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EJB3 iTests
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<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-154</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessHomeHandleTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-163</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-160</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanSetterInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-158</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteBusinessIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-187</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanPublicFieldInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-192</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulContainerTxTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-190</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-193</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulInterceptorAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-202</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorPackageLevelStackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-155</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessHandleTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-152</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-153</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessLocalIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-162</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanCallbackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-176</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbLocalHomeTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-149</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbObjectTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-150</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbLocalHomeTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-151</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbLocalObjectTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-159</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanJndiEncTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-167</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessInterceptorAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-157</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessLocalBusinessIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-156</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbMetaDataTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-168</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessInterceptorBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-165</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanTxTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-161</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanPublicFieldInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-164</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBeanBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-181</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulHandleTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-179</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulLocalIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-169</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteRmiIiopTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-178</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-175</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbObjectTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-166</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessContainerTxTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-183</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulLocalBusinessIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-170</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessBusinessRmiIiopTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-180</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulHomeHandleTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-185</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanJndiEncTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-177</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbLocalObjectTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-184</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteBusinessIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-189</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-182</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbMetaDataTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-200</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorCallbackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-191</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanTxTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-186</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanSetterInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-196</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBusinessRmiIiopTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-197</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorJndiEncTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-188</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulBeanCallbackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-203</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorClassLevelStackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-199</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorPublicFieldInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-195</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteRmiIiopTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-201</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorInvocationContextTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-198</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorSetterInjectionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-206</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorStackExceptionTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-194</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulInterceptorBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-204</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorMethodLevelStackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-205</A>
<A href="">iTest: InterceptorAggregateStackTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-148</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessEjbHomeTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-173</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulHomeIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-174</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulEjbHomeTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-147</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessHomeIntfcTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Jacek Laskowski
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="In Progress" border="0">In Progress
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-145</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessRemoteJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-171</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulRemoteJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-172</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatefulLocalJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Open" border="0">Open
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href=""><IMG src="" alt="Sub-task" border="0"></A>
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-146</A>
<A href="">iTest: StatelessLocalJndiTests</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
<IMG src="" alt="Closed" border="0">Closed
<TABLE width="100%" cellspacing="0" class="grid">
<TH style="text-align: left;">
<A href=""><IMG src="" border="0" height="15" width="27" align="right"></A>
<A href=""></A>
<SPAN class="smalltext">(rss_0.92)</SPAN>
<SPAN class="smalltext">(An XML representation of a search request)</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-154] iTest: StatelessHomeHandleTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.HomeHandle methods work as expected on an ejb3 stateless bean with an the EJB 2.1 compatible home interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-163] iTest: StatelessBeanAllowedOperationsTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can only do the things allowed in each of it's available callback methods.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-160] iTest: StatelessBeanSetterInjectionTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can have injected every possible JNDI entry type via setters</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-158] iTest: StatelessRemoteBusinessIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can be invoked via it's remote business interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-187] iTest: StatefulBeanPublicFieldInjectionTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can have injected every possible JNDI entry type via public fields</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-192] iTest: StatefulContainerTxTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean with container-managed transactions can demarcate methods using all the available tx attributes <B>and</B> the container is correctly rolling back, committing, suspending, or starting transactions.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-190] iTest: StatefulBeanBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean with bean-managed transactions can only do the things allowed in each of it's available callback methods.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-193] iTest: StatefulInterceptorAllowedOperationsTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an interceptor of an ejb3 stateful bean can only do the things allowed in each of it's available callback methods.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-202] iTest: InterceptorPackageLevelStackTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that package-level stacks can be created and properly executed and all possible excludes function properly. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-155] iTest: StatelessHandleTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.Handle methods work as expected on an ejb3 stateless bean with an the EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-152] iTest: StatelessRemoteIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can be invoked with an EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-153] iTest: StatelessLocalIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can be invoked with an EJB 2.1 compatible local interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-162] iTest: StatelessBeanCallbackTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that the PostCreate and PreDestroy methods of an ejb3 stateless bean are invoked.