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Friday, April 8, 2011
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<B>Apache OpenEJB Get-Together, Tours France, April 18th - 21st</B>
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<P>Second annual Get-Together. No fees no conference and no sessions. Just an excuse to get-together, code, and have a beer or two. </P>
<P>Hacking Monday - Thursday. Friday and the weekend is for non-technical fun. </P>
<P>Tech-time will likely be focusing on TomEE, Java EE 6 Web Profile and OSGi hacking. If you have something you've been wanting to work on, come on down and I'm sure someone will be available to give you some pointers and get you ro... <A href=""><I>(more)</I></A></P>
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<B>Posted at 08 Apr @ 7:00 AM</B> by
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dblevins |
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Thursday, April 7, 2011
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<B>Apache OpenEJB and Apache TomEE at JAX London 2011</B>
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<P>Join us next week at <A href="">JAX London 2011</A> where <A href="">David Blevins</A> and <A href="">Jonathan Gallimore</A> will be presenting two presentations on EJB and Java EE.</P>
<LI><A href="">Fun with EJB 3.1 and OpenEJB</A> Tuesday, April 12th</LI><BR>
<LI><A href="">Apache TomEE: Tomcat with a Kick</A> Wednesday, April 13th</LI><BR>
<P>Both sessions will be demo heavy and hands on. See some of the neat innovations happening in the OpenEJB 4.0 codebase such as meta annotations. Get an demo and introduction to ... <A href=""><I>(more)</I></A></P>
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<B>Posted at 07 Apr @ 8:00 AM</B> by
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dblevins |
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Thursday, November 18, 2010
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<B>ApacheCon NA 2010, OpenEJB In-Depth</B>
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<P>Thanks to all who attended ApacheCon NA this last week in Atlanta, GA. We had a nice little session Friday of the conference. For those that weren't able to attend or for those who made it and wanted to share the slides, we're putting them up online for all to see.</P>
<P><A href="">OpenEJB In-Depth</A></P>
<P>It was a real pleasure being able to present. People attending presentations are often skeptical when things first get rolling. There's a tendency for p... <A href=""><I>(more)</I></A></P>
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<B>Posted at 18 Nov @ 6:00 AM</B> by
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
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<B>Apache OpenEJB 3.1.3 Released!</B>
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We are pleased to announce the release of <A href="">Apache OpenEJB 3.1.3</A>. The 3.1.3 release continues in the Java 5 and Java EE 5 line with partial EJB 3.1 support. Overall the release is focused on production concerns and includes dramatically expanded Stateless Session Bean pooling, greater Failover and Discovery support, JMX Monitoring and prepackaged Tomcat setup. Support for EJB 3.1 @LocalBean views and @ManagedBean also included.
The 3.2 cod... <A href=""><I>(more)</I></A></P>
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<B>Posted at 20 Oct @ 10:27 PM</B> by
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dblevins |
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
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<B>Several new features for Stateless Beans</B>
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<P>As OpenEJB is deployed into more and more production environments we've been hard at work filling out the system to meet demands. The latest overhaul has been around the @Stateless bean pooling options.</P>
<P>At a high level, the new features provide:<BR>
<LI>Availability: guarantee a minimum number of instance in a pool, from startup and through the entire life of the pool.<BR>
<LI>Shrinking: aggressively shrink pools via an inactive bean timeout and/or g... <A href=""><I>(more)</I></A></P>
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<B>Posted at 29 Apr @ 8:00 AM</B> by
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dblevins |
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