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OpenEJB 3 HeartBeat
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<H1><A name="OpenEJB3HeartBeat-OpenEJB3BinarySnapshot"></A>OpenEJB 3 Binary Snapshot </H1>
<P>Binaries are built by our continuous integration system on every change to svn.</P>
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<P>Check out the <A href="openejb-3-roadmap.html" title="OpenEJB 3 RoadMap">OpenEJB 3 RoadMap</A>, also updated live.</P>
<H1><A name="OpenEJB3HeartBeat-RecentJIRAActivity"></A>Recent JIRA Activity</H1>
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<SPAN class="smalltext">(18 issues)</SPAN>
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<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-146</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessLocalJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Sep 02, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-261</A>
<A href="">Container Driven Testing EJBs in Maven2: Stateful POJO Example</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 30, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 30, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-260</A>
<A href="">Auto Configuration for Simple Apps</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 30, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 30, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-171</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 28, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-145</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jun 20, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 21, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-213</A>
<A href="">Stateful Bean: Lifecycle Callbacks: PostActivate/PrePassivate</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Aug 03, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-209</A>
<A href="">Stateless Bean: Lifecycle Callbacks: PostConstruct/PreDestroy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-36</A>
<A href="">Automated test of tomcat integration</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jul 02, 2005
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-130</A>
<A href="">Automated Tomcat testing on Mac OSX and Linux</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 26, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-128</A>
<A href="">EJBd over HTTP -- ejb invocations over http protocol</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 17, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 25, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-112</A>
<A href="">Port HTTP server support from 2</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 13, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 19, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-81</A>
<A href="">ejb3 specs module</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Blocker" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 10, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-110</A>
<A href="">JPA Spec - ClassTransformer missing method patch</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jeff Genender
<TD nowrap="true">
Andrus Adamchik
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 10, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 10, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-109</A>
<A href="">Create javax.persistence classes, interfaces, enums and annotations</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 10, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-108</A>
<A href="">Create javax.ejb classes, interfaces, enums, and annotations</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">FIXED</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 08, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-85</A>
<A href="">Non-EJBLocalObject local proxies for in-vm use</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">DUPLICATE</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="New Feature" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-84</A>
<A href="">Non-EJBObject remote proxies for in-vm use</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">DUPLICATE</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Improvement" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-83</A>
<A href="">Expand protocol for non-ejb specific interfaces</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Major" border="0">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TD nowrap="true">
<FONT color="990000">DUPLICATE</FONT>
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 05, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
Feb 07, 2006
<TD nowrap="true">
<H1><A name="OpenEJB3HeartBeat-RecentSVNActivity"></A>Recent SVN Activity</H1>
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<A href="">FishEye on openejb/trunk/openejb3</A>
<SPAN class="smalltext">(rss_2.0)</SPAN>
<SPAN class="smalltext">(Recent changes to the &quot;openejb&quot; repository under directory /trunk/openejb3)</SPAN>
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