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---+!! Oozie SLA Monitoring
---++ Overview
Critical jobs can have certain SLA requirements associated with them. This SLA can be in terms of time
i.e. a maximum allowed time limit associated with when the job should start, by when should it end,
and its duration of run. Oozie workflows and coordinators allow defining such SLA limits in the application definition xml.
With the addition of SLA Monitoring, Oozie can now actively monitor the state of these SLA-sensitive jobs
and send out notifications for SLA mets and misses.
In versions earlier than 4.x, this was a passive feature where users needed to query the Oozie client SLA API
to fetch the records regarding job status changes, and use their own custom calculation engine to compute
whether SLA was met or missed, based on initial definition of time limits.
Oozie now also has a SLA tab in the Oozie UI, where users can query for SLA information and have a summarized view
of how their jobs fared against their SLAs.
---++ Oozie Server Configuration
Refer to [[AG_Install#Notifications_Configuration][Notifications Configuration]] for configuring Oozie server to track
SLA for jobs and send notifications.
---++ SLA Tracking
Oozie allows tracking SLA for meeting the following criteria:
* Start time
* End time
* Job Duration
---++++ Event Status
Corresponding to each of these 3 criteria, your jobs are processed for whether Met or Miss i.e.
---++++ SLA Status
Expected end-time is the most important criterion for majority of users while deciding overall SLA Met or Miss.
Hence the _"SLA_Status"_ for a job will transition through these four stages
* Not_Started <-- Job not yet begun
* In_Process <-- Job started and is running, and SLAs are being tracked
* Met <-- caused by an END_MET
* Miss <-- caused by an END_MISS
In addition to overshooting expected end-time, and END_MISS (and so an eventual SLA MISS) also occurs when the
job does not end successfully e.g. goes to error state - Failed/Killed/Error/Timedout.
---++ Configuring SLA in Applications
To make your jobs trackable for SLA, you simply need to add the =<sla:info>= tag to your workflow application definition.
If you were already using the existing SLA schema in your workflows (Schema xmlns:sla="uri:oozie:sla:0.1"), you don't need to
do anything extra to receive SLA notifications via JMS messages. This new SLA monitoring framework is backward-compatible -
no need to change application XML for now and you can continue to fetch old records via the [[DG_CommandLineTool#SLAOperations][command line API]].
However, usage of old schema and API is deprecated and we strongly recommend using new schema.
* New SLA schema is 'uri:oozie:sla:0.2'
* In order to use new SLA schema, you will need to upgrade your workflow/coordinator schema to 0.5 i.e. 'uri:oozie:workflow:0.5'
---+++ SLA Definition in Workflow
<workflow-app name="test-wf-job-sla"
<start to="grouper"/>
<action name="grouper">
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="end"/>
<end name="end"/>
<sla:should-start>${10 * MINUTES}</sla:should-start>
<sla:should-end>${30 * MINUTES}</sla:should-end>
<sla:max-duration>${30 * MINUTES}</sla:max-duration>
For the list of tags usable under =<sla:info>=, refer to [[WorkflowFunctionalSpec#SLASchema][Schemas Appendix]].
This new schema is much more compact and meaningful, getting rid of redundant and unused tags.
* ==nominal-time==: As the name suggests, this is the time relative to which your jobs' SLAs will be calculated. Generally since Oozie workflows are aligned with synchronous data dependencies, this nominal time can be parameterized to be passed the value of your coordinator nominal time. Nominal time is also required in case of independent workflows and you can specify the time in which you expect the workflow to be run if you don't have a synchronous dataset associated with it.
* ==should-start==: Relative to =nominal-time= this is the amount of time (along with time-unit - MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS) within which your job should *start running* to meet SLA. This is optional.
* ==should-end==: Relative to =nominal-time= this is the amount of time (along with time-unit - MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS) within which your job should *finish* to meet SLA.
* ==max-duration==: This is the maximum amount of time (along with time-unit - MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS) your job is expected to run. This is optional.
* ==alert-events==: Specify the types of events for which *Email* alerts should be sent. Allowable values in this comma-separated list are start_miss, end_miss and duration_miss. *_met events can generally be deemed low priority and hence email alerting for these is not necessary. However, note that this setting is only for alerts via *email* alerts and not via JMS messages, where all events send out notifications, and user can filter them using desired selectors. This is optional and only applicable when alert-contact is configured.
* ==alert-contact==: Specify a comma separated list of email addresses where you wish your alerts to be sent. This is optional and need not be configured if you just want to view your job SLA history in the UI and do not want to receive email alerts.
NOTE: All tags can be parameterized.
Same schema can be applied to and embedded under Workflow-Action as well as Coordinator-Action XML.
