blob: 8591530a2418b9d2bd4cdf5f25597bdd18ee4a75 [file] [log] [blame]
---+!! Oozie, Workflow Engine for Apache Hadoop
Oozie v3 is a server based _Bundle Engine_ that provides a higher-level oozie abstraction that will batch a set of coordinator applications. The user will be able to start/stop/suspend/resume/rerun a set coordinator jobs in the bundle level resulting a better and easy operational control.
Oozie v2 is a server based _Coordinator Engine_ specialized in running workflows based on time and data triggers.
It can continuously run workflows based on time (e.g. run it every hour), and data availability
(e.g. wait for my input data to exist before running my workflow).
Oozie v1 is a server based _Workflow Engine_ specialized in running workflow jobs with actions that
execute Hadoop Map/Reduce and Pig jobs.
---++ Distribution Contents
Oozie distribution consists of a single 'tar.gz' file containing:
* Readme, license, notice & [[./release-log.txt][Release log]] files.
* Oozie server: =oozie-server= directory.
* Scripts: =bin/= directory, client and server scripts.
* Binaries: =lib/= directory, client JAR files.
* Configuration: =conf/= server configuration directory.
* Archives:
* =oozie-client-*.tar.gz=: Client tools.
* =oozie.war=: Oozie WAR file.
* Documentation.
* =oozie-examples-*.tar.gz=: Examples.
* =oozie-sharelib-*.tar.gz=: Share libraries (with Streaming, Pig JARs).
---++ Quick Start
Enough reading already? Follow the steps in [[DG_QuickStart][Oozie Quick Start]] to get Oozie up and running.
---++ Developer Documentation
* [[DG_Overview][Overview]]
* [[DG_QuickStart][Oozie Quick Start]]
* [[DG_Examples][Running the Examples]]
* [[WorkflowFunctionalSpec][Workflow Functional Specification]]
* [[CoordinatorFunctionalSpec][Coordinator Functional Specification]]
* [[BundleFunctionalSpec][Bundle Functional Specification]]
* [[][EL Expression Language Quick Reference]]
* [[DG_CommandLineTool][Command Line Tool]]
* [[DG_WorkflowReRun][Workflow Re-runs Explained]]
* [[DG_HCatalogIntegration][HCatalog Integration Explained]]
* [[./client/apidocs/index.html][Oozie Client Javadocs]]
* [[./core/apidocs/index.html][Oozie Core Javadocs]]
* [[WebServicesAPI][Oozie Web Services API]]
* [[DG_ActionAuthentication][Action Authentication]]
---+++ Action Extensions
* [[DG_EmailActionExtension][Email Action]]
* [[DG_ShellActionExtension][Shell Action]]
* [[DG_HiveActionExtension][Hive Action]]
* [[DG_Hive2ActionExtension][Hive 2 Action]]
* [[DG_SqoopActionExtension][Sqoop Action]]
* [[DG_SshActionExtension][Ssh Action]]
* [[DG_DistCpActionExtension][DistCp Action]]
* [[DG_SparkActionExtension][Spark Action]]
* [[DG_CustomActionExecutor][Writing a Custom Action Executor]]
---+++ Job Status and SLA Monitoring
* [[DG_JMSNotifications][JMS Notifications for Job and SLA]]
* [[DG_SLAMonitoring][Configuring and Monitoring SLA]]
---++ Administrator Documentation
* [[AG_Install][Oozie Install]]
* [[AG_OozieLogging][Oozie Logging]]
* [[AG_HadoopConfiguration][Hadoop Configuration]]
* [[AG_ActionConfiguration][Action Configuration]]
* [[AG_Monitoring][Oozie Monitoring]]
* [[DG_CommandLineTool][Command Line Tool]]
* [[AG_OozieUpgrade][Oozie Upgrade]]
---++ Licensing Information
Oozie is distributed under [[][Apache License 2.0]].
For details on the license of the dependent components, refer to the
[[./dependencies.html#Licenses][Dependencies Report, Licenses section]].
Oozie bundles an embedded Apache Tomcat 6.x.
Some of the components in the dependencies report don't mention their license in the published POM. They are:
* JDOM: [[][JDOM License]] (Apache style).
* Oro: [[][Apache License 2.0]].
Oozie uses a modified version of the Apache Doxia core and twiki plugins to generate Oozie documentation.
---++ Engineering Documentation
* [[ENG_Building][Building Oozie]]
* [[./dependencies.html][Dependencies Report]]
---++ MiniOozie Documentation
* [[ENG_MiniOozie][Testing User Oozie Applications Using MiniOozie]]
---++ Oozie User Authentication Documentation
* [[ENG_Custom_Authentication][Create Custom Oozie Authentication]]