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-176] iTest: StatefulEjbLocalHomeTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome methods work as expected on the EJB 2.1 compatible local home interface an ejb3 stateful bean</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-149] iTest: StatelessEjbObjectTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBObject methods work as expected on the EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface an ejb3 stateless bean</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-150] iTest: StatelessEjbLocalHomeTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome methods work as expected on the EJB 2.1 compatible local home interface an ejb3 stateless bean</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-151] iTest: StatelessEjbLocalObjectTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject methods work as expected on the EJB 2.1 compatible local interface an ejb3 stateless bean</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-159] iTest: StatelessBeanJndiEncTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can lookup every possible JNDI entry type via the SessionContext interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-167] iTest: StatelessInterceptorAllowedOperationsTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an interceptor of an ejb3 stateless bean can only do the things allowed in each of it's available callback methods.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-157] iTest: StatelessLocalBusinessIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can be invoked via it's local business interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-156] iTest: StatelessEjbMetaDataTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBMetaData methods work as expected on an ejb3 stateless bean with an the EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-168] iTest: StatelessInterceptorBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean with bean-managed transactions can only do the things allowed in each of it's available callback methods.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-165] iTest: StatelessBeanTxTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean with bean-managed transactions can properly commit and rollback transactions</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-161] iTest: StatelessBeanPublicFieldInjectionTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can have injected every possible JNDI entry type via public fields</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-164] iTest: StatelessBeanBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean with bean-managed transactions can only do the things allowed in each of it's available callback methods.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-181] iTest: StatefulHandleTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.Handle methods work as expected on an ejb3 stateful bean with an the EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-179] iTest: StatefulLocalIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can be invoked with an EJB 2.1 compatible local interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-169] iTest: StatelessRemoteRmiIiopTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all acceptable datatypes can be passed over the wire as both arguments and return values on an ejb3 stateless bean with an EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-178] iTest: StatefulRemoteIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can be invoked with an EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-175] iTest: StatefulEjbObjectTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBObject methods work as expected on the EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface an ejb3 stateful bean</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-166] iTest: StatelessContainerTxTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean with container-managed transactions can demarcate methods using all the available tx attributes <B>and</B> the container is correctly rolling back, committing, suspending, or starting transactions.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-183] iTest: StatefulLocalBusinessIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can be invoked via it's local business interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-170] iTest: StatelessBusinessRmiIiopTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all acceptable datatypes can be passed over the wire as both arguments and return values on an ejb3 stateless bean with an remote business interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-180] iTest: StatefulHomeHandleTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.HomeHandle methods work as expected on an ejb3 stateful bean with an the EJB 2.1 compatible home interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-185] iTest: StatefulBeanJndiEncTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can lookup every possible JNDI entry type via the SessionContext interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-177] iTest: StatefulEjbLocalObjectTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject methods work as expected on the EJB 2.1 compatible local interface an ejb3 stateful bean</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-184] iTest: StatefulRemoteBusinessIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can be invoked via it's remote business interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-189] iTest: StatefulBeanAllowedOperationsTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can only do the things allowed in each of it's available callback methods.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-182] iTest: StatefulEjbMetaDataTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBMetaData methods work as expected on an ejb3 stateful bean with an the EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-200] iTest: InterceptorCallbackTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that the PostCreate and PreDestroy methods of an interceptor of an ejb3 stateless bean are invoked. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-191] iTest: StatefulBeanTxTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean with bean-managed transactions can properly commit and rollback transactions</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-186] iTest: StatefulBeanSetterInjectionTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can have injected every possible JNDI entry type via setters</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-196] iTest: StatefulBusinessRmiIiopTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all acceptable datatypes can be passed over the wire as both arguments and return values on an ejb3 stateful bean with an remote business interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-197] iTest: InterceptorJndiEncTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an interceptor of an ejb3 session bean can lookup every possible JNDI entry type via the SessionContext interface. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-188] iTest: StatefulBeanCallbackTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that the PostCreate and PreDestroy methods of an ejb3 stateful bean are invoked.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-203] iTest: InterceptorClassLevelStackTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that class-level stacks can be created and properly executed and all possible excludes function properly. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-199] iTest: InterceptorPublicFieldInjectionTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an interceptor of an ejb3 stateless bean can have injected every possible JNDI entry type via public fields. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-195] iTest: StatefulRemoteRmiIiopTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all acceptable datatypes can be passed over the wire as both arguments and return values on an ejb3 stateful bean with an EJB 2.1 compatible remote interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-201] iTest: InterceptorInvocationContextTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.interceptor.InvocationContext methods work as expected for an interceptor. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-198] iTest: InterceptorSetterInjectionTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an interceptor of an ejb3 stateless bean can have injected every possible JNDI entry type via setters. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-206] iTest: InterceptorStackExceptionTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that exception handling for interceptor stacks properly affects the invocation flow. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-194] iTest: StatefulInterceptorBMTAllowedOperationsTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean with bean-managed transactions can only do the things allowed in each of it's available callback methods.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-204] iTest: InterceptorMethodLevelStackTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that method-level stacks can be created and properly executed and all possible excludes function properly. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-205] iTest: InterceptorAggregateStackTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that package-level, class-level, and method-level interceptor stacks can be combined and all possible excludes respected. Must be ran twice, once in the stateful test suite and again in the stateless testsuite.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-148] iTest: StatelessEjbHomeTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBHome methods work as expected on the EJB 2.1 compatible remote home interface an ejb3 stateless bean</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-173] iTest: StatefulHomeIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can be created with an EJB 2.1 compatible home interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-174] iTest: StatefulEjbHomeTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that all javax.ejb.EJBHome methods work as expected on the EJB 2.1 compatible remote home interface an ejb3 stateful bean</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-147] iTest: StatelessHomeIntfcTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can be created with an EJB 2.1 compatible home interface</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-145] iTest: StatelessRemoteJndiTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can be looked up in global JNDI via it's remote business interface, and backwards compatible remote home interface. Use 2 ejb3 beans; one that has a remote business interface and one that has a 2.1 compatible remote home interface.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-171] iTest: StatefulRemoteJndiTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can be looked up in global JNDI via it's remote business interface, and backwards compatible remote home interface. Use 2 ejb3 beans; one that has a remote business interface and one that has a 2.1 compatible remote home interface.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-172] iTest: StatefulLocalJndiTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateful bean can be looked up in global JNDI via it's backwards compatible local home interface.</SPAN>
<TD valign="top">
<B><A href="">[OPENEJB-146] iTest: StatelessLocalJndiTests</A></B>
<SPAN class="smalltext">tests that an ejb3 stateless bean can be looked up in global JNDI via it's backwards compatible local home interface.</SPAN>
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Apache OpenEJB is an project of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
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