---+++ SLA Definition in Workflow Action
<workflow-app name="test-wf-action-sla" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5" xmlns:sla="uri:oozie:sla:0.2">
<start to="grouper"/>
<action name="grouper">
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="end"/>
<sla:should-start>${10 * MINUTES}</sla:should-start>
<end name="end"/>
---+++ SLA Definition in Coordinator Action
<coordinator-app name="test-coord-sla" frequency="${coord:days(1)}" freq_timeunit="DAY"
end_of_duration="NONE" start="2013-06-20T08:01Z" end="2013-12-01T08:01Z"
timezone="America/Los_Angeles" xmlns="uri:oozie:coordinator:0.4" xmlns:sla="uri:oozie:sla:0.2">
---++ Accessing SLA Information
SLA information is accessible via the following two ways
* Through the SLA tab of the Oozie Web UI.
* JMS messages sent to a configured JMS provider for instantaneous tracking.
* RESTful API to query for SLA summary.
For JMS Notifications, you have to have a message broker in place, on which Oozie publishes messages and you can
hook on a subscriber to receive those messages. For more info on setting up and consuming JMS messages, refer
[[DG_JMSNotifications][JMS Notifications]] documentation.
In the REST API, the following filters can be applied while fetching SLA information:
* app_name - Application name
* id - id of the workflow job, workflow action or coordinator action
* parent_id - Parent id of the workflow job, workflow action or coordinator action
* nominal_start and nominal_end - Start and End range for nominal time of the workflow or coordinator.
* bundle - Bundle Job ID or Bundle App Name. Fetches SLA information for actions of all coordinators in that bundle.
* sla_status - sla status such as NOT_STARTED/IN_PROCESS/MET/MISS
multiple event_status and sla_status can be specified with comma separation. When multiple statuses are specified, they are considered as OR.
For example, event_status=START_MET;END_MISS list the coordinator actions where event status is either START_MET OR END_MISS.
When timezone query parameter is specified, the expected and actual start/end time returned is formatted. If not specified,
the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 GMT is returned.
The examples below demonstrate the use of REST API and explains the JSON response.
---+++ Scenario 1: Workflow Job Start_Miss
GET <oozie-host>:<port>/oozie/v2/sla?timezone=GMT&filter=nominal_start=2013-06-18T00:01Z;nominal_end=2013-06-23T00:01Z;app_name=my-sla-app
*JSON Response*
id : "000056-1238791320234-oozie-joe-W"
parentId : "000001-1238791320234-oozie-joe-C@8"
appType : "WORKFLOW_JOB"
msgType : "SLA"
appName : "my-sla-app"
slaStatus : "IN_PROCESS"
jobStatus : "RUNNING"
user: "joe"
nominalTime: "2013-16-22T05:00Z"
expectedStartTime: "2013-16-22T05:10Z" <-- (should start by this time)
actualStartTime: "2013-16-22T05:30Z" <-- (20 min late relative to expected start)
expectedEndTime: "2013-16-22T05:40Z" <-- (should end by this time)
actualEndTime: null
expectedDuration: 900000 <-- (expected duration in milliseconds)
actualDuration: 120000 <-- (actual duration in milliseconds)
notificationMessage: "My Job has encountered an SLA event!"
upstreamApps: "dependent-app-1, dependent-app-2"
---+++ Scenario 2: Workflow Action End_Miss
GET <oozie-host>:<port>/oozie/v2/sla?timezone=GMT&filter=parent_id=000056-1238791320234-oozie-joe-W
*JSON Response*
id : "000056-1238791320234-oozie-joe-W@map-reduce-action"
parentId : "000056-1238791320234-oozie-joe-W"
msgType : "SLA"
appName : "map-reduce-action"
slaStatus : "MISS"
jobStatus : "SUCCEEDED"
user: "joe"
nominalTime: "2013-16-22T05:00Z"
expectedStartTime: "2013-16-22T05:10Z"
actualStartTime: "2013-16-22T05:05Z"
expectedEndTime: "2013-16-22T05:40Z" <-- (should end by this time)
actualEndTime: "2013-16-22T06:00Z" <-- (20 min late relative to expected end)
expectedDuration: 3600000 <-- (expected duration in milliseconds)
actualDuration: 3300000 <-- (actual duration in milliseconds)
notificationMessage: "My Job has encountered an SLA event!"
upstreamApps: "dependent-app-1, dependent-app-2"
---+++ Scenario 3: Coordinator Action Duration_Miss
GET <oozie-host>:<port>/oozie/v2/sla?timezone=GMT&filter=id=000001-1238791320234-oozie-joe-C
*JSON Response*
id : "000001-1238791320234-oozie-joe-C@2"
parentId : "000001-1238791320234-oozie-joe-C"
msgType : "SLA"
appName : "my-coord-app"
slaStatus : "MET"
jobStatus : "SUCCEEDED"
user: "joe"
nominalTime: "2013-16-22T05:00Z"
expectedStartTime: "2013-16-22T05:10Z"
actualStartTime: "2013-16-22T05:05Z"
expectedEndTime: "2013-16-22T05:40Z"
actualEndTime: "2013-16-22T05:30Z"
expectedDuration: 900000 <-- (expected duration in milliseconds)
actualDuration: 1500000 <- (actual duration in milliseconds)
notificationMessage: "My Job has encountered an SLA event!"
upstreamApps: "dependent-app-1, dependent-app-2"
Scenario #3 is particularly interesting because it is an overall "MET" because it met its expected End-time,
but it is "Duration_Miss" because the actual run (between actual start and actual end) exceeded expected duration.
