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<H1><A name="Index-WelcometoOpenEJB%21"></A>Welcome to OpenEJB!</H1>
<P>OpenEJB is an open source, modular, configurable, and extendable EJB Container System and EJB Server.</P>
<H2><A name="Index-EJBServer"></A>EJB Server</H2>
<P>OpenEJB comes with fast, lightweight EJB Servers for both Local and Remote access. That's right, deploy your EJBs into the container system, then just start the Remote EJB Server from the command line! Or, put OpenEJB in your class path and use it as an embedded library through the Local EJB Server.</P>
<H2><A name="Index-EJBContainerSystem"></A>EJB Container System</H2>
<P>As a container system, OpenEJB works like a big plug-in for middleware servers like Web servers, CORBA servers, and application servers. By plugging in OpenEJB these servers obtain instant EJB compliance for hosting Enterprise JavaBeans!</P>
<H1><A name="Index-News"></A>News</H1>
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<A class="blogDate" href="">Friday, September 29, 2006</A>
<DIV class="blogpost" style="margin-bottom: 30px">
<DIV class="blogHeading"><A href="2006/09/29/openejb-moves-into-apache-incubator.html">OpenEJB moves into Apache Incubator</A></DIV>
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<DIV class="wiki-content">
<P>OpenEJB has known many homes since it's start in December 1999. We began in Exolab, relocated to SourceForge, found a home in Codehaus and now OpenEJB joins the community of the Apache Incubator. We're very thankful to all our past hosts and are grateful for the service and contributions they've given us in our nearly seven years of existence.</P>
<P>At Apache we look forward to a stronger community bond with the projects that depend on us and whom we integrate with such as Tomcat, Geronimo,...</P>
<DIV class="endsection">
<B>Posted at 29 Sep @ 6:18 PM</B> by
<IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" title="User Profile: David Blevins">
<A href="">David Blevins</A> |
<IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<A href="2006/09/29/openejb-moves-into-apache-incubator.html#comments">0 comments</A>
<DIV class="blogpost" style="margin-bottom: 30px">
<DIV class="blogHeading"><A href="2006/09/29/tomcat-integration-supports-remote-ejb-clients.html">Tomcat Integration supports Remote EJB Clients</A></DIV>
<DIV class="pagesubheading">
<DIV class="wiki-content">
<P>No extra ports necesarry. Simply point your EJB client to the URL of the LoaderSerlvet and go! All HTTP requests to the LoaderServlet will be sent into the embedded OpenEJB container. Combine this with the Collapsed EAR approach to embedding OpenEJB and you get a single webapp containing it's own private EJBs and OpenEJB container which can now support it's own remote java clients as well as web browsers....</P>
<DIV class="endsection">
<B>Posted at 29 Sep @ 4:19 PM</B> by
<IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" title="User Profile: David Blevins">
<A href="">David Blevins</A> |
<IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<A href="2006/09/29/tomcat-integration-supports-remote-ejb-clients.html#comments">0 comments</A>
<DIV class="blogSurtitle">
<IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<A class="blogDate" href="">Thursday, September 1, 2005</A>
<DIV class="blogpost" style="margin-bottom: 30px">
<DIV class="blogHeading"><A href="2005/09/01/openejb-10-beta-1-released.html">OpenEJB 1.0 Beta 1 Released</A></DIV>
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<DIV class="wiki-content">
<P>We are very proud to announce our first release in the 1.x branch. OpenEJB 1.0 beta 1 is a short stop on the way to 1.0 final and includes the premier of some great new features such as <A href="collapsed-ear.html" title="Collapsed EAR">Collapsed EAR</A> support, EJB 2.0 Local Interface support, improved Tomcat integration and much more.</P>
<P>Visit the <A href="openejb-10-beta-1.html" title="OpenEJB 1.0 Beta 1">OpenEJB 1.0 Beta 1</A> download page for a full list of new features and change log. Keep your eyes peeled for 1.0 final and activity in the <A href="openejb-3.html" title="OpenEJB 3">OpenEJB 3</A> area.</P>
<DIV class="endsection">
<B>Posted at 01 Sep @ 1:51 AM</B> by
<IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" title="User Profile: David Blevins">
<A href="">David Blevins</A> |
<IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle">
<A href="2005/09/01/openejb-10-beta-1-released.html#comments">0 comments</A>
<H1><A name="Index-Activity"></A>Activity</H1>
<H4><A name="Index-Closed"></A>Closed</H4>
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<SPAN class="smalltext">(17 issues)</SPAN>
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<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-282</A>
<A href="">Both EJBHome and EJBLocalHome remove(Object primaryKey) methods should throw javax.ejb.RemoveException when used with Sessions beans</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Mohammad Nour
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 02, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-237</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.MessageDriven</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-247</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.TransactionManagement</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-246</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-244</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Stateless</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-243</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Stateful</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-241</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.RemoteHome</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-240</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Remote</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-239</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.PrePassivate</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-238</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.PostActivate</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-236</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.LocalHome</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-235</A>
