538</A>
<A href="">Validation: Stateful pojos with Home interfaces have init-method(s)</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 13, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 13, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-537</A>
<A href="">Validation: AppClients using non-static annotations</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 12, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 12, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-536</A>
<A href="">Validation: AroundInvoke signature</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Critical" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 09, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 26, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-535</A>
<A href="">Validation: beans implementing javax.ejb.SessionBean also using lifecycle annotations</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 09, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 09, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-527</A>
<A href="">Validation: Warn on unused interceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 05, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 05, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-466</A>
<A href="">Support InputStream as a remotable type</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 01, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 01, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-463</A>
<A href="">Examples use a different version for geronimo-ejb_3.0_spec than the one used in the main build.</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Anita Kulshreshtha
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 01, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 01, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-458</A>
<A href="">META-INF/</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 24, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 31, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-457</A>
<A href="">Use of env-entry or @Resource mapped name to point to system properties that should be injected</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 24, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 24, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-453</A>
<A href="">Validation for EJB 3.0 beans</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 24, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 24, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-451</A>
<A href="">openejb.conf to properties converter</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 20, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 20, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-440</A>
<A href="">Expanded types for env-entries in JNDI - Maps types</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 10, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 10, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-439</A>
<A href="">Expanded types for env-entries in JNDI - Lists types</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 10, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 10, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-438</A>
<A href="">Expanded types for env-entries in JNDI - Simple types</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 10, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 02, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-434</A>
<A href="">Remove dependency on Sun Classes in JarUtils</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
karan singh malhi
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Reopened" border="0">Reopened
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 03, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 23, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-432</A>
<A href="">Implement discardInstance() for MdbContainer</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Alan Cabrera
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 03, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 03, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-431</A>
<A href="">List ServiceProviders command</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 03, 2007
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 03, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-428</A>
<A href="">Hot deploy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 27, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 16, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-426</A>
<A href="">Add shutdown hook so OpenEJB can be shutdown with ctrl^c</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 20, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-371</A>
<A href="">ENC: service-ref support</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-370</A>
<A href="">JNDI Enc reference types</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-366</A>
<A href="">Example: Method-level Interceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-365</A>
<A href="">Example: Default Interceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-364</A>
<A href="">Example: Interceptors for Lifecycle Callbacks</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-363</A>
<A href="">Example: Interceptors for Business Methods</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-362</A>
<A href="">Example: Container-Managed Transactions with @TrasactionAttribute</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-361</A>
<A href="">Example: Bean-Managed Transactions</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-360</A>
<A href="">Example: Using JPA</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 27, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-359</A>
<A href="">Example: Using JMS</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-358</A>
<A href="">Example: Using JDBC</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Raj Saini
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 19, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-355</A>
<A href="">Example: @Resource for Field Injection</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Raj Saini
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Reopened" border="0">Reopened
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 22, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-354</A>
<A href="">Example: @Resource for JNDI Lookups</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-353</A>
<A href="">Example: MessageDriven Bean with Callbacks</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-352</A>
<A href="">Example: Stateful Bean with Callbacks</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Filippo Diotalevi
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-351</A>
<A href="">Example: Stateless Bean with Callbacks</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Filippo Diotalevi
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Dec 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-350</A>
<A href="">Example: Stateful Bean with Legacy Home/Remote Interfaces</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-349</A>
<A href="">Example: Stateless Bean with Legacy Home/Remote Interfaces</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-348</A>
<A href="">Example: Minimal MessageDriven Bean via @MessageDriven</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-345</A>
<A href="">Example: Minimal MessageDriven Bean via a deployment descriptor</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-344</A>
<A href="">Example: Minimal Stateful Bean via a deployment descriptor</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-343</A>
<A href="">Example: Minimal Statetless Bean via a deployment descriptor</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-342</A>
<A href="">EJB 3 Examples</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 22, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-253</A>
<A href="">We need to make the client be able to explicitly define the JNDI names of different interfaces provided the EJB</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 06, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 14, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-215</A>
<A href="">Passivation/Activation of non-Serializable Stateful SessionBeans</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Bug" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-208</A>
<A href="">NoClassDefFound exception is thrown when OpenEJB3.0 server is starting</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 11, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 12, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-206</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorStackExceptionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-205</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorAggregateStackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-204</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorMethodLevelStackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-203</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorClassLevelStackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 16, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-202</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorPackageLevelStackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-201</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorInvocationContextTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Prasad Kashyap
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 18, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-200</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorCallbackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-199</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorPublicFieldInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-198</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorSetterInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-197</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorJndiEncTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-196</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBusinessRmiIiopTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-195</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteRmiIiopTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-194</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulInterceptorBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-193</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulInterceptorAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-192</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulContainerTxTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-191</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanTxTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-190</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-189</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-188</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanCallbackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
May 10, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-182</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbMetaDataTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-178</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 26, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-170</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBusinessRmiIiopTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-169</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteRmiIiopTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-168</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessInterceptorBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-167</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessInterceptorAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-166</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessContainerTxTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-165</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanTxTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-164</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-163</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-162</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanCallbackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Manu T George
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
May 10, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-142</A>
<A href="">Create itests for EJB 3.0 model</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Critical" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 20, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-132</A>
<A href="">New Global Tomcat/OpenEJB integration</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 27, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Apr 11, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="$icons.get(%20$item.getChild('type').getValue()%20)" alt="Wish" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-127</A>
<A href="">Expanded types for env-entries in JNDI</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 16, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 27, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="$icons.get(%20$item.getChild('type').getValue()%20)" alt="Wish" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-126</A>
<A href="">Constructor Injection</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 16, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 16, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="$icons.get(%20$item.getChild('type').getValue()%20)" alt="Wish" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-125</A>
<A href="">ejb-jar scoped JNDI ENC</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 16, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 16, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="$icons.get(%20$item.getChild('type').getValue()%20)" alt="Wish" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-124</A>
<A href="">META-INF/lib and META-INF/classes support for ejb jars</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 16, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 16, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-122</A>
<A href="">JCA Support via Jencks project</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-115</A>
<A href="">Port/rewrite the XFire server support from 2 into 3</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-90</A>
<A href="">Business Interface support</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-89</A>
<A href="">2.1 interface -&gt; 3.0 Session Bean compatibility</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="$icons.get(%20$item.getChild('type').getValue()%20)" alt="Wish" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-82</A>
<A href="">Reimplement protocol with enum grammar</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Alan Cabrera
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jan 03, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-80</A>
<A href="">InvocationContext</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 30, 2007
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-79</A>
<A href="">Interceptors</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Mar 15, 2007
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-78</A>
<A href="">Business Method: AroundInvoke</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-77</A>
<A href="">Lifecycle Callbacks: PostActivate/PrePassivate</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">UNRESOLVED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
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