---+++ Scenario 4: All Coordinator actions in a Bundle
GET <oozie-host>:<port>/oozie/v2/sla?timezone=GMT&filter=bundle=1234567-150130225116604-oozie-B;event_status=END_MISS
*JSON Response*
id : "000001-1238791320234-oozie-joe-C@1"
parentId : "000001-1238791320234-oozie-joe-C"
msgType : "SLA"
appName : "my-coord-app"
slaStatus : "MET"
user: "joe"
nominalTime: "2014-01-10T12:00Z"
expectedStartTime: "2014-01-10T12:00Z"
actualStartTime: "2014-01-10T11:59Z"
startDelay: -1
expectedEndTime: "2014-01-10T13:00Z"
actualEndTime: "2014-01-10T13:05Z"
endDelay: 5
expectedDuration: 3600000 <-- (expected duration in milliseconds)
actualDuration: 3960000 <-- (actual duration in milliseconds)
durationDelay: 6 <-- (duration delay in minutes)
id : "000001-1238791320234-oozie-joe-C@2"
parentId : "000001-1238791320234-oozie-joe-C"
msgType : "SLA"
appName : "my-coord-app"
slaStatus : "MET"
user: "joe"
nominalTime: "2014-01-11T12:00Z"
expectedStartTime: "2014-01-11T12:00Z"
actualStartTime: "2014-01-11T12:05Z"
startDelay: 5
expectedEndTime: "2014-01-11T13:00Z"
actualEndTime: "2014-01-11T13:01Z"
endDelay: 1
expectedDuration: 3600000 <-- (expected duration in milliseconds)
actualDuration: 3360000 <-- (actual duration in milliseconds)
durationDelay: -4 <-- (duration delay in minutes)
Scenario #4 (All Coordinator actions in a Bundle) is to get SLA information of all coordinator actions under bundle job in one call.
startDelay/durationDelay/endDelay values returned indicate how much delay compared to expected time (positive values in case of MISS, and negative values in case of MET).
---+++ Sample Email Alert
Subject: OOZIE - SLA END_MISS (AppName=wf-sla-job, JobID=0000004-130610225200680-oozie-oozi-W)
Job Status - RUNNING
Notification Message - Missed SLA for Data Pipeline job
Job Details:
App Name - wf-sla-job
User - strat_ci
Job ID - 0000004-130610225200680-oozie-oozi-W
Job URL -
Parent Job ID - N/A
Parent Job URL - N/A
Upstream Apps - wf-sla-up-app
SLA Details:
Nominal Time - Mon Jun 10 23:33:00 UTC 2013
Expected Start Time - Mon Jun 10 23:35:00 UTC 2013
Actual Start Time - Mon Jun 10 23:34:04 UTC 2013
Expected End Time - Mon Jun 10 23:38:00 UTC 2013
Expected Duration (in mins) - 5
Actual Duration (in mins) - -1
---+++ Changing job SLA definition and alerting
Following are ways to enable/disable SLA alerts for coordinator actions.
---++++ 1. Specify in Bundle XML during submission.
Following properties can be specified in bundle xml as properties for coordinator.
=oozie.sla.disable.alerts.older.than= this property can be specified in hours, the SLA notification for
coord actions will be disabled whose nominal is time older then this value. Default is 48 hours.
=oozie.sla.disable.alerts= List of coord actions to be disabled. Value can be specified as list of coord actions or date range.
Will disable alert for coord actions 1,3,5,7,8,9,10
=oozie.sla.enable.alerts= List of coord actions to be enabled. Value can be specified as list of coord actions or date range.
This will enable SLA alert for coord actions whose nominal time is in between (inclusive) 2009-01-01T01:00Z and 2009-05-31T23:59Z.
ALL keyword can be specified to specify all actions. Below property will disable SLA notifications for all coord actions.
---++++ 2. Specify during Coordinator job submission or update
Above properties can be specified in in
[[DG_CommandLineTool#Updating_coordinator_definition_and_properties][Coord job update command]],
in [[DG_CommandLineTool#Submitting_a_Workflow_Coordinator_or_Bundle_Job][Coord job submit command]]
or in [[DG_CommandLineTool#Running_a_Workflow_Coordinator_or_Bundle_Job][Coord job run command]]
---++++ 3. Change using command line
Refer [[DG_CommandLineTool#Changing_job_SLA_definition_and_alerting][Changing job SLA definition and alerting]] for commandline usage.
---++++ 4. Change using REST API
Refer the REST API [[WebServicesAPI#Changing_job_SLA_definition_and_alerting][Changing job SLA definition and alerting]].
---++ Known issues
There are two known issues when you define SLA for a workflow action.
* If there are decision nodes and SLA is defined for a workflow action not in the execution path because of the decision node, you will still get an SLA_MISS notification.
* If you have dangling action nodes in your workflow definition and SLA is defined for it, you will still get an SLA_MISS notification.
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