<A href="">javax.ejb.Local</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-222</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.PreDestroy</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-221</A>
<A href="">javax.annotation.PostConstruct</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Blevins
<TD nowrap="true">
Nov 01, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-300</A>
<A href="">transaction policy interceptors must not enlist caller's connections</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 30, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-301</A>
<A href="">The geronimo-corba_2.3_spec jar should be replaced with the yoko spec jar</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 30, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-299</A>
<A href="">Move axis specifc code to a separate server module</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 27, 2006
<H4><A name="Index-Opened"></A>Opened</H4>
<P><A name="jiraissues">
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<A href="">ASF JIRA</A>
<SPAN class="smalltext">(3 issues)</SPAN>
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Created </TH>
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-301</A>
<A href="">The geronimo-corba_2.3_spec jar should be replaced with the yoko spec jar</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Rick McGuire
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 30, 2006
<TR class="rowAlternate">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-300</A>
<A href="">transaction policy interceptors must not enlist caller's connections</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
David Jencks
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 29, 2006
<TR class="rowNormal">
<TD nowrap="true">
<A href="">OPENEJB-299</A>
<A href="">Move axis specifc code to a separate server module</A>
<TD nowrap="true">
Dain Sundstrom
<TD nowrap="true">
Oct 27, 2006
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<A href="">David Blevins</A>
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<A href="">David Blevins</A>
(04 Oct)
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<A href="">David Blevins</A>
(02 Oct)
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<A href="jndi-name-config.html" title="JNDI Name Config">JNDI Name Config</A>
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<A href="">David Blevins</A>
(29 Sep)
<A href="2006/09/29/openejb-moves-into-apache-incubator.html" title="OpenEJB moves into Apache Incubator"> <A href="2006/09/29/openejb-moves-into-apache-incubator.html" title="OpenEJB moves into Apache Incubator"><IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" title="User Profile: "></A>
<A href="2006/09/29/openejb-moves-into-apache-incubator.html" title="OpenEJB moves into Apache Incubator">OpenEJB moves into Apache Incubator</A>
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<A href="">David Blevins</A>
(29 Sep)
<A href="2006/09/29/tomcat-integration-supports-remote-ejb-clients.html" title="Tomcat Integration supports Remote EJB Clients"> <A href="2006/09/29/tomcat-integration-supports-remote-ejb-clients.html" title="Tomcat Integration supports Remote EJB Clients"><IMG src="" height="16" width="16" border="0" align="absmiddle" title="User Profile: "></A>
<A href="2006/09/29/tomcat-integration-supports-remote-ejb-clients.html" title="Tomcat Integration supports Remote EJB Clients">Tomcat Integration supports Remote EJB Clients</A>
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<A href="">David Blevins</A>
(29 Sep)
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<A href="">David Blevins</A>
(27 Sep)
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<DIV class="panel"><DIV class="panelHeader"><B>Fun Stuff</B></DIV><DIV class="panelContent">
OpenEJB has known many homes since it's start in December 1999. We began in Exolab, relocated to SourceForge, found a home in Codehaus and now OpenEJB joins the community of the Apache Incubator. We're very thankful to all our past hosts and are grateful for the service and contributions they've given us in our nearly seven years of existence. Some great things have been happening on EJB 3 efforts</P>
<P>Some great things have been happening on EJB 3 efforts</P>
<DIV class="panel"><DIV class="panelHeader"><B>EJB3 HotSpot</B></DIV><DIV class="panelContent">
OpenEJB has known many homes since it's start in December 1999. We began in Exolab, relocated to SourceForge, found a home in Codehaus and now OpenEJB joins the community of the Apache Incubator. We're very thankful to all our past hosts and are grateful for the service and contributions they've given us in our nearly seven years of existence. Some great things have been happening on EJB 3 efforts</P>
<P>Some great things have been happening on EJB 3 efforts</P>
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Apache OpenEJB is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Geronimo PMC. Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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